8 THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1916. FIRST SPANISH OPERA THIS WEEK THE RUSSIAN BALLET THE WEEK OF OPERA. CONCERTS OF THE WEEK. 1 Metropolitan Opera Home. MQNDAY, 7:45 P. M. "Tristan und Isolde," Mmes. Gadskl and - Matzwauer, Mcshis. Urlus, Well mid Uiaun. s WEDNES2AT "Der Uosenkavalier," Mmes. Hempel, Obcr and Mason, Messrs, (ioritz, Weil und Althouse. THURSDAY "Boris GodunofT," Mmes. Ober and Delaunols, Messrs. Didur, Rothier and Althouse. FRIDAY "Goyescas," Anna Fitziii (debut). Flora Pcrini, Messrs. Martinelli and De Luca. "PaRliacci," Mme. Cajatti, Messrs. Caruso and Amato. SATURDAY, 2 P. M. "La Traviata," Mme. Hempcl, Messrs. Botta and De Luca. SATURDAY, 8 P. M. 'Lohengrin," Mmes. Gadskl and Matzenauer, Messrs. Sembach, Goritz and Braun. Br V. J. IIKMIUHSON. . lltCTHKU there Is a special w In the hp.misii Ian- - . Is I ,,n' tlcmamlliiK of me a constant rx,'r(-'l!,l- ! "f tt" Iwer, until Ihc com-iriu- e pifilon ,,r tlif tafl." KliaKp or nut something Tlu-r- . nil- - three Fcclics In the nncrn. which the present writer i would not venture to determine. Many praises of the speech of Spain have been uttered and memory testifies that It has a remarkable music when It Is- sues from the llw of a tjplcul belle of Mamlano de Chile. Uut In a city In which operas are Riven In all Mods of languages It Is n.ife to say that lino words do not a lyric dram.i mala-- . It is after all the music from which wo expect a display of puwer moving and entrancing: "Clothlnir the palpable mid familiar With golden exhalations of the dawn." We aro about to enjoy the llrst per- formance of a Spanish opera ut the Metropolitan Opera House. It Is "CJoycscas," tho book by Ternando rerlquet and the music, by Ciirliine Gpenados. It will Ik- - miiik with flic- - wnuinai tipanisii ie.i. i no opera was areeptcd for production at the (irand Optra, I'arls. but the oulbre.ik of the war Indefinitely postponed the prom-lie- d performance. For this reason the composer through tho Imdrumcntallty of his friend Kmcxi Schelllng, the American plunl.it. who hail frequently played the Spaniard' piano works, was brought Into comintinkalkm with Mr. Guttl-Casazz- a and In time a eon-tra- ct for the production of iSoycscajt' In this city wan made. The opera will therefore be performed next Friday vanlng for tho tlrst time on any Mage. Ooyu was tlm great Spanish palmer of the beginning of tho last century nnj the final years of tho preceding on. Sir. Muneker says that hp "in caiyatcd the renaissance of old Spain ana Its art. Also he wa8 an expert ... ..... . . Villi Ml.iy.H . n It.... It... I I wwi.uBoit.1. i 'u .Mian in ..men nix- - torj' and a painter of diabolic virtuoso kill. Mr. Huneker ban written very fcrJlllantly as he always does iilsiut Goya In his "Promenades of an Hut we may profitably tura from the American critic's en- trancing pages to the characteristic story of thp librettist, as set forth In a recent Interview In ihe local Spanish newspaper, Xovcdadca. Mr. l'crlquet aid: "Granadoa had seen Cloya's paintings end sketches nt the Prado Museum, und they Inspired in him the music to the pitiful Vrlctc and to the Mtijax of the famous Caprlchos and to the Jeal ous, cloaked Majos. "One day we talked of taking those ravlshlliK melodies to the since. Wet8'1'-- ' lacked a plot. This was my task, In the fulfilment of which 1 put all my soul. I did not wish to present the painter himself, because In large works all historical personages are artistic- ally dangerous. "Resides, to every Spaniard who Is a poet and possesses culture, (soya means not only a name but an epoch I also. .Goya, as an epoch, means sen- - llmentally loves and passions, and so- - dally n strange, melting of nil class.es,. something like a presage of democ racy that placed toreros and duch- esses, princes and tonadllleras side by aide. "The question resolved Itself there- fore Into presenting this social mix- ture as an environment to love affairs, ti;lc ns they always are whenever tuid rivalries writhe 1Jea!ot'.i and out ui Hot as 1 also hold that the plot of an opera should he as simple as to bo even within a child's grasp, 1 made of my libretto the simplest story that I have, ever written. The work of Granados fund myself Is full of the Joy of Span- - ish life, of the sadness of our untam- able passions, of the vibrant coloring of Goya's pictures in which the paint becomes the very, stuff of dreams. "As soon as the plot took shape In my mind I unfolded It to Granados, who received It uh his own. Then I VFjitn th. lt,.i.L nut, iir tit.. miiLuu if the, Simnish romance it.o.iiilui- - ballad I and seguldllla (popular lyric), not In- - tending that the musician should set my verse to music but that Granados cenes and stories I had built jf my rhymes. So was his charming score composed, without words, In the most , absolute freedom, while seeing In his imagination a gorgeous pageant of ) Goyesque figures, majas, duchesses, royal guards, witches broom riding to their Sabbath. "When the last note of his muslo was set dowu there fell on me a hard but unshYi;ahle task, a painful , tour de force, which I could not but accept with bravo energy. I had to write new words for the music! For a whole month Granados .and I enclolstered ourselves In a poetic llttlo bouse In the midst of wild the blue Mediterranean before us to often with Its quietness the excit- ing labor nt my "What I wroto for Granados's music werp not, could not be, verses The speeches of the characters had to follow note by note the maestro' fan-- 1 tusy. Tho rhymes exotic, the rhythms Irregular, times, given n group of notes, It seemed impossible to express the musician's thought in an eqital num ber of syllables, and we used to quar of throwing !! bretto at each heads, the for mo was that musician right, since I nt found what demanded and I denied. "A character says 'Mora"." and tlm answers 'Las dloz.' lour? o'clock.') The syllables suf- - nee tho two rlvnls to understand each Granados Willi I'ltrhf Antl so the work went on. d;iv nftcr which Is In unit act. It beuhlH with ft "cr""' huri-owe-- from olio of ISoya' palnt'iiKf. Four women rue tn.ssinK a niiititifiiiilti in n blanket. It Is a faiurlle iKistlme of tho Spanish maja, and wo arc reminded that lliln Is the Kort of IhliiK that tho women do with men the world over. The action the opera with tho keeping of a tryst between nn olllcer and his lady lop, who of course some dis- guised duchess. l'nitil'o. the pnpnlnr ImlllUliioi-- , loaches Iud's fide llrst and offers his homage. r Then the trotib'e begins. The buniptlouH conduct of t he two men leads to the acceptance by Fernando, tho olllcer. of an Invitation for the mysterious lady to attend a inibllc 4lance. tf course nt this the men iuarrel and arrange a duel, which la fought the next morning. The bull-tight- tho oflkcr und the opera l. obliged to lotne to nil end. There Is nothing more to bo recorded ut ,1,1 moment The production hu!d bo one of no sm.il Interest. I'eihapx It would loom larger In public mind there were less fre- quent Invitation to consider the fart that opera i to be sung In Spanish. Tho advent of tho Russian Ballet has set the town talking of thlngf, but most them have little or no concern fop the miHo lover. Some, however, belong clearly to this department. Kr example, when the dance or the dumb action Is accom- panied and illuminated by a new score written especially for the purpose tho music lover Is Interested. or ought to b. Therefore tho production of Stra- - VnhkvV 'I.'OIschu de Feu" wa an Important Incident of the first week of the ballet nt the Century Theatre, ,nlH, it. i. w,.Pms. for "IV- - trouohka" before wo can hear the music of Stravinsky at Us wor.i. In tills Instance tho adjective "worst" means best, tor tho more this music stilus ou better the composer Is pleased. In these days we accustom ourselves to the once unheard of con- ception that music must be princi- pally ugly else It will be Incapable of delineating human experiences. This Is a new and unwelcome phase of pessimism. Hut let us see what reveals Itself In the score of "I'etrouch-ka.- " It's only about dolls, anyhow. Uut dolls are so wonderfully human u" 1 l'"mK" ,AS "ermiune m'B"t The work given for the first time on Monday evening is not old, but Strav- insky specialists, most of whom are young and gambol like lambs over the Meld of (esthetics, tell us that this Is passp. Stravinsky, with flights more brilliant sweeping man inose or nis own -- mm or has already soared Into far heights of elusive dissonance which noL even grown nun can define. And jet then- - is no cause for alarm The solution of lit- - muslo lover' prob- lem lies In the representation of the ballet. The music composed by the Uusslun for the dellueative action and dance ha no place in the concert room. It should not bo performed apart from the stage picture. Torn from its association such niule be- comes Incomprehensible, for sim- ple leason that It is planned In evepy detail to fit Itself to movements of action. When it heard In Its right place It Is admirable, The UEly passages aro perfectly Justified because their significance made unmistakable. Tho discords hh harsh Instrumental screams which accompany the Kot-ch- rl In "lfiiseau de Feu" are an expression of his evil nature and of the dread fate which" he toward tho young prince. The portions of the score ac- - "l"y t" movements of the captiv ' '"," "7 njpanlons are not in ,hl' ,''l"- - Pleasing ev,'M to tn" eneral music lover. The wrltton. Those passages which voice the love of the prince nnd princess are very beautiful, anil so too are final measures of the work, the pro- cessional of robing, which Is the- atrically eloquent In Its symbolism as well ns musically admirable. Perhaps tho superposition of nn ac- tion upon the score of Debussy's "fApres-MId- l d'un Faun" might bo made a matter for discussion, hut it hardly seems worth while. It was asserted In Tins Su.v on the morning uiicr ine. prouuction mis piece mat the action been planned with so much fancy and tasto and with such close adherence to Sfepnen Mallarmo's poem, tho snurcn of tho prelude that no one should bo offended, nut even Uelnissy. Tho Imitation of the poses of ancient decorative art Is a strikingly original note in tho action of theatre. The most successful productions have been the "Hlrd of Fire," "The Afternoon of a Faun" and "Schehera- zade." The last named drama dis- plays pantomimic skill the com- pany at Its best. The story Is tragic In Its primitive character and the rep- - entirely dlsapears, One of tho finest art works In the whole muslo Is debased to level of a common- - place of dance movements. However, It Is not likely that this particular ballet will figure largely In the activities of the oompany throuch the remainder Us season In this country. It la such poor exhibition In comparison with tho other pieces that It will have to be retired to the rear might let his fancy rojim over lliiti"""" " "",mr"" ',iu'""t'J fields, hands were "At which dumb series rcl like schoolboys, ho wanting to resentatlon has thp high merit of slm-kee- p to his original Idea, I despairing pllclty and directness, of finding Its expression within the i It Is n pity that the Russian syllables. For Instance, In ganlzatlon made Its unhappy essay at one aeene two men had to arrange . transforming Schumann's "Carnlvnl" a duel In four musical notes. Could Into a .ballet. In 4he first place every It bp possible? Tho composer re-- ) slncpre lover of muslo must have felt fused to ndd even one note more; In a certain anger at this proceeding. In Spanish 1 could not find the neccs- - the blatant orchestral arrangement of ary form. the composition all the poetic delicacy "W quarrelled and were nn tho and Imaginative quality of the music verge the score and other's nut worst of it the was length he had ' other CI 'Tt-- four ror other. this of i Is the Kill the If the ninny of the or and I tho i brings ' the the or had the the of realm of the of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallBr S HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaniBaaaaaaaaaatw .Laaaaaaaaaaam.1 ."SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVX K ' Vk? BalBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH!sBBBBBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBBBaB ffaBBBBBBBBBBBBaV ' BBBBBBBBBBBBB K U - Mfi V ' BbRSbBLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP'VCIIIV m ifelflBBBBBBBBBBBm. .'BBBBBBBBBA " "!"' 'V BBBBBBBBBBBF 9B"aaaaaaaaaaaaBk . VA.' IbBBBBBkVI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiIiL'U "CtV MWBf'JjL MmLbBBBBBBBBBbT V BBBBBBBBBbT IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMMIgyy. hf, .f ' S&ZbbBBBBBBBBBBbW BBBBBBBBBBT 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW BBB'-'- l jHHpiBfJM HUHp" V tHH tk-- J K SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafBv 4 y'j BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'-''aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- BBBBBBBBBBBBVh raBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BmlV IAbBBBBBBBBbB QBBBBBBBbV LbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP 7' I 7 HMP ..Klln 'afaBBBBBBBBBBBBiVBBBBBBBBi f i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbII''' , I r BaBBBBBBBBBBafcak kalitriaBBBBBW 'bbbbbbbb! '5,. -- lTT' t fckS Syr 4 IHHi jEBf-- i mm Isolde? Moimovf BBBBBBBBB r4jJEBBBBBBB al I Biteiiair. PERCY GRAINGER. RAN I ST. AEOLIAN HALL AFTERNOON . ttvfw line. Only the delightful dancing of Ldia I.opokova savtd It from being In plain fact a bore. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. "lloychcas," a Spanish opera sung In the Spanish language, composed by Knrlque (irauudos to a libretto by Fernaiid Poriquel. will, have Its first performance on any stage at the Met- ropolitan Opera . Hhuse next. Friday evening. January JS. Special Inter- est attaches to the event, aa It will be tlm tlrst SpanMi opera to be sung In the Fulled States. Doth composer and librettist have come to New York nn Invitation of the Metropolitan Opera Company to assist In the preparation of their work. It also will Introduce an artist new to the Metropolitan, Anna Fitzlu, an American singer who already has appeared with success 'n Spain and Italy, and who will create the leading female role. The cist In detail will bo as follows: llnuirln, Anna Fitzlu: f('riinarfo,.(iiovannl Mar- tinelli; ';, Flora Perlnl: VVuiilni. liiuseppe De I.uca. tlaetano Ilavag-no- ll will conduct. Hasina tialll and Giuseppe Honflgllo will dance. The chorus has been trained by Clullo Settl, and tho stage management has been entrusted to Jules Speck. was painted by Itovcscdlll of Milan, njul the costumes were made by Mine. .Musaeus of the Metropolitan Opera Atelier after designs by IVrl-que- t. As "t;oesoas" is a short opera It will lip followed by "Pagllaccl." sung by Mme. Cajatti and Messrs. Caruso. Amato, Tegani and Uada. Mr. IJavag-no- li will conduct. Another interesting ovent of the operatic week will be the reentry of Mme. Johanna Gadskl, who will be the rf.Wt I'rinccts lu night's performance of "Tristan und Isolde." With her will appear .Mine. Matzenauer and .Messrs. L'rlus, Weil, Uraun, Schlegel. Itelss. Hloch and Bayer. Mr. Ilodanzky will conduct. Other operas this week will be: "Der Iiosenkavaller" on Wednesday evening, with Mmes. Hempel. Ober, Mason. Fornla, Mattfeld. Cox and Van Dyck and Messrs. Gorltz. Well, Alt- - liousp, lleiss. Schlegel. Audlslo, Ituvs- - duel. Hloch and Haver. Mr It, will conduct. j "Horls Codlinoff" on Thursdav pve. i nlng. with Mines, ober, Oolaunois. Duchene. Sparkes and Mattfeld. mid Messrs. Didur. Itothler. Do Seguiola.' Althouso. Uada, Audislo, Hossl. Schle gel and Hloch. Mr. Polacco will con- duct. "I.a Traviata" will be the week's Saturday matinee opera, with Mmes, Hempel, ligener and Mattfeld, and Messrs. Hotta, De I.uca, Hossl. Tegani, liver from concci .aiu Aeolian Hall IVltru-wi- ll lead the Josef vacnoll will conduct. "Lohengrin" bo pop. lllar performance Subscription evening, with Mines. Oadskl. Mat- - zenauer, Cox and Van Dick, and Messrs. Sembach, Onriiz, Ilraun. Schle gel and Uay'er. Mr. Ilodanzky rill conduct. Eddy Hrown, violinist, will play at "Opera Concert" violin concerto In I) major, Haendel's "Largetto," a caprice. No. Paganlni-Hrow- and Wienlawskl's "Polonaise." C'lrrNcn will sing "Caro Nome" from "Hlgoletto," and Johanu Stlauss's "Vocl dl Prlniave-ra.- t'llilNeinie Ue I.uca will hiiiK nn aria rrom -- i.e lltil de Lahore" nnd several KniiKs by hev-- a and firetchlnlnov. Tho orchestra, under Itlchard llai;e-ninn'- H direction, will piny Weber's "Kuryanthe" overture, HIzet'H "Suite Arleslenne, No. 1," and Gounod's March "I.a Heine de CONCERTS, KECITAIS, NOTES OF MUSIC AND BALLET RUSSE. Fritz Krelsler will 'he the at the concort of the Philharmonic Society In CarneBle Hall this afternoon. The principal orchestral number will bo the "New World Symphony" of Dvoralt, and the openltiB nur.ber Ooldmark's Over- ture -- Sahuntala." Mr. Kreltler will piny the Tschalltowsky Concerto. Decthovcn'a Ninth Symphony will be the feature of the three day Festival be by the rhilharmonlc. In cooperation with the Oratorio Society, at the society's next conilnc three concerts. The "Ninth" will he performed nn Thursday evening, January 27. nnd Sunday afternoon, January 30, under Joaef Stransky'n leadership, preceded each time by "Magnificat," which will he con- ducted by IjuIs Koemmeplch. The chorui (about 250 slnurrs) will be fur- nished by the Oratorio Society nd the solos will be sunir by Caroline Hudson-Alexande- r, soprano; Nevada van der contralto; Reed Miller, tenor, and Arthur Mlddleton. bans. For Friday afternoon, January it, the second day the festival, Mr. Htrnnsky has arranged the programme as follows: Hnch's Suite In D major, his rinnn Concerto In D fl.lnor, the solo part be p!aed 'by Krnest Hulchesnn, the eminent llach specialist, and the rassncsKlln. arranitrd by Kasrr; IClKhth Symphony and the "I,eo-nure- " Overture, No, 3. Krnest Ifutohesnn, the Australian philllst, nill he- the with the Symphony Society In Aeolian Hall this afternoon. The novelty of the will he "Pupaxxl" ("Puppets"'), for orchestra, by Sehmitt, which lll be heard for the first time in New Voile. Mr. Huk'lienon lll play Ihe Con-cell- o for l'lano, No. 2, In O minor, Salnt-Saeii- s, The symphony will be the Third of, Brahm - .. ' Loulte contralto of the Metro- - I IFraaiaBBBBBBBm'aB. , , UVtlMloJW, IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBttaK fyPl I I recitals tUi',i &J compositions nii.l folk song- - BBBBBwifCMiu i' U W SArJKJA FITZIU INI I BLV' METROPOLITAN. I LaBBBBBBBBBV I PTt O tj MISMKlH I 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbW 1 ' ,n 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbJbbW aniiroachlnt; of I JnBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBW BBBBBB BBBBBBBW r ENRIQUE GRANADOS COMPOSER OF GOyESCAS IHillt.ui Opera House, will be the soloist with the Sjnqinony Society at its pair concerts to Is- - ulon in Aeolian II, dl Friday nflprnunn, January 2S, anil Sun- day aftei , January 3" .Nile Homer will slug two I tn. ti nun.bers. "It Is Finished." from the "Passion Accord- ing to St. John." and "My I lean Faithful." Tho third number by Mine. Homer will be the aria "Adlvu, fonts" TMChalkowsky's "Jeanne d'Aic" At this concert Victor Kolar. the assist- ant conductor of the soviet, will con- duct tlm Initial performance of his new S.Miiphony No. 1, hi The other numbers will be the Italian Serenade, Hugo and the Proces- slonal of the Knlshts of the I !! C.r.ul frem An I of Wagners "Paisifal The nel meeting of the MilMc l.nvei- - Club, auxillaiy of the Syi phnn; will be held at Ibe .'usaiouolluu Club Mondjy afternoon, February 7, at, which time Walter Pamrosch will give nn "Kxplauatoiy Talk" at the piano on the siuphonlc poem "I'ltava." by Sine, tana, and Kalllnlkow's s mphony lu (! minor. Hoth of these compositions will appear on tho S.Miiphony Soclet's pro-- . gramme for the t to he given In "'e ltuslaa Symphony Society, .Modest .xiiecnuier, co.iinicior. win i.iko ii,ue on Saiutilay evening. Januaiy 2'i. at Cai- - negle Hall. I he programme will .jontaln two orchestral noxelths. iiamel), the Third. ( Cnrliilshed) S mphony, hi A, by Horodlnr, and Mussorgsky's Series of .Musical hketcnes. treating or cliscon- - Heeled subjects, but bearing the general j title, "llMioslilon Tableaux,'" Hose piece wen- - sucueleH to the composer by the "ketches eif the painter Halt-niaiii- i. The orchelia will be nss'sleil in the piogramine b.e two soloists, Mme Mat- Kuznelsuva, a "miest" soprano of the I'lilciiL-- lipera Company, and Mine. Marguerite MellVllle-Isziile- ska, pia- - mt. who ill ne nearu, espectively, in Sonus by liounod, Tschalkows-lfy- . Itach-munin- and Massenet, and Chopin's F minor concerto. Knrleiue Orauados, the Spanish compos- er-pianist, will present the folleiw-Iii- r proRramme of his own works before the Society of the Friend of Miudc at tho Hitz-Carlt- Hotel thW afternoon: Panses Kspncnoles, Valenciana, Arabe. Andaluza: Vnlses Poetlcosj rioyescas:, itecriulebrexs, Collonulo n tlrja, Kin-dang- o dl Candll ; Danza laintn, Kl Pelele (Ooyescn) 's concort of the Friends of marks tho first appearance of Knrlque Uranndos in America as the In- terpreter of his own cominisltlons, nnd ""-""i- i. """n- - Frldav afternoon. corps de ballet. Mr. Ha- -' nrv n, at which cmcert Knfaann j w,u i,e polnlst. will the week's price on Saturday I The Conceit of .Mabel Do Saba." soloist to jrlven on Hach's Veer, of to soloist of llomer, .1 of D. Wolf, la Muslo second Wilbur A. I.uyster, director of the N'w York School of SUM Ilenrllno- nt ?"n l.,ll,.., ("hove An music clo- ning a given by faculty of the College In College Hall, and F.ast street. Thnso wure August Will-la- Miss Helen Alois Truka, Theodore Joseph J, Kovnrlk. Mine, llurkhart will give eighth at Central Park West, comer of Highly seventh on Tuesday evening, January. programme lw by A, Walter Kramer, will of hi bo Amy E. of opera the Opera Tile .Met i opolltnn opera Company tin- - following repertoire for the .o'Coml of the two engaEi'iiont of the S rge de MiaKhllelT Italic! Huss,. at the tVntur Opera House, ctcning, Janii.iiy J.", .Mm-d- a - Pavilion d'Armlib-,- ; Tnes.la Thamar," "l.'Oiseau de Feu." "lApres Midi d'un Faune," "Prince Igot". Wedmsila Pavilion Soldi N'oll.'- - Svllibliles" ; Krblm "t.e Pavilion d'Ar-iiide.- " "L'Anres d un i Faune." "Prince Igor," : Saturday matinee " 'arnaval-- ' : Saturda S Iphnh ." "I.a Prlncense "Solell de Nuit " The sixth Itlltmore Friday Mort lug Mus.cale lake place In the limnd llallroom of Hotel Itlltmore lit vI Friday morning. January I. The principal artist on this occasion will be ilrraldinr Farrar, this being her llrst app.-aranc- In New York this sea- son. Mls Farrar be nsslsted by ow-- i .'ompany, which .rmslstH of Ada S.i.s-ul- l, harpist, l ba Iv Miss Farrn-'- prngiainme n II the "M gi.on ' ar,a b T:ioin.is, and songs b Ma.ent, Itrmln-rc- , I'relg, c. At Samuel A. IkiMnln's fre orcap recital, which take place this Sun- day afternoon at tile College of Ctt of New York al 4 P. M., by llolllns. Hach, Kiebs. W'ldor, Hum- - Kinder. uid Llsz will be Al his revltal In Aeolian Hall afternoon, K.ven for the ls-- l etll of Ihe SI llonn for lifsiiinie Chllilr.n, ibe Austialian i.ia in wt ..fiiiitxivt.iv I'.is'i' ( I m In -- .r t. II bv Itach, I;i,f, ,;,e- - Prauck' and Cyril Scott, . ml,b,r bv himself, "One Moie Koll. Mv ,bn." and his own on u,H "Kloner Waltz." from Tschal. ho-k'- Suite." will be i,...,ri m New York for th PiUer, of Socletv, at his lilln In Aeolian Hall Mond.n cvciiiiik, January 2t. "ill play Tin lint's Tr 'le .In iHable," the Hcthmen n F nmjor. the iiiuotlc. ihe capric- - ,.i,.i,.. iih Miocart e oncerto m major, and of Sludlnir, Dvorak- - Kristler, Chopin. 1'aRi.nlul and himself. Mine. Penlse I.sska, chanleuse will e a recital, assisted by Salvatore de Stefnno, harpist, an Ward Lewis at the piano, on Tuesday January 2J, at Theatre Francais. Paul ltelmers, tenor, will kIvo the firm of it series t.f three recitals at the Princess Theatie next Tuesday January 25, nt 3 o'clock, ItelmriH will not only Rhe a complete recital he, will also by song the value of phrasing. and diction. The for these Coe, tenor; William Simmons, bary. tone, Mine, soprano. .onne ivi.iser, soprano, nnil Albln An- - i losch, hoth New York artists, nt Ihe tlrst concert of the sixth neason nt the N. J.. on Monday evening, January 24, at S ;l,l P. M. i At their (lrst concert of the given In Hull, 5u West members of Prof Hertrand de Ilernvz's lperntlc Ora- torio Society rendered ensemble num- bers I and "I.ucla dl ' and "II Itoheit Wlrth, ilollnlsl, d the Panes" IS in (1 minor- - and "Minuet" ( In a manner which re. fleeted grsat. credit on hie teacher, Mr. MUSIC TEACHERS AND PUPILS 2jtinces that owing to the advanced Mrs. Isohel 11. Kleniver, pupil of of the present chases no more Mrs, Jessie Fenner-lll- ll "of the Metro. can be admitted to them at pollinn Opera, House Studios, recentlv this rime, hut that a new- - class will he npivared with success at form'd early In This new Stamford In the Flint Methodist Church class will consist of vocal students hav- - the snond of popular concerts Riven Ing alr:ady applied nil other pros- - ,y that Is scheduled pecttve church solo singers (all voices) fnr series of concerts through New who wish to obtain church positions this York, and New Jersey. season, I.uyster. having been a choir director church soloist for years, Is familiar with trials to Wilbur A, I.uystfr, director of the nhlch for a position are " York School of Sight this class will bo taught to at 22n Madison avenue, will conduct meet all these demands. the Orpheus t!lc. Club, assisted by Miss Interesting chiniheV members of the New York of Music 1:8 130 Fifty-eight- h par- ticipating Kbann, Heusah, John and tlm composers' musicale her studio, 2D street, 2b, whan tho will compositions who .play .two groups own pla.po..sQ)os. 1IJ8piwwIII. sung by 'Ellerman. conlrullo; Calvin the Metropolitan weeks -- "I.e "l.f Sylphldes" "l.e d'Annlile,'' "fHrnaval." lie .Midi "Petrouehk.t" "Thamar," "I.'OI-scan,- " "IVtrouchkn." Ihicliamee,'- - will the will her and Wciren-lath- , tone tSretM'lMninov, will the compositions peidlucU, Uuilnsuiu presented. pianoforte Clllistopher'.s ,,a, ooiiipeisltmns l, paiaphiase "Nut-Crack- tlrst time. Maximilian the Philharmonic "l.e vo-k- s Stahlherif, drama-thiu- e. hour- - afternoon, the instructive afternoon, Mr. programme, hut demonstrate and lecture Interpretation programmes nti.l llurkhart, cellist, Playhouse, Itiilgewond. neason, Studio Seventy-secon- d stteet, the and solos from "Iihengrln" Trova-tore.- " "Hungarian No. (llrahms) lleethoven) Medilulskl. gratlMng February. and nrganiisatlon. She Connecticut Mr, and the applicants sub- - Rend-Jecte- d and log Fraemcke, modern of nil ire rarely U'urt u ill I Louis liiiixeiiiv, bar tone, will gle Ills second ncilal of tlx- - p'eeht sea-se- n In Hall on TtHsil.iy aftrr-tln.- .lami.iiy 1',.. III. piogratiiaip a sroup of souks Ii .leiisin, Wolf nnd (iriiir, I ho e.cl.-- , "HHill'dtp l.lider" of Inorak, and I'lencii and llnullsli snags I A fe.illlip of tin- - i ion.aiey ijuaririsi frcniiil siiliscrliitlmi concert In Aeolian Hall Tui'yil.'i rxrliliiL', .laliil.il' 'J.'i, will - the- Iti ger Trio for lollll, iola anil opus 77 b. This Is a ompaiil'ia number to tin- - same composer's "Sere- nade" for Hut"-- , iol.i and uiln. other numbers on tin- - programme will - the Siiitilu-i- t (Juariet In A minor, opus and the llieiioiii ijuartet In C major, opiK Ti'.i. .No. 3. - On Wednced.iy aflerieion. J.tiill ir I", i ltoberl Maitland. bar.Mi.nc. will g.xe the follow Inc nrcranime at Acban 11.11 , K'antata, No. rai, for bass voice and or-- 1 I "Kb will din Ureii.sl.ili ccrne ttagen," H.ich . T. Tertlus Noble at the mean. Hall! Am l'deralii-nd- , l'r .Neii-K- a lige. ClIKedtlbl. Troikne Kill I en, soiiks f.om the Mueller Cyclus. S'liu-l-it- . Thiee tiha.al. of llallz. tlie Per- - shin porl, first time In America, Han-loc- Illiiinensruss. I nr Tambour, Alios endet. No. L- Michael Angrlo Minimis, per Jaeger, llaerfnrr'- - l.led. No .1. Cop- - tlsclies l.led. No. Wolf j Pe Tod das 1st tHe kiiehle N'.v lii. Salauiandi I St.iendclun. Veiralli. I'i nii es Kohet dem Mrnx-heii- , No. of the "Vie. trnstc. Oes.if nge.'" It. .hois The oiiks 5n tbej list of Grainltle liauto. k were llrsi pro. dined by Mr MaiM.iud at one of Ms London reclt.il thrre ears ago, with the eoni'sor at Hie pli.no. After the net formanee Mr Itantock dedicated the newl llnlsheil oichestral score or the songs to Mr. Maitland. as a token of friendship and appn-clatlo- Jos-e- Hofm.inn it his only pianoforte- recital In New Yotk this season, to Pe gUen at Cainegle Hall on Saturd.i afternoon, J..iuiir 'J!'. will play th- - fol- lowing programme- Sonata ppasslon-at..- . opus 57, Ilcethov.-- Melodic, (tluek-Sganibat- l: Match .from "liulns of Ath- ens," lltelliown-ltublnstol- n : Vers lAzur, Ste.jowsk. , Htude de Concert. In C nnnor, Slernb.-i- , four old Hutch songs, ar- ranged for piano b Josef Jlufniann. In llaiillolie, Vade-- lof Kieeg Moeder lief, M ile Jo' sc l.uijd . s "Fie- - AKiii.tAN ham., .ian. ::. s r. m. M It, AI.HKIIT SPALDING IOI.INIHT. mme. .iri.iA CLAUSSEN Mi:0-MM"l(0- . llrkrts, m the lint Offlrr, nr ernllno Hull, si. i:ik Jan'.i .".I oil RUSSIAN SOCIETY SYMPHONY llll l M III I l it ( ml 11,1 or t)i hut or KUZNETSOVA Klls-- - lm.llll Si,,,,.,,,,,, lies Mill. I 'hi, ,c (i.r, , MELVILLE LISZNIEWSKA vZL e'arnesle Hall. I'likiis mm ,n llu tinire I Arnllan Hall Sal. Wt Jan. .!!. at :i, 1'iano lleciial dorothy BERLINER Mi lllK.i) ii.iiiii Mki M II M W'sn.s .lulls. I Hall, Mini, Die.. Jan. .11. nl Ml!, s.uiir ll.vilal oi vivian GOSNELL Mpl M II IINmi llarrtt lliTulrr. lur, fi,, Juti, ut ' Si 111 li. vital Dufau Mile, Jeoni e'oi.eiiii i rit Mii-itiM- i I l.'kcls on K.ne hi Dili tirrii-- Aenlan Hall. I lies, l'ie Jan, '',, at .!!.!. FLONZALEY ui All .MIc In Maiiaiinnent l.oinliin rii irllim. Arollan Hall. m' iMoo.' ift,, I'HMI iti:cuw, i"i:ne v GRAINGER Mgmenl Anlnnlt Sacr. Slelimay l'lano, lluniford Hall, I'rl. All,, Jan'; '.s; at ,1 i!D00UTTLE t.all Mm CP Aeolian Hall, Tiles. tl Jnnj 1. ut .1. nittii 1IKC1TI. I.OI'IM GRAVEURE I'llCMtt til t . BUS. Acciiiiiii.ini.i Mgnienl Aiilmila hanjrr. Stclimay I'Hnn, ritlX-KK- TIIK41 HI'.. .T.MIi SI near Una)- Niui'iay r.Mi., Jan ;.ii, al an bong Hrcl.al MAURICE BECK II I, IIIIAINWII) III Ihe.l'ioio. Tickets al llnv Offlcn Jk 1.. 1.. M.sirc Manager t;i Ceilar SI Mrlmi.ii I'imo trnllatl Hall SONQ RECITAL Weil Ml ..Inn al .1 ROBERT MAITLAND Tickets .vie io u Met, HaciKi-- A Jones 1'rliiirss Thrslrr, Tliurs, ill.. I'rli. a, at a. KiS(l Hr.ciTAI. CLARK M Mil AN T'Uts al Muale I.'guc of Am'ci, uin Ais.llan H.ill rrine-rs- Theatre, Turs. All., Jan'i .'.l.al a Konie llis-lta- l REIMERS I". I I. Sealsal Miislcl-agu- iifAnierlca.ninAenllanlllil Aeolian Hall, M"o. I'.ir.. Jan. M, al Htl.l, villi. IN MAXMII.MN ItKCITAI, by PILZER Mgl. Loudon Charlton. Knabe l'lano Uiud. SUNDAY Symphony Society, Aeolian Hull, 3 P. M. Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall. 3 P. M. Friends of Music, Ritz-Carlto- n Hotel, 3 P. M. Opera concert, Metropolitan Opera House, 8:30 P. M. MONDAY Percy Grninger, pianoforte recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M, Maximilian Pilzer, violin recital, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. M. TUESDAY Louis Graveure, sonjf recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M, Mme. Denisc Lyska, song rccltnl, Theatre Francais, 3 P. M. Paul Reimers, soni? recital, Princess Theatre, 3 P. M. .lennic Dufau, song recital, Harri Theatre, 3 P. M. Flonzalcy Quartet, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. M. WEDNESDAY Robert Maitland, barytone, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. THURSDAY Philharmonic Society, CarneRte Hall, 8:15 P. M. .lulia Clausscn. mezzo-sopran- Albert Spalding, violinist; Joint recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Nylic Chorus Society, Bruno Huhn conductor, Aeolian Hall, FRIDAY 'Morning musicale, Hotel Bjltmore, 11 A. M. Philharmonic Society, Uarneme nan, s:.w i. m. Symphony Society, Aeolian SATURDAY Josef Hofmnnn, P. M. pianoforte recital, Carnegie Hall, 2:30 Berliner, pianist, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Russian Symphony Society, Cnrncffie Hall, 8:15 P. M. wall. Hlrnuss-Oodowsk- Imioomptii In A tint major, valsr. In C sharp minor ; sonata in II flat minor, I ('hopjn ' Julia Claiii-r- n. the Swedish memo - sonraim of the ('lilcaao Opera Conuany, , ami Allien Spalding, violinist, win heard in a Joint recital In Aeolian Hall on Tliursilay .iliernoon, .lammij The progra i ire lnelude songs by lliethoxeii. Wolf. Schubert. Hacker-('loiinlal- il lo Itraiin and an atla from Mecrbeer's "l.- - Prophety." and for vio- lin, Porpora' Sonata in tl. Sihubert s Hundn Hrlin.int. the "Habanera" "t Sar.isatp nnd the "Cimp.inetla," Paga- - Iininthy Hrrlllier. n nung Amerlnn inanlst. wil ghe i llis recital here METROPOLITAN IK:. Mnn,il7 I.L IrMno u,.iilile.iailki iini.e. nsner. Prlii", Well llrMiin. "..ml llodmik. Wril.nl s Ito.riiUimillrr. ll"r. Ileniprl Mbv.ii i,o-I- I Well Mthmise Cnnil Uisiinky lliurs.nl s Hurls .ndiinn.iilT,lieliinni t li.lur Mihimv lliilliler .iiiniln I oml roUcio frl. ni s Diiiibl-Hi- ll Mrs! Time. I.iin. 'litin Perlnl Mnrtlnelll, lie l.nc.., 1'iiBiineri. Cnjntil 'nrni. Airam. 'mid lUytimiill t11- - 'a?- - 'Vun'(rnnH,lH' 'i''.'-- ' '1' Jr.M", " 2 LrV.1x '?"uui Mnij. riiiiucr srmlMcii.llraun.iioriif I'timl IlislnntUy EDDY BROWN tn OlIII I Imabel garrison' .Ml,- - I (HI Ml n iii.si it nprano, j I ONlT.lt oniili'lor I. GIUSEPPE DE luca; HiKMN. lUrltnnc. IIAIIDMAN PIANO lKI. CENTURY THEATRE1 WiiH St A. Vnl PrtrW Wril. HrSf; I'liniti kmmJ CoIuiiiImh. I DIAGHILEFF'S BALLET RUSSE AM'HI'.KK Keenlns :in. Sal Mat 2 30. M0N. la- - l'aliloa it Arml.ie, rilnminka, Sjlphldi-- s TUES. Tluinsr, 1,'iiNeAit de I.Aprcs- - Midi ,i un I'au.i", Prime iBnr. I l' vlllon ifArmiile; lYlrouctiks, WED.: ScliehereHeie. ThAiimr, r srnae al; Solt-i- i ue THURS.: ly Srliihlilm. l.e I'aiilliin il'Arinlile. I. nres-Ml- FRI. dc Faune: Prince liror Peinnictika g-j- - T hamar. I.DW-.it- ue rvii QiT PVP Mlphld'-- s lYIn-JA- t. CYCostp Knchnnter Solell ile Null. Prices tl. SI..MI. .'. V! Ml, t:i II A HUMAN PIANO CSKI1. MXTII BILTM0RE r'lillliV MIlltMNI; MISII till iioii:i. iiii.i ieiiir. jiN't .'s, hi ii e. i. it u. him: HB M A j Hi HHi BK MB HHk WW WW mw WW " " " . ; more llmnrllcc Knals- Piano M li X k - I XT 8TD1 1 HELENE MAIGILLE American School of Bel Canto (Science of Vocal Art) ".t iswi ii Stiigtnj irhtcli Jfli 'it btemtant of wal .ttl," "It I. not a Kliool, coiii-rv.itor- nr In. Hitiitc of music hut a thorough course of klniring In the line ntrtliiiils ut Ilia Italian for II. e leiltr, where voice pliclinr, dli Hon, tiprra. rratorio aud littler re being uughl ullli dl.llnctlou." Voice placing and repcrtulro personally giirn by llelenc Malgllle. StudioL HOTEL MA JESTIC Onlral Park ttest at Srtrntj. troiid .street, Ncm Vurk e lty Music School 10 West 122nd St. Phono Harlem 'J053. The lion! prutiiniiu I lj- Hi greate-i- t urllsla an a prilaKUKius ut the ugii to liu rt'.uhuj the hlElH-s- t .lamlurd In eiiiclency unohall)' ..mi artlnllcail) W. HENRI ZAY or i.nmion. i:PB ill e Mici II.' Wei lllllh Si Ili.Mop-n- i 111 nf pe . lprr,f! Tlllllile " I iilitie In- - rie Hun i ip i i.irt u ti It fur 'lent tiers Tel Mi.17 Jtlvrislile, NIEDZIELSKI 1111. ISH H!TI"eiSl) Mill, is Aisn npen fur iiinier. riitr.tKi-nini,- Mil I.KMMITON- AI-:.MK- , Ellmer Zoller Mme. Will, Fremstad Couch. Studio 2H V. B3.I t. Phone 733' C.lumbua n ....... .r7.. Mailer uancmonn '""7' i:.?',;Tna uauoniaiiii ' ".v :t v; i reel .So l'n.. muled meni i.lven - Sjfctcm l.oiil. of rinnn Instruction, STILLMAN IH W 72. K. I'rrssnn SJI Teacher nf MILLER farnegls Hall. wincing. Tel. Circle MM, mhb C. DYA8 8TANDI8H y unlit, ,uj t'.l II Mailt-- ; HAI.I,. III MrK. UII.I.IAMS, Church of tb Holy Communion. 6th Ami. 4 :oth 8t, VAN YORX trul sihs, :i W Ci Tel. Gitcley JJ01. Hall, J r. Dorn t Aeolian Hall nn the nftfrrmon f Saturday. January !. SIip w M rv. groups of gavottes, preludes. rah.q,, .etudes and waltr.es, by iompor runs- - lug from Hach nnd Olnck to rhuv rtaehninnlnov nnd Sibelius . -- . a aj sitcihTV ill-- Nl-.- Mini. JO.SKI' SI It ANSiK t . ( moiIih l.,r I MtM I. It'. IHU. KirlV KREISLER TrttIK(MSKt. VIOLIN I DM into l(lltK, "M.W tWICI.ll" MMI'IIONI. BACH- - BEETHOVEN I'KSIIt II, I IIM Mils Thi.rs K.ir .Inn'y sun ,d ,u y 1(, Tin: v. . run. ii mimiisk out iiitki Tbr OKATDIItO SIM IK.I III M. lluithiin. leaniler. seprtni Itrril Mlllrr. Tenor enil.i ,inler . I'oniiM.i i iriimr iiniiiieioo, th SYMPHONY 9 BACH "MAGNIFICAT" i uhtlucU.I In ImiU hnt'tniitPMli k, I'ltl. l I.. .1 NM BACH- - BEETHOVEN snini.i i:km:si Ill II III IV nllleclr Mail. Tli Let. rfl I lot l.a, CARNEGIE HALL. .Sit. Alt., Jn. I'), it 2:30. Onlylteellallhl-1e.i-.'.iliiN- nrk orM'l-- r tt J Y, V H0FMANN Sesls now nl Hoe omie Ml Wnll stihii ll.irenu, MeltlWrt l"l.llin lli.il f"itM:t.n: Feb. 12 .111. nlo". HAi.i..si.i r Illr.hil.il v i .ii ELMAN VIOLIN ItKCIi'M.. Tlekrls t not . Mt tnlfr,hn llurrmt Tunn ArolUo Hall, Men. 111.. Jan. ill, al .'l:.Hi. SUM, It MM r.u. ADELAIDE FISCHER Tickets at llox mce Mgt,U'oirnhn SYMPHONY Horl.l i nf Nrw Vort iv i. i Kit iMMiteisrii. i iiiiiio in. 'I his Aftrrimon al .'I, Arollan lljn (en. ens i i:hm-:m- HUTCHESON HltMI.MS. S mphony N'n. 1; I r'u w ti Loheatrrln. W'airner, l'iipazi n- v. SCII.MITT. Concerto for Pun li minor. SAt.ST-SAKN- S I rl. All,, Jan. '.'s. Mm. Aft., 4,... m HOMER Seats at lint limce tad llnom t:o. Aril alia jAr.dUii ,,t hh N, Y, Chamber Music Society aiih si stuns,, DIRECTORY OF I VJipSI LEADING VOCAL a INSTRUCTORS Malkin " BEETHOVEN ,l"3 T N It X M 1 A T m The Leading School of Music in New York I ' ' vti (' r nr 1 n p. I."on'i i r1 t t in i Hirmnn.i Oiln-n- a IvTftim im New York German Conservatory of Music Uireemrs Carl II. in, Aiuti't Ki.v i 104.3.111 Mii.ll.nit ,,, rHr ;, , j INSTITUTE of MUSICAL KT j"' ,.,,r ' "' Vurk J" - ""'iritl tvhnal I rank Itnmn ' linn-Hi- . un natural ahllllj .onl purisiMi cm here rcivhc a tli minpretu U e innical isluc,- golim aliro.ui, Kiulnmsl ami , nlihnut thouiiht of prolll lh- - i iiiiim.iiiils the serilci-- of jri hiii prhale term, no'ili! . , tli",'.".''1 "r'' mo'li r.iii' ,n Kllllllile stiiileills reeclteil ,n i , Seiretar), Hot :fi, f.-- t i i,,. Giacomo Guinsbourg iM W. SI Phone Circle ID j Mil. HCMtl l'lsl,Ns, ii,,. err IMi 'IVnor. iy t one in, gr, t' lo my le.uhe. (, lain. iii, i.iiIiiIii,imu LEOPOLD WINKLER nit: i.niM.M 1'itM.i lies. Mm II... i;ti i.,,ii. ,,, . Te II i , in Tin. lironKiyn S'iio I' tiK'.n a I " Wilbur I IIVCTED 2Z0 Ma.lnon .e A. LiV 1 Jl 'lanes nr I'r.Klr' A S h MuKillK lie .Mils. I. l It A i: Mill: K it- . ',','", h,'r "' 'hlsllIB ;.:..'""" "". " m rrprrtaiiun unii ,i i a i. i'rIoir ,ri . TEACHER Of 5", MME NOVELLI v ,: i 'lei I w. RflflkDT Teacher al L, vvuiill 1 iii w. 72M) sr MMHBUCKHOUT!;,i;T..,r"i' GW1LYM MILES, Baritone "."I'll Hroadway. 1'hone lu; Amy Grant S I JF.ME (1. fKNNr.K, Tearhi-- id sun MelropolltanOp.Hount. Thin '

FIRST SPANISH OPERA THIS WEEK THE RUSSIAN …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1916-01-23/ed-1/seq-26.…8 the sun, sunday, january 23, 1916. first spanish opera this week

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Metropolitan Opera Home.MQNDAY, 7:45 P. M. "Tristan und Isolde," Mmes. Gadskl and

- Matzwauer, Mcshis. Urlus, Well mid Uiaun. sWEDNES2AT "Der Uosenkavalier," Mmes. Hempel, Obcr and

Mason, Messrs, (ioritz, Weil und Althouse.THURSDAY "Boris GodunofT," Mmes. Ober and Delaunols, Messrs.

Didur, Rothier and Althouse.FRIDAY "Goyescas," Anna Fitziii (debut). Flora Pcrini, Messrs.

Martinelli and De Luca. "PaRliacci," Mme. Cajatti, Messrs.Caruso and Amato.

SATURDAY, 2 P. M. "La Traviata," Mme. Hempcl, Messrs. Bottaand De Luca.

SATURDAY, 8 P. M. 'Lohengrin," Mmes. Gadskl and Matzenauer,Messrs. Sembach, Goritz and Braun.


lltCTHKU there Is a specialw In the hp.misii Ian- -.

Is I

,,n' tlcmamlliiK of me a constantrx,'r(-'l!,l- ! "f tt" Iwer, until Ihc com-iriu- e

pifilon ,,r tlif tafl."KliaKp or nut something Tlu-r- . nil- - three Fcclics In the nncrn.which the present writer i

would not venture to determine. Manypraises of the speech of Spain havebeen uttered and memory testifies thatIt has a remarkable music when It Is-

sues from the llw of a tjplcul belle ofMamlano de Chile. Uut In a city Inwhich operas are Riven In all Mods oflanguages It Is n.ife to say that linowords do not a lyric dram.i mala-- . Itis after all the music from which woexpect a display of puwer moving andentrancing:

"Clothlnir the palpable mid familiarWith golden exhalations of the dawn."We aro about to enjoy the llrst per-

formance of a Spanish opera ut theMetropolitan Opera House. It Is"CJoycscas," tho book by Ternandorerlquet and the music, by CiirliineGpenados. It will Ik- - miiik with flic--

wnuinai tipanisii ie.i. i no opera wasareeptcd for production at the (irandOptra, I'arls. but the oulbre.ik of thewar Indefinitely postponed the prom-lie- d

performance. For this reason thecomposer through tho Imdrumcntalltyof his friend Kmcxi Schelllng, theAmerican plunl.it. who hail frequentlyplayed the Spaniard' piano works,was brought Into comintinkalkm withMr. Guttl-Casazz- a and In time a eon-tra- ct

for the production of iSoycscajt'In this city wan made. The opera willtherefore be performed next Fridayvanlng for tho tlrst time on any Mage.Ooyu was tlm great Spanish palmer

of the beginning of tho last centurynnj the final years of tho precedingon. Sir. Muneker says that hp "incaiyatcd the renaissance of old Spainana Its art. Also he wa8 an expert

... ..... . .Villi Ml.iy.H .n It.... It... I I

wwi.uBoit.1. i 'u .Mian in ..men nix- -torj' and a painter of diabolic virtuoso

kill. Mr. Huneker ban written veryfcrJlllantly as he always does iilsiutGoya In his "Promenades of an

Hut we may profitablytura from the American critic's en-trancing pages to the characteristicstory of thp librettist, as set forth In arecent Interview In ihe local Spanishnewspaper, Xovcdadca. Mr. l'crlquetaid:"Granadoa had seen Cloya's paintings

end sketches nt the Prado Museum,und they Inspired in him the music tothe pitiful Vrlctc and to the Mtijax ofthe famous Caprlchos and to the Jealous, cloaked Majos.

"One day we talked of taking thoseravlshlliK melodies to the since. Wet8'1'-- 'lacked a plot. This was my task, Inthe fulfilment of which 1 put all mysoul. I did not wish to present thepainter himself, because In large worksall historical personages are artistic-ally dangerous.

"Resides, to every Spaniard who Isa poet and possesses culture, (soyameans not only a name but an epoch I

also. .Goya, as an epoch, means sen- -

llmentally loves and passions, and so- -dally n strange, melting of nil class.es,.something like a presage of democ

racy that placed toreros and duch-esses, princes and tonadllleras side byaide.

"The question resolved Itself there-fore Into presenting this social mix-ture as an environment to love affairs,ti;lc ns they always are whenever

tuid rivalries writhe1Jea!ot'.i and out ui Hot as 1

also hold that the plot of an operashould he as simple as to bo evenwithin a child's grasp, 1 made of mylibretto the simplest story that I have,ever written. The work of Granados

fund myself Is full of the Joy of Span- -ish life, of the sadness of our untam-able passions, of the vibrant coloringof Goya's pictures in which the paintbecomes the very, stuff of dreams.

"As soon as the plot took shape Inmy mind I unfolded It to Granados,who received It uh his own. Then I

VFjitn th. lt,.i.L nut, iir tit.. miiLuu ifthe, Simnish romance it.o.iiilui- - ballad I

and seguldllla (popular lyric), not In- -tending that the musician should setmy verse to music but that Granados

cenes and stories I had built jf myrhymes. So was his charming scorecomposed, without words, In the most

, absolute freedom, while seeing In hisimagination a gorgeous pageant of

) Goyesque figures, majas, duchesses,royal guards, witches broom riding totheir Sabbath.

"When the last note of his muslowas set dowu there fell on me ahard but unshYi;ahle task, a painful

, tour de force, which I could not butaccept with bravo energy. I hadto write new words for the music!For a whole month Granados .and Ienclolstered ourselves In a poetic llttlobouse In the midst of wild theblue Mediterranean before us tooften with Its quietness the excit-

ing labor nt my"What I wroto for Granados's

music werp not, could not be, versesThe speeches of the characters had tofollow note by note the maestro' fan-- 1

tusy. Tho rhymes exotic, therhythms Irregular,

times, given n group of notes,It seemed impossible to express themusician's thought in an eqital number of syllables, and we used to quar

of throwing !!bretto at each heads,the for mo was thatmusician right, since I ntfound what demanded and I

denied."A character says 'Mora"." and tlm

answers 'Las dloz.' lour?o'clock.') The syllables suf- -

nee tho two rlvnls to understandeach Granados Willi I'ltrhf

Antl so the work went on. d;iv nftcr

which Is In unit act. It beuhlH with ft"cr""' huri-owe-- from olio of ISoya'palnt'iiKf. Four women rue tn.ssinK aniiititifiiiilti in n blanket. It Is afaiurlle iKistlme of tho Spanish maja,and wo arc reminded that lliln Is theKort of IhliiK that tho women do with

men the world over. The actionthe opera with tho keeping

of a tryst between nn olllcer and hislady lop, who of course some dis-guised duchess. l'nitil'o. the pnpnlnrImlllUliioi-- , loaches Iud's fide llrstand offers his homage. r

Then the trotib'e begins. ThebuniptlouH conduct of t he two menleads to the acceptance by Fernando,tho olllcer. of an Invitation for themysterious lady to attend a inibllc4lance. tf course nt this the meniuarrel and arrange a duel, which lafought the next morning. The bull-tight-

tho oflkcr und the operal. obliged to lotne to nil end.

There Is nothing more to bo recordedut ,1,1 moment The productionhu!d bo one of no sm.il Interest.

I'eihapx It would loom larger Inpublic mind there were less fre-quent Invitation to consider the fartthat opera i to be sung InSpanish.

Tho advent of tho Russian Ballethas set the town talking ofthlngf, but most them have littleor no concern fop the miHo lover.Some, however, belong clearly to thisdepartment. Kr example, when thedance or the dumb action Is accom-panied and illuminated by a new scorewritten especially for the purpose thomusic lover Is Interested. or ought tob. Therefore tho production of Stra- -

VnhkvV 'I.'OIschu de Feu" wa anImportant Incident of the first week ofthe ballet nt the Century Theatre,

,nlH, it. i. w,.Pms. for "IV- -

trouohka" before wo can hear themusic of Stravinsky at Us wor.i. Intills Instance tho adjective "worst"means best, tor tho more this musicstilus ou better the composer Ispleased. In these days we accustomourselves to the once unheard of con-ception that music must be princi-pally ugly else It will be Incapableof delineating human experiences.This Is a new and unwelcome phaseof pessimism. Hut let us see whatreveals Itself In the score of "I'etrouch-ka.- "

It's only about dolls, anyhow.Uut dolls are so wonderfully humanu" 1 l'"mK" ,AS "ermiune m'B"t

The work given for the first time onMonday evening is not old, but Strav-insky specialists, most of whom areyoung and gambol like lambs over theMeld of (esthetics, tell us that this Is

passp. Stravinsky, withflights more brilliant sweepingman inose or nis own -- mm orhas already soared Into far heights ofelusive dissonance which noL evengrown nun can define.

And jet then- - is no cause for alarmThe solution of lit- - muslo lover' prob-lem lies In the representation of theballet. The music composed by theUusslun for the dellueative action anddance ha no place in the concertroom. It should not bo performedapart from the stage picture. Tornfrom its association such niule be-

comes Incomprehensible, for sim-ple leason that It is planned In evepydetail to fit Itself to movements ofaction.

When it heard In Its right placeIt Is admirable, The UEly passagesaro perfectly Justified because theirsignificance made unmistakable.Tho discords hh harsh Instrumentalscreams which accompany the Kot-ch- rl

In "lfiiseau de Feu" are anexpression of his evil nature

and of the dread fate which" hetoward tho young prince.

The portions of the score ac- -

"l"y t" movements of the captiv' '"," "7 njpanlons are not

in ,hl' ,''l"-- Pleasingev,'M to tn" eneral music lover. The

wrltton. Those passages which voicethe love of the prince nnd princessare very beautiful, anil so too arefinal measures of the work, the pro-cessional of robing, which Is the-atrically eloquent In Its symbolism aswell ns musically admirable.

Perhaps tho superposition of nn ac-tion upon the score of Debussy's"fApres-MId- l d'un Faun" might bomade a matter for discussion, hut ithardly seems worth while. It wasasserted In Tins Su.v on the morninguiicr ine. prouuction mis piece matthe action been planned with somuch fancy and tasto and with suchclose adherence to Sfepnen Mallarmo'spoem, tho snurcn of tho prelude

that no one should bo offended,nut even Uelnissy. Tho Imitation ofthe poses of ancient decorative art Isa strikingly original note in thoaction of theatre.

The most successful productionshave been the "Hlrd of Fire," "TheAfternoon of a Faun" and "Schehera-zade." The last named drama dis-plays pantomimic skill the com-pany at Its best. The story Is tragicIn Its primitive character and the rep- -

entirely dlsapears, One of tho finestart works In the whole musloIs debased to level of a common- -place of dance movements.

However, It Is not likely that thisparticular ballet will figure largely Inthe activities of the oompany throuchthe remainder Us season In thiscountry. It la such poor exhibition Incomparison with tho other pieces thatIt will have to be retired to the rear

might let his fancy rojim over lliiti"""" " "",mr"" ',iu'""t'J








rcl like schoolboys, ho wanting to resentatlon has thp high merit of slm-kee- p

to his original Idea, I despairing pllclty and directness,of finding Its expression within the i It Is n pity that the Russian

syllables. For Instance, In ganlzatlon made Its unhappy essay atone aeene two men had to arrange . transforming Schumann's "Carnlvnl"a duel In four musical notes. Could Into a .ballet. In 4he first place everyIt bp possible? Tho composer re-- ) slncpre lover of muslo must have feltfused to ndd even one note more; In a certain anger at this proceeding. InSpanish 1 could not find the neccs- - the blatant orchestral arrangement ofary form. the composition all the poetic delicacy"W quarrelled and were nn tho and Imaginative quality of the music

verge the score andother's nut

worst of it thewas length

he had '

other CI'Tt-- four


thisof i



















the of

realm ofthe


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallBr S HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaniBaaaaaaaaaatw .Laaaaaaaaaaam.1 ."SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVXK ' Vk? BalBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH!sBBBBBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBBBaB ffaBBBBBBBBBBBBaV ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBK U - Mfi V ' BbRSbBLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP'VCIIIV m ifelflBBBBBBBBBBBm. .'BBBBBBBBBA" "!"' 'V BBBBBBBBBBBF 9B"aaaaaaaaaaaaBk . VA.' IbBBBBBkVI






kalitriaBBBBBW 'bbbbbbbb! '5,. --lTT' t fckS Syr 4

IHHi jEBf-- i mm Isolde? MoimovfBBBBBBBBB r4jJEBBBBBBB al I Biteiiair.


line. Only the delightful dancing ofLdia I.opokova savtd It from beingIn plain fact a bore.


"lloychcas," a Spanish opera sung Inthe Spanish language, composed byKnrlque (irauudos to a libretto byFernaiid Poriquel. will, have Its firstperformance on any stage at the Met-ropolitan Opera . Hhuse next. Fridayevening. January JS. Special Inter-est attaches to the event, aa It will betlm tlrst SpanMi opera to be sung Inthe Fulled States. Doth composer andlibrettist have come to New York nnInvitation of the Metropolitan OperaCompany to assist In the preparationof their work. It also will Introducean artist new to the Metropolitan,Anna Fitzlu, an American singer whoalready has appeared with success 'nSpain and Italy, and who will createthe leading female role. The cist Indetail will bo as follows: llnuirln,Anna Fitzlu: f('riinarfo,.(iiovannl Mar-tinelli; ';, Flora Perlnl: VVuiilni.liiuseppe De I.uca. tlaetano Ilavag-no- ll

will conduct. Hasina tialll andGiuseppe Honflgllo will dance. Thechorus has been trained by ClulloSettl, and tho stage management hasbeen entrusted to Jules Speck.

was painted by Itovcscdlll ofMilan, njul the costumes were madeby Mine. .Musaeus of the MetropolitanOpera Atelier after designs by IVrl-que- t.

As "t;oesoas" is a short operaIt will lip followed by "Pagllaccl." sungby Mme. Cajatti and Messrs. Caruso.Amato, Tegani and Uada. Mr. IJavag-no- li

will conduct.Another interesting ovent of the

operatic week will be the reentry ofMme. Johanna Gadskl, who will bethe rf.Wt I'rinccts lunight's performance of "Tristan undIsolde." With her will appear .Mine.Matzenauer and .Messrs. L'rlus, Weil,Uraun, Schlegel. Itelss. Hloch andBayer. Mr. Ilodanzky will conduct.

Other operas this week will be:"Der Iiosenkavaller" on Wednesday

evening, with Mmes. Hempel. Ober,Mason. Fornla, Mattfeld. Cox and VanDyck and Messrs. Gorltz. Well, Alt- -liousp, lleiss. Schlegel. Audlslo, Ituvs- -duel. Hloch and Haver. Mr It,will conduct. j

"Horls Codlinoff" on Thursdav pve. i

nlng. with Mines, ober, Oolaunois.Duchene. Sparkes and Mattfeld. midMessrs. Didur. Itothler. Do Seguiola.'Althouso. Uada, Audislo, Hossl. Schlegel and Hloch. Mr. Polacco will con-duct.

"I.a Traviata" will be the week'sSaturday matinee opera, with Mmes,Hempel, ligener and Mattfeld, andMessrs. Hotta, De I.uca, Hossl. Tegani,



concci.aiu Aeolian Hall IVltru-wi- ll

lead the Josefvacnoll will conduct.

"Lohengrin" bo pop.lllar performance Subscriptionevening, with Mines. Oadskl. Mat- -zenauer, Cox and Van Dick, andMessrs. Sembach, Onriiz, Ilraun. Schlegel and Uay'er. Mr. Ilodanzky rillconduct.

Eddy Hrown, violinist, will play at"Opera Concert"

violin concerto In I) major,Haendel's "Largetto," a caprice. No.

Paganlni-Hrow- and Wienlawskl's"Polonaise." C'lrrNcn will sing"Caro Nome" from "Hlgoletto," andJohanu Stlauss's "Vocl dl Prlniave-ra.-

t'llilNeinie Ue I.uca will hiiiK nn ariarrom -- i.e lltil de Lahore" nnd severalKniiKs by hev-- a and firetchlnlnov.Tho orchestra, under Itlchard llai;e-ninn'- H

direction, will piny Weber's"Kuryanthe" overture, HIzet'H "SuiteArleslenne, No. 1," and Gounod's March"I.a Heine de


Fritz Krelsler will 'he the atthe concort of the Philharmonic SocietyIn CarneBle Hall this afternoon. Theprincipal orchestral number will bo the"New World Symphony" of Dvoralt, andthe openltiB nur.ber Ooldmark's Over-ture --Sahuntala." Mr. Kreltler willpiny the Tschalltowsky Concerto.

Decthovcn'a Ninth Symphony will bethe feature of the three day

Festival be by therhilharmonlc. In cooperation with theOratorio Society, at the society's nextconilnc three concerts. The "Ninth" willhe performed nn Thursday evening,January 27. nnd Sunday afternoon,January 30, under Joaef Stransky'nleadership, preceded each time by

"Magnificat," which will he con-ducted by IjuIs Koemmeplch. Thechorui (about 250 slnurrs) will be fur-nished by the Oratorio Society nd thesolos will be sunir by Caroline Hudson-Alexande- r,

soprano; Nevada van dercontralto; Reed Miller, tenor, and

Arthur Mlddleton. bans.For Friday afternoon, January it,

the second day the festival, Mr.Htrnnsky has arranged the programmeas follows: Hnch's Suite In D major, hisrinnn Concerto In D fl.lnor, the solopart be p!aed 'by Krnest Hulchesnn,the eminent llach specialist, and therassncsKlln. arranitrd by Kasrr;

IClKhth Symphony and the "I,eo-nure- "

Overture, No, 3.

Krnest Ifutohesnn, the Australianphilllst, nill he- the with theSymphony Society In Aeolian Hall thisafternoon. The novelty of the

will he "Pupaxxl" ("Puppets"'),for orchestra, by Sehmitt, which

lll be heard for the first time in NewVoile. Mr. Huk'lienon lll play Ihe Con-cell- o

for l'lano, No. 2, In O minor,Salnt-Saeii- s, The symphony will be theThird of,Brahm - ..' Loulte contralto of the Metro- -

I IFraaiaBBBBBBBm'aB. , , UVtlMloJW,

IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBttaK fyPl I I recitalstUi',i &J compositions nii.l folk song- -

BBBBBwifCMiu i' U



I 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbW 1 ' ,n1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbJbbW aniiroachlnt; ofI JnBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBW



IHillt.ui Opera House, will be the soloistwith the Sjnqinony Society at its pair

concerts to Is- - ulon in Aeolian II, dlFriday nflprnunn, January 2S, anil Sun-day aftei , January 3" .NileHomer will slug two I tn. ti nun.bers. "ItIs Finished." from the "Passion Accord-ing to St. John." and "My I leanFaithful." Tho third number by Mine.Homer will be the aria "Adlvu, fonts"

TMChalkowsky's "Jeanne d'Aic"At this concert Victor Kolar. the assist-ant conductor of the soviet, will con-duct tlm Initial performance of his newS.Miiphony No. 1, hi The other

numbers will be the ItalianSerenade, Hugo and the Proces-slonal of the Knlshts of the I !! C.r.ulfrem An I of Wagners "Paisifal

The nel meeting of the MilMc l.nvei- -

Club, auxillaiy of the Syi phnn;will be held at Ibe .'usaiouolluu

Club Mondjy afternoon, February 7, at,which time Walter Pamrosch will givenn "Kxplauatoiy Talk" at the piano onthe siuphonlc poem "I'ltava." by Sine,tana, and Kalllnlkow's s mphony lu (!minor. Hoth of these compositions willappear on tho S.Miiphony Soclet's pro-- .gramme for the t to he given In

"'e ltuslaa Symphony Society, .Modest.xiiecnuier, co.iinicior. win i.iko ii,ue onSaiutilay evening. Januaiy 2'i. at Cai- -negle Hall. I he programme will .jontalntwo orchestral noxelths. iiamel), theThird. ( Cnrliilshed) S mphony, hi A, byHorodlnr, and Mussorgsky's Series of.Musical hketcnes. treating or cliscon- -

Heeled subjects, but bearing the general j

title, "llMioslilon Tableaux,'" Hosepiece wen- - sucueleH to the composerby the "ketches eif the painter Halt-niaiii- i.

The orchelia will be nss'sleil in thepiogramine b.e two soloists, Mme Mat-Kuznelsuva, a "miest" soprano of theI'lilciiL-- lipera Company, and Mine.Marguerite MellVllle-Isziile- ska, pia- -

mt. who ill ne nearu, espectively, inSonus by liounod, Tschalkows-lfy-. Itach-munin-

and Massenet, and Chopin'sF minor concerto.

Knrleiue Orauados, the Spanish compos-

er-pianist, will present the folleiw-Iii- rproRramme of his own works before

the Society of the Friend of Miudc attho Hitz-Carlt- Hotel thW afternoon:Panses Kspncnoles, Valenciana, Arabe.Andaluza: Vnlses Poetlcosj rioyescas:,itecriulebrexs, Collonulo n tlrja, Kin-dang- o

dl Candll ; Danza laintn, Kl Pelele(Ooyescn)

's concort of the Friends ofmarks tho first appearance of

Knrlque Uranndos in America as the In-terpreter of his own cominisltlons, nnd

""-""i- i. """n- - Frldav afternoon.corps de ballet. Mr. Ha- - ' nrv n, at which cmcert Knfaannj w,u i,e polnlst.

will the week'sprice on Saturday I The Conceit of





to jrlven
















Wilbur A. I.uyster, director of theN'w York School ofSUM Ilenrllno- nt ?"n l.,ll,..,


An music clo-ning a given by

faculty of the CollegeIn College Hall, and

F.ast street. Thnsowure August Will-la-

Miss Helen AloisTruka, Theodore Joseph J,Kovnrlk.

Mine, llurkhart will give eighthat

Central Park West, comer of Highlyseventh on Tuesday evening,January. programmelw by A, Walter Kramer,

will of hibo

Amy E.


the Opera

Tile .Met i opolltnn opera Companytin- - following repertoire for the

.o'Coml of the two engaEi'iiontof the S rge de MiaKhllelT Italic! Huss,.at the tVntur Opera House,

ctcning, Janii.iiy J.", .Mm-d- a

- Pavilion d'Armlib-,-; Tnes.la

Thamar," "l.'Oiseau de Feu." "lApresMidi d'un Faune," "Prince Igot".Wedmsila Pavilion

SoldiN'oll.'- - Svllibliles" ; Krblm "t.ePavilion d'Ar-iiide.- " "L'Anres d un i

Faune." "Prince Igor," :

Saturday matinee" 'arnaval-- ' : Saturda

S Iphnh ." "I.a Prlncense"Solell de Nuit "

The sixth Itlltmore Friday Mort lugMus.cale lake place In the limndllallroom of Hotel Itlltmore lit v IFriday morning. January I.

The principal artist on this occasionwill be ilrraldinr Farrar, this being herllrst app.-aranc- In New York this sea-son.

Mls Farrar be nsslsted byow-- i .'ompany, which .rmslstH of AdaS.i.s-ul- l, harpist, l

ba IvMiss Farrn-'- prngiainme n II

the "M gi.on ' ar,a b T:ioin.is,and songs b Ma.ent, Itrmln-rc- ,

I'relg, c.

At Samuel A. IkiMnln's fre orcaprecital, which take place this Sun-day afternoon at tile College of Cttof New York al 4 P. M.,by llolllns. Hach, Kiebs. W'ldor, Hum- -

Kinder. uid Llszwill be

Al his revltal In AeolianHall afternoon, K.ven for thels-- l etll of Ihe SI llonnfor lifsiiinie Chllilr.n, ibe Austialiani.ia in wt ..fiiiitxivt.iv I'.is'i' ( I m In -- .r t. II

bv Itach,I;i,f, ,;,e- - Prauck' and Cyril Scott,

. ml,b,r bv himself, "One Moie Koll.Mv ,bn." and his own onu,H "Kloner Waltz." from Tschal.ho-k'- Suite." will bei,...,ri m New York for th

PiUer, ofSocletv, at his lilln

In Aeolian Hall Mond.n cvciiiiik,January 2t. "ill play Tin lint'sTr 'le .In iHable," the Hcthmen

n F nmjor. theiiiuotlc. ihe capric- -,.i,.i,.. iih Miocart e oncerto mmajor, and of Sludlnir, Dvorak- -Kristler, Chopin. 1'aRi.nluland himself.

Mine. Penlse I.sska, chanleusewill e a recital, assisted

by Salvatore de Stefnno, harpist, anWard Lewis at the piano, on Tuesday

January 2J, at TheatreFrancais.

Paul ltelmers, tenor, will kIvo thefirm of it series t.f threerecitals at the Princess Theatie nextTuesday January 25, nt 3o'clock, ItelmriH will not only Rhea complete recital he,will also by songthe value of phrasing.and diction. The for these

Coe, tenor; William Simmons, bary.tone, Mine, soprano.

.onne ivi.iser, soprano, nnil Albln An- - i

losch, hoth New York artists, ntIhe tlrst concert of the sixth neason ntthe N. J.. onMonday evening, January 24, at S ;l,lP. M.


At their (lrst concert of thegiven In Hull, 5u West

members of ProfHertrand de Ilernvz's lperntlc Ora-torio Society rendered ensemble num-bers


and "I.ucla dl '

and "IIItoheit Wlrth, ilollnlsl, d

the Panes" IS in(1 minor- - and "Minuet"( In a manner which re.fleeted grsat. credit on hie teacher, Mr.


2jtinces that owing to the advanced Mrs. Isohel 11. Kleniver, pupil ofof the present chases no more Mrs, Jessie Fenner-lll- ll "of the Metro.can be admitted to them at pollinn Opera, House Studios, recentlvthis rime, hut that a new-- class will he npivared with success atform'd early In This new Stamford In the Flint Methodist Churchclass will consist of vocal students hav- - the snond of popular concerts RivenIng alr:ady applied nil other pros- - ,y that Is scheduledpecttve church solo singers (all voices) fnr series of concerts through Newwho wish to obtain church positions this York, and New Jersey.season, I.uyster. having been achoir director church soloist foryears, Is familiar with trials to Wilbur A, I.uystfr, director of thenhlch for a position are

" York School of Sightthis class will bo taught to at 22n Madison avenue, will conduct

meet all these demands. the Orpheus t!lc. Club, assisted by Miss

Interesting chiniheVmembers

of the New Yorkof Music 1:8 130

Fifty-eight- h par-ticipating

Kbann, Heusah,John and

tlmcomposers' musicale her studio, 2D

street,2b, whan tho will

compositionswho .play .two groups ownpla.po..sQ)os. 1IJ8piwwIII. sungby 'Ellerman. conlrullo; Calvin




-- "I.e"l.f Sylphldes"

"l.e d'Annlile,''

"fHrnaval." lie


"Thamar," "I.'OI-scan,- "

"IVtrouchkn."Ihicliamee,'- -


will her

and Wciren-lath- ,tone




peidlucU, Uuilnsuiupresented.



,,a, ooiiipeisltmns l,


tlrst time.

Maximilianthe Philharmonic


vo-k- sStahlherif,

drama-thiu- e.


afternoon, the



programme, hutdemonstrate and lecture


nti.l llurkhart,


Playhouse, Itiilgewond.

neason,Studio Seventy-secon- d

stteet, theand

solos from"Iihengrln" Trova-tore.- "

"Hungarian No.(llrahms)




and nrganiisatlon. She


theapplicants sub- - Rend-Jecte- d

and log


modernof nil

ire rarelyU'urt u ill I

Louis liiiixeiiiv, bar tone, will gleIlls second ncilal of tlx- - p'eeht sea-se- n

In Hall on TtHsil.iy aftrr-tln.-

.lami.iiy 1',.. III. piogratiiaipa sroup of souks Ii

.leiisin, Wolf nnd (iriiir, I hoe.cl.-- , "HHill'dtp l.lider" of Inorak,and I'lencii and llnullsli snags


A fe.illlip of tin- - i ion.aiey ijuaririsifrcniiil siiliscrliitlmi concert In AeolianHall Tui'yil.'i rxrliliiL', .laliil.il' 'J.'i, will- the- Iti ger Trio for lollll, iola anil

opus 77 b. This Is a ompaiil'ianumber to tin- - same composer's "Sere-nade" for Hut"-- , iol.i and uiln. othernumbers on tin- - programme will - theSiiitilu-i- t (Juariet In A minor, opusand the llieiioiii ijuartet In C major,opiK Ti'.i. .No. 3.

-On Wednced.iy aflerieion. J.tiill ir I", i

ltoberl Maitland. bar.Mi.nc. will g.xe thefollow Inc nrcranime at Acban 11.11 ,

K'antata, No. rai, for bass voice and or-- 1

I "Kb will din Ureii.sl.ili ccrnettagen," H.ich . T. Tertlus Noble at themean. Hall! Am l'deralii-nd- , l'r .Neii-K- a

lige. ClIKedtlbl. Troikne Kill I en,soiiks f.om the Mueller Cyclus. S'liu-l-it- .

Thiee tiha.al. of llallz. tlie Per- -

shin porl, first time In America, Han-loc-

Illiiinensruss. I nr Tambour, Aliosendet. No. L- Michael Angrlo Minimis,per Jaeger, llaerfnrr'- - l.led. No .1. Cop- -

tlsclies l.led. No. Wolf j Pe Tod das1st tHe kiiehle N'.v lii. Salauiandi I

St.iendclun. Veiralli. I'i nii es Kohet demMrnx-heii- , No. of the "Vie. trnstc.Oes.if nge.'" It. .hois The oiiks 5n tbejlist of Grainltle liauto. k were llrsi pro.dined by Mr MaiM.iud at one of MsLondon reclt.il thrre ears ago, withthe eoni'sor at Hie pli.no. After thenet formanee Mr Itantock dedicated thenewl llnlsheil oichestral score or thesongs to Mr. Maitland. as a token offriendship and appn-clatlo-

Jos-e- Hofm.inn it his only pianoforte-recital In New Yotk this season, to Pe

gUen at Cainegle Hall on Saturd.iafternoon, J..iuiir 'J!'. will play th- - fol-

lowing programme- Sonata ppasslon-at..- .

opus 57, Ilcethov.-- Melodic, (tluek-Sganibat- l:

Match .from "liulns of Ath-

ens," lltelliown-ltublnstol- n : Vers lAzur,Ste.jowsk. , Htude de Concert. In C nnnor,Slernb.-i- , four old Hutch songs, ar-

ranged for piano b Josef Jlufniann. Inllaiillolie, Vade-- lof Kieeg Moeder lief,M ile Jo' sc l.uijd . s "Fie- -

AKiii.tAN ham., .ian. ::. s r. m.



mme. .iri.iA

CLAUSSENMi:0-MM"l(0- .

llrkrts, m the lint Offlrr,nr ernllno Hull,

si. i:ik Jan'.i .".I oil


llll l M III I l it ( ml 11,1 ort)i hut

or KUZNETSOVAKlls-- - lm.llll Si,,,,.,,,,,,

lies Mill. I 'hi, ,c (i.r, ,

MELVILLE LISZNIEWSKA vZLe'arnesle Hall. I'likiis mm ,n llu tinire I

Arnllan Hall Sal. Wt Jan. .!!. at :i,1'iano lleciial

dorothy BERLINERMi lllK.i) ii.iiiii Mki M II M W'sn.s.lulls. I Hall, Mini, Die.. Jan. .11. nl Ml!,

s.uiir ll.vilal oi

vivian GOSNELLMpl M II IINmi

llarrtt lliTulrr. lur, fi,, Juti, ut '

Si 111

li. vital DufauMile, Jeonie'oi.eiiii i rit Mii-itiM- i

I l.'kcls on K.ne hi Dili tirrii--

Aenlan Hall. I lies, l'ie Jan, '',, at .!!.!.


.MIc In Maiiaiinnent l.oinliin rii irllim.

Arollan Hall. m' iMoo.' ift,,I'HMI iti:cuw, i"i:ne v

GRAINGERMgmenl Anlnnlt Sacr. Slelimay l'lano,

lluniford Hall, I'rl. All,, Jan'; '.s; at ,1

i!D00UTTLEt.all Mm C P

Aeolian Hall, Tiles. tl Jnnj 1. ut .1.nittii1IKC1TI.

I.OI'IM GRAVEUREI'llCMtt til t . BUS. Acciiiiiii.ini.i

Mgnienl Aiilmila hanjrr. Stclimay I'Hnn,

ritlX-KK- TIIK41 HI'.. .T.MIi SI near Una)-Niui'iay r.Mi., Jan ;.ii, al an

bong Hrcl.al MAURICE BECKII I, IIIIAINWII) III Ihe.l'ioio.

Tickets al llnv Offlcn Jk 1.. 1.. M.sirc Managert;i Ceilar SI Mrlmi.ii I'imo

trnllatl Hall SONQ RECITALWeil Ml ..Inn al .1

ROBERT MAITLANDTickets .vie io u Met, HaciKi-- A Jones

1'rliiirss Thrslrr, Tliurs, ill.. I'rli. a, at a.KiS(lHr.ciTAI. CLARKM Mil AN

T'Uts al Muale I.'guc of Am'ci, uin Ais.llan H.ill

rrine-rs- Theatre, Turs. All., Jan'i .'.l.al aKoniellis-lta- l REIMERSI". I I.

Sealsal Miislcl-agu- iifAnierlca.ninAenllanlllil

Aeolian Hall, M"o. I'.ir.. Jan. M, al Htl.l,villi. IN

MAXMII.MNItKCITAI, by PILZERMgl. Loudon Charlton. Knabe l'lano Uiud.

SUNDAY Symphony Society, Aeolian Hull, 3 P. M.Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall. 3 P. M.Friends of Music, Ritz-Carlto- n Hotel, 3 P. M.Opera concert, Metropolitan Opera House, 8:30 P. M.

MONDAY Percy Grninger, pianoforte recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M,Maximilian Pilzer, violin recital, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. M.

TUESDAY Louis Graveure, sonjf recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M,Mme. Denisc Lyska, song rccltnl, Theatre Francais, 3 P. M.Paul Reimers, soni? recital, Princess Theatre, 3 P. M..lennic Dufau, song recital, Harri Theatre, 3 P. M.Flonzalcy Quartet, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. M.

WEDNESDAY Robert Maitland, barytone, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M.THURSDAY Philharmonic Society, CarneRte Hall, 8:15 P. M.

.lulia Clausscn. mezzo-sopran- Albert Spalding, violinist; Jointrecital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M.

Nylic Chorus Society, Bruno Huhn conductor, Aeolian Hall,

FRIDAY 'Morning musicale, Hotel Bjltmore, 11 A. M.Philharmonic Society, Uarneme nan, s:.w i. m.Symphony Society, Aeolian

SATURDAY Josef Hofmnnn,P. M.

pianoforte recital, Carnegie Hall, 2:30

Berliner, pianist, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M.Russian Symphony Society, Cnrncffie Hall, 8:15 P. M.

wall. Hlrnuss-Oodowsk-

Imioomptii In A tint major, valsr. In Csharp minor ; sonata in II flat minor, I

('hopjn '

Julia Claiii-r- n. the Swedish memo -

sonraim of the ('lilcaao Opera Conuany, ,

ami Allien Spalding, violinist, winheard in a Joint recital In Aeolian Hallon Tliursilay .iliernoon, .lammijThe progra i ire lnelude songs bylliethoxeii. Wolf. Schubert. Hacker-('loiinlal- il

lo Itraiin and an atla fromMecrbeer's "l.- - Prophety." and for vio-

lin, Porpora' Sonata in tl. Sihubert sHundn Hrlin.int. the "Habanera" "tSar.isatp nnd the "Cimp.inetla," Paga- -

Iininthy Hrrlllier. n nung Amerlnninanlst. wil ghe i llis recital here

METROPOLITAN IK:.Mnn,il7 I.L IrMno u,.iilile.iailki iini.e.

nsner. Prlii", Well llrMiin. "..ml llodmik.Wril.nl s Ito.riiUimillrr. ll"r. Ileniprl

Mbv.ii i,o-I- I Well Mthmise Cnnil Uisiinkylliurs.nl s Hurls .ndiinn.iilT,lieliinni

t li.lur Mihimv lliilliler .iiiniln I oml roUciofrl. ni s Diiiibl-Hi- ll Mrs! Time. I.iin.'litin Perlnl Mnrtlnelll, lie l.nc.., 1'iiBiineri.

Cnjntil 'nrni. Airam. 'mid lUytimiillt11- - 'a?- - 'Vun'(rnnH,lH''i''.'-- ' '1' Jr.M", "

2 LrV.1x '?"uui Mnij.riiiiucr srmlMcii.llraun.iioriif I'timl IlislnntUy


Imabel garrison'.Ml,- - I (HI Ml

n iii.si it nprano, j


I. GIUSEPPE DE luca;HiKMN. lUrltnnc.



WiiH St A. Vnl PrtrW Wril.HrSf; I'liniti kmmJ CoIuiiiImh.


BALLET RUSSEAM'HI'.KK Keenlns :in. Sal Mat 2 30.

M0N. la- - l'aliloa it Arml.ie, rilnminka,Sjlphldi-- s

TUES. Tluinsr, 1,'iiNeAit de I.Aprcs- -Midi ,i un I'au.i", Prime iBnr.I l' vlllon ifArmiile; lYlrouctiks,WED.: ScliehereHeie.

ThAiimr, r srnae al; Solt-i- i ueTHURS.: ly Srliihlilm.l.e I'aiilliin il'Arinlile. I. nres-Ml-FRI. dc Faune: Prince liror Peinnictika

g-j-- T hamar. I.DW-.it- ue rvii

QiT PVP Mlphld'-- s lYIn-JA- t.CYCostp Knchnnter Solell ile Null.Prices tl. SI..MI. .'. V! Ml, t:i


MXTII BILTM0REr'lillliV MIlltMNI; MISII tilliioii:i. iiii.i ieiiir. jiN't .'s, hi iie. i. it u. him:

HB M A j

Hi HHi BK MB HHkWW WW mw WW" " ". ;

more llmnrllcc Knals- Piano

M liX k - I XT 8TD1



American School of Bel Canto(Science of Vocal Art)

".t iswi ii Stiigtnj irhtcli Jfli 'itbtemtant of wal .ttl,"

"It I. not a Kliool, coiii-rv.itor- nr In.Hitiitc of music hut a thorough course ofklniring In the line ntrtliiiils ut IliaItalian for II. e leiltr, where voicepliclinr, dli Hon, tiprra. rratorio aud littlerre being uughl ullli dl.llnctlou."Voice placing and repcrtulro personally

giirn by llelenc Malgllle.


Onlral Park ttest at Srtrntj.troiid .street, Ncm Vurk e lty

Music School10 West 122nd St.Phono Harlem 'J053.

The lion! prutiiniiu I lj- Hi greate-i- turllsla an a prilaKUKius ut the ugii to liurt'.uhuj the hlElH-s- t .lamlurd In eiiiclencyunohall)' ..mi artlnllcail)

W. HENRI ZAY or i.nmion. i:PBill e Mici II.' Wei lllllh Si

Ili.Mop-n- i 111 nf pe . lprr,f! Tlllllile "I iilitie In- - rie Hun i ip i i.irt u ti It fur

'lent tiers Tel Mi.17 Jtlvrislile,

NIEDZIELSKI1111. ISH H!TI"eiSl) Mill, is

Aisn npen fur iiinier. riitr.tKi-nini,-


Ellmer Zoller Mme.Will,Fremstad

Couch.Studio 2H V. B3.I t. Phone 733' C.lumbua

n ....... .r7..Mailer uancmonn '""7' i:.?',;Tnauauoniaiiii ' ".v:t v; i reel

.So l'n.. muled meni i.lven-Sjfctcml.oiil.

ofrinnn Instruction, STILLMANIH W 72.

K. I'rrssnn SJITeacher nf MILLER farnegls Hall.wincing. Tel. Circle MM,

mhb C. DYA8 8TANDI8Hy unlit, ,uj t'.l II Mailt-- ; HAI.I,.

III MrK. UII.I.IAMS, Church of tbHoly Communion. 6th Ami. 4 :oth 8t,

VAN YORX trul sihs,:i W Ci Tel. Gitcley JJ01.

Hall, J r.


t Aeolian Hall nn the nftfrrmon fSaturday. January !. SIip w M rv.groups of gavottes, preludes. rah.q,,

.etudes and waltr.es, by iompor runs- -

lug from Hach nnd Olnck to rhuvrtaehninnlnov nnd Sibelius. -- . a

aj sitcihTV ill-- Nl-.- Mini.JO.SKI' S I It ANSiK t . ( moiIih l.,r


TrttIK(MSKt. VIOLIN I DM intol(lltK, "M.W tWICI.ll" MMI'IIONI.


Thi.rs K.ir .Inn'y sun ,d ,u y 1(,

Tin: v. . run. ii mimiisk out iiitkiTbr OKATDIItO SIM IK.I III M.lluithiin. leaniler. seprtni

Itrril Mlllrr. Tenor enil.i ,inler .I'oniiM.i i iriimr iiniiiieioo,


BACH "MAGNIFICAT"i uhtlucU.I In ImiU hnt'tniitPMli k,

I'ltl. l I.. .1 NM

BACH- - BEETHOVENsnini.i i:km:si Ill II III IV

nllleclr Mail. Tli Let. rfl I lot l.a,

CARNEGIE HALL. .Sit. Alt., Jn. I'), it 2:30.Onlylteellallhl-1e.i-.'.iliiN- nrk orM'l-- r ttJ


V H0FMANNSesls now nl Hoe omie Ml Wnllstihii ll.irenu, MeltlWrt l"l.llin lli.il

f"itM:t.n: Feb. 12 .111. nlo".HAi.i..si.i r Illr.hil.il v i .ii

ELMANVIOLIN ItKCIi'M.. Tlekrls t not .Mt tnlfr,hn llurrmt Tunn

ArolUo Hall, Men. 111.. Jan. ill, al .'l:.Hi.SUM, It MM r.u.

ADELAIDE FISCHERTickets at llox mce Mgt,U'oirnhn

SYMPHONYHorl.l i nf Nrw Vortiv i. i Kit iMMiteisrii. i iiiiiio in.

'I his Aftrrimon al .'I, Arollan lljn(en. ens i

i:hm-:m- HUTCHESONHltMI.MS. S mphony N'n. 1; I r'u w

ti Loheatrrln. W'airner, l'iipazi n-

v. SCII.MITT. Concerto for Punli minor. SAt.ST-SAKN- S

I rl. All,, Jan. '.'s. Mm. Aft., 4,... m

HOMERSeats at lint limce tad llnom t:o. Aril alia

jAr.dUii ,,t hh

N, Y, Chamber Music Society

aiih si stuns,,







T N It X M 1 A T m

The Leading School ofMusic in New York

I ' ' vti ('r nr 1 n p.

I."on'i i r1 t t in i

Hirmnn.i Oiln-n- a IvTftim imNew York German Conservatory of Music

Uireemrs Carl II. in, Aiuti't Ki.v i

104.3.111 Mii.ll.nit ,,, rHr ;, , j

INSTITUTE of MUSICAL KTj"' ,.,,r ' "' Vurk

J"-""'iritl tvhnal I rank Itnmn '

linn-Hi-. un natural ahllllj .onlpurisiMi cm here rcivhc a tliminpretu U e innical isluc,-

golim aliro.ui, Kiulnmsl ami ,

nlihnut thouiiht of prolll lh- -i iiiiim.iiiils the serilci-- of jrihiii prhale term, no'ili! . ,

tli",'.".''1 "r'' mo'li r.iii' ,nKllllllile stiiileills reeclteil ,n i ,

Seiretar), Hot :fi, f.-- t i i,,.

Giacomo GuinsbourgiM W. SI Phone Circle ID

j Mil. HCMtl l'lsl,Ns, ii,,. errIMi 'IVnor. iy t one in, gr, t'lo my le.uhe. (, lain. iii, i.iiIiiIii,imu

LEOPOLD WINKLERnit: i.niM.M 1'itM.ilies. Mm II... i;ti i.,,ii. ,,,

. Te II i , in Tin.lironKiyn S'iio I' tiK'.n a I "Wilbur I IIVCTED 2Z0 Ma.lnon .e

A. LiV 1 Jl 'lanes nr I'r.Klr'A S hMuKillK lie

.Mils. I. l It A i: Mill: K

it- .',','", h,'r "' 'hlsllIB;.:..'""" "". " m

rrprrtaiiun unii ,i i a i.i'rIoir ,ri .


'lei I

w. RflflkDT Teacher alL, vvuiill 1 iii w. 72M) sr


GW1LYM MILES, Baritone"."I'll Hroadway. 1'hone lu;

Amy Grant S I

JF.ME (1. fKNNr.K, Tearhi-- id sunMelropolltanOp.Hount. Thin '