Chapters 10-18 Chapters 10-18 Study Guide Review Study Guide Review

Final exam chapters 10-18 review

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Chapters 10-18Chapters 10-18 Study Guide Review Study Guide Review

Chapters 10-18Chapters 10-18 Study Guide Review Study Guide Review

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chapter 10chapter 10chapter 10chapter 10

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1. Why did monarchs’ power increase because of the crusades?1. Why did monarchs’ power increase because of the crusades?

Nobles and knights left home to fight in the Middle East

Nobles and knights left home to fight in the Middle East

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2. Describe the impact the crusades had on the Jews.2. Describe the impact the crusades had on the Jews.

The Jews were continually persecuted by the Christians during all of the Crusades.

The Jews were continually persecuted by the Christians during all of the Crusades.

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3. List 2 causes of the crusades3. List 2 causes of the crusades

1. The emperor of Constantinople got nervous because the Seljuk Turks were advancing towards Constantinople and would possibly take it over. The emperor asked Pope Urban II for help.

2. Pope Urban II wanted to push the Muslims back and reclaim Jerusalem. He promised entry to heaven to all who joined to fight.

1. The emperor of Constantinople got nervous because the Seljuk Turks were advancing towards Constantinople and would possibly take it over. The emperor asked Pope Urban II for help.

2. Pope Urban II wanted to push the Muslims back and reclaim Jerusalem. He promised entry to heaven to all who joined to fight.

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4. What was one reason that led to the Crusades?4. What was one reason that led to the Crusades?

• Christians were afraid that the Muslims threatened Constantinople in the Byzantine Empire.

• The Muslims took the Holy Land away from the Christians.

• Christians were afraid that the Muslims threatened Constantinople in the Byzantine Empire.

• The Muslims took the Holy Land away from the Christians.

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5. What happened to the Christians after the Seljuk Turks took over the Holy Land?

5. What happened to the Christians after the Seljuk Turks took over the Holy Land?

• Christians could no longer visit the Holy Land safely.

• Christians could no longer visit the Holy Land safely.

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6. Who was the Christian ruler that fought against Saladin during the Crusades?

6. Who was the Christian ruler that fought against Saladin during the Crusades?

• King Richard I (also known as the Richard the Lion heart.)

• King Richard I (also known as the Richard the Lion heart.)

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chapter 11chapter 11chapter 11chapter 11

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7. How did the geography of West Africa influence trade? 7. How did the geography of West Africa influence trade?

People from different vegetation zones traded with each other for the goods they needed.

People from different vegetation zones traded with each other for the goods they needed.

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8. How did the advances in iron tools contribute to the population growth in West Africa?8. How did the advances in iron tools contribute to the population growth in West Africa?

Advances in iron tools created an abundant food supply.

Advances in iron tools created an abundant food supply.

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9. What was one economic effect of the four vegetation zones in West Africa?

9. What was one economic effect of the four vegetation zones in West Africa?

• People from different areas or zones traded with one another.

• People from different areas or zones traded with one another.

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10. What technological advancement improved farming in West Africa?

10. What technological advancement improved farming in West Africa?

Iron toolsIron tools

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11. List from smallest to largest, the four types of settlements in West Africa.

11. List from smallest to largest, the four types of settlements in West Africa.

Family based homes (extended families)




Family based homes (extended families)




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12. How did Islam get to West Africa?12. How did Islam get to West Africa?

• Trade• Trade

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chapter 12chapter 12chapter 12chapter 12

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13. Describe Ghana’s control of trans-Saharan trade. 13. Describe Ghana’s control of trans-Saharan trade.

Because of Ghana’s location, traders had to pass through Ghana. They had to pay a heavy tax on the goods they traded.

Because of Ghana’s location, traders had to pass through Ghana. They had to pay a heavy tax on the goods they traded.

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14. People from the southern forests, traded to get what necessary resource?

14. People from the southern forests, traded to get what necessary resource?


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15. Trans-Saharan trade improved when these were first used?15. Trans-Saharan trade improved when these were first used?


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16. People north of the Sahara traded with people of the southern forests. What were two items they traded?

16. People north of the Sahara traded with people of the southern forests. What were two items they traded?

Salt and goldSalt and gold

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17. The Wangarans from the southern forests traded silently, why?

17. The Wangarans from the southern forests traded silently, why?

They didn’t want anyone else to know where their gold mines were located.

They didn’t want anyone else to know where their gold mines were located.

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chapter 13chapter 13chapter 13chapter 13

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18. List three ways Islam changed African government.18. List three ways Islam changed African government.

1. The right to rule passed from father to son. (patrilineal)

2. Africans started to exercise more control of local rulers (centralized government)

3. Adoption of Shari’ah (Islamic law)

1. The right to rule passed from father to son. (patrilineal)

2. Africans started to exercise more control of local rulers (centralized government)

3. Adoption of Shari’ah (Islamic law)

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19. How did West Africans adapt Islam into their culture architecturally?

19. How did West Africans adapt Islam into their culture architecturally?

They built mosques.They built mosques.

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chapter 14chapter 14chapter 14chapter 14

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20. What is the function of oral tradition?20. What is the function of oral tradition?

To preserve (keep) historyTo preserve (keep) history

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21. Find a proverb that expresses the importance of oral tradition.21. Find a proverb that expresses the importance of oral tradition.

“Every time an old man dies, it is as if a library has burnt down.”

“Every time an old man dies, it is as if a library has burnt down.”

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chapter 15chapter 15chapter 15chapter 15

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22. How was the fall of the Han Dynasty similar to the fall of the Roman Empire?

22. How was the fall of the Han Dynasty similar to the fall of the Roman Empire?

Just like Rome, China broke up into separate kingdoms.

Just like Rome, China broke up into separate kingdoms.

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23. How did the Han and Tang Dynasties select government officials?

23. How did the Han and Tang Dynasties select government officials?

People who wanted government positions took civil service exams.

People who wanted government positions took civil service exams.

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24. Who allowed the lower class to become government officials?24. Who allowed the lower class to become government officials?

Song DynastySong Dynasty

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25. Why were scientists, mathematicians, and engineers not government officials?25. Why were scientists, mathematicians, and engineers not government officials?

The civil service exams didn’t test science, math, or engineering.

The civil service exams didn’t test science, math, or engineering.

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chapter 16chapter 16chapter 16chapter 16

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26. What caused wealthy farmers from northern China to move south?

26. What caused wealthy farmers from northern China to move south?

Attacks by the Mongols caused the northern farmers to move south.

Attacks by the Mongols caused the northern farmers to move south.

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27. What had to happen in order for China’s population to grow?27. What had to happen in order for China’s population to grow?

Stable (steady) food supplyStable (steady) food supply

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28. What improvements in water transportation improved commerce?

28. What improvements in water transportation improved commerce?

A vast network of rivers and canals connected different parts of China.

A vast network of rivers and canals connected different parts of China.

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chapter 17chapter 17chapter 17chapter 17

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29. Describe the impact the magnetic compass had on travel.29. Describe the impact the magnetic compass had on travel.

The magnetic compass made long distance travel at sea easier.

The magnetic compass made long distance travel at sea easier.

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30. Describe how the Chinese mass produced porcelain.30. Describe how the Chinese mass produced porcelain.

Each person performed a different task over and over.

For instance: one washed the clay, one applied the glaze, one shaped the bowl, and one operated the kiln.

Each person performed a different task over and over.

For instance: one washed the clay, one applied the glaze, one shaped the bowl, and one operated the kiln.

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31. What did the Chinese discover while experimenting with saltpeter?31. What did the Chinese discover while experimenting with saltpeter?


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32. Name 4 inventions that developed in China and spread to Europe.

32. Name 4 inventions that developed in China and spread to Europe.

1. paper making

2. playing cards

3. movable type

4. mechanical clocks

1. paper making

2. playing cards

3. movable type

4. mechanical clocks

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33. List 3 ways the Chinese prevented the spread of contagious diseases.

33. List 3 ways the Chinese prevented the spread of contagious diseases.

1. disinfectants

2. inoculations

3. steaming clothes

1. disinfectants

2. inoculations

3. steaming clothes

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34. List three things that are typical of a golden age.34. List three things that are typical of a golden age.

• 1. Peace (no war)

• 2. Prosperity (money was available)

• 3. Art and literature flourished

• 1. Peace (no war)

• 2. Prosperity (money was available)

• 3. Art and literature flourished

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35. Label the hierarchy of the European feudal society35. Label the hierarchy of the European feudal society





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36. Label the hierarchy of the Japanese feudal society36. Label the hierarchy of the Japanese feudal society





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37. In studying history, how might historians describe the following terms?

37. In studying history, how might historians describe the following terms?

• Military – warfare/army for protection

• Economy – money based economy

• Geography – layout of area

• Religion – beliefs of a culture

• Politics – government of culture

• Social/cultural - how people live in a culture.

• Military – warfare/army for protection

• Economy – money based economy

• Geography – layout of area

• Religion – beliefs of a culture

• Politics – government of culture

• Social/cultural - how people live in a culture.

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38. In what countries were these cities important to trade & learning:

38. In what countries were these cities important to trade & learning:

• 1. Timbuktu – Africa

• 2. Cordoba – Spain

• 3. Baghdad – Middle East (now Iraq)

• 4. Kyoto - Japan

• 1. Timbuktu – Africa

• 2. Cordoba – Spain

• 3. Baghdad – Middle East (now Iraq)

• 4. Kyoto - Japan

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39. Why was Zheng He an important Chinese explorer? (Chapter 18)

39. Why was Zheng He an important Chinese explorer? (Chapter 18)

• He brought new ideas and products to China. However, his explorations were over when the Ming Dynasty closed their “trading” doors with the outside world.

• He brought new ideas and products to China. However, his explorations were over when the Ming Dynasty closed their “trading” doors with the outside world.

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40. Describe the requirements needed for an Islamic ruler according to Sunni and Shiites?40. Describe the requirements needed for an Islamic ruler according to Sunni and Shiites?

• 1. Sunni ~ They believe that the best person for the “job” should be the next ruler of the Islamic Empire regardless of the “blood” line.

• 2. Shiite ~ They believe that only Muhammad’s blood relatives should be the next ruler of the Islamic Empire.

• 1. Sunni ~ They believe that the best person for the “job” should be the next ruler of the Islamic Empire regardless of the “blood” line.

• 2. Shiite ~ They believe that only Muhammad’s blood relatives should be the next ruler of the Islamic Empire.

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41. Who was the founder of the Islamic religion? When and where was he born?

41. Who was the founder of the Islamic religion? When and where was he born?

• Muhammad started the religion about 610 ce. He was born in Mecca and he was born around 570 ce. He died in the year 632 ce.

• Muhammad started the religion about 610 ce. He was born in Mecca and he was born around 570 ce. He died in the year 632 ce.

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42. Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE?42. Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE?

• Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE.

• Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE.

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43. Who won the Battle of Hastings? What did this person start in England?

43. Who won the Battle of Hastings? What did this person start in England?

• William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings.

• William the Conqueror started feudalism in England.

• William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings.

• William the Conqueror started feudalism in England.

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44. Who went on a hajj to Mecca from his Mali Empire?44. Who went on a hajj to Mecca from his Mali Empire?

• Mansa Musa went on a hajj to Mecca from the Mali Empire.

• Mansa Musa went on a hajj to Mecca from the Mali Empire.

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45. Who was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire and had to fight back during a rebellion?

45. Who was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire and had to fight back during a rebellion?

• Justinian was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire and through the encouragement of his wife Theodora, he stayed back during a rebellion.

• Justinian was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire and through the encouragement of his wife Theodora, he stayed back during a rebellion.

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46. What Continent is located south of Europe?46. What Continent is located south of Europe?

• Africa• Africa

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47. What continents surround the arabian peninsula?47. What continents surround the arabian peninsula?

• Asia, Europe and Africa• Asia, Europe and Africa

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48. IN what city was muhammad born?48. IN what city was muhammad born?

• Makkah (Mecca)• Makkah (Mecca)

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49. What body of water did arab traders cross to reach europe?49. What body of water did arab traders cross to reach europe?

• Mediterranean Sea• Mediterranean Sea

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50. Which ocean borders Africa on the West?50. Which ocean borders Africa on the West?

• Atlantic Ocean• Atlantic Ocean

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51. Which ocean borders Africa on the East?51. Which ocean borders Africa on the East?

• Indian Ocean• Indian Ocean

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52. What sea borders Africa on the North?52. What sea borders Africa on the North?

• Mediterranean Sea• Mediterranean Sea

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53. What LARGE desert is located in Africa?53. What LARGE desert is located in Africa?


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54. What city was an important center of trade and learning for the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai?

54. What city was an important center of trade and learning for the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai?


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55. What large country is separated from China by the Himalayas?55. What large country is separated from China by the Himalayas?


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56. What country North of China is located nearest the Huang He?56. What country North of China is located nearest the Huang He?