GYM PHONE CASE Sara Bischof; [email protected]; 5/8/15 A no it won’t work stupid innovation for Art, Science, and the Practice of Innovation

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Sara Bischof; [email protected]; 5/8/15

A no it won’t work

stupid innovation

for Art, Science, and

the Practice of



Table of Contents My Innovation: .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Whats and Hows: .......................................................................................................................................... 2

What: ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

How: .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

First draft drawing of innovation: ................................................................................................................. 3

Summary of ten question surveys: ............................................................................................................... 4

Picture of “one word” and “drawing” exercise: ........................................................................................... 5

Picture of completed Pugh Matrix with the best alternative highlighted: ................................................... 6

QFD house 1: ................................................................................................................................................. 7

List of failure modes suggested by team members: ..................................................................................... 7

Drawing of v0 of my innovation: ................................................................................................................... 8

Drawing of MVP: ........................................................................................................................................... 9

MGPD for my innovation: ........................................................................................................................... 10

Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Appendix A: Self answers to 10 Questions ............................................................................................. 11

Appendix B: Answers to 10 Questions by customers/students .............................................................. 13

Appendix C: Pugh Matrix excel file ........................................................................................................ 15


My Innovation: My innovation is a phone case that is specific for the gym. This phone case is more durable than your

average phone case. This innovation is waterproof and what makes it specifically for the gym is that it

has a slot in the back to put a workout card to record sets, reps, weights, and any other information.

Whats and Hows:

What: 1. Durable.

2. Compact.

3. Low cost.

How: 1. Strong material for case (multiple materials).

2. Small case size.

3. Only a few parts made from cheap (but durable) materials.


First draft drawing of innovation:


Summary of ten question surveys: For the ten questions survey, overall customers felt that if the product was low cost and highly

durable that they would be interested. Right now there is a market for phone case accessories such as

phone case purses and wallet for both men and women. Fitness is also extremely trendy and there are

arm bands and speakers to couple with your phone and music for your workout. People read on their

phones or check email while they’re working out. Some people might prefer to input the information

directly onto their phone but when lifting, this is difficult because you want to be able to write wherever

you want and the keyboard is not made for working with a combination of numbers and words. This

problem exists now and in the near future but once smart clothing comes upon us this phone case,

along with phones will become obsolete. If the product is waterproof, low cost, and durable, customers

will be interested. Competitors include big tech companies and accessory companies.


Picture of “one word” and “drawing” exercise:


Picture of completed Pugh Matrix with the best alternative highlighted:


QFD house 1:

List of failure modes suggested by team members: 1. Weak point

2. Wear and tear

3. Misconception about actual strength of case

4. Pressure


Drawing of v0 of my innovation:


Drawing of MVP:

My initial “what”s included durability, compact, and low cost. This

product has only a few pieces to assemble and has the potential to be 3D

printed if a strong enough material is used. The case fits close with the

phone making it compact and the materials and the assembly keeps the

cost low.


MGPD for my innovation: Version1- MVP- this is the most basic version with no bells or whistles. This is a phone case with a slot in

the back to put a notecard

Version2- MGGP- this is the next step up which is water resistant and sleeker than the last.

Version3- Final version- this is fully water waterproof and you have the ability to get custom stickers and

decals for it. This includes a pen holder and special paper and pen that are waterproof as well. This is the

strongest and sleekest model available in size 4-6 of the iphone.



Appendix A: Self answers to 10 Questions Ten Questions

Opportunity: Enhance gym organizations and phone safety.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I & E) Sara Bischof

Market Needs

1) What is the unmet market need or general problem? Who has this problem or unmet need? Rating: 5

Phone cases protect a phone if it’s dropped in addition to providing the ability for the user to ad

personalization and enhancement. Industries and designers are now starting to design phone case

wallets as well. People that go to the gym most likely bring their phone and people that lift bring their

notebook or lift sheets too in order to record weight. These two separate interactions could be

combined into one while providing additionally phone protection. Active people are in need of this,

specifically targeting those who utilize the weight room.

2) Why does this problem or need exist now or will exist in the future? Rating: 4

Phones and exercise will continue to exist and the problem exists because phone case design and

creativity is just emerging (waterproof, wallet, ect…).

3) How is the need being met now or addressed now and at what cost? Rating: 4

Right now the need is not met. People keep their phones in their pockets and separately from their

workout sheets.

4) What improvements are needed and how is the need currently being met and why? Rating: 4

Improvements include putting the two pieces, the phone and the workout sheet, together in order to

consolidate gym experience.

Measurements & Trends

5) How will the user measure the value of the improved solution i.e. lower total cost, improved physical

performance, better appearance, improved convenience, better quality of life, save more lives and

patent expiration, etc.

Easier organization and compactness at the gym. Eliminate risk of phone being stepped on and crushed

accidently or getting spilled or dirty.

6) What trends (technology, financial, resources, regulatory, globalization, environmental, competition

etc.) will impact the market need and solutions?


The phone case market and the changing of phones to smart clothes or watches.

Competitor Analysis

7) Who will be our competitor in meeting this need and why? Rating: 3

Any phone case company.

8) What is the basis of our competitive advantage? Rating: 3

The idea is unique and simple.

9) Why does this make sense for Sara Bischof to pursue? What strengths/product will be used and what

barriers exist? Rating: 3

Sara would like one of these herself to use at the gym that way she can have her wireless headphones

hooked up with her phone and workout sheet combo and water bottle and she won’t have to worry

about her phone breaking at the gym (because it has before). The barriers that exist are being able to

get the right materials and protection for the phone while still making it visually attractive.

10) How much money or other benefits can Sara Bischof make on this opportunity? Rating: 2

Benefit is make me happier and can make decent money but not a million dollar idea. Could definitely

become trendy because anything exercise is in right now.


Appendix B: Answers to 10 Questions by customers/students Questions Response 1 Response 2 Response 3

Market Needs

1) What is the unmet market need or general problem? Who has this problem or unmet need? Rating:

The problem is people need a convenient way to deal with their phone while they’re at the gym and put it somewhere that is safe but accessible. 3

Breaking my phone at the gym. Anyone who goes to the gym. 4

Getting my phone sweaty at the gym when I’m trying to work out. Could break. Afraid to leave it on the ground because it will get stepped on. 5

2) Why does this problem or need exist now or will exist in the future? Rating:

The problem exists now because everyone has a phone and they want to be with it all the time. They want to use it for music, fitness, reading, and everything. Technology might be getting smaller. For example watches or google glasses. 4.

Yes exists now because people listen to music and use their phone when they’re working out. In the future yes because people will still have phones. 3

In the future it may not exist because people will have smart clothes but in the near future the problem exists. 4

3) How is the need being met now or addressed now and at what cost? Rating:

Extra durable phone case that is stronger and /or waterproof. 5

Now I don’t think this need is being met. 2

The need is being met with waterproof phone cases but they’re expensive. 3

4) What improvements are needed and how is the need currently being met and why? Rating:

You need a case that will prevent any breakage at all that’s not too expensive and that’s not bulky. 3

Better way to store your phone at the gym that’s safe like make the phone itself stronger. 2

The innovation should be as small as possible in order to not be bulky. 4

Measurements & Trends

5) How will the user measure the value of the improved solution.

Low cost, improved performance. Meets my needs at the gym and looks cool.

Low cost high durability

6) What trends will impact the market need and solutions?

Material advancement for technology.

Smart watches. Phone accessory trends.


Competitor Analysis

7) Who will be our competitor in meeting this need and why? Rating:

Google, apple, other technology companies. 2.

Phone case companies. 3 Technology and accessory companies. Big companies. 4

8) What is the basis of our competitive advantage? Rating:

The basis is that this innovation has good quality, low cost, and marketed towards athletes. 3.

This innovation is more than a phone case. Dual purpose. 3

Lower cost. 4

9) Why does this make sense for Sara Bischof to pursue? What strengths/product will be used and what barriers exist? Rating:

There’s a market for phone accessories therefore there is a demand. Competitors will be barriers in order to make the innovation stand out over everyone else’s products. 4

This is a unique idea that’s not too complicated and could benefit the community. Barriers exist are where it will be manufactured and out of what. 2

Can help people at the gym but if a new gym only device comes out that’s cooler and newer this product will become obsolete. 3

10) How much money or other benefits can Sara Bischof make on this opportunity? Rating:

I don’t know. 1. Maybe a few thousand, I don’t know. 3

Benefits are something new but probably not that much money made. 2


Appendix C: Pugh Matrix excel file