FINAL! - Wylie Choir

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Act One1. Say Amen - Group2. Ridin’ Solo - Ryan3. Runaway - Group4. Dog Days Are Over - Audrey5. Can’t Hold Us - Group6. Sk8er Boi - Casey7. Don’t Stop - Group8. The River - Drew9. Rocketeer - Group10. Magic - Laura11. Somebody That I Used To Know - Swash12. American Idiot - Cade13. Ain’t It Fun - Group14. Old Time Rock and Roll - Logan15. Whole Lotta Woman - Shelby16. The Longest Time - Acapella17. 10/10 - Aaron18. Four Cords - Cooper JR19. Wannabe - Girls Song20. Creep - Mason21. Larger Than Life - Group


22. Let’s Get It Started - Group23. It’s My Life - Barry24. Go Your Own Way - Group25. The Steps - Julia26. Bye Bye Bye - Boys Song27. Si Una Vez - Rebecca28. Back Home - Group29. Virtual Insanity - Swash30. Never Alone - Vera31. Light in the Hallway - Silhouette32. Touch The Sky - Nahum33. Call Me - Allison34. Feeling Good - Kole35. Mirrors - Group

“To Nahum,Thank you for being such a great son, brother, and nephew. We love you, your passion for working hard, and your thoughts and imagination. We can’t believe the little boy we used to chase around is a senior and performing in his last high school show! We are so proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished, God bless you!From Mom, Dad, Eliana, and Fifi”

RRyyaann LLeeddeerreerr

TThhee mmiiddddllee ssoonn,, OOuurr MMiirraaccllee TThhee iinnccrreeddiibbllee mmuussiiccaall ttaalleenntt GGoodd hhaass

ggiivveenn yyoouu aammaazzeess uuss oovveerr aanndd oovveerr.. YYoouu aarree oouurr 33 ttiimmee MMiixxeedd CChhooiirr AAllll SSttaatteerr..

YYoouu ccoonnssttaannttllyy ffiillll oouurr hhoommee wwiitthh mmuussiicc ffrroomm yyoouurr vvooiiccee ttoo ppiiaannoo ttoo gguuiittaarr ttoo wwoorrsshhiipp mmuussiicc bbllaassttiinngg iinn tthhee hhoouussee..

WWee aarree ssoo pprroouudd ooff tthhee wwoorrkk yyoouu ppuutt iinn aanndd ddeessiirree yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo uussee yyoouurr ggiiffttss ffoorr

tthhee LLoorrdd.. YYoouu’’rree aa ttrruuee wwoorrsshhiippppeerr.. WWee aarree ssoo pprroouudd ooff yyoouu!!

LLoovvee yyoouu ttoonnss!!!!

Choir Banquet May 11 7 - 9:30pmSouth Fork Ranch$15 per personSemi Formal Attire

Mason,We are so proud of you. You have accomplished so much and you are be-coming an amazing young man. We love you so much. Break a leg! Go Tempo!

Mommy, Daddy and Harrison

S O P R O U D O F Y O U L A U R A !

L O V E , M O M , D A D A N D


Celebrating the


We are proud of you! We Love You!

Mom, Dad, Elizabeth & Kimberly

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens Me.

Our sweet Shelby Lou Freebush! How did we get here so fast? Just yesterday you were running around the playground with your little pink boots while singing at the top of your lungs. You have grown into such an admirable human with your kind heart and happy soul. The love and closeness you have with your little brother and us, is something we always dreamed of having in our family. You are smart, funny and a good friend to all. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We are going to miss you terribly next year but we also can’t wait to see what your future holds. We love you! Dad, Momma & Bubba

From Your Old Ex- Principal Virdie


Break a Leg Cooper Choraliers!!We are so glad you are performing!

#futurepirates #AHMO

Mason Bowling is a senior and this is his third year in Tempo. He has been in A Cappella for three years and in choir since sixth grade. He has also been in advanced theatre classes for three years. Mason plans to go to Texas A&M Uni-versity Corpus Christi to get his degree in Theatre Education. He would like to thank his parents and friends for their support and help in making this show so great.

“A man is as rich as his friends; I am a tycoon” -Edward Bloom

Kole Dornseifer is a senior and this is his second year in Tempo, and his first year as a vocalist. He was previously the keyboardist in the Tempo Band. This is also his first year in A Cappella Choir. Kole is also a member of the Varsity Theatre Class and has a deep passion for the art. In his free time, Kole enjoys play-ing guitar, eating Oreos, and watching Hell’s Kitchen. Kole plans to attend Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi and dual-major in Business and Theatre. Kole would like to thank his family, friends and the whole Tempo gang for always being his life raft.

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” - Victor Hugo

Aaron Lederer is a sophomore and this is his first year as a member of Tempo. He has been in choir since seventh grade and is his first year in A Cappella. He has made the region choir both years he has been at Wylie High. He is a member of the JV Wylie Pirates tennis team and enjoys leading worship at Northplace Church. Aaron would like to thank his parents for always supporting him, his friends for always being there for, the leadership at his church, and his choir teachers for helping him improve vocally. “Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It’s the moments that take your breath away.”–Alex Hitchens

Ryan Lederer is a junior and in his sec-ond year of Tempo. He has been in A Cappella for 2 years and has been in choir since sixth grade. Ryan uses his time to play the piano, sing for North-place Church and practice region and other choral music. Ryan is also a 3 time TMEA Mixed Choir All-State member. Ryan plans to become a worship pastor and continue to lead worship as long as his voice allows him to.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6

Logan Stelling is a senior and this is his third year in Tempo. He has been in A Cappella choir for 3 years and has been in choir since sixth grade. He also has been beatboxing for 4 years, competing professionally in the American Beatbox Championship for 2 years. Logan plans to attend Southern Methodist University to double-major in Pre-Law and English. He would like to thank his parents and little sister for supporting his goals, and his cats and chinchilla for helping him reach those goals.

“Sometimes it not be like it do, but it is.” - Sun Tzu

Cade Sturgeon is a junior, and this is their first year in Tempo. Cade is an avid participant in the advanced theatre class-es at Wylie High, and spends most free time practicing for the next audition, or hanging out with friends. Cade has not yet committed to a college or a major, but plans to continue studying in a college or conservatory after high school.

“Nobody in the whole world is normal. That’s an idea made up by clothing com-panies to sell t-shirts. It doesn’t exist in nature. Everybody gets to be weird in their own special way.”-Brennan Lee Mulligan

Barry To is a junior and this is his first year in Tempo. He has been in A Cap-pella for 2 years and has been in choir since sixth grade. He was also a member of the TMEA All-Region Mixed Choir in 2019 and 2020. He has also performed in theatre since the fourth grade, and has been playing the piano since he was 5 years old. He would like to thank his parents, his sister Tracy, and his extended family for supporting him in perform-ing, as well as his cat KitKat for being cute. Barry plans to see many shows with his friends as well as make a trip to New York City during his senior year.“A dream needs believing to taste like the real thing, like some stranger you recog-nize, so pure, so electric, so sure, so con-nected.” - Sara Bareilles

Drew Turner is a sophomore and this is his first year in Tempo. He has been in the A Cappella choir for one year and has been in choir since fourth grade. He also is an avid guitar player and varsity tennis player. He is an active part of his church youth worship team. Drew plans on at-tending a 4 year university in the future, although he has not decided on which one just yet. He would like to thank his parents, brother, sister, grandparents, and the many others who have helped him succeed along the way.

“Music Is Life Itself ” - Louis Armstrong

Nahum Yared is a senior and this is his third year in Tempo. He has been Aca-pella for 3 years now and has been in choir since sixth grade. He has also been in advanced theatre classes for multiple years and made the 2020 and 2021 All-State Mixed Choirs as a Bass 2. In the Fall, although he has not determined a major, Nahum plans to attend the Uni-versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to continue his studies. He would like to thank his family and friends for their continued support, and all of his direc-tors throughout the years for their guid-ance.

“To appreciate the sun, you gotta know what rain is.” - Jermaine Lamarr Cole

Julia Amundson is a senior and this is her first year in Tempo. She has been in A Cappella for 3 years and has been in choir since eighth grade. She was also in Chamber for 2 years, was in the 2020 All-State Treble Choir, and regularly sings and plays guitar for her church praise team. After graduating, Julia will attend the University of North Texas to pursue a degree in Linguistics. She would like to thank her mom, dad, sister and of course, her leopard gecko, Ollie, for their undying support.

“I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.” - Vincent van Gogh

Audrey Fox is a senior and this is her first year in Tempo. She has been in choir since the eighth grade and this is her third year in A Cappella. She has also been a part of band since the sixth grade and is currently in the Wind Symphony. She enjoys leading worship at her church, drinking coffee and thrifting in her free time. Audrey plans on attending Okla-homa State University in the fall of 2021 to get her degree in Psychology with a minor in Social Work. She would like to thank her parents for being her constant support system and her siblings, Lilly and Liam, for being the coolest people she knows. “Life is what you make it so lets make it rock!” –Hannah Montana

Rebecca Garcia is a senior and this is her first year in Tempo. She has been in A Cappella for three years and has been in choir since the fourth grade. She has also been a part of the TMEA Region Choir since the eighth grade. She is also involved in Student Athletic Training for the Varsity Football and Wrestling teams. She plans on attending Case Western Re-serve University in Ohio and then medi-cal school in the future to become a sur-geon. She would like to thank her family for their support and, friends for always being there, and her directors for making her the best she can be. “Yet, even amidst the hatred and carnage, life is still worth living. It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.” -Hayao Miyazaki

Laura Gray is a senior and this is her second year in Tempo. She has been in A Cappella for 2 years and has been in choir since sixth grade. She has been singing ever since she was a little girl. Laura plans to attend Freed Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee to get her degree in Psychology with a mi-nor in Biology. She would like to thank her parents and sister for supporting her in everything, as well as her amazing friends who have been her number one supporters since day one.

Quote: “Your life is an occasion, so rise to it” - Edward Magorium

Alison Irby is a sophomore and this is her first year in Tempo. She has been in choir since the sixth grade and this is her first year in A Cappella. She has made the region choir both years she has been at Wylie High. She is also a part of the Lady Pirates Powerlifting Team “AHMO IRON”. She enjoys leading worship at The Heights church, traveling with her family, and watching “Friends” in her free time. Alison would like to thank her family and friends for always supporting her, the incredible student leadership at her church, and her choir directors for being incredible mentors.“The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, it’s all that matters.” - Audrey Hepburn

Shelby Jennings is a senior and this is her first year in Tempo. She has been in A Cappella for two years, and in choir since sixth grade. She is a Gold Award Girl Scout, and rides for the Tejas Rider Horse Drill Team. Shelby plans to at-tend Oklahoma State’s Honors program this fall to double major in Business and Marketing. She would like to thank her parents and her friends for their love and support; she would not be the woman she is without their guidance and leader-ship.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”.-Walt Dis-ney

Casey Smith is a junior and this is her first year in Tempo. She has been in A Cappella for one year and has been in choir since sixth grade. In her spare time when she is not at school or at her part time job at Dunkin’ Donuts, she is hav-ing fun hanging out with her friends. Casey is currently learning to play the electric guitar and aspires to incorporate music in her everyday life in the future. Although she is unsure about what she plans to major in, college is on her agen-da for the future. She would like to thank her amazing parents and friends for their undying support to get her where she is.

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.”- Kurt Cobain

Vera Wiggle is a senior and this is her second year in Tempo. She has been in A Cappella for 2 years and has been in choir since sixth grade. Vera has a strong passion for Jesus and leads Word Of Wylie, a student lead Bible study club. She enjoys singing in her church choir, playing piano, and spending time with friends. She to attend the University of Texas at Austin. She would like to thank her mom, dad, brother, and sister for their love and undying support.

“And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude of sins.’” - 1 Peter 4:8

Nick Harrison is a senior and has been a member of Tech Theatre for three years, with this year being his first year in Tem-po as a crew member. He has contributed to many theatrical productions and has been involved with choir events spo-radically throughout high school. Nick loves working with technical equipment and has a love for the life that music brings us. He enjoys hanging out with his friends and playing video games in his free time. Next year, Nick plans to attend Rice University to double major in Busi-ness and Theatre. He is forever grateful for his classmates and friends that make every day worth the effort.“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.” - Wood-row Wilson

Pearl Kharel is a junior and this is her first year as part of the Tempo crew. She’s a first year member of A Cappella and has been a part of choir for the past five years. Additionally, Pearl has a love for technical theatre and stage managing. In her spare time, she loves to listen to music, go thrifting, stargaze with her telescope, and explore new and fun plac-es. She thanks her friends and family for always encouraging her to pursue the hobbies she finds interest in.

“We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more import-ant than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tony Peña is a senior and this is his first year in Tempo. Tony has been working with sound for 3 years. Tony has been in theatre for 3 years and loves working on the technical side of shows. Tony will be attending Texas A&M Commerce and plans to major in theatre with a focus in sound engineer-ing. Tony would like to thank his family, friends, and his girlfriend for their con-stant support and love. He would also like to thank his directors and Cameron Hefty.

“I was never really good at anything ex-cept for the ability to learn.” Kanye West.

Tanvi Sutaria is a senior and this is her second year in Tempo as the manager. Tanvi has been involved in choir since the fifth grade. Tanvi has a strong love for theatre and choir and working backstage. She enjoys hanging with her friends and putting on shows with them. Tanvi plans to double major in Finance and Tech Theatre. Tanvi would like to thank her family for their constant support, her directors for always teaching her to go above and beyond, and her friends for making everything they do together an amazing experience.

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Dumbledore

Logan Shiflett is a third-year technical theatre student, and she is so excited to be a part of the Tempo crew! This is her first year being involved in this crew, and she could not be more grateful for the opportunity. When Logan is not being a part of a show, she enjoys spending time with friends, driving around in her lit-tle blue car, and listening to music. Lo-gan would like to thank her family and friends for their support towards what she loves.

“Laughter is the music of the deep cos-mos connecting all human beings that says all the things mere words cannot.” - David Yoon

ChoreographersTaylor Nash is a local Dallas singer, actress, dancer and partial owner of a production company- Burnt Pie Produc-tions. She has been active in the Dallas musical theater scene since she grad-uated high school. Some of her favor-ite credits include: Hairspray at Dallas Theater Center, Hair at Dallas Theater Center, and The Manufactured Myth of Eveline Flynn at Theater Three, where she originated the role of Zoey! You will be able to see her in The Music Man at Theater Three playing many characters in the ensemble. Taylor is very honored to help choreograph these extremely talent-ed kids- every second has been a blast! AHMO!

Julia Hodges is a third year production class member and student choreographer for our musicals. She has been dancing since fifth grade, and teaching dance for five years. She has been nominated for Best Choreo for the WHS musicals. Julia plans to go to Texas Tech after high school and major in Architecture with a minor in tech theatre. In her spare time she likes to hang out with friends,weld, and work with student council. Julia wants to thank her friends and family for their constant sup-port and encouragement! “quack”

Student Leadership

Mason BowlingStudent Director

Tanvi SutariaStudent Stage Manager

Julia HodgesStudent Choreographer

OOuurr YYoouunnggeesstt SSoonn,, OOuurr BBoonnuuss TThhee ttaalllleesstt wwiitthh ccrraazzyy,, ccuurrllyy hhaaiirr,,

tthhee lloowweesstt vvooiiccee,, tthhee bbeesstt tteennnniiss ppllaayyeerr,, aa ssttaattiissttiiccaall ssppoorrttss wwhhiizz,, tthhee

ccoommeeddiiaann …… yyoouu bbrriinngg ssoo mmuucchh hhaappppiinneessss aanndd llaauugghhtteerr.. BBuutt wwhhaatt

wwee aarree mmoosstt pprroouudd ooff iiss yyoouurr wwoorrsshhiippppiinngg hheeaarrtt aanndd yyoouurr

ccoonnssttaanntt kkiinnddnneessss ttoowwaarrddss ootthheerrss.. WWee aarree ssoo pprroouudd ooff yyoouu..

LLoovvee yyoouu mmoorree tthhaann ccaannddyy.

AAaarroonn LLeeddeerreerr



@burntpieproductions [email protected]

Thank you to our sponsors!

Business Silver LevelSoPhancy

AHMO Virtuoso LevelTom & Jennifer Holloway

Ricky GarzaKay and Cly Nolen

Ron and Jennifer Taylor Carl Greenley

The Nash FamilyThe Turner Family

Thank you to our sponsors!

Conductor LevelJanis Armstrong

Susan WatsonRachel Taylor

Lederer FamilyCarson and Tiffany Harrod

Robert & Stacy LyonsJosh and Ali Ackles

Sharon and Reggie Bradford The Jennings Family

A.J. & Angela IrbyAroldo and Rocio Garcia

Laura & Scott Moore

Thank you to our sponsors!

Encore LevelAnna McDanielSamuel Downs

Chad & Andrea FoxValerie Hornsby

Casey PaulkKenneth Sigman

Rex V KinneyMelissa NelsonMike Thomas

Sierra HutchinsonSharon PaschallMelissa Smith

Thank you to our sponsors!

Encore LevelKenneth Meehan

Tiffany AtkinsMark & Lynae McClean

Kenneth MeehanRobert and Rhonda McClean

Tristan & Robin Guthrie Bill and Lynne Moore

Lisa GroginsStephanie GreenDwanna Winkler

Jerry and Nina Cox

Thank you to our sponsors!

Encore LevelBrian and Allison Wilson

Corrin McColloughMike and Amy McDermott

Emmert FamilyTony Tang

Steve and Lola Reese

Thank you to our sponsors!

Patron LevelStuart PetersenChristina SmithCarl Greenley

John & Joanna EadsMaureen Pearson

Travis SmallLori Stucki

Scott KotrlaConrad Jones

Duane B LedererBarbara Housner


Thank you to our sponsors!

Patron LevelCheryl BarclayCindy Bogart

Thomas GrugleBridgett HartDiAnn BarkerMaria Britton

Lisa CastLaura Hilbun

Melanie HarberTran and Toan Do

Robin and Debbie ReevesJim and Katie Powell

Dr. David Vinson

Glenn Lambert

Brian Alexander

Dr. Cheryl Scott

Amanda Lannan

Tammie Sullivan

Michael Slaughter

Andie Doty

Tony Gilliam

Thank you to our sponsors!