6660 – Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual 1. Reading a) Read the texts below. Who do you think cares the most/least about the environment? Comment that with your partner. Susan Imp. 10-13_A03 I think everyone can do something to help the environment. I’ve replaced all the bulbs in my house with a more environmentally-friendly type. It was a really easy way to make a difference! The other benefit is that my electricity bill is lower than before. I get really annoyed by people telling me to help improve the environment. In my neighbourhood, there are so many laws about recycling rubbish! I don’t have time to separate rubbish or recycle bottles and cans. I think people should be free to live how they like!

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6660 – Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual

1. Reading

a) Read the texts below. Who do you think cares the most/least about the environment? Comment that with your partner.



Imp. 10-13_A03

I think everyone can do something to help the environment.I’ve replaced all the bulbs in my house with a more environmentally-friendly type. It was a really easy way to make a difference!The other benefit is that my electricity bill is lower than before.

I get really annoyed by people telling me to help improve the environment.In my neighbourhood, there are so many laws about recycling rubbish! I don’t have time to separate rubbish or recycle bottles and cans.I think people should be free to live how they like!

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2. Vocabulary Building

a) Match the two halves of the collocations.

1) environmentally rubbish

2) to make friendly

3) an electricity rid of something

4) to separate bill

5) to get a difference

b) Rewrite the sentences using the language from exercise 3 a).

i) In some countries, you have to _______________________________________.You can’t just throw it all together.ii) Helen ______________________________ her old car, and replaced it with a hybrid

model.iii) Driving is not a very ____________________________________ way to travel.

Imp. 10-13_A03

Last year, I got rid of my car. If everyone did that, our towns would be so much cleaner!I live in a small town, and I now cycle to work each day. It’s not so good in winter, but I really don’t regret the change. My health has really improved too!

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iv) Unplugging your TV and computer at night can __________________________to the environment.v) Tom never turns the heating off. His ____________________is really high!

3. About you.

a) Fill in the boxes below. Compare your answer with your partner.

Thing I do which are good for environment

Things I do which are bad for the environment

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Motivational Activity – green issues


Make a comment on the following pictures.

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Picture 1 Picture 2

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Picture 3

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Word search – earthquakes

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1. Make a comment on the following pictures.

Picture 1


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Picture 2


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Global issues – global warming

0. Watch and comment on the following video.

«Global Warming»

In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTW49FSgLlQ



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6660 – Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual

1. Before you read – work with your partner.

a) What do you do to help preserve the environment?


b) Who is the most environmentally friendly person you know? Why?


2. Vocabulary.

a) Match the word / phrase with the correct meaning.

emissions (n) reducecatastrophic (adj) a set of agreed rules or conventionsprojected (adj) gases released into the aira protocol (n) approveratify (v) forecastlessen (v) disastrous

Reading.Imp. 10-13_A03

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a) Read the following text, and fill in the spaces using a word from the box below.

Choose from: definitely; deep; melt; consumers

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3. Comprehension Questions.

a) Answer the questions below.

i) Why are sea levels predicted to rise?


ii)What is the Kyoto Protocol?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iii) What factors contribute to a person’s carbon footprint?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Collocation Check.

a) Match the two halves of these collocations.

1. hotting decision

2. become to stay

3. as a reality

4. an informed up

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5. here it stands

a) Rewrite these sentences using collocations from exercise 4 a).

i) I’m worried. I hope that it doesn’t actually happen.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ii)Computer technology is not going to disappear.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iii)In the current situation, I can’t give you a pay rise.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iv)I need to make a decision based on facts and evidence.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

v)This football game is becoming more exciting!________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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6. Make a comment on these pictures.

Picture 1


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Picture 2


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Mother nature – poem

© Edith A. Phinazee1. Read and comment on the following poem.

Our world is always changing, Constantly re-arranging.From ocean depths to mountain peaks,Mother Nature moves and speaks.While telling stories of our past She tries to teach us how to last.Mankind, so smart, sometimes blindLeaves common sense far behind.We're moving fast and living large,Forgetting she's the one in charge.Amazed when she rings our bell,Sending us through living hell.She can twist our steel, shake any city,If her wrath you feel, we shall pity.Yet some who speak on her behalf,I fear just seek the golden calf.It's true, we must treat her right.Or we will incur a deadly plight.Treat her with distinctionOr surely face extinction!

Global issues – alternative energies

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0. Watch and comment on the following video.

«Alternative Energies»

In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHoto5o7kAE



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6660 – Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual

1. Before you read – Work with your partner.

a) What is alternative energy?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) how many different kinds of alternative energy can you name?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Vocabulary.Imp. 10-13_A03

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a) Match the phrase with its meaning.

barren could be successfulvast at some time in the pastrenewable become popularviable go somewhere, despite risktake off unable to produceventure (v) could always continueonce huge

3. Reading.

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a. Read the following text.


b. READING COMPREHENSION - Answer the following questions.

i) How much energy do you think your country gets from alternative sources?Imp. 10-13_A03

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ii) Are there any projects in your country creating alternative energy?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iii) Describe the best place near your home where a wind farm could be placed.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iv) Are you careful about the amount of electricity you consume? Could you do better?


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To think about – pair work.

c. Discuss the following.

i) What is the problem with using fossil fuels to generate electricity?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ii) Should we turn to nuclear power as the solution to our power needs?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iii) Should the government do more to deal with this issue?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Imp. 10-13_A03