Final Project Report and Presentation Guidance

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  • 8/12/2019 Final Project Report and Presentation Guidance


    Final Project Report and Presentation Guidance

    Security Network Practices

    Final Project Results: Report and Presentation

    Each team is required to submit a final report for their project and provide a 15 minute

    presentation. The report is due in class on _______Date_________ A copy of the

    electronic presentation is due _______Date.

    Final Report

    The final report should reflect the following information:


    1) Team Experience: Describe the security or system administration experienceof each member of your team that was relevant to the project. For example,you may want to describe any Windows or Unix related system administration

    experience that a team member had prior to starting the project. Also, identify

    any security related experience. Include the number a years of experience.2) Identify the references and web sites that you researched for the project. Did

    you learn about any types of attacks or defenses based on a Web site or an

    article? Did you download any software or tools from a Web site?3) Estimate the teams time commitment? How many hours did the team spendin getting ready for the defense? How many hours did the team spend in

    attempting to compromise the defending systems? Or preparing to

    compromise the system?


    1) Indicate whether you started on Defense or Offense.2) Describe the initial approach and/or strategy that your team took in defending

    your system. Describe the initial approach and strategy that your team took in

    attempting to compromise the systems, i.e. the attack.3) How did you adjust your approach or strategy as you progressed through theroles, i.e. offense to defense, or defense to offense?

    4) What did you learn in your initial role, i.e. as an attacker or defender, thathelped formulate your strategy in the second phase of the project?

    5) Briefly describe all attempted attacks and whether they were successful or not.(A table should be useful here). Which assets were compromised? Identifyany tools used.

  • 8/12/2019 Final Project Report and Presentation Guidance


    6) Briefly describe all defenses and system hardening activities and whether theywere successful or not, or at least your team thought they were effective.

    7) How did your team respond to incidents and compromises?Reflection:


    What were your lessons learned from this project? (Describe all lessonslearned, even if only one person learned them.)

    a. Lessons learned on offense and defense?b. Lessons learned about system administration?c. What worked well, and what didnt?d. Etc..

    2) How could the project be improved?a. What attacks would you like to have tried, but couldnt because of

    time or project constraints.

    b. Could you have used more time? On Offense or Defense?c. What types of attacks or exercises would you like to have had

    discussed in class?d. What advice would you give to a new team just starting the project?If there is anything else that might be of interest or relevant to the project, please include

    it in your report.

    Final Presentation

    The Final Presentation cannot be longer than 15 minutes and should include the

    following subjects:


    Indicate whether you started on Defense or Offense.2) Describe the initial approach and/or strategy that your team took in defendingyour system. Describe the initial approach and strategy that your team took inattempting to compromise the systems, i.e. the attack.

    3) How did you adjust your approach or strategy as you progressed through theroles, i.e. offense to defense, or defense to offense?

    4) How did your team respond to incidents and compromises?5) Highlights or summary of each phase. Dont use more than 1 slide per phase!6) Lessons learned summary

    Some additional advice:

    Keep graphics to a minimum, they tend to be distracting.You only have 15 minutes, dont use more than 6-7 slides.

    Not everyone has to talk, but it is fine if they do. Ensure a smooth transition betweenspeakers.