Aimee Chimera Jocelyn Ravesi Holly Niemiec Ethan Lyons Taylor ONeil

Final Lindt Presentation

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Aimee Chimera Jocelyn Ravesi Holly Niemiec Ethan Lyons Taylor ONeil

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Brand AnalysisDates back to 1847 Switzerland- Mature product

Acquired Caffarel and Ghirardelli in 1997/1998

Variety products including novel holiday chocolates

Master Chocolatiers- Finest Cocoa and premium ingredients- Unique process- Passion and perfection- Innovation

Premium chocolate market salesabout $13,673,921

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4 C’sConsumer Wants and Needs- Dark chocolate health trend- Stress relief

Cost- Premium chocolate bar at a

slightlylower price with similar taste and quality

Godiva chocolate bar: $4.99 Ghirardelli chocolate bar: $4.35 Lindt chocolate bar: $3.99

Convenience - 59 Lindt Cafes in 29 different

markets with them being mostly located in the Northeast

Communication- Social Media:

Twitter,Facebook,Instagram, and Youtube

- Live shows and events that demonstrate their chocolate making process

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Increased interest for luxury products

Quality and innovation

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Primary Research

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Target Audience Research

Newspaper Magazine TV Radio Social Media InternetLight Heavy Average Heavy Heavy Heavy

For Lindt, we want to target consumers who already indulge in premium chocolate.

Women 25-34 & 35-49, more specifically educated mothers in households of income $50,000 or more.

Family Focused (144)Opinion Leader(116) Stressed (152)

Indulging in premier chocolate (152)Busy (122) Ambitious (127) Expecting babies (187)

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Consumer Profiles


PrimaryAudience:25-34 SecondaryAudience:35-49


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Competitive Analysis: Media Mix

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- Strongbrandportfolioenhancesmarketshare- Strongglobalbrandwithdiversifiedrevenuebase- PriceforLindtchocolatebarsislessthantheaveragepriceofcompetitors- Innovationofflavors


- Notalotofadvertisingmoneyisspentontheirchocolatebarscomparedtotheirotherproducts- Productsonlysoldin70%ofthenation’ssupermarketsandconveniencestores


- Growingglobalconfectionarymarket- Healthandwellnesstrendsdrivedemandfordarkchocolatevarieties- Risingdisposableincome- Holidayseasons


- Fluctuatingrawmaterialprices- Healthtrends:smallerportions,lesstreats- Otherpremiumchocolatebrands

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Key Challenges:

Consumer Insight:These women live busy stressful lives, and sometimes they

need a break. Rewarding themselves with a piece of chocolate can help get them through their busy day. Their

lives are not ordinary and their chocolate shouldn’t be either.

We need to differentiate ourselves from our competitors and create a brand image in the mind of consumers.

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10% increase in brand awarenessduring the next calendar year

Establish Lindt’s “brand personality”in the minds of consumers

Create a dialogue betweenLindt and their customers through the creation of

new media

TARGET AUDIENCE & MEDIA MIXWomen 25-49 Tv, radio, magazine, online, sales promotions

Reach, FREQUENCY, GRPS:Reach:70 Frequency: 4 GRPS: 280 monthly

Geography:National with 5 Café Cache spots

SCHEDULING & TIMING:Pulsing, heavy ups during holiday months

BUDGET: 27 million 3 million café caches

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Year at a GlanceNational:Pulsing

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Internet: Social MediaPinterest: 70 million users with the median age being 40

Promoted pins are measured by cost-per-click

Among all online adults, 73%of 30-49 year olds use Facebook

Sponsored posts with images,video, coupons or promo codes

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Internet: Video

Reaches more US citizens aged 18-34than any cable network

Non-skippable :15 second pre-roll ads

82% of subscribers are aged 18-49 and the median viewer age is 33

Non-skippable :15 second pre-roll ads

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Internet: Pandora45% of Pandora listeners are between 13 and 29, but 35-44 year olds accounted for the largest share of use

Users preference music and include demographic information at sign up

Video/banner ads and a call to action to Lindt website

InternetSpend Spend GRPs

Social $656,000 130

Video $1,040,000 60

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Café Caches

Six instead of five- Combine two regionally close


BDI/CDI- Albany: 19% more/ 2% more- Burlington: 12% less/ 2% less- Charlotte: 16% more/ 3% more- Miami: 6% more/ 11% more- Chicago: 5% more/ 5% more- Minneapolis: 12% less/ 2% less

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Café Caches% of Lindt sales/ % of category sales- Albany: 5.3%/ 9.6%- Burlington: 12%/ 14.6%- Charlotte: 10.9%/ 9.6%- Miami: 14%/ 14.7%- Chicago: 29.6%/ 29.4%- Minneapolis: 12.6%/ 14.0%

Why these markets?- Above average BDI/CDI except

Burlington- Boost in sales within area

Chicago + Minneapolis

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Café Caches: Media Buys

Separate budget from national campaign

Use of pulsing strategy- February, April, December

Budget estimate $295,597Dayparts390 GRPs, $273,747

- 9 remaining monthsBudget estimate $234,800Dayparts317 GRPs, $229,209

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PromotionsLindt Point-of-Purchase

Lindt Holiday Pandora Playlist

Product Placement

SnapChat Geofilter

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THANK YOU! Any Questions?