First Parish Church, Congregational On the Village Green Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts Rev. John G. Hughes, II, Senior Pastor Donald R. Dunn, Director of Music-Organist Jessica Skidmore, Christian Ministry Coordinator Tori Potter, Sexton Nancy Klebart, Office Manager 978-526-7661 [email protected] www.firstparishchurch.org

FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration

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Page 1: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration

First Parish Church, Congregational On the Village Green

Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts

Rev. John G. Hughes, II, Senior Pastor

Donald R. Dunn, Director of Music-Organist

Jessica Skidmore, Christian Ministry Coordinator

Tori Potter, Sexton

Nancy Klebart, Office Manager


[email protected]


Page 2: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration


Sunday, September 25, 2016, 10:00 a.m.

Jazz Celebration Sunday

PRELUDE: “Maiden Voyage” by Herbie Hancock

Jazz Ensemble



Our God is familiar with our ways.

Before a word is on our tongue,

God knows what we want to say. Our God’s knowledge is too wonderful

and too vast for us to know.

*HYMN: “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah” NCH #2 black


Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known,

and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts

of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,

that we may more perfectly love you,

and represent your loving presence to this ailing world.

Allow us to reflect and perfect your Holy presence

for all who seek you. This we ask through Jesus Christ,

who taught us to pray …

*THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on

earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we

forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.

*GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is

now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen


Page 3: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration

ANTHEM: “Jesus Met the Woman at the Well” Traditional

Rebecca Shrimpton, Paul Knox and Jazz Ensemble

Jesus met the woman at the well, and He told her everything she'd ever done.

He said, "Woman, woman, where is your husband?" She said, "Oh, I don't have none."

He said, "Woman, woman, you've got five husbands, and that man you got now ain't your


She said, "Oh, you must be the prophet, 'cause you told me everything I've ever done." She

went running to the city saying, "Come and see a man who told me everything that I have


I heard the voice of Jesus saying behold I freely give

The living water, thirsty one, stoop down and drink and live.

Come to the well, come to the well, and you will never, no never, thirst no more.


CONGREGATION’S JOYS AND CONCERNS It is a right, and good and joyous thing,

always and everywhere, to give thanks to God,

For God is the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth;

our God can fulfill our prayers.

Let us raise our prayers to our loving God.

Let us raise our voices in joyous song,

our hearts in praise, and

our souls to the fullness of God’s presence. Amen


PRAYER RESPONSE: “Living Waters” Traditional

Jazz Ensemble

Let your living waters flow over my soul

Let your holy spirit come and take control

Of every situation that has troubled my mind.

All my cares and burdens unto you I roll.

Jesus, Spirit, Father.


SERMON: “A Drink of Clear Sparkling Water”


Page 4: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration



by Richard Blanchard,

arr. Shrimpton/Sordillo

Rebecca Shrimpton, First Parish Choir and Jazz Ensemble

Like the woman at the well, I was seeking for things that could not satisfy;

And then I heard my Savior speaking: "Draw from my well that never shall run dry."

So, my friends, if the things this world gave you leave hungers that won't pass away,

My blessed Lord will come and save you, if you kneel to Him and humbly pray.

Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord!

Come and quench this thirsting deep in my soul;

Bread of Heaven feed me 'til I want no more

Fill my cup, fill it up, and make me whole.

*DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below,

Praise God above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*HYMN: “In the Garden” NCH #237 black



by Antonio Carlos Jobim

Jazz Ensemble

* * * * *

The greeter and lay reader are Martha Farmer and Wendy Smith.

The Deacons are Wendy Smith and Lynda Griffiths.

Listening devices are available for those in need; they are at the back of

the Sanctuary. Feel free to address a Deacon should you need help using


After the service join us in the front of the church for hospitality.

FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR Please call Penny Lapham at 978-526-

7128, by Monday to be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin.

Page 5: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration


Willie Sordillo, alto saxophone

From Singapore and Hawaii to major music festivals across North

America, Willie’s music has taken him around the world. As co-leader

of the band, Flor de Caña, he is a three-time Boston Music Award

winner, and one of his albums became a top 10 hit on the Billboard

Magazine World Music list. Willie is also musical director of the

weekly jazz worship service at Old South Church on Copley Square,


Brian Price, tenor saxophone and bass clarinet

Brian grew up attending First Parish Church with his family. He began

playing music with his father and in the Beverly public school system;

he also studied with Leonard Hochman. As part of the Lost and

Wandering Blues and Jazz Band he has toured through the US, France,

and Italy. He has performed in the US and Germany with New York-

based musician Cooper-Moore, and is a member of the new

CooperMoore Trio along with Pascal Niggenkemper.

Rebecca Shrimpton, vocalist

Acclaimed as a “simply exquisite vocalist,” Rebecca has been praised

by Britain’s Jazzwise magazine, All Music Guide, and All

About Jazz and featured on NPR/PBS concert broadcasts. She's

performed and recorded with Joe Lovano, Steve Lacy, Oliver Lake,

George Russell, Ran Blake, George Lewis, Fred Ho, and blues organist

Mike Finnigan, as well as the 19-piece Jazz Composers Alliance

Orchestra and the acclaimed medieval quartet Tapestry. Also a classical

mezzo soprano, Rebecca is soprano section leader for First Parish’s

choir and is Assistant Professor of Voice at Berklee College of Music.

Carolyn Wilkins, piano

A jazz pianist and vocalist, Carolyn has been an active participant in the

Boston music scene for over 20 years as a performer, educator and

composer. She has performed on radio and television with her group

SpiritJazz and toured South America as a Jazz Ambassador for the US

State Department performing with the Pittsburgh Symphony under

Andre Previn. A graduate of Oberlin Conservatory and Eastman School

of Music, Carolyn is Professor at Berklee College and author of the

Page 6: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration

book, Damn Near White: An African American Family's Journey from

Slavery to Bittersweet Success (University of Missouri Press).

Dave Clark, bass A bassist, composer, and producer, Dave has performed with such

musicians as John Abercrombie, Ashford and Simpson, George Benson,

Jimmy Heath, Lee Konitz, and Mstislav Rostropovich, and has appeared

on over 25 albums. He is the recipient of a National Endowment for the

Arts jazz grant and the Eunice Shay Award for Outstanding Musical

Achievement. He has a M.M. from New England Conservatory and is

Professor at Berklee College of Music.

Russell Lane, drums

A Marblehead resident, Russell plays with indie rock and folk groups in

the Boston/North Shore area, including Digney Fignus. He also recently

performed with Willie Sordillo in U2Charist, a worship service featuring

music by U2.

Welcome to all who are new to our worship. To join our mailing list fill

out a “Welcome Card” to place in the collection plate or contact

[email protected] , 978-526-7661 ext 1.

First Parish Church Congregational uses candid photos of church

activities on its website and in its publicity from time to time. Any photos

of children used will not contain personally identifiable information.

Members of the community not wanting their photos depicted (or those

of their children) should inform the church office.

October 2, all are welcome to join us for a conversation on

Congregational History with Margaret Bendroth.

Join us at the Chapel following worship.

Soups and salads needed! Sign up now or contact Jessica at

978-526-7661 ext. 3 or [email protected].

Seaside Parish Knitters begins again September 22!

Join the us, we meet alternating Thursday afternoons in

the Conference Room of the Chapel. 3-5 PM.

Page 7: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration

Ragtime Pianist, Bob Milne, returns Saturday, October 8th

as First Parish Church, Congregational of Manchester

celebrates its 300th Anniversary.

Library of Congress “National Treasure”, Bob Milne, performs

Ragtimeand Boogie-Woogie music at 5 PM on Saturday, October 8 at

First Parish on The Village Green in Manchester by the Sea. Considered

by many to be the best Ragtime/Boogie-Woogie pianist in the world,

Bob Milne specializes in this music style that developed in America in

the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, he brings endless enthusiasm,

enchanting ease of playing, and an engaging manner while telling stories

about the music with warmth and humor.

A donation of $20 appreciated at the door. Check out Bob's website

First Parish Church Book Group continues on Monday

September 26th

at 7pm in the conference room at the Chapel.

It will be a potluck of appetizers, desserts and beverages. The

book for the Summer reading was “In the Heart of the Sea:

The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex” by Nathaniel Philbrick. Book

group will continue to meet monthly throughout the year. Will be moving to Thursdays this fall, still led by

Rev. John Hughes and at 4 PM.

THE CARE TEAM MINISTRY, Have you shared the experience?

We support FPC families with meals, rides, & visits through times of

illness and loss. If you would like to become involved with this

wonderful team contact;

Sheila Kafer 978-525-3253, [email protected]

Janet Groth at 978-526-8408, [email protected]

Page 8: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration

At the sign of the rose, we’re happy to announce that our new

season of Vespers quiet time, prayerful meditation candle-

lighting at the altar, and music, resumes this fall.

All are welcome. The Sanctuary opens at 6:30 for meditation &

prayer; our service is from 7 – 7:30 pm.

Weds., Oct. 5 – Vespers: “wait patiently” psalm 40

Weds., Oct. 19 – Vespers: “no slumber” psalm 121

Weds., Nov. 2 – Vespers: “delights in people” psalm 149

Weds., Nov. 30 – Vespers: “peace within” psalm 122

Fair Workshop, Thursday, September 29 in the

Chapel 6:30 PM. No experience necessary, join us!

The COA and VNA hold a Health Clinic in the Chapel

Conference Room on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the

month, 10 AM to noon. Preregistration is not necessary.



6:30 PM Diaconate

7:00 PM Book Group

7:30 PM Manchester Singers


10:00 AM COA Zumba

4:00 PM Friends of the COA


10:00 AM COA Yoga

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal


4:00 PM Bible Study


8:00 AM Yoga


10:00 AM Worship, Nursery, Sunday School, Youth Group

11:30 AM Soup & Conversation