Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

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Page 1: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming






Page 2: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Contents Procedure for Processing the Request at Department End:

Procedure for Uploading Auto CADD Map at FDO End:

Procedure for Processing the Request at MRO End:

Procedure for Processing the Request at FDO End:

Procedure for Processing the Request at FO End:

List of Tables

Table 1: Service Information at Glance

Table 2:Mandal Level Committe members

Table 3:District Level Committee members

List of Figures

Figure 2: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

screen ................................................................

Figure 3: Request selection in FDO processing window

Figure 4: Request details page of FDO

Figure 5: Request details page of FDO

Figure 6: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

Application Processing ................................

Figure 7: MRO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

screen ................................................................

Figure 8: Request selection in MRO processing window

Figure 9: Request details page of MRO

Figure 10: Check list Submission in MRO login

Figure 11: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm request

details Page ................................................................

Figure 12: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

Application Processing ................................

Request at Department End: ................................................................

Procedure for Uploading Auto CADD Map at FDO End: - ................................................................

Procedure for Processing the Request at MRO End: - ................................................................

Procedure for Processing the Request at FDO End: - ................................................................

Procedure for Processing the Request at FO End: - ................................................................

Table 1: Service Information at Glance ................................................................................................

Table 2:Mandal Level Committe members ................................................................................................

Table 3:District Level Committee members ...............................................................................................

Figure 2: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests


Figure 3: Request selection in FDO processing window ................................................................

Figure 4: Request details page of FDO ................................................................................................

Figure 5: Request details page of FDO ................................................................................................

Figure 6: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under


Figure 7: MRO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests


re 8: Request selection in MRO processing window ................................................................

Figure 9: Request details page of MRO ................................................................................................

Figure 10: Check list Submission in MRO login ...........................................................................................

Figure 11: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm request


Figure 12: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under


......................................... 5

............................................. 5

................................................ 10

................................................. 17

.................................................... 25

......................................... 4

................................... 5

............................... 24

Figure 2: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

............................ 6

............................................... 7

........................................ 9

........................................ 10

Figure 6: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

................................ 10

Figure 7: MRO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

.......................... 11

............................................ 12

..................................... 14

........................... 15

Figure 11: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm request

................................................. 16

Figure 12: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

................................ 17

Page 3: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Figure 13: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

screen ................................................................

Figure 14: Request selection in FDO processing window

Figure 15: Request details page of FDO

Figure 16: Request details page of FDO

Figure 17: GP Notice details ................................

Figure 18: Check list Submission Details

Figure 19: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm requ

details Page ................................................................

Figure 20: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Application Requests Process link

under Application Processing ................................

Figure 21: FO Processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Request

screen ................................................................

Figure 22: Selection of application in FO Processing window

Figure 23: Selection of request status in FO Processing window

Figure 24: Signing in FO Processing window

Figure 25: certificate ................................

Figure 13: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests


gure 14: Request selection in FDO processing window ................................................................

Figure 15: Request details page of FDO ................................................................................................

Figure 16: Request details page of FDO ................................................................................................


re 18: Check list Submission Details ................................................................................................

Figure 19: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm requ


Figure 20: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Application Requests Process link


Figure 21: FO Processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Request


Figure 22: Selection of application in FO Processing window ................................................................

Figure 23: Selection of request status in FO Processing window .............................................................

re 24: Signing in FO Processing window .............................................................................................


Figure 13: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

.......................... 17

........................................... 18

.................................... 20

...................................... 20

........................................................ 21

..................................... 22

Figure 19: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm request

................................................. 23

Figure 20: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Application Requests Process link

..................................................... 25

Figure 21: FO Processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Request

.......................... 25

.................................... 26

............................. 28

............................. 29

................................... 30

Page 4: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm

Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming of aquatic organisms such

as fish, molluscs, aquatic plants etc. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and

saltwater populations under controlled conditions and can be contrasted with

commercial fishing.

The main use of the compliance form

form for the registered farms and unregistered farms; whether the farms are

cultivating the culture aspects according to the guidelines of fisheries act. To app

this service, citizen needs to approach

Fisheries Department. The issuing authority of

Aquaculture Farm is District Fisheries Officer.


Note: The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.

Category Type

Service Charges

User Charges

Documents Required


Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm

Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming of aquatic organisms such

as fish, molluscs, aquatic plants etc. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and

saltwater populations under controlled conditions and can be contrasted with

of the compliance form for License service is to avail the Compliance

form for the registered farms and unregistered farms; whether the farms are

cultivating the culture aspects according to the guidelines of fisheries act. To app

this service, citizen needs to approach MeeSeva Franchise. This service comes under

The issuing authority of Final Registration of New Fresh water

is District Fisheries Officer.

Table 1: Service Information at Glance

) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.



INR 100/-

1. Application Form* 2. Pond explanatory map with distances(Auto Cad

Map)* 3. Village explanatory map with distance4. Pond 80%area certificate* 5. Walta ACT2002 Affidavit* 6. If any other Documents 7. Soil and Water Analysis Report*

28 Working days

Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm

Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming of aquatic organisms such

as fish, molluscs, aquatic plants etc. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and

saltwater populations under controlled conditions and can be contrasted with


form for the registered farms and unregistered farms; whether the farms are

cultivating the culture aspects according to the guidelines of fisheries act. To apply

This service comes under

Final Registration of New Fresh water

Pond explanatory map with distances(Auto Cad

with distances *

Page 5: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Procedure for Processing Level 1 (Mandal level committee

Level of Committee User







Note: -FDO have a provision to upload AutoCAD Map in his Mandal level committee based on this MRO submits the checklist

Note: - If MRO has not updated Checklist, FDO cannot forward the

level to District level and it will display message as like this

checklist, hence application cannot be forwarded”.

Note : - FDO is competent authority for forward the application from Mandal level to Di

level committee.FDO need not to wait for all committee members remarks updating in

application form. Other Committee Members can update their remarks in Application form

through login in MeeSeva portal.

Procedure for Uploading Auto

♦ Select “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Processing. It has been depicted in figure

Procedure for Processing the Request at Department End: -


User Designation Department


FDO Fisheries

GWD Ground Level water

MAO Agriculture

MRO Revenue

Table 2: Mandal Level Committee members

FDO have a provision to upload AutoCAD Map in his login, which is displayed in all Mandal level committee based on this MRO submits the checklist.

If MRO has not updated Checklist, FDO cannot forward the application from Mandal

and it will display message as like this “MRO has not updated the checklist, hence application cannot be forwarded”.

FDO is competent authority for forward the application from Mandal level to Di

.FDO need not to wait for all committee members remarks updating in

Other Committee Members can update their remarks in Application form


Uploading Auto CADD Map at FDO End: -

gistration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests”

It has been depicted in figure 1.

is displayed in all

application from Mandal

“MRO has not updated the

FDO is competent authority for forward the application from Mandal level to District

.FDO need not to wait for all committee members remarks updating in

Other Committee Members can update their remarks in Application form

from Application

Page 6: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Figure 1: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

♦ After selection of “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

processing window will be displayed.

Details Button as depicted in figure 2.

Figure 1: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

Application Processing

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

processing window will be displayed. Select from Date, to Date, Status, and click on Get

s Button as depicted in figure 2.

window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Requests screen

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

Requests” link,

Select from Date, to Date, Status, and click on Get

window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Page 7: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed

Figure 2: Request selection in FDO processing window

♦ After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed


Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 3.

Request selection in FDO processing window

the request, request details page will be displayed as depicted in below

depicted in below

Page 8: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming
Page 9: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming


Figure 3: Request details page of FDO

Page 10: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ FDO- Select Upload Auto CADD Map provision to upload


Procedure for Processing the Request at

Select “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Processing. It has been depicted in

Figure 5: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

CADD Map provision to upload Map will be displayed

in below figure 5.

Figure 4: Request details page of FDO

Procedure for Processing the Request at MRO End: -

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests” from Application

It has been depicted in figure 6.

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

Application Processing

be displayed as depicted

from Application

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link under

Page 11: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ After selection of “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

processing window will be displayed.

Details Button as depicted in figure 7

Figure 6: MRO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

window will be displayed. Select from Date, to Date, Status, and click on Get

depicted in figure 7.

MRO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Requests screen

Requests” link,

Select from Date, to Date, Status, and click on Get

MRO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Page 12: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed

Figure 7: Request selection in

♦ After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed


Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 8.

Request selection in MRO processing window

After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed as depicted in

depicted in below

Page 13: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming
Page 14: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming


Figure 8: Request details page of MRO

Page 15: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

MRO- click on check list in the Application form, Submit the checklist after filling committee remarks and Message Displays Inserted Successfully


on check list in the Application form, Submit the checklist after filling committee Displays Inserted Successfully as depicted in figure

Figure 9: Check list Submission in MRO login

on check list in the Application form, Submit the checklist after filling committee as depicted in figure 10.

Page 16: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Note:-After Submission of Check list only, system will allow the

♦ MRO- Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by

on links, upload check list and

Submit Button as depicted in figure 11

Figure 10: Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

After Submission of Check list only, system will allow the MRO to Submit the

all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by

, upload check list and select Recommend/Reject with his Remarks and click on

depicted in figure 11.

Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

request details Page

Submit the application

all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

/Reject with his Remarks and click on

Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Page 17: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Procedure for Processing the Request at

♦ Select “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Processing. It has been depicted in figure 12

Figure 11: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link

♦ After selection of “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

processing window will be displayed.

Details Button as depicted in figure 13

Figure 12: FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture

Procedure for Processing the Request at FDO End: -

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests”

It has been depicted in figure 12.

Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link

under Application Processing

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

processing window will be displayed. Select from Date, to Date, Status, and click on Get

depicted in figure 13.

FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture

Farm Requests screen

from Application

Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests Process link

Requests” link,

Status, and click on Get

FDO processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture

Page 18: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed

Figure 13: Request selection in

♦ After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed


Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 14.

Request selection in FDO processing window

After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed as depicted

depicted in below

Page 19: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming
Page 20: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming


FDO- Click on GP notice Link in the Application form, Download the GP notice and Display at department offices


Figure 14: Request details page of FDO

in the Application form, Download the GP notice and Display at department offices as depicted in figure 16.

Figure 15: Request details page of FDO

in the Application form, Download the GP notice and Display at

Page 21: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

GP notice will be displayed as depicted in figure

displayed as depicted in figure 17.

Figure 16: GP Notice details

Page 22: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

FDO- click on check list in the Application form, Submit the checklist after filling committee remarks and, Message Displays Inserted Successfully


Note:-After Submission of Check list only, system will allow the

on check list in the Application form, Submit the checklist after filling committee

Displays Inserted Successfully as depicted in

Figure 17: Check list Submission Details

After Submission of Check list only, system will allow the FDO to forward application from

Mandal level to District level.

on check list in the Application form, Submit the checklist after filling committee figure 18.

FDO to forward application from

Page 23: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ FDO- Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

on links, upload check list and

Submit Button as depicted in figure

Figure 18: Attached Documents in

Note: - If MRO has not updated Checklist, FDO cannot forward the application from Mandal

level to District level and it will display message as like this

checklist, hence application cannot be forwarded”.

Note: - Now Request is at District level committee end

Note: - FO is competent authority for Approve or Reject the application

the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

and select Recommend/Reject with his Remarks and click on

depicted in figure 19.

Attached Documents in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

request details Page

If MRO has not updated Checklist, FDO cannot forward the application from Mandal

level to District level and it will display message as like this “MRO has not updated the hecklist, hence application cannot be forwarded”.

District level committee end.

FO is competent authority for Approve or Reject the application.

the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

/Reject with his Remarks and click on

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

If MRO has not updated Checklist, FDO cannot forward the application from Mandal

“MRO has not updated the

Page 24: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Level 2:- District level Committee

Level of Committee



Note : - FO is competent authority for

committee members remarks updating in application form.

Other Committee Members can update their remarks in Application form through login in

MeeSeva portal.

Committee members are; JDA, COL, DDG, DFO, EAGF, EAQF, EEI, EENV, EEP, FO

District level Committee

User Designation Department

JD Agriculture

COL District Collector

DDG Ground Level water

DFO Forest


Eminent Agriculture


EAQF Eminent Aqua Farmer

EEI Irrigation

EENV Eminent Environmentalist

EEP Pollution Control Board

FO Fisheries

Table 3: District Level Committee members

FO is competent authority for Approval of Application.FO need not to wait for all

committee members remarks updating in application form.

Other Committee Members can update their remarks in Application form through login in


Eminent Environmentalist

Approval of Application.FO need not to wait for all

Other Committee Members can update their remarks in Application form through login in


Page 25: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Procedure for Processing the Request at

♦ Select “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Processing. It has been depicted

Figure 19: Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Application Requests

Process link under

♦ After selection of “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

processing window will be displayed.

Details Button as depicted in figure 21

Figure 20: FO Processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Procedure for Processing the Request at FO End: -

tration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests”

It has been depicted in figure 20.

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Application Requests

Process link under Application Processing

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Requests

processing window will be displayed. Select from Date, to Date, Status, and click on Get

depicted in figure 21.

FO Processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Request screen

from Application

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm Application Requests

Requests” link,

Status, and click on Get

FO Processing window in Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

Page 26: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed

Figure 21: Selection of application

Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 22.

Selection of application in FO Processing window

Page 27: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed


After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed as depicted in depicted in below

Page 28: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

Figure 22: Selection of request status in

Selection of request status in FO Processing window

FO Processing window

Page 29: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ FO- Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

on links , and select Modify

Sign Button as depicted in figure 24

♦ Here I am selecting Modify as NO

Enter Modifications)


all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

Modify yes/No with his Remarks , Upload Check list

depicted in figure 24.

Here I am selecting Modify as NO ( if yes enter remarks and Click on Modify Button and

Figure 23: Signing in FO Processing window

all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking

Upload Check list and click on

enter remarks and Click on Modify Button and

Page 30: Final Registration of new fresh water aquaculture Farm DEPT Ver 1 · Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Aquaculture also known as Aqua farming, it is the farming

♦ After clicking on “Sign” button

Certificate Generated as depicted in following figure

” button “Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm

depicted in following figure 25.

Figure 24: certificate

Final Registration of New Fresh water Aquaculture Farm