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Main Characters: Jared Castro Aeon Pauleen (?) Castro Renz Rollon Dan Pantano Tricia Balaquiao

Cameos: A male professor A female professor Strange dude who gives the pocket watch 2 friends Mik Palomo Aura Concepcion Francis Villegas Bernard Quizon Migo Dalmacion Danna Scary people Pulubi Some classmates Bet adversaries Joanna Jimenez The rest Louie Ao The rest Melvin San Jose Axel Advento Roi Dalisay

PART I. The norm.

OPENING CREDITS. Catchy BGM plays. A clip is showing the modern, usual daily life, people crossing the street, mother and child walking hand in-hand, cars passing the road, group of students chatting and laughing together. The names are flashed one by one as the clips rolls on.

Then the BGM slowly winds down, producing weird (or eerie, if you like it to be) sounds. The clip is then rewound very fast.

LINKED: With the wound-down BGM still playing, a new clip is showed, but its also rewound. Zoom to a particular neighborhood, then to a house.

A male college student was on the front porch of his home and the door opens, then the clip continues with him walking backwards, continuing inside, revealing a female teen ager sitting on the couch wearing an agitated expression on her face. The male passes by her and ruffles her hair. She then resorts to reading a book again. A woman intersects his path and smiles at him, also walking backwards carrying a pile of clothes.

He reaches in front of his room and the door opens, then he walks backwards to his bed, settles his backpack on it, then slowly falls down to the bed, his arms on the back of his head.

Zoom into his face, then to his eyes. Zoom into his left eye (further into his irises, if possible).

BGM stops. Only the sound of a clock ticking is heard. A deep voice calls out in painfully slow fashion: CASTRO, JARED CASTRO.

Zoom out slowly from his eyes, then to his face, showing that a crumpled ball of paper had recently hit his face. Follow as the ball hit the floor, still in slow-mo. It is then revealed that Jared Castro is in his classroom with the entire class looking at himthat and their professor gawking at him like he was someone shed like to kill.

SCENE 1. Sorry prof? PROFESSOR. Castro! Hindi ka nanaman nakikinig! Kaya halos puro lagpak ang grado mo eh!

JARED. [He looks around and clears his throat then slouches on his seat. However, his expression is still indifferent.] Pasensya na po. Maam.

PROFESSOR. Could you please answer this? [Points to the board.]

JARED. Ah uhm

PROFESSOR. Ano, wala kang maisagot? [Glares at him, breathes heavily, grinds teeth.] Lets see Mr. Castro if you could still have that smug look after you receive your grades at the end of this sem. [Walks towards the board and writes the answer. Focus the board a bit, showing that shes a Calculus prof. Also, focus the answer, this is an important bit later.]

Pan back to Jared. He rolls his eyes and exhales heavily. His seatmate leans towards him slightly, smiling, and nudges him gently on the ribs.

FRIEND 1. [Hushed] Tol. Yari ka. Haha.

JARED. Sus, yaan mo yan. Kulang lang ata yan sa paligo.

FRIEND 1. Pare, puyat ka ata ulit eh. Iba nanaman ata inaatupag mo eh

JARED. Di ako nagpoporn!


Sinabi ko ba?! Guilty? Ang hula ko lang naman, inaatupag mo nanaman yang sideline mong graphics graphics. Mukhang malaki ata kinikita mo, libre naman.

JARED. Mukha mo ilibre mo.

FRIEND 1. Andamot mo naman. Sige na, mamaya, bilis. Tatlong oras na DoTA lang pwede na [Winces as he was cut off by another voice.]

PROFESSOR. Quizon! Daldal ka nanaman ng daldal! Tumayo ka nga diyan at sagutan mo to!

Jareds seatmate stands up and scratches his head. Zoom to Jared, who shakes his head as he yawns then proceeds with playing with his ball point pen, showing no signs of attention.

SCENE 2. Hey, sis.

ON JAREDS ROOM. Camera starts on the pile of opened books on Jareds bed and some pens, then zoom into his wall clock: its 2 a.m. already. Slowly pan down, revealing Jared in front of his laptop, blanket wrapped around him. Hes doing a promo poster, but apparently he fell asleep, his head resting on the table.

He jerks a little and scratches his cheek, then his eyes slowly open. Jared flinches and looks hurriedly to the clock and is shocked to see that its already 2 a.m., then looks to his bed to find his assignments still untouched.

JARED. Oh, shoot. [facepalms]

He groans aloud but decides to stand up. He grabs an empty coffee mug beside his laptop to get another cup-full of caffeine (still with his blanket).


Door opens (if there rooms directly linked to the l.r.), Jared comes out carrying his mug. He stops and frowns. Camera zooms out, revealing a girl sitting on the couch with her face buried on a book, sleeping.

JARED. Tsch, tsch. [Shakes his head as he walks towards the girl.]

Jared takes his blanket off and covers his sister with it. He pats her head and starts to walk away to get his coffee, his sister suddenly speaks.

PAULEEN. Gising ka pa? [Sits up and raises a brow, arms crossed on her chest.] Assignments mo ba yang pinag-kakaabalahan mo?

JARED. [Rolls eyes and crosses his arms on his chest too.] Ha, parang hindi mo naman ako kilala. And, Im not the one who needs to be lectured here. Ilang beses ko na bang sinabi sa iyo na bawal kang magpuyat?

PAULEEN. Sheesh, nag-aaral ako. Hindi ako nagpupuyat para lang sa kung ano-ano. [Pouts then glares.]

JARED. Aba Bakit Masama ba mag-alala ang kapatid?

Pauleens shoulders drops and sighs, but she smiles inwardly.

PAULEEN. Opo, kuya. Matutulog na. Pero sana din kasi, nag-aaral ka, kasi nakakahiya kay tita. Tsaka, hindi ako laging nandito para pilitin kang gawin ang dapat. [Wags a finger in front of her.] Kung nandito pa si mama at papa, siguradong papagalitan ka nila.

JARED. Yun nga eh. Ikaw na lang wala na sila.

[Silence. They both look down.]


[Clears throat]. Eherm. Kaya dapat lagi kang mag-iingat. Sige na, iligpit mo na yan. Matulog ka na.

PAULEEN. [Sighs again then gathers her thins.] Fine.

Jared just stares at Pauleen as she walks, but pats her head as she passes by him, making her stop.

JARED. [smiles]Night, Pauleen.

PAULEEN. [smiles and turns her head towards Jared] Good night, kuya. [Pinches his nose, then walks away.]

PAULEEN exits. JARED walks towards the opposite direction, to the kitchen and exits.

PART II. Things go weird.

SCENE 3. Dude, wth?

ON SOME ROAD. Its already 4 a.m. Jared is walking home; hes slightly drunk.


Loko-lokong mga iyon. Niyaya ako sa inuman, iniwan naman ako. Urgh. [Shakes his head, but at the same time massages his temples.]

FLASHBACK SEQUENCE. Hes shown to be drinking some beer with his friends on some drinking bar. When they were sort of more-than-tipsy already, his friends decide to leave (laughing); Jared is left there since hes sleeping.

Jared is woken up by a janitor/waiterhe discovers that its closing time already, the lights are out, etc.

Jared walks out of the bar, leaving some money in the table.

Back on the road, Jared is swaying while walking. A man suddenly appears on the end of the road, running, startling Jared. He attempted to get out of the mans way, but he disappears. Jared rubs his eyes to check if he was dreaming, but someone suddenly grabs his arms from behind him. [Must have startling BGM.] Jared gasps. Strange dudes dressed shabbily, stubbles on his face, eye bags galore.

STRANGE DUDE. [Panicky, sweaty, shivering. His eyes are widened and he is panting.] T-tulungan mo ako. Tu-ulungan mo ako!


Whoa-whoa! Cool ka lang po! [Looks around.] Ano ba kailangan mo? Teka, bitawan mo ko. [Struggles out of the mans grasp, but hes drunk so its futile.]

STRANGE DUDE. [Shakes Jared.] M-makinig ka! A-andyan na sila! something from his pocket and hands it to Jared.] [Grabs

JARED. Teka, ano to dudeteka

STANGE DUDE (CONT.) Ingatan mo to para sakin! Andyan na sila! [Shoves Jared aside, too much that Jared falls down on his butt.]

Jared shakes his head and sits up, searching for the people the man was referring to, but there was none. He bobs his head towards the man, but he already disappeared. He buries his face on his palms; he was just about to lie down the pavement, but before his back reaches the ground

CUT to him lying on his bed, wearing only a wifebeater/sando and pants [Cameras must be on the same persp.] His alarm startles him and automatically jerks up, but winces because of blood rushing down from his head. He collapses back into bed, but his back hits something.


Ow! Ano ba to? [Reaches, pulls out a pocket watch. Looks distantly as he tries to remember. The face of the stranger flashes to his mind.]

JARED (CONT.) Sheesh. Baliw ata yun eh

Jareds cut off by a knock. Shift cam to the person outside. Its Danna, their aunt, carrying a laundry basket.

DANNA. Jared! Late na, gumising ka na!

[Jareds voice: Opo, tita!]

Shift cam back to Jared, now sitting up and staring intently at the pocket watch. He opens it and frowns and realizes that its not functioning.

JARED. Asus, wala naman pala tong kwenta.

He turns the tiny knob on the watch for quite some time. And then presses the knob down.

[Dannas voice: Jared! Bumangon ka na diyan!]


Andyan na

Camera zooms on Jareds face, then slowly revolves around his head. By the time the camera is on Jareds face again, zoom out, revealing a familiar scene that happened two days ago, on his calculus class. He held the pocket watch on his left hand.

JARED. p-po. [Looks around, find his prof and classmates staring at him.]

PROFESSOR. Could you please answer this? [Points to the board.]

JARED. Ah uhm [Then he remembers what happened this day. He slowly stands up and writes the answer.]

His prof was looking at him speculatively, but approves of his answer anyway. Jared settles down his seat.

PROFESSOR. [Clears throat.] Uhrm. Good, Mr. Castro. Now

Prof begins to scribble on the boards again. FRIEND 1 nudges Jared like the last time.


Nice one, tol.

JARED. [Smiles and looks at the pocket watch on his left hand.] Oo, nice one. Nice one.

Blackout for several seconds.

SCENE 4. Cool stuff.

SEQUENCES showing the convenience of having a time-turner. Play upbeat, happy, BGM (I suggest the instrumental version of Hikari no Rock (Sambomaster), or What Do You Want From Me (Forever The Sickest Kids), or Love Underground (Robbers on High Street). No dialogues are needed here, just BGM and facial expressions. 1. EXAMS. Jared is handed with a paper with 4.0 written on it. He shakes his head, then smiles widely. Later, he hides himself in a c.r. cubicle/anywhere private, then pulls out the pocket watch. Zoom on the watch. Zoom out from the watch; this time, Jared is on the classroom again, the male prof handing the paper in exactly the same manner, (even the classmates positions and expressions must be exactly the same for consistency), but instead of a 4.0 written on it, it has 1.5 on it.

2. KLUTZ. Jared is walking on a corridor/lobby. A woman, holding a cup of coffee/beverage suddenly turns and spills the drink on Jared. The scene is then rewound, and when it plays again, he successfully evades the womans klutz attack.

3. TARDINESS. Jared is lying on his bed comfortably. He slowly opens his eyes and grabs the desk clockits already 11:00 a.m. and hes late for class. He rushes (falls out of bed in the process) to the c.r. (keep focus at the bed, let him run out of cam perspective) for his routines, but then he appears at the side of the cam persp, walking backwards. He rummages through his sheets for the pocket watch, smiles when he finds it. CUT to him lying on the bed sleeping, then does the same thing as earlier, but now the clock must show 8:30. He yawns with a smile and walks happily to the c.r. (out of the cam persp). Fade out.

SCENE 5. The Bet.

Fade in. Jared is sitting in front of a monitor, inside a comp shop. He glances left. Shift cam now to Jareds persp, showing FRIENDS 1 and 2 sitting in front of their respective units.

BET ADVERSARY 1 (voice). Castro.

Shift cam out of Jareds persp. Close in to Jared and BA 1. BA 1 is standing beside Jareds unit.

JARED. Oi. [tilts head]

BA 1. Sorry ah, mukhang mauubos ang mga pera niyo ngayon. [dog grins, then nods to something distant opposite him]

Shift cam to BA 1s perspective, showing that in the other end, BA 2 is holding out a cap to FRIENDS 1 and 2. They put their bets in, but in the process, they glare or sneer at BA 2. BA 2 reaches JARED. Shift cam out of BA 1s persp, now just behind Jareds back, a few feet away. Jared slowly glances up BA 2, gets a bundle of cash from his pocket, then throws it in the cap. BA 2 whispers something at BA 1, then proceeds to the other side.

BA 1. Ano? Good luck nalang. [smirks, then proceeds to the other side].

JARED. [whispers to himself, focus cam to him] Sus, makapagsalita, bano naman.

FRIEND 1 hears it, looks at Jared, then mock-laughs.

FRIEND 1. Puro hangin lang mga mayayabang na taga (mention school name here) na yan. Pag tinusok mo [points to his temple] psssssssssssssssssss [gesture a balloon deflating; he and Jared laughs quietly, their hands clapping together.]

JARED. [faces his monitor] Tara. Get all the money, beybeh.

BGM plays as game ensues here. I recommend Youre Supposed to be My Friend (1990s). /*bahala na kayo kung pano ipoportray, basta parang walang dialogue.*/ Game ends with Jareds side winning.

BA 1. [Focus cam on him; hes in front of his monitor, slouched, face-palming] Dammit naman!

Jared appears beside him, hands crossed on his chest, smiling purposefully to annoy BA 1.

JARED. Sino nga ba ulit yung mauubusan ng pera?

BA 1. [Glares.] Tsamba niyo lang yon.

JARED. Tsamba? Gusto mo ireplay pa natin para itest? Huwag ka na magpalusot, dude. [holds out his hand]

BA 1 sighs and shakes his head before giving Jared the cap with all the money. He and BA 1-4 leaves with disappointing,

frowning, annoyed looks. All of them purposefully bump Jared as they walk away (Jared was just smiling all the time).

FRIENDS 1 and 2 appear, their eyes trailing the losers at first, then they approach Jared.

FRIEND 2. Oy, bespreeeeeeeeeeeen! [wraps arms around Jared while looking at the pile of cash on the cap] Haha, mga kumag na yon. Akala mo naman mananalo, puro porma lang naman.

JARED. Tssh. Nasobrahan ata sa hair gel, pati yung utak nanigas na. [nudges FRIEND 1; FRIEND 1 holds out his hands/pulls his shirt up. Jared pours the money to his shirt/hands, shakes dirt off the cap, and wears it.]

Friends 1 and 2 crowd over the money.

JARED (CONT.) (to his friends) Oy, hating mag bebespren ah. (to himself) Ayos. Masarap na dinner magandang pasalubong kay tita at mamaya. Ano bang

[pulls out his phone; focus cam on his phone, showing 12 missed calls, and two text messages]

Pauleen? message]









First text message: Jared, mag OOT ako ah. :) -Danna Second text message looks something like, Kuya, yung pinapabili ko ah. Wag kakalimutan. :>

JARED (CONT.) Oh, shoot.

FRIEND 1 notices Jareds worried face.

FRIEND 1. Tol, okay ka lang?

FRIENDS 2 stops on sorting the bills, looks at Jared with questioning looks (raise both brows, tilt head, something like that).

JARED. T-teka lang. [walks slowly at first towards friends, removes cap and places it against Friend 2s chest. Then he suddenly rushes out of the comp shop]

Focus cam on FRIEND 2.


Anong problema nun?

FRIEND 1 just shrugs, he doesnt say anything. He just stares after Jareds trails, worrying.

SCENE 6. Big mistake.

Show Jared is running on the streetits already dark, like 6-7 pm. Maneuver cam into different angles, sometimes focused on his face, sometimes from afar, etc.

He busts the door openno ones in the living room. He then proceeds to Pauleens room, opens it. Nothing should be heard here (like the scene where Sirius died), except thuds, playing in slow frames.

-SLOW MODoor opens. Focus cam to his face. He should be really, really, shocked.

Then, shift cam to Jareds persp. The first thing he sees is the empty bottle of medication on the floor.

FLASHBACK (not in slowmo, of course): Show Jared leaving the house, but we hear Pauleens voice say, Kuya, yung gamot ko ah. Pabili, babayaran daw ni tita mamaya., then Jared places a piece of paper on his shirt pocket and says, Yep, got it.

Next, Jareds gaze shifts to the books cluttered on the floor. Cam shifts to his feet, he takes a step forward. (SOUND: Jareds weight against the floor, or thuds)

Jareds POV sees a drinking glass, broken into shards. Its in a puddle of water. Move cam to the right, then he sees a hand.

Move cam into a low height. Loud thud is hear as we see Jareds knees hit the floor.

SOUND: Heartbeat, playing softly at first, then getting louder and louder. Shift cam to Jareds eyes, slowly tearing up. Pan out, showing us he was covering his mouth, preventing himself to scream or something. Heartbeat clip stops, replaced by a flat line sound clip.

Shift cam to Pauleens hand, cut, then to her foot, cut then to her neck, then to her opened eye. Zoom out to her face. Her mouth is partly opened, eyes widened, face contorted into something like a pained expression.

Sound clip stops, defeaning silence. Focus to Jared, his hands are both on the sides of his head, his expression is shocked, pained,etc., tears flowing down his face.


Then black out, followed by a prolonged scream of Pauleen!

Scene 7. Aftermath.


Jareds on his bed, sitting on its edge, hes expression unreadable, holding something on his hands. Hes also wearing black; his school bag was on his bed too, implying that hell be attending his classes now, though still mourning. Reveal that hes holding a picture of him and Pauleen when they were younger (or when they were still babies, just borrow someones photo with a kid and a baby thats unrecognizable). He lifts his gaze from the photo when he hears someone knocking. The door opens revealing Danna, carrying a tray of food.

DANNA. Pwedeng pumasok? [smiling halfheartedly]

Jared nods. Danna sits on the bed too, but not so near him.

DANNA (Cont.) Hindi ka na kumakain, ngayon ka lang papasok. [places the tray of food on the bed; shes talking to Jared, but she isnt looking at him, and is looking to the door instead] Its been a week, pero [sighs] The blame isnt on you, Jared. Nobodys blaming you.

JARED. Okay lang, tita. Dont try to console me.

DANNA. Madami din namang nag-aalala sayo. Ang mga kaibigan mo. Jared, sa tingin mo ba, matutuwa si Pauleen kung makikita ka niyang ganyan? Sa tingin mo ba

JARED. Stop it, tita.

DANNA. Matutuwa siya kapag Makita ka niyang sinisisi ang sarili mo,

JARED. Tita, please

DANNA. Na nagkukulong ka, laging tulala, hindi nagsasalita


He stops shouting, pants, and realized he just shouted to his aunt. Danna was just staring at him, slightly offended, but more of sad.

DANNA. Sorry, Jared, hindi ko sinasadya

But Jared shakes his head, grabs his bag, and walks out even before she finishes what shes saying. Hover cam over Dannas head as she reaches for the photo frame. Focus to the picture, to the baby Jared. Fade out.

PART III. Let the games begin.

SCENE 8. Creeps me.


Fade in to Jareds face, hes already on his seat looking out the window. The class is just about to start, students crowd on the door way. Focus to FRIENDS 1 & 2 on the other side of the room, looking at Jared and discussing something. FRIEND 2s trying to negotiate about something, but FRIEND 1 shakes his head and waves him off. Hes mouthing something like, Ako na. The other sighs, looks at Jared with a worried face, then reluctantly settle to their seats. FRIEND 1 walks towards JARED.

FRIEND 1. Bro. Okay ka na ba?

Focus back to Jared. Hes slightly startled by FRIEND 1s voice. He looks at him for a second, then resorts to looking out the window.


FRIEND 1. Uhm, mukhang hindi pa. Look bro, merong event mamaya. Gusto mo sumama para makalimot? I mean, siguro, nainip ka na ding magkulong sa kwarto mo, kaya naisip ko naming na

FRIEND 1 is slightly taken aback when Jared suddenly stands up and grabs his collar with one hand. Focus Jareds other hand, his fists curled up, shaking.

JARED. Hindi mo ba nakikitang ayaw ko makipag-usap, ha?

FRIEND 1 does nothing, just stares at Jared. Other students look at them, murmuring. FRIENDS 2 looks alarmed.

FRIEND 1. Come on, alam naming sinisisi mo pa yung sarili mo. Sa tingin mo ikaw lang nakakaramdam niyan? Sa tingin mo ba hindi din kami nalulungkot? Magkakasama tayo noon, tol.

JARED. Tumigil ka

FRIEND 1. No, you shut up. Dude, alam mo bang kung kaya lang naming pabalikin ang oras, binalik na namin. Hindi ka na naming niyayang makipagpustahan.

Jared drops his hand, realizing something. He was about to say something, but their male prof comes in and starts lecturing.

Fade in, overlap.

Jared was on his sit, his expression serious and pondering. SOUND CLIP: Kung kaya lang naming pabalikin ang oras, binalik na namin. It bugs him so much.

JARED. (To himself) Bakit hindi ko naisip yun

Male prof suddenly clears his throat, getting Jareds attention. Jared looks on the board, his prof has just written, Death is an inevitable thing.

On Jareds POV, the male prof slowly turns his head towards Jared, but then its revealed that its Aeons face smiling evilly towards Jared, on the male profs clothes. He looks disturbing, like deep-set eyes, pale skin, slightly bluish lips, basta he looks menacing. Jared fidgets on his sit and gasps, then rubs his eyes. On Jareds POV again, Aeon isnt there, but his male prof looking at him speculatively, adjusting his glasses. Instead of what was written earlier, we see mathematical equations.

PROF. Jared, do you have any questions?

JARED. N-none sir.

Jared slouches back to his seat, slightly disturbed by what happened.

Fade to black.

SCENE 9. Just dont. SEQUENCES follow.

Jareds reading something on the bulletin board. Someone whispers to his left ear, Huwag mong gagamitin. Do it in such a way na hindi makikita yung bumulong. Jared whirls around and sees no one near him.

Jareds walking on a streethes on the way home. People tell him, Huwag mong gagamitin, or Mag-ingat ka, on creepy voices + disturbing expressions, but when he does a double take, the people are just doing their everyday lives, not even looking at him.

He hurries home. He finds Danna on the couch, watching t.v. Danna looks at him and greets him, implying shes not angry after what happened earlier.

DANNA. Jared. [smiles]

JARED. [reluctantly] Hi, tita.

Jared walks on, decides not to disturb his aunt. As he passes her, he stops when he heard something.

DANNA (just the voice). Huwag mong gagamitin, Jared.

Jared slowly looks at Danna questioningly.

JARED. A-ano po iyon?

DANNA. [gazes away from the tv, looks confused] Ha? Wala naman akong sinasabi?

JARED. O-kay.

He proceeds to his room. He searches for something on his drawer, then to his sheets, then under his bed. He finds the pocket watch and looks at it with passion.

JARED. Gotcha.

Lights suddenly go on and off. Creepy BGM starts to play.

A scary woman, as disturbing as Aeon, appears at the other side of the room.

WOMAN. Huwag. Huwag.

Every time the lights go on, the woman draws nearer. Parang sa shutter ba yun, she gets nearer without showing that she takes a step forward.

Jared is scared, really, really scared. He climbs up on his bed, his hands frantically searching for the knob on the pocket watch.

The woman is already on the edge of the bed and screams a highpitched huwaaaaaaaaaaag! when Jared finally turns the pocket watch on the right date.

Zoom to his eyes.

SCENE 10. Replay. Cam zooms out from his eyes, reveals that hes on the computer shop with his friends. The game has started already, but then he says to his friends,

JARED. Sorry, guys.

His friends look at each other with confusion as he stands up. (FRIEND 2: Teka, Jared!) He marches to the other side. BA 1 looks at him with raised brows.

BA 1. O bakit? Suko na?

JARED. Hindi. Boring ka kasi masyado.

Then he reaches for the cap and gets a handful of bills.

JARED (CONT.) Babawiin ko muna to ah?

BA 1. T-teka! Hindi pwede yan!

[He grabs Jared by the wrist; Jared is pissed off so he punches him on the face]

JARED. Sorry, laters.

He runs out of the comp shop.

Jared goes to a drug store, gets the prescription from his shirt pocket, and pays. Cut to him running towards their home. Cut, then hes now on the living room.

JARED. (shouts) Pauleen?

He rushes inside Pauleens room Pauleen, hands on her chestshe on the edge of the bed, holding bottle of medication is already

when he hears a groan. He finds couldnt breathe. Shes sitting a glass of water; the empty there, but shes still alive.

PAULEEN. K-k-kuya

Jared runs towards her, peels the wrapper off the drug, and places it to her mouth.

JARED. Sssssh. Huwag ka muna magsalita.

Pauleen drinks from the glass of water. After she drank the half of it, Jared takes it from her and places it atop the drawer near the door.

PAULEEN. T-thanks kuya. Akala ko akala ko mamamatay na ako eh.

JARED. [pats her head] Papayagan ko ba yon? Teka, hindi pa rin to okay. Kailangan tayong magpunta sa doctor mo. Kaya mo na bang maglakad?

Pauleen nods her head weakly. Jared assists her as they go out of the room. He turns of the light and closes the door with a thud. Focus on the glass of water. After a while, the glass dangerously tips on the edge of the drawer because of the doors impact, tumbles down, and breaks.

Play build-up BGM, then blackout.

SCENE 11. Mirienda.


Focus watch, its 5:30 p.m.

Hes about to leave for a meet up. He marches to the kitchen while whistling, obviously happy, and bites from a bread, drinks a sip from a mug. He proceeds to the living room, but Danna (whos on the table, eating while reading a magazine) stops him.

DANNA. Hep, hep, hep. Gagala ka na naman? Kumain ka muna.

JARED. Okay lang, di po ako nagugutom. Tsaka nagyaya po sila Bernard kumain, baka dun nalang. [pacute] Libre po eh.:)

DANNA. [rolls eyes] Nako, sige, bahala ka ngang bata ka.

JARED. Hehe. Bye-ers tita.

Jared walks towards Pauleen. Shes sitting on the couch, drinking coffee while reading some books and writing some notes. He messes her hair up, earning him a glare from his sister.

PAULEEN. Wag kang magulo, kuya!

JARED. [pinches both Pauleens cheeks] Anong gulo? Buhok mo magulo. [releases pinch and then continues with playing with her hair]

PAULEEN. Sheesh. Ang touchy mo kuya. Bakit bigla ka naging ganyan ha? Dati naman lagi kang busy, or nagsusungit. Hmm? May girlfriend ka na kaya ka inspired no? Yikeeeee.

JARED. Ako, girlfriend? Ako pa pala ah. Eh kung ibuko ko kaya kay [FRIEND 1] na patay na patay ka sa kanya

PAULEEN. Kuya naman!

JARED (CONT.) Joke, magagawa ko ba yun sayo? Bumabati lang eh. Masyado ka kasing busy. [smiles and plays with her hair again, and says in a mocking voice:] Coochy coochy, aalis na ang kuya

PAULEEN. Shut up! [grabs her bros hands away from her hair then swats them away] Annoying! Sige na, umalis ka na!

Cut to Dannas face for a while, shes peeking from the top of the magazine, slightly amused. Focus cam back to Jared as he backs away from his sister.

JARED. Fine. Pero sinasabi ko sayo, mag damoves ka na kay [FRIEND 1] kasi heartthrob yun[successfully evades a book thrown at him] oo na, sabi ko nga aalis na!

[begins to run, but stops near the door] Pero sasabihin ko pa din na crush mo siya! [runs out, book hits the door]

Focus cam to Pauleen, still relaxes, sighs, and stands to door while picking up the last walletlying innocently on the

in throwing stance. She slowly pick her (3) books up. Near the book, she notices a thingJareds floor.


No response, so she opens the door. Focus DANNA.

DANNA. [Puts magazine down, cranes her head]Pauleen, saan ka pupunta

Too late. Pauleen already went out, and the loud thud of the door closing is heard.

DANNA (CONT.) [Shakes her head, but smiling] Nako, mga bata talaga ngayon, layas na lang ng layas. [drinks coffee, resorts to reading the mag again]

Scene 12. Again?

Jared was walking on the same side of the road where their house is, but hes already meters away. He looks around unconsciously and becomes shocked to see a familiar face on the other side of the road.

JARED. I-ikaw

Well, its Aeon there on the other side, as creepy as ever, grinning. He wags a finger, parang lagot ka, slowly. Jared decides to follow him, but a car passes just when he reached the middle of the road. When he reaches the sidewalk, Aeons gone already. Jared looks around, frustrated, searching for Aeon.

He looks to his left. Focus camera there. Aeon is looking at him with a grim, disturbing expression, shakes his head, then points somewhere. Focus to Jared, he is confused at first as to where Aeon is pointing but he looks anyway.

Focus camera to the direction where Aeon is pointing to. Pauleen is on the other side of the street waving the wallet [pero not exactly tapat ni Jared, medyo malayo pa, tapos pa diagonal]. She takes a step forward, into the street. Jared takes a final glance at Aeon but he disappeared, but now Jared sees a car with glaring lights.

PAULEEN. [while half-running] Kuya! Nakalimutan mo to

JARED. [holds out a hand in front of him] Teka wag ka munang tatawid--!

[Soundclip: Tires screeching. Bahala na si director kung paano niya ipapakita yung pagbangga, etc.] Too late. Pauleen has been hit. Focus on her exactly at the time she bounced off from the front/hood of the car. Maneuver camera angles as her head hits the ground. [If you can do this, try having the blood pooling out of her head slowlyits more realistic than having the blood spilled right away. Do this in such a way that its not gory.]

The driver comes out of the car, panicky.

DRIVER. Ow, shit! Miss!

He lifts up Pauleens head, then looks around for help. He sees Jared.

DRIVER. Patulong naman po! Please, tulong!

Jared just stares, really shocked, with gaping mouth. Instead of helping, he runs away (trips or falls along the way).

DRIVER. T-teka! Hoy, wag ka tumakbo! Tulong!

The driver carries Pauleen into his car, then he drives away (opposite direction kung saan pumunta si Jared). Play BGM here. Cut to Jared out of breath from running. Hes quite far now from his house. He was shivering from shock, his hands on both sides of his head (shows his frustration). Hes sort of crying, but not really, since hes really confused. He kicks things randomly on the sidewalk, punches posts, etc. He then remembers that hes wearing the necklace on his neck. Jared pulls it out with shivering hands.

Focus to him (close-up of his face, slightly slanted angle such that you couldnt see the background. Even before he uses it, someone grabs him from the backone hand covers his face (Jared groans aloud or gasps), one hand trying to take the chain on his neck. The dude must be saying huwag as usual, in a croaky, angry voice.

He struggles free; he grabs the arm of the dude and squeezes to loosen it, then he propels himself away using a kick to the dudes leg.

Jared staggers forward, catching his breath. When he looks behind to see how the dude is faring, hes surprisedthere are many of them. /*bahala na kayo kung ilan, basta madami.*/ Theyre groaning and mumbling unintelligibly while staring at Jared.

JARED. S..shit. Kayo nanaman

Close-up on his scared eyes, chest (he breathes heavily, and it will help if its heard clearly as well), and clenched fists.

Close-up on his feet as he slowly takes a step backward. Closeup on the strange peoples feet as they walk forward too.

Jared takes another step backward, takes a deep breath.

JARED. Bahala na.

He suddenly runs, as well as the strange people.

Scene 13. Them Chasin, Me Runnin

*Galingan niyo dito ang gulat at suspense factor. Daanin sa acting, camera angles, at bgm*

Jared runs, people trailing behind him; however, Aeon appears on the end of the street so he takes a turn. He glances back, Aeon is gone, but the minions are just meters behind him. When he looks straight ahead, Aeon is also there. This is supposed to be a dead end, like, the minions are on the other end of the road while Aeon is on the other (but not too close). Jared sees the seemingly abandoned building/house or whatever and runs inside to hide.

Optional: Jareds inside, but he hears the doors being torn down or there are crashes; the minions are also inside na. He hides in a pillar (or kahit saang macoconceal sya ng buo). Tapos do what is done in the movies, parang naghihintay siya na mawala yung minions, tas umaatras atras siya sa pillar, tas biglang nandun na pala yung minion sa likod niya. Parang maga-grab ulit yung neck niya pero makakatakas nanaman siya.

Tapos kunyari may dalawa or tatlong minions na makaka-catch up sa kanya, parang ganun. Up to you on how the chasing should go, but as much as possible nakakagulat or something.

Basta mageend up si Jared na nagtatago sa isang room, nilock niya, tas yung pinto nagsh-shake kasi tinutulak ng minions, ganun. Focus on his face and the door. Tas umaatras siya untiunti. Tas sa second back step niya, biglang may magsasalita.

*note, sa scene na to pwede maglalakad lakad si Aeon habang bumabato ng linya. Naka suit pala si Aeon, pero may makeup para maging pale yung mukha at maging creepy and something like that.

AEON. (Parang nagchecheck ng nails) Sa tingin mo, makakatakas ka? (Looks at Jared and smiles)

JARED. (Shocked) S-sino ka ba? Anong kailangan mo!

AEON. Hm. Wala akong kailangan ipaliwanag tungkol sakin.

(raises hand; parang tinatawag niya yung pocket watch. Bahala na kayo kung pano to, pero pwedeng umarte si Jared na napipilitan siyang lumakad towards kay Aeon.)

JARED. Teka, ano to

AEON. (smiling) Nakakatawa ang mga tao ano? Andami niyong gusto. Mabigyan ng konting pagkakataon, akala niyo kaya niyo nang gawin lahat.

JARED. Tumigil ka (chokes, parang sinasakal siya ni Aeon)

AEON. (still smiling, but th kind of smile thats sarcastic) Binalaan na kita pero hm. Ikaw sa tingin mo kaya mong gawin ang magbigay ng buhay?

JARED. Anong ibig mong s-sabihin?

AEON. Kinakalaban mo ang kamatayan


Pero kapatid ko siya

AEON. (suddenly really, really, angry and shoutsthink of Andrew Scotts acting as Moriarty. Evident yung pagshift ng emotions, kaya nakakagulat) PERO YUN ANG PUPUNTAHAN NG LAHAT NG TAO! (breathes heavily) Wala kang karapatan. Walang may karapatang kalabanin si kamatayan dahil hindi kayo ang nagbibigay ng buhay. Binalaan na kita, Jared

JARED. (still choking) Hindi ko maintindihan

AEON. Huwag mong gamitin. Ilang beses kong dapat sabihin. Alam mo bang lalo mo lang pinahihirapan ang kapatid mo sa tuwing sinasagip mo siya? Alam mo bang lalong lalala ang pagkamatay niya sa tuwing sinasagip mo siya? (Laughs, yung deep voiced laugh ni Dan, as in bwahmhmhmhm, tas bigla na siyang magagalit at sisigaw ulit) NAG-IISIP KA BA? (walks toward Jared, grabs his chin. Say next lines in a hushed but warnful voice. Again, watch some of Andrew scotts clips.) Ganun si kamatayan, Jared. Sa tuwing tinutukso, lumalaban.

(Whispers on Jareds ears. Flash scene on Patricias first death.) Walang makakatakas. (Flash scene on Patricias second death. To this point, Jareds eyes widen, then he closes it in realization. Parang yung gusto niyang mag facepalm pero hindi pwede kasi nasasakal nga siya so dapat yung kamay niya nasa leeg niya.)

(leans away, whistling)

JARED. (angry at Aeon) Pero pero kung hindi pwedeng gamitin to para magbalik ng buhay bakit pa to napunta sa akin! Hindi ko maintindihan kung bakit pa meron nito kung hindi ko naman pala magagamit para sagipin ang kapatid ko!

AEON. Hm. Ninakaw yan sakin. Mabait na nga ako eh, hinayaan na kitang gamitin to para sa mga walang kabuluhang bagay. Pero ang gamitin mo para kay Pauleen masyado nang abuso. At isa pa, baka may nakakalimutan ka.

Jared, ang buhay, parang isang play. Lahat tayo may kanya kanyang ginagampanan. Nagkataon lang na sa iyo napunta

JARED. A-ang alin?


(smiles) Sabihin mo sakin, bakit sa tingin mo lagi kang nandoon?

(Focus on Jared. FLASHBACK: him forgetting to buy the medicine, tsaka yung pagiwan niya ng wallet. Parang magugulat siya na hindi makapagsalita.)

JARED. A a ako

AEON. (Nods and frowns.) Tama. Binigay sayo ng tadhana na ikaw ang laging magiging dahilan. (Snaps finger. Jared falls on his knees, still in shock.) Wala akong magagawa Jared pero ikaw meron. Kaya mo pang itama ang mali.

Jareds still blank, kind of frustrated. He stares at the floor lang, slowly na umiiling.

AEON. (his back on Jared; he stares distantly) Nasa iyo ang desisyon, Jared. Pipiliin mo bang habang buhay takasan ang totoo? Kaya mo bang paulit ulit na makita siyang mamatay? Kaya ba ng konsensya mo Jared? (Sighs) Eto na ang pagkakataon mo, Jared. Huwag mong sayangin (He starts to walk towards the door, opens it, wala na ang mga minion. Pero maglo-look back siya kay Jared.) Nga pala (Kumuha ng business card from the suit, hinagis papunta sa kanya. Focus yung cam: Nakasulat ay Aeon/ Hi, Im Aeon/ Aeon: Official Time Keeper, basta bahala na din kayo.)

Good luck, Jared. (walks away)

Tapos si Jared titingin lang sa paligid. Parang umiikot na yung camera, implying naguguluhan siya. Manghihina siya tas mag cocollapse sa floor. Do it in such a way na nakalapag yung cam tas yung face niya lang ang kita. Iiyak na siya dito. May tears siyempre, pero walang sound. Tears lang na tumutulo.

Tapos, kukuhanin niya niya yung watch, hihinga siya ng malalim. Tapos fade slowly as he turns back time.

SCENE 14. Byebye.

Naglalakad na si Jared papasok ng bahay, slowmo padin, tulala siya. Pupunta siya sa kuwarto ni Pauleen.

Pauleens dying again, pero mas malala na to. I mean, yung wala na talagang pag asa. Nasa floor na si Pauleen, parang naghahyper-ventilate. Ihihiga ni Jared yung ulo ni Pauleen sa lap niya.

PAULEEN. K-kuya mamatay na ako diba?

JARED. (Parang titingin sa malayo, pinipigil yung iyak) Shhh H-h Huwag ka na magsalita (hahawakan yung mga kamay ni Pauleen.)

PAULEEN. (Tears, kung pwede) Okay lang kuya alam ko naman baling araw baling araw

JARED. (Umiiyak na din, pero pigil padin.) Please shhh

PAULEEN. Makakasama ko na sila mama at papa Huwag ka mag-alala kuya babantayan pa din kita tatlo na kami (coughs)

JARED. S-sorry Pau Im sorry


Wala kang dapat ipagsorry Ako ang pinaka maswerteng kapatid dahil dahil kuya kita. Alagaan mo ang sarili mo ha?

(Jared nods.)

PAULEEN. Thank you kuya. (Grasp on Jareds hand tightens, then suddenly relaxes. Mabibitawan ni Jared yung kamay niya. Tas iiyak siya for a while, binubulong buong yung pangalan ni Pauleen.)

Shift camera angle mula sa labas ng pinto, pero kita dito yung likod ni Jared habang umiiyak, pero naririnig padin ang pag-iyak niya.


Tapos, irereveal na POV pala ni Aeon, nanood siya, pero malungkot.

Iiling siya, tapos mags-sigh.

AEON. Job well done

Tapos aalis na siya. Editing directives: mag fafade dapat si Aeon habang papaalis.

Scene 15. Byebye part 2.

Nakablack si Jared, nasa may kitchen (ok sana kung may picture syang hawak ng 2 bata, or family na may 4 na members).

JARED. Pauleen Maglalabas siya ng knife. Titignan niya, as if interested siya. Parang magpapakamatay siya. Pipikit siya, tapos hihinga ng malalim. *onting pa-suspense dito*

Yun pala, ilalabas niya yung pocket watch. Tapos yun yung sisirain niya.

JARED. Wala na dapat magkamali sayo

Lalabas siya, tapos itatapon niya lang sa may basurahan. Titignan niya for a while, tapos aalis na siya. Pag turn niya, andun si Aeon, nakatingin, pero hindi na magugulat si Jared.

JARED. Aeon huh?

Tatango lang si Aeon, nakangiti pero di disturbing. May dumaan na car or pedicab, or basta may dadaan, tas wala na siya.

Nakatingin lang si Jared doon sa spot na yun for a while, tas mag nonod.

JARED. Salamat na din bro.

Tapos aalis na siya, papasok sa bahay, pero nakangiti. Parang implied na kontento na yung attitude niya. Tapos, balik dun sa garbage. Mamaya maya, pupunta si Louie (pulubi na siya), tapos mag sscavenenge siya sa basura, makukuha niya ang time turner. Titingin siya kung may makakakita sa kanyang kukuhanin yung pocket watch, pero wala.

LOUIE. Hah. Swerte.

Fade to black.

SCENE 16. Pass it forward. Fade in. Nasa isang lugar si Louie, like a kwarto or something, basta nasa corner lang siya, hawak yung pocket watch. Parang takot na gulat yung itsura niya. Tapos mamatay matay na ulit yung ilaw. Nandun nanaman si Renzyt mananakot, may huwag, huwag.

BLACKOUT. Maririnig yung sigaw ni Louie, may echo-echo pa. Roll credits. Play ending song.


/*Sorry kung medyo magulo yung end. Nagka writers block ako, sorry talaga. Patawarin niyo ako. Note pala, yung mga strange people, pwedeng mga kakilala ni Jared, tapos sinasapian lang,

parang ganun. Naubos na pala kasi tayo. Sorry talaga. Sorry din sa drawings.*/