FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

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Page 1: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition


Page 2: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition


Page 3: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition – I don’t know---- just sayin’…) Her eis the link for our practice word: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aberration

You will see the following when you look up the word ON DICTIONARY.COM.Aberration ab·er·ra·tion    [ab-uh-rey-shuhn] noun * notice the ‘act of’ then makes it a thing not a verb.1. the act of *departing from the right, normal, or usual course. 2. the act of deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type. 3. deviation from truth or moral rectitude. 4. mental irregularity or disorder, especially of a minor or temporary nature; lapse from a sound mental state. 5. Astronomy . apparent displacement of a heavenly body, owing to the motion of the earth in its orbit. EXPANDRelevant Questions (you can click these links to learn more about the word……like- how to use it in a sentence.How Would I Put Aberrati... What Is Aberrational? What Is Chromatic Aberra... What Is Aberration?

ETEMOLOGY is shown here in the ‘Origin’: 1585–95;  < Latin aberrātiōn-  (stem of aberrātiō ), equivalent to aberrāt ( us ), past participle of aberrāre  ( see aberrant) + -iōn- -ion

THIS ETEMOLOGY IS FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE 1590s, "a wandering, straying," from L. aberrationem (nom. aberratio) "a wandering," from pp. stem of aberrare "go astray," from ab- "away" + errare "to wander" (see err). Meaning "deviation from the normal type" first attested 1846. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

Then you will see the Related forms in which the alternate idea of the word are shownab·er·ra·tion·al, adjective

YOU SEE HERE THAT adding ‘ly’ makes this word an adjective THEREFORE – you will add this information to your work under (N)Notes

Synonyms (NOTE TO STUDENT some of these synonyms are in gerund form… you may make them familiar ‘nouns’ when completing your work.1.  wandering; deviation, divergence.  abnormality, eccentricity, illusion, delusion, hallucination.

THE PAGE OFFERS NOTES AND COMMENTS SUCH AS; Aberration is always a great word to know. So is abhorrent. Does it mean: not average, typical, or usual utterly opposed or in conflict LEARN MORE UNUSUAL WORDS WITH WORD DYNAMO... Explore the Visual Thesaurus »Related Words for : aberrationaberrance, aberrancy, deviance, distortion, optical aberrationView more related words »


Page 4: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

THIS IS YOUR WORKING FORMAT: (click on the highlighted letter to see the page for the section)

(W) aberration (S) As given the part of speech is: NOUN (it is a person place thing or idea)(N) If changed, and the suffix al added, it would then become an ADJECTIVE thus: ab·er·ra·tion·al (E) Word Origin & History of aberration 1590s, "a wandering, straying," from L. aberrationem (nom. aberratio) "a wandering," from pp. stem of aberrare "go astray," from ab- "away" + errare "to wander" (see err). Meaning "deviation from the normal type" first attested 1846. (NOTICE that it also links the affixes to a dictionary page as well.. For further learning)

(PD) PartsPREFIX: Ab- to go wayROOT: ber – (from err or ere) to wanderSUFFIX: tion: expresses an action or a state of being

(D) Definition: which you should make as brief though accurate as possible A [thought/action] outside of, or that veers from the NORMAL standard

(S) Synonyms wandering; deviation, divergence, abnormality, eccentricity, illusion,

delusion, hallucination(3) Use the word as GIVEN (W) or in another APPORPRIATE FORM, within the sentences:1 The aberration of thought cause Marly to stay off task. 2 A bubble bath is a perfect aberration to hide from a stressful day.3 The red man is the aberration in the blue man group.CLICK HERE for the Dictionary page…

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Page 5: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

Now, for Parts……

(W) Is the Word as given that you will ‘break’

for ownership

Write and look up the word as given ‘aberration’

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Page 6: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(S) What is the word’s PART OF Speech as Given?

Aberration, as given, from dicitonary.com, is a NOUN; therefore, my entry is:


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Page 7: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(N) Notes about the word. If I were to

change this word by removing the ‘tion’ and adding an ‘ly’, it would then become, aberrational and changed from a noun to an adjective. So, my (N) look s like:

(N) If changed, and the suffix al added, it would then become an ADJECTIVE thus: ab·er·ra·tion·al

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Page 8: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(E) Etemology is the Word Origin & History of aberration

on the bottom of the dictionary.com page, you will find the following:1590s, "a wandering, straying," form L. aberrationem (nom. aberratio) "a wandering," from pp. stem of aberrare "go astray," from ab- "away" + errare "to wander" (see err). Meaning "deviation from the normal type" first attested 1846. (NOTICE that it also links the affixes to a dictionary page as well.. For further learning)

So, by suing this information, my (E) looks like:(E) From 1590s, meaning "a wandering, straying," /Latin :

aberrationem , a stem of aberrare meaning to "go astray,“, and ab meaning "away" PLUS errare meaning "to wander" (see err). Full Meaning "deviation from the normal type" first attested 1846

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ary page…

Page 9: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(PD) Parts in detail. This is where you will break down all the

parts of the word for meaning. At the bottom of the ditionary.com page the full etymology is listed (derived from the Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper) and it gives the FULL history of the word as shown:

Word Origin & Historyaberration 1590s, "a wandering, straying," from L. aberrationem (nom. aberratio) "a wandering," from pp. stem of aberrare "go astray," from ab- "away" + errare "to wander" (see err). Meaning "deviation from the normal type" first attested 1846. (NOTICE that it also links the affixes to a dictionary page as well.. For further learning)

So, my entry looks like:(PD)

Prefix ‘ab’ awayRoot ‘err’ wanderSuffix ‘tion’ be in the state or being ofCLICK HERE to go back to

Format Page…CLICK HERE for the Dictionary page…

Page 10: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(D) Definition. You may write the ACTUAL definition, but it

is best to write a paraphrased definition that you will remember. Also, make this brief, but as accurate as possible

The denotation is: 1. the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course. 2. the act of deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type. 3. deviation from truth or moral rectitude.

The paraphrase might be: A [thought/action] outside of, or that veers from ,the NORMAL standard So my (D) Looks like:

(D) A [thought/action] outside of, or that veers from ,the NORMAL standard

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Page 11: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(S) Find some Synonyms for the word and list them.

On the Dictionary.com page, the synonyms are at the bottom and it looks like this:1.  wandering; deviation, divergence.  abnormality, eccentricity, illusion, delusion,


(NOTE TO STUDENT some of these synonyms are in gerund form… you may make them familiar ‘nouns’ when completing your work.)

FOR FUN (yes…fun), try to find a hypernym or hyponym for the words!!! “What the heck are those?” you might ask; well, find out here: http://21cif.com/tutorials/micro/mmpdf/hypernyms.pdf

Here are other links to help with your hunt…http://thesaurus.com/ Also, on the dictionary.com page, there is a visual thesaurus that you may use to learn the synonyms

http://www.visualthesaurus.com/landing/?ad=tdc.small&utm_medium=small&utm_campaign=VT&utm_source=tdc&word=aberration&lang=en Once you determine your synonyms, your (S) entry looks like this:

(S) Wandering, Deviation, Divergance, illusion CLICK HERE to go back to Format Page…CLICK HERE for the Dictionary page…

Page 12: FIRST: Go to a GOOD vocabulary source- I like dictionary.com (maybe because it sources the Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

(4) Create 4 sentences, using the word in the original given

format (aberration)So, my entry will look like:(4)1 The aberration of thought cause Marly to stay off task. 2 A bubble bath is a perfect aberration to hide from a stressful day.3 The red man is the aberration in the blue man group.4 The décor, despite its aberration, was still very attractive.

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