First Grade Foundational Skills Decoding

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Foundational Reading Skills: Decoding

I can:I am learning to:I need to learn:

I can decode regularly spelled one-syllable words by myself.I am learning to decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.I need to learn to decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.

I know the spelling-sound correspondence for common two letters that represent one sound (diagraphs) by myself.I am learning the spelling-sound correspondence for common two letters that represent one sound (diagraphs).I need to learn the spelling-sound correspondence for common two letters that represent one sound (diagraphs).

I know the final e on the end of the word makes the vowel say its name by myself.I am learning that the final e on the end of the word makes the vowel say its name.I need to learn that the final e on the end of the word makes the vowel say its name.

I know common vowel teams that make a vowel say its name by myself.I am learning common vowel teams that make a vowel say its name.I need to learn common vowel teams that make a vowel say its name.

I know that every syllable must have a vowel by myself.I am learning that every syllable must have a vowel. I need to learn that every syllable must have a vowel.

I can decode two-syllable words by breaking them into syllables by myself.I am learning to decode two-syllable words by breaking them into syllables.I need to learn to decode two-syllable words by breaking them into syllables.

Modified from Common Core: Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.