2016 NAFSA Region X Conference Lake Placid, NY Finding Yourself in the Field: navigating career paths

Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

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2016 NAFSA Region X ConferenceLake Placid , NY

Fin d in g You r self in t h e Field : n aviga t in g ca r eer

p a t h s

Page 2: Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

●Em i ly Brew , SUNY System Adm in ist rat ion

● Jessica Ereiz, Un iversi t y at Buf falo●Em m a Voigt , Syracuse Universi t y

Today’ s Presenters

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● I n t roduct ions● Learn ing Object ives● Act ive Think ing● Navigat ion● M ot ivat ional Or ien tat ion● Leadership● Tips to Take● Conclusion● Resources & Contact In form at ion

Agenda for Today’ s Session

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● How were you in t roduced to the f ield of in ternat ional educat ion (IE)?

● What was your f i r st job in the f ield?● How m any years have you been work ing in IE?● Where are you on the Know ledge Com m uni t y

spect rum ?● Educat ion Abroad, In ternat ional Student and

Scholar Services, In ternat ional Enrol lm ent M anagem ent , Teaching, Learn ing and Scholarship, In ternat ional Educat ion Leadership

I n t roduct ions

Page 5: Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

● To develop st rategies for ident i f ying oppor tun i t ies in dai ly tasks

● To take ownership of your posi t ion and bui ld upon i t t o incorporate new responsibi l i t ies

● To learn about your m ot ivat ional or ien tat ion and use t ips to stay m ot ivated in the f ield

● To ident i f y t ips to develop your leadership sk i l l s

Learn ing Outcom es

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Think ing through your day:● Descr ibe t h e fir s t t h in g you do w h en you get

t o t h e office in t h e m or n in g .● Descr ibe som et h in g you p u t off a s lon g as

you can . ● Do t h ese h abit s r e la t e t o you r goa l(s )?

Ot h er a r eas t o u se t h is exer cis e…

Act ive Th in kin g

Page 7: Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

●When you absorb som eone else’ s responsibi l i t ies because of changes in of f ice st ructure●Ski l l sets●Who has exper ienced th is?●How did you use that to your advantage?

●keeping balance●f inding oppor tun i t ies●t ak ing ownership

Navigat ion

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●Act ivi t y: What M ot ivates You?

M ot ivat ion

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●Read al l t he statem ents and t ick those which best descr ibe you.●Take the response gr id and ci r cle those num bers which cor respond to the statem ents that you t icked. You should f ind that your answers cluster around one colum n. This reveals your motivational orientation.●Th e sh eet en t it led “ Tip s t o Take” br iefly descr ibes t h e ap p r oach w h ich you h ave iden t ified w it h .

Mot iva t ion a l Or ien t a t ion

Page 10: Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

●Achievem ent - or iented●Af f i l iat ion- or iented●Secur i t y- or iented● I n f luence- or iented

M ot ivat ional Or ientat ion

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● Developing Exper t ise● Transi t ions in Careers● Becom ing a Leader


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●Staying M ot i vated At Wor k : ● Take a 10 m inute break every 50 m inutes. Use these 10 m inutes w isely!● Look at what you have com pleted. Tick ing of f t he to- do l ist is a good

th ing. Consider m aking a dai ly “ To- Do List ” before you leave each day h ighl ight ing your goals for the next day.

● Think about how you com pleted tasks. ● Read som ething in terest ing. M ot ivat ional , even. I t ’ s ok to do th is!● Take a walk to the break room , or even outdoors for f resh ai r . This

takes you away f rom work m om entar i l y but has huge benef i t s l ike st retching your body and relaxing your m ind.

● Clear your desk. I t can also help clear your m ind!●Navigat i ng Thr ough Your Day:

● Take t im e to ar t iculate and redef ine your goals ● Find ways to add sm al l habi t s to m ove you towards bigger goal● Cont r ibute consciously

Tips to Take & Conclusion

Page 13: Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

● Em i ly Brew , In ternat ional Student & Scholar Services M anager , SUNY System Adm in ist rat ion , em i [email protected], 518- 320- 1433

● Jessica Ereiz, Assistant Di rector , Un iversi t y at Buf falo, j l kum ro@buf falo.edu, 716- 645- 2258

● Em m a Voigt , ejvoigt@syr .edu, 315- 443- 2457

Contact In form at ion

Page 14: Finding Yourself in the Field: Navigating Career Paths, IEL

● ht tp:/ / www.careereal ism .com● ht tp:/ / www.stel lar leadership.com●ht tp:/ / www.nyt im es.com / 2016/ 07/ 24/ upshot /f i r st - rule- of - the- job- hunt - f ind- som ething-you- love- to- do.htm l●ht tp:/ / jam esclear .com / habi t - stack ing● ht tp:/ / jam esclear .com / m ot ivat ion


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●Thank you for at tending th is session! Please don ’ t f orget to f i l l out a session evaluat ion .

Quest ions??

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NAFSA Presentation Finding yourself in the field: Navigation career paths

Learning Objectives

1. Participants will be able to develop strategies for identifying opportunities in daily tasks 2. Participants will learn how to take ownership of their position and build upon it to

incorporate new responsibilities. 3. Participants will identify motivation for pursuing a career in international education.