,UHODQG·V 1DWLRQDO %XLOGLQJ 6WRFN 7UDGLWLRQDOO\ LQ ,UHODQG KRXVLQJ GHVLJQ IDOOV LQWR WKUHH EURDG FDWHJRULHV YLVjYLV bungalows/detached (representing 40% of national stock), semi-detached/terraced (40%) and flats/apartments (20%)2. There was an estimated 2,012,0003 million dwellings in Ireland as at end 2010 of which some 52% were built before the Building Regulations 1991 first came into operation on 1st June 1992. Within the overall figure, a total of 128,0144 dwellings as at end 2010 were let by local authorities for the purposes of social housing provision." Towards NZEBs in Ireland_Nov 2012 PROGRESSION FROM BASELINE TO NZEB above Composite BER type Certificate for all 4 apartments. Both ground floor apartments achieved a rating of D2 while both first floor apartments achieved a rating of E1. 2.1 Definition - Dwellings By 2020 all new dwellings in Ireland will have an Energy Performance Coefficient (EPC) and Carbon Performance Coefficient (CPC) of 0.302 and 0.305 in accordance with the common general framework set out in Annex I of Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (recast). This takes account of the energy load for space heating, water heating, fixed lighting and ventilation. For a typical dwelling this will equate to 45 kWh/m2/annum with a very significant proportion of which will be covered from renewable energy sources produced on-site or nearby. Towards NZEBs in Ireland_Nov 2012 "Even considering that nZEB is not necessarily equivalent to a passive house but close to the energy level of passive houses, the factor by which the deployment of nZEBs across Europe should increase can be assumed to be beyond 100. For reaching this market level for very low-energy buildings it is necessary to improve the skills of and to expand the number of building professionals, from architects, construction engineers to installers and workers. Without systematic efforts at overcoming this barrier, it will be difficult to achieve the nZEB expectations." PRINCIPALS FOR NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS Published in November 2011 by Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE). NZEB requrement and retrofit challenge context METHODOLOGY The methodology used was the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure software tool (DEAP) version 3.2 (0.4 of workbook) as provided by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). U-value calculations for establishing the heat loss through the fabric were calculated according to current convention using the software tool BuildDesk U version 3.4 as provided by BuildDesk ltd UK. This software was also used to provide an interstitial condensation risk assessment and surface condensation risk analysis. Thermal bridging Y-factors for the 4 apartments were calculated to current standards using the THERM software (version 6.3) supplied by the University of California. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS The analysis of the results will inevitably inform the process of formulating a renovation strategy for the block. The two ground floor apartments are performing exactly the same. This have been expected as the only difference in arrangement is the location of the entrance door, south for G1 and north for G2. The annual delivered energy theoretically required for both ground floor units at the default Y-factor is 16,147 kWh/h, which is approximately 3000 kWh less than that required for the two top floor units. The two top units while not performing exactly the same show a modest 234kWh difference in their delivered energy requirement. This can be accounted for by the south facing window to the side of F1 as opposed to a north facing side window to F2. F1 picks up some extra but modest solar gains as a result. left Table DEAP results for all 4 apartments showing delivered and primary energy demand and consequent CO2 emissions Plot 9: It is imperative that we improve the performance of the existing housing stock, if we are to achieve the CO2 reduction targets for 2020 and 2050. Plot 9 will provide a research base for how this can be done most effectively in the future and will provide valuable information on cost and performance of retrofit VROXWLRQV ,Q Scotland, one of the worst performing apartment building types BOTH thermally and acoustically is the '4-in-a-block' (where there are two flats on the ground floor, and two on the first floor). There are approximately 265,000 of these in Scotland alone, but their build style (1930's to 1970's) is similar to cavity block walls found in 3 million dwellings in England. These building types have the lowest sound insulation of any of the housing stock in Scotland. 3ORW 5HIXUELVKHG +RXVH 5HWURILW 'HPRQVWUDWLRQ OHG E\ %5( 6FRWODQG ZLWK +LVWRULF 6FRWODQG 6FRWWLVK *RYHUQPHQW «WKH YDVW PDMRULW\ RI EXLOGLQJV RYHU LQ HDFK VHFWRU WKDW have already been built will still be in use in 2050: the refurbishment of the present stock is the major task. Because of the cost-effectiveness of many building energy efficiency improvements, the cheapest way to get to zero carbon by 2050 is undoubtedly for this refurbishment to be to an extremely high standard - ideally resulting in properties using less energy than a new building in 2011. It is important to remember that a low-energy building is comfortable to live or work in and the most affordable in a scenario of rapidly increasing energy prices." Achieving zero. Creating Future-Friendly Buildings. Bordman Brenda 2012. Oxford University Centre for the Environment ³,UHODQG KDV EHHQ LGHQWLILHG DV D FRXQWU\ PDUNHG E\ DPRQJ WKH KLJKHVW OHYHOV RI housing deprivation, and among the least energy efficient dwellings in northern (XURSH´ p.6 Quantifying The Severity of Fuel Poverty, its relationship with poor housing and reasons for non-investment in energy saving measures. Healy J and Clinch P, Department of Environmental Studies, University College Dublin, 2002 3DUDJUDSK RI WKH 'LUHFWLYH VWDWHV ³7KH UDWH of building renovation needs to be increased, as the existing building stock represents the single biggest potential sector for energy savings. Moreover, buildings are crucial to achieving the Union objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. European Energy Efficiency Directive. 2012/27/EU . Official Journal of the European Union 2012. context Eamon Gogarty MRIAI D13124792 DUBLIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN DIGITAL ANALYSIS AND ENERGY RETROFIT EXISTING GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT (apartments G1 and G2) sc 1:125 EXISTING FIRST FLOOR LAYOUT (apartments F1 and F2) sc 1:125 bedroom bathroom stairs & hall living kitchen kitchen bedroom stairs & hall bathroom bathroom bedroom bedroom living kitchen kitchen entrance hall entrance hall PERSPECTIVE LAYOUT EXISTING PERSPECTIVE SECTION EXISTING U-Value Windows 4.0 W/m2k U-Value Roof 0.57 W/m2k U-Value External Wall 1.72 W/m2k U-Value FLOOR 0.57 W/m2k EXISTING SOUTH EAST AND NORTH EAST ELEVATIONS sc 1:300 BRE BASE MODEL PRE RENOVATION ENERGY ANALYSIS Revised Internal Geometry. (not mandatory, but in this case helps an awkward layout and achieves some modest gains through the elimination of the flue-less combustion heater) Reduce Fabric Losses Reduce external wall U-value with external and full fill cavity insulation. Improve Insulation to attic. Insulate and seal suspended ground floor. Install passive standard windows. and new entrance door. Detailing is crucial to achieve the required level of air-tightness, to avoid the problems of interstitial condensation, and to greatly reduce the losses associated with thermal bridging at junctions. Acheive a Y-factor of 0.05 or better. The default value used in DEAP is 0.15. The aim is to reduce the losses associated with thermal bridging by a factor of at least 3 Airtightness and Ventilation Specify blower door testing to achieve a minimum Q50/20 of 2 (0.04 air changes per hour) or better. Install whole house mechanical extract ventilation system. (Aereco V2A 032EX) with DEAP inputs from SAP appendix Q. (note: No heat recovery) Install low energy lighting throughout Boiler / Controls/and DWH In this case install a high effieiency (93.2%Potterton : Promax Combi - 24 HE Plus LPG) DEAP inputs from harp database. Distribution losses but no storage losses in DEAP WH tab. Install time and temperature control with appropriate DEAP inputs. Solar PV PAnels. Installing a 1kW peak power PV array would produce 1063 kWh of electricity per year and within DEAP and converted to primary energy can be offset against the overall primary energy demand. The resulting 43kWh/m2/y of primary energy demand reaches the nZEB target. BRE NZEB REFURB SPEC (apt F2) BRE NZEB REFURB SPEC MODIFIED 1 (apt F2) BRE REFURB SPEC MODIFIED 2 (apt F2) Change 402% efficient heat pump to 91.1% efficient gas combi boiler Change Heat 402% efficient heat pump to 91.1% efficient gas combi boiler and remove 2 of the 6 Photovoltaic panels NZEB NZEB NZEB + 1Kwh/m2/y A DEAP analysis of the building as refurbished by BRE Scotland was carried out and the results along with some selected comparisons are shown above. Some brief comments on the exercise woud include: Levels of airtightness achieved were poor in the context of an NZEB upgrade. Only one of the units achieved NZEB standard and required a combination of renewables plus mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. The question could be asked as o whether this approach is excesive (expensive) for a 69sqm two bedroom apartment??? The exercise shown right was carried out using DEAP on the BRE NZEB F2 Apartment to investigate the effect of changing the heating systems employed and the results show that NZEB can still be achieved using a conventional gas boiler. The exercise shown right was carried out using DEAP on the BRE NZEB F2 Apartment to investigate the effect of changing the heating systems employed and the results show that NZEB can still be achieved using a conventional gas boiler. 7 Steps to NZEB (apartments G1 and F1) To take apartments G1 and F1 from baseline performance to NZEB To take apartments G2 and F2 from BRE retrofit performance to NZEB Note G2 and F2 and NZEB BRE Scotland achieved NZEB performance in their retro fit of Apartment F2. Under the Sap rating system apartment G2 was BRE's best performing apartment. Using DEAP apartment G2 was the worst performing of the four, post retrofit, largely as a result of using electricity to meet the totality of the energy demand. The unfavourable conversion factors for electricity use in DEAP would suggest that this retrofit strategy would not be appropriate in an Irish context. Apartment G2 could be brought to NZEB standard by replacing the electric combi heat store with a conventional gas fired combi boiler and adding 4 extra photovoltaic panels to the roof and apportioning the electricity generated on a 50/50 basis between apartments G2 and F2. From the analysis above it is clear that the DEAP methodology is a complex matrix of elements that allows many ways to measure a path to NZEB performance. This study is being undertaken in the context of paragraph 17 European Energy Efficiency Directive. 2012/27/EU and the renovation of the existing building stock, as quoted above. The project under consideration relates to modest housing be it either social or private. It is reasonable to assume that the retrofit budgets will also be modest. It is for this reason that the interventions proposed are conventional and primarily driven by an exploration of how far dealing with the fabric of the building and using conventional systems can go along the road to NZEB. It is clear that renewables are necessary and are provided at step 7 in the form of solar photovoltaics. Windows / Doors 0.8 W/m2k Floor 0.15 W/m2k Roof / Ceiling 0.8 W/m2k U Values & Condenstion Risk Walls 0.13 W/m2k AIR TIGHTNESS STRATEGY "Permeability is calculated by dividing the air leakage rate in m3/hr by the envelope area in m2. The performance is assessed at 50 Pascals pressure difference. It has been empirically determined that for dwellings generally the permeability at 50 Pascals pressure difference is approximately 20 times the air change rate at normal conditions." From TGD part L 2011 Specify a Q50/ 20 of 2 or better Specify 3"blower door" tests to be carried out at plastering stage, first fix and completion. The procedure for testing is VSHFLILHG LQ ,6 (1 ³7KHUPDO performance of buildings: determination of air permeability of buildings: fan pressurization PHWKRG´ New windows and Doors 100% sealed. and airtightness tape attached to window / door frames and wet plastered to window /door reveals at head and jambes. At sill tape is to be sealed to 18mm OSB layer beneath window board. PRO Clima Intello plus membrane installed under plasterboard at ground and first floor ceilings and fixed with 25mm x 50mm timber battens and sealed at all wall junctions with airtight tape. PRO Clima Intello plus membrane installed under plasterboard at ground and first floor ceilings and fixed with 25mm x 50mm timber battens and sealed at all wall junctions with airtight tape. At suspended timber ground floor install PRO Clima Intello plus membrane to top of existing joists, min 150mm laps sealed with air tight tape. Seal with airtight tape at all wall junctions. Ventilation Ventilation to the dwelling is provided by a centralised fan which will be placed below ceiling level in the hallway. Air is extracted (green arrows) via the extract units located in ³ZHW URRPV´ NLWFKHQ DQG EDWKURRP Connected to the fan (via flexible ducting), the extract units drive the renewal air volume for the whole dwelling. In Demand Controlled Ventilation, the humidity sensitive/presence detection extract units make it possible to distribute the available airflow generated by the fan according to the needs of each room. The role of humidity sensitive air inlets (blue arrows) is then to distribute fresh air DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH QHHGV RI HDFK ³GU\ URRP´ (bedrooms and living rooms). Thus, rooms with high requirements for new air promote greater airflow than the empty rooms, to help remove pollution and save energy. Demand Controlled Extract Ventilation Generally 1 Fan (V2A Model, 2 Exrtracts to kitchen and Bathroom, 3 Air inlets to Bedrooms and Kitchen / Living, plus a passive infra red extract unit to the bathroom DEAP input as Whole House Mechanical Extract Ventilation with Sap Appendix Q data as availabel COMBI Boiler B 1 IV RAD IV IV RT IV Heating Controller Existing Gas Meter Gas Connection To Kitchen Hob RT IV IV flow cold water services to kitchen tap water main gas main return hot water services RAD RAD RAD RAD water tank at high level above boiler 2 Zone link CONVENTIONAL HEATING SYSTEM (Combi Boiler 2 Zone layout and Hot water) RENEWABLES The analysis confirms that the NZEB target can not be reached without the inroduction of a renewable source The strategy outlined throughout has been to examine how far a relatively conventional approach can travel along the road to NZEB. Through a fabric first approach a considerable amount has been achieved. In a scenario that may well emerge over the coming years electricity would play an entirely role. The much reduced space heating demand could easily be met with relatively inexpensive electric heaters and more favourable electricity conversion factors resulting from a "greener" electricity supply would make direct electric water heating an option to be considered. In effect a "greener electricity supply would remove the renewable sources offsite. Ireland's NZEB plan ("planning for 2020 and beyond") reiterates the NZEB requirement that a large portion of the energy requirement for an NZEB dwelling be met by renewable sources. However it states that the source can be onsite or "nearby". "Nearby" could offer economies of scale that are not available to an individual homeowner. The renewable source to be introduced here is Solar Photovoltaic Panels for the prouction of electricity. Though not without cost it is a relatively uncomplicated system , has a long life and would appear to be maintainence free. Solar PV Collector (module array) DC Connections DC Connections DC / AC Inverter AC Connections AC Isolation Credit Meter Consumer Unit Mains Supply Electricity Meter AC Supply Appliances Layout of Solar Photovoltaic Array to roof. 12 panels shown on G1 and F1 and 9 Shown on G2 and F2 The electricity produced by the PV module in kWh/year is 0.80 x kWp x S x ZPV (M1) where S is the annual solar radiation from Table H2 (depending on orientation and pitch), and ZPV is the overshading factor from Table H3. If there are two PV modules, e.g. at different tilt or orientation, apply equation (M1) to each and sum the annual electricity generation. In the DEAP software enter the calculated energy produced by PV in the 'Energy produced or saved' input cell in the 'Fuel Data' section of the 'Energy Requirements' tab. The delivered energy is acceptable as renewable (electrical) energy for TGD L conformance. The overall results for the retrofits are tabulated above.All apartments acheived NZEB performance. Crossing the NZEB threshold relies on the use of photovoltaics in all cases aportioned as appropriate. The contribution of photovoltaics in reaching the NZEB threshold is shown in the graph directly below. It is worth noting that the use of a heat pump in apartment F2 as opposed to a conventional gas boiler in the other three apartments produces a better delivered energy performance but is the worst performing in terms of carbon emmissions. Contribution of photovoltaics in crossing the NZEB threshold. 40 kWh/m2/y Apt G1 Apt G2 Apt F1 Apt F2 45 kWh/m2/y 39 kWh/m2/y 44 kWh/m2/y Apartment G1 (DIT Upgrade) Apartment G2 (BRE Upgrade) Apartment F1 (DIT Upgrade) Apartment F2 (BRE Upgrade) Apartment G1 DIT Upgrade and Layout changes Apartment F1 DIT Upgrade and Layout changes Apartment G2 BRE Upgrade / No Layout changes Apartment F2 BRE Upgrade / No Layout changes NZEB UPGRADE LAYOUT CHANGES Chimney removed Solar Photovoltaics Eaves Realignment External Insulation Passive certified Windows and Doors Ground Floor Plan Layout changes Sc 1: 75 First Floor Plan Layout changes Sc 1: 75 Refuse Screen Bike Stand Accessable ramp & steps SOLAR GAINS AND OVER HEATING Apartment F1 Windows open half the time DEAP TABLE P1 Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1) Apartment F1 Windows slightly open DEAP TABLE P1 Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1) Apartment G1 Windows open half the time DEAP TABLE P1 Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1) Apartment G1 Windows slightly open DEAP TABLE P1 Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1) The tabulated results opposite show a slight propensity to over heat for F1 with the windows only slightly open and no designed overhang, while the same input for apartment G1 show a high propensity to over heat with the windows only slightly open. I think it would be reasonable to assume for the purposes of this study that in all cases when necessary, that the windows could be open half of the time to avail of the cooling effect of cross ventilation. In that case it would not be necessary to introduce overhang shading into the design. "There are substantial opportunities to reduce demand for heating (space and water) in the building stock. These are well-known, though the scale and VSHHG RI UHGXFWLRQ UHTXLUHG LV EDUHO\ UHFRJQL]HG E\ WKH SXEOLF« WKH problem is with the creation of demand for higher performance." Achieving zero. Creating Future-Friendly Buildings. Bordman Brenda 2012. Oxford University Centre for the Environment. Typical Performance Standards for NZEB for Dwellings Restricted Layouts Generally Thermal Bridge Location shown Dashed Y-factor (Default v Calculated) To reflect the reality that the thermal performance of buildings is markedly different at junctions or at changes in material, than in a general conditions in the normal plane and to reflect that our knowledge of how these junctions are constructed is often limited, the software automatically adds an extra level of heat loss over the length of these junctions in W/k over the calculated exposed area of the building in m2. To ensure that the results are not understated the default value applied is 0.15 W/m2k or a Y-factor of 0.15. As it is an average it can under or overstate the performance of a building. These junctions can be identified, and if sufficient information is available the "true" Y-factor can be calculated and used in place of the default. Balancing Heat loss Graph shows a demand for spave heating for every month of the year. Performance Coefficients Values for G1 Baseline The DEAP results table opposite for apartment F1 clearly demonstrates how the delivered energy is demanded and distributed. ~73% is required for the main space heating as result of the heat losses that have been described above, and it is provided by a mains gas combi boiler ~16% is required for water heating and also provided by the mains gas combi boiler. (in this case there is no supplementary electric immersion water heating) ~6.5% is required for supplementary space heating and provided by a bottled gas heater. That represents almost 96% to the total demand. The remainder is electricity needed for lighting, pumps, fans etc. The Energy demand and heat losses are graphically shown in the charts to the left. The necessity for a fabric first approach could not be clearer. Eamon Gogarty MRIAI D13124792 POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN DIGITAL ANALYSIS AND ENERGY RETROFIT 446.5 159.5(lw) 512 1339.5 446.5 1536(lw) 1339.5 (lc) 159.5 20 C & 0.13 m2K/W 20 C & 0.10 m2K/W 1 C & 0.10 m2K/W 0 C & 0.13 m2K/W 0 C & 0.04 m2K/W Boundary Conditions as per BR497 512 Combined Eaves & Lintel Geometry Eaves Geometry Flanking Walls Flanking Ceiling 0RGHO WKH HDYHV GHWDLO LQ LVRODWLRQ WR JLYH ȌHDYHV 0RGHO WKH FRPELQHG MXQFWLRQ WR JLYH ȌHDYHVOLQWHO 6XEWUDFW ȌHDYHV IURP ȌHDYHVOLQWHO WR JLYH ȌOLQWHO FRPELQHG 2EWDLQ WKH KHDW ORVV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK ȌHDYHV DQG ȌOLQWHO FRPELQHG E\ PXOWLSO\LQJ E\ the length over which each apply. U'c U'w Y- factor Extract from DEAP Thermal Bridging Application version 1 demonstrating methodology for calculating Y- factor for input to DEAP workbook. Calculated Y -factor for Apartment F1 shown 0.420 W/m2k Ȍ YDOXHV DQG )56, Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Infra red images shown to right show temperature fall off through thermal bridging MXQFWLRQV 7KH HDYHV OLQWHO DQG VLOO YDOXHV DUH FDOFXODWHG Ȍ YDOXHV DQG WHPSHUDWXUH values. 7KH VXVSHQGHG WLPEHU JURXQG IORRU Ȍ YDOXH LV IURP WKH QHDUHVW $&' DQG WKH WHPSHUDWXUH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ DQ DVVXPHG VXE IORRU WHPSHUDWXUH RI & Infra red colour legend & calculation Section 1:5 & outline spec Eaves Extension: To maintain line of fascia and gutter with neighbouring property. 18mm WBP plywood extension piece nailed to existing trusses and 50mm x 35mm treated timber support fixed to existing wall. 50mm x 50mm treated timbers between plywood extension to support new fascia and soffit. 10mm ventilation strip in soffit backed with insect mesh for continuos ventilation to roof space. Airtightness at ceiling Install "Intello plus" membrane to existing ceiling fixed at 400 ctrs with 50mm x 25mm timber battens. Ensure membrane is properly airtight taped at all laps. Membrane to be airtight taped and sealed to walls at corners. WBP eaves extension External Wall Insulation Parex external wall insulation system; comprising 150mm Carbon graphite modified EPS (platinum) external insulation adhesively fixed with Parex insul-bond base coat & adhesive: 100% acrylic polymer based with portland cement additive, and mechanically fixed with proprietary Parex concrete/masonry fixings (minimum of 4 number fixings per m2.) Parex insul-bond base coat & adhesive: 100% acrylic polymer based, with portland cement additive. Parex standard fibre mesh reinforcement embedded into fresh 22mm painted square edged mdf window board. 18mm OSB packer airtight taped to window frame and wet plaster finish at wall 185mm x 35mm treated timber cavity closer. New Windows & Doors To be Munster Joinery Passiv PVC triple glazed to selected colour. Windows to be installed as per manufacturers instructions. (Passive house certificate No 0497wi03) U-value 0.8W/m2K, to be installed "60" min compartment floor with sound insulation. From Below: Remove existing 9mm plaster boards and fit new 12.5mm gypsum boards to existing joists. (ensure all boards are perimeter supported. Fit 15mm gypsum fireline boards as 2nd layer. fit Intello plus airtight membrane secured with 25mm x 25mm softwood battens to new construction. Ensure membrane is sealed at corner wall junctions with airtight tape. Fit new 9.5mm gypsum plaster board to timber battens and finish with gypsum plaster skimcoat. All ground floor Seperating Floor from above (60m compartment): 2mm selected vinyl floor finish on 6mm wbp ply onn 18mm t&g OSB flooring sheets on existing timber joists OSB to be airtight taped at all joints and airtight taped with wetplaster finish at all floor wall junctions. Gyprock plank fitted between floor joists on gypframe SIF floor channel fitted over joists. 100mm Rockwool Roll batt insulation fitted between joists. Seperating Floor from above: 2mm selected vinyl floor finish on 6mm wbp ply on Intello plus airtight membrane turned up at corners and sealed with airtight tape at junctions with existing walls, on 18mm t&g OSB flooring sheets on existing timber joists. Gyprock plank fitted between floor joists on gypframe SIF floor channel fitted over joists. 100mm Rockwool Roll batt insulation fitted between joists. Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Ȍ :PN 7 & Existing sill to be removed and new 100mm x 100mm quinnlite block laid on existing brickwork. New 50mm x 50mm treated softwood batten fixed to quinnlite with new window to sit on batten and screw fixed to reveals and soffit. 225mm Rockwool "Flexi" fitted between existing floor joists.Polypropene netting to support insulation stapled to top of joists and securely fixed to ensure no sagging. Fix airtight breathable vapour control membrane across top of joists. Ensure all laps (min 150mm) are sealed with airtight tape. Membrane to be turned up at corner junctions with existing walls and sealed with airtight tape bedded in wet plaster skim. Floor finish to be selected vinyl on 18mm t&g flooring sheets. 22mm painted square edged mdf window board. 18mm OSB packer airtight taped to window frame and wet plaster finish at wall 185mm x 35mm treated timber cavity closer. SS window fixing brackets fixed to existing window reveals and airtight tape to frame to be bedded in wet repair plaster to maintain continuity of airtight plaster layer.

FINAL LAYOUT (8) - Dublin Institute of Technology · PERSPECTIVE SECTION EXISTING PERSPECTIVE LAYOUT EXISTING U-Value Windows 4.0 W/m2k U-Value Roof 0.57 W/m2k U-Value External Wall

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Page 1: FINAL LAYOUT (8) - Dublin Institute of Technology · PERSPECTIVE SECTION EXISTING PERSPECTIVE LAYOUT EXISTING U-Value Windows 4.0 W/m2k U-Value Roof 0.57 W/m2k U-Value External Wall

Ireland’s National Building Stock"Traditionally in Ireland, housing design falls into three broad categories, vis-à-vis,bungalows/detached (representing 40% of national stock), semi-detached/terraced(40%) and flats/apartments (20%)2. There was an estimated 2,012,0003 milliondwellings in Ireland as at end 2010 of which some 52% were built before theBuilding Regulations 1991 first came into operation on 1st June 1992. Within theoverall figure, a total of 128,0144 dwellings as at end 2010 were let by localauthorities for the purposes of social housing provision."Towards NZEBs in Ireland_Nov 2012


aboveComposite BER type Certificate for all 4 apartments.Both ground floor apartments achieved a rating of D2while both first floor apartments achieved a rating ofE1.

2.1 Definition - DwellingsBy 2020 all new dwellings in Ireland will have an Energy Performance Coefficient(EPC) and Carbon Performance Coefficient (CPC) of 0.302 and 0.305 in accordance with thecommon general framework set out in Annex I of Directive 2010/31/EU on the energyperformance of buildings (recast). This takes account of the energy load for space heating,water heating, fixed lighting and ventilation. For a typical dwelling this will equate to 45kWh/m2/annum with a very significant proportion of which will be covered from renewableenergy sources produced on-site or nearby.

Towards NZEBs in Ireland_Nov 2012

"Even considering that nZEB is not necessarily equivalent to a passive house but close to theenergy level of passive houses, the factor by which the deployment of nZEBs across Europeshould increase can be assumed to be beyond 100. For reaching this market level for verylow-energy buildings it is necessary to improve the skills of and to expand the number of buildingprofessionals, from architects, construction engineers to installers and workers. Withoutsystematic efforts at overcoming this barrier, it will be difficult to achieve the nZEB expectations."PRINCIPALS FOR NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS Published in November 2011 byBuildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE).

NZEB requrement and retrofit challengecontext

METHODOLOGYThe methodology used was the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure softwaretool (DEAP) version 3.2 (0.4 of workbook) as provided by the Sustainable EnergyAuthority of Ireland (SEAI). U-value calculations for establishing the heat lossthrough the fabric were calculated according to current convention using thesoftware tool BuildDesk U version 3.4 as provided by BuildDesk ltd UK. Thissoftware was also used to provide an interstitial condensation risk assessmentand surface condensation risk analysis. Thermal bridging Y-factors for the 4apartments were calculated to current standards using the THERM software(version 6.3) supplied by the University of California.

ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTSThe analysis of the results will inevitably inform the process of formulating arenovation strategy for the block. The two ground floor apartments are performingexactly the same. This have been expected as the only difference inarrangement is the location of the entrance door, south for G1 and north for G2.The annual delivered energy theoretically required for both ground floor units atthe default Y-factor is 16,147 kWh/h, which is approximately 3000 kWh less thanthat required for the two top floor units. The two top units while not performingexactly the same show a modest 234kWh difference in their delivered energyrequirement. This can be accounted for by the south facing window to the side ofF1 as opposed to a north facing side window to F2. F1 picks up some extra butmodest solar gains as a result.

leftTable DEAP results for all 4 apartments showingdelivered and primary energy demand andconsequent CO2 emissions

Plot 9: It is imperative that we improve the performance of theexisting housing stock, if we are to achieve the CO2 reductiontargets for 2020 and 2050. Plot 9 will provide a research basefor how this can be done most effectively in the future and willprovide valuable information on cost and performance of retrofitsolutions. In Scotland, one of the worst performing apartmentbuilding types BOTH thermally and acoustically is the'4-in-a-block' (where there are two flats on the ground floor, andtwo on the first floor). There are approximately 265,000 of thesein Scotland alone, but their build style (1930's to 1970's) issimilar to cavity block walls found in 3 million dwellings inEngland. These building types have the lowest sound insulationof any of the housing stock in Scotland.

Plot 9: Refurbished House: Retrofit Demonstration led by BRE Scotland with ..., Historic Scotland & Scottish Government"…the vast majority of buildings (over 80% in each sector) thathave already been built will still be in use in 2050: therefurbishment of the present stock is the major task. Becauseof the cost-effectiveness of many building energy efficiencyimprovements, the cheapest way to get to zero carbon by 2050is undoubtedly for this refurbishment to be to an extremely highstandard - ideally resulting in properties using less energy thana new building in 2011. It is important to remember that alow-energy building is comfortable to live or work in and themost affordable in a scenario of rapidly increasing energyprices."Achieving zero. Creating Future-Friendly Buildings.Bordman Brenda 2012. Oxford University Centre forthe Environment

“Ireland has been identified as a country marked by among the highest levels ofhousing deprivation, and among the least energy efficient dwellings in northernEurope..”. p.6 Quantifying The Severity of Fuel Poverty, its relationship with poorhousing and reasons for non-investment in energy saving measures. Healy J andClinch P, Department of Environmental Studies, University College Dublin, 2002

Paragraph (17) of the Directive states: “The rateof building renovation needs to be increased, asthe existing building stock represents the singlebiggest potential sector for energy savings.Moreover, buildings are crucial to achieving theUnion objective of reducing greenhouse gasemissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to1990.

European Energy Efficiency Directive.2012/27/EU . Official Journal of the EuropeanUnion 2012.



EXISTING GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT (apartments G1 and G2) sc 1:125 EXISTING FIRST FLOOR LAYOUT (apartments F1 and F2) sc 1:125



stairs & hall





stairs & hall

bathroom bathroombedroom bedroom


entrance hallentrance hall


U-Value Windows4.0 W/m2k

U-Value Roof0.57 W/m2k

U-Value External Wall1.72 W/m2kU-Value FLOOR



Revised Internal Geometry.(not mandatory, but in this case helps an awkward layout and achieves some modest gains through the elimination ofthe flue-less combustion heater)Reduce Fabric LossesReduce external wall U-value with external and full fill cavity insulation. Improve Insulation to attic. Insulate and sealsuspended ground floor. Install passive standard windows. and new entrance door. Detailing is crucial to achieve therequired level of air-tightness, to avoid the problems of interstitial condensation, and to greatly reduce the lossesassociated with thermal bridging at junctions.Acheive a Y-factor of 0.05 or better.The default value used in DEAP is 0.15. The aim is to reduce the losses associated with thermal bridging by a factor ofat least 3Airtightness and VentilationSpecify blower door testing to achieve a minimum Q50/20 of 2 (0.04 air changes per hour) or better.Install whole house mechanical extract ventilation system. (Aereco V2A 032EX) with DEAP inputs from SAP appendixQ. (note: No heat recovery)Install low energy lighting throughoutBoiler / Controls/and DWHIn this case install a high effieiency (93.2%Potterton : Promax Combi - 24 HE Plus LPG) DEAP inputs from harpdatabase. Distribution losses but no storage losses in DEAP WH tab. Install time and temperature control withappropriate DEAP inputs.Solar PV PAnels.Installing a 1kW peak power PV array would produce 1063 kWh of electricity per year and within DEAP and convertedto primary energy can be offset against the overall primary energy demand. The resulting 43kWh/m2/y of primaryenergy demand reaches the nZEB target.


Change 402% efficient heat pump to 91.1% efficient gas combi boiler Change Heat 402% efficient heat pump to 91.1% efficient gas combi boiler andremove 2 of the 6 Photovoltaic panels

NZEB NZEB NZEB + 1Kwh/m2/y

A DEAP analysis of the building asrefurbished by BRE Scotland wascarried out and the results along withsome selected comparisons are shownabove.

Some brief comments on the exercise woud include:Levels of airtightness achieved were poor in the context of an NZEB upgrade.Only one of the units achieved NZEB standard and required a combination of renewables plus mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.The question could be asked as o whether this approach is excesive (expensive) for a 69sqm two bedroom apartment???

The exerciseshown right wascarried out usingDEAP on theBRE NZEB F2Apartment toinvestigate theeffect of changingthe heatingsystemsemployed andthe results showthat NZEB canstill be achievedusing aconventional gasboiler.

The exercise shown right was carried out using DEAP on the BRE NZEB F2 Apartment to investigate the effect of changing the heating systemsemployed and the results show that NZEB can still be achieved using a conventional gas boiler.

7 Steps to NZEB (apartments G1 and F1)To take apartments G1 and F1 from baselineperformance to NZEBTo take apartments G2 and F2 from BRE retrofitperformance to NZEB

NoteG2 and F2 and NZEB

BRE Scotland achieved NZEB performance in theirretro fit of Apartment F2.

Under the Sap rating system apartment G2 wasBRE's best performing apartment.

Using DEAP apartment G2 was the worst performingof the four, post retrofit, largely as a result of usingelectricity to meet the totality of the energy demand.The unfavourable conversion factors for electricityuse in DEAP would suggest that this retrofit strategywould not be appropriate in an Irish context.Apartment G2 could be brought to NZEB standardby replacing the electric combi heat store with aconventional gas fired combi boiler and adding 4extra photovoltaic panels to the roof andapportioning the electricity generated on a 50/50basis between apartments G2 and F2.

From the analysis above it is clear thatthe DEAP methodology is a complexmatrix of elements that allows manyways to measure a path to NZEBperformance.

This study is being undertaken in thecontext of paragraph 17 EuropeanEnergy Efficiency Directive. 2012/27/EUand the renovation of the existing buildingstock, as quoted above.

The project under consideration relatesto modest housing be it either social orprivate. It is reasonable to assume thatthe retrofit budgets will also be modest. Itis for this reason that the interventionsproposed are conventional and primarilydriven by an exploration of how fardealing with the fabric of the building andusing conventional systems can go alongthe road to NZEB.

It is clear that renewables are necessaryand are provided at step 7 in the form ofsolar photovoltaics.

Windows / Doors 0.8 W/m2k

Floor 0.15 W/m2k

Roof / Ceiling 0.8 W/m2k




Walls 0.13 W/m2k

AIR TIGHTNESSSTRATEGY"Permeability iscalculated by dividing the air leakage rate inm3/hr by the envelope area in m2. Theperformance is assessed at 50 Pascalspressure difference. It has been empiricallydetermined that for dwellings generally thepermeability at 50 Pascals pressuredifference is approximately 20 times the airchange rate at normal conditions."From TGD part L 2011

Specify a Q50/ 20 of 2 or better

Specify 3"blower door" tests to be carried out atplastering stage, first fix and completion.The procedure for testing isspecified in I.S. EN 13829: 2000 “Thermalperformance of buildings: determination of airpermeability of buildings: fan pressurizationmethod”.

New windows and Doors 100% sealed. and airtightness tapeattached to window / door frames and wet plastered to window/door reveals at head and jambes. At sill tape is to be sealed to18mm OSB layer beneath window board.

PRO Clima Intello plus membrane installed under plasterboardat ground and first floor ceilings and fixed with 25mm x 50mmtimber battens and sealed at all wall junctions with airtight tape.

PRO Clima Intello plus membrane installed under plasterboardat ground and first floor ceilings and fixed with 25mm x 50mmtimber battens and sealed at all wall junctions with airtight tape.

At suspended timber ground floor install PRO Clima Intello plusmembrane to top of existing joists, min 150mm laps sealed withair tight tape. Seal with airtight tape at all wall junctions.


Ventilation to the dwelling is provided by acentralised fan which will be placed belowceiling level in the hallway. Air is extracted(green arrows) via the extract units located in“wet rooms” (kitchen, and bathroom).Connected to the fan (via flexible ducting), theextract units drive the renewal air volume forthe whole dwelling. In Demand ControlledVentilation, the humidity sensitive/presencedetection extract units make it possible todistribute the available airflow generated bythe fan according to the needs of each room.The role of humidity sensitive air inlets (bluearrows) is then to distribute fresh airaccording to the needs of each “dry room”(bedrooms and living rooms). Thus, roomswith high requirements for new air promotegreater airflow than the empty rooms, to helpremove pollution and save energy.

Demand Controlled Extract Ventilation

Generally1 Fan (V2A Model, 2 Exrtracts to kitchen and Bathroom,3 Air inlets to Bedrooms and Kitchen / Living, plus a passiveinfra red extract unit to the bathroom

DEAP input as Whole House Mechanical Extract Ventilation withSap Appendix Q data as availabel

COMBI Boiler








Heating Controller

Existing Gas Meter

Gas Connection To Kitchen Hob




cold water services

to kitchen tap

water main

gas main


hot water services


water tank at high level above boiler

2 Zone link

CONVENTIONAL HEATING SYSTEM (Combi Boiler 2 Zone layout and Hot water)

RENEWABLESThe analysis confirms that the NZEB targetcan not be reached without the inroduction ofa renewable source

The strategy outlined throughout has been toexamine how far a relatively conventionalapproach can travel along the road to NZEB.

Through a fabric first approach a considerableamount has been achieved.

In a scenario that may well emerge over thecoming years electricity would play an entirelyrole. The much reduced space heatingdemand could easily be met with relativelyinexpensive electric heaters and morefavourable electricity conversion factorsresulting from a "greener" electricity supplywould make direct electric water heating anoption to be considered.

In effect a "greener electricity supply wouldremove the renewable sources offsite.Ireland's NZEB plan ("planning for 2020 andbeyond") reiterates the NZEB requirementthat a large portion of the energy requirementfor an NZEB dwelling be met by renewablesources. However it states that the sourcecan be onsite or "nearby". "Nearby" couldoffer economies of scale that are not availableto an individual homeowner.

The renewable source to be introduced hereis Solar Photovoltaic Panels for the prouctionof electricity. Though not without cost it is arelatively uncomplicated system , has a longlife and would appear to be maintainencefree.

Solar PV Collector(module array)

DC Connections

DC Connections

DC / AC Inverter

AC Connections

AC Isolation

Credit Meter

Consumer Unit

Mains Supply

Electricity Meter

AC Supply


Layout of Solar Photovoltaic Array to roof. 12 panels shown on G1 and F1 and 9 Shown on G2 and F2

The electricity produced by the PV module in kWh/year is 0.80 x kWp x S x ZPV (M1)

where S is the annual solar radiation from Table H2 (depending on orientation and pitch), and ZPV is the overshading factor from Table H3. If there are twoPV modules, e.g. at different tilt or orientation, apply equation (M1) to each and sum the annual electricity generation.In the DEAP software enter the calculated energy produced by PV in the 'Energy produced or saved' input cell in the 'Fuel Data' section of the 'EnergyRequirements' tab. The delivered energy is acceptable as renewable (electrical) energy for TGD L conformance.

The overall results for the retrofits are tabulated above.All apartments acheived NZEB performance.Crossing the NZEB threshold relies on the use of photovoltaics in all cases aportioned as appropriate.The contribution of photovoltaics in reaching the NZEB threshold is shown in the graph directly below.

It is worth noting that the use of a heat pump in apartment F2 as opposed to a conventional gas boiler in the other threeapartments produces a better delivered energy performance but is the worst performing in terms of carbon emmissions.

Contribution of photovoltaics in crossing the NZEB threshold.

40 kWh/m2/y

Apt G1 Apt G2 Apt F1 Apt F2

45 kWh/m2/y 39 kWh/m2/y 44 kWh/m2/y

Apartment G1 (DIT Upgrade) Apartment G2 (BRE Upgrade)

Apartment F1 (DIT Upgrade) Apartment F2 (BRE Upgrade)

Apartment G1DIT Upgrade and Layout changes

Apartment F1DIT Upgrade and Layout changes

Apartment G2BRE Upgrade / No Layout changes

Apartment F2BRE Upgrade / No Layout changes


Chimney removed

Solar Photovoltaics

Eaves Realignment

External Insulation

Passive certified Windows and Doors

Ground Floor PlanLayout changes Sc 1: 75

First Floor PlanLayout changes Sc 1: 75

Refuse ScreenBike Stand

Accessable ramp & steps

SOLAR GAINS AND OVER HEATINGApartment F1Windows open half the time DEAP TABLE P1Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1)

Apartment F1Windows slightly open DEAP TABLE P1Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1)

Apartment G1Windows open half the time DEAP TABLE P1Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1)

Apartment G1Windows slightly open DEAP TABLE P1Default Curtains / Blinds DEAP table P4 (note 1)

The tabulated results opposite show a slightpropensity to over heat for F1 with thewindows only slightly open and no designedoverhang, while the same input for apartmentG1 show a high propensity to over heat withthe windows only slightly open.

I think it would be reasonable to assume forthe purposes of this study that in all caseswhen necessary, that the windows could beopen half of the time to avail of the coolingeffect of cross ventilation. In that case it wouldnot be necessary to introduce overhangshading into the design.

"There are substantial opportunities to reduce demand for heating (space

and water) in the building stock. These are well-known, though the scale and

speed of reduction required is barely recognized by the public….. the

problem is with the creation of demand for higher performance." Achieving

zero. Creating Future-Friendly Buildings. Bordman Brenda 2012. Oxford

University Centre for the Environment.

Typical Performance Standards for NZEB for Dwellings

Restricted Layouts Generally

Thermal Bridge Location shown Dashed

Y-factor (Default v Calculated)

To reflect the reality that the thermal performance of buildings is markedly

different at junctions or at changes in material, than in a general conditions in

the normal plane and to reflect that our knowledge of how these junctions are

constructed is often limited, the software automatically adds an extra level of

heat loss over the length of these junctions in W/k over the calculated

exposed area of the building in m2. To ensure that the results are not

understated the default value applied is 0.15 W/m2k or a Y-factor of 0.15. As

it is an average it can under or overstate the performance of a building.

These junctions can be identified, and if sufficient information is available the

"true" Y-factor can be calculated and used in place of the default.

Balancing Heat loss Graph shows a demand for spave heating for every month of the year.

Performance CoefficientsValues for G1 Baseline

The DEAP results table opposite for apartment F1clearly demonstrates how the delivered energy isdemanded and distributed.~73% is required for the main space heating as resultof the heat losses that have been described above,and it is provided by a mains gas combi boiler~16% is required for water heating and also providedby the mains gas combi boiler. (in this case there is nosupplementary electric immersion water heating) ~6.5% is required for supplementary space heatingand provided by a bottled gas heater. That represents almost 96% to the total demand. The remainder is electricity needed for lighting,pumps, fans etc.

The Energy demand and heat losses are graphicallyshown in the charts to the left.The necessity for a fabric first approach could not beclearer.









1339.5 (lc)


20 C & 0.13 m2K/W 20 C & 0.10 m2K/W

1 C & 0.10 m2K/W

0 C & 0.13 m2K/W

0 C & 0.04 m2K/W

Boundary Conditions as per BR497


Combined Eaves & Lintel Geometry

Eaves Geometry

Flanking WallsFlanking Ceiling

1 Model the eaves detail in isolation to give Ψeaves.2 Model the combined junction to give Ψeaves+lintel.3 Subtract Ψeaves from Ψeaves+lintel to give Ψlintel (combined)4 Obtain the heat loss associated with Ψeaves and Ψlintel (combined) by multiplying bythe length over which each apply.



Y- factor

Extract from DEAP Thermal BridgingApplication version 1 demonstratingmethodology for calculating Y- factor forinput to DEAP workbook.Calculated Y -factor for Apartment F1shown 0.420 W/m2k

Ψ values and FRSI

Ψ = 0.0487 W/mkT = 19.2 ° CΨ = 0.0196 W/mkT = 19.1 ° C

Ψ = 0.0244 W/mkT = 18.5 ° C

Ψ = 0.0368 W/mkT = 18.2 ° C

Infra red images shown to right show temperature fall off through thermal bridgingjunctions. The eaves, lintel and sill values are calculated Ψ values and temperaturevalues.

The suspended timber ground floor Ψ value is from the nearest ACD and the temperature shown iscalculated using an assumed sub floor temperature of 3 ° C

Infra red colour legend

& calculation

Section 1:5& outline spec

Eaves Extension:To maintain line of fascia and gutter withneighbouring property. 18mm WBPplywood extension piece nailed to existingtrusses and 50mm x 35mm treated timbersupport fixed to existing wall. 50mm x50mm treated timbers between plywoodextension to support new fascia and soffit.10mm ventilation strip in soffit backed withinsect mesh for continuos ventilation to roofspace.

Airtightness at ceilingInstall "Intello plus" membrane toexisting ceiling fixed at 400 ctrs with50mm x 25mm timber battens. Ensuremembrane is properly airtight taped atall laps. Membrane to be airtight tapedand sealed to walls at corners.

WBP eaves extension

External Wall InsulationParex external wall insulation system; comprising 150mmCarbon graphite modified EPS (platinum) external insulationadhesively fixed with Parex insul-bond base coat & adhesive:100% acrylic polymer based with portland cement additive, andmechanically fixed with proprietary Parex concrete/masonryfixings (minimum of 4 number fixings per m2.)Parex insul-bond base coat & adhesive: 100% acrylic polymerbased, with portland cement additive.Parex standard fibre mesh reinforcement embedded into fresh

22mm painted square edged mdf window board.18mm OSB packer airtight taped to windowframe and wet plaster finish at wall185mm x 35mm treated timber cavity closer.

New Windows & DoorsTo be Munster Joinery Passiv PVC triple glazedto selected colour. Windows to be installed as permanufacturers instructions.(Passive house certificate No 0497wi03)U-value 0.8W/m2K, to be installed

"60" min compartment floor with sound insulation.From Below:Remove existing 9mm plaster boards and fit new 12.5mmgypsum boards to existing joists. (ensure all boards areperimeter supported. Fit 15mm gypsum fireline boards as2nd layer.fit Intello plus airtight membrane secured with 25mm x25mm softwood battens to new construction. Ensuremembrane is sealed at corner wall junctions with airtighttape. Fit new 9.5mm gypsum plaster board to timberbattens and finish with gypsum plaster skimcoat.All ground floor

Seperating Floor from above (60m compartment):2mm selected vinyl floor finish on 6mm wbp ply onn 18mm t&gOSB flooring sheets on existing timber joists OSB to be airtighttaped at all joints and airtight taped with wetplaster finish at allfloor wall junctions. Gyprock plank fitted between floor joists ongypframe SIF floor channel fitted over joists. 100mm RockwoolRoll batt insulation fitted between joists.

Seperating Floor from above:2mm selected vinyl floor finish on 6mm wbp ply on Intello plusairtight membrane turned up at corners and sealed with airtighttape at junctions with existing walls, on 18mm t&g OSB flooringsheets on existing timber joists. Gyprock plank fitted betweenfloor joists on gypframe SIF floor channel fitted over joists.100mm Rockwool Roll batt insulation fitted between joists.

Ψ = 0.0487 W/mkT = 19.2 ° C

Ψ = 0.0196 W/mkT = 19.1 ° C

Ψ = 0.0244 W/mkT = 18.5 ° C

Ψ = 0.0244 W/mkT = 18.5 ° C

Ψ = 0.0368 W/mkT = 18.2 ° C

Existing sill to be removed and new 100mm x 100mmquinnlite block laid on existing brickwork. New 50mm x50mm treated softwood batten fixed to quinnlite with newwindow to sit on batten and screw fixed to reveals and soffit.

225mm Rockwool "Flexi" fitted between existing floorjoists.Polypropene netting to support insulation stapledto top of joists and securely fixed to ensure no sagging.Fix airtight breathable vapour control membrane acrosstop of joists. Ensure all laps (min 150mm) are sealedwith airtight tape. Membrane to be turned up at cornerjunctions with existing walls and sealed with airtight tapebedded in wet plaster skim. Floor finish to be selectedvinyl on 18mm t&g flooring sheets.

22mm painted square edged mdf window board.18mm OSB packer airtight taped to windowframe and wet plaster finish at wall185mm x 35mm treated timber cavity closer.

SS window fixing brackets fixed to existingwindow reveals and airtight tape to frame to bebedded in wet repair plaster to maintain continuityof airtight plaster layer.