19/7/2010. Mr “GT” Ferreira ex Director/Chairman, Major Shareholder FRL Registered to box Box 662, Stellenbosch Cape 7599; Ordinary Mail to box Box 662, Stellenbosch Cape 7599.; by hand c/o DRInc; by hand to FRL Head Office Sandton. . FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases : i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) in relation to the ‘lists that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders , their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’. ii The about 22 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis- representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche Thamatsu and PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated. B. The LIES and the promises :

FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

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Page 1: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

19/7/2010. Mr “GT” Ferreira ex Director/Chairman, Major Shareholder FRL Registered to box Box 662, Stellenbosch Cape 7599; Ordinary Mail to box Box 662, Stellenbosch Cape 7599.; by hand c/o DRInc; by hand to FRL Head Office Sandton. .

FirstRand Group.

A. The about 24 Police Cases : i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 22 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis- representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of

Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of

‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime,

‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB,

their agents and others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners

of Auditors Deloitte and Touche Thamatsu and PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and

Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated. B. The LIES and the promises :

Page 2: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand

Bank Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News

Media present at AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; 2009 and the

False Minutes of Public Meetings 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008, 2009;

and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the

representative appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/

FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007

anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the

Harris family (including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/

FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was

subsequently cancelled on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited and Discovery. F. The False unsigned Minutes and the False signed Minutes of the 2009 AGM. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman.


Attached please find a list and ‘hard-copies’ of the emails that I sent to you. Some of them came

back as “deleted/unread”. I want to make sure that you know what is going on and do not come with

your “Gosh, I never knew”, and your “There is nothing wrong that the bank has done”, and so

on, like you tried to do for so many years in the past, before you seemed to ‘come to your senses’.


Although you have retired from being the Chairman of FRL I believe that you are still one of the

major Shareholders in FRL. The proceeds from Organised Crime (e.g. from Money

Page 3: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Laundering, Tax Evasion, Fraud, and so on) that you have received in the past, when you were a

Director and the Chairman of FRL/FRBL, and the proceeds that you still are receiving as a major

Shareholders in FRL, cause me to write directly to you regarding points A to G above.


I am writing to you because of the filthy rotten LIES that you personally, knowingly, with Criminal

intent, spoke against me and my wife and my family and The Mazlen Trust at various FRL Public

Meetings which caused us to suffer Damage and which attacked our personal dignity. Subsequently

you promised to “EXPUNGE” your known filthy rotten LIES (to eliminate them/to remove them

and to replace them with the Truth) in the permanent Records of the Public Company FRL. You did

not do it. In fact you actually repeated your known filthy rotten LIES at subsequent FRL AGM’s,

and so did your replacement Chairman “LL” Dippenaar. Your filthy rotten LIES remain in the

permanent Records of the Public Company FRL, to this day. At the 2009 AGM of FRL your

replacement Chairman “LL” Dippenaar still refused to stick to your (FRG’s) promise to

“EXPUNGE” your known filthy rotten LIES. He repeated old known filthy rotten LIES and he then

told new filthy rotten LIES.


You people CHEATED and CROOKED and ROBBED me and my family and The Mazlen


I am writing to you because it was you personally who shook my hand on a ‘deal’ after you

personally approached me in the foyer of the Discovery AGM on the 7/11/07 and you personally

asked me to meet with you to ‘settle’. I did meet with you. We did ‘settle’.


The first ‘part’ of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 that you people presented to me to sign has

been paid i. e. the R 3 million.


The second ‘part’ of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 that you people presented for me to sign

has been paid i. e. the R 200,000-00. I told you personally that as part of the ‘settlement’ I wanted

1146 Marlboro back for the campaign because it had been taken from us (STOLEN) by devious

Page 4: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

means using the FRG special CROOKED ‘team’ of agents – i. e. your Auditors DTT/“Theo”

vdHeever (who holds your Auditors’ shares, for the Partners of DTT, in secret) and CB McEwan

(then your CROOKED lawyer, later he ‘de-barred’ himself and became an (your ?) Advocate). You

personally agreed that you people would get us the property back. Transfer of 1146 Marlboro, after

such a long hard struggle with you people, is about to go through.


You people have now ROBBED GOD.

The trust that I formed in 1971 was for my family and thereafter for Charity. I agreed with you

people to limit our substantial Damages Claim/s of R 50 million (odd) to just R 3 million for my

family. This was on the basis that you personally (speaking to me on behalf of FRG) agreed to get

us 1146 Marlboro back, and to support the campaign. Later your representative that you personally

asked me to deal with on your behalf (Unser) asked us to “indulge” him with our patience. So we

waited for the promised money for the campaign. Then your own personal lawyer (Driman) told us

that we were only waiting for you people to “… adjust the fit of the shoe where it is pinching ... ”

so that the promised money for the campaign would be paid over to us. So good was the campaign,

that your own personal lawyer (Driman) said to me that if he had the money he would personally

pay it in to the campaign. That is what you people thought of the campaign. Yet for 23 months you

people made us promises (read LIES) until, after how many written Notices, I cancelled the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07.

Then at the 2009 AGM of FRL your replacement Chairman “LL” Dippenaar LIED to the Meeting.

Speaking utter JUNK and utter TRASH about not ever receiving our Proposal; about not ever

presenting it to the “relevant people”; about not ever … blah blah blah, … the LIES, LIES, LIES of

this habitual LIAR, “LL” Dippenaar. Look at my letters 26/5/10, 26/3/10, 13/3/10, 11/3/10, 10/3/10,

5/3/10, 22/1/10, 20/1/10, 13/1/10, 8/1/10, 25/11/09 for the proof that this LIAR “LL” Dippenaar

must surely be an habitual psychopathic LIAR. I do not any longer believe that he is just a CROOK

and a CHEAT and a THIEF. I believe that he is an habitual psychopathic LIAR.


I am writing to you because I blame you personally for the way that you people set out to ‘catch’ me

with the 3rd ‘part’ of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 and to thereby BOB GOD. I blame you

Page 5: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

that the Agreement was not adhered to because you undertook in the Agreement to personally see

that the Settlement was implemented. Then you resigned and you ‘ran away’; you ‘hid away’; you

were ‘too busy’ to meet with me for 2 years; you returned, after you had got me to sign your

Agreement, to being the coward I had come to know you as.


I blame you personally for the huge work-load that you have put me through. For 23 months you

people led us along with your promises (read LIES). Now it is such a lot of work to continue with

the 13 year ‘fight’ for Justice. It is also so hard to proceed with the campaign without the money we

expected because of the 3rd ‘part’ of the Agreement. I blame you personally for the website that I

have had to prepare in order to try my very best to Prosecute you people because you people tried to

‘catch’ me and to ROB GOD with the 3rd part of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07. It resulted in

the cancellation of the Agreement and the whole 10 year ‘fight’ for Justice ballooning into the now

13 year ‘fight’ for Justice. It could have been over. I believed it was over. I hoped it was over. I

signed what you people presented to me to sign because I was led to believe it was over. But no, you

people are such a bunch of LIARS, CROOKS, CHEATS and THIEVES that you could not resist the

chance to ‘catch’ me and to BOB GOD. It is a disgrace. It is disgusting. It is what ‘turns you people

on’. To CHEAT and to tell LIES and to CROOK and to THIEVE. It is your very Nature.


So now I am back with the Honourable Minister of Police and with other Interested Parties. I am

still trying to get Justice because you could have finished with this ‘fight’ for Justice, but you chose

to rather ‘catch’ me and BOB GOD. And you, Mr “GT” Ferreira – how are you enjoying your

retirement on your Stellenbosch Estate/s and on your Overseas Trips ? I continue to Pray for you

and for your family and for your Partners and for your Companies FRL/FRBL/FNB. You are a

R billionaire. Your partners “LL” Dippenaar and “PK” Harris are R billionaires. The Companies

FRL/FRBL/FNB that you people run are multi R billion Organisations. Yet you people still even

set out to ‘catch’ me and to BOB GOD. Do you people really think you will get away with it ? I

don’t think so. Time will tell.

Your sincerely,

Page 6: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

M E Harris.

cc To the Shareholders and the Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB, and to only certain selected

(at this stage) Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS. 19/7/2010.

Emails sent to “GT” Ferreira/at Tokara On 31/12/2009 - Email sent to eat@tokara and to olive@tokara.

Page 7: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Dear “GT”, cc sent to you because of your personal involvement. Dear Mr Dippenaar, Copy hereunder To : The Shareholders, the Chairman Mr “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB for Record purposes. Kindly have your Mr Arnott table this information at the 2010 FRL AGM. Thank you. Yours sincerely. Michael Harris. 18/12/2009. From : Michael Harris. Box 52240, Saxonwold 2132 Jhb. To : Chairman Mr Adrian Gore and The Directors and Shareholders and Discovery. by E-mail to : [email protected] Dear Mr Gore, the Directors and the Shareholders of Discovery, Correspondence received and letter Tabled at the Discovery Holdings Limited Annual

General Meeting (the “AGM”)

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their

Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-

Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and

also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Page 8: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

Thank you for your registered letter 7/12/2009. I do wish to place on record the following, so as to

‘set the Record straight’ :

point 1.

The reason that I placed my “correspondence” into the hands of your board member, Mr Farber, at

the Discovery AGM on the 1/12/09 was because I have been trying to get a written response to that

which I have placed before your board members and Discovery since 2007, unsuccessfully. Please

refer also to point 5 below. Thank you.

point 2.

At the Discovery AGM on the 1/12/09 Mr Gore did promise to write back to me in response to my

“correspondence”, for which I thanked him. Please refer also to point 5 below. Thank you.

point 3.

Page 9: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

I recall that what I said at the Discovery AGM on the 1/12/09 was that my ‘fight’ is not with

Discovery or it’s Directors, but with the FirstRand Group and it’s Directors and agents.

point 4.

Yes, it is correct that my grievances are with those parties named in your letter under reply. I am not

requesting Discovery and it’s Directors to assist me in “pursuing legal action against such

persons” (parties). What I seek from Discovery and it’s Directors is their assistance and their co-

operation and support to Prosecute such persons (parties). It is what I would refer to as “Criminal

Action” as apposed to “legal action”.

point 5.

In the light of point 4 above, I ask Discovery and the Directors to kindly reconsider, and to then

indeed offer your assistance and co-operation and support to Prosecute such persons (parties).

Thank you. Concerning the “merits” and the “dispute” that you write about, you will be aware that

there are now about 21 Police Cases in which these people and these Companies are named. It is

not so - that the dispute/s do not concern Discovery and the Directors in any way. Mr Gore and the

Directors at Discovery will know that, through the relationship that existed with these people and

these Companies, Discovery and/or the Directors of Discovery are named to the Police in at least

one of the Police Cases (should you want further details please just ask and I will supply it,

including my Statement to the Police) Then there are also the ‘lists’ where the Criminals are not yet

even fully identified i. e. where the two Acts of our Parliament apply - The Prevention of

Organized Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities

Act (PACCA).

I understand that you cannot be compelled to assist me in “such disputes” just because I hold shares

in Discovery. I believe that I made it clear to the Chairman, Mr Gore, at the Discovery AGM on the

1/12/09, that the reason why I used R 1,000-00 to buy 30 shares in Discovery was to obtain loci

standi to attend the AGM so that I could both table information into the permanent Records of

Discovery, and so that I could ask Mr Gore, to his face, man to man, for my “correspondence” to

be replied to - something that had not happened for several years i. e. since 2007.

Page 10: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Not as a shareholder, but as a person who is in possession of information which implicates

Discovery and the Directors in Criminal Activity, with the parties named by you in point 4 of your

letter under reply, I ask again for you to ‘step forward’ and to assist me and the Police to Prosecute.

I ask this particularly where you are yourselves aware of the same, and even more, information. My

understanding of these two Acts of our Parliament is that where parties become aware of Criminal

Activity that involves them, along with others, then they themselves are liable to be Prosecuted for

conspiring to commit a Crime. Furthermore, they are required, in terms of these Acts, to disclose to

the Authorities Criminal Activity which they become aware of, especially where the amounts

involved exceed R 100,000-00.

point 6.

I believe that I had to ‘set the Record straight’, which I have tried my very best to do, above. These

matters (what you refer to as “grievances” and “disputes”) are most decidedly not over with.

Since it is my intention to proceed to gather together 1,000,000 signatures and to approach 500

Interested Parties to ask for their help and support, and 5,000 Organizations as well, I will, for the

time being at least, not seek to engage you in any further correspondence regarding the aforegoing. I

too trust that you will respect my endevour in regard to the above. Thank you.

Your sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc To the Shareholders and the Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB, and to only certain selected

(at this stage) Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS. On 31/12/2009 - Email sent to eat@tokara and to olive@tokara. To : Mr “GT” Ferreira – because of your personal involvement. To Mr “LL” Dippenaar, Chairman of FRL.

Page 11: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

To : VVM Inc. Ref is : 10178866 and 205379728 Harris ME & MW a/c for R 15,501-26. We do not owe this money. Kindly speak to Mr Bruce Unser or Mr “LL” Dippenaar at FRL 011 282 4000. Thank you. The below cc at point 2 will help to resolve this situation that my wife and I should not be in, but for the way that this bank is carrying on. Michael Harris. 31/12/2009. From : Michael Harris. Box 52240, Saxonwold 2132 Jhb. To : The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. E-mail to '[email protected]' Attn. Mr “LL”

Dippenaar - Chairman and major Shareholder.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

Page 12: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled on the


E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)


Information requested, as a shareholder in FRL, in terms of the Companies Act :

Will the Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar, and Company Secretary Mr AH

Page 13: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Arnott kindly advise me when I can collect the following :

i Copy of the ‘form’ presented to me to fill in and sign, which I handed in.

ii Copy of the Attendance Registers for the AGM 25/11/09 – shareholders and visitors.

iii Copy of the Directors Register - who attended.

iv Copy of the tape of the AGM with a copy of the transcript made.

v Copy of the Minutes.

Thank you. I have previously asked that you will kindly supply these items to me as soon as they

become individually available. So far I have had no response.


19 Park Street, Oaklands.

This was our home before your bank CHEATED us out of it, through Fraud. The Chairman and

major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors will recall that the trustee entered into an

Agreement with your bank, acting in my Estate. You will also know that my wife was coerced and

placed under Duress, and with LIES and deceit she was persuaded to also enter into an Agreement

with your bank. It was your agent, that dirty little CROOK Hartard, and it was your other agent

‘lackey’ WESTRUST who ‘did your bidding’. On the 20/10/08 your appointed employee/agent, Mr

Bruce Unser, was advised, in writing, that contrary to the terms of the Agreement that my wife and

the trustee had entered into with your bank, based on Fraud, coercion and Duress, lawyers were

trying to solicit money out of my wife and I. A copy of the lawyer’s letter was supplied to your

employee/agent Unser, and to the major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors.

I will set out hereunder, for the Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the

Directors, part of my letter 20/10/08 :

“ 1.4 The earlier Agreement/Settlement (which is apart from, and in additional to, our

Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007) refers.

(This is the Agreement/Settlement which was entered into about 8 years ago – at the

Page 14: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

stage that your agents Smit and Loundes/Hartard – Property Mart/WESTRUST were instructed to

‘sell us up’ and to put my wife, as well as my wife’s mother (then in her 80’s, and we believe,

causing her early and premature demise) ‘out in the street’ because I was unable to defend them,

being in Prison, as an awaiting trial prisoner, having had my bail withdrawn based on the LIES,

under oath, told by others of your agents e. g. Both/vdHeever/McEwan/and others. Willy and

Agnes, too, were put ‘out on the street’ – unemployed and without shelter. I refer to the terms and

conditions of an Agreement/Settlement in regard to our home – 19 Park Street Oaklands, which

your agents Smit and Loundes/Hartard – Property Mart/WESTRUST prepared, and entered into

(with my wife) acting on behalf of FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB/FirstRand Group)

1.4.1 Attached you will find, Bruce, the latest in our on-going ‘saga’ with

FirstRand Group. It is a Registered ‘letter of demand’ dated 23/9/08, posted when, received

19/10/08, from lawyers Basson and others. If FirstRand Group had of stuck to the Agreement/Settlement

(the one in about 2000, covering the loss of our home specifically) then my wife and I should by no

means be receiving such letters from lawyers, 8 years after the event.

1.4.2 Bruce, because of your appointment by “GT” and the Directors of FirstRand

Group in our affairs, will you kindly deal with this ridiculous situation that Meriel and I now find

ourselves in. Thank you.

1.4.3 Of course, Meriel and I reserve all of our Rights in regard to this ridiculous

situation that we find ourselves in, so many years after the Agreement/Settlement covering the loss

of our home, aside from our Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007.


Now the latest is that another set of lawyers is once again trying to solicit money out of my wife and

I. I will hand in a copy of the latest lawyer’s letter at your Offices when I collect the items listed at

point 1 above. In the meantime your employee/agent Unser must contact 0878 054 939 or fax

0865 755 034 urgently and he must quote Ref : 10178866 and 205379728. He must explain to

VVM Inc ATTORNEYS NOTARIES AND CONVEYANCERS the True position – it will probably help for

him to mention the Fraud and the coercion and the Duress. He should by no means quote the

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wrong Police Case numbers and he should definitely refrain from blaming the Police and ‘joking

and laughing’ about “traffic fines” and “cell phone theft” and so on, like the Auditor Winterboer

and the CEO “PK” Harris and the past Chairman “GT” Ferreira did in the past. They did it at Public



Meriel’s and my Rights are fully reserved. I will try to assist your employee/agent Unser, and the

major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors by E-mailing a cc to the said lawyers, to

mitigate, and to try to put a stop to this ridiculous situation that we find ourselves in all because you

people do not know the meaning of Good Business Practice – you people are such CROOKS and

you people are so CROOKED that you are unable to honour your word or even to honour the terms

the conditions of a written Agreement/contract. It is a disgrace the way that you people carry on.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

World Hope is JESUS

On 22/1/2010 - Email sent to eat@tokara and to olive@tokara. 22/1/10 : Mr Ferreira, you promised to settle this matter. Michael Harris.

Page 16: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

____________________ 22/1/10 : Mr Dippenaar, Herewith copies of my letters 20/1/10 and 22/1/10. The contents of

these two letters is self-explanatory. Michael Harris.



Michael Harris.

Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand.

Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/Mr AH Arnott – Company


Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in

relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB

Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers,

their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion,

Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so

on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

Page 17: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled on the


E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman.


Page 18: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Concerning the Minutes (F above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) above I wish to place on Record the following :


My letters 13/01/10, 8/1/10, 6/1/10, 31/12/09, 25/11/09 x 2, refer.

I wish to place further Information on Record as follows :


On the 19/1/10 :

i I called to collect the items which I had requested, and which the Chairman had promised me at

the AGM on the 25/11/09 that he would supply to me, provided I am legally entitled to them. ii I

asked to see Mr Arnott. iii The lady at reception phoned through to Ronelle who came down and

spoke to me. iv I advised Ronelle that I had come to collect items from Mr Arnott. v I was told that

Mr Unser is in a meeting and that it is he who will come to speak to me, and that I must wait for

about 20 minutes. vi I again advised Ronelle that it is Mr Arnott who must supply the items I had

requested, and not Mr Unser. vi Next, after waiting about 15 minutes, it was Mr Arnott who

approached me. He wished me ‘the Compliments of the Season’ before saying to me “We are not

going to give you any of the things you have requested”. I asked him “Why not ?”. He replied

“We took a decision”. I had my letter 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) open at page 2 and I went through the

items that I had requested, one by one. I asked Mr Arnott - “Copy of the form I signed ?” He replied

“No”. “Copy of the Attendance Registers for the AGM 25/11/09 – shareholders and visitors ?” He

replied “No”. “Copy of the Directors Register - who attended ?” He replied “No”. “Copy of the tape

of the AGM with a copy of the transcript made ?” He replied “No”. I came to the Minutes and I said

to Mr Arnott “Rose did give me a copy of the unsigned Minutes”. Mr Arnott replied “I had a

problem preparing the Minutes. Do you remember I told you to speak up” ? I said to Mr Arnott

that I do not remember, but that what was said must have been recorded on the tape. I asked Mr

Arnott “Is it because I am not legally entitled to receive them (the items requested) ?” He replied

“No, the reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you”. He then said “We are

tired of you mentioning Rose’s name”. I replied “I have only recorded what took place. Rose told

me when you would be back, so I said to Rose that I would back in order to collect the items

requested, what is wrong with that ?” Mr Arnott then said “If you are coming to collect anything

you must call first, you have been in 2 or 3 times I think. I can not simply come down when

you call, I am too busy for that”. I replied that I had been in more than 2 or 3 times, and that each

Page 19: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

time I had left a message when I would call back to collect the items. Mr Arnott then said “We are

tired of you being insulting, and then approaching other people”. I replied to Mr Arnott “I am

tired of being insulted by you every time I meet you, and we are tired of being CHEATED. I would

rather be insulted than be CHEATED, wouldn’t you ?”. Mr Arnott just sort of ‘shrugged his

shoulders’ as if to show me that he really does not care at all about what is going on, and that it is all

‘beneath him’ – very arrogant, very well protected by the Directors that he learns from, hides

behind, and that he ‘rubs shoulders with’. He then said “We will be holding a Meeting next week

and then Bruce Unser will contact you”. I replied that it is a FRL matter and not to do with Mr

Unser. He then turned on his heels and started to walk away. I said to him “I will approach the

Registrar if you refuse to supply me these items”. Mr Arnott gave me one of his ‘shoulder shrugs’,

sort of half-turned away from me, sort of half-backwards, as if to say ‘Who cares, I am protected by

the Directors, I am one of them, we don’t care what you do’. That is how I interpreted his sort of

arrogant half-backward, half- sideways ‘shoulder shrug’. I know that you people think you can carry

on as if you are all above the Law of the Land. Heaven knows – I have had much bad experience of

this and I have even seen it when it comes to matters of National concern. vii I continued to wait for

Mr Unser. viii After about a further wait of half an hour Mr Unser approached me. He was sort of

‘wide-eyed’, with eye-brows raised - conveying to me that he was coming to see me at my request. I

said to Mr Unser that I had been told to wait for him. Mr Unser said, acting kind of ‘sheepishly’, but

in his usual ‘friendly’ way, “Sorry, we have got our wires crossed” (or some such thing). I did also

see Rose sort of ‘hovering around’, up and down the stairs, and in the foyer, and so on ?

(Can I make it quite clear : i Receiving the documents/items which were promised to me by the

Chairman at the AGM 25/11/10 is a matter that is concerning Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary

of FRL. ii Every time that I have called to collect the promised documents/items I have specifically

asked for Mr Arnott or for Rose, and not for Mr Unser at all. However, it seems to me that the

Chairman is working so closely with Mr Unser that it is Mr Unser who is contacted to deal with me.

I repeat, this is a matter concerning the Chairman and his Company Secretary of FRL – Mr AH

Arnott. It will be they whom I name to the Authorities if I am denied these documents/items, not the

Company Secretary of the bank, Mr Unser)


I ask the Chairman and the Company Secretary to please reconsider - I don’t want to have to go off

and ask for the help of Interested Parties (to get the promised documents/items) which were

Page 20: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

promised to me, but which are now being denied to me, not because I am not legally entitled to

receive them, but “No, the reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you” and

“We took a decision” (quoting the Company Secretary of FRL – Mr AH Arnott – ref is above)


If it will help I am enclosing R 50-00. If the Chairman and the Company Secretary want some more

money, please just ask. Thank you. Further - although these documents/items were promised to me,

perhaps the Chairman and the Company Secretary will require some or other ‘formal/legal’

Application in terms of the Company’s Act, or the Constitution. If this is the reason for refusing to

honour the promise to provide them to me, by telling me - “No, the reason is because we took a

decision not to supply them to you” and “We took a decision” (quoting the Company Secretary of

FRL – Mr AH Arnott – ref is above) then kindly advise me exactly what it is that the Chairman and

the Company Secretary will require from me. I will happily comply, to make it all legal.


You see, I am entitled to receive these documents/items. I was promised them, provided I am

legally entitled to receive them. I seriously need them to verify the inaccuracy of the unsigned

Minutes (read LIES and OMMISSIONS), as well as to approach the Shareholders, Directors,

visitors, who were in attendance at the AGM 25/11/10. They were all witnesses to what was said at

the AGM, and will, of necessity, have to be approached as witnesses.


I also want to place on Record - I do not want to have to approach Interested Parties for their help

if it can be worked out with the Chairman and the Company Secretary of FRL (please don’t send

Bruce down to meet with me in the foyer; please don’t expect Bruce to sort out what is clearly a

matter that must be sorted out by the Chairman and the Company Secretary of FRL – thank you)


I wish to respectfully ask the Chairman and the Company Secretary the following :

Who are the ‘we’ that Mr Arnott was speaking of ? e.g. :

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He said to me : “No, the reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you”.

He said to me : “We are tired of you mentioning Rose’s name”.

He repeated to me : “We took a decision”.

He said to me : “We are tired of you being insulting, and then approaching other people”.

He said to me : “We will be holding a Meeting next week and then Bruce Unser will contact


Can I understand that Mr Arnott was so arrogantly using the Royal ‘we’ ? Or was he referring to the

Chairman and himself ? I will need to know this specifically if I have to approach Interested

Parties for their help i. e. if I am unable to get hold of the promised documents/items, yet I have

been LIED about once more at a FRL AGM and there are OMMISSIONS from the unsigned

Minutes. Thank you.


Before I ‘sign off’, I do want to place on Record, in the permanent Records of this Public Company

and this Public bank, FRL/FRBL/FNB, the following :


Concerning the statement made to me by Mr Arnott on the 19/1/10 :

“We are tired of you being insulting, and then approaching other people”.

i The way that I have been treated (read CHEATED, CROOKED, LIED to, and LIED about) by you

people … it is a wonder that I still can have ‘a civil tongue’ left in my mouth. ii At a previous ‘foyer

meeting’ with the Company Secretary of FRL – Mr AH Arnott, he told me that I am “obnoxious”. I

have recorded this and I have tabled it as well into the permanent Records of this Public Company

and this Public bank, FRL/FRBL/FNB. What I have not yet recorded is my own thoughts that went

through my mind on that previous occasion. These are them :

i You, Arnott, find me “obnoxious”. To me, I find you to be a LIEING little CROOK and CHEAT.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why, Arnott ? Have you been able to be Truthful enough

Page 22: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

to acknowledge that the way that I and my family (which is including Willie and Agnes) and The

Mazlen Trust have been CHEATED and CROOKED and LIED to and LIED about by you people is

so bad and disgusting that 21 Police Cases have been systematically opened against you people -

and your name is there too Arnott.

(little did I know that ‘lo and behold’, later it would ‘come out’ that you, Arnott, are there with your

Chairman, Dippenaar, alphabetically, recorded on the ‘list’ of Tax Evaders, Money-Launderers,

Organised Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt persons’, ‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters – ref is the

permanent Records of this Public Company and this Public bank, FRL/ FRBL/FNB. Further ref is

another Police Case 199/9/2009 60/9/2009 which is naming you personally, Arnott. So that, at the

date that you called me “obnoxious” to my face, Arnott, you were involved in not just CHEATING

and CROOKING and telling LIES about me, and also to me, Arnott. You, along with your

Chairman “LL” Dippenaar, and FRL/FRBL/FNB Clients and Directors and other Shareholders,

were doing the same thing (CHEATING and CROOKING and telling LIES) to the Authorities.

Yes ?)


Concerning the statement made to me by Mr Arnott on the 19/1/10 :

“We will be holding a Meeting next week and then Bruce Unser will contact you”.

i I cant wait. We cant wait. At last here is the “contact” from Mr Unser that we have all been

waiting for. Praise the GOOD Lord. Some months ago Mr Unser promised us a ‘note’. I thought at

the time - what an insult it was, for this man to use such a word as ‘note’, when so much was/is at

stake ! When I had spent 4 hours with the Special Consultant Mr Donald Millwood and we were

waiting for the outcome. Then I steadied myself with the thought that this is the arrogance that is

bred from who this man (Unser) works for and ‘rubs shoulders with’. So now we have another

promise – this time from the Company Secretary of FRL of “contact” from Mr Unser. Wow, at

last, we can’t wait to see what you people are planning to do with/to us next.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

Page 23: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS 22/01/2010. Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb. The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major

Shareholder/Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in

relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB

Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers,

their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-

Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and

also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Page 24: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled on the


E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman.


Concerning the Minutes (F above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :


My letters 20/01/10, 13/01/10, 8/1/10, 6/1/10, 31/12/09, 25/11/09 x 2, refer.

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I wish to place further Information on Record as follows :


On the 21/1/10 :

i I called to deliver my letter 20/1/10. I specifically said to the lady at reception “This is for Mr

Arnott, but I am not asking for him to come down and sign for it. I just need a signature for it.” The

lady took my original letter, together with the copy, and stood up to proceed to go upstairs. She said

to me “Must this go too ?”, referring to the R 50-00 note attached to the letter. I said to her “Yes, but

please get a signature on my copy acknowledging receipt.” The lady nodded her head to show that

she understood what I was asking her to do. I waited about 10 minutes until the lady returned. She

said to me that Mr Arnott was in a meeting and that he would phone her at reception to tell her when

she should come upstairs to collect the signed copy of my letter. I waited a further about 15 minutes,

whereupon Mr Arnott came ‘striding’ towards me. He had the original letter in his one hand, and the

copy in his other. Mr Arnott said to me “Here” - he wanted to hand me the original of my letter, and

retain the copy for himself ? I pointed out to Mr Arnott that he should keep the original with the

R 50-00 note, and give me the copy, but he wanted to do it the other way round, which did not make

sense to me. I took the copy of my letter out of his hand, and Mr Arnott then retained the original.

He said to me “I am not keeping this”, indicating the R 50-00 note. I said to Mr Arnott that if he

insist, then he can return it to me when he replies to my letter. He said to me “Is that what you

want me to do ?” I said to Mr Arnott “No I actually want you to keep the R 50-00, but if you want

to return it to me with a proper explanation, then you can do so”. Mr Arnott then turned on his heels

and strode off, clutching my letter, with the R 50-00 still attached. When he was about 10 paces

away he called out something to me, over his shoulder, which I did not hear. I said to Mr Arnott “I

can’t hear you, what did you say ?” Mr Arnott repeated what I had just said “What did you say ?”

So I said again “I did not hear what you said”. He then walked back towards me, and when he was a

few paces from me he said “You will see that I have not signed the copy”. I therefore said to him

“OK, please sign the copy”. To my astonishment he replied “No, I won’t sign your copy”. I said

“OK, I will sign it myself, that you have received the original and the R 50-00, and I will ask the

lady at reception to witness it”. (the lady at reception heard all of this because it was right in front of

her that Mr Arnott chose to ‘hold’ this ‘foyer meeting’) I did not actually want to involve this lady,

by asking her to witness what I wrote on my copy, but she saw what took place and she watched me

as I wrote on my copy of the letter : 21/1/10 4 : 14 pm. I handed original to Arnott with R 50-00.

The lady at reception witnessed. (signed ME Harris) I said to the lady “You are my witness that

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Mr Arnott took the letter and the R 50-00”. She nodded to me, so I did not ask her to sign, I left it at


I wish to place on record, into the permanent Record of this Public Company and Public bank

FRL/FRBL, the following :


i Mr Arnott told me, to my face, just two days before, that he is far too busy to have to come

downstairs to sign for letters. It is the reason why I specially asked the lady at reception to please get

a signature on my letter, acknowledging receipt, to spare Mr Arnott the time and the inconvenience

of personally having to leave his work and come downstairs to sign. The lady offered to take the

letter upstairs herself, which I thought was jolly decent of her, and very professional. ii I will also

record that in the majority of cases it has been one of the ladies from upstairs that has signed. It was,

I think, only the second time that Mr Arnott himself came down to sign. I do recall that it was Mr

Arnott who used to sometimes come downstairs to personally hand me copies of Minutes, draft

Minutes, unsigned Minutes, over the years, between 2001 and 2006. Otherwise he used to send

Rose downstairs with the Minutes etc. Then too, Mr Arnott attended a meeting with Mr “GT”

Ferreira and I in 2005. Other than these times it has been one of the ladies from upstairs who has

always signed the copy of my letter. iii On occasions I have been told to take my letter to the man

who is in an office directly behind the reception area, and I have done so. It has been no problem to

me to do this. So why all the fuss ? Mr Arnott says he is too busy. I accept this to be the case. I

willingly will just ‘drop off’ my letter with the man who’s job it is to accept mail, in the office

directly behind the reception area. Yet Mr Arnott came down anyway and he made such a fuss about

nothing iv I can not believe that Mr Arnott is wanting to keep the R 50-00 for himself, and try to say

that there never was a R 50-00 note with the original letter. Surely not. Surely he is not involved in

‘petty Crime’ as well. We all know that he is involved in ‘big-bucks Crime’. He is listed, with his

Chairman, Dippenaar, alphabetically, on the ‘list’ of Tax Evaders, Money-Launderers,

Organised Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt persons’, ‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters – ref is the

permanent Records of this Public Company and this Public bank, FRL/ FRBL/FNB. Further ref is

another Police Case 199/9/2009 60/9/2009 which is naming Arnott personally. So that he is

involved in not just CHEATING and CROOKING and telling LIES about me, and also to me. He,

along with his Chairman “LL” Dippenaar, and FRL/FRBL/FNB Clients and Directors and other

Shareholders, did the same thing (CHEATED and CROOKED and told LIES) to the Authorities.

v Is it Mr Arnott’s idea that he will deny ever receiving my letter 20/1/01 with the R 50-00 all

because he cannot deal openly and honestly with the contents of my letter 20/1/10 ? Just in case, I

Page 27: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

will fax through a copy to FRL, and I will E-mail a copy to the Chairman Dippenaar, on the basis

that the Company Secretary (Arnott) has recorded in the Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09 :

“The chairman advised that whatever he (Harris) was legally entitled to would be provided to

him.” And I will E-mail a copy x 2 to Ferreira on the basis that he is quoted in our Settlement

Agreement in the 14th paragraph like this “ … given his (Ferreira’s) personal commitment to this

process of reconciliation”.


Please, Mr Arnott, Company Secretary of FirstRand Limited, and Mr Dippenaar, Chairman of

FirstRand Limited, don’t continue to just ‘ride ship-shod’ over my Rights and my personal dignity.

Please deal openly with the contents of my letter 20/1/10. Then I will not have to approach

Interested Parties to again ask for their help. If you ignore my request for the documents/items that

I have asked for, and which I am entitled to receive from you, then I will, before the unsigned

Minutes are approved at a Director’s Meeting in March 2010, approach the following Interested

Parties :

1. ACCA – The Chairperson. 2. ANC Youth League – Secretary General. 3. Banking Council of South Africa – The Chairperson. 4. Business Against Crime – The Chairperson. 5. Business Leadership SA – The Chairperson. 6. Competition Commission - Mr S Ramburuth 7. Communist Party - Mr Blade Nzimande 8. Computershare Ltd - The Chairperson. 9. COSATU - Secretary General 10. Financial Services Board - The Chairperson. 11. The SAICA - The Chairperson. 12. Institute Directors/IoD - Mr Khoza; Mr King 13. Institute Secretaries/CIS - The President 14. JSE Securities Exchange - The Chairperson. 15. Minister of Finance - The Honourable. 16. Minister of Justice - The Honourable. 17. Minister for Safety and Security - The Honourable. 18. Minister of Trade and Industries - The Honourable. 19. Ombudsman Banking Services - The Chairperson. 20. Parliamentary Finance Comm. - The Chairperson 21. PAAB/IRBA - The Chairperson. 22. Registrar of Banks/Reserve Bank -The Chairperson. 23. Ernst and Young - The Chairperson. 24. KPMG - The Chairperson. 25. Botha Theo - Shareholder Activist. 26. Die Beeld - The Editor. 27. Bloomberg News Bureau - Mr Vernon Wessels 28. Business Day - The Editor.

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29. Carte Blanche - Billie. 30. The Citizen - The Editor. 31. City Press - The Editor. 32. Fairlady - The Editor. 33. The Financial Mail - The Editor. 34. Huisgenoot - The Editor. 35. The IoD Magazine - Mr M King, Mr I Khoza 36. The Mail & Guardian - The Editor. 37. News Media Publishing - The Editor. 38. Noseweek - Mr Welz and Mr Muhlberg. 39. Pretoria News, c/o The Star. The Editor. 40. Radio 702 - Mr John Robbie. 41. SARIE - The Editor. 42. The Sowetan - The Editor. 43. The Star - The Editor. 44. Sunday Independent c/o The Star. The Editor. 45. Business Times The Sunday Times. The Editor. 46. The Sunday Times - The Editor. 47. The Sunday Sun - The Editor. 48. The Sunday World - The Editor. 49. Weekend Argus/Cape Argus. Mr Cameron 50. You Magazine - The Editor. I will ask for their help. I will try my very best to stop this kind of arrogant disregard for my

personal dignity with these terrible, filthy, rotten, hurtful, disparaging, LIES. I will ask them to

support me in my endeavours to Prosecute the Shareholders, Directors, Company Secretaries,

Auditors, lawyers, and ‘fat cat’ Clients of this Public Company and Public bank FRL/FRBL/FNB,

on the basis that they are all involved together in this Conspiracy to Commit Crime, which is

including :

Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’,

Fraud, including the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’, Theft, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS.

On 11/5/2009 - Email sent to eat@tokara and to olive@tokara.

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To : Mr “LL” Dippenaar. Chairman and Major Shareholder. FirstRand Limited. and to The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and by Email : with a copy forwarded to Mr “GT” Ferreira x 2., and a The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc copy forwarded to DRInc attn Mr Hart/Mr Driman. .

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 24 Police Cases : i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 22 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of

Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of

‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime,

‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB,

their agents and others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners

of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners

of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

Page 30: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand

Bank Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News

Media present at AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; 2009 and the

False Minutes of Public Meetings 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008, 2009;

and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the

representative appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC

2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the

Harris family (including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which

was subsequently cancelled on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09) F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Why on Earth do FRG and DRI and PWCI and DTT and the Directors not even bother to respond to the correspondence at all ? It is quite weird. Is it because DRI do not actually represent the parties named, but only represent some of the parties ? If this is the case please advise me i. e. answer this letter. Must I address the parties individually ? Some of the parties are agents of FRG, are they not ? As I understand the True position I am quite right to address FRG and the Directors directly when their agents are the ones who are the CROOKS and the CHEATS, for and on behalf of FRL and the Directors, am I not ? I place on Record that all that I have written is the Truth of what has been going on at FRG.

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By the above named parties simply ignoring what I have recorded, and not dealing with these matters, and not denying anything that I have recorded, because they can not, I have to take this whole sordid matter, with all these empty idle promises and LIES to other, outside, Interested Parties, to try to get help so that I can reach a satisfactory resolution of these problems. Really, gentlemen/ladies, this whole sordid matter will not just go away, disappear, when you do not deal with it in a positive way. Especially when promises are made but then broken and shown to be just the old plain LIES, again. Here I find myself once again with the Chairman of FRL telling blatant LIES to the Shareholders, including about the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007and about the promises and about the campaign. It is a most unsatisfactory relationship that I find myself in, all because of the wording of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 prepared by FRG which I was presented with, and got to sign. It is so very negative, the position that FRG have placed me in. And it is all because of the way the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 was so cunningly worded, in order to ‘catch’ me, and to ROB GOD. It appears to me that FRG, the Directors, Auditors, lawyers, estate agents, really just do not care at all how negative they make my life, when I am a positive person. Ah well, at least the fc-oc2007 campaign is positive. Praise the GOOD Lord. My/our latest position/s can be seen from the attached Report to the Members and the Board of Reference of fc-oc2007. Your comments are requested and will be seriously considered, because of the relationship that FRG have placed me in, and brought about.

1.1 I/we will be ‘up-dating’ the two separate web-sites in the fairly near future. I/we are prepared to keep you posted.

1.1.1 In the case of the fc-oc2007.co.za web-site I/we need to ‘adjust’ the ‘site’ in regard to the latest position of the sponsors/donors (FRG) as well as a few other changes that need to be made.

1.1.2 In the case of the meharris.co.za web-site I will need to incorporate the latest set of LIES which were told about me and my family and The Mazlen Trust at the 2009 AGM of FRL, and the LIES in the False unsigned Minutes, and then in the False signed Minutes. I will now also need to add the latest three Police Cases, bringing the total to about 24 Police Cases, to date. I will need to add the latest correspondence, including this Email, to the site. All of this will then again, of necessity, be tabled at the 2010 AGM of FRL and so become a part of the record, in the permanent Records of FRL

2. I am waiting patiently for answers, Mr Dippenaar. Point 1.3.2 of my letter 13/3/10 still contains questions where answers were promised to me Re the tapes that prove the

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LIES. Especially in the last three Police Cases these tapes will be needed, especially by me, but also by the Police. Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS. ___________________ On the 15/7/2010 all of the above emails were once again sent to eat@tokara and to olive@tokara – some of them have came back as “deleted/not read”. ___________________ Hard copies of the above emails will today be sent, under cover of a letter, to Mr “GT” Ferreira Registered, Ordinary Mail, c/o DRInc, c/o FRL,. d 26/5/2010.

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The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand.

Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/ Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary FRL/Mr B Unser – Company Secretary FRBL/FNB. Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

FirstRand Group.

A. The about 24 Police Cases : i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 22 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis- representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of

Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of

‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime,

‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB,

their agents and others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners

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of Auditors Deloitte and Touche Thamatsu and PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and

Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated. B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand

Bank Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News

Media present at AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; 2009 and the

False Minutes of Public Meetings 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008, 2009;

and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the

representative appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/

FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007

anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the

Harris family (including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which

was subsequently cancelled on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited and Discovery. F. The False unsigned Minutes and the False signed Minutes of the 2009 AGM. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman.


My 2 x Emails 17/5/10 to DRInc, and my 11 x Emails 11/5/10 to DRInc (x2); PWCI (x2); “GT”

(x4); DTT (x2); “LL” have reference. Copies of my 2 x Emails 17/5/10 sent to DRInc are

enclosed, together with a copy my letter to CSL 22/4/10 and my Report 21/4/10 to the Members

and the Board of Directors of fc-oc2007. My Emails 11/5/10 sent to FRL/FRBL/the Directors and

others, and forwarded on to the others, form a part of the copy of my Emails 17/5/10 to DRInc.

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I place on Record that I have had no response to my Emails 17/5/10 and 11/5/10, copies enclosed. I

further place on Record that with no denials forthcoming I am taking it that all the named parties all

agree with what I am doing and that they have no problem/s with that which I have set out in these

Emails and in the correspondence which remains unanswered, and that it is the Truth. Then too, I

also want to place on Record that the Truth which I am (and will be further) handing over to the

Police and to other Interested Parties (500) and to Organisations (5,000) and to the General

Public (1,000,000) includes not just all the known Crime (listed extensively, even in the permanent

Records and the Minutes of this Public Company/Public bank) but it includes the latest CRIME

which is to knowingly, consciously, ROB GOD.

(While on the ‘subject’ of Recording - please instruct Mr Arnott to kindly table this letter and the

enclosures at the 2010 AGM of FRL. Thank you. I want it to be a part of the permanent Records of

FRL/FRBL. One more thing that I want to here place on Record, is that in the event that Mr Arnott

again refuses to table that which I have requested him to table (like he has refused at the 2001,

2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 AGM’s of FRL), then I will, of necessity, be

forced to table this important documentation, when I attend on the occasion of the next FRL AGM)


It would appear to me that on the basis that “All Publicity is Good Publicity”, then the named

parties (FRL/FRBL/FNB/the Directors/the Company Secretaries/PWCI/DTT/DRI/CSL) all are

‘relishing’ and ‘basking’ in the ‘glory’ of their iniquities. I am actually ‘working for’ these named

parties because of the Exposure and the Publicity that I am ‘generating’ in my personal 13 year

‘fight’ for Justice (negative) as well as, in the case of fc-oc2007, the relationship that does exist with

the FirstRand Group (positive).


You will see that I have now included the name of Mr B Unser in the position marked Attn. at the

top of this letter. I have done this because I am asking Mr Unser to kindly make sure that the

enclosed original Letters of Demand get handed/distributed, to the individual Directors of FRL and

of FRBL and to the FRL/FRBL agents PWCI, DRI, DTT. Thank you. In the past it was Mr Unser

who did forward the DVD’s together with a personal letter of appeal to the Directors of FRL. My

letters 9/7/08 (with DVD’s) refer. FRBL’s letter 15/7/08 is the confirmation.


Enclosed are the Letters of Demand to the individual Directors of FRL and of FRBL, and others.

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It was suggested to me by one of the Members of fc-oc2007 that I should present a Letter of

Demand to each of the Directors involved in the know Crime. At first I was reluctant. It is quite a

lot more work for me, and these Directors never responded when I went to the trouble and the

expense of writing individually to them and even sending them a DVD (ref is at point 2 above). I

said to this fc-oc2007 Member that when I had approached individual Directors previously (on the

9/7/08) with a positive appeal and a DVD made specially to promote and to show the campaign off,

then not even one of these Directors had the ‘common-decency’ to even respond back to me.

However it was said to me, by this fc-oc2007 Member, that the individual Directors, as well as the

agents, who are all involved in the known Crime, do not have knowledge of what is going on - of

what Ferreira, Dippenaar and Harris (with the help of Arnott and Unser) are doing. Being the

‘super-optimist’ that I am, and ‘living in hope’, I have finally agreed to send separate Letters of

Demand to FRBL/FNB/FRL and to the Directors, as well as to their agents PWCI, DTT, DRI. I

was also influenced by the reminder that I should make every effort to place all of the Truth ‘out in

the open’ so that, at a later date, in the due course of time, ‘people’ (including the Directors, the

Auditors and the lawyers) will not be able to say “Gosh, we never knew” about all the known

Crime, and even the latest CRIME which is to knowingly, consciously, ROB GOD.


Kindly acknowledge receipt. Thank you. If you all accept the Truth that I place into the permanent

Records of your Public Company/Public bank and have no problem/s with that which I am

proceeding to do, at least you all can bring yourselves to thank me for the Publicity, can’t you ?

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS.


Report by Michael Harris to the Members and to the Board of Reference of fc-oc2007.

Greetings to you in the Wonderful name of our Lord and our Savior JESUS the CHRIST.

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1. The Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 : The Members and the Board of Reference will have seen the actual wording of the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/2007 at www.fc-oc2007.co.za or at www.meharris.co.za.


Prior to signing the Agreement :

On the 7/11/07 the Chairman of FirstRand Limited approached me and asked me to meet with him

in order to ‘settle’. At a meeting with him later that afternoon he and I shook hands on a ‘deal’. He

agreed that FRL would pay us an amount of between R 2 million and R 3 million, and would help

TMT to take transfer of 1146 Marlboro, Sandton, and would support an anti-crime campaign which

I told him I was busy with through The Mazlen Trust. He said that FRL would definitely be happy

to support us because they were busy with an ‘initiative’ to fund the rehabilitation of ex-Prisoners. I

made it very clear to the Chairman that the reason that we would reduce our Damages Claim

substantially from the amount of R 50 million was because of his promise to support the anti-crime

campaign, a Mazlen initiative. I have the notes which I made prior to our meeting on the 7/11/07,

and also at the meeting when we discussed this ‘settlement’. Thereafter he phoned me to tell me that

the Board of Directors of FRL had confirmed that which he and I shook hands on. He asked me to

deal with the Company Secretary of FirstRand Bank Limited to finalize the ‘deal’ in writing.

My wife and I met with the Company Secretary and with a lady who was also from FRL. The four

of us were present when we discussed the terms of the Agreement. At that meeting I made it clear

that the Chairman had agreed to support the anti-crime campaign, a Mazlen initiative. I made it


clear that we had dropped our Damages Claim from R 50 million to just R 3 million on the

understanding conveyed to me by the Chairman of FRL on the 7/11/07 that FirstRand Group would

help TMT to take transfer of 1146 Marlboro, Sandton, and would fund/sponsor an anti-crime

campaign, a Mazlen initiative, which I had discussed with the Chairman on the 7/11/07. I have the

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notes that I made when I discussed the ‘settlement’ with the Company Secretary and the lady, prior

to signing.


The signed Agreement :

A few days later the Agreement was presented to me to sign. The reference to 1146 Marlboro was in

an acceptable form, including an amount of R 200,000-00. There were a number of references in the

Agreement to the anti-crime campaign, a Mazlen initiative, which I found to be acceptable. I

signed in good faith, believing that what I had been promised by the Chairman on the 7/11/07, and

what I had made clear to the Company Secretary about my understanding and expectation in regard

to the funding/sponsorship of the anti-crime campaign, a Mazlen initiative, was covered in the

Agreement. The Agreement was presented to me to sign on a FirstRand Bank Group letter-head.

The Agreement was drawn up as being between myself and FirstRand Banking Group.


After the Agreement was signed :

For 23 months I was messed around with promises and stalling/delaying tactics. Looking back I

can see that these people tried to ‘catch’ me. They had no intention of funding/sponsoring the

campaign. They were intentionally delaying things to keep me away from the 2007 and the 2008

AGM’s of FRL. During the 23 months I gave several written Notices trying to get these people to

stick to the Agreement. They did not bother to reply or even to acknowledge receipt of the Notices.


It is absolutely imperative that at some point in time the correspondence that took place during the

period post 7/11/07 to 9/10/09 (the date of cancellation) be looked at by the Members and by the

Board of Reference. There the Truth of how we were delayed with promises and with LIES is clear


to see. All of this correspondence was tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on

the 21/11/09 at the AGM of FRL.


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The Agreement has been cancelled :

After several written Notices were given, the Agreement was cancelled on the 9/10/09.

The R 3,2 million that was paid has been retained as “rouwkoop”. The Damages Claim/s have now

been increased from R 50 million to R 60 million. The reasons for the increase have been conveyed

to FRG.


R 3,2 million was paid into the a/c of The Mazlen Trust on behalf of various parties, and has been

allocated as follows :

The R 200,000-00 received for 1146 Marlboro is being utilized according to what was stipulated in

the Agreement.

Approximately R 1 million was allocated to pay out to a list of people.

Approximately R 2 million was allocated in TMT to the loan a/c of Meriel Harris towards her

Damages Claim against the bank/FRG; to cover the loss of her loan a/c in Mazlen Holdings (Pty)

Ltd when the company was wrongfully Liquidated by the bank; to make up for the loss of her

homes – first her Northcliffe home, then her Oaklands home (50 % share). 901/2 Marlboro were

paid for out of this money allocated to Meriel’s loan a/c in TMT.


The re-habilitation of my own personal Estate :

I could have waited and obtained the automatic re-habilitation of my Estate in 2009. For a number

of reasons I applied to the High Court to get my Estate re-instated. The Application was successful

and was granted on the 29th August 2008. I Praise the GOOD Lord, for I am no longer ‘an un-

rehabilitate insolvent’. I had been Sequestrated based on Fraud, Theft, Duress against my wife and

my ex-wife, and in general, by means of Bad Business Practices by this bank and it’s agents.



The 24 Police Cases - against the Directors and their agents (Auditors and lawyers and

estate agents) and others, and against FRL/FRBL/FNB :

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When I signed the Agreement I on the 19/11/07 stopped with the Police Cases. However after the

Agreement was cancelled I again proceeded with the initial about 19 Police Cases. I opened a

further 2 Police Cases last year, and I opened a further 3 Police Cases today.


The LEARNING Centre – property at 1146 Marlboro, Sandton.

After I signed the Agreement I tried to work with FirstRand Group to get this property transferred

to The Mazlen Trust. The co-operation that I was promised in the Agreement was only

forthcoming after a repeated drawn-out struggle. It was like ‘drawing teeth’ working with these

people from FRG. The Liquidator supplied wrong information to the Master of the High Court (I

name what he did his usual LIES and “bully-boy” tactics of old). It has been a long drawn-out

‘saga’ of LIES when dealing with this Liquidation Company which is secretly owned by the

Auditors, DTT. After signing the Agreement I began negotiations with Johannesburg Water and

with the City of Johannesburg to reduce the huge a/c’s that had been run up while so-called

“squatters” were in Illegal occupation of this property. These so-called “squatters” were in

occupation as a direct result of the LIES and the Bad Business Practices of the Liquidators. The

combined a/c’s stood at over R 350,000-00. It has always been clear to me that Johannesburg Water

and the City of Johannesburg must write off these charges. I submitted substantial documentation

containing good reasons to both Johannesburg Water and the City of Johannesburg trying my very

best to get the a/c’s written off. I have had countless meetings and phone conversations with these

people. Transfer of this property can only take place when the a/c’s are either paid or written off and

a Clearance Certificate has been issued by the Council. It has been a real battle. The battle

continues. I believe that I will win the battle and get transfer of this property to The Mazlen Trust. I

believe, this based on the reading of my Bible. Praise the GOOD Lord. In the bank is the

R 200,000-00 that was paid by FRG to cover the cost of the transfer, eviction, and re-habilitation of

the building and grounds etc.



The GIVING Centre – property at 948/949 Marlboro, Sandton.

948 Marlboro :

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After we settled we at last had the money to pay attorneys to bring an Application in the High Court

to Evict the so-called “squatters”. This is a lengthy and costly ‘exercise’. First we must evict, then

we must fix-up the building. Then we will move in. I am trying to ‘co-ordinate the two separate

High Court proceedings. Either the Council/Government pays us out and we re-locate elsewhere

(refer point 10 below) or the Council ‘fixes up’ Marlboro and we stay.

It was agreed between the parties (Ps. Willie, Ps. Les, Ps. Abe, Ps. Phillip, Rosy and I) that

Operation Compassion will utilize the GIVING Centre. I can only go back to Ps. Willie and the

others when the so-called “squatters” are gone.

949 Marlboro :

The registered owner has signed the documentation to pass transfer to The Mazlen Trust. I wait on

the attorneys who represent the Estate of the deceased bond-holder. It is a long story – I first bought

this stand in April 1994. I walled it, paved it, Meriel and I planted trees (they are well established

today). Mr and Mrs Soma, the owners, were not able to give transfer due to there being a bond

registered over the property, where the bond-holder had deceased.


The REHABILITATION Centre – property at 901/902 Marlboro, Sandton.

This property was purchased after settlement with FRG was reached and R 3,2 million was paid

into the a/c of TMT (refer point 1.4.1 and point 4 above).

Thomas Maswanganyi :

Thomas Maswanganyi’s cc called BDT Wood Trading and Projects cc occupy a part of the building

at this property. Thomas has by no means ‘come up to scratch’. He has not ‘played the game’. He


has not paid the Eskom a/c for over a year. He has not paid the ‘nominal’ rent that The Mazlen

Trust agreed to charge his cc for about the past 6 months. I am not sure what to do about Thomas. I

am disappointed in the way that he has not kept his word on so many occasions. The other chap,

Thanyani Mtshotsha, who was working with Thomas, has left. He could not work with Thomas.

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Reginald :

Reginald was recommended to us by Papa Selepe. I corresponded with his Parole Officer in Natal

and it was agreed that he could move to Jhb to stay at the REHABILITATION Centre at 901/2

Marlboro. I was able to get Reginald enrolled in a Computer Programme with Scripture Union.

Scripture Union :

It was exciting that SU were interested to take offices in the building. Then the guy who was to run

the offices left SU and these plans are on hold, for the time being.

The Chapel :

Thomas and his staff and Reginald do use the Chapel. At the moment Reginald sleeps there. The

carpets need to be replaced. The Chapel needs to be painted. The Chapel needs seating. The

roof/ceiling leaks which needs to be repaired. I believe that all this will happen, in the due course of



The Mazlen Trust :

As the sole trustee of this trust I have proposed that fc-oc 2007 should be allowed to ‘do it’s

business’ (which is to ‘run’ the ‘VISION’) using these three buildings. I offered to make the

buildings available at R 1-00 p. a. each, by way of long-terms leases. Fc-oc 2007 would be liable for

expenses such as the upkeep of the buildings, rates and taxes and other Municipal charges. This is

still my desire. First I must get transfer of 1146 and 949 Marlboro finalized. Then I must get the so-

called “squatters” out of both 1146 and 948/9 Marlboro. Then I must ‘rehabilitate’ the buildings.



fc-oc2007 – Section 21 Company :

The seven Members are :

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Dr Pearl Botha, Mdumisini Nkosi, Thomas Maswanganyi, Stuart Schwabe, Ingrid Brady-Schwabe,

Meriel Harris, Michael Harris.

The two Directors are :

Michael Harris, Meriel Harris.

The Board of Reference is :

Ps Willie Dengler, Lenny Zohn, Ps. Alvin Francies, Dr Harold Peasley, Carl Carmody, Papa Selepe.


The fc-oc 2007 Bank a/c and Donations received :

The bank a/c is ‘dormant’. A donation of R 500-00 was made to The Mazlen Trust which was

going to be used towards the ‘fixing-up’ of the Chapel at 901/2 Marlboro. When Thomas did not

execute the work which he was asked to do, then with the permission of the donor the R 500-00 was

used as ‘start-up’ capital to open the bank a/c of fc-oc 2007. A further donation of R 100-00 was

made to me for my Cross Ministry. I have used this R 100-00 to ‘prop up’ the bank a/c in order to

cover bank charges.


Accountants for fc-oc2007 :

Stuart introduced us to Accountants and I met with them. I handed them the Section 21 Company

Registration papers and the Application which came back, where I had applied for Exemption from

Tax. They will deal with the Application. They will also register us as an NGO.


High Court action against the Council and the Government :


The Mazlen Trust has joined other property owners in Marlboro in an Action in the High Court to

actually force the Council and the Government to ‘fix-up’ Marlboro and to properly execute their

Duty and their legal obligations to the property owners of Marlboro. After we joined, the Action

was amended to request, as an alternate, that the Council/Government pay out the property owners

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and take over (expropriate) the properties that are affected by so-called “squatters” and that are

neglected and run-down, due to the way that the Council/Government have neglected Marlboro.

This neglect has brought about a substantial increase in Crime in Marlboro.


When I placed my ‘VISION’ and the Proposal which I submitted to FirstRand Group into the

hands of Ps. Willie Dengler, Dr Harold Peasley and others, then it was Dr Harold who suggested

that we should get out of Marlboro and move the campaign into a better area, closer to Multi

Ministries and World Hope Ministries, such as on the West Rand. I offered World Hope Ministries

the top floor of offices at 901/2 Marlboro for use in the Prison Ministry, but my offer was not taken

up. I have offered 948/949 Marlboro to Operation Compassion for use as a GIVING Centre. The

negotiations with Ps Willie and others were progressing nicely when Xenophobia attacks broke out

in Alexandra, which adjoins Marlboro. Only when we have evicted can the negotiations proceed

further. Hopefully the Council/Government will be forced by the High Court to clean up Marlboro,

which to us is 1st prize. Or, hopefully, they will be forced by and Order coming out of the High

Court, to pay us out and so allow us to move to another area which is not so terribly neglected by

the Authorities.


The Way forward:


First Community Outreach Centre – fc-oc 2007 (www.fc-oc2007.co.za):

I still am proceeding with the ‘VISION’, but slowly, because of the lack of the promised support by

FRG. It is very difficult, but I am doing it. I proposed and presented to FRG a positive anti-crime

campaign, a Mazlen initiative. FRG agreed to support the campaign. It was promised to me by the

Chairman of FRG. It was discussed with the representative of the Directors of FRG, who was


appointed specifically to put the Agreement in writing. It is in the Agreement (why else is it

referred to throughout the Agreement ?). For 23 months, before I cancelled the Agreement, it

was promised to me. I worked on the campaign in the full knowledge of FRL, including submitting

several ‘up-date’ Reports and Invoices. After several Notices were just ignored I cancelled the

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Agreement. I repeat, the correspondence (post 7/11/07 to 9/10/09) must be read to see the way that

we were ‘led up the garden path’ only to have the gate ‘slammed in our faces’. When the Damages

Claim of R 60 million is paid, then we will have funds for the campaign to proceed at a faster pace.


Stuart and Ingrid and their amazing team have designed and produced a fabulous ‘branding’ for fc-

oc 2007. It is just great. Thank you so much.


Henry and Margaret Lucas were introduced to me by Rosy and Gladwin who work for the Mayfair

Baptist Church/Word Hope Ministries. The idea was that they would rent 901/2 Marlboro for use

by their cc Mzansi Skills Base cc. After several protracted meetings, visiting the property twice,

measuring up all the offices and warehouses, agreeing to a lease, preparing the written lease

showing all floor areas measured up, as Annexures to the lease, and after at least 20 phone calls,

Henry and Margaret more or less ‘disappeared’. Eventually, after having to go physically to their

‘offices/workshop’ and to their home, and after waiting around at night to find Henry, I was able to

establish that the lease which they asked me to prepare was not signed by them, as they had agreed

to do. Henry refused to be interviewed, in fact he could not be found, and to this day I do not know

what exactly was behind their approach to me. It was a real waste of my time, as if they were really

just on a ‘fishing expedition’ wasting my time and my petrol. It was a bad experience. I was able to

get back the original lease which was dropped off at my house, but only after I had to threaten to

approach SETA to ask them what exactly was going on with these people.


I was approached with a request to supply clothes from Donations received. 20 bags of good quality

clothing were collected and transported to PE to Pinkster Sending van God Outreach, Ps. Matick.

Later I received a letter, thanking us, together with a copy of a Newspaper article telling of how


grateful were the poor and destitute recipients of the clothes. There were also two pictures with the

article, showing the clothes being handed out. Praise the GOOD Lord. At least it is something.

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That brings to 60 the number of bags of clothes that we have handed out to Churches and Ministries

for distribution to the poor and needy. This is apart from the many individuals who have received

clothes directly from us, from the Donation we were Blessed to have received.


My personal web site (www.meharris.co.za) and ‘branding’ :

I have taken the decision to ‘split’ my approach to this anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative. I have decided to work alone and not to work through fc-oc2007 in my personal

on-going ‘fight’ for Justice against this bank/Public Company, their Directors, and their agents. I do

not want to involve my fellow-Members or the Board of Directors of fc-oc2007 in my personal 13

year ‘fight’ for Justice against these Companies and these people.

Everyone who knows me has told me fc-oc2007 is an extremely positive campaign to ‘fight’ Crime.

On the other hand, my ‘fight’ for Justice in my personal capacity is, for me, extremely negative, and

unfortunate. It should have been over when I shook the hand of Ferreira on the 7/11/07. It should

have been over when I signed their Agreement, which they presented to me to sign on the 19/11/07.

It should have been over well within the 23 months that they kept me on a string with their empty,

idle promises (read LIES). It should have been over before I was forced to cancel the Agreement on

the 9/10/09.

Instead these people decided to ROB GOD. They decided to try to ‘catch me’ with the 3rd part of

their Agreement which they induced me into signing with their promises.

The fact is that exactly because these people decided to CHEAT me and my wife and my family and

The Mazlen Trust 13 years ago, and then to have my bail withdrawn and put me in Prison with

their LIES, is the exact reason that ‘I find myself’ right now involved in this campaign against

Crime ….. and Crime is Crime, even (actually more so) when it is committed by R billionaires


(who do not need to CHEAT and to CROOK for the very reason that they already have R billions !)

and when it is committed by Auditors and Accountants (CA’s) and when it is committed by

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lawyers, and when it is committed by estate agents, including even the Chairman of the Institute of

Auctioneers of South Africa.

Now, all these years later I ask this question - why should these ‘fat cat’ R billionaires, CA’s,

lawyers, estate agents, commit big, big, heavy, heavy Crime ….. and nobody challenges them. They

are left to do these extremely evil things like Liquidating a Company that has been established for

27 years and Sequestrating a Client who has banked with them for over 43 years. And the way they

do it is so despicable. It involves LIES, Theft, Fraud, Duress, and more. It involves using their

own Auditors to Liquidate Clients of the bank through a secret “dummy” lawyer who holds their

shares for them in a secret agreement and a secret share-holding.

Then it turns out that they are themselves involved in Money Laundering, Tax Evasion,

Organized Crime and so on. It is serious Crime that they are doing. Then when they tell LIES to

the Shareholders of a Public Company/Public bank, in order to try to cover-up their known Crime,

and when I challenge them, they throw me out of their AGM’s and they take to threatening me with

physical violence (PM Goss) and with Murder (LL Dippenaar). 2 of the 24 Police Cases are dealing

with these threats.

Now, 13 years later I find that everybody that I speak to, wherever I may go, is against Crime and is

fully supportive of my personal efforts to ‘fight’ Crime through fc-oc2007 as well as being fully

supportive of my personal ‘fight’ for Justice.


What I am trying to explain here, to my fellow Members in fc-oc2007, and to the Board of

Reference, is how it is that ‘I find myself’ involved in ‘fighting’ Crime on two fronts – www.fc-

oc2007.co.za (positive) and www.meharris.co.za (negative)


Once again Stuart and Ingrid and their team have come up with this great ‘branding’ for my web-

site. Thank you so much. Like with fc-oc2007, my ‘branding’ is just great.



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So far over R 20,000-00 has been spent on placing adverts into some selected Newspapers to

promote both the fc-oc2007 campaign (www.fc-oc2007.co.za), and at the same time to promote my

own personal ‘fight’ for Justice and to try my very best to Prosecute (www.meharris.co.za).

In conclusion :

i FRG are not going to willingly fund/sponsor the campaign. Having cancelled their Agreement I

have been released from such a time-consuming struggle, with their on-going promises and LIES

that lasted for 23 months, after we had settled.

ii I will continue to try my very best to proceed against FRG with the above referred to Damages

Claim/s. At the same time I will continue to try my very best to proceed with Prosecutions. I will do

so in my personal capacity and I will not involve the Members of fc-oc2007 in my personal ‘fight’

for Justice.

iii Having been released from trying to get the funding/sponsorship from FRG I can put my efforts

and energy into approaching other parties. I really believe that the campaign is a very good venture

and that it can easily stand up to scrutiny. I am fully committed to the campaign, the venture

because I see it as a ‘VISION’ from GOD to bring Glory to GOD. Meriel is fully supportive of me.

iv I ask the Members and I ask the Board of Reference for their Prayers and for their advise.

_________________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

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(The original letter was sent on an ant / ELEPHANT ‘branding’ letter-head)


Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb. Mr SM Lorge – Chairman and T Vermeulen (MD), S Gqoli, WSV Daniels, J Cloete (Alternate) and CIS Company Secretaries (Pty) Ltd and Computershare Limited. Attn. Mr Mohammed Ismail. Ref. No. 0050091751. by hand. Dear Mr Lorge, the Directors and the Company Secretary,

FirstRand Group.

A. The about 24 Police Cases :

i The 4 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act,

1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) –

in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/

FNB/Ansbacher/RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their

Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax

Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’,

‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 20 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of

physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including

Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-

Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and

others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte

and Touche and PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys

Reitz Incorporated.

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B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media

present at AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes

of Public Meetings 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the

Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/

FNB in regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and

rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.


Dividends paid to me :

My letters 22/11/09 and 26/12/2008, as well as that which I discussed with Mr Ismail last year refer.

Yesterday I did again re-deposit cash for dividends paid into my a/c as follows :

a/c No. 62012553394 FNB at Melville – R 31-28.


It is a real inconvenience to me, and surely also to your own Company, to deposit money into my

a/c when my request/instruction is that a cheque must be made out to me instead. I am prepared to

personally collect the cheque, in the future, and to sign for it, if you are concerned about security. I

have already made this offer in the past, but my suggestion has been ignored.


It is also easier to supply to the Police a cheque, than for me to have to re-deposit the money back

into the FRL a/c, and then to supply the Police with copies of your remittance advise and the deposit

slip. This time I have copied your slip and the deposit slip and used these as the basis of the latest

Police Case. So please in future will you kindly do as I have requested for more than a year now. I

think it is for two years now ?


Tape Recording of the 2009 AGM of FRL :

I require from CSL a copy of the tape/s. In fact I hereby apply to CSL for copies of all of the tape/s

for the years 2000 to 2009, inclusive. I will at the same time, in the near future, make a written

representation to the Police, and if needs be, in the due course of time, to the Honourable Minister

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of Police. The Police should also approach CSL to get possession of these tapes. These tapes are

extremely important to me because they go to prove that the Directors of FRL are guilty of Crime

in that they consciously have signed the Minutes of FRL AGM’s knowing that these Minutes were

False Minutes and that they contained LIES and omissions. The LIES were told by the past

Chairman of FRL and by the present Chairman of FRL with intent to deceive the Shareholders, of

which I am one, and to Defame me and to attack my personal dignity in front of others, and to

Defame my wife and my family and The Mazlen Trust. The Chairman, the Company Secretary, the

Directors of FRL all knew the Truth. They all are parties to the LIES.

Even when the past Chairman agreed, in a Public Meeting, in the presence of his

Company Secretary and the Directors, that the LIES had Defamed me, and even

when he agreed and he gave an undertaking personally to me, a promise, that the

LIES would be “expunged” and replaced with the Truth, he went back on his word.

He went back on his personal promise to me which was made at a Public Meeting.

The LIES remain to this day in the permanent Records of FRL. 2.1

It has been explained to me that the secretary of the Company Secretary of FRL is not permitted, in

Law, to be the responsible person who Records the Minutes of FRL AGM’s, year after year after

year. Yet I believe it has been the secretary of the Company Secretary who has been assigned this

job by the Company Secretary of FRL, with the consent, and in the presence of CSL staff members

at various FRL AGM’s. It is my understanding that I should now apply to CSL directly to be

supplied with a copy of the tape/s. In the past the FRL Directors have advised me that the tapes of

previous FRL AGM’s have been ‘wiped clean’ very soon after the Company Secretary of FRL had

prepared the Minutes. I have been advised that this ‘practice’ is an Illegal act, because it is in breach

of an Act of our Parliament to appoint the secretary of the Company Secretary to handle the

Recording of a Public Company/Public bank. She and the Company Secretary had no Right to

handle the Recording of Public Meetings and then to interfere with the tapes.


Recently, at a meeting with the Company Secretary of FirstRand Bank Limited, he said to me that

he did not know whether it was the duty of CSL to handle the Recording of FRL AGM’s between

the years that concern me i. e. 2000 to 2019. He said to me that he was not aware of whether it was

an Illegal Act for the secretary of the Company Secretary of FRL to be the one to be appointed by

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the Company Secretary of FRL and by CSL to carry out this job. He said to me that he did not know

the Law. He said he knew that the Company Secretary of FRL had always worked with his own

personal secretary, being the one appointed to Record all the FRL AGM’s. He undertook to ask the

Company Secretary of FRL what the Law is in this regard, and he promised me that he would come

back to me and advise me the Law. I do not believe that he will come back to me. Like CSL he does

not reply to correspondence. He is also himself, just like his Directors, a big big LIAR this FRBL

Company Secretary. He has made idle empty promises (read LIES) to us for more that two years

now, this Mr Unser.


Mr Lorge and the Directors and especially the Company Secretary of CSL will know, from the

correspondence which I have seen the necessity to address to CSL, from the Police Cases, and from

the documents tabled at FRL AGM’s between the years 2001 to 2009, that I and my wife and my

family and The Mazlen Trust have been severely and blatantly and intentionally, and with Criminal

intent, Defamed with constant and persistent LIES told by the past Chairman and by the present

Chairman of FRL. These LIES have been told about us at Public Meetings in the presence of CSL

staff members. There have also been present, at these Meetings, Directors of FRL, staff member of

FRL including the Company Secretary, Shareholders, visitors, Media Reporters, and others. I have

tried my very best to ward off and stop these terrible LIES. But it has been a ‘laughing matter’ in the

eyes of the Shareholders and the Directors. This has been the case, year after year after year.


Each year that I attended I was “thrown out” just as soon as I tried to defend myself and my wife

and my family and The Mazlen Trust. It is all on Record in the permanent Records of this Public

Company and this Public bank. The Directors of CSL and the Company Secretary of CSL know the

full story. They know the full facts. They know the Truth of the matter. They do not care because of

the business relationship that exists between FRL and CSL where shares are held in a ‘cross-

pollination’ ‘business deal’. CSL should want the Truth to be on Record. CSL should want the

Minutes to be accurate and not False Minutes. CSL should Record the proceedings and make sure

that the tapes are not interfered with. It has been a disgrace. It remains a disgrace to this day. In

2009 I was again LIED about. When I tried to defend myself I was asked to leave the Meeting with

the threat that if I did not leave I would be physically removed from the room and from the property

by the guards of FRL. I then chose to leave voluntarily because the person making the threat was the

very same person who had threatened me with Murder at a previous FRG AGM when he was a

Director and not yet the present Chairman. In the past I have also been threatened with physical

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violence by another Director of FRL at a FRL AGM. In this way I was ‘removed’ from the 2009

Meeting so that the present Chairman could continue with his blatant LIES against me and my wife

and family and The Mazlen Trust. To say that this present Chairman is a far bigger LIAR and a far

bigger coward that the past Chairman of FRL is truly an understatement.

At least the past Chairman agreed, at a Public Meeting (it is on Record in the permanent Records of

this Public Company/ Public bank) that I had been Defamed. At least the past Chairman was ‘man

enough’ (if I may permit myself to use such words, for in my mind he sure is not much of a man) to

answer me when I spoke to him at FRL AGM’s. Knowing I was Defamed, this present Chairman,

in such a cowardly way, quickly ‘got rid of me’, got me out the Meeting, then he started with the old

LIES, repeating them, and he then also started with new LIES and Defamation. It was behind my

back, after he had so quickly got me to leave because of his threats. What a coward.


It is my intention to approach the Financial Intelligence Centre, the Honourable Minister of Trade

and Industries, the Honourable Minister of Justice, the Honourable Minister for Administration, the

Honourable Minister of Finance, the Registrar of Companies, the Public Protector, and other

Interested Parties, to ask them for their help, including in, but by no means limited to, the above. I

will approach these parties with a detailed and comprehensive affidavit. I will attach a copy of this

letter as an Annexure to my affidavit. I want to show to these Interested Parties that I have surely

tried my very best to get FRL and CSL to follow the correct procedures in Law, and to deal with me

as a shareholder as per my Rights, and to deal with my written requests and instructions in an honest

and proper way. Something that I have not been able to achieve, so far.


I know that the present Chairman of FRL thinks that it is all a big big joke, when I approach these

Interested Parties. He once laughingly assured the Shareholders, at a FRL AGM, that the Police

had never once even contacted the bank. He further assured the Shareholders that not one letter had

ever been received from any one of the about 89 Interested Parties (now about 429) that I had

approached, asking for their help. Of course it was all just a performance put on for the

Shareholders. It was all just ‘bluster, bluff, huff and puff’ by this Director at the time, now the FRL

Chairman. Of course by then I myself had been with the Police to the Offices of the bank on at least

two separate occasions – once with a Captain, and once with an Inspector. I know for a fact that the

bank had been approached at a very high level (the Directors) in writing, by at least one of the

Interested Parties. In other words this present Chairman was quite willing to tell LIES to the

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Shareholders at a FRL AGM when he knew the Truth and when he was just a Director at that time.

In 2009, as the Chairman, he repeated old LIES and he then told his Shareholders new LIES, in such

a cowardly way, because I had ‘left the room’ due to his threats. What a disgrace.


I would like CSL to kindly respond to the above and to advise me, as the Transfer Secretaries who

also do represent me, what is the Law in regard to the secretary of the Company Secretary of FRL

being appointed as the responsible person to Record FRL Public AGM’s. If you will kindly advise

me before I do approach these various parties with an affidavit then it may help me to more

accurately formulate my Complaint/s. It will surely assist these Interest Parties for me to include

the views of the Directors and the Company Secretary of CSL as one of the Annexures. Thank you.


I have been advised that CSL is an International Company. In the due course of time I will approach

the President of CSL and his/her Board of Directors Worldwide and I will ask him/her for her/his

help in the above, if CSL SA simply keeps on ignoring my requests/instructions.

Please now help me in the above. Please now accept my requests/instructions Re dividends. Thank


Yours sincerely,

Michael Harris.

cc To Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS.

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(The Email was sent on an ant / ELEPHANT ‘branding’ header)

(This Email was forwarded to DRInc on the 17/5/10 with an attachment of my letter to CSL dated 22/4/10). Hi Stuart, This is a further Email sent to Mr “GT” Ferreira x 2, and a copy forwarded to The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc attn Mr Hart/Mr Driman, and also to DTT and PWCI. Please also see the attachment to CSL. Best Regards, Michael.

___________________ 11/5/10. To : Mr “LL” Dippenaar. Chairman and Major Shareholder. FirstRand Limited. and to The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz by Email : with a copy forwarded to Mr “GT” Ferreira x 2, and a copy forwarded to DRInc attn Mr Hart/Mr Driman, and also to DTT and PWCI. Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 24 Police Cases : i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand

Page 56: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 22 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of

Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of

‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime,

‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB,

their agents and others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners

of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners

of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated. B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand

Bank Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News

Media present at AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; 2009 and the

False Minutes of Public Meetings 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008, 2009;

and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the

representative appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC

2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the

Harris family (including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which

Page 57: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

was subsequently cancelled on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09) F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Attached please find a copy of my letter to CSL 22/4/2010. I am waiting patiently for answers, Mr Dippenaar Re the tapes that prove the LIES. Especially in the last three Police Cases these tapes will be needed, especially by me, but also by the Police.


I am tired of your LIES, Mr Dippenaar. This time I will insist that these tapes are

forthcoming because you people think that you can carry on like this year after year after

year and I am supposed to accept what you are doing. Telling LIES about me and my

family and The Mazlen Trust. The LIES must be “expunged” and replaced with the Truth.

It is what the past Chairman promised me. You sat there in the AGM and you heard his

promise to me. Your Company Secretary Arnott then also promised me that the LIES

would be “expunged”. Who are you Dippenaar that you continue to tell LIES about me and

my family and The Mazlen Trust ? That is aside from being a CROOK, a CHEAT, a LIAR

and a coward …. a man who is a R Billionaire and yet you are happy to ROB GOD.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 58: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

(The Email was sent on an ant / ELEPHANT ‘branding’ header)

(This Email was forwarded to DRInc on the 17/5/10 with an attachment of my Report to the Members/Board of Ref fc-oc2007 dated 21/4/10). Hi Stuart, This is what I Emailed to DR, PWCI, DTT, FRL/the Directors, “GT” x 2, “LL”. It will be of interest to you Re your idea to send out a Letter of Demand to each the Directors personally, and to FRGroup.

___________________ 11/5/10. To : Mr “LL” Dippenaar. Chairman and Major Shareholder. FirstRand Limited. and to The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz by Email : with a copy forwarded to Mr “GT” Ferreira x 2, and a copy forwarded to DRInc attn Mr Hart/Mr Driman, and also to DTT and PWCI.. Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 24 Police Cases : i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act

Page 59: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

(PACCA) – in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/ RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 22 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of

Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of

‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime,

‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB,

their agents and others, such as - the Directors, Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners

of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners

of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated. B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand

Bank Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News

Media present at AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; 2009 and the

False Minutes of Public Meetings 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008, 2009;

and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the

representative appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC

2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the

Harris family (including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand

Page 60: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which

was subsequently cancelled on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09) F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Why on Earth do FRG and DRI and PWCI and DTT and the Directors not even bother to respond to the correspondence at all ? It is quite weird. Is it because DRI do not actually represent the parties named, but only represent some of the parties ? If this is the case please advise me i. e. answer this letter. Must I address the parties individually ? Some of the parties are agents of FRG, are they not ? As I understand the True position I am quite right to address FRG and the Directors directly when their agents are the ones who are the CROOKS and the CHEATS, for and on behalf of FRL and the Directors, am I not ? I place on Record that all that I have written is the Truth of what has been going on at FRG. By the above named parties simply ignoring what I have recorded, and not dealing with these matters, and not denying anything that I have recorded, because they can not, I have to take this whole sordid matter, with all these empty idle promises and LIES to other, outside, Interested Parties, to try to get help so that I can reach a satisfactory resolution of these problems. Really, gentlemen/ladies, this whole sordid matter will not just go away, disappear, when you do not deal with it in a positive way. Especially when promises are made but then broken and shown to be just the old plain LIES, again. Here I find myself once again with the Chairman of FRL telling blatant LIES to the Shareholders, including about the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007and about the promises and about the campaign. It is a most unsatisfactory relationship that I find myself in, all because of the wording of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 prepared by FRG which I was presented with, and got to sign. It is so very negative, the position that FRG have placed me in. And it is all because of the way the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 was so cunningly worded, in order to ‘catch’ me, and to ROB GOD. It appears to me that FRG, the Directors, Auditors, lawyers, estate agents, really just do not care at all how negative they make my life, when I am a positive person. Ah well, at least the fc-oc2007 campaign is positive. Praise the GOOD Lord. My/our latest position/s can be seen from the attached Report to the Members and the Board of Reference of fc-oc2007. Your comments are requested and will be seriously considered, because of the relationship that FRG have placed me in, and brought about.


Page 61: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

I/we will be ‘up-dating’ the two separate web-sites in the fairly near future. I/we are prepared to keep you posted.

1.1.1 In the case of the fc-oc2007.co.za web-site I/we need to ‘adjust’ the ‘site’ in regard to the latest position of the sponsors/donors (FRG) as well as a few other changes that need to be made.

1.1.2 In the case of the meharris.co.za web-site I will need to incorporate the latest set of LIES which were told about me and my family and The Mazlen Trust at the 2009 AGM of FRL, and the LIES in the False unsigned Minutes, and then in the False signed Minutes. I will now also need to add the latest three Police Cases, bringing the total to about 24 Police Cases, to date. I will need to add the latest correspondence, including this Email, to the site. All of this will then again, of necessity, be tabled at the 2010 AGM of FRL and so become a part of the record, in the permanent Records of FRL

2. I am waiting patiently for answers, Mr Dippenaar. Point 1.3.2 of my letter 13/3/10 still contains questions where answers were promised to me Re the tapes that prove the LIES. Especially in the last three Police Cases these tapes will be needed, especially by me, but also by the Police.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 62: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB. In line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 63: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : PricewaterhouseCooppers Incorporated and the Partners/Directors. In line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 64: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and the Partners/Directors. In line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 65: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : Deneys Reitz Inc and the Partners/Directors. In line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 66: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : LAURITZ LANSER DIPPENAAR. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 67: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris.

To : PAUL KENNETH HARRIS. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 68: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : SIZWE ERROL NXASANA. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 69: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : VIVIAN WADE BARTLETT. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 70: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : JOHAN PETRUS BURGER. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 71: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : DAVID JOHN ALASTAIR CRAIG. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 72: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : LEON CROUSE. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 73: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : PATRICK MAGUIRE GOSS. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 74: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : NOLULAMO (LULU) GWAGWA In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 75: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : GUGU MOLOI In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

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Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : ASER PAUL NKUNA In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 77: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : AMANDA TANDIWE NZIMANDE In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

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Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : DEEPAK PREMNARAYEN In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

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Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : KGOTSO BUNI SCHOEMAN In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

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Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : KHEHLA CLEOPAS SHUBANE In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

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Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : RONALD KEITH (TIM) STORE In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 82: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : BENEDICT JAMES VAN DER ROSS In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and FirstRand Bank Limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 83: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris.

To : JAN HENDRIK VAN GREUNING In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 84: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : Estate : FREDERIK VAN ZYL SLABBERT In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 85: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : MATTHYS HENDRIK VISSER In the capacity as director of FirstRand Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 86: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : D M Falck. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Bank Limited and FirstRand Bank limited, and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 87: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : W R Jardine. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Bank Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 88: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : E Matenge-Sebesho. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Bank Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 89: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : Z Rylands. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Bank Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 90: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Letter of Demand.

From : Michael Harris. To : R A Williams. In the capacity as director of FirstRand Bank Limited and in line with the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was drawn up as being between me and the bank, I hereby make demand on you for payment in the sum of R 60 million, being the amount now due, owing and payable by you. Unless the aforesaid sum is paid within 10 (ten) business days after date of receipt hereof, I will proceed further against you including for the payment of the said amount as well interest, time and money incurred. Payment is to be made to the following Bank account – The Mazlen Trust a/c No 404343104 at Standard Bank Melville/Campus Square branch. As in the case of the previous payment of R 3,2 million which was paid over to The Mazlen Trust for and on behalf of various previously named parties, I personally undertake to distribute the R 60 million in accordance with the break-down which I presented on the 23/2/2005, where the sum shown was R 44,670 million (page 39) which amount was subsequently increased to R 50 million, due to interest and other costs and charges, and then the R 50 million was again increased to R 60 million due to the further real costs and Damages suffered as a result of the Bad Business Practices which have been set out in writing. Dated at Johannesburg this day of 2010. _____________ Michael Harris.

World Hope is JESUS.

Page 91: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention


The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

Page 92: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008, 2009; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Concerning the Minutes (F and H above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :


It has been pointed out to me the following : 1.1

It is common cause that the duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar changed their LIES in the False

unsigned Minutes when they changed their ‘story’ and told their second set of LIES in the False

Page 93: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

signed Minutes. This has been referred to in my earlier correspondence when I was refuting both of

these sets of LIES. All of this is on record, in the permanent Records of FRL, and of course now

also in the records of DRInc - since I was instructed by Arnott, writing for and behalf of FirstRand,

that I am to address my correspondence for the attention of Mr Robert Driman at Deneys Reitz.


When I was refuting the LIES of the duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar I missed a certain ‘cunning

insertion’, a ‘figment of the minds’ of the duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar, into the False signed

Minutes. It is the following LIE :


I have already recorded that in the last paragraph on page 3 and continuing onto page 4 of the

False signed Minutes the duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar have ‘fabricated’ and ‘made up’ the LIE

that Dippenaar “ … read the relevant clause in the agreement entered into with Mr Harris …. ”

(of course Dippenaar never did reads this ‘clause’ to the Meeting at all and both Arnott and

Dippenaar know this; they also know that the tape recording will prove this particular LIE by this

duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar)

What is of significance is the ‘cunning insertion’, the ‘figment of the minds’ of this duo of LIARS

Arnott/Dippenaar, into the False signed Minutes, of the words “ … at the time the ex gratia

payment had been made … ”. The point is this :

There was no “ex gratia” payment - to say there was is another LIE.

paragraph 2 of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 ‘talks’ about “ … the agreement reached

at our meeting on 17 November 2007 … ”.

paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 stands under the heading : Settlement of

your claims and ‘talks’ about “ … settlement of your claims … ”.

paragraphs 4,5,6,7,8,9 of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 stand under the heading :

Marlboro 1146 and address the acquisition of this property and the rehabilitation of the building

thereon. In paragraph 9 it is recorded “ Accordingly, this amount of R 200,000-00 will be added

to the cash payment to be made to The Mazlen Trust.”

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paragraphs 10,11,12 of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 stand under the heading :

Proposed Anti Crime Campaign by The Mazlen Trust and address the campaign.

Where now, all of a sudden, do this duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar suddenly come with this

‘story’(read LIES) that :

i Dippenaar read this ‘clause’ (paragraph 11) to the Meeting. He did not.

ii The R 3,2 million was an “ex gratia” payment. It was not.


I write this letter because I want to ‘up-date’ the permanent Records of FRL so that when I do

approach the Interested Parties (including of course the Police), which I will do in the very near

future, I will have the information and the facts on which I will base my Complaints/Police Case in

a reasonable and understandable form – it is actually not an easy task when dealing with

‘professional’ (dare I say pathological/habitual) LIARS like this duo of LIARS Arnott/Dippenaar.

And, what is more, the whole Board of Directors at FirstRand Limited have met at a Board Meeting

and have backed up and supported the LIES of their Chairman and their Company Secretary. It is a

real disgrace.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS. 13/3/2010.

Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and

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Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

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AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Concerning the Minutes (F and H above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :

1. When I delivered my letter 11/3/10 yesterday then the following transpired :


Mr Unser approached me. He said the delay was in trying to get an office in which we could meet.


We proceeded to the first floor into a small office. I think it was the ‘Oak Office’ ? or something

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like that. Mr Unser made for me a copy of the ‘Publisher’s page’ out of the front of a large book

called ‘The CSI Handbook’, for which I thanked him. Mr Unser produced a book with Minutes

pasted in. It was for the period 2007 to 2009. I was permitted to look through these Minutes. I made

some notes. I then said to Mr Unser that I should also look through the Minutes from 2000 onwards

because it is in these Minutes that my name is mentioned, and I want to be able to say that I have

inspected the Minutes and know that my name is mentioned in them when I apply to the High Court

to get hold of the tapes, including covering the 2009 AGM of FRL. Mr Unser then offered to make

me copies of all the Minutes. After coming back and forth a few times he then did hand to me

copies of the Minutes 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. I must admit

that I do already have copies of these Minutes, but when Mr Unser himself offered to get his ladies

to make me copies I accepted his offer. I might mention that some of the minutes are not signed, and

that some are not dated.


As I held the 10 years of Minutes in my hand, I held them up, and I said to Mr Unser “You know

Mr Unser, these do not pay the rent; nor do they pay the people who have worked on the campaign

for 2 years.” What I was meaning was that here I had Mr Unser giving me these 11 sets of papers

(2007 has two sets), totalling 116 pages, and for free, which amounts to what ? Even at R 0-50c per

page = R 58-00. But I already have these Minutes in my files. I have even tabled copies into the

permanent Records of FRL at AGM’s over the years. So what was the purpose of Mr Unser’s

‘generosity’, I asked my self ? I then referred Mr Unser to his Bible and to 1 Timothy and I quoted

to him the words of JESUS “The worker must be paid”. I said to Mr Unser that these are the only

‘red Words’ in 1 Timothy which are the Words of JESUS. Mr Unser was upset that I quoted JESUS

to him. He said to me “Don’t you go quoting the Bible to me”. But it is what we Christians do. We

do it freely and we do it often. It ‘comes naturally’ to us Christians, you see.

(I want to here make a clear distinction, Mr Unser. It is this :

I did not CROOK and CHEAT and tell LIES to you, or to your bank, Mr Unser. So it is not you or

your bank, Mr Unser, that is ‘at my door-step’ trying to get back from me what I took from you or

from your bank.

I did not make empty, idle promises to you or to your bank for 23 months, Mr Unser. So it is not

you or your bank, Mr Unser, that is trying to get me to honour my word and my promises to you or

to your bank.

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I did not ROB GOD and I do not sit with R billions, Mr Unser, like the Directors who you vouch

for, and like the Public Companies that employ you and pay you a ‘fat’ salary, with a ‘fat’ pension

on its way, provided you do exactly as you are told to do, Mr Unser. Even if it involves their LIES

and their CHEATING which you defend and stand up for. I do not have to tell LIES for my bosses

sake, Mr Unser.


Other things that happened and that were said at this ‘meeting’ with Mr Unser were as follows :


I handed Mr Unser my letter 11/1/10 and he signed for it on my copy. He then sort of ‘fast

read’/scanned it quite quickly.


I said to Mr Unser that I have been advised by a very knowledgeable person in Law and in Business

that the Recording of a Public Company’s AGM must be done by an Independent third party, and

not by the Company Secretary, or by the Secretary of the Company Secretary, and for obvious

reasons. I asked Mr Unser if this was correct. He said it was an ‘interesting question’ and that he

would ask Mr Arnott the answer. I asked him to ‘come back to me’ with Mr Arnott’s answer. He

said that he would. (I await this information before I proceed further. I also seriously ask that the

tapes are not erased because I say that the tapes prove that LIES have again been entered into the

signed Minutes of the 2009 FRL AGM which are in breach of the Companies Act). I said to Mr

Unser that I will approach Computershare Ltd. and I will ask them for a copy of the tape because of

all the LIES that are being told and where already there are two ‘versions’ of what Arnott/Dippenaar

say was said, and took place, at the AGM, both of which ‘versions’ I say are not the Truth. They are

LIES. (I will wait to receive Mr Arnott’s views on who should record a Public Company’s AGM,

then I will approach CSL)


The letter from FirstRand addressed to me at my post box, dated 22/1/10.

Several times Mr Unser eluded to this letter at the meeting on the 11th inst. (He has also eluded to it

in the recent past). Several times, at the meeting on the 12th inst., he said he would fetch me a copy

of this letter. Each time I was at a loss to know what he was referring to when he said, several times,

that Mr Arnott had written to me that I must deal with your lawyers. I was confused because here he

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(Unser) was dealing with me directly in your Offices. He (Unser) has also written to me two letters

that I have received. Yet here was Unser eluding to this letter from Arnott. I have said it in the past,

I knew of no such instruction to me by Mr Arnott (I know now because on the 12th inst. Mr Unser

suddenly produced this letter, by way of a copy, then an original). When Mr Unser did finally

produce a copy of this letter I saw that it has an initial at the right hand corner. I think it is Mr

Arnott’s initial. I had never seen such a letter. I was surprised to read the letter. I was surprised that

R 50-00 is alleged to have been sent through the post without registering it. I asked Mr Uncer

“Would a bank send cash through the post without registering it ?” I said to Mr Unser that I am

really taken aback. Mr Unser tried to take back this copy of this letter, but I held on to it. He said he

could not go back to Mr Arnott (who I had been told by Mr Unser was in an important Audit

Meeting and could not be disturbed) but he would go and get me proof that the letter had in fact

been posted out (but not by registered post, which would have been easy to prove). Mr Unser was

away a good ten minutes. When he returned he had in his hand, which he handed to me, what

appeared to me to be an original letter, on a FirstRand original letter-head, with a R 50-00 note

clipped to the letter. (Why I say it looked/looks like an original letter is because it is signed by Mr

Arnott - and why would Mr Arnott sign and keep an original letter on an original letter-head, as a

copy of a letter, or why would FRL take a copy, on an original letter-head, of the original letter with

Arnott’s signature thereon ?) Mr Unser also had a computer-generated sort of ‘slip’ which he said to

me proved that this letter was ‘created’ on the 22/1/10; was “modified’ on the 26/1/10 and

‘assessed’ on the 12/3/10 at precisely 10 : 56 : 32 AM. He said this was the proof.

I showed Mr Unser two letters from FirstRand which are both dated after 22/1/10 (11/3/10 and

9/3/10) and I asked him why, if I had been told to deal with your lawyers, I was receiving letters

from FirstRand signed by himself and signed by Arnott ? I showed Mr Unser three letters from

myself after 22/1/10 (11/3/10, 10/3/10, 5/3/10) and I asked him why letters were being signed for by

Mr Arnott’s very own Department if I was told to deal with your lawyers. No answer, only

controlled anger, is what I got as a reply from Mr Unser. He said to me “You know, Mr Harris, I

have been called a LIAR in the past”. I replied “amen”. (I myself was thinking of the time, way

back, right in the beginning of my ‘relationship’ with Mr Unser, when he told me he had not

received my Proposal and a ‘report-back, and my covering letter. Later he said what he meant was

that Ms Moss had E-mailed it all to him (it consisted of 15/20 pages that I had hand-deliverd and he

said he did not get the E-mail. Ms Moss told me that she gave the stuff to Mr Unser. So who is the

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LIAR, I thought to myself) He said to me “Don’t you ‘amen’ me”. He said to me “You said it all

yesterday Mr Harris.” I asked him what it is that I said yesterday. He replied “You yourself said I

am a “decent sort of a guy”. I am a decent person. Here I am trying to help you with the Minutes

and you now again are calling me a LIAR”. I said “No, I am saying Arnott and Dippenaar are the

LIARS. You are sent to me to speak for them, to convey to me their LIES in the Minutes.” Mr

Unser then said I must leave his Office. I said to Mr Unser “You know Mr Unser, I said you are a

“nice guy”. I did not say, as you quote me, that you are a ‘decent sort of a guy’. Yesterday I said to

you that you are a “nice guy” and I said that you are thus one of the “most dangerous.” I said again,

on the 12/3/09, “You are a nice guy and therefore one of the most dangerous”. (and kindly see also

point 1.3.5 below)


Mr Unser said to me “Don’t come here wearing a Cross.” I asked him why not. He replied “Because

you don’t behave like a Christian.” I replied “No Mr Unser, you people are taking advantage of me

because I am a Christian.” I asked Mr Unser which Church he attends. He said back to me “I don’t

want to get into that.” (A Christian would willingly state to which Church he belongs and attends)

(Regarding my wearing of a Cross, Mr Unser. I wear a Cross for the reason that :

i This is my actual Ministry – I make and I give away Silver Crosses with a Christian Message. It is

also my hobby. ii I work full-time in the Kingdom. It is what I do. iii The actual particular Cross

that I wear symbolises the ‘stitching together’ of the various Ministries that I am trying my very best

to achieve, as per what GOD has ‘told me to do’. It is what I do. Please find a Cross enclosed that I

have made for you Mr Unser. It is number 998. Kindly read my leaflet on the Cross which is with

my enclosed letter to you personally, Mr Uncer)


As we left the Office on the 1st floor, and proceeded towards the stairs, I said to Mr Unser “You

know, Mr Unser, Lucifer himself is the ‘nicest-of-guys’. It is in the Bible.” Mr Unser, who was by

then a pace or two ahead of me, widened the gap till he was not walking close to me at all. He was

preceding me by at least 5 paces, so as not to allow me to be able to converse with him.

(I would say that Paul (St Paul) was a “decent” person – of course only after he had met JESUS,

‘face to face’. You know this from your Bible Mr Unser. I want to say this to you, Mr Unser - all

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con-men are ‘the-nicest-of-guys’ – hey man, that is precisely how/why they get away with their

conning and their LIES and their CHEATING and their CROOKING. Anyone with any worldly

knowledge/experience with a con-man knows this from their own personal experience with these

people. Lucifer, the devil, Satan, is the ‘mother-and-the-father’ of all LIES, Mr Unser, and he is at

the same time an angel (fallen) (bringer-of-light) and he is ‘the-nicest-of-guys’ (‘if you know what I

mean’, Mr Unser). You know this from your Bible Mr Unser)


The Falsified signed Minutes – I have something more to record into the permanent Records of

FRL. It must be read with my letter 11/3/10, where the LIES in the signed Minutes are refuted :

It has been pointed out to me the following :


In the Falsified signed Minutes, in the last paragraph on page 3, the words “ … verbally

committed … ” have been added in, to replace the word “ … indicated … ” in the Falsified

unsigned Minutes.

i. e The Falsified unsigned Minutes read :

“Mr Dippenaar stressed that at no time had Mr Ferreira or any company executive

indicated that they would support the project”.

Whereas the Falsified signed Minutes read :

“Mr Dippenaar stressed that at no time had Mr Ferreira or any company executive

verbally committed that they would support the project”.


Supply the tape to prove what was actually said, Arnott/Dippenaar.


To prove that both of these ‘versions’, are ‘stories’ and LIES (i. e. what Arnott/Dippenaar say was

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said by Dippenaar to the Shareholders on the 25/11/09) one need only look at what the

representative appointed by the Directors, Unser, himself in fact said to me “verbally” on the

phone regarding the ‘quantum’ of the promised funding/sponsorship. It is recorded in writing

(confirmed by me and never denied by FRL/FRBL/FNB/the Directors) and it is tabled, and it is

now forming a part of the permanent Records of FRL.


It is true that what Ferreira had to ‘say’ regarding the ‘quantum’ of the promised funding/

sponsorship was in writing, and it was not “verbally” said to me. Mr Ferreira’s actual letter has

been tabled, and it is now forming a part of the permanent Records of FRL. My written reply has

been tabled. My reply has never bee denied by Ferreira or by FRL/FRBL/FNB/the Directors.

Ferreira was then the Chairman. He was writing to me fairly soon after he shook my hand/I shook

his hand.


Ferreira and Dippenaar have ‘made it their business’ not to meet with me to discuss things

“verbally”. For 23 months Ferreira said he was too busy to meet. What LIES, what a load of

TRASH and JUNK. Who are you Ferreira ? For 23 months Dippenaar hid away behind Unser.

Ferreira and Dippenaar in order to avoided and evaded their responsibilities and their obligations to

us, that they had both agreed to in our Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 so that they would not

have any “verbal” contact with me. They used Unser to ‘duck and to dive’ and to hide behind. And

Unser had no real, actual, authority because Ferreira and Dippenaar and PK Harris, and probably

others too, were telling him what to do, what to say, and how to behave. Read the correspondence

post 7/11/07. It is in the correspondence that one can see all the empty, idle promises, read LIES.


In the Falsified signed Minutes the duo of LIARS Arnott/Ferreira first tried to place into the

permanent Records of FRL the LIE that our Proposal had not even been received and had not even

been reviewed by the “interested parties”. I pointed out, I proved, at some length, that this was a

‘whopper’ of a LIE – ref is my letter 8/1/10.


So, no problem, in the Falsified signed Minutes this duo of LIARS Arnott/Ferreira changed their

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‘version’, their ‘story’ their LIE, and they then tried to place into the permanent Records of FRL the

LIE that our Proposal had not even been “reviewed”, “to date” (25/11/2009). What a bunch of

LIARS, CROOKS and CHEATS this duo of Arnott/Ferreira is. But how about all the Directors who

approved these LIES at the Directors Meeting in March 2010 when they each and every one of

them knew the Truth ! It is a total disgrace for the full Board of Directors of a Public Company to

approve LIES like these in Minutes of a Public Company. It is a breach of the Companies Act, let

alone all the ‘King stuff’.


It is the truth that Mr Robert Driman is not yet a “ … company executive … ” of FirstRand. He is

a Director and he is a Partner of the law firm Deneys Reitz. But nobody can ever deny that he is

close, close, close to the “ … company executives … ”; he used to sit at the table with the “ …

company executives … ” at all the AGM’s; he is so well paid to defend the “ … company

executives … ” that I think he is almost ‘full-time’ doing this; he attends at Court Enquiries when

Clients of FirstRand bring Fraud and Crime that is known to the “ … company executives … ”

to the attention of Magistrates – he is there to ‘look out’ for the Directors; he is appointed to deal

with Clients and negotiate with Clients, such as when he said to me on the phone that the FirstRand

“Special Consultant” Donald Millwood is going to meet with us so that we can “adjust the fit of

the shoe where it is pinching” (or, my words, ‘cross the t’s and dot the i’s’) so that the

funding/sponsorship money promised to us for the campaign will be forthcoming.


In the FirstRand letter which is dated 22/1/10, which is signed by Arnott, copy and original of

which were handed to me by Mr Unser at a meeting 12/3/10, and which I then was able to read for

the fist time, it says that I must address correspondence for the attention of Mr Robert Driman at

Deneys Reitz, 85 Maud Street, Sandton. It goes on to record : “No further correspondence or

communication will be entered into with you directly by the FirstRand Group.”


Then FirstRand sends me two letters 11/3/10 and 9/11/10 signed by Arnott’s very own ‘Group

Secretariat’. Then FirstRand accepts correspondence delivered and marked for the attention of this

same Arnott (and the other part of his duo, Dippenaar) dated 11/3/10, 10/3/10 x 2, and 5/3/10.

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FirstRand writes to me from Arnott’s very own ‘Group Secretariat’ that the Minutes will be

available on Friday 19th March 2010, and informs me that they will be delivered to me through the

offices of Deneys Reitz. Then, suddenly, the Minutes are produced on the 11th March 2010 by

Arnott’s ‘Group Secretariat’ through the offices of FirstRand.


I am not sure whether FirstRand will even accept delivery of this letter, with the enclosures ? I am

not sure whether FirstRand are ‘gearing themselves up’ to do what Dippenaar wanted so badly to

do at the FRL AGM on the 25/11/09 i. e. he threatened me that he would call in his ‘guards’ to

remove me from the Meeting (and from the property). I would hate for that to happen again. Once

before one of the ‘bully-boy’ FirstRand agents (Christopher Bailey McEwan) wanted so badly for

his guards to ‘get physical’ with me - all because I was wanting to deliver correspondence to his

Office. It was, just like it is now, also correspondence that was dealing with LIES and CHEATING

and CROOKING and THIEVING. I warned him not to do it. He just couldn’t resist. He decided to

himself get physical with me. Look at what happened. Look what he did. Look what he brought on


Look at how I had to face the LIES of FirstRand agents – RK Store and his Partners/co-

Directors/Auditors “secret” lawyer Theodore Willhelm van den Heever and his LIES to the

Magistrate; look at this particular ‘bully-boy’ vdHeever and how he carried on with his THEFT and

his FRAUD known to RK Store and all the “ … company executives … ” at FRL/FRBL/FNB and

at PWCI and at DTT and at DRInc;

Look at the Advocates Both and Maiselle with their LIES to the Magistrate;

Look at lawyer, now Advocate, CB McEwan and his staff, with their LIES to the Magistrate. Look

at how all their LIES got the Magistrate to take away my bail and hold me in Prison for 9 months as

an awaiting trial prisoner.

Look at the EAAB Records to see the way this lawyer (now your Advocate CB McEwan) and his

‘associate’ Hartard, that dirty little agent of yours who CROOKED and CHEATED me and my

wife and my ex-wife and my children and Willy and Agnes. See how the McEwan/Hartard ‘team’

CHEATED and CROOKED even FirstRand. Look at the EAAB Records.

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Now it looks to me that here is the next ‘bully-boy’ in a long line of ‘bully-boys’ at FirstRand

‘itching’ to get physical with me. In this case I know what a coward Dippenaar is and I see why he

wants to get his guards onto me, being such a coward. But, remember, your lawyer/now your

Advocate (CB McEwan) also started with his threats via his guards and then he just could not resist

getting physical with me himself.

What if Dippenaar (who has already threatened to murder me, or to have me murdered) like

your agent McEwan, succumbs to his ‘itching’. What then ?

Must I start to carry a gun again, to protect myself ? I really do not want to ‘walk with a gun’ again,

Mr Dippenaar, just for you, because of you. Who are you Dippenaar ? That is aside from being a

CROOK, a CHEAT, a LIAR and a coward …. and now a man who is happy to ROB GOD.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS.


Michael Harris.

Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

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The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

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i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Concerning the Minutes (F and H above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :

1. When I delivered my letter 10/3/10 today then the following transpired :


I asked the lady at reception to kindly phone through to Mr Arnott, to tell him that I had delivered

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a letter and an application to inspect the Company Minutes. As I sat waiting Mr Unser appeared. He

signed for the two letters. I said to Mr Unser that I would wait for someone to call me to inspect the

Minutes in terms of the one letter/application. Mr Unser said to me that I am not allowed to inspect

the Minutes. I was surprised and I referred him to the Companies Act. I asked Mr Unser if this was

not the Registered Office of FRL. His answer was startling, for he said that Mr Arnott had told me

that I can only deal with your lawyers ? I knew of no such instruction issued to me by Mr Arnott,

and I tried to tell this to the back of Mr Unser as he slid off, and away. Mr Unser went off with my

two letters, I presume to show them to Mr Dippenaar and to ask Mr Dippenaar what he must say to

me and what he must do next. After some time the lady at reception asked me if I was still waiting

for Mr Unser. This was in response to a phone call which she received from ‘upstairs’. I said to her

that Mr Unser had signed for the letters and that I was waiting to inspect the Company Minutes.

(She had not noticed Mr Unser signing for the letters as she was busy when he had appeared)


After waiting about 35 minutes Mr Unser appeared again. He said to me that he had good news for

me. The good news, he said, was that he had saved me a trip to the lawyers on the 19th inst and he

presented me with a copy of the signed Minutes. It appeared to me that he had gone to Mr

Dippenaar to deliver my two letters and Mr Dippenaar had signed the Minutes and dated the signing

11 March 2010. Mr Unser had instructions that I actually am entitled to inspect the Company

Minutes of FRL. We had a ‘foyer meeting’ and I looked at the Companies Act. I pointed out to Mr

Unser that I had made application to inspect the FRL Company Minutes because of what had

transpired on the 10th inst., but that now suddenly the Minutes were produced. Mr Unser asked me if

I still want to inspect the Minute Book/file and he said that it would have to be tomorrow because

Mr Arnott was in a meeting. Apparently only he has the Minutes, or the keys, or the access, or … ?

Actually I was not quite able to understand why Mr Dippenaar sends Mr Unser down to meet with

me when I ask for Mr Arnott, then Mr Unser speaks for Mr Arnott, but then Mr Unser has to go

back to Mr Dippenaar, and only Mr Arnott can produce the Minute Book and not Mr Unser. It is all

quite strange to me the way Mr Dippenaar and Mr Unser and Mr Arnott deal with each other, and

with me. In any event, it was agreed that I will come tomorrow at 10 a.m. to inspect the Minutes,

although I said to Mr Unser that my reason to inspect was not quite the same as it was before he and

Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott suddenly produced the Minutes of the 2009 AGM of FRL, after all the

fuss that I have to go to your lawyers to collect the Minutes and only after the 19th inst., and so on ?

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Now lets come to the False Minutes signed by Mr Dippenaar and dated by him as the 11 March

2010. At points 2 and 3 below I have responded to these latest LIES by Arnott/Dippenaar. Here I

just want to record what transpired between Mr Unser and I at this latest ‘foyer meeting’ Re these

False Minutes .

Mr Unser had not read the Minutes. This is what he told me. At our ‘foyer meeting’ Mr Unser took

the Minutes from me and he then read parts of the Minutes. How this came about is as follows :

i I said to Mr Unser that it was strange to me how Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott send him down to

meet with me in the foyer, to have a ‘foyer meeting’ whereas Mr Arnott is the Company Secretary

of FRL and not Mr Unser, and these are FRL Minutes, not FRBL Minutes.

ii I started to call Mr Unser ‘Mr Arnott’ to show him the absurdity of this sort of ‘game’ that he and

Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott are playing with me. Where, apparently Mr Arnott and Mr Dippenaar

are too afraid, or too ashamed, or too embarrassed, or they are playing their ‘game’ to ‘bamboozle’

me and the Shareholders, and to mess me around, and to create ‘smoke screens’ and to ‘play with

mirrors’. They had not come to have a ‘foyer meeting’ with me themselves. They rather had rather

sent Mr Unser. Mr Unser did not prepared the Minutes. He told me that he knows nothing of what

Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott have together decided to put into the Minutes.

iii I read the part in the signed Minutes where Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott have now changed their

‘story’ (read LIES) of what they now want to say Mr Dippenaar actually said about the “support”

and the “funding” of the ‘project’ (“ Mr Harris’ Prisoner Rehabilitation Programme”), at the

AGM on the 25/11/09.

I had to try my best to stop myself from bursting out laughing allowed, it is such LIES and

so absurd. It is now such a ‘made up’ ‘story’ and such LIES. I am referring to the last

sentence on page 3 commencing “To demonstrate ….. going on to the eighth sentence on

page 4 ending ……. reviewed”. It is not the Truth of what Mr Dippenaar said to the

Shareholders at the AGM. It is a pack of LIES that Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott are now

writing in the signed Minutes. This is not what was said at all. I will approach the

Shareholders myself about these LIES and I will ask them to refute these LIES.

iv I was actually saying to Mr Unser that I would have to come back to the 2010 AGM of FRL to

EXPUNGE the statement from the Records that money was paid to me. I was referring to the words

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“ …. , agreed to an amount being paid to Mr Harris … ” which are stated in the 2nd line of the

last paragraph of page 3. I was saying to Mr Unser that Mr Dippenaar knows that the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/2007 which carries his (Dippenaar’s) name clearly states that the R 3,2 million

was paid to The Mazlen Trust and not to me. I said to Mr Unser that Mr Dippenaar knew this on the

19/11/07 and Mr Dippenaar knew this on the 25/11/09.

v It was at this point that Mr Unser took the Minutes from me and he then read the whole of the last

two paragraphs on page 3 and the rest of the paragraph on page 4, going down to the words “ …

resulting unpleasantness”.

vi I said to Mr Unser that this is what happens each year. LIES are told about me to the

Shareholders. I said that there is not a “vendetta” from my side and that there never has been one.

I said to Mr Unser that Mr Dippenaar knows this, but he tells LIES to say I have a “vendetta”. I

said to Mr Unser that money was not paid to me. I said that this happens every year. So that I come

back the following year to try to EXPUNGE the LIES only to be “thrown out”. In this way the

LIES remain on Record as if they are the Truth. I said to Mr Unser that I am so tired of all these

LIES. I asked Mr Unser whether Mr Dippenaar had ‘murdered’ anybody because I said he ‘gets

away with murder’, with his LIES. I said to Mr Unser that he has even threatened to murder me (or

have me murdered). Mr Unser just grinned, he laughed softly, but he did not comment.

vii I said to Mr Unser that he was at the AGM and he knows that Mr Dippenaar certainly never read

anything from the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07. I said to Mr Unser that Mr Arnott and Mr

Dippenaar are telling LIES in the Minutes by saying that Mr Dippenaar read from the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07. Mr Unser just grinned, he laughed softly, and his comment was “I do not

want to be ‘drawn in’ to this kind of thing”.

viii I said to Mr Unser that it is clear that I must receive a copy of the tape and the transcript because

here Arnott/Dippenaar are first telling one set of LIES in the unsigned Minutes, then they are

changing their ‘story’ and telling a second set of LIES in the signed Minutes. Mr Unser just grinned,

he laughed softly, and his comment was “You are not going to get the tape or the transcript”. I said

to Mr Unser that I had been supplied the tapes in the past. He repeated “You are not going to get the

tape or the transcript”. I then said to Mr Unser that I will approach the Court myself because the

tape will prove the LIES. The tape will prove that Arnott is a LIAR. The tape will prove that

Dippenaar is a LIAR, and that he willingly and wilfully tells LIES to his Shareholders.

ix Mr Unser said to me that he has been ‘doing this kind of thing’ for a long time. He said that

Minutes are sometimes changed, but that generally speaking Minutes are not changed because they

are not a ‘verbatim’ recording of what takes place at an AGM of a Company. I agreed with Mr

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Unser that it is not a word for word recording, but I said that where there are blatant LIES and

OMMISSIONS I will not accept it. Mr Unser just grinned, he laughed softly, but he did not

comment further.


I place on record that Mr Arnott has never said to me that I must only deal with your lawyers, which

is what Mr Unser said Mr Arnott told me. It is not the Truth. How come Mr Unser today had a

‘foyer meeting’ with me if I have been instructed by Mr Arnott that only your lawyers will deal with

me ? There is no consistency. This is because Mr Dippenaar hides behind Mr Unser and Mr Arnott;

he has refused to meet with me. Mr Arnott and Mr Dippenaar use Mr Unser to speak for them, but

Mr Unser, by his own admission, does not know what he is doing and what is going on with the

Minutes and the LIES in the Minutes, or so he says. (Actually I say that Mr Unser knows far more

than he lets on. After all, he was in attendance at the FRL AGM on the 25/11/09 and he heard what

was said) I believe that Mr Dippenaar and Mr Arnott and Mr Unser are working closely together to

CHEAT us and to Falsify the Minutes in order to Defame me further, to tell LIES to the

Shareholders, and to ROB GOD of what was agreed would be paid towards this wonderful

campaign to fight Crime – the fc-oc 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen

initiative, partly supported and portly funded by FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB.


The signed, Falsified, Minutes of the 2009 AGM of FRL :

I wish to comment further, and to place it all on record, into the permanent Records of this Public

Company and this Public Bank, concerning the LIES of Arnott/Dippenaar who are working as a sort

of ‘team’ to further Defame me and to attack my personal dignity with their LIES, and to confuse

the Shareholders and to try like anything to ‘cover over’ the Truth so as to try to disguise and to

hide the known Crime at FRL/FRBL/FNB. It is Conspiracy to Commit Crime, including :

Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’,

Fraud, including the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’, Theft, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’.


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I refer to my letter 8/1/10 which deals with the LIES and the OMMISSIONS and the inaccuracies

which are contained in the unsigned Minutes which were handed to me on the 6/1/10 by the

Company Secretary of FRL, Arnott.


I wish to isolate out of the Falsified signed Minutes the following words which have been added

into the unsigned Minutes and I wish to comment further :

Words added in are at the foot of page 3 and carrying on onto page 4 :

“To demonstrate this Mr Dippenaar read the relevant clause in the agreement entered into

with Mr Harris at the time the ex gratia payment had been made i.e. “We undertook to place

your plans and proposals for funding, when you are ready to submit them into the hands of the

relevant people in the Group to ensure that they receive consideration, but we can make no

commitment in this regard on their behalf”. Mr Dippenaar said that FirstRand Limited had no

commitment or liability to provide funding to Mr Harris’ Prisoner Rehabilitation

Programme. To date, for various reasons, the proposal which had been received very late had

not been reviewed.”


Arnott/Dippenaar are telling LIES again in these Falsified signed Minutes. It is not the Truth that -

“ …. Mr Dippenaar read the relevant clause in the agreement entered into with Mr Harris at

the time the ex gratia payment had been made i.e. “We undertook to place your plans and

proposals for funding, when you are ready to submit them into the hands of the relevant people in

the Group to ensure that they receive consideration, but we can make no commitment in this

regard on their behalf”.”.

Mr Dippenaar did not read this ‘clause’ (actually it is a paragraph – paragraph 11) at all. Both

Arnott and Dippenaar know this. The tape will prove this. The Directors who have approved these

False Minutes know that this paragraph was not read out. The Shareholders know that this

paragraph was not read out. I will approach the Shareholders myself.

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If Mr Dippenaar had read out this paragraph then he would have also read out the other paragraphs

that are also dealing with the Anti Crime Campaign by The Mazlen Trust :

Paragraph 2 :

“This letter is written in the spirit of the goodwill and trust that, we all concurred, had been

established at your meeting with Mr Ferreira on 7 November and ours subsequently. The

purpose is to record the agreement reached at our meeting on 17 November 2007”

Settlement of your claims

Paragraph 3 :

“We agreed that the Bank would make a cash payment in the spirit of reconciliation of

R 3,000,000-00 to The Mazlen Trust in full and final settlement of your claims and all other


Marlboro 1146

Paragraph 4:

“You advised that you wished to regain access to this property which you planned to utilise in

your anti-crime initiative.”

Paragraph 5 :

“We agreed that we would assist you to gain ownership of the property which, based on the

information that we have been able to access, was abandoned by the liquidator (with the

Master’s consent) when the liquidation order on Mazlen Holdings (Proprietary) Limited was


Paragraph 6 :

“We agreed further that we would assist with the rehabilitation of the building thereon.”

Paragraph 7 :

“The Bank will not take any action to hinder your acquisition of the property and will co-

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operate with the agents that you appoint to enable you to gain ownership of the property.”

Paragraph 8 :

“We accept your proposal that the Bank’s contribution to the costs of acquisition and the

rehabilitation be limited to the amount of R 200,000-00 and that this would be the full extent

of such assistance.”

Paragraph 9 :

“Accordingly this amount of R 200,000-00 will be added to the cash payment to be made to

The Mazlen Trust. You would thereafter not seek further financial support from the Bank in

this regard.”

Proposed Anti Crime Campaign by The Mazlen Trust

Paragraph 10 :

“It became clear during our discussions that your plans are relatively far advanced, but not

yet at a stage where formal proposals could be submitted to any potential donor/funder.”

Paragraph 11 :

(This is the paragraph which Arnott/Dippenaar Falsely have written into the Minutes – they say

Dippenaar read this Paragraph out to the Meeting but they know it is LIES. It was not read out)

Paragraph 12 :

“I think that it is appropriate to record that we said that we were not familiar with the

requirements that the Group may have for initiative of this nature. We advised that we were,

however, aware that some sort of initiative for the rehabilitation of criminal offenders was

under discussion.”

Paragraph 14 :

Dippenaar would have read out … given his (Ferreira’s) personal commitment to this process of



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Words placed into the signed Minutes (they have been added to the unsigned Minutes) :

“Mr Dippenaar said that FirstRand Limited had no commitment or liability to provide

funding to Mr Harris’ Prisoner Rehabilitation Programme.”

I repeat what I have recorded under point 4.4.8 v on page 32/33 of my letter 8/1/10 :

v What TRASH and what JUNK and what LIES the Chairman has told the Shareholders and all

those present at the FRL AGM on the 25/11/09 when he said to them that “ …. at no time had Mr

Ferreira or any company executive indicated that they would support the project”. a) Mr

Ferreira said to me on the 7/11/07 that the FirstRand Group would support the ‘project’ (campaign)

– ref is my notes and also the correspondence which has never been denied b) Prior to signing the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 the duly appointed representative of FRL/FRBL/FNB and of

DRI/PWCI/DTT/and others (Unser) told me that FirstRand Group would support the ‘project’

(campaign) – ref is my notes and also the correspondence which has never been denied. c) The

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 makes it clear that the FirstRand Group did support the ‘project’

(campaign) – ref is the written Agreement. d) Payment of R 200,000-00 to The Mazlen Trust was

specifically in support of the ‘project’ (campaign) – ref is the written Agreement. e) The names of

the Directors at the foot of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 shows clearly that they (including

the present Chairman) knew about the ‘project’ (campaign) and supported it – ref is the written

Agreement. f) Correspondence directly between the Chairman (Ferreira) and I, after the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07 had been signed, makes in quite clear that the FirstRand Group supported the

‘project’ (campaign) – ref is the correspondence. This very same correspondence between the

Chairman (Ferreira) and I deals also with the quantum of the promised funding/sponsorship by the

FirstRand Group. This correspondence between the Chairman (Ferreira) and I was all tabled into the

permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09 g) After the signing of the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07 the signatory to the Agreement (Unser) supported the ‘project’ (campaign) -

ref is the correspondence. There is extensive correspondence to confirm this support (it was tabled

into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09 and includes the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07). This tabled correspondence deals also with the quantum of the promised

funding/sponsorship by the FirstRand Group. This extensive correspondence is addressed to the

Directors of the FirstRand Group and others, and it specifically named the present Chairman

(Dippenaar). Much of this extensive correspondence is marked for the personal attention of the

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Chairman (Dippenaar). How then this man (Chairman Dippenaar) could tell the Meeting on the

25/11/09 “ …. at no time had Mr Ferreira or any company executive indicated that they would

support the project” is perhaps nearly the biggest LIE told at any FRL AGM that I have had the

unfortunate personal experience to attend. This LIE by the Chairman (Dippenaar) almost exceeds

the LIES of the Auditor Tom Winterboer/PWCI, the lawyer Robert Driman/DRI, the past Chairman

(Ferreira) …. and that is really saying something ! – ref is the correspondence where all the LIES

told by all these LIARS can be easily seen.


Further words placed into the signed Minutes (they have been added to the unsigned Minutes) :

“To date, for various reasons, the proposal which had been received very late had not been


This is a SHOCKING admission, if it is the Truth. Here Arnott/Dippenaar, this pair of LIARS, this

pair of CHEATS Money Launderers and Tax Evaders who are together, alphabetically, on the

short ‘list’ of CHEATS and Money Launderers and Tax Evaders with the Police (Police Case 21)

are actually trying to say to their Shareholders that for 23 months we were messed around with

promises, but in fact all of our efforts were in vain because our Proposal “To date (25/11/2009)

…. had not been reviewed.”

What a disgrace. How absurd. How disgusting. What a bunch of LIARS and CROOKS and

CHEATS. And to think that this duo of Arnott/Dippenaar have got this JUNK and this TRASH past

the full Board of Directors at a Board Meeting in March 2010.

I need only to refer to what I have recorded under point 4.9 iii, iv, v and vi on page 34/35 of my

letter 8/1/10 :

iii In January 2008 and February 2008 the Chairman (Ferreira) and the FirstRand Group

representative (Unser) had already received the ‘draft’ Proposal and had already placed it into the

hands of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group. I was advised by the FirstRand Group that

the comments of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group had already been requested. This

was in a letter 11/2/08 bearing the name of the Chairman at the time (Ferreira), as well as the name

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of the current Chairman (Dippenaar) at the foot of the page. It was on a letter-head similar to the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 – ref is the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent

Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iv Between January 2008 and November 2008 there is extensive correspondence which bears

witness to the fact that a number of ‘draft’ Proposals and a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dated’

were received by the FirstRand Group representative (Unser), the Chairman (Ferreira), and the

Chairman (Dippenaar) as well as by the Directors of the FirstRand Group. This extensive

correspondence includes my many pleas, for about 12 months, to the FirstRand Group to supply the

details of the “initiative” which the Chairman (Ferreira) had mentioned to me when he was trying to

influence me to ‘settle’ on the 7/11/07, before I shook hands with him on the ‘deal’. We even made

a DVD about the campaign which was sent personally to 9 of the Directors, including the Chairman

(Ferreira), and the Chairman (Dippenaar) (who was then just a Director) I have a signature on the

Final Formal Proposal proving that it was submitted in November 2008. From November 2008 to

October 2009 their were a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ as well as two Invoices

submitted, all dealing with the campaign – ref is the correspondence and the Proposal/s and the

‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09.

v Of significant importance is the agreement reached with the FirstRand Group representative

(Unser) that I could put into the Proposal the cost of the building acquired for the Rehabilitation of

ex-Inmates which The Mazlen Trust then purchased, in the full knowledge of the FirstRand Group,

as well as the estimated cost to build accommodation within the building, to house ex-Inmates. I did

then include these two costs when I submitted the Final Formal Proposal – which the Chairman of

FirstRand Limited told the Meeting on the 25/11/09 had “ … not happened” – ref is the

correspondence and the Proposal/s which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09. (901/2 Marlboro were purchased in order to try my very best to fit in

with the FirstRand Group “initiative” – later, after we bought the building, I was told “It is none of

your Business” by Unser. Yet it is in the Agreement and it was Ferreira (then acting as the

Chairman) who influenced me sign the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 when he mentioned it to

me on the 7/11/07) This is how Unser and Dippenaar carry on. It is a disgrace.

vi I was asked to “indulge” the FirstRand Group and to be patient while the “relevant people” in

the FirstRand Group were busy with the Proposal. This was in February 2009. I have always

believed that the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group are the Directors because I was

expected to stop proceedings with about 19 Police Cases (now 21) against them.

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I want to now add the following to what is on record through the contents of my letter 8/1/10 :

Arnott/Dippenaar say that Dippenaar told the AGM that the Proposal was “ … received very late

… ”. I have set out the reason that the Proposal was submitted in a ‘draft’ form in December 2007

to the Chairman of FRL, and as a Final Proposal in November 2008. It is at point 4.9 iv of my

letter 8/1/10.

Arnott/Dippenaar say that Dippenaar told the AGM that the Proposal -

“To date (25/11/09) … had not been reviewed … ”.

Here are more LIES as Arnott/Dippenaar try to again ‘wriggle’ out of the web of deceit and LIES

that they so easily tell their Shareholders. What does the tape say ? Give me the tape to prove the

LIES of Arnott/ Dippenaar in these signed Minutes.

i Here are more of the Arnott/Dippenaar LIES, JUNK and TRASH. How utterly absurd. What

LIARS. This is the Chairman and the Company Secretary of a National/International bank putting

LIES into the Minutes of an AGM of a Public Company. What next ?

ii In December 2007 the Chairman (Ferreira) already had the outline of the Proposal. He

corresponded with me personally in regard to this ‘draft’ Proposal. The Proposal was being

“reviewed” – ref is the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09.

iii In January 2008 and February 2008 the Chairman (Ferreira) and the FirstRand Group

representative (Unser) had already received the ‘draft’ Proposal and had already placed it into the

hands of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group. I was advised by the FirstRand Group that

the comments of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group had already been requested. This

was in a letter 11/2/08 bearing the name of the Chairman at the time (Ferreira), as well as the name

of the current Chairman (Dippenaar) at the foot of the page. It was on a letter-head similar to the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07. The Proposal was being “reviewed” – ref is the correspondence

which was tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iv Between January 2008 and November 2008 there is extensive correspondence which bears

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witness to the fact that a number of ‘draft’ Proposals and a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dated’

were received by the FirstRand Group representative (Unser), the Chairman (Ferreira), and the

Chairman (Dippenaar) as well as by the Directors of the FirstRand Group. This extensive

correspondence includes my many pleas, for about 12 months, to the FirstRand Group to supply the

details of the “initiative” which the Chairman (Ferreira) had mentioned to me when he was trying to

influence me to ‘settle’ on the 7/11/07, before I shook hands with him on the ‘deal’. We even made

a DVD about the campaign which was sent personally to 9 of the Directors, including the Chairman

(Ferreira), and the Chairman (Dippenaar) (who was then just a Director) I have a signature on the

Final Formal Proposal proving that it was submitted in November 2008. From November 2008 to

October 2009 their were a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ as well as two Invoices

submitted, all dealing with the campaign. The Proposal was being “reviewed” – ref is the

correspondence and the Proposal/s and the ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ which were all tabled into

the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

v Of significant importance is the agreement reached with the FirstRand Group representative

(Unser) that I could put into the Proposal the cost of the building acquired for the Rehabilitation of

ex-Inmates which The Mazlen Trust then purchased, in the full knowledge of the FirstRand Group,

as well as the estimated cost to build accommodation within the building, to house ex-Inmates. I did

then include these two costs when I submitted the Final Formal Proposal – which the Chairman of

FirstRand Limited told the Meeting on the 25/11/09 had “ … not happened” – ref is the

correspondence and the Proposal/s which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09. (901/2 Marlboro were purchased in order to try my very best to fit in

with the FirstRand Group “initiative” – later, after we bought the building, I was told “It is none of

your Business” by Unser. Yet it is in the Agreement and it was Ferreira (then acting as the

Chairman) who influenced me sign the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 when he mentioned it to

me on the 7/11/07) The Proposal was being “reviewed”. This is how Unser and Dippenaar carry on.

It is a disgrace.

vi I was asked to “indulge” the FirstRand Group and to be patient while the “relevant people” in

the FirstRand Group were busy with the Proposal. This was in February 2009. I have always

believed that the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group are the Directors because I was

expected to stop proceedings with about 19 Police Cases (now 21) against them.

vii The lawyer Robert Driman of Deneys Reitz told me that all that was needed was to “adjust the

fit of the shoe where it is pinching’ or to “cross the t’s and dot the i’s” (my words) so that the

funding/sponsorship would materialise. The Proposal was being “reviewed” – ref is the Agreement

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and the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on

the 25/11/09.

viii Every step of the way we kept the FirstRand Group fully informed. Not once were we told, over

a period of 23 months, to stop, or not to proceed as we were proceeding. We were encouraged to

proceed. We were told to be patient and that our Proposal was with the “relevant people” in the

FirstRand Group, being considered. The Proposal was being “reviewed”. After 23 months of empty

idle promises (LIES) it became apparent to us that we were just being ‘led up the garden path’, only

to ‘have the garden gate slammed shut in our faces’, so Notice was given for the about 4th or 5th

time. When the Notice was not even acknowledged; when it was not even replied to; when it was

totally ignored, then this showed to us the intent of the FirstRand Group – ref is the correspondence,

the Proposal/s, the ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’, the Invoices submitted, the written Notices, which

were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

In the unsigned Minutes Arnott/Dippenaar say that Dippenaar told the AGM :

“With regard to the proposal, he had undertaken to place this, when received, before the

relevant people within the Group for consideration. To date this had, for various reasons, not


Below are my comments on these LIES in the unsigned Minutes- ref is at Point 4.4.9 on page

33/34/35 of my letter 8/1/10 :

i Here are more of the Chairman’s LIES, JUNK and TRASH told to the Shareholders, to the News

Media present, to the visitors, etc on the 25/11/09. When he used the word “this” in the sentence

“To date this had, for various reasons, not happened” I believe he was trying to tell the

Shareholders, the News Media present, the visitors, etc that the Proposal had never been received

and that the Proposal had never been placed into the hands of the “relevant people” in the

FirstRand Group. How utterly absurd. What a LIAR. This is the Chairman of a National/

International bank speaking at an AGM of a Public Company. What next ?

ii In December 2007 the Chairman (Ferreira) already had the outline of the Proposal. He

corresponded with me in regard to this ‘draft’ Proposal – ref is the correspondence which was tabled

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into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iii In January 2008 and February 2008 the Chairman (Ferreira) and the FirstRand Group

representative (Unser) had already received the ‘draft’ Proposal and had already placed it into the

hands of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group. I was advised by the FirstRand Group that

the comments of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group had already been requested. This

was in a letter 11/2/08 bearing the name of the Chairman at the time (Ferreira), as well as the name

of the current Chairman (Dippenaar) at the foot of the page. It was on a letter-head similar to the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 – ref is the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent

Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iv Between January 2008 and November 2008 there is extensive correspondence which bears

witness to the fact that a number of ‘draft’ Proposals and a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dated’

were received by the FirstRand Group representative (Unser), the Chairman (Ferreira), and the

Chairman (Dippenaar) as well as by the Directors of the FirstRand Group. This extensive

correspondence includes my many pleas, for about 12 months, to the FirstRand Group to supply the

details of the “initiative” which the Chairman (Ferreira) had mentioned to me when he was trying to

influence me to ‘settle’ on the 7/11/07, before I shook hands with him on the ‘deal’. We even made

a DVD about the campaign which was sent personally to 9 of the Directors, including the Chairman

(Ferreira), and the Chairman (Dippenaar) (who was then just a Director) I have a signature on the

Final Formal Proposal proving that it was submitted in November 2008. From November 2008 to

October 2009 their were a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ as well as two Invoices

submitted, all dealing with the campaign – ref is the correspondence and the Proposal/s and the

‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09.

v Of significant importance is the agreement reached with the FirstRand Group representative

(Unser) that I could put into the Proposal the cost of the building acquired for the Rehabilitation of

ex-Inmates which The Mazlen Trust then purchased, in the full knowledge of the FirstRand Group,

as well as the estimated cost to build accommodation within the building, to house ex-Inmates. I did

then include these two costs when I submitted the Final Formal Proposal – which the Chairman of

FirstRand Limited told the Meeting on the 25/11/09 had “ … not happened” – ref is the

correspondence and the Proposal/s which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09. (901/2 Marlboro were purchased in order to try my very best to fit in

with the FirstRand Group “initiative” – later, after we bought the building, I was told “It is none of

your Business” by Unser. Yet it is in the Agreement and it was Ferreira (then acting as the

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Chairman) who influenced me sign the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 when he mentioned it to

me on the 7/11/07) This is how Unser and Dippenaar carry on. It is a disgrace.

vi I was asked to “indulge” the FirstRand Group and to be patient while the “relevant people” in

the FirstRand Group were busy with the Proposal. This was in February 2009. I have always

believed that the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group are the Directors because I was

expected to stop proceedings with about 19 Police Cases (now 21) against them.


When one reads the unsigned Minutes and my response letter 8/1/10 – 39 pages, and then one reads

these signed Minutes it can be seen that these Minutes (unsigned and now signed) are False Minutes

and they are Minutes that OMIT things that were said at the AGM. What the Chairman told the

Meeting and what is in these Minutes intentionally sets out to Defame me once again and to once

again attack my personal dignity, as well as my wife and family and The Mazlen Trust. These are

False Minutes that set out to ‘bamboozle’ and tell LIES to the Shareholders of this Public

Company, of which I am a shareholder. I will accordingly again approach the Police and Interested

Parties to try my very best to get the help that I have to have in order to EXPUNGE the known

LIES and to put a stop to these LIES once and for good. I will then continue to try my very best to

get the Authorities to Prosecute the Shareholders, Directors, Company Secretaries, Auditors,

lawyers, and ‘fat cat’ Clients of this Public Company and Public bank FRL/FRBL/FNB, on the basis

that they are all involved together in this Conspiracy to Commit Crime, which is including :

Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’,

Fraud, including the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’, Theft, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

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World Hope is JESUS. 10/3/2010.

Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

Application in terms of Section 206 of the Companies Act.

You people know that I am a shareholder in FRL.

Page 124: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

I hereby make application to inspect the Minute book/record of FirstRand Limited and of FirstRand

Bank Limited in terms of Section 206 of the Companies Act as read with Section 204 and Section


Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS. 10/3/2010.

Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

Page 125: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

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F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Concerning the Minutes (F and H above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :

1. When I delivered my letter 5/3/10 yesterday then the following transpired :


I asked the lady at reception to kindly phone through to Mr Arnott, to tell him that I had delivered

my letter, and to ask him whether I could please collect a copy of the signed Minutes. The lady

asked me to sit in the waiting area. (Gosh, I must congratulate you people on the lavishly,

extravagantly, statued, pictured, newly appointed, foyer and reception area; it says so much for your

exaggerated show of wealth and opulence; ready for the ‘stream’ of wealthy VIP visitor - what with

the several clocks on the wall showing different times; gosh, if only you people would ‘splash out’

for GOD’s Work, with an equivalent amount of money for the Mazlen initiative to fight Crime,

which, though you people have supported it, you failed to fund/sponsor, as per your word/promises

for 23 months till I was forced to cancel the Agreement and to battle on by myself, and carry on

with the ‘fight’). The lady at her brand-new reception desk did phone through. Mr Unser appeared

and signed for my letter. I asked Mr Unser for a copy of the signed Minutes. He acted sort of

‘bewildered’. He said I must get it from Mr Arnott. So I explained to Mr Unser that I had asked for

Mr Arnott and for a copy of the signed Minutes. Then Mr Unser said Mr Arnott had actually told

him that I must get it from your lawyers. So I asked him if I should go straight to the lawyers to

collect a copy, there and then. He again seemed sort of (acted) ‘bewildered’, confused. He said that

he did not know whether the Minutes were signed yet. He said he did not know whether the Minutes

had been sent to the lawyers yet. So I asked him to go back and to ask Mr Arnott (or to simply

phone him from the foyer) because I said to him that I did not want to have to make another separate

trip to the lawyers (just down the road from Merchant Place) Mr Unser became sort of ‘flustered’

(acted so). He said Mr Arnott (or Rose ?) would phone me to tell me when to come back again. So I

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asked him when they would phone me. I laughed at this, and I asked him if I would have to wait 25

months again for this promised phone call. Mr Unser assured me that I would actually get a fax that

same afternoon telling me when I must come back to fetch a copy of the signed Minutes from your

lawyers. It was in the late afternoon and I said to Mr Unser that I would go straight home (to my

office) and would be there to receive the fax by 4 : 30 p.m. Mr Unser said he was not staying till 6

p.m. but would see to it that the fax would be sent to me by 5 p.m.


I did receive a phone call from your Office. I think it was Rose’s voice on the phone. She said she

would fax me. I waited for half an hour. Then I phoned back. Luckily I got put through to Mr

Arnott, when I asked for Rose. I said to Mr Arnott that the fax had not come through. He said “OK

we will try again”. Then the fax did come through. It was at about 5 p.m. not 16 : 00 as stated on the



Your fax 9/3/2010 :

I see that it is from FirstRand, signed by Mr Unser as the “Group Secretariat”, whatever that is ?

I do not accept the contents of your fax. Why is that I must wait until the 19/3/10 ? Is it correct that

the Minutes are not yet signed ? I understood that the Directors Meeting had already taken place

and that the Minutes should be signed already. I want to, and I am ready to, and I have the Right to,

proceed further, as I have already advised the Directors I will do, just as soon as I am in possession

of a copy of the signed Minutes. I will call at your lawyer’s Office to try to obtain my copy of the

Minutes, and I will do so before the 19th inst. on the understanding that the Minutes should have

been signed already. In the event that your lawyers are not in possession of the signed Minutes when

I call on them, then I will immediately come to your Offices to inspect the Minutes, as I am entitled

to do. I hereby make application in a separate attached letter, to inspect the Minutes in terms of

Section 206 of the Companies Act, as read with Section 204 and 205.


Here are questions that I put directly to the Chairman Mr “LL” Dippenaar :

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Mr Dippenaar, you yourself are a CA, I believe, and are recorded, in the unsigned Minutes by your

Company Secretary Arnott, as saying :

“Mr Harris, a shareholder, asked if the meeting was being recorded and if so whether he

could have a copy of the tape and the full transcription. The chairman advised that whatever

he was legally entitled to would be provided to him”.

My question is this :

When will you stop to hide behind your two Company Secretaries Arnott and Unser, Mr Dippenaar?

You send them down to me to have ‘foyer meetings’ – the one acts confused (Unser); he ‘makes

out’ that he is vague and bewildered; he can never give a straight answer; he just keeps stalling,

delaying, and ‘ducking and diving’. He wants his “indulgences”, but “indulge” him as we might, he

never can make any decisions. We “indulged” this man (and the Directors) for 23 months etc etc

etc. He promises us a ‘note’. No ‘note’ is forthcoming’ The other one (Arnott) says whatever comes

into his mind – Right or wrong, with no concept of the Truth as being his ‘guiding Principal’. Now I

am told by these two, the one speaking for the other, and both speaking for you, their Chairman, Mr

Dippenaar, that I must go to your lawyers to get hold of my copy of the signed Minutes of the FRL

AGM 25/11/10, and that it is only on, and probably after, the 19th inst., that this can happen. My

point is this :

Are you suggesting that I go and ‘hang around’ at your lawyers’ Office to get the items that you

promised me, in the presence of your Shareholders, that I am entitled to receive in Law ? Is that

what you are suggesting Mr Dippenaar ? You know full well that what I have asked for and what I

am entitled to receive, in Law, are the following :

i Copy of the ‘form’ presented to me to fill in and sign, which I handed in.

ii Copy of the Attendance Registers for the AGM 25/11/09 – shareholders and visitors.

iii Copy of the Directors Register - who attended.

iv Copy of the tape of the AGM with a copy of the transcript made.

v Copy of the Minutes.

Your one Company Secretary (Arnott), in a ‘foyer meeting’ suggested that you and he Mr

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Dippenaar (as I understood him) decided (you and he actually took a decision) to ignore my Rights

and what I am legally entitled to receive. You know, Mr Dippenaar, what he said to me : “No, the

reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you”. It was a bit confusing then. It

was actually a bit of a shock. I thought he was just ‘throwing his weight about’ like he likes to do,

arrogantly (Arnott). I wondered if he would ‘come to his senses’. Now it seems that you and he have

come partly to your senses, Mr Dippenaar, and I can go to your lawyers’ Office on/after the 19th

inst. for my copy of the signed Minutes.

What about the other items Mr Dippenaar ?

Have you and Mr Arnott ‘relented’, and ‘come to your senses’, about just the Minutes ? Please let

me know quite URGENTLY. It is clear to me what I have to do in order to clear my good name, and

my families names, and the name of The Mazlen Trust and to get the permanent Records of this

Public Company to be accurate and Truthful.

All your personal LIES, Mr Dippenaar, and all the LIES of your pals “GT” and “PK”, and all

the LIES of your Auditors Tom Winterboer/PWCI, and all the LIES of your lawyer Robert

Driman/DRI and all the LIES of your two Company Secretaries Arnott and Unser – all these

LIES will have to be what, Mr Dippenaar ?

Answer : EXPUNGED/removed and replaced with the Truth.

To me it is clear. I have the Right to receive a copy of the tape and a copy of the transcript, as well

as a copy of the other items requested. You people gave me tapes in the past. Your LIES have again

intentionally Damaged my good name. You knew the Truth when you told your LIES, Mr

Dippenaar. You knew, when you told your LIES on the 25/11/2010, Mr Dippenaar, that you were

again attacking my personal dignity and that of my wife and my family and The Mazlen Trust. You

did it in a room full of people, Mr Dippenaar. You knew how I felt about all the LIES told by your

pals “GT” and “PK” and by your ‘friendly’ (Independent – my foot) auditor Tom and your lawyer

Robert, yet you proceeded, behind my back of course, like the coward that you are, to insult me

again with your LIES, Mr Dippenaar. You knew the Truth. You had the opportunity to tell the

Truth. You chose to willingly and wilfully tell LIES again, Mr Dippenaar. You repeated old LIES.

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When I approach the Police again, Mr Dippenaar, and when I approach the Interested Parties

again, Mr Dippenaar, I want to be fully accurate as to exactly what you said about me after I left

the Meeting, behind my back, like a coward, after I was threatened with physical removal if I failed

to leave. I do not believe that what your lackey Arnott has recorded is the Truth. Not at all. I know

from past bitter experience how your lackey, Company Secretary Arnott, has LIED in the past FRL

AGM Minutes. It is on Record. I see Arnott with you, Mr Dippenaar, on the ‘list’ of CROOKS –

Money Launders and Tax Evaders, and I know that he will do anything you tell him to do, Mr

Dippenaar. He is your ‘Partner in Crime’ Mr Dippenaar, this man Arnott.

I want a copy of the tapes and the transcript. Please ‘come to your sense, Mr Dippenaar. You are (I

think you still are) with Business Against Crime, Mr Dippenaar. You and/or your Public Company

fund/sponsor them. You are with Busness Leadership, I think, Mr Dippenaar, are you not (I stand

to be corrected) You are, I think still a part of the Special Presidential committee ‘forum’ formed by

Madiba as a leading ‘player’ against Crime, Mr Dippenaar. Yet you carry on like this, Mr

Dippenaar. It is a disgrace, Mr Dippenaar.

Please, Mr Dippenaar, give the OK for your two Company Secretaries and your lawyers to help you

to honour your own word spoken in front of your Shareholders at a FRL AGM on the 25/11/09.

“The chairman advised that whatever he was legally entitled to would be provided to him”.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

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World Hope is JESUS. 5/3/2010.

Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Page 132: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

Page 133: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman. H. The signed Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09.


Concerning the Minutes (F and H above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :


The correspondence which records the Truth :

My letters 22/1/10, 20/01/10, 13/01/10, 8/1/10, 6/1/10, 31/12/09, 25/11/09 x 2, refer.


I place on record, into the permanent Records of this Public Company and this Public bank,

FRL/FRBL/FNB, the following :

i Nothing which is contained in my correspondence has ever been disputed or denied by the

Directors of FRL/FRBL/ FNB – the reason being that :

a. It is the Truth that I have written and can not be disputed by the Directors.

b. The Directors are so into Crime, and benefiting from the proceeds of Organised Crime, that

they do not give a damn about what is being recorded (i. e. the Truth ) into the permanent Records

of this Public Company and this Public bank that they run, FRL/FRBL/FNB.

c. The Shareholders (who are largely also the Directors) are also so into Crime, and benefiting

from the proceeds of Organised Crime, that they too do not give a damn about what is being

recorded (i. e. the Truth ) into the permanent Records of this Public Company and this Public bank

that they run, FRL/FRBL/FNB.

d. People like Mr Unser (Company Secretary of FRBL/FNB) and Mr Arnott (Company Secretary of

FRL) are so involved, and so caught-up, with their Chairman’s (“LL” Dippenaar) and their

Page 134: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Directors’, and their Auditors’ and their lawyers’ filthy rotten LIES and Crime that they have no

problem, themselves, in telling LIES incessantly.

Arnott – Company Secretary of FRL :

* One of them (Arnott) is even involved with, and appearing along-side, his Chairman (“LL”

Dippenaar) on a ‘list’ that is dealing with Crime that is covered by The Prevention of

Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt

Activities Act (PACCA) i. e. Organised Crime, ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’,

Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion, and so on.

This same Arnott is responsible for preparing False Minutes full of known LIES and

OMMISSIONS. He is busy again, right now, doing his LIES and OMMISSIONS in the

2009 Minutes of this Public Company FRL.

(Just take a look at the heading above at B. The LIES and the promises. Just take a look

at the correspondence – which has never been denied)

Unser – Company Secretary of FRL :

* The other one (Unser) told us LIES for 23 months concerning the funding/sponsorship.

(Just take a look at the heading above at B. The LIES and the promises. Just take a look

at the correspondence – which has never been denied)


Copy of the signed Minutes of the 2009 AGM of FRL : I have been informed that the Minutes (H above) would be signed by the Chairman at the Directors’

Meeting in March and that I would thereafter receive a copy of the signed Minutes. Has the signing

taken place ? Kindly advise me when I can collect a copy of the signed Minutes so that I will be in a

position to take this matter further, including another approach to the Police (if the LIES and

OMMISSIONS have not been corrected) and also to other Interested Parties with whom I am

Page 135: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

already in touch. Thank you.

I do intend to stay in touch with and to visit personally the following Interested Parties :

1. ACCA – The Chairperson. 2. ANC Youth League – Secretary General. 3. Banking Council of South Africa – The Chairperson. 4. Business Against Crime – The Chairperson. 5. Business Leadership SA – The Chairperson. 6. Competition Commission - Mr S Ramburuth 7. Communist Party - Mr Blade Nzimande 8. Computershare Ltd - The Chairperson. 9. COSATU - Secretary General 10. Financial Services Board - The Chairperson. 11. The SAICA - The Chairperson. 12. Institute Directors/IoD - Mr Khoza; Mr King 13. Institute Secretaries/CIS - The President 14. JSE Securities Exchange - The Chairperson. 15. Minister of Finance - The Honourable. 16. Minister of Justice - The Honourable. 17. Minister for Safety and Security - The Honourable. 18. Minister of Trade and Industries - The Honourable. 19. Ombudsman Banking Services - The Chairperson. 20. Parliamentary Finance Comm. - The Chairperson 21. PAAB/IRBA - The Chairperson. 22. Registrar of Banks/Reserve Bank - The Chairperson. 23. Ernst and Young - The Chairperson. 24. KPMG - The Chairperson. 25. Botha Theo - Shareholder Activist. 26. Die Beeld - The Editor. 27. Bloomberg News Bureau - Mr Vernon Wessels 28. Business Day - The Editor. 29. Carte Blanche - Billie. 30. The Citizen - The Editor. 31. City Press - The Editor. 32. Fairlady - The Editor. 33. The Financial Mail - The Editor. 34. Huisgenoot - The Editor. 35. The IoD Magazine - Mr M King, Mr I Khoza 36. The Mail & Guardian - The Editor. 37. News Media Publishing - The Editor. 38. Noseweek - Mr Welz and Mr Muhlberg. 39. Pretoria News, c/o The Star. The Editor. 40. Radio 702 - Mr John Robbie. 41. SARIE - The Editor. 42. The Sowetan - The Editor. 43. The Star - The Editor. 44. Sunday Independent c/o The Star. The Editor.

Page 136: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

45. Business Times The Sunday Times. The Editor. 46. The Sunday Times - The Editor. 47. The Sunday Sun - The Editor. 48. The Sunday World - The Editor. 49. Weekend Argus/Cape Argus. Mr Cameron 50. You Magazine - The Editor. I will ask for their help. I will try my very best to stop this kind of arrogant disregard for my

personal dignity with these terrible, filthy, rotten, hurtful, disparaging, LIES. I will ask them to

support me in my endeavours to Prosecute the Shareholders, Directors, Company Secretaries,

Auditors, lawyers, and ‘fat cat’ Clients of this Public Company and Public bank FRL/FRBL/FNB,

on the basis that they are all involved together in this Conspiracy to Commit Crime, which is

including :

Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’,

Fraud, including the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’, Theft, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’.


Concerning the statement made to me by Mr Arnott on the 19/1/10 :

“We will be holding a Meeting next week and then Bruce Unser will contact you”.

i I am still waiting. We are still waiting - 5/6 weeks later and I/we are still waiting for Mr Unser to

contact us. We thought on the 19/1/10 - at last here will be the “contact” from Mr Unser that we

have all been waiting for. Praise the GOOD Lord. Months and months ago Mr Unser promised us a

‘note’. I thought at the time - what an insult it was, for this man to use such a word as ‘note’, when

so much was/is at stake ! When I had spent 4 hours with the Special Consultant Mr Donald

Millwood and we were waiting for the outcome. Then I steadied myself with the thought that this is

the arrogance that is bred from who this man (Unser) works for and ‘rubs shoulders with’. Then we

had the next promise (read LIES) – this time from the Company Secretary of FRL of “contact”

from Mr Unser. We thought - wow, at last, we can’t wait to see what you people are planning to do

with/to us next. 5/6 weeks on and we see once more that the promise (read LIES) by this man

Arnott is no more, no less, than the empty idle promises (read LIES) that you people have been

Page 137: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

making to us for over 25 months. Ever since you people (including in particular the Directors)

enticed me into signing the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 which you people prepared with your

promises (read LIES).

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS.


Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

Page 138: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

Page 139: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman.


Concerning the Minutes (F above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) I wish to place on Record the following :


My letters 20/01/10, 13/01/10, 8/1/10, 6/1/10, 31/12/09, 25/11/09 x 2, refer.

I wish to place further Information on Record as follows :


On the 21/1/10 :

i I called to deliver my letter 20/1/10. I specifically said to the lady at reception “This is for Mr

Arnott, but I am not asking for him to come down and sign for it. I just need a signature for it.” The

lady took my original letter, together with the copy, and stood up to proceed to go upstairs. She said

to me “Must this go too ?”, referring to the R 50-00 note attached to the letter. I said to her “Yes, but

please get a signature on my copy acknowledging receipt.” The lady nodded her head to show that

she understood what I was asking her to do. I waited about 10 minutes until the lady returned. She

said to me that Mr Arnott was in a meeting and that he would phone her at reception to tell her when

she should come upstairs to collect the signed copy of my letter. I waited a further about 15 minutes,

whereupon Mr Arnott came ‘striding’ towards me. He had the original letter in his one hand, and the

copy in his other. Mr Arnott said to me “Here” - he wanted to hand me the original of my letter, and

retain the copy for himself ? I pointed out to Mr Arnott that he should keep the original with the

R 50-00 note, and give me the copy, but he wanted to do it the other way round, which did not make

sense to me. I took the copy of my letter out of his hand, and Mr Arnott then retained the original.

He said to me “I am not keeping this”, indicating the R 50-00 note. I said to Mr Arnott that if he

insist, then he can return it to me when he replies to my letter. He said to me “Is that what you

want me to do ?” I said to Mr Arnott “No I actually want you to keep the R 50-00, but if you want

to return it to me with a proper explanation, then you can do so”. Mr Arnott then turned on his heels

and strode off, clutching my letter, with the R 50-00 still attached. When he was about 10 paces

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away he called out something to me, over his shoulder, which I did not hear. I said to Mr Arnott “I

can’t hear you, what did you say ?” Mr Arnott repeated what I had just said “What did you say ?”

So I said again “I did not hear what you said”. He then walked back towards me, and when he was a

few paces from me he said “You will see that I have not signed the copy”. I therefore said to him

“OK, please sign the copy”. To my astonishment he replied “No, I won’t sign your copy”. I said

“OK, I will sign it myself, that you have received the original and the R 50-00, and I will ask the

lady at reception to witness it”. (the lady at reception heard all of this because it was right in front of

her that Mr Arnott chose to ‘hold’ this ‘foyer meeting’) I did not actually want to involve this lady,

by asking her to witness what I wrote on my copy, but she saw what took place and she watched me

as I wrote on my copy of the letter : 21/1/10 4 : 14 pm. I handed original to Arnott with R 50-00.

The lady at reception witnessed. (signed ME Harris) I said to the lady “You are my witness that

Mr Arnott took the letter and the R 50-00”. She nodded to me, so I did not ask her to sign, I left it at


I wish to place on record, into the permanent Record of this Public Company and Public bank

FRL/FRBL, the following :


i Mr Arnott told me, to my face, just two days before, that he is far too busy to have to come

downstairs to sign for letters. It is the reason why I specially asked the lady at reception to please get

a signature on my letter, acknowledging receipt, to spare Mr Arnott the time and the inconvenience

of personally having to leave his work and come downstairs to sign. The lady offered to take the

letter upstairs herself, which I thought was jolly decent of her, and very professional. ii I will also

record that in the majority of cases it has been one of the ladies from upstairs that has signed. It was,

I think, only the second time that Mr Arnott himself came down to sign. I do recall that it was Mr

Arnott who used to sometimes come downstairs to personally hand me copies of Minutes, draft

Minutes, unsigned Minutes, over the years, between 2001 and 2006. Otherwise he used to send

Rose downstairs with the Minutes etc. Then too, Mr Arnott attended a meeting with Mr “GT”

Ferreira and I in 2005. Other than these times it has been one of the ladies from upstairs who has

always signed the copy of my letter. iii On occasions I have been told to take my letter to the man

who is in an office directly behind the reception area, and I have done so. It has been no problem to

me to do this. So why all the fuss ? Mr Arnott says he is too busy. I accept this to be the case. I

willingly will just ‘drop off’ my letter with the man who’s job it is to accept mail, in the office

directly behind the reception area. Yet Mr Arnott came down anyway and he made such a fuss about

nothing iv I can not believe that Mr Arnott is wanting to keep the R 50-00 for himself, and try to say

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that there never was a R 50-00 note with the original letter. Surely not. Surely he is not involved in

‘petty Crime’ as well. We all know that he is involved in ‘big-bucks Crime’. He is listed, with his

Chairman, Dippenaar, alphabetically, on the ‘list’ of Tax Evaders, Money-Launderers,

Organised Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt persons’, ‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters – ref is the

permanent Records of this Public Company and this Public bank, FRL/ FRBL/FNB. Further ref is

another Police Case 199/9/2009 60/9/2009 which is naming Arnott personally. So that he is

involved in not just CHEATING and CROOKING and telling LIES about me, and also to me. He,

along with his Chairman “LL” Dippenaar, and FRL/FRBL/FNB Clients and Directors and other

Shareholders, did the same thing (CHEATED and CROOKED and told LIES) to the Authorities.

v Is it Mr Arnott’s idea that he will deny ever receiving my letter 20/1/01 with the R 50-00 all

because he cannot deal openly and honestly with the contents of my letter 20/1/10 ? Just in case, I

will fax through a copy to FRL, and I will E-mail a copy to the Chairman Dippenaar, on the basis

that the Company Secretary (Arnott) has recorded in the Minutes of the FRL AGM 25/11/09 :

“The chairman advised that whatever he (Harris) was legally entitled to would be provided to

him.” And I will E-mail a copy x 2 to Ferreira on the basis that he is quoted in our Settlement

Agreement in the 14th paragraph like this “ … given his (Ferreira’s) personal commitment to this

process of reconciliation”.


Please, Mr Arnott, Company Secretary of FirstRand Limited, and Mr Dippenaar, Chairman of

FirstRand Limited, don’t continue to just ‘ride ship-shod’ over my Rights and my personal dignity.

Please deal openly with the contents of my letter 20/1/10. Then I will not have to approach

Interested Parties to again ask for their help. If you ignore my request for the documents/items that

I have asked for, and which I am entitled to receive from you, then I will, before the unsigned

Minutes are approved at a Director’s Meeting in March 2010, approach the following Interested

Parties :

1. ACCA – The Chairperson. 2. ANC Youth League – Secretary General. 3. Banking Council of South Africa – The Chairperson. 4. Business Against Crime – The Chairperson. 5. Business Leadership SA – The Chairperson. 6. Competition Commission - Mr S Ramburuth 7. Communist Party - Mr Blade Nzimande 8. Computershare Ltd - The Chairperson. 9. COSATU - Secretary General 10. Financial Services Board - The Chairperson. 11. The SAICA - The Chairperson.

Page 142: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

12. Institute Directors/IoD - Mr Khoza; Mr King 13. Institute Secretaries/CIS - The President 14. JSE Securities Exchange - The Chairperson. 15. Minister of Finance - The Honourable. 16. Minister of Justice - The Honourable. 17. Minister for Safety and Security - The Honourable. 18. Minister of Trade and Industries - The Honourable. 19. Ombudsman Banking Services - The Chairperson. 20. Parliamentary Finance Comm. - The Chairperson 21. PAAB/IRBA - The Chairperson. 22. Registrar of Banks/Reserve Bank - The Chairperson. 23. Ernst and Young - The Chairperson. 24. KPMG - The Chairperson. 25. Botha Theo - Shareholder Activist. 26. Die Beeld - The Editor. 27. Bloomberg News Bureau - Mr Vernon Wessels 28. Business Day - The Editor. 29. Carte Blanche - Billie. 30. The Citizen - The Editor. 31. City Press - The Editor. 32. Fairlady - The Editor. 33. The Financial Mail - The Editor. 34. Huisgenoot - The Editor. 35. The IoD Magazine - Mr M King, Mr I Khoza 36. The Mail & Guardian - The Editor. 37. News Media Publishing - The Editor. 38. Noseweek - Mr Welz and Mr Muhlberg. 39. Pretoria News, c/o The Star. The Editor. 40. Radio 702 - Mr John Robbie. 41. SARIE - The Editor. 42. The Sowetan - The Editor. 43. The Star - The Editor. 44. Sunday Independent c/o The Star. The Editor. 45. Business Times The Sunday Times. The Editor. 46. The Sunday Times - The Editor. 47. The Sunday Sun - The Editor. 48. The Sunday World - The Editor. 49. Weekend Argus/Cape Argus. Mr Cameron 50. You Magazine - The Editor. I will ask for their help. I will try my very best to stop this kind of arrogant disregard for my

personal dignity with these terrible, filthy, rotten, hurtful, disparaging, LIES. I will ask them to

support me in my endeavours to Prosecute the Shareholders, Directors, Company Secretaries,

Auditors, lawyers, and ‘fat cat’ Clients of this Public Company and Public bank FRL/FRBL/FNB,

on the basis that they are all involved together in this Conspiracy to Commit Crime, which is

including :

Page 143: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’,

Fraud, including the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’, Theft, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS. 20/01/2010.

Michael Harris.

Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and

Page 144: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand. Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder/

Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

Page 145: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10. G. Documents/items promised by the Chairman.


Concerning the Minutes (F above) and concerning the documents/items (G above) above I wish to place on Record the following :


My letters 13/01/10, 8/1/10, 6/1/10, 31/12/09, 25/11/09 x 2, refer.

I wish to place further Information on Record as follows :


On the 19/1/10 :

i I called to collect the items which I had requested, and which the Chairman had promised me at

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the AGM on the 25/11/09 that he would supply to me, provided I am legally entitled to them. ii I

asked to see Mr Arnott. iii The lady at reception phoned through to Ronelle who came down and

spoke to me. iv I advised Ronelle that I had come to collect items from Mr Arnott. v I was told that

Mr Unser is in a meeting and that it is he who will come to speak to me, and that I must wait for

about 20 minutes. vi I again advised Ronelle that it is Mr Arnott who must supply the items I had

requested, and not Mr Unser. vi Next, after waiting about 15 minutes, it was Mr Arnott who

approached me. He wished me ‘the Compliments of the Season’ before saying to me “We are not

going to give you any of the things you have requested”. I asked him “Why not ?”. He replied

“We took a decision”. I had my letter 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) open at page 2 and I went through the

items that I had requested, one by one. I asked Mr Arnott - “Copy of the form I signed ?” He replied

“No”. “Copy of the Attendance Registers for the AGM 25/11/09 – shareholders and visitors ?” He

replied “No”. “Copy of the Directors Register - who attended ?” He replied “No”. “Copy of the tape

of the AGM with a copy of the transcript made ?” He replied “No”. I came to the Minutes and I said

to Mr Arnott “Rose did give me a copy of the unsigned Minutes”. Mr Arnott replied “I had a

problem preparing the Minutes. Do you remember I told you to speak up” ? I said to Mr Arnott

that I do not remember, but that what was said must have been recorded on the tape. I asked Mr

Arnott “Is it because I am not legally entitled to receive them (the items requested) ?” He replied

“No, the reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you”. He then said “We are

tired of you mentioning Rose’s name”. I replied “I have only recorded what took place. Rose told

me when you would be back, so I said to Rose that I would back in order to collect the items

requested, what is wrong with that ?” Mr Arnott then said “If you are coming to collect anything

you must call first, you have been in 2 or 3 times I think. I can not simply come down when

you call, I am too busy for that”. I replied that I had been in more than 2 or 3 times, and that each

time I had left a message when I would call back to collect the items. Mr Arnott then said “We are

tired of you being insulting, and then approaching other people”. I replied to Mr Arnott “I am

tired of being insulted by you every time I meet you, and we are tired of being CHEATED. I would

rather be insulted than be CHEATED, wouldn’t you ?”. Mr Arnott just sort of ‘shrugged his

shoulders’ as if to show me that he really does not care at all about what is going on, and that it is all

‘beneath him’ – very arrogant, very well protected by the Directors that he learns from, hides

behind, and that he ‘rubs shoulders with’. He then said “We will be holding a Meeting next week

and then Bruce Unser will contact you”. I replied that it is a FRL matter and not to do with Mr

Unser. He then turned on his heels and started to walk away. I said to him “I will approach the

Registrar if you refuse to supply me these items”. Mr Arnott gave me one of his ‘shoulder shrugs’,

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sort of half-turned away from me, sort of half-backwards, as if to say ‘Who cares, I am protected by

the Directors, I am one of them, we don’t care what you do’. That is how I interpreted his sort of

arrogant half-backward, half- sideways ‘shoulder shrug’. I know that you people think you can carry

on as if you are all above the Law of the Land. Heaven knows – I have had much bad experience of

this and I have even seen it when it comes to matters of National concern. vii I continued to wait for

Mr Unser. viii After about a further wait of half an hour Mr Unser approached me. He was sort of

‘wide-eyed’, with eye-brows raised - conveying to me that he was coming to see me at my request. I

said to Mr Unser that I had been told to wait for him. Mr Unser said, acting kind of ‘sheepishly’, but

in his usual ‘friendly’ way, “Sorry, we have got our wires crossed” (or some such thing). I did also

see Rose sort of ‘hovering around’, up and down the stairs, and in the foyer, and so on ?

(Can I make it quite clear : i Receiving the documents/items which were promised to me by the

Chairman at the AGM 25/11/10 is a matter that is concerning Mr AH Arnott – Company Secretary

of FRL. ii Every time that I have called to collect the promised documents/items I have specifically

asked for Mr Arnott or for Rose, and not for Mr Unser at all. However, it seems to me that the

Chairman is working so closely with Mr Unser that it is Mr Unser who is contacted to deal with me.

I repeat, this is a matter concerning the Chairman and his Company Secretary of FRL – Mr AH

Arnott. It will be they whom I name to the Authorities if I am denied these documents/items, not the

Company Secretary of the bank, Mr Unser)


I ask the Chairman and the Company Secretary to please reconsider - I don’t want to have to go off

and ask for the help of Interested Parties (to get the promised documents/items) which were

promised to me, but which are now being denied to me, not because I am not legally entitled to

receive them, but “No, the reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you” and

“We took a decision” (quoting the Company Secretary of FRL – Mr AH Arnott – ref is above)


If it will help I am enclosing R 50-00. If the Chairman and the Company Secretary want some more

money, please just ask. Thank you. Further - although these documents/items were promised to me,

perhaps the Chairman and the Company Secretary will require some or other ‘formal/legal’

Application in terms of the Company’s Act, or the Constitution. If this is the reason for refusing to

honour the promise to provide them to me, by telling me - “No, the reason is because we took a

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decision not to supply them to you” and “We took a decision” (quoting the Company Secretary of

FRL – Mr AH Arnott – ref is above) then kindly advise me exactly what it is that the Chairman and

the Company Secretary will require from me. I will happily comply, to make it all legal.


You see, I am entitled to receive these documents/items. I was promised them, provided I am

legally entitled to receive them. I seriously need them to verify the inaccuracy of the unsigned

Minutes (read LIES and OMMISSIONS), as well as to approach the Shareholders, Directors,

visitors, who were in attendance at the AGM 25/11/10. They were all witnesses to what was said at

the AGM, and will, of necessity, have to be approached as witnesses.


I also want to place on Record - I do not want to have to approach Interested Parties for their help

if it can be worked out with the Chairman and the Company Secretary of FRL (please don’t send

Bruce down to meet with me in the foyer; please don’t expect Bruce to sort out what is clearly a

matter that must be sorted out by the Chairman and the Company Secretary of FRL – thank you)


I wish to respectfully ask the Chairman and the Company Secretary the following :

Who are the ‘we’ that Mr Arnott was speaking of ? e.g. :

He said to me : “No, the reason is because we took a decision not to supply them to you”.

He said to me : “We are tired of you mentioning Rose’s name”.

He repeated to me : “We took a decision”.

He said to me : “We are tired of you being insulting, and then approaching other people”.

He said to me : “We will be holding a Meeting next week and then Bruce Unser will contact


Can I understand that Mr Arnott was so arrogantly using the Royal ‘we’ ? Or was he referring to the

Chairman and himself ? I will need to know this specifically if I have to approach Interested

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Parties for their help i. e. if I am unable to get hold of the promised documents/items, yet I have

been LIED about once more at a FRL AGM and there are OMMISSIONS from the unsigned

Minutes. Thank you.


Before I ‘sign off’, I do want to place on Record, in the permanent Records of this Public Company

and this Public bank, FRL/FRBL/FNB, the following :


Concerning the statement made to me by Mr Arnott on the 19/1/10 :

“We are tired of you being insulting, and then approaching other people”.

i The way that I have been treated (read CHEATED, CROOKED, LIED to, and LIED about) by you

people … it is a wonder that I still can have ‘a civil tongue’ left in my mouth. ii At a previous ‘foyer

meeting’ with the Company Secretary of FRL – Mr AH Arnott, he told me that I am “obnoxious”. I

have recorded this and I have tabled it as well into the permanent Records of this Public Company

and this Public bank, FRL/FRBL/FNB. What I have not yet recorded is my own thoughts that went

through my mind on that previous occasion. These are them :

i You, Arnott, find me “obnoxious”. To me, I find you to be a LIEING little CROOK and CHEAT.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why, Arnott ? Have you been able to be Truthful enough

to acknowledge that the way that I and my family (which is including Willie and Agnes) and The

Mazlen Trust have been CHEATED and CROOKED and LIED to and LIED about by you people is

so bad and disgusting that 21 Police Cases have been systematically opened against you people -

and your name is there too Arnott.

(little did I know that ‘lo and behold’, later it would ‘come out’ that you, Arnott, are there with your

Chairman, Dippenaar, alphabetically, recorded on the ‘list’ of Tax Evaders, Money-Launderers,

Organised Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt persons’, ‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters – ref is the

permanent Records of this Public Company and this Public bank, FRL/ FRBL/FNB. Further ref is

another Police Case 199/9/2009 60/9/2009 which is naming you personally, Arnott. So that, at the

date that you called me “obnoxious” to my face, Arnott, you were involved in not just CHEATING

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and CROOKING and telling LIES about me, and also to me, Arnott. You, along with your

Chairman “LL” Dippenaar, and FRL/FRBL/FNB Clients and Directors and other Shareholders,

were doing the same thing (CHEATING and CROOKING and telling LIES) to the Authorities.

Yes ?)


Concerning the statement made to me by Mr Arnott on the 19/1/10 :

“We will be holding a Meeting next week and then Bruce Unser will contact you”.

i I cant wait. We cant wait. At last here is the “contact” from Mr Unser that we have all been

waiting for. Praise the GOOD Lord. Some months ago Mr Unser promised us a ‘note’. I thought at

the time - what an insult it was, for this man to use such a word as ‘note’, when so much was/is at

stake ! When I had spent 4 hours with the Special Consultant Mr Donald Millwood and we were

waiting for the outcome. Then I steadied myself with the thought that this is the arrogance that is

bred from who this man (Unser) works for and ‘rubs shoulders with’. So now we have another

promise – this time from the Company Secretary of FRL of “contact” from Mr Unser. Wow, at

last, we can’t wait to see what you people are planning to do with/to us next.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS 13/01/2010.

Michael Harris.

Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and

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Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand.

Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

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i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10.


Concerning the Minutes (F above) and the AGM 25/11/09 I wish to place on Record the following :


My letters 8/1/10, 6/1/10, 31/12/09, 25/11/09 x 2, refer.


I wish to place on Record the following :

On the 6/1/10 :

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i Rose told me that Mr Arnott was on leave and would be back on Tuesday 12/1/10; ii She said to

me that she did not know, and had not been told, what I am ‘legally entitled to receive’ – ref is my

verbal request at the AGM and my written request at point 1 of my letter 25/11/09 (letter No.2) iii

Rose had been told by Mr Arnott that she can hand me a copy of the unsigned Minutes of the AGM

25/11/09 – which she then did hand to me, for which I thanked her.

I handed Rose my letters 31/12/09 and 6/1/10 as well as the letter from the lawyers VVM Inc – ref

is points 2.1 of my letters 31/12/09 and 6/1/10. Rose kindly made for Mr Arnott a copy of the

lawyer’s letter and handed me back the original. She wanted to know what she should tell Mr Arnott

to do with the lawyer’s letter, so I asked her to explain to Mr Arnott that he must speak to Mr Unser,

because Mr Unser knows what this letter is about. I also said that it is explained in the letters that I

had just handed her. She said she would do so. I said to Rose that I would call again on the 12th inst

to collect the remaining items which I had requested. I asked her to please tell Mr Arnott that I

would come back on the 12th inst., which she agreed to do.

On the 12 inst.

i I called at about 4-15 pm. to collect the items requested ii The lady at reception tried to call Mr

Unser and Mr Arnott, but was not able to reach them. iii I then explained that it was a matter that

concerned Mr Arnott, and that it was in fact Mr Arnott and not Mr Unser, from whom I had come in

to collect items and to deliver my letter 8/1/10. iv Again the lady tried to get through to Mr Arnott

but was told that he is in a meeting, which she then conveyed to me. I asked about Rose and was

told that she is not in. v The lady indicated that I should sit and wait at the small table supplied. vi

Mrs Janine Viljoen approached me, a few minutes later, and told me that Mr Unser was on leave. I

explained to her that I had come to see Mr Arnott and not Mr Unser, and to collect certain items

because when I called on the 6th inst they were not available, so I had arranged with Rose to come

back on the 12th inst. Mrs Viljoen explained that she is working as the Company Secretary of the

bank, with, or for ?, Mr Unser, who is on leave. I then said to Mrs Viljoen that it is from Mr Arnott,

and not from Mr Unser, that I had arranged to come in and collect the items which Mr Arnott knows

about. She said that Mr Arnott is also still on leave. When I explained that I had been told, just a few

minutes earlier, that Mr Arnott is in a meeting, then Mrs Viljoen said to me that the lady at reception

is wrong and does not know – she repeated to me that Mr Arnott is still on leave. v I then said to

Mrs Viljoen that I come from quite far to Sandton and had now come in twice, only to find that I

can not get hold of the items requested. I asked Mrs Viljoen to please speak to Mr Arnott and to

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phone me to tell me that I can come in again to collect them. She took my number and agreed to do



I ask the Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar to please tell his Company Secretary

Arnott what I am “legally entitled to receive” and to hand these items over to me.

Please also bear in mind, and take into full consideration, Mr Dippennaar, the full contents of my

letter 8/1/10, as well as specifically that which I have written in the last paragraph on page 2

going on to the first two paragraphs on page 3, and again in point 4.4.4 on pages 25 and 26 of my

letter 8/1/10. In the event that you and your Directors decide to ‘ride ship-shod’ over my Rights I

will keep on approaching the Authorities for their help.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS 8/01/2010.

Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

Page 155: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand.

Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

Page 156: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)

F. The unsigned Minutes of the FRL AGM received 6/01/10.


Concerning the Minutes (F above) I wish to place on Record the following :

These Minutes are not a True recording of what took place while I was present and before I was

forced out of the Meeting because of a threat made against my person me by the Chairman that if I

did not leave the Meeting voluntarily he would have me “ forcibly removed” from the Meeting.

These Minutes are False Minutes – i e. they omit certain things that were said and discussed while I

was still present, before I was forced to leave … or else … ii they twist and distort the Truth of what

was said and discussed while I was still present, before I was forced to leave … or else … iii they

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go on to again record old LIES, and they also record further new LIES – ref below for further


Because of the Falsification of the Minutes; because of the repeating of old LIES by the new

Chairman; because of the new LIES told by the new Chairman; because I have no way of knowing

what was actually said about me personally at this Meeting of a Public Company, by the Chairman,

after I was forced to leave the Meeting … or else … – for these reasons, but also because of my

Common Law Rights and my Constitutional Rights, I insist that I be supplied with a copy of the

Transcript of the tape recording of the Meeting and also a copy of the actual tape. I place on Record

that in the past the tape has been ‘conveniently’ ‘wipe clean’ and thereby made to be ‘not available’.

This year I must, at this early stage, make a written request that the tape is not ‘wiped clean’/

‘destroyed’ and that I be supplied with a Transcript/copy.


While I was in attendance (before I was forced to leave the Meeting … or else … ) :


I did, in writing, on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) do my very best to prevent the Company Secretary

(AH Arnott, who, with Chairman “LL” Dippenaar has his own name appearing on at least the one

‘list’ of Tax Evaders, Money-Launderers, Organised Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt

persons’, ‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters.) and his assistant (Rose) from once again, (like they have

done with the 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Minutes) Falsifying the Minutes

and/or leaving out Information that is material on matters that were raised and discussed at the

AGM. Accordingly, on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I wrote to the Directors and the Company

Secretary and I myself set out what took place before I was forced to leave the Meeting because of

the threat that if I did not leave voluntarily the Chairman would have me “ forcibly removed” from

the Meeting. The information below was conveyed to the Directors/Company Secretary in my letter

(No. 2) 25/11/09, which was well in advance of the preparation of the Minutes which I received on

the 6/01/10. Notwithstanding being in possession of the Truth of what took place at the AGM the

Company Secretary and his assistance (Rose) have once again omitted to accurately record the

Truth of what was said and discussed on the 25/11/09.

Furthermore, notwithstanding the Chairman and his Company Secretary being in possession of the

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Truth of how I feel about the LIES that were told about me and my wife and family and The Mazlen

Trust, and how I and my family and The Mazlen Trust have been intentionally Defamed in the past

at FRL AGM’s, these Minutes not only continue with the old LIES, but worse still, they contain

new LIES by the new Chairman. It is so wrong. It is a real disgrace. I do not accept it at all.


Here is what actually took place :

i Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar spoke to this Public Company gathering

about me “bedevilling” previous FRL AGM’s with “irresponsible behaviour” and he said to the

Meeting that I had a “personal agenda”. He said he will only take questions on matters that are on

the Agenda and that it was through me that past Meetings had been “farcical”. I was not able to take

note of all the other things he said about me and I wait on the tape and the transcript to deal with



(At the early stage of the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I did already place on record that I denied what was

said about me by the Chairman in front of such a large gathering, at a Public Company Meeting –

that I have been “bedevilling” previous FRL AGM’s with “irresponsible behaviour” and that I

have made Meetings “farcical”. I reserved my Rights accordingly. I recorded that it is I who has

been denied my Right to ask real and legitimate questions in the past at FRL AGM’s. I further

recorded that the permanent Records of this Public Company prove this)

(On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I recorded that it was extremely “irresponsible” when the past

Auditor Mr Tom Winterboer from PWCInc. and the present CEO Mr “PK” Harris and the past

Chairman Mr “GT” Ferreira conspired together to introduce a whole ‘pack’ of LIES and TRASH

against my person and against my wife and against my family and The Mazlen Trust at the 2001

AGM of FRL in a calculated intentional endevour to discredit me and to harm my personal dignity

and to cause me harm and emotional suffering. It was stated that the information introduced (the

LIES and the TASH) were based on a ‘Forensic Report’. From that day to this I have never seen

this so-called ‘Forensic Report’. I have written and asked repeatedly for site of this so-called

‘Forensic Report’. On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I again asked, in writing, for a copy of this so-

called ‘Forensic Report’. I have been able to piece together from remarks made at FRL AGM’s

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that there are 3 so-called ‘Forensic Report’. I asked for a copy of these reports but to date they

have not been forthcoming. On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I asked again for copies)

(On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I wrote about the very bad “behaviour” by these Auditors and

Directors of a Public Company which was followed by an even worse ‘bout’ of conceived and

calculated “irresponsible behaviour” by this Public Company’s lawyer Mr Robert Driman of DR

Inc when he, acting through the Chair (Mr “GT” Ferreira) perpetuated the terrible LIES against my

person and against my wife and against my family and The Mazlen Trust at the 2003 AGM of FRL

and he also came up with further worse LIES and TRASH. By the time the second attack on my

dignity was ‘launched’ by Mr Driman/DRInc and by the past Chairman Mr “GT” Ferreira, they, as

well as all the Directors of FRL, as well as the Auditors and the lawyers, knew that I was extremely

upset and harmed in my personal dignity by the LIES and the TRASH told by Tom Winterboer

(aided and abetted by Director “PK” Harris and Chairman “GT” Ferreira) about me in 2001.

Knowing this and knowing the Truth (I had by then tabled a complete repudiation of the LIES and

the TRASH and I had written extensively to all of them to plead with them to stop with the LIES

and the TRASH) the second attack took place unabated. It is all on Record in the permanent

Records of this Public Company)

(On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I wrote and I recorded that to be accusing me of having a “personal

agenda” is really just sickening. The Auditors, the lawyers, the Directors, the Chairman have all

chosen the ‘forum’ of FRL AGM’s to attack my person and my dignity with severe and terrible,

shockingly so, LIES and TRASH about me personally and about my wife and about my family and

The Mazlen Trust in a calculated intentional endevour to discredit me and to harm my personal

dignity and to cause me harm and emotional suffering. I have tried my best to defend myself against

these horrid attacks. However, I have then been “kicked out”, year after year after year. Then in my

absence more vicious LIES have been told about me, behind my back, by these cowards. Just as

soon as I ask a question about the LIES and about the promises to remove the LIES and to replace

the LIES with the Truth, I am kicked out. I wrote that even today (25/11/09) I was accused of

having a “personal agenda” before the Meeting even commenced. I was again asked to leave the

Meeting when I tried to raise real and serious Objections, let alone deal with my own personal

position and abuse. I had not even come to my personal position and abuse when I was stopped and

‘got rid of’. This was done to prevent me from being able to defend myself and the abuse against me

which is to this day not yet sorted out. Even the promises by the past Chairman, confirmed and

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endorsed by the Directors and the Company Secretary in the Minutes of FRL AGM’s, that the LIES

told about us including the wrong Police Cases will be replaced with the right Police Cases remains

idle empty promises. It is just more of their incessant LIES)

(On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I stated in writing that as far as a “personal agenda” goes - it was at

the 2001 AGM of FRL that the first set of horrid and awful very serious LIES were told about me

and my family and The Mazlen Trust. The Record and the subsequent promise of an apology at

the 2008 AGM of FRL confirm and bear witness to that which I am now recording. I recorded that I

and my family are still waiting for this apology. I asked the question - when will it be forthcoming ?

Police Cases and the permanent Records of this Public Company testify and bear witness to the way

that even the Police were laughed at and scoffed at and LIED about, let alone how I was personally

made a ‘laughing stock’ by the Directors at several FRL AGM’s with contemptuous LIES. It was a

disgrace then and it remains a disgrace to this day. It is in the permanent Records of this Public

Company and it is in my Statements to the Police)

(On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I recorded that I was threatened with physical violence by Director

“PM” Goss and later with murder by the present Chairman and major Shareholder “LL”

Dippenaar at a FRL AGM and when Director “Dr van” zyl Slabbert told me it is “funny” (this

threat by his pal “LL” Dippenaar to have me murdered) – I stated that this is what I call

“irresponsible behaviour”. The Record will confirm that which I here record. It resulted in Police

Cases against Mr “PM” Goss and Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar, and

against “Dr van” zyl Slabbert, and against the other Directors present)

(On the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I wrote to the Chairman and the Directors that Falsifying Minutes of

FRL AGM’s is what I call “irresponsible behaviour”. This has been done by the Company

Secretary AH Arnott on a number of occasions. The False Minutes are signed off as being accurate

by the Directors. The afs carry an endorsement by the Directors that the Minutes are accurate, but

they are not. They have been Falsified. Police Cases and the permanent Records of this Public

Company again carry the Truth of the matter into the future)

(Again, on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I wrote that the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 and the

promises (incessant LIES) over the past 2 years about the funding/sponsorship money (tabled

today) are not a “personal agenda”. This matter was discussed at a FRL AGM and it is Minuted.

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The Agreement is involving the Directors of a Public Company and a Public bank, the Auditors, the

lawyers, the Estate Agents. It is dealing with “relevant people” (the Directors) and it is dealing

with 19 Police Cases (now 21 Police Cases) The contents of our Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007

has been agreed to by the Chairman and the Directors and their agents. Then for 23 months the

promises (incessant LIES) have been placed squarely before the Chairman and major

Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and his co-Directors and agents. Written requests to table the

Agreement and the correspondence and the Proposals and report-backs are numerous. It most

certainly is a FRL AGM matter. I wrote on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) that today (25/11/09) I was

not even allowed to raise the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen

initiative and the empty idle promises (incessant LIES). I was asked to leave the Meeting to

prevent me from raising the empty idle promises (incessant LIES). However I was able to state into

the Record that I was tabling papers that arose after “GT” shook hands with me on the 7/11/08, to

‘settle’. I was also able to state into the Record that the papers/correspondence came about because

the terms and conditions of the Agreement had not been honoured by FirstRand Group. I said this

at the Meeting and it will be on the tape, unless it is ‘conveniently’ ‘wiped clean’/erased.)

I wrote on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) that there are many other instances of “bedevilling” and

“irresponsible behaviour” by this very Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar

and/or his co-Directors. I will, in the due course of time, set out these occurrences.

I recorded on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) that as far as FRL AGM’s being “farcical” - this has been

caused by the Directors and some Shareholders (mostly the self-same Directors) always trying to

‘duck and to dive’ and to be ‘clever’ instead of just simply answering questions in a responsible

way. They all seem to think they are sort of ‘comedians’ and need always to give ‘smart’ and

‘clever’ and a ‘humorous’ answers when a more serious and sober attitude is called for. That is my

experience and my observation regarding the choice of word by the Chairman today of “farcical”. I

see it as an ‘ego’ thing. These people seem to feel so important and ‘puffed-up’ with feelings of

their own self-worth that they have the need to ‘show off’ and to ‘be a clever’, all the time, instead

of being serious and responsible in dealing with serious matters of known Crime. It then becomes

farcical. As well as this the written LIES of Winterboer and Driman, via “PK” Harris, spoken by

“GT” Ferreira at FRL AGM’s, as well as the LIES of “LL” Dippenaar, have also made it almost

impossible, “farcical”, to set the Record straight.

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ii I asked Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar whether the Meeting was being

recorded and I asked to please be supplied with a copy of the tape and the transcript. The Chairman

agreed to supply to me that which I am legally entitled to receive.

(I recorded on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) that since I was asked to leave the Meeting almost as soon

as it began I need to have a True recording of the Meeting. I wrote that I believed that in my absence

I would have been talked about. I recorded on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) that going on my past

experience with these Directors, LIES would once again have been spoken about me behind my

back and when I was not present to challenge these new LIES and to defend myself. These LIES are

then Minuted as if they are the Truth, but they are LIES. I wrote that I was not present to Object to

Resolutions and to state my reasons why I Object, so that the Shareholders would be aware of the

Truth before the final voting took place. I require the tape and the Transcript so that I can place my

opinions on record for the next AGM of FRL, where I will once again table papers so as to become

a part of the permanent Records of this Public Company)

iii The Auditor’s Report :

I was able to Object and to read into the Record the following :

“As a Member I require the Auditors to read out the Auditor’s Report in terms of Section 301 (3) of

the Companies Act. It can be found on page 92”.

The Auditor present then did read into the Record the Auditor’s Report.

I then read the following into the Record :

“I wish to place an Objection on Record against the Auditors PWCI and the Company Secretary

AH Arnott in terms of Section 249, 250, 251, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 287, 300 and 301

of the Companies Act. I wish to record a vote of no confidence in the Company Auditors and the

Company Secretary. (AH Arnott is on one of the ‘lists’ of Tax Evaders, Money Launderers etc)

My Objection is this :

Where in the Auditor’s Report and the Company Secretary’s Report is there any reference

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made to the Illegal ‘schemes’ designed to ‘Round-trip’ money, to Launder money, to Evade

Tax, to Conspire to Commit Crime, in contravention of The Prevention of Organised

Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act


Illegal ‘schemes’ have in the past been ‘devised’ by the Directors in the full knowledge of

the Auditors and the Company Secretary and the Company lawyers. Examples are the

‘scheme’ to ‘Round-trip’ money, to Launder money, to Evade Tax, to Conspire to

Commit Crime, in contravention of The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in

relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB/Ansbacher/RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors - involving Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum


I can see no provision made in the afs for the R 100’s of millions in fines that will have to be

paid by the Company.”

iv The Directors’ Report and the Company Secretary’s Report :

I stated to the Meeting that I wished to Object. It was then that the Chairman and major

Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar forced me out of the Meeting. I place on record the following :


I did nothing wrong that caused the Chairman to ask me to leave the

Meeting, failing which he would call his ‘guards’ in to remove me from

the Meeting and off the premises. I decided to leave voluntarily because of this threat. I

have been threatened with physical violence by Director Goss and with murder by Chairman/then

Director Dippenaar at previous FRL AGM’s. There are two Police Cases - against Goss and against

Dippenaar and others. They are OB 2053/02/2004 Hillbrow and 752/11/2006 Sophiatown. I

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wanted to spare myself, but also all the people present, from this kind of nasty physicality.


After I was forced to leave the Meeting … or else … :

I recorded on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) that because I was asked to leave the Meeting with the

threat of being physically removed if I did not, then I wished to place on record, into the permanent

Records of this Public Company, that which I would have Objected to had I not been given an

ultimatum to leave, or else ….. . This information would and should have been in the Minutes had I

been permitted to stay in the Meeting. I do intend to approach the Authorities and I will register

further Complaints against the Company Secretary and the Chairman.

(AH Arnott and “LL” Dippenaar - two names appearing, not quite ‘side by side’, by certainly listed

alphabetically, on at least the one ‘list’ of Tax Evaders, Money-Launderers, Organised

Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt persons’, ‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters - ref is Police Case

199/9/2009 60/9/2009)


What I would have Objected to had I not been forced to leave the Meeting :

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

“I wish to place an Objection on Record in terms of Section 249, 250 and 251 of the Companies

Act. My Objection is this :

In the past Minutes have been altered or Falsified and did not record the Truth of what was

said at AGM’s that I have attended. It is all very well documented, even with the Registrar

of Companies, the Minister of Trade and Industries, the Minister of Finance, the JSE, the

Financial Services Board, The Governor/Registrar of Banks, SAICA, CISSA, ACCA, IoD,

BASA, OBS, and others. In the event that the Minutes are again Falsified this year I will

once again approach these Interested Parties with a formal written Complaint”.

I would have also referred to that which I have previously stated and which is in the three ‘bundles’

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of papers which were tabled today. I would have made reference to the yellow ‘stickers’ that mark

places that refer to the Directors in the letter 25/11/09 which I tabled today, which are in conflict

with that which the Directors claim in the Directors Report. The same applies to the Company

Secretary and his Report. Therefore I would have done the same thing with the Company

Secretary’s Report.

2. Re-election of directors by way of separate resolutions

1.1 (s/b 2.1 ?) Lauritz Lanser Dippenaar (60)

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

“I Object – i on the basis that he has ‘conspired to commit a Crime’. He has accepted

money made from the proceeds of Organized Crime in that as a

Shareholder substantial dividends on his 130,5 million shares (page 54)

have been paid to him He has thus involved himself as a Director and as a

major Shareholder (holding shares worth R 2,3 Billion) in Illegal ‘schemes’

‘devised’ by the Directors in the full knowledge of the Auditors and the

Company Secretary and the Company lawyers. Examples are the ‘scheme’

to ‘Round-trip’ money, to Launder money, to Evade Tax, to Conspire to

Commit Crime, in contravention of The Prevention of Organised Crime

Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt

Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving

FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB/Ansbacher/RMB/

Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers,

their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors -

involving Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime,

‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii on the basis that in the past he has agreed to False Minutes and afs’s

as if they were the Truth when he has known that they are False and

when they contained LIES, of which he was aware.

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iv He threatened me with murder in the past.

v There are approximately 21 Police Cases that involve him.

1.2 (s/b 2.2 ?) Vivian Wade Bartlett (66)

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

I Object – on the basis that… (similar to 1.1 i and ii above) and

iii he was the MD in 1998 when I informed him of all the Theft and

Fraud against me and my family and The Mazlen Trust but he did

nothing about it.

iv when he was involved with BASA and the OBS he was again

informed but he still did nothing about it.

1.3 (s/b 2.3 ?) David John Alister Craig (61) :

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

I Object – on the basis that… (similar to 1.1 i and ii above)

1.4 (s/b 2.4 ?) Ronald Keith Store (66) :

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

I Object – on the basis that ….. (similar to 1.1 i and ii above) and

iii he was the Chairman of FRL Auditors DTT when he was at the same

time a Director of FRL or FRBL so he turned his blind eyes to Fraud.

He was the Chairman of the Auditors and he was a Director (still is)

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of FRL and FRBL when his secret lawyer vdHeever (Theo) is

holding his shares so that he could be a party to the Liquidation of

Clients of the bank, in secret. SAICA knows. This terrible ‘Conflict of


1.5 (s/b 2.5 ?) Bernadict James van der Ross (62) :

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

I Object – on the basis that… (similar to 1.1 i and ii above)

3. Election of Directors :

3.1 John Petrus Burger (50) :

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

I Object – on the basis that… (similar to 1.1 i and ii above)

4. Ordinary resolution number 1

I would have raised the following Objection, had I been present and if I was permitted to :

Directors Fees I Object – on the basis that this Chairman who wants about R 1 million for

the year wont even pay me the R 6,000-00 pm that I worked for for 2

years with his knowledge and consent.

5. Ordinary resolution number 2

Re-appointment of auditors

I would have raised the following points and Objection, had I been present and if I was

permitted :

Similar to what I did earlier raise under 1.Adoption of annual financial statements above.

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Then I would have also Objected to the way that they had supplied all the LIES at the 2001

FRL AGM. I would have requested them to supply me with their so-called ‘Forensic

Report/s’ as well as to replace their LIES with the Truth and to supply a letter of apology to

me and to my family and to The Mazlen Trust.


I would have raised the following points and Objections, had I been present and if I was permitted :

The promises – to Apologise and to EXPUNGE LIES/replace LIES with the Truth.

6.1 I would have said to the Meeting that the retired Chairman “GT” Ferreira made promises to

me before he retired. He promised to apologise. Ref is at page 7 of the Minutes of the 2008

AGM. I am still waiting. He promised to rectify the Record and to thereby

EXPUNGE the LIES/replace the known LIES with the Truth. I and my family and The

Mazlen Trust are still waiting. I would have pointed to the “detail” in the letter 25/11/2009

handed in and tabled today and I would have turned to the relevant small yellow ‘stickers

that are there to ‘high- light’ this aspect of these promises from the Chairman of FRL.

The promises – to fund/sponsor the anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign known as First

CommunityOutreach Centre or FC-OC 2007, a Mazlen initiative. A registered Section 21


6.2 I would have said to the Meeting that the retired Chairman “GT” Ferreira promised that

FirstRand Group would support the anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign known as

First Community Outreach Centre or FC-OC 2007, a Mazlen initiative. A registered

Section 21 Company. Then for the next 23 months “GT” and “LL” ‘ducked and dived me’.

They encouraged me to work full-time for two years with promises, then they won’t even

pay me my wages. I intended to tell the Meeting - I am here to get my wages. I would have

referred to the pages that have a small yellow ‘sticker’ in my letter 25/11/09. I would have

also referred to the extensive correspondence in ‘bundle 2’ that ‘backs-up’ what I say are the


6.3 I would have gone through my letter 25/11/09 which was tabled and I would have referred to

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the pages that have a small yellow ‘sticker’. These are the “issues” that need to be rectified

in the permanent Records of this Public Company. I would have told the Meeting that I was

in attendance because of all the promises that must still be fulfilled.

The ‘forum’ chosen by the Chairman and the Directors.

6.4 I would have said to the Meeting that it was at this ‘forum’ (FRL AGM) especially in 2001

and in 2003 that the LIES took place. It was this ‘forum’ (FRL AGM) that the Directors

chose to try to destroy me and my family and The Mazlen Trust with their filthy rotten

LIES. I would have explained that I am back at this ‘forum’ because the LIES have never

been EXPUNGED/replaced with the Truth and the LIES continue even though it is

Minuted - the promise, that the LIES will really be EXPUNGED/replaced with the Truth.

The incessant LIES continue. Even after it was agreed to EXPUNGED the LIES/replaced

the LIES with the Truth, further and new LIES were told at the 2005 and at the 2006 AGM’s

of FRL. Later they became subtle, the LIES. The LIES now are consisting of making empty

and idle promises that go on forever. Incessant LIES. e. g. the promise to EXPUNGE the

LIES – it has to this day not been done. e. g. the promise for 23 months to fund/sponsor the

anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign known as First Community Outreach Centre or

FC-OC 2007, a Mazlen initiative. A registered Section 21 Company.

The names on the ‘lists’.

6.5 I would have said that I am here to ask for the names of the trustees on the ‘short’ list of Big

Fish. Ref is the Police Case (tabled)

Money in the hands of the Shareholders coming from Organized Crime.

6.6 I would have asked what % of dividends came from Organised Crime in the period 1998

to 2009 ?

The Arbitrator.

6.7 I would have asked the Chairman (“LL” Dippenaar) and his Board of Directors, in the

presence of the Shareholders, to confirm that because the Settlement Agreement

19/11/2007 has been cancelled, I should proceed once more to try my very best to get us an

Arbitrator. “LL” knows full well that I had previously been trying to do this, in accordance

with the past Chairman’s suggestion, supported by the current Company Secretary, AH

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Arnott. I am now to deal with the new Chairman “LL” Dippenaar and the same Company

Secretary “AH” Arnott - two names appearing on at least the one ‘list’ of Tax Evaders,

Money-Launderers, Organised Criminals, ‘Conspirators’, ‘Corrupt persons’,

‘Collusioners’, Fraudsters.

(When I wrote to the Company Secretary and the Directors on the 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I

requested that they should kindly come back to me as a matter of URGENCY and tell me

their views. I wrote that if I did not hear from them by 1st December 2009 I would assume

that they agree that I continue to try my very best to get for us an Arbitrator. I intend to do

this at the same time that I approach the 500 Interested Parties and the 5,000

Organisations previously mentioned. I will then at the same time include this aspect in my

own personal web-site that will be ‘up-and-running’ quite soon i. e. to get us an Arbitrator.

One particular thing that I raised especially with the Chairman was that we can ask for the

Arbitrator to also arbitrate on the 3rd ‘part’ of our Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 whilst

he/she arbitrates on the R 60 million odd Damages Claim/s. I asked the Chairman to please

let me know so that I will know how to word my approach to Interested Parties and just

how much information I will need to put out in order to properly inform the potential

arbitrator what exactly we jointly are wanting him/her to arbitrate on for us. To date I have

had no reply to my 25/11/09 (letter No. 2)

The lawyers from the Judge President/Registrar.

6.8 I was intending to ask the Chairman and his Board of Directors, in the presence of the

Shareholders, to confirm that because the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 has been

cancelled, I should proceed once more to try my very best to get lawyers to represent us so

that we can come before a Judge, as “GT” was quite keen to do. So was/am I. I always have

been very keen to come before a Judge. I was going to ask about our Application to waive

Prescription 1/6/09 (which has been included for your convenience and also to become a

part of the permanent Records of this Public Company at page 48 - 52 of my letter

25/11/09 tabled earlier today) It has proved very hard to get lawyers to represent us, but I am

happy to proceed back to the Registrar of the High Court and to re-apply. Kindly come back

to me as a matter of URGENCY and tell me your views. In my 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I

advised the Directors/Chairman/Company Secretary that in the event that I do not hear from

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them by 1st December 2009 I would assume that you agree that I continue to try my very

best to get lawyers to represent us so that we come up before a Judge of the High Court.

Perhaps with our Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 (cancelled) and the unresolved 3rd ‘part’

of the Agreement (recorded) it will be easier now for the Registrar to appoint us a lawyer. I

am prepared to place a comprehensive Application before the Registrar and before the Judge

President to motivate this aspect. Your written support, or even your written comments, on

this particular aspect will be appreciated before 1/12/09, so that I can put both sides of this

aspect forward in my Application to the Judge President/Registrar. Thank you.


This is what I wish to place into the permanent Records of this Public Company, at this early

stage, concerning the unsigned Minutes which were handed to me by Rose on the 6/01/10.


I am absolutely disgusted. In the event that these unsigned Minutes become the formal Minutes of

the 2009 AGM of FRL it will be so wrong. I can not ‘put the clock back’. The Damage

intentionally done to me and to my wife and family, and to The Mazlen Trust, by the Chairman

intentionally and recklessly repeating old LIES, and then going on to tell new LIES to all who

attended at the AGM on the 25/11/09 has been done. I here and now therefore record that we

reserve our Rights to proceed further in regard to these further Damages. You people are not to

assume that what is recorded herein is the end of things. Not at all. When I receive the Transcript

and the copy of the tape, and after the Minutes have been signed at the March Director’s Meeting

then I will take this matter further. Of this you people can be sure. And I will take it to the



The old LIES.

Nowhere in the unsigned Minutes is there any effort made by the Chairman to remove the old LIES

(“expunge” them) and to replace these filthy rotten LIES with the Truth. A great deal has been

written by me to the Chairman and the Directors about how I feel about having these blatantly filthy

rotten LIES “expunged”/replaced with the Truth. I have listed the LIES extensively in countless

letters, countless times. In the past this current Chairman, at FRL AGM’s, and in the presence of

many people – Shareholders, visitors, the News Media, staff members, transfer secretaries, security

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personnel, secretaries, and others (once, in 2004, even the Police were in attendance and heard what

was said), has tried to be ‘cute’. He has not taken my real concerns seriously at all. He has tried to

be ‘funny’ in regard to my concerted efforts to ‘set the Record straight’. i. e. to have the filthy rotten

LIES removed and replaced with the Truth (“expunge” is the word used by the past Chairman and

the present Company Secretary). I recall at the one AGM the present Chairman thought it was a big

joke that I have been to so many Interested Parties to ask for their help. He LIED to the Meeting

that the Police had never been to see the bank. He joked that the only Interested Party that I have

not yet approached is the SPCA. His co-Directors and his co-Shareholders then roared with

laughter. Also at a FRL AGM this same present Chairman said the correspondence had to be

‘measured and weighed’. He was joking about all the times I had written in and begged and pleaded

to ‘set the Record straight’. At the 2009 AGM he laughed about the ‘meters’ of correspondence. It is

all a big big joke to him. He has even stood up and pointed at me and shouted at me, at an AGM,

and in front of the Shareholders, visitors, the News Media, staff members, transfer secretaries,

security personnel, secretaries, and others, that it is me (and not the filthy rotten LIES) that must be

“expunged”/or ‘eliminated’. This is the time that his co-Director Dr van zyl Slabbert asked me to

find this threat on my life as a ‘funny’ remark. His co-Directors and his co-Shareholders roared

with laughter at this threat on my life.

I have set out the Truth in the place of the LIES. It is today forming a part of the permanent Records

of FirstRand Limited – Public Company. I am not going to repeat all the countless times I have

begged and pleaded for this to be done. I am not going to repeat all the “detail” again. It is on

Record, there to see, for those who want to see the Truth. Nor am I going to repeat all the empty idle

promises made by the past Chairman Ferreira and by the current Company Secretary Arnott – that

the LIES will all be “expunged”/replaced with the Truth. These empty idle promises (LIES) were

made by Ferreira and by Arnott at FRL AGM’s and heard by the Directors and by the

Shareholders who were in attendance. Just to quote a few of these empty idle promises (LIES) :

Promises by Ferreira and Arnott at the 2005 AGM of FRL :

F “Alright Mr Harris we will take out the wrong Police Cases and details and we

will put in the correct details into the permanent Records of this Company.”

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F “Mr Harris, you have now heard I have said in front of this audience, we will

take them out. We will replace them with whatever else you want us to replace

them with.”

Arnott : “Mr Harris, before I ask the Chairman to perhaps have you removed from the room ……

in this letter here that you’ve tabled, you’ve got on page 9 – “This is the True

list of Police Cases that must replace the LIES”. Is that what you want … would

like me to include in the Minutes ?” (reading from my letter 22/11/05 – Information)

H “That and other things. Yes to the Police Cases. Thank you. OK”

H “Can I please have an undertaking from Mr Arnott in front of his

Partners/Directors on record that you will put the Truth about the bond for

Buccleuch. Remember that one OK. And there are several others Sir, which I

hope I will get a chance to high-light. Even a Magistrate has said so. And this

man Mr Driman sat in Court when he heard …. . ”


The undertaking given at the 2008 AGM of FRL by the past Chairman that he would

apologise to me (“Mr Harris”) on behalf of FRL and the Directors and the Company Secretary


Nowhere in the Minutes of the FRL 2009 AGM is there any attempt made by the present Chairman

to apologise for all the filthy rotten LIES told about me and my wife and my family and The

Mazlen Trust. These LIES were extremely hurtful and painful to my personal dignity.

I am waiting for the present Chairman of FRL to apologise in terms of the undertaking given by the

past Chairman of FRL, before he retired in about 2008. It is recorded in the Minutes of the 2008

FRL AGM, this undertaking to apologise.


There were the LIES read out by the past Chairman Ferreira at the 2001 AGM of FRL which were

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addressed to the CEO Harris, based on the PWCI so-called ‘Forensic Report’ that you people will

not show to me. Nor will you show me the other two ‘Forensic Reports’ that I have only heard

about. Nor will you show me the Report by the ‘lady’ who was spending 6 weeks in the Offices of

DRInc looking for LIES and Fraud by the bank, but she found – “nothing wrong”. The past

Chairman of FRL read out these LIES when he and his full board of Directors and the Company

Secretary were sitting there at the AGM. They knew the Truth and they all knew that what the

Chairman was reading out was just plain LIES and JUNK to Defame and to attack my personal

dignity in front of all these people. The Minutes were signed off as if they were accurate, but they

contained LIES known to the past Chairman and Directors and to the present Company Secretary.


There were the LIES based on the DRInc ‘Statement’. Here too the past Chairman read out these

blatant LIES when he and the Directors and the lawyer who wrote the LIES for the Chairman to

read into the permanent Records of this Public Company knew the Truth. The present Chairman was

sitting there at that AGM and he knew that what was being said by his co-Shareholder and his co-

Director was just plain LIES and JUNK that was extremely hurtful and damaging and demeaning to

my person. The Minutes were signed off as if they were accurate, but they contained LIES known to

the past Chairman and Directors and to the present Company Secretary.


There were the LIES told by the past Chairman at the 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 AGM’s of FRL. All

these known LIES have been well recorded, even, in some instances to the Police. Many Interested

Parties are privy to these LIES – even The Honourable Ministers of Justice, Safety and

Security, Finance, Trade and Industries. The Governor of the Reserve Bank, the FSB, the

IRBA/PAAB, the IOD, the BASA, the OBS, the SAICA, the CIS, the ACCA, the News Media,

including noseweek, to quote just a few Interested Parties that come into my mind, are privy to

these filthy rotten LIES.


We are waiting for these filthy rotten LIES (referred to above) to be “expunged”/replaced with the

Truth. This has been promised to us by FRL at FRL AGM’s – ref is above under the heading

Promises by Ferreira and Arnott at the 2005 AGM of FRL, and elsewhere.


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Accordingly, we are waiting for the apology from the present Chairman of FRL on behalf of the

Directors and Shareholders and Company Secretary which is an undertaking that was given by the

past Chairman of FRL at the 2008 AGM of FRL. It is in the Minutes – ref is at page 7, point 16



The new LIES told by the present Chairman of FRL at the 2009 AGM of FRL :

(These are apart from, and the not the same as, but in some ways similar to, the new LIES told by

the past Chairman at the FRL AGM’s that are listed under point 4.3.3 above)

4.4.1 The statement to the AGM by the Chairman in the last paragraph of page 1 of the unsigned Minutes:

“ …. there had been disruptions at meetings by one shareholder holding a small number of

shares.” (referring to me)

This is not the Truth. I deny that I have “disrupted” any “meetings”.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman in the last paragraph of page 1 going on to the top of

page 2 of the unsigned Minutes:

“The shareholder was pursuing a personal vendetta against the FirstRand Group.”

This is not the Truth at all. I have vehemently denied this allegation in the past and at great length. I

have explained why I attend at FRL AGM’s. It is all on Record in the permanent Records of FRL, to

which I now direct the Chairman and the Directors and the Company Secretary. I here and now

again deny that I have a “personal vendetta” against the FirstRand Group, or against any

Company, or sort of Company, in the FirstRand Group of Companies, or against any Director or

‘sort of’ Director, or against any employee or individual, or against any agent of the FirstRand

Group. It is not a matter of a “personal vendetta” at all. It is a matter of having been CROOKED

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and CHEATED by way of Fraud, and of seeking Justice and to expose and to put a stop to this sort

of Bad Business Practice which seems to be so common and so pervasive in this particular Public

bank/Public Company.

I repeat what I have explained at great length and on many occasions and over an extended period of

time - about 13 years now. It is this – I and my family (including Willie and Agnes) and Mazlen

Holdings (Pty) Ltd, and The Mazlen Trust were LIED to and were CHEATED and CROOKED by

the bank FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB and by agents of this bank by way of Fraud; interest was

Fraudulently inflated by hundreds of thousands of Rand in business and bond accounts by this

bank – then these False figures were used to tell LIES to Judges of the High Court in order to

Liquidate Mazlen Holdings (Pty) Ltd and to Sequestrate my personal Estate; a bond was taken by

way of Fraud and LIES and mis-representation of the Truth – then the promised funding was

Fraudulently withheld in order to present, by way of LIES and Fraud to the High Court, URGENT

Liquidation and Sequestration Applications by a secret “dummy” holding the shares in a Company

for the Auditors of the FirstRand Group with the Director of FirstRand Limited (RK Store) being

the Chairman of the Auditors; this “dummy” lawyer holding the shares in secret for the Auditors

STOLE R 20,000-00 through Fraud, and he, in breach of the Law and of an Act of our Parliament,

deposited trust money into his business account; my wife and my ex-wife were LIED to and they

were placed under Duress by Managers and by agents of this bank and they were coerced into

signing documents that were Frequently prepared and presented to them to sign under Duress;

agents of this bank committed Fraud and through LIES and mis-representation of the Truth and

Fraudulently inflated bond charges my and my wife’s home was taken by this bank (we are still

pondering on who it was that bought and moved into our home); our property at Buccleuch was

taken from us by way of Fraud, Duress, coercion and LIES; the Liquidator of Mazlen Holdings

(Pty) Ltd was, and I think he still is, a “dummy” lawyer who secretly holds the shares in a

Company for RK Store (past Chairman of DTT, present Director of FirstRand Limited) and the

Partners of the Auditors of Companies in the FirstRand Group i. e. FirstRand Group use their

Auditors (DTT) to Liquidate their Clients (in secret); Companies in the FirstRand Group are

involved in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’,

‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’; the

FirstRand Group Auditors PWCInc are used by the Directors of FirstRand Limited to prepare False

so-called ‘Forensic Reports’ to be used to discredit and to attack the dignity of individuals at

FirstRand Limited AGM’s; the lawyers are also used by the Directors of FirstRand Group to

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prepare False and untrue ‘statements’ full of known LIES and TRASH which are also used at

FirstRand Limited AGM’s to attack the dignity and the integrity of individuals at their AGM’s; the

Chairman of FirstRand Limited knowingly tells blatant LIES to ‘all and sundry’ at FirstRand

Limited AGM’s, then the Police are blamed for the LIES and the Police are laughed at and mocked;

the Directors sit by enjoying the blatant LIES; then the Chairman and the Directors sign Minutes of

AGM’s knowing they are False, contain LIES and omit information which is extremely relevant

and things that were discussed at AGM’s; agents of the FirstRand Group (e. g. that rotten little

CROOK/man Hartard and that “dummy” lawyer Theodore Willhelm van den Heever, affectionately

known as just “Theo” ‘in the trade’, tell LIES and commit perjury at Enquiry Meetings in front of a

Magistrate, while the lawyer Driman of DRInc sits in – so much so that the Honourable Magistrate

calls for an Investigation with a view to Criminal Prosecutions of the agents and the Managers and

the Directors of the FirstRand Group; this rotten little CROOK, this bank agent Hartard, comes up

with a Valuation so low for a property that it is laughable, it is Criminal, but it is agreed to by the

past lawyer for the bank, now an Advocate, Christopher Bailey McEwan, acting for the bank. This

property is then ‘paced’ at such a low price that it is Fraud. The bank agrees to this False sale. The

lawyer/Advocate agrees to this False sale. The trustee agrees to this False sale. Only the

Honourable Magistrate calls for a Police Investigation with Criminal Prosecutions to be the

outcome; agents of the FirstRand Group tell LIES to Judges in order to obtain Judgements through

Fraud; shares are sold by Fraudulently signing transfer forms and when this bank has no right to

sign or to sell the shares – the money is then STOLEN by this bank; money is taken by

agents/lackeys of this bank for the full purchase price of a property, together with legal and transfer

fees – then the sale is cancelled by CROOKED and Illegal means, and the money is STOLEN; trust

money is deposited into current a/c’s then ‘moved’ from a/c to a/c; I am threatened with physical

violence by a bank agent “Theo”, and by a Director “PM” Goss, and I am threatened with murder

by another Director “LL” Dippenaar which a further Director “doc Van” zyl Slabbert tells me to

find this threat on my life as ‘funny’, while the rest of the Directors and Shareholders roar with

laughter; I can go on and on ……….. . there is more. There are, so far, 21 Police Cases.

I have set this out to show that it is most definitely not at “personal vendetta” that causes me to try

my very best to expose all this known Crime and to try to put a stop to it, hopefully by way of

Prosecution of the Directors and their CROOKED agents. Some of the Crime involves Organised

Crime. Where is this a “personal vendetta” ? How can I be spoken of as having a “personal

vendetta” when I am just one small individual and it is the News Media that is writing about all this

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Organised Crime at the FirstRand Group ?

I am not pursuing a “personal vendetta” and the Chairman knows it. Therefore to accuse me like

he did at the AGM and in front of all these people I regard as Defamation. I here record that I

reserve my Rights accordingly. I here and now ask the Chairman to withdraw his statement and to

do so to me in writing before the Minutes are signed at the Director’s Meeting in March. I then also

require the Chairman to ‘put the Record straight’ at the 2010 AGM of FRL and to withdraw and to

apologise on Record at the 2010 AGM of FirstRand Limited.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman in the first half-paragraph of page 2 of the unsigned


“He said that discussions would be restricted to the items on the agenda and those which were

regarded as relevant and important. No deviation therefrom would be allowed.”

I repeat that which I have stated above and on the day of the AGM i. e. on the 25/11/09 :

I did nothing wrong that caused the Chairman to ask me to leave the

Meeting, failing which he would call his ‘guards’ in to remove me from

the Meeting and off the premises. I decided to leave voluntarily because of this threat. I

have been threatened with physical violence by Director Goss and with murder by Chairman/then

Director Dippenaar at previous FRL AGM’s. There are two Police Cases - against Goss and against

Dippenaar and others. They are OB 2053/02/2004 Hillbrow and 752/11/2006 Sophiatown. I

wanted to spare myself, but also all the people present, from this kind of nasty physicality when I

was threatened with being “forcibly removed”.

4.4.4 The statement to the AGM by the Chairman in the third paragraph of page 2 of the unsigned

Minutes that is referring to the “tape and the full transcript.”

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I repeat that which I have stated above :

Because of the Falsification of the Minutes; because of the repeating of old LIES by the new

Chairman; because of the new LIES told by the new Chairman; because I have no way of knowing

what was actually said about me personally at this Meeting of a Public Company, by the Chairman,

after I was forced to leave the Meeting … or else … – for these reasons, but also because of my

Common Law Rights and my Constitutional Rights, I insist that I be supplied with a copy of the

Transcript of the tape recording of the Meeting and also a copy of the actual tape. I place on Record

that in the past the tape has been ‘conveniently’ ‘wipe clean’ and thereby made to be ‘not available’.

This year I must, at this early stage, make a written request that the tape is not ‘wiped clean’/

‘destroyed’ and that I be supplied with a Transcript/copy. Thank you.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman in last line on page 2 continuing on page 3 in the first

and the second paragraphs of the unsigned Minutes :

“At the request of Mr ME Harris, Mr Toneli read the auditor’s report.

Mr ME Harris advised that he wished to record his objection to the annual financial

statement. He said that they failed to take cognisance of issues raised by him at previous

meetings. These issues related to complaints that he had laid with the Police and certain

Regulatory bodies regarding the perception of tax evasion, money laundering, organised

crime, conspiracy, corruption, collusion, and fraud which were listed in his correspondence

with the company. He censured the company secretary and the auditors for not making

reference to these allegations in their respective reports to shareholders.”

“The chairman advised Mr Harris that he should record his objection with an appropriate

vote on his ballot sheet. Mr Harris reiterated his request to address the meeting on the details

of his objection. At this stage the chairman advised Mr Harris that he wished him to leave the

meeting and that unless he did so voluntarily he would stand down the meeting and have him

removed forcibly. His request that Mr Harris leave the meeting was supported by the

shareholders present with no disagreement being recorded.”

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I will set out hereunder what actually was said and what actually took place :

The Auditor’s Report :

I was able to Object and to read into the Record the following :

“As a Member I require the Auditors to read out the Auditor’s Report in terms of Section 301 (3) of

the Companies Act. It can be found on page 92”.

The Auditor present then did read into the Record the Auditor’s Report.

I then read the following into the Record :

“I wish to place an Objection on Record against the Auditors PWCI and the Company Secretary

AH Arnott in terms of Section 249, 250, 251, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 287, 300 and 301

of the Companies Act. I wish to record a vote of no confidence in the Company Auditors and the

Company Secretary. (AH Arnott is on one of the ‘lists’ of Tax Evaders, Money Launderers etc)

My Objection is this :

Where in the Auditor’s Report and the Company Secretary’s Report is there any reference

made to the Illegal ‘schemes’ designed to ‘Round-trip’ money, to Launder money, to Evade

Tax, to Conspire to Commit Crime, in contravention of The Prevention of Organised

Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act


Illegal ‘schemes’ have in the past been ‘devised’ by the Directors in the full knowledge of

the Auditors and the Company Secretary and the Company lawyers. Examples are the

‘scheme’ to ‘Round-trip’ money, to Launder money, to Evade Tax, to Conspire to

Commit Crime, in contravention of The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in

relation to the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

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Limited/FNB/Ansbacher/RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their

Directors, their Managers, their Company Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and

Auditors – involving Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering, Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’,

‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the RMB/Barry Tannenbaum


I can see no provision made in the afs for the R 100’s of millions in fines that will have to be

paid by the Company.”

The Directors’ Report and the Company Secretary’s Report :

I stated to the Meeting that I wished to Object. It was then that the Chairman and major

Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar forced me out of the Meeting.

I do not agree that what is written in the unsigned Minutes, which I have extracted under point 4.4.5

above, is a True recording of what was actually said and what actually took place. In this regard I

record the following :

i I refer to what I read out to the Meeting and which is recoded above. These are the actual words

that I spoke, my actual Objection. It was recorded on the tape. Supply to me the tape and I will

prove it.

ii These “issues” (tax evasion, money laundering, organised crime, conspiracy, corruption,

collusion, and fraud) were not significant and of that much relevance just because I had raised

them and listed them in my “ …correspondence with the company”. When I named Section 249,

250, 251, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 287, 300 and 301 of the Companies Act this is all in the

Public Domain and of National interest – even International interest. It involves Fraud by the

Shareholders, Directors, along with their own Clients, Auditors, lawyers. It is involving such a big

bank. Had it been personal then surely the following Police Case would have been included in the

list of Criminal Activity which was named by the Chairman :

Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion,

Defamation of Character, Threats of physical violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of

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‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of ‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime,

‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax Evasion. These are all listed in my correspondence.

iii It can be seen that it was not at the point that “Mr Harris reiterated his request to address the

meeting on the details of his objection (to the Auditor’s Report). At this stage the chairman

advised Mr Harris that he wished him to leave the meeting and that unless he did so

voluntarily he would stand down the meeting and have him removed forcibly.” I had already

made my Objection known to the Meeting (it is recorded) and it was at the point that I was

Objecting to the Directors’ Report and the Company Secretary’s Report that the Chairman and

major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar forced me out of the Meeting.

iv As far as the Shareholders being in full agreement with the Chairman that I should be “forcibly

removed”, if I did not shut up and leave, I want to say the following :

The Shareholders were only too happy for me to be “forcibly removed”. These self-same

Shareholders are named in the latest Police Cases in September 2009. They have been benefiting

from the Proceeds coming from Organised Crime for years now. Do these Shareholders have any

intention of repaying these Illegally begotten moneys ? Is it only when the Police and the SARS

Proceed against them that these Shareholders will pay over this money that they have made from

Organised Crime ? Time will tell. What of the R millions in fines ? Surely these should be shown

in the afs as a liability, even as a contingency. That could protect the Shareholders’ interests.

Just as a matter of interest the Chairman must have ‘made a fortune’ from Organised Crime with

his 130,5 million shares worth about R 2,35 billion.

Here is a question : Mr Chairman, in the period 1998 to 2009 how much were the dividends, that

were paid to you, and what was the % made from the Proceeds coming from Organised Crime ?


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 3 in the third paragraph of the unsigned

Minutes :

“Before leaving the meeting Mr Harris handed the company secretary a letter dated

25/11/2009, together with certain attachments. This voluminous correspondence is available at

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the office of the company secretary.”

I here and now ask the Company Secretary to make available to each and every Director and

Shareholder in FirstRand Limited, as well as to each and every Partner/Director/CA in DTT and in

PWCInc, and to all the Partners/Directors of DRInc a copy of this letter 25/11/2009, as well as the

three ‘bundles’. It is for the reason that I have named all these people and their Companies, or

“firms”, as the case may be, to the Police. They should know what is going on. Don’t keep it from

them. I will myself approach many Interested Parties and I will recommend to them that they too

get from Mr Arnott copies of the letter 25/11/09 with the three ‘bundles’, especially where I have

included them as being a party to the ‘Conspiracy’ and named them to the Police as well.


. The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 3 in the second-last paragraph of the

unsigned Minutes :

“Following the departure of Mr Harris, the chairman explained that Mr Harris’ vendetta had

begun in 1998 when First National Bank had sequestrated his estate as a result of him being

unable to meet certain financial obligations. ………………….. On his release Mr Harris had

pursued the Bank via a personal vendetta and had on a number of occasions disrupted the

company’s annual financial meetings.”

i I repeat – there is not now, and there never has been, a “vendetta”, from my side. From the bank’s

side it has been a different story. The senior Manager who called up the overdraft of Mazlen

Holdings (Pty) Ltd is the cousin of my ex-wife. There was jealously in the Stott family. It was

under him that shares were Fraudulently sold that were not pledged to the bank. Then too, I had

had bad experience with people in the ‘banking circle’ and in certain of the ‘Afrikaner fraternity’. I

had exposed the bank to massive over-charging in two business accounts. Why had the bank ‘gone

after me’ for no reason. The company which I ran had an excellent trading record going back 40

years. The company never bounced a cheque. It always honoured the bank accounts and

requirements. The company had plenty of work on its books - by the bank’s own reckoning assets

exceeded liabilities by R 7 million. There was no reason to bring an URGENT Application to

Liquidate the company. There was no reason to take a bond but then not give the promised facility.

There was no need or reason for all the Fraud and Crime listed under point 4.4.2 above.

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ii It is not the Truth that my Estate was Sequestrated in 1998. It was when I was in Prison as an

awaiting trial prisoner in 2000, put there by the LIES of this bank and its agents (all recorded in

great detail in the permanent Records of this Public Company) that my Estate was Sequestrated. The

so-called “financial obligations” that the Chairman told those present on the 25/11/09, at the FRL

AGM of 2009, I was “not able to meet” in 1998 - I was indeed able to meet in 2000 , but for the

Theft, the Fraud, the LIES and the unfulfilled promises made to me by this bank after I had

banked there for over 40 years. The Chairman knew the Truth on the 25/11/09 when he told the

Meeting these LIES. He is a coward and he is a LIAR. If the Minutes are signed in March and

approved at the 2010 AGM of FRL I will attend and I will again try my very best to expose these

LIES told about me on the 25/11/09, behind my back, when I was not present to defend myself, by

this coward Chairman “LL” Dippenaar.

I repeat – I have no “personal vendetta” and I repeat – I have never “ … disrupted the

company’s annual financial meetings.” I have been LIED about at AGM’s and I have never been

given the opportunity to properly defend myself. I have been “thrown out” year after year after

year. Yet the filthy rotten LIES remain to this day in the permanent Records of this Public

Company. Even after I tried my very best to attend AGM’s and to conduct myself in an orderly way

and in terms of my Rights as per the Companies Act, and the Constitution, and even when I was

promised by the Chairman and by the Company Secretary that the LIES would be “expunged”/

replaced with the Truth, the LIES remain, to this day. This is how you people carry on. Now you

accuse me - that I have “ … disrupted the company’s annual financial meetings.” It is not so. It

is not the Truth. It is more of your LIES. You people refuse to face the Truth. You pepole refuse to

allow me to raise these filthy rotten LIES at your AGM’s. Yet it was you people who chose the

‘forum’ of the 2001 AGM of FRL to start with your filthy rotten LIES. You did it again in 2003

with even worse filthy rotten LIES. You people “throw me out” then you people come with your

LIES behind my back, like cowards. Now the latest is that I am threatened with “forcible removal”.

I did not “disrupt” your Meeting on the 25/11/09. Not at all. I repeat :

I did nothing wrong that caused the Chairman to ask me to leave the

Meeting, failing which he would call his ‘guards’ in to remove me from

the Meeting and off the premises. I decided to leave voluntarily because of this threat. I

have been threatened with physical violence by Director Goss and with murder by Chairman/then

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Director Dippenaar at previous FRL AGM’s. There are two Police Cases - against Goss and against

Dippenaar and others. They are OB 2053/02/2004 Hillbrow and 752/11/2006 Sophiatown. I

wanted to spare myself, but also all the people present, from this kind of nasty physicality when I

was threatened with being “forcibly removed”


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 3 - the last paragraph of the unsigned Minutes:

“Prior to his retirement in December 2008, Mr GT Ferreira, the outgoing chairman, had, in a

spirit of reconciliation, agreed to an amount being paid to Mr Harris and had given an

undertaking to consider a proposal for the further funding for a prisoner rehabilitation

programme which Mr Harris was leading. Mr Dippenaar stressed that at no time had Mr

Ferreira or any company executive indicated that they would support the project”.

i What a load of twisted half-Truths, LIES, JUNK and TRASH.

ii It was on the 7th November 2007 (7/11/07) that Mr Ferreira approached me in the foyer of the

Discovery AGM and asked me to meet with him to ‘settle’.

iii No amount was paid to me whatsoever. R 3 million was paid to The Mazlen Trust for and on

behalf of various parties. It was suggested to me by the duly appointed representative of the

Directors and of FRL/FRBL/FNB and of DRI/PWCI/DTT/and others (Unser), that one payment

should be made instead of the individual payments that I was requesting.

iv At all material times Mr Ferreira acted as the Chairman of FirstRand Limited. He also put himself

out to be representing and acting for DRI/PWCI/DTT/and others when he asked me to meet with

him to ‘settle’ on the 7/11/07. He then gave to me personally his undertaking that FirstRand Group

would support the anti-crime campaign, before I shook his hand on the deal. All he said that he had

to do was to get approval from the Directors and the others that he represented. Later, on the

telephone he said to me that he had approval and that the ‘deal’ could go ahead. He said to me, on

the phone, and I recorded it in my notes, that there had been a lot of ‘grinding of teeth’ but that the

deal was approved. I assumed that he had approval from his co-Directors and from DRI/PWCI/DTT

and the others as well.

v What TRASH and what JUNK and what LIES the Chairman has told the Shareholders and all

those present at the FRL AGM on the 25/11/09 when he said to them that “ …. at no time had Mr

Ferreira or any company executive indicated that they would support the project”. a) Mr

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Ferreira said to me on the 7/11/07 that the FirstRand Group would support the ‘project’ (campaign)

– ref is my notes and also the correspondence which has never been denied b) Prior to signing the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 the duly appointed representative of FRL/FRBL/FNB and of

DRI/PWCI/DTT/and others (Unser) told me that FirstRand Group would support the ‘project’

(campaign) – ref is my notes and also the correspondence which has never been denied. c) The

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 makes it clear that the FirstRand Group did support the ‘project’

(campaign) – ref is the written Agreement. d) Payment of R 200,000-00 to The Mazlen Trust was

specifically in support of the ‘project’ (campaign) – ref is the written Agreement. e) The names of

the Directors at the foot of the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 shows clearly that they (including

the present Chairman) knew about the ‘project’ (campaign) and supported it – ref is the written

Agreement. f) Correspondence directly between the Chairman (Ferreira) and I, after the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07 had been signed, makes in quite clear that the FirstRand Group supported the

‘project’ (campaign) – ref is the correspondence. This very same correspondence between the

Chairman (Ferreira) and I deals also with the quantum of the promised funding/sponsorship by the

FirstRand Group. This correspondence between the Chairman (Ferreira) and I was all tabled into the

permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09 g) After the signing of the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07 the signatory to the Agreement (Unser) supported the ‘project’ (campaign) -

ref is the correspondence. There is extensive correspondence to confirm this support (it was tabled

into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09 and includes the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07). This tabled correspondence deals also with the quantum of the promised

funding/sponsorship by the FirstRand Group. This extensive correspondence is addressed to the

Directors of the FirstRand Group and others, and it specifically named the present Chairman

(Dippenaar). Much of this extensive correspondence is marked for the personal attention of the

Chairman (Dippenaar). How then this man (Chairman Dippenaar) could tell the Meeting on the

25/11/09 “ …. at no time had Mr Ferreira or any company executive indicated that they would

support the project” is perhaps nearly the biggest LIE told at any FRL AGM that I have had the

unfortunate personal experience to attend. This LIE by the Chairman (Dippenaar) almost exceeds

the LIES of the Auditor Tom Winterboer/PWCI, the lawyer Robert Driman/DRI, the past Chairman

(Ferreira) …. and that is really saying something ! – ref is the correspondence where all the LIES

told by all these LIARS can be easily seen.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 3 in the last sentence of the last paragraph

Page 187: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

continuing on at page 4 of the unsigned Minutes:

“With regard to the proposal, he had undertaken to place this, when received, before the

relevant people within the Group for consideration. To date this had, for various reasons, not


i Here are more of the Chairman’s LIES, JUNK and TRASH told to the Shareholders, to the News

Media present, to the visitors, etc on the 25/11/09. When he used the word “this” in the sentence

“To date this had, for various reasons, not happened” I believe he was trying to tell the

Shareholders, the News Media present, the visitors, etc that the Proposal had never been received

and that the Proposal had never been placed into the hands of the “relevant people” in the

FirstRand Group. How utterly absurd. What a LIAR. This is the Chairman of a National/

International bank speaking at an AGM of a Public Company. What next ?

ii In December 2007 the Chairman (Ferreira) already had the outline of the Proposal. He

corresponded with me in regard to this ‘draft’ Proposal – ref is the correspondence which was tabled

into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iii In January 2008 and February 2008 the Chairman (Ferreira) and the FirstRand Group

representative (Unser) had already received the ‘draft’ Proposal and had already placed it into the

hands of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group. I was advised by the FirstRand Group that

the comments of the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group had already been requested. This

was in a letter 11/2/08 bearing the name of the Chairman at the time (Ferreira), as well as the name

of the current Chairman (Dippenaar) at the foot of the page. It was on a letter-head similar to the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 - ref is the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent

Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iv Between January 2008 and November 2008 there is extensive correspondence which bears

witness to the fact that a number of ‘draft’ Proposals and a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dated’

were received by the FirstRand Group representative (Unser), the Chairman (Ferreira), and the

Chairman (Dippenaar) as well as by the Directors of the FirstRand Group. This extensive

correspondence includes my many pleas, for about 12 months, to the FirstRand Group to supply the

details of the “initiative” which the Chairman (Ferreira) had mentioned to me when he was trying to

influence me to ‘settle’ on the 7/11/07, before I shook hands with him on the ‘deal’. We even made

a DVD about the campaign which was sent personally to 9 of the Directors, including the Chairman

(Ferreira), and the Chairman (Dippenaar) (who was then just a Director) I have a signature on the

Page 188: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Final Formal Proposal proving that it was submitted in November 2008. From November 2008 to

October 2009 their were a number of ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ as well as two Invoices

submitted, all dealing with the campaign - ref is the correspondence and the Proposal/s and the

‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’ which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09.

v Of significant importance is the agreement reached with the FirstRand Group representative

(Unser) that I could put into the Proposal the cost of the building acquired for the Rehabilitation of

ex-Inmates which The Mazlen Trust then purchased, in the full knowledge of the FirstRand Group,

as well as the estimated cost to build accommodation within the building, to house ex-Inmates. I did

then include these two costs when I submitted the Final Formal Proposal - which the Chairman of

FirstRand Limited told the Meeting on the 25/11/09 had “ … not happened” – ref is the

correspondence and the Proposal/s which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09. (901/2 Marlboro were purchased in order to try my very best to fit in

with the FirstRand Group “initiative” – later, after we bought the building, I was told “It is none of

your Business” by Unser. Yet it is in the Agreement and it was Ferreira (then acting as the

Chairman) who influenced me sign the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 when he mentioned it to

me on the 7/11/07) This is how Unser and Dippenaar carry on. It is a disgrace.

vi I was asked to “indulge” the FirstRand Group and to be patient while the “relevant people” in

the FirstRand Group were busy with the Proposal. This was in February 2009. I have always

believed that the “relevant people” in the FirstRand Group are the Directors because I was

expected to stop proceedings with about 19 Police Cases (now 21) against them.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 4 in the first paragraph of the unsigned


“As a result Mr Harris had unilaterally cancelled the confidential agreement and was now

resorting to demanding that the company pay reparations to him.”

i As a “result” of what ? Was the Chairman (Dippenaar) telling the Meeting that I cancelled

“unilaterally” because I had not submitted the Proposal ? Or was he saying to the Meeting that

because the Proposal (which he earlier said to the Meeting was never received) had never been

placed before the “relevant people” I had cancelled “unilaterally” ? That is the trouble with

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LIARS – they ‘trip themselves up over their own LIES’.

ii The extensive correspondence which was all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public

Company on the 25/11/09 will show why the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 was cancelled on the

9/10/09. The written Notices which were all simply ignored bear witness to the way we were treated

by the FirstRand Group, after we tried so very hard to set up and to run the campaign successfully.

To me it was not a “unilateral” cancellation of the Agreement. It was not one-sided at all. After

nearly 2 years of promises (read LIES) and after about 4/5 Notices, the point was reached where it

is clear for any reasonable person to see - you people had no intention of honouring the third ‘part’

of the Agreement. The cancellation was brought about by you people. It was ‘engineered’ by you

people. Should we have gone on for 5 years with your empty idle promises (read LIES) ?

iii Every step of the way we kept the FirstRand Group fully informed. Not once were we told, over a

period of 23 months, to stop, or not to proceed as we were proceeding. We were encouraged to

proceed. We were told to be patient and that our Proposal was with the “relevant people” in the

FirstRand Group, being considered. After 23 months of empty idle promises (LIES) it became

apparent to us that we were just being ‘led up the garden path’, only to ‘have the garden gate

slammed shut in our faces’, so Notice was given for the about 4th or 5th time. When the Notice was

not even acknowledged; when it was not even replied to; when it was totally ignored, then this

showed to us the intent of the FirstRand Group - ref is the correspondence, the Proposal/s, the

‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’, the Invoices submitted, the written Notices, which were all tabled

into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

iv In regard to the word “confidential” – yes the terms and conditions of the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07 were confidential until the “company” refused to honour those terms and

conditions. The fact that there had taken place a ‘settlement’ could never possibly be confidential in

itself, for obvious reasons.

v The words used by the Chairman to the Meeting “ … and was now resorting to demanding that

the company pay reparations to him” are not accurate and the Chairman knew this was so when

he spoke them. Yes, I do have a Damages Claim. It forms a part of the Damages Claims of

R 60,286,251-40 which is stated at point D in the heading to this letter. But no I have never made

any “demand” that the R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims are to be paid to me personally. Not at

all. This is not the Truth. It is another one of this Chairman’s LIES.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 4 in the first paragraph of the unsigned

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“The amounts demanded by Mr Harris were out of proportion to the other charitable

initiatives which the FirstRand Group supported.”

i I have never “demanded” any “amounts” and neither has The Mazlen Trust or the Section 21

Company First Community Outreach Centre (FC-OC 2007). In our Proposal we submitted what

we believed were figures that were in line with what I had been promised before I signed the

Settlement Agreement 19/11/07. We were encouraged to submit the Proposal by the actual

wording in the Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 - ref is the Agreement and the correspondence

which was tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

ii It is True that both the FirstRand Group representative (Unser), and the Chairman (Ferreira) did

indicated to us that we may not be funded/sponsored to the full extent of the amount that we asked

for in the Proposal. This was soon after I had signed. However it later became apparent to us, after

23 months of idle empty promises (LIES), that the FirstRand Group had no intention at all of

funding/sponsoring the campaign. They were just ‘having us on’, ‘leading us along’ so as to delay

things, to keep me away from the 2007 and the 2008 AGM of FRL and to stop me from proceeding

with the 19 Police Cases (now read 21).

iii At no stage during the 23 months of idle empty promises (LIES), before the Settlement

Agreement 19/11/07 was finally cancelled on the 9/10/09, did the FirstRand Group approach us

with an offer. Had they done so we would have gladly met with them to discuss it. The opposite is

True. For 23 months I pleaded for a meeting with the Chairman (Ferreira), and with the Chairman

(Dippenaar). For 23 months Ferreira said he was ‘too busy’ to meet with me. For 23 months

Dippenaar did not even respond to, or reply to, my pleadings - ref is the Agreement and the

correspondence which was tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the


iv It is True that I did meet with the FirstRand Group representative (Unser) but from the

correspondence it is clear that he was just the ‘lackey’ used to delay things in order to keep me away

from the 2007 and the 2008 AGM of FRL and to stop me from proceeding with the 19 Police Cases

(now read 21) - ref is the Agreement and the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent

Records of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

v The ‘interlude’ with the FirstRand Group Special Consultant Mr Donald Millwood to “adjust the

fit of the shoe where it is pinching’ (quote : lawyer Robert Drman/DRInc) or to “cross the t’s and

Page 191: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

dot the i’s” (my words) so that the funding/sponsorship would materialise, was a farce and it was a

‘ruse’ - ref is the Agreement and the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent Records

of this Public Company on the 25/11/09.

The remark to the Meeting by Dippenaar at the 2008 FRL AGM is, I believe, very telling. The

Minutes record under point 16 GENERAL on page 7 : “Mr Dippenaar thanked the chairman for

the manner in which he had dealt with this issue and said that he was happy that he would not

have to deal with it in the future.” Looking back at the way this new Chairman has dealt with

“this issue” it is clear that he had no intention of sticking to, and of honouring, the terms and the

conditions of our Settlement Agreement 19/11/07 in regard to the third ‘part’, on the 27 th

November 2008. Our Final Formal Proposal had by then submitted on the 24 th November 2008.


The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 4 in the first paragraph of the unsigned


“The chairman noted that the attitude adopted by Mr Harris was not conducive to the

company being supportive of him.”

i After we ‘settled’ my “attitude” changed markedly for the better. a) I was prepared to shake the

hand of the Chairman (Ferreira) on the 7/11/07. b) I brought my wife with me to meet with the

FirstRand Group representative (Unser) and Ms Sam Moss and my “attitude” was fine – I believe

this will can be easily verified.

ii However my “attitude” towards you people has worsened by the month because of the way we

were treated by the FirstRand Group for 23 months, what with all the idle empty promises (LIES).

It has been quite disgusting, the way we have been treated - ref is the Agreement and the

correspondence, the Proposal/s, the ‘Report-backs’ and ‘up-dates’, the Invoices submitted, the

written Notices, which were all tabled into the permanent Records of this Public Company on the



The statement to the AGM by the Chairman on page 4 in the first paragraph of the unsigned


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“The chairman apologised to those present for the interruption to the proceedings and any

resulting unpleasantness.”

i The Chairman should undoubtedly have thanked me, in my absence, for leaving the Meeting

voluntarily when I had so many Objections to raise and when there is so much that still needs to be

rectified. I mean, just look at all the LIES that must still be “expunged”/replaced with the Truth -

ref is the Agreement and the correspondence which was tabled into the permanent Records of this

Public Company on the 25/11/09.

ii The Chairman told the Meeting LIES about me, in my absence, like a coward. These LIES will

need to be challenged. I will not allow these new LIES and the repeated old LIES to remain on

Record. I will also approach various Interested Parties to try my very best to get their help to stop

all these LIES and to put the Record straight in the permanent Records of this Public Company.

It is clear to me that at the 2010 AGM of FRL I will need to come with another strategy.

In the event that these unsigned Minutes are signed at the Directors Meeting in March 2010 without

taking into account the contents of this letter and my letter 25/11/09 (letter No. 2) I will take this

matter further. Our Rights are fully reserved.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties. World Hope is JESUS 6/01/2010.

Michael Harris. Box 52240 Saxonwold 2132 Jhb.

The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and

Page 193: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. by hand.

Attn. Mr “LL” Dippenaar -Chairman and major Shareholder.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

Page 194: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled

on the 9/10/09.

E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)


Attached please find a copy of my letter 31/12/09 which was E-mailed to information@

firstrand.co.za - but I have been notified that it was not read ? (I have tried several times to E-mail it

?) I did also E-mail this same letter to “LL” and to “GT” x 2, so you should receive it. I want this

information in the permanent Records of FRL/FRBL/FNB, and I have therefore asked, at this early

stage, that you instruct your Company Secretary, AH Arnott, (on the one ‘list’ of Fraudsters,

Money-Launderers) - it should be tabled into the Records at the 2010 AGM of FRL. Thank you.


19 Park Street, Oaklands - our home before your bank CHEATED us out of it, through Fraud.

After all that my wife and I have been put through by your bank we are still being ‘hounded’ by

lawyers. This is because, just like in the case of the later Settlement Agreement 19/11/07, an

Page 195: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

earlier Settlement Agreement that your bank got my trustee (WESTRUST) and my wife to sign (based

on Duress and the LIES and the Fraud put forward by that rotten little man/CROOK, your agent,

estate agent Hartard) has also not been honoured. Why else have your bank and your agent

WESTRUST and your lawyers Smit and Loundes and your agent Hartard, and your Company

Secretary Mr Bruce Uncer (the signatory to our Settlement Agreement 19/11/07) not stopped this

ridiculous ‘chase’ for outstanding Municipal charges by these different lawyers 8 years after my

wife signed to ‘settle’ (based on Duress and the LIES and the Fraud put forward by that rotten little

man/CROOK, your agent, estate agent Hartard) and after my trustee (WESTRUST) signed (based on

their ‘lackey’ relationship with your bank that money buys, and apparently based on the

Fraudulently prepared figures from your bank) ?


In my E-mail 31/12/09 I did advise that I would be presenting this ridiculous a/c from these lawyers

in the new year. Here it is. The last ridiculous a/c from earlier lawyers was handed to your Company

Secretary Mr Bruce Uncer (the signatory to our Settlement Agreement 19/11/07) in October 2008.

He promised to take care of it – another of his empty idle promises (i. e. his LIES).

Meriel’s and my Rights are once again fully reserved.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris.

cc to Interested Parties.

World Hope is JESUS

To : Mr “GT” Ferreira – because of your personal involvement. To Mr “LL” Dippenaar, Chairman of FRL. To : VVM Inc. Ref is : 10178866 and 205379728 Harris ME & MW a/c for R 15,501-26. We do not owe this money. Kindly speak to Mr Bruce Unser or Mr “LL” Dippenaar at FRL 011

Page 196: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

282 4000. Thank you. The below cc at point 2 will help to resolve this situation that my wife and I should not be in, but for the way that this bank is carrying on. Michael Harris. 31/12/2009. From : Michael Harris. Box 52240, Saxonwold 2132 Jhb. To : The Shareholders of FirstRand Limited and Mr “LL” Dippenaar – Chairman and Mr “PK” Harris, Mr “GT” Ferreira and The Directors and FRL/FRBL/FNB and Mr AH Arnott and Mr B Unser – Company Secretaries to FRL and FRBL/FNB and Auditors – Deloitte and Touche Tohmatsu & PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and The Chairman Mr Hart/Deneys Reitz Inc. E-mail to '[email protected]' Attn. Mr “LL”

Dippenaar - Chairman and major Shareholder.

Dear Shareholders, “LL”, “PK”, “GT”, Directors, AH Arnott/B Unser, the Auditors, Mr

Hart/DR Inc.,

A. The about 21 Police Cases :

i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998

(POCA) and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PACCA) – in relation to

the ‘lists’ that are involving FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB Ansbacher/

RMB/Discovery, their Shareholders, their Clients, their Directors, their Managers, their Company

Secretaries, their agents such as lawyers and Auditors - in Tax Evasion, Money-Laundering,

Organised Crime, ‘Conspiracy’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Collusion’, Fraud, and so on – and also the

RMB/Barry Tannenbaum ‘Skulduggery’.

ii The about 19 Police Cases involving Charges of Theft, Fraud, Mis-representation of the

Truth, “undue influence”, Duress, Coercion, Defamation of Character, Threats of physical

Page 197: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

violence, (including murder), of ‘Conspiracy’, of ‘Corruption’ (including Bribery), of

‘Defeating the Ends of Justice’, Organised Crime, ‘Collusion’, Money-Laundering, Tax

Evasion against First Rand Limited/FRBL/FNB, their agents and others, such as - the Directors,

Co. Secretaries, CA Directors/Partners of Auditors Deloitte and Touche and Pricewaterhouse

Coopers Inc. and Directors/Partners of lawyers Deneys Reitz Incorporated.

B. The LIES and the promises :

i The LIES told by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited to Members of the General Public, to their Shareholders and to the News Media present at

AGM’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and the False Minutes of Public Meetings

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; 2007, 2008; and breaches of the Companies Act.

ii The LIES and the promises made for 23 months by the Directors and by the representative

appointed by the Directors of Public Companies FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB in

regard to the funding/sponsorship of the FC-OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a

Mazlen initiative.

C. The FC–OC 2007 anti-crime and rehabilitation campaign, a Mazlen initiative.

D. The R 60,286,251-40 Damages Claims - in regard to the disputes between the Harris family

(including Willie and Agnes)/The Mazlen Trust and FirstRand Limited/FirstRand Bank

Limited/FNB and the Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007 which was subsequently cancelled on the


E. The 2009 AGM’s of FirstRand Limited (25/11/09) and Discovery (1/12/09)


Information requested, as a shareholder in FRL, in terms of the Companies Act :

Will the Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar, and Company Secretary Mr AH

Arnott kindly advise me when I can collect the following :

Page 198: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

i Copy of the ‘form’ presented to me to fill in and sign, which I handed in.

ii Copy of the Attendance Registers for the AGM 25/11/09 – shareholders and visitors.

iii Copy of the Directors Register - who attended.

iv Copy of the tape of the AGM with a copy of the transcript made.

v Copy of the Minutes.

Thank you. I have previously asked that you will kindly supply these items to me as soon as they

become individually available. So far I have had no response.


19 Park Street, Oaklands.

This was our home before your bank CHEATED us out of it, through Fraud. The Chairman and

major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors will recall that the trustee entered into an

Agreement with your bank, acting in my Estate. You will also know that my wife was coerced and

placed under Duress, and with LIES and deceit she was persuaded to also enter into an Agreement

with your bank. It was your agent, that dirty little CROOK Hartard, and it was your other agent

‘lackey’ WESTRUST who ‘did your bidding’. On the 20/10/08 your appointed employee/agent, Mr

Bruce Unser, was advised, in writing, that contrary to the terms of the Agreement that my wife and

the trustee had entered into with your bank, based on Fraud, coercion and Duress, lawyers were

trying to solicit money out of my wife and I. A copy of the lawyer’s letter was supplied to your

employee/agent Unser, and to the major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors.

I will set out hereunder, for the Chairman and major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the

Directors, part of my letter 20/10/08 :

“ 1.4 The earlier Agreement/Settlement (which is apart from, and in additional to, our

Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007) refers.

(This is the Agreement/Settlement which was entered into about 8 years ago – at the

stage that your agents Smit and Loundes/Hartard – Property Mart/WESTRUST were instructed to

Page 199: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

‘sell us up’ and to put my wife, as well as my wife’s mother (then in her 80’s, and we believe,

causing her early and premature demise) ‘out in the street’ because I was unable to defend them,

being in Prison, as an awaiting trial prisoner, having had my bail withdrawn based on the LIES,

under oath, told by others of your agents e. g. Both/vdHeever/McEwan/and others. Willy and

Agnes, too, were put ‘out on the street’ – unemployed and without shelter. I refer to the terms and

conditions of an Agreement/Settlement in regard to our home – 19 Park Street Oaklands, which

your agents Smit and Loundes/Hartard – Property Mart/WESTRUST prepared, and entered into

(with my wife) acting on behalf of FirstRand Bank Limited/FNB/FirstRand Group)

1.4.1 Attached you will find, Bruce, the latest in our on-going ‘saga’ with

FirstRand Group. It is a Registered ‘letter of demand’ dated 23/9/08, posted when, received

19/10/08, from lawyers Basson and others. If FirstRand Group had of stuck to the Agreement/Settlement

(the one in about 2000, covering the loss of our home specifically) then my wife and I should by no

means be receiving such letters from lawyers, 8 years after the event.

1.4.2 Bruce, because of your appointment by “GT” and the Directors of FirstRand

Group in our affairs, will you kindly deal with this ridiculous situation that Meriel and I now find

ourselves in. Thank you.

1.4.3 Of course, Meriel and I reserve all of our Rights in regard to this ridiculous

situation that we find ourselves in, so many years after the Agreement/Settlement covering the loss

of our home, aside from our Settlement Agreement 19/11/2007.


Now the latest is that another set of lawyers is once again trying to solicit money out of my wife and

I. I will hand in a copy of the latest lawyer’s letter at your Offices when I collect the items listed at

point 1 above. In the meantime your employee/agent Unser must contact 0878 054 939 or fax

0865 755 034 urgently and he must quote Ref : 10178866 and 205379728. He must explain to

VVM Inc ATTORNEYS NOTARIES AND CONVEYANCERS the True position – it will probably help for

him to mention the Fraud and the coercion and the Duress. He should by no means quote the

wrong Police Case numbers and he should definitely refrain from blaming the Police and ‘joking

Page 200: FirstRand Group - MeHarris · FirstRand Group. A. The about 24 Police Cases: i The 2 Police Cases which are including The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (POCA) and the Prevention

and laughing’ about “traffic fines” and “cell phone theft” and so on, like the Auditor Winterboer

and the CEO “PK” Harris and the past Chairman “GT” Ferreira did in the past. They did it at Public



Meriel’s and my Rights are fully reserved. I will try to assist your employee/agent Unser, and the

major Shareholder “LL” Dippenaar and the Directors by E-mailing a cc to the said lawyers, to

mitigate, and to try to put a stop to this ridiculous situation that we find ourselves in all because you

people do not know the meaning of Good Business Practice – you people are such CROOKS and

you people are so CROOKED that you are unable to honour your word or even to honour the terms

the conditions of a written Agreement/contract. It is a disgrace the way that you people carry on.

Yours sincerely,

M E Harris. World Hope is JESUS