1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Virtual Library] HP http://www.space-library.com ミルスペース 080430 をアーカイブにアップ Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA Air Force Magazine 08.05, CSBA ‘Arming the Heavens’ (Exec Summary (E=J)), NIDS(防衛研究所) 東アジア戦略概観 2008 「第一章 中国宇宙開 発」, , OECD Space2030 Part 1, Part 2, (和訳版) 経済科学研 スペース 2030, & 続~表紙, SIA State of Satellite Industry 2007.6, EADS ‘Annual Review 2006’, ‘Annual Earnings 2007’, Arianespace ‘Annual Report’ 08.04, ‘Corporate’ 08.02, NASA LRC star 08.04.28, 08.04.14, 08.03.31, NASA GSFC Tech Trend 08 Spring, JAXA 空と宙 08.03&04, NEDO/METI Space Roadmap 08.04.14, NEDO Focus 08.04, 08.01, 07.10, NEDO 海外レポート No.1019 08.03, 以上 アップ。 AFM(Air Force Magazine), Arianespace 以上 LINK アップデート。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 08.05 Futron Monthly Launch Report 2008 Orbital Launches 2008 Orbital Commercial Launches by Launch Vehicle Family Satellite Manufacturing Report Manufacturer Market Share of Satellites Launched Through April 30, 2008

ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA

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Page 1: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Virtual Library] HP http://www.space-library.com ミルスペース 080430 をアーカイブにアップ

Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA Air Force

Magazine 08.05, CSBA ‘Arming the Heavens’ (Exec Summary (E=J)), NIDS(防衛研究所) 東アジア戦略概観2008 「第一章 中国宇宙開

発」, , OECD Space2030 Part 1, Part 2, (和訳版) 経済科学研 スペース 2030, & 続~表紙, SIA State of Satellite Industry 2007.6, EADS

‘Annual Review 2006’, ‘Annual Earnings 2007’, Arianespace ‘Annual Report’ 08.04, ‘Corporate’ 08.02, NASA LRC star 08.04.28,

08.04.14, 08.03.31, NASA GSFC Tech Trend 08 Spring, JAXA 空と宙 08.03&04, NEDO/METI Space Roadmap 08.04.14, NEDO Focus

08.04, 08.01, 07.10, NEDO 海外レポート No.1019 08.03, 以上 アップ。 AFM(Air Force Magazine), Arianespace 以上 LINK アップデート。

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08.05 Futron Monthly Launch Report

2008 Orbital Launches 2008 Orbital Commercial Launches

by Launch Vehicle Family

Satellite Manufacturing Report

Manufacturer Market Share of Satellites Launched Through April 30, 2008

Page 2: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


Selected Satellites with Regulatory Activity During April 2008

Description of Selected Regulatory Activity for April 2008 (derived from Futron’s FCCFilings.com service)

Satellite Location Activity


16 58.1 WL

Intelsat North America filed a request to launch and operate a KU-band satellite, Intelsat 16, at 68.1 WL where

it will be co-located with Intelsat 9. Intelsat 16 is currently under construction by Orbital Sciences

Corporation, and expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2009.


11 99.4 WL

DIRECTV filed a request to locate the Ka-band DIRECTV 11 satellite at 99.4 WL for in-orbit testing for a

period of up to 30 days beginning around May 25, 2008. DIRECTV also requests authority to use the KA-band

frequencies for TT&C function during testing at 99.4 WL. DIRECTV 11 was launched March 19, 2008, and the

99.4 WL orbital location is slightly offset from its licensed position at 99.225 WL.


Echostar filed a request to execute a controlled re-entry of AMC-14. On March 15, 2008, a Proton/Breeze M

launch vehicle failed to place AMC-14 in geostationary transfer orbit. The spacecraft was left stranded in a

highly-elliptical orbit with an apogee below the geostationary arc. A controlled re-entry over an unpopulated area of the South Pacific is planned.


17 122.9 WL

PanAmSat filed a 30-day extension request to drift Galaxy 17 to 122.9 WL and to operate the satellite at that

location "to ensure continuity of service" for the customers served by the Galaxy 10R satellite, operating at

123 WL. The company states that Galaxy 17, the replacement satellite for Galaxy 11 at 91 WL, is needed at

122.9 WL due to the delay in the launch of Galaxy 18, the replacement satellite for Galaxy 10R.

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080421 Defense News CNT, Carbon Nanotube

Page 3: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA



Mass Reduction, U.S. Air Force Pursues Promise of Carbon Nanotubes

[編注] 3形態のカーボンナノチューブで、上記写真の左下の形態は導電性が優れており、ワイヤの代わりに利用することを目論んでいる。

ロッキードマーチンが Rice 大と提携して衛星軽量化を目指す記事もミルスペース 080430MS の page 17 で既報。

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2008/5/7 14:04 【Technobahn】

衛星写真で見る、死者 2 万人超を出したサイクロン「ナルジス」


及ぶ沿岸地域が水没したことを示す NASA の地球観測衛星「テラ


の 5 月 5 日、下が直撃前の 4 月 15 日に撮影。上の画像を見て判る



2 万 2400 名にも上っていることを発表、被災地人口約 10~50 万を


全て水没して、避難の仕様がない。死者数が 2 万超という途方もない

数に及んだ原因が見て取れる。NASA によると「ナルジス」は最大瞬間

風速で 150~160m/h、カテゴリ分類で 3~4 の巨大ハリケーンだったと

説明。km 換算だと 256km/h という猛烈な暴風が吹き荒れていた。画

像提供:NASA/MODIS Rapid Response Team

Page 4: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA



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2008 年 05 月 05 日 23 時 22 分 asahi.com

不法投棄、宇宙に「目」あり 山多い岩手県、衛星で監視








約87万立方 m が不法投棄され、修復に10年かかると予想されてい



横山隆三・特任教授らは、大きさ2.5m のものを見分けられる「だい






Page 5: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA








[編注] 昔、アアプリのアイデアをだした記憶があるが、利用できる衛星と何か用途を見つけねばとの圧力があってはじめて具体化したのでしょうね。


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2008/4/30 20:29 【Technobahn】


画像は、5 月 31日の打上げに向けてケープケネディ宇宙センタ組立棟

(Vehicle Assembly Building)内で外部燃料タンクとの接続のための



月 3 日に発射台へ移動実施予定。スペースシャトル「ディスカバリ」は




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2008/4/30 19:55 【Technobahn】

NASA、旧タイタン IV 型ロケットの発射台を爆破処理で撤去

NASA は 27 日、ケープカナベラル空軍基地の第 40 発射台(Launch

Complex 40)爆破処理解体を発表。第 40 発射台はタイタン IV 型ロ

ケット発射施設として利用されたもので、タイタン IV 型ロケット運用停

止を受け最近は利用されず放置されてきた。NASA では第 40 発射台

撤去によって空いた所にロケットベンチャ企業、SpaceX 社開発ファルコ



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2008/4/29 15:39 【Technobahn】

Page 6: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


露 SIS 社、シーローンチの地上版「ランドローンチ」の打上げに成功

露スペース・インターナショナル・サービシーズ(SIS)社は 28 日、ウクライ



(Land Launch)」成功を発表。ゼニットロケットにはイスラエル、スペース


社では衛星は打上げ 7時間 30分後にソーラパネルが展開され、地上


れたロケットはシーローンチ(Sea Launch)社が海上打上げ基地から


もの。「ランドローンチ」は SIS 社がロケット打上げ担当、シーローンチ社


となる SIS 社と「シーローンチ」運営企業となるシーローンチ社はまったく


止軌道への投入可能重量は「シーローンチ」の場合は 6 トンであるのに

対し、北緯 46 度に位置するバイコヌール宇宙基地から「ランドローン




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2008/4/24 23:36 【Technobahn】




(S/T) の口径 3.8m の主鏡部分の拡大図。ハーシェル S/T は ESA に

よって 1982 年から開発開始された S/T。完成に至るまでに実に 26 年



ナにある ESA 宇宙センタからアリアン 5 型ロケットを使って打上げられ、

「L2(ラグランジュ 2)」ポイント軌道上に投入予定。L2 ポイントは地球と



L2 ポイントに S/T を投入するのは技術的障壁も多く存在、これまでに

実際に L2 ポイントに投入された S/T(衛星)は存在せず、ハーシェル

S/T が初の L2 ポイントに投入される S/T となる予定(NASA が 2013

年に打上げ予定の次世代S/T「ジェイムズ・ウェッブS/T」も L2ポイント

に投入予定)。ハーシェル S/T の最大の特徴は集光体を液体ヘリウム



いうことから、ハーシェル S/T は、これまでの天体観測施設や S/T とは



続く限りしか機能せず、このため設計寿命は 4~5 年と非常に短いのが



のナゾを解明したいと述べている。ハーシェル S/T 本体(画像下参照)

は口径 3.8m の主鏡部分を中核に軌道投入後は全体の高さは 10m

近くもある巨大な衛星(打上げ重量で 3.3 トン)となる予定。ハッブル

S/T と比べて構造が複雑で、また、L2 ポイントに投入されることもあり、

予算総額は 1000 億円と、通常の大規模宇宙科学探査計画の 2 倍


ロジェクトとなった月探査衛星「かぐや」も予想総額は約 500 億円)。た


に言えば、ESA の余裕を表すところ。ハーシェルは、18 から 19 世紀に


彼は独自技術で当時は世界最高水準の口径 1.26m の巨大反射望



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2008/4/28 20:40 【Technobahn】


画像は米ワシントン DC にあるスミソニアン航空宇宙博物館(NASM,


見ると一体、何だか判らないが向かって左から「X-45A JUCAS(Joint

Unmanned Combat Air System) 」 「RQ-3A Darkstar 」 「MQ-1L

Predator A」の実機展示。今月24日から常設展示、向こう10年間に

渡って展示予定。 この画像で見ると一見、どの機体もそれ程、大きく

はないように見えるが、中央のDarkstar の翼幅は 21.3m もある巨大な


有する、NASM ならでは。もちろん、展示スペースでは世界でももっとも

巨大な博物館の一つに数えられる。ちなみに「X-45A JUCAS」はボー

イング開発の統合無人戦闘攻撃型実験機。Darkstar はロッキード・マ


Predator A」はジェネラル・アトミクス開発の戦術無人偵察機。見ての

通り、無人機といっても 3 者 3 様、それぞれがまったく別の形態。それぞ




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2008/4/27 16:41 【Technobahn】


グルジア政府は 21日、自国領空を飛行していた無人偵察機(URA)が

領空侵犯してきたロシアのミグ 29 戦闘機によって撃墜されたと、ロを非


の新興国で 1人あたりのGDPは 2500 ドルと経済的には恵まれた国で

はない、一体、そのグルジアが運用の URA とはどのようなものであろう

か?画像左下は、今回、撃墜されたものと同一の URA「Hermes


Hermes 450 はイスラエル Elbit Systems 社製造の無人機で、偵察任



Page 8: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


指導者の急襲攻撃(暗殺)に用いたことでも有名な機体。翼幅 10.5m、

全長 6.1m 、重量 450 キ ロで大きさは米 General Atomics

Aeronautical Systems MQ-1 Predator を一回り小型化した位。制




性が高いのも特徴。こうした最新鋭 URA をグルジアのような小国が運


来事に結びついたかもしれない。グルジアが最新鋭 URA でロの動きを



画像下右はグルジア政府が公開した撃墜された URA が撮影したミグ

29 の映像。ロ政府は撃墜事実を否定し、撃墜を行った戦闘機はミグ

29 ではないと説明しているが、映像にははっきり機影が写っている。


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[ビデオニュース] Apr 21, 2008 Scientific American - Video News

ロシアがグルジアのドローンを Mig 29 で迎撃

Russia 'shot down Georgia' drone

“Georgia has accused Russia of shooting down an unmanned reconnaissance plane over Georgian territory at the weekend.”


[編注] 以前にもロシアが戦闘機から発射したミサイルだったかでグルジアの目標物を破壊したニュースを見た記憶があるが。

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2008/4/22 16:13 【Technobahn】

ボーイング、超長航続性能無人航空機の試作機開発で DARPA と契約

ボ ー イ ン グ 社 は 21 日 、 超 長 航 続 性 能 無 人 航 空 機

(Ultra-Long-Endurance Aircraft)の初期段階の技術開発契約を米


ULEA 開発のコンセプトデザイン仕様策定の初期開発段階「フェーズ

1」。契約額は 380 万ドル(約 3 億 8000 万円)。機体基本仕様、耐

久性、ミッション分析の要件定義が「フェーズ 1」。ULEA はソーラパワー




してきた。英クインティック(QinetiQ)社が開発を行った ULEA 実験機

「Zephyr」は昨年、連続飛行 54 時間の世界記録を達成。

画像は QinetiQ による ULEA 実用機の完成予想図(画像提供:Boeing/QinetiQ)


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2008 年 4 月 30 日 23:00 NEDO 技術開発機構

【公募】 「イノベーション推進事業」のうち(大学発事業創出実用化研究開発事業)に係る研究

Page 9: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


開発テーマの公募開始について(平成 20 年度第 2 回)


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2008 年 4 月 28 日 23:00




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2008 年 4 月 25 日 23:00

【公募(決定)】 産業技術研究助成事業(若手研究グラント)の平成 20 年度第 1 回公募の採択テーマについて



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2008 年 4 月 22 日 23:00

【お知らせ・その他】 技術戦略マップ 2008


技術戦略マップ2008 各分野のファイル一覧


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2008.04.14 Defense News Reporter’s Notebook

2008: スペース・シンポジウム

2008: A Space Symposium

Colorado Springs, Colo. ‒ The 24th National Space Symposium,

which took place here April 7-10, was the biggest yet, with more

than 300 exhibitors and more than 7,000 attendees, officials said.

The show’s too big for a single point of buzz, but there were

plenty of people looking forward to the massive bandwidth boost

that will be brought by the U.S. Air Force’s Transformational

Satellite effort. There was also plenty of discussion about the

creeping weaponization of space.


Assets’ Safety Not Assured

Capability To Refuel Satellites

ORS in Early Stage of Development

China’s Space Intentions

USAF Puts Off GPS 3 Selection

TSAT May Wait for Next President

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2008.04.14 Defense News HOT 25 WORLDWIDE COMPETITIONS

リスト: 関心を呼ぶ世界のトップ防衛プログラム



U.S. 179 空中給油機 KC-135 後継 空軍 $40B IOC by 2013 EADS/Northrop Grumman team

selected, but protest by Boeing

U.S. 141


墜落 クルー救助 空軍 $15B Decision by late


Selection of HH-47 is

under protest

India 126 多任務


Jaguar, MiG-23 と

MiG-27 一部置換え

防衛省 $10B Tech bids by

April 28, offset

bids by August

The approach of general

elections etc. at year’s end add

political considerations

Japan 40 - 60 F-X


F-4 後継 防衛省 ~$10B Decision by


Prefers F-22(unlikely export),

Eurofighter, JSF& indigenous

under consideration

Page 10: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


Norway 40 - 48 戦闘機 F-16 後継 防衛省 $5.4


Recommend. By

2008 end

Competitors: Gripen, JSF

Denmark 48 戦闘機 F-16 後継 防衛省 $3.4B Selection in


Competitors: Gripen, JSF

U.S. 広域海上監視機 P-3 Orion監視任務 海軍 $3B Award exp’d

week of April 14

Global Hawk, Predator B UAVs

are contending

U.S. TSAT(5 衛星



現用の 10 倍超のデ


空軍 $2B in



Contract award

this summer


$2B to operate TSAT went to

LM in 2006. Tech problems and

funding cuts delayed the start.

India 384 軽ヘリ Cheetah, Chetak 後

防衛省 $2B Call for tenders

to be issued in

two weeks

Tender for heavy-lift helicopters

will follow.

Turkey 84 多用途ヘリ UH-1 Huey,ロシア古



次官管轄部局 $1B Winner to be

picked this year

Bidders: AgustaWestland and


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Aerospace Daily & Defense Report May 5, 2008

CPB 税関と国境警備は Predator B 20 機の検討

CPB eyeing fleet of 20 Predator Bs CPB = Customs and Border Protection

PREDATOR PLANS: Michael Kostelnik, a former NASA official

and retired Air Force general who now heads the Homeland

Security Department's air and marin... . . .

Block III Apaches ヘリが新しい機体になる

Block III Apaches will be new

APACHE AIRFRAMES: The U.S. Army has decided its upgraded

Block III AH-64D Apaches will have new airframes. The original

plan was to remanufacture the... . . .

ARH 武装偵察ヘリのテスト作業に 2 機が追加された

Two aircraft added to ARH test effort

MORE HELOS: Two aircraft are being added to the U.S. Army's

Bell ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH) system

development and demonstration pro... . . .

ATK 社は最も古いシャトル固体ブースタをテスト点火

ATK test-fires oldest shuttle solid-fuel Booster

BOOSTER TEST: Engineers at NASA and Alliant Techsystems

(ATK) will use acoustic data from the latest test of a

four-segment space shuttle reusable sol... . . .

NASA はシャトル外部タンクの契約に$39.5M を積み増し

NASA Adds $39.5 Million To Shuttle External Tank Contract

RETAINING TALENT: Lockheed Martin will get an additional

$39.5 million to set up an employee-retention program at NASA's

Michoud Assembly Facility, wh... . . .

MQ-8B VTUAV 無人攻撃偵察ヘリはペリー級艦 Oliver Hazard に帰投

Fire Scout will call the Oliver Hazard Perry-class ship home

SCOUT CAMP: The U.S. Navy will integrate its MQ-8B Fire

Scout Vertical takeoff and Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial

vehicle (VTUAV) onto an FFG-7 Oliv... . . .

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CH-47F チヌーク輸送ヘリはレーザ・ミサイル妨害装置を搭載

Chinooks to get laser missile jammers

COUNTERMEASURES: U.S. Army Boeing CH-47F Chinook cargo

helicopters are to be equipped with BAE Systems' Advanced

Threat Infrared Countermeasures (ATIR... . . .

BAE システムズビジネス倫理慣行に関する Woolf 委員会レポートは 5 月 6 日に発行される予定

Woolf report on BAE Systems expected May 6

ETHICS REPORT: The Woolf Committee report into BAE

Systems ethical business practices is due for publication May 6 -

the day before the company's annu... . . .

JASSM は国防総省の調達責任者が再認証

JASSM recertified by Pentagon acquisition chief

The Pentagon certified a critical need for the Joint

Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) program May 2,

following the program's breach of Nunn-McC... . . .

米政府の FY2009 の追加予算には UAV の資金が含まれる

White House's FY '09 supplemental includes UAV money

The White House is unveiling more details of its $70 billion fiscal

2009 supplemental spending request, designed to hold over

combat and other foreign... . . .

BAE 社は DOD の監査官の JSF に関するレポートに答える

BAE responds to DOD IG report on JSF

BAE DISAGREES: BAE Systems would like to meet with the

DOD Inspector General (IG) to "resolve what appears to be a

misunderstanding of underlying fact... . . .

ISS 計画はクルーの人数が倍になりつつある

ISS program getting set to double crew size

NASA and its partners on the International Space Station (ISS)

are in final preparations for the shift from a full-time crew of

three to a crew of six... . . .

DOD はグローバル・ストライクの考えをもっとうまく処置する必要があると GAO は述べる

DOD must get better handle on global strike idea, GAO says

The U.S. Defense Department has not identified, let alone

assessed, all global strike-related capabilities and technologies

and has not explained how... . . .

最初のイラクから戻った V-22 オズプレイ飛行隊は機体に高得点をつける

First V-22 squadron back from Iraq gives aircraft high marks

The first V-22 Osprey squadron returned from Iraq last month,

and squadron members were overwhelmingly positive about their

experiences with the aircr... . . .

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Giove B はリアクション・ホィールの不具合を乗り切る

Giove B survives reaction wheel scare

PARIS - The European Space Agency (ESA) says a reaction

wheel glitch that marred the first phase of flight of the Giove B

test bed satellite has been... . . .

ソーラ・エネルギー・センサが NPOESS 衛星初号機に再復活

Solar energy sensor restored to first NPOESS satellite

The tri-agency committee that oversees the civil/military

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite

System (NPOESS) has agreed to re... . . .

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Aerospace Daily & Defense Report May 2, 2008

上院予算法案は F-22 の調達を承認するかラインを停止するえれくとろにっく

Senate bill would authorize F-22 procurement or line shutdown

The $542.5 billion fiscal 2009 defense authorization bill from the

Senate Armed Services Committee includes $497 million in

funding authority to buy m... . . .


Electronic attack was key to Syrian raid, official says

The United States provided some nonparticipatory support and

certainly winked at the Israeli air strike that disabled an alleged

Syrian nuclear facili... . . .

ISS パートナは大気圏再突入異常が解決するまでソユーズを移動することはしない

ISS partners won't relocate Soyuz until re-entry anomaly is resolved

The International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 17 crew will

leave their Soyuz lifeboat docked where it is while a Russian

State Commission investiga... . . .

カナダはさらに多くの Chinook ヘリを米から購入予定

Canada to buy more Chinooks from the U.S.

Two years after initiating a buy of 16 CH-47 F-model Chinook

helicopters, the Canadian military is asking to procure six

D-model aircraft from the U.S... . . .

Quaker グループはサミットに先立ちクラスタ爆弾禁止法案を推進

Quaker group pushes cluster bomb ban bill ahead of summit

CLUSTERING SUPPORT: Representatives from more than half

of the world's nations will gather in Dublin, Ireland, on May 19 to

hammer out final details o... . . .


New tactical combat training system for carrier air wings

COMBAT SYSTEM: A new electronic tracking range managed by

Naval Air System Command's Aviation Training Systems Program

Office will help two air carrie... . . .

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USCG 沿岸警備隊司令官は米国が海洋条約に署名することを促す

USCG commandant pushes for U.S. to sign Law of Sea Treaty

Citing recent Russian claims of Arctic seabed sovereignty, the

U.S. Coast Guard commandant is urging Congress to ratify the

U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty... . . .

韓国宇宙飛行士は Soyuz の着陸での軽い負傷で入院

Korean astronaut hospitalized with minor injury from Soyuz landing

Yi So-yeon, South Korea's first astronaut, has been hospitalized

with a minor back injury she suffered during the ballistic re-entry

of the Russian So... . . .

DOD は再考しているが上院防衛議員は TSAT を強化を見込む

Senate defense authorizers look to boost TSAT even as DOD reconsiders

ROLE REVERSAL: The Senate Armed Services Committee's

(SASC) fiscal 2009 defense authorization provides an additional

$350 million to the U.S. Air Forc... . . .

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Aerospace Daily & Defense Report May 1, 2008


Boeing ditches Swiss fighter bid

Boeing has decided it will not bid the Super Hornet for the Swiss

fighter program to replace the F-5, even although the country is

already an F-18C/D... . . .

ISRO インド宇宙庁は有人宇宙飛行に関して政府からの予算を求める

India's ISRO to seek funding from government for human spaceflight

NEW DELHI - The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

soon will ask the Indian government to approve a human

spaceflight mission by 2014-15 at a p... . . .

Luna Innovations 社は海軍センサ・システムにおいて形状検出技術を試行する予定

Luna to try out shape-sensing technology in Navy sensor system

Luna Innovations will receive almost $2 million to try out its

shape-sensing technology in surveillance sensor arrays being

developed under the U.S. N... . . .

Nield は FAA の商業宇宙副長官に指名された

Nield named FAA commercial space associate administrator

FAA Acting Administrator Robert Sturgell named George C. Nield associate administrator for commercial space transportation.... . . .

General Dynamics と Cisco Systems 社はネットワーク通信サービスでパートナを組む

General Dynamics and Cisco Systems partner on network comm services

RUGGED LAPTOP: General Dynamics announced April 30 the successful integration of Cisco software onto its ruggedized

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laptop, part of a communications s... . . .

ロッキード・マーチンは GPS コントロール・セグメントの作業に関してノースロップ・グラマンに加わる

Lockheed Martin joins Northrop Grumman in GPS control segment effort

CONTROL SEGMENT: Northrop Grumman has brought Lockheed

Martin on-board to compete for the U.S. Air Force's Global

Positioning System (GPS) Next Genera... . . .

米陸軍 UAV にはノースロップから新しい STARLite レーダを搭載予定

U.S. Army UAVs to get new STARLite radar from Northrop Grumman

STAR LITE: The U.S. Army Communication-electronics Life

Cycle Management Command has selected Northrop Grumman

to produce the new multifunction radar... . . .


Executives sound alarm on U.S. math and science education

An impressive roster of cabinet and congressional members

warned an audience in Washington April 29 that challenges facing

science and technology educ... . . .

NASA は極軌道太陽風衛星を用途廃止

NASA decommissions Polar solar wind satellite

After 12 years of service, NASA has decommissioned its Polar

spacecraft, launched Feb. 24, 1996 from Vandenberg Air Force

Base, Calif. to study the so... . . .


British troops head for Kosovo

LONDON - British Defense Secretary Des Browne told the

British Parliament on April 29 that the ministry would deploy

troops to Kosovo as part of the N... . . .

Warfighter ネットワークが野外試験を承認された

Warfighter network approved for field testing

MOVE ON: The U.S. Army has approved the final design of

Increments 1 and 2 of the Warfighter Information

Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program, authorizing... . . .

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Aerospace Daily & Defense Report Apr 30, 2008

豪州の KC-30 は 3 月以来改修中

Australian KC-30 undergoing modification since March

The Australian Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT), the first

developmental Airbus A330-based tanker, has been grounded

since March while receiving new... . . .

FAA は小型無人機に関する法律を検討中

FAA crafting rules for small unmanned aircraft

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Anticipating a glut of flight requests from prospective commercial

operators of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in the next

several years, FAA h... . . .

打上げに続き、中国は Tianlian I リレー衛星を点検中

China checks out Tianlian I relay satellite following launch

BEIJING - China is beginning the geosynchronous orbit checkout

of its first relay satellite to increase communications coverage

for manned Shenzhou sp... . . .

新しい SES Astra は中東、中欧に目標を向ける

New SES Position Targets Middle East, Central Europe

NEW POSITION: SES Astra has begun operating a new orbital

position at 31.5 deg. E. Long. that will enhance operational

flexibility at neighboring slot... . . .

OSD は調達改革で若干の進展をしていると監査官は述べる

OSD making minor progress in acquisition reforms, auditor says

Top Pentagon leaders recently have made genuine progress in

adopting necessary acquisition policy reforms, according to a

congressional investigator,... . . .

ATV は最初の ISS リブースト(軌道引上げ)を果す

ATV performs first ISS reboost

PARIS - The Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) has

shown its ability to reboost the International Space Station (ISS)

- one of the three cri... . . .


Northrop Grumman awarded translation and interpretation services subcontract

SAY WHAT: Northrop Grumman, as part of the Global Linguistic

Solutions (GLS) team, was awarded a subcontract to provide

management of translation and... . . .

Gripen 実証プロトタイプ機は推進系に取組み AESA を評価する

Gripen Demo prototype addresses propulsion, evaluates AESA

LINKOPING, Sweden - Sweden's Gripen Demo prototype,

unveiled here last week, is designed to fill two roles, according to

company executives..... . .

Iridium は第 1 四半期に関し増益を報告

Iridium reports record earnings for 1st quarter

Subscribers, profits and revenue were all up markedly in the first

quarter for satellite services provider Iridium, which ended the

first quarter on M... . . .

国防総省の監査官は米空軍のいくつかの RDT&E 作業への予算支出は不適切と述べる

Pentagon IG says USAF funding some RDT&E work improperly

The U.S. Air Force has put research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) money at risk by improperly funding some of

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the contract work, a recent... . . .


Raytheon to upgrade U.S. Army satcom terminals

Raytheon will produce and install upgrade kits for the U.S. Army's

Secure Mobile Anti-jam Reliable Tactical Terminal (SMART-T)

under an $86.7 million... . . .

Wynne 空軍長官は Global Hawk の保守は海軍と空軍で分担することの可能性を示唆

Wynne suggests Navy, USAF could share Global Hawk maintenance

MAINTAINING RELATIONSHIPS:The U.S. Navy's selection of the

Northrop Grumman Global Hawk for its Broad Area Maritime

Surveillance program raises the op... . . .

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宇宙ニュースの小部屋 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/t-naka/200804

2008-04-30-Wed Spaceflightnow(4/28)


LandLaunch は Zenit ブースタ+Block DM-SLB 上段の構成で、ブー

スタは SeaLaunch と同じだが、フェアリングをロシア製に変更しており

(SeaLaunch は Boeing 製)、Block-DM は SeaLaunch 用より約 2ton

軽量化。打上能力は、GEO 直接投入で 1.6ton、GTO(i=23.2deg)に

3.6ton。また、2 段式 Zenit を使用するバージョンでは、ISS 軌道に

13.5ton、太陽同期に 4.5ton とのこと。


■[ロケット]インド、PSLV 打上げ成功

小型衛星だったため、PSLVは補助ブースタなしバージョンで打上げ。コア単独バージョン打上げは、打上げ全13機 (うち11機成功)のうち、3機目。


■[実用衛星]欧州、2 機目の Galileo プロトタイプ衛星を Soyuz/Fregat で打上げ


■[実用衛星]SES 社、AMC-14 の米政府への売却を検討中

SES は AMC-14 の廃棄を決定していたが、ライバル会社による保険会社から軌道上衛星の購入を防ぐため、政府への売却を検討中。

参照: まなにえさんの記事 http://mananie.wablog.com/930.html

2008 年 04 月 29 日(火) SES、打ち上げが失敗した AMC-14 通信衛星の売却について米政府機関と交渉


上げた SES の AMC-14 通信衛星ですが、破棄計画は一旦棚上げに


頭記記事によれば、その理由はライバル社や SES 自身の顧客が




とや SES 提案が米法律に抵触可能性があることで、事態は非常に複


ESA プレスリリース(4/25)

■[有人宇宙]ISS、ATV による初の軌道修正を実施

740 秒の噴射で約 4.5km 軌道を上昇させたとのこと。

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今週の軍事関連ニュース http://www.kojii.net/news/index.html

今週の軍事関連ニュース (2008/05/02)

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� Michael Hayden CIA 長官は、最近の中国軍事力増強について



ってのリスク要因になるとした。そして、「西欧が 2 世紀にわたってヘゲ




官の説明。(DefenseNews 2008/4/30)

� 米 General Electric 社は、仏 Sofradir 社の子会社で赤外線

探知装置を手がけている Ulis 社について、株式 15% を取得。仏の

国有持株組織・CEA Valorisation 傘下の CEA Valorisation から株

式を買い取って実現。Ulis は軍用・宇宙用赤外線センサも手がけて

いるが、主顧客は民間。2002 年創立で、2007 年売上は 6,000 万

ドルほど。(DefenseNews 2008/4/30)

今日の報道発表 (Defense-Aerospace.com 2008/4/30)


� 横須賀 SRF (Ship Repair Facility) が、2007 Safety Ashore Award を受賞。(NavNews 2008/4/28)

� 米空軍は米 Lockheed Martin 社から、GPS ブロック IIR-M 衛

星最終号機 (GPS IIR(M)-20) を領収。ブロック IIR×19 基のうち後

期の 7 基を占めるブロック IIR-M は従前のモデルよりも自動化が進


た軍用新波の M コードと民間用新波の L5 を実装。運用予定期間

は 11 年間。(AFNews 2008/4/28)

� B-1B Lancer 爆撃機の最終号機を米空軍が領収してから 20



のステルス性、B-52 の運用コストの低さに対し、B-1B は速度性能・


35t も積込んだ状態でイラク上空をロイターしながら、必要に応じ攻撃

を実施する使い方をしている。OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) がスタ

ートしてから最初の 6 ヶ月間で、ソーティ数では 5% を占めるに過ぎな

い B-1B が、重量ベースでは 40% の兵装を投下。5 年後にはさらに

ソーティ数が 25% 増加、「イラクでもっとも価値ある航空機」となってい

る。(AFNews 2008/4/28)

今日の報道発表 (Defense-Aerospace.com 2008/4/28)

� インド南部の Sriharikota にある SDSC (Satish Dhawan Space

Centre) SHAR から、印国産衛星打上げ用ブースタ PSLV (Polar

Satellite Launch Vehicle) によるリモセン衛星(CARTOSAT-2A, 重

量 690kg)×1、小型衛星 (IMS-1 (Indian Mini-Satellite, 重量

83kg)×1, 独とカナダ研究機関が開発した nano-satellite×8) の打

上げが行われた。今回使用したのは PSLV-C9、ペイロード重量は全

部 合 わ せ て 820kg 、 軌 道 は 高 度 690km の SSO (Sun

Synchronous Orbit) 。 CARTOSAT-2A は 白 黒 写 真 (PAN :

panchromatic) 解像度 1m を撮影できる。IMS-1 もリモセン衛星で、

Mx Payload (Multi-spectral camera) 解像度 37m と HySI

Payload (Hyper-spectral camera) 解像度 506m を備える。

nano-satellite が搭載するのは、この IMS-1 の補助ペイロード。8 機

のうち 6 機を NLS-4 と総称、残り 2 機は NLS-5 と RUBIN 8 と

称する。(ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation, Deutsche

Welle German radio)

� 米 GAO (Government Accountability Office) は米軍の宇宙関

連プログラムについて、低コスト衛星の開発 (ORS : Operationally

Responsive Space) に必要な短期的技術力と長期的解決策の両

方について進展がみられる、とする報告をまとめた。ただし、2008 年だ

けでスペース プログラム支出金額は 220 億ドルもあり、しかも課題は

依然として残されているとする。ORS 計画については、プログラム管理


トしている。すでに実験衛星として TacSat の打上げを実施しており、

標準インターフェイス仕様やバス (動力源、姿勢/温度制御などの機

能を受持つ、衛星ドンガラ部分) の開発も進めているところ。ただ、現

時点で ORS が成功しているかどうかに言及するのは時期尚早、とい


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今日の報道発表 (Defense-Aerospace.com 2008/4/29)

� イスラエルの IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) 社が開発・製造し

た民間向け通信衛星・AMOS-3 が、カザフスタンの Baikonur から

Zenit-3SLB ブースタを使って打上げられた。軌道位置は西経 4 度の

赤道上、ペイロードは Thales Alenia Space 社製。カスタマは、

AMOS-1・AMOS-2 と同じ Space Communications 社で、欧州・中

東・北米を対象とする同社の通信・放送事業に使用する。IAI では、

さらに AMOS-4 衛星を開発中。(IAI, Thales Alenia Space)

� ニュージーランド国防軍 (NZDF : New Zealand Defence Force)

は SKM (Sinclair Knight MertzPty Ltd.) 社に対して、KiwImage 計


案件で、今後 3-5 年間にわたり、解像度 60cm の衛星画像を納




� 米 Raytheon 社は米陸軍から、衛星通信端末・SMART

(Secure Mobile Anti-jam Reliable Tactical Terminal) 用のアップグ

レード改修キットを 8,670 万ドルで受注。最終的には総額 1 億

8,330 万ドルの案件。米陸軍・空軍・海兵隊に加え、カナダとオランダ

でも使用する。納入するアップグレード改修キットは AEHF (Advanced

Extremely High Frequency) キ ッ ト と い い 、 こ れ を 導 入 し て

SMART-T に改修することで新型通信衛星 AEHF に対応、伝送能

力を 4 倍に引き上げる。なお、Raytheon 社が開発した SMART-T

用ソフトは、米海軍の Multiband Terminal や米空軍の Minuteman

Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network でも使

用している。いずれも、従来の EHF 通信衛星と新型の AEHF の両


� 米 Northrop Grumman 社は、同社が米空軍向けに提案している

GPS (Global Positioning System)向け次世代管制局 (OCX /

Next Generation Control Segment) フェーズ B セグメントの担当企

業チームに、米 Lockheed Martin Information Systems and Global

Services 社が加わったと発表。現在、1 億 6,000 万ドルの契約で

進めているフェーズ A セグメントでは、新しいブロック II/III 衛星の導

入に向け、GPS 地上機材アーキテクチャを再構築しているところ。続く

フェーズ B で、それを実際にブロック単位で開発していく。

今日の米軍調達 (Contracts 2008/4/28)

� QNA (QinetiQ North America) 社 は NASA (National

Aeronautical and Space Administration) から、ミッション クリティカル

エンジニアリング、IT やセキュリティ関連のサポート業務などを、1 億

9,000 万ドルで受注。宇宙・安全保障・軍事・情報関連コミュニティを

対象とする案件。同社はこの契約の下、メリーランド州 Goddard

Space Flight Center で環境関連試験実施等の活動をする。各種の



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DefenseNews.com UPDATED: 8 May 2008 19:49 EDT (15:49 GMT) http://www.defensenews.com/

Latest Headlines

Bill Would Scrap DDG 1000, Add Amphib

U.S. Army's SAMS Increases Lessons' Complexity

NATO Could End Rotating Command in S. Afghanistan

Analyst: DRS Long a European Target

Seoul Halts Unmanned Border Guard Project

U.K. Picks Piranha for FRES Utility Role

Libya Purchases Gear from General Dynamics UK

Closer U.S. Regular, SOF Cooperation Emerges

Wargames To Assess Tac Air Needs, Industry

U.K. Industry-MoD Team to Design New Warships

Page 19: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


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Space News http://www.space.com/spacenews/

上院委員会は T-Sat に関し$350M を追加しミサイル防衛の優先順位を移す

Senate Panel Adds $350 Million for T-Sat, Shifts Missile Defense Priorities

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee

added $350 million to the president's request for the

Transformational Satellite (T-Sat) communications system and

shifted missile defense funding toward fielded systems at the

expense of developmental programs in its markup of the 2009

Defense Authorization bill April 29.

監査官: NASA 審査委員会に関して利害の衝突

Inspector General: Conflict of Interest on NASA Review Board

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A board set up to review construction of

the spaceship to return astronauts to the moon is loaded with

employees of the very contractors they are supposed to

scrutinize, breaking federal law, a government watchdog says.

ESA は英宇宙飛行士の板ばさみに直面するかもしれない

ESA May Face British Astronaut Quandary

PARIS -- The 17-nation European Space Agency (ESA) is

scheduled to begin a year-long astronaut selection process May

19 and already is being asked to confront a nightmare scenario:

that a British citizen emerges among the best candidates.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sat News http://www.satnews.com/

Top Stories

Advantech は周波数コンバータの生産ラインを拡張、モバイルアンテナを立上げ

Advantech Pushes Production Higher and Faster and Offers Antennas...

Advantech AMT has launched its new, expanded production line

for Frequency Converters.. Plus, the company has launched their

new mobile antenna systems.

Jason-2 は西へ、ヴァンデンバーグ基地から 6 月 15 日に打上げ予定

Go West, Jason-2, Go West... and Launch

The Jason-2 ocean altimetry satellites has managed to complete

its long journey to the United States and is currently scheduled

for its launch on June 15th from Vandenberg AFB in California.

SBIRS は試験成功ではずみがつく

SBIRS Spurred Onwards + Upwards, Thanks To Successful Test

Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has achieved a major integrated

test milestone on the first Space-Based Infrared System

(SBIRS) geosynchronous orbit (GEO-1) spacecraft.

COM DEV 社は Nanosat に誇り

COM DEV Int'l Proud Of Nanosat...

With the successful Antrix PSLV-C9 launch that occurred

yesterday by the ISRO at the Satish Dhawan Space Center in

Sriharikota, India, COM DEV International's role with the

University of Toronto in building an experimental nanosatellite

has met with success.

Page 20: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


NASA + Nanosats

NASA + Nanosats...

NASA's Ames Research Center and m2mi Corp. now have a cooperative research and development agreement.

経営成績面評価 Orbital Sciences 社

Financially Speaking... Orbital Sciences Corp...

Orbital Sciences Corporation [NYSE:ORB] Board of Directors

has authorized the company to repurchase up to $50 million of

its common stock over a 12-month period, starting April 25th.

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Lockheed Martin Press Releases http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/

April 30, 2008 ロッキード・マーチンの製造した長命の NASA 極軌道衛星は 12 年の運用後サービスを終了する



April 30, 2008 ロッキード・マーチンは新しいミサイル警戒衛星の鍵となるマイルストーンを達成



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Boeing News Releases http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/index.html

Apr. 30, 2008 ボーイングは新戦闘機に対するスイスの提案要求を辞退

Boeing Declines Swiss Request for Proposal for New Fighter Aircraft


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JDW, Jane’s Defence Weekly http://jdw.janes.com/public/jdw/index.shtml

02-May-2008 中国のアフリカに対する活動は国際的注視を増す

China's African activity comes under increasing international scrutiny

Beijing's expanding presence in Africa is coming under mounting

scrutiny, with United States and African officials citing a recent

Chinese arms shipment bound for Zimbabwe...

02-May-2008 NATO-ロシア関係が劣化

NATO-Russia relations deteriorate

Relations between NATO and Russia are becoming increasingly

tense over Moscow's political support for Abkhazia: one of two

breakaway territories inside Georgia. The two ...

02-May-2008 トルコ政府と軍の意見食違いで衛星の決定に障害

Turkish government, military differences hamper satellite decision

The executive committee of the Turkish Defence Industries

Undersecretariat (SSM) - the defence procurement agency - has,

for the second time, failed to select ...

02-May-2008 画像によりシリアの原子炉への北朝鮮の関与が確認できたと CIA 長官述べる

Images confirm North Korean link to Syrian reactor, says CIA

Page 21: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


Seven months after Israel carried out an airstrike on a suspected

nuclear reactor in Syria, the US administration has presented

evidence that the facility destroyed...

01-May-2008 F-35 STOVL エンジンは地上試験の最終段階を開始

F-35 STOVL engine starts final series of ground tests

The final series of engine ground-tests prior to first flight of the

short take-off/vertical landing (STOVL) engine for the Lockheed

Martin F-35B Lightning II ...

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[平山ニュース 2007 年 月 日] http://www.wikihouse.com/space/ バックナンバ http://backno.mini.mag2.com/M0000575

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5/5 HIT-SAT は 5/24 日頃落下か(北海道新聞)

4/30 宇宙でのブーメランの動画公開(JAXA,時,共)

4/29 イ・ソヨン飛行士が帰還時に重傷か(時,共)

4/28 0500GMT 打上成功:通信衛星 AMOS 3(Israel),Zenit3SLB,Baikonur

4/28 0354GMT 打上成功:{Cartosat-2A,TWSAT,東工大 Cute1.7+APD II,CanX-2, Delfi-C3,AAUSat-II,日大 SEEDS, COMPASS-1,

CanX-6/NTS}, PSLV, Sriharikota


6/3 申込締切:第 7 回君が作る宇宙ミッション, /// ・7/28-8/1,ISAS 相模原,高校生 20 名程度

5/14 JAXAi マンスリートーク,遥かなる月の調べ「かぐや」が捉えた月 星野宏和,天才あひる倶楽部


・5/8 締切: /// ・5/16,かごしま県民交流センター, 小学生以上,抽選 590 名

・5/7 締切: /// ・5/10,東商ホール(東京),申込先着 500 名

5/7 締切: 宇宙科学講演会, /// 5/17,グランドホテル浜松,申込先着 100 名


6/4 申込締切: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

(including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition), 2009/1/5-8,Orlando

6/1-8 26th ISTS,アクトシティ浜松

・6/6 4th Spacecraft Control System Design Contest,5/23 申込締切

5/30 IEICE 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会,防衛大

5/9 JSASS 関西支部第 416 回航空懇談会,講演 ISAS 川口淳一郎氏,大阪府立大学

5/2 申込締切:4th Asian Space Conference,10/1-3,台北

[T V] ディスカバリ・チャンネル他


5/8 1800-1900 , 5/6 1600-1700, 5/5 0200-0300,1300-1400, 5/4 2100-2200 Discovery Channel

5/5 2200-2300 WOWOW2 (再)MOONLIGHT MILE 1st シーズン

5/3 1700-1715 Science Channel Rocket!ぼくらを月へつれてって 新・月世界旅行 (3)宇宙のくらし

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[中国宇宙開発] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/china_space_exploration/

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- 水没したイラワジ川河口―衛星写真(時事通信) (6 日 22 時 45 分)

Page 22: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


- 【中国】五輪を前に焼き畑禁止、北京と周辺省市定(NNA) (6 日 12 時 46 分)

- <次期総統>「ひとつの中国とは中華民国」、部下の失言で北京当局に弁明―台湾(Record China) (4 日 8 時 31 分)

- 中国が海南島に秘密原潜基地=英誌報道(時事通信) (3 日 9 時 15 分)

- 海南島に秘密原潜基地=周辺地域に懸念も-英誌(時事通信) (2 日 22 時 0 分)

- 【今日のブログ】中国の湖で発生した「アオコ」による影響(サーチナ・中国情報局) (2 日 20 時 10 分)

- 海南の衛星発射基地、完成予想を初公開―省博物館(サーチナ・中国情報局) (2 日 19 時 40 分)

- あの女子アナウンサー 香港聖火リレー101 番目か(サーチナ・中国情報局) (2 日 12 時 30 分)

- これが中国戦略原潜 英軍事情報企業が写真公表(産経新聞) (2 日 8 時 1 分)

- 「胡主席の訪日は有意義」=暴行日本人は「ごく少数派」―駐日中国大使(Record China) (1 日 13 時 24 分)

Page 23: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


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[宇宙開発] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/science/space_exploration/

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- 土井隆雄さん 「宇宙に住むことは難しくない」と体験談(毎日新聞) (9 日 9 時 12 分)

- 宇宙飛行士土井さんが帰国会見(時事通信) (8 日 21 時 45 分)

- 「きぼう設置、誇らしく」=土井さんが帰国後会見-宇宙機構(時事通信) (8 日 20 時 1 分)

- <土井隆雄さん>「宇宙に住むことは難しくない」と体験談(毎日新聞) (8 日 19 時 51 分)

- 発射台のシャトル美しい=星出さんら最終訓練-NASA(時事通信) (7 日 17 時 0 分)

- 「発射台のシャトル美しい」=星出さん(時事通信) (7 日 16 時 40 分)

- 【明解要解】先行き混迷 中型ロケット「GX」開発(産経新聞) (6 日 8 時 0 分)

- シャトル、発射台据え付け=NASA(時事通信) (4 日 11 時 24 分)

Page 24: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


- シャトル、発射台据え付け=星出さん最終訓練へ-NASA(時事通信) (4 日 11 時 1 分)

- <写真シリーズ・表情>気分は宇宙飛行士(Record China) (3 日 16 時 19 分)

- イ・ソヨンさんは 1 週間の治療が必要、精密検査結果(YONHAP NEWS) (3 日 12 時 52 分)

- きぼう 初搭乗の星出さん「日本の宇宙の家、増築します」(毎日新聞) (2 日 16 時 31 分)

- 「きぼう」の窓から日本を見てみたい(時事通信) (2 日 11 時 30 分)

- 「『きぼう』の窓から日本見たい」=打上げまで 1 カ月-星出さん(時事通信) (2 日 10 時 31 分)

- 「実験室から日本みたい」 宇宙飛行士・星出さん会見(産経新聞) (2 日 10 時 27 分)

- <きぼう>初搭乗の星出さん「日本の宇宙の家、増築します」(毎日新聞) (2 日 10 時 26 分)

- 月にあなたの名前を送りませんか NASA(産経新聞) (2 日 9 時 28 分)

- <土井隆雄さん>宇宙でもブーメラン戻って来た! 世界チャンピオンは「宇宙独特の飛び方」(毎日新聞) (1 日 11 時 8 分)

- <土井隆雄さん>ブーメラン実験の映像公開 JAXA(毎日新聞) (1 日 10 時 16 分)

- ハッブル望遠鏡、銀河同士の衝突撮影(時事通信) (1 日 10 時 9 分)

- 宇宙飛行士のイ・ソヨンさん、健康に深刻な問題なし(YONHAP NEWS) (1 日 9 時 25 分)

- 「宇宙機構ブランド」を開始=技術生かした製品にロゴ(時事通信) (4 月 30 日 20 時 1 分)

- 無重力ブーメラン、くるりと手元に(時事通信) (4 月 30 日 19 時 33 分)

- 無重力ブーメラン、くるりと手元に=土井さんの実験動画公開-宇宙機構(時事通信) (4 月 30 日 18 時 31 分)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ミサイル防衛] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/missile_defense_system/?1181274734

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Page 25: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


- 宇宙の軍事利用解禁=基本法案を可決-衆院内閣委(時事通信) (9 日 13 時 1 分)

衆院内閣委員会は 9 日午後、ミサイル防衛(MD)に使用する早期警


る「宇宙基本法案」を自民、公明、民主 3 党の賛成多数で可決。13









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[米軍動向] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/us_armed_forces/

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- 「いつもの仕返し」と静観=在ロ大使館員退去命令で-米国防長官(時事通信) (9 日 9 時 1 分)

- <住民投票条例>原子力空母是非で市民団体が市長に直接請求(毎日新聞) (7 日 12 時 2 分)

- 認識票持ち主判明 63年ぶりに遺族の元へ(琉球新報) (5 日 11 時 35 分)

- <米国>アフガンに7000人増派を検討 米紙報道(毎日新聞) (4 日 19 時 45 分)

- F15が早朝離陸 嘉手納基地(琉球新報) (4 日 9 時 55 分)

- 「9 条守ろう」「国際支援へ改正を」=憲法記念日、都内で集会(時事通信) (3 日 18 時 31 分)

- F15今朝も離陸 午前6時実施通告(琉球新報) (3 日 10 時 30 分)

- <米国防長官>帰還兵に心理ケア呼びかけ PTSD問題化で(毎日新聞) (2 日 19 時 47 分)

- 在沖縄海兵隊のグアム移転、米政府監査院「楽観的」と遅れ指摘(読売新聞) (2 日 19 時 43 分)

- 【夕刊キャスター】日米同盟の行方にも思いを(産経新聞) (2 日 16 時 18 分)

- F15未明に10機離陸 砂辺で112デシベル記録(琉球新報) (2 日 16 時 6 分)

- 米軍嘉手納また未明離陸 F15・12機と給油機数機(琉球新報) (2 日 9 時 45 分)

- <米国>中国への原爆投下検討 1958年の台湾海峡危機で(毎日新聞) (1 日 19 時 32 分)

- 思いやり予算発効 「空白」期間も日本側が支払い(産経新聞) (1 日 18 時 40 分)

- 中国に核攻撃を検討 50年前 米が機密文書を公開(産経新聞) (1 日 11 時 31 分)

- 中国への核攻撃計画、アイク認めず…50年前の台湾海峡危機で(読売新聞) (1 日 11 時 6 分)

- イラク開戦 5 年写真展=英ロイター通信(時事通信) (1 日 10 時 49 分)

- 米軍、中国に核爆弾投下計画=58 年の台湾海峡危機-機密文書(時事通信) (1 日 10 時 1 分)

- 見えない「負担軽減」 米軍再編合意2年(琉球新報) (1 日 9 時 55 分)

- 米軍再編合意2年 7月にも返還詳細(琉球新報) (1 日 9 時 45 分)

- ペルシャ湾に空母追加派遣=イランへの圧力か-米国防長官(時事通信) (1 日 7 時 1 分)

- 米大使が最高裁長官と密談=外相に上告促す-「砂川事件」で無罪判決後・米公文書(時事通信) (4 月 30 日 19 時 1 分)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[核兵器] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/nuclear_weapons/

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- 放射性物質「イリジウム」窃盗 下請け役員を逮捕(産経新聞) (8 日 16 時 6 分)

- 川底からイリジウム発見=非破壊検査の盗難事件-千葉県警(時事通信) (8 日 15 時 31 分)

- イリジウム盗難で逮捕の男「横浜の川と海に捨てた」「会社に不満」と供述(産経新聞) (8 日 13 時 5 分)

- <イリジウム盗難>下請け会社役員を窃盗容疑で逮捕 千葉(毎日新聞) (8 日 13 時 3 分)

- 放射性物質「川に捨てた」=非破壊検査から盗む-会社役員を逮捕・千葉県警(時事通信) (8 日 12 時 31 分)

- <イリジウム盗難>「解体して海や川に捨てた」下請け業者の男逮捕 放射能漏れの可能性は?(毎日新聞) (8 日 12 時 3 分)

Page 26: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


- 安重根を尊敬する日本人事業家、記念館建立に寄付(YONHAP NEWS) (8 日 11 時 2 分)

- 米国務副長官「韓米は戦略的・強力な同盟関係」(YONHAP NEWS) (8 日 10 時 47 分)

- 核平和利用で米露協定締結(産経新聞) (8 日 8 時 14 分)

- 核ボタン、メドベージェフ大統領に=ロシア(時事通信) (7 日 22 時 1 分)

- 米露が原子力協定、核拡散防止体制の強化に弾み(読売新聞) (7 日 13 時 5 分)

- 【インド万華鏡】エネルギー安保戦略 “反米”国家と関係強化へ(産経新聞) (6 日 8 時 0 分)

- 「9 条守ろう」「国際支援へ改正を」=憲法記念日、都内で集会(時事通信) (3 日 18 時 31 分)

- 北朝鮮、テロ指定解除なら冷却塔破壊(産経新聞) (3 日 8 時 1 分)

- 北へ食糧支援検討 50万トン 米、核申告前進狙い(産経新聞) (3 日 8 時 1 分)

- 冷却塔を破壊 テロ支援国家指定解除後24時間以内に 米紙(産経新聞) (2 日 17 時 24 分)

- 検証・監視の仕組み必要=北朝鮮の核拡散阻止-米次官補(時事通信) (2 日 12 時 1 分)

- <米国>北朝鮮テロ指定解除には「証明」必要 下院委可決(毎日新聞) (1 日 19 時 14 分)

- 中国に核攻撃を検討 50年前 米が機密文書を公開(産経新聞) (1 日 11 時 31 分)

- 中国への核攻撃計画、アイク認めず…50年前の台湾海峡危機で(読売新聞) (1 日 11 時 6 分)

- 北朝鮮は核計画の完全申告を=米大統領(時事通信) (4 月 30 日 9 時 22 分)

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[ASAGUMO NEWS] 朝雲新聞社 http://www.asagumo-news.com/

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5/7 「コラム」更新

・朝雲寸言 /// ・衆院補選民主勝利 /// ・米予備選大詰めへ

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[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)]

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エアバス A380 出荷日程見直し、遅れを事前通告

Airbus reviews A380 delivery schedule, warns of delays

European jetmaker Airbus has informed large Middle Eastern airlines that it is reviewing its A380 delivery schedule and has warned the

carriers of possible delays. The company is reviewing its production plans and will know its schedules in the coming weeks, Airbus CEO

Thomas Enders said. The jetmaker has booked 192 orders for the plane. Separately, Airbus said it has ended talks with a French

aerospace firm that could have resulted in the sale of two of its French plants. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (5/7) ,

The Wall Street Journal/Associated Press (subscription required) (5/7)

FAA 機構改革は無しで現行のまま 2009 年に延長

FAA legislation unlikely to move forward

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Legislation that would have overhauled the nation's aging air traffic control system has stalled in the Senate over non-aviation

measures on Tuesday and is unlikely to move ahead. Observers now expect lawmakers to extend the current laws authorizing the FAA

into 2009. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D.-W.Va, was the lead author of the Senate bill and said consumers would have benefited from the

provision to improve air traffic control. "A billion passengers are going to be using it, and they're going to be using it on a

Polaroid-camera technology system," he said. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (5/7) , Bloomberg (5/6) , Los Angeles

Times (free registration) (5/7) , Forbes (5/6) , The New York Times/Associated Press (5/6)

デルタ、ノースウエスト 合弁計画 第三回目の公聴会で説明

Delta, Northwest head to Washington for third merger hearing

Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines executives, union officials and lobbyists will explain benefits of the two carriers' plan to merge at

a congressional hearing today. The hearing is the third on the merger. Some advocacy groups, including the Consumer Federation of

America, also plan to endorse the merger. Consumers for Competitive Choice -- a business-backed organization -- recently described

the combination as "pro-consumer." The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (free registration) (5/7) , Yahoo!/Associated Press (5/7) , Star

Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul) (5/7)

米国 2009 年追加予算要求の中で UAV 開発用として 13 億ドル

White House includes $1.3B for UAVs in supplemental request

The White House fiscal 2009 supplemental spending request includes $1.3 billion to fund unmanned aerial vehicles and support systems.

The UAVS will "enhance protection of U.S. and coalition forces," according to the Office of Management and Budget. The majority of

the $70 billion supplemental request will fund combat and foreign operations until a new administration takes office. AviationWeek.com


S ジョン・グレン(元宇宙飛行士) スペース・シャトル延命を支援

S Glenn urges NASA to extend life of space shuttle

Former astronaut John Glenn is urging NASA to extend the life of the space shuttle as well as work on the International Space Station

beyond 2015. "The shuttles may be old, but they're still the most complex vehicle ever put together by people, and they're still working

very well," Glenn, a former senator from Ohio, said. Florida Today (Melbourne) (5/7)


AIA organizes REACH workshops

The REACH -- Registration, Evaluation, Authorization (and Restriction) of Chemicals -- regulation entered into force throughout the

European Union in June 2007, with phased implementation and significant work required before 2009. REACH moves the burden of EU

chemicals regulation from the government to industry and will result in significant changes to the way that all aerospace companies buy

and use chemicals and the products made from those chemicals. To help AIA member companies and their suppliers comply with

REACH, a series of workshops have been organized. Read more here.

SmartQuote "Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important."

--Bill Gates Microsoft Corp. co-founder


マイクロソフト社創設者の一人 ビル・ゲイツ

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Aerospace firms see strong growth in exports

The aerospace industry appears to be bucking the trend of outsourcing prevalent in other areas of the economy. The Aerospace

Industries Association said aerospace industry exports rose 14% in 2007. "The sustained growth in aerospace trade is a good sign not

only for our industry, but the U.S. economy as a whole," AIA President Marion Blakey said. "Our industry's track record as a major net

export earner for the United States helps to offset the nation's chronic trade deficit." Tulsa World (Okla.) (5/4)

AIA のマリオン・ブレイキー女史はトップ・ロビイストに入る

AIA's Blakey included on list of top lobbyists

The Hill newspaper recently named Aerospace Industries Association President Marion Blakey to its list of top business lobbyists. "The

former FAA administrator took the helm of the powerful association last year and is already making an impression," the newspaper says.

The Hill (5/1)

ボーイング社 次期新規開発プロジェクトでも引続きグローバル・パートナを重視

Boeing will continue to rely on global partners

Boeing will continue to rely on partners around the world when it develops its next jetliner, CEO Jim McNerney said. Problems with

partners have delayed the company's 787, but McNerney noted that Boeing has learned valuable lessons from the process. "The supply

chain was a very aggressive move by us," McNerney said. "I believe in this strategy. We may have drawn the line in the wrong place in a

couple of areas. And we have had to do more work in Seattle than we originally thought." Seattle Post-Intelligencer (5/5)

ボーイング、イラク政府に 737、787 を輸出契約調印

Boeing, Iraqi government finalize order for jetliners:

Boeing on Monday said the Iraqi government has ordered 30 737-800s plus 10 options. Boeing also said it is finalizing an order for 10

787s and that the orders are "the first step in reestablishing that country's scheduled commercial aviation operations." Air Transport

World (5/6)

FAA 安全報告事項に関して、100 件余のチェック漏れ

FAA says it missed more than 100 safety reviews in recent years

A recent assessment by the FAA found that it did not conduct more than 100 recommended reviews of safety systems at major

carriers in recent years. The reviews focus on whether airlines properly collect and analyze safety data. The FAA is supposed to

conduct the reviews at least once every five years. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (5/6) , Reuters (5/6) , Austin

American-Statesman (Texas) (free registration) (5/5)

海外の整備工場 FAA の少なくも年 2 回以上の立入り検査が必須

Foreign repair stations need more scrutiny, lawmaker says

Some lawmakers are concerned that foreign aviation repair stations do not receive enough scrutiny from regulators. Sen. Claire

McCaskill, D-Mo., is among the lawmakers pressing for tighter regulation. She is co-sponsoring legislation that would require the FAA to

inspect foreign repair stations twice a year. St. Louis Post-Dispatch (5/5)

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工場売却計画のゴタゴタで、A380 さらに遅れる

Problems selling factories may force A380 delays

Problems selling some factories may force Airbus to delay deliveries of its A380 superjumbo jet, according to media reports. The

company was in talks to sell two plants to aerospace firm Latecoere, but financing problems may terminate the deal. Reuters (5/4) , The

Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (subscription required) (5/4)

サウスウエスト航空 CEO、ユナイテッド航空との合弁に前向き

Southwest CEO sees opportunities if rivals consolidate

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly says his airline would benefit from the possible combination of United Airlines and US Airways. Kelly

notes that the airlines would probably scale back flights to cut costs, creating opportunities for Southwest. The New York Times (5/6)

SmartQuote "Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."

--Zora Neale Hurston, American novelist


米国小説家 ゾラ・ニール・ハーストン

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ボーイング 787 これ以上の遅れは無いと(オリジナル計画から 14 ヶ月遅れ)

Boeing: No additional delays to 787 program

Boeing said there will be no additional delays to its current 787 delivery schedule. Boeing last month said its first customer will receive

the jetliner 14 months later than the original delivery date. The Seattle Times/Bloomberg (5/4)

ユナイテッドと US エア航空の合弁の話し、ここ 10 日間で決まる

United, US Airways may reach merger pact in 10 days, reports say

United Airlines and US Airways continue to negotiate a possible merger and could reach an agreement in 10 days, according to media

reports. Talks have been ongoing for about six weeks, and the airlines have identified about $1.5 billion in potential cost savings. United

is also considering a transaction with Continental Airlines, reports say. Observers note that integrating workforces remains a serious

concern for the carriers, and they also note that United and US Airways would want their transaction to receive antitrust scrutiny on

the same schedules as the merger of Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (5/5)

アメリカン航空 DOT へ提出レポートの中で FAA による検査方式の不整合さをあげる

American cites FAA inconsistencies in DOT report

American Airlines and the FAA on Friday submitted reports to the DOT detailing last month's extensive groundings and delays.

American in its report cited inconsistent oversight by the FAA's Washington headquarters and a Dallas area field office. Air Transport

World (5/5)


New foreign markets may ease slowing demand for business jets

New demand from markets outside the U.S. may help offset softening of the business jet market, analysts say. Analyst Joseph Nadol of

JP Morgan said used business jets for sale in April reached 7.2% of the active fleet, up from 6.8% in March and 6.2% in January, and he

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attributed the increase to larger inventories of medium and light aircraft. AviationWeek.com (5/2)

エアライン カーボン排出量減らす努力

Carriers continue efforts to curb carbon emissions

The airlines continue to look for ways to lower their carbon emissions. In February, Virgin Atlantic operated the first biofuel

demonstration flight. Public awareness of greenhouse emissions may start to affect the airline industry; one tourism group said that

concern about climate change could prompt travelers to make fewer long-haul trips. The New York Times (5/4)

ロッキード JSF 開発に参加した 8 カ国へ販売プロポーザル提出準備

Lockheed may propose early JSF sales to eight countries

A proposal Lockheed Martin is developing would have the eight countries that have invested in the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter

place early orders for 368 of the planes. Lockheed plans to submit the proposal to the government by early next year. "The importance

is stability," Executive Vice President Dan Crowley said. "Stability of production, stability of cost." Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas)


SmartQuote "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

--Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady


元大統領夫人 エレノア・ルーズベルト

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ボーイング 5 号機組立開始

Boeing makes progress on 787 as suppliers improve

Boeing began assembling its fifth 787 Thursday, and it plans to turn on electrical power on the first plane by the end of next month.

Supplier problems have delayed the plane's production schedule, but company executives now say suppliers have improved their

components. The Herald (Everett, Wash.) (5/2)

2008 年これまでの受注競争 ボーイング346機、エアバス 395 機

Boeing falls behind Airbus in orders so far in 2008

Boeing remains on track to book 1,000 jetliner orders in 2008. However, the company is still behind European jetmaker Airbus in orders

for this year. Boeing has booked 346 orders so far this year, below the 395 booked by Airbus as of the end of March. Reuters (5/1)

A380 遅延弁償 エアバスからエミレーツ航空へ支払われる

Airbus pays carrier compensation for A380 delay

Emirates said it received $110 million in 2007 from Airbus to compensate the airline for A380 delays. Emirates has ordered 58 of the

superjumbo jets. Reuters (5/1)


Alliance, merger plans draw criticism from pilots, carriers

Virgin Atlantic on Thursday said it would protest a trans-Atlantic alliance of British Airways, American Airlines and Continental Airlines.

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Meanwhile, United Airlines pilots say they object to a possible merger with US Airways. Air Transport World (5/2)

F-22 20 機分、国防予算内に認められる

Defense authorization bill includes funding for 20 F-22s

Funding for 20 more F-22 Raptors is included in a defense authorization bill adopted by the Senate Armed Services Committee.

However, the bill does not recommend funding any additional C-17 cargo lifters. The $542.5 billion bill also fully funds a request for the

Army's Future Combat Systems modernization program. AviationWeek.com (5/1)


Senate committee approves European missile defense sites

A White House request for U.S. missile-defense installations in the Czech Republic and Poland was approved by the Senate Armed

Services Committee Thursday. The proposal for an interceptor site in Poland and a tracking radar in the Czech Republic still needs

approval from the full House and Senate. Reuters (5/1)

SmartQuote " Life begets life. Energy becomes energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich."

--Sarah Bernhardt, French actress


仏女優 サラ・ベルナール

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ボーイング 777 貨物機(エアフランスから 78 機受注済み) 飛行試験へ

Boeing 777 freighter rolls on to flight line

Boeing rolled its first 777 freighter on to the flight line this week. The company plans to deliver the first plane to Air France this year. It

has 78 orders for the cargo plane. The Herald (Everett, Wash.) (5/1)

コンチネンタル、アメリカン航空、英国航空(BA) と提携の交渉

Continental discusses alliance with American, BA

Continental Airlines is in talks with American Airlines and British Airways about possible alliance opportunities, according to a regulatory

filing. Negotiations with American and BA could eventually prompt Continental to leave the SkyTeam alliance, which is led by Delta Air

Lines and Northwest Airlines, observers said. Continental declined to comment on the negotiations. The Wall Street Journal

(subscription required) (5/1) , Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas) (5/1) , The Dallas Morning News (5/1) , The New York

Times/Associated Press (5/1) , Reuters (5/1)

FAA 機構改革法案 中断

Pension provision stalls FAA reauthorization bill

A bill that would reauthorize funding for the FAA stalled in the Senate Wednesday. Lawmakers disagreed over a provision that would

toughen airline pension rules and debated whether amendments unrelated to aviation should remain in the legislation. The bill includes a

multi-year plan for overhauling the nation's aging air traffic control system. The Washington Post/Reuters (4/30) ,

KansasCity.com/Prime Buzz (4/30) , The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (subscription required) (4/30) , The Wall Street

Journal (subscription required) (5/1) , CNNMoney.com/Dow Jones Newswires (4/30)

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ボーイング スイス戦闘機国際入札には参加しない

Boeing will not compete for Swiss fighter jet contract

Boeing said it will not compete for a contract to supply Switzerland with new fighter jets. Boeing said it decided it was unlikely to win

the contract because of disparities between the Swiss requirements and the next generation capabilities of the Boeing F/A-18E/F

Block II Super Hornet. AviationWeek.com (4/30)


Air Force says tilt-rotor aircraft performs well in tests

An Air Force official is ready to send the new tilt-rotor aircraft on a mission before the "combat-ready" deadline of February 2009,

according to media reports. Bell Helicopter makes the CV-22 aircraft, which takes off and lands like a helicopter and flies like a plane.

Reuters (4/29)

SmartQuote " An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."

--Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political and spiritual leader


インド政治家・精神的指導者 マハトマ・ガンジー

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ボーイング社マクナーニ氏 CEO 就任 3 年目にして依然として厳しい挑戦

Three years into job, Boeing CEO continues to face challenges

Problems with Boeing's 787 are testing the credibility of Boeing CEO James McNerney. The recent loss of a bid to build aerial refueling

tankers for the military was also a setback for the company. Next week, McNerney will address investors at the company's annual

shareholder meeting. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (4/25)

ボーイング 777 機 低温地帯飛行便にたいしてより厳しい安全対策の基準を

New safeguards to be advised for low-temp flying, report says

Safety investigators may recommend stricter cold-temperature safeguards for Boeing's 777, according to media reports. They are likely

to warn pilots to take additional precautions when flying on long polar routes. The crash of a British Airways jetliner near London

prompted the investigation and recommendations. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (4/25)


Runway incursions pose greatest threat to safety, experts say

Experts say runway collisions are the biggest safety threat to airlines. The FAA has taken steps to improve lighting and signs on the

ground, but problems with the unauthorized presence of planes, people or vehicles on runways persist. Runway incursions, which are

caused almost completely by human error, rose in the six-month period that ended March 30 from year-earlier levels. The New York

Times (4/25)

ダラスでの事故原因をめぐり、DOT の報告書で FAA と見解の違いが

Report: FAA intentionally misclassified controller errors

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FAA managers in Dallas intentionally misclassified mistakes by controllers that almost resulted in collisions, according to a DOT

inspector general's report. The mistakes were disguised to look like pilot errors, according to the report, and allowed the aircraft to fly

too close together. The report, which has not been released yet, details the events in Dallas. FAA officials promised to address the

issue. "We're not going to stand for this," said FAA Acting Administrator Robert Sturgell. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required)

(4/25) , The New York Times (4/25) , The Washington Post (4/25) , Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas) (4/25) , Air Transport World



Lawmakers seem open to Delta-Northwest merger

Some lawmakers said they support the proposed merger of Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines but raised concerns about additional

consolidation in the industry. Delta and Northwest executives on Thursday testified before lawmakers about the merger. They noted

that they will not close hubs as a results of the merger. ClipSyndicate/Associated Press (4/24) , MarketWatch (4/25) , The Wall Street

Journal/Associated Press (subscription required) (4/25) , USA TODAY (4/24) , The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (free registration)

(4/24) , The Street.com (4/24)

BAE システムズ 米国国防のサイバー攻撃対抗ネットワーク受注

BAE Systems lands contract to develop secure military network

BAE Systems has received a contract to develop a secure mobile military communications network, developed to prevent cyberattacks.

The DARPA contract is worth $8.5 million. Washington Technology (4/24)

SmartQuote "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

--Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. president


第 16 代米国大統領 アブラハム・リンカーン

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080407 Defense News U.S. SPACE: 50 YEARS

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[新刊紹介] 2008 Space Competitiveness Index Futron 08.04

Figure 2: 2008 Space Competitiveness Index: Total Aggregate Scores by Country


Figure 6: Orbital Satellite Launches by Country, 1998-2007

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Figure 7: Share of Orbital Satellite Launches Figure 9: Share of Satellites Manufactured

by Country, 1998-2007

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[既刊紹介] 東アジア戦略概観 2008 目次: http://www.space-library.com/EastAsianStrategicReview2008_Contents.pdf

[ダウンロード] 第 1 章 中国宇宙: http://www.space-library.com/EastAsianStrategicReview2008_ch.01_China_Space.pdf

概要 2008.4.10 付 朝雲ニュースによる

防研「東アジア戦略概観 08」 「宇宙開発」など中国に焦点

軍近代化さらに進展 空母建造計画など 海軍力の強化も指摘






























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が高い AWACS を無力化できる能力を備えていること」などとしている。






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[既刊紹介] Space 2030 OECD 宇宙利用の将来

原文: http://www.space-library.com/0404OECD_Space2030-1_2To1.pdf ; http://www.space-library.com/0505OECD_Space2030-2_2To1.pdf


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2007 発行 (3,675 円) 2008.1 発行 (5,250 円)
















今後 30 年以上を視野に入れて研究したもの。



技術関連の動向を視野に入れ、宇宙セクターの今後 30 年の進展を











体が参加した OECD 将来プロジェクトが発足した。


によって果たされる役割をテーマにした OECD 将来プロジェクトの最終


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[既刊紹介] 天空を武装する: 宇宙配備兵器の潜在コストとコスト有効性の予備的事前評価

Arming the Heavens: A Preliminary Assessment of the Potential Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Space-Based Weapons

Steven M. Kosiak CSBA(Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments)

Page 39: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


[編注] 資料原文は右記からダウンロード可: http://www.space-library.com/0710CSBA_Kosiak_ArmingTheHeavens.pdf

エグゼクサマリ Executive Summary


























(1) 弾道ミサイル攻撃に対する防衛

(2) 地表または航空の目標の攻撃

(3) 敵衛星の破壊又は無力化

(4)敵 ASAT 衛星攻撃兵器の迎撃による米衛星の防護

これら宇宙兵器のうちの 1 つ以上を調達し配備する知恵


The United States is the world’s greatest economic and military power. Perhaps

nothing demonstrates the extent of that dominance today better than the

country’s preeminent role in space. The United States operates by far the most

capable and costly network of satellites in the world. Its extensive access to

space provides significant economic benefits. It also gives the US military a

critical edge over potential adversaries. The combination of US dominance in,

and dependence on, space assets has led to both growing concerns about the

vulnerability of those assets and calls for the United States to exploit further its

existing advantages in space capabilities.

While space has been militarized for many years, it has not, at least as far as

can be determined from unclassified sources, been weaponized. In other words,

satellites have been used to provide intelligence, targeting and other support to

terrestrial-based forces and weapons. However, to date, no country appears to

have actually stationed weapons in space. Some analysts believe that the

weaponization of space is inevitable and that the United States can and should

move rapidly to acquire and field a range of space-based weapons. Others argue

that the United States has more to lose than any other country if space is

weaponized and that taking steps in this direction would lead to the worst of

both worlds̶yielding little or nothing in terms of military advantage, and sparking

or accelerating an arms race in space that the United States should, instead, be

seeking to avert or, at least, delay as long as possible.

Space-based weapons could, in theory, be used to carry out at least four

different missions. Specifically, they could be used to:

• defend against ballistic missile strikes;

• attack terrestrial-based (i.e., surface-based and airborne) targets;

• destroy or disable enemy satellites; and

• protect US satellites, by intercepting enemy anti-satellite (ASAT)weapons.

The wisdom and feasibility of acquiring and deploying one or more of these kinds

of space-based weapons can only be determined through an analysis that takes

Page 40: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA
























この分析は次の 20 年に宇宙兵器を配備する可能性に






ある。さらに少なくとも来たる 20 年に利用できるであろう技








公算が強いであろう。 ・第三に宇宙配備の衛星攻撃兵器 ASAT は宇宙配備



固有 ASAT 能力をもつ地上配備の兵器をいろいろ既に


星攻撃兵器 ASAT 能力を取得する価格面あるいは有


には思われない。 ・第四に宇宙配備の防護的(要人警護)衛星は宇宙配

備の衛星攻撃兵器 ASAT と非常に見分けがつかない。




年に出現する確度の高い ASAT 脅威のあるものからは




ュリティを向上する重要手段を提供するものになり得る。 ・第五に地上にある目標を攻撃するために設計された宇


替システムほど価格的に効果的ではない。2,3 の例では




into account a broad range of strategic, operational, technological, political, and

financial considerations. Of all of these factors, historically, the area that has

received the least attention has been the financial costs̶specifically, the

funding requirements̶that would be associated with the acquisition and support

of space-based weapons.

This is understandable to some extent. Weapon system cost estimates can only

be as accurate as the quality of information available concerning the system’s

technical characteristics, overall system architecture and operational concept.

In the case of space-based weapons, the quality of such information is typically

poor. On the other hand, an analysis of space weapons that does not consider

the system’s budgetary requirements is, at best, incomplete and, at worst,

provides a misleading picture of the system’s potential cost-effectiveness.

In an effort to raise the level of debate concerning the wisdom and value of

acquiring and deploying one or more of the four types of space-based weapons

noted above, this report provides rough, order of-magnitude, estimates of the

potential cost of acquiring and supporting such systems. Based on the cost

estimates identified or derived in this report, and existing unclassified

assessments of potential system effectiveness, this report also offers a range

of tentative and preliminary conclusions concerning the likely

cost-effectiveness of various types of space-based weapons.

This analysis, which focuses on the potential for deploying space-based

weapons over the next 20 years, suggests five broad observations and


• First, a constellation of space-based weapons designed to defend the United

States against an attack with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) would

be extremely costly to acquire and support. Moreover, at least based on the

technology likely to be available over the next twenty years, such a system

would probably not prove to be a cost effective investment, especially when

measured against the cost to a potential adversary of defeating such a system.

• Second, while space-based weapons intended to strike terrestrial based

targets could, in some cases, cost substantially less to acquire and support than

space-based ballistic missile defense systems, such weapons would likely prove

more costly̶and, in some instances, far more costly̶than comparably effective

terrestrial-based alternatives.

• Third, while space-based ASAT weapons would also generally be less costly to

acquire and support than space-based ballistic missile defense systems, there

does not appear to be a compelling need, on either cost or effectiveness

grounds, to acquire a dedicated space-based ASAT capability̶in part, because

the US military already possesses or is acquiring a range of terrestrial-based

weapons with significant inherent ASAT capabilities.

• Fourth, space-based defensive (“bodyguard”) satellites would, to a great

extent, be indistinguishable from space-based ASAT weapons. Thus, such

systems would likely have similar costs. In addition, their deployment would

presumably have similar implications for sparking or accelerating an arms race in

space. These weapons would also be incapable of protecting against some of

the ASAT threats most likely to emerge in coming years. A more effective and

cost-effective approach might be to rely on a range of passive counter

-measures. Strengthening US space surveillance and tracking capabilities could

also offer an important means of improving the security of US satellites.

• Fifth, although space-based weapons designed to strike terrestrial based

targets, conduct ASAT attacks, or intercept enemy ASAT weapons appear to

be neither necessary, nor, generally, as cost effective as terrestrial-based

alternatives, in a few instances ̶ unlike space-based ballistic missile defense

systems ̶ they appear to be relatively affordable and may even represent

cost-effective options. In these cases, non-budgetary considerations, such the

perceived strategic importance of the capability and the potential arms race

Page 41: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA





選択に関して主たる役割を演じねばならない。 以下の議論は米軍が次の20年にわたって取得・配備を



implications of moving ahead with such a system, will have to play the dominant

role in shaping programmatic and policy choices.

The following discussion provides a more in-depth summary of this report’s

findings concerning each of the four types of space-based weapons that the US

military might consider acquiring and deploying over the next two decades.

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Globalsecurity.com http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/index.html


NASA Polar Satellite Ends Service Lockheed Martin 30 Apr 2008


Russia & US missile plans for Europe RIA Novosti 02 May 2008 -- Russia remains concerned by U.S. missile plans for Europe

Turkey, Russian S-300s & missile shield RIA Novosti 30 Apr 2008 -- Turkey is planning to build its own long-range missile defense network by 2010

and may choose Russian-made S-300 air defense systems

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[spacetoday.net: military] http://www.spacetoday.net/articles_bycategory.php?cid=18

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Friday, May 2

Senate Panel Adds $350 Million for T-Sat, Shifts Missile Defense Priorities

Space News (subscribers only) ̶ 7:07 pm ET (2307 GMT)

Wednesday, April 30

Strategic Air and Space Museum has evolved in decade since moving to Ashland location

Ashland (NE) Gazette ̶ 8:22 pm ET (0022 GMT)

Lockheed Martin Achieves Key Milestone on New Missile Warning Satellite

PR Newswire ̶ 8:18 pm ET (0018 GMT)

EMS Technologies Awarded $13 Million Contract to Continue Work On New Satellite Communications Antenna System for B-2 Bomber

Prime Newswire ̶ 12:27 pm ET (1627 GMT)

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[spacetoday.net: China] http://www.spacetoday.net/articles_bycategory.php?cid=42

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Wednesday, April 30

China Checks Out Relay Satellite

Aerospace Daily ̶ 12:07 pm ET (1607 GMT)

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[Space & Missle Report] Table of Contents via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)

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May 5, 2008

* Russian Soyuz Woes May Have Substantial Repercussions: Relying On U.S. Space Shuttles, Leaving Space Station Unmanned,

Among Possibilities; But First, NASA Awaits Russian Findings

Page 42: ミルスペース080509- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Defense News 08.04.28, 08.04.21, 08.04.14, AWST 08.04.28, 08.04.21, Aerospace America 08.04, Military Technology 08.04, AFA


* Democrats On House Panel Assail Obering, Missile Defense; Chairman Sees More Hearings, Plus A Report, Possible

* Senate Panel Cuts $45 Million Each From ABL, KEI, $50 Million Each From STSS, Multiple Kill Vehicle, And All $10 Million Sought

For Space Test-bed

* Expert Says North Koreans Showed Him Plutonium; He Says Regime Likely Has "A Few' Nuclear Bombs, And Fuel To Make Six To

Eight More Weapons

* Missile Defense Programs Little Mentioned As Critics Assail Pentagon Procurement Programs

* Report: Russian Nuclear Missile Submarine Patrols Down, But Russia Still Wields 5,200 Nuclear Warheads

* Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Lists Allegations Against Missile Defense Systems, And Gives MDA Response To Each Criticism

* Launches

* New Pictures Of Chinese Missile Firing Sub Show Underground Base

* Military Needs To Better Coordinate Which Weapons Systems To Use In Prompt Global Strike: GAO Report

* Contracts

* Large Antenna Reflector Is Deployed On Satellite In Orbit

* Time Magazine Names NASA Administrator Griffin One Of 100 Most Influential People For Making Expeditions To Moon, Mars, A

Real Possibility

* NATO Capability Initiatives Advance On Surveillance, Missile Defense, Terrorism

* Astronauts Inducted Into Hall Of Fame

* GEO-1 Satellite For SBIRS System Passes Milestone On Way To Launch Set For Sometime Late Next Year

* Polar Satellite Dies After A Dozen Years In Operation

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[Defense Daily] Table of Contents via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)

May 8, 2008

* HASC Panel Calls For ARH, FCS Cuts, While Keeping F-22

And C-17 Lines Running

* House Panel Cuts Missile Defense Authorizations; Backers

Oppose Them

* Virginia Power Chief, GD Board Member Jay Johnson To

Succeed Chabraja

* Navy Needs To Regain ASW Proficiency, Official Says

* Thompson Bill Requires DHS To Work With Industry On

Biometric Airport Security

* SRA's Sales, Earnings Up On Acquisitions, Improved Margins

* Coast Guard Takes Delivery of CGC Bertholf Today

* Wargame Introduces Campaign Design To A Broad Audience

* House Panel Orders Probes of Missile Defense Programs

* Editor's note

May 7, 2008

* GWOT Supplemental Will Not Have F-22 Funds

* VH-71 Is Getting Back On Track, Navy Says

* IPTs Look To Unified Quest 2008 To Find Capability Gaps

* TSA Begins Airport Employee Screening Pilot Programs

* Deep Blue Gives Way To Bolstered Director Navy Staff


May 6, 2008

* Lockheed Martin Protests Navy's BAMS Award

* Tanker Overturn Would Be Disaster, Advocates of European

Cooperation Say

* New Raytheon Homeland Security Head Eyes Faster, Broader


* Unified Quest 2008 Wargame Examines Future Concepts And


* Australia To Spend $450 Million On Aegis Combat System

* IBM Joins Lockheed Martin NGI Team; Protest Dropped

May 5, 2008

* Defense Watch

* White House details its $70 billion supplemental war funding

request for FY '09

* ASC Defense Authorization Bill Calls For Array of Offsets In

Addition To Plus-ups

* Moog Acquires Engineering Firm

* Navy Nominee Awaits Senate Nod

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* Navantia Shipyard Demonstrates Efficiencies, Best Practices

* Pentagon Restructures JASSM Program

May 2, 2008

* Money To Continue F-22 Production Line May Be Left Out

of Budget Measures

* SASC's Defense Authorization Bill Keeps Navy Ship And

Army FCS Requests

* CACI Reports Strong Third Quarter Earnings And Sales

* NATO Capability Initiatives Advance On Surveillance, Missile

Defense, Terrorism

* BAE Systems To Provide FMTVs For Jordan

* iRobot FCS SUGV Accelerated Deliveries Complete This

Month, Second Supplier Selected

* Picatinny Arsenal Opens Homeland Defense Testbed

Emergency Operations Center

* Access Equipment, Military Trucks Pace Solid Quarter At


May 1, 2008

* Democrats On Oversight Panel Question Missile Defense


* SRA To Acquire Surveillance, Flight Tracking Solutions

Provider Era Corp.

* Navy Deploys ASDS From SSGN For First Time

* Utilities, NARUC Take Aim At Pentagon Power Play

* TSA Deploys First X-Ray AT Machines At Airport

* NORAD/NORTHCOM Begin National Level Exercise

* General Dynamics, Elbit Demonstrate New UAV

* Lockheed Martin GEO-1 Satellite Readies For Environmental


April 30, 2008

* With Markups of Defense Bill Starting, Skelton Sees Need For

More Navy Ships

* Pentagon Creates Capital Effort To Give Programs

Guaranteed Stable Funding For Fixed Time

* Navy Halts MH-60S AMCM OPEVAL, Review Underway

* Army Taps Northrop Grumman For STARlite Radars For

ER/MP Program

* BAE Systems To Provide Army Emergency Escape Window


* Boeing's ScanEagle Reaches Flight, Recovery Milestones

* General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin Authorized To Prepare

Win-T For Field Tests