Final R 2 Secondary u 13,14,15

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  • 8/9/2019 Final R 2 Secondary u 13,14,15


    Final revision 2nd secondaryUnits 13, 14 and 15

    Important vocab.

    ambition include meaningless

    / pour /

    silent announcement

    chat / conductor / inform paramedic regret ambitious


    / inclusion /

    silence civilization

    reform /


    / almost

    battle eventually fortunate


    go missing

    oppose trap a best-seller


    poet behaviour behave / abandon / off the





    / spring (n.)


    / landscape



    oasis settle down ( ) beauty history irrigate agricultural


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    Prepositions:full of filled with revise for exams arrange for +


    arrange to + inf. phone him onhis mobile

    help with aproblem

    instead of

    call to someone becomefriends with on the beach phone

    someone atthe hospital

    half an houraway from

    phone for anambulance

    ask for ask about write to someone write about


    cut (himself) offfrom others

    move aroundthe room

    break down take to die of thirst manage to succeed in rich in ask for help popular with kind of kind to catch up with / keep up with /

    move from ... to ... ... get out of say goodbye to on their way stop at an oasis an adviser on an adviser to / have advice


    opposition to aware of /

    get to be home to above sea level below sea


    attractive to at any time


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    be cut into thehills

    has apopulation of

    impressed by over time deprive of all over Egypt show someone


    find his way


    walk throughforests


    Communication Skills

    Asking for help Agreeing to help someonePlease could you help me to..? Yes, of course..

    I wonder if you could help mewith..? Yes, what's the problem?

    I can't (find..). I don't supposeyou could help me..

    Yes. What would you likeme to do?

    Would it be possible for you tohelp me..?

    I'd be happy to help.

    Persuading someone to do something

    I recommend (going to / visiting / reading..)You really must (visit / read / go to..)Can't I persuade you to (visit / go to..)It would be a pity if you didn't (see / read / go to..)

    Finding out more information

    Can you tell me more about?What would I see there?What is special about? ..How is different from?


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    Compare Poets often compare sleep to death.

    Compare ..with When we compare our economy with theirs, we'll find that ours is

    much better.Compared to/with This street is quite busy compared to/with ours.Announcement advertisement commercialAnnouncement ) ( The boss said that he had an important announcement to make.Advertisement I often read newspaper advertisements for new cars.

    Commercial There are often too many commercials between TV programs.

    In what way = How In what way is your new house different from the old one?

    :by :

    By car / taxi / train / plane / boat etc. He went to Cairo bybus.

    incar / taxi :In (a/his) car in a taxi We went to Ali's village in Ahmed'scar.

    on :On the train on the bus on the plane One of the passengers on the train was very ill.

    Sayings and their meanings:

    The road to success is not straight. = not everything in is easy life.Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to

    forget. =You don't have many truly good friends in your life, and whenyou have them they are friends for lifeSome people are lonely because they build walls instead of

    bridges.= Some people cut themselves off from other people and isolatethemselves, and for this reason they don't have friends.Life is not a race. It's a journey. = Rushing through life won't makeyou a winner.


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    It's not what you do that you should regret, it's what you don'tdo. = Do and experience as much as you can in your lifeIf you do good things in your life, you will be remembered for

    these things. = People don't forget the good things that other people doIf you don't succeed, try, try and try again = never give up, keep

    trying and finally you'll succeed.Regret + n He regretted his mistake.Regret + to-inf. We regretto tell you that the trip will be cancelled.Regret + V+ing I regret spending all my money on clothes last week.Regrettable His behaviour at the party was very

    regrettable.Regretful He was regretful when he had to leave his old

    house.Look forward to + V+ing = (be) Looking forward to + V+ing I'mlooking forward to seeing you. I'mlooking forward to hearing from you.Remind someone to do something / Remind someone of

    something I cant remember her name. Please, remind me to bring my


    He reminded me ofmy promise.

    Remember me to yourfamily. Come and + inf. Come and have tea with me.Including( ( / Twenty people were injured in the accident including 3 children.the problem of .. We should find a solution to the problem ofoverpopulation.

    What's the problem with ..? ..

    What's the problem with your computer?What relation is .to .? .. .. What relationis Ali to Ahmed? They are cousins.

    One of (is) Oneofthese books is very useful.

    : Reading books is a useful hobby. Building new houses costs a lot of money.


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    Two hundred pounds is too much for this shirt.Five miles is a long way to walk.Five hours is not enough to do this job.Stop +(from) v+ing He stopped the other team (from) scoring goals.Almost = nearly I have almost finished. = I have nearly finished

    almostAlmost nobody was there. He eats almost nothing.Fail + n. / fail + to+inf. He failed the exam. He failedtodo the job.Succeed in = manage to He succeeded in doing the job. He managed todo the job.most = very I'm most interested in languages. We are most worried about


    Compound nouns: One word Two words Hyphenated word


    shop assistant /


    goldmine bust stop air-conditioner


    train station

    motorbike /

    adventure story

    playground diamond mine

    bathroom alarm clock footballer shoe shop hardly (any / ever) = almost not / ) ) We have hardlyany money. = We have almost no money.

    supply (someone / something) with / We should supply our schools with modern technology.

    Supply (something) to.. / 6

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    His parents supplied a lot of books to him.Supplies = food or other items necessary for living ( /

    / )After the earthquake, a lot of people were in need of food and medical

    supplies. Rise / rose / risen (I) = (go up, increase , , stand up / , get out of bed

    ( Oil prices are rising all the time. Smoke rose from the chimney. The sun rises at around 6 a.m. rise (n.) / (increase / increase in wages


    There was a sudden rise in temperature yesterday. He got a 10% rise last year.

    Raise / raised/ raised (T) Raise your hand if you know the answer.

    The government does its best to raise the standard of living. The concert raised a lot of money for cancer research.Raise your voice

    raise hopes/ fears/ suspicions / ...Raise a subject / question / point

    Arise / arose / arisen ( ) = begin to happen / A lot of problems usually arise at work. Arouse/aroused/ ( ) ( ) Her behavior aroused the suspicions of the police.

    ExercisesChoose the correct answer:

    1. My (belief concept ambition relation) is to become a surgeon.2. When he heard the news, he was (willing silent noisy talking). He

    said nothing.3. I didn't understand the film on TV last night. It was completely

    (meaningful mean meaningless thoughtless) to me.4. He's quite a good player, but his (include inclusion- closure

    illusion) in the national team is a surprise.


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    5. It's a traditional song, but its message is very modern. Its words arestill (meaningless - meaningful- lifeless hopeless) today.

    6. The footballer (regretted affected enjoyed angered) his mistakewhen the other team scored a goal.

    7. The head teacher makes an (advertisement - announcement advert accomplishment) when there is something important to know about inthe school.

    8. The children (supported complained - chatted expanded) excitedlywhen they heard the good news.

    9. The teacher (informed reformed deformed exploded) the classthat they had all passed the exam.

    10. 10.They called a (pacific - paramedic patriotic public) when theysaw that one of the passengers was ill.

    11. I'm not a scientist, so these numbers are (meaningless meaningful meaning mean) . | don't understand them.

    12.The book is full of very useful (information reclamation distribution registration).

    13.The driver said the accident was very (regretful readable reliable -regrettable).

    14.The politician said she had an important (adjustment amazement announcement armament).

    15. We (detect regret enjoy defect) to tell you that the journey willbe delayed.

    16.The passengers were (chatting cheating checking stealing),

    reading or listening to music.17. A (barometer thermometer parasitic paramedic) is someone who

    is trained to help people who are ill or injured but is not a doctor or nurse.18. A/An (department advertisement announcement apartment) is

    an important official statement about something that has happened or willhappen.

    19. Could you please (remember arrange revise remind) me of yourbirthday?

    20. She's looking forward to (see seeing being seen saw) the


    22. A (bus stairs bus stop bus side bus place) is a place where youcan catch a bus.

    23. After the accident, the man was (tricked stepped stayed trapped)in his car for two hours, but someone heard him and rescued him.

    24. I didn't know it was so late. It's (almost most must waste) 3o'clock.

    25. I think the man in the local shop is (offending overusing opposing

    imposing) the opening of the new supermarket.


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    26. I didn't have much sleep last night, but (unluckily fortunately unfortunately unusually) I don't have to go to school today.

    27. My uncle is an (adviser accuser admirer avenger) to thegovernment on the economy.

    28.The crew of a small fishing boat has (done made acted gone)during a storm at sea.

    29. (Unfortunately Interestingly Hopefully Normally), my brotherfailed his exam, even though he had worked very hard,

    30.There is growing (composition preposition opposition position) inEurope to factories that make a lot of pollution,

    31. If you visit Egypt, it is (achievable advisable adjustable available)to wear a hat if you go out in the sun.

    32. Our football team beat the (opposed opposing oppose depositing) team 3-1.

    33. We are (fortunate stubborn gloomy unfortunate) to have one of

    the country's best musicians visiting us today.34. An (adventurer accountant electrician - adviser) is someone whose

    job is to give advice.35. It was the most important (bottle settle - battle cattle) in the whole

    war.36.They waited for six hours. (Ending Eventually Secondly - Usually)

    they decided to leave.37.To (trap tap trip tick) means to put someone in a position they

    cannot escape from.

    38. Many people (opposed advertised supported collapsed) theconstruction of the new tower. They didn't like it at all.

    39. He went (fishing camping swimming - missing). This means hebecame lost.

    40. He was so thirsty that he (most almost most of must) died.41. A lot of employees (opposed poisoned imprisoned deposited) the

    manager's decision.42. We were sinking fast and the captain gave the order to (banned

    abandon demolish depend) the ship.

    43. A person who lives in a place is a/an (absent accent dependent inhabitant).

    44. If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will (persuade decide admit deny) her.

    45. A/An (agreement government settlement department) is a placewhere a group of people lives.

    46. At the beginning of the school year, students are (implied supplied simplified given) with a lot of books.

    47.The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten (truck

    trick track duck).


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    48.The two countries are trying to reach a peaceful (disagreement achievement measurement settlement) of the conflict.

    49. After years of travelling, he decided to (settle stay live move)down and have a family.

    50.Travellers have to take (applies briefcases supplies barrels) offood and water when they cross the Sahara Desert.

    51.The two families finally reached a (agreement settlement assignment compliment) after years of disagreement.

    52. Many people settle (about with in down) in their twenties or earlythirties.

    53. Although he was quite busy, Ali didn't need much (persuasion presentation situation - intention) to come to the beach with us.

    54.This place is very (famous furious curious - porous). Many peopleknow about it.

    55. We need a lot of water to (communicate concentrate irrigate

    delegate) this land.56. (kite bite fight - site) is a place where something important or

    interesting happened.57. A (landscape landmine landslide - land rover) is a view across an

    area of land.58. (Geography Philosophy Psychology - History ) means all things that

    happened in the past.59. A (museum village oasis - monastery) is a place where monks live.60. (Architectural Agricultural Cultural - Abandoned) land is very

    important because it provides us with the food we need.61. Some people believe that (spring sting string - sink) water is good

    for health.62.There are so many tourist (infections attractions elections

    injections) in Egypt.63.The government is doing its best to (rise arise arouse raise) the

    standard of living.64.There are hardly (some a lot any no) people living in this area.65. Prices (raise rise arise arouse) almost every day.

    66. When employees do not co-operate, many problems (raise arouse arise praise).

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentencesthen write them correctly:

    1. An animation is something that you have been wanting to achievefor a long time.

    2. He was concluded in the team because he was a good player.

    3. She spilled the juice while she was touring it.4. An accountant is a person who collects fares on a bus or a train.


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    5. They had a long cheat with her about her job.6. A playwright is a person who writes poems7. The government does its best to reclaim the education system.8. The police set a trip for the thieves.9. His latest novel was a best sale.10. We should all take part in the bottle against disease and poverty.11.These remote islands are only inhibited by birds and animals.12. Cairo has a pollution of over 10 million people.13. My father raises at 5 every morning to do exercise.14. Objects of historical interest are usually kept in companies.15.The hotel is in a lovely vacation overlooking the lake.


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    Conditional IfFirst Conditional:

    If + Present simple will / may / can /should / must + inf.

    may/must / will or:

    IfI earn some money, I'll go abroad. Ifwe have enough time,we'll visit Ahmed.

    : Ifyou are hot, I'll buy you a cool drink.

    : You may see Frank. If so, give him a message for me, please.. (If)Ifyou see Frank, give him a message for me , please. She may have enough time tomorrow. If so, she will type the reports.


    Ifshe has enough time tomorrow, she will type the reports. She must pay the fine or she will go to jail. (If) Ifshe doesn't pay the fine, she will go to jail.

    it is + adj. + to + inf .:Ifyou go to Mozambique, it is possible to find work there.

    : ifWhat will you do ifyou find yourself in a dangerous situation? What will happen ifyou lose all your money?

    If: As long as = If You can borrow my car as long as you drive

    carefully.Provided (that) / Providing (that) = only if Provided that

    you have a lot of money, you can buy this car.

    Second Conditional

    If + Past simple would/could/might + inf.


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    : IfI saw a snake, Id cry. I feel so tired. I cant come out with you. (If) IfI didn't feel so tired, I'd come out with you. He really doesn't like you. . He is so horrible to you. (If) Ifhe really liked you, he wouldn't be so horrible to you.

    :IfI were ten years younger, I'd go mountaineering.IfI were a bird, I'd fly.

    : He doesnt pay attention in class, so he gets poor grades. (He

    wouldnt)He wouldnt get poor grades ifhe paid attention in class.

    was/wereI/he/she/it:IfI was/were rich, Id travel round the world. She isnt a doctor. She cant write a prescription. (If) Ifshe was/were a doctor, she could write a prescription.

    sobecause if if:Ifhe had my telephone number, he could give me a ring.

    (so/because)He doesnt have my telephone number, so he cant give me a ring.

    He cant give me a ring because he doesnt have my telephonenumber. were: to+inf.

    Ifhe pleased his boss, he would get a rise. (Were..) Wereheto please his boss, he would get a rise.

    :if were IfI were rich, I would buy a big house. Were I rich, I would buy a big house.

    If: WithoutBut for + n. / v+ing would + inf.If it werent for

    Without his help, I would fail. (If it)

    If it werent for his help, I would fail.

    What would you do ifyou won a lot of money?

    Ifyou won a lot of money, what would you do? : You should work hard. (If)


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    If I were you, Id work hard. If:

    Should + + inf.

    Ifhe trains hard, he will win the race. Should he train hard,

    he will win the race.

    Third Conditional

    If + Past perfect (had + PP.) (would/could/might) have + PP.

    He didnt listen to the news. He didnt know what happened. (If) Ifhe had listened to the news, he would have known what

    happened. might perhaps

    He had no morals . Perhaps thats why he cheated everyone. Ifhe had had morals, he might not have cheated everyone.

    She was stingy . She didn't give money to charity. Ifshe hadnt been stingy, she would have given money to charity.

    Had if:Ifhe had followed the instructions, the machine wouldn't have

    stopped. (Had) Had he followed the instructions, the machine wouldn't have

    stopped. if:

    He didnt travel to New York, so he didnt see the Statue of Liberty.(He would)

    He would have seen the Statue of Liberty ifhe had travelled toNew York. sobecause if:

    Ifhe had been honest, he wouldn't have lied to her. (because)He lied to her because he wasnt honest.

    If: WithoutBut for + n. / v+ing would have + PP.If it hadnt been for

    But for his help, I would have failed. (If it) If it hadnt been for his help, I would have failed.


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    was / were writing had been writing


    Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

    now then tonight that nightthis that tomorrow the next daythese those yesterday the day

    beforehere there today that day(two days) ago (two

    days)beforeyet by then

    last week the weekbefore / the

    previous week

    next week the followingweek

    the day beforeyesterday

    two daysbefore

    the day aftertomorrow

    in two daystime

    inverted commas that : :

    She said, I shall write the letter tomorrow.She said she would write the letter the next day.

    He said to me, I cant do it now.

    He told me he couldnt do it then.He said to me, "I didn't see the robbers last night."

    He told me he hadn't seen the robbers the night before.

    ) : say(s She says, I dont believe in this nonsense.

    She saysshe doesnt believe in that nonsense. :

    She said, If water freezes, it changes into ice.

    She said that if water freezes, it changes into ice. :

    He said just now, I have already done my work.He said just now hehas already done his work.

    if: He said, If it is fine, Ill go for a swim.

    He said ifit were fine, hewould go for a swim. and thatand added that:

    He said to me, I didnt post the letter. Ill ask John to post it for me.He told me he hadnt posted the letter and that he would ask Johnto post it for him.


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    said to :v+ing

    suggest / admit / deny / apologize for/objected to/insisted on +(v-ing)

    He said, Lets discuss this matter now.

    He suggesteddiscussing that matter then. thatdeny / admit

    : He said, I wasnt there when the crime happened.

    He denied being there when the crime happened.He denied that he had been there when the crime happened.

    said to + inf

    Promised/offered/advised/agreed/threatened/advised/refused/reminded/decided/ +(to+inf.)

    He said, Ill give you all the money you need.He promised to give me all the money I needed.

    He promised that he would give me all the money I needed. He said to me , You ought to do your job well.

    He advised me to do my job well.

    Passive Verbs To Be + p.p: . to Be:

    Simple present :

    Am / is / are + PP.

    People speakArabic in Egypt.Arabic is spoken in Egypt.

    Speak/speaks Is/are spoken

    Present Co nt .:

    Am / is / are + being + PP.Someone is repairing my

    car.My car is being repaired.Is/are repairing Is/are being

    repairedSimple past :Was / were + PP.

    They invited me to a party.I was invited to a party.

    invited Was/wereinvited

    Past Cont. :Was / were + being + PP.

    I thought they werewatching me.

    I thought I was beingwatched.


    Was/werebeing watched


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    Present perfect :Have / has been + PP.

    I havepaid the bill.The bill has been paid.

    Have/has paid Have/has beenpaid

    Past perfect :Had been + PP.

    I knew why they had picked

    me for the team.I knew why I had beenpicked for the team.

    Had picked Had beenpicked

    Future simple : Will be + PP.

    They will tell you your examresults next Monday.

    You will be told your examresults next Monday.

    Will tell Will be told

    Future perfect

    : Will have been + PP.

    She will have saved enough

    money.Enough money will havebeen saved.Will have

    savedWill have been

    savedSimple modals

    :Can/should/have to/used to/be

    to/mayetc+be+ PP.

    They used to clean thisplace.

    This place used to becleaned. She might send the letter.

    The letter might be sent.

    Used to clean Used to be

    cleanedPerfect modals: Should have/could have/might

    have ..etc + been + PP.

    He should have done thejob.

    The job should have beendone. He could have paid the bill.The bill could have been


    Should havedone

    Should havebeen done

    :can / could will / would shall / should may /might

    have to / has to / had to ought to need to needntused to be going to will have to

    She used to clean the flat. (The flat)

    The flat used to be cleaned.

    They will have to cancel the match. (The match)The match will have to be cancelled.


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    get be :

    get arrested / get killed/ get married / get divorced / getcaught / get elected / get lost / get hurt / getbeaten / get delayed / get confused / get burnt /get damaged / get fired / get run over The police caught him. (He)

    He was caught by the police. = He got caught by the police.She beat me at chess. (I)

    I wasbeaten at chess. = I gotbeaten at chess. : by +

    build / invent / discover / design / write / damage / compose /destroy

    Beethoven composed this symphony. (by)

    This symphony was composed by Beethoven. :

    dont / doesnt am not / isnt / arent + PP.didnt wasnt / werent + PP.They don't speak Arabic in Peru. (Arabic)

    Arabic is not spoken in Peru.They didnt see the robbers. (The robbers)

    The robbers werent seen.

    Neither / No one / NobodyNeither of them did the job. (The job)

    The job wasntdone.


    She gave me a gift. I was given a gift. A gift was givento me. :for

    buy / build / find / order / make / leave / save / get / keep. (for) He built his parents a house.

    A house was built for his parents.

    :to give / bring / lend / offer / pass / read / sell / show / write. (to) He sold me his old car. His old car wassoldto me.

    . let allow:She let me drive her car. I was allowedto drive her car.


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    : It is possible = can be + PP Its impossible = cant be + PP Its necessary = must be + PP

    Its unnecessary = neednt be + PP Its probable = may be + PP Its improbable = might be + PP Its advisable = should be + PP Its inadvisable = shouldnt be + PP

    Its necessary towash vegetables before eating. (washed)Vegetables must be washed before eating

    :think / say / believe / know / consider / understand / claim /expect / allege / report / suppose. People thinkthat this building withstands earthquakes.


    1) It + be + P.P. ( ) + that +

    (2 + to Be + PP. ( ) + to-inf. ( ) + to be + PP( ) + to have + PP.

    ( )

    1- It is thought that this building withstands earthquakes.2- This building is thought to withstand earthquakes.


    People believe that she stole the documents. (It) (She..)* It is believed that she stole the documents. * She is believedto have stolen the documents

    to be + ing:I think he is making a plan. (It) (He)* It is thought that he is making a plan. * He is thoughtto

    be making a plan. to be +V- ingto have

    been +V- ingI think he was making a plan. (It) (He) It is thought that he was making a plan.


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    He is thoughtto be making/ to have been making a plan.

    It is said that or "It is believed that means that people ingeneral say or believe something People say that the Wall of China is the greatest building on Earth. .

    It is said that the Wall of China is the greatest building on Earth.The Wall of China is said to be the greatest building on Earth.More examples: The police believe that the terrorists escaped. (It) (The

    prisoner)It is believed that the terrorists escaped.The terrorists are believed to have escaped.

    The newspaper reported that the team lost the game.It was reported that the team lost the game.

    The team was reported to have lost the game.

    Changing from Passive into Active

    : )1(. )2(

    Be.. )3(

    I think we are being followed. :We are being followed.Be) Present Cont(.

    followed . :

    I think someone is followingus. .uswe

    The garden has just been watered. (They ) They have just watered the garden.

    What she had said wasnt believed. (We )We didnt believe what she had said.

    Prepositions after nouns, verbs and adjectives

    Prepositions after nouns:


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    reason for cause of apology for the problem


    damage to the aim of an answer to a supply of /

    a solution to increase in an obstacle to decrease in a reply to the matter


    an effect on wrong with

    Prepositions after adjectives:

    brilliant at terrified of

    bad at ashamed of terrible at /


    wonderful at famous for good at good for clever at ready for hopeless at qualified for annoyed


    ()bad for

    furious with sorryabout/for bored with mad about familiar with sad about angry with

    ()excited about


    ) )

    worried about

    pleased with happy about

    delightedwith crazy about crowded

    with curious about


    dependent on

    proud of keen on frightened of involved in full of rich in

    scared of interested in


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    Prepositions after verbs:

    find out about prevent from wonder about

    differ from

    tell someoneabout

    complain to

    think about / of belong to dream about/of apply to

    hear about / of object to

    complain about intend to

    know about apologise to talk about accuse of read about consist of warn about die of search for result in apologise for

    succeed in

    hope for believe in blame .. for help in/with

    apply for (a job) deal with /

    work for do without hear from

    charge with

    protect ..from /against

    rely on =depend on

    suffer from concentrateon

    recover from congratulateon

    result from crash into

    ing: He is worried aboutlosing his job.He is worried aboutthe exam.He's worried aboutit.

    Exercises on prepositions


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    Choose the correct answer:

    1. What was the reason (about for to in) the accident?2. There has been an increase (about for to in) thenumber of tourists going to Luxor.

    3. Many people are worried (about for to in) the problemof climate change.4. The earthquake caused damage (about for to in) manyhouses.5. I hope they gave him an apology (for in at about) theirbad behaviour.6. He is brilliant (for in at about) writing exciting stories.7. Shakespeare was most famous (for in at about) hisplays.

    8. He was keen (for in on about) writing, even as a boy.9. I'd be interested (for in at about) learning more aboutRider Haggard.10. I was annoyed (for in at with) him for being late.11. I'm proud (for in of about) my brother - he has done sowell at school.12. My little brother is terrified (for of at about) birds.13. Are you excited (for in at about) going to China?14. I'm sorry (with in at about) forgetting to phone you.15. Where can I find out (for in at about) climate change?16. My brother is going to apply (for in at about) a job atthe university.17. I think that car belongs (for in at to) one of ourteachers.18. The explorers were looking (for in with about)diamonds.19. My uncle worked (for in at about) the Egyptian

    government.20. He helped in the reform (for in of about) education.21. I haven't hear (for in at from) my brother for twomonths.22. Until I read King Solomon's Mines, I'd never heard (for in at of) Rider Haggard.23. I must apologise (for in at to) being late.24. Our hotel room was too hot, so we complained (for to at about) the hotel manager about it.25. Our flat consists (for in at of) a kitchen, a living room,a bathroom and two bedrooms.


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    26. He died (for in of about) heart disease. He'd been sufferingfrom the problem for many years.27. He crashed (for in at into) a tree because he wasdriving too fast28.William Shakespeare is more famous (for by from of)

    his plays than his novels.29.Nobody knows the real reason (with to for of) the film'spopularity.30.Ali loves English, but he's not very good (for at by with)maths.

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentencesthen write them correctly:

    1-We must find an answer for the problem of climate change.2-The main cause for global warming is the pollution from

    factories.3-I'd like to find out more with studying in a different country.4-Egypt is most famous at its beautiful Pyramids.5-My brother isn't very good for playing basketball.6-Smoking may result from cancer.7-She recovered about her illness.

    8-We should protect the environment with pollution.9-He complained with hotel manager about the food he had forbreakfast.

    10- She was ashamed about herself when she made a mistake.


    Choose the correct answer:1- You shouldn't look at the sun (unless without if incase of) you wear protective glasses.

    2- (If Unless In case of Without) you do your job well,youll be fired.

    3- (If Unless But for Were) you get out in the cold,youll catch a flu.

    4- If you eat junk food, you (would would have might

    have will) get ill.5- (If Unless But for Were) she gets promotion. shewon't get more money.


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    6- If Scientists knew when earthquakes happen,earthquakes (don't cause will cause wouldn't cause wouldn't have caused) a lot of destruction.

    7- (Had If Should Unless) I worn my glasses, I wouldn'thave had terrible headaches.

    8- (If Unless Without Had) I didn't drink too much tea, Iwould sleep at night.9- If he hadn't eaten too much sugar, he (wouldn't harm

    won't harm can't harm wouldn't have harmed) histeeth.

    10- As long as you (don't won't hadn't haven't) boil yourfood, it won't lose vitamins.

    11- If it (wasn't weren't hadn't been had been) for thestorm, the match wouldn't have been cancelled.

    12- He (wouldn't have would have would will have) gotlost unless he had had a map.

    13- (Provided As long Unless Were) that you pay for mydrink, I'll go with you.

    14- If he (read reads had read would read) the papers,he would find a lot of job advertisements.

    15- If he (had invited was invited had been invited wereinvited), he would have gone to the party.

    16- If I hadn't learnt English, I (would have wouldn't have could might) understood you.17- If you (work worked have worked had worked)

    harder, you would get higher marks.18- If I wanted some advice about revising for an exam, I (ask

    would ask can ask asked) my teacher.19- If he hadn't committed that crime, he (would be sent

    would have sent wouldn't have been sent will be sent)to jail.

    20- (Without If Unless Should) his assistance, I mighthave lost my job.

    21- He promised (to buying buying to buy bought) me apresent if I passed the exam.

    22- She threatened (to call calling calls to calling) thepolice if I didn't leave.

    23- She denied (steal to steal steals stealing) anythingfrom the shop.

    24- He objected to (construct constructing constructs constructed) a new factory near his house.


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    25- Our teacher told us that the ocean (has been had been is to be) deeper than the sea.

    26- Our neighbour told the police that he (sees has seen was seeing had seen) a dead body the night before.

    27- She said she (is was will would) going to study law at

    the university of Harvard.28- He advised me (to take taking took had taken) morecare of myself.

    29- She says she (don't hasn't isn't doesn't believe) insuperstitions.

    30- He has just said that he (had never been will never be has never been can never be) to koala Lumpur.

    31- The Pyramids (built have been built were built wouldbuild) thousands of years ago.

    32- Stones (carry will carry was carried were carried) onboats and overland.

    33- You (can visit can be visited could be visited will bevisited) this place at any time of the year.

    34- It (says said is said is saying) that the new library atAlexandria was built in the same place as the ancientlibrary.

    35- People (are known know have been known were

    known) that the waterwheels at Fayoum Oasis were usedto irrigate the fields.36- It (believes believed has believed is believed) that

    wolves and foxes were hunted in Sinai 3,000 years ago.37- The tombs that (will cut were cut was cut had cut)

    into the hills can still be seen.38- The walls around St. Catherine's Monastery (were building

    have built has built were built) to protect thetreasures inside.

    39- A lot of projects (are carrying will carry are beingcarried must carry) out at present.

    40- People (know have known are knowing are known) tohave lived in this place for thousands of years.

    41- The men (believe were believed are believing willbelieve) to have robbed the bank.

    42- Alexandria (is thought is thinking was thinking thinks) to be the most beautiful city in Egypt.

    43- Many things (steal are stolen will steal was stolen)from supermarkets every day.


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    44- Most of the old part of the town (abandoned willabandon has been abandoned abandoning).

    45- Hardly any furniture (was were are has) left after thefire.

    46- After the treasures (had discovered was discovered

    have discovered had been discovered), they were sentto the museum.47- Some new cities (have built have to be built will build

    would build) to solve the problem of overpopulation.48- The woman got (arrest arresting being arrested

    arrested) for murder.49- While my car (was repairing was being repaired has

    been repaired is repairing), I went shopping.50- No evidence of life on other planets (has ever found has

    never been found has ever been found had everfound).

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences1- If I felt tired, I usually go to bed early.2- If I found any money at school, I'll take it to one of theteachers.3- If you haven't taken those photos, I wouldn't haveremembered our holiday.4- I'll tell you if I saw anything unusual.5- If there hadn't been a doctor on the train, the manwould die.6- If his wife hadn't been rich, he doesn't marry her.7- Unless she makes that phone call, she wouldn't haveknown about his illness.

    8- Unless he arrives early, he will have missed the lecture.9- If he were a lawyer, he helps me.10- Had he seen the signal, he wouldn't make thataccident.11- He agreed on helping me with my homework.12- He suggested to look for the information on theinternet.13- He reminded me with buying a newspaper for him.14- She told me she is going to buy a new house.

    15- My elder brother decided for traveling abroad.


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    16- Before roads were building across the desert, hardlyany visitors came to Dakhla.17- You may persuade to think again if you visit this oasis.18- The job is doing at the moment.19- The injured man couldn't walk and his friends had to be

    carried him.20- A new hospital has built near the airport.21- Dangerous driving are caused a lot of accidents.22- A decision won't be making before the end of themonth.23- It is saying that many people are homeless after thefloods.24- People are not allowing to park here.25- All the questions must answer in order.

    26- Our products export to many countries.27- She got hurting while cleaning the kitchen.28- This painting is going to exhibit at the art gallery.29- The man is questioning at the police station at themoment.30- This problem should solve soon.