Brian Bubnash TO [email protected] <brian.bubnasliQgmBi.com> 11/10/2011 10:17 PM bcc Subject Public Comment on AOR 2011-23 First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as long as they dont collaborate with candidates (which I think is an awftd idea by the way - for the good of the country please regulate Super PACs!), and now they are trying to break the one rule they have to follow. Why dont we just roll over and sign the country over to whoever has the most money to pay for "fully coordinated" advertisements that would "presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications'." I cant think of a single reason that allowing this proposal would be in the public interest. Shame on you if you allow it to go through. Best Regards, Brian Bubnash

First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO [email protected] 11/10/2011 10:17

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Page 1: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Brian Bubnash TO [email protected] <brian.bubnasliQgmBi.com>

11/10/2011 10:17 PM bcc

Subject Public Comment on AOR 2011-23

First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as long as they dont collaborate with candidates (which I think is an awftd idea by the way - for the good of the country please regulate Super PACs!), and now they are trying to break the one rule they have to follow. Why dont we just roll over and sign the country over to whoever has the most money to pay for "fully coordinated" advertisements that would "presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications'." I cant think of a single reason that allowing this proposal would be in the public interest. Shame on you if you allow it to go through. Best Regards, Brian Bubnash

Page 2: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

STEPHEN LEACH To [email protected]. [email protected] ^leachstpptwnOtwBwHith .net ^ -V ^ [email protected]. [email protected] 11/10/201110:00 PiM bcc

Subject Super PAC CkwnJinate with Candidates

I would like to express my support for Karl Rove & America Crossroads in their effort to allow Super Pac's to coordinate with Candidates. We all know every elected official in Washington is bought and paid for by some Corporate interest or other. Why keqp the thin veil of a wall up not allowing Super Pac's to coordinate with the Candidate they support? We know the Super Pac is buying the election for the candidate. The rule of not allowing the Super Pac to coordinate with the Candidate only clouds the issue. Eliminate the rule so we can all be clear about who is telling the candidate how to vote on legislation.

Page 3: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Daniel DuBoise JQ [email protected] <[email protected]> 11/10/2011 09:04 PIM

bcc Sut)ject Icart rove's opinion request

Karl Rove:

Should be able to sponsor candidates without "coordinating" with them? That way the rest of us can buy candidates.

That sounds democratic, or c italistic. It doesnt matter, because money is people too.

Page 4: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Diane Annchel jo <[email protected]> <[email protected]

11/10/201106:20 PM bcc

Subject Reject Request from Carl Rove AOR 2011-23

Dear Secretary:

Piease reject this request. We have the right to know and you have the duty to supply infbrmation on wlio is funding our candidates and tJieir causes. We need transparancy not more distortion.

Thank you, Diane Amschel

Page 5: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

adodoc soiodoc jo ''[email protected]" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 11/10/2011 07.19 PM

Please respond to I soiodoc soiodoc

<[email protected]> Subject Advisory Opinion Request

Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Novembers, 2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow submits this letter as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request s to the Federal Election Commission on October 12,2011, and again in a revised version on October 28,2011 by Americs Crossroads, an organization led by Republican political consultant and "Mr. November" in the 2012 "Hunlcs ofthe Bush Administration" calendar, Kari Rove.

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has much in common with American Crossroads. Both are registered "independent-ex|3enditure-only" PACs (a.k.a. "Super PACs") that may accept unlimited contributions from corporatbns, u individuals, and doomsday cults we one day hope to found. Both groups are separately affiliated with prominent 5016(4) organizatk>ns, Colbert Super PAC SHH and Crossroads GPS, and are strongly committed to doing what is legally possibi America. Both have top strategic thinkers at their core: American Crossroads has Kari Rove, and Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has a ham loaf wearing wire rimmed glasses.

Because of this shared bond and heritage, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has an interest in the Request b American Crossroads.

As we understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organizatton has plans to sponsor advertiserr featuring IMembers of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request,

'The purpose of these advertisements, while ftx:used on current legislative and policy issues, would be to improve the p perceptk)n of the featured IMember of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season."

Americans fbr a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow couki not concur more concurrently. These ads would simply improve publii

Page 6: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

perception of candidates in advance of the campaign. The message is not, "Vote for this great guy," ifs merely, "Hey votE at this great guyl"

Cieariy, these ads featuring candidates on behalf of candidates would not be candidate ads. As American Crossroads pu their original Request,

"While these advertisements would be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-eiection in 2012 would presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications,'."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow agrees that "fully coordinated" ads shouldn't be counted as "coordinated communications." The candklate would merely be appearing as a paid spokesperson, who, coincidentally, is closely align the candidate that he or she also is.

For example, an ad in which the Kool Aid man decries our nation-wide childhood thirst problem would not necessarily be Kool Aid brand juice drink. That being said, would a tall glass of Kool-Aid solve that thirst problem? To quote one expert: yeaaahhhhl"

Americans for a Better Tomorow, Tomorrow wholly endorses American Crossroads' Request. We hope the Commissior to begin with the Supreme Courts definition of Non-Coordinated as "expenditures... made totally independently ofthe cs and his campaign" in Buckley v. Valeo , and end up with a ruling that allows outside groups to produce ads with the cand cooperation, themes, and message. That will prove to our nation's critics that America is a country that still makes someti strained rationalizations.

Americans for a Better Tomonow, Tomonrow believes that Super PACs can and should coordinate with candidates in eve of that word—except in the legal or biblk:al sense. In fact, pending the outcome of American Crossroads' Request, Ameri a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow plans to coordinate a non-"coordinated" ad with presidential novelty candidate Buddy Roei rough example of which can be found here: www.colbertsuDerDac.com/undaunted-non-coordination.

It should be clear that there was no colluston with Govemor Roemer, as he vehemently opposes and passionately questit legality of the ad that he agreed to appear in.

If the Commission sees fit to grant these reasonable requests, Americans for a Better Tomorrow will continue to fulfill our to never give you up, or let you down, as detailed in our mission statement here: http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/7061377:10303793691 :m:1:276331897:004F16EA66E4089D6A52EB9' 8A:r

Accordingly. Americans fbr a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow respectfully requests the Commission's timely consideratton ol American Crossroads' Advisory Opinion Request.

Super Sincerely Yours.

Stephen Colbert President & Maftre D'

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, inc.

Ham Rove Chief Strategist & Lunchmeat Americans for A Better Tomorrow. Tomorrow, Inc. PS - If the commission does not see fit to grant this request fully, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow woukI lik€ a compromise. To avoid the appearance of collusion, the F.E.C. could rule that candidates can appear in Super PAC ads against their will. They'd have to be kklnapped, blindfolded, and thrown in a van before being forced to read a statement supporting their goals and then returned to their fundraisers in time for dessert.

Paki for tiy Americans Ibr a Betier Tornorrow, TonriorrGw Not authorized by any candidate or candkJate's oommittee.

Page 7: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

DanWfl .nei

11/10/2011 0522 PM

To [email protected]


bcc C l , , _ concem about Karl Rove's Opinion Request (which subject 2011-23)

is AOR

Hello My name i s Daniel Weiss I am a 19 year old nursing student that l i v e s i n Abington PA and I just wanted to write an informal l e t t e r to you guys the FEC and get my voice out. I mean I should have every right corporations are spewing there bull$@#t to me everyday and I'm more American than they are. F i r s t o f f I dont even see why super pacs exist i n the f i r s t place but at least you gave Colbert one for the people, but that's not my point. ( At least not t i l l later!!) I Don't think that these masked corporations "super- Pacs" should have a bigger voice than I do ( Like I said they aren't even Americans/PEOPLE). So why would I wanted them to support a candidate more than they already can???!! ( super- pacs need to be changed down the line) Please dont give them more power over the masses than they already do! I hope someone at least reads t h i s email, I hope other Colbert fans wrote i n too, im gonna keep t h i s email address so i can be more active. ( Thank Stephen for getting the word about t h i s , I hate how t h i s whole super-pac thing was a secret before)

Thanks for your time Talk to you soon With love Weiss

Page 8: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

David Roberts <[email protected]>

11/10^11 0423 PM

To <[email protected]>



Subiect ^ ^ ' " ' ' " ^ on American Crossroads Advisoiy Opinion ' Request

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

Please do not allow American Crossroads to get away with this On /elian double speak—

"While these advertisements woukJ be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-eiection in 2012, they would presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications,'."

Thank you for helping to protect what is left of our democracy.

Oavid Itoberts Gokl Beach, OR

Page 9: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Chrislian Munzner TO [email protected] <[email protected] m> cc 11/10/201102:13 PM bcc

Subject American crossroads

Dear secretaiy I would like to cast my full support for coordinated, non-coordinated ads and political support that super pacs may not currently do under the law,i.e. the proposal under consideration put forth by the group ameriean crossroads. I would also like to say I am aligned with americans for a better tommorow,tonmiorow. Thankyou, Christian Munzner

Page 10: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

"DPaulSmilh* TO <[email protected]> <[email protected]>

11/100)1101:46 PM bcc

Subject Public Comment on AOR 2011 -23

Please tell Karl Rove to stop being so sneaky.... It's perfectly in haracter for him but doesn't seem to be working in the interest of the American People

Page 11: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

BiHPofich To [email protected] <[email protected]> 11/10C01101:23 PM ^

bcc Subject /^inerican Crossroads' /Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Members of the Conmiittee / Federal Election Conmiission...

As a citizen who has watched the availability of hidden sources of funding for political advertising campaigns slowly but surely come to dominate and perhaps corrupt the American election process I am deeply concemed by the recent petition by American Crossroads regarding issue advertising.

It is imperative that election advertising be as uncompromised by special interest groups as possible and the best way to make this happen is through full disclosure of the sources of all monies used and holding said SuperPacs to strict standards as to what they can or cannot do.

Allowing SuperPacs, and here I mean any SuperPacs, conservative or liberal leaning, to chip away at the edges of the accepted and already abused limitations to what forms their advertising can take is inappropriate and goes against the very intent of the restrictions; restrictions put into place to protect the American voter fiiom advertising distortions.

I would ask that you please reject the request put before you by American Crossroads and hold all SuperPacs to the standards cuirently in place and in fact consider tightening restrictions in those areas where abuses have and continue to occur.


Bill Polich

Page 12: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

WKamAngel TO <8ecielaiy@liBc. ov>


11/10001110:44 AM bcc Subject non-coordinated communteation

A darifkBtton is needed, so all Super Pacs can meet the letter of the law conceming your regulations, about the term "issues" in relatton to the non-coordinated Super PAC ads. My dkttonary lists nine definittons for this word.

Which of the nine definitions is the one your agency requires PACs to folkyw when it is used in reference to these non-coordinated ads. We must all folkiw the law, just as Karl Rove suggests.

Thank you, Carolyn Angell

Page 13: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

AlanG1216G <[email protected]>



To <[email protected]>


bcc Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

10 Nov 2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Croesroads Advisoiy Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

As the sarcasm in Golberf s email bekiw makes plain, the whole kJea of SuperPACs is anti-denrKxratic. I agree and believe they should be restricted from any and all coordination or communkBtion with any candklate or even potential candidate.

Thanks, Alan Geralnick Ariington, VA

Date: Tue, 8 Nov 201118:32:27 -0800 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Profiles In Undaunted Non-Coordination

Dear Colbert Super PAC Members (and semi-sentient spam-bots),

Ifs a bright day on the shadowy edge of American politics.

Yesterday, I was paid a visit by Trevor Potter, Esq. As you know, if you have been collecting the Official Colbert Super PAC Trading Cards know, Trevor was not only the fbrnner head of the F.E.C. and chief counsel to the McCain 2008 campaign, but he's also my personal lawyer*. Not to mention, someone i am proud to pay for the honor of calling my friend.

Together, we drafted an official Public Comment in support of American Crossroads' Advisory Opinion

Page 14: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Request to the Federal Election Commission.

I'll let that sink in. It may take a bit, because you have no klea what I'm talking about. The full fiduciary details were laid bare in last night's show, but for those of you lacking the energy to click here for part one and here for part two, here's the gist:

As free as Super PACs are to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money, they are still unfairiy shackled by regulation. Notice I used the singular. Thafs because there is really only one rule that binds Super PACs: that they may not coordinate with candidates' campaigns. But what fun is buying somebody an election if you have no elected official to share the moment with?

America Crossroads' Kari Rove saw through this sham of a charade - or "shamrade ™" - and petitioned the F.E.C. to clarify exactly what the law is, so he can carefully obey only the letter of it. We at Colbert Super PAC submitted the attached Public Comment to the Federai Election Commission in a show of non-coordinated, non-consensual support.

Incidentally, you might be interested in knowing that any person, be they corporate or biological, can submit their Public Comment on Kari Rove's Opinion Request (which is AOR 2011-23) by writing to Office of the Commission Secretary's email address (which is [email protected]).

We hope you'll join us at Colbert Super PAC in letting Kari Rove know: We've got your back. Because we're looking over your shoulder.


Stephen Colbert President and Junior Legal Counsel Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow

* If you are playing the Colbert Super PAC Trading Card Fantasy/Strategy Card Game, remember that Trevor gains a +4 defense against all firost-based creatures (including the dreaded Ice DragonI)



Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow

November 6,2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and C\erk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

Page 15: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow submits this letter as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12, 2011, and again in a revised version on October 28, 2011 by American Crossroads, an organization led by Republican political consultant and "Mr. November" in the 2012 "Hunks ofthe Bush Administration" calendar, Kari Rove.

Americans fbr a Better Tomonow, Tomorrow has much in common with American Crossroads. Both are registered "independent-expenditure-only" PACs (a.k.a. "Super PACs") that may accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unions, individuals, and doomsday cults we one day hope to found. Both groups are separately affiliated with prominent 501G(4) organizations, Colbert Super PAC SHH and Crossroads GPS, and are strongly committed to doing what is legally possible in America. Both have top strategic thinkers at their core: American Crossroads has Kari Rove, and Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has a ham loaf wearing wire rimmed glasses.

Because of this shared bond and heritage, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has an interest in the Request by American Crossroads.

As we understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request,

"The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on cunrent legislative and policy issues, would be to improve the public's perception of the featured Member of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow could not concur more concurrently. These ads would simply improve public perception of candidates in advance ofthe campaign. The message is not, "Vote for this great guy," ifs merely, "Hey votersi Look at this great guy!"

Cieariy, these ads featuring candidates on behalf of candidates would not be candidate ads. As American Crossroads put it, in their original Request,

"While these advertisements would be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election in 2012, they would presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications,'."

Americans fbr a Better Tomonrow, Tomonrow agrees that "fully coordinated" ads shouldn't be counted as "coordinated communications." The candidate would merely be appearing as a paid spokesperson, who, coincidentally, is closely aligned with the candidate that he or she also is.

For example, an ad in which the Kool Aid man decries our nation-wide childhood thirst problem would not necessarily be an ad for Kool Aid brand juice drink. That being said, would a tall glass of Kool-Aid solve that thirst problem? To quote one expert: "Oh, yeaaahhhh!"

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow wholly endorses American Crossroads' Request. We hope the Commission is able to begin with the Supreme Courf s definition of Non-Coordinated as "expenditures ... made totally independently ofthe candidate and his campaign" in Buckley v. Valeo , and end up with a ruling that allows outside groups to produce ads with the candidate's cooperation, themes, and message. That will prove to our nation's critics that America is a country that still makes something: strained rationalizations.

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow believes that Super PACs can and should coordinate with candidates in every sense of that word—except in the legal or biblical sense. In fact, pending the outcome of American Crossroads' Request, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow plans to coordinate a non-"coordinated" ad with presidential novelty candidate Buddy Roemer. A rough example of which can be found here: www.coibertsuperpac.com/undaunted-non-coordination.

Page 16: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

It should be clear that there was no collusion with Govemor Roemer, as he vehemently opposes and passionately questions the legality of the ad that he agreed to appear in.

if the Commission sees fit to grant these reasonable requests, Americans for a Better Tomorrow will continue to fulfill our promise to never give you up, or let you down, as detailed in our mission statement here: http://voutu.be/dQw4w9WqXcQ

Accordingly, Americans for a Better Tomorrow. Tomorrow respectfully requests the Commission's timely conskieration of American Crossroads' Advisory Opinion Request.

Super Sincerely Yours,

Stephen Colbert President & MaTtre D'

Americans fbr a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Inc.

Ham Rove Chief Strategist & Lunchmeat Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Inc. PS - If the commission does not see fit to grant this request fully, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomonrow would like to offer a compromise. To avoid the appearance of collusion, the F.E.C. could rule that candidates can appear in Super PAC ads only against their will. They'd have to be kidnapped, blindfolded, and thrown in a van before being forced to read a statement supporting their goals and then retumed to their fundraisers in time for dessert.

Pakl for by Amernans for a BetterTomorrow, Tomorrow Not authorized by any candklate or candklate's oommittee.


[email protected]

click here Update vour preferences Unsubscribe

Page 17: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Adair Byrd TO <[email protected]> <adair_t)[email protected]>

11/10/201109:51 AM ^ bcc

Subject AOR 2011-23

Dear Office of the Commission Secretary's, Please do not pass AOR 2011-23, Kari Rove's Opinion Request. You have already allowed big money to dominate elections with such legal devices as Super PACs. Why do more to harm this democracy? Adair Byrd

Page 18: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Aaron CiliireliB TO [email protected] <[email protected]>

11/10/201110:11 AM ^ bcc

c. .K:a/4 Comment on /American Crossroads /Advisory Opinion ^ ^ ^ ^ Request

November 10, 2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomonrow submits this letter as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12, 2011, and again in a revised version on October 28, 2011 by American Crossroads, an organization led by Republican political consultant and "Mr. November" in the 2012 "Hunks ofthe Bush Administration" calendar, Kari Rove.

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has much in common with American Crossroads. Both are registered "independent-expenditure-only" PACs (a.k.a. "Super PACs") that may accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unions, individuals, and doomsday cults we one day hope to found. Both groups are separately affiliated with prominent 501®(4) organizations, Colbert Super PAC SHH and Crossroads GPS, and are strongly committed to doing what is legally possible in America. Both have top strategic thinkers at their core: American Crossroads has Kari Rove, and Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomonrow has a ham loaf wearing wire rimmed glasses.

Because of this shared bond and heritage, Americans fbr a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has an interest in the Request by American Crossroads.

As we understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request,

'The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on current legislative and policy issues, woukj be to improve the public's perception of the featured Member of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow. Tomorrow could not concur more concunently. These ads would simply improve public perception of candidates in advance of the campaign. The message is not, "Vote for this great guy," it's merely, "Hey votersi Look at this great guyl"

Cieariy, these ads featuring candidates on behalf of candidates would not be candidate ads. As

Page 19: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

American Crossroads put it, in their original Request,

"While these advertisements would be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-eiectk)n in 2012, they would presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications,'."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow agrees that "fully coordinated" ads shouldn't be counted as "coordinated communications." The candidate would merely be appearing as a paid spokesperson, who, coincidentally, is closely aligned with the candidate that he or she also is.

For example, an ad in which the Kool Aid man decries our nation-wide childhood thirst problem would not necessarily be an ad fbr Kool Aid brand juice drink. That being said, would a tall glass of Kool-Aid solve that thirst problem? To quote one expert: "Oh, yeaaahhhh!"

Americans for a Better Tomonrow, Tomorrow wholly endorses American Crossroads' Request. We hope the Commission is able to begin with the Supreme Court's definition of Non-Coordinated as "expenditures ... made totally independentiy ofthe candidate and his campaign" in Buckley v. Valeo , and end up with a ruling that allows outeide groups to produce ads with the candidate's cooperation, themes, and message. That will prove to our nation's critics that America is a country that still makes something: strained rationalizations.

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow Iselleves that Super PACs can and should coordinate with candidates in every sense of that word—except in the legal or biblical sense. In fact, pending the outcome of American Crossroads' Request, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow plans to coordinate a non-"coordinated" ad with presidential novelty candidate Buddy Roemer. A rough example of which can be found here: www.coibertsuperpac.com/undaunted-non-coordination.

It should be clear that there was no collusion with Govemor Roemer, as he vehemently opposes and passionately questions the legality of the ad that he agreed to appear in.

If the Commission sees fit to grant these reasonable requeste, Americans for a Better Tomorrow will continue to fulfill our promise to never give you up, or let you down, as detailed in our mission statement here: http://voutu.be/dQw4w9WaXcQ

Accordingly, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomonrow respectfully requests the Commission's timely consideration of American Crossroads' Advisory Opinion Request.

Super Sincerely Yours,

Stephen Colt)ert President & Maftre D'

Americans for a Better Tomonrow, Tomorrow, Inc.

Ham Rove Chief Strategist & Lunchmeat Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomonow. inc. PS - If the commission does not see fit to grant this request fully. Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow would like to offer a compromise. To avoid the appearance of collusion.

Page 20: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

the F.E.C. could rule that candidates can appear in Super PAC ads only against their will. They'd have to be kidnapped, blindfolded, and thrown in a van before being forced to read a statement supporting their goals and then retumed to their fundraisers in time for dessert.

Page 21: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

"JacK" To [email protected] eftMiart)[email protected]>

11/10/2011 08-.35 AM ^ bcc

Subject AOR 2011-23

Shawn Woodhead Werth, Secretaiy and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretaiy Werth:

American Crossroads' tortured reasoning relative to the above indicated advisoiy opinion request appears to be yet one more attempt on behalf of those with all of the money to subvert vfbat is left of the current laws relating to individual candidates' campaign financing. For the guardian of these laws in our beloved counhy to look the other way at this blatant attempt by some to undermine the foundation of democracy, one man, one vote, would be unconscionable. The United States Supreme Court has held in pertinent part that "expenditures [must be]... made totally independently of the candidate and his campaign." Buckley v. Valeo. "Totally" being the operative word.


John W. Spencer

Page 22: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

"Edward R. Bimbaunr TO ''[email protected]" <[email protected]> <[email protected]>

11/14/201108-.28/ ^ bcc

Sutjject Rove petitton AOR 2011-23


I am writing i n protest of the ridiculous request by Karl Rove i n AOR 2011-23 to allow super-pac ads i n support of candidates.

I f t h i s i s allowed, we w i l l have completed the goal of unrestricted ads for candidates for public o f f i c e , and f i n a l l y r e a l i z e d the secondary goal of allowing those with the most money buy any election.

Thanks for l i s t e n i n g .

Ed Birnbaiom

Phone: E-mail :^[email protected]

Note: t h i s l e t t e r i s my own personal opinion, and has no connection with the University of the Sciences.


This e-mail message and any attachments are intended s o l e l y for the use of the addressee hereof. I f you have received t h i s message i n error, please promptly n o t i f y the sender by reply e-mail and immediately delete t h i s message from your system. Thank you.

Page 23: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

ggnwy@conicasLnet TO [email protected] 11/10G01111:04AM

bcc Subject Subversion attempt by Carl Rove

I protest any weakening of SuperPAC regulation conceming coordination of issue ads with candidates. MarvGale flBTbighton St. Camp Hill, PA 17011

Page 24: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

WHamSmiili TO [email protected] <[email protected] > oc 11/10/201111:37 AM bcc

Subject Public Comment on AOR 2011 -23

As a private c i t i z e n and person, which apparently i s what every corporation i n the Unites States can also claim (although they are exempt from most of the laws that govern us mere mortal persons), I would l i k e to add my comment to AOR 2011-23, Karl Rove's Opinion Request. I, along with Stephen Colbert, think that i t ' s just fine and dandy that you are s a t i s f i e d that both p o l i t i c a l parties merely follow the l e t t e r of the law while s k i r t i n g i t s intent. You are setting a fine example for the children and the future of America, and you should a l l be very proud. I look forward to the day that you s e l l yourself wholesale to the highest bidder, then s e l l us mere human c i t i z e n s as slave labor to the Chinese. Long l i v e Chairman Mao and the "free market"!

William Smith H H I Lynncrest Rd. Lut h e r v i l l e , MD 21093

Page 25: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Marty Dorio TO [email protected] <[email protected]>

11/10/201103>42PM ^ bcc

S b ed Comment on/American Crossroads/\dvisory Opinion ' Request

Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow

November 6, 2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow submits t h i s l e t t e r as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12, 2011, and again i n a revised version on October 28, 2011 by American Crossroads, an organization led by Republican p o l i t i c a l consultant and "Mr. November" i n the 2012 "Hunks of the Bush Administration" calendar, Karl Rove.

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has much i n common with American Crossroads. Both are registered "independent-expenditure-only" PACs (a.k.a. "Super PACs") that may accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unions, individuals, and doomsday cults we one day hope to found. Both groups are separately a f f i l i a t e d with prominent 501©(4) organizations, Colbert Super PAC SHH and Crossroads GPS, and are strongly committed to doing what i s l e g a l l y possible i n America. Both have top strategic thinkers at t h e i r core: American Crossroads has Karl Rove, and Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has a ham loaf wearing wire rimmed glasses.

Because of t h i s shared bond and heritage, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has an interest i n the Request by American Crossroads.

As we understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote i n t h e i r o r i g i n a l Request,

"The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on current l e g i s l a t i v e and pol i c y issues, would be to improve the public's perception of the featured Member of Congress i n advance of the 2012 campaign season."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow could not concur more concurrently. These ads would simply improve public perception of candidates i n advance of

Page 26: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

the campaign. The message i s not, "Vote for t h i s great guy," i t ' s merely, "Hey voters! Look at t h i s great guy!"

Clearly, these ads featuring candidates on behalf of candidates would not be candidate ads. As American Crossroads put i t , i n t h e i r o r i g i n a l Request,

"While these advertisements would be f u l l y coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election i n 2012, they would presumably not qu a l i f y as 'coordinated communications,'."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow agrees that " f u l l y coordinated" ads shouldn't be counted as "coordinated communications." The candidate would merely be appearing as a paid spokesperson, who, coincidentally, i s closely aligned with the candidate that he or she also i s .

For example, an ad i n which the Kool Aid man decries our nation-wide childhood t h i r s t problem would not necessarily be an ad for Kool Aid brand juice drink. That being said, would a t a l l glass of Kool-Aid solve that t h i r s t problem? To quote one expert: "Oh, yeaaahhhh!"

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow wholly endorses American Crossroads' Request. We hope the Commission i s able to begin with the Supreme Court's d e f i n i t i o n of Non-Coordinated as "expenditures ... made t o t a l l y independently of the candidate and his campaign" i n Buckley v. Valeo, and end up with a r u l i n g that allows outside groups to produce ads with the candidate's cooperation, themes, and message. That w i l l prove to our nation's c r i t i c s that America i s a country that s t i l l makes something: strained r a t i o n a l i z a t i o n s .

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow believes that Super PACs can and should coordinate with candidates i n every sense of that word—except i n the lega l or b i b l i c a l sense. In fact, pending the outcome of American Crossroads' Request, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow plans to coordinate a non-"coordinated" ad with presidential novelty candidate Buddy Roemer. A rough example of which can be found here:www.colbertsuperpac.com/undaunted-non-coordination.

It should be clear that there was no collusion with Governor Roemer, as he vehemently opposes and passionately questions the l e g a l i t y of the ad that he agreed to appear i n .

If the Commission sees f i t to grant these reasonable requests, Americans for a Better Tomorrow w i l l continue to f u l f i l l our promise to never give you up, or le t you down, as detailed i n our mission statement here: http://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ

Accordingly, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow res p e c t f u l l y requests the Commission's timely consideration of American Crossroads' Advisory Opinion Request.

Super Sincerely Yours,

Stephen Colbert President & Maitre D'

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Inc.

Ham Rove Chief Strategist & Lunchmeat Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Inc. PS - I f the commission does not see f i t to grant t h i s request f u l l y , Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow would l i k e to offer a compromise. To avoid the

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appearance of collusion, the F.E.C. could rule that candidates can appear i n Super PAC ads only against t h e i r w i l l . They'd have to be kidnapped, blindfolded, and thrown i n a van before being forced to read a statement supporting t h e i r goals and then returned to t h e i r fundraisers i n time for dessert.

Paid for by Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee, www.colbertsuperpac.com

Marty Dorio f / l / f P a l m a Blanca CT Naples FL 34119-3368

(cell) ( t o l l free fax)


Page 28: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

EieinTrawick TO [email protected] <[email protected]> 11/10 2011 07:41 PM

boc Subject My support

November 6,2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Electnn Commisskm 999 E Street. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on Amerfcan Crossroads Advisoiy Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

Americans for a Better TomorroMf. Tomorrow submits this letter as a fDrmai comment on the Advisory Opinnn Request submitted to the Federal ElectkHi Commisskxi on October 12,2011, and again in a revised versnn on October 28,2011 by American Crossroads, an organization led t>y Repubtkan political consultant and "Mr. November" in the 2012 "Hunks of the Bush Administration" calendar, iCari Rove.

Americans fbr a BetterTomorrow, Tomorrowhas much in common with American Crossroads. Botti are registered "independent-expenditure-only" PACs (a.k.a. "Super PACs") that may accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unkxis, indivkiuals, and doomsday cuHs we one day hope to found. Both groups are separately affiliated witti prominent 5016(4) organizations, Colbert Super PAC SHH and Crossroads GPS, and are strongly committed to doing wfiat is legally possible in AmerKa. Both have top strategk; thinkers at their core: American Crossroads has Kari Rove, and Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has a ham k>af wearing wire rimmed glasses.

Because of this shared bond and heritage, Ainericans for a Better Tornorrow, Tornorrow has an interest in ttie Request tiy American Crossroads.

As we understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinnn Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of

Page 29: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request.

"The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on current legislative and polk:y issues, woukj be to improve the public's perception of the featured Member of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season."

Americans for a Better Tomonow, Tomorrow couki not concur more concurrently. These ads woukJ simply improve publk: perception of candklates in advance of the campaign. The message is not, "Vote for this great guy," ifs merely. "Hey votere! Look at this great guyl"

Clearly, these ads featuring candkJates on behaXf of candklates woukJ not be candklate ads. As American Crossroads put it in their original Request.

"While these advertisements wouki be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election in 2012, they wouU presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communKations.'."

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow agrees that "fully coordinated" ads shouMnt be counted as "coordinated communkations." The candklate woukj merely be appearing as a paki spokesperson, who, coincklentally, is ctosely aligned with ttie candkiate that he or she also is.

For example, an ad in whk:h the Kool Akj man decries our nation-viride chiMhood thirst problem wouM not necessarily be an ad for Kool Akj brand june drink. That being sakj, wouM a tall glass of Kbd-Akj solve that thirst problem? To quote one expert "Oh, yeaaahhhhl"

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow wholly endorses American Crossroads' Request We hope the Commisskm is able to begin witti the Supreme Court's definition of Non-Coordinaled as "expenditures... made totally independenfly of ttie candkiate and his campaign" in Buckley v. Valeo , and end up witti a mling that alkiws outskie groups to produce ads with the candklate's cooperation, themes, and message. That will prove to our nation's

Page 30: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

critk:s that America is a country that still makes something: strained rationalizations.

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomonow believes that Super PACs can and shouki coordinate witti candklates in every sense of that word—except in ttie legal or biblical sense. In fact, pending ttie outcome of American Crossroads' Request. Americans for a Better Tomorrow. Tomorrow plans to coordinate a non-"coordinated" ad with presktential novelly candklate Buddy Roemer. A rough example of whk:h can te found here: www.coH)ertsuDerDac.com/undaunted-non-coordinati on.

It shouki be dear ttiat there was no collusnn with Govemor Roemer, as he vehementiy opposes and passnnately questions the legality of ttie ad that he agreed to appear in.

If the Commisskxi sees fit to grant these reasonable requests, Americans for a Better Tomorrow will continue to fulfill our promise to never give you up, or let you down, as detailed in our misskxi statement here: http://voutu.be/dQw4w9WQXcQ

Accordingly, Americans for a Better Tomorrow. Tomorrow respectfully requests the Commisskm's timely conskieration of American Crossroads' Advisory Opinkxi Request

Super Sincerely Yours,

Stephen Colbert Presklent & Maitre D*

Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow. Inc.

Ham Rove Chief Strategist & Lunchmeat Amerkans for A Better Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Inc. PS - If the commissnn does not see fit to grant this request fully, Amernans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow woukl like to offier a compromise. To avokl ttie appearance of oolluskxi, the F.E.C. ooukj mie ttiat candklates can appear in Super PAC ads only against ttieir will. They'd have to be kklnapped. triindfoMed, and thrown in a van before being forced to read a statement supporting their goals and then relumed to their fundraisers in time for dessert

CENTRAL Itenc HOMELOANS Hawaii's fAortgage Experts

Page 31: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

"Ftutti" <[email protected]> 11/10/2011 08:45 PM

To <[email protected]>



Subject AOR 2011-23

Karl Rove's request to remove the single regulation on Super PACs which prohibits coordination with a candidate's campaign is as unfair to the American electorate and as unconscionable as the People United decision itself.

PACs anonymously broadcast, mailed and telephoned lies and obscene accusations that led to the defeat of honorable and able candidates in the 2010 NC state election. Please don't give these unscrupulous operators any more tools to distort the truth and mislead the public.

Ruth Laughlin

Boone, NC 28607

Page 32: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

[email protected] 11/11/2011 08.-09 PM

To [email protected]



Subject I oppose Kart Rove's request

I oppose Karl Rove's request.

Bill Tilton Wk H Cell

th S t M B I St Paul, MN 55101

Page 33: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

^[email protected]>

11/11/2011 0327 PM Please respond to

WaHowHoflow <wak)hok)@yahoo.com>

To ''[email protected]" <[email protected]>


boc Subiect 2011-23 Publk: Comment on Kari Rove^ Opinnn


Dear Secretary Werth: I am submitting this e-mail as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12, 2011, and again in a revised version on October 28, 2011, by American Crossroads requesting to. In my opinion, violate the one and only regulation regarding superpacs - to collude with the candidates for the purposes of political

t advertising. By their own request they Intend to spend funds on advertisements that "would be fully coordinated with Incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election In 2012." I urge the Commission to please keep the Intent of the regulation Intact and rule against America Crossroads in this matter. Sincerely, BrianI Solberg-Bell 4SIMbedar St l-llllsboro, Oregon 97123

Page 34: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Bryan Han^ To [email protected] <[email protected]> « L. ^ ^ -.

oc Bryan Klarvey <l)ryanharv@tK)lnnail.oom> 11/11/201112:28 PM

bcc Subject Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Panel Request

You have got to be kidding me? Karl Rove, in his Advisoiy Panel Request, proposes the following: "While these advertisements woukl be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election in 2012. ttiey woukl presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communkstions,'."

How exacdy, while taking the rules of the English language and definitions of its words into account, could this be a serious request. He presumes? How exactly? That's like me saying that "While I would conspire with others to create a massive drug cartel for the purpose of distributing crack it would presumable not qualify as "conspiracy to sell drugs". Is he kidding? I would hope, considering fhe mess our political system is in due to the tremendous influence of moneyed individuals, lobbyists and corporations, that you would have the sense to respond to American Crossroads request with something like "are you fiieaking kidding us?". Any other response would be inappropnatis to say the least. Please do your job and preserve what remains of our political system before our country is completely ruled by the "haves" at the expense of fhe "have nots". Thank you for your time and consideration. Biyan Harvey Concemed Citizen

Scott Street, San Francisco, CA 94115

Page 35: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Josh Manrring TO [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent by: cc [email protected] | ^

11/10/2011 11:34 PM Subject Kart Rove's Opinion Request - AOR 2011-23

Federal Election Commission,

Please make sure to ensure tiiat all PAC and Super PAC money is only spent on non-coordinated campaigns. This is the only regulation that super PACs face. Please dont let Kari Rove and ottier super PAC leaders circumvent this legislation. I am concemed that they are going to push their limits and break tiie law to influence tiie election cycle.


Josh Manning Managing Partner LionTutors LLC www.LionTutors.com

llollege Ave State College, PA 16801 [email protected]

This electronic message and any attachments are private communications and may contain confidential and privileged business and other information meant solely for the intended recipient If you are not fhe intended recipient, you are hereby notified fhat any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictiy prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, then delete fhe e-mail and any attachments fix>m your system. Thank you

Page 36: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

AnnaPer^^^ U ^° [email protected]

11/11/201107:58 PM bcc

Subiect ^"^ ' "^"^ ^ American Crossroads Advisory Opinion ' Request

Noveinber 11, 2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Clerk Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

My name i s Anna Perea, and I am extremely concerned about the broad interpretive powers Super PACs have begun to achieve. I do not care which party i s being supported by which l i m i t l e s s power, I f i n d i t a l l morally reprehensible. The willingness of Americans to ignore obvious corruption within our p o l i t i c a l system i s appalling. U n t i l l e g i s l a t i o n can be enacted to end the power of PACs and 501©(4) organizations your committee i s the l a s t l i n e of defense for the American democracy. In regards to AOR 2011-23, I strongly urge you to advise against c l e a r l y coordinated communications, even when they are being sold as issue campaigns. I f someone has violated that clause, the rules should be enforced as regulation permits, but i t should not open the door to future violations from other parties. Please support the American people and our democracy.


Anna Perea

M B Carlisle Blvd. J/f/f Albuquerque, NM 87110

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Dana Hoist TO "[email protected]" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 11/12/201111:16AM ^

bcc Subject Publk: Comment on Kart Rove's Opinton Request

The Citizens United ruling was a huge mistake. The identity of an entity that pays for campaign advertising, etc., MUST be made public.

Mikki Weidman •iWaterfordWay Lebanon PA 17042

Sent fiom Yahoo! Mail on Android

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rBmenai* TO [email protected] <[email protected]>

11/12/2011 12-J28PM bcc

Subject AOR 2011-23 Public Comment on Amertcan Crossroads/Kart Rove's Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

I am submitting this e-mail as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12, 2011, and again in a revised version on October 28, 2011, by American Crossroads requesting to, in my opinion, violate the one and only regulation regarding superpacs - to collude with the candidates fbr the purposes of political advertising.

By their own request they intend to spend funds on advertisements that "would be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-eiection in 2012."

I urge the Commission to please keep the intent of the regulation intact and rule against America Crossroads in this matter.


jjgj Hl nar Vancouver, Washington 98666

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ind8martin2005@comcasLn TO [email protected] et 11/13«)1102^45PM

bcc Sut)ject Kart Rove's request for clartfk»tion cf rules

As an "ordinary" American, I emplore you to continue to work in the best interest of this country.

Mr. Rove understands the rules, he's just looking fbr a way to break them.

Stop the big money organizations that purchase votes in Washington DC (and accross the country.)

Thank you for your ETHICAL practices.

Linda Martin •••Elizabeth St. Centennial, CO 80122

Page 40: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Kris Pagenkopf TO <[email protected]> <[email protected] m> oc

11/13/201103:24 PM bcc Subject RE: AOR 2011-23

I submit this letter as a formal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12,2011, and again in a revised version on October 28,2011 by American Crossroads, an organization led by Republican political consultant, Karl Rove. As an American voter, I have an interest in the Request by American Crossroads. As I understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. The Request asks that "fully coordinated" ads shouldn't be counted as "coordinated communications." I strongly disagree. Clearly, these ads featuring candidates on behalf of candidates would be candidate ads. These ads are and should be considered as "coordinated communications." I strongly believe that Super PACs should not be allowed to coordinate with candidates, in any sense ofthe word ''coordinate." Accordingly, I respectfully request that you to disapprove this request.

Kris Pagenkopf ^••P7thPkice Gainesville, FL 32607

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Robert Posliusia TO [email protected] <[email protected]>

11/14/201112K12 AM ^ bcc

Subject Campaigns

The current campaign system of Super PACs is a joke. How can we say we have fidr elections when it is becoming more and more about how much money you have and can generate? You can no longer tum on fhe TV with out know vAiat a campaign ad is really about or what fhey actually want to do, it is all about nuuketing. You have oil and coal companies with lush forests in fhe back ground and well dressed individuals pushing an agenda for strip mining to destroy forests and pollute our air. The millions being thrown into these mariceting campaigns are miss leading and Super PACs need to be eliminated or have more regulations to control them and make tiiem more transparent so we can at least see who is funding fhem.

Robert Poshusta

E-mail: Poshusta.RgDgmail.com Cell]

Page 42: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

ToriM To ''[email protected]" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 11/14/2011 01:58 AM

Please respond to I tec Tori M <[email protected]> Subject RE Super PAC Opinnn Request/SOR 2011-23

FEC Oflfne of ttie Commissnn Secretary, I want to keep the regulatk>ns stating that Super PACs may not coordinate with candklate's campaigns. As I understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinkm Request, the organizatton has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request,

'The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on cunrent legislative and poltoy issues, woukl be to improve the publte's perception of the featured Member of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season." I urge the committe to deny the request of AOR 2011-23. with kind regards, Victoria Pumell, •BUMeridian DrMI Everett, WA 98208 (an independent voter with help firom the Colbert Super PAC wek>site.)

Page 43: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

SuzieBaer TO [email protected] <[email protected]^ 11/14/201110:10 AM

bcc c..Ks<w Comment on American Crossroads/Vdvisory Opinion subject

November 14,2011

Shawn Woodhead Werth Secretary and Cleric Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463

Re: Comment on American Crossroads Advisory Opinion Request

Dear Secretary Werth:

I submit this letter as a fomnal comment on the Advisory Opinion Request submitted to the Federal Election Commission on October 12,2011, and again in a revised version on October 28,2011 by American Crossroads, an organization led by Kari Rove.

As an American I have an interest in the Request by American Crossroads.

As I understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request,

'The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on current legislative and policy issues, would be to improve the public's perception of the featured Member of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season."

It seems to me that these ads, featuring candidates on behalf of candidates, are in fact candidate ads. American Crossroads must be joking, "While these advertisements would be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election in 2012, they would presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications,'."

America is watching!

I believe that Super PACs should not coordinate with candidates in any way.

I respectfully request the Commission's timely consideration of American Crossroads' Advisory Opinion Request.


Suzie Baer

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Malhew Snyder TO [email protected] <[email protected] > cc 11/14/201110:14 AM bcc

Subject Comment

I think fhat the proposal by American Crossroads is absolutely outrageous! Super PACs already have huge amounts of power and are only really confined by the fact fhat fhey cannot coordinate with candidates. By allowing "issue" ads to be coordinated with candidates this essentially allows super PACs to coordinate everything with candidates as it is such a grey area. In a time when money already plays much too large a role in politics allowing this change will only worsen our current situation. Mafhew Snyder

Page 45: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Don French <[email protected]> 11/08/2011 11:13PM Please respond to

[email protected]

To [email protected] cc

bcc c Comment on American Crossroads Advisory opinion request subject (AOR 2011-23)

Dear Secretary Werth,

As we understand the American Crossroads Advisory opinion Request, the organization has plans to sponsor advertisements featuring Members of Congress up for re-election. As they wrote in their original Request,

"The purpose of these advertisements, while focused on current legislative and policy issues, would be to improve the public's perception of the featured Member of Congress in advance of the 2012 campaign season."

And as they said in their original request,

"While these advertisements would be fully coordinated with incumbent Members of Congress facing re-election in 2012, they would presumably not qualify as 'coordinated communications,'."

This request is an outrageous attempt to deceive the American People, to use the Super PACs in a way that is explicitly forisidden by law, and in turn to subvert the democratic principles upon which this great nation was formed.

Please roll this request by American Crossroads Advisory into a tight cylinder and shove it firmly up Kari Rove's ass. Thank you very much.

~ Don French

Page 46: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Caboose TO [email protected] <[email protected]>

11/08/2011 09:58 PM cc

bcc Subject AOR 2011-23

To Whom It May Concem: Karl Rove's request is an obvious attempt to undermine democracy in our country. Please consider this while making your consideration for his request. And he sucks large monkey balls. Sincerely, Kyle knoche

Page 47: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Patrick K Hendry TO [email protected] <[email protected] m> cc Sent by: ^cc [email protected] m Subject Please read from a Utah native

11/09/2011 12:36 AM

Karl Rove can lid< my balls

Patrick [P@] Hendry

P@ Productions and Development Worlds Between Lines | click here

I clicic here JeKDna^loglclii

nattaKroridsErtvreenli nlinea.com

"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the human race." -H. G. Wells

Page 48: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Pearse Corcoran JQ [email protected] <[email protected] m> cc

11/09/2011 09:43 AM bcc Subject American Crossroads


I hope that you do not allow Super Pacs like American Crossroads to create "non-coordinated" ads that have a candidate in them pretending to convey an "issue". This is simply legal bullshit that these Super Pacs are trying to us in order to erode the laws that keep them from doing whatever they want.

Thank you,


Page 49: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

SlepiianieCimmanisli TO [email protected] <[email protected]> 11/10001102:18 PM ^

bcc Subject Rove's Issue AOR 2011-23

From a person of no particular interest.. To you fhe rich & powerfiill. Please stop fhe bullshit. Our country is fidling, you are wrong in so many ways. The poor keep getting poorer & there is no longer an "American Dream". As to this particular issue. Elections of who runs our country should have nothing to do with how much money a candidate has, or which party/super pak is backing fhem, but rather about fhe quality of fhe candidates involved as human beings & equal opportunity for all walks of ameriean life to run for a possition fhat actually has a chance to change things for fhe better. Allowing Super Paks or any other monitary agency to controU which candidates make it to our ballot is beyond wrong. Whether opaque in their actions or transparrent. Super Paks should not be allowed to use money as muscle in an ellection. There should be a platform on wich any citizen may have completely equal exposure to fhe masses so fhat fhey may choose who best to lead us. Do not allow candidates to apear in super pak issue endorsements. Do not allow super paks, esspecially paks vMch refuse to disclose fhe companies endorsing fhem, & fheir own pollitical desires, to influence even fhe issues we are voting on. Instead spend your efforts, and our tax dollars to build a platform where each citizen can see the whole of an issue & v/bat a candidate stands for with out all fhe scheeming in between. Let us vote on fhe real problems directiy without all fhe corruption. Things must change, or our country will not survive it. I hope you will take my words to heart, but fear everyone in power is beyond listening to fhe screaming of fheir people.


Page 50: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Peter <[email protected]>

11/09/2011 02:07 PM Please respond to

Peter <[email protected]>

To "[email protected]" <[email protected]>



Subject Karl Rove AOR (2011 -23)

Please attach my comment on Karl Rove's Opinion Recjuest AOR (2011-23) shown below:

Mr Rove, you are a manipulative piece of crapola and I hope karma catches up to you some day.


Page 51: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

WMamMaugeri TO <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 11/10/20110926 PM ^

bcc Subject American Crossroads

Dear FEC,

If you are going to alkiw Super PACs to raise unlimited and unchecked amounts of money at least let them have unlimited opportunities to contact the candkiate they support Hopefully Super PACs will one day be able to buy an electkm fbr an anti-regulatory presklent who will get rfcJ of agencies like the FEC.

Wouldn't that be a kick In the nuts?

Your Friend,

William Maugeri

Page 52: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Joel Camas J Q [email protected] <[email protected]>

cc 11/09/2011 04:01 PM

bcc Subiect ^^'^'^^'^^ American Crossroads Advisory Opinion

^ Request

You want my opinion on Karl Rove's opinion request? OK, here it is...

Who really gives a shit what you rule on this particular issue? It won't make any difference. The FEC is a sham and your "rules" are an insult to every American. The whole system is rigged, BY YOU, so that money can secretly be channeled to any candidate at any time.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Joel Cames Los Angeles, CA

Page 53: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Trevor Harding TO [email protected] <[email protected]>

cc 11/09/2011 02:44 PM

bcc c Public Comment on Karl Rove's Opinion Request (which is buDjeci AOR 2011-23)

I'm not certain, but I think I may have received an STD from Karl "Ham Loaf' Rove while non-consensually coordinating with Rove's SuperPac, American CrossRoads - if you know what I mean.

I write in support of The Karl's (we are on a first name basis after our "coordinating") opinion request for modification to SuperPac regulation (Seriously, it was hot. You should see Karl with a honey glaze. Mmm Mmmm). It is time that all corporations have the same rights as people, wait they are people, or are people corporations? Shit its so confusing. Anyway, it's time that all corporations share the same rights as people to coordinate with half human ham loafs (you should see Karl in silk stockings and a garter belt wrapped around his little ham loaf head).

Liberty for all, and liver for ham loaves.

Hopefully you'll make the right decision, or we'll all be writing again, and again, and again... hell, I'm going to run out of agains. Have to have some of my comp. sci. buddies help me out with some automated ham loafing emails.

Trevor Harding 99% human, 1% ham loaf

Page 54: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

''[email protected]'' <[email protected]>

11/08/2011 11:09 PM

To [email protected]




Conceming AOR 2011-23, if you allow the ONE mie that super pacs have fhat keeps them from directly funneling anonymous money to political candidates to be circumvented by American crossroads, democracy will be the victim. But let's face it... This is just the icing on the shit sandwich fhat is our 2012 election circus..

I do not approve this message!

- Steven schell Sent fiom my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone

Page 55: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Doug Smith TO [email protected]

oni> cc

11/10/201103:18 PM boc Subject superpacs

Karl Rove, You piece of shit, you are destroying American Democracy. Your name will go down in history as one of fhe evil people in America. Doug Smith

Page 56: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

ikeEhdilng To [email protected] <[email protected] > oc 11/10^1105:33 PM bcc

Subject a better tommarrow...,

I support fhe bogus support for the politi-skank Carl Rove and all he represents in non-representative governance. Heah, Like Stephen says; goes for me too. Underground IKE (ps— Fm a 64 yr old Vet, Small bussiness owner, and Kinda Methodist. )

Page 57: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

nathanbyara TO "[email protected]" <[email protected]> <[email protected]>

11/09/2011 07:27 AM ^ Please respond to I bcc

nathan byars <[email protected]>

Subject Please Deny Karl Roves Request

We all know that the PACs have amplified the voices of fhe already easily heard. Please deny Karl Rove's request. His head looks like a potted ham. And his intent is purely driven by selfish desires, not the desire to do right by our nation. He is a bloodsucking leach on fhe tit of fhe American Political Propaganda wars. (A flair for the dramatic I know.) But seriously, not only did the Robertson court make a historically bad decision in fhe face of a 100 years of court law, but fhe influence of PACs will get even worse if you listen Karl Rove. So please deny. PACs are fhe greatest tragedy in American politics to date and it will only get worse with Karl Rove's request.

Page 58: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

Munib Sana <[email protected]>

11/09/2011 12:15 AM

To "[email protected]" <[email protected]>



Subject American crossroads

Colbert SuperPAC has just alerted me that Karl Rove, you know, the guy who looks like a hamloaf with glasses, wants to know exactly how he C7^ NOT communicate with candidates' campaigns so that he CAN devise another more legal but equally detrimental way to buy our candidates' political souls and set our country's agenda to take on big issues like man on man dicksucking and not letting involuntarily slutty rape victims receive abortions. Hence, I also would like some clarification on these rules so that Colbert SuperPAC can legally buy our nations precious cspan primetime political floor time and use i t to talk about very pressing matters close to my heart (although probably nobody else's, but fuck 'em right? we've got a l l the moolah greasing the right palms, and theyz po' n don't have shit except the right to vote for my corrupt ass politician who will do what I t e l l him or the straight cash homey ain't gonna be yo homey no mo') like: 1. A college football playoff 2. Underground hip hop 3. If Barney Stintson were a real man he wouldn't use condoms because i t just feels more AWESOME bro!

Munib (not a Mexican dish, this is my real name)

Sent from my iPhone

Page 59: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

John Zander <zander571 @gmail.com> 11/09/2011 12:16 PM

To [email protected]



Subject America Crossroads

Sir or Madam,

Because of the horrendous decisions by congress and the courts, the overt money-laundering operations such as Karl Rove's America Crossroads and Dick Armey's FreedomWorks have become the bane of p o l i t i c a l discourse i n t h i s country, and ever e f f o r t must be made to res t r a i n t them u n t i l the laws are f i n a l l y returned to sanity where t h i s kind of corporation to 501(c) to campaign thru "issue ads" i s treated as ruthless criminal behavior.

Please do not allow Karl Rove to continue to make a mockery of the true meaning of "freedom of speech."

And, i f you f a i l once again to defend the Constitution, I hope the expanding power and fame of Stephen Colbert's Colbert Super PAC eventually makes you feel l i k e a smuck.


John Zander

Page 60: First we have Super PACs fhat can raise unlimited money as ...saos.fec.gov/aodocs/1189147.pdf · Brian Bubnash TO Secfetary@fiec.gov  11/10/2011 10:17

"[email protected]'' <[email protected]>

11/08/2011 10:26 PM

To [email protected]



Subject Karl Rove

Karl Rove is a GIANT DUSH!

Sent fiom my Verizon ^re/ess Phone