CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The Sangguniang Kabataan or Youth Council is the governing body of the youth assembly of every barangay. The Katipunan ng Kabataan is an assembly of youths in every barangay whose primary objective is to enhance the social, political, economic, cultural, intellectual, moral, spiritual, and physical development of the youth in the country. The creation of this body is by virtue of the 1987 Constitution as also elucidated in R. A. 7160 or otherwise known as the Local Government Code. Further, through these laws the Commission on Election is hereby authourized to conduct an election held every four years from the assumption of office.

Final Thesis Cbet

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Page 1: Final Thesis Cbet




The Sangguniang Kabataan or Youth Council is the governing body of the youth

assembly of every barangay. The Katipunan ng Kabataan is an assembly of youths in every

barangay whose primary objective is to enhance the social, political, economic, cultural,

intellectual, moral, spiritual, and physical development of the youth in the country. The creation

of this body is by virtue of the 1987 Constitution as also elucidated in R. A. 7160 or otherwise

known as the Local Government Code. Further, through these laws the Commission on Election

is hereby authourized to conduct an election held every four years from the assumption of office.

In addition, the Sangguniang Kabataan is the quintessential example of child participation

in local governance and because of its indespensible involvement in societal matters; the

Sangguniang Kabataan was also involved in cooperating and undertaking Peace and Order

Projects in the locality.

It is a testament to the Philippine Government recognition of the potential of children and

youth to contribute to national development. The Philippines has always placed paramount

importance on the significant role of the youth in nation building. In 1870, Philippines National

Hero Jose Rizal , in his message “ to the Filipino youth” called the youth “ the hope of the

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Fatherland” and exhorted them to break free from the shackles that their hearts and minds so that

they may soar to the heavens and attain their aspiration (Wilson 1998).

However, the Sangguinang Kabataan, which was envisioned as a venue to develop the

next generation of leaders, received criticisms for its alleged flaws and failure to respond to the

needs of the sector it represents.

It is believed that the level of satisfaction on the performance of Sangguniang Kabataan

Officials can be seen in a dedicative systematic and proper implementation of the programs as

the basic services needed by the body politics. In addition, researchers want to find out the level

of the Sangguniang Kabataan officials in rendering public service, as promised during their hot


Background of the Study

The Sangguniang Kabataan is the lowest system of governing body concerning for the

youth. It was established so that the youth will have an opportunity to become a leader of our

country and so that they can practice leadership to their subordinates.

It also initiates policies, programs and projects for the development of the youth in their

respected political territories as stated in Chapter II.

The main focus of this study is to determine the youth’s satisfaction on the Sangguniang

Kabataan Officials Participation in the Implementation of Undertaking Development and Peace

and Order Projects in Signal Village Taguig City.

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Figure 1

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Undertaking Development and Peace and Order Projects

Youth’s Level of


Youth of Signal Village, Taguig City


Kabataan Officials

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Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study.

The conceptual framework is featuring the interaction of the component parts in the three

rectangular figures and the frame box as they interrelate in the sudy.

The outer rectangle in clockwise form shows that the services are in continuous process

of development and is not static. In order to succeed a higher level of adequacy, efficiency and

Satisfaction it must inevitably undertake a process of development. The constant shifting needs

of the Sangguniang Kabataan Electorate and their expectations of the Sangguniang Kabataan

Officials make the latter move in never ending cycle and process of planning, implementing and


The middle rectangle represents the Sangguniang Kabataan Electorate of Signal Village,

Taguig City as the focal point of the services. They are the one who asses the Projects of the

Sangguniang Kabataan Officials based on their satisfaction level.

The core or innermost rectangle features the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials where the

essence of the services such as Development projects and Peace and Order, they perform their

duties and how the Youth of the Signal Village, Taguig City Benefit from their Projects.

In the right box you will see the Youth’s level of satisfaction on the two services of the

Sangguniang Kabataan Officials of Signal Village, Taguig City. The arrows coming from the

Youth Levels of Satisfaction show their response to the undertaking Development and Peace and

Order Project as well as the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials.

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Profile of the Respondents according to:

1.1 Gender a. Male, and;b. Female

1.2 Projectsa. Undertaking Developmentb. Peace and Order


Distributed Survey Questionnaire to the respondents were collected to determine the level of Satisfaction on the Participation in the Implementation of the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials’ on the duties and Projects as implemented by R.A 7160.

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Figure 2

Research Paradigm

The first box shows the Input which contains the profile of the respondents according to

their gender and the Projects to be assessed by the youths where Sangguniang Kabataan


The second box is the Process that the researchers used by means of evaluating the

Participation of the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in Signal Village Taguig City or their

functions and duties imposed by the Local Government Code R.A. 7160. And the last box is the

Output or the Result gathered from the collected data.


The level of Satisfaction of the respondents as to the Sangguniang Kabataan Offcials’ participation in the implementation on the Undertaking Development Projects was generally satisfied and as to the Peace and Order Projects was generally fair.

There is no significant difference between the levels of Satisfaction of the Sanggunianang Kabataan Officials in the Undertaking Development Projects while there is a significant difference in Implementing Peace and Order

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Statement of the Problem

The study intends to get the level of satisfaction of the Youths’ in Signal Village, Taguig

City about the delivering of projects and services of Sangguniang Kabataan Officials

Specifically, it tries to seek answers the following sub-problems:

1. What is the profile of the respondents by gender?

2. What is the respondent’s level of satisfaction on the participation of Sangguniang Kabataan

Officials in the implementation of the undertaking development projects on the following


1.1 social

1.2 political

1.3 economic

1.4 cultural

1.5 intellectual

1.6 moral

1.7 spiritual

1.8 physical

3. What is the respondent’s level of satisfaction on the participation of Sangguinang Kabataan

Officials’ in the implementation of peace and order projects?

4. Is there a significant difference between the level of satisfaction of the respondents, as to

Sangguniang Kabataan Officials participation in implementation of undertaking development

projects and peace and order projects, when grouped by gender?

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There is no significant difference on the level of Satisfaction of Sangguniang Kabataan in

terms of undertaking development when the Respondents were grouped by Gender, while

there is a significant difference between the Satisfaction level of the respondents as to the

participation of the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in Peace and Order Projects when they

were grouped by gender


The study is significant to the following:

Youths, this study is significant to them in knowing the total level of their satisfaction in

todays Sangguniang Kabataan projects, it is also important to them in knowing the Projects, main

functions, and powers of the Sangguniang Kabataan in the locality.

Youth Leaders, this research work will be helpful to them, to know their level of

Participation on the duties that they were assigned by law, through youth’s evaluation and be

made aware into it so as to rectify the same for the benefit of the youth in the locality.

Local Officials, this study will help to know the condition of relationship of Sangguniang

Kabataan Officials and the youth of said barangay, it is also helpful to determine the system of

the Sangguniaang Kabataan in barangay, further, this study will serve as a parameter on what

project of Sangguniang Kabataan needs the additional cooperation of local officials.

State Legislators, the study will determine the effectiveness of Sangguniaang Kabataan

Officials, and the study may serve as a guideline for them to be informed whether the

Sangguniang Kabataan or Youth Council must be abolished or not. It may also serve as a guide

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for them in legislating laws for the development of Undertaking Projects and Peace and Order

projects for the youth. As well as other projects that youth will link themselves into it to avoid

themselves indulging to unnecessary activity/ies.

Community, this study will help the entire population of the Philippines to be more

aware in today’s condition of Sangguniang Kabataan. This study is very important simply

because it is the personal right to know all the events happening in the Government. The

constitution cited about that the right of the people to information on matters of public concerns

shall be recognized. Access to official records and documents and papers pertaining to official

acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research date used as basis for policy

development, shall be afforded to the citizens, subject to the limitation as may be provided by

law. It is important because they will also know the importance and function of the Sangguniang

Kabataan Officials in the locality.

Students, it will serve as an informative knowledge to them in knowing the condition of

todays Sangguniang Kabataan projects. It will help them to know the primary function and duties

of the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the locality.

Faculty Members, as their duties in curving the youths behavior, intellectual and

personality this study will serve as a total or reference on thesis lecture to the results of the study

that the youths of today still trying their best in order to change the world into a better one.

Future Researchers, this study will serve as a baseline data for their future studies.


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This study is limited to the level of satisfaction of youths’ as may be measured by the

survey questions on the satisfaction in undertaking development projects and peace and order

projects. The sources of the data is the youth, ranging from 15 to 17 years old of Signal Village,

Taguig City, as the required age vote bracket of the Republic Act 7160 also known as the “ Local

Government Code.”

This study aims to determine the Level of Satisfaction of youths in Signal Village Taguig

City on how they perceived the performance of the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the

implementation of the undertaking development and peace and order projects. The respondents

in this study are confined to the youth of the Sangguniang Kabataan of Signal Village Taguig



The following terms are both theoritically and operationally defined as used in the

context of the study so as to have clear and easiest understandng into it, to wit:

Barangay - it refers to a community consists of not less than 2000 inhabitants in the

urbanized cities in MMA or Metropolitan Manila Area. (Local government code 1991).

Development - the act, process, or result of developing, the state of being developed, a

developed tract of land; especially, one with houses built on it.

Level of Satisfaction – is the degree of being satisfied in something, someone etc. As

perceived by a certain individual.

Local government unit - it refers to the cities, municipalities, provinces, and barangay

who are responsible to implement programs.

Nation-building - refers to the process of constructing or structuring a national identity

using the power of the state. This process aims at the unification of the people within the state so

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that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run. Nation-building can involve the use

of propaganda or major infrastructure development to foster social harmony and economic


Officials - is someone who holds an office (function or mandate, regardless whether it

carries an actual working space with it) in an organization or government and participates in the

exercise of authority (either his own or that of his superior and/or employer, public or legally


Participation – is the act of sharing in the activities of a group; involvement, involution,

engagement. An action taken by a group of people, an engagement by contract involving

financial obligation; the act of intervening, the condition of sharing in common with others

Peace and Order Projects - Peace is a state of tranquility while order is a group of

people united in a formal way, it is a project that the main concern is to maintain tranquility,

peacefulness and orderliness in the society.

Projects - a proposal of something to be done, plan scheme, or especial work or research.

Project is an assignment given to a student which generally requires a larger amount of effort

than normal homework assignments. They can range anywhere from simple written projects to

elaborate and well-constructed Science Fair Projects.

Promulgate resolutions - Sangguniang Kabataan also involves in decision making and

approving projects in the barangay, for the purpose of enhancing community projects.

Public Funds - budget of the community; derive from the levied taxes collected from the

people within the purpose of developing the operational motive of the government; such as

infrastructure, basic services, health and peace and order etc.

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Residents - are the person who resides in a certain place, the people living in a place for

some continuous period of time.

Sangguniang Kabataan - is a youth legislature in every local village or community. It

also initiates policies, programs and projects for the development of youth in their respective

political territories.

Satisfaction - the payment through penance of the temporal punishment incurred by a

sin, reparation for sin that meets the demands of divine justice, fulfillment of a need or want, the

quality or state of being satisfied, a source or means of enjoyment, compensation for a loss or

injury, the discharge of a legal obligation or claim, convinced assurance or certainty proved to

the satisfaction of the court.

Services - the occupation or conditions of a servant employment especial public

employer ready to serve or cooperate with one. Also a term usually used to mean services

provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing

private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed

through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of

income. Even where public services is neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social

and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most

economic sectors. Public services are also a course that can be studied at college and/or

university. These courses can lead entry in to the: police, ambulance and fire services. It is also

an alternative term for civil service.

Undertaking Development Projects - a state of doing, creating, initiating Development

Projects primarily in enhancing individual’s personality aspects like: Intellectual, Political,

Moral, Physical, Spiritual, Economical, Cultural, and Social.

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Vital role - is a socially expected behavior. Performing substantial participation above

personal interest as an act of a highly spirited citizen of the country.

Youth - is the period from infancy or childhood to maturity, "This world demands the

qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of

imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the life

of ease. (Merriam Webster)



This chapter deals with review of conceptual literature and related studies are

indispensable in the formulation of the study.

Conceptual Literature

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(Philippine Constitution, 1987) Section 13, Article II states that the state recognizes the

vital role of the Youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral,

spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and

nationalism and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.

Moreover, the Katipunan ng Kabataan is an assembly of youths in every barangay whose

primary objective is to enhance the social, political, economic, cultural, intellectual, moral,

spiritual and physical development of the youth in the country.

Under (Republic Act No. 9164, 2002) an act providing for synchronized barangay and

sangguniang kabataan elections, amending Republic Act No. 7160, as amended, otherwise

known as the "Local Government Code of 1991", and for other purposes. Section 423 provides

the creation and Election that there shall be in every barangay a Sangguniang Kabataan to be

composed of a chairman, seven members, a secretary and a treasurer. The Sangguniang Kabataan

or youth council is the governing body of the youth assembly or Katipunan ng Kabataan of every

barangay. They are elected by the members of, the Katipunan ng Kabataan in elections

conducted by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC). The powers and functions of the

Sanggunlang Kabataan are to promulgate resolutions necessary to carry out the objectives of the

youth in the barangay, in accordance with applicable provisions of the Code; Initiate programs

designed to enhance the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual, moral, spiritual and

physical development of the members; Hold fund raising activities, the proceeds of which shall

be tax exempt and shall accrue to the Sangguniang Kabataan general fund; Create such bodies or

committees necessary to effectively carry out its programs and activities; Submit annual end-of-

term reports to the Sangguniang Barangay on their projects and activities; Consult and

coordinate with all youth organizations in the barangay for policy formulation and program

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implementation; Coordinate with the Presidential Council for Youths (PCYA) and other National

Government Agencies (NGA) concerned fur the implementation of youth development projects

and programs at the national level; and Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties

and functions as the Sangguniang Barangay may determine or delegate or as may be prescribed

by law or ordinance.

On the contrary, the creation of the Youth Council in international concept, (International

Youth Council, 2008) in Europe there is a consolidated tradition of representative youth

platforms at Pan-regional, National and local level. At European level the European Youth

Forum constitutes the platform which gathers more than 93 National Youth Council and

International Non-Governmental Youth Organizations. It's a non-governmental structure which

serves its members and applies the principles of democratic representation, transparency through

its internal democratic system. At the Institutional level, the Council of Europe has a specific co-

managed system to run its youth sector. Governmental and non-Governmental representative co-

decide upon the priorities of the youth program of the institution and they also co-manage the

activities which are run in two youth centers in Strasbourg and Budapest. The Youth

Constituency is called "Advisory Council on Youth" (AC) beside the co-decision mechanism

internal to the Directorate for Youth and Sport has the possibility to advise the Institution on any

matter which affect young people and which is tackled by Council of Europe. At National level

there are National Youth Councils which are similar structures to the European Youth Forum and

often there are regional and local council which adopts various kinds of constituencies and

organizations case by case an example of which is the Parliament.

In the United States and Canada, youth councils have been formed by nonprofit

organizations and at all levels of government. Many cities, including Boston, Los Angeles, San

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Francisco, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, and Seattle, have active youth councils that inform city

government decision-making. For instance, the Los Angeles Youth Council is sponsored by the

Commission for Children Youth and their Families. Prior to being established as a program of

this commission, it was operated as Mayor Tom Bradley's Youth Advisory Board. This Youth

Council is currently working on creating a citywide Youth Policy. Several state-level

government agencies and legislatures have created youth councils, including Washington,

Maine, Louisiana, New Mexico, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. Maine's council was the

first statewide youth council created in the US, and the others were created soon after that. In the

United States there are several forms of youth councils. They include youth advisory councils,

which provide input and feedback regarding adult-driven decision-making; youth research

councils that are responsible for assessment and evaluation of youth and community programs,

and; youth action councils which are designed to either be youth/adult partnerships or youth-led

activities that are youth-driven and generally, youth-focused.

While in (United Methodist News Service, 2004) Barangay Youth Council is the

governing body of the Youth Assembly that is organized in every barangay, which is the smallest

unit of local government in the Philippines. Its primary objective is to enhance the development

of the youth in the country. The Council promulgates resolutions necessary to carry out the

objectives of the youth. Among the activities initiated by Councils around the country are tree

planting, clean-up drives for rivers and lakes, waste segregation, and the like. Involvement in

these activities has helped promote environment consciousness among the youth in the


As to arguments on the issues, (Torralba, 2008) "No!" to Sangguniang Kabataan abolition

more youth wants to be a part of nation building According to Sen. Aquilino Pimentel, the

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Sangguniang Kabataan Council or SK must be abolished because it is no longer serving its

function. Most SK leaders have ignored their duties. The primary reason is they are always in

school, not in the council. And worst is, he said, the Sangguinaing Kabataan Leaders have

committed corrupt practices by being tempted of the funds provided to them. If you notice your

son or daughter being always active in school or community activities, being a student leader, a

member of your community’s youth club or maybe, an SK councilor, do not make them

discontinue what they love to do. Who knows, your son or daughter might be the next future

leader of our country.

The number one strong points of Sangunniang Kabataan are preparing youth leadership

and develop them into a high-quality leader in the future. The youth is the hope of the future.

Another point is their participation in the community. Most youth today are active in community

and they need a leader who can guide them. And most importantly, the lessons being taught in

Sanguniang Kabataan such as value of accountability, responsibility, honesty and creativity,

must be instilled in the minds of these youth leaders.

However, the potentials of the Sanguniang Kabataan are not being attended to. Their

program resulted in projects only like sports-related projects, infrastructure development,

environmental protection and other projects. The Sanguniang Kabataan lacking in budget and the

government neglected in providing the needs of the Sanguniang Kabataan.

If only the government support them, provide them their needs, especially budget,

provide venues for them to tackle their part in local programs and meetings, give them a seat in

Local Government Unit to voice out their concerns, these youth leaders can change into

noteworthy members of the community and the country. But the most important thing the

government must do is listen to them because they mostly rely on government. And also, the

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government should be a role model for them. Despite these, the Sanguniang Kabataan remains a

major part in the country’s political system. If the government will abolish the Sangguinaing

Kabataan, it looks like our future honest leaders can no longer lead and it will not serve the best

interest of the youth and the people. It will not protect them from the negative influences of

politics, but would destroy an only one of its kind system which is a great prospect for the youth.

Give the youth leaders a chance to prove that they can make a change because their message is

loud and clear: They want to be a part of nation building!

However, according to the Point of view of (Pimentel Jr, 2008,) he is in favor of

abolishing the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) because of the general observation that it is no longer

serving its purpose as a training ground for youth leaders. Pimentel, however, said an alternative

mechanism should be created to continue youth representation in local government units

(LGUs). He cited persistent reports that SK officials in various barangays have neglected their

duties as the SK chairmen and other officials are oftentimes not around in their respective towns

because they are studying in colleges and universities in Metro Manila and elsewhere. But the

worst cases are the SK leaders who commit corrupt practices, unable to resist the temptation to

which they are exposed to in handling public funds that are entrusted to them.

Related Study

In the survey conducted by Social Weather Station (SWS) 2007, shows the response of a

sampling of the city's populace regarding Local Governance and other concerns. Results of the

survey show that citizens of Iriga gave a net satisfaction rating of +23% to the services of local

government employees.

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The survey also shows that Mayor Madelaine Alfelor-Gazmen tops the least of most

trusted official with a net rating of +78%. Next in the list are local barangay officials and the

Sangguniang Kabataan with +67, City Council with +59% and Police Officials with +50%.

According to (Nations Children’s Fund 2007) in the study entitled: The Impact of Youth

Participationin the Local Government Process The Sangguniang KabataanExperience , the key

findings of the study was that the Sangguiniang Kabataan’s performance for the past ten years

has been generally weak. This is especially true in terms of coming up with legislations,

promoting the development of young people, submitting reports and holding consultations with

their constituents.

On the other hand, the study also discovered notable strengths of the Sangguniang

Kabataan, including its tremendous potential to develop the next generation of leaders, engage

the youth in the community and teach them accountability, honesty and creativity. The study

revealed that Sangguinaing Kabataan officials learned to source alternative funding when their

budgets were not sufficient. They also gained skills in consulting and coordinating with various

national and local government units and non-government organizations to improve their


These findings led to the conclusion that the potentials of the Sangguniang Kabataan are

not being maximized, resulting in projects that are largely limited to sports, infrastructure

development and environmental protection. Best practices showed that while negative

perceptions and inherent weaknesses weigh it down, the Sangguniang Kabataan has great

potential to become a true venue for youth participation in governance. Giving the youth a seat in

local governments, providing them with a budget mandated by law, listening to them and

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providing venues for them to meaningfully take part in shaping local policies and programs

could transform young people into significant members of the community.

As cited in the study of (Balanon, 2007) in Panabo, Davao, the youth can lead, but they

can lead more effectively with the cooperation and support of concerned organizations. The

youth learned about culinary arts, basic electronics, and food and beverage/housekeeping

through the Hotel and Restaurant Services (HRS) Livelihood Program initiated by the

Sangguining Kabataan chairperson of Barangay San Fernando and conducted in cooperation

with TESDA, and the Davao Services Cooperative Federation (DASCOFED), a local Non

Governmental Organization in Panabo City.

This was the second in a series of livelihood training workshops San Fernando

Sangguiniang Kabataan conducted. The venue provided a stepping stone for the youth to find

jobs. One of the participants became the chief cook of a popular bakeshop in Digos City in

Davao del Sur, while another found employment in a four-star hotel in Davao City. One of the

participants landed work in Japan, while another returned to school. The Sangguiniang Kabataan

is planning its next round of livelihood programs which will be on basic physical therapy,

refrigeration and soap-making.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

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This Chapter shows the Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of the Data related to the

problem stated in chapter I.

Problem no. 1: What is the profile of the respondents by gender?

Table 2

Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction on the Participation of Sangguniang Kabataan

Officials in Undertaking Development Projects on the Following variables.



Projects Male V.I Female V.I GWM

Physical 3.7 S 3.52 S 3.61

Moral 3.6 S 3.77 S 3.69

Political 3.8 S 3.54 S 3.67

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Economical 3.68 S 3.56 S 3.62

Cultural 3.53 S 3.10 S 3.32

Intellectual 3.58 S 3.36 S 3.47

Social 3.63 S 3.62 S 3.63

Spiritual 3.33 S 3.32 S 3.33

As shown in table 2 on the Undertaking Development Projects of Sangguniang Kabataan

in Signal Village, Taguig City on all phases above written, respondents perceived a level of

satisfaction. However, phases above were being ranked on their general weighted mean. The

rank one under Undertaking Development Projects is moral aspect with a general weighted mean

of 3.69. The second in rank is political aspect with general weighted mean of 3.67, and the least

in rank is cultural aspect with a general weighted mean of 3.32. As the least dominant aspects

among the undertaking development projects may be found out that there is no sufficient budget

being allocated to, or if not being neglected, to this program as observed that there were

numerous populations of out of school youth to nurture their skills and talents through theatrical

activity. According to the Katipunan ng Kabataan, the Sangguniang Kabataan primary objectives

is to enhance the Social, Political, Economical, Cultural, Intellectual, Moral, Spiritual and

Physical development projects of the youth in the country.

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In addition (Toralba 2008,) says the Sangguniang Kabataan has a lack of budget in which

the Government neglected the needs of the Youths. Because of the lack of financial support

coming from the Government the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials must create or choose some

other way to provide the needs of their projects and can still give the basic services to their youth

even when the Government can not give funds to them

Problem no. 2: What is the respondent’s level of satisfaction on the participation of

Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the implementation of undertaking development


Table 3

Level of Satisfaction on the Participation of Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the

Implementation of Undertaking Development Projects

Gender Phy V.I Mor V.I Pol V.I Eco V.I Cul V.I Int V.I Soc V.I Spr V.I

Male 3.7 S 3.6 S 3.8 S 3.69 S 3.53 S 3.58 S 3.63 S 3.33 S

Female 3.52 S 3.77 S 3.57 S 3.56 S 3.10 S 3.36 S 3.62 S 3.32 S

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Table 3 shows, the Undertaking Development Projects of the Sangguniang Kabataan in

Signal Village, Taguig City in terms of Physical Project had a perceived satisfied level of

satisfaction. It shows that the total weighted mean for male respondent in the Physical Projects is

3.7 and for the female is 3.52 which are both interpreted as Satisfied. It shows that the physical

project in Signal Village, Taguig City delivered by the Sangguniang Kabataan is still effective; it

affirms one of the major purposes of Sangguniang Kabataan enhancing Physical Development

Project as stated in power and functions of Sangguniang Kabataan, the language of the Local

Government Code, R.A. 7160.

In the Moral Project both male and female had a satisfied level of satisfaction. The total

weighted mean for the male respondent is 3.6, while female were 3.77. It is right to say that high

morality when always practice in all dealings of human activity there will always be a good

effect that it may give to human life and more so to the government. In the study of (Nation

Children’s Fund) that the Sangguniang Kabataan of Signal Village, Taguig City must fucos only

on the moral, political, social projects but also to the least dominant projects such as intellectual,

spiritual and cultural projects.

In the Political Project, the total weighted mean for male respondent is 3.8, while 3.57 for

female which are both interpreted as Satisfied. Enhancing the Political development projects for

the youth is one the most important because the youths are the future leaders of the society so

that for now the youths should be trained well with inculcating morality, nationalism and honest

to have a strong foundation for the future. In the theory expressed by (Wilson, 1998) it is a

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testament to the Philippine Government recognition of the potential of children and youth to

contribute to the national development. The Philippines has always place paramount importance

on the significant role of the youth in nation building.

In the Economical Project, the total weighted mean for male respondent is 3.68 and 3.56 for

female which are both interpreted as satisfied. Economics can stand with support of the youth

through patronizing Philippine products. As cited in the study of (Balanon, 2007) in Panabo,

Davao, the youth can lead but they can lead more effectively with the cooperation and support of

concern organizations. The youth blearned about culinary arts, basic electronics and food and

beverage/housekeeping through the Hotel and Restaurant Services (HRS) Livelihood Program

initiated by the Sangguniang Kabataan chairperson of Barangay San Fernando and conducted in

cooperation with TESDA, and the Davoa Services Cooperative Federation (DASCOPED), a

local Non-Governmental Organization in Panabo City.

In The Cultural Projects, the weighted mean for male respondent is 3.53 and for female

respondent are 3.10 rated as satisfied.

As cited by (Balonan 2007) the youth can lead, but they can lead more with the

cooperation and support of the concerned organizations. Therefore if the Sangguniang Kabataan

Officials has a lack of Satisfaction on the Cultural Program the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials

must cooperate with the other Cultural cooperation so that they will have higher level of

Satisfaction to the Cultural Projects.

In Intellectual Projects, the total weighted mean of 3.58 for male respondent, while 3.36

for female respondents which are both interpreted as satisfied. Intetellectual aspect is the faculty

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of human rationality. The development of youths intellectual mind can make a country more

progressive because high literacy rate and educated men, less to poverty. Hence, this project

must be given primary consideration as a priority project and must be funded.

In Social Projects, the total weighted mean for male respondent is 3.63 and 3.62 for the

female respondents which are both interpreted as satisfied. It means that plain level of

satisfaction of the respondents on the said projects connote that priority on the allocation of

funds to implement it, may be used in not so important projects. Sociability promotes unity and

support in the community e.g., the Sangguniang Kabataan promotes clean and green projects for

the youth as well as for the community, consulting and coordination with all youth organizations

in the Barangay for policy formulation and program implementation. As stressed in (United

Methodist News Service, 2004) that the Barangay Council is the governing body of the youth

assembly that is organized in every barangay, which is the smallest local government in the

Philippines. Its primary objective is to enhance the development of the youth in the country. The

council promulgates resolution necessary to carry out the objectives of the youth. Among the

activities initiated by the councils around the country are tree planting, clean-up drives for rivers

and lakes, waste segregation, and the like. Involvement in these activities has helped promote

environment consciousness among the youth in the Philippines.

In the Spiritual Projects, the total weighted mean for a male respondent is 3.33, for

female respondent is 3.32 which are both interpreted as satisfied. Effort of the local youth

officials must be doubled in the implementation of spiritual projects, as it is believed that it will

promote high level of spiritual lifestyle and may likewise make a high level of morality

necessary to nation’s progress.

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Problem no. 3: What is the respondent’s level of satisfaction on the participation of

Sangguinang Kabataan Officials in the implementation of peace and order projects?

Table 4Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction on the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials

Participation on Implementation of Peace and Order Projects By Gender, Average and Ranking

Peace and Order Projects Male Female Average

1. The SK Promotes Security of the Community 2.95 2.98 2.92

2. The SK Implements policy about “No P.C 2.59 3.02 2.81

Gaming during class hours.

3. The SK Reduces the Crime rate of their Community. 2.94 3.03 2.99

4. The SK Implements Curfew Hours 2.91 2.97 2.9

5. The SK is the Peace keeper in terms of Conflicts in their 2.99 3.38 3.19

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6. The SK is allowing large budget for Peace and order. 3.17 3.35 3.26

7. The SK is vigilant in maintaining the peace and Order 2.83 3.39 3.11

During election.

8. The SK Promotes Anti-Drugs Campaign in the Community. 3.27 3.57 3.42

9. The SK Discourages fraternity and sorority especially among 3.4 3.56 3.48

The youths.

10. The SK promotes orderliness to the community. 3.35 3.65 3.5

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Table 4 shows the level of satisfaction of the respondents about Sangguniang Kabataan

officials in implementation of peace and order projects by gender; average and rank had got the

Fair level of Satisfaction. In the item number 10 above as to the Sangguniang Kabataan promotes

orderliness in the community the computed mean was 3.35 which interpreted as satisfied got the

highest level of satisfaction. While with regards on item number 2 above, the Sangguniang

Kabataan officials on implementing the policy about no PC gaming during class hours on the

students got the computed weighted mean of 2.59 which interpreted as Fair, means the lowest

level of satisfaction. On item number 5 the Sangguniang Kabataan Officals are being the peace

keeper in terms of conflicts in the community, got the computed weighted mean of 2.99 which

interpreted as Fair was in between of the two aforementioned items of implementing peace and

order projects of Sangguniang Kabataan. The least items under the implementation of peace and

order projects is the policy about No PC Gaming during class hours should be given more focus

and emphasis because it may be the proximate cause of having fair satisfied answer to peace and

order projects that can be interpreted in another way as not satisfactory but not highly


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Table 5

Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction on the Sangguniang Kabataan OfficialsParticipation on

Implementation of Peace and Order Projects when Grouped by Gender

Male Female

Peace and Order Projects X VI X VI

1.        The SK promotes security of the community. 2.95 Fair 2.98 Fair

2.        The SK implement policy about no PC gaming

during class hours to the students2.59 Fair 3.02 Fair

3.        The SK reduces the crime rate of their

community.2.94 Fair 3.03 Fair

4.        The Sk implements curfew hours. 2.91 Fair 2.97 Fair

5.        The SK is the peace keeper in terms of conflicts

in their constituents.2.99 Fair 3.38 Satisfied

6.        The SK is allowing large budget for peace and

order.3.17 Satisfied 3.35 Satisfied

7.        The SK is vigilant in maintaining the peace and

order during election2.83 Fair 3.39 Satisfied

8.        The Sk promotes anti-drugs campaign in the

community.3.27 Satisfied 3.57 Satisfied

9.        The SK discourages fraternity and sorority 3.4 Fair 3.56 Satisfied

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especially among the youths.

10.     Th SK promotes orderliness to the community 3.35 Satisfied 3.65 Satisfied

Total 3.04 Fair 3.29 Fair

Table 5 pointed out the respondent’s answer on the participation of the Sangguniang

Kabataan Officials in the implementation of peace and order projects. It is shown that male

respondents got a total weighted mean of 3.04 classified as fair participation, while women

respondents got a total weighted mean of 3.29 that means also as verbally interpreted as fair. In

this connection, the focal point is that Sangguniang Kabataan Officils are not much participative

in the implementation of Peace and Order Projects.


MALE 3.63 4 3.8 1 3.68 7 3.53 7 3.58 6 3.61 5 3.33 8 3.7 2

FEMALE 3.62 2 3.54 4 3.56 8 3.10 8 3.56 6 3.77 1 3.32 7 3.52 5

TOTAL 6 5 15 15 12 6 15 7

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Problem no. 4.1: Difference in the respondent’s level of satisfaction on the

Sangguniang Kabataan participation in the implementation of undertaking development

projects when grouped by gender.

Table 6

Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction on the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials

Participation in the Implementation of Undertaking Development Projects when grouped

by gender.

Since then computed value of 10.67 is lesser than the tabular value of 14.067 at 0.05

level with the degree of freedom of 7, then the hypothesis that there is no significant difference

in the level of satisfaction of the respondents as to the Sangguiniang Kabataan participation in

the undertaking development project when respondents are grouped by gender is accepted.

Problem no. 4.2: Difference in the respondent’s level of Satisfaction on the participation of

the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials on Implemetation of Peace and Order Projects by


Table 7

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Respondent’s Difference on Level of Satisfaction on the participation of Sangguniang Kabataan Officials in the Implemtation of Peace and Order Projects by Gender.

Peace and Order Projects Male Female

1. The SK Promotes Security of the Community 2.95 2.98

2.The SK Implements policy about “No P.C gaming during c lass hours to

the SK students.2.59 3.02

3. The SK Reduces the Crime rate of their Community. 2.94 3.03

4. The SK Implements Curfew Hours 2.91 2.97

5. The SK is the Peace keeper in terms of Conflicts in their Constituents. 2.99 3.38

6. The SK is allowing large budget for Peace and order. 3.17 3.35

7. The SK is vigilant in maintaining the peace and Order during election. 2.83 3.39

8. The SK Promotes Anti-Drugs Campaign in the Community.. 3.27 3.57

9. The SK Discourages fraternity and sorority especially among the youths. 3.4 3.56

10. The SK promotes orderliness to the community. 3.35 3.65

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Tcv = -2.271 3.04 3.29

Ttv = 1.734=



Since the t – computed value of –2.27l is beyond than the t tabular value of 1.734 at 0.05

level; of significant, the research hypothesis is rejected which means that there is a significant

difference between the satisfaction level of the respondent as to the participation of the

Sangguiniang Kabataan officials in the peace and order projects when these respondents are

grouped by gender.