tT*-ref S* reg..104« Japan «s, 2d Ker.. »«% T»o coupon 104% Do 4s cert 85 Do 3s reg 102 Do 4%s cert.... S4H Po coupon 102% Do 2d series 1»1 Do old reg. loo% L & N unified 48.100% Do coupon 100*i Man con gold 45. 100% Do new 4s reg. 328% Mcx .Central 4»... 85% Do coupon 129% Do Ist Inc 26 Amer Tob 4s .... 79 Minn & Ft L 45.. P3H Do Cs llf>% M. X & Terai 4«. 98li Atch B*tj 4t ....102 Do 2ds S"H Do «dj 4s fi2% NR of Mcx con 4s RO% Atlantic C L 4s. OS NYC gen 8%5.. 83% Bait & Ohio 45. .102 N J O pen 58....126U Do 3%s fc% Nor Pacific 4 mi«; Brooklyn RT c4s S»U Do 3a f... 73% Central of Ga Ss.llOVt Nor & W con?4s. fl» Do Ist Inc 00 OS Line rfdg 4a. J>4»; Do 2d toe 76 Pa conr 3%s .... 1>7% Do 3d Inc 66 Readim; gen 45... S8 Cbes & Ohio 4%5.105 SLft I M con 5«.113% Cbi & Alton B%s. 75 W I, A SF ff 4r. 82 C. B & Q new 4s. Hs^4 St L S W con 4s. 77 C. R I & Pae 4s. 76% Seaboard A L 4s. Sl% Do col T*...... 00 ISO Taclfic 4s SS*i C.C.C i SLpn 4s.inii; Do Ist 4s cert.. 04% Colo Ind T*. cr A"6 (So Railway ....113 Colo Midland 45.. 74 |Tex As Pac 15t«..117^ Colo & So 4s !»v*; Tol. StLi W. 4s. Sl% Cub* Sc ....103 Union Pacific 45.. 101% Den & Rto O 4s. OC% U 8 Steel 24 65.. 89 Xcvi York Bond* CHICAGO. Jan. 24. Tbe local wheat market waa weakened today by general realizing. Trad- Ing was again of large proportions Immediately after the opeDing. The market showed some Mrengili because of a sharp advance at Liver- pool and small receipts at Minneapolis and Duiuth. Tbe demand shrank rapidlyr however, when the numerous buying orders which bad been placed over night were filled. Selling became more general «s trading progressed, and toward tfte .end of the session the market ' became de- cidedly weak. Tbe news of tbe day favored tbe bulls. The. market closed weak, with priced near tbe lowest point of tbe day. May opened 1413 %c hiffher at 79%&79% c, sold «ff to 7S«i@ 7S%e and closed %c down at 7*%Q7S%e. The corn market was also weakened by gen- eral realizing to secure profits. Tbe market closed weak, with prices almost at tbe lowest point. May closed %@%c off at 45T«c The weakness of wheat and corn bad little effect on the oata market, which was firm be- cause of buying by a leading bulL May closed a 6h«de lower at 3S^<S3S»ic. Trading in provisions was quiet. At the close May pork was up sc, lard waa np 2%c and rUw were 2% @5c higher. -Leading futures ranged as follows: Articles— Open. , High. Low. Close Wheat ,; , May 7»S 79% 78% 78% July ...: 7S>£ 79^ 77T4 78% September 78 ... 70U 78 7SVi Corn— * January 42% 42% :42% 42U May 46% 46%. 45% ~45!4 July •' A 46% 46% 45% 45% September 46% 46% '46 4CU -Oats— .- \u25a0 \u25a0. '\u0084--. \u25a0- \u25a0 , January ".S«> Sfl'-i "<5. 3f5i4 Msy ;.-.;:-. ss% .is% . n«i;. 35% July .... -..:..:.. 35<^ S6 55% . 85% September ....... 32?j 32%. 32«» 32% Mess Pork, per -bbl " - U«7 ..16.35 16.45 .16.85 16.42% Fnf isrc Grain and ProTinlons CHICAGO BOARD OB* TItAJOB Rxrbange and Bullion Silver was %c higher. LOCAL Sterling Exchange, sixty days.... <a4.52% Sterling Exchange, sight Ci4.S6»i Sterling Kxcbauge, cables @4.s7*i New York Exchange, sight <g 15 Kew York Exchange.' telegraphic. . <rl . 20* f liver, per ounce 6-S l 4@ llexican Dollars, nominal. '. 52%@ '\u25a0 INTERNATIONAL New York on Paris ..~. MS*i New York on Mexico 2Ort>4 Paris on LondoD '. 25.22% Paris on B»rliD. 20.51 Whent and Otber Grains WHEAT—Chicago declined S1".S 1 ". LiTerpool fn- tures were higher. This market was quiet and unchanged, but firm. > Omaba wired: "I understand Minneapolis bouses are again very anxious for winter wheat. They are bidding 2c under Chicago May price, track Minneapolis, for Omaha sample, wheat, and Indicate they would take 1.000,000 bushels at that price." The Cincinnati Price Current say«: , "Cold weather awakens a little apprehension ejoneern- ing the. growing: winter wheat. Interior offer- ings of grain are light on account of tbe bad roads and holding sentiment among farmers. There has been some damage 'to the corn crop by warm, wet weather."- CASH WHEAT California Club. $1.27%«81.30: <Jo. milling. t1.30; California White Australian. $1.3501.40; lower grades of California, [email protected]: Northern Club, i1.27%@1.30; Northern Bluestem. $1.35® 1.40; Northern Red. $1.2501.27%. \u25a0 FCTDRES 10 to 11:30 a. m. Session. May— sl.32. BARLEY Continues in moderate receipt and firmly held, with sales at quotations. Good to choice Feed. spot. $1.12%@1.15; com- mon to fair, $1(111.10 per ctl: seed lots bring as high a* $1.20; Brewing and Shipping. $1.17%@ 1.20 per ctl; Chevalier. [email protected] for poor to common and 51.25511-3-"> a*ked for choice. FDTORES 10 to 11.30 a. m. Session Open. High. I/iw. Close. May lsi.lft% $1.10% $1.1»U $I.IJHi December ... 1.00 1.00% 1.00 1.00% OATS Another line of 4726 ctls came down from Oregon yesterday. The market is taking these northern , receipts- readily, as they-, are needed. Tbe demand is fullyup to the. average. CORN AH conditions remain unchanged, with a . dull and nominal market. Small round Yellow. -$1.65 asked; California large . Yellow. [email protected]; White, [email protected]; Western State, sacked— Yellow, > $1.25<&1.30; White, ,$1.27%@1.32%; mixed. - $1.25(81.27% ; White Egyptian. $1.23f Brown Egyptian.' $1.12% @1.15. , \u25a0 '\u25a0--. \u25a0 1 . RYE— California. $1.42%@1.45 per ctl; UUh. [email protected] per etl. . " .V , BUCKWHEAT—[email protected] per ctl. . Flonr and Farlnaceons Goods .-,,' A continued ; active demand; for Flonr is re- ported from all quarters, both Coast and East- ern, with prices ttrm all along tha line. FLOUR— California Family Extras. $4.SO@ 5.10. net without discount: Bakers' Extras, $4.40 CJ4. 60; Superfine,- [email protected];. Oregon and Wash- ington. $3.50@4 per bbL------- '' FARINACEOUS GOODS Prices ' ' in packages are as \u25a0 follows: " Graham Flour. $3.25 per : 100 lbs; Rye Flour, ' $3.75; « Rye. Meal. $3.50; : Rice Flour, $S; Corn' Meal. $2.75: ' extra ; cream do, $3.75; Oat Meal. $4.50^4.75: Oat Groats, $4.75; Hominy. $3 75624: Buckwheat Flour,' $4.75;. Cracked Wheat." $3.75; Farina. $4.00; Whole Wheat Flour $3.50:' Rolled" Oats. bbls. $7@B; In sacks, [email protected];' Rolled Wheat, bbls, $4.60; in sacks; $4.10; Pearl Barley. $6; ; Split Peas., boxes, $s.so;iGreen'Peas,* $5.50 per 100 pounds. ' /' Hay; and Feedstuff* . Hay receivers continue to report » strong n«. N>n fork Money Market NF.W YORK. Jan. 24.—Money »>n call easy. 2 1 *©.* pr c«>nt: tulins rate. 3 per cent: closing bid. 3>- per cent; offered et 4 per cent. Time loans dull and easy; sixty days, 4^(25 per cent; ninety days, 5 per <-<-nt; fix months, t>1.4*7 5% per cent. Prime mercantile paper. T>*; per cent. Sterling e\cbanpe «.«sj-. w-Ub actual business In (y tinkers 1 bills at ?4.*<5Tu(g4.6r.7r, for demand and et SM.M4<'<§4.Sl4s frr sixty-day Mils. Posted rate*. $4>2% and $4.86<a4.56%. i nramercial HHf, $4.?l>». Bar filrer. fiS^c. Mexican dollar*. 52"»c. Ooverniuent and ruilroad bends, steady. Scraps From Mall *trn-t NTW YORK. Jan. 24. —American storks in 1-otidon vtea<]y. ab^ut parity. Interborou-h \u25a0> «-s|jef of employe* tty f 4(tit.rKio h your. AnjaJsamsted ropjier itmduotion sold well into May.vjiaVff of neel rails rbis week approaches 300.0f<0 foray. Lichter demand for ni»-u in the loan crowd. Increase in People's >,»* dK|- <iend talked of au<l expected. I/indou settle- ment bepin* next Tuesday. No change In the Bask uf £nplaDd rate. Nctt York Stock Market NEW YORK. Jan. 24. —Another dull and Birrow market irHJay marked the lap** of spec- ulative operations into tbe bande *>1 the strictly professional class of traders, the oripin of orders epproachinp closer to the utock exchange \u25a0s their volume decreased. Most of today '• Hi".' n :.<\u25a0 tyiieved to originate on tbe floor of the eschanjte Itself. On far as tbe lmmedate oocjltiop of the market Ik oonoerned It TTBS freo t"daj" ft'"to »v.v perceptible pressure of llnuidatinn and n-here nor citni* »>f wesknepn \u2666 bowed lliere wait tlie same t exist in? |>ower as- t-eneil ms f"! sevei-al day* past. There were frwer t-lpuji «f *u<tb weakDefs today than yes- terday and price* were well held above last niffhf* level throughout the large part of tbe *e«tion. in contrast with the recovery late In the day yesterday from tbe early heaviness. Railroad Dote* In iwne* of varying elzcs con- tinue to come upon the market and tMs con- tinues to he recognized as evidence of the diffi- culty in Ibe may of flotation of capital Id more permanent form. Growing notice la attracted, lwwever. the eviiUpr with which these note Issues are nought «n<rtbe quickness with which ofTerings are sold. In view of the profitable terms at which bankers are securing these is- »ue». a motive Is perceptible for them to refrain from making easy the marketing of *ecuritle«. M<"toey r-ondltlons continued to work eajiler. Hates for time loans here yielded notably and were quoted practically for nil periods >4 per cent, lower. Tbe Bank of England and the Back of France showed s further strengthening red discount raw* at Berlin yielded farther during tbe >day. The presence of the Secretary of the Treasury in Wall street afforded opportun- ity for a deDial of rumors circulated yesterdfi* that a further postponement yg* intended of tbe date for return «f <iovernment deposits to tbe treasury beyond F«*bruary *1. to which It has lieco advanced already. This mBy bave account- ed for tbe easing of prices late in tbe day. al- though the market was impressible to tbe protlt- t'lkinc on tbe <laj> movement In the narrow dimensions "f the trading. Call money hard- ened perceptibly when the intended policy of the Treasury Pepwur^irt became known. change* were very email st the irregular closing. R*MidK were steady. Total sales, par value, »2. 112.000. I'nited States l«on<ls were unchanged on call. !\m York Stock Islst E. F. nation & Co., 490 California street. members of the New York Stock Exchange, furnish the following list of bond and stock sales yesterday: SaUt.l STOCKS. IHlyb.jLow.l Bid. l Ask. Adams Kxpres* 290 300 Ailis-Chalroe.™ 55% 16U r»o pfd 3S»Mi 40H 45>.firtn Amalg Copper ... 115% 114% 1151, 115% Amer Beet Sugar. 21>* 21S« ....... Do pfd 78 M Amer Can 5 5«4 Do pfd t,2\ 52% I.JWt Amer Car A FCo 44% 44% 44V« 44% Do pfd * 10114102 Son Amer <7>ttnn Oil. ?.l 30* SI 31% ]Wi! Ikj pfd »OVi 90\i fil Amer Xx 235 245 Amer «T Co 7S, 8 Amer Hide & L 5%» « Do pfd \u0084. 2*Vs 3A Amer Ice Recur R3 80 ... Amer Linseed ... 169 i, 19 Do pfd 82 -" 38 2.400 Amer Loeomo ... 74% 73% 73% 74 j Do pfd 111H 112 *.000 Amer 8 & R Co.. 149% 148% 14*% 14» ... Do pfd :..... .116 117 LiftOAtner Sugar 133 132% 132% 135%, j Do pfd 12» IS3 "' J'fi'Amer Hteel F.... 10* 10 9% JO v*> { r*. pfd 44% 4«% 44% 45% Utaer Tel A- TCo...... 12<i IX3 4f*>A»er Tob pfd... t>T»4 »7% »7% »8 WrtlAmer Woolen ... 83% 83 3^ 34 ....... Do PM IW$» 101 t^Bafea^attl^BS^BteiaB^ff3^fc^^kM^rflC.'4W4 1 liOCAIi MARKETS EASTEHX MAIIKETS THURSDAY, Jan. 24—10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. Ask.! Bid. Ask. qr coup... |4s qr ep new. 120*4131% 4s <jr reg.-.."" \u25a0 |3s qr coup... " *" MISCELLANEOUS BONDS -. Ala A W ss. Ok T Co 6s. 116U A«so Oil Co. 92 Do .".s JOS Bay CPC 55.102 Ok T Con ss. 107% Cal 0 « 53. O W gtd ss. 92% 98 Cal G& B s Oceanic S-55.,62 m& rt 5». 87% Om Cable 6s. 120 Cal-st 0 55.. 105 Pac Glm 4s. S3 91 C C Wat ss. 10S P E Ry 55.. 109 Do g mgss 97 Vi 97«4 Pac L&P ss. 100 Ed L&P 6s). 120 P &C H 65.101% F& C H Ss.ins P & O R 68.105 Gearv-st 55.. 40 Powell-st 65.. 111% H CAS 5%/.— Sac EGiIWs.IO4 IK) 5s 104%105U SF & 5JV55.119% -Hon R T 6s. » ISF.O & 5J55.109 L T«bo<» RSs.lOl 102 SJ* SCB 4%s 94% Ii A Elec ss. lOO^ilSieTra R 65.. 114% LAO &, E155.100 S P Of A 63 L A Rv 55.. 117 11R I (1900> 103 103U I.AL Btd 5«.104»J105%l <!9H» 104 LAP lem 55.109% |S P of C 6s LAP Cal ss. 110UI <1912) 112*; Mfct-st C 6s.HO, iSPC 1 cc 55.119%121 Do lem ss. 112 S P B R '65.134% MV& MtTss.l(X> SV W g mg4s 93U NR of C 55.11f>% Stkn-OAE 6s 105 NI*C It ss. 103 U G & B ss. 103 NO Ry 55.. 113 UR of SF 4§. 91% Xi\i NO PC Ss.lol I Val Co P ss. 103% O GL&H 59.10S I WATER STOCKS Contra . Costa i Mario Co ... 62 Do ctfs ..60 |S V Wat Co. 24% 24?; GAS AND ELECTRIC Cent L * P. 1 2%|Martel Power Mut E L ctfs 9%. 9U|Pac L Co S4*-; 90 Do ex ctfs 13 iStkn G & E. 'INSURANCE Fireman's Fund '71,.... 156 BANK STOCKS Am Ml 8k.130 Lon. P & A.I3S Anglo-Cal .. 57% 95 Mer Trust ..227 Bank of CaL362 . 365 Merch Ex ... 60 Cal Safe Dp.129% SF National. First Natn1..290 Sf>s | •\u25a0':': v> SAVINGS BANKS Ger S & L.3000 !Sav A L So. .100 Hum S 8k.2100 |Sec Say 8k..590 425 Mutual Say.. 90 100 I Union T Co.- '\u25a0 S F Sit U. 617% 4 - . ", STREET RAILROADS California ..144 145 [Presidio 25 Geary 3U41 POWDER Giant Consolidated Co. .— SUGAR Hawaiian C. S3 Onomea S C. SS% 39' Honokaa S C 11% 12 Paaubau SC. 1«* 4 17Vi Hutch SPC 16 16% Union S Co.. B0» Kllauea SC. 3 Do pool ... 501 Makaweli C. 32V; 33% f -. MISCELLANEOUS Alaska PA. 45 50 OeeanievS Co. 2*i 4% Asso Oil Co. 42% Pac Anx FA. 1% Cal F C A. .104 105 Pac C 80rax.152% Cal Wine A. 85% 83 iPac S Tel C0.106% MV& MtTm. I SALES . Morning. Session 2ft Associated Oil \u25a0 : 43. 50^. 15 Cal Safe Deposit & Trust 12f1.50 15 Giant Powder Con 55.50 10 Hutchlnson S.P Co 16.12% 100 (g-eanic SS Co - 4.00 .. 15 rtciflc States Tel A Tel Co 106.00 10 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co 106.50 20 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co 107.00 130 Spring -Valley Water Co. 24.62% $3,000 Pacific Electric Ry b 5 109.50 $1,000 Pacific Electric Ry_y*s 100.50 $10,000 United RR of R F.-4s 52.00 Unlisted Securities MISCELLANEOUS BONDS VBMTAsk. Bid. Ask. Bay CPC 6n:i04% SF & NP 5«.109% Cal NW Rss.Hl 112 Stand El 55.. 92% Ok T Con f#. 1°2% \u25a0Do gtd~s«. 95 SF Drydk 55.112 ,—, Sun Tel 55. ..104 110 M ISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Ala Sug- Co. 18 7 Hono old pool 20 Cal -Cot Mils 90 * Hono nw pool 23 27% Cal TI & T. 150 190 N Cal Power. 27 28 Chutes C 0... 4 - Orpheum 'Co.. 16 Cyp L Imp. 2%*5 Pac C Css Co. 150 175 Dpt Pw pfd. 89. ' S F-Prydock 60 Do com ..100 105&ISF, ASJ Coal 20 Hono P Co 1 . ." 22 \u25a0\u25a0— I California Stock and Oil Exchange ' Bid. Ask. I' Bid. Ask. Asso Oil 5t.42.00 44.00(M0n- of Aril.. 15 Caribou . .. ..6.T5- toil City Pet.. 62 Chi ; Crude, old ' 35 (Peerless 3.50 4.50 Cbi Crnde.new 08 I Piedmont .... 10 Home E ...... .'- '— 30 Pittsburjr . ... 05 Imperial.... 16.001S F A McKitt.l.so Independence. I.V 'IS Twenty-eight. .7.30 Junction .... 14 16 Wabaah 45 Kern; new .. W . West Shore ..2.n0 Linda ;Vista.. 10 Wolverine ....' 4O *— McKittrick\u25a0;-.-. 10 —1 ; ; *V ' ' ' ' -SALES ' 3000 Sterling ..................: .1.60 250 Sterling ......'........... 1.50 1000 Four ....T.TrX.'Z.'..... ~..Z\..... .26 20 Carib0u. ............................. 7.00 Forelzn Futures LIVERPOOL Wheat March. May. July. Opening «« «5 « l»i Closing 8 s;i 63 C l;j PARIS . Wheat * Jan. May-Aug. Opening '.... 23 20 23 »0 Closing 23 15 23 30 . Flour . \u25a0- , , ' OpeniDg 6<l 3040 Closins 29 45 30 70 London Wool Sales " LONDON. Jan. 24.— The selection offered at the wool sales today amounted to 14.012 bales, principally medium and fine merinos. Fine eroxs- breds were firm, but Inferior and coarse grades declined %d beiow the opening rates. Superior creasy merinns were In strong demand for Amer- ica, and medium greasy were taken by home and French buyers, tcourcd elipes sclliug at a full rate. . St. Louis Won! Market ST. LOUIS. Jan. 24.—Market steady. Terri- tory and Western medium, 23<&2Sc; fine medium. ll»<£21c; fine, 10@l7c. Northern Wlicnt Market OREGON PORTLAND. Jan. 24.—WHEAT— Club. 67c; bluestcm. 69c; valley. 67c: red, (55c. " WASHINT.TOX TACOMA. Jan. 24.— WHEAT—Two cents bljrbrT; market higher; bluestern. 70c; club, ttSc; red, 66c. Northern Business PORTLAND. Jan. 24.—Clearings, $1,117,5*0;" balances. J295.64R. TACOMA. Jan. 24. Clearings, $665,599: bal- ances. $131,739. SPOKANE. Jan. 24—Clearings, $e25,634; bal- ances. $105,072. SEATTLE. Jan. 24.—Clearings, $1,303,677; bal- ances. $134,109. STOCK AND Bo.\O EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS leer, with the. demand as/urgent as ever. The) I lower grades, heretofore neglected, arc now much ! firmer and in greatly improved demand, and their quotations have moved up somewhat. Sev- eral cars of choice Hay sold yesterday at $23.50. There were moderate receipts of Feedstuffs from Oregon yesterday. Prices were maintained and there were no marked Indications of any de- cline. - . . BRAN—$2O*B22 per ton. MIDDLINGS— *27@30 per ton. SHORTS— [email protected] per ton. FKEDSTUFFS— RoIIeiI Barley, $24«i25: Mixed Feed, ,$23<t25; Oilcake Meal, nominal: Cocoanut Cake or Meal at mlllH. $25.60 in 10 and $2fi in 5 ton Jots; Jobbing. $26.50: Corn Meal. $30@31; Cracked Corn. $31<g32; Broom Corn Feed, 90c per ctl: Alfalfa Meal, cnrload lots. $20.50: Job- bing. $21 per ton; Mealfalfa, $20.50; Jobbing. $21. r .. * HAY Choice Wheat. $19<fj2n per ton: good Wheat. $17.50@1;-.50; other vrndes Whest. $14 fal6: Whest ami Oat. ?l."(??20: Tame Ont. $r.'(tj 18: Wild Oat. $1O«214; Common Hay; $10@12; Alfalfa. $10612; Stoc*. $10*j.12 per ton. bTRAW—UOfijSOc >er bale. - . . Beana anil Seeda There were no further changes in Beans yes- terday. The market was steady, with a fair midwinter demand. BRANS— Per etl: Brjyos. [email protected]; Pea. [email protected]; small White. t3.75Q2.85: large White, [email protected]: Pink. $1.90(n2.20; Red, [email protected]; I.imas. [email protected]; Red Kidneys. $3.35@:?.7r>: Blaekeyes. $4.50<a4.00; Butter, nominal at $3.75 <B4: Cranberry Beans. $3(rtC2s. SEEDS— Brown Mtistsrd. [email protected]: Yellow Mustard, nominal; Flaxseed. $3; Canary. 4¥><ft 4*ic; Alfalfa, 13e: Rape. l@3%c; Timothy. 6%c; Hemp. 5c per lb; Millet. 3V-c; Broom Corn Seed. $IS@2O per ton. DRIED PEAS— Niles, nominal; Green Peas, [email protected] per ctl. Potatoe*. Onionn and Vegetables The scarcity of cars and the congested condl- tlou of the railroads are preventing shipments of Potatoes from reaching tbe city and as a result the market Is very slenderly supplied and strong. : with prices advancing right along. One lone car of Oregon Bnrbanks got in yesterday and was quickly closed otit, the jjenoral run brlnsin? 2e per pound, while a few fancy lots broujrht a small premium. River Burbanks were quoted at a narrower range and large handlers were rather expecting an advance In that line of goods. Onions, like Potatoes, are in light receipt and doing better. The receipts of southern vesatables are still running light and fresh arrivals of choice stock clean up readily from day tei duv «t high prices. The recent arrivals of Mexican" Tomatoes were offered for sale yesterday, but few found buyers, owing to the greenness of the stock. POTATOES— Per ctl: River White. $1.5.">(® 1.6o; Orejrou Burbanks. $2: Early Hose. $1.50; Enstern Burbanks, nominal; Sweet Potatoes, $2.7503. , - ONIONS— YeIIow; per ctl. $1^1.23. VEGETABLES Oreen Peas,- «<& 10c per lb; String Beans. 12%@15c per lb: Wax Beans. per lb: Tomatoes, [email protected] per crate; do Mex- ican. 81.65(^1.75 per box; Hothouse Cucumbers, [email protected] t)er dozen; Cream Squash. Cs<g7sc per box; Summer Squash. [email protected] per box: Gar- lic. 2%<g4e per lb; Celery. 40@60c per dozen: Cabbage. $1.25 per ctl; Cauliflower. 75(gS5c per dozen: Carrots, $1.25 per sack: Turnips, $1.23 per sack: Green Peppers. S@l2V-c per lb f.ir Chile and 20c for Bell: Marrowfat and Hubbard ' Squash, $20 per ton; Mushrooms, 40<§;50c per lb. - Poultry and Oamc As a direct result of the recent heavy Importa- tions of Western stock, tlie market for domestic Chickens was weak yesterday and prices for nearly all descriptions were lower. The receipts continued light, but proved excessive, as tbc wants of buyers were small, and quite a few- coops bad to be carried over. The situation In Game was quite tbe reverse of that In Poultry, all kinds beinc In sharp request at firm rates. Wild Pigeons were offering for the first time this season. POULTRY— Per dozen: Hens. $6@7.&0 for large jind $5(i{5.50 for small; old Roosters. $4<f£s: youncr Roosters. $G<ff7.so: Fryers. $S«|S.SQ; Br<iflers. $3.C0©4.50; Plsreons. $1*3(1.25: Squabs. [email protected]; Ducks. SfirtjS for young and. so^6 for old: Geese. $2.50@3 per pair. TURKEYS—Per lb: Dressed. 18@22c: live, nominal. GAMK— Per dozen: Ma'.larel Ducks. «[email protected]; Canvasbacks. $4<"d ] 7: Spris. $5.50QR: Teal. $.1: Gray Ducks. $^..50@4: Widseon. $2.50; Small Ducks. |2.60; Black Jacks. $2.."0; Gray Geese. $4rri4.50: White Oeese. $1.75@2:50: Brant. $?...'O (fj4 for large and $2.50 for small: Honkers, SOW 7.50; nare. $2: Cottontail Rabbits, $3; Wild Pigeons, $1©1.25. Butter, Cheese' and F.sci Conditions in tbe market for l#alry Produce sliowc<l no change. Eggs were still.the leading feature, being very thin, with receipts insni/i- clent for current requirements. The growing scarcity in this department makes it probable that the market. will go higher, despite the fact that receivers are averse to advancing prices at this season of tbe year. Butter was rather dull, as the "prevailing high prices caused many retailers to limit their pur- chases. The receipts were light, however, and the supply of floe table goods cleaned up readily. Cheese continued to strengthen.' all descriptions of frcsb local make being quoted firm instead of steady, as on tbe preceding day. ri V \ The only * transaction on the . Exchange, was - a sale of 20 cases of selected Eggs at 35c. Receipts were 15.500 * lbs Butter, 1000 lbs Cbeesc and 414 cases Eggs. The following were the official quntatlonsas established by tbe sale*, bids and offers on tbe floor of the Dairy Exchange: BUTTER Fresb creamery extras. 3«c per lb. firm :do firsts, 36c. firm:seconds, 29c. firm ; packing stock, firm at 23c for No. land 21c for No. 2; Eastern extras. 32c. firm: do firsts, 2Se. firm. Storage goods California extras. 30c. firm: firsts, 2Sc. firm; seconds. 25c, firm; Xo. 1 packing stock, 20'/>c, firm; Eastern extras, 29c, firm; Eastern indies, orm.it 21% c for ex- tras and 21?; c for firsts. V CHEESE— Fancy Callfornlas. new flats. 14c per lb. firm; firsts. 12c. firm: new Vonng Ameri- cas, fancy. I.V. firm: firsts, 131,3 c, firm; Storage goods— Fancy California OXts, 13%c. steady: do firsts, 13c. steady; fancy Eastern. 10%e. firm: fsnev Western, 13c. steady. EGGS California fresh selected. 35c T«er dozen, firm: extras. 34Uc. firm: firsts. 33%cT firm; seconds, 33*. firm; thirds, 30c, firm. Deolduonn and Citrus Fruits Testerday was one of the dullest days in tbe fruit market for many months. There whs no movement whatever In round lots, as tbe threat- ening weather deterred buyers, who refused to take any more than was absolutely necessary for Immediate requirements. Apples were the only articles in show any noteworthy change in price. Cheap stock 'bas about disappeared and there Is practically nothing to be, bad for less than $1 per box. APPLES— Fancy. $l«j 1.75 per box for J»ew- town Pippins: $2<32.2."> for Spltzenburgs: $1@ 1.6.1 for other red varieties, and [email protected] for Bellflowers* ' PEARS— Winter NellJs. $2 per box; cooking varieties. $1.50 per bor. CITRUS FRUITS Per box: Navel Oranees. [email protected] for fancy. $1.751232.25 for choice, "and $1&1.75 for standards: Seedlings^[email protected]; Tan- gerines, halves. - [email protected]: quarters. $1: Lem- ons. $2.50<g3 for fancy, $1.75(!|2.23 for choice, and 75c&51.25 for standard: Grape Fruit. 53® 3.50 for seedless and [email protected] for common; Limes. $4.50@5. TROPICAL FRUlTS— Bananas. $I(^2 per bunch for Hawaiian and [email protected] for Central American; Pineapples. $3@5 per dozen. .> Drle* Fruits. !\'ut«. Raisins and Honey Everything under this bead Is quiet, but very firm. . FRUlTS— Apricots, *15@18c per Ih: Evap- orated Apples, snot. f>*4<<jSUc: Peaches. lOig 13c: Pears, 9<312%c; Prunes, *4-size basis, 3c; large sizes, 4<j|so.. RAISINS— Seeded, 8%(510c: Loose Muscatels, 7c, 7%c and 8c for 2, 3 and 4 crown respect- ively;' Seedless Sultanas, ,7c: Thompson Seedless. 7%c for : unbleached : London .Layers, 3-crown, $1.85; London Layers. 2-crown. $1.73; Clusters. $3.50 for Imperial, $3 for Dehesa and $2.50 for fancy. \u25a0 . NDTS— Almond*. Nonpareils, 17%@18%c: I X L. I«%@lSc; Plus DltM. 18<ai7e: Drakes. 13%@14c; Languedocs. 13%@14c; hardshell,* f>(rjlf>e. 'Walnuts, Jobbing .prices Softshell. 15®16c for No. 1 and 12(313c for No. 2; bard- shell. 14c for No. 1 and lie for No. 2; Italian Chestnuts. B@loc - per lb. \u25a0 »\u25a0 HONEY—I6@I7c per lb for bright comb and 13@15c for amber; do. extracted. «%@i%cfor water white and 5%@6c for amber. -Prorlsfona The loesi situation remains nnchangerl. . -A Chicago wire yesterday said: "Packing of Hogs at Western centers . for the week. 023.000 against 615.000 last week and 090,000 last year. Aggregate packing from November 10 to date. 6,645,000. against 7.395. 000 -last year, indicating a decrease, of 750.000 Hogs." - - CURED MEATS—Bacon. 14t4«? per lb for heavy, 14% c for light medium. 16c for light, 16% c for extra light and-20<a2ic for sugar- cured; Dry Salt Sides, 13%e; Bellies, 14c: East- ern sugar-cured Ham*. IBJAQIG^c; California Hams, ISc: Mess Beef. $9 per bbl: extra Mess, $0.50; Family. $10: . Prime Mess Pork. $16.50; extra clear. $23: Mess, $19: Pig. Pork, -$26; Pips' Feet. $5: Smoked Beef. 14e per lb. LARD—Tierces quoted at 9%c for California \u25a0compound, 9?ic for Eastern compound and 12c for pure: half. barreK pure. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 12Vic: 10-lb tins. 12?ic: 5-lb tins. 12%c: 3-lh tins. .13c- COTTOLEXE— One half-barrel, 10% c; three' half- barrels. lO*ic;' one "tierce, 1014c: two tierces, , 10% c; v five :tierces, 10c.^ Hides, Tnllovr. -Wool <*nd Hops . : HlDES—Ctills and brands sell about %®lc under quotations. Heavy Salted Steers, - 12c; 'Hides, 12%@13c for heavy, l2U«fsl3c for. light; Stags. B%c: Salted' Kip, 13%c: Salted Veal, 15%c: Salted Calf, 15%c: dry. Hides. -23c: dry Kip. 22c; dry. Calf/ 25c; Sheepskins. Shearlings. 20@50c each ; ' short * Wool.- 50@70c each ; I medi- um. 70@!>0c: long: Wool. $1<§1.50: Horse- Hides, salt. - [email protected] for large and $2.75 for, medium. $2.25 for small . and 50e ,for Colts; Horsehides. dry. $2«J2.25 for large and [email protected] for me- dium. . $1.25 for small and 50c . for Colts. Deer- i sktns— Dry Mexican. 32%?535e; dry salted Mcx-1 lean. .SsftJ37%c; -dry Central ? American. 35Q , 37 %c." -Goatskins Prime Angoras," 75c: extra large do, $1.25; large, 50c; medium, 33c; small. 25c.-- \u25a0•"*-.',• .r?.:--f?, ;.-..';-,;>.•\u25a0... -, y .. -TALLOW— Np.:i rendered, sc; No. 2, 4@4%c; Grease. '2@3e:X-v « \u0084'• - '• \u25a0\u25a0" '' ---..:.-\u25a0 -.WOOL Fnll "clip—San » Joaqnin and Sonthern. 7@!>c; falC Lambs. S.'cjlle: Humboldt and Men- docino.-il4*lsc:'- Middle County.' OfqHle; North- ern..\free, 5 11J@13%c; Nevada, 17@18c per lb for sprlns. I '^ ii«. T>--- :.----.-\u25a0• •=>•"!\u25a0=»;\u25a0.- \u25a0.. . .- -\u25a0 '\u0084..HOQ»*Callfornlas- and Washlngtons, 10@12c per-lb to growers ; [email protected]Oregon8..12@14c.. / \u25a0 "~>A; r^4.';pMeat , Market"- \u25a0 \ S : ' \u25a0 Firmness ; and 5moderate ' supplies conttaae . to \u25a0 ...... v-yy- ,--;: . :. . •\u25a0 //\u25a0 - /: Dist Securities r.s. KS%|\V«bash lots 113 " Erie prior lien 4b. 07 %| P<> deb B 72 !»(» pen 4k 8«V.:Went era Md 45... *I% Hook Val 4'Ak...1»4»0VV & L Erie 45... SOU Japan Cs '. 9S%|\Vis Central 45... SS% New York 31inlns Stocks Adams Con 20! Little Chief 05 Alice 7.so|Onta>l6 «.55 Breece . -• 30'Ophtr 2.90 Brun« Con ...... .V) Potosl 20 i'-rrm Tunnel .... 3»,SavaKe 05 Con Va Mln «f-0..« f -o.. l.OSiKierra Nev 68 Horn Silver I.7o|Smell Hoj>es 1 30 Iron Silver 4.2s|Standard 3.23 Leadville Con ... 05| Boston Stock* and Bonds Money I Mmmg i Call loaus ."iSjS | Adventure s!i Time loans .. .r.i-«ifi%iAllouer. 6g Bonds 1 An: ill Copper 115% Atehlson 4s K»o%lArlz t'ommereial. . 06% Do adj 4s 02 I Atlantic IT^. Mcx -Central 45.. 64 IBinjrhain 32^ Railroads— |Butte Coalition ..."7 AtcliUion K»4 TB(CalumetT 8 (Calumet & Ariz..lS3 Do pfd 101%' Calumet & Hecla.fMU) Boston & Albany. 23s iCopper Range ... 1*4% Boston & Maine. .loo iDaly West 19 Boston niev lr.l (Franklin .25 ntchburg pfd ...133 lUranlvr Mcx Centrals 24 UJreene Con 31U N Y. N n & H.-lMVallsle Koyale 31% Pere Marquette .. S3 Mass Minins 8% Union Pacific ...176 Mieuljran 22 Miscellaneous— Mohawk 91 Amer Pnen Tube. I2%!Mont Coal &. Coke. 1*; Amer Sugar i:CV.!Nevada lsv; Do pfd i:tQ%jOld Dominion 56 Amer Tel & Te1.127% Osceola I«7U Amer Woolon ... .13 Parrot 31 % Do pfd lrtOVilQuiney 118 Dom Iron & Steel. 22 Shannon 23% Kd Elect 11ium.. 225 Tamarack 105% Mass Electric ... l<»>iiTrinlty 41 Do pfd G9U {United Copper ... 7.3% Mass Gas 65 s *; I U S Mining <Js»i United Fruit ....10«a;jU S Oil 12% L'n Shoe Mach... 63 Utah 78% Do pfd 2»%lVlctor!a 7^ U R Steel -»7>-',!\Vinona JJU Do pfd \ ...10U%', Wolverine 183 THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTON. Jan. 24.— President Paine of the Copper Rauge issued a statement this morning that Copper Range would enter into uo combina- tion of the I-ake Superior propert fes. and this »-«used isotne little uneasiness that perhaps the rumors of the de.il were unfounded. About noon a statement wes isriH'd by the Amal- gamated ix-op'e statins that they would be in- terested In no eomblnatton. es the prices ut>kcd j wen- too bisfh. These two rejwrts brousht in 1 more <>r le^s'sjtectjlatixc srlllng end tlir> market I was erratic tbrougLotil tin- day, but. tov.-nnl tbp cl(»se coniidenoe was restored, and, under the I leadership of Osceol:], tl-c market dosed »tn>ng. j A Boston news bureau snys: "'The Coppf* | Rhiiro and the St. Mary's l.aad Cnuipany are joined in tbe development of tbe South liause of Lake Snj»erior. and it will be to the best ul- timate financial interests of Boston if they con- tinue in tbe future as In tbe past." London Closing Stocks Cons money ..86 10-16|M. X & Texas.... 40 Cons for acct 87% 1 N V Central 134% Anaconda 14** Norfolk & West... »1 Atehlson J. IOSHI Do pfd 91 Do pfd 104 lOnt & Western... 40*; Bait A: Ohio 120^Pennsylvania .... «>% Can Pacific li^oi-* Rand Mines 7% Cheg & Ohio 53>^iReadinc W>% Chi Great West.. 17«4i50 Railway 30% Chi. Mil &\u25a0 St P.lT>5 ! Do pfd .89 I>e Beers 27%'50 Paiiflc fiS% Den & Rio G 40 | Union Pacific ....IS2 Do pfd S4'.;i Do pfd »."» Erie 41V41U S Steel 49 Do Ist pfd 75 Do j>fd 109% Do 2d pfd »W Wabash 18 111 Central 171 Do pfd :;«5 Louisv & Nasb.. .14O''.j Spanish 4s SOU Bar silver Firm; 31^»d per ounce. Money 4%@."» |>er cent. The rate of disomnt in the open market for Bbort bills v 4 7 sffr5 per cent, and for three mouths' bill* 4* 4^j.4:i per cent. Condition of the Treasury WASHINGTON. Jan. 24.— Te»day*g statement of the treasury balances in tbe general fund shows: Available casb balance. $239,209,040; geiid coin and bullion, $104.1C7,560; gold certifi- cates, $37,749,400. Xpw York Cotton Market NEW YOItK. Jan. "4.—There ig a bis short Interest here in the March and May options by spot dealers and large professional traders, made against purchases /at New Orleans and Liver- pool eume time ago on the difference In the character of the cotton contract aud the supponl- tlon that this would be made the dumping ground for all the low grade stuff. As a matter of fact there is le6s than 20.000 bales out of tbe 125.0U0 In licensed warehouses here of certified cotton, which ii of Inferior quality or uont for ordinary splunlng purposes. Should anything happen to revive bullish 'activity great difficulty would be experienced In these shorts covering, except at a considerable loss. The New Orleans bears keep selling cotton sbort here and have been doing everything they could to resist tbe recent advancing tendency of the market, but trade conditions and tbe inherent strength of the rpot situation are altogether against them, as well as the local technical upeculatlve position. There Is really little /short Interest left In the market on which to continue bullish manipula- tions, and after this has been eliminated prices tuay go lower. Options— Open. Hijrh. Low. Close. January^ 1».33c 9.39 c 8.32 c f1.34c February 9.35 c March 9.45 c 9.53 c 9.42 c ft. 47c April 9..Me S».slc 9.51e 9.5.V Mar ».54<; V 9.62c ».51c B.S6e June !>.sS>c July 9.59 c S».6i>c 9.5V? f).«3c Auirust 8.03 c B.5Sc J«.59c September P.SSc 9. file O.Rfic 9.5f»c October 9.67e 9.74 c !>.C2e O.fiOo December O.SOc S.SOc 9.SOc 9.78 c New York Grain and Prodnce NEW YORK. Jan. 24.—FLOUR--Receipts>. 16.500 barrels; exports, 16.1100; market firm but dull. WHEAT— Receipts, 9000 bushels; exports. 1(«».«<iO bushels. Spot. easy. No. 2 red. 81?ic elevator and 83c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1' Northern Duiuth, Dl 7^c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 bard winter, R7<- f. o. b. afloat. After «n expression of bull- irhnees. durlug which forenoon prices advanced to a new high level, wheat turned weaker. Some heavy unloading developed, breaking the market nrariy a cent per bushel. News, how- fver. continued mostly hnllisb here and abroad. La«t prices in New York were UQ^c net lower. May cloyed at S4Ti,c and July at S4?sc. WOOL— Quiet. HOPS—Siesdy. HIDES—Ste*H<-. *-^- PHTROLEUM— Steady. M.GAR—Unsettled; fair reflnlDg. 2 15-320 : rentrifcgal. 9S test. .1 15-32 c; molasses sugar, 2 23-32e; refined, steady. COFFEE Futures closed steady, net un- changed to 5 points lower. Sales 43.r>00 bags, includinc: February. 5.45 c; March. 5.55 c; Mar. 8.40Q3.T0CJ July. s.7s@r>.Roc; September, 5.550 S.SW; October, 5.95 c: December, fj-Ooc. ' Spot, steady; No. 7 Bio. "c: No. 4 Santos, Be. Mild, steady f Cordova. S>@l2%c. BUTTER—Firm. Western factory, common to firm. n'-i&Slr. EGGS Easier. Western firsts. "£>Kc, DRIED FRUITS EVAPORATED APPLES— Quiet and about steady; fancy, SQ^^c; choice, &';CiS?ic; prime, 7»ifeBc. PRUNES In light demand and pome slzes'wre offered freely with quotations ranging from Ts@ SV. acceirding to grade, for California fruit; Oregon 00s to 4f>s »t lifter. 3 APRICOTS Quiet: choice, l«5c; extra choice, 17«xlSc: fancy. lßfiZ^--. PEACHES— Quiet^ but offerlncs nre light; choice. Ilfijl2%c; rxtra choice, 12';(g]SUc; fancy. 12*4014". RAISINS Firm on rpot and dealers are ask- ing hlglier prices. Loone muscatel, 8«59c; seeded, 7i4@loc; I»ndon layers, [email protected]. »rv York Mrtnl Market NEW YORK. Jan. 24. There was an advance of 5s in the London tin market, closing at £1»2 10s for spot and futures. Locally the market was easy, with spot quoted at (41.50 bid and $42 arked. ' Copper wss unchanged in the London market, with spot quoted at £10tt 15$ snd futures at £10S. 1 Locally the market was firm and a little higher, with lake quoted at [email protected]. elec- trolytic at $24.62%©24.57% and casting at $24.25Q24-75. Lead was nnebanged at [email protected] In tbe local market and £19 17s 6d In London. Spelter was 2s 6d higher at £27 In London, and ruled firm locally a.t an advance of about 7 points to [email protected]. Iron was lower in the English market, with standard '-foundry quoted at 57s 3d and Cleve- land warrants at 6Ss. Locally tbe market was unchanged. United Railroad Bond* Continue to Ue- ellne Com stork Shares Loner There was a continued decline in the bonds of the United Railroads yesterday to S2, under Ucht snles.' Telephone stock was higher again at 1003107. against 105.37% on Wednesday. PaelUc Light Company received a higher bid of 84.23. Otherwise there was nothing new •on the Stock and Bond Exchange, trading being very light. '. Most of the leadins Comstocks were lower, with trading small. Tbe feeling was very soft in this group, - - ; Business in tbe Southern Nevadas was lighter, and fluctuations were not violent. As a rule, however, tbe tone was firm, with closing quota- tions - generally np to or above those of tbe preceding day. The attendance at tbe exchange was fair. - THE STOCK MARKET New Yor4 Sf<v*k List Continued 24.900' Anaconda |255 \2!9W28t%V183 JAtl Coast Line... l 1127 12714 7.700: A T & S I" lOGi; 104%iK^ 104 Tg l»o pfd IOOM. 101U 2.-J'xi;Balt & Ohio 1174 0.7J4 117?s 117^ Doj.fd 03 fts»i 2.20n'8 H T ;.... 76U 77>i 77% 71% IBkn In Has 110 120 |Can 64 C 5 7.l(KU'an Pacific 185% 184 lHi% ISS 1.40i)j0 & 0 52ii 52»i 62U 53 iC & A 24' -J.l I»o |ifd 60 07 1.000 c&n \v 191% lyo"-- 1&0 itK)*; C& X W Kights .....i T 17=i is *OOCG%V J7 16% ]«% 17 I>o pM "A" 71 72 I*> pfd "B" 23% 24% l>o debs 77 go 18.000 CM& St P 150T» 100 150 150% ! Do pfd 162 V, 163 v 7.100 Cent Leather 38 37*, 37T, 3S 1M pfd 100^101% ;Chi Terml 9 Ll2 1 Do pfd 22 'JA :Chi I'd Trac S% 5,4 : Do pfd 17 Js' CC C & St L S9S.; no 24,S*K>!Oolo Fuel t& iron. 63"» 53' i 53^ MtJ IColum 11 O&I 26>» 26-4 700. C010 Southern ... S6 T » 36^ 36U o" I»o Ist pfd fit;'" (ts'i I lio 2U pfd M% 57>i JCons Gas ISSVb 137 .100jCt>rn Products ... 24%g 24>4 24V 4 24>4 20(.i| Do pfd S7 fetj^i 80U 87 'Del &Hudson ?„ 215 rt l7 C0o;D L& W 510 500 510 535 D &. U G say^ uu Do pfd si K3 Detroit L* Ry 80' i 81"i jDlamoad Match..) 121^ U:2' 500'Dist Securities .. 72 ~IK ~l\ 72 |D SS & A......1 17 18U j Do pfd \ 34 35* 12,700, Erie 40^4 SS% ."«•*« 4(t I Do Ist pfd 73V* 7r.'i I Do 2d pfd C 3 C4\u0094 'Fed M & S pfd,.! P4I.J 03" l..V»o<Jen Eli-ctric ..;. ifS'i'lCO^ KBiI. i(iiu 3.400 Great Ker Ore. . 7R«i 78S 7^C Tls»* I.6oo,Oreat Nor pfd ..|175 172'^ 173" 174 jOreen Cocs <>p.| si\i 31* [Havana Tob C0..! 1 12 14 " ) Do pfd 1 50 ;rs n. B. Claflin Co. I \l»2 111' IHneWnfr Valley ..1 1115 11 % 6 I Do pfd ! \ m%i !»-''i lfHilllinois Central .. 1645, ir>4 Silvia 1«4«4 IJJ.iiOfiiiuter Metro 3sia 37«4 37ti 38 J.3W, 1)0 pfd |75 74 74 74?; ilnter Mariae | Ipk 10 ..' | Do pfd 27 2K ;Intcr Paper 17 j7t' i Do pfd soy; BOfi [Inter Power 4<u:. »,»' Inter Pump sr' 40 ' I»o Pfd 79 so lowa Central | 27 % 27 Vj 27 "S Do pfd j 46ij 47 Kana & Mi<-h j 63 XC FS & M pfd! 79 SOU i Kan C Southern. 2$ "9 «*j Do pfd CO C9*4 r.!>\ «ft , Lake E A West ." 27 S3 5 ! Do pfd 70 " \u25a0 IT>ehlgh Val 7s 77 !I>ong Island 62 SJW L&N lSs»ti IS9'i IS9 lS3«i l,9oo;Mackay 7r.2 73 72V, 7^4 40T>| Do pfd 71 70s; 7<«ii 71 1? 100'Mauhatran 143^14* Metro St Ry l«|i» lf>Tii s,sfK>'Mer Central 2S 24« 24<54 24 "i I l»o Jet pfd S7 •WiM st P&S S M 119 UR 11714 \\b" 2<»oj Do pfd 154 15.1 153 1M WiOiMo. Kgn &. Texas) 3t»i4 r,S»i r,STi so »*•! Do pfd 713 71 71* 71 U. CCK)!Missotirl Pacific., gs S7«J ST«; tXa»h. Chat &S L! * 140 145 National Lead | Tjuj ;•<!/ I Do pfd 102SJijri3 IK Rlt of Mci pfd 57 r A 4CK) Nationsl Biscuit. S3 S2»i K2U K3U no pfd .: 117 us 2,450 Nev Con* Cop... lgT^ jgi^ jjVk| jr»; X J Central .....I2IS 1220 N V Air Brake. 135 140 2,*00 XV Central tSO% |S»^l|SS|i [SOU N Y. C&«t L \K»\ «0 rv» Jst i>fd 110 i2n D" 2d pfd ro '.*) n y, v n4 h jiso m „\u25a0 SOON Y. Ont & W.. 45U 45U! 45U1 «U !Norfo!k Si Wei«t 851,; Xl " ! pfd 80 I fS 400 North American.. W$ Rsi< RSU K»U 22.5' if), Northern Pacific. IR6T4 154'«,i1.%5uhr.Mi l.<X»o,Nor Pac Kights. 191^ 1S» 4 I l»fl 1«n, lOmaha .- fieo 170 'Paeiflc Coant u«j J2S ! r»o iKt pfd I !W5 Krfs ! Do 21 pfd.... 1 us i2T, fWWPaejfie Mail 39 :iS. ssi.: v.ftfifPenn R U C 0.... 13S*4!iS5ii i:;r.i;li3su* I.3oo; People's Gas 97' i 87 07 I j>7ii iP t: C & Rt L I TTUI SA I !>o pfd 100 * ins LWlPittsburs C0a1... IiJV» 16H 16 17 I I>» pM '. 58 «n I '(*)', Pressed Steel Car M«4 R4 K4U M% 5<X)! Do pfd I 99% P3 ir>o iPullman Car C«..| i7i« 172U 2«o Ry su Sprinps Co! m ss^ r.41? sr. i i»« pfd as nsu joo.r.fo;r.eading Il2»»4 12S*« 123U 123U I I>o Ist pfd I £S f>2 I Do 2d pf d PO 32 "OfUKepubllc S & 1.. r,«Vi 37H 3514 SSU SOOI Do pM f»n ps% fl*'<i W " S.2<Xi ! Ufwk Inland Co.. 27% 26« i 27>i 27>i I l>o pfd 60 imh; Mow SS & ICo 73? i 74U I Do pfd 102 im" IS I> * S F Ist pfd 67 «lii lfH'l DayE2d pf<!.... 45 45 44 4T, iSfTTA- S W ( 2.1H 24 I Do pfd 1 57 *| .'.9 24.rrfKi:Sonthern Parifle-. 05% 95 DM:I fls», I I»o pfd 117^111*5 r..2(Vi| Southern Railway 2»i: jjrt^ «« 7 4 29 I.IK-0! Do pfd SS 86% K7*i W ITenn Coal & Iron 155 ir.9 iTex Par L Tr Co *2 I 85 4CKi!Texas PaclUc ... 34% 34«» M\i 34* i [Third Avenue 12rt _ 121 ITol Tly & Tr Co. 26U 2S BOOjTr.I St I. & W. . . 33v; 32% 31% 32% 30t>! Do pfd 03% 63*; 52*4 53V iTwln City X T 105% IOiHU [On Bap & Paper 7 7% Ho pfd 58 60 47.300t' r jon Pacific ...177 IHS 176 176>i 100 Do prd 92% 92% C 2 P3 Tnited Copper .'. 73U 74 Un Kds of S F M f»9 Do pfd 68 69 Do 4s S2i£ R3 200 V S Cast I Pipe. 46% 48% 46S 47% ....... Do pfd S6?i 88% T7 S Express no 120 US Realty &Con 81% S3 HSEMi Ref 2S 2S Do pfd T 61 68 400 D 8 Rubber 81 60 M M Do Ist pfd ir>«« IOCXj Do 2d pfd 75 7fl 24.1ft01T R Steel Cor... 4754 47« 47% 47% 6.600 Do pfd 106*, 106% 106% I<VS*J 100 iVa Car Cbem Co SS ' 36 334 36 Do pfd 106% 107% lOOiWabaso 37% 17*j 17«» 17»4 «00j Do pM 35% 34T£ 35 35U, (Wells Fereo Ex 275 300 * 100!We«tern I'ninn .. R3% 53% K3 S< jWe*tln|Chouse 151% 155 TV &L E 13% 13*; Do Ift pfd 32% 53% 200 Do 2«1 pfd T9U. 19 19% 20 Wis Central 23% 24% Do pfd 47%| 4S>.i 6O9 l 4fK>_.T« 1 »tal flares told. TLr rmhli-m of New MiW-.-iRr Prom <be %Vnll-S<r*«-t Point of Vlevr Ji S. BacUe 4 <"«.. tbe New York financiers. ttv: "Tlif. 'prentest business pmMem* tis^ been forcibly pre«rnte.l hy Mr. Tl ill this week. It I may t«e nindensed in tlio Ktutemont that while | p»sVeu?"r nail froJclit business has increased la ten yrar* .iver H>l |kt ••••lit railroad mileage care' for it lias inctvused «jn!.v HI |ier cent: In otlier «-ords, rallr«>ad milenfre if> over 80 per ctut heblDd tlM> buslm«K to f»e d<me: heace mormuut freight blockadfs. tying up millions' worth of products. There nre two remedies <>!ie Is t«i Mop doing buyiness; the other to raise the money end build the mileage. The rail- roads are taking the latter course and th* 1 enor- mous wfTerincs which have been 6tasgerlng the money market uro ibe result. Kaeh vrvrii adds to the Amount nsked for. as one road aft»r another iit-wejits Its request, hat In Lund. By The Ist of June stockholder* will have paid out for uew securities <m right* $105,000,000. and cltori. tenu note* aDd other borrowings will in- crease tbe amount. T.'.ls certainly does not rresa?e easy money at any lime duriug tUe ! A PHOSPnUITT PROBLEM "It I> h problem, but. after all. it is a pros- ; pertty jTobleni. Wben the Southern Railway •tks for money for new equipment It meuns building tracks, not through arid wastes, but past fields teeming with products that must nnd a market nnd to coruuiunities thriving with new industries, producing added and euormous tonnage. Under normal money conditions these Lappenlngs would be balled with satisfaction. As It if. each new demand Is a signal for 10-poiut drops In the particular railroad wblch make* the request. Nevertheless, ibe country is very rii-h. It will crndnally work out of the dilemma. The. enormous blockades Ht termtTials. tying up vaft nmounU of money In products held from their maiket. will be straightened out and the fund* turned into u*e sgain. The West and South «r<> rl<-h and must eventually have a surplus for security Investment. JtfONKY ANI> STOCKS "Tiie week marks the end of the arote money ittrein wl)i«*u has lasted so \cmg. The emergency \u2666> jmt cent rate of tbe Bank of Krig!and has hren taken «!T end Germany bliowk further in- «-reaws In cash bolfltngs. The Bank of France, wtoicb bus been eupoorfing the situatiou liberal- ly. lia« advanced its rate, evidently to Stop further irold riport and to replenish ilf own ftock now that »«6e manifests itself elsewhere. Our own cell money has rangred from "'^ to 4 por cent and time money for the first lime has eased <iff from *i per cent. % ""It ftpprara to have rrrstrd some atni/ppipnt In certain quarters that the stock market bas not Immediately responded to these favorable favors, with hich and yet higher pri<-es. It fnu^t be borDe in mind, however, that the ten- decy of long-sustained pressure Is to produce numbness, and after its protracted re»traiDt under the money strain expectation of immediate resiliency is unwarranted. Tbe treasury with- drawals are etill ahead PDd a boom in stocks might arouse paternal approval. Then, too, the continuous announcement* of future riilroad re- oulremccts day by day. accompanied by plans offering to absorb all the money in sight and tnu^h more, havp had a sobering effect. Pending Investigation* and new attacks have also their Infiuenrp. Allof these thinge probably enter into tbe deliberations of those leader* who are sup- posed to be able to condnct a *uccc*sfi!l bull campaign. #nd the subject Is evidently being re- garded by them an « matter needing the utmost deliberation in its aecompliKbment. THE BOND MARKET "T>» fact that bonds are cheap and also that * Cr«t-' - lasB bord Is a desirable member of the investment family, even if there are more trayly •quipped proposition* to be bad with more et- tractlv* yield is beginning to impress itself on Investor*. There Is quiet buying eomequently. «n«l thit nicy inrnpase among mnserva'ire people wbo do not allow Tfcemselves to be misled by temporary chances for fnrtune-maklns." THE RAILROAD CONGESTION' j characterize the market, with no further change !in prices. '. . \u25a0 ' ' / DRESSED MEATS BEEF— ?%@7%c per lb for Steers and 6@6Vic for Cows. VEAL— O&iglOc for Urge and o@loc for smalt. "i MUTTON— IO«JIIc for Wethers and »Vi@ 10^c fer Ewes; LAMB— IO® 12c per lb for Yearlings, and 13c for Spring. DRESSED HOCJS— IOffSHUc per lb. LIVESTOCK MARKET The following quotations are for good, sound livestock, delivered in San Francisco, less 50 per cent shrinkage for Cattle: CATTLE—Steers. SCrfSUc per lb fbr No. 1and 7\4@7?4c for No. 2: Cows and Heifers, 6@6ijc; No. 2 Cows. 5V.': tbln Cown. 4Hft|sc. CALVES sta£s^.e per lb for light. 4U*4r > c for medium and 3V.Q4e for heavy (gross welghtv. SHEEP Wetfcers. sVa<&oc per lb; Ewes. s&j OV'C 1 gross weicht). n LAMBS— 6^6^c per lb. HOGS—IOO to ISO lb«. 7«4e p«r !b: over l«0 lbs. 6?;(<s7Uc: Boars. 50 per cent. Staps 30^40 per cent and Sows 10@20 per cent off from above quotations. Cenerai 3lercbandlae BAGS—San tjuentln Bags. 7%c: Gralu Bags. June-July, -MitfSTfcc; Wool Bags, 28 Vic for 3-lb and 4?»c f»r 4-lb. COAI Wellington. 512 per ton: New Welling- ton. $12: Beaver Hill. $10; Coos Bay, $10; Rich- mond. $12: Cumberland. $14 in bulk and $16.25 in sacks; Cannel. $12 per ton: Welsh Anthracite. $15; Coke. $15 per ton in bulk and $17 In sacks; K-M-ky Mounts Id.nominal. (ML— Quotations are for barrels, for cases add r>c. Linseed. 54c per gallon for boiled and ">2c for raw; Castor Oil. In cases. No. 1. 75c; Bakers' AA. cases, $1.28fft1.30: Lucol. 50c for boiled and 4Sc for raw; China Nut. cases, 83@ 00c per gallon: Cocoanut Oil. in barrels. 5Sc for Ceylon and 55c for Australian; extra bleached winter Sperm Oil. Coc; natural winter Sperm Oil. Gsc; natural Whale OU_ 55c: extra winter strained. Lard Oil. SSc; No. 1 Lard OH. 63c; Pure Neatsfoot Oil, 75c: No. 1 Neatsfoot Oil. 57V>c: Herring Oil. 40c: Salmon OU, 35c; boiled Fish Oil, 35c; Paint Oil. 35c. COAL OIL. GASOLINE. ETC.—Water white Coal Oil. from tank wagons. Kiftjllc: special do, 12% c; Pearl Oil. in cases. 17c: Astral. 17c; Star, 17c; Extra Star. 20c: Elatne. 26c: Eocene, 19c; Stove Gasoline, in bulk. 17Vic; In cases. 24c; No. 1 Engine Distillate. Iron barrels or drams. Sc; No. 2 do. 6V»c; cases. 6\ic more: Benzine, in bulk. 12^c; in cases. 19c; SC-degree Gasoline, in hulk, 30c; In cases. 36c_ "~ TURPENTINE Wic per gxllon Id cases and S7c in drums and iron barrels. RED AND WHITE .LEAl*— Red Lwd, B@SVic per lb; White Lead, SIgSMiC according to quan- tity. v SUGAR The Western Sugar Refining Com- pany quotes as follows, terma net cash: Cubes A. Crushed and Fine Crushed. 4J3Oc; Powdered. 4.65 c; Candy Granulated. 4.65 c; Fine. Fruit and Coarse Granulated. 4.55 c; Beet Granulated (110- lb bags only> 4.35c: Confectioners' A. 4.55 c; Magnolia A. 4.13 c: Extra C, 4.05 c; Golden C, :t.osc; D. 3.550; H. & E. Crystal Dominoes, 7.53 c: Tablets, half-bbls. 5.05 c; boxes. 5.30e per lb. Barrels and 50-lb bags 10c, half-bbls 25c and hoses r.oc more per 100 lbs for all grades. No order taken for less than 75 barrels or ite equivalent. Receipts of Produce FOR THURSDAY. JANUARY 24 Flour, qr sks 4.613|Ta110w, ctls .... 5 Wbeat. ctls- 3.110 Hides, No lIS Barley, ctls 2.45«! Pelts, Xo 4.0.10 Oats." ctls 1.3201 Lime, bbls 200 Beans, sks l.OOOlPaper. rolls 50 Bran, sks 360lBrandy. gsls .... ' 100 Middlings, sks .. I.o2siWioe. gals 43.000 Potatoes, sks ... 1.5401 Lumber. M ft 237 Onions, sks f>3o';Quicksllver. flsks. 40 Hay. tons 330 Apples, bxs 450 Feed, sks 225!Oranges, bxa . 200 Rolled - Barley.sks 925!Chlcory. bbls ... 25 Leather, rolls ... 76| OREGON' Flour, qr sks 3.o2o! Middlings, sks ... r.«B Wheat, ctls .... .Vs7tShorts, sks .. 730 Oats, ctls 4.72«! Feed. sks 1.197 Bran, sks I.72o' Potatoes, sks .... 266 Wali-strcei Stocks unsettled and rather weak. * Money i'S^f-* per cent. .. Cotton /to 10 points higher. Copper Stocks erratic. " Silver advanced -Jic. Exchange as before quoted. Bant of England rate of discount unchanged. United Railroads Bonds still lower. Comstock Shares declined. Railroad traffic increased much faster than mileage. Whcau Barley and other Grains unchanged. All grades of Hay very firm. Keedstuffs easy. Potatoes, Onions and Southern Vegetables in light supply and firm. Poultry weak and lower. Game in sharp demand and higher. Eggs in light receipt and firm. .Butter dull. Cheese firm. Fruit market very dull and featureless. Xo further change in Provisions or Meats. Flour market active and firm everywhere. July ......:. - 10.50 10.60 io:rrf) 16.571^ I^ird. p«»r 100 lbs— / ,_,, Wl . January ... . b i;i; 0.22^ fl.l!«-)». 22^, May ........ 040 9;45 9.37>6 ».42^ Jal.v 9.42^ 9.47Wi 9.42^ 9.47>/j Short Rlbg, per 100 lbs— \u25a0- : May . 905 o.l ft fl - 05 9 - 10 July' ."* 9.'i7^ 9.221S 9.17>4 9.20 Ca«h Grain and Frovlwlons CHICAGO, Jan. 24. Ca^h quotation were as follows: Flour firm No. J spring wheat, 7«@ S2e*iNo. 3. 70SSlc; No. 2 red. 74%@7r.%c: No. 2 com. 43iic; No. 2 oatp, 37@3~VjC: No. ?, white, 37@38V4c: No. 2 rye, 63c; fair to choice malUng barley. 51 (gssc; No. 1 flsxseed, <1.16; No. 1 Northwestern J1.23: prinif 1 timothy Beed, [email protected]; cloTer, contract grades, $14; short ribe, aides floos*). JK.7S&S): short clear sides <boxed>. $!».i:!V.«xJ».37%:* 'mess pork. p«»r bbl, *16.02%: lard." per 10H H>s. *:».22Vi; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.29. . Articles— Itereipfs. Shipments. Flour, bbls . 45.800- 14.000 Wheat, bufbels 50.000. 30.500 Corn, bushels 165.600 7<».Si>o Oats, biiKhPls ...117.000 «M,« 00 Rye. buKhoU 10,000 . 16.000 Barley, bushels .71.000 25.000 Butter, Cheese and Kcci» ' CHICAGO. Jan. 24. On the Produce Exchanee the butter market was firm. Creameries, 20® 30c; dairies, 19(527c. Kgjts easy: at mark, canes Included, 22831 c: firsts. 2ic: prime firsts. 25c; extras, 20c. Cheese steady. 13'/i<S;l4Vic. ' Eastern Livestock Market CHICAGO. Jan. 24.—CATTLE— Receipts. SOOO; market steady. Beeves. $4.ir>fii7: cows ami heif- ers. $1.50<5r5.2.-.; etockersand feeders, ?2.50@ 4.80; calves, $tj<gB.2.">. HOGS Receipts. 33.000: market shade blcher. Mixed and butchers', fft£[email protected]%: pood heavy, $6.5T.(50.C.-: rough heavy, $(5.55^i6.45: llj:ht, $«.40$iG.62U; pigs 55.50(g0.50; bulk of sales, $C.55rq.0.C2M!. SHEEP— Receipts. 1S.000: market 10c lower. Sheep, $3.60<ii5.70; lambs. $4.7507.80. Los Angeles Market* LOS ANGELES. Jan. 24.— Receipts of e??s today exceeded those of Tostrrday by 111 cases, 210 cases of ranch ege* coining in. Prices re- main unchanged and close obstTTers of the mar- ket profess entire isnoranee of tbc probable trend of the epg market for the coming week. Receipts of butter are still Inadequate to sup- ply the demand and today were much lighter than yesterday. The prospects of rain tonight j <lo not improve the outlook for an -Increased 1 supply. j Beets, carrots, turnips, lettuce aD(J cabbage ] wore scarce this morning and caused a stiffen- I ins: in price. '. Fever potatoes came In today and none sold juu 'Change. Receipts of both fish and game ' wr-re unusually heavy this morning. Halibut j receipts wen? sufficient to flood tbc market. To- morrow will be the Bret Friday in several weeks that the supply of fresh fish will be equal to the demand. Produce receipts— Kggs. 31C cases: butter, 18.550 pounds; potatoes, 2-153 sacks; sweet po- tatoes, 2* packs: beans. 1000 sacks; Anchor cheese, 35,000 pounds in past two weeks. Following are Jobbing prices: EGGS—l.ocal ranch, candled. 42c; Northern ranch, candied. 40c; selected storage. 35c. BUTTER—LocaI creamery, 80c: valley cream- ery, fancy, 60c: coast creamery, fancy. 75@ 77'4c: coast dairy, choice, 6t><3G7%c; cooking, 22ffr24e. CHEESE Northern, fresh, J7c; Anchor, large, IGc; Anchor, Young America. ISc: Anchor, hand, l!>c; Eastern slnclcs, 17(fil9c; Eastern twins, 17c: Eastern Cheddars, lC(<«l6Vic: Eastern Long- horn. 18Q18tyc: Eastern Dairy. lSc: Swiss. Im- ported. 2SQ29c; Swiss, domestic, 20c; Limburgcr, 1&; Brick, cream. 20c. * POULTRY— Buying price, list weight, a lb: Hens, light weight, 14c; young roosters, 16c; fryers, 16c; broilers. ISc: old roosters, *c; tur- keys, 17c: old toms. lHc: voting tonas. 17c; hen turkeys, 13c: geese. I^'c; ducks, 12c; squabs. $2 a dor Soiling prices, dressed, a Ih: Hens,/ 19c: .youncr roosteis. VOc: fryers. 2f>c: broiler*. 22c; old roosters. 12c; turkeys. 23c: old toms, 20c; young toms, 22c; hen turkeys, 20c; geese, ISc; ducks. ISc: so,ushs. ?3 a dor. - POTATOES (a etM Idsho Rural*. Jl.Po: Colo- rado. $1.65: Salinas. $2. 10 (a:i.25: Iligjiland. $1.V.®2: «weet *j>otatoes. yellow, $1.50*5.3. 75; white. $^g?3.25: Watsonville, $I.Bs<ai-90; >e- rada. $2: Oregon. $2. ONIONS— YeIIow Danvers. $1.25: Northern, $I.2T>: garlic. Cc: Chilis, creen. 3%c; evaporated, lUQlSiic; sun drle<l. 13@13%c; ground, 12'/jc: Mexican, bulk. $12^Q13c BEANS <a ctl)— l'iuk No. 1. fimbi?,: No. 2. $1.00: Uma No. 1. $0: I^dy Washington No. 1. $1'.00@3: do small white No. 1, $3.H0®3.75; Blackeyes. $3.75(fi:4; Garvantas, [email protected]; lentlns, 9010 c alb. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS Mtnlne Stork* SAN FRANCISCO' STOCK EXCHANGE Following were the sales on the San Francisco Stock and Eicbange Board yesteraay. Regular jSrnlne Session 600 Bullion . 2 s ! *<*» t:oul<1 & C ' ur * 5i ss s&isfe: a ss s i &p« Infanual Session 800 (Jonld & Cur. 37 400 J-nloa Cm ... g- 100 urerman -\u2666! /CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bld.Ask.| B .^ As h ' iif i KiBi Belcher 60 63|New \ork con - «• Best & 8e1ch.1.40 I.43!Ovrldeatal . •„ \u2666• \u0084 5 Brims C V... 04 Opblr *«ivS Bnms Savage. 03 Overman *>» Bnllion /2T 2S! Potoet . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 - \ ~ Caledonia *!*< TO 72lTllch BnrttvJrS^S Challenge ... 23 2«|SaTnße t.OO l-£> Chollar 17 19,Scorplon ..... **» «» Confidence ... 1.20 S«* Belebe*-.; 1- « Con Imperial. 02 03 Sierra .Ncr ... £» tw^£ Con TiM Cal. 10 1.13 SIIW H'" •••„ fe. £ Crown Point.. 24 Lon..«.W U Exchequer ... 60 6"|St 1-oulh ..... y*» . Gould & Cur. 36 STjUnlou ton ... j»j, £\u25a0! Hale & Norc. I.oo|l tah -•••••;- %\ . Kentuck 14; Yellow Jacket. 1.00 1-03 TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS .Regular Session— 3:2o to 12:30 1000 Atlanta, s 10. 80J100O Urn Dillon ... 2R .'.OO Atlanta ' »0| 500 Man Broncho.. 1* 4000 AUan & Pac. 07,1000 Man Broncho.. 1. 1000 Baltimore ... OOiIOOO Man Buffalo .% 10 4000 Beat Mt M.. Ml 000 Man Buffalo .. U U>oo Black Ants .. 14:3000 Do. s 3---- *ij 3000 Btk B Bonana 15HU00 Man Comb ... 1- 1500 Black Rock .. 12! 500 ***>!* 10.... 19.000 Blue Bell .. 26(2000 Man Dexter .. " 1000 Do. b 30... 27 1500 Man frtsco .. -5 500 Bine Bull ... 57;3W0 Man Humboldt . «\u2666 3500 Blue Bull ... 55J2000 Man Jtunbo .. o*> 3000 Do, » 10... WjloOOMan Little Joe 0. 100 Blue BuU ... W'llOOO M Mammoth. «5 20 MOO Bonanza Ex.. 1 12000 Man M of Ncr 5000 Bonnie Clare. 37!t5000 Man Monitor.. v* 500 Bonnie Clare. 3S;40O0 Man Oreana .. -1 2000 Booth 1.05j1000 Mail United .. 1000 Blfrg Com .. 10JU00O May Queen .. -3 2000 BlfK Daisy .. 4fi)2tJW> Mayne --.•--• ** 5700 Blf z Daisy .. 45;_'000 Mayflower Con sfi 3000 Bullfrog Kx.. 11 3000 Mayflower Con 5. 1000 Blfj; Midas .. t*o 1500 Mayflower ton oS 100 Bullfrog Mln. 40 500 Mid Pawnee... 14 SSOO Bullfrog Mm. 30 100 Midway ......3.15 500 Blfn? Nat Bfc 5S 200 Midway .. -S-10 1000 Blfrg N Star. 10|5000 Mohawk Es .. -J» «000 Birr* Victor.. 2S| 500 Mohawk Ex . . IS 2000 Bullion Bill.. 50)1000 Mob awk Junior «'» 2000 Bte Gldfld. s5 12.3000 Mon PltU Ex. 2" 1000 Columbia 1.301 340 Montana --j-- 3 -?-* 2«00 Columbia Mt.1.20| 200 Mont Bullfros. 1000 Do. s 10... 1.20: 2000 Mont Bullfrog. 13 1500 Colum Mt Ex. 10115.5C0 Mont Bifrc.. 14 2100 Com Fraction.s.sojlooo Montgomy Mt. 42 500 Do. a 5 5.50 3000 Montsomy Mt. 4t 100 Conqueror ... 3014000 Montgomy Mt. 40. 300 Cracker Jack. 23 500 Mtg Shoa Lx. f3 200 Daisy, s 10. .2.1)0 500 Mtg SUos Ex. 3000 Daisy Anx .. 19 f 2OOO Mustang Anx.. t>.l 2000 inn 'B Btte C. 53l3t>tiO Ncr HUI Ex.. 55 500 Dtndfld Trnjtl. 75J1000 N Star Wondr 30 6500 Dmdfld Trngl. 7411000 Ohio Ton 21 1000 Dradfld Trngl. 73 50 Obio Ton -4 3'iOO Dixie 18 200 Uris Bullfroj. -4 500 Eagle's Xest.. 26H000 Orls Bullfros. =2 2000, Esperama ... i^l 500 Oris Bullfrog. *v^ 4000 Federal 15;2000 Oro [£> 2000 Fairrw Artec. 30!5f«O Ponn Blfrg -- 'J-' 2000 Florence Ex.. 2S;30OO Pine Nut .... -' 5000 Flor G R Kng HTSrtOO Ramsey "Wond 33 300 Frances Mbk. SSI3OOO Ramsey Wond 600 Gold Bar 1.30(1500 Red Hills 3. 1000 Gold Crown .. 20(1000 Red Rock Ex. «»3 1000 Gold Sceptre. 5514^00 Red Top Ex.. 38 650 Old Con M...9.eoi2S<j<KKed Top Ex. . 39 1800 Gld Kewano«.2.W>! 100 JIM Top Ex.. 40 1000 Gold Mt .... 07! 500 P.ed Wins ... ?-" 2000 Gold Mt 06 2HOO Reese Rl» G!d 16 1500 Grandma 30J100O Round Mt Ex. 27 1000 Great Bend. 1.22 1,13000 Ruby Wonder. 33 1000 Do. b 10... 1.25! 1000 Sandstorm ... 70 500 Great Bend. ..1.2.V2000 Syl Humphrey. IS 1000 Great Westrn. 05 500 Silver Pick -.1.50 2000 Ind Ton 03 700 Sllrer Pick.. 1.47»i 50 J Butler, s 5.1.25! S<JO Silrer Pick Ex 20 2000 Johnnie Cons. ISIIOOO S Pk Mayflwr. 5O 3000 Do. b 10... 1914000 Smoky Val .. 25 100 Jumbo Ex..1.97H!5000 Skookum Btfrg t2 1000 Jumbo Ex ...1.95:300a Skookum Blfrg 23 2300 Keane Wonder 68 2500 Tramp Coir ..1.70 550 Kendl Ex. iilO 10|4iV>0 Valley View .. 2fi 14.000 Use Harris. 06 4fKX» Wonder 07 2100 Lone Star ... 53i2000 Yellow Rose.. 1* 4000 Do. b 30... :2>r4000 Yel Horse E*. 20 9000 Lone Star ... 3SJ Informal Session 12:30 to 2 p. m. 500 Adams 24;5000 Use Harris .. Off 500 Adams - ...... 23|4500 Lone Star ."-S 3000 Atlanta ..... SB> 250 Lou Plllon ... 'Si 8000 Arcadia 10[2000 Man Broncho.. 19 1000 Black Ant» .. 14|5000 Do. b 60.... '-' 2000 Black Ants .. 15!2iXM> Mao Buffalo .. 6000 *Blk Butte Ex 16f 150 Man Con \u0084,1.02'j 2000 Black Oxide.. 5014000 Man Dexter .. 7rt 1000 Black Rock .. 1114000 M Hlsb Grade 17 3000 Blue Bell ... 2013000 Man M of Ncr 1!» SOOO Blue Bell ... 2513000 Man M of-Xer IS 2000 Bine Bull ... 58|5000 Do, b 60. .. S2l 7000 Blue Bull ... 57[60W Man Monarch.' 1000 Booth 1.00 10.000 Man X Top. (fi 1000 Bonnie Clare. 3S!lO00> Man Standard. ti\ 1000 Brunswick ... 50i 1500 Mayflower ion 60 1000 Blfrg Banner. 1.1 012000 Mayflower Con 64 500 Blfg Daisy . .2.7515000 Mayflower Con \u2666« 2000 Btte Goldfleld 13 500 May ne >* 20(0 C O D ...1.23 100 MacNamara .. 1000 Columbia 1.30 112S Midway 2.00 1500 Colombia Mt.1.20 100 Midway 2.10 200 Columbia Mt.1.25|1000 Milltown M Co *" 1000 Colum Mt..1.17»ii 10 Mohawk v-mv -m * 1000 Colum Mt Ex. 1012000 Monawfe Ex ' ff » 30nn Confldence Btg 1«!8000 Mohawk Ex .? Xl 7000 Do, b 90... 17| 500 Do. b6O 31 250 Com Frac. 5.624120.000 Mohawk Jr.. 300 Com Fractlon.s.soJSsoo Mod Pitts Ex. 21 1000 Conqueror ... 2911000 Mont Bullfrog. 1* soon Cracker Jack. 2112000 Mt Sho Ex.bCO 25 2i»00 Dm B Btto C. SSIIiXiO Mustang Ex . . 12 S^OO Do. b 60... 60 ltmo Nerada Boy .. 23 2fK) Dm B Btte O. 57 500 NeTada Boy .. -t S5OO Dtodfld Trngl. 73 500 N>t Goldfleld. SO 750 Dffldfld Trnpl. T5 4O» X«» Hill Ex. 5-. 2000 Drndfld Trngl. ?4| 500 North Star ... 4ft 1000 D*. b 30. .. 7411000 Vortn Star ... 4.7 5000 Ptndfld Trns«. 72 5000 N Star Wondr ' SO 2500 Eajrle'a Nest.. 2413000 N Star Wondr 23 1000 Eagle's Nest.. 23J 1000 Nugget It 1500 Eagle's Nest.. 25110.000 Do. b 30 15 1000 Florence Ex.. 2SI.V)n© Old Sol Blfrg 2t 1000 Florewe Ex.. 25>!5000 Orig Velret .. .20 200 Fairrw-«Eagle.l.ooisoo<T Do. b 30.... 21 10.000 Fairr . R Rk 13i2300 Oro :.-. 55 1300 Gold Bsr ....1.30'3000 Orig Bullfrog. 20 •500 Do. b 30... 1.35)2000 Pine Nut 2$ 500 Gold Bar ..1.32^12.000 Pitts Johnnie 06 100 Gold Bar 1.551 100 Pitts S Peak. -.1.75 900 Gold Anchor.. 42i 3000 Red Hills S-". 4000 Gold Center.. 16 j 1500 Red Top Ex.. S* «000 Gold Center.. 17!3500 Red Top Ex.. Ji' 4000 Gold Sceptre. 45 2000 Rep»e Rlt Gld 7000 Globe Johnnie 33 10.000 Reese Rlt St 11 ISOrt Gld Coo M...P.00 «wv> Do. s 1.V..-. 11 * lf>o Gld Con MJ>.B7S'2»X>rt Pn, b {Mi 12 300 ft G Gld Bar Ex 2«1 2fH> Do, 1 10 11 3000 Gld -Kewano«.2.osJ 300 I>o, s 5 11 500 Gld Kew«Don.2.o<>|2ooo Do. b3O 12 3000 Gld 3d Chance 2«i300n Resme Con .. 20 1000 Grandma ."}O 500 Rescue Con .. 1000 Grandma 3113000 Ssndstorm ...1.70 500 Great Bend. I.22' a ilooi> Sandstorm Ex. in 1000. Grt Bend Anx 2512000 S Humphry. »3 IS 1500 «Jrt" Bend Ex. 4013000 S Humhry.bSO 1.1 MOO.Grt, Bend Ex. 3951000 SilTer Plck.-1.47ii iPOO Do, b 30... 40!«WVW) Sllrer Pick ..1.45 300 Home 14|K00O Do. » 15... .1.45 ZVK) Jack Pot 1. 5012.100 SUTer Pick Et 20 3300 Jim Butler ..1.2.'.! 5000 Smoky Val .. 25 2000 Jumbo Ex..1.97Uf3n00 St Ires J". 9~ 1000 Jumbo Es ...1.95[1500 St Ires \. 02 SOO Do. b in. ..2.00'2000 Toano Frisco.. 15 1000 Kendall Ex... 0«| 100 Ton Exten ...5.50 3000 Kendall Ex... 07 1500 Tramp C. bf10.1.75 1000 Kewana Ex... 5115000 Walker Lake.. 10 4000 Lee Bonanza. 24| --, ... CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA; Bld.Ask.| '..\u25a0'..\u25a0- Bid.Ask.v- Aritonsnt 4.70 -KSOJGwtr Bl Oxide MW- Brunswick ... . >sJ Keane Wonder G&W t Cen Eaieka... 70 |- -•• NEVADA . - . Tonopah District -*"'\u25a0 Bolmnnt '. 5.37 5.62 Midway Ex... 40 Belmont Ex.. IS Mlzpab \u25a0'"Ex 41) California ... IS '21 Montana 3.80 3. 55 Cashboy 13 14 Mont MdwyEx IS 13 Esperanza ... 02 03 Mon Pittst* Ex 20 21 Eureta Ton... 05 "—NY Ton Con.- 05 10 Golden Anchor 43 44 North Star..-.. 40 Golden Crowu. 1!> 20 Oblo Tonopah..'. 21 22 Gold Mountain 06 OR Paymaster ... 02 03 Gold Mtn Con 01 Rwi Rnclc Ex. OR 04 Great Western OS (»? Rescue Cons... 19 2<> \u25a0' Gypsy Qn Con 23 Tonopab Ex... 5. 50 5.75 Home 15 Ton Gold West 12 Indiana Ton.. 03 03 Ton Home Con 02 03 ' Jim Butler. ..1.22 1.25 Ton Silver &G «3 Jim ButW Ex 14 Ton of N>t.. lS».«v> UtUe T0n.... 3.00 Went End.. .. .I. SO I.PO ' MacNamara.. R4, 65 West Tonopah. 23 Midway 2.00 2.05J - * \\ Goldfleld , Dtatjtct ' Adams ....... 23 •24 Gotdfld Rand.. 05 Aloba .' 15 Gfld 3fl Chance 24 3i» Atlanta . S8 $9 Goldfld -Union.. 07 Bait Goldfld.. Grandma ..... 3rt 31 . Band .... 30 —^Jreat Bend...1.22 1.25. Black Ants... 14 »!fr;reat Bend An 25 BB Bonania. 14 15! Great Bend Ex" 25 27 Btk Butte Ex. lft 17 Hiberala ..... 39 40 Black Rock... 11 12 Highland ..... 2t 52 Blue Bell . 25 2C Jumbo. ..".....4.2.1 4.. -ys Bine Bull 57JumN) Ex....*.1:901.«k5" Blue Quarts.; 4S Kendall ... 3S --co Brooklyn.... W f>7 Kendall Ex.., u7 oi*>, Butte Goldfld. 12 I.l] Kewana Ex.;. ' 50 £ Booth 1.00 ILagnna . .:.... I.AO ]|/ * THE SAN FRANCISCO^ CALL. FRIDAY. JANUARY 25, 1907 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL 14 J.C. WILSON Stocks and; Bonds !- , Member Stock and Bond Eich«a*s» 43$ CtS» .total* »U Pt»M XemDorw7 BW. -

FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · C.C.C iSLpn 4s.inii; Do Ist 4s cert.. 04% Colo Ind T*. cr A"6 (So Railway 5« ... Bask uf £nplaDd rate. Nctt York Stock Market

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tT*-ref S* reg..104« Japan «s, 2d Ker.. »«%T»o coupon 104% Do 4s cert 85Do 3s reg 102 Do 4%s cert.... S4HPo coupon 102% Do 2d series 1»1Do old 4« reg. loo% L&N unified 48.100%Do coupon 100*iMan con gold 45.100%Do new 4s reg. 328% Mcx .Central 4»... 85%Do coupon 129% Do Ist Inc 26

Amer Tob 4s .... 79 Minn & Ft L45.. P3HDo Cs llf>%M. X & Terai 4«. 98li

Atch B*tj 4t ....102 Do 2ds S"HDo «dj 4s fi2% NR of Mcx con 4s RO%

Atlantic C L 4s. OS NYC gen 8%5.. 83%Bait & Ohio 45..102 N J O pen 58....126UDo 3%s fc% Nor Pacific 4 mi«;Brooklyn RT c4s S»U Do 3a f... 73%Central of Ga Ss.llOVt Nor & W con?4s. fl»

Do Ist Inc 00 OS Line rfdg 4a. J>4»;Do 2d toe 76 Pa conr 3%s .... 1>7%Do 3d Inc 66 Readim; gen 45... S8

Cbes & Ohio 4%5.105 SLftIM con 5«.113%Cbi & Alton B%s. 75 W I, A SF ff 4r. 82C. B & Q new 4s. Hs^4 St L S W con 4s. 77C. R I&Pae 4s. 76% Seaboard A L 4s. Sl%

Do col T*...... 00 ISO Taclfic 4s SS*iC.C.C iSLpn 4s.inii; Do Ist 4s cert.. 04%Colo Ind T*. cr A"6 (So Railway 5«....113Colo Midland 45.. 74 |Tex As Pac 15t«..117^Colo & So 4s !»v*; Tol. StLi W. 4s. Sl%Cub* Sc ....103 Union Pacific 45..101%Den &Rto O 4s. OC% U 8 Steel 24 65.. 89

Xcvi York Bond*

CHICAGO. Jan. 24.—

Tbe local wheat marketwaa weakened today by general realizing. Trad-Ing was again of large proportions Immediatelyafter the opeDing. The market showed someMrengili because of a sharp advance at Liver-pool and small receipts at Minneapolis andDuiuth. Tbe demand shrank rapidlyr however,when the numerous buying orders which bad beenplaced over night were filled. Selling becamemore general «s trading progressed, and towardtfte .end of the session the market

'became de-cidedly weak. Tbe news of tbe day favored tbe

bulls. The. market closed weak, with pricednear tbe lowest point of tbe day. May opened1413 %chiffher at 79%&79%c, sold «ff to 7S«i@7S%e and closed %c down at 7*%Q7S%e.

The corn market was also weakened by gen-eral realizing to secure profits. Tbe marketclosed weak, with prices almost at tbe lowestpoint. May closed %@%c off at 45T«c

The weakness of • wheat and corn bad littleeffect on the oata market, which was firm be-cause of buying by a leading bulL May closed a6h«de lower at 3S^<S3S»ic.Trading in provisions was quiet. At theclose May pork was up sc, lard waa np 2%c andrUw were 2% @5c higher.-Leading futures ranged as follows:Articles— Open. , High. Low. Close

Wheat— ,; ,

May 7»S 79% 78% 78%July ...: 7S>£ 79^ 77T4 78%September 78 ... 70U 78 7SViCorn—*

January 42% 42% :42% 42UMay 46% 46%. 45% ~45!4July •'

A46% 46% 45% 45%September 46% 46% '46 4CU-Oats— .- \u25a0 \u25a0. '\u0084--. \u25a0- \u25a0 ,

January ".S«> • Sfl'-i "<5. • 3f5i4Msy ;.-.;:-. ss% .is% . n«i;. 35%July.... -..:..:.. 35<^ S6 55% . 85%September ....... 32?j 32%. 32«» • 32%Mess Pork, per -bbl— " -

U«7 ..16.35 16.45 .16.85 16.42%

Fnf isrc Grain and ProTinlons


Rxrbange and BullionSilver was %c higher.

LOCALSterling Exchange, sixty days....


Sterling Exchange, sight—

Ci4.S6»iSterling Kxcbauge, cables


New York Exchange, sight—

<g 15Kew York Exchange.' telegraphic.. —

<rl. 20*fliver, per ounce 6-Sl4@

—llexican Dollars, nominal. '. 52%@


INTERNATIONALNew York on Paris ..~. MS*iNew York on Mexico 2Ort>4Paris on LondoD '. 25.22%Paris on B»rliD. 20.51

Whent and Otber GrainsWHEAT—Chicago declined S1".S1". LiTerpool fn-

tures were higher. This market was quiet andunchanged, but firm. >

Omaba wired: "I understand Minneapolisbouses are again very anxious for winter wheat.They are bidding 2c under Chicago May price,track Minneapolis, for Omaha sample, wheat, andIndicate they would take 1.000,000 bushels atthat price."

The Cincinnati Price Current say«:,"Coldweather awakens a little apprehension ejoneern-ing the. growing: winter wheat. Interior offer-ings of grain are light on account of tbe badroads and holding sentiment among farmers.There has been some damage 'to the corn crop bywarm, wet weather."-

CASH WHEATCalifornia Club. $1.27%«81.30: <Jo. milling.

t1.30; California White Australian. $1.3501.40;lower grades of California, [email protected]: NorthernClub, i1.27%@1.30; Northern Bluestem. $1.35®1.40; Northern Red. $1.2501.27%.

\u25a0 FCTDRES10 to 11:30 a. m. Session.


—Continues in moderate receipt and

firmly held, with sales at quotations.Good to choice Feed. spot. $1.12%@1.15; com-

mon to fair, $1(111.10 per ctl: seed lots bring ashigh a* $1.20; Brewing and Shipping. $1.17%@1.20 per ctl; Chevalier. [email protected] for poor tocommon and 51.25511-3-"> a*ked for choice.

FDTORES10 to 11.30 a. m. Session

Open. High. I/iw. Close.May lsi.lft% $1.10% $1.1»U $I.IJHiDecember ... 1.00 1.00% 1.00 1.00%


Another line of 4726 ctls came •downfrom Oregon yesterday. The market is takingthese northern,receipts- readily, as they-, areneeded. Tbe demand is fullyup to the. average.


AH conditions remain unchanged, witha.dull and nominal market.

Small round Yellow. -$1.65 asked; Californialarge . Yellow. [email protected]; White, [email protected];Western State, sacked— Yellow, > $1.25<&1.30;White, ,$1.27%@1.32%; mixed.

-$1.25(81.27% ;

White Egyptian. $1.23f Brown Egyptian.' $1.12%@1.15. , \u25a0 '\u25a0--. \u25a0

1 .RYE—California. $1.42%@1.45 per ctl; UUh.

[email protected] per etl. . ".V

•, BUCKWHEAT—[email protected] per ctl..

Flonr and Farlnaceons Goods .-,,'A continued ;active demand; for Flonr is re-

ported from all quarters, both Coast and East-ern, with prices ttrm all along tha line.

FLOUR—California Family Extras. [email protected]. net without discount: Bakers' Extras, $4.40

CJ4. 60; Superfine,- [email protected];. Oregon and Wash-ington. $3.50@4 per bbL-------''


Prices ''in packagesare as \u25a0 follows:" Graham Flour. $3.25 per :100lbs; Rye Flour,

'$3.75; «Rye. Meal. $3.50;:Rice

Flour, $S; Corn' Meal. $2.75:'extra ;cream do,

$3.75; Oat Meal. $4.50^4.75: Oat Groats,$4.75; Hominy. $3 75624: Buckwheat Flour,'$4.75;. Cracked Wheat." $3.75; Farina. $4.00;Whole Wheat Flour $3.50:' Rolled" Oats. bbls.$7@B; In sacks, $«[email protected];' Rolled Wheat, bbls,$4.60; in sacks; $4.10; Pearl Barley. $6;;SplitPeas., boxes, $s.so;iGreen'Peas,* $5.50 per 100pounds.

' • /'

Hay; and Feedstuff*.Hay receivers continue to report » strong n«.

N>n fork Money Market•

NF.W YORK. Jan. 24.—Money »>n call easy.21*©.* pr c«>nt: tulins rate. 3 per cent: closingbid. 3>- per cent; offered et 4 per cent.

Time loans dull and easy; sixty days, 4^(25per cent; ninety days, 5 per <-<-nt; fix months,t>1.4*7 5% per cent.

Prime mercantile paper. T>*; per cent.Sterling e\cbanpe «.«sj-. w-Ub actual business In

(y tinkers 1 bills at ?4.*<5Tu(g4.6r.7r, for demand andet SM.M4<'<§4.Sl4s frr sixty-day Mils.

Posted rate*. $4>2% and $4.86<a4.56%.inramercial HHf, $4.?l>».Bar filrer. fiS^c.Mexican dollar*. 52"»c.Ooverniuent and ruilroad bends, steady.

Scraps From Mall *trn-tNTW YORK. Jan. 24. —American storks in

1-otidon vtea<]y. ab^ut parity. Interborou-h\u25a0> «-s|jef of employe* tty f4(tit.rKio h your.

AnjaJsamsted ropjier itmduotion sold well intoMay.vjiaVff of neel rails rbis week approaches300.0f<0 foray. Lichter demand for ni»-u inthe loan crowd. Increase in People's >,»* dK|-<iend talked of au<l expected. I/indou settle-ment bepin* next Tuesday. No change In theBask uf £nplaDd rate.

Nctt York Stock MarketNEW YORK. Jan. 24. —Another dull and

Birrow market irHJay marked the lap** of spec-ulative operations into tbe bande *>1 the strictlyprofessional class of traders, the oripin oforders epproachinp closer to the utock exchange\u25a0s their volume decreased. Most of today '•Hi".' n :.<\u25a0 tyiieved to originate on tbe floor ofthe eschanjte Itself. On far as tbe lmmedateoocjltiop of the market Ik oonoerned It TTBSfreo t"daj" ft'"to »v.v perceptible pressure ofllnuidatinn and n-here nor citni* »>f wesknepn

\u2666 bowed lliere wait tlie same texist in? |>ower as-t-eneil ms f"! sevei-al day* past. There werefrwer t-lpuji «f *u<tb weakDefs today than yes-terday and price* were well held above lastniffhf* level throughout the large part of tbe*e«tion. in contrast with the recovery late Inthe day yesterday from tbe early heaviness.Railroad Dote* In iwne* of varying elzcs con-tinue to come upon the market and tMs con-tinues to he recognized as evidence of the diffi-culty in Ibe may of flotation of capital Id morepermanent form. Growing notice la attracted,lwwever. t« the eviiUpr with which these noteIssues are nought «n<rtbe quickness with whichofTerings are sold. In view of the profitableterms at which bankers are securing these is-»ue». a motive Is perceptible for them to refrainfrom making easy the marketing of *ecuritle«.M<"toey r-ondltlons continued to work eajiler.

Hates for time loans here yielded notably andwere quoted practically for nil periods >4 percent, lower. Tbe Bank of England and theBack of France showed s further strengtheningred discount raw* at Berlin yielded fartherduring tbe >day. The presence of the Secretaryof the Treasury in Wall street afforded opportun-ity for a deDial of rumors circulated yesterdfi*that a further postponement yg* intended oftbe date for return «f <iovernment deposits totbe treasury beyond F«*bruary *1. to which Ithaslieco advanced already. This mBy bave account-ed for tbe easing of prices late in tbe day. al-though the market was impressible to tbe protlt-t'lkinc on tbe <laj> movement In the narrowdimensions "f the trading. Call money hard-ened perceptibly when the intended policy of theTreasury Pepwur^irt became known. K«change* were very email st the irregular closing.

R*MidK were steady. Total sales, par value,»2.112.000.

I'nited States l«on<ls were unchanged on call.!\m York Stock Islst

E. F. nation & Co., 490 California street.members of the New York Stock Exchange,furnish the following list of bond and stocksales yesterday:

SaUt.l STOCKS. IHlyb.jLow.lBid.l Ask.

Adams Kxpres* 290 300Ailis-Chalroe.™ 55% 16U

r»o pfd 3S»Mi 40H45>.firtn Amalg Copper ... 115% 114% 1151, 115%

Amer Beet Sugar. 21>* 21S«....... Do pfd 78 MAmer Can C« 5 5«4

Do pfd t,2\ 52%I.JWt Amer Car A FCo 44% 44% 44V« 44%

Do pfd * 10114102Son Amer <7>ttnn Oil. ?.l 30* SI 31%]Wi! Ikjpfd »OVi 90\i M» fil

Amer Xx 235 245Amer «T Co 7S, 8Amer Hide & L 5%» «

Do pfd \u0084. 2*Vs 3AAmer Ice Recur R3 80... Amer Linseed ... 169i,19

Do pfd 82 -" 382.400 Amer Loeomo ... 74% 73% 73% 74

j Do pfd 111H 112*.000 Amer 8 &R Co.. 149% 148% 14*% 14»... Do pfd :......116 117LiftOAtner Sugar 133 132% 132% 135%,

j Do pfd 12» IS3"'J'fi'Amer Hteel F.... 10* 10 9% JOv*>

{ r*. pfd 44% 4«% 44% 45%Utaer Tel A- TCo...... 12<i IX3

4f*>A»er Tob pfd... t>T»4 »7% »7% »8WrtlAmer Woolen ... 83% 83 3^ 34....... Do PM IW$» 101




THURSDAY, Jan. 24—10:30 a. m.


4» qr coup...— —

|4s qr ep new.120*4131%4s <jr reg.-..""


—|3s qr coup...


Ala A W ss.— —

Ok T Co 6s.—

116UA«so Oil Co.

—92 Do .".s JOS

—Bay CPC 55.102

—Ok T Con ss.


Cal 0 « 53.— —

O W gtd ss. 92% 98Cal G& B s Oceanic S-55.,62

—m& rt 5». 87%

—Om Cable 6s.


Cal-st 0 55.. 105—

Pac Glm 4s. S3 91C C Wat ss.

—10S P E Ry 55.. 109

—Do g mgss 97Vi 97«4 Pac L&P ss.


Ed L&P 6s).—

120 P &C H 65.101%—

F& C H Ss.ins—

P & O R 68.105—

Gearv-st 55.. 40—

Powell-st 65..111%—

H CAS 5%/.——

Sac EGiIWs.IO4—•

IK) 5s 104%105U SF & 5JV55.119%—

-Hon R T 6s.—

» —ISF.O & 5J55.109

—L T«bo<» RSs.lOl 102 SJ* SCB 4%s 94%

—IiA Elec ss.

—lOO^ilSieTra R 65..


LAO &, E155.100—

S P Of A 63L A Rv 55.. 117 11R I (1900> 103 103UI.AL Btd 5«.104»J105%l <!9H» 104

—LAP lem 55.109%

—|S P of C 6s

LAP Cal ss.—

110UI <1912) 112*;—

Mfct-st C 6s.HO,—

iSPC 1 cc 55.119%121Do lem ss.

—112 S P B R '65.134%

—MV& MtTss.l(X>

—SV W g mg4s


NR of C 55.11f>%—

Stkn-OAE 6s—

105NI*CIt ss.

—103 U G & B ss.


NO Ry 55..—

113 UR of SF 4§. 91% Xi\iNO PC Ss.lol

—IVal Co P ss.


O GL&H 59.10S—


Contra . Costa—

iMario Co ... —62

Do ctfs ..60—

|S V Wat Co. 24% 24?;

GAS AND ELECTRICCent L *P. • 1 2%|Martel Power

— —Mut E Lctfs 9%. 9U|Pac L Co S4*-; 90

Do ex ctfs 13—

iStkn G & E.— —•

'INSURANCEFireman's Fund '71,.... 156


Am Ml 8k.130—

Lon. P & A.I3S—

Anglo-Cal .. 57% 95 Mer Trust ..227—

Bank of CaL362 . 365 Merch Ex... 60—

Cal Safe Dp.129%—

SF National.— —

First Natn1..290 Sf>s | •\u25a0':': v>SAVINGS BANKS

Ger S & L.3000—

!Sav A L So. .100—

Hum S 8k.2100—

|Sec Say 8k..590 425Mutual Say.. 90 100 IUnion T Co.-


S F Sit U.617%—



California ..144 145 [Presidio—



Giant Consolidated Co. .——

SUGARHawaiian C. S3

—Onomea S C. SS% 39'

Honokaa S C 11% 12 Paaubau SC. 1«*4 17ViHutch SPC 16 16% Union S Co..


Kllauea SC.—

3 Do pool ... —501

Makaweli C. 32V; 33% f-.

MISCELLANEOUSAlaska PA. 45 50 OeeanievS Co. 2*i 4%Asso Oil Co. 42%

—Pac Anx FA. 1%

—Cal F C A..104 105 Pac C 80rax.152%

—Cal Wine A. 85% 83 iPac S Tel C0.106%

—MV& MtTm.

— —I

SALES. Morning. Session

2ft Associated Oil \u25a0 : 43.50^.15 Cal Safe Deposit & Trust 12f1.5015 Giant Powder Con 55.5010 Hutchlnson S.P Co 16.12%

100 (g-eanic S S Co-

4.00.. 15 rtciflc States Tel A Tel Co 106.0010 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co 106.5020 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co 107.00

130 Spring -Valley Water Co. 24.62%$3,000 Pacific Electric Ry b 5 109.50$1,000 Pacific Electric Ry_y*s 100.50

$10,000 United R R of R F.-4s 52.00


VBMTAsk. Bid. Ask.Bay CPC 6n:i04%

—SF & NP 5«.109%

—Cal NW Rss.Hl 112 Stand El 55..


Ok T Con f#.—

1°2% \u25a0Do gtd~s«.—

95SF Drydk 55.112 ,—,

—Sun Tel 55...104 110


Ala Sug- Co.—

18 7 Hono old pool 20—

Cal -Cot Mils 90—*

Hono nw pool 23 27%Cal TI& T.150 190 N Cal Power. 27 28Chutes C0...


-Orpheum 'Co.. 16

—Cyp L Imp. 2%*5 Pac C Css Co.150 175Dpt Pw pfd. 89.

—'S F-Prydock 60

—Do com ..100 105&ISF, ASJ Coal


Hono P Co1.." 22 \u25a0\u25a0— I

California Stock and Oil Exchange' Bid.Ask.I' Bid.Ask.

Asso Oil 5t.42.00 44.00(M0n- of Aril.. 15—

Caribou ... ..6.T5-—

toil City Pet.. 62—

Chi ;Crude, old'35—

(Peerless 3.50 4.50Cbi Crnde.new 08

—IPiedmont .... 10

—Home E.......'- '— 30 Pittsburjr .... •



16.001S F A McKitt.l.so—

Independence. I.V 'IS Twenty-eight.—

.7.30Junction .... 14 16 Wabaah 45Kern; new .. W . —

West Shore ..2.n0—

Linda ;Vista.. 10—

Wolverine ....' 4O *—McKittrick\u25a0;-.-. 10 —1 ;;*V

' '' ' -SALES'

3000 Sterling ..................: .1.60250 Sterling ......'........... 1.50

1000 Four ....T.TrX.'Z.'.....~..Z\..... .26•20 Carib0u.............................. 7.00

Forelzn FuturesLIVERPOOL

Wheat March. May. July.Opening «« «5 « l»iClosing 8 s;i 63 C l;j

PARIS .Wheat

— * Jan. May-Aug.Opening '.... 23 20 23 »0Closing 23 15 23 30 .

Flour—. \u25a0- , , '

OpeniDg 2» 6<l 3040

Closins 29 45 30 70

London Wool Sales • "

LONDON. Jan. 24.— The selection offered atthe wool sales today amounted to 14.012 bales,principally medium and fine merinos. Fine eroxs-breds were firm, but Inferior and coarse grades

declined %d beiow the opening rates. Superiorcreasy merinns were In strong demand for Amer-ica, and medium greasy were taken by home andFrench buyers, tcourcd elipes sclliug at a full

rate. .St. Louis Won! Market

ST. LOUIS. Jan. 24.—Market steady. Terri-tory and Western medium, 23<&2Sc; fine medium.ll»<£21c; fine, 10@l7c.

Northern Wlicnt Market• OREGONPORTLAND. Jan. 24.—WHEAT— Club. 67c;

bluestcm. 69c; valley. 67c: red, (55c."


bljrbrT; market higher; bluestern. 70c; club, ttSc;red, 66c.

Northern BusinessPORTLAND. Jan. 24.—Clearings, $1,117,5*0;"

balances. J295.64R.TACOMA. Jan. 24.

—Clearings, $665,599: bal-

ances. $131,739.SPOKANE. Jan. 24—Clearings, $e25,634; bal-

ances. $105,072.SEATTLE. Jan. 24.—Clearings, $1,303,677; bal-

ances. $134,109.



leer, with the. demand as/urgent as ever. The)Ilower grades, heretofore neglected, arc now much !

firmer and in greatly improved demand, andtheir quotations have moved up somewhat. Sev-eral cars of choice Hay sold yesterday at $23.50.

There were moderate receipts of Feedstuffsfrom Oregon yesterday. Prices were maintainedand there were no marked Indications of any de-cline.

- . .BRAN—$2O*B22 per ton.MIDDLINGS—*27@30 per ton.SHORTS— [email protected] per ton.FKEDSTUFFS— RoIIeiI Barley, $24«i25: Mixed

Feed, ,$23<t25; Oilcake Meal, nominal: CocoanutCake or Meal at mlllH. $25.60 in 10 and $2fi in5ton Jots; Jobbing. $26.50: Corn Meal. $30@31;Cracked Corn. $31<g32; Broom Corn Feed, 90cper ctl: Alfalfa Meal, cnrload lots. $20.50: Job-bing. $21 per ton; Mealfalfa, $20.50; Jobbing.$21. r. . *


Choice Wheat. $19<fj2n per ton: goodWheat. $17.50@1;-.50; other vrndes Whest. $14fal6: Whest ami Oat. ?l."(??20: Tame Ont. $r.'(tj18: Wild Oat. $1O«214; Common Hay; $10@12;Alfalfa. $10612; Stoc*. $10*j.12 per ton.

bTRAW— UOfijSOc >er bale.- . . Beana anil Seeda

There were no further changes in Beans yes-terday. The market was steady, with a fairmidwinter demand.

BRANS— Per etl: Brjyos. [email protected]; [email protected]; small White. t3.75Q2.85: large White,[email protected]: Pink. $1.90(n2.20; Red, [email protected];I.imas. [email protected]; Red Kidneys. $3.35@:?.7r>:Blaekeyes. $4.50<a4.00; Butter, nominal at $3.75<B4: Cranberry Beans. $3(rtC2s.

SEEDS— Brown Mtistsrd. [email protected]: YellowMustard, nominal; Flaxseed. $3; Canary. 4¥><ft4*ic; Alfalfa, 13e: Rape. l@3%c; Timothy. 5®6%c; Hemp. 5c per lb; Millet. 3V-c; BroomCorn Seed. $IS@2O per ton.

DRIED PEAS— Niles, nominal; Green Peas,[email protected] per ctl.

Potatoe*. Onionn and VegetablesThe scarcity of cars and the congested condl-

tlou of the railroads are preventing shipments ofPotatoes from reaching tbe city and as a resultthe market Is very slenderly supplied and strong.:with prices advancing right along. One lone carof Oregon Bnrbanks got in yesterday and wasquickly closed otit, the jjenoral run brlnsin? 2eper pound, while a few fancy lots broujrht asmall premium. River Burbanks were quoted ata narrower range and large handlers were ratherexpecting an advance In that line of goods.Onions, like Potatoes, are in light receipt anddoing better.

The receipts of southern vesatables are stillrunning light and fresh arrivals of choice stockclean up readily from day tei duv «t high prices.The recent arrivals of Mexican" Tomatoes wereoffered for sale yesterday, but few found buyers,owing to the greenness of the stock.

POTATOES— Per ctl: River White. $1.5.">(®1.6o; Orejrou Burbanks. $2: Early Hose. $1.50;Enstern Burbanks, nominal; Sweet Potatoes,$2.7503. ,-

ONIONS— YeIIow; per ctl. $1^1.23.VEGETABLES

—Oreen Peas,- «<& 10c per lb;

String Beans. 12%@15c per lb: Wax Beans.per lb: Tomatoes, [email protected] per crate; do Mex-ican. 81.65(^1.75 per box; Hothouse Cucumbers,[email protected] t)er dozen; Cream Squash. Cs<g7sc perbox; Summer Squash. [email protected] per box: Gar-lic. 2%<g4e per lb; Celery. 40@60c per dozen:Cabbage. $1.25 per ctl; Cauliflower. 75(gS5c perdozen: Carrots, $1.25 per sack: Turnips, $1.23per sack: Green Peppers. S@l2V-c per lb f.irChile and 20c for Bell: Marrowfat and Hubbard'Squash, $20 per ton; Mushrooms, 40<§;50c per lb.

-Poultry and Oamc

As a direct result of the recent heavy Importa-tions of Western stock, tlie market for domesticChickens was weak yesterday and prices fornearly all descriptions were lower. The receiptscontinued light, but proved excessive, as tbcwants of buyers were small, and quite a few-coops bad to be carried over. The situation InGame was quite tbe reverse of that In Poultry,all kinds beinc In sharp request at firm rates.Wild Pigeons were offering for the first time thisseason. •

POULTRY—Per dozen: Hens. $6@7.&0 forlarge jind $5(i{5.50 for small; old Roosters. $4<f£s:youncr Roosters. $G<ff7.so: Fryers. $S«|S.SQ;Br<iflers. $3.C0©4.50; Plsreons. $1*3(1.25: [email protected]; Ducks. SfirtjS for young and. so^6for old: Geese. $2.50@3 per pair.

TURKEYS—Per lb: Dressed. 18@22c: live,nominal.

GAMK—Per dozen: Ma'.larel Ducks. «[email protected];Canvasbacks. $4<"d]7: Spris. $5.50QR: Teal. $.1:Gray Ducks. $^..50@4: Widseon. $2.50; SmallDucks. |2.60; Black Jacks. $2.."0; Gray Geese.$4rri4.50: White Oeese. $1.75@2:50: Brant. $?...'O(fj4 for large and $2.50 for small: Honkers, SOW7.50; nare. $2: Cottontail Rabbits, $3; WildPigeons, $1©1.25.

Butter, Cheese' and F.sciConditions in tbe market for l#alry Produce

sliowc<l no change. Eggs were still.the leadingfeature, being very thin, with receipts insni/i-clent for current requirements. The growingscarcity in this department makes it probablethat the market. will go higher, despite the factthat receivers are averse to advancing prices atthis season of tbe year.

Butter was rather dull, as the "prevailing highprices caused many retailers to limit their pur-chases. The receipts were light, however, andthe supply of floe table goods cleaned up readily.

Cheese continued to strengthen.' all descriptionsof frcsb local make being quoted firm instead ofsteady, as on tbe preceding day. ri V \

The only*transaction on the.Exchange, was


sale of 20 cases of selected Eggs at 35c.Receipts were 15.500

*lbs Butter, 1000 lbs

Cbeesc and 414 cases Eggs.The following were the official quntatlonsas

established by tbe sale*, bids and offers on tbefloor of the Dairy Exchange:


Fresb creamery extras. 3«c per lb.firm:do firsts, 36c. firm:seconds, 29c. firm;packing stock, firm at 23c for No. land 21cfor No. 2; Eastern extras. 32c. firm: do firsts,2Se. firm. Storage goods

—California extras.

30c. firm: firsts, 2Sc. firm; seconds. 25c, firm;Xo. 1 packing stock, 20'/>c, firm; Eastern extras,29c, firm; Eastern indies, orm.it 21% cfor ex-tras and 21?; cfor firsts. V

CHEESE— Fancy Callfornlas. new flats. 14cper lb. firm; firsts. 12c. firm: new Vonng Ameri-cas, fancy. I.V. firm: firsts, 131,3c, firm;Storage goods— Fancy California OXts, 13%c.steady: do firsts, 13c. steady; fancy Eastern.10%e. firm: fsnev Western, 13c. steady.


California fresh selected. 35c T«erdozen, firm: extras. 34Uc. firm: firsts. 33%cTfirm; seconds, 33*. firm; thirds, 30c, firm.

Deolduonn and Citrus FruitsTesterday was one of the dullest days in tbe

fruit market for many months. There whs nomovement whatever In round lots, as tbe threat-ening weather deterred buyers, who refused totake any more than was absolutely necessaryfor Immediate requirements. Apples were theonly articles in show any noteworthy change inprice. Cheap stock 'bas about disappeared andthere Is practically nothing to be, bad for lessthan $1 per box.

APPLES— Fancy. $l«j1.75 per box for J»ew-town Pippins: $2<32.2."> for Spltzenburgs: [email protected] for other red varieties, and [email protected] forBellflowers*


PEARS— Winter NellJs. $2 per box; cookingvarieties. $1.50 per bor.


Per box: Navel [email protected] for fancy. $1.751232.25 for choice, "and$1&1.75 for standards: Seedlings^[email protected]; Tan-gerines, halves.

[email protected]: quarters. $1: Lem-

ons. $2.50<g3 for fancy, $1.75(!|2.23 for choice,and 75c&51.25 for standard: Grape Fruit. 53®3.50 for seedless and [email protected] for common;Limes. $4.50@5.

TROPICAL FRUlTS— Bananas. $I(^2 perbunch for Hawaiian and [email protected] for CentralAmerican; Pineapples. $3@5 per dozen. .>

Drle* Fruits. !\'ut«. Raisins and HoneyEverything under this bead Is quiet, but very

firm. .FRUlTS— Apricots, *15@18c per Ih: Evap-

orated Apples, snot. f>*4<<jSUc: Peaches. lOig13c: Pears, 9<312%c; Prunes, *4-size basis, 3c;large sizes, 4<j|so..

RAISINS—Seeded, 8%(510c: Loose Muscatels,7c, 7%c and 8c for 2, 3 and 4 crown respect-ively;'Seedless Sultanas, ,7c: Thompson Seedless.7%c for :unbleached :London .Layers, 3-crown,$1.85; London Layers. 2-crown. $1.73; Clusters.$3.50 for Imperial, $3 for Dehesa and $2.50 forfancy. \u25a0 .

NDTS— Almond*. Nonpareils, 17%@18%c: IX L. I«%@lSc; K« Plus DltM. 18<ai7e: Drakes.13%@14c; Languedocs. 13%@14c; hardshell,*f>(rjlf>e. 'Walnuts, Jobbing .prices


15®16c for No. 1 and 12(313c for No. 2; bard-shell. 14c for No. 1and lie for No. 2; ItalianChestnuts. B@loc - per lb. \u25a0 »\u25a0

HONEY—I6@I7c per lb for bright comb and13@15c for amber; do. extracted. «%@i%cforwater white and 5%@6c for amber.

-ProrlsfonaThe loesi situation remains nnchangerl. .-A Chicago wire yesterday said: "Packing ofHogs at Western centers .for the week. 023.000against 615.000 last week and 090,000 last year.

Aggregate packing from November 10 to date.6,645,000. against 7.395. 000 -last year, indicatinga decrease, of 750.000 Hogs."

- -CURED MEATS—Bacon. 14t4«? per lb for

heavy, 14% cfor light medium. 16c for light,16% cfor extra light and-20<a2ic for sugar-cured; Dry Salt Sides, 13%e; Bellies, 14c: East-ern sugar-cured Ham*. IBJAQIG^c; CaliforniaHams, ISc: Mess Beef. $9 per bbl: extra Mess,$0.50; Family. $10:.Prime Mess Pork. $16.50;extra clear. $23: Mess, $19: Pig. Pork, -$26;Pips' Feet. $5: Smoked Beef. 14e per lb.• LARD—Tierces quoted at 9%c for California\u25a0compound, 9?ic for •Eastern compound and 12cfor pure: half.barreK pure. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 12Vic: 10-lb tins.12?ic: 5-lb tins. 12%c: 3-lh tins. .13c-

COTTOLEXE— One half-barrel, 10%c; three'half-barrels. lO*ic;' one "tierce, 1014c: twotierces, ,10%c; v five :tierces, 10c.^

Hides, Tnllovr. -Wool <*nd Hops . :HlDES—Ctills and brands sell about %®lc

under quotations. Heavy Salted Steers,-

12c;'Hides, 12%@13c for heavy, l2U«fsl3c for.light;Stags. B%c: Salted' Kip, 13%c: Salted Veal,15%c: Salted Calf, 15%c: dry. Hides. -23c: dryKip. 22c; dry.Calf/ 25c; Sheepskins. Shearlings.20@50c each ;'short

*Wool.- 50@70c each;Imedi-

um. 70@!>0c: long: Wool. $1<§1.50: Horse- Hides,salt.

[email protected] for large •and $2.75 for, medium.$2.25 for small . and 50e ,for Colts; Horsehides.dry. $2«J2.25 for large and [email protected] for me-

dium. .$1.25 for small and 50c . for Colts. Deer- isktns— Dry Mexican. 32%?535e; dry salted Mcx-1lean. .SsftJ37%c; -dry Central ? American. 35Q ,37 %c." -Goatskins

—Prime Angoras," 75c: extralarge do, $1.25; large, 50c; medium, 33c; small.

25c.-- \u25a0•"*-.',• .r?.:--f?, ;.-..';-,;>.•\u25a0... -, y ..-TALLOW—Np.:i rendered, sc; No. 2, 4@4%c;Grease. '2@3e:X-v « \u0084'•

- '• \u25a0\u25a0"''


—Fnll "clip—San » Joaqnin and Sonthern.

7@!>c; falCLambs. S.'cjlle: Humboldt and Men-docino.-il4*lsc:'- Middle County.' OfqHle; North-ern..\free, 5 11J@13%c; Nevada, 17@18c per lb forsprlns. I'^ ii«. T>--- :.----.-\u25a0• •=>•"!\u25a0=»;\u25a0.- \u25a0.. . .- -\u25a0

'\u0084..HOQ»*Callfornlas- and Washlngtons, 10@12cper-lb to growers ;[email protected]@14c.. •


\u25a0 "~>A;r^4.';pMeat ,Market"- \u25a0 \S>»:

'\u25a0 Firmness ;and 5moderate

'supplies conttaae . to

\u25a0...... v-yy-,--;: . :. . •\u25a0•


Dist Securities r.s. KS%|\V«bash lots 113"

Erie prior lien 4b. 07 %| P<> deb B 72!»(» pen 4k 8«V.:Went era Md 45... *I%

Hook Val 4'Ak...1»4»0VV & L Erie 45... SOUJapan Cs '. 9S%|\Vis Central 45... SS%

New York 31inlns StocksAdams Con 20!Little Chief 05Alice 7.so|Onta>l6 «.55Breece .-• 30'Ophtr 2.90Brun« Con ...... .V)Potosl 20i'-rrm Tunnel .... 3»,SavaKe 05Con Va Mln «f-0..«f-o.. l.OSiKierra Nev 68Horn Silver I.7o|Smell Hoj>es 1 30Iron Silver 4.2s|Standard 3.23Leadville Con ... 05|

Boston Stock* and BondsMoney

—I Mmmg


Call loaus ."iSjS |Adventure s!iTime loans ...r.i-«ifi%iAllouer. 6g


1 An:ill Copper 115%Atehlson 4s K»o%lArlz t'ommereial. . 06%

Do adj 4s 02 IAtlantic IT^.Mcx -Central 45.. 64 IBinjrhain 32^

Railroads— |Butte Coalition ..."7AtcliUion K»4 TB(CalumetT

8 (Calumet & Ariz..lS3Do pfd 101%' Calumet & Hecla.fMU)

Boston & Albany.23s iCopper Range ... 1*4%Boston & Maine. .loo iDaly West 19Boston niev lr.l (Franklin .25ntchburg pfd ...133 lUranlvr

—Mcx Centrals 24 UJreene Con 31UN Y. N n & H.-lMVallsle Koyale 31%Pere Marquette .. S3 Mass Minins 8%Union Pacific ...176 Mieuljran 22

Miscellaneous— Mohawk 91Amer Pnen Tube. I2%!Mont Coal &. Coke. 1*;Amer Sugar i:CV.!Nevada lsv;

Do pfd i:tQ%jOld Dominion 56Amer Tel & Te1.127% Osceola I«7UAmer Woolon ... .13 Parrot 31 %

Do pfd lrtOVilQuiney 118Dom Iron & Steel. 22 Shannon 23%Kd Elect 11ium.. 225 Tamarack 105%Mass Electric ... l<»>iiTrinlty 41

Do pfd G9U {United Copper ... 7.3%Mass Gas 65s*;IU S Mining <Js»iUnited Fruit ....10«a;jU S Oil 12%L'n Shoe Mach... 63 Utah 78%

Do pfd 2»%lVlctor!a 7^U R Steel -»7>-',!\Vinona JJU

Do pfd \ ...10U%', Wolverine 183THE COPPER STOCKS

BOSTON. Jan. 24.— President Paine of theCopper Rauge issued a statement this morningthat Copper Range would enter into uo combina-tion of the I-ake Superior propert fes. and this»-«used isotne little uneasiness that perhapsthe rumors of the de.il were unfounded.About noon a statement wes isriH'd by the Amal-gamated ix-op'e statins that they would be in-terested In no eomblnatton. es the prices ut>kcd jwen- too bisfh. These two rejwrts brousht in 1

more <>r le^s'sjtectjlatixc srlllng end tlir> market Iwas erratic tbrougLotil tin- day, but. tov.-nnl tbp

cl(»se coniidenoe was restored, and, under the Ileadership of Osceol:], tl-c market dosed »tn>ng. j

A Boston news bureau snys: "'The Coppf* |Rhiiro and the St. Mary's l.aad Cnuipany arejoined in tbe development of tbe South liauseof Lake Snj»erior. and it willbe to the best ul-timate financial interests of Boston if they con-tinue in tbe future as In tbe past."

London Closing StocksCons money ..86 10-16|M. X & Texas.... 40Cons for acct 87%1N V Central 134%Anaconda 14**Norfolk & West... »1Atehlson J. IOSHI Do pfd 91

Do pfd 104 lOnt & Western... 40*;Bait A: Ohio 120^Pennsylvania .... «>%Can Pacific li^oi-* Rand Mines 7%Cheg & Ohio 53>^iReadinc W>%Chi Great West.. 17«4i50 Railway 30%Chi. Mil &\u25a0 St P.lT>5 ! Do pfd .89I>e Beers 27%'50 Paiiflc fiS%Den & Rio G 40 |Union Pacific ....IS2

Do pfd S4'.;i Do pfd »."»Erie 41V41U S Steel 49

Do Ist pfd 75 Do j>fd 109%Do 2d pfd »W Wabash 18

111 Central 171 Do pfd :;«5

Louisv & Nasb.. .14O''.j Spanish 4s SOUBar silver

—Firm; 31^»d per ounce.


4%@."» |>er cent.The rate of disomnt in the open market for

Bbort bills v 4 7 sffr5 per cent, and for threemouths' bill* 4*4^j.4:i per cent.

Condition of the TreasuryWASHINGTON. Jan. 24.— Te»day*g statement

of the treasury balances in tbe general fundshows: Available casb balance. $239,209,040;geiid coin and bullion, $104.1C7,560; gold certifi-cates, $37,749,400.

Xpw York Cotton MarketNEW YOItK. Jan. "4.—There ig a bis short

Interest here in the March and May options byspot dealers and large professional traders, madeagainst purchases /at New Orleans and Liver-pool eume time ago on the difference In thecharacter of the cotton contract aud the supponl-tlon that this would be made the dumpingground for all the low grade stuff. As a matterof fact there is le6s than 20.000 bales out of tbe125.0U0 In licensed warehouses here of certifiedcotton, which iiof Inferior quality or uont forordinary splunlng purposes. Should anythinghappen to revive bullish 'activity great difficultywould be experienced In these shorts covering,except at a considerable loss. The NewOrleansbears keep selling cotton sbort here and havebeen doing everything they could to resist tberecent advancing tendency of the market, buttrade conditions and tbe inherent strength of therpot situation are altogether against them, aswell as the local technical upeculatlve position.There Is really little /short Interest left In themarket on which to continue bullish manipula-tions, and after this has been eliminated pricestuay go lower.

Options— Open. Hijrh. Low. Close.January^ 1».33c 9.39 c 8.32 c f1.34cFebruary 9.35 cMarch 9.45 c 9.53 c 9.42 c ft.47cApril 9..Me S».slc 9.51e 9.5.VMar ».54<; V 9.62c ».51c B.S6eJune !>.sS>cJuly 9.59 c S».6i>c 9.5V? f).«3c

Auirust 8.03 c B.5Sc J«.59cSeptember P.SSc 9.file O.Rfic 9.5f»cOctober 9.67e 9.74 c !>.C2e O.fiOoDecember O.SOc S.SOc 9.SOc 9.78 c

New York Grain and ProdnceNEW YORK. Jan. 24.—FLOUR--Receipts>.

16.500 barrels; exports, 16.1100; market firm butdull.

WHEAT— Receipts, 9000 bushels; exports.1(«».«<iO bushels. Spot. easy. No. 2 red. 81?icelevator and 83c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1' NorthernDuiuth, Dl7^c f.o. b. afloat; No. 2 bard winter,R7<- f.o. b. afloat. After «n expression of bull-irhnees. durlug which forenoon prices advancedto a new high level, wheat turned weaker.Some heavy unloading developed, breaking themarket nrariy a cent per bushel. News, how-fver. continued mostly hnllisb here and abroad.La«t prices in New York were UQ^c netlower. May cloyed at S4Ti,c and July at S4?sc.WOOL—Quiet.

HOPS—Siesdy.HIDES—Ste*H<-. *-^-PHTROLEUM— Steady.M.GAR—Unsettled; fair reflnlDg. 2 15-320:

rentrifcgal. 9S test. .115-32c; molasses sugar,223-32e; refined, steady.


Futures closed steady, net un-changed to 5 points lower. Sales 43.r>00 bags,includinc: February. 5.45c; March. 5.55c; Mar.8.40Q3.T0CJ July. s.7s@r>.Roc; September, 5.550S.SW; October, 5.95c: December, fj-Ooc.


steady; No. 7 Bio. "c: No. 4 Santos, Be. Mild,steady fCordova. S>@l2%c.

BUTTER—Firm. Western factory, common tofirm. n'-i&Slr.


Easier. Western firsts. "£>Kc,DRIED FRUITS

EVAPORATED APPLES— Quiet and aboutsteady; fancy, SQ^^c; choice, &';CiS?ic; prime,7»ifeBc.


In light demand and pome slzes'wreoffered freely with quotations ranging from Ts@SV. acceirding to grade, for California fruit;Oregon 00s to 4f>s »t lifter. •3 APRICOTS

—Quiet: choice, l«5c; extra choice,

17«xlSc: fancy. lßfiZ^--.PEACHES— Quiet^ but offerlncs nre light;

choice. Ilfijl2%c; rxtra choice, 12';(g]SUc;fancy. 12*4014".


Firm on rpot and dealers are ask-ing hlglier prices. Loone muscatel, 8«59c;seeded, 7i4@loc; I»ndon layers, [email protected].

»rv York MrtnlMarketNEW YORK. Jan. 24.

—There was an advance

of 5s in the London tin market, closing at£1»2 10s for spot and futures. Locally themarket was easy, with spot quoted at (41.50bid and $42 arked. '

Copper wss unchanged in the London market,with spot quoted at £10tt 15$ snd futures at£10S. 1Locally the market was firm and a littlehigher, with lake quoted at [email protected]. elec-trolytic at $24.62%©24.57% and casting at$24.25Q24-75.

Lead was nnebanged at [email protected] In tbe localmarket and £19 17s 6d In London.

Spelter was 2s 6d higher at £27 In London,and ruled firm locally a.t an advance of about 7points to [email protected].

Iron was lower in the English market, withstandard '-foundry quoted at 57s 3d and Cleve-land warrants at 6Ss. Locally tbe market wasunchanged.

United Railroad Bond* Continue to Ue-ellne

—Comstork Shares Loner

There was a continued decline in the bondsof the United Railroads yesterday to S2, underUcht snles.' Telephone stock was higher againat 1003107. against 105.37% on Wednesday.PaelUc Light Company received a higher bid of84.23. Otherwise there was nothing new •onthe Stock and Bond Exchange, trading beingvery light. '.

Most of the leadins Comstocks were lower,with trading small. Tbe feeling was very softin this group,

- - • ;Business in tbe Southern Nevadas was lighter,

and fluctuations were not violent. As a rule,however, tbe tone was firm, with closing quota-tions

-generally np to or above those of tbe

preceding day. The attendance at tbe exchangewas fair.



New Yor4 Sf<v*k List Continued

24.900' Anaconda |255 \2!9W28t%V183JAtl Coast Line...l 1127 127147.700: A T & S I" lOGi; 104%iK 1̂04 Tg

l»o pfd IOOM. 101U2.-J'xi;Balt & Ohio 1174 0.7J4 117?s 117^

Doj.fd 03 fts»i2.20n'8 H T ;.... 76U 77>i 77% 71%

IBkn In Has 110 120|Can 64 C 57.l(KU'an Pacific 185% 184 lHi% ISS

1.40i)j0 & 0 52ii 52»i 62U 53iC & A 24' -J.l

I»o |ifd 60 071.000 c&n \v 191% lyo"--1&0 itK)*;

C& X W Kights .....i T 17=i is*OOCG%V J7 16% ]«% 17

I>o pM "A" 71 72I*> pfd "B" 23% 24%l>o debs 77 go

18.000 CM&St P 150T» 100 150 150%! Do pfd 162 V, 163v7.100 Cent Leather 38 37*, 37T, 3S

1M pfd 100^101%;Chi Terml 9 Ll21 Do pfd 22 'JA:Chi I'd Trac S% 5,4: Do pfd 17 Js'CC C & St L S9S.; no24,S*K>!Oolo Fuel t& iron. 63"» 53' i53^ MtJIColum 11 O&I 26>» 26-4700. C010 Southern ... S6 T» 36^ 36U o"

I»o Ist pfd fit;'" (ts'iI lio 2U pfd M% 57>iJCons Gas ISSVb 137

.100jCt>rn Products ... 24%g 24>4 24V4 24>420(.i| Do pfd S7 fetj^i 80U 87'Del &Hudson ?„ 215 rtl7C0o;D L&W 510 500 510 535

D &. U G say^ uuDo pfd si K3

Detroit L* Ry 80' i81"ijDlamoad Match..) 121^ U:2'500'Dist Securities .. 72 ~IK ~l\ 72|D SS & A......1 17 18U

j Do pfd \ 34 35*12,700,Erie 40^4 SS% ."«•*« 4(t

I Do Ist pfd 73V* 7r.'iI Do 2d pfd C 3 C4\u0094'Fed M & S pfd,.! P4I.J 03"

l..V»o<Jen Eli-ctric ..;. ifS'i'lCO^ KBiI.i(iiu3.400 Great Ker Ore.. 7R«i 78S 7^C Tls»*I.6oo,Oreat Nor pfd ..|175 172'^ 173" 174

jOreen Cocs <>p.| si\i 31*[Havana Tob C0..! 1 12 14

") Do pfd 1 50 ;rsn. B. Claflin Co. I \l»2 111'

IHneWnfr Valley ..1 1115 11%6I Do pfd ! \ m%i !»-''i

lfHilllinois Central .. 1645, ir>4Silvia 1«4«4IJJ.iiOfiiiuter Metro 3sia 37«4 37ti 38J.3W, 1)0 pfd |75 74 74 74?;ilnter Mariae | Ipk 10

..' | Do pfd 27 2K;Intcr Paper 17 j7t'i Do pfd soy; BOfi[Inter Power 4<u:. »,»'Inter Pump sr' 40'

I»o Pfd 79 solowa Central | 27 % 27 Vj 27 "S

Do pfd j 46ij 47Kana & Mi<-h j 63XC FS & M pfd! 79 SOUiKan C Southern. 2$ "9

«*j Do pfd CO C9*4 r.!>\ «ft ,Lake E A West ." 27 S3 5! Do pfd 70 7«


IT>ehlgh Val 7s 77!I>ong Island 62 n«SJW L&N lSs»ti IS9'i IS9 lS3«il,9oo;Mackay 7r.2 73 72V, 7^440T>| Do pfd 71 70s; 7<«ii 711?100'Mauhatran 143^14*Metro St Ry l«|i» lf>Tiis,sfK>'Mer Central 2S 24« 24<54 24"i

Il»o Jet pfd S7•WiM st P&S S M 119 UR 11714 \\b"2<»oj Do pfd 154 15.1 153 1MWiOiMo. Kgn &. Texas) 3t»i4 r,S»i r,STi so»*•! Do pfd 713 71 71* 71 U.CCK)!Missotirl Pacific., gs S7«J ST«;

tXa»h. Chat &S L!*

140 145National Lead |Tjuj ;•<!/I Do pfd 102SJijri3IK Rlt of Mcipfd 57 rA

4CK) Nationsl Biscuit. S3 S2»i K2U K3Uno pfd .: 117 us2,450 Nev Con* Cop... lgT^ jgi^ jjVk| jr»;X J Central .....I2IS 1220N V Air Brake. 135 1402,*00XV Central tSO% |S»^l|SS|i [SOUN Y. C&«t L \K»\ «0rv» Jst i>fd 110 i2n

D" 2d pfd ro '.*)n y, v n4 h jiso m„\u25a0 SOON Y. Ont & W.. 45U 45U! 45U1 «U

!Norfo!k Si Wei«t 851,; Xl"

! I» pfd 80 IfS400 North American.. W$ Rsi< RSU K»U

22.5' if),Northern Pacific. IR6T4 154'«,i1.%5uhr.Mil.<X»o,Nor Pac Kights. 191^ 1S» 4 Il»fl1«n,

lOmaha .- fieo 170'Paeiflc Coant u«j J2S! r»o iKt pfd I!W5 Krfs! Do 21 pfd.... 1 us i2T,

fWWPaejfie Mail 39 n« :iS. ssi.:v.ftfifPenn R U C0.... 13S*4!iS5ii i:;r.i;li3su*I.3oo; People's Gas 97' i87 07 I j>7ii

iP t: C & Rt L I TTUI SAI !>o pfd 100*

insLWlPittsburs C0a1... IiJV» 16H 16 17

I I>» pM '. 58 «nI'(*)',Pressed Steel Car M«4 R4 K4U M%5<X)! Do pfd I99% 9» P3 ir>o

iPullman Car C«..| i7i« 172U2«o Ry su Sprinps Co! m ss^ r.41? sr.

i i»« pfd as nsujoo.r.fo;r.eading Il2»»4 12S*« 123U 123UI I>o Ist pfd I £S f>2IDo 2d pfd PO 32

"OfUKepubllc S & 1.. r,«Vi 37H 3514 SSUSOOI Do pM f»n ps% fl*'<i W

"S.2<Xi!Ufwk Inland Co.. 27% 26« i27>i 27>i

Il>o pfd 60 imh;Mow S S &ICo 73? i74UI Do pfd 102 im"IS I>*S F Ist pfd 67 «lii

lfH'l DayE2d pf<!.... 45 45 44 4T,iSfTTA-S W ( 2.1H 24IDo pfd 1 57 *| .'.9

24.rrfKi:Sonthern Parifle-. 05% 95 DM:I fls»,I I»o pfd 117^111*5

r..2(Vi|Southern Railway 2»i: jjrt^ «« 74 29I.IK-0! Do pfd SS 86% K7*i W

ITenn Coal & Iron 155 ir.9iTex Par L Tr Co *2 I85

4CKi!Texas PaclUc ... 34% 34«» M\i 34*i[Third Avenue 12rt_

121ITol Tly & Tr Co. 26U 2S

BOOjTr.I St I.& W... 33v; 32% 31% 32%30t>! Do pfd 03% 63*; 52*4 53V

iTwln City X T 105% IOiHU[On Bap & Paper 7 7%

Ho pfd 58 6047.300t' rjon Pacific ...177 IHS 176 176>i

100 Do prd 92% 92% C 2 P3Tnited Copper .'. 73U 74Un Kds of S F M f»9

Do pfd 68 69Do 4s S2i£ R3

200 V S Cast IPipe. 46% 48% 46S 47%....... Do pfd S6?i 88%T7 S Express no 120US Realty &Con 81% S3HSEMi Ref 2S 2S

Do pfd T 61 68400 D 8 Rubber 81 60 M M

Do Ist pfd ir>«« IOCXjDo 2d pfd 75 7fl

24.1ft01T R Steel Cor... 4754 47« 47% 47%6.600 Do pfd 106*, 106% 106% I<VS*J

100 iVa Car Cbem Co SS ' 36 334 36Do pfd 106% 107%lOOiWabaso 37% 17*j 17«» 17»4

«00j Do pM 35% 34T£ 35 35U,(Wells Fereo Ex 275 300


100!We«tern I'ninn .. R3% 53% K3 S<jWe*tln|Chouse 151% 155TV &LE 13% 13*;

Do Iftpfd 32% 53%200 Do 2«1 pfd T9U. 19 19% 20

Wis Central 23% 24%Do pfd 47%| 4S>.i

6O9l4fK>_.T«1»tal flares told.

TLr rmhli-m of New MiW-.-iRr Prom <be%Vnll-S<r*«-t Point of Vlevr

Ji S. BacUe 4 <"«.. tbe New York financiers.ttv:

"Tlif. 'prentest business pmMem* tis^ beenforcibly pre«rnte.l hy Mr. Tlill this week. It Imay t«e nindensed in tlio Ktutemont that while |p»sVeu?"r nail froJclit business has increased laten yrar* .iver H>l |kt ••••lit railroad mileage t»care' for it lias inctvused «jn!.v HI |ier cent: Inotlier «-ords, rallr«>ad milenfre if> over 80 perctut heblDd tlM> buslm«K to f»e d<me: heacemormuut freight blockadfs. tying up millions'worth of products. There nre two remedies


Is t«i Mop doing buyiness; the other to raise

the money end build the mileage. The rail-roads are taking the latter course and th*1 enor-mous wfTerincs which have been 6tasgerlng themoney market uro ibe result. Kaeh vrvrii addsto the Amount nsked for. as one road aft»ranother iit-wejits Its request, hat In Lund. ByThe Ist of June stockholder* willhave paid outfor uew securities <m right* $105,000,000. and

cltori. tenu note* aDd other borrowings willin-crease tbe amount. T.'.ls certainly does not

rresa?e easy money at any lime duriug tUe!

A PHOSPnUITT PROBLEM"ItI> h problem, but. after all. it is a pros- ;

pertty jTobleni. Wben the Southern Railway•tks for money for new equipment It meunsbuilding tracks, not through arid wastes, butpast fields teeming with products that must nnda market nnd to coruuiunities thriving withnew industries, producing added and euormoustonnage. Under normal money conditions theseLappenlngs would be balled with satisfaction. AsItif. each new demand Is a signal for 10-poiutdrops In the particular railroad wblch make* therequest. Nevertheless, ibe country is very rii-h.Itwill crndnally work out of the dilemma. The.enormous blockades Ht termtTials. tying up vaftnmounU of money In products held from theirmaiket. will be straightened out and the fund*turned into u*e sgain. The West and South«r<> rl<-h and must eventually have a surplus forsecurity Investment.

JtfONKY ANI> STOCKS"Tiie week marks the end of the arote money

ittrein wl)i«*u has lasted so \cmg. The emergency\u2666> jmt cent rate of tbe Bank of Krig!and hashren taken «!T end Germany bliowk further in-«-reaws In cash bolfltngs. The Bank of France,wtoicb bus been eupoorfing the situatiou liberal-ly. lia« advanced its rate, evidently to Stopfurther irold riport and to replenish ilf ownftock now that »«6e manifests itself elsewhere.Our own cell money has rangred from "'^ to 4por cent and time money for the first lime haseased <iff from *i per cent. %

""It ftpprara to have rrrstrd some atni/ppipntIn certain quarters that the stock market basnot Immediately responded to these favorablefavors, with hich and yet higher pri<-es. Itfnu^t be borDe in mind, however, that the ten-decy of long-sustained pressure Is to producenumbness, and after its protracted re»traiDtunder the money strain expectation of immediateresiliency is unwarranted. Tbe treasury with-drawals are etill ahead PDd a boom in stocksmight arouse paternal approval. Then, too, thecontinuous announcement* of future riilroad re-oulremccts day by day. accompanied by plansoffering to absorb all the money in sight andtnu^h more, havp had a sobering effect. PendingInvestigation* and new attacks have also theirInfiuenrp. Allof these thinge probably enter intotbe deliberations of those leader* who are sup-posed to be able to condnct a *uccc*sfi!l bullcampaign. #nd the subject Is evidently being re-garded by them an « matter needing the utmostdeliberation in its aecompliKbment.

THE BOND MARKET"T>» fact that bonds are cheap and also that* Cr«t-'

-lasB bord Is a desirable member of the

investment family, even if there are more trayly•quipped proposition* to be bad with more et-tractlv* yield is beginning to impress itself onInvestor*. There Is quiet buying eomequently.«n«l thit nicy inrnpase among mnserva'ire peoplewbo do not allow Tfcemselves to be misled bytemporary chances for fnrtune-maklns."


jcharacterize the market, with no further change!in prices. '. . \u25a0 ' '

/ DRESSED MEATSBEEF—?%@7%c per lb for Steers and 6@6Vic

for Cows.VEAL—O&iglOc for Urge and o@loc for

smalt. "iMUTTON—IO«JIIc for Wethers and »Vi@

10^c fer Ewes;

LAMB—IO®12c per lb for Yearlings, and 13cfor Spring.


The following quotations are for good, soundlivestock, delivered in San Francisco, less 50 percent shrinkage for Cattle:

CATTLE—Steers. SCrfSUc per lb fbr No. 1and7\4@7?4c for No. 2: Cows and Heifers, 6@6ijc;No. 2 Cows. 5V.': tbln Cown. 4Hft|sc.


sta£s^.e per lb for light. 4U*4r>c formedium and 3V.Q4e for heavy (gross welghtv.


Wetfcers. sVa<&oc per lb; Ewes. s&jOV'C 1gross weicht).n LAMBS—6^6^c per lb.

HOGS— IOO to ISO lb«. 7«4e p«r !b: over l«0lbs. 6?;(<s7Uc: Boars. 50 per cent. Staps 30^40per cent and Sows 10@20 per cent off from abovequotations.

Cenerai 3lercbandlaeBAGS—San tjuentln Bags. 7%c: Gralu Bags.

June-July, -MitfSTfcc; Wool Bags, 28Vic for 3-lband 4?»c f»r 4-lb.

COAI Wellington. 512 per ton: New Welling-ton. $12: Beaver Hill.$10; Coos Bay, $10; Rich-mond. $12: Cumberland. $14 in bulk and $16.25in sacks; Cannel. $12 per ton: Welsh Anthracite.$15; Coke. $15 per ton inbulk and $17 Insacks;K-M-kyMounts Id.nominal.

(ML—Quotations are for barrels, for casesadd r>c. Linseed. 54c per gallon for boiled and">2c for raw; Castor Oil. In cases. No. 1. 75c;Bakers' AA. cases, $1.28fft1.30: Lucol. 50c forboiled and 4Sc for raw; China Nut. cases, 83@00c per gallon: Cocoanut Oil. in barrels. 5Sc forCeylon and 55c for Australian; extra bleachedwinter Sperm Oil. Coc; natural winter SpermOil. Gsc; natural Whale OU_ 55c: extra winterstrained. Lard Oil. SSc; No. 1 Lard OH. 63c;Pure Neatsfoot Oil, 75c: No. 1 Neatsfoot Oil.57V>c: Herring Oil. 40c: Salmon OU, 35c; boiledFish Oil, 35c; Paint Oil. 35c.

COAL OIL. GASOLINE. ETC.—Water whiteCoal Oil. from tank wagons. Kiftjllc:special do,12%c; Pearl Oil. in cases. 17c: Astral. 17c;Star, 17c; Extra Star. 20c: Elatne. 26c: Eocene,19c; Stove Gasoline, in bulk. 17Vic; In cases.24c; No. 1 Engine Distillate. Iron barrels ordrams. Sc; No. 2 do. 6V»c; cases. 6\ic more:Benzine, in bulk. 12^c; in cases. 19c; SC-degreeGasoline, in hulk, 30c; In cases. 36c_ "~


Wic per gxllon Id cases andS7c in drums and iron barrels.

RED AND WHITE .LEAl*—Red Lwd, B@SVicper lb; White Lead, SIgSMiC according to quan-tity.v SUGAR

—The Western Sugar Refining Com-

pany quotes as follows, terma net cash: CubesA. Crushed and Fine Crushed. 4J3Oc; Powdered.4.65c; Candy Granulated. 4.65c; Fine. Fruit andCoarse Granulated. 4.55c; Beet Granulated (110-lb bags only> 4.35c: Confectioners' A. 4.55c;Magnolia A. 4.13c: Extra C, 4.05c; Golden C,:t.osc; D. 3.550; H. & E. Crystal Dominoes,7.53c: Tablets, half-bbls. 5.05c; boxes. 5.30e perlb. Barrels and 50-lb bags 10c, half-bbls 25cand hoses r.oc more per 100 lbs for all grades.No order taken for less than 75 barrels or iteequivalent.

Receipts of ProduceFOR THURSDAY. JANUARY 24

Flour, qr sks 4.613|Ta110w, ctls .... 5Wbeat. ctls- 3.110 Hides, No lISBarley, ctls 2.45«! Pelts, Xo 4.0.10Oats." ctls 1.3201 Lime, bbls 200Beans, sks l.OOOlPaper. rolls 50Bran, sks 360lBrandy. gsls .... '100Middlings, sks .. I.o2siWioe. gals 43.000Potatoes, sks ... 1.5401 Lumber. M ft 237Onions, sks f>3o';Quicksllver. flsks. 40Hay. tons 330 Apples, bxs 450Feed, sks 225!Oranges, bxa . 200Rolled

-Barley.sks 925!Chlcory. bbls ... 25

Leather, rolls ... 76|

OREGON'Flour, qr sks 3.o2o! Middlings, sks ... r.«BWheat, ctls .... .Vs7tShorts, sks .. 730Oats, ctls 4.72«!Feed. sks 1.197Bran, sks I.72o' Potatoes, sks .... 266

Wali-strcei Stocks unsettled and rather weak.*Money i'S^f-* per cent.

.. Cotton /to 10 points higher. Copper Stocks erratic."

Silver advanced -Jic. Exchange as before quoted.Bant of England rate of discount unchanged.United Railroads Bonds still lower. Comstock Shares declined.Railroad traffic increased much faster than mileage.Whcau Barley and other Grains unchanged.Allgrades of Hay very firm. Keedstuffs easy.Potatoes, Onions and Southern Vegetables in light supply

and firm.Poultry weak and lower. Game in sharp demand and higher.Eggs in light receipt and firm. .Butter dull. Cheese firm.Fruit market very dull and featureless.Xo further change in Provisions or Meats.Flour market active and firm everywhere.

July ......:.-

10.50 10.60 io:rrf) 16.571^I^ird. p«»r 100 lbs— / „ ,_,, „

Wl.January ... . b i;i; 0.22^ fl.l!«-)».22^,May ........ 040 9;45 9.37>6 ».42^Jal.v 9.42^ 9.47Wi 9.42^ 9.47>/j

Short Rlbg, per 100 lbs— \u25a0- :May . 905 o.lft fl

-05 9-

10July' ."*9.'i7^ 9.221S 9.17>4 9.20

Ca«h Grain and FrovlwlonsCHICAGO, Jan. 24. Ca^h quotation were as

follows: Flour firm No. J spring wheat, 7«@S2e*iNo. 3. 70SSlc; No. 2 red. 74%@7r.%c: No.2 com. 43iic; No. 2 oatp, 37@3~VjC: No. ?,white, 37@38V4c: No. 2 rye, 63c; fair to choicemalUng barley. 51(gssc; No. 1 flsxseed, <1.16;No. 1Northwestern J1.23: prinif1 timothy Beed,[email protected]; cloTer, contract grades, $14; shortribe, aides floos*). JK.7S&S): short clear sides<boxed>. $!».i:!V.«xJ».37%:* 'mess pork. p«»r bbl,*16.02%: lard." per 10H H>s. *:».22Vi; whisky,basis of high wines, $1.29.. Articles— Itereipfs. Shipments.Flour, bbls . 45.800- 14.000Wheat, bufbels 50.000. 30.500Corn, bushels 165.600 7<».Si>oOats, biiKhPls ...117.000 «M,«00Rye. buKhoU 10,000 . 16.000Barley, bushels .71.000 25.000

Butter, Cheese and Kcci»'

CHICAGO. Jan. 24.—

On the Produce Exchaneethe butter market was firm. Creameries, 20®30c; dairies, 19(527c. Kgjts easy: at mark, canesIncluded, 22831c: firsts. 2ic: prime firsts. 25c;extras, 20c. Cheese steady. 13'/i<S;l4Vic.

• 'Eastern Livestock MarketCHICAGO. Jan. 24.—CATTLE—Receipts. SOOO;

market steady. Beeves. $4.ir>fii7: cows ami heif-ers. $1.50<5r5.2.-.; etockersand feeders, [email protected]; calves, $tj<gB.2.">.


Receipts. 33.000: market shade blcher.Mixed and butchers', fft£[email protected]%: pood heavy,$6.5T.(50.C.-: rough heavy, $(5.55^i6.45: llj:ht,$«.40$iG.62U; pigs 55.50(g0.50; bulk of sales,$C.55rq.0.C2M!.

SHEEP— Receipts. 1S.000: market 10c lower.Sheep, $3.60<ii5.70; lambs. $4.7507.80.

Los Angeles Market*

LOS ANGELES. Jan. 24.— Receipts of e??stoday exceeded those of Tostrrday by 111 cases,210 cases of ranch ege* coining in. Prices re-main unchanged and close obstTTers of the mar-ket profess entire isnoranee of tbc probabletrend of the epg market for the coming week.

Receipts of butter are still Inadequate to sup-ply the demand and today were much lighterthan yesterday. The prospects of rain tonight

j<lo not improve the outlook for an -Increased1supply.j Beets, carrots, turnips, lettuce aD(J cabbage] wore scarce this morning and caused a stiffen-Iins: in price.'. Fever potatoes came In today and none soldjuu 'Change. Receipts of both fish and game'

wr-re unusually heavy this morning. Halibutjreceipts wen? sufficient to flood tbc market. To-morrow willbe the Bret Friday in several weeksthat the supply of fresh fish will be equal tothe demand.

Produce receipts— Kggs. 31C cases: butter,18.550 pounds; potatoes, 2-153 sacks; sweet po-tatoes, 2* packs: beans. 1000 sacks; Anchorcheese, 35,000 pounds in past two weeks.

Following are Jobbing prices:EGGS—l.ocal ranch, candled. 42c; Northern

ranch, candied. 40c; selected storage. 35c.BUTTER—LocaI creamery, 80c: valley cream-

ery, fancy, 60c: coast creamery, fancy. 75@77'4c: coast dairy, choice, 6t><3G7%c; cooking,22ffr24e.


Northern, fresh, J7c; Anchor, large,IGc; Anchor, Young America. ISc: Anchor, hand,l!>c; Eastern slnclcs, 17(fil9c; Eastern twins,17c: Eastern Cheddars, lC(<«l6Vic: Eastern Long-horn. 18Q18tyc: Eastern Dairy. lSc: Swiss. Im-ported. 2SQ29c; Swiss, domestic, 20c; Limburgcr,1&; Brick, cream. 20c.

*POULTRY—Buying price, list weight, a lb:

Hens, light weight, 14c; young roosters, 16c;fryers, 16c; broilers. ISc: old roosters, *c; tur-keys, 17c: old toms. lHc: voting tonas. 17c; henturkeys, 13c: geese. I^'c; ducks, 12c; squabs. $2a dor Soiling prices, dressed, a Ih: Hens,/ 19c:.youncr roosteis. VOc: fryers. 2f>c: broiler*. 22c; oldroosters. 12c; turkeys. 23c: old toms, 20c; youngtoms, 22c; hen turkeys, 20c; geese, ISc; ducks.ISc: so,ushs. ?3 a dor.-


Idsho Rural*. Jl.Po: Colo-rado. $1.65: Salinas. $2. 10(a:i.25: Iligjiland.$1.V.®2: «weet *j>otatoes. yellow, $1.50*5.3. 75;white. $^g?3.25: Watsonville, $I.Bs<ai-90; >e-rada. $2: Oregon. $2.

ONIONS—YeIIow Danvers. $1.25: Northern,$I.2T>: garlic. Cc: Chilis, creen. 3%c; evaporated,lUQlSiic; sun drle<l. 13@13%c; ground, 12'/jc:Mexican, bulk. $12^Q13c

BEANS <a ctl)—l'iuk No. 1. fimbi?,: No. 2.$1.00: Uma No. 1. $0: I^dy Washington No. 1.$1'.00@3: do small white No. 1, $3.H0®3.75;

Blackeyes. $3.75(fi:4; Garvantas, [email protected];lentlns, 9010calb.



Following were the sales on the San FranciscoStock and Eicbange Board yesteraay.

Regular jSrnlne Session600 Bullion . 2s!*<*» t:oul<1 & C

'ur* 5i

ss s&isfe: a ss s i&p«Infanual Session

800 (Jonld & Cur. 37 400 J-nloa Cm ... g-

100 urerman -\u2666!/CLOSING QUOTATIONS

Bld.Ask.| B.^Ash'

iifiKiBiBelcher 60 63|New \ork con- «•

Best & 8e1ch.1.40 I.43!Ovrldeatal . •„ \u2666•\u0084 5

Brims C V... 04—

Opblr *«ivSBnms Savage. 03

—Overman *>»

Bnllion /2T 2S! Potoet . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• -


Caledonia *!*<TO 72lTllch BnrttvJrS^SChallenge ... 23 2«|SaTnße t.OO l-£>Chollar 17 19,Scorplon ..... **» «»Confidence ... —

1.20 S«* Belebe*-.; 1- «Con Imperial. 02 03 Sierra .Ncr ... £» tw^£Con TiM Cal.10 1.13 SIIW H'" •••„™

fe. £Crown Point.. 24 Lon..«.W UExchequer ... 60 6"|St 1-oulh ..... y*».Gould & Cur. 36 STjUnlou ton ... j»j, £\u25a0!Hale & Norc.

—I.oo|l tah -•••••;- %\ . J£


14;Yellow Jacket. 1.00 1-03

TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS.Regular Session— 3:2o to 12:30

1000 Atlanta, s 10. 80J100O Urn Dillon ... 2R.'.OO Atlanta

'»0| 500 Man Broncho.. 1*4000 AUan & Pac. 07,1000 Man Broncho.. 1.1000 Baltimore ... OOiIOOO Man Buffalo .% 104000 Beat Mt M.. Ml 000 Man Buffalo .. UU>oo Black Ants .. 14:3000 Do. s 3---- *ij3000 Btk B Bonana 15HU00 Man Comb ... 1-

1500 Black Rock .. 12! 500 ***>!*10.... i£19.000 Blue Bell .. 26(2000 Man Dexter .. "1000 Do. b 30... 27 1500 Man frtsco .. -5

500 Bine Bull ... 57;3W0 Man Humboldt . «\u2666

3500 Blue Bull ... 55J2000 Man Jtunbo .. o*>

3000 Do, » 10... WjloOOMan Little Joe 0.100 Blue BuU ... W'llOOO M Mammoth. «5 20

MOO Bonanza Ex.. 112000 Man M of Ncr 1»5000 Bonnie Clare. 37!t5000 Man Monitor.. v*

500 Bonnie Clare. 3S;40O0 Man Oreana .. -1

2000 Booth 1.05j1000 Mail United .. J»

1000 Blfrg Com .. 10JU00O May Queen .. -32000 BlfK Daisy .. 4fi)2tJW> Mayne --.•--•

**5700 Blfz Daisy .. 45;_'000 Mayflower Con sfi

3000 Bullfrog Kx.. 11 3000 Mayflower Con 5.

1000 Blfj;Midas .. t*o1500 Mayflower ton oS100 Bullfrog Mln. 40 500 Mid Pawnee... 14

SSOO Bullfrog Mm. 30 100 Midway ......3.15500 Blfn? Nat Bfc 5S 200 Midway .. -S-10

1000 Blfrg N Star. 10|5000 Mohawk Es .. -J»

«000 Birr* Victor.. 2S| 500 Mohawk Ex .. IS2000 Bullion Bill.. 50)1000 Mob awk Junior «'»2000 Bte Gldfld. s5 12.3000 Mon PltU Ex. 2"

1000 Columbia 1.301 340 Montana --j--3-?-*2«00 Columbia Mt.1.20| 200 Mont Bullfros. 1«

1000 Do. s 10... 1.20: 2000 Mont Bullfrog. 131500 Colum Mt Ex. 10115.5C0 Mont Bifrc.. 142100 Com Fraction.s.sojlooo Montgomy Mt. 42

500 Do. a 5 5.50 3000 Montsomy Mt. 4t100 Conqueror ... 3014000 Montgomy Mt. 40.300 Cracker Jack. 23 500 Mtg Shoa Lx. f3200 Daisy, s 10. .2.1)0 500 Mtg SUos Ex.

3000 Daisy Anx .. 19f2OOO Mustang Anx.. t>.l

2000 inn 'B Btte C. 53l3t>tiO Ncr HUI Ex.. 55500 Dtndfld Trnjtl. 75J1000 N Star Wondr 30

6500 Dmdfld Trngl. 7411000 Ohio Ton 21

1000 Dradfld Trngl. 73 50 Obio Ton -4

3'iOO Dixie 18 200 Uris Bullfroj. -4500 Eagle's Xest.. 26H000 Orls Bullfros. =2

2000, Esperama ... i^l 500 Oris Bullfrog. *v^4000 Federal 15;2000 Oro [£>2000 Fairrw Artec. 30!5f«O Ponn Blfrg


2000 Florence Ex.. 2S;30OO Pine Nut .... -'5000 Flor G R Kng HTSrtOO Ramsey "Wond 33300 Frances Mbk. SSI3OOO Ramsey Wond 3»600 Gold Bar 1.30(1500 Red Hills 3.

1000 Gold Crown .. 20(1000 Red Rock Ex. «»3

1000 Gold Sceptre. 5514^00 Red Top Ex.. 38650 Old Con M...9.eoi2S<j<KKed Top Ex.. 39

1800 Gld Kewano«.2.W>! 100 JIM Top Ex.. 401000 Gold Mt .... 07! 500 P.ed Wins ... ?-"2000 Gold Mt 06 2HOO Reese Rl» G!d 161500 Grandma 30J100O Round Mt Ex.

• 271000 Great Bend.1.22 1,13000 Ruby Wonder. 331000 Do. b 10... 1.25! 1000 Sandstorm ... 70

500 Great Bend. ..1.2.V2000 Syl Humphrey. IS

1000 Great Westrn. 05 500 Silver Pick -.1.502000 Ind Ton 03 700 Sllrer Pick..1.47»i

50 J Butler, s 5.1.25! S<JO Silrer Pick Ex 202000 Johnnie Cons. ISIIOOO S Pk Mayflwr. 5O3000 Do. b 10... 1914000 Smoky Val .. 25100 Jumbo Ex..1.97H!5000 Skookum Btfrg t2

1000 Jumbo Ex ...1.95:300a Skookum Blfrg 232300 Keane Wonder 68 2500 Tramp Coir ..1.70

550 Kendl Ex. iilO 10|4iV>0 Valley View .. 2fi14.000 Use Harris. 06 4fKX» Wonder 072100 Lone Star ... 53i2000 Yellow Rose.. 1*4000 Do. b 30... :2>r4000 Yel Horse E*. 209000 Lone Star ... 3SJ

Informal Session—

12:30 to 2 p. m.500 Adams 24;5000 Use Harris .. Off500 Adams

-...... 23|4500 Lone Star ."-S

3000 Atlanta ..... SB> 250 Lou Plllon ... 'Si8000 Arcadia 10[2000 Man Broncho.. 191000 Black Ant» .. 14|5000 Do. b 60.... '-'2000 Black Ants .. 15!2iXM> Mao Buffalo .. 1»6000 *Blk Butte Ex 16f 150 Man Con \u0084,1.02'j2000 Black Oxide.. 5014000 Man Dexter .. 7rt1000 Black Rock .. 1114000 M Hlsb Grade 173000 Blue Bell ... 2013000 Man M of Ncr 1!»SOOO Blue Bell ... 2513000 Man M of-Xer IS2000 Bine Bull ... 58|5000 Do, b 60...S2l7000 Blue Bull ... 57[60W Man Monarch.' "«1000 Booth 1.00 10.000 Man X Top. (fi1000 Bonnie Clare. 3S!lO00> Man Standard. ti\1000 Brunswick ... 50i 1500 Mayflower ion 601000 Blfrg Banner. 1.1012000 Mayflower Con 64

500 Blfg Daisy ..2.7515000 Mayflower Con \u2666«

2000 Btte Goldfleld 13 500 Mayne >*20(0 C O D ...1.23 100 MacNamara .. 6«1000 Columbia 1.30 112S Midway 2.001500 Colombia Mt.1.20 100 Midway 2.10200 Columbia Mt.1.25|1000 Milltown M Co

*"1000 Colum Mt..1.17»ii 10 Mohawk v-mv-m *1000 Colum Mt Ex. 1012000 Monawfe Ex

'ff» ,»

30nn Confldence Btg 1«!8000 Mohawk Ex .? Xl7000 Do, b 90... 17| 500 Do. b6O 31250 Com Frac.5.624120.000 Mohawk Jr.. C»300 Com Fractlon.s.soJSsoo Mod Pitts Ex. 21

1000 Conqueror ... 2911000 Mont Bullfrog. 1*soon Cracker Jack. 2112000 Mt Sho Ex.bCO 252i»00 Dm B Btto C. SSIIiXiO Mustang Ex .. 12S^OO Do. b 60... 60 ltmo Nerada Boy .. 23

2fK) Dm B Btte O. 57 500 NeTada Boy .. -tS5OO Dtodfld Trngl. 73 500 N>t Goldfleld. SO

750 Dffldfld Trnpl. T5 4O» X«» Hill Ex. 5-.

2000 Drndfld Trngl. ?4| 500 North Star ... 4ft1000 D*. b 30... 7411000 Vortn Star ... 4.75000 Ptndfld Trns«. 72 5000 N Star Wondr


2500 Eajrle'a Nest.. 2413000 N Star Wondr 231000 Eagle's Nest.. 23J 1000 Nugget It1500 Eagle's Nest.. 25110.000 Do. b 30 151000 Florence Ex.. 2SI.V)n© Old Sol Blfrg 2t1000 Florewe Ex.. 25>!5000 Orig Velret .. .20

200 Fairrw-«Eagle.l.ooisoo<T Do. b 30.... 2110.000 Fairr.R Rk 13i2300 Oro :.-. 551300 Gold Bsr ....1.30'3000 Orig Bullfrog. 20•500 Do. b 30... 1.35)2000 Pine Nut 2$

500 Gold Bar ..1.32^12.000 Pitts Johnnie 06100 Gold Bar 1.551 100 Pitts S Peak.-.1.75900 Gold Anchor.. 42i3000 Red Hills S-".

4000 Gold Center.. 16 j1500 Red Top Ex.. S*«000 Gold Center.. 17!3500 Red Top Ex.. Ji'4000 Gold Sceptre. 45 2000 Rep»e Rlt Gld7000 Globe Johnnie 33 10.000 Reese Rlt St 11ISOrt Gld Coo M...P.00 «wv> Do. s 1.V..-. 11


lf>o Gld Con MJ>.B7S'2»X>rt Pn, b {Mi 12300ft G Gld Bar Ex 2«1 2fH> Do, 110 113000 Gld -Kewano«.2.osJ 300 I>o, s 5 11

500 Gld Kew«Don.2.o<>|2ooo Do. b3O 123000 Gld 3d Chance 2«i300n Resme Con .. 201000 Grandma ."}O 500 Rescue Con .. 1»1000 Grandma 3113000 Ssndstorm ...1.70

500 Great Bend. I.22'a ilooi>Sandstorm Ex. in1000. Grt Bend Anx 2512000 S Humphry. »3 IS1500 «Jrt" Bend Ex. 4013000 S Humhry.bSO 1.1MOO.Grt, Bend Ex. 3951000 SilTer Plck.-1.47iiiPOO Do, b 30... 40!«WVW) Sllrer Pick ..1.45

300 Home 14|K00O Do. » 15... .1.45ZVK) Jack Pot 1.5012.100 SUTer Pick Et 203300 Jim Butler ..1.2.'.! 5000 Smoky Val .. 252000 Jumbo Ex..1.97Uf3n00 St Ires J". 9~1000 Jumbo Es ...1.95[1500 St Ires \. 02

SOO Do. b in...2.00'2000 Toano Frisco.. 151000 Kendall Ex... 0«| 100 Ton Exten ...5.503000 Kendall Ex... 07 1500 Tramp C. bf10.1.751000 Kewana Ex... 5115000 Walker Lake.. 104000 Lee Bonanza. 24| --, ...


Bld.Ask.| '..\u25a0'..\u25a0- Bid.Ask.v-Aritonsnt 4.70 -KSOJGwtr Bl Oxide


Brunswick ... —.>sJKeane Wonder

—G&W t

Cen Eaieka... 70—|--••



Tonopah District -*"'\u25a0Bolmnnt '. 5.37 5.62 Midway Ex... • 40Belmont Ex..

—IS Mlzpab \u25a0'"Ex 41)

California ... IS '21 Montana 3.80 3.55Cashboy 13 14 Mont MdwyEx IS 13Esperanza ... 02 03 Mon Pittst* Ex 20 21Eureta Ton... 05 "—NY Ton Con.- 05 10Golden Anchor 43 44 North Star..-.. 40Golden Crowu. 1!> 20 Oblo Tonopah..'. 21 22Gold Mountain 06 OR Paymaster ... 02 03Gold Mtn Con

—01 Rwi Rnclc Ex. OR 04

Great Western OS (»? Rescue Cons... 19 2<> \u25a0'Gypsy Qn Con 23

—Tonopab Ex...5.50 5.75

Home 15—

Ton Gold West 12—

Indiana Ton.. 03 03 Ton Home Con 02 03'

Jim Butler. ..1.22 1.25 Ton Silver &G «3—

Jim ButW Ex—

14 Ton of N>t.. lS».«v>UtUe T0n....

—3.00 Went End.... .I.SO I.PO


MacNamara.. R4, 65 West Tonopah.—

23Midway 2.00 2.05J-


\\ Goldfleld,Dtatjtct'

Adams ....... 23 •24 Gotdfld Rand..—

05Aloba .'

—15 Gfld 3fl Chance 24 3i»

Atlanta . S8 $9 Goldfld -Union.. 07Bait Goldfld.. 0©

—Grandma ..... 3rt 31 .

Band .... 30 —^Jreat Bend...1.22 1.25.Black Ants... 14 »!fr;reat Bend An 25B B Bonania. 14 15!Great Bend Ex"25 27Btk Butte Ex. lft 17 Hiberala ..... 39 40Black Rock... 11 12 Highland ..... 2t 52Blue Bell . 25 2C Jumbo. ..".....4.2.1 4..-ysBine Bull 5« 57JumN) Ex....*.1:901.«k5"Blue Quarts.; 4S

—Kendall ... 3S --coBrooklyn.... W f>7 Kendall Ex.., u7 oi*>,

Butte Goldfld. 12 I.l]Kewana Ex.;.'

50 £Booth 1.00

—ILagnna ..:....I.AO]|/ *



J.C. WILSONStocks and; Bonds

!-,Member Stock and Bond Eich«a*s» 43$ CtS».total* »U Pt»M XemDorw7 BW.
