Frankie Stein/Doll aka “Frankie” Frankie is Chaotic Good Doll is Neutral Evil and is in control when she uses Needle Str 17 Dex 17 Con 17 Int 16 Wis 17 Cha 18 +4 Belt +6 Harness +6 Headband 21 +5 23 +6 24 +7 BAB +18/+16/+14/+12 HP 157 AC 56/[59 with Harness] = +5 Parry, +4 Shield, +3 Dex, +12 ‘armor’,+6 Tumble, +3 Deflection,+8 Robe, +5 Profane Touch AC- 32 Initiativ e +7, second action at Init check -10, free actions and a single move action only. Regenerat e Fast Heal 9, regenerates also by untyped damage, cold, force attacks, electricity, bludgeoning DR 13/-, Resistance 20 to fire, acid, sonic, positive energy SR 62 Age: 5 Eyes: Green Class: Planar Blade/Slayer gestalt 16, Monster of Legend Template 2/Dancer 2 Hair: Dark Red Level: 18 Height: 5’6 Prestige Class: Weight: 107lbs Template (if any): Movement: 90ft ground, climb and swim Living Construct, Lawful subtype, Chaotic subtype, Evil subtype Despite her subtypes, she is Chaotic Good Special Abilities Living Construct Traits Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, the sickened condition, energy drain. Does not heal naturally, and is also affected by spells that affect the living, as well as constructs. Spells from the healing subschool provide only half the effect however. Can be raised or resurrected. No need to sleep, eat or breathe, but can benefit from potions/consumables. Other Abilities Animate Object at will. In conjunction with Clockwork Centurion, she can animate either 3 toys or 1 construct with an hour’s work. Channel Positive Energy- Doll is a tap to the Positive Energy Plane (a xag-ya) Necromantic Butterfly tattoo- + 1 to all rolls, comprehend all mundane languages Standard Action to take the form of any ½ My HD/CR (8HD/CR) animal, plant, dragon or monstrous humanoid Cast Summon Nature’s Ally VIII/Summon Monster VIII at will Monster of Legend Template Body of Legend: The creature gains Outsider traits, with the augmented subtype if necessary, Darkvision 60ft.

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Frankie Stein/Dollaka “Frankie”Frankie is Chaotic GoodDoll is Neutral Evil and is in control when she uses Needle

Str 17 Dex


Con 17 Int 16 Wis 17 Cha 18

+4 Belt +6 Harness +6 Headband

21 +5 23 +6 24 +7

BAB +18/+16/+14/+12

HP 157

AC 56/[59 with Harness] =

+5 Parry, +4 Shield, +3 Dex, +12 ‘armor’,+6 Tumble, +3 Deflection,+8 Robe, +5 Profane

Touch AC- 32

Initiative +7, second action at Init check -10, free actions and a single move action only.

Regenerate Fast Heal 9, regenerates also by untyped damage, cold, force attacks, electricity, bludgeoning

DR 13/-, Resistance 20 to fire, acid, sonic, positive energy

SR 62

Age: 5 Eyes: Green

Class: Planar Blade/Slayer gestalt 16, Monster of Legend Template 2/Dancer 2 Hair: Dark Red

Level: 18 Height: 5’6

Prestige Class: Weight: 107lbs

Template (if any): Movement: 90ft ground, climb and swim

Living Construct, Lawful subtype, Chaotic subtype, Evil subtype

Despite her subtypes, she is Chaotic Good

Special Abilities

Living Construct Traits

Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, the sickened condition, energy drain. Does not heal naturally, and is

also affected by spells that affect the living, as well as constructs. Spells from the healing subschool provide only half the effect however. Can

be raised or resurrected. No need to sleep, eat or breathe, but can benefit from potions/consumables.

Other Abilities

Animate Object at will. In conjunction with Clockwork Centurion, she can animate either 3 toys or 1 construct with an hour’s work.

Channel Positive Energy- Doll is a tap to the Positive Energy Plane (a xag-ya)

Necromantic Butterfly tattoo- + 1 to all rolls, comprehend all mundane languages

Standard Action to take the form of any ½ My HD/CR (8HD/CR) animal, plant, dragon or monstrous humanoid

Cast Summon Nature’s Ally VIII/Summon Monster VIII at will

Monster of Legend Template

Body of Legend: The creature gains Outsider traits, with the augmented subtype if necessary, Darkvision 60ft.

Legendary Might: The MOL may have any number of cosmetic changes or even special effects like body parts made of energy, as long as his

original race is still recognizable. Those changes grant no mechanical benefit. The Monster of Legend's attacks count as its own alignment for

bypassing defenses. Its melee attacks can strike incorporeal opponents without trouble, and ignore half the DR of any target they strike. If the

Monster of Legend already had any of those abilities, then it gains +1 to attack and damage rolls for every overlap. Finally, a Monster of

Legend is immune to polymorphing effects against its own will.

Legendary Skill:-Fast Healing equal to 1/2 the creature's HD.

Legendary Prowess: At 1st and 2nd level, the Monster of Legend gains +1 to an ability score of its choice

Permanent Spell Turning effect, except that it reflects one spell level for 2 HD of the Monster of Legend, and automatically recharges at the

start of the Monster of Legend's turn.

Traveler- You may cast Plane Shift at will as a Sorcerer whose Level is equal to your Hit Dice, and you're immune to the ill effects of any

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plane you travel to. With a touch, you can grant this immunity to any other creature for 1 hour.

Save Base Attribute Misc Total

Fortitude +10 +3 +4 Robe +17

Reflex +13 +3 +4 Robe +20

Will +13 +3 +3,+4 Robe +23

Perception (Wis) +24 Disguise (Cha) +39 Speak Language German, French, Italian,

Stealth (Dex) +57 [+72 Robe] Endurance (Con) +21 Drive: +10

Profession: Cook +14 Intimidate (Cha) +47 Jump (untrained)- +17

Profession: Seamstress +14 Tumble (Dex) +21

Perform (Cha): Dance +39(+36 to all

perform checks)

Survival (Wis) +11

Heal (Wis) +41 Diplomacy (Cha) +39

Escape Artist (Dex) +41 Craft (toymaking) +21

Climb +19 Craft (painting) +15

Swim +19 Profession: Baker +14

Planar BladeAll saves 10+ ½ level + Str or Dex (DC 21)

Terrific-Construct Attunement: The planar blade is healed by things that heal objects or constructs, gains spell resistance equal to 2x (11 +

her character level.) Total armor bonus increases by Constitution modifier, all nonstacking sources of Damage Reduction she possesses

increase by an amount equal to her Constitution modifier as well. The planar blade can repair a touched object or construct to full health as a

standard action. The planar blade becomes immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, disease, paralysis, stunning, fatigue, exhaustion,

massive damage, and critical hits.

Terrific- Cold Attunement: 1/round (free action), inflict 2 cold damage per level to adjacent foes/in her space. Immune to cold

damage/healed by it. Standard action: ranged touch attack (Medium range) Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ level + Str or Dex) or be paralyzed 1

round/level. (May make new Fort save per round to recover) at end of turn. The target may make a new Fortitude save on each of its turns to

recover from the paralysis at the end of that turn. Standard Action create 10' cube of ice per character level in any empty spaces (to Medium

range). These cubes of ice do not move (much like an immovable rod), have 50 hit points, 5 hardness, and fire vulnerability. If left alone, they

melt after 1 minute. Make an extra turn every round, at your normal initiative count -10. (may only take free actions and a single move action)

Terrific- Change Attunement: Automatically recognizes spells/abilities of the transmutation school when cast. If she can see a transmutation

aura on an item, she automatically knows all of the properties of that item. +4 to saves vs the transmutation school. May elect to NOT be

transformed or polymorphed. Gains 2 x level to Heal, Hide, Escape Artist, and Disguise checks. Immunity/healed by untyped damage. fast

healing/regrow lost body parts one round after losing them. She can no longer be killed via HP damage.

Terrific- Force Attunement: Cast magic missile at will (“nevermissiles”). All attacks gain the Ghost Touch property. Constitution modifier

as a Deflection bonus to her AC. Immune to force damage/healed by it. May convert any amount of damage dealt into force damage.

Terrific- Travel Attunement: Climb and swim speeds equal to her base land speed. May elect to not be unwillingly teleported. Double all

movement speeds. May block teleportation effects within Long range (into or out of). May plane shift at will without a focus. The planar

blade may cast summon monster spells with a spell level less than or equal to half her character level, minus two, at will.

Terrific- Electricity Attunement: +30 to all move speeds. Immune to electricity/Healed by it. Standard action (Level) 18d8 in a Long

(400ft+40ft/level) Ref DC21 (10+1/2 Level + Str or Dex). Use a Move action to teleport distance equal to ground speed. Full round may

teleport run speed in feet, or 2 x speed and make an attack. She may swap places with a creature using this teleport, provided that she can fit

where the creature was, and the creature can fit where she was (Unwilling foes get a Will save DC 10+ ½Level + Str or Dex mod)

Great-Bludgeoning Attunement: When I critical a foe, that creature is dazed for a number of rounds equal to the attack's critical multiplier

minus 1.Immune to bludgeoning damage/healed by it. May shift foe # of feet equal to bludgeoning damage inflicted (No AoO). Whenever

the planar blade deals bludgeoning damage to a creature with an attack, that creature's natural armor bonus decreases by 1, with the possibility

of going negative. This penalty to natural armor is healed like ability damage

Great- Sonic Attunement: She may have the sound of her voice emanate from any point she specifies, so long as she has been there. As a

standard action, the planar blade can deal 1d6 points of sonic damage per character level (18d6) to each creature within Close range. Fortitude

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save 20 (DC 10 + half character level + Str or Dex) for half damage.(exclude herself from this effect.) Immune to sonic damage/healed by

it. + 2x level to Move Silently, Perform, Intimidate, and Diplomacy checks.

Major- Transformational Attunement: Gains the [Shapechanger] subtype. Cast human form at will [assumes the appearance of a specific

individual of medium size or smaller, or of a generic member of a humanoid race. +10 bonus on Disguise checks made to impersonate the

genuine article. The target suffers no penalties to Disguise for assuming the visage of a different race or sex.] The planar blade gains a bite,

gore, or tail attack (pick one). It deals damage appropriate for her size (1d4+3). Whenever she deals damage with it, she heals that much

health. Standard action to transform into an animal, plant, dragon, or monstrous humanoid with a CR and HD both less than or equal to half

her character level. May cast summon nature's ally spells with a spell level less than or equal to half her character level, minus two, at will.

Slayer Class AbilitiesWeapon and Armor Proficiency: Slayers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with all


Essence: (11pts) Equal to 1/2 her slayer level + the slayer's constitution modifier (this is her maximum number of essence point). Essence is

restored by resting for at least 4 hour by killing a creature in the day before she rests, or destroy 10 gp/slayer level worth of propriety.

Signature Weapon: Needle Rapier +1 to hit and attack equal to ½ level, rounded down.

It cannot be enchanted by outside means, can only be used effectively by the slayer herself. If any other creature attempts to use it the

weapon, it temporarily loses any special qualities it has, and is -4 to hit.

+4 vs disarm AND +4 TO sunder and disarm with its signature weapon. If broken, full round action + 2 essence to restore it. Spend 1 essence

to call the weapon to hand (immediate action).

The signature weapon hardness = 2xLevel +1/2xHP = character. Standard action, a slayer can destroy force effect with her signature weapon.

Signature Weapon reaches increase by 5 ft.

Critical hit range +1. Gain the Bane special quality (you may change the creature type each 24 hour as a free action). Any weapon or object

destroyed by a slayer signature weapon cannot be repaired by any means.

The signature weapon cannot be broken anymore unless the slayer is dead.

Slay (Ex): 1 essence as a standard action, special attack deals x5 damage. If a crit hit, increase the multiplier by 1. Additional dices (such as

SA) are not multiplied by this ability. Using slay cost 1 essence point and can only be used when the slayer use it signature weapon. Any extra

damages granted by feats but [essence] feats are not multiplied by this ability.

Destroyer (Ex): Signature weapon may deal +2d6 damage to any unattended object, structure, or construct.

Nihilism (Ex): May add her charisma or wisdom (whichever is higher) modifier to their will save. This stacks with the Wisdom modifier.

Slaughter (Ex): May make an extra attack at -5 during a full attack.(Doll adds this to her last attack)

Madness (Ex) and (Su): Immune to mind-affecting spells/spell-like abilities. Spend 1 essence + touch attack, the slayer inflicts 4d6+4 wisdom

damage (will save for half). Using this ability is a supernatural standard action, the DC is charisma-based. Any creatures attempting to

probe/read/enter the slayers mind takes 1d6 wisdom damage (no save).

Oblivion Rush (Ex): Pay 1 essence, slayer gains the mindless subtype for 1/round per slayer level. It is able to recognize it latest allies

instinctively, but otherwise act like a mindless creature (not being able to use skills requiring mental action (any skills using Int, Wis and

Cha), cast spells even from magic items). By spending 2 extra essence point, a slayer may extend the duration to 2 round/level. +4 to Str and

Con, may use essence abilities

Magical Defence (Su): +4 to existing spell resistance.

Devour Essence (Su): A slayer is healed by 2d6+6 hp per point of essence devoured. After doing so, the slayer gain a +6 profane bonus to

strength until the end of his next turn (stack with other profane bonus).

Swift Slay (Ex): Spend 2 extra essence points, a slayer may apply their slay ability to all attacks made this round, even AoO.

Harbinger of Insanity (Su): Each time a 9th level slayer hit a creature with any essence ability, the target need to make a will save or be

confused for one round.

Harbinger of Ruin (Ex): overcomes all hardness and DR.

Black Knight (Ex): DR/good = half slayer level rounded up. Swift action + 1 essence triples this for 3 rounds (appear as a knight in a suit of

pitch black armor.)

Tainted Armor: Armor is considered a profane bonus instead, allowing him to benefit from other armor bonuses.

Harbinger of Death and Destruction (Ex): 1/day when slaying an enemy, as an immediate action regains all her essence points, must be

spent within 1/round per level or be lost. Restarts when kills a creature (she do not regain any more points though).

Dancer Class AbilitiesDancers use their guile, looks, and rigorous training to give themselves an advantage over their foes. All of the following are class features of

the Dancer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dancers have proficiency with all Simple Weapons, the Whip, the Spiked Chain, and the Guisarme

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(Depending upon your DM's Discretion, and the setting, Dancers may also use Pistols or Handgun-styled firearms.). A Dancer has no armor

proficiency, nor proficiency with shields. Wearing armor and/or a shield interferes with the Dancer's manueverability, and removes their

special AC bonuses.

Dancer's Guise (Ex): Dancers may always take 10 on any Disguise checks to appear as another Dancer, or a similar style of character.

(Harem-maidens, gypsies, and prostitutes.) All dancers are gifted with the exceptional ability to confuse and entice those into believing they

are an entertainer.

Dancer's Elegant Fighting (Su): While a Dancer does not carry a Medium or Heavier load, and does not wear armor or a shield, she may

choose to add her Charisma modifier to her AC. At 5th level, this increases to one and one half of CHA, and increasing to 2x CHA modifier at

10th level.

Dancer's Knowledge: A Dancer may use "Bardic Knowledge" as a Bard of her Dancer Level.

Knight's Armored Defense (Su): A Dancer gains Dances at certain levels, these Dances work as if through magical effect, and any allies

within vision range of the Dancer recieve benefits of her dances. Instead of making a move, or attack action within a round, a Dancer may

begin to Dance, gaining the benefits of the dance she begins so long as she continues to do so (Using up a move, or standard action per turn.)

A Dancer -must- have ranks in Perform (Dance) to benefit from the effects of a dance. Knight's Armored Defense gives all allies a +2 bonus to

AC, and this bonus is raised by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.

FEATS *indicates bonus feat from class/other source

Einhander [TOP] +5 "parry" bonus to AC. Treat one-handed weapon as two-handed (or light as a one handed weapon) for

damage, disarming, power attack and other relevant effects. As Standard Action, make a single attack and foe is

flat-footed. May make an extra attack per round with all attacks taking -2.

Fencing [TOP] With finessable weapons/Weapon Focus weapons and your off hand is empty, add your Dex to damage (+

Strength), +2 bonus to all opposed maneuvers (disarm, etc) shield bonus to AC equal to 1/4 your BAB, rounded


Human-like Skill

training [TOP]

Gain your level +3 extra skill pts

Point Blank Shot [TOP] Within 30' of target, ranged weapons gain +3 to-hit. Add BAB to damage in first range increment. No AoO

when making ranged attacks. May make ranged AoO within 30ft, movement in this area does not provoke AoO.

As Full Attack, ranged whirlwind attack against foes in first increment of ranged weapon.

Skin Like Armor [TOP] +4 armor bonus to AC (+1 enhancement bonus/+1 for every 3 ranks in Endurance over 6). AC applies to touch

AC as well. Unarmed strikes +1 enhancement bonus (+1 for every 3 ranks in Endurance over 9 that you have

and considered adamantine. Ignore 50% of critical hits/sneak attacks. You gain DR 10/- and energy resistance

20 against all types of energy damage.

Combat School [TOP] “Avenging Doll Style” with Needle, Unarmed Strikes, Daggers, +2 to hit and damage. Hit foe, Fort save DC 10

+1/2 level + Str) or dazed 1 round. May take 10 with school weapons. DC to disarm school weapons is +4. +5

to hit on any one attack after the first each turn. If you hit your foe twice, you gain The Edge.

Resilience [TOP] Resist size dependent effects as if one size larger (does not stack with other sources) Mettle class feature

(succeed at a Fortitude Partial or Will Partial saving throw, there is no effect). Gain Fast Healing or increase by

1. Immune to fatigue/exhaustion. Immune to anything requiring Fortitude save.

Improved Critical Doubles the critical range of her signature weapon, Needle

Improved Initiative +4

Rapid Fire [TOP] Reload as a free action/draw thrown weapons as a free action. Make a single attack as a swift action, if I have

the Edge, they cannot deflect/block with Deflect Arrows or similar feats. Volley - Full-round action, 60-ft. cone

attack. Threaten an area out to 15 feet. You may make attacks of opportunity normally against enemies within

that distance. You may also make a single attack with a ranged weapon as an immediate action .Doubleshot -

All of your ranged attacks deal double damage and consume twice as much ammunition.

Clockwork Centurion


Repair constructs using Craft skill and Heal DC table for Heal. Constructs under your long-term care gain the

natural healing and first aid restores one hp. Gain a leadership score equal to three less than your ranks in Craft,

plus Int mod, and appropriate followers for it (all constructs, need not be sapient). Can repair your followers

back to animation if they are destroyed. Gain a construct cohort (If mindless, it has mental scores equal to your

craft ranks, plus distributive points equal to 1 per Int mod. You can repair your cohort if it is destroyed.Once per

day, you can awaken a mindless construct, causing it to gain an Intelligence score of 3d6. If its Wisdom or

Charisma scores are 6 or below, they are also raised to 3d6. This is a spell-like ability, and takes an hour of


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Blitz [TOP] When charging, lose Dex to AC, gain +1d6 damage. Go all out when attacking, add your BaB to damage, but

provokes an AoO. Full Attacks made with a -2 instead of a -5.Free Intimidate check when you damage foe. You

may make a Full Attack action as a Standard Action.

Zen Archery [TOP] Target any foe you can hear with your ranged attacks. May deliver Touch Attacks via ranged. Full Round

Action, make one ranged attack (+20 Insight bonus to hit) that is automatically a critical threat. If the threat

range of your weapon is 19-20, your critical multiplier is increased by one.

Deflect Arrows Once per round per point of Dex mod, use a free hand to deflect ranged attack. (aware/not flat-footed). Use any

weapon to deflect. May deflect ranged attacks vs allies in your reach. Deflect magical rays/exceptional weapons

like alchemist's fire with this ability.


Nanny’s Call- She is unable to resist aiding children in need, even if that means abandoning an ally to certain death to rush into a burning


Command Word- (Her command word is ‘attend’) Treat this as a Suggestion spell (8th level caster).

Pyrophobia Flaw bought off with a feat.

Weapon BAB Damag


Critical Range Type Ammo Notes



+35/+33/+33/+31/+31 3d6+17 15-20,x3 10ft


P - ghost touch, can trip, Hardness 34, HP

278. +8 vs disarm attempts, +4 to

disarm foes, may take 10 on attacks.

Bane weapon

Unarmed +31/+29/+29/+27/+27 1d3+14 20,x2 - B - Considered +3 adamantine, ghost

touch, may take 10 on attacks.

Daggers +24/+22/+22/+20/+20 1d4+6 19-20,x2 10ft S/P 6 ghost touch, may take 10 on attacks.




+21/+19/+19/+17/+17 2d6 20,x2 45ft Ballistic 15 +3 within 30ft, inflicts BAB (+17) in

first range increment. May Doubleshot

(2x damage and ammo)

Sword of

the Planes

+26/+24/+24/+22/+22 1d8+11 19-20,x2 - S/P - +1 on the Material Plane

- +27/+25/+25/+23/+23 1d8+12 - - - - +2 on Elemental Plane/vs Elementals

- +28/+26/+26/+24/+24 1d8+13 +3 on the Astral/Ethereal/natives of

+29/+27/+27/+25/+25 1d8+14 +4 any other plane/vs Outsiders

May go all out and add BAB to damage, provokes an AoO.

Temporary +2 to all rolls until DM says otherwise.

Worn Magic Items

+6 Headband of Alluring Charisma

+5 Greater Shadow Spidersilk Armor (+15 to Stealth checks)

+ 4 Belt of Giant Strength

Decanter of Endless Water- Stream shoots 1 gal/round. Fountain shoots 5gal/round. Geyser shoots 30gal/round. Str check when using geyser

mode or be knocked over.

Hat of Disguise- Disguise Self that integrates the hat into the disguise.

Rope of Climbing- 60 ft. magical rope can support 3000lbs. Will move at 10ft/round, knot/unknot and etc. When knotted for climbing,

shortens to 50ft.

+6 Harness of Amazing Dexterity

1 Hoohah Button Stud Ring (500gp)


Bag of Holding Type IV (#1) Weighs 35lbs/Holds up to 1000lbs. Holds the following items

Boat, Folding- Normally a 12’x6’x6 box. Boat Form-

10”x4”x2” one pair oars, anchor, mast and sail, holds 4

people. Ship Form- 1 deck, single row of 5 sets of oars, rudder,

anchor, deck cabin, holds 15 people. Command word changes it

Kindle Fire

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into other forms.

Sustaining Spoon- Makes enough gruel that tastes like warm,

wet cardboard for four humans per day.

Rod of Petrification - Fort DC 25, 5x day , will also do Stone to Flesh

Camping Gear- 4 x bedrolls and winter blankets, a small

hatchet, 4 iron cook pots, assorted herbs and spices, mirror,

4lbs soap, 4 mugs and bowls.

Orb of Mist- Focus for Mysticism Techniques

Artisan’s tools-For toy making : a magnifying glass, paints,

tacks, nails, carving tools, yarn, thread, scissors, sandpaper,

measuring tape

3 marble statues of Mages, one each shooting emerald lightning, ruby fire

and sapphire ice

Bandages and 10 healing kits-Everything necessary to use the

Heal skill at +2

Scrolls- Art of the Lunatic Princess

Writing kit-10 vials of ink and pens, 20 pages of parchment, 4

packs of lined 8 ½ by 11 modern paper

4 Crystal Ingots- Lunarian Crystal- hardness of adamantine, weight of

mithral. Can absorb the properties of up to 5 other metals if left out

overnight in the full moon. If left outside for a month in access to night, it

will spontaneously generate another bar.

Bag of iron and steel shavings-Good anti-fey measures. Various assorted cooking spices, utensils, and things.

Sunrod- 9 spares 2 small silver orbs of Kaboom and you’re gone- DC 20 Reflex save, 15ft

radius or deleted from existence. (Limited Wish or better to recover)

2x +1 Longswords (from the Marilith) Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Wines and Beverages-8 x Fey wine, 6 x Elven Wine, 3 x

Dwarven Lager, 2 x Paradiso wine, 3 x Hellwine, 1 x

Netherworld spirits (30,000gp) , 2 x Scarlet Mansion vampire

wine (10,000gp) , 1 x Moon Silk Pillow Capital (100, 000gp)

10 Boxes of 50 9mm shells

Frankie Stein and Draculara dolls, Sally from NBC Figurine of Wondrous Power: Semi Truck

Glass Statue of a bear Year Pass to Disneyworld

Clockwork tiny doll that sings lullabies in a happy voice US ID, License and Credit/Debit cards

Robe in the shape of butterfly wings (Wings of Flying), made

from thousands of tiny magically preserved butterfly wings.

Matryoshka Dolls (from Peck)

Jeweled music box with tiny crystal ballerina Lots of Modern toys (permanently animated)

10 Green oriental mermaid coins-Each one use item takes you

to any pool with a spirit in it that you know of.

Digital Camera

3 Little Crystal – Lunarian philosophy Really pretty dress, earrings and necklace (Elvish) Perfume, Really pretty

brush, hairclips. Various articles of modern clothing for about 5 changes,

as well as modern toiletries and perfumes.

Small Map of Garden – Rocket location Doll’s favorite Teddy Bear “Oswald”

Bag of Holding Type IV (#1) Weighs 35lbs/Holds up to 1000lbs. Holds the following items

Blessing of the Redwood Dryad: add Con mod to hp, doubles

life expectancy,+1 Cha vs Dryads

Cube of Bondage

Blessing of the Bounty of the Harvest- Plant Growth 1/day,

Hero's Feast 1/day

*Alisha's Promise Ring

Blessing of Echo- 1/day, echo back a sonic attack and ignore


Blessing of the Flowers- Continuous speak with plants effect

Blessing of the River- 1/day water breathing water walking

(even up vertical waterfalls)

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Money Bag- 251,470gp, 1450 platinum, 50000 silver,

2 x 100gp Diamonds, 4 Spinels 50gp each, 4 Gold Pearls 100gp each, 1 Ruby 500gps,

Coins to US Dollars- $1,826,693,850

Frankie in her human guise

Doll is about to fuck up someone's evening.