Finlit Brochure v2 Final

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  • 7/31/2019 Finlit Brochure v2 Final


    We provide FREE Financial Education Programmes

    through talks and workshops.

  • 7/31/2019 Finlit Brochure v2 Final


    The Institute is a collaboration

    between Singapore Polytechnic and

    MoneySENSE, the national nancial

    education programme spearheaded

    by the public-sector Financial

    Education Steering Committee (FESC)

    chaired by the Monetary Authority of


    The FESC consists of the Ministry of

    Social and Family Development, the

    Ministry of Education, the Ministry of

    Manpower, the Central Provident Fund

    Board, the Monetary Authority of

    Singapore, the National Library Board

    and the Peoples Association.

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to

    equip adults in

    Singapore with the

    skills and knowledge

    to make wise

    nancial decisions

    that impact their


    About the MoneySENSE Singapore Polytechnic

    Institute for Financial Literacy

  • 7/31/2019 Finlit Brochure v2 Final


    What The Institute Does

    The Institute provides free nancial education programmes

    covering basic money management, nancial planning and

    investment know-how. We are not tied to any nancialinstitution and are not selling any nancial products.

    We cater to consumers dierent learning preferences in various

    modes as follows:

    Talks and workshops brought to

    workplaces (e.g. oces and factories),

    making it convenient for working

    adults to learn more about money


    Public talks and workshops conduct-

    ed at public locations (e.g. libraries and

    community centres), making nancial

    education easily accessible to consum-ers from all walks of life.

    E-learning modules to cater to consumers who may prefer

    to learn online.

    Ways you can attend our talks and workshops:

    Bring this brochure to your Human Resource Department

    so that they can contact us to arrange for a session to be

    conducted at your workplace.

    Give us the contact details of the person in charge for a

    session to be arranged at your workplace.

    Contact us to nd out about sessions that are conducted at

    public venues.


    E D U C A T I O N

    P R O G R A M M E S

  • 7/31/2019 Finlit Brochure v2 Final


    Making The Most Of Your

    MoneyLearn how to manage your income,

    spending and debt, as well as to

    put aside amounts for savings and

    investments as part of yournancial plan. Learn how to use a

    budget and simple numeracy tools

    to help manage everyday money.

    Financial Planning Begins

    NowLearn how income, employment,

    borrowing, savings and investments

    can be impacted by economic

    conditions. Evaluate the benets and

    costs of nancial decisions anddevelop a nancial plan to allocate

    your income, savings and

    investments according to your needs

    and goals.

    Building Your Nest EggLearn how to have a plan to

    build retirement savings and be

    able to manage nancial needs

    during retirement. Find out how

    public sector schemes can help in

    housing, healthcare and saving for

    old age.

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    Are You Borrowing Too

    Much?Find out whether you can aord to

    take on debt, available alternatives

    and the implications of installment

    plans. Learn how to manage

    consumer credit facilities and

    borrowings for major purchases. Be

    able to select basic and cost-eective

    bank products and services.

    Investment and FinancialProductsLearn about basic investing

    concepts like risk-return tradeo

    and portfolio diversication. Learn

    how to select suitable and

    cost-eective products based on

    your nancial needs and risk


    Do I Need Every Type Of

    Insurance?Understand how basic insurance

    schemes provided by CPF Board

    protect you. Assess if you need

    more insurance coverage. Be ableto select an integrated shield plan

    and insurance product that is

    suitable for you and your

    dependents needs.

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    Relevant and Customisable Programmes

    The Institute develops relevant and customised content with inputs

    from consumer, investor and nancial industry associations. The

    Institute also collaborates with the associations to eld speakers for

    seminars. It partners organisations such as the Peoples Associationand Community Development Councils to develop and conduct

    customised programmes at public venues.

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    Learn And Grow With Us

    Making The Most Of Your Money

    Financial Planning Begins Now

    Are You Borrowing Too Much?

    Do I Need Every Type Of Insurance? Building Your Nest Egg

    Investment And Financial Products




  • 7/31/2019 Finlit Brochure v2 Final


    MoneySENSE-Singapore Polytechnic

    Institute for Financial Literacy

    Singapore Polytechnic

    500 Dover RoadSingapore 139651

    6870 8383

    [email protected]