/ « Hounslow STAINES ROAD, HOUNSLOW. THE Fifty-third Annual Report Statement of Income and Expenditure, Balance Sheet, &c., AND List of Subscribers, For the Year ending 31st day of December, 1927 WITH Rules and By-laws. Hounslow : Printed by Thomasons Ltd., 151, High Street 1928.

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Fifty-third Annual Report Statement of Income and Expenditure,

Balance Sheet, &c.,


List of Subscribers,

For the Year ending 31st day of December, 1927


Rules and By-laws.

Hounslow :

Printed by Thomasons Ltd., 151, High Street


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Page 3: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

Hounslow Hospital, STAINES ROAD, HOUNSLOW.


Fifty-third Annual Report Statement of Income and Expenditure,

Balance Sheet, &e.,


List of Subscribers,

For the Year ending 31st day of December, 1927


Rules and By-laws.

Hounslow :

Printed by Thomasons Ltd., 151, High Street


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Hounslow Hospital, STAINES ROAD, HOUNSLOW.


Fifty-third Annual Report Statement of Income and Expenditure,

Balance Sheet, &c.,


List of Subscribers,

For the Year ending 31st day of December, 192T


Rules and By-laws.


Hounslow :

Printed ry Thomasons Ltd., 151, High Street


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HOUNSLOW HOSPITAL. Supported by Voluntary Contributions.


Dr. James Taylor, 49, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, W. Dr. Julius Burnford, 4, Devonshire Place, W.


Mr. H. Tyrrell Gray, F.R.C.S., 28, Harley Street, W. Mr. Neil Sinclair, F.R.C.S., 72, Wimpole Street, W. Mr. B. S. Simmonds, F.R.C.S., 124, Harley Street, W. Mr. A. Lawrence Abel, F.R.C.S., 48, Harley Street, W.


Dr. J. W. Bell, 25, Harley Street, W.l. Mr. L. C. Rivett, F.R.C.S., 118, Harley Street, W.l.


Mr. A. Loosely, F.R.C.S., 25, New Cavendish Square, W. Mr. D. M. Cardell, F.R.C.S., 61, Queen Anne Street, W.


Mr. A. Gavin, M.B., 101, Harley Street, W.


Dr. Gordon Thomson, 8, Wimpole Street, W.


Mr. G. H. Summers, L.D.S., 3, Lampton Road, Hounslow.


Dr. W. B. Allen Dr. L. B. Christian Dr. J. Connal Dr. S. J. Darke Dr. A. E. Gammie Dr. A. Hair

Dr. R. E. Miller Dr. A. Roemmele Dr. R. Serjeant Dr. M. Steedman Dr. B. Yule


Miss A. Li. Baker, F.R.C.S.


Mr. G. W. Cousins, Westminster Bank Ltd.


Mr. W. T. Ross, 304, Hanworth Road, Hounslow, and at the Hospital.

Telephone: Hounslow 0090.

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Rev. A. M. Basliforcl, M.A. (Chainnan).

Mr. W. II. Fenton, J.P., C.C. (Vice-Chairman).

.Mr. J. F. Adcock

Rev. A. M. Bashford

Rev. R. Dixon Box

Rev. A. E. Brown

Miss A. Burrell

Mrs. Cherlgey

Mr. F. W. Daws

Mr. W. II. Dumsday

Mr. W. H. Fenton

Mrs. W. H. Fenton

Mr. F. W. Davids-Francis

Mr. r, Chase Gardener

Mr. F. A. B. Gilt row

Mr. Ben Horne

Mr. W. T. Kenwood

Mr. W. Lee TJff

Lt.-Col. W. F. K. Newson

Mrs. Newson

Mr. T. Lynwood Palmer

Mr. II. Wilton Perks

Mr. .T. Sheplierdson

Mr. J. J. Skam

Mr. R. P. Taylor

Mr. P. W. WToodliffe

MATRON—Miss G. Hester.


Mr. W. T. Ross Miss M. Saxton Franklin


Miss Evans.


Mrs. X. Barnfield

Mrs. W. H. Dumsday

Mr. W. H. Fenton, J.P., C.C.

Dr. A. Hair


Mrs. J. A. Jessop

Mr. J. T. Ladley

Mr. W. J. Ridley

Mrs. Smyth

Mr. E. W. James Mr. J. A. Warren Mr. J. A. Jessop


Mrs. R. Dixon Box

"Miss A. Burrell

Dr. L. B. Christian

Mr. W. IT. Fenton, J.R., C.C,

Mr. E. Hendren

Mr. F. M. Hunter

Mr. A. R. Larchet

Mrs. E. Oakley

Miss Gordon Smith

Mr. J. A, Warren

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The Hospital is open to Out-Patients as follows—

On alternate WEDNESDAYS at 2 p.m.-— For Nose, Throat and Ear Cases .. Mr. A. GAVIN.

On alternate WEDNESDAY'S at 2 p.m.— For Eye Cases .Mr. D, M. CARDELL.

Every FRIDAY at 2 p.m.— For Women’s Diseases . Dr. J. W. BEDE.

On THURSDAYS at 2 p.m.— For Medical Cases ... RESIDENT MEDICAE OFFICER

On FRIDAYS at 10'.30 a.m. (by arrangement)— For Women’s Diseases . Mr. L. C. RIVEI T

On THURSDAYS at 2.30 (by arrangement)— Consulting Surgeon . Mr. H. TYRRELL GRAY.

On TUESDAYS at 10 am.— Consulting Surgeon .. .. Mr. B. S. SIMMuNDS.

On THURSDAY'S at 10 a.m.— Consuling Surgeon .. Mr. LAWRENCE ABEL

On TUESDAYS and FRIDAY'S at 9 a-.m.- Hon Radiologist .. Dr GORDON THOMSON.

Patients are to bring bottles, etc., for their Medicines. Out-Patients shall pay sixpence each time they attend the

Hospital. In-Patients shall pay weekly, according to circumstances,

which will be inquired into by the Almoner, and an undertaking must be signed by a householder for the removal in the event of death or when otherwise required.

Subscribers are reminded that the benefits of this Institution afforded to Out-Patients are not intended for persons who are:—

(a) Entitled to medical benefits under the National Insurance Act, 1911.

(b) In receipt of Parish Relief. (c) Members of Friendly Societies.

The benefits are intended, however, for those who, without the aid of the Institution, would be unable to obtain proper Medical Advice and Treatment.

Letters of Recommendation are available only for a period of 12 months from date of issue to a Subscriber. Two letters are required for each Cut-Patient and eight for each In- Patient, per month.

Visiting Davs :—Wednesdays and Sundays, 2—4 p.m. Private Patients may be visited on any day from 10—12 a.m,

and 2—6 p.m.

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The 53rd Annual Report.

Committee regret to report that the Hospital has

sustained during the year the loss of two very true

friends and workers by the death of the Rev. R. Dixon

Box, Chairman of the House Sub-Committee, and Mrs.

Oakley, a Lady Collector for many years.

The reports and statements of accounts printed in this

Report cell their own tale, and the Committee of Management

hope they will be read with appreciation and sympathy. It

is most gratifying to find that the subscriptions and donations

to the Hospital during the year have been so well maintained.

Owing to the very wet Summer many out-door functions

arranged for the benefit of the Hospital were completely

ruined. This is not only a great disappointment to the

promoters of such events after their strenuous and self-

sacrificing labours, but also to the Committee of Management

to which it has been a matter of considerable concern. The

financial loss to the Hospital must be in the neighbourhood

of £600. In spite, however, of this unavoidable loss the total

receipts (excluding legacies) show an increase on the previous


The chief event during the past year has been the

completion of a new Out-patients and X-Ray Department.

These invaluable additions to the Hospital were opened by

Lady Joynson-Hicks on Wednesday, November 10th. It

should be pointed out that Dr. Hair and Mr. Alban Scott

have been the prime movers in connection with this instal¬

lation of a complete and thoroughly up-to-date X-Ray Depart*

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ment, To their foresight and generosity the Hospital is much


The great number cf motor accident cases brought to

the Hospital, chiefly from the Great West Road, has thrown a

heavy strain on the already hard worked, if not overworked,

members of the Staff. They have, however, met this

additional strain with their usual willingness and good-nature.

The Committee have realised the necessity of continuing

the services of the Resident Medical Officer, and have been

fortunate in securing Miss Alfreda Baker as House Surgeon

since June. During the year, h iving passed the necessary

examination, she became a Fellow of the Royal College of

Surgeons. This is a great honour, and the Committee offer

her their sincere congratulations.

The cost of each in-patient per week stands at the

satisfactory figure of £2 6s. 5d. (see page 10) which speaks

very highly for the work of the Matron.

The Committee express their thanks to all subscribers

and donors, and especially acknowledge the generous help of

the following :

Mr. Alban Scott, our architect, for his voluntary services


The Hounslow Hospital Demonstration Committee and

Horse Show Committee whose strenuous efforts to raise funds

for the Hospital were so unfortunately spoiled by the bad


Miss Burrell and the Ladies who collected on Alexandra

Day the record sum of £258 19s. lid. of which £225 was

allocated to our own Hospital by the Central Committee.

Mrs. Dumsday, who in an incredibly short space of

time raised £130 in order to provide a new and up-to-date

operating table.

Dr. Allen and Mr. Noakes for the silver paper collection

which although only recently organised has realised £14 13s,

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10d., and for fixing two collecting boxes for silver paper on the

railings near the Hospital main gates.

Mrs. Newson and all the Overseers and Collectors for

their quiet and effective work in collecting subscriptions and


The Hospital Dart Competition which raised over £100

(see Report on page 25).

The Heston and Isleworth Urban District Council for a

donation of .£100 towards maintenance.

The Heston, Hounslow and Isleworth Masonic Charity

for subscribing .£75 towards the maintenance of their two

endowed cots of the Children’s Ward.

The promoters of ‘‘ Isleworth Day ” for a contribution

of £62.

Mrs. Shawyer for the money raised by her Doll Com¬

petition, £12 14s. 6d.

Mr. R. Depledge and Mr. E. Hendren of the Hounslow

Cricket & Sports Club, for the Annual Charity Cricket Match

which resulted in the sum of .£43 18s. 4d. being handed to the


Mr. J. F. Adcock and those who assist him in the box-

collections (see page 20), with a grateful acknowledgment of

the work done by the various box-holders each week in

collecting contributions.

Mr. Budd for his successful work in collecting ove

£16 from small boxes given out by him to private residents.

Organisers of dances, entertainments, etc.

The Ladies’ Linen League under the chairmanship of

Mrs. Fenton, which has been responsible in supplying the

Hospital with goods to the value of £183 (se*e page 27).

The Ladies’ Working Party under Mrs. Newson for

their kind assistance.

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Mrs. Newson for organising, and all who contributed goods or money on Pound Day.

Donors of gifts enumerated on page 23.

Mr. Killin for winding and keeping in repair the clocks.

Mr. Cavanna for daily supplies of ice “ free of cost.”

Messrs. A My land and F. Osborne for keeping the wireless installation in a state of efficiency.

The R.A.O.B. Lodges of Hounslow and district for a donation and gift of furniture for the Children’s Ward.

The Hospital Football Charity Cup Committee through whose efforts a sum of about £47 has been received (see page 20).

The Hospital Bowls Trophy Committee, £10,

The Chaplain, other Ministers and the Lady Choristers for their services.

Miss Mengel for her useful personal services at the Hospital on Saturday mornings.

The Committee conclude their Report with an expression of thanks to the Honorary Consultants, The Honorary Medical Officers, the Matron, the Dispenser, the Nursing and Domestic Staff, the Lady Almoner (Miss Evans), and also to Mr. Ross in his two offices of Masseur and Secretary, for their devoted, efficient and unselfish services during a very strenuous year.

The Committee specially wish to thank for their past services Mr. Neil Sinclair, F.R.C.S., Hon. Consulting Surgeon, and Mr. A E. A Loosely, F R C.S , Hon. Opthalmic Surgeon, who have felt compelled owing to pressure of work to sever their long connection with the Hospital. The Hospital owes a very great deal not only to their skill and ability, but to their willingness to respond to the many calls that were so constantly made upon them.

Mr. B. S. Simmonds, F.R.C.S., Mr. A. L. Abel, F.R.C S., Dr. G. Thomson, Radiologist, Mr. D. M. Cardell, Opthalmic Surgeon, have been elected to the Honorary Consulting Staff.

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The following is an analysis of the in-patient and out-patient operations performed in Hounslow Hospital during the year under review:—

Appendectomy .45 Appendectomy, with Peritonitis 23 Amputation of Leg. 4 Amputation of Arm . 1 Amputation of Fingers . 3 Amputation of Breast . 10 Amputation of Cervix. 3 Acute Antrum. 3 Acute Mastoid . 5 Aural Polypus . 1 Blood Transfusions. 8 Bursa Patella. 3 Cataract Excised . 2 Cataract Needling. 4 Caesarean Section . 1 Colopexy. 3 Colporraphy. 2 Cystoscopic Examination. 8 Caeeostomy. 2 Cholecystectomy. 10 Cysts—

Bakers ... .. 1 Thyroid. 2

Dilatations—Urethral . 4 Dilatation and Curettage .37 Dissection of Tonsils. 23 Dissection of Glands . 5 Ectopic Gestation . 2 Empyema—Re-section of Rib ... 2 Excision of Rodent Ulcer . 3 Excision of Lipoma . 3 Excision of Hallux Valgus . 2 Excision of Coccyx . 1 Excision of Eye. 2 Excision of Scar . 6 Fistula in Ano . 3 Gastro-enterostomy. 21 Gastrectomy . 3 Glands Incised. 7 Haemorrhoids. 13

Hernia—Radical Cure . 29 Hernia—Strangulated. 4 Hysterectomy. 11 Hydrocele . 3 Intestinal Anastomosis . 2 Inductions. 3 Intussusception. 1 Laparotomy . 15 Lacerated Wounds Sutured ... 2 Nasal Polypus . 5 Osteomyelitis of Femur . 3 Osteotomy. 2 Ovariotomy . 13 Periostitis. 2 Plating of Femur. 3 Perinaeorrhaphy. 4 Peritonitis—General . 8 Re-section of Bowel . 4 Sub-plirenic Abscess . 1 Sub-mucous Re-section . 4 Salpingectomy . 8 Sigmoidoscopy . 4 Skin Grafting . 3 Semi-lunar Cartilage. 1 Turbinectomy .30 Tonsillectomy. 48 Tenotomy. 3 Tendons Sutured. 2 Ventro-fixation . 8 Varicocele. 2 Varicose Veins . 3 Wiring of Patella . 2 Wiring of Malleolus . 1 Wiring of Olecranon. 1

In-patient operations .518 Out-patient operations .920

Total .1,438

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Statistics for year to 31st December, 1927, compared with those of the previous year.

1. INPATIENTS. (a). Number of Bed and In-patients.

Numbers N umbers in 1927. in

previous year.

1. Total number of available beds on 31st December. 54 54 2 Average number of available beds busing the year 54 54 3. Average number of patients resident daily throughout

the year . 49 43 4 Number of In-patients in the Hospital at beginning of year 41 41 5. Number of In-patients admitted during year . 918 718 6. Number of In-patients in the Hospital at the end of the yeai 45 41 7. Average number of days each patient was resident. 8. Number of patients admitted and discharged during the

20 24

year who were resident for : (i.) only 1 day 28 21 (ii.) 2 and 3 days 69 40

(b). Annual Expenditure on In-Patients, apart from that on Out-patients; average cost of each In-patient per week ; and average cost of each


1927 Previous Year.

Expenditure Average cost Average total Average cost Average total on of each cost of each of each cost of each

In-patients In-patient per In patient In-patient per In-patient week week

£ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1. Provisions 1317 10 4 19 0 10 91 1 15 5 2. Surgery & Dispensary 1162 9 01 1 5 41 6 10 12 4 3. Domestic . 1335 10 5| 19 5 10 41 1 14 31 4. Salaries and wages

(maintenance) 1325 10 4f 1 9 21 9 1 1 9 11 5. Miscellaneous 117 101 2 51 111 3 11 6. Administration 247 1 11 5 51 1 81 5 7|

Statistical cost 2 3 01 6 0 101





6 10 8-1

7 Establishment: Renewals, Repairs 375 2 11-1 8 3 1 21 3 11

8. Finance . 57 51 1 3 5 1 0

Total Cost ... £5935 2 6 5 6 10 41 2 14 6 15 71

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(a) Numbers.

Numbers Numbers in 1927. in previous


1. Octal number of new Out-patients ... • • • • • • 3104 2795 2. Total number of Out-patient attendances • • • • • • 9840 7357

(a) Number of patients on books at the beginning of the year ... • * *« • • • • • • • • • 52 40

(b) Number of casualty patients included in No. 1 above . • ,. • • • • • • • • • 1772 1716

(c) Number of maternity patients included in No. 1 above attended at home • • • • • • nil nil

(d) Number of attendances on maternity patients included in No. 2 above ... ... nil nil

(b) Annual Expenditure on Out-patients ; anc average co&t of ( ■ach

Out-patient attendance and of each Out-patient.

1927. Previous Year.

Expendi- Average Average Average Avera et lure on cost of each total cost cost of each total cos Out- out- patient of each out- patient of each

Patient?. attendance. out-patient. attendance. out- patient

£ Pence Pence Pence Pence 1. Provisions . , , . • • •

2. Surgery and Dispensary 650 15.85 50 25 11.18 29.45 5. Domestic. 70 1.21 3 86 1.72 4.55 4 Salaries and wages .

(maintenance) 250 6.05 19.30 8.15 21.46 5. Miscellaneous . 2 .04 .15 .06 .17 6. Administration. 2 .04 .15 .06 .17

Statistical cost. 974 23.19 73.71 21 17 55 80 7. Establishment: Renewals and

Repairs . 20 .40 1.50 .35 .94 8. Finance 5 .10 .38 .16 .42

Total Cost ... £999 23.69 75.59 21.68 57.16

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Barracks, Hounslow . Congregational Cliurch, Hounslow Han worth Church (Harvest Festival) Holy Trinity Church, Hounslow . Hounslow Town Baptist Church . St. John’s Church, Isleworth . St. Leonard’s Church, Heston (Mem¬

orial Service) . St. Mary’s Church, Osterley . St. Mary’s Church, Bedfont . St. Paul’s Church, Hounslow . St. Stephen’s Church, Hounslow . Wesleyan Church, Hounslow . Zoar Baptist Church, Hounslow . Kneller Hall . St. Dunstan’s, Cranford . Congregational Church, Isleworth Hounslow Undenominational Church Primitive Methodist Church St, Michael’s, Bath Road, Hounslow ...

1925 1926 1927 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 11 5 9 8 8 5 n ( 2

10 15 0 11 8 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 0

17 9 5 19 10 8 13 11 10 5 5 0 1 0 /0 5 5 0 1 2 8 1 9 10

5 3 0 5 11 0 3 1 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0

6 15 0 8 4 0 8 18 6 3 3 0 12 12 0 9 14 3

13 10 11 10 17 9 11 19 10 4 10 0 3 4 0 2 11 1 3 18 1 1 10 0

12 10 5 20 12 9 3 5 0 6 6 6 6 0 8 1 1 0 5 5 0 1 1 0

2 9 Li 0 5 0 0 5 15 6

£98 14 6 £121 0 10 £110 12 7

1 In-Patients. (Out-Patients Ordinary).

Place of Residence

1925 1926 1927 1925 1C 26 1927

Hounslow 256 379 477 363 327 383 Isleworth 9! 84 114 63 112 101 Heston ... 49 33 63 18 30 38 Whitton ... 19 16 31 12 15 45 Feltham and Ashford Bedfont, Hatton, Sipson and

41 31 44 7 20 31

Stanwell 15 25 22 17 18 27 Hanworth 9 7 7 13 3 7 Harlington & Harmondsworth 4 10 19 11 8 8 Cranford... 5 11 12 9 11 19 Brentford 3 7 1 2 2 1 Twickenham (St. Margaret’s)... 8 11 12 1 8 5 Southall .. 29 27 26 2 p'

n tJ 5

Richmond 3 2 1 — 2 l Other places 44 75 80 3 4 10

Total ... 576 718 912 511 565 681

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1925 1926 1927 £

Subscriptions .576

Donations. 388 0

Boxes. 554 11

Hospital Sunday Fund . 100 0 0

League of Mercy. 30

Church Collections. 98 14

Entertainments .106 14 10

Invested Property . 302 11

In-Patients’ Payments .1428 12 3

Out-Patients’ Payments . 236 19 10

Alexandra Day .1'0

Our Day. 15

Legacies .

Hounslow Hospital Demonstration ... 314

Hounslow Horse Show .140

„ Demonstration Committee Fete

Isleworth Day. 81

Hospital Market and Fete .

Hospital Charity Football Cup ... .

Hospital Bowls Trophy .

British Charities Association .

Bents .

Pound Day .

Other Income . 20 15 6

By Gifts (value of) .131 19

By Gifts (Pound Day) .

Ladies’ Linen League.

Hospital Dart Competition .

Hospital Dance . 51 16 11

Interest on Deposit Account . 6

Chaiity Cricket Match . 55

Heston and Isleworth Urban District

Council Grant.

Silver Paper Collection.

Treasurer's Deposit Account ..•




s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.

0 6 963 19 11 920 10 5

0 1 299 1 1 346 11 10

n 1 581 11 9 577 2 11

0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0

0 0 38 0 0 30 0 0

14 6 121 6 10 110 12 7

14 10 1 2 6 130 10 5

11 9 310 19 7 310 12 11

12 3 1775 2 8 1959 13 5

19 10 218 13 n ( 283 6 6

0 0 200 0 0 225 0 0

0 0

3991 4 0

0 0 326 0 0 45 9 8

0 0 160 0 0

0 0 74 10 0 62 0 0

19 0 32 8 i 46 18 i0

0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0

0 0

11 3 78 5 0 78 5 0

12 2 8 9 6 3 1 11

15 6 16 19 0 30 1 3

19 4 10 0 0 161 18 0

15 10 35 0 0 25 0 0

150 0 0 183 3 3

14 5 70 0 9 102 2 6

16 11

5 8 15 16 11 28 10 11

10 9 92 4 10 43 18 4

100 0 0

14.13 10

550 0 0

5 8 £9,680 2 6 6479 4 6

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14 Income and Expenditure Account for

INCOME. £ s. d.


I. Voluntary Gifts. 1. Subscriptions, Donations, etc.—

Annual Subscriptions . 920 10 5 Donations .316 11 10 Box Collections . ... 577 2 11 Entertainments .130 10 5 Gifts in kind (at valuation)—

Ladies’ Linen League 183 3 3 Pound Day . 25 0 0 Sundries .161 18 0

- 370 1 3 Church. Collections .110 12 7

£ s. d.

2455 9 5

£ s. d.

2. Central Funds—

Hospital Sunday Fund . 100 0 0 League of Mercy . 30 0 0

- 130 0 0 -' 2585 9 5

II. Receipts on Account of Services rendered.

1. Contributions on Account of Services to Patients.

From Patients and their Societies— In-Patients .1467 16 6 Hospital Savings Association... 388 11 5 Approved Societies . 103 5 6 Out-Patients . 283 6 6

—- 2242 19 11

2. Other Receipts.

Alexandra Rose Day . 225 0 0 Hounslow Hospital Demonstra¬

tion Committee . 45 9 8 Isleworth Day. 62 0 0 Hounslow Hospital Charity Foot¬

ball Cup . 46 18 10 Hounslow Hospital Bowls Trophy 10 0 0 Hounslow Hospital Dart Compe¬

tition . 102 2 6 Charity Cricket Match. 43 18 4 Pound Day. 3 1 11 Heston and Isleworth Urban Dis¬

trict Council Grant . 100 0 0 Silver Paper Collection . 14 13 10 Interest on Deposit Accounts ... 28 10 11 Sundries . 30 1 3

- 711 17 3

2954 17 2

Corned forward

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the Year ended December 31st, 1927. 15



I. Provisions .

£ s. cl. £ s. cl.

1317 16 8

II. Surgery and Dispensary.

1. Drugs, Chemicals, Disinfectants, etc. 516 1 7 2. Dressings, Bandages, etc. 279 7 2 3. Instruments and Appliances . 272 3 10 4. Wines and Spirits . 14 0 3 5. Salaries and Wages of Dispensing Staff ... 57 14 4 6. Sundries (including Radiography) . 693 4 9

-— 1832 11 11

III. Domestic.

1. Renewal and Repair of Furniture, Bedding, Crockery, etc.

2. Laundry . 3. Cleaning and Chandlery . 4. Water . 5. Fuel and Lighting . 6. Uniforms.

258 1 2 509 15 6

44 0 6 21 8 11

535 14 1 22 19 04

1391 19 24

IV. Salaries and Wages (Maintenance)

1. Medical . 2. Nursing . 3. Other Officers and Employees 4. Employees* Insurance .

126 19 1 977 2 11 462 6 7-4

8 15 7

V'. Miscellaneous.

1. Printing, Stationery, Postages, Tele¬ phones, etc.

2. Advertisements . 3. Insurance of Buildings, Equipment,

Stores, etc. 4. Garden . 5. Sundries .

56 17 3 2 17 0

34 0 8 4 10 0

21 4 0 119 8 11

VI. Administration.

1. Salaries . 2. Printing, Stationery, Postages, Tele¬

phones, etc. 3. Advertisements . 4. Auditor’s Fee . 5. Sundries .

150 0 0

87 14 11 3 11 6 5 5 0 3 6 8 - 249 18 1

Carried forward 6486 19 0

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£ s. d. £ s. d.

Brought forward 2954 17 2

III. Invested Property.

Interest, Dividends, etc. 310 12 11

Rents. 78 5^ 0

-- 388 17 11



Transferred from Treasurer's Reserve Fund . 550 0 0


BALANCE, being excess of Total

Expenditure over Total Income for

the year . 88 6 11

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£ s. d. £ s. <i.

6486 19 0 brought forward

VII. Establishment.

Renewals and Repairs to Buildings and Plant

VIII. Finance.

1. Interest . 5 9

2. Appeals. 8 16

3. Rates and Taxes . 48 3 I



18 3 5

62 9 0

6,567 11 5

£6,567 11 5

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18 Balance Sheet £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.

To Sundry Creditors . 612 2 10

To Capital Account—

Tor Buildings and Equipment- Balance at 31st December, 1926 ... .23686 0 0

ADD Deceived through Children's Ward Subscription Fund—

Subscriptions and Donations, etc. ... 1863 IT 2

Allocated thereto out of Legacy re¬ ceived from Lady Inglis . 1500 0 0

Proceeds of Sale of Bungalow . 408 5 6

Fees re Nurses' Home, etc., returned by Mr. Alban Scott for the benefit of this Fund . 319 0 0

Interest on Moneys placed on Deposit ... 15 16 1 - 27792 18 9

LESS Transferred to X-ray Building and Equipment Fund .

To Painting and Repairs Reserve Fund To Treasurer's Reserve Fund . To Income and Expenditure Account—

Balance at 31st December, 1926 . LESS Excess of Total Expenditure over

Total Income for the Year ended 31st December, 1927 .

1736 9 0

--- 26056 9 9 492 15 8 300 0 0

1155 10 1

88 6 11 -- 1067 3 2

£28,528 11 5

I have audited the above Balance Sheet with the Books, Accounts, and Vouchers relating thereto and I have verified the Cash at Bank and the Investments held in Trust by the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds with the Certificates received therefrom. The Investments on Capital Account are included at their market value at the 31st December, 1926, as certified by the Hon. Treasurer, and the other Investments at cost.

I have not inspected the Deeds of the Hospital and Nurses' Home, which I was informed were held in safe custody at 31st December, 1927, by the Westminster Bank Ltd., Hounslow.

The cost of the X-ray Building and Equipment, although completed bef'oie the 31st December, 1927, has not been incorporated in the Balance Sheet, nor have the outstanding liabilities in connection therewith, as the special X-ray Fund has not been closed.

Subject to these remarks, the said Balance Sheet, in my opinion, is a full and fair one and correctly sets forth the position of the Hospital at the date thereof.

A. ASSHETON LOWE, F.C.A., Chartered Accountant, Auditor.

12, Coleman Street, London, E.C.2. 25th January, 1928.

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at December 31st, 1927.

-By Cash at Bank and in hand At Bank: On Current Account

On Deposit Account- Treasurer's Reserve Fund

£ s. d.

300 0 0 Painting and Repaiis Reserve Fund 577 13 2

Less Matron's Casli Account—Overdrawn

By Sundry Debtors. General Fund (including Interest on

Bank Deposits) . By Investments on Capital Account (at

maiket value at 31st December, 1926).— £ s. d.

(Xote.—The market value at 31st Decem¬ ber 1927, was £5,034.)

By Investments on other Accounts (at cost), viz.—

£ s. d. 1000 0 0 5 % War Stock, 1929-47 . 550 0 0 5 % National War Bonds, 1928

(Xote.—The market value at 31st Decem- cember, 1927, was £1,595.)

By Land, Buildings, and Equipment of the Hospital. (Expenditure from January, 1904, to 31st December, 1927.)

I/and: Balance at 31st December, 1926 Buildings and Equipment (including

Nurses' Home). Balance at 31st December. 1926 ...15864 5 0 Add Cost of Children's Ward (in¬

cluding Interest paid on Bank Overdraft, £7 19s, 9d.) . 2370 9 9

943 8 3 0 2 9

231 11 11 Xottingham Corp. 3 % Stock ... 144 0 0 17 15 o w Great Indian Peninsular Rly.

Annuity Class B. 372 0 0 1000 0 0 Bengal Nagpur Rly. 31% Stock 950 0 0 717 0 0 Southern Rly. 4 % Debenture

Stock. 573 0 0 766 13 8 India 3 % Stock. 452 0 0 92 16 2 India 31 % Stock . 65 0 0

6 15 0 East India Rlv. Co. Annuity Class D. 112 0 0

344 11 0 Heston and Isleworth 3 % Red. Stock . 314 0 0

992 10 1 21 % Consols . 536 0 0 250 11 6 Local Loans 3 % Stock . 158 0 0 95 15 8 New Zealand 4 % Consol Stock 92 0 0 98 3 1 5 % War Stock, 1929-47 . 98 0 0

3866 0 0 HOSPITAL ENDOWMENT, viz.—

998 13 8 Funding Stock, 1960-90 ... 839 0 0

325 19 3 31 % Conversion Stock . 242 0 0 1081 0 0

950 0 0 550 0 0

19 £ s. d. £ s. d.

65 15 1

877 13 2

>874 15 0

18234 14 9

943 5 6

28 16 1

4947 0 0

1500 0 0

21109 9 9

£28,528 11 5

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£ s. d, Parke Davis and Co. 1 15 11 Mr. Ovenden, The Hussar ... 0 17 6 Mr. W. W. Young, The Light

Horse ... . 1 1 3 A.V.T.C., Hounslow Heath ... 11 0 10 Mr. H. B. Humphries, The

Jolly Farmer . 0 13 6 Mrs. Christian, The George IV. 0 10 9

Mr. E. G. Bailey, The Wellington. 4 14 6

Thos. Hiscoek Ltd., Welling¬ ton re-building . 16 3

Miss Ratcliffe, Beverley Lod., Wellington Road North ... 0 15 9

Mr. A. E. Hales, The Plough 14 3 6 Mr. H. Shaw, Electrician,

Staines Road . 0 3 0 Mr. J. J. Skam, The Lord Palmerston.16 4 0

Mr. C. H. Adam, The Royal Albion. 6 18 2

Boxes at Hospital—- East Entrance. 18 3 Main Entrance . 3 17 6 Women’s Ward . 7 14 6 Men’s Ward . 2 8 4 Children’s Ward ... ... ... ... 0 12 1

Mr. Harrison, Jeweller, Staines Road . 0 14 8

The Western Bakeries, Staines Road .13 14 3

Zoar Baptists’ Mothers’ Meeting. 0 16 2

Mr. A. Attfield, The Friend- i n-Hand . 7 8 4

Mr. Amor, Confectioner, Staines Road ... . 0 3 0

Mr. J. Hair, Strathclyde, Staines Road . 1 11 11

School of Commerce, per Miss Mengell . 2 6 4

Mrs. Hardey, The Bell . 0 5 7 Holy Trinity G.F.S., per

Miss Butler . 0 14 6 Pearl Assurance Office Staff,

Hounslow . 0 10 9 Mr. W. J. Ridley, The Bul-

strode Hotel . 1 14 3 Richardson and Sons 1 3 8

£ s. d, James Walker and Co., High

Street . 0 7 1 Charles Treble . .. 1 16 10 Mr. A. Lawson, Optician,

High Street . 0 8 8 Messrs. Thomas Woods, High

Street . 10 0 0 S. H. Sloeock, Esq., Montague

Road .. 0 2 3 The Fire Brigade .10 8 2 C D, Vickers, Esq., High St. 0 2 8 Dr. Steedman, The Surgery,

High Street . 0 2 0 Mr. Dobson, Chemist, High Street.. ... 0 15 9

Mr. Yardley, Wine Merchant, High Street. 0 3 1

Premier Swimming Club ... 4 6 b Mr. L. Clark, The Red Lion,

High Street . 0 6 6 Mr. C. Brammer, High Street 0 12 6 Mr. W. D. Wort on. The Old

Ship, High Street. 1 15 8 Rego Clothiers, High Street... 0 7 1

Mr. E. J. Heath, Confec¬ tioner, High Street . 0 7 9

Mi*. J. Richens, The Nags Head, High Street . 1 11 6

Mr. G. Hope, The Lion and Lamb, High Street . 11 6 1

Maypole Dairy Co., Ltd., High Street. 13 3

L. Caplan, Esq., Dentist, High Street . 0 6 0

Dr. R. Serjeant, Surgery, High Street. 1 4 4

M essrs. Lewis and Burrows 116 Mr. A. Norris, Old Mail

Coach, High Street . 0 15 9

Mr. F. E. Sergeant, The Rifle¬ man, Hanworth Road . 11 17 8

C. Hildersheimer and Co., Factory, Hanworth Road ... 0 0 6

Platts Stores, Ltd., High St. 0 2 6

Mr. A. F. Stronach, High St. 1 6 3

Mr. Watson, The Prince Regent, High Street ... ... 0 10 6

Mr. G. W. Sly, Butcher, High Street . 0 15 5

Mrs. Bellamy, High Street ... 0 15 3

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Mr. W. T. Mercer, The Roval George, High Street.. ... 0 13 b

Beauchamps, Florists. 0 3 7 Mr. Woodgates, The Tanker-

ville Arms ... . 0 10 b -'tr. Jones, Hairdresser . 0 2 8 Mr. A. Clark, Tobacconist ... 0 5b Mr. J. T. Matthews, The

King's Arms . 4 q q L.G.O. Garage, High Street... 12 9 7 Mr. H. Turner, Duke of Cam¬

bridge, Kingsley Road . 3 11 4 Morgan and Sons, London Rd. Ill 6 Mr. W. J. Harris, Builder,

Tiondon Road . 6 o j Electricity Works (Staff)*

Bridge Road . 0 2 10 Mr. Hitchcock, The Star!

London Road . 10 6 Hounslow Model Laundry,

London Road . _ 2 11 11 C.I . I\ Depot, London Road 1 11 2 Mr. W. J. Barclay, Milford Anns. 1 5 0

Mr. A. Skinner, Post Office, London Road . 2 2 3

Lr. B. 1 ule, The Surgery. London Road . \ g q

Mr. S. Stevens, The Iron Bridge, London Road ... 12 10 1

Mr. A. W. Date, The Rising Sun, London Road . 4 10

Mrs. M. S. Crane, The Rose and Crown, London Road 5 0 8

L.U. T. Stores, Brentford Bridge, per Mr. Phipps. 0 3 11

Messrs. Samuel Kidd and Co., Upper Square, Isleworth ... 1 4 4

Mr. E. V. James, Northum¬ berland Arms . 0 16 0

Mr. F. Griffiths, The Beil. Isleworth . g a

Mr. A. L. Bisshop, The Swan, Isleworth . 0 g (;

Mr. J. B. Selby, The Castle, Isleworth . 0 j

Mr; A. E. Talmadge, The King s Arms, Isleworth

Mr. G. E. Pearling, The George, Isleworth .

Ur. Connall, The Surgery Isleworth . ’ q -

Mr. H. Collar, The Jolly Gardeners', Isleworth .

Mr. E. H. Evans, Duke of Cornwall, Isleworth

Mr. R. W. Salter, The Chequers, Isleworth ,,, 1 12 0

4 10 2

1 1 2

1 1 0

2 14 1

Mr. D. IT. Square, Red Lion, Linkfield Road, Isleworth ... 6 13 4

Isleworth Brewery Bottling Stoi'es. 118 3

Mr. S. W. Widdowson, Rail¬ way Hotel . 7 11 6

Mr. Hibbert, Butcher, St. John’s Road-..-. . 1 n 6

Mr. G. Wiseman, The Labour¬ ing Boy, Worton Road ... 0 16 0

Mr. E. W. Lobjoit, Worton Farm . 0 5 9

Thos. Hiscock Ltd., Hounslow 3 3 0 Mr. Griffin, The Lord Clyde 9 8 5 Mr. S. J. Warren, Grove Rd. 0 5 3 Mr. Moorhouse, Grocer, In¬

wood Road . 0 7 6 Miss Fisher, Gordon Laundry 1 1 0 Mr. Hanks, Sun Brewery,

Hanworth Road. 1 17 3 The United Services Club.

Hanworth Road . 3 12 0 Ur. W. B. Allen, 1, Pownall Gardens. 6 1,5 l

Dr. S. J. Darke, 3, Pownall Gardens . \ 5 9

Mr. J. R. Richardson, Whit- ton Road . 110

Mrs. N. D. James, Railway Hotel . 11 9 0

Cowles & Co., Novelty Works 3 4 0 Mr. Hooper, North Star,

Whit ton Road . 1 16 1 W. Funge, Coal Merchant ... 4 9 3 Southern Railway Employees 0 11 2 Mr. Warmington, South-Wes¬

tern Hotel . 2 5 2 Mr. Maidment, The Prince

Albert, Whitton. 0 12 8 Mr. H. Robinson, The Ad¬

miral Nelson, Whitton . 2 15 0 Mr. Furminger, Post Office!

Whitton . 110 Mr. Broomfield, Duke of

Cambridge, Whitton ... 1 14 3 Mr. S. R. Glanville, The

White Hart, Whitton . 0 16 10 Mr. Davis, Anchor Laundry,

Hanworth Road .. g 6 0 Miss Westrupp, 217, Han¬

worth Road . 0 10 Mrs. Harvey, The Earl Rus¬

sell, Hanworth Road. 7 3 o

Mr. Stingcmore, 244, Han¬ worth Road, N.D.F.S. 0 15 9

Mr. Ledger, The Greyhound, Haworth Road . o 5 8

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Williams Bros., Dye Works, £ 8. d.

Hanworth Boad ... . Mr. A. J. Weekley, The Dairy,

1 15 r i

Hanworth Boad . Mr. A. Stevens, Baker, Han-

0 15 9

worth Boad . 0 12 0 Mrs. Bennett, 47, Lances Bd. 1 6 3 Cliffords Dairy, Lances Boad Mr. Bolton, The Dairy, Han-

0 r* / 2

worth Boad .. Mr. Benwell, Cross Lances,

0 12 6

Hanworth Boad . Mr. T. Y. Johns, Baker, Han-

1 6 1

worth Boad . Mr. J. Harris, The Windmill,

0 5 r /

Bell Boad . Mr. Wilson, Wholesale Fruit

0 1 0

Depot, Bell Boad . Mr. A. Coles, The Victoria,

0 10 6

Bath Boad . The N.U.B., Hounslow, per

4 17 9

Mr. Bevere. Beldams Asbestos Co. Works,

3 12 2

Strafford Boacl . Mr. W. Woman, The Wind-

2 17 6

sor Cftstle, Bath Boad . Mrs. Cook, The Flower Pot,

4 11 0

Wellington Boad North Sergeants’ Mess, Boyal Fusi-

2 0 6

liers . Beaversfield Estate, Mr. B.

0 15 5

Langer, Bath Road . Messrs. A. J. Bobbins and

8 6 5

Sons, Vicarage Farm . Mr. Alexander, The Travellers

1 2 6

Friend, Bath Boacl . Mr. J. H. Mortimer, The Tra-

0 13 6

vellers’ Friend, Bath Boad Travellers Friend re-building,

1 ( 9

Bollom and Co. Mr. Sharpe, The Jolly Wag-

0 9 3

goners, Bath Boad . Mrs. Cheney, The Queen’s

5 15 0

Head, Cranford Avenue ... Mrs. Clements, The Jolly Gar-

0 2 6

deners, Cranford Avenue ... Mr. Nickless, The Berkeley

4 10 0

Arms, Bath Boad . Mr. Rogers, The Bed Lion,

0 6 0

Harlington . Mr. Turner, The Old Magpies,

3 12 5

Sipson . Mr. W. Launcelott, Crown

2 6 3

and Sceptre, Feltham . Mr. Bollings, The Bla.ek Dog,

1 2 5

Bedfont . Mrs. G. Taylor, The William

1 16 0

IV., Bedfont ... ... ... 0 3 1

£ s. cl, Mrs. Hoare, The Bell, Bed-

font .11 2 G Mr. J. C. Hyne, The Prince of

Wales, Bed font . 2 6 ! Mr. J. Sivers, The Bail way

Tavern, Feltham. 12 8 Mr. B. T. Gould, The Loco¬

motive, Feltham .7 . 12 6 6 The British Legion. 3 4 3 Mr W. J. Walton, Duke of

Wellington, New Bedfont ... 3 5 4 Mrs. A. Dolley, The Boyal

Oak, New Bedfont . 3 0 0 Mr. Smith, Petrol Station,

Gt. West Bd., New Bedfont 0 16 0 Mr. C. Johnson, The Green

Man, Hatton . 9 2 0 Mr. H. Smith, The Dog and

Partridge, Hatton . 10 1 Mr. J. Bonython, The

Cricketers, Feltham . 0 8 3 Mr. G. Chandler, The Bed

Lion, Feltham. 2 0 0 Minimax Co. Office, Manor

House, Feltham . 0 17 0 Fire Station, Feltham . 0 14 10 Union Construction Co,, Felf

ham .19 0 4 Sergeants’ Mess, B.A.S.C. ...0 4 0 Mr. Moss, Chemist, Feltham 118 Mr. C. North, The Jolly

Sailor, Hanworth. .. 4 0 0 Mr. J. Reynolds, The Oxford

Arms, Hanworth . 0 1 9 Mr. F. M. Green, The Brown

Bear, Hanworth . 0 2 10 Mrs. A. Angell, The Hope and

Anchor, Hanworth . 2 13 Messrs. Bobbins Ltd., Engin¬

eers, Feltham. 1 15 8 Mr. F. C. Holdway, The Duke

of York, Hanworth Boad ... 2 9 8 Mr. F. E. Godfrey, The Duke

of York, Hanworth Road .7. 1 18 9 Mr. H. Mercer, The Jolly

Farmer, Lampton . 2 5 1 Mr. Rollings, The Black

Horse, Lampton ... . 0 9 11 Mr. O. Gibson, Butcher,

Lampton . 0 10 0 Mr. G. Hayes, The Old

George, Heston . 7 16 10 Mr. H. E. Norton, The Bose

and Crown, Heston . 3 3 11 Messrs. A. J. Bobbins and

Sons, Heston Farm . 5 19 5 Messrs. Craggs Nurseries,

Heston ... ... ... . 12 5 1

Page 27: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

s. d. £ s. d. Mr. t)t*an, The Plough, Nor¬

wood Green . 0 2 5 Mrs. Morrell, The Canteen,

North Hyde. 1 5 1 Mr. Firmston, The North

Star, North Hyde. 1 12 7 Mr. G. Sizmur, The Rising

Sun, Cranford Lane. 8 19 l Mr. Haywood, The Elm Tree,

New Heston. 0 4 1 Mr. C. Heselden, The Queen’s

Head, New Heston . 11 8 4 Westbrook Memorial, New

Heston . 0 12 4 Mi's. Chandler, New Heston 1 18 10 Mr. W. Thorne, The Hope

and Anchor, Heston . 5 12 7

Mrs. Gregory, The Hare and Hounds, Wyke Green . 1 18 1

Mr. W. Leighfield, Estate Office, Jersey Road . 3 9 6

Mr. R. T. Warren, Building Estate, Heston ...• . 9 10 8

Mrs. Hollick, The White Bear, Kingsley Road . 6 12

Mrs. Skipper. 0 5 Mr. W. K. Shaw . 0 5 Mrs. Goddard, Wyke Farm 2 15 0 Mrs, Maher, Collision, Sunny-

crof't Road . 0 G G

£577 2 11

GIFTS, 1927.

Mrs. A. E. Brown, 47, Vicarage Farm Road: GO Eggs.

Mr. Jock McKinlay: Basket of Fruit.

Mr. Vivian Palmer: Tickets for Palladium.

Miss Webb, Beechurst School: 150 Eggs and Groceries.

The Isleworth Congregational Sunday School: 150 Eggs.

The Manager, Woolworth’s, High Street: Chocolate Easter Eggs.

C. J. Olley, St. Crispin, Whitton Road: 2 Golliwogs.

Mrs. Davis, Bristow Road: Rhubarb.

Hounslow Sisterhood: 50 Eggs.

Mr. Spiers, 86, High Street: 20 Eggs.

Primitive Methodist Chapel: 129 Eggs.

Rev. Knight, Town Baptist Chapel: 74 Eggs.

Heston Wesleyan Sunday School: 39 Eggs.

Zoar Baptist Chapel (Harvest Festival): 32 Eggs.

Congregational Church: 30 Eggs.

Mis. Clements, 29 Grove Road: 36 Bantam Eggs.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wells, Nantly House, Lamptoii Road: 36 Eggs,

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wells, Nantly House, Lampton Road: 36 Eggs and Toys.

Salvation Army: 60 Eggs.

St. John’s Church, Woodlands: 108 Eggs.

Holy Trinity Church (Harvest Festival): 680 Eggs.

St. George’s Church, Barracks (Harvest Festival): 140 Eggs.

Congregational Church Sunday School: 126 Eggs.

Per Dr. S. J. Darke: Ultra Violet Ray Apparatus.



Page 28: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive


GJ. FT?—conii n u ecL

8t. Catherine’s and St. Dunstan, Feltliam (Harvest Festival): 160 Eggs.

Mr. Piercy, Albion Road: Load of Firewood.

Gray Bros., The Gardens, Heston : Fruit and Vegetables.

Mrs. Kent, Bath Road: Cherries.

Mrs. Woods, Bedfont: Books.

Spelthorne St. Mary: Air Bed.

Mrs. Newman, Southall: Books.

Parke Davis: Surgical Dressings.

Islewortlr Brewery: Vegetables and Cakes

Rev. Knight, Osterley: Apples.

Dr. Smith, Wyke House: Ajoples.

K.O.J.T., per Mr. Woodfin: Harvest Festival.

Mrs. Oke, Leatherhead: Vegetables and Flowers.

Twickenham and Thames Valley Bee-keepers’ Association: Honey.

H- Cobb, Esq., Beverley Lodge: Apples.

Miss Chadwick, The Lawns: Rhubarb.

Congregational Church, Feltliam: Harvest Festival.

Bedfont Parish Church: Harvest Festival.

The Brotherhood, Fair Street: Harvest Festival.

The Tabernacle, Bedfont: Harvest Festival.

Mr. Gibbs, Bedfont: Apples and Cabbage.

Mrs. Barnham, Feltliam (In Memory of Mr. A. W. Smith): Carrying


Miss Nicholes, “ Englefield”: Fish Kettle.

The National British Women’s Temperance Association : Toys.

Mrs. G. M. Frank: Toys.

Mrs. Cockerell: Toys and Fruit.

Welldons Ltd.: Dolls and Toys.

His Majesty’s Theatre: Theatre Tickets.

Shaftesbury Theatre: Theatre Tickets.

“Q” Theatre: Theatre Tickets.

Lyric, Hammersmith: Theatre Tickets.

Mr. Lane: Fruit, Vegetables and Flowers.

“Daily Telegraph”: Daily Paper.

Mr. Rowles: Sweeping Chimneys.

Mr. Killin: Winding Clocks.

Messrs. Roper, Son and Chapman: Fire Guards.

Mr. B. Chancellor Horne: Iron Office Safe.

Mrs. T. Dolling; Radiant Heat Bath.

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The Isleworth Aid and Welfare Society has had difficult conditions to meet during 1927, being affected by the atrocious weather, and like most kindred institutions has not had quite so good a year as 1926. .The ,l May Day Dances” weie a record success, attended by nearly 2,Out) people and on that occasion blessed with a beautiful afternoon. It is hoped to repeat that success in 1928. “ Pound and Flower Day ” and the “ Forget-me-not ” Day Collections were held as usual. “ Isle¬ worth Day ” happened to coincide with an afternoon when it was not actually laining, but the attendance was not so good as last year, no doubt owing to the doubtful weather.

Governmental restiictions (removed too late) stopped the usual Street Procession and Collection. All things considered, in collecting nearly £200 for the Hospitals alone, apart from sums collected for other charities organised by the Society, the members have reason to be satisfied. Of the amounts collected, Hounslow Hospital received £62, against £71 10s. last year.

If the weather is favourable and the Government do not impose too many restiictions, it is hoped, by continuous effort, to improve greatly this year on 1927.




Those who read our Report of last year will recall that our Com¬ mittee were “all out” to obtain our century—not in runs, but pounds— as a lesult of the season's efforts, and I am pleased to say we achieved our object, having realised the excellent sum of £102 2s. 6d., which was duly handed over on behalf of the Hospital.

it is particularly gratifying to be able to announce that with one exception—a donation of £3 3s.—the whole of the proceeds is the outcome of “ Darts.”

As regards the season now in progress, 13 teams have entered the Competition, against 41 last year.

The handsome Challenge Cup was deservedly won last year by the George TV. Hotel team. To solve the problem — who is the best indi¬ vidual player — Mr. G. Fry has again come to the rescue, and we have launched another Competition, open to individuals within a seven miles radius of Hounslow Hospital. One shilling entrance fee is charged, and a Cup will become the winner’s own property. We are hoping that this venture will prove as successful as our “ Challenge Cup Competition.” With the two, we are looking forward to being able to hand over £150.

In conclusion, my Committee instructs me to thank our many sup¬ porters during the three years of the Competition's existence, and sin¬ cerely hope they will continue to help such a worthy institution as the Hounslow Hospital.

Yours faithfully, E. W. BUCKEE, Hon Sec., H.H.D.C.

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Hounslow hospital charity cup competition.

The Committee of the above are pleased to report that during the year they have handed to the Hospital £46 18s. 10d., being the Total Gate Receipts of the competition. Included in this amount is a donation of £7 3s. 4d. from Building Enterprises, Ltd., being the result of Inter- Works Matches arranged by Mr. Hall.

Special thanks are due to our energetic Secretary, Mr. A. H. Spink, who introduced the Name Card Competition which enabled the Com¬ mittee to purchase the Medals required for the competition, also to the Vice-Presidents, who have again contributed towards the running ex¬ penses. The total now raised amounts to £289 15s. 3d.

It is with sincere regret that through pressure of business I have been compelled to give up the position of Treasurer, but I am delighted to report that Mr. J. Howler, who is in close touch with the competing clubs, has kindly agreed to succeed me.



The amount of £258 19s. lid. was collected in Hounslow District (including Feltham), an increase of £35 6s. 7d. on the previous year.

In return, the Central Committee forwarded a grant of £225 to Hounslow Hospital and two amounts of £10 each to the Nursing Associa¬ tions of the district.

The Hon. Secretary and her workers feel that this is very generous treatment and take this opportunity of thanking all who helped in making the day such a success.



The year 1926 having proved quite the best by enabling us to beat all pievious records, the Committee became imbued witli the ambition to surpass this and raise, at least, £400 towards the Maintenance Fund.

'Unfortunately at our two most important (open-air) functions Pluvius became a most unwelcome guest and “reigned” supreme. It was heart-breaking, particularly so since extra expense had been incurred in order that the functions should be more enjoyable than ever.

Nevertheless, the Committee console themselves that against all adversity, and with the kind assistance of the Tradespeople and R.A.O.B/s, the amount raised reached £150; and they live to fight another year, and, it is hoped, with much success.


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Hon. Vice-Presidents— Mrs. Allen Mrs. Alban-Scott Mrs. Barratt Mrs. Basliford Mrs. Caine Mrs. Christian Mrs. Darke Mrs. Dawes Mis. Daws Mrs. Dumsday Mrs. Elder Mrs. Ellis Mis. Evans Mrs. Fenton Mrs. Gray Mrs. Hair Mrs. E. Lobjoit Mis. Martin Mis. Musgrave Miss Newens Mrs. Osborne Mrs. B. E. Platt Mrs. F. Platt Mrs. Quicke Miss Ratcliffe Mrs. Read Mrs. Robbins Mrs. Roemmelle Mrs. Serjeant Mrs. Summers Mrs. Trembath

Lady Joynson-Hicks.

Mrs. Weekley Mrs. E. W . V ells Mrs. R. B. Wells Mrs. Esmonde White Mrs. Pryddercli-Williams Miss Woods Mis. Yule

Vice-Presidents— Mrs. Adcock Mrs. Andrews Mis. Dixon Box Mis. Brammer Miss Burrell Mrs. Christian Mrs. Cockerell Mrs. Geary Mrs. Fenton Mrs. Ingram Sister Jupp Mi s. Musgrave Mrs. N ewson Miss Nicholes Miss Porter Mrs. Ross Miss Rowlands Mrs. Sliepherdson Mrs. Spicer Miss Tester Mrs. Weatlierliead Mrs. Wheeler Mrs. Woodliffe Mrs. WTootton


President—Lady Joynson-Hicks.

Chairman—Mrs. Fenton.

Hon. Treasurer—

Mrs. R. B. Wells.

Mrs. Brammer Miss Burrell Mrs. Dumsday Mrs. Lobjoit

Matron— Hon. Secretary—

Miss Hester. Mrs. W. F. K. Newson.

Mis. Musgrave Miss F. Nicholes Mrs. Dixon Box Mrs. Prydderch-Williams.

Page 32: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

List of articles given by 36 blankets 41 quilts 55 pillow cases 42 liuckaback towels 72 tea cloths 48 diet cloths 36 children's night dresses 13 bath towels 41 swabs 1 gross breakfast cups and saucers 1 gross tea plates 4 ward tea pots 4 ward milk saucepans 2 mops and pail for theatre 2 O'Cedar mops 4 kettles 48 house flannels 28 sheets 30 yards unbleached calico 50 yards casement cloth 36 children's mugs

the Ladies' Linen League:—- 39 children's plates 25 rubber hot water bottles 15 stone hot water bottles 1 dozen soap dishes 1 dozen tooth brush vases 2 dozen milk jugs / 6 tea pots 1 gross tea cups and saucers Carving knife and fork 3 aluminium saucepans 1 potato masher 2 colanders 1 pair of scales for Children's Ward 50 yards rubber sheeting 20 children's vests 24 hot water bottles, presented by

J. K. Burbridge, Esq. 24 feeding cups 24 theatre overalls 6 doctors' coats Trolley for Men's Ward.

Balance Sheet for RECEIPTS.

£ s. d. £ s. d. Balance in hand

June 1st, 1926 22 13 1 Subscriptions—

President . 2 2 0 Hon. Vice-

Presidents 39 18 0 Vice-Presidents 2 15 0 Associates ... 28 7 0

- 73 2 0 Money in lieu of goods ... 62 1 2

the Year 1926-7. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d.

Stewart and Co. (Doctors' Gowns) 11 2 0

Fenton Pottery Co. (China) 12 18 5

Spicer Bros. (Hot Water Bottles, etc.) 15 14 11

Trebles (Blankets & Linen) 44 18 7 Platts Stores Ltd. (China) 0 15 0 Materials for Work Party 7 17 0 Barber and Co. (Printing) 8 10 Warne and Co.

(Rubber Sheeting) 12 18 4 Tliackray (Baby Scales) ... 1 15 0 Carriage on Crate . 0 4 0 M.S.A. (Trolley and

Doctors' Coats) 13 5 0 Cheque Book. 0 5 0 Mrs. Dumsday

(Op. Table Donation) 5 5 0 D. Stewart and Co.

(Surgeons' Overalls) 10 16 0 Wagstaff & Brunt (Feeders) 0 18 0 Carriage on Feeders . 0 2 0 Postage . l 1 9 Balance in Hand . 9 19 3

£157 16 3 £157 16 3

1 have examined this Account with the Books and Vouchers of the League and, in my opinion, it exhibits a correct view of the transactions of the League from June 30th, 1926. to May 14th, 19?7

C. O. BARTLEY, A.S.A.A., Incorporated Accountant,

May 21th, 1927. 35, Harvard Road, Islewortli.

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Nome. Subscription. bonutint. £ s. d. £ s. d

A. C. E. P. 0 5 0 Ackroyd, Mr. H. 0 5 0 Adams, Mr. C. H. 2 2 0 Adams, Mrs. A. H. l l o Adams, Mrs. H. W. 0 10 6 Adcock. Mr. J. F. 1 l 0 Addis, Mrs. 0 2 6 Alder-ton, Mr. 0 5 3 Aldridge, Mr. A. 0 5 3 All Souls, St. Margaret’s, Sick

and Poor Committee. 110 Allen, Mr. 0 10 6 Allen, Mrs. 0 10 6 Allen, Miss. 0 5 3 Alleway, Mrs. 0 10 6 Alyward, Mr. E. 0 5 3 Amor, Mrs. 0 5 3 Anderson, Pastor A. 110 Ankritt, Miss . 0 10 6 Anon. 0 10 6 Anon. 3 3 0 Anon. 110 Anon., per Westminster Bank ... 1 1 0 Appleton, Mr. 2 2 0 Armstrong, Mrs. 0 2 6 Arnold, Mr. 0 10 6 Ashby, Mr. E. B. 2 2 0 Ashby, Mrs. T. P. 0 10 6 Ashby, Miss . 0 2 6 Ashby’s Brewery Ltd. 110 As prey, Mr. 0 5 3 Atlee, Miss Joan .. ... 0 16 1 Axten, Mrs. 0 8 6 Axten, Mrs. E. 0 2 6 Ayres, Mr. 0 2 6

Bacon, Mrs. 0 2 6 Bailey, Mrs. 0 10 6 Bailey, Mrs. W. 8. 1 1 0 Baines, Mr. W. (J. 1. 1 1 o Baker, Mr. 0 5 3 Baker, Mr. 0 10 6 Baker, Mr. 0 5 3 Baker, Mr. H. J. 110 Baker, Mr. S. W. 0 5 3 Baker, Mr. and Mrs. 110 Baker, Mrs. 0 5 3

Carried forward . 30 11 0 0 16 1

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Name. Subscription. £ s. d.

Brought forward . 30 H 0 Baker, Miss. 0 5 3 Band, Mr. E. H. 0 2 6 Bannister, Mrs. 0 2 6 Bannister, Mrs. 0 2 6 Barber, Mr. P. H. 1 1 0 Barber, Mrs. .. 0 2 6 Barclay's Bank. 110 Barnard, Mrs. 0 5 3 Barnfield, Mr. A.10 0 0 Barnfield, Mr. II. . 15 0 0 Baron, Mr. Bernhard... Barrett, Mr. W... 110 Barron, Messrs. C. W., and Co. ... 1 1 0 Bartlett, Mrs. 110 Bartley, Mr. 0 2 6 Barton, Mr. 0 5 3 Basliford, Kev. A. M. 110 Batchelor, Mrs. 0 15 9 Bateman, Mrs. 0 5 3 Bates, Mrs. 2 2 0 Bayly, Mr. T. C. 0 5 0 Bayly, Mrs. T. C. 0 10 6 Beckley, Mrs. 0 10 6 Bedf'ont Mothers' Meeting. 2 12 6 Beedle, Miss C. C. 0 5 0 Beldam, Messrs. E. and W. 2 2 0 Bennett, Mr. H. F. 110 Bennett, Mrs. E. 0 10 6 Bergin, Mr. A. A. 0 10 6 Bergin, Mrs. ... 1 1 0 Bergin, Miss . 0 5 6 Berry, Mr. H. F. 0 5 3 Best, Mrs. 0 2 6 Betts, Mrs. 0 10 6 Bingham, Mr. E. J. ... 0 5 3 Bird, Mr. 0 8 0 Bird, Mrs. 0 2 6 Blackmore, Mr. and Mrs. 110 Blackmore, Miss. 0 5 3 Blackwood, Mrs. 0 10 6 Blades, Mr. A. J. Blades, Mr. E. Scott. 0 10 6 Blades, Messrs. E. S., and Sons ... 0 10 6 Blair, Mr. 3 3 0 Blake, Mrs. 0 5 3 Bloy, Mrs. E. 0 2 6 Bloy, Mrs. W. 0 5 3 Bond, Mr. 1 1 0 Boness, Mr. T. P. 0 10 0 Bonest, Mrs. Mary .. 0 6 0 Bonnett, Major C. H. D. 2 2 0 Boots The Chemist . 2 2 0 Borges, Mr. A. ... 0 10 6 Bostock, Mrs. .. 1 1 0

Donation. £ s. d. 0 16 1

100 0 0

10 0 0

Carried forward . 92 2 6 110 16 1

Page 35: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

Vamo. 31


Brought forward . Bowles, Miss . Bradford, Mr. G. H. Brammer, Mr. Brandon’s Putney Brewery . Branson, Senior, Mr. II. Branson, Senior, Mrs. II. Branson, Mrs. J. E.. ... Bray, junior, Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Bream, Mr. Bristow, Mr. Bristow, Mr. E. P. British and Argentine Meat Co.... British and Foreign School Society British Legion. British Petroleum Co. Broderers Co., The . Bromwich, Mi*. I'. Brooks, Mr. L. D. Brooks, Mr. J. Brooks, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs, E. L. Brooks, Miss . Brown, Mr. II. Brown, Mr. II. Brown, Mr. W. Brown, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. A. E. Brown, Mrs. E. E. Brown, Mrs. M. J. Brow ton, Mr. Browton, Mr. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs.. ... Brumbridge, Mrs. (Whist Drive) Bryan, Mrs. Bryden, Mrs. A. L. Buckingham, Mrs. Budd, Mr. Budd, Mr. B. C. Budd, Mr. W. Budd, Miss. Bully, Mr. C. P. Burleigh, Miss. Burlington Stores. Burnett, Mrs. Burt, Mr. Burt, Mr. C. A. Butler, Mr. P. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mrs. .. Butler, The Misses . Butterfield, Mr.

£ s. d. 92 2 6

0 2 6 110 0 10 6 5 5 0 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 10 6

0 5 3 0 5 3 1 1 0 0 2 6 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 2 0

0 10 6 2 10 0 0 10 6 0 5 0 0 10 6 0 2 6 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 2 6 0 5 6 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 2 6 0 5 3 0 8 0 1 1 0

0 2 6 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 5 0 0 10 6 0 10 6 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 10 6 0 2 6 0 2 6

Dona1 ion. £ s. d.

110 16 1

1 1 0

11 5 10 2 20 5 5 0

1 7 6

Carried forward * ♦» »»t 125 16 6 134 17 5

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Brought forward ... .. Caine, Mr. F. J. Caldwell, Mr. J. Callard, Mrs. ... Caplan, Mrs. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Carrington, Mr. Carter, Mr. C.. Carter, Mr. P. F. F. Cartwright, Mr. Cal throw, Miss L. Cawte, Mr. C. R. Cawte, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. . . Chandler, Mr. C. Chandler, Mrs. Chandler, Miss . Charman, Mr. J. Chatfield, Mr. Chedgey, Mr. Cheshire, Mrs. Chesterman-Smitli, Mrs. J. Chick, Mr. Child, Miss R. Chilton, Mr. Chitty, Mr. Chit-ty, Mr. F. D.’ Chitty, Mr. G. Chitty, Mr. G. C. Chitty, Mr. H. Chitty, Mr. H. E. Chitty, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Chitty, Mrs. Chitty, Mrs. H. E. Chitty, Miss J. Chitty, Miss K. Churcher, Miss .' Clancey, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Clarke. Mrs. .... .. Clarke, Mrs. Clawson, Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. Clemence, Mrs. Clifford, Mr. F. W. Clifford, Mr. W. Clifford, Mr. W. C. ..' Clifford, Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. C.’ Clou ter, Mrs. Cl outer. Miss E. E. Cobb, Mr. II. Cobbe, Mrs. Co bon, Mrs.

Subscription. £ s. d.

.. 125 16 6

. 0 10 6 • ... 0 10 6 . 0 5 3 . ... 0 10 6 . 110 . ... 0 10 6 . 0 2 6

.026 . 0 10 6 .029 .029 .053 .053 .050

0 5 3 . 0 10 6 . 0 10 6

0 5 3 0 5 3

.053 0 5 3 0 2 6 0 2 7 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 2 2 0 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 2 6 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 10 6 0 7 6 0 5 0 0 5 3 0 5 3 10 0 4 4 0 110 1116 0 2 6 0 10 6 0 10 6 1 1 0 0 2 6 0 5 3

Donation. £ s. d.

134 17 5

0 16 9

Carried forward . 152 9 7 1.3,5 u %

Page 37: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive


Name. Subscription. £ s. d.

Brought foiward .152 9 7 Cockell, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Coe, Mr. II. 0 10 6 Cohen, Mr. E. Ti. 0 10 6 Cole, Mr. and Mrs. 0 5 3 Coleman, Mrs. 0 5 3 Coles, Mr. 0 10 6 Collinge, Miss. 0 5 3 Collinge, Miss B. 110 Collins, Mr. Collins, Mr. II. Collins, Mr. J. W. F. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. 0 5 3 Colson, Mr. 0 4 0 Colson, Mrs. 0 10 0 Cook, Mr. A. W. 0 5 0 Cook, Mr. W. E. 1 1 0 Cook, Miss . 0 2 6 Cooke, Mr. N. 0 2 6 Cooke, Mrs. 0 5 3 Cooper, Mr. 0 5 3 Cooper, Mr. 0 5 3 Cooper, Mr. A. 0 5 3 Cooper, Mrs. 0 10 6 Cooper, Mrs. 0 5 3 CoGper, Mrs. 0 5 3 Cooper, Mrs. 0 2 6 Cooper, Mrs. 0 2 6 Coote, Mrs. 0 5 3 Cottey, Mrs. 0 5 3 Corby, Mr. 0 5 3 Counsel 1, Mrs. 0 2 6 County School Boys . 5 5 0 Cowley, Airs. 0 2 6 Cox, Airs. 0 5 3 Crabtree, Airs. E. ID. 0 5 3 Cragg, Mr. S. 0 5 3 Cragg, Airs. . 110 Cranford Children’s Collection ... 11 0 6 Crouch, Air. 0 2 6 Crouch, The Alisses. 110 Cuff-Adams, Airs ... . .. 0 5 3 Cursons, Air. F. .T. 0 10 6 (Just, Air. G. 0 5 3 Cutler, Mr. A. B. I 1 0 Cutler, Airs. H., Senior . 0 10 6 Cutler, Air. and Mrs. W. IT. 110 Cutting, Airs. 0 10 6

Donation. £ s. d.

135 14 2

0 10 0 1 0 0 2 10 0

Dadds, Air. W. IT. 0 5 6 Danels, Airs. George. 0 2 6 Dare, Mrs. 0 10 6 Davies, Mrs. 0 5 3 Davis, Air. 0 5 0 Davis, Air. 0 2 6

Carried forward t * • f • • 187 7 10 130 H 2

Page 38: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

u £ s. d.

Drought forward . 187 7 10 Davis, Mr. F. J. 110 Davis, Mr. II. 0 5 0 Davis, Messrs. James and John ... 2 2 0 Davis, Miss R. M. 0 2 6 Daws, Mr. C. R. 1 6 3 Daws, Mrs. F. W. 1 11 6 Daws, Mr. S. 110 Daws, Mrs. 0 10 6 Daws, Miss C. 0 5 3 Daws, Miss M. 0 5 3 Day, Mr. C. A. S. 110 Day, Mr. W. H. 3 0 0 Deller, Mrs. 0 10 6 Dexter, Mr. 0 5 3 Dexter, Mr. 0 5 3 Dew, Mr. E. H. 110 Dickinson, Mrs. 0 10 6 Dinnage, Miss . 0 10 6 Dislier, Mrs. 0 5 3 Dives, Mr. II. 110 Dixon, Mr. E. II. 1 1 0 Dobson, Mr. 0 10 6 Dobson, Mr. E. W. 5 0 0 Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. 0 2 (? Doll Competition, per Mrs. Chas.

Sliawyer . 12 14 6 Douglas, Mrs. 0 2 6 Downes, Mrs. S. 0 2 6 Downey, Mr. T. G. 0 10 6 Draper, Miss . 0 5 3 Dray, Mr. H. J. 0 10 6 Dray, Mrs. 0 10 6 Drayton, Miss . 0 2 !) Dumsday, Mr. Charles . 1 1 0 Dumsday, Mr. W. II. Ill 6 Dumsday, Mrs. 1 1 0 Dunlop, Mrs. 0 26 Dunton, Mr. S. II. 0 10 6 Darrant, Mrs. 0 5 0


130 14 2

Eady, Mrs. . 0 5 3 Eastwood, Mrs. .. 0 5 3 Eastwood. Mrs... . 0 5 3 Ebenezer Home . . 0 5 3 Eckford, Mr. H. E... . 1 1 0 Edgcombe, Mrs. . 0 2 6 Edgerton, Mrs. . 0 10 6

Edwards, Mrs. . 0 5 0 Edwards, Mr. W. A. ... ,.. Edwards, Miss . . 0 7 6

Eke, Mrs. C. . 0 10 0

Elder, Mrs. . 0 5 3

Ellis, Mrs. F. . 0 5 3 Embleton, Mrs. 10 6

Carried forward 235 U 4 140 15 2

Page 39: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

a.) Name. Subscription,

£ s, cl. Brought forwaid . 235 11 4

Embleton, Miss M. 0 5 3 Emmett, Mr. W. 0 2 6 Emmett, Mrs. W. 0 2 (> England, Mr. England, Mr. A. 0 JO 6 En tic knap, Mr. 0 5 3 Esmonde-White, Mrs. 0 5 3 Estridge, Mrs. 0 5 3 E. T. E. 0 5 0 Evans, Mrs. 1 1 0 Evans, Mrs. 0 5 8 Evans, Mrs. 0 5 0 Evans, Mrs. Kay . 0 5 3 Evans, Nurse G. 0 5 3 Everett, Mr. H. 110

Donation. £ s. d.

140 15 2

0 5 0

Earrner, Mrs. 0 10 0 Ear rant, Miss. 0 5 3 E<\rrant. Miss R. 0 5 3 Eeltham Eire Brigade, 1926—1927 .... Ill 6 Feltham Oddfellows. 20 0 0 Fenn, Mrs. 1 1 0 Ferry, Mr. G. 0 5 3 Ferry, Mrs. 0 5 3 Ferry, Mrs. 0 2 6 Finch, Mr. II. J. 0 5 3 Fislier, Mrs. 110 Fisher, Miss. 0 5 6 Flicker, Mrs. 0 5 3 Fogg, Mr. J. R. 0 5 3 Fogg, Mrs. 0 5 3 Forman, Mrs. 0 7 6 Foster, Mrs. Fowler, Mr. H. J. 0 2 6 Franks, Mrs. 0 10 6 Freeman, Hardy & Willis, Messrs. 110 Fridy, Mr. T. E. 2 2 0 Fridy, Mr. J. C. 0 10 6 Fromow, Mr. J. 1 1 0 Frost, Mrs. 0 5 3 Fry, Mrs. 0 5 3 Fry, Miss . 0 10 6 Fulcher, Mrs. 0 5 3

L 0

Gadson, Mr. Gordon . 0 5 6 Gardener, Mr. P. Chase . 2 2 0 Garland, Mr. H. 0 2 6 Garland, Mrs. 0 5 3 Garner, Colonel W. 110 Garrood, Mrs. 0 5 3 Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd. ...2 2 0 Gatfield, Miss . 1 0 0 Gat field, Miss . 0 5 3 Gat land, Mr. R. E. 0 10 6

Carried forward 282 10 1 142 1 2

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Subscription. £ s. cl.

Brought feiwaid . £82 10 1 Gaydon, Mr. N. W. 0 10 6 Geary, Mrs. 2 2 0 Gearing, Mrs. 0 5 3 Geer, Mr. H. C. 1 U 6 George, Mrs. 0 6 3 Gibbons, Mr. C. S. 0 10 6 Gibbs, Mrs... 0 3 0 Gibson, Mr. 0 10 6 Gibson, Miss .• . 0 2 G Giffard, Miss . 0 2 6 Gillett, Mr. J. D. 0 10 6 Giltrow, Mr. F. A. B. 2 2 0 Girdlers Co., The . Gleeson, Mr. 0 2 6 Glisson, Mr. 0 5 3 Goddard, Mr. 0 10 6 Goddard, Miss . 110 Godwin, Mr. 0 5 3 Goff, Mr. C. 0 10 6 Goff, Mrs. H. M.... 0 5 3 Goff, Miss A. M. 1 1 0 Goff, Miss M. 0 5 3 Gold, Mrs.. . 0 5 3 Golds, Mrs. E, L. 0 5 3 Goodenougli, Mrs. 3 3 0 Goodge, Mrs. 0 2 6 Goodwin, Mrs. 0 5 3 Gostling, Mrs. 0 10 6 Gourlay, Mr. 0 5 3 Govett, Mr. .. 0 5 3 Gower, Mr. 110 Grant, Mr. A. Id. 110 Gray, Mr. E. F. ... . 0 5 3 Gray, Mr. H. A. 110 Gray, Mr. W. R. 0 10 6 Gray Bros., Messrs. 3 3 0 Green, Air. A. V. 110 Green, Mr. T. 110 Green, Miss . Green and Sons, Messrs. 1 1 0 Greig, Messrs. David . 110 Griffith Bros., Messrs. 110 Grigson, Mr. 0 10 6 Grim wood, Mr. F. 1 1 0 Grout, Mrs. S. 110 Groves, Miss II. 0 5 3 Guyett, Mrs. 0 5 3 Guyton, Miss L. F. . 110

Donation. £ s. d.

142 1 2

8 0 0

0 15 0

Hair, Airs. 1 1 0 Hall, Mrs. 0 2 6 Hall, Airs. 0 2 6 Hamilton, Air. 0 5 6

318 18 1 150 16 Brought forward . o

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frame. Subscription. Honatiof). £ s. d. £ s. d

Brought forward . 318 18 1 150 16 2 Hancock, Mrs.0 < 6 Harding, Mr. A. 110 Harding, Mr. II. N. 2 2 0 Harding, Mrs. A. E. i. 110 Harding, Miss M. A. ... 1 L 0 Haile, Mr. . 1 1 6 Harmer, Mr.0 5 3 Harlington Brotherhood . 110 Harris, Mr. F. 0 5 3 Harris, Mrs. 0 2 6 Harris* Stores . 1 1 0 Harrison, Mr. 1 1 Harrison, Mr. G. L. 1 1 6 Harrison, Mrs. 6 5 3 Harrow, Mrs. 6 5 3 Hart, Mr. A. H. 0 5 3 Hart, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 0 Haverty, Mrs. C. I 1 3 Harvey, Mrs. R. E. 0 10 6 Ilaward, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Hawkins, Mr. J. 110 Haylock, Mrs. 0 5 3 Hayward, Mr. W. 0 10 6 Hazeldene, Mr. 0 10 6 Hearne, Mr. 0 5 3 Heath, Mr. E. J. 1 ] ? Heath, Mrs. 0 5 3 Heaver, Mrs. B. 0 5 6 Heaver, Miss . ^ 0 ” Hedger, Mr. C. 110 Hedges, Mr. 0 5 3 Helm, Miss N. T. 0 2 6 Henegan, Mr. R. L. 0 5 3 Herrington, Mr. 0 2 6 Heston Church Bible Class . 2 2 0 Heston, Hounslow and Isleworth

Masonic Charity .75 0 0 Heston Wesleyan Sunday School 1 18 4 Hickson, Mrs. F. J. 110 Hill, Miss . 0 2 6 Hillier, Mrs. 6 5 3 Hillman, Mrs. 6 10 6 Hilton, Mrs. 0 2 6 Hinks, Mrs. 6 2 6 Hodges, Mr. R. J. 0 5 3 Hodges, Miss E. 6 5 3 Hodgkinson, Miss . 0 5 3 Hodgsons Kingston Brewery . 2 2 0 Hod kin, Mr. 3 3 Hogbin, Mr. P. 0 2 6 Hogbin, Mrs. 0 2 6 Holbrook, Mrs. f» r> 3 Holloway, Mrs. 0 5 3

Carried forward . 425 0 2 151 1 8

Page 42: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive


Name. Subscription. Donation. £ s. d. £ s. d.

Brought forward . 425 0 2 151 1 8 Holloway, Mrs. 0 2 6 Holloway, Miss F. 0 5 3 Home and Colonial Stores . 0 10 6 Hooper, Mr. G. B. 110 Hooke, Mrs. 0 5 6 Hope, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Horne, Mr. 13. C. 110 Horne, Mr. E. C. ... . 0 10 6 Horne and Sons, Messrs. 110 Horne, Miss J. 0 5 3 Horne, Miss N. H. 0 5 3 Horne, the Misses E. G. and

D. M. 0 10 6 Hounslow Conservative Club, per

Mr. E. W. Wells . 4 12 0 Hounslow Conservative Club,

upkeep of cot . 8 0 0 Hounslow Cricket and Sports Club

Concert . 9 2 0 1st Hounslow Girl Guides . 10 0 Hounslow Girl Guides, 4th Coy. 1 10 Hounslow Homing Society . 4 4 5 Hounslow Men's Own . 2 2 0 Hounslow Philanthropic Society 10 10 0 Hounslow Police Dance . 31 0 0 Hounslow Post Office Employees 5 0 0 Hounslow Sisterhood . 2 12 6 Howarth, Mrs. 0 2 6 Howatson, Miss . 0 5 3 Howe, Mrs. .. 0 5 6 Howells, Messrs. 0 5 3 Howland, Mrs. 0 12 0 Hog, Miss. 0 10 6 Hughes, Mr. 0 2 6 Hughes, Mr. E. 0. 0 10 6 Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Humphries, Miss E. G. 0 10 6 Hunter, Mrs. 1 1 0 Hutchins, Miss A. 0 10 0 Hylton, Mr. Jack . 10 0 0

Inman, Mr. S. 5 0 0 International Tea Stores . 0 10 6 Ireland, Mr. 0 2 6 Irving, Mrs. 2 0 0 Islewortli Brewery Co.10 10 0 Isleworth Parochial Charities ... 10 10 0 Islewortli Philanthropic Society... 3 3 0

Jackson, Mrs. 0 5 0 Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Jaggin, Mr. M. 0 5 3 James, Mrs. E. H. 0 5 3

Carried forward . 495 5 10 214 16 8

Page 43: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive


Hounslow Hospital Demonstration Committee —

Luto, Mr. A. J. ...

Ladies’ Line?i League—

Fenton, Mrs.

Lady Collectors—

Greig, Mrs.

Box Collectors—

Lee-Uff, Mr. H.

Hounslow Hospital Football Charity Cup—

Spink, Mr. A. H.

Lsleworth Aid and Welfare Society—

.Chedgey, Mrs, T.

Hounslow Horse Show—

Pylmer, Mr. J. Lynwood

Hounslow Hospital Dart Comp. Committee—

Fry, Mr. G.

In voting please mark your paper as :

Robinson, John X

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* f «*


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.Brought forwaul .. Jeffreys, Miss. Jeffs, Mr. .. Jennings, Mr. Jersey, The late Earl’s Jones, Mr. E. C. Jones, Mr. H. S. Jones, Mr. W. Iv. Jones, Miss . Jones, Miss M. Jordan, Mrs. D. J. Jupp, Sister .

Subsci iption. £ s. d.

. 4*95 5 10

. 0 2 6

. 0 10 6

. 0 5 3 Estate ...110 . 2 2 0 . 0 5 6 . 1 1 0 . 0 5 3 . 0 5 3 . 0 10 6 . 0 10 0

Kenny, Mr. 0 10 6 Kent, Mrs. 0 2 6 Kenwood, Mr. W. T. 110 Kimber, Mrs. E. 10 0 King, Mrs. F. 0 10 6 King, Mrs. 0 2 6 Kingston, per Mrs. (Concert) ... Kingston and District F.C. 2 10 0 Kirby, Mr. 0 5 3 Kirby, Mr. H. T. 0 5 3 Knapp, Mrs. 0 2 6 Knight, Rev. H. J. 0 10 6

Labram, Mrs. Labram, Mrs. Lacey, Mr. Lacey, Mr. William Lake, Mrs. B. C. . Lambert, Mrs. Lancaster, Mrs. Langley, Miss E. ... Lanliam, Mr. E. H. Lanliam, Mr. H. H. Langner, Mr. B. ... Larter, Mrs. Laurie, Miss . Lawrence, Mr. Lawes, Mrs. Lawson, Mr. Lavcock, Mr. Ledsham, Miss ... Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Lee-Uff, Mr. W. ... Lee-TJff, Mrs. H. ... Leffler, Miss . Leigh field, Mrs. ... Lentell, Mr. Lepine, Mr. Lepine, Miss . Lester, Rev. E. ... Lewis, Mr. E. J. ...

0 2 6 0 5 3 0 10 6 2 2 0 0 10 6 0 10 0 0 2 6 0 10 6 0 2 6 0 10 0 2 1 1 0 5 1 1 0 5 0 10 0 10 0 2 0 10 2 2 1 1 0 5 0 10 0 2 0 10 0 10 2 2 0 5

Donation, s. 11.

214 16 8

7 4 0

Carried forward Iff ! f f 526 9 7 222 0 8

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Name. Subscription.

Brought forward . Lewis, Mrs. Lewis and Burrows, Messrs. ... Lilley and Skinner, Messrs. ... Ling wood, Mrs. Liptons Ltd. Llewellin, Mr. W. W. Lloyd, Mrs. Lloyd, Miss M. Lloyds Bank . Lobjoit, Mr. E. W. Locker, Mrs. . London Co-operative Society...

Long, Mr. Long, Mrs. Longley, Mr. and Mrs. Lonney, Mr. Love, Mr. R. C. Lowe, Mrs. .. Lucking, Mr. Luffle, Mr. F. W.

£ s. d. 526 9 7 . 0 10 6 . 0 10 6 . 0 10 6 .026 . 0 10 0 .220 .110 .056 . 1 11 6 ,.500 ..026 ..110 .. 0 10 6 ..026 ..053 ..026 .. 0 10 6 ..040 ..050 ..026

Donation. £ s. d.

222 0 8

McBain, Mr. 0 10 6 McConnell, Mrs. 0 2 6 McGowan, Mrs. ... .. 0 5 3 Maddison and Son, Messrs. 0 11 0 Madbury, Mr. ^ ^ ^ Manley, Mrs. 0 5 6 Mann, Mrs. 0 10 6 Manning, Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 0 Manton, Mr. 0 2 6 Maundrel, Mrs,. 0 2 6 Marchment, Mrs. 0 2 6 Margaret . ^ ^ 6 Marlow, Mr. W. .T. .. 0 10 6 Marshall, Mr. 0 2 6 Martin, Mr. 1 1 0 Martin, Mr. C!. ^ 10 6 Martin, Mrs. 0 5 3 Martin, Mrs. C. 0 5 3 Mason, Mr. J. F. 110 Mason, Mr. W. F. Masters, Mrs. W. H. 0 2 6 Mas well Park Christian Assembly 2 2 0 Maxted, Mrs. 0 2 6 May, Mr. H. O. E. ... . 1 1 0 May, Mrs. B. A. 0 5 3 Maycock, Mrs. 0 5 3 Maynard, Mr. 0 ^ ^ Mayoss, Mr. F. G. 0 2 6 Maypole Dairy Co. 1 1 0 Mercer, Mr. 0 10 6 Merriman, Mrs. 0 5 3 Merritt, Mrs. 0 5 3 Meyers, Mr. V, H. L. 2 2 0

Carried forward ... m 558 12 10

10 10 0

232 10 8

Page 47: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive


Namo. Subscription. £ s. d.

.558 12 10 Employees

Brought forward “Middlesex Chronicle” Middlesex County F.A. Millar, Dr. Miller, Mrs. Millman, Mrs. F. E. Minto, Mr. and Mrs. Mionnett, Mis. AT ist, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mizen, Mr. and Mrs., and family Moffatt, Mrs. Montague, Mr. C. Montgomery, Mr.


Donat ion. £ s. d.

232 10 8

Montgomery, Moore, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Morman, Mr. Morris, Mrs.

Morris, Mrs. ... Motherland Film Motrim, Mrs. ... Mule, Mrs. Mumford, Mr. ... Munday, Mrs. .. Murfitt, Mr. W. Musk, Mr. A. W Muskett, Mr. E.




National Provincial Bank . Naylor, Mr. Naylor and Co., Messrs. .T. W. Neale. Mrs. New, Mr. H. W. Newberry, Mr. R. A. Newman, Mr. Newman, Mr. Newman, Mr. J. A. Newman, Air. R. Newman, Airs. Newman, Airs. Newson, Colonel and Mrs. Newson, Aliss . Nicholes, Aliss F. Nicholls, Air. C. H. Nixon, Mrs. Noakes, The Misses . Notton, Aliss . Norgate, Air. Norrington, Airs. Norris, Airs. Norris, Airs.

10 7 6 4 0 0 0 10 6 0 5 6 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 5 3 2 8 0 0 5 3 0 10 6 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 6 0 5 6 0 10 6 0 2 6 0 5 3 0 5 3

0 0

0 2 6 0 5 3 0 10 6 1 1 0 0 2 6 0 5 3

1 11 6 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 1 1 0 0 10 6 0 10 6 0 5 3 0 5 3

0 0 4 0 0 2 6 3 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

0 10 6 0 2 6 0 5 3 0 3 0 10 6 0 5 0 2 0 10

3 6 6

6 0

0 10 6

Carried forward * t» »i * 602 0 4 233 13 8

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►Subscript ion Donation, £ s. (i. £ s. 'I

Drought forward . 602 0 4 233 13 8 Nortlicote, Mr. 0 10 6 Nunn, Mrs. 0 5 6

Oakley, Mr. G. 5 5 0 Oakley, Mrs. H. K. 0 5 3 Ogle, Mrs. E. D. 0 2 6 Old Islewortliians E.C. 3 6 11 (TKeiffe, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Oliver, The Misses . 110 Osborne, Mr. F. 1 1 0 Osborne, Mrs. ... 0 10 6 Osborne, Mrs. 0 2 6 Osterley Park Tennis Club . 0 10 0 Osterley Eugby F.C. 0 10 6 Over, Mrs. 2 2 0 Owen, Mrs.. ... .. 0 10 6 Owren, Miss. 0 5 3

Page, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 0 5 6 Paine, Mrs. 0 2 6 Paines, Mr. Edward . 0 2 6 Palin, Miss. 0 10 6 Palmer, Mrs. 0 2 6 Parke Davis, Messrs. (Sale of

Fruit) . 7 6 0 Parker, Mr. J. A. .. 5 0 0 Parsons, Mr. C. 0 5 3 Parsons, Mrs. 0 2 6 Partington, Mrs. E. 110 Pateman, Mr. ... 0 10 6 Paton, Mrs. 0 10 6 Payne, Mr. J. T. 0 5 3 Peake, Colonel H. E. 110 Pearce, Mr. and Miss. 0 5 3 Pearce, Mr. G. 0 10 6 Pearks Dairies Ltd., Mes^s. 0 10 6 Pears, Captain, and Employees

(Upkeep of Cot) . 50 0 6 Pentelow, Mr. and Mrs. 0 5 3 Pentney, Mr. A. S. 0 10 6 Perks, Mr. H. Wilton . 1 1 0 Perring, Mr. John. 1 l 0 Perrott, Mr. A. B. 110 Perry, Mrs. 0 5 3 Peters, Miss . 0 4 0 Phillips, Mr. G. H. 0 10 0 Piercey, Mr. 1 11 6 Pilborough, Mr. A. J. 0 5 3 Pitcher, Mrs. 0 2 6 Plank, Mr. 0 5 3 Plastow, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Platts Stores . ... 3 3 0 Pluckrose, Mrs. 0 2 6 Plumbridge, Mrs. ... . 0 2 6

Carried forward ,«. 635 IQ Q 297 5 3

Page 49: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive

43 Name.

Brought forward .. Plummer, Mrs. Poeock, Major . Poole, Mrs. Pope, Mr. Porter, Mr. J. II. Poult on, Mr. Poulton, Mr. Poulton, Mr. and Mrs. Poulton, Miss . Poulton, Miss . Powell, Mrs. Powell, Miss . Power, Mr. Charles M. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. ... Pratt, Mrs. Prentis, Mrs. Preston, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Pi ing, Mr. Pringle, Mr. Pritchard, Mrs. Proctor, Mrs. Pryor, Mrs. P.S.A., per Mr. Corby P.S.A. (Women) .

Subscription. £ s. d.

.. 635 10 0

. 110

. 110

. 0 2 0

. 0 2 G

. 1 1 0 . ... 0 2 G . ... 0 2 G . 0 10 G . 0 5 3 . 0 2 fi . 0 2 6 . 0 2 6 . 110 . 0 5 3 . 0 5 3 . 0 2 0 . 0 5 0 . 0 5 3 . 0 5 3 . 0 2 6 . 0 2 G . 0 5 3 . 0 5 G . 10 10 0 . 2 2 0

Donation. £ s. d.

297 5 2

Quicke, Mrs. 110 Quinion, Mrs. 0 10 G Quinion, Mrs. F. J. 0 10 G

Rainbow, Mr. 0 8 0 R.A.O.B., Sir Garnet Wolseley Lodge. 5 5 0

Pansom, Mr. J. E. 0 2 G Ratcliffe. Miss A. 0 10 G Ravenscroft, Mr. J. A. 0 10 G Ravenscroft, Mrs. 0 2 6 Read and Hann, Messrs. 0 5 3 Reading, Mr. C. H. 110 Reading, Mrs. C. II. 1 1 0 Reakes, Miss . 0 5 3 Redfern, Mr. N. 0 5 3 Rego Clothiers Ltd., Messrs. 110 Reynolds, Mr. 0 2 6 Reynolds, Mrs. 0 5 3 Richards, Mr. 0 5 3 Richards, Mr. .T. R. 0 10 G Richardson, Mr. 0 10 G Richardson, Mr. E. N. 0 10 G Richardson and Son, Messrs. ... 0 10 G Richardson, Mrs. 0 10 G Richmond Oddfellows . 110 Rickerby, Mr. 0 5 3 Ridley, Mr. W. J. 5 5 0

Carried forward G78 17 G 297 5 2

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a Namo. Subscription. Donation.

£ s. d. £ ' Brought forward . 678 17 fc> 297 5 2

Rivers, Mrs. E. E. ... . 6 10 6 Eivett, Mrs.. .. 0 5 3 Robbins, Mr. A. J. - 2 0 Robbins, Mr. E. J. 110 Robbins, Mr. J. W. 3 6 0 Roberts, Mr. 0 2 6 Roberts, Mrs. 0 2 6 Robef 3, Mrs. 0 5 3 Roberts, Miss . 6 2 6 Roberts, Miss M. 0 5 0 Roberts, Mrs. (Shawl CompRion) 5 6 0 Robertson, Mr. A. 1 1 0 Robertson, Mrs. A. V. 1 1 0 Robins, Mrs. 0 2 6 Robinson, Mr. C. H. ... .. 0 10 6 Rock, Mr. F. .. 1 1 0 Rogers, Rev. W. O. B. 110 Rogers, Mr. M. S. 1 1 6 Rogers, Mrs. M. T. 1 1 0 Rogers, Miss ... 0 2 6 Rogers, Miss . 6 5 3 Roper, Mrs. 0 10 6 Roper, Son and Chapman, Messrs. 110 11) 0 Rose, Mr. G. E. 0 15 9 Rose, Mr. J. 1 1 6 R ose Mrs . 6 o 3 Ross’ Mr. W. T., and Family ... 0 10 6 Ross, Mrs. 0 2 6 Rowbottom, Mrs. 6 5 3 Royal Fusiliers Association . 3 3 0 Ruffle, Mr. and Mrs. . 2 2 0 Rule, Mrs. 0 5 3 Rummins, Mr. and Mrs. ... 0 5 3 Rylands, Mr. G. C. 5 0 0

Sadler, Mrs. K. E. Sainsbury, Mrs. H. Sainsbury, Miss M. Sainty, Mrs. Salmon, Miss . Sammels, Mrs. Sanders, Mr. E. W. 6 10 0 Scaife, Mr. J. W. 0 5 3 Schroder, Mrs. 0 2 6 Schubert, Mr. and Mrs. 0 2 6

Scottish Clans Association . 5 10 0 Seaman, Mr. E. W. 0 5 3 Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. 0 5 3 Searle, Mrs. 0 5 3 Searle, Miss. 6 5 3 Sedgewick, Miss . 0 5 3 Seton, Mr. 6 10 6

Carried forward ... «• • • • • 719 4 3 309 6 2

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Subscription. £ s. d.

Brought forward . 719 4 3 Seward, Mr. J. E. 0 7 6 Seward, Miss. 0 5 3 Seymour, Mrs. 0 5 3 Sliaekleton, Mr. 0 5 3 Sliarland, Mr. 0 10 6 Sharman, Mrs. 0 10 6 Sharman, The Misses . 0 5 3 Sharp, Mr. 0 2 6 Sharpington, Mr. 0 10 0 Sharps, Mrs. 0 2 G Shawyer, Mrs. Charles . 0 10 G Sheppard, Mr. H. C. 2 2 0 Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. 110 Sherman, Mrs. 0 5 0 Slieiry, Mrs. 0 2 G Sherwin, Mrs. 0 10 6 Shorry, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. 2 2 0 Showmen, Heston Fair. 10 0 Shuft‘, Mrs. 0 10 G Siddle, Mrs. 0 5 3 Sidnell, Mr. 0 2 6 Sills, Mrs. 0 10 0 Simmons, Mr. W. II. 1 1 0 Simmer, Miss. 0 12 0 Sims, Mr. 1 1 0 Skeats, Mrs. 0 5 3 Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. 0 5 3 Slattery, Mr. H. H. 2 2 0 Smart, Mrs. 0 5 3 Smiles, Mrs. 0 2 6 Smith, Mrs. 0 5 3 Smith, Mrs. 0 2 G Smith, Mrs. 0 2 6 Smith, Mrs. E. Smithers, Miss . 0 5 3 Southall and District F.C. 6 0 0 Southcott, Mr. T. 0 10 G Southon, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ...110 Sparrow, Mr. W. 110 Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 6 Spicer, Mrs. 0 10 6 Spink, Mrs. 0 5 3 Spooner, Mr. 110 Squire, Mrs. 0 10 6 St. Mary’s, Isleworth, United

Girl Guides . 2 10 0 Staines Union . 5 5 0 Standford, Mr. .T. 0 5 3 Stephens, Mr. 0 5 6 Stert, Mrs. 0 5 3 Stewart, Mrs. 0 2 6 Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 0 5 3 Stevens, Mrs. 0 5 6

Donation. £ s. d

309 6 2

0 5 0

Carried forward ... . 758 14 9 309 11 2

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Name. Subscription. £ s. d.

Brought foiward ... . 758 14 9 Stevens, Miss . .. 0 5 3 Stransom, Mrs. 0 10 6 Stribling, Mr. 0 5 3 Strong, Mrs. 110 Stubbs, Mrs..' . 0 5 3 Such, Mrs. 3 3 0 Sudul, Miss E. Summerfield, Mr. 0 2 6 Swift, Mrs. A. 0 5 3 Syms, Mr. B. M. 0 10 6

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. 110 Taylor Bros., Messrs. 0 2 6 Taylor, Mrs. 0 5 3 Taylor* Mrs. 0 5 3 Templeton, Mrs. .. 0 5 3 Testa, Mrs. 0 4 0 Thick, Mr. P. 0 10 0 Thirty-three Club... 5 5 0 Thomas, Mrs. 0 3 0 Thomas, Mrs. 0 2 6 Thomasons Ltd., Messrs.. 1 1 0 Thomason, Mr. G. C. 0 10 6 Thomason, Mr. Guy. 0 10 6 Thomason, Mr. H.. ... 0 10 6 Thomason, Mrs. 1 1 0 Thomason, Mrs. G. 0 2 6 Thomason, Mrs. P. 0 10 6 Thomason, Miss A. M. 0 10 6 Thompson, Mrs. W. 0 5 3 Thurlow, Miss H. E. 1 15 0 Tillier, Mr. and Mrs. .. 0 15 9 Tilling, Mr. C. 0 10 0 Tilney, Mr. 5 0 0 Toms, Mr. 0 2 6 Treadwell Bros., Messrs. 110 Trembatli, Mrs. 1 1 0 Trevor O weir’s Concert . Trimble, Mrs. ... 010 6 Tripp, C. E. 0 5 3 True Form Boot Co... 1 1 0 Turner, Mr. E. W. 0 10 6 Turner, Mr. W. G. 1 1 0 Turner, Mrs.. . 0 5 3 Turvey, Mr. J. 0 10 6

Underdown, Mrs. 0 5 3 United Devotion Meeting of Free Churches.

Varney, Mr. G. 1 1 Varney, Mr. Owen . 0 10 6 Venn, Mrs. S. 0 2 6

Donation. £ s. d.

309 11 2

2 0 0

29 9 10

3 8 10

Carried forward . 794 18 3 344 9 10

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Name. Subscription. Donation. £ s. cl. £ s. d.

Brought forward . 791 18 3 341 9 10 Vialls, Mrs. 1 l 0 Vialls, Miss . 110 Vickers, Mr. C. D. 110 Victoria Wine Co., Ltd,, The ... 1 1 0 Vinnicombe, Mr. 3 3 0 Venning, Mr. 0 5 3 u Vivians ” . 0 10 6

Wade, Mrs. 0 5 3 Wadham, Mr. S. 0 10 6 Wadham, Mrs. 0 5 3 Wadsworth, Miss . 0 2 6 Walker, Mr. W. H. 0 10 6 Walker, Mrs. 0 5 3 Walker, James, Ltd. 1 1 0 Walsh, Mr. R. W. 0 10 0 Walsh am, Mr. and Mrs., and Sons 110 Ward, Mr. F. H. 0 2 6 Ward, Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 0 Ward, Mr. E. 0 10 6 Ward’s Studios. 0 5 3 Warry, Mrs. 0 6 Watkins, Mrs. 0 2 9 Watson, Mr. F. J. 0 5 3 Watts, Mr. F. C. 2 2 0 Watts, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 110 Watts, Mrs. H. J. 0 2 6 Weatherliead, Rev. H. W. 0 10 6 Webb, Mrs. 1 1 0 Webb, Miss . 1 1 0 Wellington, Mr. 0 5 3 “ Well-wisher,” Cranford . 010 6 Wells, Mr. E. W. 0 5 3 Wells, Mr. W. 110 Wells, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 2 2 0 W^ells, Mrs. 1 1 0 Wells, Mrs. W. J. 0 5 3 Westergaard, Mr. 0 2 6 Westminster Bank . 1 H 6 Westminster Bank, Staff of . 2 2 0 Weston, Mr. B. A. 1 1 0 Weston’s Stores . 0 5 3 Wheeler, Mr. 0 5 3 Wheeler, Mrs. 0 2 6 Wheeler, Mrs. 0 5 0 Wheeler, Miss . 0 2 6 Whenman, Mrs. 0 5 3 White, Mrs. 0 2 6 White, Mrs. 0 2 6 Waiting, Mr. 0 5 3 Whiting, Mrs. 0 10 6 Whiteman, Mr. C. 0 5 3

Carried forward ,. 829 7 0 344 9 10

Page 54: Fifty-third Annual Report - Internet Archive


Namo. Subscription £ s. d.

Brought forward . 829 Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Wilde, Mrs. 0 Wilkinson, Rev, F. 1 Wilkinson, Mrs,. 0 Williams, Mr, F. G. 0 Williams, Mrs. 1 Williams, Mr. R. De Lissa . 0 Williams, Miss . 0 Williams, Miss. 0 Williams Bros. ... 2 Willment, Mr. 0 Willment, Mr. F. 0 Wilson, Mr. G. 0 W ilson, Mr. A. F. 0 Wilson, Mr. C. K. 0 Withers, Mrs. 0 Withers, Miss M.. ... 0 Wood, Mr. C. A. 0 Wood, Mr. J. W. ... 0 Wood, Mrs. 0 Wood, Miss . 0 Wood, The Misses A. and J. 0 Woodliffe, Mrs. 0 Woods, Mr. T.. . 2 Woods, T., junior, “ In Memory

of Ruth Woods, 8/12/18 " . Woods, Miss F. 1 Woods, Miss IF I'. 1 Woods, Miss J. 1 Woods, Miss M. A. 1 Woods Bros., Messrs.. 1 Woolridge, Mr. .. 0 Wootton, Mrs. 0 Working Party, per Miss Ankritt 5 World's Stores, The . 1 Wright, Mr. 0 Wright, Mr. M. W. .. 0 Wright, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Wright, Mrs.. .. .. 0 Wyatt, Mrs. G. T. . 1 Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. . 0 Wyman, Mr. ... 0

7 0 10 6

5 * 1 5

10/ 6 1 0

10 6 2 6 2 6 2 0 5 0 5 0

10 6 5 3

10 6 5 0 5 0

10 6 2 6 5 3 2 6 5 3 2 6 2 0

1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 6

10 0 5 0 1 0 2 6

10 6 5 3 2 6 1 0 5 3

12 6

Yallop, Mr. Yardleys, Messrs. .. Young, Mr. F. Young, Mr. and Mrs Young, Mrs. Yule, Dr. Sums under 2s, 6d. .

. 1 1 0

. 110

. 1 1 0 C. E. 110 . 0 5 3 . 0 10 6 . 58 13 11

£920 10

. Donation. £ s. d.

314 9 10

2 2 0

5 £346 11 -0

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Errata.—Sums under 2/6 should read £51 8s. 8d.

Omission.—Subscriptions Received Burrell, Mr. & Miss ... Daws, Mr. S. Fenton, Mr. W. H. Fenton, Mrs. Kingshott, Mr.

£110 2 0 0 8 8 0 110 0 5 8

N.B.—The Hospital Ball, kindly organised by Mrs. Hair and Mrs. Stransom, realised the splendid sum of £104 8s. Cd. The amount is included under Entertainments on page


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1. —The Institution shall be called “The Hounslow Hospital,” and its object shall be to afford Medical and Surgical Treatment to the sick poor of the neighbourhood, either as in-patients or out¬ patients, and to afford relief in cases of accident or emergency. Private patients may also be received.

2. —Annual subscriptions shall be payable in advance, and shall be deemed to become due on January 1st in each year. All sub¬ scribers of 2s. 6d. and upwards during the past financial year shall be entitled to vote at the Annual or any General Meeting.

3. —Annual subscribers shall receive four official letters of recommendation for each guinea subscribed. Annual subscribers of less amount shall receive at the rate of one letter for each 5s. 3d. subscribed. Every donor who contributes £21 or upwards at one time, or within four years, shall be a Governor for life, and shall be entitled to vote at the Annual or any General Meeting, and receive eight letters annually. In the case of collections from Churches and Societies, letters proportionate in number to the amount of the collection shall, unless otherwise specified, be for¬ warded to the Clergyman or Minister, or other authorised person, who shall be entitled to vote at the Annual or any General Meeting.

4.—A General Meeting of Subscribers (including Life Governors) shall be held annually in the month of February, when the accounts of the previous year, duly audited, together with the Report, shall be submitted, and the Committee for the ensuing year shall then be elected. Such Committee shall consist of 18 elected members and, in addition, one representative, member from any authorised society or organisation contributing during the past financial year the sum of £50 or upwards who is nominated by the society or organisation concerned, and approved of oy the Geneial Meeting of Subscribers.

Those eligible for election to the Committee shall be as follows:

(a) Subscribers during the past financial year of 10s. 6d. or upwards.

(b) Life Governors and Honorary Life Governors.

(c) Authorised representatives of contributing congregations.

In the event of a vacancy occurring the Committee shall have power to fill the same from the list of General Subscribers, Life Governors, or from the contributing society concerned, as the case may be. The Medical Staff and Treasurer shall be deemed ex-officiu members of the Committee. Notice of such Annual Meeting (or any- meeting specially called) shall be sent to each Subscriber, Life Governor, Hon. Life Governor, or Representative, at least sev^l days before the holding theieof,

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5. —The Committee shall have power to appoint at their dis¬ cretion as an Honorary Life Governor any person who has rendered exceptional personal service to the Hospital.

6. —An Honorary Life Governor shall have four official Hospital letters of recommendation pei annum, be eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting, and also be eligible to be elected on the General Committee.

7. —The Committee who shall appoint its own officers, shall have control of the Hospital and its funds, shall appoint the Medical Staff and the Matron, and make such other appointments as may by them be deemed necessary or desirable. They shall meet at. least once a quarter. Nine members shall constitute a quorum. The Committee may make such regulations and by-laws for the management of the Hospital as they may think fit, and they maj delegate any matter to a sub committee appointed by them.

8. —No pregnant woman (except in extraordinary cases, such as accidents, or where some surgical operation is required), no insane person, no person subject to chronic epilepsy or suffering from any infectious disease, confirmed consumption, or any disease that may be judged incurable, shall be admitted as an in-patient.

9. —No persons, unless Private Patients, can be admitted as in-patients without the official letters of recommendation, except in cases of accident or emergency.

10. —In-patients shall contribute according to their means a weekly sum (the amount of which will be fixed after careful enquiry by the Almoner and the Charges Sub-Committee), and in addition shall provide two official Hospital letters of recommendation each week, or their equivalent in cash.

Children under ten years of age will only require half this number of letters.

H_No patient shall be retained for treatment beyond three months without the special sanction of the Committee or Charges Sub-Committee.

12. —Out-patients may be treated on such conditions and terms as the Committee may determine.

13. —The diet of the patients shall be in strict accordance with the orders of the Medical Officers; and no article of food or drink shall be permitted for the use of patients without the approval of the Matron.

14. —Patients may be visited at all suitable times by any Minister of Religion they may desire.

15. —The Committee in their discretion may call an Extraordin¬ ary General Meeting. Fourteen clear days’ notice of such Meeting shall be given, and the object for which it is called shall be stated on the notice. No other business shall be taken at such a Meeting.

16. —No alteration of the Rules of the Hospital shall be made except at a General Meeting, and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting, and the purport of any proposed altera¬ tions shall be stated on the notices calling the Meeting,

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1. —The Matron shall keep an Inventory of all goods belonging to the Hospital, and shall be responsible to the Committee for all household furniture, bedding, culinary articles and stores, and shall report to the Committee such articles as may from time to time be required, or need to be replaced, keep an account of all goods—surgical, medical and household—belonging to the Hospital, and of the daily expenditure, and shall have power to engage and discharge the Nursing Staff and Servants.

The Matron shall have entire control of the Nursing Staff and Servants and apportion to each their duty.

2. —No member of the Nursing Staff or servant shall on any, account whatever leave the Hospital without permission of the Matron.

3. —Breakfast shall be cleared away and the Wards cleaned and put in order by nine o’clock each morning.

4. —In-patients shall be in bed by 8 p.m.

5. —Unless otherwise ordered by the Doctor in attendance, each patient on admission shall have a bath; and each patient on admission shall be placed in a clean bed.

6. —No patient shall receive more than two visitors at one time without special sanction of the Matron.

7. —Visitors shall not sit upon the beds, nor shall they bring anything into the Hospital, nor take anything out, without the sanction of the Matron.

8. —Private patients may be received at the discretion of the Matron, and with the approval of a member of the Medical Staff.

Patients in the private wards shall pay six guineas per week, and in the General Ward two guineas per week, unless otherwise agreed by the Committee.

9. —All out-patients shall pay sixpence each time they attend the Hospital. Accident, emergency and special coses shall pay such sum as the Committee may decide.

10. —Out-patients shall provide an official letter of recommenda¬ tion on each visit to a member of the Consulting Staff.

11. —Trusses and surgical appliances may be supplied to the value of Official Hospital letters of recommendation.

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