FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

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Page 1: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

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Page 2: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

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Bishop Frederick B. Fisher

In India

An Indian T Tibute

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Page 3: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,



Bishnp Fish~r" E:trly )lini~try

i1l lnch.1

Bishop Fisher and l.a)'lllt'I\

Bishop Fi!'ihC"r, an Jnr.pirin~ Pt.•r· :.onality.,.

Bi-.hnp 1-'isht.>1· Jn thl" Pulpit

Dhh«~p F1,;,h1..•1· and ;t L .. p1..·1 .\"-)'hnn ...

Bi'>hop F1..,h-:r a°' :\ Sp<'~k<'r :llld

Ll·1..·tun:1· l•> Edu( :tkd n•>n· Chri ... ti:t1h

l3i$hn11 Fi..;hcr :uicl \"{)nil~ lll<iian ;\l1ni-..tc1-s.

Bi:-hnp F1sl11 .. r and Clnuch Btuhl-

B1 ... h•lp l·1shc1 and \'illl;.!l' \\'ork

B1!:<hop Fi~hl'I :ind Youn~ \lt·n ...

)h .. h•lll I ·1..,hl'I' •• 1 "'Ill l"l"l' <.'h1 iS·

H.1111 "":i.ln ... •

\\' \\'illi:un"'lll

s. B Fin(h

D '· l.':lr .. ·111

<_;, I. L•>rcnz,,

P. \' J .... 1a ..

P.' fi1rd1w1

,, )f, ;\J .l"~\'\

\\' ll ''lllk

.\ \I, l.•)I'< llll•

lli 0'l :'l!-.1 lll \![1.1dl\1 l\1. (;, H, l I! ' I,

.. 1·,• T'

\\" '" \ H \J,1,..,

'I L • [ I •• '

H, I , · ,d I' .. ... ,.i ll, K. f.1

H1•h ·J' :ind \f1 .. I-1·ho 111 lnd;.,.l


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Ji .. n1,. \11 • L ·r"11.. ,'(



Page 4: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Bi .. hop F1shc:r, Builder di the P..\GI:.

lndi.1n Chun:h S, C. '.\Inkt•r·ji .::.:

Bishop 1'1!';Ju.•1· .1nd Ut·n:Jopin~

Indian Lc;1dcn•hip •.. \" '.\f. llahibaksh.,. 56

Bl'"h'•P Fl.,hc:t. ;1 :\lc~ ... cn~cr of Je .. ns Christ S.ol:ih;1t Phillip ..• :;tJ

B1<t.h•1p Fislwi. a Fri~nd •ll lndi:t and J11di.111s .. J I~. Chita1nbar

.• "\ahidad t<han Bi ... hop Fi-:iher, :t l~t·al Friend .tnd

Sy1np;1thi!<ier )J. I... ~1n1son Bishop l-'isla•r .tnd Youth S S. J.Qren7.tl

Bishop l•ii.hcr India's Lo~".

'.\I C, Sin~h


•• , 73


I .



\Vhen the ne"·s of Bishop l.'h;her's "-ith­drawal from the Episcopac~· reached India, his nun1berless friends and adnnrer~ \\·1..~rt" shocked. In a critical ti111e, 't\·hen there are .:.o tnauy ('hangc~ in Inrlia; \\•hen thert:" is such an a\\·akening in the· country; when people ilo not knon· about tho future; \\·hen ther(' are ~o tnany prohletn... and ilifficultie' before our Church iu India; \\·hen people arc: anxious. ant.I <lc1nau<lit'1g 111an~· position.::. and rt.>~pon~ihiht11..~~ in the country and Church; when l'-'e need a devote<l friend, a .~real lt.•ad1..·1, .... cholar, tnes~engt.·r, and helper, Hii-hop I·"1:;her'.::. Ullt.'X)h·ctc:c..l abseth'1..· {rnn1 l11di~1 \\ill bl· ;I

prolJh·n1, \\ 111ch il \\ill ta kt· ... n1111; tlllll"' to

-.oJ\ L"

B1-.h11p 1·1 .. hL·r g.1\ l' th1rtt·1·11 .' t·.,r .. 1hrc.· ~ eJr-. .i-. .1 ).J1-.-.1un.1r.' .tnd ll·tl ;.. ~ ,Jl'-. 1 .. ,

B1~h .. p1. thL· lJt:"t .. ; lu ... luc, 111r InJ1;. In the-.1..· tlurtt·t·u )t'JT ... hr .. u!ftl't·.J llllllh i .. r H1 ... grc:at cauc.e, In1hJ, a.::. ,·c:ry

att<l pall] ... ut·h J prll t· ior fe\\' :'\Ji ... -.1011Jr1c-. ha\.-


Page 5: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


paid. His close touch with the people, his Yision, his u1cssages to Christians JS '\\•ell as to non·Christiaus, his sincc:rll ''

• • • J

lus magnc~t1c serrnons anrl J(>ctures on many subjects, his unceasing lo\'c: for lndia anrl Indians, n·ill al\\"a\"s retnain in the hearts and li\·es of the


people. Per­haps there are on1y a fc:\\· sc-ryaut~ of the :\laster \\"ho ha\'e bc..~cn value<l, ruhnirc1, and affectionately honoure<l and r<:~pt"cted

by the gre-at non·Chri::.ti:1n ll·at.lers in InJi.1 1nore than Bi.::.hop Pi-;her. 1'hc ~tu1lc..-nt-;

1n the colleges and uniYcr::.ities, the: preacher!) in the l'onventions and Con· ft:rencl."'s, the l11y1nen in tht·ir g-athC'rings, the Chr1f.tian \\'orker::; in thC' rC\'l\'al ltll"et~ ings, and 1l'ading anrl l!c..1uc..·ated J-1 indu ... • 111d ~luhan1111c..~d.u1" \\'c..~rc...~ al\\ays eagc..·r t•) h1:...1r and 111c..·c..·t llh .. hop l"'i-.Ju .. r.

Ia ni~h,,p f'i-.h1.:r ltulia Jn ... t .1 t)i-.ciplc..· •

11 .Jt-.n ... l'hr1:-t. 111 .1tln11rtr 111 pt·uple. lh!J\r ·•i 1\tr.' J,111.1 ni ~)l.Hl Jn

tJ11 .. httlt· J,, ··kilt .. ut .. r lll.Jl1\ ..... BJ.· .. 1 'n'5> Jrllll•l' h.!\l' ''ritt<n .1n h~·JUnt of . ' , .

.. Iii ... 11 .. IH1i1J .. a?·, , ... 1:1 1J·JT1··11'1~

t • n ~ 1 l1h· '1·r\ ] ·T• •tu in. 111 ..11111 h .uhn~ H1nJu-. .1nd )JohJlllJJH1J,JI1-. " 1nt 1 d to



"rite chapters ""e allowed only Indian Christian la)·men alike.

s.·ptelllbei-, 1930

m this booklet, but a lintited space to our leaders,-:'.Iinisters an<l



Page 6: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

... '




\lihen Bi•hop !then th<· R~v. :llr.) 1:1.,.h<."r t·an1c t'> India for the..· fir~t tin1t in 190.J, he \\'a~ appcnnted Pa.::.tor n! tht" :llethorli;;t Epi,<"opal English Church at .\gra, \\here 1 \\'3S. l'a,tor of tht. .. '.\J(:'thod· i.:;t Epis.cupal I1in<lustani Church. It \\3 ...

tn~· high pri\'i1ege to becon1e acquainted \\"ith thi~ young 1 int<"lligent, an<l arth t· :'\Ji ...... i11nary. In ;1 fe,, \\'l"'ek ... ,, .... :i.11 undt•r­~t11od that \\'t:" had a :\Ii.:.-..1011.tr~ \\ hn \\3 ...

going to tlo ~0111e great \\ol k . . \gra if. a large tov.-n an<l a \"ery tnnous

place and, thou~h our \\'ork, con1pare<l ''ith othl""r dc110111inations, \\3$ not ,.\·r~·

prospl·ruu-.. antl grc .. tt, y("t ln hnyc..· .:.1u·h a lc..•;1d111g-, t:ni:rg"c.th', g-rt·.1t p1c..·.·H.'lh·r in . .\gra

\\,1.::. th1.: bc..·g1nn111g r11 tht· rt~pnt 1t11111 ot

:Xlt·th111h .. t ''ork 1n tln;., fanJ<1u .. l ll' Thou;!h hl· n:t .. u1 Fnt.:Ji .. h "''rk he

'..:·t;. .:.""11 l1L·~.1ll l•l t 1k\· .Jll llllt•]°\•.,1 111 t11,

Jfindu .. t.lni \\ nrk .11111 in tht· J111l1.111 r11n­g-r1..~~~nion Fri 1111 thl~ lu:"Q"inn1111! ht· np1·D·

Page 7: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


ed his honlt', heart and purse to J)USh for,Yard tht..• llin<lu:;tani "·ork, and sht..>\\'ed a keen intere:;t in, and love to\\•ards, Inc.liau:;. 1 :;till Tt:"l11etnber sonte of his acti\'itie-:; \\"hich put ne\\' life in our ''·ork.

First of all I found that tho young prt:'acher took a g-reat interest in the youug n1t.•n, and they n11 shared in hi~

Jo\'t-. He used to call young n1en to his honte for prh·ate ancl public mec-tings and 1...·011,·t>r ... Jtion. \"'oung 1nen felt that he \\'ct-::. a d1,.,ciplt! of ]<.~:;us Christ \vho had .)ZOOll C'tJUn ... el, a 111<.:' .... :::.agt..· and lu\"l' to offer. 'fhc:r1...· \\t.•rl· c;tndc·nts in th<" :\fe<lical School, high -.chnnl, ancl tJtht.~r traini11g $<'hool' .ind l'1Jll<·g-t."s, "ho ht:gan to run to this. .\"UH.~ )Jj ...... jon.:1ry, J.tld they \\'t>rc helped. Socia1l_\', ':'>p1rituall_\", antl ct1lll'atio11n1l.'· the.\ \\ l"l°t.' cr1...·atl_\' l'lll"ouragecJ 3Ihl ht:lpeJ J ,, )I I l '1'.'<IH r

b1 1Ji .... \. !:1\ ... tl•,,

'1·' ... ~J, t 1., l•\1.'\ !l

"'• 111.Jl l''Hl.tt\-. \\Cfl

~: ... Jn.!:Jn- .:~.1 ,,]:.n .. t· ,.,} ,\ 111 ln1li.1 J~ut

·n i,, .. 11 .. 1· l 1-l11r ,. ,. 1·•nntl n" ,lJ .. t1nl'·ti,;11

1 , · J •. pr. r 1· (·, r n.11i..n.·i11:~ 111.. u.:.c··t]

t•• 111\ ill"' ]11 .. Jn11ian fr1(-ntl:.. .'.l.:.. ir<·l·l\ ::in·l .J~ h ... pp1h :1 ... ht· ,,,,n]<} tht rur•1J•l"~ll'-

. ,,.


Fron1 the gruup of young u1t"·n antl students ,,·ho \"\'ere encouraged and help· <:d sp1ritual1y hy )Ir. Fisher, I :,.ce no"' v~ry 1nany ... hiuin.~ like -:;tar:; in Church ,,·ork, 41' \\'eH a!'oo in other de1>artwents of \\'ork in our country.

'!'hen I noti<·cd that )Ir. Fisher tonk a leading part to help 111olzalla trural) Chr1~tians. Ile visited their hotne:;, con· duch.·tl group 111et:ting~, an<l prl~acbc:tl the gu:-pl"l to the~t: needy and poor people. 111 the: 111.i;ht he \\cut tu ~ec ,:,iCk pl·oplc in tht'ir hotnc·s, he.· took ::in int(,"'fc~t in their 1lhteratc children and sugge>tco.I ~01ne \\·a~·s to help theni. 'fh<.·.:.e people \\t:J"t: not li\'ing in ch:.111 hunH:~, thtl not 1H1\'t' t'l<.·an clnthin_~, nr g-ootl .1nU ('Olltiort·

.. tl•lt.· h111111.:.... 'J'hc) h;lt] 111an~· problv111.; un o.l..:1·,1unt of p1l\t·1l.\". 'I'l1t.·: ditl Jl1)t h,1\"1...· ;t

lh.l l"llt llh'nnH· to ... nppol'l th~:ir f.11111111...":.

~ .. llh .. 1 th\lll \\lf\ lll 1h·l·t 111 ,iJ,, t\ ..

..• 1111.itJ11 .. ,_.! '~1tl1 t 1 ~11•· ind .. }J.,,,,,J

1\dl111..:n.· ...... 11l•1 ! .}.· .. JT1· t" HJ·iilt 1~hl11

]'.1 .. lJ"}' }'1 ... lhl J1.1.j I}. llll~ }11 1fl ,Jl,\ \',.!"'

.. \ lllj .. dh· tlt \\;1 11 1 11· ... ,. ·1· J,f· .... , ,] 111-i ·h· .:r.1111...tl , Il"Jt ur1·.... .1n1l thl·\ .ill 1·llJ• \ 1·cl 111.; hi::?"h tcJl"aJ.; .inO h111n.::-

Page 8: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


\Vithin a fC\\" tnonths as Pastor of the English congregation he prO\·ed himself a pu,verful and i-.tal\\·art preacher. v·ery soon his reputation as. a strong preacher \Vent throughout .\gra city, like \Vildfire, and people \Vere eagl~r to hear hin1 'fhosc \\'h(J never caretl to nttend ser\"iC'es on Suntla.' began to con1e, not onlv )fethod­i:-;t.; but n1cn1ber:-i of other Chu~t·he::., un­til the nutnher of \\"orshiper~ <:.o increa.::.ed that c\·ery Sunday the Church ,,·a<:. full and on 1nan.'· occasions there \\"a<:. no roon1 in the Churd1 huilding.

People rcaJi,.,ed that hi~ ,·oice \\a~ i111-

prc ...... h·e, he \\a~ eloqtt(."nt, a cJeep thinker, ~11-un_g ... pt·.1 k t.~r, and had :1 Jtlt:"~ ... agt" tor

all. \"ery fe,,· preachers of our o\\·11

Clntr<·h \\"ert.. ~o 111nch acln1iretl, loved, antl rt.~.;pC'cted b~ th<• ('ongregation ,'.}.;:, )Jr F·i ... lh·r 'rlJ,,ng-h Ill~ ,,.1:-:. nnt Dr n1>r Hi ... l1°1p iu tho ... ~ 1la~.:.. nor ;HI a.l,!'1·11 or "l"lll••r \J1-. .. 1·1Jl.lT~. lint ,,,1 .... nJ~ /.Ir F1 .. h1..·r • 1r H. 1·\ Ft ... hl:"r •. 1 :. oun~. l..1ut .:.:r• ,~ 1n~ ,1n.i 111111111).! 11· 1.J1·r. lll· ~"11 th1· 1·11nti1l1·11(1· .,f 111 .. Ji, .11'1 r·

111· ..,Jt11\\1·d .1 <'h·.1r \\J~ of ... 3)\.1tt<Jtl t" tH.111\' "Ji., 1H·l·cit.·<l 11ur !-'ayi0ur Ht: ai~


\Vay:, t.'nll\"llh .. 't•<l pt"uple of their ~piritual

need:;. He al\\'ays npli(tecl the soul:; \\'ho had lo.:-;t their ~piritual experic:nce. He put J1:su:i Lhr1:;t an<l His Cross before tl10se hopeless and far from the Heavenly P'atht"r. I-It' ~:l\\·ays brought tht' thir:;ty :--uuls to the Jiving '''ater. I-le fed the hungr~ "ith the li\'ing bread. lie preached the gospl~I of pence, healing and \'ictory. .\ncl, thank c;.oa, tor full three years he helped many sonls to find the truth a111l ~aJ,·ation, and brought then1 to a higher .::.piritual <.~xperience.

In hi.:. ... l"'r111011s he preachet1 nnly l'hrist, Hi .. ero ....... and grnct•, and al"·a~ .. , :1sked hi ... (.'1JJlg'.1'l'gation to h~l\'t.' n1..·\\ hopl·, life, and joy .:.tH.·h n..; he pro\·ed by his o\\'11

:"opiritual <.·xperic-nc<'". Jn the nti<l.;t (){ a "'ll<'"l't"ssful 1nini.;:,try, though \grn neet1c-t1 hin1, ht· haO to lea\'l' the- l'hnrch nn<l pla(."'(:> in 190'1, ~tncl rt·tnrn tn An1erira.

Jn >Ja\, 19:!0, ht' \\J-. t·1t.·ctl·d Bi ... hnp .ind \\.t ... .! ...... 1gth·t1 ,,, l111h<l .1g,1111 ll1· _:_:.l\t"

Jfll ,, 1H·T ... Ut'l t·~--ful t t•Jl 't·.1r... i1 •T • •111' 1lt·.1r

l<tnd ,, ... 1111r l'l11t'f P.-1-.t11r It \\.1 .... 1 ;:rl·.it

J•Tl\'llt·~t.· to hJ\ t· l3i.;.1J,,p Ft ... ht·r 111 Jn1h.1. hl· pu ... ]H·1l J]j.., .!Jreat cau-.t- for~arc1: he·

Page 9: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


put ne\\· res1)onsibiJities on Iu<lian shoulrl­ers; ht· started 111auy things \Yhich \\"ill help to extend the Kingdom in our country. He lo,·ed, uplifted, and helped the Inclinn Church. And now when I hear that he will not return to India, I feel ,·ery sad. 1 1niss hin1, and rc-1nen1bcr that Bishop Fisher nas a 111an of God, a dis­ciple of Je~u~ Christ, and a friend of I11dians ancl India. In this critical and chanj:{ing ti111c he ic:. not "·ith us. ).Jay God grant His unbounded and unlimited blessing- on this consecrated ser,·ant of Christ and 111an.


Formr1· Mi11istu of the .1lc/11od1st Epis<"<>j>al Hi11d11sta11i

Cl111rc/1, Agm, UP , India.

nISJJ()P FTSHf.:R .\XD I.\ 'l:IIr-::\"

.\ pr1n1.'c .1Ut<1nz.:t 111i.:.:..i<·narir ... 311•1 ,1

P""f(·-:t nnrkr·r .11111111!! ... t the J•rf:u 1H·r:: \\·a.;;

n, .. h"J' rro..11l·TJC'k R ri.:.h1:r in t h1· t'our1;e ··f hJ ...... ,,_J•i11rn in Jn.li.1. ~ li.:·r .. h .. !li.111c hi.; n1ark :1nll acln<-,·f'rl hrilJi.1111 .:.11cc('1;.;, E-.t.1Ji)j .. J1111~ Tni.: .. 1nn 1;t:ati<111..:. \\~t" far front



his n1in<l, and the only objecti\'c: of llis mission 'vas to for111 au Indian Churrh and to create Indian leadership. He made no secret of his intention~ and C:\ en in the teeth of opposition he lifted Indian' to higher positions gidng !hem hb full ;~·mpa!hy and support.

He was not subject to the worst frnilty of the lnnnan ntin<l, vi:., jealousy, ,,·hc·n thC> Indians in the 111is::;ion ser\·ice or out::.i<lc it thri\"e<l \\·ell aud donned n1i.:e accoutrenteuts and shone in tht:: Eurupt-an st'1e. He delighted to >cl· the Indian ci1ristians intpro\"Jtlg in status and \\"calth. Prosperity of the Indians \\"as his greatc·..:.t l'olll''-.l'll. .\11 thi:, \\'on for hiln the hen.rt.:

of the Indian layntt"ll \\'h1) ~tocHl in a bo(I: to hc:lp the t.'httrch of \\hich ll1

Fh•llc·r '':is a Di-.hop-:tn idl"al Bishop indt~c:(l.

}~111ln\\·e1l \Yith the.. highc·):>\ (jl13hlll'' Pl

ht·ad dJld h1.:Jrt. hl· \'\J-:. a true.. 1l.1Jl·r, J

J•l"!·hl.l, J JU·!g~· •. 1n•l iJ1h~r l-!l 1 .. r._· ... .i\\ till tnlhH·111 l thl. lhnr~ li • ··nl.! \'.hiJ ii l.1:111«11 <·1 ,,._.dt~1 anJ J·• 1 .:.Jt1•·n

\11U(h.:..at1.·.J tht·IT .nll\t.: ..... -111.-1.·fjtJ .. l) .11.1

... up11••rt, ~Uhl h1.· utilizecl h1.: po\\er 1d

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gaI,·anizing pt>uple into acti,·itv \YOnder­full~· \\'t .. 11 in con1H ... xion ,,·ith . the laitv. llt:' carrll. .. d convit.·tion honu: to the la~·-111en and inspired them to do their dutv to\\·ards the chur<.'h, ,,·hich after all, "'a.s their o\\·n, in contradistinction to the n1i:,~ion.

'J'hrongh Bishop I-'isher'~ 1nini.:;.tr\ and inflnenl·e the layn1en began to co-,;pt:"rate n1ur<.• in church acti,·ities and increa:;ed tht-ir finan<.·ial help. Conseque11tl,· tht.> nutnber of self-supporting, ~elf-dir~ctinR, and ~C'lf·sttstaining l'hurches doubled 1lurn1g Ins inc111nbl .. ncy. )I any :::.tation~

\\'hil'h \\'l'.rc:. dt'\ nitl of plact.· ... ol \\'or.:;hip :-.t~utt·J bu1hl111g thcn1, lhc.:: grcal1..·r rt.·~1;u11:,i­

hilit~ \\'hereof \\'n-.. un1lertake11 \"oluntaril\· h~· the laytnl·n, tlu.· Bi ... hop gi,·ing ~uh.,tat~· tit11 n1atl·rial hl·lp.

It i~ tlif!lrult to !inti a leallc·r 1ikl' Bi:=.hop Fi-..IH·r 11i.; Jn, .. fut· I I" I I .. nt ta .ult t ll' ln1h.111 ... 111... -.ohc1tuflt" fnr thl"ir '' l"lf·1 r\'

1lhl pr11gtl· ..... Jn .. l 1.n .. t.int 1h·-..1rl· 111 , 1 ~ .. 1t1

Jnd1.1n h·.ult·r .. hip, .inci J.J .. t, l•ut Jl(•~ ?lit

]t.-i .. t, tll<· h.itlll••lll••U-.. TllJtl••l) Ltl\\("l"ll hi ..

1•TJl tll l" .11hl "l'l"t'I h, \\l'tl· .. tt-rhng 'Jn:1htH· .. \'.hh h the 1.i,\llltll ;uhnirt·d itn1llt"JJ .. t·l.\ Ile

r I

j 9

drc\\· all 111en to"·ar<l.!'. hitn and the la~·n1en flocked to 1neet hi111. lii:; in..;piring pubhc lecture:; and con\·inc1ng prh·ate talk:-> gn,·e la~·1ncn a 11(>\\' \ 0 i-s1011 of tht: church and the co1111nunity, and through his in~tru-

1nentality the laynten conceiye1l the idea of an Indian Churt..·h.

'l'he Calcutta .\rea Couyention, con,·ened by Bishop 1~·i~her, \Va:, au eye-opener to the laity, and the~ displayed a considerable zeal in helping the- furtnation of au Indian Churc·h Bi~ho1> 1:1::.her':; plan and yision appeale<l to the la~ meu-c,pcdally those \"\'ho \\·tre young. IIis appointing then1 to the Finance Conunittce and the .-\rea L'ounC'il has been haileU '' ith joy. 'flus ha-, giYen the ttit~ a g:rl'"ater ... pherc of ~t'"r\·ice and an adciitional c..trc:-ngth to the church. 'fhe ~illt't·r1t~, t·nndour, opti1ni~111, an\l ct'i'tt'il•Jll'Y \\ith \\hich Bi::..hop Fi ... hc:r did ~111 tin;; tor :111tl \\1th tht· la!lllt"tl ha ... 1ftt\~ .. \1l tht·llI tn ~r\·.ttl·r Ul'll\'ll!, .111.I t!h·\

"111 ll•·l 1.lil 1 · ;:1\t· .1 1J·)•11i .1•·t.iUllt nJ

tih·lll••·)\l· .. Ill \\IJ.1l1.\lf J1., .. ltl"ll th\.\ Jfl·

pl.1.-\"11 111 tl:t.· • hurt.h ];f• 1gr...in1nh·

1 lil· \'ll\li.1111:·.l ..... ul 111 .\l\·1Ji.,t)1 .. 1 lnd11

Jllcl 11.._ I.lit\ lllll::-l ~offV\\IUJI\ th·p)11tt· thl•

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loss of such a good and real friend. The shock to the laymen is real, but they rl""joice to find that even in aC'l't"pting the pastorate Bishop Fisher has set an excel· lent example of the true spirit of service a~ distinguh;hed front \\·orking: for nante and fame. lt i• my firm belief that the la~·tnen have alread~· taken note of this and will not belie the confidence our helO\·ccl Bishop placed in them, but mil l'ontinue to ~erve the church in its on\\·arcl 1na.rc..•h so suc..•ces:;ful},· ~tarted hy hint, bui1c1ing up :it the f'.an1e ti111e th<' e<lifirf' of the Indian Church on the foundation laid by him.

<.. l>11J1dtnli<ll .·Js ... i..:,taHI lo tl1f Ilisl rict llagl sti·a I c, .1111 :a (jar­

f'o1c, Jlihm, India


'f}h· nt·\\ .. of the T1.: .. l!-'ll . .1llnll .,f f.1 .. h11p F1 .. ht·r tron1 tht l~p1.::c11p:11·, h.1 .. 1·1·1.•11 .1

cr1.·:11 .. hp1 k 11• tlH· ~Jc;th•.1l1 .. 1 Er1 .. 1 np;,J

lhur1..li in :-'1.utl1lrn \-.1.:t, I•·T hi .. 1·IJ11 .. in J.u1l1hng t hi: lnthdn l huri· h t-. c-rl .. 11111u·

t p


]ating and encouraging to all of us n·ho n•ere under hi:; jnri-:.diction and \\'lhl enjoy· ed hi:; fello\\'S.hip and couns.el for the la~t ten \'ear5 ,,·hile he \Vas in India.

Ili::;hop. Fi::.h<'r i:; a seer. Se,·enty-four ,·ears ha\·c: pa::)5t>t1 :;iucc: the foundation of f:he )lethod1st Ep1:;copal L'hurt•h \\·a.:. lai<l in North-India by tht late Revd. \\'illia111 Butler and ~iucc then the churt:h ha~ IJeC"n 1nt'rcas.111g. But the rt·:;pon ... 11Jilit~· iur hl"l' gro\\ th \\a~ 11nt conten1plated ::.eriou~ly in t'o111pl<:ti11g h<:"r strut . .'tllTl:' till Di~hop F1:;her, a 1lHlll 11( Goel, C"xplort:1l tlH• po\\'C"T :tn1l abilit\' of the Indian 111111i ... tf·r.;, athl la~ n1e11

\\'ho ·could ::)tay up the hu1ul~ 1lf tht•


Bi-shop .:ind :\Jr ... 1:1 ... hl."r 111\ c.· the 111d11111 L'hristiJus. 'fhis doc:; not 111t"all that thl· othc·r 1111 ...... i1>11aric.· ... tlo not lt1\'t· n.;, hut 111 ct·rta111 rc• ... Jh.'c.'t:-. the." love of tht· 111r111t:1 l·Xl't•I:-. 'fhl.\ <llt: o( tin· opi111nll th~tl 1--'cuul, 11111rtd, 1.11thlnl, .i11tl 1t·.t11111-. lll11-.t1.111-. .11t·

tlh11· l·t .. tlu·r-. .111.1 .. 1-tt.:r ... ,~.111.]J ~ht·:

1.r .. ,,a .. n.l t,JnJ.11t·•11.,, l"1111-t·lh11~. 1111,.

11H.: •. in.1 ln1n_l' Jrt·1·), \\1th n .. \\ h1·Jl,\1r tln.\ , 1-11\·l .• 11: Jn.li •• 11 I 11 .. :r1 t : 111·. 1•rt1l1Tttl 1" -.tJ~ \\llh tlh· .... 111-•·r1nttndt·1Jt

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They thought it a great joy and privilege to :-:.ojourn and dine "·ith their Indian brother and sister. .\t conference~ anti social ineetings they al\\·ays arranged that all the n1en1hers and \'isitors li\'e .:ind eat together. 'l'hese starts \\'ere quite UC\\'

thing< an<l exhibited their real love to Indian Chri.;tians. It is truC" that the Indian nuni:;ter:; generally do not ha\'e Uig and contfortahle ho11:-:.e~ but their j1l~'

al\"\·a~·f. pre\'ailetl O\"<.~r thi:o. inrr,n\'enienl"t", B1::.hop Fisher i-; ju.:,.t He ha.:. hc.."'C>n our

Bishop for the la~t ten years hut no one c-\·er got a chance to ::.ay that he \\a ... unJn>t. Generally people o,·erlook justice unt.h.'r the inftnenc-e of a stronger party 1

but Ili<h<>p Fisher, being a just and bold n1a11, nc:\ C"T acb .. "d c.."ontrary to lus coll ... l'lt:JH.'(;' .;i ... hi ... 111otto \\.:l."" "ju ... tice".

l h.ti•.•\\ oi' .1 t.'<l::-.t• \\ ht'll a t.'t.•rt.a.in 1ni-.­-.11111.11' 1n , h.ngt. 111 .1 l)1-.ll'H'l, u111h·1 tht·

1l·•n.1n.1t111~ 1n1iu .. 1h.L v1 Jll lthlt.111 1111111::-t .. r,

\\.tlll~··l 1" J.r111~ .1 1h1rc-t· 111 111.i1.uln11ni:-tr 1·

ll••ll .1;;.1111 .. t J n;t.:1111 ..... r ot tht.: ... Jhl J)1 .. tr1~ t

.:..., ht rl·hir1-i th,· ,.., .. 1· 1 .. thl· (JL111et 11u

)h·Jr1n~ tl11 .. dlt· B1 .. hoJ1 n.1 .. \ .... r~ ., .. rr}

.1n•i l1L·1 .11111: rc:11 ... l·1lt \nntlu:r District


Superintt>ndc-nt, \\'ho kne-n· the facts of the saul Di~trict, thrt•\\ sonic:> light OJI th<" t'ase to the (abin~t. ()n hearing thi:; the D1shup traJISft:rr<:(l the <lon1inating brothC'r and tht· 111i:-.~ionary to other Districts an1l thus $3\·ed the htlplcs;;; victim.

B1~hop anJ ~Ir::.. }.'if,her hac.1 a great prugra111111c for tht• lnclian Churt.•h. It ''·•~ lli .. hop Fi::.ht·r \\ho, Ucfore hi::. c.:lection a::-. .'.l ni .. hup, Jlll':"ht•tl fnr\\~lrcl tht• layn1en's n1ovc111t:nt in .\1nt·r1t.·a \\hich J>L·rfu111c1l thl' 11Hliitn C'httr\'h so that 1nat1.\' <'«'lnratC>1·1 lntli.,111 L'hri-.tian.; dediC'ated tlH.~111.:.t·lvc..:. to the )Ia~tc:r'~ :--<:I"\ it·c.·. During his I:pi:;· copal tc:r1n ut lthha lu: anti )Ir:=.. Fislll·r Jll\'ltt.•il JJI !\ovt.~nibc·r, 19'.!9, to a Lonye1tt1011 at L'al.:utta, fnur hutttlrctl n1i11isters aud ti~ 111t:11 t1J talk and furthrr th1: t•hurch a1.·ti\ ltlt'' .,n th.It ~111 till~ ln1han l'hr1-.tian~

)}t.1~ pt.ll'l'ht. lht.• lt.~p1111-.ibilit,\ 11i tht. ,·hnr( h .. 111d .1~.1111 in l c:l• , lfl3o. t Ii\' ht J,J ;ll .\Tl.:: l.•·lHhil llltt1Jl1~ ·~ :-."\l-lll\·li\l'

1..1' ill._n, 1111111 .. tt-1- .11ttl 1111 .... 1, llJTit''" l•• ia.1r 'T•·lll t!h:lll h•·\\ ll~lhh j•f••~Tt' .... ]1.1.J 1. .. c·t"Jl

i11 ••• 1l· 111 tl11 ... ]a~~u· n .. n.1 '" .. i•lll•ll.:t·

.Jlld t·Jh ••Ur.n:c: t?h 111 J,, tht ir :1d' h l' ~1hl

,nUJl .. t.·1 )1.r thl':" \l·J\' )'Uf)"''"l' tilt·\


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began to issue the Calc11/a1ea11 which is sent to all iniss.ionarie~, 111iuister~ 1 and prominent laymen of the Church in the Calcutta Area. They also put more res­ponsibility upon the laymen and invited the protninent antl zealous one~ to res· pective Finance Co1n111ittees.

\\'e would "·ish Bishop and '.\!rs. Fisher could he here in India to 5ee the result of thi~ g-reat progr~1111111e. \\'.; a~ ... ure Bi~hop and )lrs. J.'h;her that though they arc :;cpat'atetl front u-. in pers011 .'"et they ar<..~ nc.•\"<.•r abst"nt in onr hearts and pra.'·er ....

s ll. F1~CH, .\"t•uio1 l11dia11 Di$(1 itt Supe1 ill· tt'lldt•ut iu Soullit'Jll ~1.-.;a,

l~cti·RtHt"li, t:.P., llltlhl


nL·iort.: ~a: ing an: thing ~1hont B1..;.hnp fi·lh1'-.. !..~t.llllt. ... ltltl ~lTlll .. 11 .. I d1·1°111 1l

111: !•h 1-11r1· t.i J'··int ••tn \\h.it -.:-t·n1-. t•·

nh· t·• 1·1· tlh 1 hit·J , l11r 11 tl·r1 .. 11 ...... t Ji1 ...

per-sr•n.iht\, !01 the~ plJ: 1.11 .111 Jll11"'rt..11'.t j"'lf: \\;11 J1 111· \\ , .. ]Jl I J•lllJ•ll

.\ r .. J,n-.t 1 .. 11-.1nut1"n, •1t;..!lllt' Hl .;..11111•lt·

ell:. a l11:111c11 aud 1 ht l"tlnl ,1J .. p1.1:.-1t11lll \\t:re




the outstanding features of his personality. Jn short, \vhcn he '-\"as on a platfor111 his very appearance inspired the 1ni11ds of the audience. 1'he fluency of his tongue, the flexibility and ease of st~·!e, and the ele,·atit)ll of high ideals could not but lea,·e a vi,·id itnpre5~iou even upon the 111ost rigid 111inds of those \\"ho Ji6tened to him.

It \\'J.=> a real joy to u:; \\"hen '"e heard about the Calcutta :\rea Convention \vhich """ to be hdd in Calcutta from 30th October to 4th NO\·emher, 1929, and the kind in,·itation of the Bt:)hop.

Although I had heard him ,peak se\'er,il tinll"'..:., yt:t the Co11\'entio11 11ll:'3llt tlC\\' ex­pi:ricUl'c:;. It \\4l., ..i p1hilt'gc t•> ine to li:'tl"n to our ~rec.it fr1entl-the frienrl of all l111ha11 ... -fron1 the pulpit of 'fhohurn Church in Calcutta.

It \\:\-. illlt·rl·.:.ting tn note tll'\t in the t•\ l'llllH!. \\ ht:n ht· -.pnl~\.' to thl· ;1111li1"'l11't'"'

••! 1111•\ll .1 th•)\1-.lll•l jll:"••ph 11••1 1)11,_• ,,,

t!1ln1 -~·1.:1111·•1 .lt-111tt·ri:-.1<:1l "1 h1- \\;1 ... ...,,

d~·t]tlnl· pr• .. •I '•I )11-. ~l\ Ill(!; tlh· llll .. -.. .. ..:1.· .. f tl:l ""1·.1 .,1 t~ ... 1,,plJ1lu1.·lll., of 1.10-

).!U-1.\.!1· .111il 1 ]Jrlt.' ,,; C''\.)lf1-.-.lt1ll, lJl.,.fJJTlll~

the" t·;...ct•t'<l1ugl' 111;.: JU•lH·th.t· ..

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E\·e11 from the ])akony of the church e\·C'ry single \\"Ord \\·as distinctl~· audihl<:, and the \'er~· tone of hifi ::.ern1onf. di~played that it ,,·as not he \\'ho ga\'e the d1scour:.e hut the Spirit of God \\"ho spoke through biui.

"Bring a bless.iug \\'ith ;.·ou, adll to it \\hile here, and carry a greater one a\\·ay", these \\'ere the "·ord':) pr111tl'-<l at the c:nd of the Coll\"l"lllion Progrannue. I do rt:alize the llll'rcas.c~ in 111;.· blc·ss.ings atHl the strengthc."ning of n1y Chri.:.tinn rharncter ~ever \\'ere such freedon1 of speech and abs.l·nce of racial superiority ob.;c-r\'c:<l as \\"trc Ji:;played during the Cah.:utt.1 .\rea Co11\·ent1011 of \\Inch Bis.hop 1•1;:,hcr \\'3::.

tht: gui<liug force. 'fhough \\ c nre depri\'c:d of ht~ :1111iable

pre ... t:llC.'l' ~111d tu~ in:'-pirinR strn10n~ : ct I .1111 co111itlc.:11t th.it th1..• 1..flc1.·t th.it hi.; ... l.l'lllt1ll .. ~llltl Jc,·tur1..· ... h.1\"1. llt.lll1.· up, 111 o\11 hc·..irt:- \\Ill ro..lll.!lll l•·lll-!' \\ith u-

ll I.. Luht '\!..

1""I''"1,,1. 111.i1~1': Ji1.' r. .. r,l­"· .,1, L.i~•; f· 1,, ('fl, ]1 J .1



!llf.!IOP FISHER .\ND :\ LEPER .\f.YLCll.

In 111~ s.ucc(":;::.ful 111ini~try to our dc·ar t111d, Church athl <:on1111unit:· Bishop F1$hc:r hatl a placC" 111 hi:; ht•art for all kuhl::. of }H.·uple. Hi~ ine.;:..:.ages ,,·c-re tinH.•ly, and 1n..;pirc·t1

111;:111\ live::. in ;111 thl:' grou1).::.. 1-Iis \ i~ion~ \\CT~ tf'I .;;c:c· 111 the fntnre a ::,trong (hri::,­t1an connunnlty, athl tu \\ork to\\ard a ::.elf-<levelotlin.g and ::.cli·su&taining Chur1.·h

in 1 ntli.a Ile tlit1 ll•'lt neglect any :;ecuon oi hi:;

tlutit::.- l1nt ht·lpt·tl <. \'c.•rybotly h:· hi.:. pr3\"C'r, t'nllll~t·I, lllt·~ ... ago..:. ,llhl 1111>11<.'Y. In hi.;; ]lt·art autl Iii<: thert.:' \\~\$ roo1n fnr t:\t•r:·­l>o1l.'. lic· cujn_\'(,'11 th1.· f\;'lln\\ .:..hip of .111 l;.i111ls of pc~oplt.~ llt.• t xt< .. lldetl a ht.·lpful h.11111 ,,, p1)or, ·"lf'k, n<·ed:· nncl snfieriug

1110..11 .nttl '' 1 •lll1.1l \\\· h !\, t~n1h·r .. nr .. npl T\ 1 ... 1 .. n .1 L, 1·~ r

\ .. ,Inn;. run J,~ th...: \J, ..... 1 .. 11 t" Ll·J11.:T·.

}H· Jtl <>11.lt l lJl l11111}111l, Jlltl "'ll]'} '' rto..1} 11_\°

11Jt· I,.\ l'Tlllllt 111 JJUJ,Jt1 .111•1 Ul•il\ 11in.t1

,h:1rl11t' .. , .11111 .. 111 ... ,rl]·tH•ll" \\\· l:.1\1·

J}.unt .. 1xt: n1t-n, \\1>1llt·n anJ ,·1n1Jren

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who Jh·e in this Asylum. We are respon­sible for their food, clothing, medicines, a11d al"·ays try to help then1 a::. far as possible. \\'hene\·er Bishop Fisher visit­ed our Di.;-,trict headquarters he sh<n\'ed a s1lecial interest and eagC"rness to see these poor and sufft>ring creatures.

:\l"·ays. a special programnte and 1neet­ing \\'as arranged for Bishop Fisher to :>J>eak to, 111t"et, and visit the lepers in the . \~ylunt. I-le \\'oul<l shO\\' llis syn1pathy, \\"l)llkl go around to all the "·ard$ and qt1artc:r~, \Yonld speak a \\"ort.1 or t\\'O to e,·ery 111an or \\'otnau, and the.:.f' poor pl .. nplc "'0011 cii<:.t.'1)\'C"rf'<l the- Chri.:.ti:111 l•l\'l",

~y111pathy and interest of their Chief P.1stor. 'flu .. • Ili111ltt:. aud :'\Ioh:un111ednn.:; '' c:rc ::il,v:iy.:.. .;:,urpri.:.l~d to see the intl·re ... t in tht.• lt:'pl·1·s ol :c.uch a per:;uu "ho \\'a:; tht• hc.·a,1 ot ~• c...'hnrc.·h. ln the 'l"'l"\"ice

bl. ,d\\,1: .. l"ll.l":" l"'1l tht.· pJJ: 1ng nl th,· .. c;

J ... J•t'i'"' ••11 thr1r ]11"11111 111 .. truu1t.nt-., i\lu'-h lht: pl.1~ \tT\ Illtt.·l: llc u ... t1l \ .. ;.:l\c tl":t.·Jll .I ._,.]I,] '"]\111111..1) llll .... .ll?t.• 111 "hhh

h ... · ,il\\,1-.-. t lh·t.·1,-.i tht.·JlJ, 11p)11\t .. 1'} tht.•111,

.11111 :.!•t\'1: tht· li11pl:" of lh:" .111..J ctcrn.11 hit.·

lit." :ll'\\.1'~ tnl1l tlh·n1 \t:r~ frank.I: that'


... ~~~~: .. 0-=-~~

.''l"'. .. ........ j -. """ .·1 r ~ ... .r ... I:

tJ:-. "-~~ ' -

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"sin is also a kind of leprosy of the soul". His \'isit to our .\sylun1 \\'a~ al\\·ays full of gc>o<l and t seful suggestion:;, \\0 hich showed the deep JO\·e he had for these people.

By his nble and ,,·i:;e sugge~tion \\'e :;e­curetl f"nough 111one)o· to build a dressing roon1, cun1pc>und \\'all, and had general re­pairing, clea11111g, and ,,·hite\\·a:;.hing of all the quarter~ and co111pouud ,,·hich n1ade

the Leper .\'i=-)o'lunt practically ne\\' \\'hen he la:-.t \'1:=.itl·~l thi .... \::.~ hnn on Fehrno.ry third, 1929, he opc.:netl th<:" Bl'"\\' (lre~.:.­ing roou1 and \\'as delighted tu ~cc the cleanlitH."S-5 and beauty of the "hole .\-,yhun co1npnuthl. In hi~ lettc-r to the f,uper1ntt>ndeut hl• al\\a)o'S a~ked about the Leper .\ ... ). ltnn, and :::.ent his gr~et1ng ... ~ind good '' j.._JiC".;,,, 'fh1.~ poor h."'pC'r~ r<.""lltl·111b1.·r

th<.· B1 .... h11p'" \ J"it .... and lllt•.:.-.ag-l~~ Tltt·~· 1oltt·11 .1-.k. 111 .. ,·nd tlh·it ::,1!,,.1111;; •rf-.:.p,·1·t­

t11l Tc·:.!Jf•} ... 11111 l'•'lll]·hn1,·11t-.• l•• thlll"

~ ..... } fr1t·n 1 l Jh1 ••tlH·r .].~, \\h1·n I t·•l·i th1• l1:J•t·i .. thJt "Di .. h.ip r-1 .. htl' \\lll nnt

• .. nH 111 In.J11". tilt"\ \\t·r1· .111 \1·r~ .... rr' .lllcl \\l'Tl~ grateful f11r .t11 th.l\ ht: h.Jd 1lollc

for th1.·111 Th .. ·\' ~.ii1l 0111.· tu Jllutht"r, ''l)h

- --- ---~--~-

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\\'t' \Yill 1uis.:; a gr<'at friend and ~yn1path1~ ser", and requcs.ted the Superintc.;tHlt:nt to send their greeting:; to Bi:;hop 1:isht'r an<l rcque ... t hi111 not to forget thtnt.

Rc~~!lly India sustained a great loss in the \\ith<lra\\·al of Bi~hop Fisher \\ho \\"a:; backing, hdping and uplifting all the c.l<::partn1ents of the ln<lian Churrh, and llO\\" in lus nbsenre e\"C'Jl the poor a1Hl net:<l~· JH.oplc~, like lepers, 1111 ... ~ h1111.

G. L. Lo1<1::<zo, .'>U/'t'J inf cudt~nt,

1-t'/'t'J lsylnia, .1/u:d_(fc1rpo1,., Billar, Indid,

131~11< >P l'ISIIER .IS .I SPE.IKER .1::-\D LF.C'JTRER TU EDl"C.ITED ~;())\.

C JI R ISTl.I >:S.

"Contl~ again ::iuun 11, can1c,:o a \'Oh't:" front

tlll' 1l.11k. It \\.1-. tht· \oit'l' of .Ht lthli.tn n .. Jktr ..11 tht· 1111p\1i.1l Jn:-titutt· ": \~ri­

\nhnr .. 1 Ri·~ .... r\11 .. i i.ik111:; l•• };i.]:•·]•

l"; .. !h r .!"• In:- l.ir \\J .. 1n11\ u1:.: .1\\.1\ J!tt·r

Ji1 .... ]e,·tnrc· .1t tlH, J'n . .J H.rl.;t·.1111•1; llnl• B1 .... Ji•1J1 ri .. Jit:r h:Jt J)u ........ I lic he!:- lt ft

l11d1.1 • 13111 hi .... n1l·n1•.1r.'· h11g1:r .. •lll•l ]11 ..


frien<l~lup re1nainb as a solid fact in the niinds of a large nu111ber of e<lucatet.l 11011-l'hri:..tiau.;.

\\"hat is the .ecret of this bond that ket-ps ali\'e the contact bet\\·cen a repre· :;entati,·e of the educated class ot .\1nericans and the ec.lucatt"d Indian:; belonging to many different creeds' It is lo\·e. Bishop 1:i:;her obeyed his )laster':, call to spreac! the good news that had its Ueginuiug in Gidilec. IIis lift: \\'as. guidt.·J b:'-· the co111111and1nent, .. Love ye one another". .\nd llh,hop 1:i:>h1.:r dre\\' to hint an that ca111e near hinL

.\11 c:111inent I-Iindu ::.cientisl, \\'ho ha~

:,pent ::.e\ t.·ral :'-'\•ar::o iu tht' l"niYcr:;iti«.>.!lo of I~urope and i~ hirnst.•l! a think<"r of 111)

111ean order, told n1e, "that <l public :.11..hlres.., ul lli:--hop Fi:-.ht:r' ... clearetl a 111ental c..·loutl" u1hh•r \\"hirh hc:- had been labour· !lit! Ill· .ll'l't1i111 ... ll1,h11p Fi~hc.:r ;1s ·l

"Qr•·:tt 111.111" It i.:. till ... 111t·11t.il ... ~ u1pJth.' .alhl ]'"".'\!J.,] 11_::!1\.l) h1:Jp th.it I.., t11•J • .1:

llt·t··h·d '·~ tht: ""'luc.ttt"•l n1111-(hr1 ... 11 . .1n-. 111

lnol1.1 fh\·: .... \·l·k 1 .. r hght .1n.l 111.1rP

Ji...:ht l·• ...,t·t: \\ h._.t tlh·\ •..ill 1i11 i1,r tlH•Jl;­..,t·h l""" ,lJJ1l 111r othtr ... .Jtltl to $(-(• ·11 its

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fnlnes& the didne beauty that thetr own great teachers have sho\\'11 then1 inade­quately in pictures and philosophical teachings.

"1'here is 110 God but God,, says the follov.·er of IsJani. "'fhou, God, art in e\·erything that has 1nove111ent and in everything that is stagnant" says the Hindu, and both reaC'h their hand:, au<l s.iy, to 1nen like Dh;hop Fishl'·r "·ho folio\\" Jesu~ and 111 \\'hotn, thert"fore, tht'y find in .... piration to ha,·e faith in thc-ir 0\\'11

heritage oi '' i~dotn contained in tht"ir Shastras and great Uooks, to have hope in thc- creati,-c frec<lo111 that 1::. C\"C'l".Y 111an'~

b1rthr1ght that he 111ay progre&s tu higher plane:, of undt:r:...tancling and achie,·enH•nt, and to ha\ c.: If)\<.- that conqul'rs e\'<.•rytluug and tran~iorn1:::. ''hat is huntctu into d1,·ine, "Sir! \rL' \\ouhl :-.L·l' Jl~n::. ! "

I ht· t·tl111.:.1h·~l n1111-\..'hr1.,ti.111-.. ,,jlJ 1111 .... D1-.h• 1 ]• }'1-.ht·r. l 0nt tht~ J•tr111111t ,,1 Jn-.

1·r1.:-.1:ll• L' n 111 r1·n1.-1111

J· \ J ... 1\l. L \., ~I 7--l, L .. 11.J .. 11 ..

])lt 1 ft'.~\,>I, }1llf'1 l;,1J }11,<l/fllft ll J_:,Jf•

C11//1t111l l.:1Sl"11Jill, l'Jt.'tl, IJ11iu1, Tlld1u







It i:; in1lec<l a pridlege to kno"· Bishop 1:isher, for to kttO\\' hint 111eans to gain exper1L"nce. 'fhe \\'rtt<:r has kno\\'11 hhn only for the last fiye yl:'ars, and during this short pt'riod has drunk deep of the loYe, sy1npathy 1 in~p1r.nio11, and joy, "·l11ch the Bi:>hop bt.·:.to\\ C'cl on young )Jini~ters

\\'ht"rt:\·cr he \\t·nt. Hi:; interpretation of rreath·L' pC'r<:.on:llity and hi.; tnnclf" of it11-prc·s.5i\·e prc:a1.:hi11g: hayc excee<lingly ~trc:ngthl:'ne1l the :\'oung :\linisters to ,,·ork better in thL' \'ine:- ard 01 the Lor1l, to stand tirnt ag.:11u..;;t all :>tor111~ aud to hc:ar n1orc !run:; for llint.

I-Ji.; uu: ... :-.agt:,:o. tu Chri:.ti..111 con_c~rc,gation~, dL·h\«•r(·tl \\ith tlu: pn\\t.·r o{ the llol:-· :-'ph it, \\ L l'l' ,i)\\ ,1~.., L'llJl\ illt'illg ,lilt\ full 111 JllL.llllll_!!. t lilt• \\n1?l1l lLL"i dll h11ur 1•1

j l .1 lllillltll \\Jllh· e1 .. hl•]• 11::-ht:f J"'ff·.,<hL·t],

.ind ~··nng .:'\Iin1 .. 1c:r .. , \\h" .Jl'l' l1:.1rn111~ ll•

]·Tl.il h ... h11u]c] 1-•• J] .. " h1111 111 -.1·c-1...;11t:; tht· ..UJ1l.1lltc ,,f tlL: ]J,.h ..:.J•ITH hl.t'\l"'•

111':' JJUl,hl lcl turt·.. 1" n1111·1...1ir1-.tJJJl-. h.t\L· btl"ll !'>o appt::1hng. thrilling, antl

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gripping that ,·er~ highly educated men, at tht." close of his 111eetings. ha\"t" con­fessed that their souls had really been well fed, and those, \\'ho once heard hin1, \Vere si111ply longing to hear hin1 again. \·oung l\Iinisters, ,,·ho are on the road to &ucce~s. shoulJ take guidance fro111 hiut in pre~eut­ing the Lord char1ning1y to non-Chri.;tian .....

His books of up-t•>·date ~t~ It· are ont.~ nf the be~t seleC'tion;:; for young )lini-:.ters for their guidance.

\·oung ltves are Bi.;;.hop Fi~her':c. great concern. Once ,,·hen he ,,·as at )luzaffar­pore, bC'si<les ,·h;iting poor ron\·erts a1ul ,·11lage ~chool chil<lrt·ll, giving in:;piring 111t":;.~agi:~ a11t.l iu11n·t•:;.:;.i\ e l~cturc::., and chet..·rfully as::;ociating \\'ith high an1l lo\\ nhke, he specially c.:alled all th1..· ~uung

~Iitth.t1..·r:-. of the di:--tri1..·t for a }H:r::.c)IHtl

i11\{f\ h:\\ at an n!tt~r-tlinn<.~r 111<.~l"t111~ 1-11..~ t.tlkt.:·11 tc) 1..';l('h nuc: 011 n1~1ttl·t·.., rl~l:tt1ng t•• ]Ij ... iih·, 111 ... f.11111Jy, .1tl•! ht .. pnr .. t:. and .1t

the 1..n1i ill· g.i\t: Jll 111 .. trU\ll\1· ,J•l.ir1: .... }H't .. u1.f1n~ lllltll l·• n1 1l11t th1111 .. ch1·-.

J 11' .. h iJ)\. t·•iU• 1t1 .. 11 ,IJ\ 11111 ·J•I1'11U.dl.\

111 t1l'•h·r to "l"T\ 1..· tlt1.. J..,r.J 111 .. 1'1' .. 1i. 1 l .......




He \\"as al\\'ctY~ anxious to entrust yonng luclian :\lini~ter~ \\'Ith <lutie:; uf r1..·~pon­

s1l>ility and to buil<l up Indian leatler-.hip. In appointing lntlian Superintl·ndc:ut'."> in all the <li:-.tr1ct~ of thl· LucknO\\' Conference he creatc(l a ne\\' JH"t'"e1..·dt·11t, incr<"asc·tl the v01lu1..· of Indian \\'111'kl:"t~, and cncuur.agt:d tht' ~·oung l ntlian ).J 111 i:-.tcr::. to asp ii 1,.~ to gr<.·at<.·r ~t'r\'iec.

\\'ho can torg .. ·t the l'at .. ·utta .\rea l'on\'ention' "It \\'a~ the large;,l body of :i\lethodi:..;.t nt(·Jl antl '''0111eu gathc:red to­g<:ther any\\'ht~rt:' out:-idt· the LT.S .. \. tu plan for a .s;rt'at {or\\~1rd n10\·<.~111t.·11t 111 the Churt~h," hns hft~n .:.:ti1l in thi..; connection. lt \\"J"' •l lle\\' 11r1lt·r of th<' cLl\' in onr

Clntrt•h anti tht.· plan~ iornit·tl· 011 tht' 01..'t.'asinn nf thi ... nni(jtlt' Con\ 1,.·ution ,,ill u ... of rt.·al \ah1t· <llt .. ·r ~1 <jl1.11"l('J of .1

cc·11tn1~, \\l1t·11 tlh· pre-.. .. ·11t ~onng

:\J111i:.ll'1':-., \\ho \\llt llt"'pllc·d \\ith Jlt•\\'

\1-..1p11-... \\ill l.11. u1 ,j J·••-.1t1t•ll t·• h1utllt :hl·

"huJ1.. .. ,_Jil lilt ..,Jlt} },foi;!J' .11'1';,· uJ l]H•

<.. httl't h

)\,, d1111l,1 \\1 b.nl ·•tlJCr I in •11· !,· c·r-.

.llllollg u ... , IJtll 1;1 .. Ji•·)l l•1-.l.1 r - )•tl .. 11.d

touch, in°:"pir111g llll· ..... 1g .. ~s. u1.1~1h li1 J t.1'·

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sonalit_,., high ,·isions, and his confidence in pron11;;n1g ~·oung 111en ah1;ays en­couraged and dr'2'\\" young ~Iinisters to re­con~crrate their li\·e:-; for the Sa,·iour and His Church in India. \Ve, young )Iinisters of Inclia, \\'ish Bishop Fisher e\·ery succe:;s in his ne\\" undertaking as the Pa::itor of the .-\1111 .\rbor )lethodist Church.

Surely it is regrettable that such an attracti\'e and protuinent personality l\'ill no longer be in personal touch with the :. oung )linis.ter::. of Ind in, but his lo\'e nnd sy1npathy 1 I a1n sure, l\1ill al\vays con­tinue to help u:o:>-110 n1atter l\·hat distance

separatl?s u~.


Pastor, .1/.E. Cl1111c11, il/uzaf/ar· f'OIC, Bihar, Iudia

FJ:'-H!lR \:'\D CHT"R(H


It,,,, ... 1 r.1r\· 1•rj,j]\;,tt· f.,r Ult: l•• ~., . .l. ... ~ .. -

t iJtt·d clcJ-.l~l,:. \\ith Dj ... hqp f1 .... h1:r f11r c..l·\ l·r.11 llH•llth ... during ]11 .... \rc·a 'four Ill



1929. I was \\'ith hint a~ an an1anueusis in so1ne of the i111portant districts of the LucknO\\' Confert:'nce. In the 1nost retnote ,·illages he sat on thl· cots o( :he poor Christians asking ,,·hethcr it \va::. possible to have a house set apart (or the \\'urshit> of God. His eyes gleamed with joy when he sa\\· a hutnbJe cottage· in one villng4.." rledicatecl for \Yorship. Ile :-.aid, u\\yc n111st ha\'C' a Church hon'e in ~\"t"ry

village \\·here our Christian:; li,·e". "\\~e

ought to be able to buil<l our Chnrchl,.S first hcforc we build dwelling places for our \\'orkers,,, n·as his re111nrk in February, 1930, during the .\rca L'ounciJ 1neeting in Calcutta. lie lo\'cd to ~<:(' t."hurchc·::. and he :-,poke- to peopll? saying, colt "ill be 111y .~rt-nteo:;,.t joy to :-.l'l' :-.ornc ont:' tlc•,ign churt.:h 1Jntlc1ing~ alter ::.onll.' good I11<1i~1n

pattC"rn \\'ht•rt· t'\ t..'11 a str.111gl'l' t"on1ing to

the \ ilt1g-C' \\ill ~~1'" :1t onct-. •'J'hi-:.. j.., a Chri .. tian Church'"

I-It~ <...a\\ Lt.ult.\ 111 ... 1111phctt.\ .111"1 al\\.t\ ... Jd\ j ... ~·11 pt:·11ph· k1111lh \\lio h.11} t·J.d1of.ltl· ]'Ian .. ff•T l'hur\.h Lu1l1lin~ ... ind , ••nld h :\ ,. llt:\'t·r acl·11111ph~lll·d .in: thing 111 th;d lint~,

5ay1n.s;{, ".\ church hDu'Sc· cnn Lt· a ....... in1pll·

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as anything yet beautiful and attractive". The Central )!ethoclist Church built under Bishop Fisher's atln1inistratio11 in the heart of the great city of L'alcutta i< a model of sin1plicit~·. yet beautiful, attracti\'t', and large enough to hold a cro\Yd of \\'Orship­pers. This house of God will stantl for <."l:'nturi<: ....

.\fter the n1orning "errire in :'\Jn7affar­pnrl:' un the first Sunday of i.:ebruary, 1929, R1<hnp Fisher in\"ited th~ Otlicial Board and friend~ to go orer ,,·ith hint to the ne\\ church huil1ling \\ hich ''a~ under c.·onstruction and thl:' (tlnn<lation o( \\'hich hl' haci lai1l in the.· ptc.'\'iou ... ~t .. .ar. llt.: cou­dn<.'ted a :-.hot t ~t·r\'icc :;tan<ling ,,·ithin the four ,,·all::. \\it It no roof o\·t'rhcad. 'fht'r<.· ht· ha1ul...-1l o\ c·r a 1..·hec1ue \\'hich \\'as a part p;1~ 111l·Ht of hi::. p10111i.:.1,,· t1l\varcl~ th~· hui11l-111g- co-.\ tn t lh· Church 'l'rl'<l ... llt"l't'. Ri-.hop 1·1~lh r' .. n.1llil" nil thr fonn1tl\11>1l ~t111H· of tlh ,1.icJ.;-.1111 '\lt.1nnr1a] :'\lc:th1,1h-:.1 }~p1--l 1•p.::il l hurt·h .11 )Juz.dt~lrJiof(' \\ill -.1.11hl f11r

('t-Jl\•f,!1i••Jl-. lJl t'•'lll1l'I \]11]1 \\ith t]Jt }11-.\1•r: ,., )ll·lholli-.111 Hl l11t11a. }J(· h.111 J \ r:ry

kl·t-n 1ntc·rt.·~t in thi-. 1.:hurl'h 1Juil1ling and 111.1cll· it p11-.:-1l1le for Ri:\'. G L. Lorc·nzo 1



District 8uperintendent, to go to _..\nterica to repre~eut the Iudiau Church last year \\·here sotne of his generous friends sub~ !3cr1b<."d tO\\'ard the co1upletion of the building.

'fhe third Sunday of the ~an1e J.'ebruary \\ill go dO\\Il in the annal::. of thl• .\rrah l'hurch for tht're Bishop l<'isher conducted the t'\'ening service on the site of the 11(.4\\'

churt.,h. .\ little picture in n1y tile .... \\·hit.'h 1 had takt:n ,,·jJI al,Ya~·:; tt'tnind 1111,,• of thi.; au::.p1c1on:; tlay. It nl·rt·r oct.·nrrt.•d to ttlt:'

then that nH<.'r a y{·ar I \\·ould ht' ~c.·nt to Arrnh to con1pJrte this hon.:.e 011 the $tro11g­fou111lntio11.:: \\ hi('h 111y prt•rl<:"c<".:..;.nr. Rt."'\' )I. l'. Sin,gh, had laid. Both the t.·hurcht.':) \\t'Jt· ~1art<'1l 1111 t111.: l.tith, t.'•)·npl"ration. ancl gt·nl·ro-.it~ o( (rll'll(l"'. \\'h1> .:.ho~·ed

tht• yi:-;1011 of a <'hurch hon.;~ 111 th1,,~ .. t.• pJ;i,•e-.' \\"h11 pr11111i-.t.1l tti -.t.utd h\ thl:'-.1· llllll in tin1t.• of Jh~.i:.. \\'Ji,, ... 111111:11 h~

Jil'l ·••lJi•· \•T,\ ...::·•·11l 1l'i11l•l .. .lll•l thn t:h•t

~UJ•lflllt1·J11hJll .. 1'• 1UJ1} \\Tlh \•• \Ji1·111 i• 1

ht. Ip., \\"Ji .... ,, kt.t. nl~ ~.1\\ t1h rl.u1-. .111.l

till· t.·-.un1.111.·-. ··i th1·-.1 1 h11r1 h l111Il·ling .. •

\\"ho 1 .. :;.llll J,u .. ~ gt·ttill~ l1t.·1p anJ ~i' ing help to till· \rrah .11111 >I111.1t1Jrp1>rt.~

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Churches> It is Bishop Fisher who has done all this and is still doing it, even though be is not in India. We have lost the presence of a syn1pathiser, organizer, helper, counsC'llor, leader, and lover of Indians and the Indian Church. It may be trne that he will be doing mighty things in his ho111eland, .\merica, but at this tin1e \\'C are sorry to lo:;e hi111 front India.

He \\'as not only fond o{ places of ,,·or~

ship in the District> of hi,; Arca bnt he also con\'crted a roon1 tn the :'\Ietho<list lieadquarter::. at Calcutta into a beautiful unishop'.; l'hapel,,. 1-ie told nu.~ once, • 1 )[rt$f.<"Y, u1~· hon~<" j.:; mor<" or lei:.s a

ln1~i11C'.:.:. centre..·, bnt I ant going to ha,·c a ChapC'l \\'here \\'<." \\'ill all \\'Orship together :111<l 111nkc· thi ... hous<' a spiritual centre too," att<l Ill~ <lid it. 'J'he de\·otional ser~

,·it'<""' lu·ltl tht:rc- 1luri11g tla ... \rl·a Council 1l;t\ ~ inatl.: .1 dl·t:p i1nprl•-..$h1n on thl· hc~1rt ... l,f 111.in: ju-.t 1Jlf11rt;' hi"' 1l1:p.1rtnrl f1•r .\Ull•TH.1. ::'\°<•" \\t;' 1113: 11111 ~l·L· hilll 3.{!'alll

~::. thl" 1li::..tatlf'l· ha ... plarl~1l u-. on uppo~itl·

s11lt:-.. of the \\otld, Lut the· "ork ht ha::. lc·ft here in In(lia \\'i11 al\\ay-. .:.pc.:ak of thl· good na1ne of Bh,hop Fi...,hl:'r. I \\i~h llitn



and )Ir~. J:."i:;,.hc-r all ~uc ..... e:;:; in their ne\V

\\'Qrk and c·nterpri~e.

G. :.II. :.llAssn·, Dist1itl S11pcri11tc11dci;t, .1/et/10-disl Episcopal Cl111rcl1, .l11al1,

llilrn•, l11dia


ni ... hop 1-'i--hC"r "':l;; interec..tecl not onJ:· in the de\'elopn1f"nt of the \\'Ork of city or urban churchl."~. hnt he '1.'3~ also ver:· keen to build up the dllai::e work.

Concerning it he hn~ g:i\'ett ::.olid tnate­ria1s in hi.; re(·ent hook "Building the ln<lian L'hurch',, 11<' tril·tl to rais(;' the lc•adt·r:::.hip atnon~ the c.•it:· antl ,·illage ro111111unitil~~ equalt:-.

\\'lnlt." I "a~ nt Dhahnn a.; n ~nperintc-n~ lll lll 01( \h,\t i111ligC'1lC1l1.; \Jj.;..;.jpJt, \Yhi(•h

\\•'I.., llllfl("I' Tii-.h1lp fj-.hc·r, hf yj.;.jted thi~ filhl ;11111 n1.11lc· grl.1t pl111 .. t.,r tht" 1·r···zrl·"; .1P1l .11)\,llh"t·lHl:Jll ni Jt .. \\nrk

111::. \ 1-.it .. in 1t ..... nrrnun1li11~:.. \\C"Tl"" .1

11 .• l lll~J·IT iti··ll J1nr111:: 1·1· ,,)p1i111·lTl·

tl"ll };}JJJ111.1 ~Jj::;.:;.11111 ('1•11..,hll·T.il•l\ Jl11JJT"\ ( 1]

lll .111 it-. :lC'tiYiti(•.;,

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Ri;.hop Fisher, '"ith his honoured and be­]o\'4. .. d :\Icn1-Sahiba, l\'lr:;. Fi:;her, a],\'ays felt it a great pridlcge an<l joy to go around to sC"e Lht" \\'ork of the ,·illages iii C'\'er:• distri<'t of his .\r~a. \Vhere-vcr the~· 'vent, thl'y raptured the heart::. nf the pcc1p]e \\·ith thc-ir J>er.:;ona1ity, ron,·ersntion a11<l lc<·tnres. '!'he peopl<• had fnll coufi­dcJH'<" in thcnt.

Bishop lij..._IJer harcll;. found a rl1a1H't' for rc:-.t. ))ay an<l night ht.> tra\·elh·1l all O\er

111tli.1 and But 111a, to !)pn.•atl an1l pron1utc­thL· 1.::ing1lon1 of llcu\·1.~11. I-le \\a:; al\va:·5 bu:;y \Yith hi~ pl:in ... an<l prog:ra1111nes. of thi~ gr<•nt arhif"\'<·nit~nt '"hi<·h h~ under­took. Ju.;t hl·forc hL· h·ft, ht~ c..lr<lit.:atc>d a \'illa~<· <·ln1rt·h in n<"'n~.11 l'onll"rl'tlt'<'. Iii ... \\'hnlc> ht•art \\01~ 111 "building tht.• lndian Church'' of hoth citi1..· ... <Httl ,·1ll:tg<"~.

'l\\o f s/11,1111~ in cn111h·l·tion \Yith the Illi ,J,u.1 \f1 ...... inn \\\ r .. · ... 1~11·h·<l ch11·111g )11.;,, F~ .. · .. p 11·:· I l1t· ... l· \ -hr1111.;,, :in· 1111111~ 1 ""]'L 11tlitl \\11tk <•i .... nJ ~ i\ 1ng, ,,hl r1 111.111,

110:1·1..'hr1.:.t1.111-. r1..1 ll'-'l ~ph11u:1l fl lt\· .. h­nu·i:: n1 ... h .. p j 1 ... h1·r h l .. li.1pt111.:d 111111:

i1l1JUITl"f-. in the 'il1ag1.·-. Jn.}1.111 :\11. thodi-...111 h.1.:. ]u.;,t ~1 ~r<·.tt



leac.ler in Bishop l,.ishtr. During hi.:; ten ~·ears of Episcopal adn1iuistratiou I11dian leadcr::.hip ha::. tlc\'eloped in a ,·er:· strong tnanner ~nut the ,,·ork of hi-:; .\rea ha:; gru\\·n a1Hl Houri ... hed in e\'er~· respect \\'ith good r1.• ... ult::..

Iuc.lian nH:n and \\·onit:n \\ert.• appo1nted J>rint.•ipal~ o{ the College, lligh Sch1l1)}-., )lu.1.1..lle S1.•h1lol-., ~1ud Ilead:- o{ th\• Jn.;:,ti­tutio11-. and L'olh.·gl:' tlt•parttnl'nt::.. Jn Bt·ngal, Lth'k11o\\, L'l'ntral Pro\ i111..·es an<l n11rn1a ('011(1..'Tt'll<'<"'~ ntan~· of th<" Di.:-.trirt Sn1H.•rinll .. 1Hl1..·nt..; ~\l"l.:" indigt:11011.; lt· .. Hll'rS \\ho ur1.· tht"' li\'ing 1nonu1nt·11t-. of R1 ... hnp 1-'i-:,h~r.

)lr.:.. Fi-.her dt~\·t~lopt•d tht: lnd1.111

"·01111.·11'-. h•ad1."'r:c-hip Jlltl rH·ti' it1t•.., in th~ chnrc.:h. l~\t·r~t>Jlt.• \\ho \\<'I" pr\·-.c:11t 111 tlH· Calt.•ttlt01 \rt'.l L'o11\1.~11tin11 Hill· ll1-.t nf 11.; ki11cl Ill tJil' lti:--lnt~ df lth}i,111 ~h·lh1)1}j ... 111)

\\h11•h \\;\ ... h1-lcl J.1-.t \t,ll, 1.., \\llllc ..... th.it \\••llllli ;,,,.l,: J•.iTl 111 .1!J II" J•l•·-'L11l'll't"

\Ii .. f1 .. Jil·T Ji.1., ]11·Jp1.j Ill Jll,111\ \\.1\~ t 11

f.Jt~\· tl11· .. 1 i11.J.1rd nl th1· \\•11l1o111h ..... } "l

]n.11 J ~in .1l\\ 1.' ~ hu•l 1i1~1· •. 11,1.111 : .... : ,•·

lnJ1~1n ,, •• 1111·11 .Hltl ;.!11'J.. Thr.•n;.:li n1 .. h··1· and ~Jr .. 1'1-.her 111.in: I"''"" .11111 _:.:1r] .. \\t·re

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giv<"n a chanl'l~ in the colleges education ,,·ith the hope of strong lcatlership.

for higher high and

'fhe l~i-;hop has left ntany lovely ren1en1-branccs i!l nni,·ersities, colleges, and high ~chooJ~ because of ht"neficial and useful l<:ctures a1Hl addrc-s:>es \Vhich he delivered.

llh;ho1) 1:isl1<·r i~ a rnau of sound judg­ntent, and a grt'at ::.piritual leader and ad1ni11i.-.trator of the l'httrch. Ilt: i~ really a ='OU]-,,·1nnt:r. \Vhoe,·er 1net hint once beca111e attract<>d b:'-' the infht<'nce of his nobll· and beautiful L'hristian life

llis souJ-sa\'ing Sl~r1nons and leeturcs '' hil'h ht· <lcJi\·ert·<l in l'un\·cntion~, :\nnual L'onfl-rl·Jlt'l·:-., Di:-.trit·t (oUJl"'Tf"llt.'l'"'• L'hurch :-.er\·icc--. and oth<.·r oct•a ... ions \\'ilJ long be rl·Illl'lllhl·rctl,

I~i-..hop Fh.h<.·1 \\<l:-. grc:atl~· ln\cd by 1n(1ia11-. nf t'\l~1·.' l\1:-'tt~ .1t1tl t'rl'l'tl. Jlt· \\as

h1ghl~· l'l""'Jllt'h·1l lt: grc;.1t lllt·n nn1l (~••\ '-."Tllll1t 111 1.Jii..·1.tJ-.. ;,j )Jh]IJ )).._ \\,1-.. J.

trut Jrh·111] o1nd ,,,.JJ·\\J ... ht·r IJ1 lnd1.1. \\'t" \\tTt• J..:Tt·.itJ: ._Ji111kt•1] \\lJt<JI \\t· h·.irlhd 1h1t H1 ... h•·J• Ji,.] nnJi,]r.P\ll huu .. ,lf fr1JJll

tlH· J~p1-.c11p.d 11Jtit'l· .11 th1-. tllllc \\hell he \\J-. Tt"IJlllTt·d ht·rt· n1ort"' th~111 an: othc·r


place, bnt \Ye tru.;t and beJie-,·e in Gorl's plan that He ha> called !lb sen·ant to serve atnong hi::; O\\'ll con11try111en.

Jn the en<l I ,,·ant to ~a~· thi~ also that Bh.hop Fisher is a bra,·e soldier of the Cross of l'hrist, and n shining star for the Glory of the Saviour and His Kingc.10111.

\\'11,1.1 \'.\I II. Sor1.1;, DL,/1·i<"i .. 'iupc1i11tc11dtnl,

1frtlwdisl Episce>f>al C/11uc11, r.c1111117r, Ri11a1, India

ll!SHOP F!l'HER \::-\J) YOC!\:G :\JEN

::\'t"\'er ha"' the ~tud1:11t \\'orhl been 111orc

apprcl·iatC"d thau tluri11g tht: last tl .. 11 ~ t'.'lr::. in thl"' hi:.tor\' of ~l<•thndi-..111 in Inclia. "J'hl•

grt·at pione0

er, 1l .. rttlC'r, nn<l friend of ~tntlent$, Ili!'>ht•P i:rl·cl. n. 1:L .. hl·r. "ill rt 1nai11 a nt;\~111 .. lh' }'lf-..1,11ality antnll~ th<" \tollth ,.f l11di.1

}It 1..:. .1 111.111 \\llh ~ lllrth•·•l tlh nh·!h 1 .. l unh .1 pr1nt1l'J"-; tl11· 1·r1n ... q•ll- l.,1 .. l.l ••11 .1 .... nncl l·"\.]n·rhlh t· )]\ 11.111 .1 Jil11l 11""-

J•lll ... il .ittnut].._. of t·'\J fl·..::.:.1nn, .in un-c]Ji<.h dlltl altru1 ... tic "a~· oi -.er\ h ....... ·11.ilt lih·-.s tl:""t' of k llU\\ Jc~t)g(•.


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No doubt, many hearts ha,·e been struck deep with the news of the d1ange of appointment of their beJoyed Indian friend -Freet B. Fisher-..'ln :\u1eriran \Vith an Indian tnind and an Inrlian heart.

'fhe interest of Bishop and :llrs. Fisher in the University Honse, Lnckno\v, \\"011 a high place in the hearts of the Christian student< of the l'nfrersit~·. He delh-ered valuable leC'tnr<:>~ nt I~uckno" tTniversitv where both the Staff an<l students wer~ uplifted u_,. the 111<"1crc<l and rh~·thn1ic

phra:-es \\'hit·h he n:;ed to open up ne\\' 111cntal ,·ista~. )Jr~. Fisher ,,·a.:; the chan1pion of Indian "·01nc11 in their SOl'ial upht:'.1\.al. Jn h'.:l tJUt:<.~111.' ~pcc.·t..•h at the Stndcnts' Rally la~t Nove111her at Lnckno\\'


:-.ht.· \\'Oil an al1-ro1111tl apprc:C'iation. llh-hop l•'h•hrr \\'3'\ \'cry 111uch interc.:sted

in thc.· ~tnd~nt l'hr1.,,ti:111 '.\Jo,·entt.'111 nntl hi-.. n<'<'<l ... l•)TJ.11 111forn1al t;dk-.. \\t"rt a gre;1t -.11urc1· of in-.p1ratiPll l•• JndJJll \••Uth JI-.: \\.i-. \\1l11•Jlll·d .1-. .1 "'J>t:.lkl·r ;,t thl· Ia .. t S l·. \ l


Jn1p .11 l~n1 k1111\\ '' h1·r1· ht· 1 h.1r~­l·1l tl11· \\hn]t" Jlt1111 .. phrrl· •if tlh· Jllt"'l"tlll;,.

\\Ith tih· \'Jt.11 purpo!)l' uf n1 ... I1:rn Lhr;,_ tian11:.


\\7e ,,·ill 111is:; thc-111 UO\V, but their \\"Ork ::.hall eyer s.tand a::. an exa111ple to su('cecd­iug generations of this land.

.\RCllll~ j\l. LORI~XZO, Si'C\'., Students' Clzristiau .lsso­

fit10liou, LucknO'iV, l}.P., India

BISHOP FISHER-A SINCERE CHRIS­TI.\::\' .\::\'D .\::-\ .\'J''J'R:\C'J'IYE


It is al\\·a,·s a pl<:"asurt .. to \Yritt~ about tho:;e \\"t~ Jo,·c anll nd1nire 1 an<l so \\'t' havt~ ntnch joy iu paying our tribute to t\\'O of the finc:-st people in tht• )lctho<li:--t ('hurt•h to-da~·-H1~hop .:llltl :\11::.. Pi-:..htl. 'J'o kno\\' thctn i~ to lo\·c thetn. 'J'hry ~·on

unr affc1·tion and t•stel:'lll \\0 h<"J1 fir-..t \\ e 111ct bt~can.:.e of thl'ir kt·t·n intt·rc.:.t in the Church and c.~\·t·r~ thi11g pC't taining tn it, their ... llll'<:t il' .1-.. l'hri..:..t i.111-.. .111d ).h~t ho1l· 1 .. 1 ... , .1] .. ,, th1·1r 1 h.1r1nn1g Jlll ... ull:iht\

}~1.:.h111• .i111l :\Ir ... F1-htr .1lv. ;1' ... j,}, nt JJil d

th1·111 .. ,1,1. ... nllh I111h.: Jlltl 111111.111 .. f!htr \\lJ .. J,. th11n:..'lH 111•1 n .. rk \\,! .. 1 .. ]Hlp thl· 1••11ntry ;111:1 pl·uJ,lr the) h.111 ., ..... ,,1,1t1:1l

tht·lJl'::ll"l\ e,- ... \\Ith .lllt1 ]111li.1 kllfl\\ .. \\ h.1t .1


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~uccess they ~~:ere. 'fhey inspired us in spite of ourselYes, infused enthusiasnt "·hereYer they \\'ent, and encouraged their co-workers to reach the highest step of the ladder in Christian serdce.

What a debt India owe> them ! Indians -Christian and non-Christian-lo\"ed them because they kne\\' they l'.'ere friends. I-lo\\' \\'e 111iss thent and shall n1iss then1 1nore and n1ore a:; the year:; go by. 'fhc-y ga\·e th<."'ir he't to u:; and for u:-. India au<l the Church is richer for having Ju·hl thrnt. Rnpid ~triiie' ha,·e heen tnade during their leader~hip and Indians have conic into their rightful and deser,·ed pht<.'es in the C'huri..'h through their effort::; and Clll'onragcn1t:11t.

Bishop and )lrs. i:ish<"'r have "hle and ch .. ar ,·ision \\'hich C\'cryonc had tu ad1nirc. 'fl1<."'~· ~parc1l not the111sel\'e:::. in ''urking out their \·i~iu11 in th( . .' intl·rc-;t:;. 1)( thl 1'1ng111Hll of <~otl in thi .... cn1111t1.'.

\\\· Jrl· pr11u1l l<i caJI 1hc111 fr1cnJ ... ITfciR1;J 11. Tllc(\1\-:.,

l~.1u._q, 1-11--l.a:1·, 1.1-..·,1t111. 1;

.:.\I· qJ '~ TH11\J \ ... l •' ;, 1 it:., Ljuk1Jtl:,·, {" p.

l ud.-,1



In lht• withdrawal o{ Bishop Fred. B. i.:ishl~r front the I~pi~copacy, India has lost a great prophet of the ne\\· day. He "'as acknowl<•<lgcd a great spiritual leader and a proplu~t even out~i<le th<' ~hristian

Churd1. Hi; high i1leal> regarding the cvangeJi,,.tic progran1 of tht: Church, "·hen pnt into prartict"', ''"oulrl rt>nll.\' n1ake India the first righteon!-t nation. .\l'l'ording to his thinki11g 'E\·a11gcJisn1 1 is a ~piritua1

approach to aII the pr0Lle111::. that trouble pcople. ''li\'angt.·lhnn, 11 hc :;a,s ''that neglects the phy,kal "el fare of ih~ people tonC'hc-<:. only Oill' ~icic- of it~ problc-111 anci therefore fails to complete its full dul\·. 'fhc:' grPat F.vangeli~t, Jesus, di<l not spa~e Ilint"><.~lf any efforts to stren~lh<'n the bodil·s of 1nt·n, front ~i,·ing- food to healin.~ thl· t.'rippll.·<1 atlll thl· blithl." 11<.· fnrth<.·r 1ll"1..'l.1rt·d th.It tht· f\,1ll_g'1,:}i:,,.th· in·gt· of tht.• Lhnr1 h h.i..:., .1:. .1 p1rt 1.f it-. futur1· rrn· .t:r.nn, tht· .:.tud~ of th1J'!-l' i11.1<lt·1111.1h· :--oct.d ._,, ... \t·n1-. "h1ch k1·t·p fll·nplt· poor \\'1th-11nt 1 char knq\\k·d.~t.· uf thl t.on1htiu11-::. " h1ch .!?tin,] dn,\'11 tlll"ll ::ind '\VOill<:Jl and

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little childr~n with fear and despair, no Christian r\'allA"elif>t-\Yhirh n1enn-:. e\·ery Chnn .. "h 111('111ber-<·an e\·er hope to realize his dream for the building of greater sonl,:;. i~·or the ::.oul i:; ha111pererl by the body, an<l until the body is gi\'en the right c11\·iron1nent in \\'hich to gro\\·, rrea­ti,·e ::.oul-Jife is itnpos~ihle. Hi~ recC'nt hook, "Rnilding thl~ I11<li;1n

Church", i::. a ti111ely production. In Chapter I\' of this book !11<· llbhup an<l hi:; t'u-nuthor hn\'c given u full e,·angelistic progr:u11 to the Indian Church. llt~ urges t.•\'t:r~ intli\'idual L'hri~tian to he a n1e111brr ui :-.otne organi?.t·rl Chttr\·h nncl \\'nrk out in co-npc>ratinn \\'ith ot hC'r nH·nthC'r-.. thL' grt.·.1t t•\·a11gc..·li-..tir progr:1111 of hn1hling- a righteou::. nation.

R1..;.hnp Fi .... ht•r'.,. 1..·\·~1ng< .. li:--th· tnur:o \\ere llt.:\1.:r t.'onliJu·d to hi~ 0\\11 \n~a lI,· \\:to;

Jh\·.i: ... ill t1l'lll,l11tl ~i)} n\1.'l" tht~ t'OllBlT.\,

\ .... 1 1•11l 11h' .. ,.,.1ktr .ind .1 h,r.d1l ,.1 th1:

;.:'•"·)•\I, B1 .. li.·p J , .. iJ,·r j ... Ji .. n,.u1\1l 1\1r, ..

nh11·, Jll Jn.J1.1 111 .. h.1r1hd ,Ji .. ,11111 .. , .. 111

l"nl\ t r-.JtJt- .. , }u ... h··t'llll l· .. 111 lH\\ll h.111 .. .:tn I 11tht r J·HJ,)J, 1·1.1tJ11rn1-. .1)\\.1: ... 1ttr.h t..·il hundrt d-. :111d thun ... ~1nt] ... of t-."lglr JJ .. tt·nt.·r ...


Hi:-; t .. loquent and forceful preachi11g alwav< had the <le;irod effect on people of all ~lasses. Even the tnost brilliant atHl intelligent 1ni1ul~ of India-t>hilosopht:"rs, scieutists, poets, and profcssors-listenl"d to hin1 l'.'ith great respect and interef.t. 'l'hc follo\\"ing te::.ti111011y of a Hin<lu frie11<l of 111ine ~vho attcn<le<l ~01nt:" of hi~ lecture~ i.., \\'orth cuu:-;ic.lcring. lit.~ \\'rites :-

"! had tho honour ol attending two lecture.:; of llishop Fisher \\'hen he cante to our tcnvtl. ()11 both these occasions I \\'a ... ~r .. ~atly in1pre:;-..ctl by hi-::, talks. J·li~ 111ethoc.l 1,f dc·1i\(:>ry, hi ... \\"a) of t•xpo":->ition of tliL· .... ul.1jcct, athl, ~11Jo\·c all, ]Jj.., i1hlt·pt11Jt.1tl \\~1) of tliinl,ing Jll' ..ill uniqtH·. llC' not only kt:"pt lht.• audience ....p1.:ll J,qu111l tor thl· period of thC' IC'cturc, hut h·ft an i1111n·t·:<-... ion 011 tht·ir 11111lll~

\\'hich \\ill la..:.t fn1 Jnng. I \\ .1 .. \ l'l')

lllllt'li l•nh·l11.:.J Ii.' hi .. 1;1 ... 1 let'lUIC c1n

''(ft'tll\\' l"tt\d•·lll" .11111 f,.r) thnt 1i

all 111 n-. v .. nJd .. Ji,.,, th\ .... 1nh· d~·gr~\ .. 1 JTl."'t·1l•1111 •oJ ,,Ji11 h H1-.h•11• J 1-.lhr '"i·••kt.·, n1,1n.' .. 1 tlh 1·r1 .. 1·111-.l1' 1r .. nl,J,. .... J t1•1·

\\or]d ".\11U)1l 111· :..,'"•1n ..

I "1 ... h tlh·rt· \\1·1't 111.1n' n111rl· n1t.·n of

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the type o{ Bishop Fisher in the rank of the 111issionaries iu this country to show the light which Bishop Fisher shed for so 111any years.''

(Sd.) R l>!CBAl<Dl!A Pl!ASAD,

1-Iony. Seada1·y, '1'11eosopl1it"al Lodge, M11za1Ja1 por<'.

I was talking to another Hindu pro{es­f;Or recently \Vho has studied in n Chris· tian College and has had the privilege of knO\\'illR n1any 111i::i~io11arie~. \\'hen I told l1in1 about Dishop 1-<'i~her's resignation from the Episcopacy and about his dec1f:ion not to return to lndia at thi~ ti1ne, he \\'as shocked. lJr sairl, 0 'fh<" Jo<;,;; ,,·onld not have been :-,o great if a dozen ntissionaril:"s ha<l \\'ithdra,,·n front In<l1a instc-ad (>! the august pr:r~ona1ity of Bisho1) }.'isher. 'fhi:<­is the honr \\"hen your Church atHl our conll{l"\ lal"t~dt•<l hi111 lllOf:.l.,.

lli~hnp F1 .. ht•r h~d a \i:-1011 Jlol nlll.' f<•r the l'hr1~ti..11l (hur~h 1.iut f.,r tliL· \\hull· lhllioJl. lll· I::. .1 rccngni1l1l \\nrltl 1l~a1]L·r,

J ... n't lt 3 pity Jor lnd1a th:it hL· decided to -:-t.1;. ,J\\;.1)- ..!1 thi ... lJlllt' ·,

l'ii::> adc.lrf;S~e::> cluring Di:,triet 3tlt}


.\nnual c..."onferc:nce"" \\·ere- spirit-tilled, refreshing, ancl 1nos.t upliftin,g. His n1essages at Con,·entions an<l other evan· ge1istic uJeL·ting~ \\'Crl· al\vay~ heart· searching and con\'inciug. Oh! \Vhat a great l:"\'angeli ... t Bi:.-hop Fi~hcr i:; ! llun· <lrc:<ls o( n1y L'ounlr.' 111cu an<l \\"Oineu, young and old, tnini~tc·r ... and 1a_,.·1nc"'n, can testify ,,·ith 1ne to-(l<ty ,,·hat in.::.piration, hope, ancl joy they have rec-(•ived through the po\\-f:"r(ul, lilc-gi\·iug, ancl ~oul-penetr.11· iug: 111c:-.~3).{c~ o{ llh .. hop l:rctl. D. 14i:')her.

\. 11. :\Ir<;1;t, J)i.~t1i,·t '-i'up,•1i11/c11dcut,

R1t\t?1, f?i11a1, l11dia

lllSHUI' FISHER-\ ~!.\:'\ UF GRJ\.\T JIE.\RT .\:\U BIG SOl"L

I feL"I it a grL~ott pri\ iJege ancl honour to \\"Tit<.' n le\\ lint..·~ 111 .1pp1 l·L·i.1tion o( the "l'l rh•t·..:.. nf B1..,,hop i:i:-:.ht r o( t hL :\lt•t hotli-:-t Ep1 .. \'t1p.d C...~h11r1·h, \\ hn h·rt ]11d1;1 ,,n)\ .1

jl" n~ 1111th .. :1go l \\ l· , n1L·1111. .. ·r ,,{ tlh·

\\'t·.:.]1·~.111 :XIrth1 1(lt .. t l'hnrL·li unti1 .. 1, ~l.1f-. .1:..'"· \\lhn I Jt•llh·il tlu :\lllh·•Ji.,\ E]'l'"tv}1Jl

\..hnr ... 11 • .11111 1 n1a.' nhnll•·n 1h·r1· th.It 1t \\,1, uni\ dnt: t'l B1·h11p l 1 .. ht·r' ... gr<-.'lt

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personality that I \Vas attracted to tran~fl'r 1ny connection from 1ny 1nother Church.

What little I can write about his great­ness is "·holly based 011 n1y personal experienct- of hin1 and ~'lrs. Fisher. During this brief spell I ha"e ha<l the opportunity to co111e acro~s n1a11y occur­rences ''·hich bore testin1ouy to the great and noble heart of Bishop and lllrs. Fisher. '!'here took place 111any incidents for thC' tackling of \\·hh.:h thi~ tenc.ler-hcartl:(l Bishop cxhihitc:d hi ... tuonde1'ful paticucc. I think that it \\oul<l not be a lie if I ... ay that the bclo\·e<l Bishop still cherislt<."S in his heart of hearts the f:.\\'eet and sunny reroll~ction"' of hh:. lntlian friends and a<ln11rt.·r ....

lie· ,,·a~ the very sourcl .. of ch~rity an<l hl'llt'\'olt..~nct:. l·ll .. \\'a...,, a:-, 1t \\'c.•re, the father a1Hl 111othC"r of tht• poor. In his nnlih .. · ht.·art thl·rt• \\a.:. no plat'l' for 1.u.:ial d1 ... t11h·ticin-. Jlld t'l.1.:.-. prl."jn11i<'t's ]le' h1·lpl'•1 .11l .11111 i•1nght Ill•• .. \ -.tul1lJurlll~ .Jthl

..,llhlft•J\ {111 l\tT\)J1u1:'.., C<lll"l \\ht·Jl tt \\.1 .. J11r g .. ull-1111 1n.1ttvr \\ht·tlH·r he- ,,,1.;,

.i L hr1 ... 11.1n nr ,, 111111·(hr1~11.111 J hl -:-.1.rn1g •if ]o\'l" ,111tl 1 h~lflt\ th:it t·lJl<lll.llt•d frnlll

, .


his heart \\'as :)pontaneous and pC'rennial. l never found hint hesitating to take up the t.•ause of any that ca1ne to hitn in distress-he :tl\\·ays lent his helping hand. I ant fatniliar \vith n1any ca!;es \\'here the Bishop hl:'lpcd n1any \Vith tnoney, so that thf'~· ntight go on \\'ith their :-.tndies. But for hint, p("'rhaps, n1any \\'ould have be~n <ll:'pri\0 C"cl of thc benefit of aca­detnic qualitication~ had he not extcnde<l hi<:. trttC' ('hri'"';tian ch:irity an<l ever help· ing hand. 'l'he prC'sent good and glorious n:unef. of 111any boys anc.1 iatnilies \voulcl ha,•e he(;"Jl ~·0111pletely effacc:cl or obliterated front the fncl:' of the earth ha<l it not bt·en for hi:-:. :;.'·111pathetic nnd genC'ron<> lll.:lp. 'l'ht.r1..· •11'<' ntany, 1 think, "·ho '"oulcl not ha\'l:' hccn ahll:' to at•hievc tht• prt.•srnt lolt: po~itinns tht·.' <ll"l" t>L't.Upying if they had lit.'l'll clt·pri\'t•1] of the ... uppnrt gi\'f'tl h.'· l\i .. hop 1:i~h<"r.

1 h.1\ l' pt'I ~n11;1l knn\\ ll·clc~· of ~1..'\'t.•1~l Jl) ... \.ttll'l'-. \\ lil Jl IH· ;..!.l\ t ll~OJll·t.1r\ ht·lp f1,r tlH· \\t·11.1rt· .,f 111t1HlJlr ... ·•I 11tlllr l"n1-

111un1ttt·.. J!,·l r: ln1h.111 "ho ,·.1111l· 111

c1.nt.n t \\llh hun \\JH, I d.irc.: ~J:'-, l.rar tt·-.t11111•n: t•' 111-:. ..,:'- HlJHlth.' t•J\\ard ... Jndian


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culture and national aspiration5. He \\"3$ eloquent in prai~ing: the great Indian Saint, :lhH.\T)!A G1:<DHI, and his ideals an<l aspirations. \\rhenl"ver our culture and tradition '\\"ere attacked by any foreign· er. Ilh~hop Fh:.her "·ag one of the first to take up the challenge on our behalf. It is ~till fresh in 111y 1ne1nory ho\\' vehe· 111entl~· hC' c-on<len1ned the n1alicious C"t"itic-ii;.111.;, of ":\!other India,, a11c1 C"hal­lenge<l .;.taten1ent ... of the book.

I "'ould al:.o 111ention that he ~·a.; al\\·a~·s keen abont gh·ing high position-. to qu~11i· fierl Indian~. after ha,·ing trained thetn in th<' ht"-.t poe;.c:.ih1e \\'a~· he could, an<l 111:i.n~· in-.tan<'<•-:. cnn h<" ritt><l ''"h<"n rc"~pon.:;­ihll~ p1)~t ... "·ere gi,·c11 to ltHlian:-. in the 111ini.:.try fir.;t i11 hi.; ti111<> an1l aren.

I \\·onlci lik1.: to n;urate an in-..tatlCl' \\'hc>re I .,:.a\\ hi.;, rl:':il ::..~ 1npathy for onr \\'hlO\\'S ~nltl orphan.... ()11 one nc-l~a ... intt, I \\;1.:.

t ~)lh·,·till~ 111olll'.\ to lh·lp tht• (']Jri,t1n11 \\ i· 1]11\\ .. .ill•I "T]•h.111..;;, 1•t ltJllJ!lll~ tn PUT Cli11rt'h

iJl lht• \\ I\ of ~j\ jl)g tlh•ll) I )11tht>,;., ,11ltl

{111111 1111 t.."ln1 .. t111;1 ... t\t' I \\.i· hnplh~ .... J, 111 .. 111UTJ(!'t d '' lil·ll, 111 "'Pih· c.f 111~ c.trt·tlll­

ou .. l·Hurt 1 .. r.11-.1· thr· re11u1r1·d aJlll•llllt, I

of •


could not col1ect sufficient 111oney to 1neet all exprnses. :\t last, \\·ith a sense of relurtanre I approached our beloved Bi­shop and 'poke to him all about it He gave 111e a patient hearing and then ~\'ith­out the least hesitation gav<> me a f.ub.:;tnntial ~tnn to C'O\'Cr all the expenses, an<l therl:'hy lessened al1 our anxieties. 'fhis i"'l only one instance ,,·here I :;a"· his gr1.:at hC.:'<trt and generof.it,· hnt l kno"· of 111any ~uch instance~ in" the course of the fl~\\' year:-. that I :::~111e i11 contaC't \\•ith hin1 an<l :\Ir .... l"isher.

I noticed iu the rel·ent .\rea Conveut10n that no distinction bet\\·ee11 groups \Vas 111ad1: at the cli11111..·r gh·l·Jl by Bishop t111d ?\Ir~. l~i:i.h1..·1 l\\ Ll' unc ;.ltc <ll the santl' tabl"-· and l'hatted freel~ ,,·ith IIC'ighbours of \'i.l1'ton:i. race~. \\'c ft·lt a:; if\\'!! \\ere all Lrothel' ... aud =--•~lC'r.., of thl:' :--<lllle fa11Jil,·.

In l'Ottrlu~1011, J \\"t::Oh to ::.ay that nb.0

hop 1:1.;hl·r· ... ol1..'t1\it1e ... \\t•rt• ~o n11111l:'ro11:; ~n11l JllJI1~·:-1<l11! tl•at Jt 1-. "'nnpl~ uupo::.-.1Llc tn tl11 lull jll .. lh.t 111 tlit::lll I h.1\l ulll\

gl\ t.:ll glinlJ'"'l::-. Pl tho .. t 110Llc: lJUaht11..0


"t h1 .1il .u1.J h1.:<1rt ,,)J1l·h ..ittr..it.t1..-J u1y (·y1..·-. 111 1 .-.t, \\Ith th1..· hope thJt rcJde-rs \\Ill


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not fail to appreciate fully the Bishop's greatnc:-:.s front these hu111bl< .. · tributes of an ndrnirer.

B. K. BAXJ:l<JEE, a member of Ille Central Mel/iodtst Episcopal C/11trc11, Secretary to tlze J/el1opoli/an of India, Cah"utta,



Though we all claim to be one in Jesus Christ, yet on certain occasions ancl titnes it seen1s only theory but not t>ractice. \Vhen in the Church there is a <listinctiott of colour, race, nationa1ity, superiority, t11ere is ~1]\\'ays di\"ision, diffc.>rC'ncc, dis ... union. .\nc..1 that's the rt..·a~uu \\C cannot call ours<>h·es one body of Christ. But it dol~::. not 111enn that all Chri~tian.;

$houlcl h<.' :llike. 'rh<'rl• are 111any fo11o'''<'f~ of jC'Sll~ l'hri~t \\"ho lo\'l' :111 th<' n:itinn~ of the.: \\orlcl .1ntl the> treat nnc.· ~111othl·r ''·ith ](ly(~, .1n1l .11l1111r1~ .Jllcl ft""'J1<-C\ .111 1.t]H~r

111<:1111,{ r ... of 1]1.;. lH•rly, thr111gh thl·~· bt·1nng tn <it]H:r 1·e11111tr1<: ..... l1..it1un-. • .11Hl group ...

Bi-.h1111 .ind :XJr- r1 .. hc·r ht\<" '"'(·t .1 11t~,,

t·'."3n1ple 111 ln1lia hc:f<Jrc.:: tho::-<: \\ho al-


---...........,._- .• .,.. ·------

·'. ' • .1;

~~· ·~· _.t.: j

.~:.· : ~ . . ,,_I~


·- -- -:...~- "·-: -· -·, -_-- ...

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v•ays find it <liflil·ult to tnix '''ith Jndian' socially. Jn 1927 Bishop and )!rs. Fisher toure(l in the Calcutta Area, anrl "·hen they "'ere in Lnckno''' Conferenl'c and \'isitecl nearly all the Districts thC"~· "'ere entertained in ln<l1a11 ho111C"s. If 1 1nis­take not they \\'ere till~ first foreigners in their capacity who like<l and desired to be~ in Indian hotnC"s.

I heard fro111 one place after another that they enjoyed very 1nuch being in lnrlian honu:-, and not only that but ln<lian~ thought that it '''as a great pri­' 1h:gc to h.1,·c the Dishop a1H.l hi~ \\ife \\ ith tht:>nl Perhaps in sonte places, es­f)(:C'ially in stnaller h>\YllS, they '"ere not \"l~T\' ctnnfortahh>, ancl :il:;o di<l not g-et proper fot)d in ""otnc o( the.." place::., ~ t't lht·y \\"ere~ haPP." nil the tinu~ ntHl appreciate<l thl· l11t1ia11 ho ... p1taht:·. \\'t: l'nnnot for­gt.:'l their ll·llo\\~hip 111 nnr o\\"Jl honll·. Onr cl11Jtlre11 h;tcl thl·ir tir~t \l·r:· pll~a.-.ant

pr1\ih·gl 11( "'ll"IB~ tht. Hi ... h11p ''ith Jn; l\tf(· 111 thl·tr lJ. 11111·

\Yt.· .11lniirt .. c1 till- \\.1\ tht: Jcl1u-.tt."d thl."111·

._l)\1-. 111 tJH· )111h.111 h111llt.· lll ..,pJtt• 11f Ill·

t.·•,n\ t·Jllt.•J11 t·... 'J Ju-\ l"llJ".' t.··d t·\ t"r: tlnn;.t,

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l I


Indian food, Indian things, Indian child­ren, lndJan 1nanners and etiquette.

'!'here \\'a~ another thing ,,·hich en­couraged me a great deal. I noticed that Bishop and ::\Irs. Fisher 111ade thetuselyes as n1cn1ber:; of the fatnily. \Ve did not feel any tin1e that ther<" \\·ere big oftlcers or superiors in our ho1ne. \\'ho can deny that b~· their treat111ent, lo,·e, \\•illingness and presence one clirl hut feel that they \\'ere the n1e1nbcr:-. of the family? 'l'hose \\'ho kno\\' llh•hop and )!rs. Fi.;.her through clo:;e contac.:t \\'ill certainly agrC"e \\'ith n1e that their fello\\·ship i.;; alTI.·a~·:; a benediction '!'he n1ore you kno\\' the111 the tnore ~·on "·ill lo\"e the111, th<'" tnorc )'Oil li\'l' \\'ith tht~n1 the tnort• you TI.'ill 01..~Jicye in tht:>lll, thC' tnore )'01.1 knO\\' then1 the 111or(· yon \\'ill re~peet an<l honour thl'lll.

()ur gro\\ing l·hiltlrl'tl \\·ill ne\'l,.1" furp-l,.t lhl~ir fl·lln\\.;hip. till~ir l'oll\ 1.·r~ati1111.-. thl~ir

d~lil!'htful .:tll•l ... h1.·1.·rtul ... p1rit ... lth.1 tlh·ir ,"lfinur Hl11J1 ol ("\ t-T~ tlunq th.1t \\ .1, Jone f·lf till 111 ~ •• 1111.·t11111.:"·· tht' 'oung bo: ~ \\trt.· ... urpr1-.l·cl that .. 1 1J1.:.hnp nhn 1.:. tht: h1." .. Hl .'.11111 hi_~ht.·-.t authnrn: in thl· (hurt.h


was so h11n1ble, and f.pokc~ atHl n1ixet.1

\\'ith then1 a., a frie1u1. Indian:.. al\vay.::. hke people \\"ith appn.~­

eiation for anything done for then1, as lndians tlu:•111st"lrc::-> tr) to be grateful and apprel•iati\'l'. \\'e \\'ere vcr)· grateful ,,·hc:n \\'e sa\r that our leader.::. appreC"iatetl

t.•rl•rything that \Ya::. done for then1 in an ordinary Jncli:in ho111C". \\'e kne\\ that they \\"("fe not getting the k111<1 of food thl·~·

.:.hould get, anti that the~· \\-C·re not a:-. 1.·0111fortabh: a ... the~· 1.·••t1hl hart' bet"ll It

the) \\'l'ft' in :-.olllt.' hig ho11lt', ) et tlit·y ... ho\\'t.><1 ~ueh a hu111hll· and Chri~tiau "'pirit tht.• ho ... t.:. \\l'ft.• tlc..•lightt"d to ha\t'

... nch J.?ll<""t~.

ln tht"'..:.t"' la..:.t tr-11 \'t"'ar ... \\'ht·tl Hi ... hop

l'i~lll·r 't.'1'\ l'<l Inclla, ht.· hacl th1.· con· ticlC'tt<·c.. .. of all Indian.-, a ... hr ln\'l•d l11d1a and Indi.:in~ "itl1out atl\ tti ... ti1h'tio11 ul colour, ral·c..·, 1.·a='tl·, or tli\ i..;ion.

It \\~l' 111~ tir-.t c..·,p1·1'1t'lht.· .111d pti\ili:gc -~I h.l\ 111g .l B1-.h11p 111 Ill\ J1n11J hnlllt", hut tht· ... Ji .. rt tin1 ... tllt·\ \'.t.'ft. \\ith u .. \\ill not iJt.' lnr_~, •I It. n j, 1r t 1h· ::.p1rl111J] uplift, $nt~1.1J

{1.llo\\-.lup . ..i.nti the.. \\••JHit"rfnl tune "t\e hacl \\ith tlh·llt

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.~nd 110\\' "'hen the) have \\'ith<lra\VJI fro1n India, ,,.e art' lonesoine and I think the Incliatt hon1es \vill n1iss the genial personalities of great frien<ls and capable leaders, who always helped Indians an<l India and uplifted Indians to big respon­sibilities and undertakings to ser,·e their Christ, com111unity, and country.

\\7e \Visl1 then1 all success and pray for their Jong life and prosperit~·.

L11.Y L. I.~onH:'\Zo,

."iuf<'I iute11dr11l, J)isl1icl a11d (~i/.\• Z1·11a11a 1Fo1'1~.

l/11:111]<ll/>1>l(', Bi11tu, Jntfia


"fhl· Building of the Indian Church \\·a:;

a 11u1.;,ter p:t~:=.ion "·ith Di~hop I;-. B. Fisher. \\7 h~n I t'anu."' in t'ontat·t \\•ith hint I real­i~l·d, hC" \\'<15 a per::.onalil.'" \\·ith ~0111ething 1111ic111e in h1111. 111 ("onr'-.1'." of t11nl'." thi:-; <h'<]naintancl· ript·11t•1l into frit·111]-..J11p, ~n1d

I h:ltl an opp11r11111it\' of 1<1.,klll-1-'.! into hi-. <:.11ul. l -...1:-- lit· "·'' .1 UllJCJllt"" p1·r-..f)nahty -\\h~ \\"'hlrl·111 Ja, this lllll•JUt·nt ..... :.

1 i•>Ullti the D1-.h1JfJ \\,j., n1•t .. Jn1pl\ .i IJjg


. '


<lignilar)· of the great church he represent· ed-not ft.in1pl~· a 111an of great intellectual calibre· not ... in1pJ,· an adtninistrator ad-1111ni ... te1ri11g hi~ big .. \rea \Yith ability, fir111-ne~~. antl :;hre,,·d tact and ju<lgn1ent-the genl·ral charac-teri:.:.tics. (){ Bishop:; \\hether .\nglican or :llethodist.

\Vhen I had an opportunity of studying the ni< .. hop l had an insight into his inner and I"l"'al ~elf.

ii) I found the Jfla111<: \\ilh ]o\t• for

Bi:;hop hacl a son l l1Hlia aih..1 IH~r people.

I found he. .. \\Ol.., c.·olc>ur blind. Ile \\'as not -:.nfft•ring- fron1 an~· 'npt·riority contplex. 1fhi-.. i-.. a grc..>at thing in ~1 foreign bishop. One o{ the rt·ason.., \vhy foreign 111is!"-<ions ha\'l~ 11111 nuHll· ~1 lriu111phant progrc:.;s 111

India t:-. bt·cau ... t· tlt<:"1r rc.·1H·t:'-.<.:Iltathc·s-thc

disciple ... of tlh.' Crn~~-benrer-canuot for­get tlu ... ·ir t'olour ~llto.cr<.·ther, and in their ht·art c>f ht·.1rt.:. thc.:"l'l' i-.. tht• lurking beltc{ lh.tl th1 \' hllnng 111 .1 -..npl·riur l.1l~1..· th.·~ll·

iug \\llh p 1·nph inltll•ll' tn tl1t1H. 1 fou111i tht· B1-.h··t1 Jll 1\.•·,ptl••n-~11ch hnll••UTJ1 1lt· 1·:-...,·1·J•il111l-. tlh r1 .1r1· 11 .. dnnlJt Ill th.- .:'\11 .... -.1 •• 11 ti1 Id .111d H1-.h11p 1 i-.lH·r 1-. .!11 1llu:.­

tr1 .• 11- nh111l.1· .,1 t}!l .. !1•-l·l1- g-rciup \lay

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God ha:)teu the day ,,·hen the great l\Iission band from Europe and .\merica shall l>e ~o conipletel.'· transforn1ed as to forget the con1plex of race superiority.

(ii) I found the llishop really believed in Jndian leadership and \Vas greatly aux.ion~ to encourage Indians to takt: place$ of leadership and responsibility. 1'he :\lission:, arc to a great extent respons­ible for a certain an1ount of 5la\'e 1nen· talit) in the JnU1an Chnrches. 'fhe Bishop \\'as re.:.ol\'t.•cl to kno(·k thic;. lie hated anv kind of :-.Cr\'ility or :.ycophancy. It is f~r thi::; t 1..~a:--011 he \\on 111> 1 t.•:,pc.:t.'l .itHl .:.tc.ltuir· atiou. 'l'ht" Bi,Jiop j.., \·cry anxiou..:; to se· cure an Indian 131:-.hop. lt is a 111alt<"t of thousand pitie~ that he Jefl India at a titne \\'ht.·11 111~ drt::llll niay l.'0111c trut•, But l hupt• thc g:rc~tt Central L'on!er(:"nct· at Ca\\·npo1·c \\ill appoint an Indian Bishop and <~url in l]1 ... I)ro\'i<lt.•nc(• \\'ill pro,·i<lt.~

l'ltl.." right 111a11 \\'hn \\ tll dn honnnl' to thi~ !=!rt>at Jh1·.it1c•11 11! fl-.pon ... il11lit~.

1 1111 J'ht· n1 .. hc•p rt·ah-.l·11 that tu Lulld np tht: 111tl1.1n l hnr1·h-th1· la\ 111an \\.1-. an indi-.1Jc.·n ... JIJlc- lJ1:tcir ...tnd he: ,,,1 .. n1 st.:irt.h t)i th1..· 11~ht t\ pt: ui la~ me-n, <:ill<l

. .., ....



he :;ucceedeU in i1npregnating some with his fire and zeal. He realised that Christ :;.tarted Hi~ great tnissiou ,,·ith a band of hi)'UJt•n and ~on1e of these lay1nen shook the very foundation:-;. of th<" 1nighty Ro111an Hmpire. The Bishop fully realised that to build up the Clmstian Church in India it \\'aS essential to bring the Jayn1eu and lay\\·01nen of the Church into vital touch -n·ith the 1ninister and to giv<:' tht:tn a real \'oicc in the affair~ of the Church to 1nake it sC'lf-supporting, self-sustaining, an<l. St'Ii-controlling.

d,·) Bishop I.'isher """"" a l'onstrnctn·e geniu~. Ile \Vas not prepared to bC' fixe<l in the old rnt. To the solution of the gn .. •at prublC'nl uf building up the ]n­<lia.u Church hc tle\·utt•<l a t.'Oll~i<lc..·J'~thle

portion of his tilne ju:-.t tu Jin<l out \\'hat 111.:\\" prinriplc::> iuu:-.t be ac('CJ>tc(l ; ''·hat lit."\\" n1ethot.1~ ::.houhl be adoptl·d; \\'hat drastic l"i..,·atljn ... t1111.·11t:-. -..houhl ht• ttl::ltll'; \\'hat pit­i.111:-. ... honld he 3\'Pic..lc<l and \\hat gr•n·c 1111 .. t.lkt.•.:.. n{ th1.:: pa"£>t re-ctifi1.::11 lit:: \\J ...

11• •t prl p.ttl·l] to Jt.'C"ept the: 0111 ..,t1:r<.-11t~ pt:d .. ~ ... \1..·111 Lnt \\.1~ a r1.. .. 11 L1..·h1..·\e-t 111 'fcnn~­

.... n·· f'I<-_l.'lldllt lntt:• -

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"'J'he old place to

An<l Goel \\"ays

order ne,,·, fulfils

changeth, ~·ielcling

Hitnself in tuany

Lest one good custom should corrupt the "·orld."

Jn order to build up the Indian Church \\'e must begin to think anew to try and seek to find. out the Will of God and to sink our 0\\"11 h1divi<luality and n1erge our­sel\'es under the leading of the Holy Spirit. '!'his the Ilishop realise<l, and continually \\·aite<l f<>r Ciod to n1onld His 111ind.

8. C. :\ll'l\'.T~HJI, ll .. \., D.J •. ,

.·ldvocatc, Calcutta High Co111t, c,1/<'11/ta, liengal,




Hadng been a resident of the CakuUa .\rca. for n10-.t of the ti111r c.in<'(" Jul~·,

1917. it 1na\ not bC' ont elf pLh't: for nH~

to \\rit1; .1 ft\\ \\0rd.:.. 3"' tn \\h.1t 1 think B1-.hop 1:1c.hc·r ha.:. c1r1ttt· for ~lt·thn<lis111 in 1 lJj;; ~itt«I

\\"hl n l ,. 1111r- 111 L':il1 utt.1 l in1111c1li.1t-.·lv 1t1t·ntific.:d n1,.-.c·Jf nnh 111\· o\\'11 chnrlh.


Not only because I was and am a l\Iethod­ist but abo because I felt it to be a rare t>ri\'ilege to be a )lethoclist in the Confer· ence in \\'hich nty fathC"r "'as a trayC'Jliug elder when he <lied in July, 1908.

Indian leadership ha~ been ,·ery slo\\" to develop in Bengal :\Iethodisnt. f;'or those "·ho tnay he intere~terl in the subject it would be of ,-ery great profit to explore the reasons for thi:; retardation. But tny object j.,. to tell so111ething else :11111 I shall leave thi~ rescar1..·h \\'Ork for other:; to <lo

In India, a::- in oth<"r countrie ... ; atHl in IlL·11gal, as in otlh.·r part~ of ]Belia, lca1lcr· shi1> ('an be and is 111orc rapidly tle\·eluped by practice than through piou~ hope·::;, by encouraging- "·orcls rather than through co111111i~l·ratio11. \\yhl·ll ni ... hnp }.'ish1.."1' fir~t

c..~an1c to our .\r<. .. a an<l expressed his hopes atJ<l a~piration" I \\a..:. frankl.'· Sf'<"'ptiral. 1 k1h ... \\' the ..,Jiortconting.;; o( tht• (orc.:ign 111i, ... 11111.1r~ .111d 1 ju ... l ~:ud tn 111, .... t .. JI nnd \1l intinl.ltl' 11 H·nd-.., "pinn ... hnpt ... tlt:11 n11\ h.1•1 u ... '" .1 .. 1•1r,-.." l h 11] lh.1r.l .. lllll]Jr

\\11ri}.;. Jil f,,fl' ,;Jlt] h.1tl ..,t'lll 1111 Tt·-.uJt ..

Tlll n 1 ... 1\\ .11111 l h<.·.1r<l 1l1111g .. th1t '.~n~\·•l llh· 1 .. \\•Jll•ltr 'fli, n I gr. 1\ .. tJJI

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more sceptical and said, 11he knows that those poor chaps cannot possibly carry such loads and so he will have justification later for not appointing Indians to posi­tions of trust and responsibility. He ca11 always say, 'I tried it so often and I got only failure', then he can go on as usual.,, But "those chaps" did not fail. Then I noticed that n1any of his con1patriots "•ere openly and covertly opposed to Bishop I<'i:;her's inethods. Being \\'hat I 0111, l al­"'a.ys like to hru.·k tht! chap \Vho secnts to be "bucking the 1nachin<.·"'· \\Th'-"n I openly ba1..·kt"<l hin1, and other;, uf 111) co1npatriots supported l1is icleals and plans, our rate of progrc::.s \\'as accelerated.

No\v he ha~ gone back to his O\VD

country and I look about !he Calcutta Area to S\:"e just ''·here \\'C are in the m;1ller of Indian leadership. I find that only t\YO J)h,tril.'l Supcriulc11d1..•nts in India ha\'(• tried tn huil<l chnrchc.~s \\ithout airl f11Hll th~· l~n.1rd an<l both o{ tht:Ul art: 111<11.01 f>1-trict :-:Ouptcr1ntt#lltl(#IJt... of the 1.:.11\·utt.1 \rt·a. Practh·an;.· t·\ c:r). !Ji~tril't

in the .\rt.J hJ.:; a11 Inc.Jiau at it-. hta<l. 'fhc.: 111 .. 1r1ct ,:\J1 .. -.1c•JJ.1T1t.·... J .... 1 .. 1, ant.l .11'1


the-111 in keeping up the l'nlt1,·ation of the "ho111e base". Indian :\Iinisters and la,·· nlen are doit1g the very things that ~o n1any have so often \Yished they "n1ight be able to do son1e day".

Bishop 1~·i~her has "'ithdra"·n fro111 the unties of the EpJS<'Opac~· but he has left enough capable and deternlined Indian leaders to enahle the Church to go for­\\'ard, unle:;s 111any people are deter111ined to prove that th<:" "dear Indian pcopl<:" arc not ) t"t a Lie to t."'arry snt."'h hea,·y loa<ls".

I trn$t that he tnay Lt· ;i ...... ut·ce~.::fnl in 111s nt.·"· fieltl ~1$ he \\.:1 ... in leading 1ny con1patriots to assu111e leader:;hip.

\". .:\1. 11,·\IJJU\1.::Sll,



lll J (' Sf>Olld i11g St"( 1 t' ftl 1 j', Uod1d <>/ 1/0111<· dud l,.01cig11 .\li.,.,iou., <>./ Ille .\f,•tlltid/~t l·:pis(tlf1t1l <'11111<"'1 in .\·oulllt'lll

.J.,ia, l altull<l, Judia

Bl:'lllll' l"ISII ER-.\ :IJliSSE::-:< am ()[' .JF-..r-.. «lll~l:'f

I Jtll 1h·h_t.!httd ltl \\Tltlll_~ thl' .. l' ]\\\

Iinl·- t11r •• 111\ 111.t: H1~11 .. p. r I{ F1 .. ht"r, •• 11.J J\.nl 111_,.l]l ••l tlh ''l'l''rtullll.'

""£"- -'":"-.'" - -~-. -. -.

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Pl1ysical Powa-His body is well built and physically strong. He has a glowing count<.~nance '"hich can ador11 any and e\·ery 1>lace. l·Iis yoice is so high and strong that no 111atter ho\\' far back one n1ay sit in the au<lience one can hear dis­tinctly "·hat he says. In short, he is phy~ically fit 111 e\'l"ry \\'fl.''·

Spi1 it ual lifr-He breathes the spirit of prayer "·hich 111akes hitn a n1a11 of prayer, and spiritually 'troug. E\'ery work that he dues he Uues \\'ith the guida11t:e a1Hl kno\\'ledgc fro1n abo,·e "·hich Jea<l hint to 111ar(·h f()f\\111(1 ,,·ithout all) he~it.:1tion athl

unafraid. lle hn~ :--urrenclered hin1self to Gorl <. .. ntirel.'' an<l that i:-; the l.'au~e of his heing- f.tH'c'c:>~sfuJ in c\ c.. .. ry ,,·ork. J~ducaliou-God ha:; gi\"en hint such a

high ecl1H.·ntion that he 1113.'' be t..•alled an <.·c.lucation:tl trt•a::.nry an<l an e\'erlasting 1Juhhling :-.pring. Ile t\\ ict• ll·cturetl in I,h,11hl\\~1 ::uhl tht~ puh1ic t..'alltl' pr~·p:tr<"tl J,l·i .. rt. h.111d t•• 11pt.·11 1h.:.t•n ...... ion \\ith h1111 .dh·r h1-. 1111 .... ,t:,!t" nut .dtt~r ht.·.1r111g hi..:: 1111·-. .. ,1c-1.. tlu \ \\ l"ft· '"'Jlt.·ll·l•olltl<l :11111 ... 111'1

th:-.t, l•>:t·\ t·r Jid the-~· ht:-.1r "nch a fi111..·. 111 1rt·\\·1nni11g, .'.l111i l":t]•lt\,"Jting tnc·::- .... 1;.!o.:''.



C/11 istia11 //1011g/1/-\\"hile h<'aring his tne:;sage the auclic.-nc:e used to listc·n hke a hungry utan \\'ho rc·joices at the sight of fine and <lclicio1h food. Ile had a special attraction in hi:-. 111essage:-> that dre\\' the hc·arts of n1en unto hint. Not only <lid !he audience conte to listen to J1is nh:ssag<.•, but all drank of the Ui\'inc ntes .. ~age and were '<•tisfied. Like the pearl 1n the 111.:·cklace his \\'ords and 111cs:-;age adorned the Inn nan heart.

E(lc( 1-IIio; ~ernton~ h:;hl hunHnt li\"es, ~nhl 111en felt \\'a~ a g-r~nt 1~adt•r

great dlect on that imleed he

llis i11dh·id11a/ «'011'-He has lighted such a fir<.~ in In<lia. as \\'ill ne\·er die out· I . • t tat J~, he ha.; crt·atcd SUC'h a. fine tccling

n1non.c:- Indians a.:; "·ill help then1 Jiv<:>. Just like the l~elings created IJ\· :llahatma Gandhi "·hil'h \\'iH ne\·t•r cli1..~, e.\'t:U if sup­prc~~c<l. Out \\ill ring out in t•at•h di.::.tri<·t, \•iltt.~l', a1Jtl tn\\"Jt, {ro111 the 11tontll.., of ~·oung ;11111 oltl, 1t1t.·11 <lll1l \\'nllll~n. 'J'hn ... 1{

the ~.11111.: -.pJrJt l"••JllJJl\ll., \•I h\ l• C•Ut

.111111ng the: l11tli~111 ... , In1ha ~111 \t·r' .. ,,,,n 11t: \\nn f1lT lhr1..;.t. \nJ th] ... ".1 ... ch.'.lrly :-h• 1\\ll in till l..".tl .. ·utt.? \r,.·.l i...'••Il\1..Iltl••ll,

-·: -:, I.- .· ::- . .:.. ·- - ::----=::::' ~-- _:;: .• ~- - .-.':! ._. __ .._ --=-· . ... ........

" .. .' ,.,/

Page 39: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

where it was made known to all how to use the following methods in win­ning India for Christ; ho\\" to ser,·e Christ ; how to be self-supporting; how to treat the con1111unity; ho\\' to uplift our coun­try; ho\\· to gain education and to "·in young people for the Church; and lastly how to win India itself for Christ.

I I is t•isiou-1-I is life is :tn extraordinary life. He always foresaw things, and has clearly pro\·e<l that a so"·er never looks behind. l,ike Panl he "·as eyer 1narrh­ing- for\\"ard and forgetting- the pa:;t.

He lifted the Indian Church on a high platfornt an<l changed its attnosphere al­togethe-r l·il' \\"a..; tht" 1na11 \\'ho tra1ttl'll leader" i11 the Indiau Church aud ,,·as the foun<l(•f of the l"l'l't>gnition that the ln<lia11 Churt:h \\3~ like a tnint· full of ruhit:.;., tlia111nnd ... and 1n·et.:iou~ :;tOlll'S. Ill' bl'ga11 to tlu~ tht·ni, .tntl ~lo\\ ill~ .... 1n1ph·-.. .ll'l

(.nnt•l 111 thl· n1·"ll·r11 })J .. 1rill Snpl·r1ntt11-

t1l nt ... , l'ri1h i11.il... ;u1d l-lt·.111111a:_;..1l·r-:- }]1.::..

\i .. 1·•11 \\.1-. llt·.1r, f1r- ... h.d1h·J .. 111t11ur1h11

t11\\,lT1} fl'.J}H!.

/Ii-' l11.JlH11111-I-lt: hJ11 ;ll\\3:'-.:.. a irii:n·l-1y 11Jtnr~· fil1~·1l \\ith k111d1H· ..... 111•1 .11\\a:s

paid heed e\'en to the demands of the poorest. Nobody felt afraid of him for he \\'as ah\·.nys kind. Ile \Yas a real friend

of India. Tour i11 /{/1a11dw11 Uisllict-'l'his District

was fortuunte in that Bishop Fisher paid his visits i11 the villages and savl the \\·ork himself. He stayed one day in a village and becantc 1nost fan1iliar to the village folk. He talked with them as au ol<l ac­quaintauC'e. It \\'as a ne\\' thing to the people that llishop Fisher visited them for they h.n<l nc-\·er been visited by any Bishop before. 'l'hey ca111c to \Yelcotne hi111 ,,·ith India11 1nusi<', and garlanderl hiJn and li;:,lc-nc1l to hi:-. n1c-sf.agt~ v<'ry pali<"ntly. Only one·!onrth of the journey \\'as tlone on a good road, the- re::.l on a broken and tro<lden path. 1-Ii;:;. vi~it lo J{hanrl\\'3. ha<l n gr<"nt l'H('("t on the- peoph:.

1:1sltc·1 .J. 1· 1J1ddlc· Rays' Stl1tl1l/-TJ11-. -.phncit•l '-l'honl liuil11ing t~\'t:T ~n!_!~

gt"•-.1 .. to tht..· 11nl1111kt r ... t•, think ..inJ tu t.1k .. · lt .......... 11 ... ir• •111 tht· hfl "! thl· grl Jt 111.111

\\ h.1 .. t• 11.1111t• 11 1Jt"JT-.

]~1 .. h .. p ).'1-.hl·f ht·}Jh·11 th; ..... , hc,ul J..\

g1\ ing aU tht· turniturt rt·q111rt·c1 .\} ... u



Page 40: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

t"·o hnndso111e and expensi,·e Bibles, one for the Primary School and the other for the ~Iiddle School. This School is produc­ing fine young tnen \\'ho ,,·ill berotne pillars of the Indian Church in the future.

Personal cxpc1ie11ce-It ii; my personal experience that Bishop I~'isher ,,·as a highly educated n1a.n, a to,·er of justice, courage­ous, strong, a n1an \\'ho S3\\' clear ,·isions, a person who sought and trained leaders . ' n ntnn tr) 111g to ,,·in In<lia for Christ, and, last!~·. a per,onality filled with the Holy Ghost.

j,\frs. l•'isher is a 1a<ly ''·ho i::; e\'er trv­ing to help ht:r hu~IJand in a11 his \Vork. Stu: i:-, at~o not infl~rior in gooU qualities to her husband.

lt is tny JH•rsona1 pra_\·er that the 1\hnighty l•'ath<'r 111ay gi,·e hint ::;uccl:":=.:=;. in Iii..:.. pr<' ... l·tlt 111ini..:..t1 ,., and Ul<l\' hi"' kin<l thought~ nntl hi-.. ~o:><l fl't•lini::. tn\\,lr1l.; ln1ha e\ t·r rt"111.1111 pro111i111.:"11t a111l uppcr-1110-.t in h1-. 1111Jlt]

S\l\B\T l)Ulllll',

r...·up, iinf, 11d1·11t. J\./Ju11d11.·u D1.~11i1l,

C.P., lnd1u.


'J'o ca11 a n1iss.io11ary, \\'ho has before God and 1nen dedicated his life to Jndia, a friend of India and of the Indians seems ridiculous. 1:or ,,·hat el::.e can he be if he is here to "spe11d and to be spent" for the country and Iler people? .\nd yet do \\"c not alf.o realise that there is a constant danger for a tnis.;,ionary to a .... stnnc the r0Jl:" of a benefactor ancl to treat \\0ith con­<ll·::.ccn:;io11 a 11 th1 >~c \\ho coine in contaC't ~ith hin1? #J'he Indian of to·day resents bl:"ing treated \\'ith pity or ,,·ith condes­cension, but his heart \\·arnt~ up \\'ht:ll he tiud;; syntpathy ancl Jo,·e. Ile is not ~lo\v in detC'rting the lH:art that bf"at:; trne, and i~ dra\\'U to\\ard;; it.

'l'hank God for tho~t· n1cn and \\"Onten oi (;t)tl in tlllf ntid.;t \\'ho hfl\'t'

11h 111161.:·11. .11111 .1rl· 1.·1111-::.tnntly i11t·nti-f, 111~. th~ll) .. l•l\'1,•.:. \\1th thl· rt"opll· t>f ]1hh 1 ancl .lrl· 1.·11tlt·.t\ 11urint.! t11 pu ... h thl·n1 l11J\\,trd l \ t:ll ii they thl·111.:.cl\ l" h.1\'1.' t11

t.:k~· a l1.11'k .. t:.11 o.illd C'\'l'll lJ("(nllll' lll­

... 1gniticant. "fhc falt that ~ulh p1:ople

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come from the West is of little conse· quence. They are constantly reproducing themseh"es in the Jiyes of those whom they touch and 11 their \\"Orks do follO\\' tht·111". As friends they lh-e for others, and those for \vhon1 they liye in return love and res­pect thetn. Lo,·e transcend:; all racial and national barriers and dra\\'S 111en into a closer bond o( fellowship.

Bishop Fisher belong• to this type and although hi~ stay in India \\"as of coin· paratively short duration people do no\\' and ,,·ill, for years to C'Onte, rise up and call hitn blc;>s:;ed, hecau:;e of hi:; life and tnini::.tr~· in India atnong and for her peo­pl(.•. E\"eJI \\hen phy.;h:•1l ::.uffC'ring and ill-health s<'e1ned to th\\·art hi:-. plans he ~tayl'tl in Jn1li.:1 and \\'1)rkcd for her and her peoph• a~ lnng- a.:. l1t."" f<.-"lt it \\'a.; <';orl'~

\\'ill for hin1 to do it. ~onlt"" of u.; r<:·nll""tll· lh"r ho\\ un ... tintl~1lly hL· g.l\ l" hi111-.t:lf h> thl." fJl·n)'h· 111 tr.' lll:.! l•.1 hl·]p th\·111 in thl·Jr Jll·r-.1111.1) 1,r.,l,]t·n1 ... 11hl 111 t110: pr.,1.1 ... 111 ...

pl·r1.11n1nl! tn their \\ork. ]"ill l.1tl.:' at night. .1111"1 ..... 111c.:tnn~.:. ~Yc:n nn111 onl· or l\\" 11\ ]1,\ k 111 tho: 111orn1ng hl· \\<1U}1} illll•T\ H•\\ Jll·opJI.:', h ... tl•Jl t~1 tht'lll

and help the111. 0Itl~e \vhen lie "'as very tired after a very heavy day some Indian friends can1e tu :;ee hin1 late at night. He \\'as n1y guest. I ad\'ise<l the friends \\ho had contc to see hint to let ]tint rest and to coute the next ntorning. I-le at once turned to 1ne and said, 11 Dou't ~eud thetn a\\·ay. I ant not too tired to see thetn. 'l'hey ha\'C co111e at sotne personal sac.~rifice to ~ee 111e and I \Yill not <1i:;appo1nt thcnt. \"uu look tired. \"ou go to bt.·t.1. ] \\ill see t.'\'<."r.\' one of tlu.:'~L', uo n1atter ho\\' lung th ... ·y :,lay,,. It is ncct.llc..:..~ to ~ay

that I felt rcpriinanded and JH.:'\'Cr a~ain tried to do a thing uf this kin<l. )Jany peoplt.> in \\'orry an<l distrc:,:-; fount.I h~lp

an<l l"l'ht.•f throngh 111111.

Jn hi ... t.lcalin.L!'~ \Vith pl"opll~ IJ1-.hop .:tntl

).Irs. l•'i~her lllade no tlh;tinC'tion of c.~olour or racL-. 'l'ht.~y had Indian a~ ,,·ell as \Vl·::.t­

l't"ll g:1H~ ... 1 ... 111 thl·lr holltl' tllltl 111:ull· lhl·IU

fl"tl quill' ;it lh1111t~. \\"ho c:-111 forgt~t the Y•l:_'.J] l111-.pllJhl.\ t•"'-lll11ll1l ti• tlit .~u ...... 1-.

1,_,. tlll nt ~ \n 1nt11Jn .11111 In°:' "lie Jll<l clnldttll "1.:rc ollt\" 11 .. 1 \1r) f.1r Jr11111

lJlllltt.1 .11111 \\cr1; tli1..fli1•r'-· .h~JT•,u ... :.,

gl\l" th ... ·ir chil1l1l1l .1n 11p]1ort11111t~ 111 .:..l-e

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Calcutta. He wrote incidentally about it to Bisho1~ I"''isher \\'ho \Yas in Darjeeling at that tnne. By almost the return post a letter came from the Bishop offering the Indian aud fan1ily his Episcopal re:;idence and the entire staff of his Sl·r\'aut:-1. at 3 l\Ji<ldleton Street. The offer ""' grate­fulJy, th:-'.ngh su1.11t.·\\'hat hesitatingly ac· ceptt'd. l he fannly found then1st>l\'es in fuJl possession of the entire furnished apart111cnt an<l e\'erything in it. llishop an<l )lrs. l,.isher ha<l also sent instruction:; to Calcutta that this Indian {1.nnily \\'as not to be put to any expt"nse of food, ser\·ants, etc., so long as the'" \\'ere in l'alcntt:i. 'l'he f11111ily \\"a..; not ; sn1:iII one an<l they spent a \\'hole \\'eek in Calcutta! 'fherc \\'ere.~ littll~ chil1h·l·11 in it \\ho n1i.~ht

tanipt..·r \\'ith the thin~s in thl· hou-;C', But lli:-,hop and ::\Jrs. I'i ... JH:r \\ith thl·ir rh:1rac­tc-1 i:-.t1t.• trust iu thL· J11tliatt people full\' tru-.tt·1l thLir hnn"'l' \\1th th1-. {11nil,· .1 n:1 C\t.•n ln thllT JL~l'lh'l' ]'IJ).dl: l·Jltl·l~..illlc:d tht·lll. ~lh Ii "llltlL tlte1l .... 11f k1111lnr..,..,'' touchrt1 the: Ju·:,rt~ "' 111111.111-. .1nd alrt\\' th1.. 111 111 Jh .... h11p JtHl :'\Jr-.. Fi .... ht.~r "" nh 1h1..· c.:orU~ uf lo\'t.·". 11 \\,J~ not ~o 111uc]1 the

free and generous hospitality as the hearts behind it \vhich dre~\' these Indian hearts to them. I think this is what Paul meant \\"hen he said, "'fhough I besto\v all n1y goo<l:; .......... an<l hn,•e not lo\·e, it pro­fitc>th n1e 11otlling."

Bishop 1~~1~her \\'as a fir111 believer in Indian leader:-.hip. Of this he gave re­peatt"d evidences. So1netitues he even ~ufferc<l for tlus stand. llis advice to lus 1nh,~ionary colleague~ '''a&, "Let the In<linn~ inl'rt.•a:;t' an<l let u~ decrease". In his Confc-rct1L'C:o:. hL• appoiutt"d Indian~ to posilionf. o( re:;pon~ibihty. In one ]>arti­cular l'onferent..·c all the District Superin­tt"tHlent~ appointt.."'tl h.v hin1 \Vere Indian-... }11 the l~al1..·11tta .\rca ('on\'ention n11111cri· call~· the ltttli.an.; dontinatetl, and the t•hairn1l~n of aln1n.;;,t all thl• L'onnnittt•t.·~

\\'C're 11Hli:i11.;. It \\'a.; hl"l':tll~l' 11{ thi.:; lfaclt·r-.l11p tlt~t ahno"'t .dl the." tlt·1t.•g:lll':i t<1 th~· 1.1 .... t c~\'lll'r.d l'nnlt r1:lll't· front hi.:; (,flllt·Tt·lh'1 ... \\tf1· 111tl1J11-. Ile \\,1-. ll••t

.dr.1111 111 tru-.t the lnil1.u1-. \\uh rt·-.p"n ... 1-L1ht\ f.,r ill~ -.tru1u~l~ f..:lt th.it in ort1l"'r to 111.1kt Jll'"]•h· trn ... \\\ .. rthy \\1.: Ulll~t tru.:.t t hl·Jn, and th.it n1c·u of the right sort ~·111

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grow under responsibility. The Episcopal address of tlw 1928 Central Conference for which he accepted full responsibilit;, is a bold, unequh·ocal declaration of his policy, especially in regard to indigenous leaderslnp. It grie\-ed him very deeply \vhen he sa\v son1e one ,,·)10 did not nten­sure up, foiling to justify the confidence reposed in hint hy hint, but he never lost f:uth in the Indians and in Indian lead<'r­ship. As a rule, those \Vho \\•ere entrusted \\ith rc:;pon~il>ility 1lid their bt:::,l to Ull~a­

sure up to his expectatio11s and to pro,·e \\'orthy, \vilh appreciable success. He launched out into the deep. His vision ancl faith \\ere contagiou5, and tl1o:;e ,,-hon1 he in~pirc<l \\'ith his ll·ader:;hip "'ere h<•arteued to atte111pt gr<'at thing::.. 'J'h<'v, too, tried to launch out ii1to the deep. -

1'he Ili:;hnp did not pn:;h the JnUians to put dn\\'11 nr tn l''\Clucil~ thl· nn11-11h1i.111 .....

or 1n 111.lkl· .111\ 111\l•li••ll .. di.:tilltli1111 ...

l·t·l\\t•t•ll tlll· 1111li.111 ... 111tl t1H nnn-]nfh.111 ...

s.1 f.1r .1-. 1 kB••\\ 1111 111•n-l1h11.111 h.1 .. 1~\1·r

f1·lt 1J11 ... In fact tho.· 111111-Jn111.111"' h:J.\e 111Jl,1\\l·tl h1.;, lc·nd in the 111att1.:r, Tn ;1p­pnint ]ntli.111"" nH·rt·l:- (11r tht· ...... 1kl· .,{

Indianising is a grave blunder, but to re­cognise \\'Orth, \vhere,·er it is found, is a sure sign of leadership. Domination kills iuitiati,·e. ;fhe Indiatt thrives iu an at­n1osphere of love and tru~t, but front a heart that distrusts hint or is suspicions of hint he shrink:; like a sensitive plant.

Bishop l1'isher 1s principal ol)jecti,·e in his tnissionary "·ork in India '\\'as to buil<l up the Indian Church, a< a self-support­ing and self-dirC'cting Church in ln<lia. \Vhateyer he dirl was large!~· influenced b:-· thi~ one thing ,,·Inch he had set before hi111. E\'en no\\' "·hen he i~ i11 :\1nerica he \\'ill 1lo all he l'flll to h<.>lp l1is tnission­ary colleagues and u~ in 111aki11,q thi~ ob· jecti\'e ~1 rc~ality. .\nd aftc-r all i$ not this the ultilnal .... end of our utissionary \\'Ork?

l-ll· ,,·as. <. .. ,.<. .. r inindful of the fact that hl~ \\fl~ ~\ 11 (nrl·ig11" nii::.~ion:'\ry an<l :t

p111,•..,t o( the llriti:=.h (-;O\C'l'Jlll1t•11l in )n<lia He \\J ... in ... \nlp:lthy \\tt~l the~ legititnate l1Jtio11.1l J ... p1rrttH•ll.., n{ tht: pf:"oplt' (•i 1nd1.1 .tnJ \\..! ... al\\.1."-. at tltc·1r :::.t:r\ tee~ to

tnrthl r t1n·1r , .:u .. t·. :\ .. t:J.l1h· ])l·r.:.onJgc-.;

like- >I.1hJt111a f';a1Hlh1, 1Jr. 'fagort:, an1]

:'.\Ir. I.: :\'nt.1rajan \\t:f(," an1ung hi.;. ptr·

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aonal friends He belie,·ed in Indian~ and in the possibilit~· ol India becoming a great nation, great enough to take her deser,·ed position alongside of the 11atio11s of the ,,·orld. In his O\Ytl ,,·ay he tried to encourage the people of India to move for\vard ''heart \vithin and God o'erhead". The result wa• that our Hindu an<l ;lloh.1-medan con1patriots also looked upon hin1 a~ their friend an<l a friend of Iut.lia, and ntany :::.a.'· that they have lost a real friend of In<lia b.'· thl· Di::.hop's decision to stay in .\n1erica.

Ruch \ya.:: Ri.::hnp fo'i,her ~·ho, \\"ith his. de\"oted con$ort, ~a'""-" hi111~t'lf nnreseryed­ly !or India and the !111lian;. Their 1le· ri-.ion uot tn TC'turn to India ca111('• aB. n bolt front tht~ h1ue, for it tn~:tll"> :1 <li:::tin<.'t lo ... ..:. tn 1)\H" <.'ountry atHl tn onr L'hnrch. .:'\I11rl }ll.:r-.1111~ thJJJ nlll IJJ\'t' fl h 1h.1t 111 ....

ll.h]t"r-.hitJ 1-. -.1111 n"····h-il iu Jn,lJ.i. J-Io\\­t·\ t·r, \\t· -.11JJn1it tn th1.: llh\ltJ1J1l·. Uut n1.· -.till lo11k !lp11n Jinn .1 ... •·nr fril·n.J .• n.} \\l·!!­\\J .. ht:r a1h] .JTl" t'•,ntlcll·nt ht: \\111 t'••lllillut

to help us to fl·.J.li..:c.: thl· i1h·:1J-. placc-11


hefore u-.. h.'· hin1 and al-..o to help u:;. in "Buildin~ th~ Indian Church 11

jASH\\".\:'\"t R·\O L'HIT\".\IH·\l.:,

Piincipal, C/1rislia11 College, L11clino-;.l', India


)lt·n h:l\"l~ pa.::;c:.erl in the histor.\' of the Church on \\'hn1n, \\'hen C'Ontetnplat­in_~. "·e fine} that the:~· had ::.ante in­dividual influence- on the lives of others. No doubt thc-:'c- 1nen \\·erC' sent for :;011112" ::.pcc1al .1nd extraort11nar) "·ork 1 "ho again and a~ain preJche<l the gooJ tiJiug .... , not

"·ith thc- idea that the Chur('h \\ds th.·­cay1ng, but for the g't'Ilt:ral atl\'anrelltl·nt of the Churt.:h on it~ \\':l.' to l;nll and .. lll'l'<.''.'>.;

'ftnH: aft1.:r tintl' ~ll<.'h 111en "l"'l'l· prn·

du1. t:•l i1~ 1h1.· L'hur .. ht•-., .111d R1 .. li••J 1 f H f1 .. ht l' \\ 1 .. 111ll" ol th1.·n1 111 th1.· :'l.lt•th1 11h-t l~] l"l •1p.1l L'hurch of ln1li.1. fit ..!1l1l -..111t.1hJ,.

1·· tin n1•11l1·r:1 tn1h· T'lurin:: hi .. .:.c·r\ l"'" 111 )11111.1 for thirt<"l·tl ~ c·~1r-., lron1 111 .. -.l:r-111011-., throu:.!h 111... 31 t1cJ1: .. , an1} hy In.:..

Page 45: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


personal talk, l found out that he 1s a true Christian, a man of high intellectual n1erit, and "~oulrl have ntarle hi.; n1ark. t:'\'E'll ha<l he not bet·n a Bishop.

Bishop Fisher had such a strong per­~onality that he never forgot otlu:r$ "'lule leading a true Cl1ristian life. He \\'a~ .so far-sighted that h~ alwa,·s cleared awa\" the dangers that dail,: befall huma~ heings. Nothing could e~·er tempt him to 'tep awa)· from the path of his c.lut\·.

He \\a-:; a great lover of truth, \visdom and kno\rlt•cl_g'c·, and t'\'t""r forgot hin1self "hilc· thinking of othl'l":!>. 'fhis \\a':> on 3c.'l'Ol111t c)f hi:; great and t"'XC<:~C.i\'t"' ]O\'('

for othc·r~ and the fir1n faith he h::i~l in tht• l1J\'ing Sa\"iour, \\'ho ~arrifit•t"d aII for till· wnrld

He \\·;1.; a .Q"reat lca<ler and '' t"ll·\\ i ... hl"'r ••I th1· IndtJn l"'hurch • .i111] J.y thl." ~<1111)

qnahtit· ... Ill h1n1 n·on the· 1H.·ari~ cii aJi tht: ln11ia11.::. n·ith \\horn J1e <'a111e in contact Thu-. :1JJ 11( thf'111 lll·\'t-T t11c1k h1n1 to Ll~ ~1 f,,rt·i~n Bis.hop, hut thong-ht of hiln .1c:. t1a·ir n\Yn Bi-.hop cintl lc·rul<:r Jl<: hac1 al­"·a:·:::. bt·fore hiin a vic:.ion of the Jnr1ian Lharrh IJl·coming indepenclc·nt anr1 -.t.ind-


ing on its Ol\'Il fe<:t, and for tht" accont­plis1nnent of that cud he tried his very best. ~ot a single 111an in India thought that

Bishop }'isher \\·as lea\ ing lnllia for the­la~t tin1e and not to con1e back again to Indin ,,·hen he Je{t in Ft"hruary, 1930, an<l never dreatnerl that ht.· \\'ouhl '.Sl1bn1it hi~

re~ignatiuu at the Rif.hop ... ' nH:eting. 'fhis !>Udc.len departure of his ll~ft 111an:· thing-s inco1nplete and 1nany plan..:; unacco111-plished which he hod started in his zeal for tht" Church. .\n<l fro111 -.uch a ::.cen1in~­l,\ ::.utltlt:ll 1lctision \\t .:an only dc:cluce­thi":"> that, thinking that on his r(·tiren1t•11t f1-01n hhlh.1 ::.oBH .. • lndh111 Bishop \\'a:-. lialJle to ht.• t·ll"C'tt·d, ht.~ 1na<le \\a:· for hi111, a gr~at anrl lo\'in,g ..:.l·l(-.:.acriJ1ce \\'hich l<""a\'e.:. u::. 111ar,·elhng .It -.11ch a high :nttl nnhlt' ch.1r.:tl'll·T. Tlu-. 1tlc.:.1 \\J ... c:\ l"T pr•>llll1Jt·llt in }lJ ... n1iucl th.11, .1tC•1r1hng tu the llllll", Intl1.i lll·t·lh·d .tn l111h.111 D1.:..hoJ1 .11111 Jll

ln1l1.n1 h-.uh r in it-. Chur'-·h. an1l t"·da.' the l r' i11r an Ind1.111 Bh,hop i.:.. r1ng1ng fr11nl 1Jllt:' t·111] of th<· Church to tht oth<:r Jn tlu· hi-.tory of lntH:.i ... u, h an i111portant .-incl l r1t1fal periocl h.1.:.. arri\ t·J th.1t

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lliudus and )lol\Atn111edan:; no longer re· fuse to follO\\' their respecti\"£' JeaJers, but at once hear an<l act according to their tuessage$. 'fhis is an account of the grt:Jt anu noble impression the people ha\"c of the self-sacrifice, endurance a1hl troubh:·6 of the leac.ler::; for tht' :--akc of their peo· ple:-., thu ... \\'inning the111 \\ holl\" and solc:h· to their cause. · ·

'I'he Church to-clay needs a sitnilar lea­der \\'ho, by his noble character and lift, n1ay \\"in the confidence of the \\hole Indian Church so that the Church nHl\

folio\\' 111111 as thl•ir leader as n1inutc.-l' ,; ... po ... sibll•. D1-;hop J.'i!"her ~crYe<l a-..· an Indian Bi::.hop for a pPrio<l of ten ,·ear~.

.11111 tluri11.g that tinH:' hc put grc::it l"l:~pun· :-.ihi1ith::, on thl· I111li:.in ll·ad.lT:' and thc.·11 {·nni1il-... l>nrill.!?' hi-. tinh· ln1li.1n-. -.c.·ctn· c. .i tlh· l' .... 1.. 11! l'r11h 1p.1J.. .11111 Ht-.1 J. 111.1 .. \t·r .. , • .11111 Ul.t?l\ of tlh· ,iJ,Jl· lc.-.Jtlt"T· "t"Tl.:' 111 •• .Jl· ] 11 .. t Tit t ~U}ll f1Illl'lh1l lit., 1 lu JJ.\llll"ll l1l·_,.:.dl t•• T\l•• .. 'lll/l" th111" <l11t1 1 ·.,,

..-i111i fl"""]11111 .. iJ)1htll· .. 111\\ 1r.J .. th1· 1.. hurch 'J'hl· lhurc:h .. ho\\l·d prng-rl ....... 111 \\c·.1hh ;1 ..

\\c.·Jl a-.. 111 lhri ... tian bruthl"rho1111. .\1111 11

hl" had Tl'·111a1llt"1] a httl(· longt·r in J11d1·1


the In11ian leader:;hip 111ight have n1ade rapid progrl·-..~ ancl de\·c.-loped on a larger

!-.Ca Jc·. ): \UIJ>..\]) J..;:H..\S,

.<;upcri11J,·ud1·11t, Blzabzh1 \/ ission,

Bil1a1, J11dit1

"BISHlll' FISHER-.\ RF. \L FRJF.ND .\::-.:IJ S\' ~!P.\TllJSER "

The finding nut lhat Bi.hop Fi:;her \\a> not T<:"turning to Jndia \\'af. a personal .::.orro\\· and Jo-;-.. to lllt" ~o <loubt hi:-. sta.'· in \ 1nerica :incl hi-. ''·ork an1011g his o"·n countryntl"tl i:; intcrl."::.ting and pl<!~t~ing: to hi111 Bnt \\'ht•n l think of his Iihl."rnlit\' and 1111initl• hc.~lp \\ hich he off Prc."<1 ,,·ith frank. opl'n·hca1 ll'clne:-.::., it lcn,·c.·:' 1111..·

,lo\\IJt.1-..t in hi .. ;1li-.l·Jll'c.'. 111 ... ~l"l«lt l'11111-p.1 .... 1 .. 11. lhr1-.\1.111 lnvl·, .11ltl 1}1\ inr llll.:' ....

-..,;_:o.- •,;}1 \'\tT J ,.,.~, 11• th 'llkln} t·• }'1111

l:i1- \.. lir1 .. t1.111 li11·, 11ltl l1·t· J .. \ \", !ll•l 1.1r

-.c.•t'\ll~ \ 1•1• •Il h.I\ \ JIJ,11lt .1 ;!fl ,ii llll]'Tl •·

-.1•·11 ••It ·-ur lll 1r1-. I l.i: 1111h Ii l·n11·l1.1·1-

''" th1-. pnlllt th.it )11-. /t",d, \'lll•iJ.,:"\, 1111}

J,r(lthc.·r1.' trc:.1tlnl·llt ha\c.· turnt·1l our hc.·art-. t•1\\.1r1] .. tlH· a1)vJlltl'llll·llt ••1 th•·

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Church. .\!though I ha,·e been a preach­er for thirty-se,·en years and had the corn· p~ny of many other tnissionariefi, nerer did I see such Jo,·e, such frie11tlh· treat­ment and good feeling, and tl;e best hu1nan qualities in any other rnh•.::.ionar\'. :\n<l hence it is quite in1po.:.-:.ible that ,~·e shoul<l forget hi< Jo,·e and kinclne" to­'' a rd ... us.

During his rebidence in Indin for ten ~·ear:; his :,yn1pathetit• eye r<'F>tcrl on e\·crv 11~divi<lual in his ~\rea, e.:;peciall,· on th~ d1s~ressed, 11eedy and sick. Hi~ kind loving• syntpathet ic· letter::. in th~ hon1es. ":here so1neho<l:'· ,,.3 ~ take>n a"•ay pro\·cd like the cool :-.un1111t"r sho"t~r for the dr)· nncl withere<l plant< When any fatnil.'· n·a~ financiall.'· invoh·e·1 1·11 u an~·

tro11J,J.. 11° 1 I l <l .. .. a "'3 .' :-. 1e pe \\'hen he c-onld. Fo1· 111' · II I • :--t• can ...,3, that f. ,r a Jon~ J>l·ri111l clon.J ... nf ... t1Tfo~ O\ 1..·r· .. Jia1i•1\\t·1l n1t·, 111 ~ \\Jt't· fc·Ji .. 1..·ri•·u .. h Ill .1111] 1..·:-:p1r1·1L .dt«r th.It 111' 1-),) 1 ... t · .. ,,n

t JU_t!ht pht]11 .. 1 .. ,JJ11l r1..·tllJil111l ... 1, k lor d

]on.: JH•fJOJ.}, .1ni1 tlll·ll cl~p.it\1·11 lr•1J11 Jlh:

Hut i1ur1n.i: thi-.. tr.1uhh· rind ... ufit:'Tlng

pc:r1n1l of 111;.· life. I found out that tn\· Chief


Pastor, Bi~hop I"i:iher, hacl a s~·111pathetic eye on 111e. Not only liid ht" send me sympathising lettt'rs \\hich relie,·ed me a great deal, but al>0 helpe<l me financially. From his life and ~er,·ice I learnt two lessons : 11) to uplift the fallen, an<l 12) to help the neerly, 50rro\vfu1 and sick, and to syn1pathise "•ith then1. " 7e find many of these dcpre~sed ones uo"· f.er\·· ing the Church in the Calcutta \rea who "-ere real!)· "a,·ed by the kind and help­ing hanrl of Bi<hop Fioher. Tho<e who ha,·e personal at~quaintance \\ith hint kno"· ho"· strong 311<1 fir1n his per~onalit~· i:;

1 and ho\\· ,,·onderful anrl eff~rtive hi:=.

sern1ons are to our }i,·c:-.. In the enrl I n1u~t ~ay that I "'·ill e\·er

ren11:u1bc.>r hi111 in pra)er. )fay God g-rant hint .;uc<'e:<.:-. in all his l"ll<lt.•a.,·our' and may the .\!might~ Path<'r hie<< an<l keep Bi::.h•lJl .11111 )fr:-::. F'i .. hl·r ~nunti 111 ht•alth ;n11i 1111\ tho..·;. li\·r lnn.g 3.;, th(·\ pr''' t" .1

l1l1..• ...... 1u\.? t•\ thl" Cl1url'h

'I 14 ~.\;\150'

1/ F Cl1u1·rh. Ritl11n.

C11~1·11ptt1t•, J11d1..i

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)Jy grandfather served our Church for forty years as a preacher and no\\' he is retired as an old )!ethodiM worker. )h· father and four of n1y uncles are in th.t:' 111inistry and ser,·ing the "'.\laster in differ· ent parts of our dear land. )l\ iu,•a about the Bishop \Vas a],vays ,-e~y high. I thought, "He is such a high ntan and such a big ntan of authority that vouths ancl speciall~· young: 110,·s cannot . reach hint''. I al\\·ay:; hear(l ti1at a Bi:;hop can tran:;fer ntt>n, rebuke ,,·orker:;, can do big t~1ings. He C'an appoint nt~n to big j()b:'­l1k~ D.S ul other high oltiCl.'=- in thi.. Church. So I hail a '"rt of fear in m'· heart anc.l al\\'ay::. hC'~itatt~d to i::o and talk to a Ili5hop <:"\'t•Jt \\'ht.•n 111: c;ntc to .,ur tn\\J1

1 C'hn1·t•h, nr (.'on(c..·rc..~1\<'t.• nl.:.n

1111t1cc.:d that ~ll\\~l~ ::- big n1c.~11 n{ 111,~h p1).:.1-

1i .. 11 .. \\•:J1t tn n1 .. h11p to ""'Jll"'.1k .1thl .. h:lkt· h.1niJ .. ••r \•1 ,lJ .. cu .... tht·1r l•T••l1h·111- .!11 l . hllil n lt h- ..

Dut .• 11111' ft-1r ind .. Ji_,nt·- .. ,, I'" Tl·'l1••\·

,,} .tlld 111\ 11Jt.:.1 .. \\l:Tt: 1..hJl1t!l1l \\Jh·ll

Jh ... hop l"1..,]h·r \',lllll" to our Clt\, (hurl h .111tl h11111,· I f1111111l th.1t thl· Il1 .. }1 .. p talk.:.


to e\·er\'bOd'·, f.hake:> hand \\"ith all kind:> of 111t>1~. ev.en "·ith young 111t"n. It \\<l::O

111;." first privilege and opportunity to speak to a Bishop, though 111y t\YO brothers "·ere baptised by Bi::;hops. .\nJ I found that Bishop takes an interest in youth. I-le calls u:-;. b'' J1a111e, he ask::; questions concernin~ our. \\"elfare, he \\'ants to kn<>\\' about our edtH .. ~atiun, future phu1.,., and pro· grannne ntHl ~ulvi .... e:=. us to he n1nre ;tl"'adv, i


ntclli~ent, and to bel,otne big nH.~n. Bi,lH;P \\'oil the )l(•artf. t)f all the ~·ouths by Ins sy111pathc·tic attitude, intere:;t, nnd ]o,·e Rl"'ally \\'t "·er<.~ \"er~· 111n1..~h e111..~our-age-d. Bi:;hop Fi ... hl"'r i::; a }L·arn<-cl 1nau and a \er~· ~U('l'l• ... .;ful n1c.>~.;eng<."r nl our ]i,·ing ).la.::otL·r anc1 Sa,·iour.

Jt \\3-. tht> pri\'il(·~e u{ ~11Uth to hL':lT

hi111 111 th1..• Chnrt'h, l'nnier~1H'l· ancl "}l<."t,ia1 n11.~·unc.. II~· hatl a 111a~nt·tic nh·-. ... ig1· 1••T \•1nth 'l'h11n~h .'\ l1it! 111.111 .nhl .1 ._l\·il lv11t"T, \1·1 \1•P\h hul 1hc 1rn1lc·..:~· t" ~·· \11 11'111 j,,f ~'Tl\ ill' t.•lk 1?l•l t••ll\•T·

.. ,,11 .. 11 J}1 .. \\,.ll•!tTll~i j'tf• .. •Jl.il11\ 1., .d· \\-,\.,) J.,1111i.t'll••ll l•1 .~·.\ \••1111':..' 111'11 \\h•I

rlTt: 111\ 1t1·1l t•• l·t· in Jn .. ft l!···-1 -.h11• 111'1

1Jft"' ... t'll"(:' l },·.1r1Jt:·1l fr11lll h1111 \ti cl<·pt·nci

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on God through my prayer life. His counsel and fatherly ad••ice to youth will always be a source of progress intellec­tually, spiritually, and socially. He al· ways encourages youth to go forward and his counse1 reaH~· "·ill utake lives useful, if they follow his good a1h-ice. His own personal experience, his de,·otion for the Master and His Church, hi• bold, frank but sincere counsel and talk~ \Viii help youth in a future progre5s an<l ad\at1ce­n1ent. He is cheerful, bold, courageous, and helpful to erer~ bod~, and especially to young 1h e ....

I heard him, I talked with him, I was in his fellowship and learned man~· thing-, ,,·hic-h "'ill help 111~· future- lift'-. 1-Ie ''as creative, pro,t(rl~.;:;i,·t~ and helpful to the young peoph.• hr 1net \\'hilt> in :\I1113ffar­porc.~. 1"1 ... • II<'\ er di~coura.ge... ~·outh, he nc.•, c:r find.;. lanlt, h<> llc:\·~r critit-'·i~c~ to di-..­hc.. ... 1rtc.•n ~·liuth, hl• Ih:\t-r thr•n\ ... l'••ld \\,ltl·r

11Jl 11Ill .. '._ t'lll"T!!lf'.;:,, t-ffnrt ... ;lJ11} .1Cll\ itie.:.., l1ttt ... t.111•1 ... \\Ith thl" \nutlJ nho l\JIJ ~" t•)

h1111 \\Jth <.··1n1i1h·Jh'f" f11r Jic .. Jp, t·Jh •1ur.1!!t."'­

nh:llt Jtld t1Jll1J•1rt HI."' h.1 ... J ;;;pirttu.Jl trl·J-.ur.' f,,r ~·11uth.:.., Jnd th11-.f \\ho "'re

. t lked with . hear<l hnn. or a ,vith hnn, ur 1 \\'ith ne\\' hopes, 1 . al\Ya\·~ returne< .. 11n1 • · rl ne\Y dec1s1ons.

ne\\' ideas, an . ·I en the youths . ·t· 'al tune " 1 ·

.-\t tlns cr1 tee . t friend leader, . •ded tins grea ' I

of India ne..: . l Fisher's ,,•ithdra"·a and supportC>r • B1.; 10~" Chur("h, a11<l com· fro1n our tlear co~n~t . front vouth in 1nan~· munity '"ill take 11111 d .prav tl1at his

B t we hope an •. t'll "'ays. u d praver:-:. "·ill s t

I n1e ·snj:{e!=\ an · s counse ' :.. ·, d"lllcultie~ before u .

. t a 11 t te t I •. hel1) us. n ~ l . Fath~r u:--e t tc.::':>e I .· 1g Heaven ~ .

i\Iav the O\ 11

. :l \[r.:. F1.:.her. . I . Bt~hop an<. •

{Treat l~a< er:.., · · the j)laces ~ . d. takin"~ 111 • 11 the1r un ~r • :-.. . 111 a . 1. . an<l ~er,·e 111111. ,, here thl'~ 1' e

~ I'\' J ORl:"7(), S·\;\ll hi. ~-,'I' \:'\l,' ' .. ,

. I c-1rool 'lu:<tlJar ptHt, i ·it l-ll!!'l .~t • • i

5itu< t 1 • • Riltal', 11ll 10

!:SDI\·~ FISHER · \~IER!~'\'S (',\!;\


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high appreciation in the followmg glow­ing \\'ord ... :-

"In addition to the formal action taken by this board with reference to tl~e request of Bishop Fi.;her, the bishop ... ~ 1sh to _recor<l an unquahfied e:s:prl·s.;,ion of affection for their colleague. We have g~eatly cnjoyt:"d his ten ~·car:->, as ... o<.·iation \\"tth us, an<l ha\·e had great pride in the \\"Ollderful 1nagnetis111 and t"arne~t­

n~-....;. \\'hich he has c-ono;ecratf'd to the 111,1~s1onary platforn1 and progran1111e. ~\ e ha\'e the fullest confiden«o that he is llo\\' acting in har111011\' '' ith hi ... <.'oll·

..... :ic:Htiuu~ con\·iction in .his deci~ion to ... ~1rr<:ncler thct oJlil"·e and \York of a b1 ... hop. LoYing hint in t ht: ino::.t brotherly \\a~·, "e \\'if.h hin1 a tno.:.t pra~ t•rful (~od-.peed as ht.• gov~., to tak'-· up "t11llt.~ ntlH r forn1 of ... t.·T\'ll't" fnr the:

).J:1-.1~ r' ... kn1J..:1ii·n1. ''

Bi-.h .. p 1'1-.hcr'.:.. ttn \tar ... 0 1 .11lin1111.:..-1r.1tJ\,.. .incl i•1'r t I I ... 1 u.i r~- .111 .. n-.J11p l\llh

Jn.111 \,.11n .. 1 . "•ll l·t l"TJ...'·•tt1·11 l"r·•Dl

thl- llllh· he .·1 ..... nn1, .. J til< ~ J'J•l .. 1'r.p.1l ft'"'"

p1Jn ... 1lJ1ht\ c•f the· (..',d,·utt." \ •• fl-a hf' kl."pt ,\ f•·T\\,1td-l11ok;ng \ 1.., 1,J]l. Jn IJTch:r 111

undcr:>taud the problem> of the Church front the ntif. .... ionary and Indian points of yie"· he held a s<:rics of rt'treats at Darjeeling in 1921 111\·iting people front tl1e \'ariuu~ centres in Bt"ngal ;J.ll<l the l'nitt.:·(1 Pro\'inces; ant.I in orJer to nndl~r­stan<l the soul of India he ntadc intin1ate aeqnaintanc<: \\ ith the grcate;::.t 111en in In<lia-puet~, philosoplu:r.;, pric:-;t!), poli· tieian .... , .;.t.ate .... ntcn, ccono1ni .... 1':), inJu ... tri.al· ist:,, etc. '1'111:-0 \\'a~ the rca.;on that "'hen he 5pokc, he ga\"l.' ... ontcthing clefinite, <lircct, con\·inl'ing, appealing, thrilling, in!;piring. gripping the hearts nntl n1in1l.:. of the peoplt!. 1-11~ ''~1:-- au intcrpr<..·trition of life atttl hi~ ltlC'"'...,[\gt" gn~\\ out of experil·1u·c. In lnnnauity, \\ hatc\'<..•r its. ~tatc of :-.o<'il~t~ 1 he thtl not tr;.· ti' ~ce tht: tlirl but th1.: HI' atHl tht" lotu ... \\ hich bloonl out of it. In. t\ ht.• fonncl ... 11111cthing

gr ... at. -:.1Hlll·tl1111g 1111hh· .... 111nt.·tl1111;.! \\01th~ 11i tht· \\ .. r1.r ... .J\trlltl··ll lt rcqu1rc1l .t

1:J'v1h·rh'k H 1'1-.h< r \11 1u 1ur hun-.,·11 .. ut

11\tT tht' .. ut1l1'111:..' .. ol till Jn,lJ'lll .. 1lld thl ~l·;,."T11\''" 111 ~ .. ntJi \IJl• 1, t" p]1 ... } \\Ith tJ!t'

.\n.:.tr.il1.in:. f11r ,.;:-111111,,111 t••\\;n'<J .. < 1rn·nt.il rar<: ... , t1J cxprl""'"' i111hgnant 1 ••lltlt·n111:it1••ll

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of the mischiernus propaganda Qf '.\liss Katharine :\Iayo's "~!other India."

It is impossible to over-estimate the ,·alue of the work he did for the cause of education in the Calcutta Area. The education of Methodist youth was his great concern. The greatest educational institu­tions for Indians and Europeans, both b?ys and girls, were in his Area. Through his adventurous efforts the Darjeeling institutions found ne\\' quarters. Through his leadership the Jubbulpore :IIethodi,t Theologil-al College wa< put on a strong foundation. The Lucknow Christian anrl the Isabella Thoburn Colleges had the fullest share of his efforts and leadership. Who can estimate the value of the life he gave to Ushagram and the vision he gave to :\rrah, \\'hich are in the proce~s of de­,·eJopment? The Yillage educational prob­le.111::. . \~'l·tt· h<~avy on hh; heart. Duriu~ ht~ v1.::.1t.:. to tht" <list1 ict:-; o{ hi::. .\rea ht"' vi.;.nt·1l \'t1lag<"' aite-r ,-illJgt:', :.<·c·1n_:.! the .n tu.d 1 nncht1r111..;, 11{ tht' , 11Jac-<· l hr1 ... ti. 1 n~ .. 111111~ Ill th« Ir 111Ut] honh· .... · ... 1Ucl\ 1111.!' tht.: ,·hJJ1lrt·n ··i the· fu1urt:" 1 . .'hur1h in .the::ir \ 1J1a.!.."<· .. , ftt·linj: 111 hi::- grt:it htJrt nhat ,1

n1ighty force they \\oulc.l be for ('hrist if thE"Y could be socia11y and :'piritually up· lift~d, and he vigorously expre$sccl 111n1st:'lf by saying, "E,·ery :\Iethodi:-.t cluld has a right to eclucation" a11<1 1 "\\

1e ought to have an educated Church." He expected t:\·t"ry prea<.·her to be a teacher of t~·o or n1ure ~chools. E,·c:n on th<.• C"\'C' of hi::. de· parture fron1 Cal('utta in February last, the Calcutta Art:a C'ouncil, according to the Bis.hop's ,·ery definite progr.aunne, appoint· ,.d the Re\·. B. C. Harrington of the Lnckuo~· Christian College to n1ake a l~on1plt>te ~Ur\"ey of the .\rea \\1\h special emphasis on the ellucational ~ide of it. ;\n ,,rdinarv n1a11 1..·oul<l not have C"arried such ci httt\ ,· t:du~atinn.:11 rC'..:;pon~ilJilit~·.

The. wav Bi; hop Fisher travelled in his .\r<:a is Sl~rprising. If Otlt' ,,·ere> p<.•r1nitted tn l'a.;t .:l hurrie1l gl:tll('( .. n\·er his cliaries inr the la.:.t ten Yt·ar~. ht.· \\'onld h<.· ~nr· pri.:.t·1l tr) kno" 1;1)\\' n1an:- hun•l1 l~,1 .... ntci th1·n-..1nc} .. ni ll11]e-. hl· tra\c)l1:d thr(1u~hout tlh· , .. 1111t{t111n lt 1rt·lltl·111l1l·r1•·fft-1tl:

I .1111 "l'l·ll 111 1 orr~·l ti on' 1lur1n,C' 111-. tour ·•1 tlh· \Tl.1, Jr1·n1 Cict0l)1:r. 1~28. t•• '\lartll, 1q:.!4, l~t· ... 1111 that h1: "a~ hd.rcll' t~t·nty

Page 52: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


da~ ~ 1n hi:; o\\'11 hu111e. I \\'ell re1ne111b~r his visit to .-\rrah. J had prepared a ,·er) hea\'y prugrannne for hi111, har<lly g1v1ng hitn ti111e fnr re:;t-vi.:..1ting of ,·1llagc~ in the day. returning to .\rrah in the:: after· 110011

1 ,,·ith only an hour'c. re.::.t 1largely

taken up by inte-r\·ie"·.::.), public lecturt or sonte other 111eeting at five o\•lock, dinnt:'r 1neet1ng, aftc·r-dinncr n1ceting, retiring Ye-ry late at night, the11 getting up early next lll'>rning for anothc.:r tlay'::. full antl ht:a\'y progran1111e. \\'hat a strain! . .\.s a stutlt:nt of realith"c. fii..;-,hnp f'i.::;her kne\\' the di ... trict ... in n1a11~· rC"spert~ better than the District Supc-rintenclent ... the111c;elye::.. 'l'hcre ha~ not been one probl<:tn iu tht· dif.trict:.:. of hi.:. .\r<.~a, "·ln<'h ca111e tn Jn-. 11otice, to \\'hirh he did not pa~ de<>p attt."ntioo.

1:r,,111 the \er~ heginnin~. Bi ... hop 1:1 ... hc.·r' ... c.:hh:I itll·~ \\a ... tu dl•\ c.·lop Inc.li311 lt"aclc.·r-.h1p In hi.;, \rt-.1 ht· .1pp11111l·.•l otll

l111h.111 illl:T .'.lllnlh1.:r l•1 ]1l:1(•• .. ••! h1_~h

rt·-.p .. 11-.1L1Iit: In app111nung 111a1.111

~ll}ll r11n1·111h·nt-. Ill· d1il nnt I ftjll' IndJ.'.111 ,}J .. itl• , .. f··T th1·111. IJUt h1.· "l'l'"lll1l"<l th1..·J1J ti' th•J.:.1· 1h-.trh 1 .. for111c:r}\· ••tt nJHt1l b\

:\lh:. ... ioni.lry Superintendents. It \\·as Hi:;h­up i:i:;ber \Yho placed a ue\V value upon the.· Itulian 111inister, infused in hint ne,,­hupl· a111l ne\\' courage, slto~ed to hiu1 111..''' ,.1 ... iuu,.:,, atul reposec.1 absolute trust

1u h1111 iu hi:; p1)$ition of high responsi­

hility, lt:tting hint h::i\·1..· entire frerdou1 oi·

.h·tion Not 111a11y lndianfi eyer attentptc.:U tn bnild L"hnrche~, on their O\Yll initiative .ind ll.·~pon:,.ibilil~, but at lea.;t t\VO in the 1..".1ll·tttt~1 \rl'":t hnvr done :;o uu<ler Bishop F1~h.._.r'~ appointu1e11t 'fhc ludiaus in thr l',11cntta .\rea h<l\'C a~sun1cd responsibility 111 ..t :;l'llSC' ,,·hh.·h ntakcs the burden lhL·it \ l·r~ o\\'Jt. '!'hey n1..·t1uirl·ll this conscious.· u~·':">"' !10111 Bishop I~isher's attitude ot •r1. Hl.·ru~h\ ~11Hl •)\"t•rwtlo\\•ing 1eal. \Vhat a ~ . -111ag11c:til' pc:rst1nahty !

H1-.hop l;i~ht·r longed to :;l•e a Nlt\V t)l~J>HR 111 thl· Jnchan Church, atttl -..o lu.· p1.1: t·d 1..·n11t111nall\, pla11111..·d harll atJll \\di kl·ll h.lt'tl. \\'h;) l'i:lll lorgct the Calt.:111.ta \fl I ( .. 11\1.llll1Hl-"lll' t)j tht: l.ugl·St bodH· .. .,1 .\J,tiJ .. ,}1-.1 111-.11 .111J \\Hllll-11 t\l"r g.1thcr·

.. d 1 .. _~, ih~ i .111: '' hl-I1.. 11nts11lc th1..· l'11it<'"1l ....


1 .... 1 \nllfll 1, to pl.111 1nr .1 µrl·.11.

1•·l\\,1111 1110\1.:l1llllt 1n the Lhurch? \\'bu

Page 53: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

c.·an lorg1..""t the .:.trikiugs, Jlgurt.• ol B1~hop

i:i:<>hc.."r as he ~tood ou tlic high pt1tfnru1 1>f thl• 'fhoburn Lhurch, handing o\ l'r .1

";\Jagna l'hart;1" to tht."' 111i11h .. tr\' .:111cl llh."lllber,..hip of the )lcthoilist i~pi::icop;:d L'hnrt.•h, at tht. .. opcniug hour of the L'iu1· '1..·ntiun? 'l'hc four huntlrl'tl dt:l1..·_1!<1lt: .... \\ho .1tt1.. .. tH.l~d lht.· l'on\·c:ntion, felt f111 tlh tir:,l t in1c.· in :1 ,·ery rt.·.il \\"<l\ that t Ill·\ h1..·long .. ·ll to .1 great L'hu;·,·h. \\'hn-.t lc;:1clt>r:-.hip, \\'hO..,l" conr:t~c.·, ,,·]to ... t.· faith. \\ho--.1..· per::.ona1ity, \\'ho ... t: idco1h .. 111 did ,iJJ thi~ for the l.\.ing-do1n ol l.°hri ... t iu )11c1i11,

Bi ... hop Jo'ishc1 is <il\\·.1~.., kno\\ II 111 publ11 to ht.• \'t."ry pl~a~.:nll and t.'ht.·c.:rlul. 111 t"ollft:l"t:lh'C..,, in ,..oc:i.tl gotlhc.·riug-.., .1t tli11111.. i

lctlJ1c~, Jij... 1..·u11g1..·ni~t1 11<1t111 l' \\,1-. al·

\\,t: s a -.oun·1..· of l'lh.·l·r(ul r.1dia1h'l' on thl J;H'1..~..,, o( the pcopll"'. Ill· klh \\ 111-. hu ... iHt• ..... \\t~ll .uul J>t'r(urllH:d it \\t:ll at .111 t't1-.t ..

Bnt tlll'l'l' i-. .Hll)tht 1 -.idt \\'hich lt '' Jh'•• ph· klh1\\ flh· \\'Jilli' hi111-.l]I' do\ .. )}111

· l.11111 1•• kn••" ;I c'\1 l"J•t IJ••lii 1·1111

.:1Jllll1~1·-. I Ith t·, t.iJJ..111 . .: l" .I It\\ J•t 1

.... 11... tlh H1-.li"J' ... 11.J th n I" 11pl· · 1n · nl.' Ju .. ph\ .. 11 ,J ·nth r1i1~- 1n·l ·1·

in... ...p1r1tu.il .. uffc.:r111~... "Int 11 \~ t·r1 1.1·


gre.1ti:r thont hi~ phy~ical ont.:':-o. l l'oul<l not rl•;;11i.te the iiuport o( thi~ .:.ayn1g until I :-.~l\\' hint al.'tn;:tll~ -.uficr. ()nl· o( thl" 11l'l'a ... io11-., \\41.., 111 t h·tohcr, 1929, \\'hl·H it \\,I"' our hiµh pri\ ill·gl' to cntertnin h1111 .11Hl )Ir.;;. }"j..,Ju:·r in our honH" J le hatl au

·''' ful bnnh~u t>11 hi ... heart. Ili:-o huugt.:'1' .1ntl thir ... t \\l'fl' g•1ne. lll· rc1uai11l.'d i11

111.:. roon1 )Ir~ Fh.11l.•r \\·cn1ld kindly tell n-. ... n111ething about hi!", l.'otlllitiun. On tht· third da\ \\ith -.pc ... ·i~tl pl·r111i~:;io11 tron1 'Ir~. i:i~her 1 \\l·Bt up ti> hi .... rou111. I h>Utlll hiu1 ~itting un a rh;1ir ~truight, dtl'Bl'lll•tl 111 p1:1':--pil'.ition, looking \'t·r~ \\l:'ak. I a-.kt.·tl hnn ho\\ ht~ \\a" feeling lit• .... 1hl, "t), I .;11H not :--irk. I ant \\'f.";.tk.'' 'l'hl·!l lh· \\[I.:. quiet. \\'hat I ~a\\ I ~uultl ll"l l but nut Ulllh·r ... tinttl. \\"hen I took h:•I\ l to go ht• ;:l ... k\·11 11H' to \\ail. j]l.' gt>l np fro111 tht: t·h.iir, \\l·llt up to tht· \\l'iting 1.1hh', tn11k o\lt ;l h·tlt·l' fro111 hi ... p11rtfolit1,

111cl h.1111h·d ll •I\ t•t tn llH· •• 1 .. ki11g till t 11

11.111 n 111 1-•Hli•h111• 111tl thln Jl·tn111 i1 ~nrn t"· 1.l 111• hu1r .nd 1ll~11 I

1111d1·r-.1""" 1li.1t )11· ''·I" n .. \ 1 1·li' -.1l.d l·nt .1 ·pirJtu.il -.nlh r1n:.; \hll•• .. t thrl'l

1,.\· I!•\ ,IJ•I l.'-..ll"'"l\t J•ll'~J·ll"..tll·•ll,

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\\'lticJ1 \\as rl·a11.' hi.;. blood, \Verl' tlh· l°l:'SUlts of hi~ "internal ~uffer1ng-". 'f)Jj..,

\\'as onl· of the n1au.' bnr(]~ns oJ a<l111ini:-.· lrati\"c rl·:-.ponsibility \\'hich \\'l•ighcd J1c-n, 1-ly upon hi~ ::.houlc.h.•rs.

Likl· •I gooll .::>hephcrd of Ju:; flock Bishop J."1:-.hcr ~uflt:red. 'l'hc.:·-rc have been a fc\\ 1Jthl•r ol·c..·.:1:.;,ion~ in \\'hich 1 have !1.1J pcr­::.nn:ll .~li111p-;t.•..., ol the Bishop'::. suffering~ for the.· s.1kc.· o( olht:r.-.. }~\ l'Jl \\'ith hi:-. 1'1JU:-ohlution he.· \\'onld ha\·c.· brokcn <lu\\ll

Ill hl·alth ... jx year:-. ago \\'hc.·n \\ l' lllt:l for tht' L't.·ntral \..'onfc.•rt.•nc<." at l\:1h.·utt<1 if it had not bc..·c..·n tor the co111furt he <ll·ri,·c.·tl fro111 tlu· ~uHt>riug:; of l'hrist. 'l'hen, too, .1 godly t'o111pauio11 .utt.l c...·unstant cu·shock­la:.:trl·r, )Jt:,, r:j~Jil·r, \\'a~ su~ta1niug hiJJ1 t hrougll his 1ntl•r11aJ agouil·~. No \YOll<l<.'r that Bi:..hvj> }."j.,.Jit.>r <le~irc:<l hi~ :-;ouJ to bt· frt.·c fro111 "1n.u1agi11g tct•huicaJ athuinis· tratiun" I lo\\ Jitting:Jy till' l'tli101 oi lilt ''\\'t• ... t(·t11 c...'hr1 ... t1<1n .\d\cll'att '' \\IJtc..; ·-

1J11 .... 1·t11111 1,, Bj .. J;,,l, I rl1llrllk 1~ I l·hlr d1111l.th ... \\Ill Lt· r1l·~l\ld 11ll t]h

)•.JTI ••I 'l'Il•>ll···lllliJth·d lllt·ll \\JtJi l••ll::.J·

,J\r,11Jll· t ••llJlllt.:ll<lJtlull. \\'hl'll d WJ.11

f i' 93

folio\\'!; hi~ conviction b~· tht· lvay of a grc·at tlerision, 1ne11 •tpplau<l hint. In (his ca~<.> hundre<ls of inen \Vill read the ... torv bol\· their head:-., and thauk G~cl

for . ;he f'Xnn1ple sc:t b~· this intrepid ,,·orld leader. It is \Yhat Christ 1litl on Cah·ary. He <li<l not back up, ueithor Id clown '11ld surrender to the status quo. I le l\'ent for\vard e,·en to Calvary \s ni<hop Fi<her descends . fro'." the HpiSl'npa<·~ a' thou.qh front ]11.; CaI,~a~,.

ht•aring: the 111arks of the cross on Ins h;;utl::. and feet, he: lvill enter into a ·•lorifie<l nuui~try that n·iJl be greater ~han anvthing he had ever drean1ed in

. . d " 1 ht~ da~"::. heforc> hc> ha<l achieve .

Bishop Fi,her has becotne a Pa.sto,r aga~n. Inc1ia':.. loss has heroine .\111er1C"a s gain. JJj.,. rl· ... ig-nation fro111 the Episcopacy af (')ii.; tinlt·, l''h<"n ln1lia \va.; looking to\\':lrd ... ,1 ~I'\ .it (, 11"\\'ard tnn\ l'llh.>tlt in t ht· l'ha~rh 1JH .. 1n.:h J11.;,, Je.1dl·r-.J111J, 1-. .1 ... tJ!!<!t·r111~

IJ1"'' 1" Inili.u1 :\It·thc-11]1 ... 111, tlt1· !n'11a11 LJ 1111 , h, 11i.l 11h]i.111 u.1t111n \\· .. ~ \\111 1111:·

]1 1.:. 111 .. 1 ,n111~ Jh·1·-..,n.d1t~. h1 .. pr11111i1·t11 Jt.uhr .. Jiq .. h1. 1r1·1tJ\1 \1-.inn, :111J hi.;

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1·ery practical idealism; but what he ha• a<'hievecl in Inrlia will ahide.

JI!. C. 81!\"GH,

District S11prri11te11denl, Cau.1. pore, U.P., India

1•.,,·,<1 1•1rl l'01l11•h,d I•' I' h•1•,h1 11 J. ,,, '"· h" 0.1<i ( :1'• 111 ,I lnih 1


Page 56: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

di, Tho now •<'<'rt>tary of the Methodist Lay­n1<"110s :\Iissionnry Movement, Fred B. Fisher

/. is thE' right 1na~. Ile is .. rig i y 1 ,


by wissionnry experience, by servi<'e in the mu\'t•tn<.•nt, nnd by evel'y ~piritunl test. 'l'hc movem(lnt is putting all of its strength into

>the work of relief and reinforoement whioh '.Ri~h<?r> Lewis is so vnlinntl:v lenclin".



.?///, /,{,

/ ,,



•fr"}};/' ;;//lt''1I /.;


( I I

' / , .

Page 57: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

.r ;i. I



Fil-;J._, ~ , --"---. -- ·- --

NW~o lralh the t00rfJ•a gooth. anti helioltlcth .':/~ brotft::r fn 1

(]or! ab


'l;'O meet the present urgent needs of It Church and lo make possible the imr­

equipment in that field, I pledge the sum of~

[J\{_amc ....

./ld Conference ................. ___________ ..................... ..

Church ............................. ·-···········-····---·-Kindly use this card in mal(.ing subscriptions, in

Centennial Fund . ..?kra/;:e all chec/;:s or money orders payable and

Aocnue, NeUJ Yori(, from whom an official ac/enowlc

Page 58: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


Bishop Fred B. Fisher Bishop L. B. Wilson Mrs. L. B. Wilson J. B. Morrell Dr. D. G. Downey Judge H. w. Rogers Dr. E. A. Dent Mrs. E. A. Dent Dr. F. M. North Mrs. F. M. North F. A. Horne Mrs. F. A. Horne W. H. Van Benschoten Mrs. VI'. H. Van Benscboten A. P. Sloan Mrs. A. P. Sloan C. w. Harman Watson s. Moore Mrs. Watson s. Moore Bishop C. L. Mead Bishop E. H. Hughes lllrs. E. H. Hughes Mrs. w. C. Evans Bishop E. D. Mouzon Mrs. E. D. Mouzon


TABLE 25 1 Rev. M. L. Robinson 2 ll!rs. 11!. L. Robinson 3 J. E. Eustis 4 Dr. H. W. Harris 5 William J. Hoover 6 Guest 7 Rev. N A. Price 8 ll!rs. N. J. Klein, guest of

Bishop Fisher 9 Guest of Bishop Fisher

10 Dr. Staley F. Davis

TABLE 33 1 Rev. F. B. Harris 2 Mrs. F. B. Harris 3 W. J. Stitt 4 Mrs. W. J. Stitt 5 Mrs. Samuel Williams 6 Miss E. B. Reuber 7 Mr. Fiero 8 Guest

TABLE 65 1 Rev. G. E. Pickard 2 Mrs. G. E. Pickard 3 John O'Connor 4 John J. Bratton 5 .T. Fistere 6 Mrs. J. Fistere 7 Charles Temple 8 lllrs. Charles Temple 9 Harvey E. Conrad

10 Edith E. Conrad

TABLE 45 1 Jl!r. Tanner 2 Mrs. Tanner 3 lllr. W. R. Comfort 4 ~!rs. W. R. Comfort 5 ll!r. Wollrr 6 ll!rs. Weller 7 111 r. Emison 8 Mrs. Emison 9 Rev. F. B. Newell

10 Mrs. !<'. B. Newell

TABLE 53 1 E. n. Treat ~ .l. B Pri<'e 3 :llr. :ll<')'Cl'hOIZ 4 C'. F. Prire fi :'.lr. nug:?31l 6 :llr. H«llorn 3)'

i GueP.t

TABLE 64 1 )!rs . .J r. Burt 2 :llrs. ,\lirr 11. Romans 3 T G. Anderson 4 :lli"S S. )J. Riggs 5 :llr~. E c;, Steele <i :\liss J\rau~Cl 7 ).Jiss Erl;ky 8 ).Jiss Arnold

Guest List Bishop Fred B. Fisher Dinner, H TABLE 73

1 Rev. P. C. Weyant 2 Mrs. P. C. Weyant 3 Dr. Irving S. Haynes 4 Mrs. Irving S. Haynes 5 Dr. Spechl 6 Mrs. Spechl 7 Dr. Van Fleet 8 Mrs. Van Fleet

TABLE 74 1 Dr. J. Lewis Hartsock 2 Geo. F. Peck 3 Mrs. Geo. F. Peck 4 Dr. Allan MacRossie 5 W. B. Jackson 6 Mrs. W. B. Jackson 7 Jos. H. Richards 8 Mrs. Jos. A. Richards 9 E. P. V. Ritter

TABLE 24 1 Harry E. James 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Charles A. Hale 6 H. H. Meyer 7 Mrs. H. H. Meyer 8 H. Harold Meyer 9 J. E. Chassell

10 Mrs. J. Chassell

TABLE 12 1 Charles R. Saul 2 Mrs. Charles R. Saul 3 Watson S. Moore 4 Mrs. Watson S. Moore 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 W. H. Van Benschoten 8 lllrs. W. H. Van Benschoten 9 Miss Marguerite Skidmore

10 Miss Scbooly

TABLE 63 1 Rev. F. H. Deming 2 Mrs. F. '.II: Deming 3 G. F. Starbuck 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Dr. George M. Fowles 9 Mrs. George 111. Fowles

TABLE 85 1 Rev. W. H. Brooks 2 Luther D. Jones 3 Walter Handy

TABLE 93 1 Fred A. Victor 2 Mrs. Fred A. Victor 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest

TABLE 8·1 1 nev. n. F:. "'ilson 2 Jl!rs. TI. E. Wilson 3 Frank E. Baker 4 Jl!rs. Fran!< E. Baker 5 Guest 6 Gurst 7 Gtwst 8 Guest

TABLE 10·1 1 lleY. J. ~umnrr Stone ~ '.\!rs .T. ~. :=;tone 3 r:e'" n F Ddl 4 C'hc·st.:r .\ ~rnith 5 Rev. \\' J \":i.11!:.'}111 C: Tic,· T~. r.. f'hrh•tian 7 :111 s. L r.. Chrisllan

T.\BLE 91 J fir .. \. B '.\loss ~ Dr. Flerk 3 Dr T H. C'oole 4 ).Jrs. Date 5 Guest 6 Guest

TABLE 44 l Miss S. Alexander 2 Guest 3 Frank C. Dunn 4 Guest 5 Miss J. Chellborg 6 Miss Charlotte Plunkett 7 Mrs. W. Woolverton S :Mrs. A. Fowler 9 Miss E. Fowler

10 Miss F. Sullivan

TABLE 43 1 Dr. T. S. McDonohugh 2 Mrs. T. S. McDonohugh 3 E. C. Leaycrnft .; Jl!rs. Walter Hiues Page 5 Dr. Wallace McMullen 6 Mrs. Wallace Maclllullen 7 Mrs. Mabel Lee 8 Rev. A. Kato

TABLE 34 l C. H. Fowler 2 Mrs. C. H. Fowler 3 l\liss B. Bass 4 Guest 5 Mrs. c. Douglass 6 Miss J. End]y 7 Miss M. Grieves 8 Miss Mabel Brown

TABLE 54 1 Rev. Dr. R. W. Seckman 2 Mrs. R. W. Seckman 3 F. H. Cone 4 Mrs. F. H. Cone 5 G. S. Hodgman 6 Mrs. G. S. Hodgman 7 P. Sturdevant S Jl!rs. P. Sturdevant 9 Mrs. A. Adams

1 O Illiss A. Adams

TABLE 103 .. Hev. iii. E. Wagner 2 Charles Merritt 3 William Burns 4 J. L. Tiffany 5 A. H. Dunlop 6 Clifford Owen 7 W. H. Uhl 8 W!lliam Armstrong 9 H. Ill. Daniels

1 O Fred l{ raft

TABLE 83 1 III. G. Collins 2 Guest 3 l\liss E. nuggles 4 :Miss J{. Schreiner 5 '.'lliss Ill. Schreiner 6 Thomas Jaclia 7 Rev. A. Jamieson 8 Rev. B. C. Wnrren 9 Rev. E. H. Todd

10 Rev. T. S. Bond

TABLE 23 1 nev. Sharples 2 ;\!rs. Sharples 3 Eli Jag-o •1 ~adie Burkhont 5 Lulu Buckbout 6 John Templeton 7 'fhomas Templeton S Rev. J. H. Lincoln

:>: r.\\'. \ R K

T.\BLE 3G J F. F. :>:orton '' T' F. :>:orton 3 Guc~st .J GnrFt 5 Guest G r.urst 7 GUeP.t ~ Guest 9 Guc-st

ll• Guest

TABLE 41 1 Rev. C. W. Wright 2 E. J. Johnson 3 George D. Beattys 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest

TABLE 62 1 Louis D. Rights 2 W. F. Bigelow 3 Rev. A. N. Smith 4 Rev. 0. L. Joseph 5 Rev. George Whitehead 6 Guest 7 Rev. L. B. McMickle 8 Guest 9 Guest

TABLE 21 1 Ernest Zeek 2 Guest 3 Rev. J. W. Flynn 4 E. H. Beekman 5 Guest 6 Walter Manning 7 Guest

TABLE 35 1 George A. Horne 2 Mrs. George A. Horne 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Harry Gee 8 Mrs. Harry Gee

TABLE 15 1 George M. Rittenl10use 2 Mrs. Geo. M. R!tten ouse 3 Dr. James R. Joy 4 Mrs. James R. Joy 5 Guest 6 L. D. Albin 7 Mrs. L. D. Albin

TABLE 16 1 D. S. Hall 2 Mrs. D. S. Hall 3 F. J. Bodine 4 Mrs. F. J. Bodine 5 A. B. C. Bodine 6 Mrs. A. B. C. Bodine 7 Albert Kinney 8 Mrs. Albert Kinney 9 Ryman Herr

10 Rev. A. L. Fretz

TABLE 22 1 nev. Roland Leurich 2 Andrew G. Mac Fadden 3 B. w. F. Randolph 4 :l!rs. B. W. F. Randolph 5 John E Fisher G ;\Jrs. John E. Fisher 7 Fred J. Denning 8 lllrs. Fred J. Denning

'T'ARLE 101 1 Rev. llcdding D. Leech 2 ;\!rs. Hedding B. Leech ~ Rev. Thomas G. Spencer 4 :.Jrs. Thomas G. Spencer 5 F.ric I·I. E\\"C'rtz 6 \Ir". F.ric 11. Ewertz 7 I. II llol•rhuh S llrs Johnrnn

TABLE S1 1 }~(-\" .\ 11 :.\Inrion 2 Gu1.:st 3 Jlcv. F. L West 4 HeY. C'. C'. C'ain 5 RPv R. \\·. Rickrrts 6 Guest 7 :\Irs. J\nnn Schriver 8 Guest !I GUC'St

TABLE 96 1 Rev. W. E. Verity 2 Mrs. W. E. Verily 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest

TABLE 71 1 William Harris 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Robert Sampso1r 8 Guest 9 Guest

10 Guest

TABLE 7,; 1 Rev. F. C. l\loomy 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest

TABLE 8:! 1 Dr. H. E. Lucca• k 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Rev. S. Oliver

TABLE !•j 1 Rev. E. E. Pi<'rr~ 2 Dr. G. G. Vogel 3 C:uest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest

TABLE 06 1 Rev. T. ~I. Pen1:er 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest 9 Guest

10 Guest

TABLE 114 1 Illar)' E. Smnm s 2 Rev. A. E. Chenoweth 3 Rev. Gould 4 Dr. Davison 5 Dr. W. B. Tower 6 Miss Lilly R. (.raccy

TABLE 1J2 l A. S. Clayton 2 Guest 3 G1ws! 4 Otto Brand 5 Guest 6 llr. 8towrll 7 Jlev \\'. B. \\'e•t S Gu, st

T.\DLE ,\1 I Th,,'. C' .J Jlnyt ~ H B C'levc lane 3 Guest 4 lli% \Y. E. llo .sinfer 5 (JUl'f't G Gu<>st 7 \I rs. l~OfC S ll rs. Barnes !J .-\.. 1:.... l llJjJJH.ll

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Hotel Commodore, October 30, 1922




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TABLE 77 1 Eliot Egbert 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Rev. Wilbert Wescott 8 Guest 9 Rev. E. H. Atwood

TABLE 20 1 Dr. F. E. Broman 2 C. S. Stachr 3 Charles Johnson 4 Rev. John Johansson

TABLE 17 1 Rev. E. K. Theim 2 Guest 3 J. H. Bachmelr 4 Mrs. J. H. Bachmcir 5 J. Reifschneider, Jr. 6 Mrs. Reifschneider, Jr. 7 Arthur Lulley 8 Mrs. Arthur Lulley 9 Fred ReiCschnelder

TABLE 42 1 Rev. D. F. Diefendorf 2 Mrs. D. F. Diefendorf 3 I. G. V. Perine 4 l\lrs. I. G. V. Perine 5 W. J. Jeaudron 6 Guest 7 William P. Craig 8 Guest

TABLE 55 1 R. T. Erwin 2 Guest 3 H. H. Beidler 4 J. H. Graves 5 J. L. Joyce 6 Guest

TABLE 60 1 Dr. F. G. Baldwin 2 E. M. l\lcBrler 3 Mrs. E. 111. Brier 4 Rev. E. R. Schleuter 5 Stephen S. Day 6 Guest 7 Robert Schenck

TABLE 61 l Dr. Ezra S. Tipple 2 Mrs. Ezra S. Tipple 3 Rev. P. S. Watters 4 Mrs. P. S. Watters 5 J. F. Ruzicka 6 l\lrs. J. F. Ruzicka 7 Dr. George F. Sutherland 8 l\Irs. George F. Sutherland 9 Guest

TABLE 113 1 Rev. A. S. !{night 2 l\Irs. A. S. !\night 3 R. A. Rimmons 4 l\Irs R. A. Simmons 5 Maude L. Tuller 6 Guest 7 Guest

TABLE 37 l l\lrs. Lydia I<ohl 2 l\liss Florence Reedt 3 Willinm navic•s 4 Rev. J. ,\. Cole 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest

T.\BLE 97 l Jose11h Walk<·r 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Rev. C. S. J\emble 5 Tlev. ?llr. Oalies r. Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest

TABLE 40 l Rev. K. K. Quimby 2 l\lrs. I<. I<. Quimby 3 M. S. Daniels 4 l\lrs. 111. S. Daniels 5 Edward S. King 6 Mrs. Edward S. l\ing 7 Mrs. F. I<. Kohler 8 lllrs. A. P. Mayhew 9 John P. Rogers

TABLE 57 l G. R. Monroe 2 Alex. S. l\IcNear 3 l\lrs. Alex. S. l\IcNear 4 Dr. W. Talbot 5 Mr. Dickerson 6 Mrs. Dicl<erson 7 James Banister 8 S. P. Scott 9 Mrs. S. P. Scott


TABLE 27 1 Rev. I. A. Marsland 2 Bradford Rhodes 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 l\lrs. Robinson 7 l\liss Bartholomew

TABLE 71 1 Rev. Dr. Moore 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest 9 Guest

10 Guest

TABLE 70 1 lllrs. Annie P. Lantry 2 Guest 3 C. W. Rice 4 Guest 5 Charles F. Halsted 6 Ellen A. Halsted 7 Emma .T. Sloan 8 Dr. A. S. Kavanagh 9 Mrs. A. S. Kavanagh

10 Rev. J. l\I. Beckstrom

TABLE 91 1 Tlev. G. M. Brown 2 W. T. Handley 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Charles J{erby 7 l\lrs. Charles Kerby S Charles Lent 9 •Irs. Charles Lent

TABLF. 47 1 Rev. A. 1,. Hubbard 2 Dr. W. A. I<elly 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest G Guest 7 Guest

TABLE 30 1 George H. Tlaymond 2 TIM". c. E. Bash 3 Guest 4 Alfred P. Sloan 5 Guest 6 Rev. F. H. L. Hammons 7 Tlev H. V. Ross 8 Guest 9 Guest


1 Dr. W. A. Layton 2 l\lrs. w. A. Layton 3 R. F. Woodhuft 4 Guest 5 Margaret E. Thorpe 6 E. L. F. Lawrence 7 Guest


1 Guest 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest


1 Rev. JI. C. Whitney 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest


1 Rev. W. B. Maskiell 2 l\Irs. W. B. Masklell 3 L. B. Paisley 4 C. W. Codling 5 Mrs. G. •I. Hopke 6 Rev. E. C. Hoag 7 Guest


1 Dr. J. R. Henry 2 Jllrs. J. R. Henry 3 J. Gregory 4 Jllrs. J. Gregory 5 Miss lllcConnell 6 Jllrs. Concevitch 7 l\Ir. Hatkofsky 8 Mr. E. H. Foote


1 •liss Banta 2 Miss Forsythe 3 l\liss Fallwell 4 Mr. LooLin 5 l\Irs. Robinson 6 l\Iiss Bartholomew

TABLE 87 1 Dr. H. E. Woolever 2 Mrs. H. E. Woolever 3 Rev. G. L. Thompson 4 :\!rs. G. L. Thompson 5 Rev. A. M. Davidson 6 Rev. C. E. Williams 7 Isaac S. Hendrickson 8 Guest


1 Rev. II. !II. Hancock 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 GnPst 6 Guest 7 Guest S Rev S. 0. Curtice 9 Guest

T.\BLE 106

1 Tlev. Fred Saunders 2 Guest 3 ::l!iss Winifred Wood 4 :lliss E. B. \Yall!er 5 Tlev. F. B Storlidale 6 Rev. J. F. Dunkerke 7 Guest

TABLE 26 1 Rev. E. S. Jackson 2 Guest 3 E. L. Frost 4 Guest 5 A. H. Goldsmith 6 Guest 7 David Hill

TABLE 67 1 Rev. A. J. Smith 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 John Anderson Leach 5 Guest 6 Guest 7 Guest 8 Guest

TABLE 32 1 Rev. A. E. Beebe 2 Frank A. Horne 3 Mrs. Frank A. Horne 4 Mrs. H. C. M. Ingraham 5 C. Gay 6 Mrs. C. Gay 7 111. W. Sutton 8 Mrs. M. W. Sutton 9 l\lr. Boehm

10 Mrs. Boehm

TABLE 66 1 A. E. Smith 2 Inez L. Brandt 3 Dr. Finch 4 Jllrs. Finch 5 Dr. W. H. Kidd 6 Frank C. Langley 7 Guest

TABLE 90 1 Rev. H. B. Sehnert 2 Rev. H. E. Wilson 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6 T. S. Hickox

TABL"h 72 1 G. N. Weed 2 Mrs. G. N. Weed 3 S. M. Archer 4 l\lrs. S. 111. Archer 5 W. H. Pomeroy 6 Mrs. W. H. Pomeroy 7 N. Le Page 8 Mrs. N. Le Page 9 W. T. Godfrey

TABLE 9 1 Rev. Otho F. Bartholow 2 Mrs. Otho F. Bartholow 3 Rev. W. E. Schoonhoven 4 Daniel Chichester 5 Rev. A. J. Martin 6 W. J. Johnson

TABLE 6 1 Rev. B. F. Saxon 2 Thomas Nugent 3 Guest 4 Rev. A. :II. D. Riggio 5 Guest 6 Rev. II. J. Hartman 7 Rev. c. A. Whitemarsh 8 W. H Booth 9 Rev. J. E. Zeiter

10 Guest

TABLE 46 1 C'. S. Porter 2 '.\!rs C. S. Porter 3 JI n. ware 4 :\!rs JI. n. \\'are 5 '.\!rs H. H. Beattys

TABLE 5~ 1 Rev 11. JI. Beattys 2 C'harles W Harman 3 JJo\\ard '.\!. :lliller 4 Guest 5 W. C. Evans 6 :l!rs. C. W. Harman 7 :llrs W C'. Evans

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lJireht>rirk ~. 1'1illq.er 1882 .. 1938



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Good Friday at dawn, just three minutes before five, his spirit took wings and left his body. The waning moon was setting, but the light of the rising sun was lifting the darkness into what was for him an Eternal dawn. Songs of birds broke the awful still­ness, and made a symphonic overture to ac­company His universal spirit so ready for the Great Adventure.

On Maundy Thursday afternoon he was in his little Ford when he felt an overwhelming pain. Friends took him to a doctor's office where the nurse sent word to a physician at the Ford Hospital who came immediately and, after a short consultation, accompanied him in the ambulance to the hospital.

I reached him as soon as I could be traced in this rambling city, and was at his side by seven. He described to me the feeling of overwhelming pain that seemed to beat down upon him, as he said like many bolts of light­ning, and finally left a concentrated pain in his heart that never left him. He was to have confirmed a class of children that even­ing and to have administered to them their first communion. He would doze under the opiate, and once he told us that he had gone

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to the church in his dream and laid his hands upon their heads. He loved all children, but many of these children were especially pre­cious to him. During the night he seemed to be resting under his oxygen tent, so the doc­tor and I went away to rest. But at 4 :57, on Good Friday morning, the nurse called the doctor in haste, and before he could cross the corridor, Fred's spirit had gone.

All the year he had been so well, and had not only put radiance into his great work in Detroit, but into his lectures and sermons to universities, ministers' and school teachers' conventions in many parts of the country. And, in addition, he was always helping to stand individuals on their feet. We had an accident on February 27, the first night on our way to Florida, and after that for weeks he complained of a soreness over his heart, and he soon began saying h ow tired he was. That was unlike him, but we thought it was the pull and press of so many people and causes that needed him, and that soon we would get away for a complete change­perhaps a rest on the sea which he loved. But a possible internal injury proved too much. And so he left us-just dropped this bodily mantle as quickly as though he were undressing for rest, and left us stag­gered.

The Tre Ore Service which he was to con­duct, and where he had chosen for himself the words "It is finished," went forward. The thousands who came and left during the three hours will forever be awed by the presence of such Christian reality.

Sunday morning his Easter sermon was to be "Learning To Live Forever." Well, that theme was his life's message, and had been incarnated in his daily living.

Robed in his preaching vestments he lay at Hamilton's chapel all day Saturday. The young crucifers and book-bearers, whom he had consecrated only a few weeks ago, of­fered to stand as a loving guard through the long hours, while so many hllndreds passed in and out. Tarini Sinha, his Hindu chela (disciple), came on from Chicago University where he is finishing his Doctorate, and sat all night beside him. "India's silent tri­bute," he said.

Sunday at one, after the morning throngs had left their Easter worship, the casket was brought to the church and was placed where he would want to be, inside the sanctuary just before the altar. Between one and four, when the service began, they tell us that six thousand people passed through the church to the chancel rail in silence. Men of all creeds, of all social stations, of all races.

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Ii 't


Catholics knelt and crossed themselves, Jews bowed in reverence, and Hindus kissed the flowers. The service, conducted by our own Bishop Blake, began with "I am the Resur­rection and the Life." The scriptures were read by the Rt. Reverend Herman Page, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. Dr. Edgar DeWitt Jones, president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, spoke earnest words that only an understanding friend could speak. "His was a global mind," he said, "he belonged not to a part of Christendom but to all of Christen­dom. There was a touch of universality in everything he said He was in­terested in the Old World Religions, and searched them for the good they might con­tain, and finding that good he baptized it in the spirit of Christ." Cameron McLean, his Scotch friend with whom he loved to do team wo1·k, sang "There is No Death," one phrase of which his Hindu disciple grasped as the climax of the hour, "He has become divine."

Bishop Blake quoted from one of Detroit's noble citizens: "Dr Fisher ended his labors on Good Friday-laid to rest on Easter Day: a glorious victorious completion of a life al­ways Christian! He dared to 'die daily'­to live as if each day were to be his last! His death and burial to me perfectly sym-

• \ "

bolize how he gave himself to the Christ ideal and daily program of living sacrifice-and now-Resurrection!"

At the last, his disciple whom he fondly loved, Shurley Johnson, read the committal. Perhaps some of you do not know what ra­diant adventures in Jiving we have been mak­ing these last years in America, for Fred Fisher was scientific in religion and in living. When we needed an associate minister three years ago, he immediately thought of Shurley Johnson who was with us for five years in India. When the Johnsons came, we said, why not make an experiment in Jiving togeth­er as one united family? And the experi­ment became a growing experience of har­mony. We took a house that had formerly had a bar in its recreation room. Fred said, "This room shall be transformed into a sanc­tuary. Just as every Brahman in India has a worship room, we shall have a chapel in our own home here in Detroit, in this greatest of industrial and mechanized cities." And so the home deepened and the chapel mel­lowed until it became a spiritual reality. We hurried back from Florida to keep our tryst with fifty DeMolay young men who came for an evening service of Holy Com­munion at the altar of the little chapel. Al­most a hundred weddings have already taken place there.

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How he loved to have wedding parties lin­ger so that he might explain the chapel. The muraled walls done by our young friends the twins, David and Elliott Skinner. For three months they spent their days with us. Fred selected all the themes and these lovely ar­tists carried them out to the Jetter. The al­tar, with its Syrian dossal and altar cloth, its Buddhist tabernacle, its Hindu candle sticks, its Confucian vases,-all crowned by the magnetic cross of Christ. He loved to feel that this was a prophetic symbol. By lab­yrinthine ways the world might find Him, but only as his cross was incarnated in indi­vidual and social life, could He magnetize them.

I have said all this to speak of Dr. and Mrs. Shurley Johnson who have been our intimate colleagues for three glorious years.

Dr. Johnson read the committal. Then we all stood while the grieving but believing choir sang the Hallelujah chorus.

Cremation took place Tuesday. The peo­ple have asked that his ashes be placed in the church that he re-created, and the Indians have asked that a part of his ashes be taken to India which he loved beyond human un­derstanding. This shall be done.

There is so much I would say, but I cannot write it all. You will be interested to know

that when we were in Lakeland, Florida, so recently, we fell in love with the Southern College, with its President and its spirit. Fred promised them the Hindu temple we had brought from Benares ten years ago. All these years it was packed in our Hingham, Massachusetts, gar d en. We planned to create a garden of meditation there that would become a spiritual mecca to friends. The temple is now in Florida. We sent it happily, just a week before he left us, and he rejoiced at the beautiful garden sketch which our friend Dorothy Probst had made. The garden picture too, had gone, and soon I shall go down to help them build, near the Stanley Jones School of Religion, the Fisher Garden of Meditation-a memorial to the mystical Fred.

All of your understanding and beautiful words, whether in telegrams, letters or flow­ers, have burned deep into my waiting soul, and I am sending this to you, printed, as the writing to each one was a physicial impos­sibility-at least so soon, and I wanted you to know some of the details.

\Vith appreciation, - )

' --.' ' if(,(,~ "t ' '

873 Berkshire Road Grosse Pointe Park, :\Iichigan

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The Youngest Bishop.

lllSBOP Fil.ED Il. !<'!SHER of C'aleu11.1. lndin, is 111" youngest bishop. He \\·as but 38 \\"h('n he \\'HS

lifted to the dizzy height, and by the largest ma· jority ever giYon a bishop in the Jlethodist Church. And here is his modest story of how it <·nine ahout: T\\"enty years ago, at the age of 22,

llishop Fisher was sent on his first mission to the peo1>le o! India. He had just graduated from Boston University and had studied at the graduate school of religious education at Harvard l'niversity. So well does he know India today, that he is recognizNI throughout the British dominion as a foremost authority on this largest of England's colonies. It was Bishop JC'isher "·ho "·rote the book "India's Silc-nt Revolution" \Vhich '"ns instru1nental in splitting the concentrated public opinion of London in regard to Indian problems at the time of the 1·c,•olntion. Today, Bisho1> Fisher's utterances upon Indian

politics and intimate Indian life are recognized the world o\'er.

A Fn1F.~n OF G1J;\~1n's.

During his four years in India Bishop Fisher has gone far. He \Vas not content to merely serve in the capacity of missionary, ministering the gospel to the Buddhist and the l\lohammedan, caring for the sick, teaching in the mission schools and preach· ing in the villages. He sought to know India's leaders. He made friends with Ghandi and was entertained at Simla by the Yiccroy, Lord Reading. He has spoken at the International Uni­versity at Tagore and has served as pastor of India's largest Methodist drnrches. Although he comes as the delegate from the Bengal and Burma Confer­

ence of the lllethoclist Church. he is spoken of as the delegate for all of India.

On his first furlough to lhe l'nited Slates Tlishop Fisher took the pastorate of the First ~lethodist church of Boston, but the lure of the mission field was loo grPat for him At lhe end of three years Im returned to India. He made himself an ardent student of the Indian language and won the hearts o! the people. •·1 prefer my work in India to t lrnl whi<'h I might have clone hP1't'." said Ilishop }•,iRhc>r, ''for thl\l"(l j,s °'\Cl 1llt1<·h n1ort• to ht· don(' thC'rr and lhP Jlt>oph· al'l' sn tllU('h 1norc

100 ('o:'\\IHTS .\I)\\ J~\l'r1:r:.1:n.

Evidl•lltc..• of thl} response \\'hich his challl•ng«' to these llarJ,:. si<inno1l people ha' brought, is gh·l'n in 11u• sl([tistics of ~lelh­odism in India whkh Bishop l"isher held at his tongue's end . .. ,,.C1 arc baptizing :·~5.000 a yt-ar in the )ll\lho<li:;t «hurc:hcs of India. Thal is an av .. rai;e of 100 H day," he poinle1l out. Tiu• 1nrthotl of <·hallc>ngx"' to thf'<:::(' ~corC'~ of h<":tllH'ns i:-< a c>nrion-. on<'. for l~i-.:htlJ) I·,i~hPl' :-:.t<1tP1l 1h:it \\)hll('I \"illaP:<'S arC' haptii"cl nn cla\-.: "'"t il"it]C' \\i1h '-'Jl<'t iHl t·f'rt,nion~ for 1hi.., purpo"'P. '1'111· J11.i~111· i-. li.J)JtiL• 11 f1r ... 1. tht n lhc .... J(., tn11 n .1nd thr-ir f.in1ili•-" l'inaJI~ \'\t·JY n1an \\ 1 •n1an .111.J c·hild in fh(" vilk1g1> i:-> in1n1er-.ed 111 lh1· 1 hu'"' n ri\•·!' 111 .. )'' in1dc·" hitll'-1 .. ]i .il11ng ii~ h.inl\~.

J!i-.hn)J I·~i .. h1 r \\ill l• 111111 tu India 1h1· J.1 .. 1 "'"li of .\ugu:;t h111 h1·f••l'l' 111.11 111111•. h·· \\ill l1·c·1nr .. 1111 hi..:. \\-011.; 1hrou~h<n11

1111• l'olllll 1 \ \\'C' h11!J•· 1..::.111'-.I" l 'j1' \\ iJI hi· 0111> of hi-.. forunts

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ness that -may bleed for many year». First of all attend to the instructions under which the

Commission acted. The last General Conference ordered the creation of a commission of seven to inquire into "The c.rpcdirucy of gra11ti11g to wo111c11 ordi11atio11 a11d admission to thr A111111al Co11fere11cr."

Observe: \Vhat was it committed to the Commi:;si(ln hl report upon? The pri11ciplc of ordination, the right of women to preach the Gospel? It will he observed that neither the word nor the idea that any pri11cip/, was to he ronsidcrec\ is anywhere in the instruction under which the Commission pursued its inquiries. \Vhat first of all must have str'Qck the observer of the debate was the character of it. :\t first it seemed frivolous. So far as our note> go the qm;stion of the abstract right of onli11atioll was IH'YCr e\·cn qnce rai,ed. Stopping to reflect on that strange fact we make the discovery that the Commission was charged with. inquiring and reporting wholly and simply as to the "Expcd1c11cy of granting to women ordination an<I ad111issio11 to the An1111al Co11f rrc11cr." It concec\ec\ the abstract principle of the right of women to preach; and apparently it conceded their right to be ordained, provided that ordination wa~ not to he 11n<lerstood as an initiation into membership in the Annual Conference which would fix their irremovable pastorate by authority a year at a time, apparently, we say, because the Commission pro­ceeded upon that theory inasmuch as it did make the con­crete declaration: "Your Commission . unanimoush recommends that the Grucral Collf crc11cc r11act such mra.(­urrs as shall prm•idr for the ordillation of '1('011/Cll."

The first finding of the Commission reacls: "The ~·alidity of a womau's call to .f>rracl1 is 11ot im•ofr•rd iu a11y actiou ,,•hiclz the Gc11rral Collfrrrucr may tallr i11 rrsprrt to the ordiuatiou of 'il'Ollll'll :A.N /) their admissio11 iuto th,· A 11u11al C ouf rrr11ce."

This becomes inklligiple only when it is st'cn to hr nol a veto of "the ordin;\tion of women" but of their onli­nation with a view to "t11eir admission into tlw . \nmrnl Conference.'' Thi~ uncl<1rstanding moreO\·cr a< we have pointed out clominatecl the debate. It wa< a que<tion whether it i' expedient to' establish at this timr the u<age of appointing women to charges to be pastor' from year's c•ml to year's encl--arnl th;\~ we mn<t keep steadily in mind.

Pnr,uant to this sailing chart th<' Cnmmi"ion under­took "a wicl<:> and careful e.xploration oi both the mind of onr own Church and the t>xperienre of otlwr chnrd1c,."' .\ftc•r rnnducting multiplie<\ scnn» of questionnai1e< with the various kincls of people. conccrnecl in our own dmrrh and in other d111rd1es. lht fr,uJt, were tahulatecl ancl prl"· <entecl h~· the 'ecr<'tary of th(' C01nn1ission, an<I the np,h11t of it all is found in the \,•nrc],, ".lll'll1odi.w1 has had a/to­.'/<"lhcr too limited 011 c.rpcri.-uc,· iu /icc11siu!f ~"""'''" "' pread1ers (!oral pr<'ad1C'rs clnring t ]I(· la-t quaclrl'nniu1111 lo troc·id,· c1 basis 11/1011 ·;uliitll a fi1111! ,{,·,·isi1111 ou11ht lo /•,· 1'1'111·'1,·d. 11/Jtl ,,,,. /.•111i';1'lc"d!ii' 1111d ".1"f'1'J'i1·11,·,· ,,, .'f/:1 J" I /J;1J'1 1:1' ii; ';, fti," ;, I 1il1 ii fi,7;, \, 1; 1'd .1111! 1:1'1' \/1.'/

.;,·r:·i11.11 .:.: ,,·f,1/,·d {'11.~lc•rt:. 11r1• f, ... /1',J•llJ11'Hf111, ,1i1,/ 111.\ltf­

t"i, ;,·1,f /,1 /u.;f•f. t/J1• ( '11J1111Ji1'<\ 1,I// /Ji 11 1/1 Ill/•/,: fi1111{ \ •/,1 ti.•11. 11 d1d. 1111\\(.'\tl'. ;, ... \\t ~J.t\l' -.11·11, "t111·11i11;1·'1· 1


rt·l'1111111H·11cl tli:1.l tl1r <;c·nl·r:i1 < '1•lli1·rt·Jh't• <·11,l\"t --n1·h Jl•t :1--· t1r(>.:.. :i-.. ... ha11 prn\'i<IC' f11r tht· 1•rd11111tio11 of \\ 11111<'11 :i-.. ]11c.1l 11rl':trher'-.·• ir1r ... uch th<'~ can lH· 11n1ler 11ur 11r1·..:.1·nt 11..:.a~<..

-ilh"C' 1 'l~O \\'1· r~1111111t at thi ... cJi ... tanct· ~·1 i11ti1 :1 c11111p1t:te c.:1111-.icl

Page 67: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

..... J l ) June 15, 1921

A Last Message from India )IRS. FRED B. FISHEi\

[The follo\\'fnp: glh11psc of Jndln nnd nur1nri, tnk<·n fron1 n p<'rsonnl l<'ttC"t' of ~lrs. Fr<"d ll. Fish<'r to n f1·1<•ntl, 011C' of 111<' Inst lrtt('rs r<'­l'('i\'C'd In this country fron1 h<'r, is peculiarly intrr<"sting nnd timrly in \'ie\\' of h<'I' sutld<"n dC'uth front inlh1cn?n. The d<"<'J> spirit of syn1-pnthY \\'Ith India ;\nd the nlissionury pnsslon \\"hi(.:h she hnd nrc cl<"nrly sho'' n in the Jct­tor.]

H O\\' intC"rC'sting is this Oricntnl life! \\'hnt diff<'rC"nt t~'P<'S "<' sC"c nlong the str<'<'ls ! Jnt<"llii:t<'nt nengnlis. "'rapp<'d in

their '·nrious-color<"tl sh1\\Vls. cl<'nn ant.l polit<', on th<' Ir "·n~· to uni"ersity or ofllcc; the Rnjpnt fron1 C:rntrnl India, slrong nnd JlO\\erful; tht" Sikh front thc Punjnh. \vith hi~ loosc. hni:t:.{Y trousC'rs, nnd long hnir '''rnpprd flround hi'> J1cnd und<"r his silken turhnn; the de\'ol<'~ llindu, \\'ilh the n1nrk of his cnstc on his for\"­hcad, sc;1t<'<l in his shop 1nnking up his .,c­coun1s; the fnlthful )fussuln1nn. bo\\·iug 1n prnyC'r, oblivious to nil nround hhn; th<' hur­ber, seated on the sidc\\·nlk, shnvin~ his ct~s­to1nC"r in crude fnshion; S\\'C"et-f:u·<>d hi~h-(.·.1;·te '"otncn of India pcC'ping out through thc slu .• t­tc>r of a dosrd cnrringc, or the 11<'\\' \\0 on1un of India riding by in tlll nuton1obilc \\'ith her husband. The poor. tl1c blind, the h<'ggars '''ith indcscribnblc dcfor1nitics, arc nl\\·n~·s in <"Vid<'ncc. Cro\\·ds of bright-"Y<"d children pin~ ini:t in the streets nrc fl grC'at nttrnction.

There is nl\\'flYS the interesting 111ixturc of nncicnt nnd n1oclcrn. Autos nrc nu1n<•rous, n lso aC'roplnncs nnd hif~·clcs, but thc-r(' is the C\'C'I' present bullock cnrt. slo'" but sur<', the S<"dnn chnir, and the phn<'ton cnrringe. 1'he buildings of the city arc \'Cl'Y n1o<l<'rn. \\'<' hnvc broad, 11<'nutiful roads, lined "'ith spl<'ndid tre<'!". 'fh<'r<' :U'<' nu1ny pnrks nn•t gardens. both hotnnicnl nnd zoolo:;ti<.·al. The hig shops suppl~ ..\111C'ricnn goods of ('\"l'l'Y <l<'­scription, fronr.an auton1obilc c..lo,,·n to llrinz's <"ntsup nnd baked h<'nns. Culcuthl hns the lnrgcst ntarkct jn the ,,·orld. \\'here cnn he sc­cur<>d C\'t"l"Y fruit nnd v<•g(•tahlc~ E.U"OC'<·rics, meat, clr)' goods, sllvcr\\'al'C', hard\\·nrc, rnilli­ncry, flo\\·C'rs, nnd nbsolut<'IY flnythin~ one de­sires. ~lovics nrc nun1t"rous nnd grog shops flourish. Cnlcutta is n srcnt con1111C'rcinl cen­trr, nnd at thc do<·ks along the river nre found ships front c\'cry country in the '"orld.

\\'c 1nade n recent trip to nurn1a. Our llcthw odist \\'ork there is 1nost fascinating. \\'e have \Vork arnong not only the BurincsC" peo­pl<". hut Chinese nnd Indians, both Ta1nil nlltf Tclegu. Thl'll ,,.e ulso hnvc a fine \\'Ork. an1ong the Engllsh-spenking pl'opl('. \\'c nt­tl•nded the C':\.crciscs givcn by the childrC'n of the Chinese Sunday :-c.hool, and n n1orc In­teresting e\'ening \\"C hn\•e scldo1n spc.·nt. The little tots entertaincd us "'ith songs ancl rcci­tntions, so111c of then1 in English. In Chin<'se thC'y rC'penlcd \\'hole cha1>tc1·s fro1n the Bibi·•, find one fa111ily of four :;;;tng "Sil<'nt Sight" in English, nccon1panied on the orgnn by an ol<l!'r hrothcr. \\'c \\'Cl'C nstonishcd and chnr1ned '"ith the rlC'\'f'rncss an<l \\'Ork among the En~­lish-SJ>C"aking people. \\'c attended sC'rviccs c:onduclcd In the four lnugungcs \\'hcrc the hishop IH"(';tt·hC"d through nn intcrprC'tC'r to th 0

various C'Ont;regntions. and bnptizC'd babil•s of the four nntlonn If tics.

One of the n1ost fascinating cx:p<·ri(.'ll(.'<'S "·c h:ttl in Bur1nn ,,·as a trip to Thong\\·n, n coun­try \'lllni;C'. In order to l'<':ll'h tlH'I'<' \\C hac..l 1o ::i:o In n s1nall stc:uncr up fl \\'lnding ri,·rr. On thc ho:'t \\':ts :t st•ction r<"S('l'\'<'d for fort'i~nrrs, '''hich "'" oi:cupiC"d, nnd \\'h<'rc \\(' ntc our lunch. The strnlght dist:1nce f1·01n Rnngoon to Thong"·a is only t\\·<·nly-fi\'e n1ilcs, but the ri\'t'r hcing so \\'htding ;;ind the hoat hn\'in~ to ~top ~tt so nlany Jll:tct•s, it tnok us fron1 "'1•vt•n in fhC' n1orning until t\\o-thirty in the uft(.•rnoon to l'(':tch our clC"stination. lt is nut pnssihlc to dC"sc1·lbc l'\'Cl'ythin" \\C !"•1\\" on the \\ay. \\'c sp<"nt a ft•"' hour~ in TltclllU'.\Y:t, \\'hC'rC' \\'(.' hn"c a Bible trnining sl"hool an<l a boys' :-t•hool, visilt•tl \\'ilh th<• t\\·o 1nission:11'i"' thC'rr, lh<'•l \\<'Ill bat•k on the boat :llhl :-.h•pt on t•ub. nnJ floor, fllr th<' boat l<'ft :'l f111u· o't•lot•k lht' l\C'\t Jllorllill;:!: Oil its tt·IUl'll journry tn Ho111,.::n11n

\\ c• .it·<' nn\\ in Dnrjt'C'lin~. thC' l·iJl "' th(' \\11rl1l, t•)('\:'tlion O\'<'r ;ooo fr('I. Our hon..,,· i'> -..itu:1t1·J on on<' of lite n1011ul.dn rid;.;1·... 'fht• ;:n·.1t \\idc- Y~i11t·Y j., .. tl'·t·lch1·U nut h1·Iu1·<' ll" th<' Dl'Jllllt.dn J\Ul~C'!i. C'ncon1pac. ... u!>. and :ihn\t.• thC"n1 :d I Utt• grt·oit sno\\ s. the hi:.th1•-..1 111·.1k lu·­in~ hhH•hinjun~u, O\ er 2!.1.000 ft•i•t hi;zh. :uul "hh•h ~1·1·n1"i to pi<'l'<'C thC' \('I'~' h<':t\'<'Jl'>. \\e h.I\ e <l<'cidC'd that this J1J.1re C"\C'<"1•d"' Uu· .\l:l'> in ~rnnc..l<'ur nn<l glor~·.

But ns \\<' ~t·t• tht• grl'al n101s:-o<'!-. of J11tli:1 \\I'

~11·<' "'<"r 1•nn<>t'i11U., of th(' fiH'I th:it f')u i-..tioin­H~· i<., t111• only "o~ution f•JI' l11di.1·.., Jll'uh­l<'Jns. \\'t• n!<.k thnt a" ~on r1•ad thi" lrll<'r '.\OU oOt•J' up a f<"f\C'lll Jll'.1)'<'1' that l11cl1a n1:1y 1·:1..,t off hrr (')oali •Jf -..upPr.,tition and idola!• y .11111 a1•1·1•pt l'.Ju j<.,(, P1·,1) fur 11 .. th.11 our Ji\ . .., nl.l\' ]11• ~" 1il11·1l \\ i1h 1.hri.,I''> <.,jlil it th it thruuµoh UC\ ofh1·1., 111.1y he <l1·01\\ll l•• •lt'l~pt


Page 68: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

June 1;;, 1921

fi\·c plan "'hi<"ll renders possible the for1nn­tion of a rorr('sponding lnyn1cn's organiznlion nnd thu!'> provides n nunlbl'r of definite posi­tions, \\'ith lar"(' rcsponsibiliti('S nnd OJlJlOl'­tuuitJcs, to '' hich lnyn1cn of nbility C':\11 ,,c !'.ppoinl<"<l nnd in "'hich lnrgc sC'r\'icc t•tut b(' r<'1HJ(•rt·d to the churC'h. 1'h("rc nre thC' 0111-crrs of the nrcn association, including the C''\­

<'<"Utl\'C' sC'crctnry in \\'hont is vrsf('d the nt.l-111inistrntion of the activiti<"s of the nssoC'ia­tion; the oOi<.·crs of the Conf<.'rcnc:-C" associations, including often nu executive sccrctnr!o'; the of­fit't"rs of the district associations: the t{roup h·nders nnrl the locnl r<"prcscntativ('S, Jn 1111 fh('SC positions a lnyn1nn c.'all J:(iYC pnrt 01' nil or his tiluc in close rC'lation to nil rhurt•h nC'ti\'itiC's nnd nd1ninistr:ttion nn<l in delinit<' C'oop<'ralion and correlation '' ith nH arC'a \\'Ol"k.

The offic<·rs cl<'cted by the Buffnlo • .\r('n l.f!~·­n1en's AssoC'intion ''"<"re: L. :'ol. Potter, pr<'$i­dl'nt; G. G. )lunger, sccrctnry-trensurer; llO\\'­nrd S. J{enncdy, executive secretary.

The Bufl"nlo aren \\'as very fortunntc Jn se­eurini:t )Ir. li<·nncdy ns lny executive S<'Cr<'­tnry for the nr<'n in the inauguration of this \\"ork. )Ir. H.<'nncdy is an outstnnding suc­C<'Ssful Christian laynuu1 of \Vidc busin<'ss <'"Xpcricncc, being for1ncrl;!.' president of Clu<"tt, P<'nbody & Co . ., the grent shirt nnd collar 111nn­ufacturcrs of Tro~·, N. Y. lln\•ing rctir<'<l fronl busln<'SS n short thnc ngo, he no\\' finds himself in i>osition to J;ivc his titnc to f.hris­tinn \\'Ork. l'l.<'nlizing the hnportnnc:e nnd pos­sibilities in this nC\\' plnn for securing nnd sthnulnting lny activities, he has accepted the nrC'a lny Sl'Crctnryship nnd \\"ill devote "'hnt­c,·c1· ti1nc inny be necessary ,,·ithout nn)' r<"-1nu1u•ration. llis enthusiastic rcccption at the Jny nssocJatlons and thc joint sc-ssion in both the •rroy and North<"rn Xe\\' York Conf<'l"<'llC"CS \\"ns n grcnt trihutc to his ,,·orth and pnst "·ork. nnd an nssurnncc of future cooperation nnd success. Bishop llurt nnd J>r. Plttinnn \\'Cl­con1c ~Jr. l\cnnC'<lY to a J>O:ioilion \\'hich thC")' h:t\'C hecn Jnrg<"I~· instru1ncntnl in creating, nnd nll the Confcrcncc and dish·ict onicers in the urea ha\'(' J>l<"dgcd thC'ir heart~· support.

1'hc nctivltics of the nssociation \\'ill inclu1le prin1nril~· the J;rcnt progran1 of thc hfcthodist F.plscopnl Churt•h. J>arth.·ulnr sh'<"SS '''ill '.>c plaC'cd upon personal l'V:tllS<'lis1n, stc\\'nrdshlp, nnd rcli:;tious <·<luc::\tion. Locally the ncti\ i­ties \\'ill he deh•r1ni11c·d JnrJ{ely hy the spcc1ul needs and OJ>portunitics as <lcvclop<'d b~· :1 compr<'hcnsive survey of the cntirc situation. The great value of the plnn \\'ill be in the ad­dition to the J>rt>scnt ad1ninish·ntivc ug,•nci<'S of n nun1bcr of able Jay (';\t·eutl\'CS throu~h \\'hoin the bishops, ar<"n s<·l'r<'t:u·ics, nn<l dislriC't supcrinlC'JH.h·nts "ill he nblc to 1nobili7.l' n11cl utilize as nc\ c•r h<"fore tht' i;!;rcat Iatc•nt l.1y forccs of our church. In consid('ro1tion of th-:"se incr<'nscd l'<'sourccs n pro~rn1n and cn1np:1i.;:11 of llC\\' and unusual <"hurou·IC'r and of i;!;r<"nt Jlll­

portnnce to ht) 1ncn and the church is in prcp­nrntion.

Full Jnforn1ntlon l"onccrning the forn1nti1Jn nnd tcntati\'C constitution of thcsc nrea ln~·­rncn's nssoC"iations l"Hll he ohtnincd fro111 lhc J)ivision of Lay .Activities, 7-10 l\ush Sh·ct•t, Chi<"ngo, I 11.

Peace Offerings In the tc1nplc scr,·iecs. :1.ftcr the sacrifices

hnd bccn inndc, J>cnce Offerings of gold nnd silver \Vere "tossed up" or \\'1\Vcd as nn oncr­ing to God and thl·n i:civcn to the 1niuistcrs of the snnctunry; the ugcd nnd \Vldo\\'S nl\\·ays re­ceiving l\ share. llcncc the gifts 1undc hy An1ericnn J.lcthodJsts for the ni;cd ulinist-:-rs nnd 'vidO\\'S of '"nr-stril·kcn Euro1>e nrc cnllt'd "Pence Oll"crings,., \\'hich \\'i II be shared. equally by the conf<'rcnccs or the Alli<'d N:1-tlons-Italy, France, ctc.-nnd the Cenh·al PO\\"­ers-Germnny, Austria nnd llun1"ary. llut donors n1ny designate their gifts to any con­fcrcncc, country or group in cith<'l' the 1\.lli<"1l, Ct•ntrnl or Xcutrul t•ount1·it·s.

P<':u·c OIT<•rin:.; Gifts \\'ill b(' ill\ l'S.{l'tl hy thl' Boar<l of Conf(•J'<•JH't• C:Iailnant.., in tht• bond' ()f 1hc prrat l'ith·' of 1h<" SC'\ <'I'al t·ountrir..,, ..,o :l'i to ~h.1rl' in the inc-\ italJJt• ill<"I t'.l"l' uf lhC' "\alu<· of th1• fl'.1llC'. li1a. n1arl\, ,11111 k101H·r~ and \\ill 111· ot pl'rn1:1JH'lll t·ntlo\\ 111c·nt to hc•fJ) tltt> .1;.11 d JJ1i11i .. t1 I'> fur .111 t1na· l•J CollH'. :-.u, h .1 Pt·•lt'l' Ofll'rinA i!-. .i )H•tpt tu.ti <lc·pu~it in the "B:inl>. of Jhunan J\jndnl',!'-."

\\"c ur~<' lilu·ral Aift:i.. .\1 e 'ou tirC'tl of \\"ar's bilh•rn•'"'"'? \\'t• :irt•. 1'/u•it Jet us 9il1<' Lovt• a 1!11Ult'1'. Lc-t tho..,1• '\\ho eo1n. gi\c )01n~c·­l): J1ut let all ai1 11'. hrinAill~ th<·ir Pc•:l('C' Olli<'ri11;.l'.S to th<' Prinl'1• of P(•:tcc. Tht• nlollt>)' ~hould lH~ '\C'lll to .J. n. llillJ:{C'it'). CorJ"<'"')luJld­ing Sct•rt·tnr)', Hoard of ConfrrC"nce Clain1anl!">, ~20 Garland lluH1linf;. C.:hh·:1go. .\11 ~houlc..l shnre in this t:hri..,ll)· opp1JJ'lunil~. Pa:-.tors and lnynl<'ll ..,houlil sho\\' t111•1Jl..,P)\ 1•s to h<" "'lliy 8rotJ1cr,~" to t)u·ir <li!-.ll"<'S!'l<'tl 1Jrofh1•1"' :1n<l ..,l._­tl'l'S in EuroJH'. an<l not only 1u;1l\c• J>C'al'<" OJl<·r­ings lht>nl"l'lvc•<> but lc•ll otlu 1·.., about it. ~l'C ~ta ll'Jnc·n t 1•J ..,1·'\\ h<·r1'. c . \cl\ 1·rt i '''ntcnt. )

l ~ 1:

r: 11

1: II 11

I! 11

1: I I J I

ll i II Ii Ii il ~

Page 69: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

~ i Cl 'Sj_ "(' (•, ..... !, . ' \,,.. ' I , ~ I -\ \

I.. (Al

I ~

~ L~, \... April 13, 1922

to ht•:hl thl' <h'lt·gntion. In the Gt•u('rnl Con· ft•rt•nr1• (lf lt-UH he \\'1lS chairu1nu oL!'tht' J ucli<·h1ry' CotnmiltC<'. lu 1873 he 1u1n·ri«.•<l.r l\I i=--s Corn .. \.(;ray, \\'ho-\vns n fnithful nu<): lu\'ing \vifc.• nnd 1notht•1-, posscsst"c.l"'Of. grc•;Jt churnctc•r nud pt.·r~onnl chnr1u, an<l \\'ho,'wjth their six rhildr1•u, r1•111ains to ntourn th<'ir':"l()~s. 'rhr ftnu•rnl :-;t•r\•icC'S \\'<.'rt• ('ou<luett•d in lb<' I•'ir:-;t ~lt•lh11dist J·:pisropnl ChurC'h on)\lnrch :l, 1022. b;\· th1• pn~t11r, l>r. J. \V. llollnnd, n~:-.istc>1l by l~b-hop Cl..u1rl1•s Rnyurd l\litchl'll, of the..• Haint J>nul .. \r1•n.

Monument to Edith Jackson Fisher ~Jrs. Etl1th Jnc·kson Visher, tho 1111<• wife

of Bishop 1''r("d ll. l•'isht•r, \\'ho had \\'OU so 11u1uy fri('tHls in .AnH•riC'n, ~oon gnth('l'('d n lnrg1• <'ir<'l<' of dl'\'otl•d frit•nds in Iudin, "'h1•1·<' :--IH• h:ul lnbor1·d "'ith her hus­.Uand for only n ft•\\' n1nuths bC'forp hC'l' corou:lliun. 'l'ht•rc ha\'<' bl•1•11 runny C'\'ith.•nc<'S of thl' high t•slt•t•1n in \\hit:b :\lrs. I''hdtl'l' \\'as Ju·ltl. ()Ju• of thP inu~t rt•r1•11t of thl·~t· \\'H~ t h1• df'diC':1tion on }i\•bru:1ry 2:l of a 1nonun1cnt in thl• Ln\\'t'l' Cit·(·uhu· Rond C('llll'tcry, Cul­<0utta. to the IUC'UH>l'J' of i\Jrs. F'ishcr. 1'h<' 11ulin11 '''itnC'ss dt•seribc<l lhl, mouu111cnt us foJIO\\'S;

'J'h<- foumlntlnn n\'<"r thr l{r:n·c Is rnls<'tl about tw<'h'<" lurlws nbu\'(' th~ J:rnuntl l<'\'t•J, nm1 :ihcn·t· this rll'C tlll' marbh• :;;l1l<·s for 11huut fourtt.>t•n ludu•s, on \\'hlt·h l'f':<h; tlu• h1•:1111ifnl hnr":outal 1n:1rhlc fl:lt t11J1. On tllil' Is :a J>lniu blot·k t'ft•l'S, b<>low whit•h Is the 11:11111" E111ru J.\1 l\soii l•'1:;11t:n. l'mlt•rue:tth the U•llUt• 11' this l11s11·J111iou. "SUI:: Ua:n SEll\'l="H." 4\IJ u( this Is 111 hhtt·k. 'J'he 8ClllCIU'<' cl<>s1·rlpth·t• of ht•r lift• .-1111 dt•;ith h11s :111 origin \'t•ry !Hltn•d In the lllt•lnory oC Hli;hu1> Fll'<h<'r. On II t'<'rl•lill rn•1·11slon th<'Y Wt.•rt• t'llmhinJ.(' Ille;> .Al11i; togl!'lht•r nnd 1·nnl<' u11on tht• tomb of 11n 1\l11l11<> gnldt• ln.•i1ring this tusc•riptlon, "llt:i Dh•d Clhnhi11J.('." '!'hi~ lu~1·rl11tlon 11u1dt• n 11ro­fnnml l11111rt•.:Ni1111 on th<' mind of )ll'l', l'lslu·r.

:'\1.•:1r tl..it• 1•111), ;ihu\"C Ill<' truss, Is tlw 0111•11 hunk, In :111 1111 lhll'•l 11o><itlun. ()11 tht• lt.•ft poi;;'-' h; this lusc rl11llou:

In :'olt•11111rio11n ln S:1l111ly s~l<'rif11·«" This D1•\'0tt•1l' \\'oumn 1 .. 11tl J)o\\n llt•r l.lfc

At DnrJ<><'llng Jun<' l11t.• Fifth, 1021 ..-\g1•11 .JI )'e:11·:<, 2a Dnys, O~XIA ,\II D1·.1 G1.oru.\~t

On th" rli.;ht JM,;1• is the (ullo\\l11g:

"O l.o\'I' th<1t \\ llt nut ll.•t 1111' S:f'l1

I n·:<I 111y w1·ars ,,..11111 lu The•" l ;:in· 1 lw1• lo1wk tlu• lift• I nwl", 'l'lml, in Thi11t• 01·1..••111 clt'Jllhi-, It~ llu\V

)l:1y ril hC'r, fullt•r ht'.

•·o t'rOS1' 1h:1t llftl·""t u1> nlf h1•111J, J •fort.• nut .isl\ I•• II)' from 'l'lwt•;

1 J.1y In 1111:<1 Jllt•'s J:lury d1•nd, ,\1111 1ru1n tlH' J:rouncl tlu•rt• blol>suu1s 1·c'1

J.i!I.' lhnt :ol.u11l <'l1dh•:os hl'."

1'li.• •h•dit•U(tH'j' J>l'CIJ.:1'3111 \\'US sin1pl1\ nncl hC'aut·1rul. 1'hl' lnrge ('nnconr:-;c of JH'opl<' g:ntht•l'('d :It thl' llt:lill l'U:l'Ulll'l' tu th<• l'l'JIH•t<'l'S nncl 111:tr<•h1•1l tu lhC' la!-il l't'sfin~ pla1•1• of thl' h111)j· 11f ~ll'!-i. F'i~her. ::\lrs. ]). 11. :\l:1nl1•y pl:u·1•11 th1• 1n:1ny tl111·al 111h11t .. s fr11111 '}'h .. Lurn ('}.intl1. 1h.· (',1h.utta (;iJ)..;' lli;:::h ~··Ji .... l, th1• (',d1•1Jtla J!n\!-. 0 ~1·h•"•l, th» ('nlli11s ln~titllfP, tl11• )#11· :\l1•1;J .. rial ::\Jj .... j,,n. :t!Jt) ui:tll\ i11d1Y1J­u:d... I:.11 h iJi .. titnti••ll "·''"' 1'• Jil• '-!'llh·d 1'.' .l Jar;:1• Ji .. ,Jy 1narc.:hi11A' IPJ:1•th1 r a111l h. 01r111g- th1·ir 11 i11111c" .\. l.ineoln ~huh• r1·:ul "1,h<' l~·· ... ur­J't>c·tinn nud th1• l.1ft•."' \\'hic·h \\:lS fnl1o\\t'cl by 11th1•r n111nhPrs brr-athin~ tlH• :-:pirit an•l 1•11uti-1lc·:H·1• of thu:-C' \\'h11 cli(' in thC' faith. l'ht• l{t>\'. }la\i1] ll. ).Janh·y i11ncl11 tbt• 1lt·•lii·al111y .1d· ch·t· .. s. n c•nlo;.:,\' .. r tlH' life• 3llt1 C'haract1·r of h1•r in "hn"t' 1n1·11111r,\' 1his ]arg:<' ~l'nU}~ 1 f ( 'hris­ti:111s 11:1111·1111H' t11i;:1·\hc r. ll1· :-puht• 1•f tl1<' Iii ... t stanzn ,,f ''tl. J,11\'C' th:tt \\'ilt tu•t h•t 1111• g:11,"

:1.., P"'P•'c 1all,\· :IJtJ11il'ahlt• 111 :\lrs. I,i..,h1·1·. an•l thc• }a-..t <.f:1nza :t.., 1•!·')11·i·iall,\ fur Tii ... h·•P }."1-..lH•J', ''( > cr•l'<S th:1t lif1<".:t u11 u1y h<>atl."

{' )... l I -

~ I Or - ., ~ I.\

Page 70: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

April 13, 1922

ents of thoM orclninecl to Jmeel with them, also r1•11n('!"t('<1 the spiritual fnth<'rs to J;:pf'rl. On(' of the ne\\·ly ordnhH.•<l C'ld<•rs n1ntlc utternnc<' thnt John G. 'l'ownscncl, ex-Governor of Del:1· wore, bod led him to Jesus. A call \Wilt ClUt for th(' Go\'C'l'llOl'. Soon be ,,~ns coming up the ni~h·. 'l'<'nri: \\"C'l'C strc.•nn1ing dO\\'ll his c'1t·l•ks ns Ill• bo\\'('d hin1sC'lf besi<le his spiritual otl"s1lring. 'l'hC' hf'rirt.~ of nll \\'Pl"l' ,,·arm to lillO\\' that suu1c 111en eould go throng:h the.· bull· rin:: of JlOlitiC'~ nntl not flll'gl't to clo th(' \YOl']{

of nn evangc-list. ScatC'cl in the 1nid<ih' block t-:at th(• hn~· df'lf'grttt'ls. 'J'o th<'se J~h~bop !Jen· dC'rson ntndc u grt•at 3.IlPC'tll for lif(' Sl'rvicc. JI,• :-..pokt• fr11111 the inotto, ''\\~lu1tev1•1\ \VhC'r· ('\'c.•r, \Vht.'UC\'C'l' plt•:ti:i:c•s 11 iln." A ftC'r his ad· drt'!:>S he invitt•tl nuy bo,y \\ho \\'1Htl1l lh•e up to thnt 1notto tti nu•C't hhn at thl' nltnr. 'l'ht"re \\'<lS :l ~tir. Ninrity-o!~(' ~ig111•1I th<' ph~tl~<' (':11'<1"'

of \\'hi<·h 1n11nbt•J' SC'\'l'U dt~flnit(·}~· cll•ci<h·d f.,r th<' 1ninh•tr,\·. It \\'3~ n i;:C'r\'ic·(• of J>O\\'t•r 011i-l th<:' d('llltln:-.trntion of the ~[>irit..-,.fhe ).Jt.'th· t•di:>t of !7:nlti1nore. !\lcl.

A Meditation by a Veteran District Superintendent

"I \vh:h our churc·h 11npcrs "·oulcl !told thc·ir suhs<'rib<'rS so th<' pnstor \\"nulcl not he• ('n1n· prlJC'd to drum up RubsC'ri11tions ('\"<'l'Y y<'nr." ,,·as the dolefq.1 \\'UY a pn~tor began his at· tC'Illpl to S:lVQ: hin1s('}f IJC'l"SOUUl \\"Ol"k by n publiC' nppt:'nl. · "'h3t ~noel thiug runs by per· pl•tunl motion•! '''hnt rhurc·h \\'t)J'k \\'ill go on nn<l on fo,i:C'vC'I". like 'l'f'nnrsou's llrook, if thC' pastor cloC's not gi\'(' it ('nnstnnt care'! ThC'rC' arc sornc 1ninistl•rs \\'ho thiuk an nppl"al n1nc1<' Inst ~·c(lr for th<:' Cc>ntC'nar~·. or Sl~\'<'ral ycnrs ngo hr tl.IC'ir Ill"<'l1C('<'ssnr~ ii:; snfllcif'nt. In thost• ehur<·hes the Crnt1•1Hll")" ii:; t~aHoping to u Y:'lnisbiug point! 'Vht•u onf' pn~tcn· \\"<'Ht ltl bis chur<'h he found tllC' lar~f'st pl'nyt·r Jll('l'f'·

ing in the• Conferf'n('c. l·l<' thought it \\"ns tocl l:n·A'" 10 B<'<'d rorc'. In ~i~ 11111nlhs it h:ul a IHIUH• tn h\0 <' :\llcl \\"3S tlf'a<l ! \\"hat fal'JU('l' ll•·· pc•1u)~ t•ll la~c )"111tr'Jj :--11\\'ll';!' :nul \\"t•1-1li11~ f11r

this \'f':tl''~ hnr\'C'">t'! If hf• •In•"~ his fic•1<1 is cl•'· :-:c>rib~1l hy ~oln111on fhll!ot: "I \\'Pill by th•· fic·l1l of thP !<lolhful nnd h~· tht• \'in<'ynrcl nf th" 1na11 'ui1l •• r llllfh.'l'.-..tillhlill}!. :nul. ]11, it \\":I~ :tll ~l'll\\'ll o\·rr \\"ith tl1urns. :ind 111•ttlt•s hn<l cn\'t'l"f'1] thl' fac-1• tlu.'1·C'1•f nnd tht• stnnt• \\·all \\'ai:; brokt•n clo\\"11. 'l'hc111 I !<:'\\\'. n1HI ('Pll'-iil1•rc'1l it \\'f'll: I l11••k••1l 11pon it. n111) rc•r-1•i,·1·1! in..,lrn<'tinn" ~

J:i~hops )l1-('ah1•, ]~Ult. an1l Ilng-hi>s n111l otlu·r~ h:I\'(' ht·c·n inl-<i~tc·nt ill !<t':l .. 1111 :111•1 ••Ht of st•as••ll in ur}!i111-: tht> i11111111·1~111•·11 of c·)1111·1 h 11:1111•1·s. hut 111111p of thc·n1 ha\"•' •1nil1• <'••lllP 111• lo lhf' ,._(:ltlll'f' of ,John \\"1•slt•y ill th1·ir :11l\'11·

1·;11·,\ uf ('hr! .. tian Jilt·1·nt11rt'. Ile• in"i .. 1t·1l 1Ji.11 ;: .. I'd ri>:ulin;.: },.. l'~'-1 ut1.il t .. _;.:r"" th 111 : .• 'T;11·1• ,,1,.'j 1Ji;1t it j, Iii• ,Ju' t>f i··•·l· i .. t · "• 111.1' JJ,, 11' J•· t>J1J1~ Ji.I\· 1lii ... 1-1 111] ••f 1• .1•!111:..' 'Ji,.· \\t;l•I' 1•f !}11' ,1\. \I' }11·· _ill•! J, ''I •J11lf.JJl\

.11,•l )•"1''-l .. J• 1111\ ",,.lp it• •i )1\ ·)11 l•"J•l"• •• lJi.I·

1_,, .. J a ;.:1<:1i .... ,11J.1r n1\'•'•IJ"r tu l· .. ut:Lu

Ji; .. •J;ti .. , I if 0ti••Tl: I 'flu~ 11lit111 ia] uffi<"P \\t1lll•l <:.1J~J!l"'<.t <•111 •·f

11 11• , \j11·1i1·1n·C' <•f pa<.tor.., \\IJ·• hot\•f' t1·ii>1] it. ti1·Jt :1:n· J•:l'-f·1J· li:l\il1;.: 1lifli··11l1\ in ]J .. J,Jin~ Iii .. • l.J .q)1•t J ih1 I· I J' h1 l!• fl ill!! }11•\\ ")"' \1••

t l•P .\11\ .. c·:ltt• \\'.,rl•l l~1.,11li11:: ( 'Juh. TJ:j ... j ... \\htiin:,: llllll1h•l'" uf II''\\' l'•:1d.1·, f••I' 'J'JIJ'

<'1n:1 ... ·11\-.;; .\oyoc\·11:.·I

The Advocate World Readi11g Club

1 1, II• '' -dd ~··· 11··.- !,1 ,·, 1 .. 11•-I·•• ' ,I , , .. , ,,.! 11•• I 1 I 1. r11 • 11!. :•1 "' I';

Page 71: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

'_\ \

June l:i, 1921

A Last Message from India )11\S. FRED D. FISllEI\

'Th<· rnllo\\in~ f{li1npsC' of In<lin nnd Bu1·1n~. tnkrn front a J>'•rsonnl IC"ltC"r (1f )h's, FrC'd l~. Fi.slu•r to n fr1r11d, onC' of th<" last h•fl<•rs r<"­criYf'tl in thi!> countr~· fron1 hC'r, is J>('l'Uliarl~· lnt<'r<'slin~ an(l tiin<"IY in vi<"" or IH·r suddt•u dt·nth fro1n inHtH'll7.H. Th<' <l<'<'P spirit of sy1n­pathy \\ ilh lndi:1 nn<l th1• nii-.~don:u·y pa..,!-.ion "hich shl" had nrc clcn1·ly sho\\'ll in the l<"t-1er.]

HO\\' intl'rf'stini;!; is this Oriental lif~ !

\\'hnt ditf<'rt"'nt typ<'S \\'<' M'C' nlon~ th<' str,·<·ts ! Inff•ll igf'nt BC'nf.{nlis, \\ rnpp<•1l in

thrir v:1rious-colorC'd shn\\'ls, <·IC'an nnd politf', on thC'ir \\n~· to uniY<'rsity or ofli<'<'; tht• f\;1jp11t fro111 CC'ntrnl Jnclia. stroni:i; nnd po\\<'1ful; th~· ~ik h frorn th<' Punjab. ,,·ith his loosC', hn&t~Y trou,('rs, nn<l Ion:( hair "rn}>JH•tl around his h<'.1<1 undC'r his silkC'n turb:111; the dC'VOt(':J

llindu, "'ifh the nlnrk of his C'nstC' on hi~ forr­hr:ul, SC':1tc•cl in his shop 1n:1king up his •1c­C'OUl1ts; the fnithful )lussuhnnn. ho" in,:!; 1n pn1yt•r, oblivious to nll nround hin1; thC' ho1r­bC'r, SC':it<'d on the sldc\\·nJk. shnvini.e his C'•·s­tonu•r in <"rnd<' fashion: S\\'C'Ct·f~u·C'cl hl;.!;h-f'.t ·te '' n1n<'n of India )lC'C'pini:t out thronAh the sht..t­t<'r of a C'los('d cnrrin;!:C', or th<' llC'\\ \\Olllan of htdln l'iding hy in an autonlobile \\ith h<'r husband. Th<' poor, thl' hllnc.I. tlu.• h<';t1:tars "·ith hHl<'st•ribnhlc dl'for1niti<'S, nr<" al,\'nys in C'\'icl<'11CC'. Cro\vds of l>ri~ht-f',.·ed children pla,. int; in the sh'C'ClS; nrc n grC'nt aUrnclion.

ThC'rC is al\\n,. s the intC'rC'sting 1ni'.\turc of anciC'nt and 111odC'rn. .\utos :tr<" nunu·rous, nlso :u•rophutC'S nnd hic,.·clC's, hut thC'rt' is the evC'r )ll'C'SC'nt hulloC'k c;:u·t, slo\\' hut sure, the s<•dnn chair, nnd the phn<'lon t·arria;i:e. ']'he buildings of the <"ilY arc \'<'I"' n1od<'rn. \\'C' ha,·<' bro:ul, lH•antiful ro:HJ-., lin<'tl \\'Uh spl<'n<lid trC'<'S. ThC'l'C' nrC' n1:1n~· parks :111'1 p;:u·dcns, both hot:1nicnl :111<1 1,ooJo:dcal. 'fhc­hip; shops SUJ>J>ly .\ntC'rh·an J.{nculs of e\ c•r,.· de­scription, front nn autontohilC' clo\\·n to ll<'in7'5 entsup nnd hnkecl ht•ans. Cnh·utl~l has the largc•st 111nrkf't in th<' \\'orld, "hc·rc t•:in bc sc­cur<'cl C'V<'rY fruit :ntcl \'<'~<'tnhh". grocC'ries, lllC'rtt, dry ~oods, !-.il\C'l'\\':tl"<', hard\\'!U'C', ntilli­n<'r,.·, tlo\\·crs, and nb~oluh•Jy nn,.·thin~ one de­sires. ~lo\ iC's nre nunu•rous und ~rog ~hops flourish. Cnl<'ulln is a grC'ut con1n1c·r<'ial cen­h•r, nncl at the dot·ks :tlong the rivr1· arc found ships fro111 every counh·,.· in the \\'orl<l.

\Ye nutd<" a J"<"l't>nt trip to Hur111n. Our :'tlcth­oclist "·ork thC'rc is 1nost fasclnntinf.(. \Ye h::~·c ~·.(,rk r.n1v11g nut vnly ::i, Bui 11\f:>\· J•l'U­

plC', but ChincsC' and Indians, both 'J':unil u11d 'J'clC'~U. Then \\C nlso h:\Y<' n fl111· \\ork :1111011:;: the Enp;lish-spt•akini:; P<'OPIC'. \Yr nt­tendC'tl the <''-<'l'C'ist•s givrn by the <'hilch·,·n of thC' Chin<'SC Sund:1y ~chool, :uul 11 11101·c in­tC'r<"sling cv<"ning \\"C' have sC'l<lt)tl\ f.J><·nt. T11r little tots entcrh1h1C'd us '' ith songs nnd J'C't'i­tations, :-.ont<" of thc111 in English. In C.hin<"SC they l'<')lf'ntC"cl "hole chaptC'rs fro1u the Bibi··, nnd one fn11111,.· of four sang •'Sil<'nt ~ight" in English, a('con111anicd on the orgtin h"' an olth•r brothel. \\'c \\('l'C nstonishC'c..I :111tl <'ha1·11It•d "·Ith the Cl<'\'Cl'llC'SS nnc..I \York :unoflp; tht• En~-1Ish-s1><•;:1king P<'OJll<'. \\'t• :iltC'n<lC'd ~t·1·,·it'l'5 conducted in the four Jnngungcs "ht•rr tht• hi!-.hOJl prc•nchC'cl through an inlc·11n·c·h·r to tli" various <'tH1~rc•g:1lions, nn<l baptizt•d )Jabi1•-. of the four 11<1lionalili<'S.

One of the• 1nost fa:o.t•in:1ting C'XJ)C'l"iC'llt'('!<, \\ c had in Bnr1nn \\'as a trip to Thon~\\·a, n t•oun-11·:r village. In orclt•r to l'<'a<'h th1•1·t· \\'t• hn<l to go in o. s111:11l stt•:unrr up n "inclinl-t l'i\'t'l'o On the ho:1t \\:1s a !-.t•t•lion l'<':O.t'l'\'C'd for forC'i;:!;ll<"l'S, "hi<•h ''" nt'CHJ>i<'d, and \\'h<'r(' \\'C' at<' our lun<'h. Thr strni~hl dist:tlll'C front H.:uu.toon to 'l'hn11~"·n is only t\\c•nty-fivt• 1nilc•s, hut tltt' 1'1\'t•r bt•ini,; so ''ind in~ and the bo:it h.1vin~ to Slt>P :1t :->n n1an,.· Jll~tt'<'S, it tciol~ us fro111 sc•vf'n in th<' 1no111inM unlil t\\ o-thirty in \he nftc-rnoon :o l"f'otc•h our d1·sli11:1li11n. lt is not po,..,ihlt• In clc•,c•rih<' t'\"C'l'ythin~ \\C' ~:t\\' on lhC' \\ay. \\'t• 'lll'lll :1 fc'\\ hnu1' in 'I holl~\\:1, "lu•l'r \\ 1· ha\ t' ot Bihl<' lroli11i11;.: !-.c'hnol :11111 .1 h11~ ,• ,,·Jinol. \ i ... 1tr·d "ilh th<' t\\ o 111i,,i11ll.1I it·' tlH•1·1•. 1111 •l

"-•Ill ].,u·], oil 1he }111,tf a111l ,!,pt nn ···ii" ;111.J 1l"to1·. f11r thl' JJo.d lc•fl oil f11•H 11',•1111 ], th1 lH \t n111111111::z on H' ft I urn jo1n111·~ t .. H.1n,.:u••ll.

\\ f' art• no\\ in Darj1•rlin;!. thr ti•Jl 1.J the• \\01Jd, 1•1!\.1\ioll o\f'r ;u,10 1111. lJlll h1111'1 '' ..,illl:dc·1l oil uUC' nj' llH· n1u1111t.11n rid,!•·'· 'J lit• ;.:n·.11 '' itle \:1l11·y j~ 'tl'f'tchnJ out lu•fc>1·" u .... 1111• 111uunt.1in t'.1n.;1·.., <'llt'o111p:1'' ""'· anti alJn\ 1· tlu·1n .Ill lht• g1ro1t !>..llO\\'>. tlH• hi;.<Ju· ... t j)l',I];, lu -in~ hinrhi11J11n~oi. o\t•1· 2n.oou fr1 t hi;.:h •• 111cl \\hich -.11111' lo pic•nt• th• \II~ hc·,l\•h'. \\" ha\ 1• ch·1·iclc·d th:it thi.., J1l.1t't' 1·\ct·c·d.., thr \)'l..,

in ;..tr.111c]c•nr :ind Ml•H"\. J~ut 01.., \\l' st·c• lhr ~f<'!1t 111:1..,..,, • .., of Jndia \\t'

;Jl·c· 1\1 r t'111J't j.,u.., of till f.11 t 111.d I 111 j..,fi.111-ily i"> tlu· 11111~ 'oluliun fur J11di.1 ..., }111111· )1•111"'· \\ (• :l'k lh<it :l'> ~Oil )"c•.111 fhl'> J1 tlt•l'

\oll nll1•r up .1 it•1\c•11t 1u·.1:i-1·r th;1l l11cl101 lll.1~ 1-.1 ... t 111f 1111 l'l11;1I;. •11' -.upct..,lllinll 11111 Jdnl.l!•·:i­.11111 •ll""' J•I t'.h1 i ... I. l'r.1:i- 1 .. r ll' lh.11 n111· Ii\ . ., 111.1, J,,. .... .. fil!I ,J "illi 1 hrhr ... 'J•i1 it th .t lhr•111,.:h ll'> •1th11-. Jl1.1~ 111 cl1.1\\1t 1•1 .ll'l•J'I )Ji111.

\ t) t; r~ 11 I

r - .Ct,,... April 13, 1922

I , \

to lu•acl t lit• ch'icgat ion. In thl' ( {t•nC"1 a I ( '• •n­f t•n•11t·t• of l~:Jli he• \\'ol~ ch.:tir1nan nf rh1•

Judi< inry (;nn11uittt1 <'. In 187:·: ht• tnurric•cl :\lis"'i Cura .\. <;r:1y, '"ho \\'tlS n f:1ithful and lovin~ \\'ift• and u1otlH.'r,' tt.o~scsscd of gr1•nl C'h:tl"<H'tl'r :111cl }ll'l'sonnl C'hnrnl,\nncl \\'ho, \\'ith thf'ir :-.ix c·hildrc·n. rc•nudns to htOUl'll thPir lo:-:s. 'J'IH· f111H•ral s~·r,·it·t•s \\t'I'<' ('()qtluetC'tl in tb1• l•'ir:-.t :\l1·1h111li:--t l·:pi:sc·op:tl ChurC"h{!.!1 :\IarC'h a. l!l:.!:.!. b,\ th" pastor, J)r, J. \\'. II011':\Il1l, ns:--istc>tl h\' I!ishup ('harlc·s l~fl.}Urd :\litc·hc)ll:-nf~~ X:11u.t I':tul .\n·a.

Monument to Ed.!,t~Jackson Fishe!-" :\Irs l·:dith .Jn<:k:-;on l•'h~hcr. tht• lat1..• \\"ift•

of JHshop l•'rt•d Jl. ]·'h•h11J', \\'ho hnd \\'Oll i,11

111:111~· f1·ic·111ls in .\nH•ri<'a. soon ~alhrrC'<l a ln1"g1• rirC'l1• of dl'\"0(1•11 frh•rul~ iu l1111ia. \\ hc•r,• :--h(' had );\hnr1•1l "it h hc•r h us· b:1111l for 0111~· a ft•\\· n1011th.s br>f11r1• hc•r t·1•rn11:1ti11n. 'l'h"r" h:t\'I' h1•t•n 1na11\' 1•\'ic1<•11c•plo( 11f tlu• hi;.:h <':->ll'<'lll in \\hi«h .:\Ir~. ·I·'i..;lH•r "a..; hi•ld. ( liu• of th1• 1no:..t r1•('1•nt nf th<"sc• \\'llS

tl11• 1h•dic..·;:1tinu 011 Ft•brn:try :!:: of 11 1no1111nH·t1l

ill th1• J.o\\'t•J' ('ll'<'llhtt• l{11a1l Ct•JJll'tt•ry. (_~~11-1·1111:1. lo tlu• 1111•111111')' of ).Jr:'-:. l• .. h.,ht""I'. 1'h1• l1111i:111 '\'1tnc·~~ dt·~<·riht>1l lhf' 11101111n1C"nt as f11Jlu\\:o-:

Thf' _f1111111l:1tiun u\'(lr flu• ::r~1\'1• is r'tlsPrl :thunt twl'hc· 111d11•_, ;1hn\t> lhC' ;.:r1111tu.l h·n•I, 11111! 01lm\'eo this 1·Js1• 111<• llWl'l•lt• sid"s l••r i1hout fonrll'C'n ln<'ll••s on \\hi<h rl",.h 1111' l11•,1111i!11l lu•1·izo11t:il 111nrh!P llnl


111p. 011 !his .I" :1 pLiin lifo1k ('ru,,,s, l•l·lv\\ \\b1d1 is the> 11011111'. J-.1.11'11 Jv a.so~ J-'1s11•·11. l"wlt·n11•.i1h the 1w11w ls lhh int-1 l'lp11 .. u. ··sue IJa:r• ::ii;1t\1..,n." .\II of this Is In lil:ii·k. 'l"ht• st•nlt'lll'<' •h.',.• lil•ti\'l' of 111·1· lih• :1111) d1•;1fh h;1S <111 nJ"IJ!lll \l'f',\ "':!"1"1•1} !11 lh~ 111<'111"1',\' of Htshnp F1~h1•r On :1 \'<'flotln n····~1slon tht•.\' \\t•rl' c·li111hill;.:' th<' Alps t11i;1•tlu•r ~·n•I ,,a1111• 11p11n llw tomli of .in .\lflillt' ;::nitlt• l1(';1r111i,: this 111..-1 ri11tin11, "llt• lJit,tl \ll1nl•l11;.'." 'J"his lns1•1"iplin11 111oi1J .. oi pro· fur1wl lmpn "siun Oil Iii<' 111i111l C•( ~il"S, J'f,.IJ,.J',

:\t•ar llH• c•ml. ahnn• tlu• 1'1'''""'• i~ th1• 11pc•11 l.n ... k, In ••II h1111!1\•.J 1•0,.llinu, On Uu• lt·ft p;1~•· Is this ln·wrlpl it•n:

lu ~lt·111 .. 1·rn1u Tn :0:.alulb s, .. rllkc> This l>1·n•h'1l \\ 11111:111 J.:1id lJ1•\\u llt·r J.Hc

o\I D:itji•1•1in:.; .111111' tin• Fifth, 1:1:'.!I A;:ul ·I I ). 1•;11,., ~;~ ]):1;rs,

U:OI!\ I\ Alt lH.l Hl.•IJU,\:Ol

On llu• 1·i=:lit Jl:';.'i' Is tht• ful111\\'i11p;:

"0 l.n\ I' !lw I \\ ,Jt 11111 h•I llH' J,;O, I n· .. 1 Ill\ W•·;1r.' ""ul 111 '111•,

I ;.:i\1• 'lh1•<' h;ul; th•• lif•• I u\\t', 'lhar in 'Jhiut• ,,,.,.,111 d1•J•thi-. it" ll11w

)l;1~ ridn•r, (Ullt•f lw,

•·o 1 r"'"" lhotl IH11• .. t up 111y 111·:111, I 1l,1n• 111•1 '"I• lu lb' 1r·11111 "1111·1•;

I l.1.' in 1!11•t Jiti•'s ;:h.11"~ d1·011l, .-\11•1 fl""lll 1111' ~r .. 111111 thi•rt- hlol'l,.nms n•d

l.ih• th;il :-hall 111111•"':. hi·."

'fh·• dl'cli1·atory Jll"••;.;l'<llll \\'a" :-in1pl1• an1I Lc•a11tif11). '1'ht• lar~1' c•c1JH'11111·sp c1f tn"•Pi'"' ;.:atlu•r1•tl at th1• 111ai11 c•1111·a11r1• {o lh1• c.·1•111 .. t1•J'\'

:uul 111a rrhc•cl t 11 I h1• l:1~t r1•:-;( in;:: plll<'P of th~· butl,\· of :\Ir~. I•'1shl'I'. ::i.1r~. I>. II. :\Ianh•y 11l:ic·1·1) 1111• 111a11y f111r:1l 1r1h11(1•s fr11111 'J'h11h11rn ( !1111·1 Ii. 1 Ii.· ( ·.111 1111.1 I; II 1 ... · I I i;.:h ~. 1i .... 1. 1 hi• C'.1'.11•1.1 J:., .. · :-:.J, .... J, lh· ('1·!111.- l~·-11\11".

;j,, J • •' .'}1·111··IJ,d \!.''' I•, ,1i. 1J 111.111. liid., ,,j

1.11 ... I I:. i•1 .. t1 1 1111•11 ,\,I .. l'•J•i•"li\•.11· !,11.:·· I· .J.' 11.:n. Lin;:·•·:.:· ,)i. 1 .11.d J,. ·11 ·11.: 1!•• ir '.l .. 1 I. .\ l.Jl.l'"llJ :-:1.11!· I .:·i I J •• !: ... ·

l'l•'I· ll alJd 11 •• l.11" 0 -." \\huh\\,!" f,.Ji .. ,,, . .j II\ 1.1Ji,.1· n11111l11 r ... 1.n athin:.; 1)11• "l'il'it and • ··nl1·

cl• II•'" •·f th11 ... c• \\h•• 1lil' 111 tlu• f:1ith 'fh1· 1{1·\. ]1:1\11] ]J. )J:in1•·_;\ n1<11h• tlu) clt•1li1at .. J\' a.]. d1 • .. ~. a ,.nJ .. g\ .. f llH• hf·· anc] c·hnra<·t• r .. f )i1•r Ill \\ll'"•I' 111 1 f11<11"~ ;lli" ]:1r~1· in••UJ• ,.f (')11 ..... -

ll:lll" }1:id ""11H' t•1;:1•th1 r II•• ~pnk<' Pf thP 111-.t ... 1anz.1 ,.f ··11, Lei\•' that \\ilt nut 11•1 Ill•·;.: .. :· :l' I ._J•l'l'i:llJ\• :1J1j1Ji1·:1hl1 !•I :'\)!"..-, j j ... )Jl'I', "111.J ti·· 1:1 .. 1 ... , 1111.1 ., ..... ,.,., ·,.,IJ\ f,,r I~: .. h .. p 1·1 .. J:1·r 'CI t'I'"'"' 1Ji,Jt Ji(:, ... f IJ!• 111,\ )J1>,11)."


Page 72: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

June 15, 1921

tivc plan "ln<'h rC'nd<'rS possible the for1nn­tion of a rorr<':-.po1u.li11g l;1yn1C'n's orgnnb:atinn an<l thus pro' hlt•s a uun1hC'r of <lC'finitl" po~i­tions, "ith lar~<· r<.•sponslbiliti<'S an<l opp1n·­tunitit•s, to "hlch ln~·nt('n of ubi1ity C'an J'C

1.ppoinl<'<l nnd in '\'hich lar~c SC'l'\'iC'C can hi• rC'rulcrrcl to the churC'h. Tlu•rC' nrc the ofli­(,'(•rs of th1• :irC'n nssoch1tion, incluclin~ the <'X­C't'Utiv1• :.1•crct:1ry in '' ho1n is V<•:i!C'<l the n<l­ntini.!>.lfillion of the nctivitiC'S of the tl'.,!.OC'ia­tion; the oCl!t•rrs of the Confcrc1H"t• n~!\ociution.;, including nflC'n an C'Xccutivc s<•erC'lar~·; the of­flt.•t•rs of the district assot·in lions; the ;.::rnnp lr:uJt•r:. and the locnl r<·1n·escntntiY<'S. In nll thcsC" positions a Jnyrn:in can p;iv<.• pnrt or nll of his tinu.• in closC' relation to 1111 t•hurt..•h r.ctivili<'S anti :Hllnini:-.tr:1tion ~llltl in d<'flnit<" C"OOJl<"l'o1tion nntl corrcJatiun \\'ith nli nrt•a \\'Ol'k,

1'hc offict·rs ('Jcch•d by the Buffalo Ar<'n L':t:'·­n1<"n's Assnciation \\ere: L. )I. Pott<·r. p1·c:-i­d<"nt; G. G . .:'tlung<"l\ scrret.1r~·-h·<'a.surer; llo\\"­:1rd S. J\('nnC'dy, executive sccrC't:u·3•.

The JJunnlo arra ,,·.is very fortunate in sc­eurin~ )Ir. J\en1u.•dy ns Jn3· executive sccrc­tnry for 1hc nrea in the htaugurntion of this \\Ork. )Ir. l\,·nnC'<ly is an outst:u1<ling 8Uc­cessful Christian la~·1nan of '"itlc busint•ss <'XI>cri<'llC<', h<'ini;!; for1nrrly prc.sid<"nt of Chu·tt. Pl"nhody c.~ Co., thc great shirt nnd collar 111011-ufncturers of Troy, X. \'. lht,·in~ relh't•d fron1 businrss n short ti111c ngo, he no"' finds hhnsclf in position to give his thnc to Chris­tian "·ork. J{cn1izing: the ilnpurtancc nnd pos­sibilities in this nc\\' plan for securing :uuJ stilnulatin:.t lay n«.·tivities. he hns ncccptt·tl th«.· tH"<'n lay .sC'cretnr~ shiJ> nn<l ,,·ill devote "hilt­eYcr titnc n1uy be nccC'ssnry '' ithout n113· l'C'-1nu1u•r;1tion. Jlis C"nthusiastic r<'<'C'ption nt the lay asso<.·intions and the joint srssion in both thC' Troy rind :=\orlhC'rn :=\e\\' \'ork Conferell<"C'S \\·usu ~1·C'at tribute to his \\Orth und p:ist \\ork. nnd nil nssun1nc-r of future cooperation and success. Bishop nurt rind J>r. Pittn1a11 \\0<'l­con1<.· )Ir. l\t·nnC'<ly to n position \\hich th"Y ha'<.' h<'<'ll lurgcly instru111«.•ntal in cr<'nthu;, and :1JJ the Confcr<'IH'C und cli~trict oOlcers in th<' nrC':t li:1vt• pl<•dJ.(«.•d tlu·il' h<"arty support.

'J'he n<.·tivili<'s of th<' as~oC"intion \\'ill hu·hulr pri1naril~· th«.• J{rc·at progr::un of the :'th•thotlist I:pist•op:il Church. ParliC"nl:tr strt•ss \\'Ill 1)e phu·cd upon prrsonal <.'\'alll-{f'I i:uu, stt•\\·nrdship, ~ind r<'1i:.tiou:-. cdut·ation. I~n<'ally the acti\ i~ 1iC'S '"ill be d('tC'J'lllillf'd htl'J.(C'l~ h~· the S)H'Clal

needs nncl opportnnili<'s as <l<'vclop<'tl hy n co1n1n·rht•n:-ivC' slll'\'<'Y of the C'Hlirc situottion. 1'he grC'nt \'aluc of the plan \Viii h<' in the nd~ <lilion to tht• J>l'l'Sl'llt :itln1inistrntivc af.t<•nt·it•s of n 11un1IH'I' of able 101~· <'~<'Cllli\'CS throu~h "'hon1 thl' hi:,hn)l"• arC'n S«l'l'<'loll i<'S, :ind disll tl't supC'ri11tc11dC"nts \\ill he ablC' to n1obilizt• nnd utilize ns H<'' C'I' hl'fol'c th<.' ~r«.·:it lah•nl J;i,· forct•s of our t'httr«.·h. Jn t..•onsitlt•r:1lio11 of th':'S


e incrC'ascd rc•:,ourt•c•:- n pro~ra1n and counpai~n of ne\\' :uul unusual «.'holl'tH'tcr nn<l of ~r«.•:1t 1:n­portant'<.' to la) llJt'll und the church is in i>rt•p­urntion.

};"ulJ infor1nnlion <.'nnccrning the forn1atirJ11 and tcntati'~ t'oJJ.slitulion of th<'SC :tl't'H J:1~·-1ncn's n:-.sot'i•1tion~ l':111 he ohtainC'<l fro1n lhC' J>i,·hdon of Lay .Aclivitil·s, 7·10 J\ush :-.tr«.•t•t, Chirngo, Ill.

Peace Offerings In the te1nple .scr,·iccs, nftei- the sucrHll.'cs

hnd b('Cll 1nndC', P<.'Ul'C Oflt•l ings of gol<l otnd silver ,,·ere "tossC'd UJl" or \\"UVC'd as :111 ofl'(•r­ing to Go<l anti thC'n giv<'n to the 111inistcrs of the snnC"tnnry; the ngcd nnd "•i<lo\\'S nl\\'U)'S r<.•­ceiving n shnr<'. licnl'e the gifts n1ndc by An1cric-nn l\lcthotlists fot· the tigcd 1ninisll"'l':!t and '"ldo"·s of \\'ar-stri<'kcn Europc nrc C"allt•tl "Pence OITC'rings," '''hlch 'vi II be shar,•U cquully by the c-onfC'l'<'JlC<'S of the A1Jit•<l :'\u­tlons-Italy, Franc<', ctc.-:111tl the C1•ntral Pn\\'­crs-Gern1nny, .-\ustrla and llungou·y. Uut donors n1ay dl'si~natc tlu•ir i-tifl~ In :\ny con­fl'rc•nee, co11nt1y or :.tl'lHll> in t.•ithrr lh<' .\llil·d, C1•ntral or ~C'ulral t ouut1 il·s.

P1•:1r<' tlll1rinl! Clift.., \\ill hr in'r"l"d h' lh1· Iloo1r<l of Co11f1·1c 1u·1• f.l.1i1n:111t" in lht• )Ju1t1!.., uf thC' ;!l"Poll 1 1li1•0,, of 1hc• "'r' 1·1.11 1·11111111 11 ..,, ' '' ns to ~harf' in lh<' ine,llabh• int1c·.1't' ••1' lh<' 'aiuC" uf !Ju f1.1nc. IJ1·01, 111a1 I" ,11111 J~r1,Ju J: and "ill 111· .1 p1 1 n1allC'lll 1·111J<1\\Jllf·11I lo ht Ip 1hr a;.t1•1l nlini,t1·1·.,, j'c>r all ti1111• lo C'olll<'. ~uch a I•t•at'l' ()l)c·1i11:.t i.., a JH'l'J>t·lu:d th•pusit in lhc• "lJ.1nk of Jh11nan hincJ11r..,..,,"

\YC' ur;.t1• li1u•rod Aiff..,, .\1·c )oll til'rd ot \\·.or's bill11111·..,..,? \Ye· :111" JJi,n lei ti.\ u11•1• Lo11e u 1}1111111•. I.rt tho'<' "hu t•:111. ;!i' <.' J.1r;.::r­I:' : J1ut l1·l all yil'1', hrin:!in~ th1•ir l'l':1t·r ()IJIC"rin~::i. lo 01'' I 1riiit·c uf Pt·.H't'. ThC' n10111•y should h1• "'Ill to .J. H. liiJIHl'l1·~. CnrJ"t''IJUJHJ­in~ S1•t'l"l'ial'). Bo:irtl of C1111f1•rrlH'r C:l:iJn1:111t..,, .S20 G:1rlantl Buildin~. <.hic;1go. .\JJ shouitl share in thi., <.hri.,tJy oppu1 tunit~" Jli1sl•1r.., anc.l Ja~nl<"Jl ~hnuld sho\\' th<'lll.,rl\"<"S to he .. JJiy IJrollicrs'' t•1 lht·i1• t11 ... 1r1·s"·<l IJl othrr.., ancl ~i.,­t<"r::. in l~lll 11Jl1', ant.I nut onl) 111aht• 1'<".H «.' Off(•1·­inl-(s 1ht•n1..,c·)\f'" hut ft II otlu·r., .1h•1Ut it. !-ic·c statrnirnt 1•1...i•\\ hl"rr. I .\cl\ rt"t 1 ... rnu•nt. l





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'" Iii 11i ;ii ru

April 13, 1922

mts of those ordnined to kneel with them, also requested the spiritual fathers to kneel. One of the- ne-\\·ly orclninc•d C'ldC'rs nutdc utt<'rnuce thnt John G. 'J.'o\\'nscnd, C'x~GovC"rnor of Dt:>ln~ wnrc. had kd him to Jesus. A call went out for thf' G•1vernor. Soon he 'vas coming up the nisl<>. TC'nrs \V<?rc str(•nming dO\\'ll bis ('l)l•f'ks ns hf' b11\\'«'cl hin1$C>lf br~iclc bis ~piritunl offspring. 'l'lu• ht•arts of nil \\"1•rc \\'Hl'lll to ktH)\\' thnt snnlc 1111•n <"nulcl go thron1-!;h th<' bull­rinA" of po1itit•s and not for:,.:C't to du th1• \\·ork of un C\'angC'list. SC':.tt<'<l in th<' 1ni1h1lt• blo('k :-::11 tht• hoy ch•IC":!Htf'8. 'J'o th1•:-:p lii~llop Ilcu­<l<>rson Dl~Hlc> u gr(•ut apJlC'ill for lif(• Sl'rvicc. 111• 1"f111k1• fJ"o 1 111 thf' 111ntto, "\\'hat1•vcr. \\'h<'r­('\"('l'. \\'h1•nC'\'C'l" ph·ust•s Ililn."' .\ftl'l' his :ul­<h'f'~!'i lu• i11\'it1•1I :111y boy \\'ho \\'11nlcl "Ji\'(• UJI to th:tt rnotto to 1nr1•1 hhn nt thf' altnr. 'l'hC'l'C \\":\S a !->fir. Nh11•!)'··11:1r !-'i;.:-n••tl th<' ph•1l~f' C':1r1ls of \\'hi<"h 1111111b(•1' :->(.'\'(Ill dc•finit1•]y cl<·<·iclc•cl fol' thr 1ni11i:--tr~·. It \\'Us a !->.t'l"\'11·t· :,f 1111\\'t•r :111•! thf' di:'1nu11st1·utio11 of the ~pirit.-'l'ht' :\l~·th­c111i:-;t of )~alt1111ul"t', :\lil.

A Meditation by a Veteran District Superintendent

''I \\'ish our 1·hnrc·h paper:-; \\'oul1l hnhl llu·i~· s11h:-:1·rib(•l'l" go thc l):l:-.tor \\·11ul1l 1111t bt· c·11111-I,t•llr1l to <lrum up sub~<"ri11tion~ <'\'1"'l'Y )"t>ar,'' \VUs fhC' clolC'ful \\';I~' n 11n:-;tor bt•;.!au his at­t'\1HJlt to f-:3\'l' hi1usp}f p<>r:-:unal \\"11t'k by :l public npprnl. '\'hnt ~111111 thin;.: ruus by p<'r­J)f'tual 1noti11n? \\'h:tt «.·hur1·h \\lll'k \\'ill go 011 an<l on fnrl'\'C'l', Jik(• ~1'1•1111,\'sun's ]{rook, if th(" 1 pn~tor tlOl's not giv<• it <'nnstant C':ll'C'?

'l'hdl'<' :.ll'«.\ ~on1C' n1ini:--tt..·r~ \\'h•• think an :.lJlJH':tl rnn<.lc ln~1 ~·0ar fo1· th~ C1•nt1•u:ir.'" or sf'\'t·rnl yrnr~ ugo hy their J)l't'tll'<'t':--!'ors is :-110ic·ic>11t. In thoio;~ t.•hur<·h0s t hq C-Cr11 lt·1Hlry h: :~:ti loping tu a \0:111i~bing point ! \\'bPn n111• pn:-tor \\'(•nt Lo his chnrc·h ht• found th<' l:1r;.:1·-:t p1·:1,,·1•1· 1111·<·f­in;.:: in tbC' ('i1nfl'l'<'llf'C'. II(• thnu~ht it \\'as l1>11

J:ir;.:t• h.1 1111l'tl <":\1'1'. In :--1:-\ 1111111th"' it had a JJ:1111t' tt1 hrt• a111] \\"HS 1l1•a1l '. \\"h~tt f:U'IJll'l' tl•··

I • I' 111•1111~ or) Jn,.,t ,\1•.:ir ~ '"" ll'i.! :11111 \\'(•l'c 111~ f .. r l)lls ~·c•:tr's h:ll0 \0 1•~f '! lf he· dor!< hi-.: lio·ld is 1l1··

:-<<'I ih<•d h\' ~nlo1n1111 thus: "l \\'1·111 ln t hi' fi1·lcl

cof du• :-;)1:t'Jif11J :tnd h\' tho• \'111•'\';H·cl ,;f lh1• 111.111 \oil] of 1111cl1•r,.,t:111ili11g, a1ul, lo, it \\:ls ;111 ~l'n\\'11 ••\'c•r \\'ii h thorn~. :nu] Hc>t I h•s had ('11\'P1'1•cl !ht• f:tc'P thrl'('uf UIHl tbP stt1Jl1• \\':ill \\":l"' b1·11k1•11 cln\\ II, 'l'ht•n I ~:l\\', :11111 c· .. 11 ... i1ll'J'Ptl it \\'I'll: I lonk1•1] upon it, and l'l'C 01•i\'1•c] i11 ... tr111·ti1111":

T~i~hops )lcCalH', J;urt. :11ul )J11;.:h1•s .11111 1 tlu•r:-. ll:i\'1• ht'(lll lll!--l!o-l1•111 in sra ... 1111 ;111cl .. 111

of :-.1•:1"'"ll in lll'l!ill~ tlu~ i1npur::1llc'1' ,.f t•l1111·1·h 11:1111•1-:. hul n1•f\l' ,,f th1•111 h:t\" quilt• 1···1111· 1111

111 tht• ... 1:11111'1• o( .luh11 \\'1•,..)p\ in tll''ll' acl\'11• t':tc·y of ( 'hri ... !inn lift•r:tl111·t•.


ll1• i11-.i-.1t•1I 1h.1J gn .. tl 11•;11lillJ! i:-; t•t-. .. c·11:i;il !11 ;.!1'11\,lh in µ;1.11· •. :lliol th:ll' ii j .. tho· illll\ t•f p,l'f"i' j., 'l'o ill,1 1

11.. 1]' 1 ... 1.J" J,,1,. 11i1 .. i,;,1.1 , r 1· •• 1.J1· :.." 'J '· · \\' l•I ( 1!,.· ,1 1 (> 111· ,; •' 1. ,• ,1 J1j p

,J!1·l 1···· .... 1•:111\· ..... J1t1l··l' ],\ i.. ••jll• .. •J,1.1·

I\, .,f :1 ;.:1• 1! ... 111).11' lit ,\"J"l)•• r l•• t · J1l!Ll1

I. ' - .. ' l '' ' ! I' I l ll I

l'fJ;,. •·iif .. 1ial uffi1·(' \\ .. 1.l·l .. 11:!:!""' Pill ,f tJ.1 •"\)1Pl'i1n1·1• ,,f f':l"tOI' \\]1 .. 11·1\1' l'ri··l it. 111:11 a11~ p;1~111r ha\i11g- 11iHi1 nll\ in l1··lili11;:: }i .... ,?,) .. 11Ji.,11ih•I"' Pl' ill J!t1lil•;..' 111'\\ •·Tl•", 11"'

tl11• .\1)\111·:1tc• ,,~11rld T~t·a.Ji1.;.:- ('!uh 'l"hi ... ; .. \\ll•Hilll! 1111111h1 I'' of n• '' J•·.1o11•1 .. f,.l' '1'111·

l 11111..,ll\"\ .\J)\ol \ll:.l

The Advocate World Reading Club .._I (,1,l -.·1 J\ I" l'l:• •:I: \\I

l· 11. \\•·'1·1 _. .. "• .• 1,1·

,1 l'''I •ii J',. J !

Page 73: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

June ~2. l!J:.ll 'l'BE INDIAN ~VITNESS 46:3 (7)'


,\'\r.s. Edith J 1.1 ck :;;on F isl"! e1'

As Hostess

'Ir< ri,;hcr \\"a, an l1 l·t!l"IU"ed h >•te•• '>it~n ha\·c t "hr1 .... 11an leader.' c:.'\jlr1..·-. ..... c(


l the C.:Jll\"ILll·Jll th 111111.:

iq-.h·>p .... 1...·11l.trg111g .. 1,h1..·1i.::-- 11i t1 .. ;.:iul11;.;' ..... •J\\'ed n111:h t·1 ·.he q111el, c..llittt1c:d 1n!l11\'.'111..·e •>I :.hi ... •111..,.en a111•1.~ h.J:11..:. 111.1k1.:r.. ~ti"' .i t«ll1..' tr('.tt t·1 I> 1'..:: 1>.1.·' th1.·.1~h h1..·1 ·:it.'.'.:.t i, )dk· .111.I h.:i'')ld the I 1n~ t'ld d:-.tin •n:-:11..· l 11-.i :-.. • =>

i•i c11r11.:hc1l guc ... 1.. in th1.., 1"('·,1,·:t h~·r J.\ .. t ''·-' 1ut1i.1l

~11.,n1h 1)!l e.irth \\',1.; \\'V.l·L .. ·rid! ..... i..: ha.I nt 1.I .. • 1.iJ \ ill.1, l).1rJL'l.!ling, ~in e1>1..:.1: >;>.11 rl.! .. td1..•111.·e •JI pJ.\·,;r dl1·1

in1luen .... ··· :--=.he 11n111 >t:rcd dill 1n.; '.1er ;.;11..: ... 1 .... •; ,,·ern· m:•ll .,··1i:i;d<, dip! >.n 1t•, .: '1-ul-. tr.t·I~ "> n:n1.-1 i:1 <.'r ... t•>ttr1 ... t ..... e:\pl•Jl'c.r:- ..... ·1c11:i .. t-.. J 1 .. ·l01 .... !,: .. Jt 1;> .... di,~rict sttperin~en i .... :li'. 1111 .... 1 >"1 t11t-' ... In 111·1... l'il:-.: gt:L'::-l') \\"Cl'!.! ui ... C\L'l".tl lla{: •-l llltl~:.\ 11 I .. I -. t!(" jl;'.,

phe~·y t•.1 :-ay th.11.111 the il".\ 111 1:1;h ... ·ii 11\..'r 1, .. : r, .. ,,j e111..·c 111 Ind1.1, ... he 1 Ju .. ·h..: I 111 .c -. 111111_,...: ... .ii .• 1:l:1 .. ·n~·.: tli.1111111,-.1 re .. 1•lc111 ... \\.Jdi,J IL' 1···1 111 \t:.11 ...

\'et .ill 1111 .... \\,! ... d \i)._' .... ·i:t:i.:i.J~ ·1.1 J 111 !"'•II ll .. l..!,i\·

.a"' l•) ht..~ til..: 111.tr\'-'J lli llL'l;-!lJ 1 , .... .t•I I 1i 11..· I I• \ ', ,,j • 11 .. 1 ·11 111 11•1i ... L" .11t .... ·n.J~· I lil'r .1 .. ; • .r.1 ..: .1.11~·1·,· ... ; .

, .1.},·1\ tl11..' .I.Ill >-· 11!1, .\..' 0 1: ::1,. iJ 1,!l , L.. ,\ , I\

,;1 ..... · .. \~ .. JI?llo1:1111,..,:t· .. 1 1

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'!')'"• •j1,),1,. i1.:r• •1,J•'J)I I 1 .• 1 11

.. 'I...: - ' I :1 ... ~ .t 11 l j .' \\ \,. ·:. 1....: i 'l ' . ' • ' -\ 1..· r. ' , ••

·,11~ .:·.:cit:· I· .

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....:··1..·· ·•11 i1cre ,\ 11 1 1, 111 t ... 1111 ..... 1 ,1_....: • • 1 1•: \• dlti'lil~ ht..'I l.1•1 t...trthJy Ill J!ltil: "'11..' .\.t• dy : ·· t I"'

I 1te.] i 1 the h·•\H .,j tnum,ih 1 •.II" \Jeth .. Ji.: 1i1-·1 J,,. 11q :11 i;11hnr11ed \\'L'1...·k 1t·\1C\\t..'•I the ,, 11' ... ;q iJ ·'1

lndi .1 ,111d Dnrm::i l'la1H ior the inlme were outlllle<l 11h1,h \\!II Ii,·c iur all; ... e. Tl!111k ui the part the lo\ elv hu-.te ....... had i1. · 1 ... : l"hl! , d1111C't ui the J;t.l· gal (11nie1cn ... :e h:1·! .~ .. 111i~l.1r \\'t~ck ui \ i:-i•lll a111l pl.tu· 11i11g. 'l"hl.!11 t':1 111 .. • : hat 1.11111 ·f' .:dl'lllt d \\'l~ck \\'hrn 11111e

ednc1ted !11J:.1H .,i :t11·1d1-t lc.ider< ,.:.it here·: lll hn hvn1c: J11r di::.1..·u .. -.1 111, frLl)l'I', tell•1\\'·h1p J.nd prophet'). It \\,1 .... dur111 ... t!11... · 1 !1lt'r1·11 1:e t!i.tt .. J~ · \\',1.; :-.t 1 11..k(':t

with the 111.1!1~1Lrnt 1y1•h1i• 11111t1en/.a \\lll«h '"' •1mckly 1..'.il i'l('d h1...~r t11 ht"l\"Cll

I Icrc 1< anvlh<.'r !ic.1<1l11nl .\i:l.tthl'\\ t\\'C.:-llt\ :--:\.. \\ hl·rc .... ;i\·, 'that\\ h11..°i"1 th1 .... \\•.111.111

f,);. a 111c1nt1ri.1l oi her

.1nnint111g- like th-11 1·1 .lt.· .. n ... \\'1 .. •nld Jll,i11gly

h.it h d"ne -hall be t11ld

.\ l,,.;\l:Jl"J, J;j '! .._\J' 1•! \ 1 J1{;("/..,J0

IJnring tht..~ .. l~c1rc.....1! •· 111 l~i--h·'P :·i ... ht•r ~ h()1ne iJJ ]J:111eelin~. I ,·o1mc t •kn<>\\" ~Ir· 1·1-her :-:he 1\·a, ,111 1de.ll l hri:-.tt.in .. ,nd 111.tdc nu d1 ... ltlH 11011 til r\ilur 111'

nee! :'he"""' -cnt 1o.r Jnd1.i, l11c·d i.ir l11di,,,a 11 .J di,d i·•r Jnd1a 1lnnn;.: 1n\· ·l.1.' .ii \Ir- J'1·hcr, humc·. i llC\"er iell th'll I ,..,,, •t:,, in;.: .11 the home ui 11• .\Jll(·11<an. I !er !Jeant:iul \·1i;1·ti.1n ch.irade~ a;"j 11l•Jtherly «arc 11i.1dc lh ic·d th,1t ,,,. \\"ere ,ta\"ino in our (l\\ 11 home. J'hu!tgh -he \\a,; ill, >he did 1iot "'iur­get her gnc•t', bur. tricJ her he•t t<• 111,tl_<t' tb happy .1nd «~imto1rt,1hle. I ruly, .. die 1r.1gran«e u1 her memuiy \\!!I l1ngc1 111 the hca1t· "1 ad \\·h., kn<'\\" her·, and i ai'pe .. 11 tt• I 11.Jian Ic.1de1 s 111 .1r1 .111ge Jur a pcr111~nit"lli 111c>1111·r:.1l t11 :1cr n:1n1e

I hetL' .ire "' .-.ur.J-. c1 i '11•1 .. ~ll.1i11.111 j..._,r J;j .. Ji,, 11 1:1 .. 11c1; l~··d :~!·Ile 1...111 ... : J;, .... Jc hinI. \\'e t..'. 11 1 t1!1l~ 11 il·l h11n up IJ~ •ll'l.' the I h!PJ)t.;' 11: ( rl,!Cl:' hir ~··11}-. ,i.; t:·•ll. Ji.1t1i.:!l({:' ... •11 1 gu1d~111t'(.

\I 1-,: l 111, '" ,,1:t 111.

Her Coro1!ation :'"-i'\ 111n11tlJ .... (Ji gl 1Jllnll:- ::-tl'\1.:c .ind then eternal

gJ.):·.\ ! .\1:1...·r •)·ily :i 1l.d1 y .. .-a~· 111 I11d1.1-111·>11th:-. 11lled !~ll .. :J!e.1.l:d. 1... tg:cr .i.1d c,:1 .. ·1c11: -.er\11.·t 111 the 111 tei

• , • I I I '• • •

c .. t .. ·>l t11...:g_1c:.l\ .11~.1 '.11

n11a\u \llt.:' 11u1~·11 11.u1 aupuint· , •• J ;-:1-h•.•P 1·1-her l·ir tni- •Jn.1d;c11111nm .. \lr·. !"red 1: , 1-h~r :c.-e1\ e.I the \\"ell .i .. 11e ui her .\J.i.:er .111d entered l:lt•> r~.,t al j) li'Jc.!l.'lt11~. _lune Sth, I }21.

\Ir<. J."1-her h 1d .:.1~~:-ly a11J <".!Llu•1a;1i<.ilh· C:li·

tt:'r ... ·.f 111t•1 tht: \\'.Jrk •>i the L'ttJ ... ·utl 1 ...irea ...... h~ h.td .1-:te-I Uarm 1 \n:h n.:r !Jn,Jiand ,1!ld h1> p 1n 1· i >!' t'ic -.e- .. 1 1:i ui th..:' Du1.11: 1..«1nic...'re!ll'l', :ind l1.1d "'\\">:l th( h,· 1rt- ui all the 11\c'oll •er. ,,j the l. Jille1ence, Ii ,l!J m 1 •. -.1 ,,i,111e ... a:1 • .i pre- 1~· her-. .\ t the ........... 1·1n 11i t uc Ui!n"~tl 1. . .' L1i~rt.:Ill't! h.:r h:.:lpiul intcre ... t in th1..' \\'irk \\'.t-; :tg~7111 111 111 I I: . .' .... l.

\t ld.1 \ 1Ila. l1~r ~n nm~1· !Jo,ne 111 I l 111eelrn.:-. <he ' ' t . I I I J . \\' t ... l.'.1g.:r,,t.i n1:\1,t! 1l.r11t.: 1.'!.:'.l er (JI .t lt' p:tt .111 hc.11 t.

i..· i::1~ co1n1111u111t,\' 1111...~-.1 hl)ll1C in ,,·hich j,l~r ~l':tl't1lt1 '.11 tc•\" and .. ,,: l h.i:l le 0 I h·»pil.1'11.>" 1\ •ul.J


J.Jrw.ud .1 ... • \ 1.'k ,ij th .... · \l.1-.:1..·:. !1.: -..tren;.;tht..·nin~ th!.! Ii JJtd.., 0 1 1 ... :1 J .. htp .u1 I 1

Jt .::1 ... ·rli ,J, .11111 1,,. 1...·::·-'·t:1.ili ... 1111i•· <lll ' I . " • .,,,.: ,, •• ,, ... 1,\it1• '' \ ·1111 111,1i,1,: .111 tile l1..·1•li.:r-. 11 1

L: ;J:t 1 .\,·1..~'l .( 11 l.: l t t)J',-.( l1ke ,((:J\I{)'

I J.,:

. "

i'il"· I 1·t 111 •.1:11 ;1:r i11t..· \\·.1-. ·iiic.I \\ 1i.i1 the I 1\.

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. 1 • 11· ..:· :·· ! .1•1-I i •' :\: 11::1_ ·!... 1·1.,. 1 ,

\· .1.' 1111 !v • • 1r: 1..: 'JJ• .. 1 .1 ... ' \\e~-i ..... J: ... I :"iJ1..·. 1~· 111 ~ 1 -1.lll, c.1~t:r1.i.i...:I..1 .1 r .cj1!1·111 \\11t11..· 1J>j•r •\lllLtt1.:I\

, u,:.11.1:1 lrl.',} .\·11:r1·1il \l ... 1l1·iJ1 .. t-. (';Ji,J\1..!'·l J.c.:r ··1-.i,J·1l1' . "


Page 74: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

{8) 461 THE INDIAN WITNESS Ju11e 22, 1921

The second group was the Cabinet of tile Bengal Conference: the Rev. :\lessrs. i !endcrson, Koch, :\lanley, and Swan. The cabinet was i1. session for li \'e <lay,, <luring which time, patient and carciul attention \\'a~ giv,:n to e\'ery confere1.c·r• problem.

The thir<l group was ..:omposccl of nine oi the out· standing In<lian leader,; in the .ndian :\lcthod1st Epi~· copal ' . .:IrnrdL Tho;.c prcsrnt 11·c1 <' Prui L. .I. Chat· crj1. Rei'. J. R Chitambar, l<e1'. i\l. K. Chi:rkerbutti. l'rui. I. I. Cornelius. Re\'. Samuel Datt, Prot. J. De1·a­dasan: l~e\'. G. L. Lorcn?o. :\Ir ~. K. :\lon<lol, and J'rof. :\!. C ~-ingh. Thi~ conference was an earnest anc! prayeriul effort on the part of those who attended it_ t.1 discuss .. II the nit1.:al and pres-ing problems which arc ia,·ing the Indian Churci1 of to·morrow. It was an epoch·making meet111g, and its ,ignilicance can hard!) be 01·erstatcd.

:\Jr,;. Fi,her did much to make this a delightful week iur all \\'ho were there. It was during this week th.it -he was stricken with a \'Cry malignan'. and al· mu-t nni1·ersally iatal iorm of influenza which ha< been pre\'alent in and near Darjeeling this season. From the lir,,t, her condition was ser!ous. l'1·ery pre· ,·aution pos,ible w.1s taken. Dr. H \\l. Knight of the Ben<>al Confere:~ce, who wa~ on hi~ vacation at Darice· "' . ling. took up his resi<lence in the home. Two line and capable trained nm«e, were obtained, who gave ton· t1nuous ca1e, and :\Ii,s :\larker!, Bishop Fisher's ~ecre­tary, \\'as fearles~ and <le\·otet! in lo"ing attention t<J :\Ir« Fi,her. The rardnl and rnpable work of Dr. Knight cannot be too highly prai~e<l. He did e1·ery­thin" that scie:;L·e c,;uld de to save Ii fe; bnt the ter· riblc

0disease wunld not yield. :\!rs. Fisher wasdelirions

for nine clay,o;, with occasional !lashes of consciou~ncs;:. Fmally, with a beautiiul smile at her broken-hearted husband and iriends, and murmuring his pct name o\·er and 01·er 011 her lips, ,he slipped all'ay irom th on Sun<lay morning. the se1·enteenth anniversary oi her departure from :\·n~nca to ln<l~'! as a young t!ll'Sion­arv. Then she t!c<l1cated her hie l'o lnd1a. :\ow, the l .... Or<l l•as u.c:..·(>ptctl the de<li1~,.ltinn, ·1ncl anotl1er na111t• 1 ....

ad<le<l to that list ni martyr~ who have died that Chri,t m1oht li1·e in this dark and needy land.

"'Bishop and :\Ir>. H. Lester Smith, who had been the h<1use gue,;h of Bishop an<l i\Irs. Fisher during the season, were present during the entire time. Bi~lrnp Smith took rhargc of •he services, both at Dar.ieeling and Cakntta; aIHI :\!rs. Smith assumed responsibilit)· for ~eeing that c\·ery :;en ice possible was rendered tu the dead.

The senicc at llarjceling was attended by the mi--sionaries and other iricnds in the :;tation. Di,I10p Smith was as~iste<l by the Re\". !llc>sr,,. Duncan, Ewan, S\\'an, Scho\berg and \\'arncr. The musk was pru1·i<l· et! by a clouble c1uartette of men and women oi the !.len­nal Conferen'"'· The 1lowcrs were beautiful. " The Calcutta sen·iL·e was in Thoburn Church, on Thur-day, June nint!1. a_t .=. 1•. \t. Bi~l10p .. sn~ith. wa~ a,,;i-ted hy R1-hnp~ I· \\.\\amt: and I. \\. J,oh1n,on. i>oth oi whom ma<le helpinl addre,,e;: .incl liy the Rei. .\k""-'· llcnder;un, l..:,, .. 11, l.ee, :\Ian Icy. l'ricc ni 13nrma. ~11an, Chattcqi. Chu,·kcrl~1111i and Datt. The lhiwcr·; w,·re perfectly 11"<Hllkrtul m their beant.1· and proin,;i.''" .. -Jict 11 een >L'\ cnl 1"· li1 c: and •llle hundred -ct piece-. l>c·

-1.J,·- 1111lllll"·ll- :(•!.•)' .111d 1> .. 11 Jlll't- :\Ir \k, ind,·· \\ \\ ,,J,Jdl. :l,L \i.1,·11< .. n <. .. 11-11! '1:ner . .J i··r Jn.J; 1 •1nd I:u1111.c. ~-." .. .1111· ·1...: lhe 1111.1nrn1..:r ... .iud 1.1 ... 1:..:lit th~· 11•':111l .\111e1:,.111 1l1:... •·' thl.:' L· ••. 1 .. ul.11c i 0 •r thi: 1.i'"kl·

1 IJ..._. :...: •• ! ... : kLl'i ti''" •. 11ii··.1:111ct1.:ry ,~·nntc·I .. t\. h11n·lr1.: in th~ Iilu1.:e-. .. l1•ll \\h11..h \\0lllld 11 ...... 1.11rly \\:1.' t•• tl e ·u ,t 111 th"~ 111 .. '.!lltiinl ll:'lllCtl~rv. \\hert". un•ier .t gre.11

1{1 .. nti.I ,.j 1lu11<1"- 11]11,h ,,n·cr«:d the 1-.1nlt ~nttrcl:, tie i11H!' 111 J·:ll1~!1 l.11,,I, ... ,,1 11 ... hL·r ,,.1 .. I.1111111 rt..~ .. t.

".\t the h:.nr .. i the -enic·c 111 Th,.Jn1rn Ch1tr<'li. , 11pnltaneou> ;ucn;nrtal -en i,·,·~ \\'CrL' held at T .. 111l11k .ind c.ther -tatt•>ll- 111 J;engal. an1l in .di .,ur cl11trchc,-1.n .. li-h. ;_'hinc-c. 1Ju1me:c, .1n<l Tamil-in Burma.

.~ :a: * • l\lrs. l'.t!ith lack-1m Fi-her. wife ui Bi,h<J]' !·re 1-

ciick JJ. Fi:;her, · D.D, ;: :{.< ;.s., was born at ~;reen-

castle. lncli:rna. on ::\!ay 12. I~S•>, the you .. gest <laugh· ter of Andrew and EJi,al>cth lack"rn. l,,,.th of 11 hom ,;1u·1·ive her. The father i, no'w eighty twn yc.1rs of age ancl the mo:her ,e\"enty nine. l n 1~;'J·'· :\Ir,:. Ft<her gra<luatet! ircHn the high ::-chool at :.! mcie. i 11t!ian.1. ancl !atcr attenclc<l the :\cw Englan1i C<>II:e!\·atorv oi :\ltt>'iL· at Bu,ton, :\la:';;adrn~ctt,, when: ,he hccanie an ar,·ompli:;hcd arti;t on the piano and ··rgan l'pon <·ompleting he1 mn-ical 'tllLhe.; and rdnrn11·g <n Jn· diana. 'lie wa> marrie<l tot.he ]{c1-. Frederick H. Fisher in thc11· home l'tt1". :\lt11i-·ie. ln<l1ana. <>n 1:chruan· ~. I•J03 Ile had g1:adnated i1om l'Ollegc: th.tt -amc ~·car an<l \\"a::- stationecl as 1> .. 1~t·1r in .l nc:t;hbnr11.L!' city They came to India as young mi~,iconanc,; iur the lir,t ll!ne in t<)o~ and were stationed at .\gra 111 l<JI;--1:-:. the\· made a tour to the SC\'er,tl 1111--i,,11 liclcb, 111dud­ing' In<lia. .\t the (;,;ncral Co11ierc1h·c oi li.J.!". her lm<hand was clcctt:d to the epi<cop.tCy and a--1gnecl 1 .. Cakntta ·i hc1· arri\·e,J in lnd1.1 011 \,,1·cm!J,•r 2;th 1<)2l>: :'<1 that ~Ir,;. F1;.her', pt"»Cnt .. 1.1y in India i1.1, but ;lightly exreeded s1-.: month-

1\ heantifnl ,onl ha;. !cit u<. .\ rarch· dc\·otecl woman ha,; been cn'. ot'i 1n the 1·cry beginning oi hL·r larger nscinlnc<,. I·:1·en more deeply than 1\C munrn for (•HI Church an<l ior onr pcr,;unal lu". we ni.111r11 ior our friend who ha- 1 .. ,1 the pL) mate coi IH:; childho·Hl. the sweetheart of hi; \"<>nth. the 11ife ui ht< young manho0d, and the comp.11ii0a and. help meet oi his respon~ible maturity Int" hi< gnct \\'e rnnnnt enter \\"c can only as;nre him vi onr ,;ympathy, and pray that the uimfort oi the I·loly•:-:pi11t may be hh ~trci>gth," until the Day clawn• and the >hadow,; !lee a\\'a)·''.

L. L1.,r1.R SltIIH.

Christian Education The nee<! 01 the hour is not mor~ factorie< ,,r

materials, not more railroad,, ur 'team-hip•. not more a1111ie:; ur more nal'ie,;, but rather mnre education based

• 1 • 1 • c I f ) • I 011 t.lt: JJtcllll tc:11.. (1l1lh"' Ut • C.:')li"' J rv . .::pCi'itY \tl."Pl:llt.::-i

on the moti \'CS ancl purpose,; "f the people. 'rhe~·e 1110-

ti1·cs and p~1rpo-c,; arc '.lirectc<l in the rtght co~tr-e only through rcltgw11. Lcg1olauon. IJ,n111t1c-. or torce arc of no a\·ail in dcter111111ing man·- a!litndc toward liic.

Religion, like e1·erything el:e oi l'aluc. mu<t be taught. . It is P"'"ilile to get more religion in 1ncl11stry and bus1nes:; only through the Lle1·,'i»pmcn'. oi Chri>'­tian ednr.1tio11 ancl leader~htp. 11'1tlt flee fu1·N» of (,,.;/ hn<"l.'1'1/ h:t nl1'0 r111rl 111nnt'1;, ·'/f."l1•111"tir·all.lf 01 .'/ani.te<l tu ,/,·.~!J"t)_I/. ,,.,. 11111st bt11~1.· 1rit/1 1Jl<!Jt aud /1l011< y all ("1(/11 ..

jJlllf/11·~ fo1· ('/11·is.f;11n e1l11catinn. The call ,>i Ch:·isttan e<lucatwn is to·day oi even

greater importan,·c than wa- c1·cr the ctll ui the arm\' or the na\'y Nearly all the great p1ogr<',,,;i1c an;l liberal nw1·ement' ul ht story ha1 c been horn in the hearts of (hri>tian educator:;. The safety ui "m· :;on' ancl daughter'.'' cln<' t•> the intluenrc ni the preacher-. r,1ther than l·l the 111!\nencc nf the ]l•'liremcn :rn·! law maker,. \'c,, thL· -ai_e1.1 ni our natiun. inrlt;drng all grullJ"· 1kpend- •lll l hrt-tian cdotcatwn. .\t 1w time in unr h!-tory ha- JI J.ccn more greatly ll<'Cded.

\\"c 111~\ll'l' nnr h11n-.c..• .... anti 1a .. ·t1lric.·.:.. c1ur a11l11111 ,_

hdc·-. and '"tr liu-•nc--L'' th1.,n1c:h 11111tu.tl ;ind ''·"' k 111 .. 11r 111 ·1.: , ·•np.1ni1...·-: ' .. 11 li11...· ... .11111.: .1111 •lllll .. j 111 n~·\· ill.1..: .. te.I 1·:, '.11, .. i.: 1'1 •.: !:: . .1'.1· 11 \\ ·~il 1 ~1.1.~ . .=r :..:,1 ... ·.1 ~·· rl .... u::.. .\ .. th1..· _r1...t: 11ic 111 .. 11'.iil ... 1.. 1.•·:11. 111:1 - ...... -· 1..11•i1· • h,1 1..· -·1n1 .. -1 ,· ·1. !· ~·- ... 1 i1...·n!1··i-· tJ1·.1... .. t!_.tl'· ·;·

.1~1d ·li-.1~11 t ~~n;· ... e .. l · 1111;1r0-. ... : 1h1...· ill.:'.ili.h 1·i· th1... n.11 •• ,

-.u \\'1...' j.u .. 111e ..... n11.·11 .. 11 .• 11} l .. pen I hll-!1..' ... tlill"I t. dl...'\l"

J .. p '.h·1-e inn.I.unent·tl r,·1I:,;t·•t1- •pt.tl111~- .,j 1111e;.:n11-. 1n,Ju-1ry. i.iith .. 111•1'L·nt•:c.11hi,h m 1ke i•>r trne ,,,.,; .. l'Ll'lly. I 1•1 11·11,. 1:• ,,. • 1 ,·,,,, /, •IJ ;,_11,,f 111·•11 /,/1/ ...

/11 \ UJ' 111 1/f, 11'.1/,, ,,.,j 11111/I JtJ1/101/1/• I•/ ,ff1,,,1,fr1/"• ,.,,.f

11/'•/'t" 11111111.\(IJ'/I '"'' ,_/,,11 11th, I 1111•/• ( i11:.1:.11111/11111-

1:.111 11.:-:.: ... 1,.,/1 11· f,.,, :'.111/11•1 ,,, .... f,,1t·1/,;,, ,,/,,,,/,

,,,,,/, ,,//,-1,,.'(. J /,j" ,, /fl(' !1111• .. / a/I''"'< -:5 ,,, '""' c''''· ,,,,.ft ,,uf,,, 1·11Jt1,,"'·

-Ru1,e1· 1!". l1ll'1····· ;" l'lle f'lt1;,,1~·,1n (/uar11~ca1t.

------ -~-~-~-

Page 75: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Z10N's HERALD Februa1y 1 1 9 2 8

To Be or Not to Be a Bishop? !.ET TllE l.E:\'EH.\L \O:\FEilE:\'<'E \'OTE 0:\ THE E:\TIRE EFFE('Tl\'E J.IST OF

lllSllOl'S .\:\'D DECIDE \\'111(']1 ~llDlBEllS OF 'J IIE BO.\IW SHOULD CO:\Tl:\'l'E

EFFECTIVE ,\:\D \\ Jll('Jl ~JI<>t;LI> l!ETIHE OR ,\('('El'T Pl'LPITS

lo\\' me. once in a \\'hile. really to iollmv ~onte ea:-.y-going line of juclg111cnt and ac­tiYity. :\ntl "hen I co1i,itler the third. J am reminded that on the mi~'ion tield ''e ha\"e practically nu rich nten. anti \'Cry ie\\' po\\'erful men, \\'ho \\'Oulcl attempt in any \\'ay to:-.\\ ay the .111dg111cnt of a h1 ... hop. :\Jy .foh. during recent year-... ha ... hl'l'll tu try to prod our Indian laymen ancl min­i"ter"' into a:-.:-nn11111-! atHl dc111anclin~ ah­"'lute control ancl influence.

Fred B. Fisher

T l i IS i:< a sort of autohioi:raphical di>­

l'US'ion oi the ::\lethotl1>t episcopacy. It i:< perhap;; impo&,ible for one on the in,i<le. after eig-)11 year; of experience. to <lio;cn,s the matter \\'ith entire <letach­n1cnt, and kno\\ ing that thi:-. r<.·lation:-hip naturally limtt' me. I haYe cleliherately chuocn to approach the problem from the per:-onal :-.tandpoint. thus :-t\"oiding- ini:-­uncler,tanding \\'ithin m~·:;elf, anti on the part of my audience.

Four year, ago I approached the Gen­eral Conference at SpringfiC'ld "ith a '\Cll-\\·ritten rc ... ig·nation in 111y pocket. I "'Y \\'Cll-\\'ritten. hecan-e I had ,;tnclietl the n1atter thrungh 111any 1nonth~ and had reca•t the paper ,eyeral time-. :\fter con:-.tJltatiun '' ith a ie\\· \ery c}u ... (' and in­timate friend'. I deciclecl to keep the doc­t1111ent in n1y pocket and not to per111it it to <.ce the light of day. Since then :\Ir>. Fi-her and I ha\·e often been -.1rry that 111y j riends ~o per:-.uadccl n1c. 'fhi:- doe:; not nH::111 that ''e ha\"e e,·er had any de­,;,l' to <ho\\ the white leather. J'he task i:-. of cours.e arduou.;: the re~pon~ihilit1ri:. arc O\"Cl"\\ hehnin~: and yet there i~ a <.'hallengc in it ''hi ch keep-. one con­•tantly hoping that he may he able to n1ca:--ure up in capacit~· and :-pir1t.

cuur:-.e. i111po:---.ihlr to a\"oicl a scn.:.e oi hu-111or \\"hen one think~ of these 111atters in per:-.onal ter111s.

E \'ER\' bi,hop ,;houkl feel i.:ratefnl tu

the editor of Zrnx',; Hrn.1w ior hi< courteou,;, fr'1nk. and hr:l\'C editorial on "Term Epi,copacy." The spirit oi the editorial \\"a::. high an<l line. It -;uggr.:.tctl that the bishop:; in their re~ular ... e ... !->ion ,houltl >i<le-tracl< all matter' except those of \'ital importance. in order tu otudy the <1uestion of the future oi the epi,copacy. Xo report ha.::. con1e ton:-. on the far-flung­line indicating '' hcther ~uch a di~cu::.-=.ion

\\'a< had. Ho\\·eyer. ewry i111li\'iclual

B1;-.IJQP FnED n. FISH El~

Tlnt in all hone-1_, it mu-t he admitted that as 1 look hack through the:-C' ei~ht

~·car ... of achnini-.t ration 1 ha' c heen ~uilty oi sins \\'hich are 111uch \\'Ot":.e than any of the three li-tetl in the etlitori;tl

Fi.-t ancl foremcH. I ha,·e been ;:mlty of irritability. This is inexcusable in any ad111ini:-.trator. l;our tin1e~ I haYe lo;,t 111y te111per. 'fhat j, ont~e CYery l\\tl

~C'ar.::. .. \n<l j.., not thi"' alto!.!eth{"r ton often fur an~ l 'hri ... tian? ThrcC' ti111e ...

out of the iour I h:l\ e made pri\:llc and ... 0111eti11H.· ... puhlic apolng~ ior th<' .... l' uniu1 -

tn11ate ~in.... One t1111e out oi the io11r n1~ •eli. re-pect -1111ply \\ onld not r~rmit me to explain ur apologiie in any \\'ay. Sotnt.!t i lllt":-- it h.1-.. hl't"ll c..":1 .... \ to bl:1 n1t· nnr • ...

phy~ical con<htiun iur the:-c ~ituation-..

It \\011lcl he plca ... ing tn nnc·, pri<le ii he coul<l ~n."tttally bla111e internal g-cr111.;,, 01·

external clnnate. for Ill.:. .... in.:. oi inin<l anti heart. ]~nt. in :-aner n101ncnt::.. one 111u ... t a],,;iy..;, conic- hack to the- kn0\\'led!'"<' that i1 j.., not n 111atter of Ji,·er. or intt~rnal p:u a·

... ite~. or 1 he11111atic pain .... hut lack of g:race an<l capacity.

A ::-JOTH ER 'Ill oi my U\\ n aclmini-­

t r;1tio11 j, th;tt ol us111y )>O\\"t.'I". \\ IH.'11

po\\ er j ... the "rong- i1nplC'n1ent to n~t·.

I ~o' ~ acc1ullpli ... hc... 1nany n1urc thing ... than J>o\\l'l r.111 t.'\l'I" achic,·e. ~u111e-

1inu:• .... aftt~r a <}j ... play oi otfi<."ial authority. I have had a dc-.irt• to rea ... -.e111lilt• tlH· \\hole . \nnual ( "onierence. t0 a ... k th(•111 to

One 111u~t <.'onic'.'-:--, ho\\"C"\'l'I', that con1-parati\·c youth n1ake:-:. 1t i1npo:-. ... ihle to lnnk ,,·ith plea:--ure upon thirty-<..ix :--uli<l year~ oi ac:ti\ e ... er\"ice in a re ... po11 ... ihi1ity of thi.:. character. Ii liie-tenun· i' retained J ... hall ~et ha\e t\\enty-eight ~ear .... aiter the ne~ t l ;eneral ( ·011 f ere nee. tu :--C'T\'l'.

1:rie1HI:-. ... 0111c1i111e ... try to encourage 111e

by the rl'mindt•r th'1t I "", elected '1t a youn~rr agt• than any J,j ... hnp during tht• J.1 ... 1 thl"ee qu.1l"tt·r.., of a ct•ntu1y, an<l Ly the Jarge ... t nu1ne1 ical vote ('\"<.~r g·i,·cn in the hi-tnry of th~ denomination. These thin;.:... 111.tl\e their 11or111:11 i1nprr-:c:ion 11po11 a norn1:1l 111i11d. I~ut one ,,-ho anal~ l.l'-. the :\ll:"thud1:-t ""'.' -.tt"'tll oi t•pi-.ro· p.d t•lt•rtinn ... ran \\ell :-.et· the t•lt·111t·11t oi :u·fidt•1H in tht·n1 .ill. :\1.' eh•(·tio11 r.lllll"

. d 1h.11 < ;l'lh'tal ( 0

t1111~·renre \\ IH·11 t\\ t'l' 1·

hi-hop ,hnnlcl ,tndy the ian-

at'rt'pt the t•hallen~e

'' ith ... ince1c..• hu1nility.

to elect another t:hair1nan. and \1) help the111

i111ll.\ l•l '·1·l1· 1\ \ 1 th.it lit·( •. ll•l" Iii 11i.1l Cll'·

r111n:.t.111ce- .. nnn1l•er ,,j 11 .. ("]1111l1t«l in'·' h11 1J1HJ\\l•l \\••11id h.:\t' J.t•t:i \'.,·lt11h.J ()nt• 1 11tt'll \\ j .. Jit.• ... th.it ]H• llll;.Jlt h.1\t• l•l"l"ll

l'lt·rtl·d nnclt·r c11n.J11i1111 ... ' ' hit'h l 't"l .' h11cl:

\\1•1;lcl h.1,t .. r1·::ardrd a-. :1h ... 11l111el: 11ur-1n:tl .111d ii an\ h11dy c.111 1ndit":t1l' "h.11 -;~·11_(

the 11•·1111.il :-1·:11. it ,,,,uJd lJt' a ple:i~urr

to i.d,\.." t11.t1 ,, .. t1H \.'litt."1i1•l1. It i·. uf

h:1\ "-"' thC'tC'fore ;.!i,·eu Illy JH upo1 t1011:1te 111e;i ... ure of thou~ht to the ,,·hole tJU<."':-.tion.

'fhrt't' l'pi-.copal ;,in:-, \\et't' indiratt•d in the t•<htorial. lir ... t. rct'<"i,·ing ~perial 1°<.'l'":

'C'Cn11d. fo1Jo,ring- the linC' oi lt.~a ... t rt.~..,j .... t:11H't.': third. ha\ ing judg-111ent influenct•d h~· rirh :ind po\\ eriul incn. 1n111y inn10 ... 1 thnu~lll it j.., 1111po ...... 1hle lo rnllit· ...... pt•1 .. 11ll·

al gt111t in tht.• ... t• thlt.'l' partil·u1.1r ::.in:-.. l\•1111lt• h,1\l' lH"\t"I c1(lt.•1t.•c1 Jill' \t'l.\ 111urh •111•llt"\ 11·r .untl11n~ ·rhl·~ 11t·.nl~ al\\.1: ..

!•"1 •1 .. 1l11Ji:..• .1·~d il\,'•jlh"llil: , .. J• 1: 11·:

l•\'.'l 11 1\liill:_: t""\j•l'.l'"l" I )Jl(\." "] l\\llt

1't•t.11n :.:t11t111u· .... uJ- h.:\t" i111.J1· ,, J•tl

.. ,,n.11J•l"l'"t·nt11i llh•lh'.' j,,r ..:.er\tt"l' rl'n

ch rt·tl. Lnt. the ret'ip1t·111 l1l·i11:_:- .1 c11nlir11)(•1]

1nj ..... 11111.1 ry. 1h.11 llll •llt'>" ha ... l •et .. n 1•Lll·1·il 1t 1 tht: t'l"t .. <llt 111 .. ,,llll' io1"11l oi l11J"t'l;..'ll 1nj ....

.. j .. 11,1r: t fi11rl \\"ith re~.1rtl 111 thl' "l'\'<•nd

::-.in. I ~un1l'ti1ne::> \\'i-.h 111.' t:hin ';1"•'·"'1i1 :iJ-

tn line] a 1ncthod oi tran-.actin~ hn.:.inr ...... \\'h1d1 did not clcpencl upon epi-copal an· thnrn~·. 1"hc 'O\\ ... taken b.' a hi ... h11p \\'h<:"n <.·nn-.errat<>d: thr typ<' of dl·ri ... ion ...

he lllll'-t n1akt· in hi~ ad111i11i ... trati\e and judit·ial rapacit.' : the unnterite<l p1 ai:-.c he r<'rri\"C" ... : the 1111111<..t :1ttacl\..:. he .::.uti"er ... : hi-.. con ... 1:1111 )j, ing- 111 thr l1111elig-h1. and a\\a~ frotll hlllllt': pin ... }Jj ...... t·Il .. t' ni "'L"-

rurit~·-all tht• ... e thing ... 1nake the epi ... r11-p.1c~· a da11:.,:t'l"11l1.::. pu-.it i1111 ior an~ 111a11. 11t· \\h11 l'.111 111.1111t.11n .. \\l"t'lllt· ....... p .. i-.c .

.. t•h-.,)11Jt·:.:.:lJ1·ll 1JtJ1h 1 ,,Jj !l't"·l" \',l'\"11111·

·1,.lhl" .. 1 .. t1uJ, :,.•lt".1 1

"!Jn .. J, .. '. 111v t•· \,'\.j•lt"·· :.: .. ··1: .:

f••ll\Jcti1•ll th.it tht· 111111l.n11en1.1l d:11i1uh: I• th.11 tht• :\lethod1 .. t rpi ... Cl•]•.1r: Ji.1 ... 11111

1111tt·h Jicn\t•r I lieht.·\~ 1h:11 li:1rk 11i 1h1 ..

J1~11\t1lll'lll J11)" ll"l'lll l')'i·\.'.:•Jp;n·: tJH'll" I·

~i11101: the <1t .. 111nrr:1t1c de .. irt"' t11 rt·•hll't' th·· uliici.d :ind 1·1·r·1·11;il l'"''t·r .. i the hi·hi·p

Page 76: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

February 1 1928

president of the body for the ensuing year, and DaYid D. Jones of Bennett Col­lege, Green;;boro, N. C., was chosen sec­retary. It was announced that Dr. :\Im·eety. "ho has sen·ed t\\'enty years as secretary of :\Iethoclism's work for Ne­g1oes, ''ill retire in the spring, to be suc­ceeded by Dr. Holme;;,

Thtee item> of nnusual interest came out of the recent mid-year meeting of the board of trnstee:< of .\llegheny College. Fir:>! was the establishment of a Student Loan Fund, to bear the donor's name, hy a gift oi $23.000 from :llr. :\ . . -\. Cul­bertson oi Erie. Pa., secretary of the board oi trustee;; of the college. :llr. Culbert;;on promises to build this fund up to $100.000 in the near future. The sec­ond item of note wa;, the announcement that in the last ninety days of 1927, more than $200.000 was raised in cash to pay debts and to add a substantial amount to the permanent endo\\'ment funds. As a re<ult of thb campaign, the college can no\\' claim the conditional gift of the General E.lucation Board of New York. The th it d item was the Yote of the board to con~t ruct at once a ne\\' rccitat ion buildin~ to be known as Arter Hall, named in honor of :II r. Frank A Arter of CleYeland, 0., \\'ho has pro,·ided the cost oi the building. Allegheny is the college of \\·hich Dr. James A. Beebe is president.

/ Dr. Ralph E. Difiequo(fer, correspond-

in~ secretan~of e Board of Forei~n b • b

J\Ji.::.sion~. ant 1nces that an anony1nous gift oi $100.000 ha-; been recei,·ed to­wards the sum of $200,000 now being raised ior the rebuilding of Santiago College. the well-known girl<' school •·onducted by the l\Iethodbt Episcopal Church in Samiago, Chill'. The gift is conditioned on the raising of a like amount from other sources.

Jli,hop \\'illiam F .. \n<ler-on ha, ar­r.111g-e1l Jll°L'-( .. 1111il.""re11cc n1et•ti11g~ of the C'ahinet:; 111 a pn1tio11 oi th<' .\nnual l'11niere11t..·c..· ... a ... iollo\\:-.: :\e\\ l~ng:huHl

...... ont hcrn ('c..1n ierenee. ~I at he\\ -..on St re et Ch11rd1. l'nwi<lence. R. !., \\'<'<lne,<l:iy. Fd1. I.'. Jtl..)11 \. ~I.: :'\cl\' !lamp-hire'. :-;1, .J nhn'' Church. Dn\·er. Thur-day, h·b. lo. !tJ.311 .\ ~t.: ~laine. Cal\o1r~·

t. httrch. I.t.>\\1-..ton. 1:rida;. I·\:-h. 17. 111311 \. '' .\l1111-.1t•1 .. and l.1.\11H:ll \\ht1

Ii 1\C inll•·•, 1 .. 11: 1.11 .. int· .... ''nit tht.~ c:tl1in .. :t ' ·II I,· · ", .J : ,,,, ,,,,,1 ,JI , i ;h ,,,

\·11,, 'I"t'l'l 1\111 ..

l',l't :111:;- • ; i l .... lll !dt.• 1.itl'l'

'l he l"..: hh·ent h l 111 t hd.1.\ 1 1i t ht.· 1 !1 •\'

-..,1.111 .. •·I .\111t·r1fa ,,j]J lie .. ·eh·l1r.ah·d

thr .. 11:.!h• 1111. 1h1.: l'nih·d ~tatt· .. «•ll \\'t.·•h11.: .. -cl.1.' 1·1 nt·'\1 \\t.·c..1-.. Ft.li. ~ . .1 .. the h1;.:h "l•"t 111 the 1 i·:.:.11111.1111 •n · ... 1n1111a1 . \nni' ~·r ... :ir~· \\'el·k ( 1·lt•l1r:11i11n ir11111 1=-eli l1 t11 1!. <Jn \\'t.·d1H:• ... .J.1\ 111:.:ht. hnnclretl-.. of thon .... 111t1-;


oi Boy Scouts in all parts of the country, standing at attention, will rededicate themseh·es to the Scout oath and law. There will be Scout meetings, father­and-son banquets, church services, and many other forms of actiYities with which the occasion will be marked. On i\lon­day, Feb. 6, the Scouts obsen·e Home Day. and on Tuesday, School Day. Thursday \\'ill be Citizens' Day and Fri­day, Camp Day. On Saturday, the boys will thcm,e]yes demonstrate Scouting ac­tiYities in the open. The \\'eek \\'ill close \\'ith special religious sen·ices on Sunday.

Funeral ser\'ice< for Re\', John S. Bridgford, \\'hose death was announced in these columns last \\eek. \\'ere held on Tuesuay afternoon. Jan. 24, in :llathe\\'­son Street ::\lethodist Episcopal Church, ProYidence. R. l. J~e\'. \\'. I. \Varel of :'forth Can·e1". ~lass .. ReY. \\'. E. Kugler of Edge\\'ood, R. I., and Re'" R. C. Raines of Pro,·idence read the Scrip­tures, prayer \\'as offered by Re'" John H. Buckey oi Brockton. and addresse;; \\'ere made by three of :llr. Bridgford's most intimate friends in the ministry-Re\-.

1 37 John Pearce of Phenix, R. !., Rev. J. I. Bartholome\\' of Eclgarto\\'n, i\las;;., and Re\', I. \\'. LeBaron, of Providence. l~e\". E. E. \Veils, superintendent of Pro\'idence District, pronounced the ben­ediction There \\'as a large representa­tion oi the members of the New England Sonthern Conierence in attendance at the serYice. The interment took place at l\ e\\' Bedford.

FiYe hundred re,idents of Chicago \\'ho are graduates of Boston CniYersity will meet on Thursday e,·cning of this \1·eek at the E<lge\\'ater Beach Hotel for the formation oi the Bo,ton CniYersity Alumni Club of Chicago. l're,ident Daniel !.. ~lar<h of Boston Uni\·ersity and the alumni secretary, Hobert F. ;\Jason, will be present at the meeting.

J\n exhaustiYe study of the "origin, na­tnre. and possible cure of the common cold" \\'ill be made hy Johns Hopkins Cni,·ersity medical scientists \\'ith the aid of a fund of $195,000 gi,·en by the Chemical Foundation to the unh·ersity's School oi Jlygiene :ind Public Health.

The Mind of Ohio Protestantism I'.\STOllS OF ST.\TE ,\SSIDIBLE IX X!XTI! .\::>; Xl'.\L COX\'EXTIOX

George F. Barber

T lIE ninth annual SC's:o;ion of the Ohio Pa:-.· tors' Con\·ention, held undC"r thC' au~picC"s of the Ohio Council of ChurC"hes, ha" ju,..t

clo.:;ed at Coh.nnbu~. 0. :\'o\dH."rt" ebe on the <'ontinent can such a gathc.•ring he.· found! .:\p­pro:-.:iinat<•Jy one fourth oi tht• Protc.'"-tant pa<>· tors of th(' ~t<ite ha\e been to.i:ethc.·r for fnu1 <lay~ of fcllo\\·~hip, study, and high in...,pir:i· tinn The cn1·ohnc.·nt this :'o<':tr \\a:-; the.· Iargc.·"t (•\ er. . \ hout cl<:\ ·en hu111 l r<·1 I Jl:l"to1· :->. repr<:"s('11t­i 11g :tl111t1t \\\C:lll\' dc.·1hHninat11111". \\1.'l'e in :tt· tt·111la11c('. ).fan) churC'hc.·~ r("ahz111g: the \:tine <·i thi~ g.athel'ing n1e JH•\\ 11a~i11g the.· C'\)le11ses of thC'il' pa-.tor 10 thi,;; 111C'<:ting.

1·0 Dr. :\'h·holas \'an cler P~ I, funner pas­tol' <if the l'11ited (011g1t·~."1tin11;;l l'hu11.·h oi Oherlin. 0 .. fell the 1lifii~·11lt ta-.k of prC"si<ling ,,, t•r tlll' a-. --en1hl) I It· pt·1· f .. 1111<'<1 !u-. 1lut)" :ul111ir.1hl). 1'n, Dr. B. 1:. l.:1111h, cxet•uth·e SC"C· rc.•t:1r~ of the.· Oh in Council of l hureh~·.;-., 111u~t

go tht• 111:ij .. 1 c1~·ilit {111 the :-pk·ndi1l -.ul."ce<::<> of thi:: b.1th~1111;.:. Tlit 1c. .. i.•!in1.··" \\llh \\hkh the pa-..1111·~ fulil•\\t·1l hi" lc.·.1ck•1',;;hip i-. 01 1~·;al ttib11tc to thr \'••11lid<:P\'l th~1t thty h:t\C in hi~ j11clg-111~·1n .u11l l·h;11-.·t<·tt.·1 Jt i ... 1111 --111all n1:itt<.·1 t•1 1•ru\i•ll· ;1 pl'ng1'a111 .t11J diil'l'l tht• 1ll·t;iib. of .1

bly; Dr. S. Jl:1rkr~ C;:ul111a11. catholic-111indc<l 111·<·achc.:r and ~p1ritual ach·i-.c.·r to the nation pa~t(\r nf Central Congn·,g:atio11;1l c·hur<·h 111

I3ro1,kh11 and prr~idcnt oi thr F(•(lt•r:il Coun­cil oi l~httrc:he.:;: llbhop 1'hcodore S. l lc.·ndcr· ~on, acl111inistrator :tnd per;,istent C"\angl'lh.t. The~c al'<: ~1 i<.•\\' (1f the 1nany spcakc.·r~. :ill oi \\ ho111 brought thoroug-hly \\'Orth·\\ hi le ntt·~·

~;u.;:t.•s, It "a"' :1 truly unu.,ual prog1·:t1n. Tht• COil\ cnt ion, ho\\ l'\·~·r, is ~01nethi11g

111 .. 1·c than :i 111crely i11 ... pir:1t11111;1l llll·c.·llng. Jt \\ :1..,, .-rg.u1L,cd inr C'arciul "t111ly of the great i:i .. tH.'"i hcf1111.• thC' fhri ... ti:111 \\orhl :11111 to di~­

C'o\c.•r the 1111ntl of :he churchc:; \\Ith rcfcrcttl."C to thcnt \itt'l" hn1n-; 11i 'l"l"lt>l1" 1lchbc.•1';1t1on 111

\'01111111~--1<·11~ li1•1li11;.: ... "~·re rt:·p•)rtc<l tv the con­\l'Htion in the.· fonn oi rl·"ulutions \\ho"c ailnp· tion p-i\•e" :'! !JOOd 11lC!t•'\ to \\h01t i!'. 011 the lllllld

of the.· Pn1tc.-.t:-ant d1u1·t•hC" ... oi Ohio The C'l11l­\('1Jll11ll \\t•nt on 1·ccorJ in f:l\or of the follo\\­ing: 111;1th'I'" • itankne.:.~ \\ith youth in appr .. ·1d1·

ing th(• !,!1·1·"11 JH'nhll'nl~ ,...f hiC' :11111 thc11n~h1 \\uh

a Jll;IJ"I' t•111ph.1 ... i~ 1111 the g1c.;1tt·t 1nn1.1hllt'" rather th.'111 upon the.· Jc .. ~<:"1; 01 inllc.·1· t·t·l'<n.•· nitinn c.f the Ullt''"l';1p.1hk· 1t· ... pn11 ... 1h1ht) 1tJ tlw h111111• i1lt 1·~·hg11>u-.. 1111h1t·llt'c· .111tl ll <Hlllllg:, th\·

l"ll\U!ll"ll Ill '-11\'h :J \\,'!\ :\' l•l kt•c·p 0\t'l' a '.tlt'1.'ll.t!dlll).{ "I tJil· h•·llU tllluil~h llllllo•l!I. th•·ll•.•,J J•l\ ul111~ 1••1'.c"h•I .!,J Ji,J•\•\ l<'l IJ\,llli.i.t ·""' ,Ji,.,l•l J,,\• \\llh "'!'''''~•· ll'•·'·'

J •••• ( .; •• l

I , !.,· \ ,. i l'• ·1., ',H • · I ;,n

·' \ .. .• •• J.·;·, l ::;: ( i 1 •• ~\" •1.,:h J..1; .. 1\:l

' 1 ~ (, I 1 ~ '1- •

~· 'l .... J.: •( 1• •••• ,.J.: 111 1,.i ··l ii.:1.1 '\'\ 11·. :,, ,11 ]• •. < r • i )!1.1r .. 1•• :n ,:i :'\h 1h. ·•l:·t E1·1~,,...

1·.I \ li:nd1 i·1 ltl'T••ll ~t.,h JJ1· Ber11:nJ (,~

l l111•cn t'.11l·l~1.1nt ,,11c] \(l'•.1t1h· 1·."1~1 .. r •·i l"i1·1 nqli·t C'11.1hh ~,r,,,11·t ~ \" · Dr. }f'lh•T•l J: }11(1'•ck ?Cn1:1J ."!Ill} J•1l>t\r1t1n?

(• iil11i.t111t.;.,' t ·iil• 1' i.j the ( ,'i11•1it1;/ , J,J: cJ, ,JI,.;,

Dr J~. LlTl r !=-11~T J,1g l!l lll!Jhl ;11:·1 .... 111 111 H.Jt"r"1l••r ti tht• 1'Jt•l•~tt.JJ,1Jl l1tlll'1';1l \!'- .. l)Jl•

. ' ' ··.' • ' '1,, '\

I j • l•' ; ' : '. r , •

·' 1 ~ ; 1', • ~. • I . .. l' J -.. ' ,! 1 • I · ( J'l" r ~ 1 .~.: .J , •.

'" '. .\I• !l' •• -n. ·:· .} to {':,,J,:1-h • • :n 1;1 ,1. ;\ T~ '. •. ::.,.,.

,, 1111 t 11.11 .I :11•,J ..... 111'1 \11.~111., t .. 1.11:1ill··l

•:l]'i" J'! • j ;J,,, ,\Till -...,i),,, 11 J 1 1.'ill' ,111.J llll•·tu •

nu nl ,.f ti,~· i•l"• h1l11l1•·ll l;-i\\" L) tho.~c \\h•' n·1l· h Lclic;t' Jll ll1c.111, .·1 1e1.'ollllJ1(·1lJ.1tlPll \ .. ,. •11.·

t!r'P\ p•1··1 .. 11,,r\ -.u1•pt11t ir •. 111 C•·n•1·t·'lln~ -1·.1·

111 • "(·rdnnl h<•cl < ... 1n1n11111tH'""; the ;1IH•hll· ·ll "'

l Cvnti11111.·J vn 1•;1g..: }1,UJ

Page 77: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Febntary 1 1928

I a111 not sure that the abolition of lifc­tenure woul<l really reduce the power, if, during the term of office, the bishops had the same power that is now granted them hy our constitution and tradition. This <loes not mean that I am opposed to the election of bishops for a term of years. I am rather inclined to think that this might be an advance "tep in the history of the church. l..'nder our democratic 1\111crican sy:;te1n of go\"ernn1ent, \vherc preoidcnts are elected for a term of years, and like11 ise senators, congressmen, and g-o,·ernors, there would be nothing- incon­~i~tent in having an A1nerican ecclesiasti­cal system under which all oflicers were decte<l for a limite<l 1111mber of years.

It is probable that this would not in any way take ;may the :.o-called ylory of the epi~c-opacy. There is a certain a111ount oi re:.:pect which gathers around the per­sonality oi an ex-pre>ident. an ex-sena­tor. and an ex-go,·ernor. I have noticed in England an<l Australia that the \Vcs­leyans greatly honor what they call their "ex-presidents." Each Conference ha< it> president an<l he holds ollice for one year. or three year<, only. I ha\"C di~co\·ered in 111y tra\"el~ that thc~e n1cn.

c,·cn clo\\ n to old age. ate al\\·ay:::,, hel<l in

re ... pect and honor. They are a111011g the li1.,,t to \\ ho111 a :\lethodi,t tnl\·eler i, in· lTothu.:ed, and they haYc great pcr::.onal influence in the affair, of tht• drnrch. i'ersonaiiy, i think I ;.honk! hke the expe­rience of being an ex.bi ... hop, taking a

local church. and attempting to :;ee wheth­er by the per,onal merit, of one'> life one could again achie,·e helpful influence un­«ouplecl "ith thi, 1mprecedentecl power. .So1neti111es it ::,ee111:; that one's life i~ i1n-111ecliat<'iy change<l by hi, election to the <'pi,copacy. From that moment darts of rritici ... 111. and ::,u~picion. beg·in to gather

arouncl hi> head: ancl the effect of the>e dan< is not ,oftened by the epi<copal halo. One b placed in a ;.mall group of con­'Jlirnou;. men where each nnl't accept re­'Jlon-1bility for the acb of all. It would lie int<'re,tini.: to iecl ag"ain the thrill oi independent 'en·ice. am! oi a pure!~· per­... on:1l relation-,hip.

lncidcntally it 111ight be !-aid in pa.;sing that the actual effccti,·e liie of a biohop i... nut long· i 11 the a \'C't age. [ recent 1y 111ade a calcnlatinn of the- a\'erag·c Ieng-th oi 't.'l'\ ict.• oi the dt.•c:ea .... t.•d hi .... hop.- fru111 th<' he~i1111111g- 11p to 110\\', ·rhe a\ t•r.1~l" j,

11nl: l'lt.•\,'ll :t.·.11 .... -..·,t1l'llH.'I: 111\\, t.'1111· -i.h.·1111:.,< ,,.,. l-·11~ 111, .... 1 ·•·lllt,"" r111 .. 1 ..

J•l.tt'lh".iil: -I l\ll1l \'J•l"t'••J111; .111d 111.1: 111: ll•C•i \\Ith \•jll.iJ )<>11'\• \'llhl'I' l••l' 11t

.t:._•,tJll•l I/It.' J•l•·J·oi·.ii j.,I 1 il,:ll:.,t.• \\.t"'

:1n1.11ed t11 find the .1\t.·1.1:.:t.· 1er111 111 "C'l'·

\ h'e ... 11 ... hurt .1 ... ele\ en : l·.11·.:..

B l "f h·t 11 ... c11111t.~ h.1rh to the further

i)j .. ,·u .. -.inn 11i our th._. ... j .. , 11.1111C'l~

lh;1t It HJ,t.\ ]it.~ thl• f110l'1 I oi tht? Cpl .. t.'t>)J,lt.")

it-<·li that neecl- :ic!JtHlll<'nl. \\ n11lcl it


not be a good thing to reduce t/1c ad-111i11istrati'i.·e f'O'i.l'Cr and to increase the spiritual rcsf'nusibi/itics.1 In the 'acer­clotal clmrches >uch as the Roman, Greek, and Anglican, the bishop hao, in hi:< otlice. a sort of sanctity \\'hich the people re>pect apart from his personality. lie cloe:< not ha,·e the actual po\\'er that a :\lethocli<t bi>hop has, nor i:< he respom.ihle to a t;eneral Conference macle up of worlcl­" icle delegations. He i, re<pon<ible for good'' ill and progre"" in his 0\\'11 dioce ... e. ancl eYen there he i> regarded a' a >piri· tual >hepherd rather than '" an otlicer with executiYe po\\'er.

Suppose the General Conference \\'ere to take a\\'ay from the bi;.hop his appoint­ing po\\"er, lea\"ing 111111 as the pre"idem oi the _·\nnual Conierence. hut placing the re,;pon,ibility for the appointmen1' in the hand< oi the "hole cabinet. clillicuh problems ben1g :<ettlecl h~ majority \"Ole \\'ithin the cabinet, ancl the hi,hop ha\"ing a \'nte in ca .... c of a tie. 1 ·le \\'0111<1 guide the cli"u<:<ion and pre<ide in the cahinet. hut hi, influence would depend upon his per,nnal character and the re,pect ior the oliice rather than npnn ;n .. tlta1 pu"·er.

Suppo'e abo that the General t "onier­ence \\ere to pro\'ide i'or thr election. hy the .·\nmial Conierence. oi the cli,trict "llpl'rintcndent.... T do not Jike the nan1c ''<h:--t rirt .... upC'rintent1ent" :ind ... hould ntttc.:h p1eier the old nan1e. "pre:--iding C'l<ler." or hette1 <till. "'<lean." The>C ck'a11> could he electecl, as are the L"nitecl State< ,ena­tur ..... for a period ui :--ix year.;,

Jn addition to the"'-e change.;. the < ;rner:il Conference 111ig-h1 en::u.·t a la\\' "hereh~ no bi,hop. in any pan of the \\"oriel. either at home or abroad. rnul<l he re ... Hlent bi!>hup in any gi\'en area longer than an eight-year period. 1-Ic 11·ould he :<uhJel't to trnn,ier at the end oi four year~. hut co11ld not continue longer than eight. lie \\'oulcl prc.ide owr the ('onference~ \\"ithin ht ... o\\ n area only, during the tin1e of hi .... ol1icia1 re~idencl'.

and ''ould go to other area-:. on!~ a ... a gue .... t, and ior ~pecial purpo .... e:-..

1-Ia,·ing readjusted thc ... t• adn1ini:-.trati\'c

111attcr.;,, ho,,· could ''c then 111 ... url' larg-cr

:--pi ritual re:-.pon~ihiJitie~:

Fll~ST. make the bi-hop of the ar~a

~pon,ihle for the ordination oi


all 111ini ... tt."'1':-- '' ithin hi ... o\\ n area. during tht• ll'l'lll oi hi ... rt."''idl•JlCt"'. <H'rortling to till~

Jllt."'.;C'lll plan of orcli11atin11, :--:l•C1 11ld. lll:1J,._• hinl l l~"'Jlllll .. ll1Jl' j, •I )'t.'l­

" ·l1.:l1\ ;t,·,_·t·1\1n..: l'li•• tht4 ch111\·h :·1.,, J'11J)

l"dl.\1'1;1111 dJ 111t.'Jlll.,·1· \\Ji., t'11IH\' 11'11111

J•l••l•.1l1111} 11}' 11111111JiC'-.•l1•Jl n} i.11lh J'h1·

""11ld 111t.·.1Jl th.i1 h1., nine1.1r.' \\11111d h.i\t·

t11 lie .... a1 r.111;.:-cd 1h:1t ht.~ \·oul1l '1 .. it .ti] t1H· d1 .. tr11·1 .. :incl 11111 ... t 11i tht.: ]11t.'al rh.1r;:t· ..

'·' 11h111 the .1rt.·a. 'l'hC' r~reptinn 11i 111e111

l•l·r .. \\•111ld thl .. 11 l1l· l~....::pl~c1ed -i., lie Ill

l'\l'J_\ r:1-e .1 tirli -.1,i11111.d t.:'\l'l11 \\llh .111

t•J1! .. t'11p.d .1clcl1t.•'"' to !ht• t.'J,1 .. ..,, tht• ]Jlll1]h

1 39 a,king oi the c1uestions, :me] prayer for the church and it> new m<:'mber:;. Thi> would gi,·e the hi,hop a pt'r,onal wntact \\'ith the gro" ing local churches. and \\·oulcl ~ivc hin1 :-.piritual rC~Jhn1-,ihili1_,. \\'hich \\'Ould 111ake hi~ Yi,its and his n1e~~ages a

vital part of the church life of all :\leth­odi,ts. This \\Onkl be much greater than ha,·ing him mo,·e about to deJi,·er pop­ular a<ldre:-.~e~ at .::.upper:-. or Chaut::n1qua ....

l n ... on1e case.; thi:-. 111ight 1nean a reduc­

tion in the >ize of the area. The number oi di,trict< an<l local drnrche> wonld have to be considered. The,e e\·enh woulcl not nece;.<arily, hO\\"<'\"Cr. he held in each loc:1l church. Group<. of ch11rd1e,, after the training of the candidate,, could come together ior a high and deep ,piritnal oc1..'a"inn. 'fhe pa:--tor \\'oulcl recei\'e the people on probation, and be re;.pon<ihle ior the tr.:iining of the clac:.~.

Third. make the hi,hop re,1l0nsihle io1· all the chnrch dedication< "ithin the area during h1-. re:'idence. it being un<ler.:.too<l

that no charge .... oi any kin<l \\'ouid he

macle. ancl that no bi,hop from out:<i<le the are;i \\Ollkl he invited. except by agree­ment het\\een the church and the resident hi<hop.

Fourth. 111ake the hiohop re,ponsible for the \'i:--itation. \\'ithout execnti,·e author­

ity. of all the :\lethocli,t theological ,em­inar1t• .... collcgr.;,, .:tn<l ~ecundary .... choo1~ \\'ithin the area. \\'ith co111parativc regu­l:nily. lo in~truct an<i in:--pire the ~tu<ie11t;,

in tht'" ... piritu:il ideal:-.. 111oral rule::,, and

eccle,ia,tical 111etho<lo oi the church. Thi" all our >tmlents would have vital contact. <luring their year~ of c:.tucly, ,,·ith thl• per"'onality and 111e.;:;age of the bi~hop.

Thi' \\oulcl mean that delinite re:<pon­:-.ihility for certain ... piritual contribution~ \\ oulcl he placecl upon epi>t·opal <boulder,. . \11 the,e 'Jliritu:il ta<k:< would be g1n•n him. not 111erely for the p111po<e oi re· c,tricting po\\er. lntt for the purpo ... c of relea .. ing hi111 fur higher .;.piritual ~er­

\'it .. l' ... tl> the arl~a O\er '' hich he pre ... i<le:--. <)ther ... n1ight think of ('\'t•n better ''a: ... in '' hich ///,• sf1rifu,1/ 1'1'.)fu11sibt!it1t·s ((111/d bt' incr,·ast·d. aucl tlz,· ad11111u·~,t1a­

lii'c' a11lh1>rity J'1'd1t<'c'(i. \\'c roul<I 111\'C

the hi .. hnp n1ure. a11<l 1ccci,·c ~rl~ater

hlt• ... ..,ing through hi111. ii hi .... <lutit•.., \\l'l'l'

... n ad.1u ... trd that he rnttld r<.•ntler a ... oc1:d. ...,piritual. ;ind prophetic ~er' ice. i11:-tt..•ad ui hl'ill~ rC' ... pnn ... ihle ior the ad1nini ... 1r.1t1011 oi an anthorilati\C' l'Xl'Ctt\i\t' oliit.'t.'.

P l'< l)·; \1·iI.\' \\t' .. IJ,,11Jd dn ·'''.t' \\1th

d:1· nn1· .. 1·n1 c·:·1-1 "1'·d • il.ll\ .111il .:l·

.1 h1:..•IH·r 1'11 .. t 111 Ji,111:..: 1h.111 11the1· l't'l ·

h.q ... tlh·~l· .. 11 •. 11ld lit: dt.'illll~l' 11.;.:1 .. J.111 .. 11

t'Jl·.11111:..: .111 .\1t~.i l'11111h·1l. n11t ior \\'nrld :--.t.•1 \ H't• 1•r l1l'Jlt•\11le11t J•lll'JIC) ... e ... hut i1 11· :1d111i111 .. 1r.1ti\l~ rt~ .. Ju111 ... i11il11~. Till .. \l't'.t

( ···nncil \\•iulcl 111 t::1\·h \'.t"l' f1., 1he .. ,,J. .tl.\ .illil .dl11\\,1lll'\' .. ,,j it ... 11\\11 11i .. h11p.

J1l•J\idt.· i11r hi· 1t.··1dl·:11.:e .11:11Jii..,11!'t'a·t.·.

Page 78: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

and make hi111 as comfortable as any of the ministers within the area. This would mean the break-up oi the general Episcopal Fund. so that instead of hav­ing a general treasurer for the whole church, there would be a treasurer for each area. Certain areas might be re­garded as missionary in their needs and recei,·e proportionate help from the more prosperous. \\'here a man is paid from a general tre~sury, and sent by a General Conference, he is somewhat in the nature of a general superdsor and suffers all the misunderstandings of that type of posi­tion. If he was actually supported by the area that he ser\"es, and if his respon­sibility for the eight years was limited to that area, there would be the same rela­tionship of mutual love and understanding between him and his area that exists be­tween a pastor and his people.

The time has come when the churches abroad should have their own racial bishops. Per haps the movement should be started at the approaching General Conference, by electing one or more na­tionals from each major field to a national episcopacy. under the disciplinary prO\·i­!'ion for mi<sionary bishops. A. consti­tutional revision could then be adopted by the General Conference, and be passed do" n to the several Annual Conferences for confirmation. making it possible for each Central Conference thereaiter to elect its O\\"n bishops, to define their a1 ea,. and to provide e«timates for salary, re,i­dence, a11d allo,ra 11ces.

I should be willing to take e\ en a greater leap at this particular time in or· der to find an adju,tment that would solw :'l!ethodis111'< epi>copal problems with the least amount of friction. It is to be admitted that this suggestion is bold. Every effective bi.hop in the church might approach the next General Confer­ence \\ ith complete willingness to lay his resignation upon the General Conference table. requesting the General Conierence to e><amine him strictly. and to decide \\hether he should, or >hould not. con­tinue a.:. an indiridna) 111.in in thi::, oOicc. It is pu»ible that aiter a trial oi iour or eight or t"·e1Ye ~·ear.;, or nt<n·e. the hi$h­"i'"' tli1..·111~t..'l\l':-., u1 the chur('h :1t large. ma~ ha\e di,co\"c1cd that hy tempcra­nu:nt. ht~alth. or a<laptalnht~. :--0111~ oi tt'3

are 11nt .;,,uite<l to thi ... l_\]Je oi ad1ui11i-.tra­ll\(' \\t)l'k. li "0, \\hy llOl {1a11kJ_\ :--1.•1 • .'},

thl· 11111h. ::nd Ii.··! thl~ (ie1h·r.d ('·•ll't re11c1..•

.Jlt'!•~1.. \\}lt·:lh1' 1-:· P11! \\t .-•11~?H \,. ("1°11-

t \·t'l'•·n 11i .1 1'C"t.i111 1111111~·er <·I 1,,.hop ... ht :ail the i..·1iectn {..0 11.1111c-· 111.. l't.I\ t•1 4•ll J

)•t llllt'll ]j ... t. and ;1 ... k the Conit·rent·c.·. in J'l.t\('i' :111d "]'ir1111al j111l~llH~11t. to <leci<le '' hi1:h of ll' Ol1;:!"1lt 111 rcn1ain efiectiYe. :ind '' hich ,,j 11' cl\J;.!ht tu retire (1r :11.:cept p11l11it·. I r:1n11ut in1agi11c the ~ligl11e~t

iJ1 .. t:1.1rt~ 111 thi.... On thl' u]JLJlin;.: vi the


General Conference the entire Board of Bishops and the entire Committee on Episcopacy might meet in joint session and decide upon some method by which complete understanding could be reac!1ed.

I All! twch·e thousand miles from home, and cannot know the exact psychology

oi the church in America. It is prob­lematic as to how my colleagues and the church at larg-e will view these person­al re111arks and sugge:,tion:-. I·lo\Yever, they are sent forth with the broadest and sweetest goodwill, in the belief that every man. e\"en a bishop, who has any idea~

whatewr, should offer them at this crit­ical time in the history of our remarkable church. I clo not believe that the tech­nical machinery of the church can he given credit for the vast achievement of our :'llethodism. There are those who think that any tampering with the ma­chinery would ruin our result:,. I do not believe this. The Bapti:;t Church is a c]oc;e ~econ<l to us, eyen nu111ericall3·, in .\merica and has no such supen-ioional •y<tem. The Presbyterian Church is in e\·ery ''"ay our equal, and in son1e re~pect:;

The Sex

February I I 9 2 8

our .'L1perior. Other churches, such as the Congregational, could be mentioned, hut one dare not attempt to list them all. It is certain that our ideals, methods. and doctrines are much more in harmony with these evangelical churches than with the olcler episcopal regimes of ancient Euro­pe:m Christianity. The Lausanne Con­ference made this abundantly clear.

1t is not machinery, but spirit, that make< a successful church. The day of organic unity must be prayed for, and it may he that some adjustment in our own machinery will put us into closer harmony with other e,·angelical churches, and thus make one step toward that ultimate unity tu "hich we all look with hope. Our i\Iethodist enthusiasm, evangelism, de­,·otion, and high social icleali:::.111 cannot be crushed hy mere mechanism. The liic is greater than the form. Let us examine at this hour, not only our machinery, but the personal and official effectiveness of onr episcopacy, our district supcrin· tendency, our pastorate, and our laity. Only hy ~incere humility on the part of e\"ery officer and member, prominent or lo\\ ly. can we reach the highest goal.

Question 11-T!IE CO);TRim;no:-; OF SEX TO CIL\R,\CTl.:H DE\"ELOP~IE);T

Thomas \V. Galloway

N O individual who thinks oi sex mere· ly in its physical a'pect,, or who

regard> on!~· the pathology of ;ex, or who considers it chiefly an interesting field for scientific research after fact,. or who deems it a yu]gar and perverse subject. can possibly use sex fully to ad,·ance the normal healthy de,·elopment of human be­ings.

The sex reproducti\"e phenomena range in nature from the most animal anil phy<ical :it the one extreme to the mo<t '<'>thetic ancl spintnal at the other. One •Inc;, not need to apree with Frernl that <1hnu:::.l C\ cry 111oti\ c is rooted so1nel10\v in :;ex in unlcr to 1lu jn<ticc to the part '"" play< in liie. Sex beg-ins to influence irnliYidn:il life wry <':trly. a111] <'ither alone 01 111ixed \\ ith other i111p11I~es it op<'l":lt<'' throughout liie in tho,c relations '' hich nH.:'an 1110-..t to us. 'rht.! folln,,·ing­illt1:-.11.1linn .. ''ill help tt) n1al\1...' thi' cl<:ar.

'fhc.~ chiJ,J :1t tlh' hr~iu111n~ inh(·1 i1 .... in .... 1ni..~ 1·l1.' ... r.d i .. ·hi .. n. it .. "'t·--:. \11 <lh

:1n•l ;.:11 ] ... ;,nd ilit·n .11111 \\PllH'11 ar1·t.· ,, ..

tlll..' dnt.·t'i i r .. .Jurt 1,i th: ... inhl 1 ·~t d 11!.,h· <•r i1.:n1:de 'Jn.tlity. Tht··e clniert·llt"t'"· looth ph) -ic;il an1l nwntal. and all the at­trac1i"11"' th.11 ;:r1•\\ cint td 1hen1 are nt·i· ther ch.~n(·c h:tpprnin;.!"' nor :11 lntr.tr~ :ind .. npeYn:-11111':11 crea1ic111-.. .\11 the''-':"\ q11al­itic·· •ii the ),,,,!]~. 1nin1L anc] cli-pn..:ition

which unfold gradually during the youth oi the boy or girl are merely the normal unfolding oi this initial sex inl1eritancc. They arc the gift of sc><.

As the child passes to m:nunty, no single impulse or quality in its liie doe, more than the sex impubes to inllnencc for goocl or ill his de\·clopment, his con­duct. hb happine:>s, his character, or his relations in liie. To the>e effe,·h mtH be added the sex inllncncc oi his em·iron-111cnt. beginning \Yith the ho111e. ancJ ex­tending into the community liie.

M.\~Y people h:nc preiene<I to think

of the human family :md h•)llle ;,, a di' inc in>titution. Howe\"cr. the family i~ not continetl to hn1nan h1.'l1l;.!... \\'c !incl it an1ong ani1nals front 't't :· :-.in1ple cnndltinnc:. up to in.-.1a11ce.; ni ~ rc.•.11 pr.1c­tical and e1notional Jlf'l fct·tion. 1'he ... c~ -implrr type< oi home Iii<' t'nal1le us to 1li"t'1l\l~r the ha .. it.' eh~111cnt' ;111d 1hei1 \tlll­

;: 1L1H1••1l 11l 1}1e lP~.d i't""'UJr

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d1\ 1d11:tl ... in "nrh 111111 .. iin)'hl·" ... ,int ~urt

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<.pecie... lt j.., q11it1...· clvar tl1.11 iht.: "'l'

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firo:t to n1)pC'ar and uper:itt• 1:1'1>111 the

Page 79: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Mrs. Fred B. Fis~er' s Legacy to the -Yooog Women of India


'f"HE grcntcst Jegney of ~frs. Fred B. FishC'r .l ~o thr young "'OUl("n of lndin, "'Ith '' hich

no other i:tlft could he con1parl'd, is. of course, the n1cn1ory of n radiant pC'rsonnlity. God's unspeakable gift to the \\'Orld "·ns n JifC'. The E(rcntcst gifts ever n1nde on this cnrth cannot h<" pnckc>d in jC'\\'C'l-cn-.<'s or shippcd by <""XPl'C'SS; they cannot be "'riUen in books: thC'y 1nust be c:irri<'d in n htunnn pC'rson:llity. \\'hen God \\'RS rcndy to communicntc His greatest i:tift to the \\0orld, "the \Yord hecn1ne flesh and d\\0 C'lt among us." So l\lrs. J:'ishcr's ltf"C"nl<"st gift to Jndin '"as hC'rs(']f, nncl "'hen her brave. d<'vot<'d JifC' cnn1e to n close last Junr, her influenC'c in India onl~· began in n nC''" forn1. For n Jnrgc co1npnny of people in Indio., both nnti,·es nnd n1tssionnries, she be~ came part of thnt in,·isiblc choir

nor those imtnortnl dead "'110 live ngnin In n1inds innd<" bett<"r by their presence: live In pulses stirred to generosity, Jn deeds of daring rectitude. in scorn For miscrnble aims thnt end in self." Jtfrs. Fisher's v.•ill, ho,vc,·cr, recently made

public, tins thro"·n n ne\v light on the depth of her devotion to lndln, for she hns left n concrete gift to the young \\'on1cn of thnt country ht the form of an cndo"·n1ent S('holar~ ship. for Isabella Thoburn Collegc. This gift of an cndo\\•tnent \\'ill stand ns the out"·nrd nnd \"isible sign of the ill\\'nrd and spiritual grn('C of lo\'e, The scholnrship founded by :Mrs. Fisher "'ill send ''"orthy Indinn young won1en to the Unit<.'d States for postgraduate work.

Any one v.·ith imagination ~'ln visunUzc the service 'vhich this scholarship "'111 render nB do,vn the ycnrs to come. It "'111 pro,•idc trnincd ten<.·hcrs "'ith the best cducntlonal nd~ vnntnges for our Indian girls' schools. It '''ill induce th<" girls in the college to study '''ith this great prize in vi<"\\', nnd thus equip for lnri;<"r s<."rvicC' tn:1ny oth<"rs bC'sid<'s the fortunate ones \\'ho '''in the prizC'. It "'ill JU'C'pure ln­dinn Christian "'Olll<"ll so that, In the long fu­turC', Indiun '''OlllC'll cnn do for their O\\'tl sis­ters the Jo,·ing S<.'r\'ICC'S no\\' bC'ing done by forC'ign inissionnries, and tints, to the gr<'nt unpri\'il<"g<."d 1n:1ss<.•s of Indian \\'onu1nhood pC'cring out front dark rno1ns h<.'hind closed I door::i, it \\'ill cnrry nc\\' life und lilJcrntion. 1

.A!i \\'C think of this gift \\'C l'<.'llll'tllbcr 1lt<' \\'ords of :Prcsid<"nt Bcnjn1nin Har1·ison, once spok<'ll '''hC'n introducing to a ~C\\' York nu­<li<'JJC(' l ... ilavnti Singh, n graduate of Thoburn Colh•gc. "If I hdd gi\'<"11 a 1nillion doll:1rs to n1i.!o,!'ioion:-.,u :.aid ~Ir. Jlar1 ison, "nnd the onl~ 1·t·­sults. "'<"l'C this young \\'on1:u1, I \\·ould feel th<" n1oll<"Y hnd h<'<.'11 '''ell spent,,

Jt is \'<•ry tout•hinv; to think of ~lrs. Fish<'l' \-t•ry 11uic·t1~· anti \\'ilhout an~· tllH''s kno\\'IC'tl~C' thrnu~hout !i.(•\'rr:1l yt•ar.s sa\'ing th<' 1110111·~· \\ h it•h pro\ i1l1•cl for thi:-. st•hol<1l'~hiJ,. ·r1to11~h. hy thl.' lC'ttns of 1hl" \\'ill. Bishop Fi..,hi•l" \\ots to lHl'<' the> full U!-><' of all pro111·1·h cJ1nin~ Ju, lifr. 1hr 'c-hnlar.,,hi}l (•ndo\\ 1111'111 fnntJ In lJC' .1\.1il.1hlP at hi.., clc·.1lh. the• l.Ji,hup at ont'C' dc·­c·11Jc cJ lo put )It..,, fi..,hc·r":-. c.1l·..,1n• into tff1·1t i1n1n<.'di.1tt l~ ancl ;:tUi1r.1ntcc>s. to furnish :"'111110 i1lll1Ui1ll~. .\I hi<.:. dr·.ilh thl' \\ill 11f )Ji.,, l'i..,hcr hC'C'OllJC'<, ripc 1'01ti\<' a111I \\ill pro\ iclc- ap­proximaf<·l~· thi ... annual an1ounl in pi·1 prtui1~.

'fh<' fund \\ill bt• kno\'\11 a" th" l:Chth Jnc-li­..,,,11 I:ishc•r St·ho1:1r..,hip l='uncJ, :nul the> re1·i11-h·nt, as thP T:tli1h .l:ick~on Fi~h"r ~t·hol:ir. The• .. c•J('c·Hon 11f the> rc•ripirnt anti the• ..,c•hnol to \\hich ~ht:' "i)) bC' .!o,C'llt is tu 11r dt·h•r1ninc•c.l b~· th(' principal, in C"o11..,ult.,tion "ith the' staJf of

Jsnbclla Thoburn CnllC'gC'. The principal and stnfl' of 1h<" coll<'SC ha\'C nontin;itt•d :'lliss E\'nll­S<"lill<' Thilayn111pal:1111 :ind )liss ShC'lontith Yin­c<.•nt to h" the first b<.·ncficiari"s of this schol­arship. ~liss Thil:1y:11np:1lnn1 "ill prohitbly sail in ;\pril, 1922, to stu<l:r :it Colu1nhia t:'ni­\'crsity, Ne\\' 'York City.

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B<'ncvolenc<", U<'tron, Nov. 14, 18, 19 National ?ilcthodist Conference, Detroit,

Xov. 15-17 Commlt1cc on Conscr\•ntion nnd 1\dvancc,

Detroit, Nov. 18, 19 Stnd<'nts' Night nt SoC"i:11 ttn ion; Bishop

Edunr Blnk<', spl·nkcr, ~ov. 21 Council of Boards of llC'Oc\•oJcncc, Detroit,

~ov. 21, 22 Bonrd or Bishops, Fall :Aleetlng, Syracuse,

,.,.. v 'h!'"' .... ?,_.,.,

or J'(')l:iir~ lo 1h1• flhn nnd thf' ''XJ>t•nst• of ho111clli11i.:. H1•qu"''' \\ill ht• IH<'t clS (''X}lC'llilious­b· ns JlOssihf(', \\'rilt• tlH· Uo:ird or 'fl'lll}l<"r­all<'<', Prohihilion, ancl Puhlit• ~Jor.1ls, 110 )Jaryl:incl .\\'t'll11<', :'\', E., \\",1s.hington. D. C.

)l.\I~E J>.\f.TOllS 'J'.\liE ~OTICE-Thc nd­dr<"~s of Ht•\', H •• \. Hit•h, ll"t•aslll"<'l' or fh<' Sus­l<'ntation ~oci<'fy, is <0 h:1ni.:c·d front \\"c:,f l\cn-11<"bunk, :\le., 10 J\C'nt's Ifill, )I<.'.


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Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear So:ip, Oinlrneont, Tnkum, :!.5c. C\'cr)'Whl"re SBJ!lplcs frc , of CuUcurn. L&bor atorlc1, D1pt. V, lila.ldctn, l1lua


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701 (9), . I

Personal Interest has been causing trouble in the neighbour­hood.

Mrs. Ida H. Bevan of Plllbhlt has recel ved word of the death of her older brother James D Harvey of Forest Home, Illinois on September 15th. Bis death was the result of a fall which occurred a few weeks before. Mr. llarvey was a noted linguist. having studied many foreign languages and having a working knowledge or at least fourteen.

We learn that Lhe .>Iadra.> District Summer School and Conference will be held November S-15. An Interesting programme has been prepared and the list of speakers Include the Rev. J. J. Kingham, Dr. W. L. King, Rev. B. M. Clay, Miss H. T Davis, Rev. W. G. Gray, Rev R. D. Immanuel and Miss J. Comstock.

Rev. C. Boatman informs us that It Is planned to hold a week of evangelistic services In the Hindustani sa.da.r church from November 16th to 23rd. Rev G L. Lorenzo and Dr. and Mr,;. J. N. West are to be present and help In the services. There are more than one thousand Chris· tians In the schools and community ac­cessible to the meetini:s and a. great work should be accomplished.

A letter from Ur. and :Vlrs. J. ~. West from Zurich, Switzeda.nd. states that they expect to arrive in Bombay about November 7th. They write that they have been keeping good health, and that in their tour from Nor way through central Europe to Swit1.erland they nave deiivered lifty addr~•ses and were touring Switzerland where they were scheduled to speak lifteen Limes They say tuat their itinerary is strenuous but delight.­ful.

The last Number of the .llelhodist Times ot London contains the following personal Item.

Air.on11 the newly appointed mission­aries who have sailed durinll the week are:-Rev. H. Vincent Shepherd, from the llome Worl< to Burma; Rev. A. S. Johnson, to the N egapatam District, In· dia; Sister lllarlon Doughty, to South Africa, for Johannesburg Central Ba.II; Miss M. E. Dixon, engaged to be married to Rev. J. S. Walsh, or the Bengal Dis­trict, India.; and M lss W. < ). A bra.m, engaged to be married to Rev. R. n. Spence, of the Bombay District, India. Also Mrs. Davies, who is returning to India., to rejoin her huslJand, Dr. Caleb Davies, ot the Bengal District sailed last week.

The Return ol Bishop Plsher "The silver In this bowl which we give

you, Bishop Fisher, represents the sterl­ing quality of our loyalty to you." In these words, Miss,\ va Hunt, Principal of the Calcutta Girl&' S~hool, expressed the sentiments of the Bengal mlssio•iaries for Bishop Fred l.l. l!"ishei-.

It had been a happy afternoon, and a glorious huruecoming. 'l'he gathering du~k eaot a pleasant tiate over Ille group on 11.e ''"'11 il.t :\'u .. l ~lid.Jlet<Hl :;treet. Friend> and feliuw \\Orl<er• had come from distant rural d1otrt~t>. te.i laules "ere spread in d1eery arra} auout the la\\n, Llunese lantern> l winlded bn~htly. and hearts glowed wtth warm enthusi­asm for the LJishop 's return

lt was an old·fa>hioned lo,·e feast that will not soon be for~otten. Some were there w110 rememLJere·I how ten brief months LJefore l.l1shuµ F1>her had turned hi> face toward Amene.1, "Ski( and ;uf. fer lug man. l'rnJ ers had been olJered every day for his health and his return. Aud here he \Vas eo1ue a.ga.Jn, strong and healthy, eager to share in the tasl<s a.ad opportunities ahead. And a. if the re­storation of his health were not enough, he had further gladdened the hearts of

everyone by brlnglug back the charming Miss Welthy Honsinger as his wife.

The expressions or love and welcome rang deep. Rev. Henry M. Swan spoke first for the friends and fellow-workers In Calcutta, earnestly welcoinlng Bishop Fisher to the resumption of work In "the greatest episcopal area. of Method· Ism." Rev. Herbert Archibald, speaking for the Mofussll missionaries with a.II the enthusiasm of·• a Seattle business man," descrioed the great work being carried on In outlying mining com ·nunities. M lss Eddy, representing the women mis· slonaries, brought a welcome tha.t was especially titting. Speaking directly to Mrs. l•'isher, she welcomed ner cordially to ~hare with the women in sol vlng the problems of India. An a.ppea.I of this l<lnd, directed to the new help-mate and counsellor of the O•shop, was doubly appropriate.

When Rev. M. G. Ballenger a.rose to bring a. welcome from the Lucknow Con· terence, a new note was struck. "l feel just now as If I were outside the family circle," Mr Ballenger began, "because Lucknow Conference 11as only recently come Into the Calcutta. area. But our anticipation In the leadersnip of Bishop Fisher is none the less genuine. The problems of Lucknow a.nd of Benga.I are one, and no a.mount of sub-di vldln~ can change that. Under unilied !eadershlp, we hope to accomplish great things In the yea.rs ahead."

Everyone was of like 1nind. All hearts poured forth their mutual love and respect. ·· The unity of our Mission family," Miss Hunt said in presenting the wedding gift, "'is like this silver rose­bowl. It may oe dented and strained with much use, but it can never be broken " Goodwill a.nd fel!ow,;hip pre­vailed. )Jrs. Fisher wa.s so impressed wit!1 the esp>"it de coips that she ma.de It the theme of her response to tho kind words of welcome. in captivating man­ner she told of the marvellous tt1ings Bishop Fisher tiad told her a.bout ludla and Indian mlsslona.rles betore she a.r· rived, things that she "just new couldn't be true because people dido 't grow that way!" But now that she had seen some of it, she had to admit that the l:!lshop was right. There never was a. country more all urlng than India, nor mission­aries finer than those in the Ualcu tta. area.. It would be a. delight to know them all and work with them lu a. cum­mon task.

At last Bishop Fisher himself arose to respond to these overwhelming expres­sions of loyalty. He seemed as if awak­ened fro;n a reverie. How dilfereut this optimism and these kind words or wel· come from tha.t unhappy departure ten months before! God had answered a.II their prayers. With health restored, and with an laestimable partner to 11elp him he was eager to enter into the work. Bengal Conference, Luclmow, and Cen­tral Provinces were now united into one area, and a great piece of unilied work ought to result. This was the Lime to co-ordinate the efforts of all three con· ferences by a. spirit of unity and co opera. t1on Wonderful days I •Y .ihead ior God and wen:

The sun had set, the te.1-cup> had been carrie<l away. and tile L0 l11ne.e 1anterns gleawt:J wore l.Jri~llllJ 111 the g&th~rtng LlJ.rl{llt~~ The l'llJ.ir11la.n, .lJr. lJ. U. ,\J .l.nle\. remari.ed t11at tile tiuie had cowe 'to clcse uie meetiag. A Jiist few \"Oices were heard in expre•sion of Juve and loJa.lty. The cloomg llJ mu wa• •Ung, and tl1e uenediclioll opOl,ell. C.,!uietlj Li:e friend; who had ~.nt1ered returned to their 110me>- Their f.l.ces shoue with a. new inoplration Hearts burned with uew vis1uns of service for India. And all this simply IJecause Ulen had J.hLUS· ed for a mot11ent in their labour. <ind rejoiced in the return of their IJeloved leader.


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((IO) '102

From the Field Rev. lllorrls A. Phillips.

The students of the India Methodist Theological College held a memorial ser­vice in the College Chapel, Thursrlay, October 16. 1924, in honour of the Rev. Morris A. Phillips, Pastor, teacher, fellow. student, Christian gentleman. who passed to his reward at l'. P .. Wedne"lay, Octo­ber tl. Hl24. After singing "The Heavenly Home,'' pra~ er was offered b) l•'aljan and Amanath Hiswasand Vklor Singh Short addre$;es were dell ved as follows: By F. J. A 11ker, in appreciation of Mr. Phillips' sen-ice as & l'astor iu Barellly, by Piyare Lal, in memory of ~Ir. Phillips as a. teacher: by A. D. Volrath. espn•ssing the benefit hll anrl other fellow stu,lents of the Lucknow Christian Collei.(e derived from him as a fel1ow-student; aud J P.J. lla.rodi spoke of him as a man. An ap· proprlate song was sung by a st.uden t quartette: and the service was ciosed by a hymn and the benediction. Student Camp

'Ihe hills of the Western Ghats, look· ing down upon the old Army Barracks at .b'.handala, and seldom seeing sign of life, must have looked with surprise on the morning of uct 11, tor what can give greater evidenceof animation than a group of college students1 It was the gathering of the Students Chris­tian Association in their annual camp. There weresome45 in at.tendanoe, in~lud­ing two missionaries a.nd speal,ers, representing i colleges of the Bombay Presidency fromAhmedabad toRholipur. The fellowship with Christ, in his life, in his worl<, In his suffering. In his glory and In his joy, was the. theme of the Bible Study and the morning and evening devotional hours Jlrted us all into closer fellowship with the Master and left us more keenly sensing the greatness and power of his personality. The Rev. Maltby, British Wesleyan educationalist, who is touring in India under the auspices of the Students Chris­tian Association, Rev. Wilkie Brown of J alna and Mr. Bryant, Gen. Sec. of Y. M. c. A., Bombay, gave these helpful messages.

Two thoughts have dominated my thinking as I have had this opportunity of Intimate contact with 4;, Christian college students and the Christian work .. rs interested in them. Both of these have their roots in the present but their fruits in the future. Does it not presaMe something for Christianity in India. and growing Christian Church, to have these representati 1•e young men and future leaders, from various languai:re areas and from various Missions, coiniui,: together ani.ually for fellowship'! Again and again during the four days of the camp in the moments or higher thinking and ~tearer vision were heard the wortls, •'That they all may be one." Dare I suggest that however many n1ay be the neetls of )!iS'ion wo1!< In India none is more imperative than thll deepening of our spirit of onene». llow, 0<11erwise can "e appr1Mch the fu,, mei»ure of the stature of ma.nhoorl ill Chri-t 1 llow otherni>e ca11 we wake the impression "e seei< to m.i.l<e on the mind.,, India I Herewith occurs the other thm .. ,;nt. The Co!ieges of India a.re lil1~J "ii' 'stud­ent bodv. that shall soon uethe.o.idersof India.socially, political!~. and reti~iously. Our elforls among college stud~uts have neither been abundant or fruitful in large mea>ure. IIow are we to approach anrl inlluence this large body of thinking Indian youths! It is not concei\·able that this may more ellecti vely be done through the small group of Christian students in our colleges than in any other way I This responsibility on the Christian students is a large one and most ot them reel unequal to the task but it opens a doorway of opportunity. the results of which are lmmeasureable.

How can I, as a missionary, help these young men and women who have gone from our high schools Into the colleges; how can I help them to show Christ by their lives and to be actively engaged In making Christ known to the non·Chris­tlan students.

Perchance the hllls of the Western Ghats were looking clown during those da)'s on a group of young men who shall br!ng their li\•es to these great tasks; to brrng ab:mt a deeper spirit of unity among the Christian forces in India, and to enrngelize the colleges.

L. G . TE:l!PLIN.

The l elugu Summer School for Lyrical Evangelism

Under the auspices oi the Aodhrs Christian Council

The s!sth se~sion of this school was held at Donakonda, May 1st to June Jl, 1024. Previotts sessions have been held, three in Ongole HJJn.HJ21, iu Guntur 1922, In Donakonda 1923. Each session has occurred in May and .lune One bun· dred thirty-nine students have attended the school of whom eight h<i\'0 attended for the full three years C'ourse.

The session of 192! had the most hin­drances to overcome. yet was the largest In numbers. and most successful In result.s attained, of all the sessions. A< com­pared with thirty-two last year, the en­rollment was fifty. of whom all but a very few were able to attend practically the entire time. There were forty-four men and sis women or girls. These wo­men and girls were from four Mission stations. Classified by denominations. there were among the students :-Amer!~ can Methodist one, Lutherans three, S. I. United Church four, Wesleyans eleven, Anglicans twelve, Baptists nine­teen. Eight J\lissions were represented as against six last year.

As to their occupntions, among those enrolled. studenJ.s nnmhererl twentv·tive, just half the enrollment. These were of all grades up to a. college girl in her sen­ior B.A. year. our most enthusiastic stu­dent. Among them were elementary school students, high school students, normal school students and seminary ~tudents. Eleven evangelists were en­rolled. 'reachers, of all grades up to VJ l<'orm trained, suppliecl seven. There were two teachers In Theological semin­aries. two pastors and two Bible·women. The general education of the majority was about I I I Form. Send in~ younber students means most for the future If t.hey are carefully selected. But sending uiatnre men. who are outstanding nat.u­ral singers. for tra!ninr: in this .chool, will in a fair proportion of cases give Immediate regults. F.,·ery etfort was made to Inculcate the " pai;s It on" spl ri "· and reports recei 1'0d sin<'e the school closed i show that some aL once tried to teach what the~· had learned.

The c!iief dillJ~ulty met with this year wa, in Lile matter or teachers ;\Ir. M. Da1ld \aught tiis us11<1l 1,vo courses of Tel ngu pro•ouy anrl com position th rough­ou L. to t•nt1n1siaotk ,•lasse~. ;\Ir. Y . .John Eli·'1a Jir! Iii< fnd \\Or~ in a1hanred thE:vf}, Sllli!lllg 1 i{·i ·lh~',t 1 i "· a.1111 liar· mo11i111u. Ut:$irles c··\rrrtng .ii: .. ,,rt!) of extr.• Lurdens <111d Ji\ ini;: extra instruc­tion to a number a1• the 1 Jiue The writer tau~ht congregational >,inging thr ... 1ghout And llr. R. lle,adas. pupil tea«uer of drumming, tau(.!l'tt 1lrumm1ng the entire time. But no otnei inotructor worked from the beginning to the end of the school One or two classeo had as many as three teacher• during the sis weeks. This confusion was largely due to the fact that just a wee!< before the opening date a teacher sent his refusal to come. A violin teacher came for three weeks. as he a.greed to, then we dratted a student: but Illness In his family pre­vented him finishing his class. Another pupil-leader of £c1/llkshrpam and singing

Page 83: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


Mrs. Fred B. Fisher

A l.ABI.EGRA~I from India re<·ciwil on Fritlav of last '''C'('k announces thC'

clcnth fro.n1 influenza of Edith J .. t.•n1q1; J;-ishrr. '"ifc of l~ishop Fr<'cl 13. 1:io;hc>r, t~lt llar.irc.'I i ng on .Ju nc 9. Bishop a ncl )I rs. J•h.hrr have hC'cn li\'ing since April in 1hi~ hC'auliful inountain TC''\Ort nt th<.• foot or thf.• lli1n:1laya:-.. In hc>r last l<.'ll<'l' to hC'r pnrC'nls )lrs. Fishrr said she h.HI h:ul :an allat.•k of influC"nza hut h:ul ('11-

lirt.•ly rrrovc•rc.•:1 fro1n the illnC'sS rxrc·pt for a ~li~ht t.'Ou~h. E,·idrntly .1ftC'r the l<.·llc•r '''a!-. 1nai1C'cl a srrious rC'lapsc.• rn­~ut.•d \vhh·h final)~· l'C':->ultrd in ht.•r dt.•.1th.

:\lr.s. l•'islH•r '''as thr dau,i:thlt.•r of .\n­dr<.'\\' and J~liz:ihrth ,J:H'l\son nncl ''"'!t n 11:1ti\t.' of )lu1H.'iC', Incl.. th<.' bishop's forllll'l' honH.' Sh<.' ,,·ns horn on )l:t~ 12. 1880. and \\"as a ~r:uluall' of lhC' )lnnciC' lli~h Sc·hoo} and lh<" ""''" I~ngla1Hl l.011s<'r,·:-itory of :\lu~il'. Shr ''"'~ 1n:irrird 011 Fc.:h • .t. 1903. :t1HI a ='"C'ar lat<"r ~hr an1l her hus­hand snil<•d for the 1nh.sion fielcl. For thrl'(> vC'ars ~h<• tnught in the \\'01n:u1'5 Forl·ig;1 )lissionary So<·ic...·t,y Sl0 hool al .\!-fra, India. \\'hc..•r<' hC'r hu:-;hand \V:\s sta­lioth'1I. .·\t th<' l'IHI of !hat tiinl' ht·r hC"allh n1ad<• rC"lurn to this l'OUlllry itn­J>C'l'a ti\'<.'.

:\la·s. Fi~ht•r A::1'C' hC'r titnc to tnany hinds of t•hurch ,,·ork. tC'a<·hin~ in the:.•

TIIE !..\Tl: )!BS. FllJ:D Jl. rI~IIEI1

S1111d.1y "'l'htJol. pro1n1)!in~ \'01rio11" <'nit•r­)>ri:-.t·~ vf ]1H-:il <·hurt·h<•s in tht• 'il'1nit.' of h<•r honH•, atul frl'l'l~· rtlntr1h11tin~ lll'I high 1n11..,h·.1l f;1lt.•nl to llH· \\'nJk of Chri...,(. J>111i11~ l!lli-'IS :-ht• \\,1:-. -..111ll·1intt·ndl·11I ,,r :-01111~ p\·nph.··.., \\'Ori\ in lhl• '.\t•\\' En;..:,­}.111cl Bi alll'h nl' fht• \\'0111.111•.., Fnt"t•i;.!11 \Ji"· -..io11.1r~ S1H'il·I.'. l'l'l'\ ioll" lo lhl'll' I l't'Cllt

ch•p,11llll'l' for l11d1a • ..,he• .... 111clh·d h11-..i11t•-.-.. ,uln11111 ... t1.1l1nn 111ur1hr111 ht· of l,1l~ll' .1•­-.P.l,111t \ ( .. I·\ I' h11-.h.111d

J1i11111-. .. 1th. 1.111111\ 111 .. J .. • \!1, ,.,.\ ..

pf \lh I'\ dlt .,j 11'\TI' d.1Jl.J1l,J I \Ji• \l ,J \j,-. .,J_ .. ,q,, \\h•1 I ,i\, Jp,,j j .. 1 I 111111

J, ·!', .t .... l•.\) .• 1 .... '\1lJ11

1 ....... 1 \j,, .. , i;, .. )i •. p 11 .. lhl" .. !,J.l'i.

Ji, ..... J; .. 111 "' \11-.. 1:, ... 1h ...... p.11. 1.i ... h l\l J••"'•·d tlllll 11 . ..:hlulh li11lhd1' '""

Jo1•1llhl" d•.J 1\\o "l"hl" . .I"" "'11\I\, )hl

J J .. \\lu 11 111 11:1• I' II• .,j IJH Jl11 11 •1

\\di Ji, l•·llll•! ,J 111111' lh.d lt\1•.tl· Jin

• J •11 1 I . , j' 1 ·,,I 111• I . t ' ' I• • .... • • ll 'I' I• : • I .

,•IJ. ,.J t!1i~ 11• !i)1 \\•·Ill ill ·'' ,J!, 1 Ill• < ,J \1Jl1lll Ji,I' J.1"tl1l.i1JJJ,..! Jl)l .... ..,H>ll.11,\ l.1..,J, )ll

. .Jui 1••-j·11.d1"11 \\llli h1r ht1'liH1.J. It ,,. 1 , 1.l i;.111d .• 1••"rd111...: '" llh l 1lol1;.:1.11n 1'111 1·1 11.hl 1111 111"· .. 1 \J1 .. Fi·li· ,·,

I " ( I l

i.,,,, ,,_. I ·--J I 7 I I 941

I J11.,/1d for the• la~l tinH' in tlH• c·hnp<'I of :\Irr<'Y llo:-.pJtnl on ~nndu~· nftrrnoon .. J:1n11nr~· IH. ~itting in n \\'h<'rl-rhnir h<' ~nn~ ns n ~olo, 'ft i~ .f<':o-us,' \\'ith ,,·01uh•rful C'IT<'rt. 'J'o rlo~c tlu• s<'r\'iC"c• the• \\"l'it<'r bang \\"ith hitn, ·1:c•a11ti­ful Islr.' :"\o long-(•r to hiln is thnt l:ind a y:1g11c• ·so111C'\\'IH•r<'' ~ Ju• hn~ dis<·ort•r<•d and l:111dt•cl upon its shorc•s."

Mrs. F. B. Fisher --........ The• Indian \rittu.·~s of l111('f\HO\\", .11:~~ .. ?.~..:\

jn~t nt' hnud. gi\'C'S n fl'\\" d<"t.nils c·onC'rrning l the illnc•s!oi nncl ch•uth of Rishnp J·'isht.•r':; dc-\'otrd \\"ifc•. 'J'ht> c•ditor ~:I\:..:

"'I'hC' 11f'\\·s of :\I 1·~. I·,. it l•"'i~h<'r's ~C'\'<"l'C ~ illnt·~s at I>nrj(•c•Jing, folln\\'l•<l by the t<.'IC'grnrn l nnn<Htn<'inA" hl'l' clc•ath, \\"US n painful :-.urprisc tn all \\'ho k111•\\" h('r in Jndin, nnd tnust 1Jn,·e ~ >lnrlk'<l the limn<• Chur~h where •he hnd be- i ('OJlll' so \\'iclC'IJ kno\\'11. ;

"l>11ri11J;" 1n~t 1nonth, ~hr \\·ns the g-ra<"ious 1; ho~f('ss nt Dnrjl'<'lit1A: of thrC'P itnpo1·tant (~on-: fl'l'<'t1rc~. to Uc reported in our coh11nn~. and~ 1111111 prnstrnfc•d b,\· th<' ~<'riou~ ntt:l<"k of in- 1

fh11•11zn \Vhil·h 1u·o,·c•cl f:tf:tl. ~inc·<' h<•r r<·turn i lo Irulia \\ith h1•1· hu:--hnncl lost nuturnn. f'hc f hull t-hnr<'cl \\'ith hiln in the llC\\" <'XllcriC'nC'C'~ ~ and l'<"SJlOnsibilifil':.. of 111~ high ofih·C' an<l ~ :--ho\\"t•cl b) hc•r dt·c•p intl•rC':-t in the pl'obll'UIS ~ n11d th<• Jl<'Oph•, ln·r JHll'JlO~<"ful de\·otion and i 111h•l-iio11ar.' ~pi1·it :--lll'h d«'\·otion nn<I int"l"C'St ' n:-; :--.lu• h:ttl 1n:111if1•:--tc•cJ ~ntuc• :-.f'\'c•nlc"'c•n .'<':ll'S :1go, \\ hc·n, \\ ith h<'r hu.sbnnll, :-<hl• lir:-ot ra1ne to Jndin. nnd \\'otlld hn''" l'<'tnninf'cl. but for th<' ilhu•:-.i-- \\ hic•h l"OlllJH'llc•cl lu•r to l'C'tnrn to .\nu•ric·n. llc•r ticll•lit.\' to hcr h11~h:t11d \\'as 0111.' c.•~e<"<'dl·d by hcr lo\'<" fot• l'hri:--t, \\hcn11 bolh of thl'lll :->o \\'illingly ~rl'\'C'd.

··.\ftc•r n .sc•\"<'I'<' illnr:-.s nf t\\·1·h(• da,\:-o' clu· r:ilic111, J;clith .Jnrk:-:011 l•"h~.J1er, \\ifP of I~h·h11p F1~hc•r, pn!oo;:--t•cl R\\'U.'' JH'U<"l'ft1ll,\· c>urly 1)Jl ~Un· da.' 11u11·11i11A" •• l1111t• ;-,, :1t })urjc•c•ling. .\s (:1•Jl('J':il :'11prri11f('1Jth•11t or the l{t·n~al n111l 1~11r111a .\l"l'i.I, tht• <'Jli~<'opnl l'<'l'iiclC'nct• hnd IJ<•c•11 li\l'd fnr thl' :-u111111t•r in Darje<•ling. \\'ht·rc Ida \'ilia ht'l':lllH' n l'<'lll<'l' of gr:tt·inu~ hos­pitnlil,\. l>uring th<• n1onth of :\lay \\'U:-: IH~ld th<' c·11i:--<·opnl 111('c•ting 111 \\'hiC'h !~ho.hops I•,, \\'. \\'nrlll' of J.1u<'l\no\\·, .J. \\', itobiuson of l~v111-

hny, nnd II. IA"~ft•r :-:.niith of l~angal<u·<' 1•ol-1:1boratt•1I \\'ith l{i:-:hop l•'i~hPr in pl:1nni11;.: the \\ol'k of the ensuing 11uadr<"t1nin1n. I•'ollo\\ inA" in1111C'clinl<'l,\· <'UlllC' a nu•f'ting of th<" loc•al ch:-.· trit·t· ~up1•ri11t<•nch•nts. uncl Juh•r a rc•trc•at for n group of I11dinn k•n<lc..•r:--. .\.:-; n g:r:u·ious ho111t~·n1nk<'r. :\Ir~. l·~h•h<"r 1nndC' <"n<"h nlikr, holh E11ropl•an nntl lnclian, hl'l' fri4•111I an1l cl<•htor.

"It \\U:o,; during thi~ )a:-t l~onfC'l'('llc'P that ~hf' t1Jok ~udd<'t1l~ ill \\'ith th<' 1nali~1n111t t.' pr• nf inlht<"nzn, \\'hic·h h:1.s bf'<'ll r:1\·agi11g tlH! Ii1\\'f'I' c•ln:-:sc·s of the llill Jll'opl<" nrul \\"hit'h has earried n" n~· O\"l'l' n doz.C'n of thC' I·:uropt.'ans in the f.\ntitltt. '"1'111• bod,\ \\'H:-. c·on\'t',\t'd to ('alruttn nn<l int<'rrc•cl in th<' ].O\\('r ('ir<'tilnr J{oa<l l'c·nt~ll'l'). 011 'l'hur!oo;du~ .• \ :-(lC'l'ial M'l'\'i1'<' \\'U:.. hcld :it th<' 'J'hohurn )l<"thocli..,t J:pi-..t•op:tl ('hUI'\ h, a:-.~i..,tc•1} h) fli:-huJ1" \\':11 Jll•

:11111 J{ohinsnn. aucl the• l{t•\' <:Pnl'J:;l' ~. llt•11-1l••P•n11, :-\U{lf'l'ill(('IJ(h•nt Of lht• ('a)C'U(t:t J•;IJ_t:• Ji..,h cli~l rirt. nntl pn:-.lnr of 'I'hohurn < 'hurc·h. nncl h.'' th1• I{<'\'. I' Tl \I:inh•,\', ~11pc•rint1•111lc•11I of 1h1• C'al1·11tta \"1•1·na111h1r cl1strit·t. 'rhl' }{p\,

:\. . \. I >rirl' of J tang:onn l'l'JU't'~f'nt c•d t hf' Bur11u1 .\l'P:t :11111 lht• ]{c•\' :\1. I\:. t'huc•IH'l'­hulli :111cl lhc• l{c•\'. ~:1111111·1 J)utl l'C':-JH'1·ti\t•I~ th1• l~c•n:.:-nli :11111 Ili111l11~t:111i 1111•111h1•r .. hi11. \l1•111h1•r-.. of 'l'h11h111'11 <'l11u·1 h of th" t'alt·11t1.1 ~J1-.-.j,,ll;ll~ 1'11111'1•1,.111•'. :111il ,,f 1h1• ]n1:1l In· •li.111 • li111• ii• ..... :1-. \\1 II ,1 .... 1 la1::•· 111nnl., 1 .. i 1111• 11111111" I .. 11f th• J~<'IJ:..':iJ l'111if•'l• !11··· :111.f

,.1111 I f11111.J .. _IPlll•'.J Ill Iii•• '•'I\ It I'

.\1 1h·· Ci1·11••1al l'•<1·f•1•·1tc"' ,,f ]~1:.;11 h··r J,q.J.,111.J va ... 1·!1·111·.J In 1111• •'J•I"•"''·''·'· and :i• ... 1:.:11•·d 111 C':ilculla '1'111'.' :11JJ\1•1) 111 l11d1a ,.11 ;\11\1•111b1·1· :_!;"1, 1!1~11, "II lh.11 )JI' .... J'i..,IH·I· .. J•l'I'"'' 111 .. 1;1.' 111 l11•lia ha .. hut .. Ji;d11l~ 1•l.­

c1·1·ol1·il ... ,, 1111111111.... }h1r1n;.: 1111-. tw1i • .,J .,]11•

,I• 1Hll1)':111i1·d h1•1 Ji11 .. J..t111} nlJ lu,111.\ ,,j 111..,

1u1Jl" a111l th11 ... f.11a1111• \\1•11·1,110\\11 1n 1hf' .\l1lli111l1-.1 c·1111-.1i1111111\ i11 Iii•• :111:1, l.,Jll,!;

"11"' 1:111.' int• n·"l"d i11 1h·· • 1111,J lif,. i11 lh•• .... i. .... J .. ancl 1h1• p111IJlr111 ... cof ln•li.1' ... l"'"r. flu• f1a;.:r:1111·p 11f h• r 111••111111'\ \\Ill 1111;!1·1' in

1 h1• h1·~111 ... 111' all \\ho J,111·\\ 111·1', n1.111\ 111' \\ h11111 h11p1• ""II••' il:1\ In :-1·•· a 111•r111.1111·11I 1111•1111111al to1 Ji,.r 11a1111• :1111011:: 1 Iii• p1•oplc•. and in th•· land 111 "ht• h .,ht• l:11d <lo\\ u lt••r hf(•."'



Page 84: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

ston, Wednesday, June 15, 1921

the n1nrdcr snni:cs "'hich profess to be doing its "ork nr<.' just nhout ns distinct fro1n <'rich otht'r ns the British Govcr1unl"nt and the oth<"r n1ur­dcr gangs "'hich profess to be doing its \\'Ork; that the nlost striking point in Ireland's rela­tion to the great '''Ol' \\'OS not the insane <'f­fort of a fC\\' \vild ('Xtr<'1nists to help the Ger-1nnns, but the i:;reat nu1nbl'r and excellent qual­ity of Jrish soldiers \vho nhoundcd not only in Irish, Australian, nnd Cnnndian, but nlso in En~li!'h nnd t•vcn S('ottish rcghncnts; nnd thut nn even 1norc r('1nnrknhlc degree of participa­tion by Jri~luncn In the ovcrthro"' of Gcr-1nnny \\:ts only prc\'<'lll<'d by thC' folly of n f<'"' :u1ti-lrish politicians at the \Ynr Office nnd clsc"'ht>r<', "'ho C'hokC'd off thr grC't1t recruiting n1o"C'lllC'nt start('d by John H.C'dtnond.

Ily ignoring suC'h fncts '\'hilc he stresst's othC'rs, Adn1irnl Shns, no doubt "''ith the hC'st intC'nlions, nssirnilntC'd hhnself to nn intC'lll­JH•ratc kind of English J>nrty u1nn. It is a pity, ht>('nusc he is prrsonnlly '\'Orthy to cut a nu1C"h hcll<'r figure th1u1 that und beeause it is pninful to find nny fnult nt nil \\'Hh n Sl'<'at of­fiC"('l" in the na,·y of n frit'nd.

It is sch.lon1 indC't'd that nn~· offir<'r in that most odntirnble An1crit'an sCl'\'h.·c cnn be nc­cu~cd of saying n \\'Ord too 1nuch or too Jillie ('"t'll in th(.• \\·ay of fri<.•ndlincss that outruns kno\\·Jcdgc or disC'rclion.

Irrespective of the merits of the question discuss<.>d by Adn1iral Silns, it is to be re­gretted than one in such high official po­::tition should 11nvc expressed strong opin­ions on a question about '\vhich he con­fessed he linC'\'\' nothing.

Physicians Condemn Liquor Abuses

ONE of the storm centers of debate

during the recent n1ceting of the An1ericnn l\Ictlicnl Associntion in Boston '\\'US the liquor question. The nssocintion unnnin1ously ndopt('d n strong resolution conden1ning pl1ysicinns ,,•ho have been prescribing liquor indiscrin1inatcly. \\fhile the discussion on the subject of alcohol us a food '\\'as under '\vay Dr. A. T. 1\1<.'Cornlnl•k of Louis\·ill<.", l\y., exclai1nc-d: "\\.hile '\\'C sit l1ere silently '\Yotitin~ for a sciC'ntific investigation, Ro1nc is on fire. \\·c should co11den1n those of our 111(.'lll­hcrs, a s1nnll 1ninority, '\\'ho arc ruining our l'(.'}>Ulations and n1aking us the laugl1ing.sto<.'k of the nntion." 1'hc res­olution t'O\'ering this hroa<lt•r question as to the 1ncdicinal \'aluc of ale.oho}, h:i-· '\\'hich the assC'tnhly \\':tS to ~o on l'(.'C'Ord J'(.'ill'l'nlinH: :ind reaffir111in.1-t its .itul~nt(.•nt of JUl'i that alcohol as a h<.'\l'l'fl~C i~ d(.•l­rillt(.'lllal to lnnnan C'(.'0110111:i-· and its use a~ a food or in thC'ra))C'Uli<·" as n tonic :u1d .... 111nul~1nl has no Sl'h~utifil• bn:-.i!'>, \\,1 .... fi11,1ll.' dcfl·l'r1.:tl for ill\l''li;.:.1li1)Jl :-ind ·"ti. a lh \I ;. l·.1r. The> l'l ....... ]11t1•\ll uf thr C11n111il on llt'.ilth ;1nil l'uhlit' Jn .... tructiun 1~l.it111~ 1., the .dHl"l" .. f liqu••l' 1.1\\~ }1:"

1111<..tll!pld .. 11 ... J·h\-.hlolJI' 'l.dl ... th.it ].1-

l.lll ... l' "11p111.n·h h.1.., l11tll h11111~ht llJl"ll

th\· 11u•d1l':d JHoft\'lnll IJ,\ '111111· nf if, Jflllllliel''\\hn li,1\t• llli'll'1d till' 1.1\\ \\hh·h 1•1·r1111t..., tlh· J1l'l'"t•nh111~ 11f ,i)1,·11h11I, the• ,\llhlll,111 '.\)1d1l".d \"'llt'l,i(ioll J111\\ t\·

)JI\ ........ \ .... it .... t11 .... appr11\.1l .. r thl· .11·1·tplant'1' h:" a "'ln.111 n1i111111l,\ of lh1• 111·ufl..,..,11111 of thl' p11,il11111 of ht·iu;..: lilt· Jll11\t,\tJ1'' 11f .1!­t•11h11l1c hl·\cr:i~1· ... :· \\\· rc:..:rt t that lht• :1"­..,,,ci.'1f1on ditl not 5<'.' tl' \\'ii:'" l'h·al' to 1n.1l\1.• anothC'r dt•linitc prnnouneC'nH'llt un th1..· j'unJanl(.'JJlal qul·...,finn of th(.• foutl :11ul ntl·tlieinal \:tine of ;ilt•nhoL Surt·I:- ~t·h·ntl:'


A Patriotic Service ~hnps.-111 C'hurC'h. :\Iinn(':Jpoli~. h<'ltl n 11niq11f'

fiundny f'\'f'llinj.:' :-.1•r\·i<·r on .Jul,\' ;;, iu <"<'lrhrn· tion nf • .\1111•ric·nn in1h•tH'IHlt>11C"<'. (:o\'l'r11or .1. ,A. (), Prr11 s of :\Ii11nf'1'otn ap1u•a1· .. 11 in th<' pulpit \\"ifh th<' Jl:l~tnr, th1• l!t•\', llo,\' I., ~n1irh. nniJ sp11k1• 011 !ht• llH':tllilli? of .\IJH'l'11':111 (io\'C'rn111C'11t. 'l'hr pa:-.tur f11ll11\\'t•1I "ith an ad<lr('s:s on (~ood ('ltizC'nship: thl• l·'ounclation of (~nod c;o\'C'l'nmf'nt. 1'h" l·'irt>1n"n's Tintul of l\IinnC'apoli~. one- uf tht• ht•st lllll!>·dc-nl or:;:a11iz:t· tions in thr North\\'('~t. \\'fiS prf's<'ut nncl g"ll\'(.'

a ~acrcd concc-rt. :\Ii1111t>npolis Juts 1·c·et'ntly elrctrd n Jll'\V :nn,,·or and t•it:.· <·01111til. 'J'lu.• nl<lrrn1C'n occ11piC'1l n r1•st•l'\"C'il sC'c.:tinn 11f ~<'atr-:. 'l'hr nncliC'llC(', in r-:pitr of th" C'~tr<'lll<'I\' hot \\'C'ath('r, <"l'Cl\\"clf'cl th<' t·hur<·h to C'npn('it,\': 'l'h<' g-<'n<'rnl C'fff'et of tht> ~t·r,·ic•f' on tht' C'it,\' \\'fiS

'\'C'l'J' fine iudeC'cl. 'l'hc go\'C'rnnr i:-- tht• son of n J.uthc>rnn mini~t<'r nn<l hn~ thr<'f' hrofhf'rS; iu th(' ntinistr:.· of thnt c1rnn111i11rition.

Methodist Colleges Send Recruits into the Ministry

188 Candidates Reported by 29 Colleges

. ("1)n~ic1<'rnhlf' puhlic·it:.· \\:ls ,g-h·rn in .Jun<' in tth(' puhlic Jlt'<'!oi!" to tht• f:l<'t thnt of JlJ'i1u·c•t1111'~ J~Of\ :::rnclnatC'~ thi:-; )<':tr, only (·i;.:ht nrr f'llff'r­jin::: thf' 111inistr~'. :11ul th:it .\111h1•1·st is ,::r:11l11-\flti11;: hllf (1J)(> Jll'11'Jll'('ti\·f> (•Jt•IJ!,\ Jll:lll. ! :\ <111r.!';tionnnir1• on thi~ ~11h.h·t"t. ~11h11ii1l«'1l :fn lhC' forf)'·thrc•p f'Ollf';.:1•..: :11111 1111h·1·r~1ti1·~ of

~t hf' :\ll't ho11i:-.t }·;pi ... c•opn I ('h11 J'f•h- not ii1<·l11d­dn;.: it:-: f<'ll thC'ologirnl 'C'ntinaric·~-:-hn\\":O: thnt th<' young 111<'11 of our (l1•1111111i11:il ion:il in:;oti· tution~ :11·(• nnt IH'j!](•<·lin:? thf' r:ill to p1·1•:1c·h

'l'h<• nt1111IH·r. ho\\0 f'\.C'I', i:-o 111111·h s111:tll1•r th:111 f .llt' ( 'h U I'(' h l'l'fJ 11 j J'('S,

'J\r1•JJf\'•llint• 11f !hf' fc1rt\··thr1•c• ("11llt\;:1• ... h:l\'t~ l'Pflli1•1L . 'l'hf')' ha\'l' gr:1;l11:1f(•lf :1hn11t :!.000 };t11d<'1Jts thi~ ~lllllllH'l'. ()f th1•s1• it 11111sf hi• l'l'f'lllC'lllht·1·1•d that ,··losr to ;'"10 pt'I' ('t•nt-or 1.000 Lari• yo1111;.:' \\nflJl'll, ~u \\)11•11 th1• :--t:1thdi1·:-­:-.h11\\' 1h:11 11f 1.ru1n .'1n111;: 1111•11 ;.{r:11l11nt111;;:, 1:-..x pl:t)I tu <'11t1•r th1• 111i11h.tr,\·, thC' ~h11\\ ing i:-: a fair nnc•

I•'ifl,\'·"'ix n1h1•r ;:r:1cl11:1tr..: h11th lllPJI .11111

\\'Olllf'll, plnn tu 1•11tt•r ofh1>r fiPlds 1 f ('hristi:tn :H th·it,\', il11·l11clin~ thr forl'i~ll nJi,~i1111 fif'ld. 'J'hi~ \\"n1Jl1l i11<1ic·at1• :1 tol:tl of nh1111t f'i;:htc•(•IJ prr ''<'Jlt of th<' J.OllllJ! 1111•11 ;.:-r:11l11at1•s :is t'l':td\ for thf' ('hri:--t11111 niinh.tl',\, or ah1111t f\\'t'h·r p<'



('t•Jlt of all i.•Ta<lnittf's of h11th sl'Xt's f'llA"aJ?ing in ~111111• for1n of a<'ti\'P ('hrisli:tll sc•r\'i('1•,

\\"('~}f')':JJJ l'ni\'Pl'!-.-it.\', of :\Ii1lcll(•fn\\·11, ("n11n ..

is this yP:lr ~f'l111ling 1•i;:hff•1•n g:rn<luaff'i.: into tl11• ).lf'thotlist ]•;pi:-;<•opal 111ini~tl',\", nnil t\\'o i11!11 fnr1•ign 1ni..,si1111 !<l'J'\"i('f',

~111llh\\'t'!'<t1•r11 ('nllf'J?<', \\.infirhl. 1-\:tn:--, l!J':Hh1:1t1•1l, lllf'll :11111 \\'OJ1)1•1J. sixt,\'·OJJt\ !=:f111ll'llt!-:.. Y.:ieht 111<'11 :tr<' 1•11t1·ri11,i:: th<' nlinistry. t\\"o thr f1)rt>1~11 1nissio11 lil•ld, and t\\'o :lr1• to (.'11g:ng1.• in ntl11•1 reli~i1111s \\'Ori\.

()f :'\'1111h\\l''<t1·l'11 1'11i\i>l'sit\''s s<'nior <•htss ,,f :!00 in th1• ('11ll"J!'' 11f l.ih~ral .\rt~ (nnc· h:ilf uf \\horn :ll'f' ,\'c11111g: \\"tllllt'll), ft'll :tl'C' ('11· t1•ri11;: thP 1111111!-ill'.', '<i\. art~ J!niui.:: into tni-~­f-"ioun I',\' \\''•l'k 011 ts id(• t hf' 111 inii::t r:.·, :t Jlfl t 1•11 <·t hPl"s ;1 rc· pla 1111 ing: for s111111.• f orrn of s:.nC'i:t l :-c•I'\ ii·l' \\'t1J'k.

·rh1·n, 011·1· f1.1t.' 11u·11 in 1h1· ('.,r111·ll ('nlh';.:<', l••\\'a, f!l':liluatin:;: c·lasi.: of Pi;.:ht\··nh11• ~r\'1•11 ,,f thf'sf' nu•n \\'ill t•11t1•r thr


1ni11i!<fl'\': si\. ;::rad11:tl4'"' goo into 111i..,.·i1111:tl',\ \\'nl'li, fo;ll' ii1to

~I I( i:i} i-:t•) \ if'I'. 0 1'\\t'llt\ 11i111• 111•'11 :!l:t•!i•:1(1•1J i11 .111111• f1·11111

ltd .. ·r l'ni\1•r .. 1f.\, lt.il1h\ill ('11,, 1':111.. l·'1111r

1J•hl lh•· l1ii11· .. :l\ ••ll•' 1\i,• 1'11 .... l"ll)l\ llrl1l,

l• ,J ..... , I''

) l,1· 111, .... ,,,'l1·1 , .... ,.,, !J .. f 1!11 {\\<'hi' i•>li' ,1.; 1·• 1> :.:• !.f' 1·1>.." ti.•\• 11' i1 1 \\ .... 1 \'1•

111.1 \\,.l,•,11. ('.l',_.,·. 1J1 .... ,j llqJf; I.II"

'lhl' 11 .. 1Ji11 1111·1111111 .. 1.f lh1• cJ.1 .... \\ill 1•11tc·r 1'• 11:..Jnll'" ,,.,,], 11111 .. ji)p lht• Jl:l .. tnt.11<•

'1'111 ,111· 1•Jll••l1r1l f•·I tlic• 111i111 .. IJ\ ,11,.J f .. nn:11 1111 .... j •• n .. 1•1\111• i111h1·11:1 ...... ,,f t\\••IJI\· f··lll JI,•! :.:1.1.J11.11.,,j f1••111 l 01 JJlJ'.tl \\'p .. ]1•\.lll '"·11··:1·. \\"a11•1i11111. :"\I••.

l'1~iil11ll 111111 Ill lht• l"·1•.J111·,l1H•J1ol) 'IJli111'

cJ.1 .... ·f 1111 .11 ]1, 1':111\\ l"111\11'i1'. 1:i1•1JJ

1·1..,111• l11d .• 11·1 l"J1r1.JJ.,.J :1 .. c·.111111dat1· .. f111 tiiP 'l1 lh111Ji .. 1 l'p1 .. 1· .. 1·:1l p:1..,1nra1''

J l;i),,.J.I \\" P.., Ji•\ :I fl l "11i\ 1•)' .. ii\' h;J.., Pi:.dJI

• 1.·h1111·.., 1·11fl'l'lll:! th<' p.1 .. tn1·;it" and 111i-.-.i1111· ,.1 \ .. 11.J .. ; J!11 .. l<1JI l"1Ji\t'l''il.\-1J11t i11C"J11.Jin~

Page 85: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

-· I~


('onf<'r<'uccs for the ConfC'ren<'<' ~·('nr bC'ginning \\ · h tho •pring of 1022. Aftor these dates

C"ti\'ely thC' c>xnn1ina!ionK tnu:-;.t be on the ursc. Tht- C'Xnn1inations "·hich "·ill be

hold ot te next Confcrcn<"e will be based on the old c rse.

'l'hc Coni i:;:f'ion hnR sc>IC'ClC'<l Dr. .:\llnn i\JnclloR~i(' of ~C'\\' 1"ork Conferen<"c to supcr· \'isc this ,·n~tl~· hnportnnt cdu<'ntionnl "·ork. Thl" Rh•hops in th · r ~C'~~iou nt Portland, OrC'., on i\Iny ~7. took t l' follo\\·ing action re>gnrd·

: ing this nppointn1t~11t. "ThP DlshnJ1!' :trP )lh•:li<(•

nf till' RP\', Allnn ).l:1r1Cussi4•, rt't'lur ur thP CnmlUl!<Slon 011 u• Cun(t•r('nl'P Cnurtol'S

• O( 8l11cl)", llllfl the.>; l'Ollltll<."Ud }J ll IUOl!it c•ordlnJly tu \hr l\uar1ls uf Jo::1.:11nhwr,., to ti mlnli.tt•rs in our 1111tll•ri:r:uJ11nf<' lists ancl to t111• m 1:-h•rs :nut nwm· hl·r:;; o( t!Jc 1\.h•th111li:4 J•:p1s<'np11l t'hn · 1 t•\"1•rywlH'rt'."

'l'hc office of the EduC'ntional --Director is in the roon1s of the Board of EducntiQ.Jl at l:JO l•'ifth ,l\\'cnuc, Ne\\• )"ork.

Mrs. Fred B. Fisher Dies 111 India A l'nblC'grn1n frorn lnclin nnnou1u·c·~ tlu•

dl•nth of 1'1 rs. l''rt•d I~." l''hd1('r, ''"ift• of l~i:-·hop l"h•h<'r, nt J)nrjC'rling, .lune:" n. frcun inlluc•nz:i. Th<' BC'\\":-> i~ :t :-:IHu.•1\ to t hrir ho!><t of frit•111l:--, ns ht•r ln~l. h•tl('I' rrtlnrt~ good Ju•alth :uul buo~anl ~pirit~ in tl11• t•lt•ar 1nountnin air. \\hrl't" tin• ]•'i..,hr1's ha\t:> l11•c•n .. 1n.,i11~ :-i111·1· .. \pril.

)Jr~. 1 .. i .... hrr \\:l" 2\11 ..... J·:1l1th J.1"1111111 .Jn• J,. :-ou. t•f )I 111u it•. 1111lian:1. ~hr "a .. 11 t.!l'n1l11:1t1• of thC' )11111• i<' llh:h :'c hon] ollHl of lhf' :"l'\\'

I~uglnncl ( '1111,..1·1' nt111 ·' of .. \J u .. 11. I~c,,..t11n. IJu

J· .. 1·hrun1J -J. 1:111:1. .. ht· \\:I"• u1nrriPcl to tlll" Rf'\", I• .. rc·d It ).'h·hPI'. a] ... 11 fro1n )htnC"h'. ancl a )(•3r ]n1t•1· th··~ s:1i],•il for ln1h:1. l· .. or th1·1•1•


1iIE UnuSTIAN AnvoCATf )'('ars :r:-bc taught in the Won1nn's Foreign l\Iissionnry Society school nt Agra, where hol' husband \YRS stationed, but her intpnirc.-d health then made their return to this country

.imperative. Her entire time ""as givC'n to thC" :-::crvi('c

of home nod the Church. Among their fricncls the home of 1\Ir. and ~Ir~. 14"ishcr \\"US kn0\\'11 ns one chnrnctcrizcd by unusual dc\'otion nncl service.

!\Irs. Fi~hcr gave ht•r titn(' to u1nuy kincls of church \\'Ork, t<'1u·hing Sundny st•hool, pro· 1noting various <'nlcrprist•s of local church<"s in the vi<"inity of hrr bout<" nnd frcC"ly con· tributing of her superior 1nusiC"nl tnll•nt. Dur· ing 1017·18 J\lrs. Fisher '''RR SupC"rintcndeut of )'oung J>eople':-; 'York in the 1tr\\' Englund I~rnnch of the 'ro1nnn's l•"or<•ign :\lissionnr>· 8o('icty. 111"('\'ious to their l"l"l'Cnt departure for Indin, l\lrs. Fh~b('r Rtudied bnsinl's..o,; nci· 111iniRtrntion in ordl•r to nid h<"r husband 111 thl" dctnil::;, of hil" nr\\' \\'Ork abroad. l•,u1u:•1·nl :-;C'r\'iccs "'ill be held in Cnlc-uttn 1 \\'here th('.)' hu\'c resided :-;itu.·c Dccrntbcr la::;l..

Page 86: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


3. In l Th<' PnplJ nn•I th" TC>:ichr>r--W('i~lll tl•l 'l'h1• c:rml1•t1 S111uh1) Sd1onl In Prlnl'i1•IC' :tnd

Pr:11·t kc•- )f<'.f"r. 4. Th<' C'hrh•tl:in Pi1~t<'lr-Gln1ldc-n. J, J)lr<'1 tl11ns :tlld llt•Jps for thC' Sc1•n1HI Yc-ar

' Cc·ll~•tC'ral HC'mllni:;: and Study: l. Th<' ('hrl~tl:in \"(('W oC llH• Old T<'~t:intent­

l•:l~Ph.•n. !? Jl1I\\ In 'f(':J('h Ilc-li~JOTI-lll"{I$, J. la I Tiu• (.'hurc·b ill the CIO·-Jp('{C', c'lr

(h 1 T~·1 ,{i~·,~.ntry ChurC'l1 S<·r' In~ llll' C'omn111nlt.r

,j, llistur)' nl '.\l<'tho11li=n1 (\'111. 11-SIC\"CUS. :,, I.!((' of I~ullwr-'.\lc-Giff('rt. U. \\'t•:-lc) 's St>r111ous- \"ol I I.

T111nn YEAR

1. Bt>:tC'OD J.li:ht~ nr rro1ih1•ry-l\:nudi:on. 2 J•'nundntiuns of Chrlstbll' Ht>llc>f-·Slr!t•kl:1n11. 3. J11tro1luc·ti1111 to Uw Stt1•h Clf S11<"l11lng)·-ll:1r1·s. ·1, Th<" Ht•ll;.:lun~ of '.\l:n1kind-SuJX>r. a. :s'ct•I~ 's l'i1rlinnH•nl11ry l'r:lC"tlt•f•, U. Dlr€'('tlons and Ilclps r.ir the Third \'€';1r.

Coll3t€'t:tl Rt"arllng nnd St111ly: I. !'tudh"~ in C'hrl!<tl:tnlt,\·-Rnnnl'. 2. 'l'hc ('hur1•h a1111 lnrh1 .. trlo1J n"""ll!<ftll"ti•in. :I, Jlj,.fnr,\ O( \(C"thn1Ji:<lll f\'n). }) t-~l('H••u< ·I. I.HI' t\( l'hllll(lfi Brc"'k" thrl('f('t C'•llllu111-All·•n ,,_ )lut11•rn l'n·1nillt·1111i~1Ji,.111 :11111 the t'liri,.tioi11 llup •

-nnll. G. Tht• )J('thotli:st lt('\lt•\\,

Fnt'llTll Yt:Alt

t. Pnul not.I Iii,., E11l:-lll'~-ll11~"~· •• S.\"h·1n 111' t,hti,.ti.in f) • .,•1ri1n:-Sl11l<lon tullliltln,:

1'.1rt 1 a11•l A1>11•·111li\ 1 :l. Tiu• )'he> C";rf''ll Philui. .. phi+'" ()( J,ifl"-IJ~·d" 1 ThP Hnnlt nf l><:tinh (\ul I 111-~milh 5, llirt•c•tiun,. :11111 lh•lp~ fur th" l ntll'lh \t'.1r,

1'1•1l;11t•riil H1•:idini.: i1111l ~lllli.\ • I \fj,..,f.,n:n·~· \lnr·1l•· \fill..i· '' Cl11tlillC" nf 1,hri,..li:111 'f'h··ul•·J!'' -l'J1rl..(' " 1;,.,.,J \(Jlil"ll,I'~ nf ,11~11~ I f,ri.1--\l•Ji .. \\'('ll

Jlhl•O .,f \t.•111• 1.~a1 1\.( Ill• !'lo\,llS ::0 'J J., \J, Ii• ·•l'• I J;. , . <\

J,111' \I, f'HJ'.\C"JJJ'H;;

I r.·T )::An

1 • ' ,, 1.' ' f 1 ··~·· ·• J .. hn "'''·' u,. \Jql,,,J ·t ,_. l'ruu• r ,.f t1.r1~1i,111 IJ .. , 1ril.•·-1'1 rrJ.

Page 87: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

/l , , \ ~·

. \ Legacy to Young Women

\ of India , -----··- .... Endowment Scholarship for Isabella Tho_~u~!l College in Which She Will Live in Abiding Usefulness

Dorothy L. Moore

T HE greatest legacy of i'.lrs.:_.f!..0~~C:.. to the )oun~ women of lncha. be>rue which no other gift could be

co1npared. is, of course. the n1c111ory of a radiant personalit~. God's unspeakable gift to the world """ a life. Th•' greatest gifts ever made on this earth cannot be packed in je\vel cases or shipped by express: they cannot he ,,·rittcn in book~: thry tnu::.t he rarried in a 1nunan personality. \\'hen (~·od \Vas ready tu c.:on1n111nirate his grcatc"t gift to the ,,·0rld. ''the \\'ord hccantC' Hc::;h and d,,•eh a111ong 11<:.." So 1\Jr.;,, F'ishcr':' grcate!:it gift to India \\'a::. her!:i('lf and \\'ht.•n her hra,r. dc\·otcd 1ifc ca111e to a r1o~c last ~pring her inHuenc<" in I 11d1n only hegan in a llC\V forn1 t:or a 1nrgc l"on1pany of peop1<' in lndia both natives and 1nis::>ionaril'::,, !)he l>cl·a111c part of that

iin-isible choir.

"Of tho>e immortal dead who live again In n1ind::,, 111adr hettl'f by their prc .. rnrc: li,·c In pulses stirrl·d to ~encrosity .... In <leC'ds of dar1nr! rertitu<le, in ~cot n 1:or 111iserahle a1111~ that rn<I in ~elf."

~!rs. Fi,her', will. huwe\el'. c \'Cl') r<'l'<'lltly made pnhlicl ha• thro\\'ll a llC\\' light on thl· depth vf her de\otion to lndia. for .. he has left a roncrrtc gift to the young \VOllll'll of India 111 the for1n of an endo\\tlll~nt :-cholarship for l~abella 'l'hohurn College. 'l'hb gift of :111 <'llduwment will ;land a> the outward and visihlc ~ign of th1 i!l\\'arcl and :-piritual grarc of IO\'l'.

The ;d1olar;hip found<'<I hy !II rs. Fi,hcr will ><'IHI wurth; 1 nclian younp: \\'cnnen to the United State~ for po:-.t-gra<lualt· \\'ork. :\11)ollc \\'ith i111agination ran vi:n1ali1e lht· sc•r\ ict· \\•hit·h thi~ schnlar .. hip \\·ill dcl :-tit <lo\\·n the year.:- lu ron1c. It \\'ill prO\'idc trained lrarlH r~ \\-1th the lil·-.f l'<iucat1onal ad,·ant:u.!t'' for our Indian girl.,' :--t'hoo~ ... It will induce the g1rb in the rol1cgc to ~tutly \\'!lh thi .. '-!rc.~t pri1r 111 'tC\\' and thu:- cqu:p

!lll' i.n·gcr .:-l'I"' ir·· 111a11~ 11thc1-.

hl""'tl"' the f11rtuu.1tl 1•!1L" \\'h" \\·in the prizl'. lt ''ill pt't•p,111 11ulian l'hr1 .. tia11 \\nllh'll .. p that 111 1hc lf"lllg ittltlll' l11ch;111 \\11·

llll'll t'.111 ch> i111 tlh ir "\\ tl .. j .. ·

l\'I'"' the lo•\IJI;..: .. ,1,ht• II••''

''('ill~ l~•·llt J,~ i··lli:.;1 ' ,, . r;c· :ind i., 111. R'T\

1JL:•fl\iJl:..:l1\ 1ll,••1• •I JT•1


•\•·lll 1nli· •. d 1"' · I.irk r, ... 111 .. 1-lhniil 1 ~ .. ·L•l c} ... 1

it \\tJl t',lfl). l~t \\ hil '::i1l 11' •

cr.1t11·11. \ .. \\t th1111 .. ··i 1hi .. :.:i11 ,. '

r1nir111ll·r t:ll' \\c•rcl· •·i f'rl'-1-

<l<'nt l1cnja111in 1-larrisnn. onr<."' spoken ,,·hen intro<luC'ing to a :-.; cw \' ork audicnt'e. Lila,·ati Sin!-(h. a graduate of Thoburn College. "lf I had given a million dollar' to missions and tlw 11n1y rl• ... ult~ \\l'fC this )llUllg \\otna11. I ,,·011ld feel the n1oncy

h.1rl hecn well spent." lt is ycry touching to think of 1Irs. Fisher very quietly and

\\'ithout anyone\ kno\vlcdgc throughout se,·eral ) l~ars sa,·ing th~ money which prm·id<d for this scholarship. Though pro· 'i .. ion ,,·as n1:1<1r fnr I~i~hnp J.'i ... hcr to ha\'t' the fu11 use of all propt·rty <luring hi-. li fc. thL· ::,rholar~hip rndO\\'lllC"llt fund to be a\'ailahlc at his <lrath. tht· hi ... hop at once del·icle-<l to put ).Jr ... F1 .. IH·r· .. d<' .. irl' into \·ffet·t i111111l•diat('ly and g11arantre-.. tn furnish $1,000 annually. .\t his death the will of '.\!rs. Fi.her het'ome' c-.perati\ l' and \\·i11 pro\'idc approxitnately thi-: annua1 agrl"'em<'nt

in perpetuity. The fun<l will he• known as the Edith Jackson fi,her Scholar­

ship Fund and the re«ipient as the Edith Ja<'kson risher Scholar 'l'h<• ... etl~rtion cif thl· rccipirnt ancl the school to \\'hiC'h ~he \\'i11 he :'\C'llt j, to he deter111incd hy the prinripal. in ron ... ultation \\'1th

!ht' :-t.1ft' of l~.1hcl1a 'fhohttrll ('n11l·gc. 'fh\· pri1it·ip.1l and ~taff 11f the rollc:.,:l' h;nc no111inatc<I 1i.li:-:- l•:,.u1gt·li11c Thilaya111pal:u11 anti ~l i:-:- Shclutnith \ i1H~i·nt to he thl· flr..,t hcnrfiriarit:>:- of thi .. 'l·holar .. h1p ).Ji~.:- 'fh1la~ a111palan1 \\ 111 prohahly ~ail in !\p11l, 1922. to ~tudy at (\1h1111bia l 'niver .. it \. >: 1'\\' '\ ·vrk City.

Page 88: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

undcrsta1Hling: a111011g the nations. \\ hne\'er cnntr1h111c .. t0 thr intrrprf'ting of one 11coplc to anothc-r. \\'hnl~, rr :-hO\\'S th<.' world its own heart, that per>on st rrngthens the bonds and con· trib11t<'S to\\'ard pcacr. I ha,·c talked \\'Ith 111any \\'ho :irr' con­\'Crsant \vith cone.lit ions in all these lands and "' C'r) \\'here I ha,·r hC'ard the highest \\"Ords of praise for orga1117:lf1ons likr th(' Qual.:crs Relief and the .\n1cri\":11l .\d111ini:.tratinn for Rr­lirf \Vhich ha\'C' hren acti\'e all O\'<'r l~urope in rl'lic\ ing n11:-ery and hunger. Fron1 the tone of n1any con,·ersationc. T ha\'e real­ized that the~r f1\':.H·ef11l agc.·nc1,·:; ha, r donr n1orc ft.lr ('')tahli~h­

ing a better under~tanding :11nnng thc- nations than any :tlll<'unt

of political 111an1pulation C\'C'J' cnulcl acco1nph:;h. T ha\'C' stood in the tniclc:.t of hundred' of school children here in Grrn1any who were hring lirlpcd hark to health hy the iiiit< of inn<! from Atncrica distributed hy thc.,e organization", and 1 ha,·e read in thc.•ir <·yes an cl heat cl in tht•ir Ynirc.~s the ~pirit of gratitude which spoke to me of the e'tahli,hing of bon1b of understand­ing \\·hich should S<'f\ t to aid 111 counteracting the evil influences of war. The gifts of food, tncdicincs and !'uppliec:. for hn:-.pitals, all the other many gift< front the nation \\'h1rh finally by the right oi its yast pO\\'C'r en<led the war. ha\'e scn·ed to rreate a111011g the childhood of tl1<'•<' lands a deep apprecia-tion for .i.\1neric-a11 friends. \\'ho can rn1111t 1hf" clf\or~ \\ hic11

- _, .• - ..

oi 11u .\JC-1110<11"1 cnurrnrs arf· to a~ .. rn1l1lr 111 ~ttn1111cr rnn\·rn­tion at thr hn111r for a \•;rrk' ... intt?n~i\'c ... 1ucly of the rhilclrC'n"-:. problr1n in the lirlcl hc.•1c. They \Vill ha\'<' instruction in 11ihh· ~tnd.'·· in ~unday School 1nethorls. n1iso;ion study and coun~cl in th<' <111tirs of th<' llC\\" citiic-nship no\v dc\'Ol\'ing upon thc-111 here in JngMlaYia. In the fall ronrses in the now Home School mil h1·p1n.

"The 'plonclid Sunda)' School offering ha< found it< wav ('\en further afield. It j.., doing it;;; \\·ork in the di:.tant proYincr".\ of no ... nia and ller7.egO\lllia. Jn the plucky old city of Sara­je\'O, with its ).lo«1ur and Synagogue <iM hy sid,, with thr ('hri:'tian church, and it-. 1\ing Peter Strrrt \\hrrc \\":l!' fired the 'shot hoarcl round tho world,' there i< great n<"ed. Tho care oi the h:ihics ha~ heen cxcredingly poor an<l the death rate i.:. "-till alar111ing. rrarhing a ... high as <>ighty-fi, f' per crnt in snn1e part~. l~ut here contributions fro111 the chi!c.lten' ... func.1 lune 1..:cpt n hahirs' honH· in lll<·tiirine. 1nilk. food and rquip1nc-nt for nearly five months. Forty babies and fifteen mothers are rared for

con .. tantly in thc.• hon1c Jn thrir effort..;. to :;a\c the little one' and teach 1hc.· 1nothrr.::. th(' gn,·­e r n 1n<'11 I rr1n·e::.e11 tat i \'C

in tho Child W ,.If are J)cpal'tlllt•nt. a" finr :i ('hri,tian 'ncial \\"Orker as I h:I\ c 'C'C.'11 ;any \\ he1·r. j .. nppe:iling for a per1n;:nent :\lc.•thoUist in'itit11t1nn.

"The ran' of the Rm­si:1n rriugccs ha:-. hcen one nf SC'1 hia':-. IH'a\·y ta .. k.. anc.1 here thl' ).lcthoclist chnrd1 ha< Ct)!llC \\ ith 'PCC'iaJ rC'­lief. \\'hen men and \\'on1en \\'ere dying i11 the hospital>. prO\ Hlrcl a.:- the hc.• .. t the Scrhi.111:-.

1t""c1-. fnr only a ic\\' and h1111drt•d., 1 1 .. ;.: ct her. \\"ith1 •lit fH opl'I' clot he' 111a ... rnllrction c:i.1ne. n\cr nine (, 111tJ ·1nd llh'ilit i1!(' :111'1 Ul'g<'lltly

1~ 11ht1" h.1 .. J.rc.·n drl\ c.·n out. • f11gc.·• j .. n:H• .. f Ii\ 1·lih11n11. Tn in ... 11111<" .,j tlH· h1111!'!ty 1~11 .... i:in

•l'k i11r the• .uln1!.. ()111• '"ldic.•r 111·1d \\1 1-.;.·cJ', :Hill\ Ji, .. 1,Ctll

\ 1 •• "• ~ : ... ' 1 1 •. , ,.,1_

1 • : ! 1, , • 'j ( t1 j

1 1" .J1 - ,1111 the i-inilc.r:i- :ire

• 1 J, .•. i_ 1111.-. t1h i:ice of :i 111 •n 'Jll 111 ·hfl('• j()l' hi• I hild \\ h11

Jl \•ll'jl\ 111.J Ji, •·"11 l••\\ll l.

Page 89: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


('1111ft•rf'lll'I'"' for tht• ('onf•·1·1•11c·f' '.\1':11' ht·~inning: \\ ith th•• ~p11ng- •ii l!l:!:! .\ft1•r tht• .. 1..• datrs 11•spf'1 th·1·l.\ tl11• 1•\a111i11atin11 .. lllli"I lw on thC' 111'\\ ('our:-1•. 'l'IH· ('\ll!HIJ!:lli•lll'< \\hit•h \\Ill be hPhl .at th1• 111·\l I '011f•·1·1·1l•'P \\ill h1• J1a .. 1·d on th1• old 1·11u1· .. 1•.

'fh1• ('1111111ii ... ·dun h:is ... 1•l('1·t1•cl llr, .\llnn )]n1·]{11 ..... i1• of :\'P\\' Y11rJ, ('1111f1·1·1·n1·1• lo :o.!l)Jt'l'­

' iM· tJ11 .. \a .. 11,\ in1po1t:llll 1•1h11·ati1111nl \\cil"l.;.

r1'!11• }~j .. holjl"' ill fhPil" .. ,.,..,joJJ :ll J'ol t(;tllt), l)l"t'.,

Oil )l:J,\ ~i. l1\11k thP follu\\111:,.: :it lion l't',!:tl"tl·

i11;.: t hi:- :ipJh•i11t 1n1•t1I · '·'J hr· J:hh .. p-. nr·· 11!1 _,.,., .. ) lo ·1p1•r"\. 11·• ..... ).., I 1 .. 11

.. f llu H• \ \ll.111 \I .,•J: ...... 1. I• JI "' I ·lw .i1u11.1! Jl1 r<·• l·•I , f U••· 1 ,,1111111•"''"1 .. 11 lh· 1 ·lll<'t• n··· 1 •• 1u···~ 1.t :0-1111\~ ,1111) Iii••\ •'••llll1l< !l•I l•i111 ln·"t , ... r.li;1J)\ I•• tht• f: .. :11·•1• nl I \ ·1111i111 I• I·• !ht• 1111111•t• r" lh •"Ir 111111< 1·.1",,,111.111• li•l• :in•I '" 11 .. 1111•1i•l• r• :•n•I 1uc-111 l11r• 1•f tlu• '.\l•tl•·"li•I 1:1•1••"1'·.i I hni.h ,,·,r)\\htlO' ''

·rh<' ofli1·p 11( tlu• l·:t111c:ilin11:1l J)i1"1•1·1or i ... i11 thr roo111'"' 11{ tlH• J:nanl 11( I:tl111 at ion :lt ]:-10 l·.ifth .\\rnt11'. .:'\f'\\" Y11rk.

Mrs. Fred B. Fisher Dies in India .\ <":1hl1•µ;1':1111 Jrnn1 lndi:1 :in111111111·1·'"' tl11•

<l••ath nf )II':-. 1··1,·d ]L J·'1-.h1•1'. \\if1• of Hi:-liop l··1.,.JH•1". Ht J 1a1jr1·l;11,:, .]•:•11• q• fl'nfU 1111l11c•11z.a.

'l~h<' 111•\\'" i-. a -.ho1·k 111 1lu•i1· hn .... I oi fr1•·11d:-.

n-. h1·1' J:i-.t lt>tl<'I' 1·1>p111·1-. i.:1•n1l lu·:ilth a11.t hun~a11t ... pirit-. in th•· c·h·nr 1n1u1nt:1in air. \\h1•r<' lht• l··i ... J11•1·s h:n1• L1•1•11 :-l:l.\i11:,: .. 1nr1•

.\pril. )lrs. l~h:h1•r \\a" )11 ..... 1:1lith ],,•1111111 .T:t1·k·

F1)n, uf :\IUIH'it•, 111tlia11a ~ht• \\a" a ,;:1:1du:.t1• of tlh' )l11111·H• lli;.:h ~. hnul a111l of tl11• :'.'\f'\\' J:11;:lan1l (·(l11:-,.I'\ ntor~ of )111-.it'. };(l~1on. t )11 ]~,·hru:u~ J. 1~111:~ ... ht• ''n" 11i:111it•1I lil th<'}~'''· J·~recl 1:. i·1'"'h1•1', :11-.o (n1111 )l11111i1'. :ind :t

:.rar lnt1·1' tl11\\ ~;1il1·d fur ltulia. rill' thl'l't'

)<"nr~ :-h<' tnught in th<' '\'0111nn's 1-''nr<'ign )1 i~~ionary ~ot•iC't~· :-.<·hool nt .\gra. \\ h1•1'<' hrr hu:-.hnnd \\'U~ :-;tatinrn•cl, hnt lu·r hnpair1·tl lu•nlth tlu•n rn:td<' th<'ir rc•tnrn to thi:- c·111111t1.\

itupC'rnth "· llC'r t•ntir<' thn<' \Ya~ giv<'n to th1• ~''l'\'1•'''

of hnnH' n1ul th<' <'hurc·h .• \1no11g tlu•ir fr11•111l" th<- hn1u<' t•f )Jr. :11ul )Jr:-;. Fi-.lu•r \\as kno\\11 n ... nn<' c·harn<'tf'rizc·tl h.' unusual dt•\·otion n11cl :-1'1'\ It'(',

)Ir~. l'i~h<'r ~fl\C' hrr ti1111• to 11H1n~· k111cl:-­of churc·h \\Ol'k. t<'n1·hi11;.: :-\11111]a) se•hnol. pro· u111ting \:.tri1111:-- C'nt1•r11ri....,.,.., o( loC':tl c•hnr1·l11•s i11 the· \it·i11it) of h1•1' ho1111• n1ul frf'r•ly c·o11· trihuti11~ ,,f hPr s11JH'l'i11r 111u ... i1·al t:llf'nt. J>ur· ing l!Jll·l' )lr:--. 1··1:-.ht·r \\a ... :"upP1111t1~n1lc·11t 1•f Youn~ J»ropl<''s '"•)l'k 111 thr ~('\\' I·~n~lancl l~r:111t·h of tlH• 'Yo111n11"'"' l··or1·i~11 )lis'"'ionnt) :-\ori<'l)', ] 11"C•\ ions to th<'ir l"f'('t'llt cl1•part111·1• for ]nclia. )Jr .... 1··1..,J11•r :i-l11tlil'<l h11:;;i111•:-s nd-111ini:i-trnt1on in orclt•l' to aul ht>r hu:-hancl 111 tlH• <lrtail:< of his JI<'\\' \\'11rk ah1oatl. )·'1111('ral :--1'1'\it·1•-. \\ill 111• l1t•lcl in t'alt·utla, \\h('r<' th1',\ }1a\ I' 1·1·~iih•il si111·1• l )f'f'('tllhf'I' Jn'"'t.

A Last Message from India J3y .i\irs. F11:J B. F1sh,.r

The$C' phmpsC's ol India :tnd Burm" O\re taken from a personal lecter of Mrs. fisher to 01. luend in America, one of the last l<'ttrrs recC'h·rd in this c-oun· try fro1n her. "]]o\\' 1ntc•rc•sti11~ js thi-. ()ri1•11t:1l lift•:

,,.h:lt diffc•r(•t1t t~J"'" \\I' i-••t• nl•Hl;.: th1• st1·c·Pt .... ' l11t1•1li~1·nt ]~1•11g-rilis. \\l":lJlp1•1J in th1•11· \ariuu .. ('0(11r1•cl :<h:t\\ ls. 1·lt>:lll :nul p11ht1•, 1111 th1•ir \\:I~ (1) nni\C'l"sity Pl' nflir1·, thi• l~a,111111 f111Jll ('1·11· tral l1111ia. strnn;: :11111 pn\\Plflll: th1• ~1kh fr111n tlu• ]>1111.iah. \\1th Jij.. 1110.-.1•, b:ii,:g,,

I.In H 11 ... Jll I\

1t•lil.1J·lu-11'l•l•hl.1h•l1 ii \•l•I•• 111 1'1l•ll·" 1 !J1•' •\•h 111 111,.:f.J liooli.• • •1 11,. '• ,1lJ•' I )1111 l ·: I•!,

June 16, 192

trou~f'r:-;. :inrl lonJt; hnir \\'rnr11rrl nro11n• h<'a11 undf'r his :--ilk1•11 turha11 ~ thf' ti• lli11d11, \\'ith th(' 111:1rl\ of l11s c·:i...,tt• 11

fon•hf'a1I. ::-l•ati•1l in hi .. :-hop, 1n:tl\i11g 11 at•c·nuut:-; 1h1• faithful )lu'"'-.ulinan. Ji,.,, p1n)rr, t\hlhiou.-. tn :di nro1111d h111

harh1·r. ~··:1t1•1I 011 tht• '"'i1l1·\\all,. -.ha\ 1•n:--t1111H•r in 1·r111lt· fa.,)11011: ~\\1•c•1.f:11" t n~t" \\t1!11f'll of l 111ha 111•1·p1n~ 0111 th<' :-h11tt• 11' or n 1•)0 ... c·d ':1rriag1•, ol'

\\1t111a11 nf Iuclia. ri1li11~ I\\ in a11 a1· \\ ith h1•r h11 ... ha111I 'l'hc• poor. lh1• h hc•;::;:nrs \\ i1h intl1• ... • r1hahl·· d1·f11r111it :th\a~'"' in i'\'itlC'nc·c• ('r11\\cl-. tof h11~ c·hilcll'1'1\ pl:i)ing iu 1111• ~1n·1•1 ... nn· a,.: tl'atti1>11. 'l'h1·n· i .... a)\\:I'"' th1• 1111• tlli'\1111'1' n( Hilt i1•11I :nu{ 111ocl1•1·11, ,\11, 1111n11•r1111". al"o :1f'ropl:1111•-. and IH1',\1 I• t!H•l"C' is the• l'\l'l"JH·1•-.;;1•111 h11ll111l\ c•a1t, ...,],,,

:-.111·<'. the· :--1·d:111 1·ha1r, and tl11• phn;·l1111

J'l:lg'.f'. "\\'f' n1:icl1> :i J(•c·1•11t trip tu 1i111111n. 11

:'\l"tluuli"t \\nl'k tllf•n• 1-. 1no ... 1 fa-.1111a1111;.: \\ h:ivr> \\Ork a111u11g: 11111 11111.' th1 .. ]:111111• •' Jll'll}llf'. hnt t'hillf'"'f' :uul lndia11-.. h111h 'J';11111I :incl 1'1•l1·i.:11. •rJ11·11 \\f' al-.o ha\•' a 11111• \\nl'k :1n111ni,: thf' 1:11i.:Ji ... h·:-.p{·ak111~ p1•11pl1•, \\',• :it· tf'IHlrc] th<" f'\f'r•·i-.1· ... ~i\1•11 In 1h1• 1·l11ld1··n .1f

11,.• ('hint• .. " ~1111clay M hnol. :11111 :t 111un• in tf'rt•'"'ting ('\'{•11i11~ ,,,. h:l\'•' ....,,.11i••1•1 •J" .. 1 'I' littl<' tot" 1•11lf'rtai111•tI II!" \\ith '"'1111::-. :111d n•11 tnti1•ns, :O-(lJIJP of thc·n1 in 1:11;.::Ji~h In ('hi11•'"' th•') l'P)lt'31f'tl \\ hnle• • hapH•J-. f1.,.111 tl11· 1:1lil·· :111tl olll' f:1111il~ 11f fn11r .-.au;! ·~ii· 111 :\'1;:d11 in J:n:::li!-h, nC('Olllll:lllil'I) •Ill th1· 111;::111 h~ :1. oldf'r brvth<'I'. \\"1• \\l'l't' n-.1n111 .... h1·1I :\11• t ha 11necl \\ it h t h1• rl1•v1•1 11•'"'" n 1ul \\ 111 I. a1nnn tlu• J·:11i:li-.h·!-p1•:1k111~ i'''"Jlli•. \\". :111111•1· :i-1'1'\ i1·t• ... 1·c1111lurtrtl i11 th1• (11111' lall;!il:l;.::•··. \\ lif'l'I' th<" lH-.hnp prr:JC lu•.I tl11·11°1;..:h :111 111· t1•1·pn•t1·1' tu lhl' \:11i1111-. c.•11n~1··~:1!1n11'. :11111

hap1i;1,1•1l hahit•s of tlu· (1111r 11:iti111101ht11·'·

"\\"1• :Ir<' 110\\ i11 ll:1rjrc•li11;.:. tl1•• l"JI ui 1!11• \\n1·ld, .~1c•\:tlio11 ci\t'I' i,111111 f1·1·f. th1r hull"•· j ... '"'11u:1t1•1l nn OIH' of th1• 111n1111ta111 111];.:, .. 'l"ht" gr1•at \\ldt· \:JII''.' j ..... 11-.11 h,.iJ .. 111 lu·i .. 1··

ll ... thC' llll'l\111t:ii11 tn11:;:1·-. l't1r11111pa.,., II" .. 1111! nhD\'i' thr1n nil th" gn•at :-110\\-., t'•" lii;.:h•·"I )lf'Hk h1•111g J\:1111·htllJlll1.Z::3. O\t•I' :.!~.111111 i•·•·I hiJ,:h. and \\'hic·h ........ ,n'"' 10 p11•r1·1· 1h1· \•I'\

ho•:t\f'll" \\'" ha\1• d1·111l1·d 1h:i1 1111..., pl.·1• ,.

1'\1··1·1•1] .. th1• .\Jp..., in g1:111ol,.111· :111.J ~ln1\, .. Ji11t :I'- \\I' !'-1'1' th1• 1!1'1·at 111,l""''" uf )1111!,1

\\I' U II' 1•\ C'I' • 1111'-t i1111-. ,.f 1 J11• f:I• I I \.,11 ( '!111..., t1anil)' i-. th<- 0111) .-.ol11t1"11 (111· 1111li ,· .... p111h· lt•111-... \\'1• a...,k th:ll :1-. \1111 J'1•;1d 1•11 .. ]•·II• I

,\1111 off•'I llJl :l f.•J\f'l\1 p1·;1\1•J lh:ll J·j.Ji:I l•!'J

1 n'"'t nff ho•r 1•lr•ak of "ilJ11•1 .. 1111n11 '""' 1.Jol ti',\ a111l :ll'''"Pl ('h1i ... t 111a\ f••I' ll" 1h;1t lh1·-. lll:J) h·· "" hll .. d \\llh ('!111-.1· .. ~1·1111 1Ji1·1111;.d1 II" 1•lh1•1.-. 1l1,I\ J.,. 111:1\\ll I· ."l 111111." I'


Page 90: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

'une 16, 1921

I \\ ht'll t ht".\" ~o n \\':l.\' fronl UonH'. 'fhf' t nf bPill~ orj::lllir.1•11 j.., to inqu·o\'f' f'\"f'I'.\

IUllll\' f111' thl' hf'ttP1·1111•11l of thr li\'f's of · tr:l,:t•l1·r~. hn!-in•·~"' llH'll, nrul othC'r~ \\1th

1h1·,· C'on1<' in <'ontnct. 'rh(' l~ihlf' ''nrk 'c•J.,.


l1as fnr ii~ 11hi1•(•f fhf' gf'tt111~ uf th•· tn (iOO,OOCI c•nn1;nC"rC'it1 I t ra \'i'li•r..: :11ul

1:111!-iil'nf..:, th1• grf'nt 111ajnl'ity nf \\'hon\

u•\"f'1' :::•• to "hnrrh or ~und:t>' :--ehnol, 111 ar<• nut of r"nch of thC' chur<·h·~ •,

1·:111 Ju• :1 C:i1lf'n11? .\ny tra\'Plillg 111nn. •"''"""in .lr~u:-: ('hri"'t ns th<' f'lrrnnl 81111

I. arul nrc·1•11t!-< Ilirn n~ his pf'r~ounl r, \\'ho i~ a 1n<'n1hrr of n <'hllrf'h th:1t ... uc·h hrlh·f :1 f'oll•litif'ln of nH•n1lu·r~hip,

1.'i'l'f':- to ,,·rnr thf' f:idron f'tnhl<'1n. ]t is a !'-11c•rf't ~o<'i"t.'. hn~ no #:rip~. Pr pn~s·

1-... nn1l no ins111':1Tlf'<" ff':ttnrf'~. lt h:ts nn ··riat" 111<"rnhf'r~hir ti) \\'hi<'h nn;i.· firrn. ror·

r:11inn nr incli\ i1Junl i~ 1•l1;.:ihh•. \\'it bout :111)' 1!11• ohlicntion!-. tnkPn II\' th(' l'C'j.!'1Jl:1r 1111"11\·

.r-J"'·· l~1·:::11lar n1r111h1·r~ 1111111hPr in th1· l"nit1•1l •tt•s ahn11t :1.:-100. 1'h" 1nn;:azinP, 'l'hc

111, r11111('s 11111nthl\· tn all 111r1nh1·r~.

,IJ1J1ln\f'l'!- or tl'U\'Plill;.: lllf'll l'!"Jll'<'i:tlly h:l\'('

1:-:nn tn ''11·111u•ralC' in thf' f':\tl"n!'-1011 of thr (; ;1]i•on nl'~:llli;."ilf ion. for thi~ \\'Olk tn:tkf'S b<."t· 'tr, (')C':Jllf'J'. nncl n111rr ~ll('C'f'!·•!o;-ful sn)f'-..llH'll, :11111

,q Ill!!~ hop(' ;HHI ,io,\' to th11~1· \\ h11 ('(IJIJ(' in tnnd1 \\'Ith it. Xt11nbf't"s or tli~f'OUl":l~C'(), !',Ol"f'ly

ff'JllJ1t1•1] (•11n111H'rt•i:tl tr:l\<'l<'I'" h:l\"<' h1•1•n !'.:1\'1'11

fro111 fallh1J!. fro1n ~orro\\' a111l 1lc•ath. I)\' th1• l~ihl"~ pl:t<'Pcl in the• hnte·l~ h,\' thP. ( iid1•01~s. ~\ h•ol.l<'t gi\'i11;.: hi~tflrirnl :irronnt of th<> 01" .·:1ni1nt1011. \\ ith int<'rC'~ting cl<'tnils of l"C'!.:tllts 1f 1h<" RihlC' \\ork. \\'ith othf'I' inforrnntion, 1nny lf' ]1acl frp1• fron1 natinnnl h<'a1l<]u::irtt'r$, ::\Iar­

q11<•tte• lluilding-. ('llit'a~o. ThC' prC'sid<'nt of 1h<' org-ani7.:i.lion i~ .J. lI:trrr Ilun1phrC',\'S, of IIuntin:,:ton, '"· ,.n.

The Founder of Asbury Park ,J ,\ ).f ES .\. BH.\Jll.F.Y DIES

Thr lion .. lnn1<':-- .\clnrn 1~rndl<'~·. \\ho <JiC'rl nt his ho111C' in th<' <ll'nnd IIotC'l, );('\\" 'York (~1ty, .l 1111ro <I. nt tlu• ng-c• of Hl. \\"i.l~ n \\"<'II· kno\\n '.\l1>tho<list l:l,\111:111. lit• \\':t:-; born in the• 011! "J·;Jazin;.;: l'tar 111n" nt Itos ... \'illP, ~tat1•1t 1 ... 1:11111. in ]...,;~n. and \\0:1~ bapt1zf'1l a l~11111:i11 C'atholi1•, \\'h<'n ahlc• to 111ak1• his O\\'ll C'hOIC'(' hC' joi11<•1l the• )lc·thodi:--t l~11i:--<'OJlfll l 'hurc·h. :11ul \\as :111 net h·L· \\"Ol'kC'r nnd :-\un· <lny ~C'hu .. J ~11p1·ri11IC't1dPnt at ('f'nfrnl ('hnrt·h 1114) ~outh ~i>1·n1ul ~tr1'f•t. Rronld,,·n. In la1<>r Pnr:- 111 ... 1111·1nhc·r~hip \\U:-> in l·'irst ('hur<'h, shill',\' Park. :'\ .. I. ]~1·gi1111i11g

11111la:•·d :1

Ill ]10\ f'rts '.\Ir. nracll<',\" :\('· fnrt11nP in tlu• ni:11111fnfllll'<" of

TT,. ;,., .... 1,.,1 ~'Ill 0110 11f ii in 1S70


.1.\ \tl'S .\. Bl:.\JH.F)

~l.1t11t •·f th" 1'n11111l1•r nf ,\•l"lr~ l'·i:k '\: .J :o h<• 11B\11lhl in that t iO th1,. 111"11th

th" <·01n111unit' for \\ hich hf' Ji\'1·11 an<l \\ hi1 h he> }O\'<'<I. ~\


nd h<' l'C':ll'C'cl unto hin1~e·lf n n1onnn1r11t thnt j~ <•\'Pl'lai-.ting. <)n th<• ~nnds of th<' ~<'a he buil<h•tl n <"it,\' that tiinc> 1na;i.· <•ffal'f' ,\lonC' it \\':1$ nn <'ffort \\Orth,\· of grratn<'!'<:", J}ut hC' <licl 1norC'. II<' i111hn1•1l it "ith <'h:1rac·f<'r. nnd c•hnrac·tC'I' right I,\· ron· C'C'h·C'd is C'ternn l."

The New Courses of Study 1'hC' ( ;1•11('ral ( '11nf Pr1•nt ..... ( 'on1111i~"ion on

( 'ours~•s of ~tucl.' t'f)Jl~i-..t!"' of l~h.hop I·~1}\\'in 11. 11ugh<'s, ('h:tir111n.11; JH:--hop ('harlt•s It )Jitc·h1•1l. \'ic·C'·('hair11u111. 1~1:-hnp Fl'at1,·is .l. )Ir< 'onn<'ll: Proft·!"~Or Ilnrris l·'rankhn l!nll. ~t•('l'l'lar : }>l''C•Joiicl1•nt t:1•nr~C' lL (;ros<': }>rofPs.,or I·'. \\'ntson llannnn: thP 1~1·\·. '\'al· laC'<' :\l:H·:'ilull<•n; th<• l!<•\' )lol<'n111s II. ~\\·ift ~ th<' Ih•\' I~111·i11l-< JI. J3u~h<'l'. n11cl J)a,·id G. J)o\\'IH'\. nook I·:clitor.

'J'h<' ·Ji.,t of lu111},.., sc•]P1 l<'cl hy the• ('ot:11lli_.· :-inn hac:. hPt'll :-nl..Hnittc•il to thC' I~b-hnp~ and · "' l'\'i:--ion np11ro\0 C'cl by tl11•n1 n~ fol.Jo\\·~:

\,\'!JO:\ J-oli. ,\U~IJ~SIO:'\ ('O:'\FJ·:RF."'< !!: OX 1'RL\L,

ro .\".\:'\t".\J.


lri1w~ :ind Di:->t ipliuf' of !IH· \lt'th.,11i .. t 1.p .... 1un·h f••r J9~t1. \\ith ... 1w1•inl r•·f1•f\'ll•'• f,, th•• of H.-.lii:ion. <l'nr a J;o<IJ•I ,., 1n1111•11to11~ nn

., \\'h .. ·I• r. ,.,,, nt~ fi\f' .\r1it J, ~ •·f TI• IHdon \l••thu11i,.1 l'11hw<'l•~1l ('hurdl I 11•ri"•1n lli .. lnr;.-J11nl1·,;- an•l Sanford. ,. uf \\'t'.,l•·~-\\'in<'ht'!=:l<'r.

1 Pl~hl ,\("t'"\lllt of <'hri"ll:in l'\•t'ff'('tlnn-th1 Sdrrtion" from tlif' \\'rltin;:~ of .J .. hu

_,, ... 1 •. 1i. Hll•li• Tilll;:raph:.· ThJ• 1·,111•1i1l:tt<" l"lwll lw l'r<'·

.. \\rilt• a pn11•·r .. f nut 1.,.,.,. Own "Ii' thon .. ;1•111 1pnn "IH' uf tl11• !ollu\\iU;.: snlojt•c I .. , 11:-iu.: nu!~ t• r;;1J .. f .. 111111 ii• 1h1• HJl•IJ•, I lu I ti• .. 1 )I,,., ... I• nl J),,, Iii. 'I hr I.if• ,,f .f P•ll .. ""' rt'• "r·l•··I h\' Tl ... I.If·· "' )';1111 ~,,. ,:i\• II ill .\• 1• Th. •Uh·

,,, \\tlllt'll lll!o•ll \\ill 1 .. ;1.••i;."ll•1l ~ll th·· lilll•' , \~llnl 11:1 I l••I•, \\l'-11·1• .. r111 .. 11

' II ., t'• ' ... T. ,,


. :. \l• ' "

l ' ' ,,.,

.,, II - j ,JI

• o-11 LI J. •' '1 1, 1.:: • • n ... • 11 -1 111 ·

l \\ ' • · .: · I • ., '"' [ ,, . J;,, .,, , ' • I\ "'I l' ·"'

" , .. , IT I ( I l I I,, I ). •. 1·

I' , I ..: .1,.J "I"!\ f',.f ·l' f'•• I] T -1r1·1~!. h•hl] ,,_I \J,.r ol I.• t • - I \I ·1 •. I'·' 1 · l'l'• •\ •,

\.i .... , -· r ''" 1, ' '• r111 •, .. ·- \ !

'• l ' J• . ,, J ·'

II ' J " " ••; "' Ii

,, I .



3. 1·11 1hf" rup1I anti th" TC".1<'hrr- .\\"f'i;.:1" II•• 111•· 1;r.1•lo·•I :-.urufo.\ ~11io .. 1 in l'rin• 1plc· ;1ml

l'rot• lkl'- \(p~·1•r .1, Tiu 1'hr1~fi;iu p.,~1 .. r-C:ln1lrJt'n, ••. J11r•·<'li"11:. nnd Jlc·lp~ fnr th• ~~·· .. ur1 '\"l":tr.

r .. 1i.11t"r;1l Hw11lin1!' :11111 Stn•I~:

I. 'JI,,.. t"ltri .. linn \ 11·\\' Qf th• 111"1 T1•H,1mi-nt-1·1~.• h·n.

::0 11"" I" To•:i,.h H· ll::1n11-H· It~ J, 1;11 Th·· fh11rd1 in lhf' c 11~-1 ...... 1 ... nr

th• Th" C•••1ntr;i.· t·hunh $•r\ln..: lb" C'nmmunltr -1·::111•

1, ll••t"r' nf ;\(t'lh"•Ji~m l\nl J1-~l('~('l1S •• 1.111 ,;f 1.11th•·r·-\l•f:ln<'rt Ii, \\r .. ,.lt·;i.·,. :-;.1·r111 .. 11---\ .. 1 II

'f1111:1• )r,\r.

1. H1•nrnn !.l::hts uf l'r··1>h"•';'o-hn1111-..on. :! I "llll•lnliun,. ol' 1 hrhti.111 Hrl!Pf-~lrl• kl:nul :t Jntro•lu• liuu 1 .. thr· ~t111lr nf ~ ... luJ .. ;::-y-ll.1;i.•·S I. Thr lll•li;:i••l1s of \l:ink1n•J-:-:. .. 1 .. r

!"• :'\('<·I~"« l',lfli'lmr>utur)- l'r~f'·ti•" t;, Din·• I inn,. :111•! 111'11''" f.,1· lhl"' Thi Pl \ r·-•r.

\e>ll:ttr>r:il nr.111inj:' nn1) ~t111lr.

1. f'tndi"l" in f'hr1 ... tl:inil\-Ht1"n" 2. 111" f"hnrd1 1111•1 ln•l•1 .. 1rrnl n •. , ... n~tr1111 ... n ,;, 111.,l"t\' nf \fr-thn•lbnl 1\ .. I. 11•-:-0lr\••·~ I. I iff' ,;f l'h11l1p" Brco·ol,• 1hri·f1·r , .. )ili•·h· --·\'I •1 .• ~J .. ,l,..rn l'rr111il11•11ui.il1>m ~1n1l thf' t hti .. Ji,111 II•·•'

- 1::111 I~. Th•· ~11lh•,1li:.t J:p\h-\\,

l'ur !>Tit \!' .. \I: t J'nnl :iu•I Iii!' J'p1 .. 11r-.. -Jf.1~,., ::.?. :.;, ... !<'Ill of l'liri-.. 11:111 J1 .. , l!'il1(' fo;.111 l·lnn tr1,1111t111;:

. l':irt I iin•I APP• n•li\ · a ''J'hr• 1'1\-p r.r··~ll l'lul"!--"\'hi•·· nf I.ifr-ll~dl' I. Th" H""k nl' l·~ti'•h 1 \ .. 1 I I I 1-:-.milh ,, JJ1t••1 (inn• c1111I !11 Ip• i• 1 lh• I .. urlh y, .. :1r.

Cullal•·r:il H1·~111in.: ;1wl ~1wl~ \fi>·•l"ll•11'' \ln1.1h-\11ll• r

·• ctnllinr nf fl11·b11:111 'lh··•·l":.:~-1 l11rbr ;{, 1,,..,,) \lini~l»r• ul .I. >II• 1 1.i1~1 -\I• I• •\•(oil ·I. lli,.tnr\' (>f \1Plh.,.j1~111 t \.,J 111 •-:-0lr·\('tlS :,, Tl.c '.\


1• 111 ... li!--I H· 'it•\.

J.O('AI. l'IU~.\fIJrns

r1n,.T Yl'.\U

l· Dh·• iplin" r.f I:'!:!••. .J·-·hll \\".·~1 .. ~. lh ... \h•!l'l••l•-t

:t. l'rinu·r r•f lhri. .. lJ.in D·u·trill·"-T<"rry.

Tn Re.• fll'nd · I. St'll'('tlon~ from the \\'rltin:.-~ nf the flC'l' J.-.hn

\\'p~l1·~ - \\'('}('h, 2. Thro Tt•nt:ut• nf l"lr"- \rthur :J Thc ~l:iking of th" P.ihlf·-\"<'rnnn.

81-·1 u'n YF.\n 1. Life• of ('hri!<l-~t ·l)kPr 2. IJl,;tor\' ••f .Alll"ri1'.11l )IPthnil1$nl-f'll''t'"ll~ a. l)r;.,:oi11i? ... 1.tiro11 illlf( .\tlmiui•lr;•ll•·ll .. f thf' ~unrhy

f\,•h .. ••l-='orlh a11d C11n1ri;::.-im.

To De n":i1l 0

1. Thi' :'II id \\"f'f'k }:t'r\ j('o'- I~n•·rn('k. !?, t'1111.-.r,.t;1111lini.: th'" ~··r!J)tllrt·..--\1<'{",,nn"ll 3 RrligioUs l.;1hJ<••11io11 Jn th<' Jl(>llH' -l'ol,;um,


I.if" <'If $!.:tint 1":1111-Sl:ilk"r " 1Ibl·1r\" uf Clnbtl:111 1 'h11r•·h-\(,.nrrif f .... Tht• (·1i11r<'l1 •1nd Jn1Jn~tri~•l I:• ··n11~1r11 .. 11 ·n-

C'u1111nittt·l t'ID the \\';1r ••ll•l tl1" HPli;.'i"u~ Out· look.

To DC' Hco1d: 1 E\-iil\;..'f'lbtn-llannan. 2. 1h.-. J-';wl of ('n11\01•r .. 1 .. 11-.J.irksnn, 3. Th.-. f'hri~li~111 1·r11s.~111 .... f .. t "'•Hlrl D.-.m .. t•r:t('Y­

T:1) lur nn1l J.111·c .. ('k.

ro1·1:ill YF . .\n

1 Tht• U1•ll;inn!- o~ \l.inkin•i-:O:upt•r. :?. The Wi1;i. to \\"ln-J'ls.ht•r 3. ThP l'rophPlS tu tll\' IAght of Tc.,•la,:r-llill

T? Il<" R<'ail: 1. Tiu· Hlhlr- lJn•I' :!. Tht• l'n·:ll'llf'r, iii~ J,1(1' :in•l \\"orh--.J .. wtll. 3. Layn1rx1 iu .A<'tJ.•n-(}11~1Yh'

81t11n;~ }'ol: Dt:\•V:O.'>:. (Jf!flf.r.s

].11\111 l'rri11 hC'rs \\ho art• <.·:11JJ!itl:11t•s (nr D":t• .-.n's (Jr\hr-~ 111u~t h1!11;: 1 .. thr Au!1!1-1l c· .. nf .. r••I••'" -.~t, .. f:it•tory "''i•l"lln.• that th1•;i. 1111\<' P'1!-M••I In tilt l "11r Y\•1irs Colli"><(' nf St111ly for l.1•l';ll l'r,.arh<>rs. n111I m11• I :1) ..... 1rns.s a i;.111,.fiwtnry <"X~1n1lu:11i11n nt tlh• . .\nnu 11 ("011fc•r1•11<"r nn the fol111wl11J: bnnks'

1 l'brbllanlty In u .... trillf' •Hhl ExpPrif'l~p·-B11° l. :! 'i'h" nil•ll' i1111I I.lf•·-lln1?lw<1 :~. no .. •I \llni~ti·rs .. f .11•su .. 1 hrht-\J,•l•n\••I' I. J••hn :111•1 Iii,. \\'rllinl!!>:-ll:t~•:-

~111•11.,: 1-01: 1'1.1-J.I;'.• l11n I l•s ),. .. 11 flt';wons \\hn .mrl" •'.lli•li•l.it•,. f• r l''•l ' ··

nr.Jo·r~ 11111-t (>.:1~ .. a "''1t1 .. f;1ot .. r~ 1•:1,·1111111-111" 11 \11111111 t'ullf1'1'•'11"1" "II l11t• (ulln\\il1~ l••11·l.•

I l',1111 ~1n•I Iii-- l.p1 .. 1l1·•· · ll ,_,,.,. ·~ l!.• 1'J,, •I ~Ill \11\\ ,.1 lh• 11).I 1'·•'

I .. }.i

'. \. ., - .. " J.. I • . I. '\ ... ' '

. , I ~ ,, I· · 1

..: I... \l ... 1.:: I •• J, • '. :· 1 i .. H 1,•, .. p .. 1. JL,• \I, 1nJ,, •·Lil• \I •I .1

• .. lo •1 \\ .: ·. l• 'I 1, JI·· 1 r• f \Tu· • • n• \I 1l • .1 '•

... ,, \. 11~

• J , .. J11,•1 \I ,.1 "' l '· . ' .., I• ,-, i· hi -1 \\ 1, i • I .J ·- h , ' · - r • ., '1 .• 1. ~·, ,, ., l•. (. ·1· 'l• -, " f•

l" ' .~ .- ,, 1 I ..,, !.•" J. - '\

11 T'' , , )'.• •' •1

i.: J 1-·· T• 1 .' ·

t 1 \ J.,, d • ''" T• ·1 I '·I I llll!!•.::.'""· \I• - g, _..,,,

\ 1J ·r

• r 11t


'fl11•1' ruin· ... , ... 1111·11111• 1ff1·•ti\1 f .. r all r.d! (.,I.I• l"o•Jtf'I .. f<il 11•1 ('111if1•!1lJ1I \c,IJ J,.;.:Jl,•

I.JI;! \\1111 1: 1 1 {,Ji! \•f 1:1.:l, ,l) iJ f••! ;iJJ :-..:111111:.:

Page 91: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

. ---(6) NORTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE .-'.ugust 3, !921

The Coronation of Edith Jackson Fisher Bishop Fisher's Loss-The Playmate of His Childhood; the Sweetheart of

His Youth; the Companion and Helpmate of His Responsible Maturity.

Bishop H. Lester Smith

SIX months of gloriou~ senice and then eternal glory. After only a half ) ear in lnd1a-111onth; filled wit I. >plendid.

f'agcr and cfiicicnt scr\"icc in the interests. of the great area to "h1ch the church had appointed Bi;hup Fi;her for thi• qna<l­renni11111. ).lrs. 1:rcd 11 1:i,hcr T<'CC'l\C'<l thr .. ,,c!I <J •• nr · oi he1 ~laster and entered into re,\ at Darj,·cling. in the I-limalay,1>. the roof of the world. on J till<' c.

~Ir!-. Fi!-hcr ha<l eager!.' and .... ntlin-i v·tic.dl) <.lltt'rcd i11t 11 the \Y0rk of the Calcutta .\rt :1 She had '1~i1c1l B11r111.1 ''1th her husband nnd his party f(1f tlH.' :-l' .. -.i .. n ni the Bnrn1a l


,1nd had \\'Oil the ht:art:> ... i all thc..· 1111..·111htr:- vi th1..· ro11i .. rc11tl'.

'10th 111is5ionaiit·~ and 1" <.'~1<:lh·r~ \t the "t.··J<)n c•i th<.· Bt·ng,il L"onf<:'rcncc J1cr helpful intCl'C·l in th.,: \\'ntk \\as again tnani­i est.

.\t Ida \ilia. lH:r .. 11111n1c..~r h<11ne in DJi'J'-:1.:linl-'. it \\a' c..·\id(11! to all that ~he \\ ~1:- t•<J,;.?1..'l' t•J 111al.:r hc..·r h .. nl(' the c1..~ntrr of a. helpful nnd hcart(·ning C:1·111n1u1111~ Iii\'. It "1 .. to li\· a h1Jn1c..· 111 \\'hi\h ht:r gl'JC!Otl:" Ct•tll'tc.. .. y ,111'1 up<'ll-h::tlld\·il hn .. pit.dit.\ \\'ottl<l for\\arJ the ,,·ork oi tht :\l,1:-t(I l1y :-tl'cngthu1ing the hon<} .. of iricndship and brothcrhciod and c..· .. t,1lili .. 1Jing :111 c'.~prit d1· (orts \\hich ''vuld inakc all the 1c.:i.dcr" 1li Calcutta . .\rca a unit of co­operation in Christlike acth·ity.

The b-t month of lw1 liic '"'' i11Ied with Joying plam of a hcautiful soul cndc:a\ oring tc• int1.. rpre! -her conception of bC'r ~h:"l.r~ 0i her huc:­band's task in a .-pirit of 1111111~try 211d ~Cf\!('(', During this lll(•lllh thllC nnt.i­blc group" "ere c-ntertninc<l in l'c:1· ]t,;1111..· 111 the interc~ts of the ,,·ark 0f Chri't in l ndia.

1'hc fir:-t giuup \\'..t::. the bi~hops (Ii ~nuthc111 .\~1a ;111<1 thrir \\l\t~ i11 1h1..11 ~C'nu~annu:d C•-'ll 1 c1 cncc. .\J 1 ... l'. \\

\\'arnc ,,·as the on!) 111c111lil r 1.f the.· group \\'ho \\a .. not ptC'5C"llt. [!j ... h0p and ~!rs. l{ohin::,(•11, Bi .. h1•p \\arnc. ~ln.!

B1,hop and ~Jr,. S111ith, "ith their ho;t and hostc5t-<':<, Bi.-.h(>p :111d ).Ir ... i:i~hcr.

formed a happy and cong<'lli,11 grunp f .. r a ,,·eek of fcllo\\'ship and ~l'I'\ tt.'1..'. .\n itnportant and ::.ignif1cant n1c<"'t111g 1t \\,1., in \\·hich i1nportant pr1)bh•n1s \\ r1 c f!1·­cu.c.scd .:in<l far-reachin~ J1..·c1~i'•n::. '' c..·• t'

1na<lc. lt \\:1$ 1!uring thi .. bu·~ \\e1i, that ~Ir::-. l;-i~hC'r hcautiiully t'lltc1 t.11111.:d in a rc1..cption \\'hr1 e apprdxi1natt.·l~ P!l1.. hundred .\nlt.l'1r.1n ~Irthnd1")t" 1..·nl .. ~1d he1 ,g1aci,\uc. h1 ... pi1.,Iit:.

The ~('Cvncl ;.'I' •llJl \\'a' the C.tlJilh'l oi tht D1..11g.d ('.·nic..·rl'l'f(" ?he]~<'' :\l1···r<: llcncl( r ... on. 1-.: .. rh. ).f.111ley. ;n11l ~\\~111.

'!'he cabinet \\,1~ in :-c~:-ldll f11r li\C' da)!'>,

<lurinc \\'iih·h t1111C' patient and r:t1'1..·iul t'\'Cl')' (.'1 •ll fl l (Ill°(' pl• ,J ,}t Ill,

'fh1..• third ~1 .. 11p \\;t' C1>l1lJi.1 .. 1,.cl ,,j 11i1H .. 1 th1..· ••11:•t.1111}11i~

lndia11 lt·.1d11 .. in the Indian ).I, 1i1.,di .. t l.p1·1..· •p.d I.. hl111 h 'l'hd" · prc,rnl \\C-!\': P1.•it· ....... 1 l .. J. l..'i'.!\tt.l'JI, tlh· I~,, J. ]\ l'L11.i111·

b.;l. ti:\ J,\\ \I I< l'l.:·\i'll 1 "·l~·. ! 1' !I•· _l I \ <'!P1li11~.

t!1e }\\ ..:: 1 I' J' 11 I.' I\ 1• I.

' . l.

Ii. , .. : • :. , j l' (\("?'·';olC'l•.

'j: I. '~ ll':: Ii ( 1:: !'..~'.\ \. ,,,

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:· .• 11_;.·i:i ,,., .... n \\ . ' f . • .. · 1

. ' " 1 1 .•,,,!11: t 1 ·

... l 1· ! I \ \ 'JCa!.ic-n ... ~

h. . .. , '. e 1;, I ,.. ] 1 I..

IJ,,rJ<'l: 1 .. · t· '.._ t·r· 1. • ; ,


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• • \\ ;; < 1 •• •• , n , ;,

I • 1 • 11~ \, r .·

fine <.UHi capahlc train<:'d nuri:.er., \\C'l'C' 1.hta1nC'd. "·ho ga\c con­tinuou.:. care, and ).Jj.;;.., :\larkcrt. J3i:-heop Fi::..hcr':::. ~c..·cr<·tary. ,,.a, fc-arlc:-:.i:. and <lt.·\111.,.1 n l·•\111).! ~1ttf•nti-)11 t•) ).Ir~. l:ishcr. 'fht' careful and capable..· \\'tlrk \lf DL J...:night 1..'<?llll•>t be too highl~ praised. I-le d1<l C\c1:th1ng that 't'lt.'tH."t.' c .. 111<1 <lo to sa,•c lift hut tht.· tc11il 0lc di:-t.\•t. \', 011ld i: •t .\11 ~.J 'J'ht.• fc\'Cf \\'ao; 10.; for fi\ l" <!a.' s. <1nct• re .1chi11.:..: 10.:: O 10 . .i1·d f· ·n!il 11'•t lu .. lir· •kC'n Fin,tll~·. "Lt·n It did 1~ '11 .i•t. l'l't 11111• ·111.1 j.,IJ. •\\ed. and pro\ cd too tnurh for the \\t.•akt1H1l h··d;. :\J1 ... F1 .. ht•1 ,,·a~ <lclirir>ll" for 111nt~ d.,~ ... \\Jth oc..1..a•l'•n.d 11:1 .. ht· .. ,,f <'••11 .. r1"11 .. 111..· ..... Fi11~1ll!.

"1th a J,t·.11111f111 :-1111?t. :ii ht.·r l1r1.J,c·n-h1.. .u tt·d h11 ... h.t11d and fiicnd ... and tnurn111ring h1 .. }l\ t n.11nc 1•\t'I" and <•\t.~r 1111 ht.·1 lip$, e;Jit s.lipJ•t.·tl ,1\\a: ir1.•n1 11:- 3 oo .\. :.t. ;--..111..J.i~ 1n11r11i11~. June 5. tilt

::e,·c·iJit~·tlth a1111i\t1· ... 1r~ ,,j d1.1•.11·t111t ir··n1 .~\111c:-ric:i to I1J1J1.• .i~ a \"tin~ 111i .... i .. u.tl\. 'fhcn .. Ji1.. d1 di .. :.1tc.d li1..r 1if1.. t0 Intli.1 ::\11\\


th<.: J.~·l'd h.1 ... 1: t t pit,) till...' d~·di\~1tio11 ancl another nan1t. lia::. h1.·1..11 ad•h•tl tu th.it Ji .. t Pi tl1,1l't) 1, \\'hc1 ha\ c dicJ that Chri .. 1 1night lh·c in thi~ cl.:n k and llt'1..d) land.

Bi!:ihop aud ).!r;-. 11. 1~1..·•tc.·r ~111ith. '"h·") h.1d lit.t'll th1.. hon~c

guest~ 1..)i Bi::.hop and ).Jr:-. Fi:-h.:r d111111g thl...' :-c..,1•1111. \\1..·1e pr<.':--1..·nt during the cnti1c tiine. BL~·hvp S1111th t,,,·,J..: c.h.1rl.!'<.' oi th~

~cr\'iccs hoth at D:1rJec:ling and ~t Calcutta. and ).Ir:.. Sn1ith aoi:sumed responsibilnr ft1r :::(.'ring that c.\C'l'Y ..... r,·1ce puss1ble \\·a ..

rcndc-rcd to the dc...1d. 'fhr e;rr,itc at Darjeeling \\'as at·

l\'Il!k'f1 lo! th\• 1ni:.s1«nar1e~ and othc·r f1·11..1t<J .. in th1.. .. t.:i~ion. Bi~hop Stnith \\:I' ci""i"t~cl b) the Re..\. ).[c ..... 1' ... D1111-

c~1n, E\\:111. S\\·an. ~cholbcrg. and \\'ar­nc:-r 'l'hc- n111~ic \\'~IS pro\·icl<'d hy .1 d1111hlc..· qu.1rt'- t .,j the 111cn :ind \\On1c:-11 .. f il:c l3l1:t.i.d ('n11icrt.nc..c. 1·hc Jl,,\\Cl . . . \\ 1..11.. u~ .1u1,, 111,

1'ht: ('alcutta >cr,·ic.c ''a:- in Th1A1ur11 l"lmrch "" Thur,da). Jnnc 9. at 5 ·OO l'. )I. Dt<.hnp Sn111h \\';15 :l'·'-l"tCll h~ P.i·hnp- I'. \\" \\"arnc and ). \\". Rob· 111~•)!1, h•;th 0i \\hr<111 tnade helpful ad· drc~~('"', and 1Jy the }{e\'. ~Ic.-sr .. IJt·ndcr ..... n. I...:ut.h. I.cc..'. ).l:111lc~. Pric1.. 11i Ilc1·1n.l. S\\".111. ('hattC'1ji. ('huche1 · l11!1ti. ,11·.! f),1tt. 'J'Jii.: fl<l\\('IS \\CIC pCI · il't'tl.\ \\••ndc1 i11l i11 tltt.•ir IH~:-u1t.\ a11.f Pl•·i11 ... j,.11, ]'itt.'11..' \\tl'1..' Lt.'t\\t't'll ~(\CJJt;.-

11\C ~111J c..111(' l11111drld "t.'l pit\C~. !JC<oid1..·· ll1lllll'r1•i: .. "P!':l)"' and lu111q11tt., ~It

.\kx.i11•'.1.1 \\'. \\\dd,Jl. the..· .\ntt.•1iCJ\1 ~111<1 R11rn1.1

\\'~1s .nn ·Ilg' the n1•·11111t.'r:- anJ ln.•ugh1 thc- (,f1ic1 i1 .\111C'rir:i11 fl:i.g- fii thr <"v1 'lll~tt<' i11r the..: ca .. J.;t.•t. 'J'hc gatt.·k, tpc.·1 · ··i the 1..'\1:11..tlry ('•llllllcd ~ix hundrrd 111

1h1..· 1n ... •tl".~l1..•ll \\hhh \\'.•lllid it~ .. 111t.·I) \\:t.\' t·"'I thl...' :.p1..•t 111 th1 hcatn1111l t.'t'tl1l'h 1 ! \\ h1'l't~ 1111 1 !1·; a g1 <:it 111 1 ·lll'd 1..'i ll•.,\\ er ... \\ l11cs,

v•\c..rtd till· \,1tilt ('1nirt~ly. th1..· J,.,t}~ ··i J"ilith Jark::-<>ll Fi ... IH·r \\,1 .. l.11d t•· Jt•L

.\t th1 h 0 111 c 1 J the 'li\i1'l' ill 'j IJ.,J,\1111 t'J1111\·h, ~11l11lit.11H'·•li• Jllt"ll· •1'1.1 l

" ' ' I' l. '

' 'f ; ' "· ~ '

l .. ill, \J~. 1 • .. '.lr ·.:· d,

: ! 1 ' - ~1 '


... (.. ;• ~ ( ;•• 'J <.,j 'I 1,•.")-

•i•:t;'" ).!.-~ ~. ·~ , .. I.,',. I ... ::. \f.:!: :1;-... . 1 II ~~·

j. 1·J (".~\ i ' .. 'l 0 1... l. l.J 1 ..... :-. :'.L ·. r .. '

... •ill·h· Jr.nl 1:1.. \I··:\ 1Ir.,: .. h• .... :. (,!; !. j',.'.J '"'·-·~:. • , .• \.) ~· • :\ .. \ I· ._J,1 d 1...· 1 ·ti'. ,f. 1y 1-f ~I·:·ir ;-11 P,, ...

1 ., \,

. .' M, : ·•r 1 • ··~

. ' ••• 1, (, • ,'.r

Page 92: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


l\nrthwcst :-:rhra<ka, and thr ahsorptinn of Arkansas in St. l.1111i' C'onfC'tC'llC<.'. h.1\'C" :dready hren citC'c1. RC'garding- the last. ii <hould he nntccl that only the trrritnr)' nf Arkansas Confcrcnco \\ ithin the state of ·\rkan~a" hac:. hrron1c a part of St. I ... oui.;. Conf<rcncc, the little <trip of thr old Arkan.<as Conference in the: ~tatc of Oklah111n.t ha\ ing pa-.,:,t.'<l tn (Jkl.1h01na Cnnfcrt•ncc

1\111ong the color('d cf•nfclt·nccs, l ... exington haf> a<ldrcl ,the .states of \\.isconsin and :\linnl:.ot:i. thu .. i1u .. ·rc-.1"-tng it.s tcrrih1rial extent slightly hr).otul that of it:-. :-i:-trr. l.incnln Conference. .~t the sa111c titnc it h.1..:; givrn up tn l·:a"t TC"llll<''-"<'<' the counties of \\'hillcy. Knox, Brll. and Harl.111. in 1'entucky, Ea<! 'I'rnnc<­sce ha!' Iike\\·i:.c acquired l~alcigh ('ounty. \\7cst \'irginia, fro111 \\'a ... hington l'l)Jl f t'I' l'llt'c..'.

t'inc<· thr 1920 (;r1H·r.d (,nnfrrrnce. hy authoriz:ttion of that bod). ~outhcr11 l'ahior111.1 l'oniC'rcnrc ha:-- hcrn furthcr incrc..•af\ccl h) thl· ~1dd1til1ll tlf \1ituna ~Ii ... ~inn. thC'rrhr a ...... 11111ing the \ast proportirHJ' cn11111H.:ntl'd upnn in an e:u licr paragr:1ph.

Absorption of thl· 1 t:11ian ).J j~,ion hy the \'arinus \vhitc Eng­lish-!"pt'al\ing l· .. 11fer~·11cc..· .... and .. nttll' rather nrgligihlc shifts in the boundariC'~ bet\\<'c..·n :\'<.'\\' "'fork anti :\'c..·\\· \'ork Ea~t. :\'C"\\'ark

ancl Ne\\• Jrr!'.<'). ;111'1 J>hit11h•lpl11.1 a11d l 0 C'nt1 al I'cnn~ylvani.1

Confl'fC'nce:-, co1nplctcs the li~t of l"hangc ....

Arca Changes

Sinrr 1916. lnd1anapofi, .\1<"a ha ... hl'c11 in::-t1tut<'d. fnn<..1<..ting pf ~orth Indi:ina 11.11<1 l'\orth\\'C'"t Jnclinna (.'011fC'rc.>11l'C'-... takc..·n f 1 0111 Chicago :\rC'a, an<1 Indiana an<I Lexi11gto11 (."on i er encl''

fro1n Cincinnati .-\1·ca. :\'<.•\\" Orlranf. .i\rra is no\\' co1npo~c<l excltt~i,rl) of colored

<.·onfrrrnc<':.-. 1'hr t\\O ,,·hitc confrrcnce:" for111r1l~ in thi" arra. 11an1~·1_,, lr11lf an<I So111h~111 l~t·1·1n.ln, h.1\\' l1C'\ll t1.:1n,fc..rrcd to \\'ichita Arra in cxl'hani..:r fc-r \\\•,t 'l\•;...1 .... tlu 11111~ colo1ed confC'1c11cc in \\'ichita \rea :tl·cnrcling tn the old alignnH·nt

\\'ichita .~\rca in 1916 containt:11 \\"c ... 1 Gcrn1~11 C'r.nfl·11.·ncc. \\"hich has sin er hren jo1nl·cl to D<.•n, <.'r .\rca in accnrdancf' \Yi th an apparent llll\\l'lttcn la\\" th,1t n•) f\\'n 1ne111h\·r~ of thr ... a111r fantily of forc1gn-:,p<:ak1n.~ c,,nfrrrnc<""- .,hall l1l' attacherl t(l 1hc· santc cpi~cop~il are<1.

'l'hc only further 5]11it i:, thJt uf the :-\.1rth<.'lll $\\'C11i~h Con­ference front Detroit tu St. I)a11l \rc:a.

Methodist Field

Episcopal Christian Community Increases by Over 60,000 During

in Foreign 1920"

STA'I'ISTIC'~ .i11'I <"<>mpilcd for ;c.1r '""" increase of 36,153 111"\\ 1nc1nlH'I" ancl 13.R8Cl llC\V hapll/t•tl ,·hilclr<.~n.

\ alnr of t'ht1rch p1·opr1 t> 1n 1111-.:-i1111 fi1·lcl inrr<."a<..r<l h) $3.6i4,-679 in y<."ar .. \ lan.:1· :1111011nt <1f tl11 .. it 11••1lc·il llh r(~a~C' i" clue to ;.:rr:-tt<'I' lho1ough1H'!--:- <11t thC' tichl in ;..:.1thc·r1n~ .ind rrportini: s-t~1·

l1:-l1c<:... 1'.trl 11f thr 1nrrc,:a"L~ i:.- d111· tc1 llh'J't·:1:'ed ,aJ11:1tio11 oi t'"\.l~t1ng proprrt) and p.111 1-.. due '" Jtc..'\\ i1n1H·o,·e111l'lll!' a1H1 pr(1jcrt~ n1ade po:-... ilil(' h.' l'rntrn.11j i1111<ls.

l"o11t1 ihution ... (Jf r:!1111·h 1111111hc·1 ... 1111 ft1rcign tic· lei, $4.077,992. 111orl' th.tn c1011lill.' that <.•{ 1')J0-. a J111tahl1.· C'1..~ntC'11ary r<.·~ult.

:\ total tif (1'Ji'.-l-36 11o•tti\ e ("hr1 .. 1i.111 ... 111 1 ... t· 11p the Chri:.-tian co111nn1nity tnH.lt·r 1hc r:-trt· 1•f the ).lt·1h .. di .. t J·:pisl"opal Churi.:h in \ariotts nti~~ion 1:111ds. acccn·t.lin:.t 1c1 lC'port" for 1920 ju!-it re­cciyc<l and ro11111il1 cl 11~· thr 1·!11.1rd of l·or<'ign 1'.li..,sinn .... 'l'h1., Jnakcs <111 1nr1 C'a ... 1.• (Jf 60.0-42 ('ht 1stian .... <lurin~ thr :year 1920, l"on1par<.·<l '' ith the p1 l'\ inn ... t ''- t•h c111onth pt·rin<l. 'J'he total bap .. tis1ns \\<.'re $9.0P8 :1cl 11l1 .. :incl l·hik~rcn.

lnd1a and li11r111.1 r(·1n:1in ~lcthnJi..,111':-. g1 c..·atC':-.t fil·l<l for eva11-µe1isn1; the Ch1 i~ti:1n <'111111n1111ity thC'rc..· 1n1111hrr.;. 385,410; the 1111n11H·r l1ap!i1<·d in th1·"(' l"tlntrit·~ in 19..?0 ''as --10.991 :-iclult., and \hildren. The ch11rrh in 1:11, ope. print·ipally Jol·:1te<l in thr ... 1rn11g 1\lethotli~t ('l'lllt~1:. (if ~l·a1hli11:nia. in11nh<'I''> 91.369. In tlH~ Philippine i .. 1a11c1 ... ~lC'thodl"lll h:i ... a follo\\ill~ of su.526.

~fhC' Hoard of l."011·i!..!n ~Ii-.. itJ11-.. h.1 ... 1.133 n1i .. ..,innaril'" :1t \\nl'k nn the firltl: the \\'u111.1n':-. ]


111t•:g11 ).Jj-. .. ionary Snrict~ ha~ .5i"S. 'l'hi:-- in<lKatc·~ n j.!ain of 1:;9 .\n1t·rica11 \\011..:l~rs for 1920 uho\"l' . .II lo•<Cs hy ckath nn<l rel ii cnwnt. China has 494 of the 111is­-..i<11Htrics of hoth the lJoa1 ll and the :-.uc..'it:l~ ; Jn<lia nnd nurnti\. 452.

In addition 111 th<' n1i-.. .. 1onarit ... , the <'\an.!-!t'li:-tir bt:tfT includl's 2.i59 or<1ai1u·d n:J.th·c prcarhr1::. and 6.2&') ttnordaincd native prra<.·h('l'S anc1 ('"hot lt'l'". Othl'I n.1ti\ l \\ •• 11 ... t I :-.-ill\'huling ni11le · C'a<lcr(,, rolpnrH·111 .... tc:H0 hl'1 "· ph) <.ifian ... n11r<..ec::-nu111hrr 7 .. 17R 'l'hic::. n1:1k<'~ :i. tot:d ni 16.-4.?.:. nathr l<'acler<:.,

Thcr<' \\:1." :in i111'l'<':i~1· of ,;h(l ~11ncl:1\· S1·h11ol ... :ind --16.801 ·t·lu1lnr~ dn1111~ 1111 ~ t :n. 'fh•• 1 .. 1.d 1111n1l•t r • 1 [ !'n11da~ ~< hno] .. 1111ch·r 1l1C' f.i11· .. r :h1• \i,th.,,Jj..,l Vpi··11p,1l rni~"i1111.1ric•, \., Q.~.i.°):

,,f "'t'hcila1-:. -4~.?.o..:; l11di:1 and P.111111.1 }1,i\1 (1Cl::.1 ~1111d .• ~· $fhon1". c111111li11~ 1 • ..:,?nc11 1htld1c·11 111 1:11111p1'. ~1tth11tli-..1n h:1. .. 111.-l~C) .• 11··'.,1 .. Ill 1 _?.1; ... 111·d •\ ....... ~ ..... ~ ..

.1 \. 1 ', 1

l J1,f1·ill

I I 1: 1} ••

\j'.,J . :,\ ...... ' 1 ., p, !j,,_



· l "1 · . I i ~ • 111::: -11; l '1 111 .1

\ .. ' .

:· '·' ·1 11-. ,, ..... . ':. \ . ~' 1· 1 • •,

J1i1 1.d:..tl.\ I·• .J,j1: 11.l f'l'•Jql·1, l·1·.l1 •·l r•,.t11) '\ith (\11

., !J;.J'\ h111.J.. J:, ;,],. 111: .. 1h. '.i 1 !1• •• i 1· ol ·•·ll ...; •• f 1: 1h1 1 .. , ,;._,1 t'1c·J.J \\:l• i1~.1r.~1·l 1.\ :-1.1,_?1.11..? tl:i,r 111:·-i111.ir~ p1·1•1

;.,!l\di11. (,]l •. 1. ], T•1.J. ~·r111i··. pl··l' 1 • (·1c,-ith'r11~··i :.

J'J11 1t 1111 '"('J.1 i ·Ji.ill ("'. ll'lliLl'il · ·• " Ji. rt• il•' tJ i11rhtcl1 • OJ~l\ ;1· 11 .1•1 1•1fJ·•r T• i· 111•11·,1.,r .... .i1.J; ,,.:i,1d .l11!ch~11 tln1ll'l' ~11· · • r 11t , 1· -11

'alur "-' $1.906,()(10. The mcrra•rd 'n h1<· n i proprt ly own eel b' the \\"on1a11·~ F•'l"<.'lgn ~11 ..... ionar~ :-=.1•r1rt> \\:1.., $~<>.:;,B-li.

'fhr e:-.t1111atccl tntal \;due ( 111 l 0llil<.~d ~1.11e .. :..:old l ol ,.II l"IPurh<.·._ O\\nccl Ii> tlu· l!11.11d of F111c1i•11 ~11 .. -.1nn-c.. 1-. $l1l . .?,:;.i,i;lJ of par:-onag<'::-, $3.3~7 ,;ll(): <1f school:-.. ho~p11.1J... alld 1111,, c ll.111<' nu!\ in ... titt111011 . .;.. S.i.03-t.oJ;. .\II \Hup~·1 t.' 11\\ 11c·tl 1,_, thl· \\ •1111.111 .. 1•\lrcign ~li':H·ionar.' ~or1el) 1J;1, an e"tin1atrd \:due..· 1•1 ~.t-4113h,::;,1

In otht•r ''ord ..... \1111·111:111 ~lt·th<11h-.111\ i11\<'"ln1rnt 111 p1.11H·1ty att<l buildings ful" 1hr ~p1t:1di11g 11i the ;.:o•pC'l nH ..... a.:.·1' i11 the 1nissio11 J::uul~ of th<' ,\orld i-; 111or1 tli.in :-::2,:;.nco.nnn.

'l'11c total ('<11ltriht1tin11.:. of 1hc church 111rn1i•i'l'C. 011 th<.· foreign firld \\rtS $-t.077.992. 'rhi" j .. 111nrc> th:tn dnul11c 1hr 111nnr.' con tributrrl in 1919. In nt~ny fields a1 .. o, out,icle ,.f Europe 1nt"1r~1ses arc also reported.

RURAL PROGRESS 'I'hc Rev. ~:111111rl Cotl].,: ... 011. \\ho i ... :-r-r\ ing the \\":111t11111.t

("harge of the l:1u1cl cln I..at: J)l~tl'ic·t. \\"1..,rnn .. in. \f"'llfrrC'lh'(', re· port!' :111 ittcre~1:-c :11 ~ .. t !I) f1«1111 ~<1~0 111 ~.?.000. \\ a11ln1n:i j, .1 \ illagC' of one thnu~:111cl popnlat11111 .. 11ul h~l" in atld1t1n11 t11 the i\fC'thndi..,t 1~p1<;;.t'Of•al (."htlll'h. th1c·t• I.11thf'ra11 ch111cht· ..

I~111ilin I•:. (':nalC'ri. ~r .• of 1\n._,,jlJe, t;a. ''ho nll<'IH\l·d th1•

f.ttn1111cr !--l"hnnl for rur.il pa ... 1nr.... \tlh·11". 1'enn .. l"l'po11 ... :in incrc-as<' in his :-al;u: in the pa't )t~:ir nf $,)Oil .\ .. n l'l"·111t of his prngran1 ]11.., 1nC'111J.1·r .. hip i•h'r1•:1~c ... ' 't'l"C in 1919 {1n111 ....... ,,. six to li6, a11d in )()20 i1«•111 1/f> to 230 .

Ju the 1ittll' 111ini11g to\\11 11£ Oak C'rr1'k, ('olo .. \\hit h i~ p111111

luted lari;cl;· h)' for •ig111•r<. the Hr\. Pnnl -~- :"h1<•l<L made a sur,·ry of the ro111n11111it~'. took 11p 1 1 11~ 1r:u1t•r .. h1p in "ol'1al. lit· crnry. :ind :lthlC'lll" linC' .... put lip a' an o)lijt l'll\<' tht· 111111.\111:..: "' the Sunday Schcull and l"l1t11 l"h n1cn11.c ·:-hip. a11d the re.1l"liini..: of -all P1otl·o;.t:111t.., in th1.· fn111nu111it_\. \\Ji,, ,,111 ~;i.\ th.tt tl11~ h;1• nothin~ to du \\Jth th<' r;ii\,in~ 11{ the p.1,tnr'-. ... 1l;1r' fr,)1n >.~<~fl

h1iit )\'<II" hl ~1.3$0. i11rh1din:.: h1·11-.1..• n 11t? ( >11l' oi il1t· .1ln 111].1111• .it tli1 •llll1ill• 1 .,, J1o1.1I f,q 1 lll".'1 p, • 4•'1'

fcltl<l!h((.'d J.~ flit• tlc•p,1Jl111('J1f ,.j l\ll,d \\•\)1, 1 1 f lh~· l~Polld Ill ll111Jtt' \fj,._j,,11 .. :-i.nci ( h111.h l'\.11·11 .. i .. 11 ,.j th• \111\i .. cli•I !'pl•••'"

p:il ('Jn111h ,,1i1c" .i~ r .. 11 .. ,, .. "I ''1" 1h1· ,.l.11·-1 J'11.11h(·1 ,11 :h1· "t'honl ..,j'\l\·llilh'\1·;11-.n]11. n if l ···111.1 nh 1i .... ~l.•1l 1h"

r ~" • \·h1 1; ;i:r:d r •'· ('···

11:11 .. fll••(ll~ • .i .. :~. t :.·1J;i1.:

'l .-.. 1 : ' ' 11 .;. !.'

. , i 1 •. , I . J" · . . . ' .

GER\! \:\Y h.1· ·-"'" tl••ll J' .. 1.1rti11:.: t··

'·,. r1,, ,,1 n~=-il.;· \\ , .. <1 r

J,,11 J.. l" ill ,J, I :.: 1· ti"

pJo!, c.. •• l. l I II • ;1 , • • ~

11·. ··•' •11. ~ 11" ,. 11'.li·:

\I :' ,.

. , • • ·I\ ; _ Jl ;! -

~ .il;; • 11 . j

• ... _ 1 • l,1•1' c~. 1:~i.1111 n1 ·1~-n~ 1··' .. -:: \\, , .11 1 , •• •, il 1: 1..

n1 .. 1, tlc·.1111\" 1h111:• 1h;,t 1ni1.ht OJtlr.1•1 hll ii ~11111 ,.1·i ~,. 1,• ~.


Page 93: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

August 3, 1921


(Continued from page 6)

Fisher at their home city, Muncie, on Feb-I ruary 4, 1903. He had graduated from college that year and v.·as stationed as pastor in ..._ near-by city .

.. \s young n1issionaricR they came to l India for the first thnc in 1904 and '\•ere' :;tationed at .-\i::;ra. i\lrs. l<'isher becamf' I very ill and it 'vas necessary for then1 to return to .1\1ncric.·a in ordC"r that she n1ight regain h<'r hc-a1 th. I•"'or sc,·cral years thC' illness clung to her. and it SC'etned i1npos­:;ible for thcn1 to return to the field. Three ~·ears ago, in 1917-18, they \\'ere enabled to take a tour to the several n1isslon fields, including a \\•inter's stay in India. .At the (;cneral ('onference of 1~20 her husband \\'US elected to the episcopacy and assigned to Calcutta. They arriYed in India Novcn1-hcr 25. 1920, so that 1'Irs. l''isher's stay in India this thnc has but slightly ex­ceeded a half year.

~lay I be pardoned for closing this ac­<·ount of a real tragedy to Indian J.lctho­disrn \\'ilh a personal \\'Ol'd. .And in speal{fng as I clo, I \\"ish not only to speak 1'

for n1ysclf and \\'ifc, but for the llcthodist Episcopal ('hurch ... \ bC"'autlful soul has left us ... \ rarely devoted and attractive \voman of incstitnablc value to the J{fngdotn of God has been cut off in the ver:i.• beginning of her larger usefulness. '\'hen \\'C consider the tremendous ser\'iCc \\'hi..:h Rhc \\ould have rendered to the J<ingdotn of God in I f'00perating \\•Ith her able and gifted hus­band in the corning year, \\"C arc at a loss I to explain .such a tragic pro,·idcncc.

'Ve are grieved at the great loss ,,·hich 1 lhc l\1ethodist Episcopal ChuJ•ch of the I \\Orld has su,.;taincd. ~lore clccply e\·cn \\"C

arc sricvc-d for the> personal loss '''hich I \\C ha\•e sustaint:cl. .\ gifted, attracti,·c I and beautiful pC"'rsonnlit;i.• suc·h us sh1• has 111anifcslcd to her friend:-:. hound th<':n tv I h, 1• \\ nh hoops of sl('C'I B1npti11C"'~~ and "-1•rro\\ al'f' our portion \\"t~ llh'Ul'll <.tlld f .tnnnt hr ('("•nlf nr• (•cl, nut (\In llll•TC' d~ f I Jy 1h.111 \\• JllL•llrn ior ,,ur <"hu1ch an.I f,., c•Ul'

J ·1 r !"1 •ll 1 l J, .... .... \, }11) h,·J!': 1 ..... 1

"1· JlH•n111 1 .. r 1.u r f1 i• ud-1 h• pl.1\'llli1ti: uf hi-; ch:I,]-

!1•11111. th• "'\\• • lh• all vt h1~ ;>. .. u1h, 11.1 \\JI• io( h1:-; :i. vung 111a11hovd, ancJ th•· c n1111 1nl"ll .111'1 he Jp11H·• t tJf hi!': JT~pon'-ililt~ 111aturit) llu\\ t:tnply ancl dark an1l dP 1r th<' futur<' :--1 L·n1s \\e kno\V hut too"' JI 11110 hi~ grief \\C cann•it , l)IPI", '"" C" 1n "11}\ 0 1'-"-llT" hi1n

11f our ~:.111path;i.· in hi~ lo"'-~ ·1n•l )'13\ that th<' 111t11fort of th<• JT"IY ~PHlt Illa\ ho ]ii ..

:-'1r<"ngth and ~taY until th<> '1...tY •la"·n :1ntl 1 h•• shado,.,·<; ft(•(.· a \\'a)' in 1 h(' bright nl ~s

1.J' lhc (.·lt:rual ino1·nini:;.

Page 94: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

,.ugust 3. 1921



usE t.hla depar111u•nt to tell your etorr to tba man;r rt"nders of NORTll\\"F.STER.'i' C'nrusnAN ADVOCATE,

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Cnah un1~t neeontfJnny order. Bo suro to rnentlon pub !cation deslttd.

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!'OB C:S:111?.CB AND PAS'rO:a


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J.?"irl-". J\nyonc nct•chng such h<"lp writ(' tn Pi1!-t•11, ~I. E. Chtu<"h, \\'('st llr~11uh, Ia .

• ul1•h\l1i~t {\\O )t~.u·s :1~0. For l\\i•nty-f11ur 111nnth~ hP 1:1ho1·1·1l od hi~ hnnk~ taldnJr , 1· 1 ~ .. Hf'ltr!"' on :1 1nl!.:1·tl It 11.•r -.11111 ~inti 11 itl-'·<'lihin:: 1h1111 •n .a cp, ··1al t~I" '' 1i1..-r. 'J"1., • 11- •. , n .. nt J,. ··, llt'• ·1 111.111, .• IJ, ... ]Jf, ,. 1'-' , •pl i1 1n 1h1t 1 f «tud1 nt~ ll•·l J, 1111Ji .. f 'IJlJ'• Q )1\' 1 t• k cir ( \ ( •::J::-Jit.


Canton-Th" n1 \ ('1·<·igh1n11 :O:p11ng1·r. a ,, 1. ran of lh•· t"1·ntr.ll Illinol~ c•nnfc-rl·llCf'. 1111] rrf'( nt1\ (Jr•lll th,... 1 ffif'H:: 11! nn auto· 11.1l11lo ;11·1·ifJ, 111 ~u-.1u1111·1I JUI\:! in Ynl\illl<l, \.i~h Thi 1un•·1al :-1·1\iC'l~ \\Cr•· ('1·n1Ju1•t1•1J " lh• p·1~1.1r nf 1i11 • lnnrh ~11 ·Y.1ki111u. 1h<' !• \ ':"\ 'I .Jonr~ l-T• \\:u~ in h1« nln<'IV· i1·111 \ f"•1r 11•• Joill«d th1 H"(')\ Hnc,r c 'on· ,-r1 nrr in l':it anrl t\\n \f'ar'"' 1·1lf'r rnn1f' ,, lh• t'•nt1-1l Illln••i:-< c"'n11f•l•ll<"" ;1ll<1 \\,I-'• .. , 1h111,.1h1··•· , •• n·i::: ucli\1J\0 cn.irnJ::"cil In •l•-1rh1n.! TI" l''ll'••\•<1lo'11\11111 111 1•111•1

Page 95: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


;\ I' R I L 2 0, I 9 .> 8

"new work" section of the message, the following amounts were requested: $450,000,000 for the PWA, SI 00,000,000 for flood comrol, and $25,000,000 for pub­lic buildings. It was also recommended that $300,000,-000 be set up as Housing Administration loans and SI ,000,000,000 as loans to states and local subcliYisions for public works. Surely all this constitutes plenty of canYas with which to "sail ahead."

A Virile Leader In the death of Rev. Frederick R. Fisher, pastor of

Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Detroit, Mich., which occurred at the Henry Ford Hospital in that city on Good Friday, world-wide Methodism has lost

a \' i r i I e leader whose Yers:nility led him to signifi­cant achie\'ements in preaching, lec­turing, writing, and o t h er endeaYors Dr. Fisher had a host of friend~ who throughout his pic­turesque c a re er knew him simply as "Fred" Fisher. He spent his early Jays in the pa,tor­ate, later going as a missionary to India, an<l from 1920 to 1930 was a bishop of the church with residence in Cal-T11E L\'IF. RF.\'. F. B. F"llFR

cutta, India. He was a progressi\'C in rheological and social outlook, a scin­tillating writer, a magnetic preacher, an cmhusiastic worktT, and a warm friend of thousands of persons in both America and India. He had personality.

Dr. Fisher was born at Greencastle, Pa., February 1-1. 1882, was graduated from A,bury College in I Y02, and lattT rook postgraduate work at Ro,ton Uni\·crsitv ancl H;1n·anl. earning the bachelor ancl doctor o.f 'acred theology degrees at Roston Uni\Trsity. He was aho the recipient of a numbn of honorary degrees.

After a ~hort pastor:lle in Kokomo. Incl., Dr. Fi~hcr 'J'Cll! two years in missionarv work. He then came !O New England for a pniod of 'tudy. His pas­tor:Ht·~ he1T were North Coha,,el, a 'tudent appoint­mt·n1 ( 19Ui). and Fir't Church, Ho,ton ( 1908-'Jli). A !t:l·\t.1r p<riu1I .1' .1 't<TCl.ir\ wi1h the Ho;ml of Fnr­< lgll \li"11"h .111.J ii" Ll\m,n\ \li"i"11.1n \lo'<­nH 111 pr<•«kd h1, lkll11J11 111 :he hi,hopr1< .Ill ]'1.)1. Afitr 111' H'l;.!!l.111"11 fr11m il1l 'Ill".")'·'<' .11 1h, \,1,h­"I''. ll1t't'll11g in H"'t"n Ill l'J)O. he h<c'.lmt· tiH 1'·1,:or .,f .Fir'1 Chur<h. Ann Arh"r. \lich .. wht-rt· f.,r f"ur \t.tr' ht· .1<hit\'cd ;1 grc.ll ,II,"<'<'"· He accqnnl .1 <;1ll 10 Ccntr.rl Chur«h. Dc1r1n1. in 1934 and "nee mort· .n1r.1crtd ,,idc .111<!llion 1hro11!!11 hi' \irik 1•rt:ll·hi11" . . ~ n

])r. Fi,htr \\," Jirt·,ui<lll of tht· Frtt· Chui«·h Fd-1"''·,lnp of America, .md \I.I\ ;1 frlluw of 1he .\Jll('fi-


can Geographical Society and of the Royal Geograph­ical Society. Among the books that came from his pen may he mc.:ntiont"tl: "India's Silent Revolution" (with Gertrude Marvin \Villiams), "Indians in South Africa," "Pcrsonology," "That Strange Little Brown Man Gandhi," and "Can I Know God?"

In 1903, Dr. Fishcr was married to Edith Jackson of Muncie, Ind., who died in 1921. He is survived by his second wife, the former \Velrhy Honsinger of New York.

Two thousand persons were packed in two audito­riums of Central Church for the funeral services Sun­day afternoon. Bishop Edgar Blake of ! he Detroit Area of the Methodist Episcopal Church officiated, as,i51cd hy Bishop Herman Page of the Protestant Epi~copal Church, Re\'. Edgar DeWitt Jones, presi­dent of the Fc.:dcral Council of the Churches of Christ in America, and Rc.:v. Shurley Johnson, associate pa~tor of Central Church. .-. !"":"'

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* ZIONS BERA.LB * PAGE 496 d • ~~· . •' •'t,.. • .. ,.,1 ... .-.:;,," . ., o'( t~·i ... "°lt ~, ~' ' I ~ • ,·,'1~

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A p R I L 2 0, I 9 3 8

' - . l 0

'GHRI.SfJ~N ATHEISM - . Tne words "Christian atheism" seem to cancel each

other. If a man is an atheist, how can he be a Chris­tian, and if a man is a Christian, how can he be an atheist? Surely the noun excludes the adjecti;Je. Strictly speaking, there is a contradiction in the c'!ip· tion of this editorial, and yet it may serve to call atten. tiqn ip vivid fashion to the disguise under which unbelief too often masquerades in these modern times.

A generation ago churchmen held up their hands in horror over the books of Tom Paine and the lectures of :Robert Ingersoll. Even today there are many per· sOIJS who are inexpressibly shocked over the forth­rig)1t q\sbelief of the late Clarence Darrow. But the olcl-fasruoned skepticism was largely theoretical. It was

alty to God or of the wide ramifications of their influ­ence as living deniers of what the Bible teaches, but nevertheless they retard the progress of the kingdom by their unbelief. What could not the church do for this sin-sick world if every member were an ardent believer in God in his every thought, word, and deed!

To give the church absent treatment both by hit-or­miss attendance at its services and by failure to sup­port its work financially to the limit of one's ability is -yes, let us use the word-a species of atheism. To prize doctrinal statements of the faith and make them the tests of the Christianity of our fellow men, while in business and social life we deny by our actions the very truth of Christ's teachings, is practical Ingersoll­ism. To endeavor to limit gospel preaching and teach­ing to the narrow range of personal life and to do everything in one's power to impede its application to all our human relationships is nothing less than a repudiation of the wisdom and love of God. To become so interested in building up a strong church or in giving the organization social standing in the community that we forget the purpose for which the church was founded is to lapse into unbelief. There are many other ways in which well-meaning persons, almost without sensing the seriousness of their fault, may slip into a practical atheism and still keep on going through the motions of church life.

Organized Christianity today is facing a grand-scale test of its theism. Does the church believe in God? We du nut now refer to formulated creeds, but to living actions. The church in many parts of the world stands just now face to face with government. And government demands all power. What are German Christians to do? What are Italian Christians to do? What are Japanese Christians to do~ No time now for mere recitation of beliefs! No time now to compro­mise on the ground that "the government gives us full freedom-we can hold evangelistic services any­where," while the church is commanded to keep silent on "political questions" and on the great social issue~ that vitally affect human welfare! There are evidences here and there that the church in some instances is about to sell out to Ca::sar and once again crucify its

Chri't. Here in Aml'rica. aho. it " rime fur the church to

rn·,aminl' its beliefs and co111 ictions. For it may not bl' many \c'Jrs before organiztd Chriqi:mity in th1~ country will be call.:d upon to choose between keep­ing it\ faith in the living God and e\'idencing its helid by its works, on th<: one hand, and knec:ling '11bmis~ively before somi: dictator and swearing alle­giance to the ~tate as a substitute loyalty for love and obedience to Christ, on the other.

Page 97: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


When Bishop Thobur Boy



\rhrn th<" ~htcl<·nt \'olunt<•c.•r C'o11v1•11(1011

ruct nt 1'uruntn. Canndn. in l•'Pbruut',\. 1!100. there \\'('l"<' 111"<'!-:C'llt hundrecls of clt•ll"gntt•s fnn11 the <"Oll<'gt•i-; nnd uni\'Prsitit>:-- of :\:orth .Am('rirn. .\rnc111g thi~ grC'nt ( ro\\·cl \\1\s :1

:'"Onng tnan front .\:-:bury ('oll<'gt• 111 1.::1•ntnc·k\. It \\"O~ l·"rc>d n. l·'i~hc•r, tht•H i11 hi.;: <•ighft'C'Hth ~·eor. On<' nftc>ruoon J~i.;:hop .Jnnu•.;: :\J. 'fhn· burn \\"Os thr :-p1•nkt•r. lli:-: :-oubj1•c-t \\':\:-.. ···r111· }\incl of )lissionnriC's 'fhnt .\rt• :'\°<'••d1·1l . .i\br11:t<l." ( ln th1• C'\'l"nini:: of th" .;::l111•· 1lny. hr prrst•ntPcl thl" 1:r<"nt 1·hn1lc•ngC' of l ndin. ·r oung l·'h•lu•r, \\'ho \\'Us th1•11 in hi~ junior yc-nr nt c-oJlt>gf', \\':lS grl'nt I~· hn111·C':-:st•d h,,. t hi• rnrnC':;;;:trH':-<~ and n1l"~~ng<' of fh(• spC'3kl'I'. In r1·lnting hi~ <':\Jll"l'il"nr" nt thnt tinH'. J~h:hop J·'r<"cl B. I·"'h.Ju·1-. no\\" of (·nlt·nttn. lndin. t(•ll"' tJJi,;: intf'r('~tinJ! hit of hh•tory:

''Eyery tinu• I :-.3\\' l~ishop 'fhobnrn c.h.uing thnt ('011\"Plltion I ft·lt a !<fl':ln~·· thrill in n1y

hC'nrt. .\ft('I' hf'nri111: his 1·hallt•11J.!1• ,,f I ntlin, I \\"ll~ rf'~tlps~ nll fh(' nif;d1t through, :11111 roc:.1• t•nrly in tht• 1norni11g. ] rt•:11l !--1'\'t•r:ll 1·hnph•r:-;: fron1 thf' .\('t~ of tlu• Apo:-.f11·~ 'fhi'S ...-iinpl~· inc.•rpnst•d Ill)" rt•'Sll1•:-<snt•:-:s. 1 f Plt ir11p1•l11·d tu art. to do :;;onlf•thing. .\ft1·r fl\\"hil<'. 1 \\'t•11t

do\\·n to brC'akfn'S·t n1ul hur1·iC'1l out thrnnJ.!h n l"llO\\' :-:torn1 to lht• 1·011\'t•ntin11 h:dl th:lt 1 inight find 1ht• ncl<ln·:-. .. of this n1:111 I \\;l'S di~nppoint<"d not to tin1l nn~·hu11.' in lht• olli1·•

and \Yoited until i::omeouc wight 1.·01uC' to in· form me where this great man Thoburn "a' stopping. I had a consuming desire to sec him and to talk to him. I wanted to offer 111~· lifr for lnclin. ...\ftr·r n\vhilr. f\\'O ~-oun~ 1111•11 1·n11H' to 1ht• 11ffic-P a11<1 gn''' 1111• th1• cl(•· :-.i1·1•d i11forn1ntion.

··1 ru~h"d 1111t a;.:-:1i11 11110 th,• :-1111\\. '1'111· :-tornl had hl1H·k1•d t hP :--1 r1•1•t c·ars, a 11d l tr1ulg<'d :l\\'n~· until I found th1• ho11M· \\lu•rp JHshop 'J'lioburn """' h1•i11;.: PlJh•rtni111•tl \\"h1•n } )ll"l'sS"C) tht• hultuJ1. tht• dot.II" IJPll J.:'.:l\'1• :I

Jund <·lnnging rin): .\ :-:1•1'\':lllt •·anJC• lo th•· dour. I \\':1"' thnid :uul IH'l'\'Oll:-<. but I :isl\1•d ir i~ish1111 '.l'hoburn \\n11J,] hi- ,,·illin:.: t•• :--1·1•

1111'. 'l'hC' :--('1'\'nnt ,·1·r~ grum,,· i11fnr1ni>d 1111· th:tl thi• l~i~hop \\:I'S olt hi:; hr1•nJ.:fast :111.J 011;.::ht uot to h1• clh·t11rb1•d, Unt ill\ it Pel 1u1• infn th1• \'f'stiht1l1•. I l1r1•ath]P~sl;\0 :l\\:tilt·tl th•• l'l'·

1u11 t. )ll':tl1\\'hih•, I \\':t~ ln1~~ s1·rapi11J.! n\\H)"

t hi• ha 11.. ol :-.no\\ t hnt ha cl gn t h1•r1•cl on 111~· h1•1•ls :lJu) shnld1Jg f)h• Jlakc•s fl"CIJI) IJJ) (•)othP~ Hhortl.' I h1•a1'cl lhruuj.dl th<' 1·01·1 iclo1· that \\n11clt•rft1I \'Oir1• sa) inJ,:, ·J:1 in~ 1h1• ]:Hl in.' I Ji1I ·' 011 1•\'1•r h1•:1r 'l'h0Lu1 u\: \'11ic·1"1 l .... h:1ll 1:1•\1'1' fol'J.::c•t it. I 1·a11 ..... 1• hiin 110\\ ..... 1:\11ilh1~ Oil th1• 11latf111·n1 111 SC•Jlll~ hi;: h:1ll 111 • l1t11'f"h. :l

111:111 of "'111:111 .... 1:t111n•. :11111 l 1·:111 •'\t'll llt1\\

h1•ar th·· r1•so1i:tnl ri11;?i11J: 1111t1• .. 111· 1h:11 \Olt't'. II c·onlcl lill tlu· rc•11111tc• .... 1 1·01111·1 ,,f :t la1·:.:•·

l•uildi11g. H111l )t'l Ji,• al\\:(\" "'''IH1·1} In .... ,,,.:iJ\ \\ithnnt 1•n°11rt. :\I.' \'<'I') -.0111 """ lift•·•l i11 l't'l'-JlOH~f' to titnt \0 oh•1•, :-\o 'thc• Ind \\••11t 111.' lfn\\' 111~ k11Pc•s tr1•n1hl1·1l a111l shook tof,:'1•tl11•1', I hn1l forg11tt1·11 (o 1·p11111\1· 111,, o\1•n·11:1t a11il 11111fH1•1·. and 1ny hut \\:1 .... iii 1n.' h:111cl. 111• did not :-hnkc• l1:11uls \\ ith 1111'. hnt a:-; 111• :-.t11c11l 111 l'cu·1• Ill!'. 1111i11t 111f,:' hi:-. 111tl1•\ 1111;.:1•1 111 )11\

1'a1·1" -.:aitl. ·1 J..1111\\ \\ha1 li1"C111;.:li1 .'ou h1•r1-. Yun a11• t•llt' of tho:--1 dr:ll 1.,.IJ,•;.:1• }.,._, .. att••1ul· i11;.:: th1• <"Oll\'1•11ti1111. I \\ill \\:t~c·r )1111 \\:tlll 11• i.;o to 1111lia." tlh ho\\ hnpp~ l \\a .. 1hal h1• hail ;.::11•'s'S1·1l 111.t "t'C'l'l'I : I ldll'\\ ho• 11111lc·1-·

.. 1111111 :11ul 1'1 .. 111 lh~ll 111111111111 1 \\:i' :11 I" 1 f• •I 1 I"• .\fto I 1:tJl,j11:: \1itl1 IJ· i11 ,I l.,,J11lll•l'

\\ 1\ l<1I 111"1 .1 l• \\ ll1·l11.I• •. J. .,,,.j '\ . ., 111\ J.1.J. J, 1 11• )•IOI\ ,1l,,,,J1 11 • .\1,,) ,,j\J,,,;ll

1.l11Tt• Ill < li:iiJ in "'ll'i •·11 l.1111, I ] 1 • h d•o\' 'I

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.... Ji1111l1]11·, :u1i} l11uJ.. 1 ·ol 1111· ... t1·:1i;:l1t i11 Iii•'''

I \\Ill lll\1'1" f11q.~1·l tl111 ..... l'\C", "'\11\\. 111 ... 11.I,

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]11 Jno]i:1. lh:ll \1111 \\JIJ ].,,,. thf' '111)1:111• :11111

1 h:it '••II 111a' lie• a :,:'l'I :It I 'Jn .... t ia11 "111 J,, 1 "\\"ha1 a 111.1\1·1·' 11 "a' .. Ji .. 11. h111 fl'll 111

:1p1w:.il It \\-I• -.1n11;:tl1·:.:i\iu;: \\"li•11 lio :11 ...... ,._ "l11ttil In f11t1 h1111, ll"l ),11,.\\ 1u;.:

\\h1·1l11•r it \\c11il1l lu )llt1J1• I' '" .,ff11 tn .... J,:·J,, h:1111) .... \\ith lii111 1:111 .... q,JiJ11il\. 11•' 1•:i1h1d

"ill !1111} tnc.J, 111,\ h·ft )1;11111 Ill J1i"' ,11111 Jol;lt'• ,J J.j .... 1i;.:h1 l1a11•l 111•u11 111.' l11a'1 ·r1i ....... \\•I•

tli• ""II) .. Ji, -.,11d 'J')1•' J1:1\• {1•Jl1n\l·.J l•·'

dn\\ II th1·011gh lh(• ,\t'UI'. .. : ":\°tl\\ l'C'lllt'lllbt·r.

111.' Incl. I ha\''' put 1ny hnnd upon your hc•::Hl :Jnd :o-<'l .\011 :tpnrt for lu11i;t.'

"Ile• :t:-okt•ll \\hl'r1• J \\'::ts in <"o11r;n•. ancl \\h1•11 I \\'ot1ld hP throu::h. 1 tolcl hhn Ill'OL· ubl.' in t \\'O )"t•n1·s, )Jr i--aitl, 'l·,iui..:h y1.n11· <'Oll~·g1• 1'0111'~"· ] \\ill lu• \\:liting: for yo1: in l111h;1.' It ll13." ht• ll stl':IH;,:-1• i111pr1•,..sin11 tllltl J luul. hut I pi('tnr<'il hi111 0111 th1•r(' in Jrulin \'.flitin.f,! for 111t• lo 1·01111'. I c·nn s1'lll"<'t>]y

r1•1n1•1nhPr 111.' 1•),;it fro111 tlu· ho11--1•. I 0111\' k1111\\' thal u ... I \\t1lk1•<l \\ilh liftc•cl h1•n1) dtl\\11 lhf' SIJ0\\'-("11\ l'l't•I) :-fl"I'(•( 1 \\'ll~ :-;illf.'ill;:.

"·I'JI g .. \\hr1·1· ,\'otl \\':lilt 1111• I••:!". 1l1•ar l.or1l, (I\ <'I' 1111•t1llt:1i11 11J' 1'1.lin or -'St':!.

I'll :-oay \\hot )on \\":tut 111<' to ~ay, clear f ,01'1l.

1·11 h, \\'h:tt \'1111 \\':Ill( 1111• 10 h··."

... l'ht• 111011ths \\'1•11t h.' :t11<l·\\·ithi11 thl'<'I' \t•:u·s fl'o111 lhnt (ln~ I \\':I~ in India nncl 0 lu11l lnunch('cl into th1• :-<Incl~· of :'\111th I1u1iu':­h1·nntiful \'Pl"ll:t1 ulnr. 1 h:l\'1• :1]\\11\s t•nl11•il thnt <')\}J1•1·i1•n1·t· at Toro11to 111~· fi1·s·t onlinn· t ion. l (' \\':Is ('hnploin )f l'('nh1• \\'110 01·1l:1inc•cl llH' df'::H·o11 in tlu· 'Spring of 1fl04. 011 1ht• 1•\ I'

of 111) tlf'pllrl 111·1• fur l 1uliu. ::11111 ii \\'fi' l~ishop Frnnk ,, •. ,,·:111u· \\'ho 01·1hiin1·1l 111" 1•}!} .. 1· in lht> JHH th nf }ncli:l in 1h1• \"c•r) c·1•1111·r of thc• Jilli"..; 1110\'Plll•'ll( fll'1'11. \\.IJ1•11 J1t·11pl(• s:J), '\\.ho 11rclain(•cl ,\'011:'· l 1·1·pl,\. 'l lwlnng fc1 1111· t1·111•

:lpo .. tolic· :-.111·1•t>s~io11. '1'111·1·1• ;.:'.l'Plll "'1111}:-. 111'·

clailu·1l 1111•--'l'hnhurn. :\lt·('nh1• n111l \ran11'. 0

' '

\\.ho :--hull :-.a,, that tlH• fornud orclinat'i1111 ac·cort1ing to thf' ht\\' 1•f tht• ('hnreh ""1' :ill\'

u1orc efilc.·n«ious than thr• laying on of band:-. of .Tatu('s :.\1. 'l,bol>nrn, ut Toronto?

llO\\" Jll'(l}lhf'tii· \\'Pl'(' tlu• "orc}s .... pokt•n tl111i11;.: 1h.1t 1•:111.' 111n111i11r: 1·••11f1•1·1·111., at 'l'ur1111t11 i11 J!ICIO. ··1 "'1'1 ,\uu :q1:11t fo1 l11tl1a.·· In 1111• 1111• l\1•11111;.: ,\1•:11·.., 1111· <'l11111·li c:ilh·tl npu11 I h1· ,\ "1111;.: .... 111111•111 \\ ltn 1111•1 'J'li11h11111

thul ola~ 111 ~h1· l1•,1eli•l'sliip h1 i11q1111·ta111 UH· d11tal,i11~"' ill .\n11·1i1·;1. hut in l!l:.!O Ju• \\a ... li:11·J, iii I 111li;i :1;.;-11111 :1 .... 1·1•:-;ill1•11t Hi:-. hop ut l 'olit"llltn. I 11 111:111,\ !"1•s111•1 ts Bi .. :l111p I·,J'c•il ){. l'i:-.hPI' j, to·1la.' c·:1r1~i11;.:- f1•!\\Hl1i tl11• to1-c·l1 \\ hit•h l:h.-hop .):11111'!< )I. 'J"lioblll II )':J:O-'"'l'I' Cll!

It• lhn:-.1· ((, \',};0111 !,. ha•! p!·•·~1·nt1•1l tho• r·h:1l· )c•il;!P of I !Hli:t ·'S 111·1•11.

111 tli1· :l• li11'\'c•1111•11ts 11f l~ish1111 'J'l111ht1r11 :11111 1h·1~1· \\ho \\l'I'•' 1•ullt•1l i11lo th1• 111i'S:--iu11

h1•l1l th1·1111;;h Jd .. 1•fforts '1"1n: t'11n1:...·11 \,\ .\u­\01 \"II' ha .. a 111···11lia1 i11lt·1·1·sl If j.., I•'·

.-·all1·'1 th~1t it \\:I'S !1111111;.:!1 1·t·o11l111;,.: •I 1·11p\ of '1'111 l'lllCl~'JI \\ .\ll\111 \II 1h:1t J;i .... hop 'l'hu· 11111·11 att1ihntrd hi .. 11111'1'1':-I 111 l111lia. '\"!1:11 :I 111i;:ht.\ :-.t1·c·a111 of 1111s:-io11:11.\ :11 lh ii,\ li:i'S 1• 'Sldl··•I fr11111 1h:if f111111tnii1 l11·01il .\1:111,\ pa~-1•11· .. ;111• 1111\\ 1•11g.1g1•d in 1ila1i11;! 'J"111 ('11H1 ....

II\\ .\1noc\'ll in tl11• l101111·~ cil' tht> p1•oplt'.

\\"ho 1\110\\..., \\h:l( :111 ii11p11l-.1• tu thl' J..:i11;;clu111 1lii .... \\"1J, 111;1.' 1r-11l1 i11'~ 'l'l1i:- j..., th•· 111111:1111·1·

:incl lhc• i11,piratin11 in tht' pffor I to pl:11·p a ( '1110~11 \ '\ .\U\tll'.\Tl: in •'\'C'I'.\ )lc·thodi .. l 1101111',

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Page 99: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

\Yhy Bishop Fisher Sought Helease

[The Christian Century asked the fnrmrr Bishop F. B. Fbhrr tn explain the reasons underlying his action in leaving the rpiseopnl office, not primarily from thr standpoint of the adn1inistrath·r situation thus crratcd in his own drnomination, hut in thr light of the issuC"s it illun1es for the Christian \\'Orl<l nt large. In this artirlr, reprintC'd by pcr1nis­sion froin 'fhr ('hrislinn Crntury, Dr. l"ishrr attrmpt~ to answrr that request.)

Whrn I renehrrl the final decision to srrk rC'l(•.:11'C' fro111 lhC' ad1nini~lr1:1thl•, Ju<lk•ii:1l au<l trehnical dutiC"s nf thr tnodrrn )Jrthocli~t rpis­rop:1r\', it did not OC'C"UI' to rnr that thr act \\'ould cr<'at<' nn\' srn~:1tion or C'\'l'll di!-.C'US!.inn. PC'rhaps I hnd ii\'<'d too long in contact \\'ith thr oltll'r «.'hlll'l'hl'!-., During lh<' Cl'nlurr and a hotlf of .\tl\<'l'il':Jll )lrthndi.:..111 no a1•lht• }lj ... hcip h.1d ('\ C'r \ olunt aril;. <.nUJ!ht rc•)C'.l'-C', r'\­t'C J•t f11r rr:i'-1111.,. nf hrnk<'n )11· 1lth. )lc>rh.1p-.

thi"' mnilr it "'"'·n1 to ~nlIH' hu•nncriYahJr thnt .·1 111;1n nn thr ... unn;. <.icl<' nf 1nuldJC' lif<'. \\ ith .ipp:i rPnt hr:11i h • .t"•111d '-I :1nd111µ-. ;inJ n11nn.tl ... ucct·-.~. ~hnu)J \ol1111t.1riJ.\ .. tl·p out of a lifl' pn!-itinn that ra.rrit'ci \\ ith it p~i\"il<'p-r ... , t•n1n]un1t·nt5, }lC'TI'Jnn, and opportun1t1l'S fur ~(')"\ it·C'.

ThC' Rnm:111, CiTC'C'k, nnrl .\nµ-lirnn C'pi~ropal l'l111rrhr' h:1\'C' hail n1:1n\' in~l.11H0t·~ of this hind in tlu·ir lon~rr hi-.tu~i<'(,. F.\C'll. th<' 11it·r­.1rehiral hr:ul" of }{111nan urclrrc;. h:i\e rrturn<'tl to hrnthrrh11oll ranJ,s \\'ilh hn1111r .ind 11p­J'ro,·:11. ( ir1·C'k hi<.hnpc; h:1\·r l1r1'n :1<.<.ii;!'nrd tn tltC' rt·ctnr,hip of educatinn:il in:-.tituti11n' :ind tu r·rrnrhi:1] ta .. k~. l{t•t·rnt .\nj!lit•an (''\­.in1plc·<;, inrhulr the· :;.c•holarly fii"hop Gorr, \\'hn TC'"i;rtH•rl from 1hc· ~<"<' of ()'\ford nt the hci!!'ht uf his powers; Archbbhop Wclldon, for-

E* July 17, 1930

m<rlJ• mrt ropolitan of India, now the dean of an Eni::lish cathedral, and Bishop Pakcn­Jrnm-Wnlsh, who resii::ned from the bishopric of Assam to become the principal of a theo­Jni::ical seminary in Calcutta. Scores of .prec~­cl<.'nts, anci<>nt and modern, could be cited 1n the older ecclesiasticism•. It seems probable thnt the only reason my o\\·n case produced so much stir in our denomination '''as he­cause of its no\'e)ty. The future will doubt­less take cure of !lint.


But wli!f did I rlo it? Let my soul speak its irrrsistihlc suhjecti\'e urge. Thrrc \\'ere-, of course, specific ohjc-ctivc rc-asons, but these \\"ere inC'xtricably inter\\·oven into the personal spiritual fnhric. The simple truth is that tt•chnicul obligations, incessant travel, judicial trials, ecclesiastical umpiring, rcsponsihility for the actual dcstinv of fcllo\v ministers, financial and trmpor


nl manaµ-cment, \\·ith other kindred burdens, brought distress, grief and sla\·crv.

To nllo\I; my soul full piny of expression in times of crisc-s in church or state became cm­hnrrassing to n large organism \\'hich lookrd upon n1;.- official srlf as its conservat~r rathrr thun ns a prophrtic spokrsman. For 1n.5.tancr, it pro\·ed impossible to identify myself com­Jll<'tC"ly \\'ith lndi<1n ll$piratio!1s hecausc I represent<"d forriJ!n po\\'C"rs \\"Inch thrcatc-nrd cronotnic nnd othc-r rC"prisals unless certain J>olicil"S drter1ninecl hy some- supporting for­C"iJin socic-ty "·(,•re cnrri<."d out to the letter on I ncliun M>il. Jn spite of all the justly modify­ing rxpl:tnations \\"hieh any of us can n1akc, I \\':1s <'Xpectcd to be n culm supporter nnd a. diplornalic ad,·ocatc of polirirs, pro,•isions, re1wlations, nncl Jaws determined largely by foreiJtn custorns, tnanagement and support.. If missions n<'ccl anything in this nC\\' day it is con1plete spiritual em11ncipation from a uhiquitous imp<.'riaJism that is racial, politi­cal and cconorni<.".

This patent situation 1nnkes n spirit sueh ns mine a constant souree of irritation and confusion. Pence could comr bv l\\'O methods: I eould vield or withdraw. The former would bring otit\\·nrd success but inn·nrd surrender. The lntter meant self-respect and soul free­dom. I took the sweet leap out into the un­oflidal ministr)" where I hope lo find joy in liberty.


I would not he i::uilty of the slightest im­plication that ewrybody else is wrong. That \\'ould bC" unfair to hrlo,·cd friC"nds. Hun­d reds think as I do, and yet heliC\'C it best to stru!"!"le within the machine instead of jump­ing out of ii. Thousands urr conscientious in their support of things as they are. Each rnul must face the issue for himself and fol­io'\' his 0\\'11 dh·ine leading.

I.rt nl.C' nO\\' come to matters Jess contro­,·crsinl. Po\\·er is a strang-e thing. Those \\'ho \\'iC"ld it arC' in constant clangrr. lt affects not only those who are ruled, hul the ruler him­s<"lf. Sr\"C"ral rc-ars tlJ?O I took a personal \'O\\' that if and w)l('n I found m)'Se)f taking nnr pridC' in po\\'C'r I \\'Oulcl r<"nouneC" it forth\\·ith. I J?rarlually hrcnme conscious of the almost unpnrallf'lrd po\\'C'r of our rpiscopacy. not at .ill in prrstig<', but in nchninistrati,·r fact. l\lost oflit'C"rs ha\"C stronir con,·ictions in prin­ciple or poli<'y. If one is in n minority he is irnprHrd ahnu.;,,l unconseiou~ly to augrnent his p<'rsun.il influrncr hy the applit•alion of offi~ cinl po\\'c•r. lit" \\'ins 111:111~· a \'irlory, hul nfft•n lo-.r-. ill\\iil"dl;. hy \\C'ilkc·ning- hi' ho)\ dt•p1·11<1rnC'C' up•1n tlH· 1rC'(' c·'\prC', .. ion of trut:i huttrc>;.,-.('d h\' J,1i:'1c> nnd Jl"r"u:i-.i11n. F:.C .. pC'CJ-111·; j, thi-. true iri n111r.tl .... pir1tu;d, <1nd C'duc.Jtifln:d '1it•;1ti11n ....

. \ t IJJ\ .tf!<-, ]i.u] I rc>1r1.i i11('1l in 1 he· cpi(,l't1p:i I nfficC" ui1til 11nrn1a] rC'tirc-1nrnt. I \\·oulc1 haYC' }1ad f\\ cnt;.·-..,j;.. n1orr ~ c·<1r-. of po\\'rr. Jt \\'ao:, :-impl~· unthinkahll'. .\d;1ptation or rel<'3Sc:" hC't';IJn(• hn1H·r;1th·C'. I cnuhl not afford to drift nor to fiph1. If frt'rdnm «on)cl not ('omc h\· rt•ma1ning- \\ ithin the or!!ani ... m and berom­hiJ? in<'rC":u .. inµly loyal to it. thrn thr only lionorahlC' and C'hri:;ti:1n thing to tlo \\'3!> to \\' ithdra\\' from it.

CRJTIClfl:O.t "'lTtlOl"T CO:O.IR \Dr:~lllP

T\\·o yr11rc:; ;tpo] \\rote :in ;trti<'lr for Zion's JIC"ral<l entitlrd "To Br or ;>;ut to Br a Rh.hop.'' 'l'hn~c \\'ho rrrall th:1t rc>\•C'a]mrnt should not I.Jc surprised al the present out-

Page 100: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


July 17, Hl30 1

Congress of United Si President Hoover 'v;

By Harry] [Editor or The ~ati

THE • l'nitrd Stntrs Coni:rrs., nff<•r a. pcriQd of nrarly filtC"rn monlhs of hard labors, p;:1rtisnn conh•sts, nunu•rous in­

\'C'Stigutions, l"'Xrcuti\"C nncl l<·~islati\"C' dis­agrrem<'nt~, and intra-capitol clifl'rrC'nCC'S a-. to nntionul policil•s, came to an culjournm<'nl nt 10:37 on the niiiht of July 3. Although the \\'riter has \\"itnrssrcl n nutnher of congr<'S­sionnl scssiOllS adjourn un<lt·r \'ar~·ing circu1n­sh1nr<"S, sonic in ,,·hich the hands of the clock hn\"c bC'cn turned bnl·k, he has sr<"n none close in a more orderly mann<"r. I.egislators, \\'Cary noel nrrYouslv trnse uft<"r man\' n1onths of drbatC' O\'('T a tarift' bill in \\'hk•J\ C\'CI"\' IDCI11-

brr of Congrr~s had <.•t•rtain inh·r<.'!i'tS of his particular ('Onstiturnts to profr<"t und on \\'hich di\'i~ions \\'ithout rC'p:arcl to parly linrs often arose, \Vl'rc pl<•nsetl to con1c to <L r<·st. i\\"hill' n1uch legislation ,,·hich should ha\'c bC"rn c:on1plrted \\'ns still l<"fl upon the call•ndar of each house, it SCl'lllS that a stC"adil•r nnd n1ore sot.tied spirit )''ill now return to the whole country. inas1nuC"h as the :rµitations and un­CC'rlaintics \\"hich ah,·a\'~ attC'nd the initial con­~ressional Sl·ssiO.n of,( BC'\\" ad1nini~trution \\'ill no\\· l\halc.

Ho\\•e\·er, <"nch mc·ntbl•r of the I .. o\\"C'r I-louse goes back to his l'onstit1u.•11('Y facing: the issue of rc-('lection or retir('n1t•nt. One third of the ~rnators !also \\'ill h11\'(' dt·tcrn1inrd for thc1n at the hallot boxes 1u~,.t :S-o,·ernbl•r the issue of conlinunncc in !'er\'icr. DaYS hc·forc t .. on­p-rcss adjourned,, rnany in bOth houses h:td dcpurle<l for thoir honll'S in order to look nftor !hr interests of their clcotions. Othrrs of thr national legislntors arc plnnning to sp<"n<l the stunmer 111onths ahro.1<1 stud.ring conditions in vnridus cou11t ri<'s or 1-:uroJlC and sonic nre ~oing to the Philippilu•s anti the 1"':1r Enst.. On the day pf udjournml•nl there \\'C'J"C unly n little O\'('r half of the l'Ongrc~~llll'll pr<"!>­<'nt, about 200 of 1hc1n alrC"ncl.'· lHt\'ing lt"'ft the capitnl. At the la't roll-call takon in the Srnntr only fift~·-fol1r of the ninl·ly-!>iX S<"nn­tors respon<lrd to thl•ir nan1rs.


J\lthough f\\·rnty-fc_>Ul' srnntors hn<l signrd a rouncl-rohin ll·tter fcq\ll'!>ling the PrC'sidl·nt to dcli.1\' consh.ll•rntion of the London Nu' nl Pact mitil 1wxt foll, the Chiof Exccuth·e frlt that brcausc the ntattt•r. is Clf so n1uch conl'l'l"ll to thr nation ns a \\'hole, thrre should Uc no drln~· in ratiHl·::ttion. .\cling undrr this con­\'iclion~ hr cnllr<l the ·;=;rnatc into spl•cial st·s-5ion to con,·<'nc on Jnly \ 7, "lo con!>illC'r and dt.•tcrrnine \\"hcthrr the ndvicc nnd l'ons<"nt of thl• Srnate shnll h<.' gh·rn to the rntifil·ation of n trl•:tty for thr lhnitati<'l.l anti l'<"dnl·tion of 110:1\'tl l n r1111:1111t·nt, ~igtH.:tl <1 t I .01ttlon on . \ pril 22, 1nao ...

t\s thl'SC lines arc hl·ing \\'rittt.'n in the Capitol tlH•re :-t.•t•1ns SOlllC' tJUl':-.tion as l1l a t1uoru1n r"'•1n;iiuil1g in lh"'· l'ilY until a \oll' on the treat~· rnay hl' takl·n. ;\s indit.·ntcd abo\'e, OlitO\' srnators ur(' nn,.,inu~ lo lt.•:t\'C' ,\·a..,h­inµ-t;>11. 1'hl~ prcfi.<'llt'l' of fort~·-ninr 1nrntlH·rs j;o, l'('quirC"<l for thr St·1Jalc to ('arr\· on hu,i­nr~.... .\n\' ~t·nnl1•l' 111a\' ;it :in\'


tin1<' 1·:d..,r thr qu1•;;.ti;Hl nf <1 qunru


111. 11 1~p1111 1·01l-t•11ll

" qu11rt1111 i-. 11111 J'l"t''t·nt no hu ... 1111• .... 1•;111 pr11-r1•1·1l. hut th1 •1 r:;.· .. nt- 1t-.innc. m 1\ ht• tli­n·ch·d 1 .. ,•,11npt·l tin .il't111.1.111\'1' nf ,,h .. , 1il11 ...

1111\\1\C'l. hi-. t1•k Ir\ tlH )•I1·1·nt 1•1rcnn1~ .. , lllt't .. \I .. uJil l>1 :1 1lnii1 •ill PIH'. ,, ... 1 1111111\., I'

11t tlH· •111dnr-. .11't t"""r1.1l tl1•!.11111-, fr11u1 ti•\ l'41pit11J.

.\ COlll\t,l:OtS l'Hl'lDL~T

Durinµ- lht• lnnJ! n111nth .... in '' hil"h I-lcrl'C'Tl I lt>o\ tr h.1 ... hi' 11 111 tl1t \\ l111t· 1 l1•H""· h1• ha~ h:ul tn 111•,t) "1th thC' 1n11-.t dillu ult <.itu.1linn<. \\hhh h.l\t' l'11pt\nnlt·tl u ("}•it·f C\1'c't1lh1• f,1r :? _L"1'Hf'r:itinn. l"\1't'}1l 111 thl' tinll~ nf \\ar. f\t•n in \\111' tin11·.., tht·n· i<. a 11.1l1ioiit· unit\ <1nd 1·nthu ... i.1...,u1 \\ hil·h J!h , . ..., ,, l'rt·o:.1dt·11l !otipp11rt tp1it1• irr1·-.pt·t•lht• nf p.1rt~. J>rt'"llhnt llno\t•r ('11111<'" into ollii•t• .1t .1 I lint• \\'h1•11 nur o\\ n ('111111-

t r~ ; .. intlu)J,!iJl:! Ill .111 l"l'ol oi t'\ll';J\,IJ! Jlll'l" IHI·

parotll<'l<'d in iill hi ... t11r.'. :'.'.t·\t'I' dul lhl· pt·opll·

or so1nc or tnc 01bcourilµ:1111-; :.uu.u.vu-> .......... Sc:-nate \\'hich face I>rl·~idl•nt I Ioo,·rr \\"ill hC"lp n1any to und<'rstnnd so1ne of the lhin~s \\'hk·h arc not nl\\'ilYS clrnr \\'ht.•n ,·ic\\·ing l'ongrrss frorn a distancr.

()f l'oursc it is nuturnl that the opposition party should do "'hat it can to r1nh11rrubs the aU111inistrntion. This is the cuslou11:1ry prac­tice of the party \\'hich may be in thr minor­Hy. 'rhe Prr~ident's grC"atc-~t rliffil·ulty, ho\\'­l'\"l•r, has ht.•cn caused by the situation \\'hk·h t''.\i.!>ls hl•rnuse of the altitude of thosr "ho \\'t•rc clrctrd as inrtnhl•rs of his O\\'n part\'. Snn1r <lf these roruiitions existed hl•forc 1-Irf­bt·rt I Ioovcr hrcatnc I>rl·sidl•nt and son1C' :ire due to the pt.•rsonal ft·l·lin~s of Ull'll holding kl'Y l<"{!islath·c po.!>itions. 1-\.<"epinµ in inind a ft•\\' l'"arupll'S nido; un<lcr!SlanU.ing of rccrnl t'\ cnts in l'ongrrss.

'l'hl· Sl·nntors occupying sC'nts on the nu1 jor­il~ bide of the ll}'Jlt.'I' hou~C' art• Ml di,·id"'·<i' hl·­t'i1U~C' of u1inor a1ip-n1nl'1tl:-. that thl•\' nt.'\l'l' .io111 tht.•ir forces on 1najor is~ut•s. 'l'llrrr ::ire ~nch µ-roup'i :1 ... lht.• ll1•µ-ul:ir~ or <>ltl (i11.:1rtl, tl.1t• In ... u.r!.!t'lll <~.rnup. tht~ }{,ulh·;il (.iroup, tlu· 'i 111111;.r :::-1'11·itr ( il·nup. lhl· Jrr1·c1111cil.1hlt· .... 1ht• lncl1t•t1i.icnt~. ltc. l1l't.ii11 11f tlu~ 111.11••1'11\ J 11'1~ 11111nh1 r .... •ll't' found flr-.t in nth· ,1( th, .. ~. Ji],,f.., .ind 1hl'll 111111ther. 1111 •'t.'c.i-.inu. \\Iii 11

ll11Tt' .11"l ._,, lliill: \.1J'l.iti••l1'> n1tJ11i1 .1 t-!1'•·11)'

ui lilt~ -~i\ ~1·11 tlur., thrr1~ j.., not on)\' i11-.t.1-hilily antl J..1l·I\ of ft1rl'l', hut 111o~t' a)-., •I\~ thC'rc 1~ .1 rt·rt;lin nutnhrr 1h;'1t :111 nrgani1.~·tl 111iu11rity !oitlt· of thr t•h:unh(•r l"'n u~c to tl1\\'1I't tin .uhnini!otr.dion.

.\ ll'l\I:\\' \Il::O,I J.E.\DED.,1111'

'l'h<' PrC'..,idrnt f<H'l'~ ;:1nnthC'r h:111tlil'<IP in tin• ]:u·I\ nf :1 lo~ .ll .inc! ~nthu<.!a'tit• J?l"llHP of li1·111t.11J11l~ 111 the p11~.1t111n .... 11~ h·.uh·r ... Jup in tin· !'it·n;itr. In tl11· \ lt't·-I>rt'!'Hh·nt. \\hn """ aJ ... n .1 <'•1ndh.l:1tt• f11r thl· l)r<·<.itlrnti;il r11111ino1-t11111 .1t tlu· h .. 111"a' l 1t~ l'llll\c•ntit111, thl' J>rt·~i· d1·11l h.i::i tlU .:1d1111rt·r .111tl )11~ .ti ... upportt'I'. \\'t

• I

Page 101: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

3tHi TIIE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATI·~ :l\Iarch :2:2, I D~3

• Calcutta Ill

Parnlkb i11 Lives and Hy1nns of Bishop,s Heber and Fisher

Bv Carl F. Price • 'fn·o hi:-.hop.., \\"t'llt to lndia 11nclr1· uppoinl­

IHC'nt frcnn tht•ir r<''P«'l·li\'c.• ('hllr<'hr.... Bach \\"a:-. thl• nuthor of a 111i~,ionarv h\ n1n, 1nort• or l<•!.s a-.~ot·iat<·d \\'ith th11t firlc


l. 0

'fht·ir na111t""' \\'C"Tf' ]\i:-.hop ]{c-ginaltl l lt•lH·r ancl Jli-.hop Fr<·cl ll. Fi,hC"r. l~al·h \\il'i appointed to Cnleul tn. J·::it'h '' ,,.., :i ('0111p:t r11t h t·ly yonhj.! 1111111 '' hc•n 11111dt• hi ... hnp. I lc."ht·r \\ ''' forty yc·:1r ... old nnd Fi,Ju·r thirt~-t·iµ-ht. \\'hc·n c·h·­\'cllt>tl to I he ''Pi"t'O)J:H.'~. • \ rc•nf ury, ho\\ C'\ ("T,

SC')HtratC'd tlu•1n ;11ul tlu·~· hrhl al1110 ... t lhl• i:.:u1H' yc·.1r ... in lh<'ir rr ... pt•c·fi\'l' <.0 rnturic·..,, up to t hc• th ircl yC':i r ... of I ht•i r <•pi-.eopnl'Y (I I rht•r born JiS.~, ]•'i~ln·r horn lS~:?; llt·lH·r \\'rot<' his 1ni..,!:>io1111r\' h\'1nn in 181!>, l•'i~h<.·r \\'rol<" hi-. in l !>:?I; I I<>hrr' \\"ai, nHHll· bishop, JS:!3; I·"i~h<"r in 1920).

•ro add lo lh<• po1r:ilh·Ji~1n il j.., 01 ... inp-ular <.•oinei<lt•nee thnt l3b~hop l•"i::,hrr has l><.'<.'11 liv­ing in thC' ~a111t• pla<'<" in Calcull.:t \\'hC're Bishop lit•b(•r lh'C'<l~ that i-.. in a 1nodrrn builclin;r l'TC'C"tcd on the -.it<.· of llt•hrr·-.,. <.·pi:-.­eup:.il ~r<• ... idt•ru:t'. In l he l~ng-li-.h C'hureh nC'arhy, ]lb.hop }<'i-.hrr h:i.., Juokrcl upon the fC'aturc·s of hi~- <'ph•ropal hrolhcr of the· for­mC'r century. r<'producctl •Is lht·y ar<· in a finoly wrou11ht bust of Hop;innld llchor.

1'he nnalo!!.' hrt\\'<.'<.'n thC'ir lh•C's finally C'OllH'!' ton h:ilt. \\'hen ni-.hop ))<.•h<.•r ~tnrted upon hi-. <'pi:-;<.·opal dutie!>a in t\1lcutl<1, it \\':ts

hib first .&ojourn in Indh1; <1nd, not hc·inp- nhlc to C'IHlure the cli1n11tie rn1Hlil'ions, hr di<.·cl l<"s" than thrC'C' yC'nr.s lalC'r (1S26) on hi~ <..C'<.'ond \'is.it to India. ni-.hop I;oi"'h<·r\;. f:truiliarity \\'ith India, ho\\'<'\·C'r, hns <'Xlt•nth·d O\'rr t•ighh"C'll ~·<.·ar ... , and \\'C' pri'ly ( iod lh<tt his lift• 11101~· he :-.pa rt·<l for 111.111y <lct·nde:-. of 11.sC'ful b<.'r\·iee for th<· )Ja-.lt·r.

'J'hC' 11li~-.ionnry h~ 11111., of t hC'~t· t" n hi ... hop"i. of ('alC'ulta, \\'hilt• holh \'oit•in:.r the npp<"ul of thC'• nti-.!o-ion fit•Jcl, prt•,.,c-nt thr npp<·iil fro111 clitl'c•r<·nt points of 'it•\\', I l1·he·r


:-< hy1nn, \\'ril­tc·n in J·:ng-l:11t<l in l~t~. rc·prc• ... c•nt!', fht· "tand­pninl of the Chri-.tian Churc·h :it honH•, hr:tr· inf! front <Ji,.,f:1nt fil'lcl-. th<' l'all fe1r clc•li\'<'r~ ::tnc·c. ]•"i-.h<.•r'.s hy1nn. \\' ril I rn in I n<lin in lH:?l. reprt•scnt ... th<.• forC'iµ-n fit·lcl an<l is filh·d \\·ith itn•ll?<'ry, pic·turing- the· \\·ocful nrt•tl of lndi:1 for rt·<h·1nption through .Jt"••tl" Christ.

.. l'll{l;\f (ill1:t:s1 •• \Sn's lC\' ;\IOl'STAtXS0


]~\'l'f\'011<' kno\\'S ho\\' l l1·hc·r's h\'11111, "F'ront (.ir1•enl;1nd'~ lt•y :\Inuntaino.,;· canu: to b<.· \\'rit­tC'n. \\'hilc \"i<.·ar of lloclncl, hl' \\'a" \'i-.iling hi~ f:ilhC'r-in-).1\\', Dean Shiph·y of \\'rt·xh:nn, in JSl!J, \\'h<.•n thC' latll'T a-.krcl hi111 to \\'ritC' a 1nh;.o.,ionarv h\'n1n for thr srr\'iCl' to he hc•ld thr follo\\'illl?. Stind:iy in th<· intC'rt•..,t-. of tht• So­('it•ly for the J>ropaJ!:il ion oft he (io,pl•l. l·lrh<'r \\'illuh'l'\\' ton q11i1·l c-or11e·r of lhl· rt·c·tn1·y :11Hl 110(· lon;t nfl<'I'\\ a rel... r<"l t1r11C'tl \\'il h l hrt'C' \'t'TSC'.., of hi-. fn1no11<o; 111j ... ..,ion:1ry h~·1nn. ,\1-th.-.uf!h the• cl1·an llf!-"c'cl hin1 not to \\'ril<.• a fourth \t•r..,1·, ht• in ... i ... tc·cl upon ndcling lo tht• h\'11111. \\'ilhclrc•\•: aµ:iin. and rrturncd a l-.C'l'OIH.I tillll', \\ilh the· ~tirring- \1•r ... r, ••\\';:1fl, \\':!ti, y1• \\'ind-.. 1 Ii-. ..,for~," 'l'lll· h~ 11111 \\cl" prinh·tl on S.1l1ncl.1~ •• 111c1 u-.c·cl :1l lhC' 8ah­b.ith ... t't'\ h·1• for lht· fii· ... t ti111e-.

l l:ul the• Jn 11111 hc•1·n pe·111H·1l in lntlia, proh~ ,1hl\' thr" author \\'11t1ltl hn\'C' 11 ... rtl -.olJH' otht•r pic•i11r1• 1'111· l1111io1 Iii.in the· phrol"'l', "lntlia',., c nr.il ..,( r.1ntl." .1 ... ,,h ii·cl inn h.1 ... h1•c•n r:li-.c•d thd l11d1-1" .. -.trind · ... nn1 , .. r.d 11 j .. t1l i1111r1 .. \. 1 .. ,., 1·1 11 .. 1. ;n ]],J., r'· did'' .. 1 hi .. P'1!I"ll \ 111 fndi 1 1•·llr \1 1r~ •ll• r IL1 ln111n \\ l' \\ tdl1 )I jlJ d, \\)lli: l' ,._._Ill:_" ( '\ :.,)}: ,d-1}Hdl '11 J;il11f\ ]JJ]',• ,,•: J,1•f1, 1 .. \\,Ill .,q

cl11·J,"'of hi .. ~hip ind lri.d l.i r11 1·.:111/1 1h1· ••.,pi<'Y brt·t·;c ... ·· th.it "lil11\\' .... 11 11°1 r ( 1 \ J .. 11· ..

j..,)t•.. ]~ut nint l\ 111il1· .. Iii"" 11\1 r llu· ~, 1

11111 .. t h.1\ 1• d1·1i.d 11'r1 d tlu·i r tl nor: 1'11r 1111· nn I: fr:1U"r.1tl<'I' ht• <'n11l1l rrc11;rni11• \\.i~ 11f pc pp1·r­n11nt \\ .1lc·r '' hit·i1 .. 01111· j .. J..,·r 11.111 .. pr11il,1t d 1111 lh1• r.1il a-. .1 ho.t'\. )}11\\1·\1 r q11e -.liun.d.J1· its in1.1•r1•r\. thr h\ 11111 h.1 ... l1t·1·11 for n\ 1 r .1

1·cnl11r\,..,1 i·J.1ri .. 11 1 :i11 fr1.111 lu .dh1•n1l11111 ld''t11P <..'hri .. tian (.'hurt•h 111

"])e }j\ 1·r 'I'la·ir l 111d frn111 1•rr11r'._ 1•l1.ti11-. ..

lh1· i111:i;.re·r: ni l~i·h11p l"i-111 r· .. )n11111. '"flu· \111111111 .. :· h11\\1\1r., ,I'· \\tll ,, ... tl1t urg1·nl

anxi<•ly it <""-}lre:-.sr!-o to rrclrrnt Jndi11 l>y the \\' ord of Goel fro111 h<"r depth:-. of drgrudation h<l\'C hern \\'rought out of hi:--. per:-oonal ob­"C'r\·ationb nnd rxp<·ric•nl'<"b in thut Janel. In .\u1tn"-t, JH21, th<.• hishop nu1d<.· a \'isit to the 1 lincloo :-.hriru•, Knli Ghat, in Cal<.·uttn, ns he h:Hl don<· IJl•forr fr<-CJIH'ntly to thi!-o and otht•r pl.u·t•" of hrnthC'n \\'t>r:-.hip. In this fa111ous ,.,IJrith·~ tlH• llin<loo ... \\'or:-.lup thl• ~odd<·:-.~ Kali, \\ hoo.,C' n:unr <•nt1·r~ into the· c·tyrnology of the \\'ordo., ••<.·:ilit•o" and .. Calcuttu." Shr i~ a. 111011-.trr of rcpul!-ii\'e countrnan('C' nnd \\·t•ars a!-, :t nc•<.·l·d.u·r lh<" skull!" of lu.•r for111C'r hus­buncl.., \\'ho1n ~hf" i' ~uppos<.•d to ha\'C' i-.lidn. Shr i' the _µ-oclclt•..,.., of blood nn<l of prstil<'ll('C', ancl in lhC' llincloo bC'lirf hC'r '\'r:tth ruu~t be appc·oti-.c•d by C'onstttntly i-.ati.1tinJ! her thirst fur blood Con:-.c'tflll'ntly, this place ha!-o d<.·­\'C']opc<l into a grent shrinr of !-oacrifice. \\'hole h<"rd ... of g:oats ancl Jnn1h:-. arc to be seen, dri\'t'n throu,:!h thr str<.•ets of Calcutta :nul nlong th<" <'ountry roads leading to the city, dr!>.tinrcl for !,<IC"rifirr.

.\rri\'illl? at thr !-.hrin<.', the nnhnal" arc pl<t<'<'<l, C'n<.·h \\'ilhin u stall, the neck h<.·inf? fixrcl hrt\\'l'C'Jl t\\·o uprights ancl fastrn('d dc)\\'11 by n \\'Ooden pin. 'fhe priest then by a deft n10,·emrnt of his hand makes a cont­plC'lC' (•ir<.'l<.• \\0 ith hi" larg-e knife and '\·ith pC'rf('C't prcei<>ion !'C'\'<'TS the hend from the ho<ly, whilo tho hlood ;purls forth upon tho ground. Thr dC'\'Otees, sonu."' of t hcnt J>il,g"rims frorn :i µ'T<'•lt clistnn<.•r, and tnany of thrtn old lllC'll 01n<l \\'0111cn. thrn <td\'ODC'C' on thrir knees nncl, pln<.·ing- lh<'ir fingl"rS in the blood, !-;111C'ar it upon their forrheads. '!'he i-.ight is 111ost Tt'\'OftinP°' !

••1n· 11 n1 n 1'11 1-: ;\II 1.1. tn!li s"

'l'IH· hi-.hop on that hol ,\ugu:,I duy tur1u•d a\\'H\' frcnn thi!>a scene \\'ith a h<.'1.1\'\' hC'11rt. \\':didnp- hu<·k 1hrnui:dt lht' ~trc·t•ts he·


<.'11111r to :i p<irk, or .. ni:iicl1111," in th<' lu·:irt of th<' eity, •111<1 thC'r<' i-.:it do\\ n upon n h<.•nl.'h to rr~t :incl 111rditate'. (;raclu:illy his thouµ-ht.; fr;:1111ccl tht•111sc•l\'t'~ into ptll•tic Jnng-U:tJ!<', uncl hr hr­J!Ull lo \\'ril<> the hy1nn \Vhi<.·h \\'llS latrr <.'on1-Jll~trc1 in thi~ for1n:

1J1•hold lhc tuillion' i11 thrir tr:ir~ ()f "nrrcn\', sla\'c·hoorl, ~in, anrl i-iha111c•!

'J'hC'y µrope• through ~up~r?-;titioU!-o fl•urs; l'nlO\'<'rl, unkno\\'11 is J C!ooiUS' JHHll<".

JJull \\'nr~hip<'r" t:f i-.ton<.•s and trc<·~, lllin<l chilclrC'n of a blindrr god,

\\'eary thry cru\\'I on hands und knC'r,, But know not why !hoy toil nnd plo<l.

(1aunt \\"OTnrn f11int \\'ith load~ of <.'art·, i·nnurturrtl t•hiltlrt·n fa<l<· 11ntl cli<.·,

X11dt· pil:.rrint' ~pt·1ul thrir lh·t·<o; in prny<·r, ''e•t find no :tll"\\'f'r to thc•ir ery.

() )Ja-.tt•r of lht• ran~o111ccl life•, < ;ivt• 111c t hC' \\'!Jrcl to ~<.·I t ht•111 frc•t•;

l,t•t I h\' '"'C"t't (';1 hn rrpl,1ec· I It, ..... t rift•; 'f1·:u:h thc•111 tht• joy of tru-.1 in thc•c·.

'\o 1·0-.( too j!rc·•1l to 111.1l~t· tht•111 lhin1" 'J'hr-.1· l111n1try t•ro\\'cl ... t hid ~t·rk in \'•Jin.

ll. fill 1h~· (."hurc·h \\'ilh po\\rr clh·hu·. 'l'ht• l'L1111c:ri11.i.r 111illio11-. lo r1·c·J..ii111.

'l'r 111 .. l did d 11111·1 i11l11 He'll_:! iii ii \\ 1 .. flr .. I ~1111_:: 1o1d•l1t I: J,, lh1 H111;.:'.1li Chri ... ti 111 .. in l d11111.1 in lh11r 111fi\1 h•n:.r111• 111 th1• t1111r.

'l 111 .. 11h11r: .' in ~.·pit 111hc•r, l'l.!l •. 11111 r q1idl~ ~1•r1,,d .J1111:i,: IJ, .... , J'i"]il•. Jl .. tir·I 1pJ1c,1r­.i111·1 in 1In11111 d" ... in th1• 111•\\ i11l1·rt1111nn1i-11 11 innod Cli°ri .. t i.1n 11: 11111.il. rc·t•rnlly puhJi .. hl'c1 in 1~·11!!.di. \ncl 111 tl1i ... c·1111ntr~ ii h.1-. l1c>1·11 ·1ll1J! in 111.111\ tlill1•rc·11t ~t.it ..... d11ri11J! th1• "I \\'ill \l;ai11L1i11·· e"1111p.du-n. in \\'hil'h l~i-.hup ]'i .. hrr \\ .t" ... o 1•ff1·e II\ 1· .1 lt·.ul1·r.

l\1111\\illl! th1• ... tor\ of the· ]1\11111. 11tH' <."an t r.u·c• if._ .·ilh1,io11-. in °l1·rn1 ... uf Jndi.1".., -.piritual pliJ!hL .. l~rl1olcl thr 111ilH11n .. !" lntliot".., p11pu­l.1tion 1111111hc•r .. :t.!11.000,1100. onr fifth nf 111r l111111an r•H'c'. 11111r<· th.ln the• ftit:d popul11t inn uf th1• "·r .. ic·rn hr111i ... phrr1•. ::ind y1·t <.'rn\\'clrtl julo :i tcrrih1r\' one· h.ilf the• -.jzc• of thf' l 'nitc•tl SL1tr.... ..Jn iht·ir tl•<1r~;· th<.· \\'O<'~ of lntli.J.

n re clo11urnt. I Icr hung<'r ii-i proverhial, h<'r po\'C'rty the.• drspair of her IC"uders. 'fhe avc•r­ag<" \\'.1.tg<" i~ fro1n SC\'C'Il t.nd a half to eight <.'<.•nts a rl::iy. ..Sorru\v, sln,·chood, sin, nntl !-;hntn<'" ho\'rr ovrr India. '!'he outrnst~, 5·~,-000,000 of thr1n, arc \\'Orse thnn ni:111y slave.!'; t hc·y UTC' s('a\'t'llgers; t hC'y C'at en rrion flC'~h; they are not rt·gnrded as a part of India's ~o<.·i<·ty. ..1'hry grop(" through suprrstitious frars." Bishop Fhhcr had just witno5'orl till' pilgrims p;roping on thoir knoos through thC' hlood nt Kali Ghat ... l.nkno\\'n i:-. ~Jl'..,U!>i' lo\'C'.''

"\ror~hiprri:- of stone's and tr('rs;· tht•y TC"\'C'T<'Tl<'C' i1101ni111atC' i<loJ,, 1\t thr i-.hr1n<" one 1n;1y i-.<'c· th<· ":tl'rC'd pipc1l lrrc', dr<·krd \\'ilh rrcl and hh1<' ritf!h tird on the hrnll<.'ht's, o.,o that \\ ht·n the \\'in<l hlo\\'s thC'!->C raµ-' 1n:1~· ht·:ir n1C' ... ..,agt.' ... to the I Iindoo deity~ .. Jllincl ehil­drrn of a hlind<.•r god;' thc·y ho\\' ht•fnrc idols, rnany of ,\·hirh are rC"prr1Scnt1·cl \\'ith lhrir ('\'C'S closC'rl in perpetual blin<lnc!>as, "\\'eary; thC'\' c·ru\\'1." L1 ndrrnourislll•c1 dr,·o­t<"C'S, sonlC' of thC'rn hurdencrl "'ith thr \\rari­ne~s of }111\ ing \\•:tlkrd u hundrrtl rnilr ... , •ITt' s('rn cru\\'ling: about thr ~hrine on thrir h:1u<l ... and knrrs.

"Gaunt womon foint." Tho pitiabk• plig-ht of ]ndiu's \VOnl<'n is n challC'nf!<' to the \\'orld"'i ~y1npathy. Of J,000 hirlhs in lndi:i, onl,y hO arc attC'ndt·d hy phy~i<·ian..,; of t'\t•ry JOO babies onlv 35 Ii\'<.' to h<" t\\'o \'t•ar' olcl. '!'ht• averugc <IJ!~ to \\•hich a \\'Olltan iivr ... in India is t\\•enty~ l\\'O. "l 'nnurt urecl <•hildren fadr and diC'.'' Of 11,000,000 deaths annually in India, +,000,000 arc due to .!-i.tar\'ution, or-\\ hat is practicnlly the same thing-unclC'rnouri,hn1<"nt. 'l'he neC'd:, of i:.tar\'ing BC"l~iu111, \\'ho"C' total population \\'11s 7,.500,000, <.•xcitC"d our Jlractieal sympathy not long sin<.·e. Ilut C'\'<'ry year in India a t r<lf?<'dy of ,.a ... t ly gr<'<1trr proportions is in prop-re's :ti] the timr. ":°':tr<l<' pilJ!rhns !-;prnd tlu•ir li\'l'!:'I in JlT<1yc·r,"' and 111<1y bC' i-.<.'C'll lhrou~hout Indio-i, :.onH•tiTnc·' in J!Trat pro<.'<"S­~ions, \\·ith nothinv on th<'ir hodir:-; hut a-.hr<o; and a s11111H girdh'. 'l'hC'y art• !ooit1ppn,c·d to have tr:insct•n<lC'cl ~tu·h t•arlhl\' nrrd ... ns <0 lnth­in~ in thr ..;.pirilunl lofthu·"" 'of thC'ir 111r<lil:i­tion-.. ••:"\o .an.,,,·rr to their <.'r\' is hrarcl," for tht• palhC'tic outcoznr to !o.U<.'h


<."t>11,1111111u1tt• cl<•\·otion is thctt their gods cnn i:ri\'e th<"nl no all!-.\\'<'f.

1'he ")]astC'r of the ra11-.0111C'1l lifr'' alone <.'an frrC" thC'nT fron1 all this. 1 lt• alone can µ'i\'C' Iii..;. 111<.·S~C'nJ?ers "the \\·orcl to set tht•1n fr<'<';~ and grunt that l·Jh; ..... \\'('<.'t cuhn rrpl:ic<· thrir s.trifC'." IIun<lrC'cls of thousands of na­ti\'<'S arc sotuetinu."s srl'n rl.unoring for places of \\'orship. :\t :-.uch tinlf'"i ey1nhal:.;, hC'lls, antl rau<.·ous ~·<.·llintr fill th<' nir, us th<'y try to \\'akrn th<' 1']C'rpinir J?Ods to hrnr tht•ir prn\'<·r~. \\'hal a <"Ontru!ooit to all this is the "~\\Cct caln1'' of Christian \\'Or~hip, "the joy of trur-.t'' in Gorl !

::\<'\\" York City.

Ulster At Peace ln1s11 Connl:s1•0!1i1>l:S<.0 1: 01·· 1·11t: C111tIS1'I:\'S


By TllE HlO:\". FHEDEHICK 11.\HTE, '.\!..\.

Pt•;u•c•, I :11\1 µ-la11 to :-o•I). 1·011lin1u·-. in rt•i.!!n in l 'l-.l1·r. 'l'h1· pl'tlph· of Brlf.1 ... t t'.111 Jltl\\ ... h·e·p quit•lly in tlu·ir lu·d-. uncli ... turhC'cl hy the· l'l'.1t'k nf rifl1•-. nr th1• <'::"l.Jllo ... inn of ho111hs. 'l'h1• :-\i1111 }•~rill J!lllllll<'ll. f11\c1inj! lht•ir position in lh1• ~orth ~1111u·thinJ! 1,norr th.111 UIH'o111fort<1hlc'. ]1.1\ c· lu·l .11,cn 1111•111-:cl\0 1•-. 1 o I hC" .. Sunn\' ~0111 h," \\hen· thr:· Hntl c11•r11p.1li1111 l'cHIJ!c·11i.1f l11 1111·1!' 11 11q11•r.11u1 nt .. in 1i).!'l\I in:: the•ir t1111111 r 1'111;1· p 1nin11... l~c i1 , .. 1 p·1rti1•11l.!1TI\ i-. \\1 lJ rin ·•I lh1•-.1 j11 ... 1lh' d1• .. J•t r.11lnft .. iHHl it I 111i .. 1.,J.,1 nnl, !he\ \\ 111 111'1 1r1111hl1• 11-. .1;!.iill l IH' IH \\ l l·li·r l'"li11 f.ir11· h.1 ..... 11 1cl1h :rr.•Vll 111 1111111l11·r ... 11111 1 tlicic n.:·v .1\Hl 11.1 .. lh1· ... iiu di1111 ... o \\rll in 11.11111 Iha!' \\1' clo not il't'l uncluh opliTni ... tit· in ... 1: in~ ":"1•\rr .1;r.ii11,'' ln1l1·1 ti. lhr <"ontr.1 .. 1 h1•l\\1·c·n '\1,rlh .• nd ~oulh in lh1· tn•d lc•r nf 1.1\\ .incl 11ril1·r i-. oln ion-. In c'\ 1·r~ 1111prc•,111clit·1·d 11h:,1•r\1·1·. In tin· 11111· \\1' }i,1,1

11atur.d .11ul lltJTJJl.11 1· .. 11clili11~1~. in llH· 11lh1•r ruin :11ul .111.irt•h\. 'l'hr He·1nibli1".111-. .. c·e 111 111 iz11.q . .d1u th.it lht; lie· .. ! '' .1~ tn ~uin the•ir <0


l r\ j.., to ch· ... lrn\ it. 0111tl .. 11 tlu \ .1r1• d1·11111li-.h· in~ hriclµ'c· .. , .11t:1rkinµ- r.dh\'<1: ~.burn inµ' 111.111· ~ion-. .11111 tl1d1t;: 11u·ir 11t1nc1 .. t to clrht• otll dc•t'C'llt }lt'nplc· a\\:t). }Jo\\ 11111µ" lhi .... t.1t1· ot ail'airs \\ill <.'ontinu<.' nu ultl' l'illl ":ii.I). One


Page 102: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

)lareh :!:!, I !J:!3

~ c:Jhe CHILDREN'S OWN ~ =============OO~il======t[!J ~ [!) ~ !!I [!] ~ 00~===========

Mistress Spring-In-A-Hurry By ISA BEL J<:CCJ.ESTO~F: :11:\C'K .\ Y

)Jrnri<" O :\It·! I <1111 qnitr in a flult<'r1 J\·C' for.l!ollt•n to churn tlH· nt•\\" hult<·r-<"np',

hull<'I\ ]


\'(' forp:otft·n to '-l'f :ill the:., lily-1><·11.,.; rin~in1!'. ) '\'<.' forvot lt·n lo lune UJr lhl· rohin~ for

~ingin!-"• J)C'nriC' 0 nu·, ;ind Dcaril' 0 n1y ! \\'•t~ t.'\'l'f •t Springtin1c !->O flusle.rt.•tl <l!oo I?

('orn<", :l\Ir. Sun, ~hinr a little hit l1oit.rr. Dun'l hide your farC', 1>lr1.1sr, nnd !-.lop clrink­

inp: \\"illc..·r, )Jr. \\'incl, g<'t out your hig hronin for !-.\\'rt'p­

inp-, Shntnr, )lcul,1111 1{ :lin ! 'l'hi ... j..., 1111 I i11H' ftir

\\'f.'CJ>ill.J!, Come tlO\\·, look ph·a.'.<tlll, lht• ''''ifl hour~ n~. Shake out ~·our cloudl<'I-. ••ncl h,1ntr I hr1u lo


i·oung .J oh11nil' I~ro)<,t, ~ 1111 ru11 h1u1H'' ;111<1

rC'n1C'1nl1rr 1·ou'rr not ,,·:1nll'll h<·r<' I ill ... 01111..· t ir11t· nc·:\I

":.\.·o\C'BlhC'r. J-1;1, 110\\' \\·e hn\'r it !-•t little 111or1· ,.rr<.'l'll, llright·t·n th;1t yt•llo\\", slip pink in h<.·l\\"C'C'H,

Don't tulk to mr about rolors that blend, Slap thrm all on, 't is the same in the end.

S<·ml up the Mnyllowrr<, sweet smelling piles of th<'rn,

Catkin~ and 1nar:-.h-111ullo\\".S~ 1 can u~c rnilcs of th<"rn,

Sh.1kC' nll tho"l' la?.\' trcC'S, tk•kl<· th<'ir toC'S­])on't 11lant hyp11ti(·a" ~tifily in ro\\·~,

• J111nhlC' th<"Hl up n bit, crhn..,on :in<l hlut.·, \\'incl-tlo\\·rr:-., vio)Pt..,, trilliun1..; too!

1'h:tt":-. 1ht.· idt'a ! and no\\" ft-r the ;.r:1rdl·n<;­l'ok1· up lhf' hyat·inths C"TC the soil hardC'n .... l\labs purple' 1ilnrs do,,·n th<"r<.· hy the \\·alk, Linr up !hi• clnffo<lils hrrr-und don't tall<-

lt:iinho\\·-hurd eroru~ch, narc is.:.. us ,,·hit<', Soak all in pt.•rfu111c and IC"a,·c O\'l'r night.

Here come the birds! What n stirring and quC'stin!!',

Fat robins chirping and hoh-o-Jinks nC'Sl ir1~, Gny sparro\\~s chnttcring, lll<:udo,v-lark" rat·­

ing-Swift :is thr shade of the clouds thr,· an•

chasing- · Grrrn on the hill<ide nncl gol<l in lh<· <ky ! Was <'\'er a Sprin!"limc <o sprightly as 1'

-The Shining Ship.

S01ne \\ il<l Animals I JI aye Kno,,n

By \\·. D. BE.\C'I I

T. 'J'11r l".s11 \l'PIF'."1' :\xr;o.1.\1. 1:s Tltr:: Zoo I h;1\'r r11ll1·cl ii fhf' 11nhappi1""'t nnhn:il in

the· 1.1111. liul r1·.illv it j .. n'l in the zoo oil all. 'Jl1.1r-.. \\ hy it j ... ~o unh:ipp~ for th1· r<''l of II•. \\"c• don't 111i1Hl lht> lion .:1n<l thc- li:r<'r .1111! lh1• rlt•ph:inl. at lr.1..,f in our <'011ntry, h1·1·.111-.1· lh1·\ .1n· :ill -.hut up in c"tf.!l'' or in , .. '1• .. 11 th d lh1 \ l',11111111 h.1r111 u .... nnl1• ... .., \\·1·

• 1 .... ·,.11, 11 .. up;h 1 •• put 11111•1 l\c• .. in cl.111_::<'r •

1... .. •.• ,1 I ,1.i' ntin.! 1 •.• 111 i· t" J.,. J· ,.,,] Ju ~;, , , r\ \\ ii•'T" \\ J.,. \••II v, ill .. , •

, .. ,,,I .J,,1 • P 01 1•1 I ill 11.t

0 Jll•< t •f l1•l1Jl\ '•

),·u n11l l11 ,rd r1::li! ll·•"ll"Tl \J 1111 ~ir11l. ...,, nn• l•r•..:l.t l11t·f/,1JJ:! \nil .ITt •1111'11.." il 1h1

l•r• 1:,1 .-1 t..ld1 ·.i h .j,i;~ "11d ll11r.J\f11i-.ind .dl Pl " ,11cltl1 n '••II \\ill li1·.1r .1 g-r11\\ I or ,, ... 111rl. .111d ri::lit


ih1 r1 in 11·(' r11P111 \\ilh \"<•U j, IJii.., <11l1111.il. llnl 1 h1I .1fr.1itl. i11·1 ,,.., l1111~1t."11 jf Ii, J,1)J;..'I d IL, l'I '1'1111 \\jlJ }11• ·H,iJ)\ill_r dnJl!."

1111 ~id1 n ill .. \\ifli 111•1 !111· ~li;.:htc· ... f n11li1111 111 •fl' •Ill ii lh111:: \\i(J,jn 111il1""' of \••II •• 11111 ill

,if .Olll't' r1::1.t lh1·ri• h\' \OllT ... jcJ1' \\'ill "t11!!1C} o1

'I' 11 I .... ' '' l1in1 • .ind \ 1111·11 't l .1 < lh. .1!11111•1 l11ld \"Ii IJi1• II :1111, tli1}11'1 J ~ }~111 duln'I quilt: 111d I Ill 11111 uui.1;! 111 l11r 111 .. 1111111 ) .. 11:..~1 r. J ir,L l \\.illl 111 cl1 -cr1l1t 1L .111d 'I• jf \1111 C 111 ,:!lit••.

ii \\,.J)\'· .. 11Jl (\\O lit;''> tllttli-. ,,J11o1i( ,.. Ji1gJ1

ns-"·C"lJ, I ha\·c SC"C"ll th<'rn n~ ... rn:ill as tinv C"hilclr<'n, and I've seC'n th<'tn a~ t:11l a!>. gro\\•i1 rnrn. 'l'h<'\" look \"C'r\' 11111C"h lik<' hovs nncl uirl.... In f;u.•t, I llon't hC'li<'\"<' \"OU \\"f~Ultl hl·

;thlr to tt·ll thr difl'rr('TI('(' if it ·,\·c·rt· not fur l\\'o or thrrc thing-~. For on<', th<'\' h11\"<• ... 01111·

111ark ... nt•ro""' the forC'hl~ntl, lin<''>0

IH.:r, ,,·hi<•h tnnkC' thc.·n1 look \'f'ry <'ro-..:..; nncl thrir lip" stick out in n 1x·euliar \\'•ty, Just like a pout; und thry tnake a r..oun<l, thC'"'C" nninH1l..: do. I hnrdly kno\\' ho\\' to drscrihe it, sonu•thing bC"­f\\'<'C'll n snnrl nncl a \Yhin<', just a little nC"nr<'r a \\'hinr, I think.

I \\"ondt.•r 110\\' if vou kno\\· \\'hnt thi ... ani­mnl i$ I an1 talking ~1hout? If ~·ou hn,·r <'\'l'r srrn or hrard onr? Shall I tell vou its name? 1\ friend of 111ine told 111e one(': or I ... houl<l 11<.'\"('r IHl\"C" ¥11<'~.::rd, for it i~n't C'\·rn in th<' dictionnry. '\"t·ll, }i ... tcn hard, for I tlon'L \\ nnt you to forgrt.

Jt', the \\'III:s'OCEHOS, the lillle anim.11 juf.t the size of a hoy or H girl, \\'hic.•h g-o<".., :1rouncl \\"hinh1~ ;:nul gr1n\'ling and snarling and <.'Olll}Jlninin{! at C'\"Crything, until fnlhrr and rnotlt('r :nul hrotht•t• nncl ... h.trr h:1rclh· kno\\' \\·hat lo do. ~othiug ..,uit.., thl•111-lh~· llav is too hot or too cold.

At dh;ill<'r thc.•rc is nothing tht• \\'hino<·1·rn ... lik<'-.:, nnt.l he ll('\'C'r \\'ant~ to piny the ganu·-. the others arc playing, and ~o it got.•.; all clay long. 'rhe \\'hinoccros is TIC\"C'r hnppy, nor will he <'\'er let anyone rise be lwppy.

'Vhc-n \\"C hear ours<'l,·C's mnkin(t th:1t kind of a nois<", or fc<'I tho ... e lin<''> eo1ninµ: in our forehC'ad, or our lips ('urling up, ju ... t run ;1-.

hnrcl as ever you can for the lonkinµ--J?la-.-.. :in<l t;1kc n. Jook, for \'C'ry lik<"l~· "·c arc hl'J?in­ning to ('hangc intv \\'hinot.·c.•ro-.<.·s, and of c·our~<' that \\·ould llf.\\'C'r clo, for ''"" lh'\f'I"

111<.'an to he anything else tlu111 tlu111kful, Jo,·­ing, happy boys and girls H!S God tnC"an!>. u ...

to '"" F.hnhur~t, ~. Y.

A Painted \Vooden. Horse and Rider

)! usrum of A rt in

Ho,,· .Fur a Fly Flies 'rurtn <lays \\'ill hf' hrinA"ing out the fli<"·· ..

I 101\'in,r sur,·iyrcl I he· \\"int<'r in \\~;1rrn nooks in our hornc~c:, 1 ht•y .,urpri"'<' 11-. hy huzzing around \\C'l'ks hC'forc \\'<' f'Xp<·<·t to ~<'C" any of thC"nl. In f:tC'l thC" \\'riit·r h:ic; tli-.pn ... 1•cl of t\\'O ~11-r;:ul\· this "'<'a..,011, and it i.., not \'1•t rnid-:\lurch.

l~a"-'t yt•;ir go\Trnnu·nt oflici:1is uuu.le <'X}>C'ri­llh·nts \\·ith !-<'\<"ral thou-..11ul flit·~ to !--eC' ho\\' far the\" fl\·, ancl thu.., d<'t1·rn1ine to \\h;:tt <'X­t<·nt tlll:\' r;1rrv di-.C"n-.C', 'J'ht• SriC'ntific .\mer­icuri say·~, in f.<'gard to th<.· <':-O:Jl<'rilncnt..,:

The fliC"s \\"<'re fir~t rnpturccl in large.• coni­cnl trc1p6 :ind \\'<•re !-.prinkl<"d \\'ith finl'ly po\\'­<lC'rrd rrd chalk or paint piJ?rncnt. 'l'ht·n thry \\"f'TC rC'lra~<·d. \\'ithin f\\'C'nty-four hour ... , ... ixt_v-four prr crnt of tltc·111 \\'t'r<" caught in a large nu111he·r of tr.1p-. plar<·<l at \:iryin,µ- c]j,. t:incrs :uul in flill't·r<'nt 11ir1·t·tion ... fro111 the point of Iih<·r.1liun.

Jiou..,c fli<'s 111:1\' tr:1\l'I .11l\"\\ht•r1' fron'\ on<: 1nile lo 50 ur 160 111ilc•.... ~]o-.t of tlu: flir.:;; that \\"<'r<· C"aplurt·cl hnd flo\\"tl .1t riµ-ht angle.:;; Io a \\"ind I h<· \ t•lcH·il' of \\·hiC"h \\"<1" thirtrrn lo t\\'C'llt\·-four 111ile·:... ~111 hour. S('\'<'lll\"-SC\'('ll

}ll'r l'rnt" t•f lhl"lll hnd tlo\\'ll \\"<•st; fo'r sonic Hlh':\}ll.dru·cl r<'ni.on fC'\\·c.·r \\"(·nt south thnn in •tll\' other llirrction. 'l'lu• in-.<'<'t"> CO\'<'r<"d the fir~t 1,000 fret frorn thrir pla<'<' of rC"lcasc in :1 ft.•\\" rninutC'" nnd !>.<'Cnt<"d on an H\'C'ra~c lo fl\· fro1n fi,·e to nine rnil<'c; in th<' t\\·o ~duvs hiunrdiall·ly folio\\ inJ? thf'ir r<'IC":1..,r. •

.. \tlnnl:i. Cia., is lo h<l\"l' a lr.l\'l'lini.r !--Chnol :-.hip. Si'\ pr11111i11f"nl :uul \\'<.'<iithy 'rncn of th.it <·ily 11•1\f' pttrC'h._:-.l'fl .i fnrrn('r ar111y lr:in,porl. II i-. lo hi' r1•fiilt•cl ,,ifh lihr:1rit· .... lnhnr;1forit· .... tlorrnitnrit· .... :ilhf1•liC' (0 011rl,, :ind all the· lh111µ--. l\t'<'t''"'lry lo .1 !ool'hool. 'l'hl· he)\~ \\ho :il11·rul lhi ....... t·honl \\"ill h.::1\'(' a nill(' llll~nlh-.' lour of lhr \\·nrld, <llH) )('-. ... on" \Viii he· clt•-.iJ!n'·d lo fil thC' pla""' vi-.it<·<l. 'l'hc coc.l \\'ill hr nhout ~1.000 pc·r pupil. 'fhl' hors \\'ill ~re }H'oph· of olht·r la1Hl-.. \\'ill lf'<1rn to unrlf'r­~tancl thrrn, :11ul lh<" ~noel of l)u1{, in rc•j!ard lo int<'rnational r(•lations, \·;ill <louhfh•.:..!, hr µ:r<.·at. Ilo\\· 111any of our ho~· rt·adC"r-. \\"i ... h thC"y could fro? .\t the :.1etropolitan

XC'\\. )"ork th<'rC' arc a nurnh<'r of roorns fill<'<l "·ith rC'lit.•:-;. front E~ypt. J .ift•, :1<, jt ,,·ai; li\'rd "-C'\'<'rnl thoui::.ancl vcar-. ago. i!oi fnithfully· piC'­turl'il bv thr'c littk· \\'OOcl('tl n'\C'll and Ulli­JH:iJ..,, 1"1iis particular hor..,c :incl ricl<'r <Lr C" fro1n lh<' c.•ij?'htt·l·nlh dy-11:1.,tv. :i ti11ll' \\'h<'n the· pn"·;•r 0f F.¥?~·pt \\":J" nt its hri~hl. J lorscs an'l ridrr"-. !'.U<'h a.., thi.., on<· f('prr<.:rnf ~. \\·rrr tlonht­lr'< !hr kind tlwt pur­"'ll''d the J-.rc1rlilr-. a" t hr;- lrfl E!!)'Pl for I hi' prnn1i:-.,·tl land 'J'h .-i l \\·:1..; :ihoul t hirtPrn hun­clrl'<l \"C':lT~ lt~·fttll' th<' hirlh · nf < ·1ni ... t, and ... ntn1• thirl\' e•1•11l11rit·-. fr .. 111 11d· p;,..l'lll d 11t

I '"lfl••\' !l,t '\l<lrn).ol<(~b ~Jo,<•UIO f.\tl

It i· fi1rt111-1.d1· lli.d th1 J ;:;pti.111• 1\h'1'T\ 1·d I 1..J.,1f.il1• I !J,lnJIJ• JJI th1•

J.11l'i iJ 1 1t' tJ .. II ),ill,!· • 1 n r t Ii 1· di·1'n\1·rit·· \\ hit·h h.1\ P lu·e·n 111.tclr~ and art' lu·inµ" 111;1111· in llu·ir f11111li~ 111d.1,·. 1·n-" h)C' u... In lnnk


1t•r11 ... ... 'l.onn ,., .. ,r .... ;1n11 -.,·1· ju ... t 1111\\· thin;t-. \\1·r1· 1l1>n1· tlu·n .. \1111111i! lh1• r1·('1·11I cl1,1'11\<'rit• ... 1••nnd jn the· l11111h .,f 'l'ut.1111,h 1n11·n .1r1· rl1.1riul~, f1111d.1 rink­' t.., .11ul 111an~ pl.1y­l liin;.r ... of :' oung prhtCl'" oi h111g .1gu.

.J.Y l.'<:J'1'/ I.I.\' JI <11)/1/.'.\' l/U/1,1: .1.\ /> l!IJ•l:t:

//,. .. .,.,.,, ,, Ill'"'', j,. ~-'''''' ,,, ,,,. ..I.I

- ~ ~~ -- -- - - -=--

Page 103: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

~ Dr. Fred B. Fisher to Lead the

Area Centenary Forces Bishop "'ilson announces the appointment

of Dr. Fred B. Fisher ns exC'cutiYe serretnry of NC"\\' York area for the ~lissionury Centeunry. Dr. Fisher is one of the best known and most popular men in detached service in this area.

DR. FRED n. nsm:n

IIe knows tl~e mi ... ~i"n fip)J from aC'tn.11 ~Prvice in In11i:t. knu1\'!" tlH~ 't\"(•Tk nf !I p:1 ... tol\ hris an 1 xtPn ... ivc> knn'\"\')f'ihr" of thP Churf'h. thr•·U~h his ~"'<·rttnr~~hip c.f thr> I~nyn1c·n'c:o .'\li-·~1on.1r) .\:=:· '-('lriation. Furthf'lffi•·I"P h~· i!- all in~pir111g "Pt·a1\e>r. hns l:u·g,\ µ-:fts a~ an organiz"r ancl \\in~ thr ]nJ:ll anll P\"PO aIT<•f'1'iun:1t1• !--11pp11rt nf tho:-:!." \\'ho \\'11rk "·itb hiin. Thi.ugh th1~ arr:t . rg:1uit.nti11n i!- :-111Jlf'\\ la.it ):ltc> in f11r1ninf,:'. in· \'!lln:l b)P prC'liminar\' \\'Ork h.'li:: h(•Pn dnnt" by thf' dh-trirt sup<'riutf'ncl,•nt.,; in all tlJt> C"11nf1·r· f'llc'"" :incl the nP'V sC>cretnry will fin<l the fiC>ld W•·ll prepared.

~~~a~c.S (j) C/Y ;). Lf.' J ~

!522 (!8)


Dr. Fred B. Fisher (ID ·'·•\• ffil•1 r] }If J',.j,. r 'Jli• J_• llJ"')I \ii•

•iUlHS t•f ;"f-)1<1',iJ "•'ll"•l.11\ .,f !}JI• J.1\lllflJ·..._

:\li~·::ion;1 r;r )1 O\ t•n11•ut. • ;u·1 1····•l 111.." ~ 1 :.1rl ·r:a,\lnr. Ill· ha~ brt•n ::i n1i~-.i0n·1r;r in lndi:1 anti b.1s bo•t·D 0111• 11i lh•• D1u'-l 1•fi, l ;1\0 1• \\ol'l\t'I"'

iu lhi~ cnnnll\ in r·'\]•"1111•lh1_. 1!11• u••\\ 111111!· 1 ia] pl.in :1nil ... , 1·nri11:: if ... :ld011t1•·n. llr I!< ~1 1nini.~t1·1" .JJ11l ~1 UH•hJ 1'1'}' uf :'\1·\\' Enel~L<l l'vn­f t'fC'llt'f'.

Page 104: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

_ ..... ---- --- ' - . /

Howard Street, Rochester, ::-:. Y. Professor Richard l\lorris, of Rutgers Col·

lcgc, hns been supplying the church at l\!ill· town, N. J.

Corporal Charles Wilbur Craver, son of Dr. / Snmu<'l P. Crover, of Buenos Aires, Argentina,

has arrived in France. The Rev. R. H. Crowder, pastor of Grace

Church, South Bend, Ind., IJ;>S been appointed cha1>lnin in the army.

The Rev. W. E. Bancroft is returning to Am<•rirn to represent the int<'rests of Bon1buy, Indin, in the Centcnury rnmpnign.

The Rev. and l\Jrs. Arthur F. Wesley and Mr. and ?tlrs. Otto LiC"bner, ne\v missionaries, have arrived at Buenos .. \ires, .·\rg<'ntinn.

The Rev. Isninh S. ,,~int<'rs. a retired n'linis­ter of North·Enst Ohio <;2"forcnce, died No· vember 15, ut bis home iq)"ow l'bilndclphia, 0.

Captain llorris ~I .• -\ndPrson, son-in-luw of Bishop Leete, received till' cross for dis· tinguished service on the battlefield of Soissons.

The Re\•, J. A. Bretz has been trunsf<orred from Okluhomn Confcren1c /o li:<•ntucky Con· ference and stationed at Winity Chu1·ch, Cov· ington, Ky.

The Rev. J. W. l\Inhood, the evangelist, be· gins a revival campaign in First lllethodist Episcopal Church, Ottawa, IJI., December 1. He will be assisted by his duugbter.

President William H. Crnwford, of Allegheny College, preached nt C'cntr:1l Church. D .. troil, November 17 and lectured tlll're the following night.

The i\lcthodists of the south side of Chi<.,1go hl'.'ld n nnion Thnuks1ti\•i11J!; s1•r\'il'l'.' ut Saint Jnn1es' Church. Di~hop Ni<"holson \\'as the­prl'.'ac·IH•r.

Ilb•b11p :\I c('unnr>ll. \\"bo pr1•.1c h1 .. 1l t111· 'flJ,1nJ\.:;,. i;:iYing ll:t)' :--11"mon .it (',1r1H·~it> !Lill. ]•111 ... -hurgh. I>a .. "111 b1· tlu• 11rc•i11·h1•r .it < 'lii1·a:.t•' l~ni\t•ro:iiy n1·xt ~11n1la~· and ti.JP "''"k f11lln"·i11:;:.

Dr .• Tolin Br1•\\'U, hin~l'f1Jlh"r ,.f Jolin ]~1111yiln. in \\"hose l·lntrC'h at Bt>c}ford. J·;ngl.1u1I. he ha ... bl'C'll Jlastor and Jl:l!o.tor c•111C'ritus for fift,'l'·fnU'" yf'nr=--, h:ts ju~t ub<::.Pl'\'c>tl hi~ Pigltt,\'-1•h.tlilh birth­day.

Tb(' RC'\'. B. ~1·PholZPl', 11{ ::'\P\\' Xu1 k ( '11nf1·r·

C'D('P. j~ ...,npp)ying: Z:n tlu~ l' • :i1n1}1•r of t.ht> Cunfc•rt•llf'P :.·1·ar nt .. \s.bt . (•h11r1·h. )l11unt ''c•rnon, ~- \. Ili~ 1tl1 ~sis :-1:! \\~l·l-t }'uuJ th l'trl•l'f, ).Ionnt \"t•rn

(17) 1521

~if t !~~ ~···~ ,:> t..k ,,.,.,

unthoughtful stranger an anarchistic s1>irit. ·en and dwelt near kings' courts and quee1rn' ·een from the greatest social distances, 1·ral

1dcrstood. There ls nothing in their mind~ > the king, the emperor, the czar. Tho elem· ill men as brothers, our A1neriC'a11 gospr"l. 1er with thew. Hence they so often fail to r systems of education, our hospitals and

Young Men's Christian Associations, our "everything," and \\'ages so large in p1 o­

country that the very lavishness creates in '.or what Is callod, in common parlance, "tho, .nost fortunate that anarchism wllh them is e rule. of the boon of comprehension came the other a friend. It was from a cullnrecl lacly who

iprchrnd the Mr1wst feeling of o1hers. Th<> it·"· \\"ith onC' of th(lse strnn~ers "ithin the 1" its s1n1plirity. Th(~ hu1nhl1" , h•itor. '\ho

111· ~:ion of 11011:::1,hol<l ~111,pli• -.:. 1 ··lilY ui: Ji>l·

'J'J:·· l,1'l··~· ";ls IJ11n.:.1ri.1n lJ~· 1•.11h .ind :r~.:;.~:~ D.11 • 1'.•' ··-·~d :i. ,z ·1· ~, ... .:1:. i ,\~1l"'D apprL"rl3liOJl of hin•ln1··~- \\].j, 11 r].-ii. 1,, f:

Jc cl a litth.· girl hy 1l1P h:1nd-n \\1 i1·<lr1~ .. _.1·•l

_,\hO, it ~t-'<'lll~. ".ils ,JI) :11lop1.·d 1 hi1 11. ~Ji,· , lh<> Il:Il'l'3TOI', in flll.tilJt J.111_:?11:1~1', lh1' rfiff••J'· f .111d lh1 othc>r for"1~1H.·r:; ill 1h1 I'• :.::inn. ··r 1, · 1)111 1 Jil.:.L' to \\Olk. J .,,,,,i f··· ,,-. .. /' JJ» •• I in·! 1.1.ly ~ d·l, in r( 1.iy, 11\"·. 11. r 1,,. 111"

I" ,.,, '


Page 105: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Fifty Wonderful Years I N these days of the "diYorce problem,"

oi unhappy marriages, and of a multi­tude of alleged remedies ior dome<tic in­felicity, a golden \\'edcling that mark:> the clo:;e oi lifty \\'Onclerful year< oi har-111onio11;;, ~cr\'i<..-eful con1pani~:-,;;: hip i..;, in

the uest >e1i-e of the wor.i, "new<." Such an C'\'cnt i;; C\'Cll n1urf• =--ignilic:Pll \Yhcn Yie\\'ed in the light o, a half-century of conspicuouo, ;;:,ucc, .... :; .n the training of children that ri,c up tG call their parents "bles,;ecl."

On Tue<day of thi< \\'tCk. Jame< Eel­" ""'I Fi-her ancl Jo-ephine Bohn f'i,her of I-I ingham. parent< of Bi<hop Frederick B. Fi,her of C.lculta, India, cclchrate the fiftieth anni\'er:>ary of their 111arriag-e. They \\ere hoth horn in Greenca,tle. I 'a .. hut -,oon after their tnarriag-e on Dec. 4. 1878. mo,·ecl to Indiana. :llr. Fi<her tra<..'C!'i hi~ ance:-.try hack to llin.~ha111.

:'\orfolk. England. the home oi _.\braham 1~incoln' ... inreh~ar:;. J~cfcrring ton ,·i.;it tc. that hi,toric place. 13i,hop Fi,her once \\!'Ole the eclitor of the l-11m.\1.1>: "I ha Ye -toocl in the olcl churchyard at Hingham. l~ngland. <ind ha\'e read on the gra\'e­'tone;; the name< of Jame< Eclwarcl ancl f'rederick Fi-her. lt i< :nw<ome to <ee one's own name he<icle that of hi< fathe1", nn n .::.e\'cntc-~nt h-rcnt11ry ~ton<."." 'I re:. Fi,her. \\'ho:'>e 111ai<lcn 11:11nc \\'a:; Jo,,.eph­ine Bohn Shirey, comes from a long line oi Dutch l{efor1ned 1nini.,.ters. 1110:-.t of "hnm hme the name of Bohn, \\'hich i, llhhop Fi-her', miclclle name.

:llr. and :II!·,, Fi-her'< I h>o<i<·r h"mc \\,'l-: in :\11111ric, lndi;ina. fr1)lll \\'hn .. t' .. ,·Ji, .. ,J .. thci1 i11nr ... ,111 .... t"""h:11 h· ... J:cl\\ .n d. l··,l·,llri1k I·; ·~111. _l.i111l·- Jf,.,\.11,J. .an·l ll·rr.\ l:t•1\t'l'. \\l'll' .1

1! .:1.d111·1·l.

( ~1.11\ ... 1n°l .J.1111l"' .. --:.'l ~:\l· :n .\lu·h· e .. ·1.}

":Ill~ .\J1"h"iJ:•t J·.J1J ... \'"}'•tJ ( hlli1'h J J.1r­l'_\ re--idl'"' lll .\(•\\ Jl.t\f'll. 1'n11n. \\ht."lf'

Ill· j .. d1'lll;.! ... ,,,·1.d -.11r\t'.\ \\111h nn•h·r tlll·

d11l·,·1111ll 111 lhl' \ .il,· ( '111']1111.til"ll J'hl'l't'

.ir1· II\(' :.:L1ndc 11ild1·1·11-i .. 111· 1h1· childrt·n .,J < 'h.1rlt· .. and 11nc> thC" c1a11t"htC"l" ni J. I lo\\,11'.J I 1H• t·ldt• .. t, .\lit't', j ... t ~J".uht.tlt'

.. J <)hio \\ l' .. JL·.\all l'11i\cr-i1: and j .. at

present engaged in ~ocial scttlc111cnt \\'Ork in lndianapoli,;: the next olde;;t. :llanrice, i;; a law >llHlent at Indiana Cni\'Crsity; the third. Helen. ha,; completed her sec­ond -'e:11· at Illinois \\'oman\ College; the t\\'O other,;. Charle' ancl Loui,e. are stu­dent> in the :llnncie High School.

SER\'JCE? \\'hat sen·ice of greater c:.ignillcnnce cnn t\\'O Cl11·i!)tian5 ren­

der than the making of a ho111c in which the ]i,·ing C'hri::.t i ... ah\'ay;.; the ··L'n"een G11<.":-t"? Fifty ye'ar~ of high achieYe1nent for the kingdom oi ( ;ocl mu<t he credited to :llr. and :IJr,. Fi,her. In their pic­turt». "hich appear on the CO\'er of this i-. ... uc of the JIER-\l.n. disc<."rnin~ render:.

of the paper "ill cli<co\ er the <ecret of a happy married life.

For month< plan< ha,·e heen in the 1naking· for a qni<'t l·clehratinn of the an­ni\ er .. a ry in ,,·hich a fe\\ relatiYe;-,. neigh­bor<. ancl friend, ,hnulcl participate. The C\"ent Lakt.~s place on 1"ue ... day e\·ening- at " I the joint h<1me oi :llr. ancl :llr<. f'i,;her an<l l~i ... hop and ~Jr.:.. J·~i ... hcr in Jlinghan1. - ... ,

' The Hrn\1.1> join, \\ith the many \,· '-friend< of .\Ir. ancl .\Ir<. Fi<her in ex­tending congratulation~ and he ... t \\ i,:,he!) upon thi-. golden \\edding oc1.·a ... ion.

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,, ill


yea.1 elec

"'een the reachecl a

t'<l fiity. llat :\Ir;;. ' · ·'' · .. ecord of

t':r ~ .... ,; ....... , "' .. . • ..... ., .. •, ? t'. • .. """ • Jt r"} . .l · ... il -S!1ch1e\·enl~t: ::.he \\as pt('":;e'i1ied at last


-.Jus. i:cror_e T'~·e:-1<lcnt-elect lIC"rbc1t \\'eck's n1eC"ting ''ith a tra\cli11~ clock. H~o~·er >a;!e<l tor So11_1h .\mcnc~. Bi.hop and 11 ith ;1 ho11q11c1 of chr~ ,amhcmunJ>. \\ tlliam L Oldham. lormerly 01 Buenos one for each ,·ear of her ;1--nc1a1ion with .... \ires, sent h1111 a hearty inritation "'to the rla-.-.. · 5tep into Santiago ('ollc~e \\hen you are in Santiago, Chile. an<l o<ee :i place in \Yhich goodwill between the n;itions is 11011· being promoted." Dishop Oldham has announced that a group of men in Kew Rochelle. ::\. Y .. h:i\·e made 11 pos­sible to proYide a libr:iry in the new build­ing of Santiago CoJJege.

-Dr. Edgar Young ~lullins, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Sem­inary. L0uiw11le. Ky., for the last twent\"­ninc year>. <lied recently at his home in Loui<Yille. He was sixty-eight )ears oi age. Jn the late nineties Dr. ?llnllin< was pa,;tor oi the First Baptist Church of !\ewton.

-:\mong '.'\e11 Hampshire J{epubli­ca11>, ReY. Dr. \\"illi,; !'. Odell of Che<tcr is being- looked upon \\'ith n11u.·h fayor for the onice of chaplain oi the ;;tate lcgi<la­ture The elect ion doc< not take place until the leg-i-.Ja111rc a::o~e111hle:; in January.

-\\". D. Hmchin,. a layman. ha< been rho-.i...•n tn he the ("xertlli\e :-.er1l~tary oi the l1u1ii...~renci...· Clain1ant-.' (:01111ni.;.::.ion of the .\l.linc ("1111iC'1encc .... uccceJi11g ]{c,·. Dr .. \IYin C. Goddard. wht) now head,; the Cn111111i--inn on \\"<J1 l•I Peace of the ~lethodi't Epi,copal Church. ~Ir.

J lutchin-. ha-. ior 111any year:' been .1

faithful memhcr of the )Jetho<li;;t Epis-

\'. I) 11. '' l' I'\ ...

j ' l 'l \ .. ·;. ,.J ''11 .·• ,, •• • 1 •

•• >I -,Jl '.\ "}_JJI

... \ I -, t" · I '. ' ' ' 'JI l '.I l j__ 1 J .. ; , "l JI : ' I j •

•J. ;1.· \'" ;.('• J 111 ... ··1n· : ,1 l' :it: h.1 .. •"l \ ,] 1111 ?I\ ;"1\ I-: llil 11: t'11i11:1LJl1·t• 111 l~i...n:·· 11:11 ~1·n .. 11.1:y. I. J· \· .. 111i.J1·11:~'

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Page 108: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Z10N 's HERALD December 5 I 928

A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT Lasting Sixty-Five 1\1 eel~s

\\'e will >en<l Z1ox·~ l11m \I.Pon our Special Offer to ~·our i1 iend or relati1e ior one year and three months for the price oi one yi;ar. \\'hat helter gift could you liiul than thi< paper lilied will! ini<'nnation and in­




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On the Stage of Human Affairs

\Valter vV. \'an Kirk

W HAT are the obligations imposed upon the United States in the rati­

lication of the Paris Peace Pact? In the lirst place. we renounce war. \\'e do not outlaw \\ ar. The outlawry of war im­plies police actinn and a court pro1101ince-111ent again ... t an aggres-,or nation. The:'e procedme< arc not prodded ior in the Paris Jlact. There arc 110 ··.:.anct ion .... " 111ilitary or econo111ic. to ht• -.ct into tnn­tion ng·nin.:.t a culprit na1io11. l"'hC" <~n­

fnrc:e111ent of the ter111-. ni the.:' 1'<'11,)t:"g prnp.l'ai 1e,1<-upon an e1iilghtened pnh-1 ic opi 11 inn.

The 11e.1rt• .. 1 appro.1ch .1n "-..,11H·ti1111 .... " j..,

thl· l"l'il"rf'nrr in th<" prcan1hle to the <'t"ll'<"1 1h.11 ".111~ ... 1g11.11n1y pn\\('l' \\ h1ch ..... h.dl 1H'll':titl'r 'ct•k lo prn1i111tl' 11 .. 11.11i1n1al in-

' . • ~, l •

' ..... . '

ltl \\ ll" .. h1111Jd hl• ch•111l•cl

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• :;.1 ]Jh l 11 '.I .}

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l1r .. J"·11 11_\ 11l•t' 11i llll' .. ;:..'IJ.1:n1\ 1•11,\tr•,

,\111 11'•!. 1111. 011:.,rh :~it l ·-,,1,:-:·1:..: .. 1 •.•

lH'IJI 1 .. tli'\, J11·1"11llH· .111 .1t'•"· •lllJ1l.l l' •JI .111

J:..':..'l'l' ....... or 11:11 inn.


Nor is the1e any '·court procedure in­Yoived in the Cnitcd State>' becoming a signatory to this pact. This b. of conr,e, a fact to he regrclled. The "pacific means" spoken of in the s~con<l paragraph of the 'Kellogg treaty are not formally specilic<l. L'ntil they are specilicd, and until a court ha;; hecn instituted to iunc­tion under the tern1> of this tr~aty. it can­not he ,;aid that "e ha\'e outlawed war.

But \\'e n·no1111cc war. In the last anaJy .... i:-.. that i~ ju .... t a'.'> in1portant. prr­hap- more <o. It mean< that the foree of p11hlir opin11111 \\ill rl~~i .... ter it .... <'lf again .. t the cn111i1111ed do111inance oi \\ar lord:".> .tnd 111ili1ar~· l<'chnieian..:. in !ht~ {or11111lating oi \\t)rld 1u1liril"·.

I ·r i~ to he rc..•1ncn11Jered that tht::, tt<":lly dtl('"" llt1l l't'tlPlllH'(" ill/ \\,!I.. ~t•t'l"C·

1:1ry l..::(·lln:.!t:' repl'a!edly :ilii1 nH·d in hi~

-.11pplt•111c11 t.11 .\ \"nJ'r(~ .. pnndl'lll't' t h:t l "<ll·­it•n .. i \ t' \\:1r .. \\t'n~ l•l hl• thn11uh1 ni ;1-.

111··11:.: . 01r .. ··h· tlh~ '""PC ,q 1\1; .. p.1l'lh"lll.1r


' " ,, ' .. ' . ..

deit·11·1\e n.1r .. in lie in:( t'J11e:1·d 11_\ 1hc l 11.tt·d ': 1:t·· ...::l'n 1:L· ,,. 11h·l11.J:n:..: .1r11h·.J ll1l1l\lll': •• 11 :11 ('{ JjJ',tl i111l :'111] !1 .\:1,11'­

h'.1" ( Jt ,II(' "lll:l \\,ll'" ltt J,l. i11;11J1l\"lliJ

;, .. < ~l'('.ll I·:r1i.1111 h;1 .. incl1t":11cd. :1..:. inchul-

ing con1bat in those ,;:-pecial ~pheres"

\\here England ha< so much at stake? It is ju,;t at th1' point that the possible

effectiYenc" oi the Kellogg pact may be co111pron1i:-etl. 1 i arn1e<1 intcr\·ention in South :\menca i< to be co1btrned as an act of >eif-deicu-c on onr own part. and ii a military combat in Egypt hy Great Britain again~t another ])O\\er i;; to be thought oi as a <lefen~I\'C g-e.:.ture. then '''C ha,·en't really 1enonnced war. to 'UY noth­ing oi outlawing it. The puuhc. in the l 'nitccl State< and el-ewhcre. want all \I.II''\ both reno1111cecl and 011tla11t'<i. The I..::ellngg pact can heron1c -.uti1c1ently i11-cJt1...,i\"e ii the i1nper1aJi .... t:"!> :u1cl ··:.pre:ul c'.1;.!;lc..··· t~·p~ of politic1an.;:, arc th\\'artec.1 in their pnrpo'e tu lio it h:inn.

ZION'S HERALD F1111111l1·1l I~.:"3

]. 1 1 I l \I! 1· \f \', I ".J1t1H an.J ).lanaRC'r t11u1:1.1 1: \\1111\h.11~. Puhli-~hc1

!'I I ! I• 1; ! I• \\ I I 1-: I \

;._, 1-.,1.·.•1 ""1r, 1 • 1.:\1\ ..:1•111t• D,; .. 1 .• u

\'I ' I I I' '•: • • • 1• < j I \}, I'': J 1-1·•.; ,I (h11r1 h a1·e ·1nth• :-izl·d agent"'

i .. r tl.t 1r : .. , .. i•:\ f1·1t ll· J ,,t tl.1• P.·•l·• if(,, l J:. ·· on. ~f 1"" .1 ...

•f1••n1) rl1·~ n•.11111

\,l1]l11'11 i .. r 1 ..... 'lllJ..' ·1t ·1·t·11.il 1'"·11.;.:l r··c ~1' J•l"\l•!t•l j, T J:l '"'lt llt•11 1 JiJ · .\~t <>i

11,:,.JJcr 1"1'.:"" .J1nl ... 1:.1•··l on .lt:h 1.:' l"lR

Page 109: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


~_ JTE~ TO THE fpITO!\_ A Good "'ord

Dear Dr. Joy: As l look back over the year 1927, I am

impressed by the valuable service which you h:t\'C rendered to thc cnusr of Christian feUO\\'­ship, co-operation and unify, nnd particula.rly to lhe Fcclnal Council of the Churches, through -the columns of your paper. I do not want to kt the beginning of the New Year go hy \\'ithout expr<"ssing to you my very warm apprrcintiun.

Faithfully yours, s. PARKES CADMAN.

Brooklyn, N. Y.

Bishop Fisher's Calcutta Enterprise

En1Ton TlIE C11n1sTIA!i .. .\nvocATE: Sia: The pleasure and satisfaction with which I note on rf'turning from a business trip ·to India that my own church, First, Plainfield, N. J ., is contributing directly to the sustenance of our 0\\'11 missionnries in India gives me courage to present a matter very dear to the henrt of Bishop Fisher in his work out there.

Just nbout two years ago I spent three weeks in Calcutta, where I heard Bishop and )I rs. Fisher tell of their work and their plans. Since then, correspondence has brought out some fads not generally known 1o our Church n~l·mbcrs, and I am afraid, not entirely npprc­ciatccl b\' the Board.

When' during the Centenary movement it so ~urcly appeared that our church members had cl"finitrly committed themseh·rs to furnishing the rrquircd funds for a large expansion of the work, Dishop Fisher with others made


1 th('ir plans accordingly, \\hich lhcy \\'ere cn­tire-ly justified in doing-for \\'ho, for one mo­ment, thought it possible that Methodists by the thousnnds \\'ould not carry out 'their con1-1nit.ments?

1,'he plan for India inrluded the purchase of a piece of prop<·rty in Calcutta, on which stood ;1 fine old rc-sid<."nce, \\'hich \\'as int<"ndc.'d for f"lu• hon1c of l\.IC"thodism in India, and 'it \\'HS

proposed to huild on one eorner of ·the prop­t•rty a s1nall. ch<1prl :1s a pince of '''orship for ~1ur 0\\'11 nat1on:i1s 11~ \\'<·11 .:1s Europeans. 'J'hi!'> 1s niurh nrrdcd, and the propt•rt\· is v:cB lo­l'ntcd '''ilh rrf<·rrncc to the cerltcr of that 1>op ula t ion.

To make the proprrtv carry itself until !'\ll<'h tin1r as lhC' <•ntirc" buiJdfng \\'ould bl• IH'rth·<l for and c·on\·c·rtl'd into ofiices th(' old rt·i..idrncc ''as di\'i<ll•<l into fla.ts, \\·hich \\'<.•re

I ht·in;r rc.:nll·d. 'l'he inc.·on1<· thus secured \\'Ou)c.l , h_·1,·l· 111ore than c.'O\'l'rl•<l the outlay had th~

1 Bi-hop b<·"~ able to make payments on th<· : P~!rl·h.i!'\t' prier, a!-\ h(' had <'\'cry right to expc.•ct. • J 1u· .11111111 ,\ \\ .1~ not f orll1l·o111i11J!, us c.•xJH•c.·l<·d, 1 .11111 JI Ji,,.., lu·1•11 llC'C'C'ssnrr to dra\\' fro111 dhnin-

1.hin;! currrnf a<·<·nunts 0

10 krrJl up ;,.t.. 11·~t on !ht• 111.111.

1•1·1·-.11noill\' I \\'C'lll 0\'1•r th<' 111~1ltrr front n l111-.i11< ...... ~1".111tlpoi11L. u1;ult• intlt'JH'lHll•nt in­•11111· j,·-. \\1lh r( t1·r1·1u•t• hl tlH' pr1•..,f'nl \'alu<' of

: ,• I •11.I r111l 11• pr·•h.1hl" i111·r1·11..,<'. tlntl . .r.:'\ .d-. •· d P .• h •p ]',,]u·r n·•I tn 'r]l. ,]',

1 r. 1\ 1·: 1!1· 1~1111 ... \\1r1· ur;:111:,? 111111 ti• d1>. 1t (,, 1. 'ii .. 11 1.-r 1t l1.1•l f1\1' lll••~1· '1 ar ... tn . ;, . ]· 1lJ• ,1. '•t ! 1p. ;1111! p···· li]~· t .. t.1h·

id\ ill; 0 :!< 11f JIJl'rt 1 .. 1• JO \ ,iJ111·. \\ J11t•h ('oiJt•ni l.1 J,11 .. n,•.., lll•n .1-.•ur1·11 nH· \\.tc, h1•u111l to c.·oinr. (I furllu r d1·\1 l<J1u·d tli11l ;1p.1:111t11t of :O:i.1.111111

1.1 ~11111,1·1111 \\••uld (')i1ni11alc· ~uffici<·nt inl1·rt·~I 1 hi r~1 .. 11) :1ll1n\ th.· in1·1lJ1lC" frotn rr·nlc; tu 1 1rr~ lh1· prnpc·rt~ ~ind 1~t·1·p it in rrp.tir.

l·',-1•111 "'u:-c·c·.., ll•lt ].;no\\ II to nu-. l\1 ... h1)J1 ! l'i .. h1·r h.1 .. -.:11t'1 ..,, 1·ur1•1l ~)cl,0110, ;11uJ I 11nd1 r­

, f 111cl lhc• h11:1rd proJHl"-"''1 hin1 a11olh1•r .~jo,01111. ~ .. 111 .n.11l.d1l1 in 1•1~'. hut th·d it 1n:1y not lu• po .. -..1hl1· lo 111;1kc 7111Hl on tl11· pro1111-..1·.'

I \\ ,1111 fn nrJ!l' that c•\ rry p11..,..,1hh· c.·ffort ht• n1.Hh· lo 1n.1kt• this promisrd :-.::io.oOO .,,·~dlah~r. for the stability of our \\'ork in JnUia <lcpt·nd~

largely upon ihe Calcutta properties. I have no hesitation in saying that Bishop Fisher has done \\'Ondcrful \\'ork in India, the schools be­ing mainlninrd in Calcutta and elsc\\·here be­ing more than justification for all his lime and effort. To kt him down now is not e\'en short of criminal.

This property on Middleton Street, which he wants to and should continue to hold, lies right in the cenkr of one of the important European rrsidentinl districts and is sure to incrcnse in \'alue. It is out of the business ct>nler, yet close enough to be accessible, <md wlwn one day more t>xcctrlivt> office space is rt>quired, the site will be at hand. It will also furnish space for more mission school buildings, in addition to the chapel already mentioned.

Bishop Fisher is giving his life for India. He has paid off old debts, he has increased the work and added to the propertv and resources of his area. He must be susiaincd. To the extent of my limited ability I have gi\-en him more than moral support. I hope it will br possible for the board to send him the prom­ised $50,000 in .July of this year. If that be an utter impossibility, some of Fisher's friends at home "ho bC'licvc in hin1 and in the "·ork which he und his good wife are doing should forget all <thou! "credit" ;me! send him thr amount he so surely Jl('<"ds at ibis time.

::lfv drar Dr. Joy, maY l not enlist the sup1;ort of your good srlf 'and of man\' others in this enterprise? Fis11<'r has bern iisk<>d to make hri<.·ks \\'ithout strn\\·. Some on<" should furnish thr stra\\' al lrast.

L. D. At.DIN. Inp:rrsoll-Rand C-0., Exrcuti\'e Ollkr II

Broad\\·ay, Xe\\' York. '

Bishop Fisher Returns to India --llish1111 l•'1sl11•1· 11( (':1lt·Utln, I1ulia. :-:aih•tl on th<> sh•an1ship }{ott1•rd:un fro1n )\1•\\' 'York on l>r<·Pntht•r n. 111• "ill ~top in I·:ngla111l. hold in~ tht>r{• c:ouft'l'<'tH·••s \\'ith the.• India <>fliee a1ul \'Uri 0\IS n11 ss1oll:t l'Y Sf'<'l'C't :11 i('s, • \ (t f'I' a hrit·f :;:tuy on the> C'nntint•nt ht• \\'ill :-ail fr11111 :\Ia1"­i--1·i1l<'s Jh•<·c•1ub1•r :!n, :u·ri\'i11~ UL Ilo111bay .January 11.

l'.ish;1p ]•'"j,.)l.f>J' n•t urns tn hi.:; fit•]cl hraring tht• dl't'Jl ~ratitnclt• of the• ('hnrl'h in .\n1rri<••l. lib· ~C'I \ j,., ... :t:;; .1 nii ... -.it•uar,\ h·ach•r flnring th._. c·ri><is \\'illt'h \\'as llll't IJ\' the• "I \\'ill ::.\Iaintniu C'"an1pni~n" C":111not h1•' o\'1•rP~thnntPc1. .\t a tinu• \\lu·n th1•1·1 \\'ll"" a :-1111111) in 1nb:~i111i:1ry gh·­iu;.: and intl'l"1•-.t, hl• C':tll;.:'ht the :--pirit of tht• pl'nplf' \\'ith hi~ JUP~~:tJ:(' on ··.\ J.h·ing C'Liri~t in a ('hanging \\'orltl'' :u11l fanned into a Jlan1c :1).!ai11 the• 1•nth11 .. i:1 ... 111 nf tlu• ('hul'l'h. 'fh1· l'l'· purt ... fl'"lll tht• hc·l1ls cif gl'l':.tt hal'\'t•st ... and of t1·P111i11~ 1nilliu11s a\\aitin;.:' nti:-.:sionar~· labor· c•rs :-til l'l'tl !ht· ('hnn·h 1., 1·:11·r\ 011.

'l'ht•r1• \\C'l't' 1nans f:u·l"r" .:111•·r111;.: into th<' "lll'f't''<'.'< of th" (';1111)1.ti;.:11 \\hic·h ( t1h11111:1lt·•l 1111

()1(111111 ';} J.n\,dl\ :1111) -.;11J'ili11 \\tlt•1•\J.J1•IJI

,,,.,,,,,.., II·"•''' 11 1.111 l" .... d•I\ -..11.J

:1 .. .1 1 .. 1.1. 1 .. i' \ -11, ,,: ti-• L ·,,. i.1P·l i· · •·· •!.,11 I 1 Jr., 11 l·I• ,., •1~1•111• 1'•1 I ••·llllil1•1l,ull

~ .. 1',, '' ·l·I\••·:·· 1.· .. ;.:· >11 •• f 11.. c·1 .. i,,l1 It \' I• t 'I' I I' I , 1. j J

i·· ,1 , •••. fl• 111.11· ,,,. J, 1'Ji, 1111 .. ~1 11 11,llll .. Ill J11•ll.I \\1JI ;.:I\• :I ;.?J't•,11

l•·•·t•)1t1"1l 1 .. lh• ir 1·1111111111:.: J.1 .. !1"1'· ('<1h), .. ;!J;llti). J'p•l)I !111• )1°:1.J•jll,IJl•J'-.. ,,f 1111 ]~11,1)1) .,f ]'un 1;:11 :\li .... 11111-. h.1\1• ahv,Jd\ "t 111 .1"~ thruu;:h 1li1· 1111 .. -.1 .. 11.11' 1 u1J\ .. 111 Jn.Ji:i ,, .. 11:·;:,.111·,

i .. ·,•d1.J Jll".J1·11 .. \\}111h \\l'l'I ..... llJ"'tl 11\ th·· ..... 1g'" Ji.1\1• 111·• II J'l "\1)111•11.


1' T T

Page 110: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

January 19, 1928 THE CHRISTI.A..~ ADVOCA 'J

the highest terms of appreciation for the leadership of l\Jr. Williams.

TnE N'onTJrEns :\J::\\' 1'"onK Co:s-FEREXCF. will be held in Asbury Church, Watertown, X. Y., April II.


GranviJI('", \\'ho has bren serious}~· ill for scv­crnl weeks in the Albany Cit)· Hospital, is no\\' vrry n1uch in1pro\0 C'd. Ile is <"Xpt.·ctecl to rrturn to his home in the very nenr future.

R1c11.\nn Gor1n, So:s oF TJ1E REV • .-\SD )!Rs. Emmett \\'. Gould, of :"lliddlebury, Vt., wns one of five coll<·itc students sclcclcd from the State of Ycrmonl to compck for the Rhoades Scholarship. This son of the parsonage is a senior at :"lliddlrhury ColICb'<'·

E,\ST J\n1.1sGTOS, I·l.\nnY I~1c11TJI.\t.1., P.\S­tor. This churC'h ha~ brt.·n in the tniclst of ex­tensive repairs. ~C"\V hnr<l,,·ood floors, re­decorated inl<.'rior nnd nC'\\' furnace installed at a cost of over $650.

TuE E\'.A:SG1:1.1sT1l' CoxFEnr.~cr. ~\T S1"'RA­

<'t1se !ms hccn carried hack to the Rutland District. Group confcrf.•ncrs ,,·ere held nt Wrlls, Ilurlinirton and Pittsfield, where the mesi,agrs of the Syracuse n1ccting \\'ere re­told. PrcaC"hing- n1issions, in the interest of e\'angelisn1, ha\'e bren held nt 'rells, North GranYille and Ripton. .\t Wells, 211. "'· Baker was assisted by E. C. L)·man, of ;llid­dlcto\\·n Springs. Sc\'cral accessions "·ere made to the church. A class of nc\\" members ha,·e bf.•en received nt North Gran\'illc, \vhcre F. R. Tarling is pastor. At Hipton, Ralph ;\littler was assisted by neighboring pastors.

GncE:S\\'1c11, \V. c .. IIE1s1.1:n. P.\$TOn, \;:x­tenshe r('pairs ha\'C just bf'<."n co1npl(·trcl in eonneetion \\'ith thr SO{'ial roo1n!'. an(l Snnd<t\'­school plant, about $1 • .500 bc-inµ- <''\Pl'ndCd. ()nc of the acthc- orj!alli?.ations of this churC'h is th(' ,\r1nstronv llroth<:rhood, 1i:1111rd afh"r the l~ev .• John ]\, .\rtnstron{?. rl•lir<'d, a fol"lllC'I' pastor. nrotlH'l' .\r1nc.trong- is rr<;.icl~

lu the·. 1•11·111. 1:11;.:li-.Ji Pl1•ctinn thf'l'<" \\'il'i'

"'' \c·11ty--.1\ ':111.J11l,11•·-. h .. J.Jin;..:" 1n1·111ht>J°'·hi1• in 11 llt' or flu• 111 hc•r ,.f 1 h1· 'lc·1 hndi-.t • )1111·•·llt ..... ( Jf th1• .. 1• tl1Jj t.\·1·1;.:lit \\•.' \\"1·-.l· ,\':lli .\lt·th11dl"t" .,f \\h11111 .. , \t Jll11 o1 \\1'1" 1·i1·• h·il. 'flu•; .in• di~ ~l.f 1 .J )lt'l\\•·111 11i11·1• l"•)lli1al :_!!,.II)•". :-:i'\ :IP'

',I, I 1 " 1•••llJ. .. ,llJd llJll• ,))I'

Irie! superintendent, and the Rev. R. B. Cook, District League president, assisted the pas­tor and his wife in this effort. Some repairs ha,·e been made to the church and parson­age. The parsonage has heen painted nnd other work is to be done in the spring. The pastor and family were well remembered o I Christmas time with a suhstantial purse ancl other gifts. ·

,,.EST C'nESC'EXT, J\RTHUR Ji. ln\ND'IESS~n. pastor. A debt of $1,600 stood on the new con1n1unity house \\'hC'n the nC'\\' pastor arrh·ed at the charge last spring. \\'. n. Shear, of Sehenrctady, spent his boyhood days nt ,,.C'st CresC'c>nt and has hC'ld an interrst in the olrl church. He made. the proposition in the late foll that he would 11h·e $200 pro,·ided the church would raise ~;oo b\' ,Janunrr I. By that date the church had raised $63i so that the dcht has been cul in two and onlv $800 remains. The Sunday school assistecl with a $200 contribution· and the Ladies' ;\id with $12.5. They arc now determined to pny up the lrnlancc of the debt by Easter timr·. The officials are grateful to nil who have made this possible. ~luch credit is due to the pas­tor's leadership.

I !



Randolph-Macon LYNCHBUR(

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S100-S500-Sl000-or $100,000 can be inYl'Stc<l with Pqual safety and assurance of a pPrmarn:nt, fixed inrome for !if<', in the Annuity Dvwk of the Anwricnn Ilibk Sori<'t:Y.

For O\'C'I" 50 \'<'ft r;; 1 lw Pol'i<'1 \" h:l< i~~ll<'d hond<,' l'l'1 lll'llill"' :t< hini1 :-. .... n ...- !l' ; :l('l 'e..1r11 i11µ: 1 n i h1 · ;igc> uf :i nun i­t: 1 n1. "·illw111 1lw )"" Ito n <inl!h· inY< · 1 01·. w i1 h p~ym"n1, m:i ,J,,

p1 .. mptly half y<·arly, wi1h n0 1rot1l•h' whnhm·Yl'r on thr part uf 111<· :inn11i1 nnt.

Ju 0 t «·n<I for !ht' hoo];]rt. ron•l 1ho in-1t·re ... 1111g: ... tary of till!> rrn1a1hahlc: C'Jin,;,.­t1.111 PfltPrpr1~r. hu,\· u LonJ, ~nd t/1111' ... 111/l )'t•ll .1rl· 3 ..... urc1] a TC'l!lllar inl·on1e for hfc. ::'end in the coupon ::\O\\"!

Page 111: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

August 19, 1925 THE INDIAN WITNESS 513 (5)

Bishop Fisher in Australia A Welcome Guest

By Rev. J. W. Burton, .\\.A. (f1'1>>u'1lll ,.,.,.,.,.[,11'//, ll1r/t111l1::t llt\ . ..;n111ttt'l/ S111•iet1111t .l1t~..,11,,[11si•1)

To Australians a 11fethodi•t Rishop is somewhat of a curiosity, an<l we scarcely know how tu treat him. To an ordinary bishop we give respect after the c'lsual maPner of our race. secret Iv smile al his gaiters and apron. ancl with demoerntic reluctance atldrc>ss him as "i\J~· Lord:" but a .'.\lethodist bishop dresses like the rest of us, and lordly titles do nut appear to fit him. so \\'<'halt and hesitate and finall_,. pounce upon "Doctor" as the must suitable form of adclre<s. And no one can possibly go wrong m calling an American cleric by that name.

It\\ as a great joy ancl pri\'ilegc> to •n<iny nf u~ to meet Bishop Fisher of the Bengal Area of the Methoclist Episcopal Church. He came unl1eraid1·cl. and entered without u~tentation our life. so that we took him to our heart at once. He sho11'Ptl him­self friendiy. and he could ha1"1~ made any denrn1l<l'> upon us after that. \Ve found him a stroni-o:. lovable. human sort of man. with a piquanc~· of speech. a toucn of humour. and a witlel.1·-roaming mind that e\'er knew the direction it wa.,; takiiw. He talkt>d to us in hi:; franl\, eas.'·· alm·i~t laconi'~. way about the big: thing·;; of the world that Wt're unon his.heart and little b~· little there was l'CYealed a man of broad culture and of a daring mind. di~ciplined by much experiencP to practical use. Yet. with iL all there was a gentle humility which softened C\'en tl1e most clrnilenging and critical things he -;aid, nn I made u:-; feel that he came to iearn. even thoui-o:h we had but little to tell him. ·

And \\'0 liked ;\·!rs. Fisher just as mueh and sa1r in her the bt-&L type of "College woman·• a type that Ame!'ica alone prutluces. Deing al:;o " wise w0mun she allowed the spot.light to re;,t mainlv on her husband. though now and then there were Oash2s of independent thought that made us feel that e\'en a bishop is moulded h~· 11is wife.

Bishop Fisher gave us of his Liest whcth0r tu large audiences running up to 2,0flOor to little gT•n1ps uf a dozen or less. He tole! us in graphic words of the worn and influence of .llahatma Candhi. Dr. Rabindranath Tagore. C. F. A nch·cws. S. I·:. Datta. and man~· anothfr; these were no lon1re1· mel'l' nanw~ to A nstrallan au<liL·n~cs but re:~! bein !.!·s of rt~·sh an l blood, of mind and soul. It is not too m11ch to sa1· that. he ha.; dven t:wn,and:; of peopi•' a n<>w aniJ mo1·0 intelligc•nt ontl•iok 11n.in th<' l·:a-<t<'l'll \\'•il'id.

Some of n:; were parliculari,· i.dad to ht•n1· till' Hi!'hop LPcanse he spoke with an Amcnl':tll at·C•'lll (the b<",-;t B.1.;tonian. ,if i:onr:;e1. lie ca•ll•' "il tn•· •'I"'' of the .\,ner1can FIN·! 1-'t'~lil"ities nud th<' \1~11 of tlWSl' I\ ai',,hip.; 11 a:< looked 11pon Ii\· ,;onw ..\ lht r:i!i.111' as a dl'·l10J1:-:.ll'c'l\.i1..111 u~· ll•t\.ll iJ{),\"1..'l'. 'l'h1 1~i ... :1.i1: j.

a ~tl!l\'lllt'c'•l anti-1nii11ari,;t (a:< rno~t th"'l"..!'ht 1111 Chri~t1 •n 11H'll <1n·1 a1al madl· ii 1.J:iin Ilia\. ,,lJjj,. pro.id,.!' hi..; <"•<ltlltr.;. hi: had ll•I ~.1\llp.1tl11· with 11 1,.,.,. Ji:··q>l;1\ 111' l\n\'t'. It \\:1..:: :l \\'h,,lr:-:.nn1.~ f"Ol'l'r'Ptl,)11 f,,,. St)Jl-le j ..... ,,pl\· t11 !\•:\111 t:1:1\ th1...' l1:ttllln ll1·1t i..: ... ,"1·1. ~. s,·, i-.~,-··, '1 1 .1· .1.··· ·,·• ..... ,,t • .. · .• ,! :· ,, •••

\\·hn \\"11rl" .l!l·ll•l',l'- 1111' i'1"'itl't·-,j-!1'\. !"" ,, r' 'i ,.

~, 1 }'} • I• lJ.., IJ.I\ 1' \,.01'!1}l' Lil .',., I~''«, L 1' ...,,•I I\ "

lh1.. ,\•·1.·! ; ... ..:. · •· · • .'11 ..... :··-J.· .. .· brulh rl1°•ud iJl'i \\ , ... 1.~n the I;r11 "''l \ 11•1:n·1J1 :. 1·c1 11i

Nation< and till' Unit<'d :-;1at1·< of \111<"l"it.;. fil"r" must lie an aliian.:v of i1c·art and m111 I ratl1··r 1 :ian some mi ii tar;;· pact. s•l that t herl' Ill"' il·· .1 i«' H'•- • ,11 penetrativn ol tht' 1\·urld with tlio~·~ idc·,:lls·.: h:1m:t11 libert\' and sulidarit\' whi<'h al.i1w c·..in maj.; .• war impos~ibll'. ·

Bet ween A ustr<1li.ins and American:; then' a1·~ mal1\ points of resemblan.::e: for example. they hotn play fast and loose with orthodu::-.. Engh-h speech. While New Zealanders favour the more conservati\'e types of old ~ngland, Australians have more in

common with the democratic and free spirit of America. Both Americans and Australians have a certain independence of mind ancl a 11assiun f"l.' freedom thougt1 lately we in Australia ha\'e been somewhat doubtful of America since we ht·iml the angry echoes of the "Fundamentalist" l'nnt ru1·ers\I' a ncl the "Evolution" trial. Such disl'll"s1ons an:J char1:tes would be impos.,ible in Australia -perh •p-; because we do not care t'llOU\d1.

But in spite ,,f these resemhlanr-es A 11,,Lralia c.nd Anw··it-a at'<' still far apart. \Ve cl•> not nn<l<-'r.~tan l Ameru;a and Amt'r1ca Sl·arC'eh· knows of onr 1•:-.is:.~ ence; and yet 11·.., feel somehu,v that Fak b1•und us i11 the :mnw bundle.

It w.is hen' that tlw Yi:;it of the Bisi10p 11 ,i-. of great valu" to 11~. lie l1elpe I 11:> to un<lL•r;tan<l Ameriea: and we rather th;nk we h<'IJ•t:d him "' 1111di:rst rnd us. He had to a-l<n1r that he liked u-. ·•1 spite of our fault$.

Tiw mo:<t \·a!i1<Jlile ser\'irt• tlw Hi..;h"" rend· '°'"i hnw..,1·er. wa~ to help II" to a BPI\' ou1n1 of \ i1•\\' :i< ti; uur relationship with the Or·ent. \Vp An,!1«1iinns arc far from the gn•at r.lt'L' stl"<'am,.. of th1• 1,·.1r!cl· 1v. :u e isolate.I and .iust a littl<' pa1«1chial. \Vt> takt> · 11111 views of the E:1<t. for the mo . .;t p..i.rt. frnm 011r daih papl'r~-the~,· lll•Hh·rn incarnations "f ,\ n:tnia< ;111:1 S,up1111ira w ... 1 C<>ntinnally lie iwain,;t tile Ilvll' 1;11,.~t 1~1·tn· now an•t then. when otlwr :wn.;al1onali:<m Ila' !lagc,ed. •>Ill' of <~ill' llc''l'SJ!a1wr:; will er11pt a lot of l1ot lava al1out t ni: ) el low f",·r1l. or the• I:rown ~It-nae<' lt 1s :<•1_rr~· enongi1 ,.;ty:r t" .111~· infor1i.c·d min,J. hut man\ 11!1.n I.; ?r,• n!t 1nt<>r n ... il: and tl10;1~·h tlJ,. ,,,, >ll1,, ':Jill~· natl-_'J•'lic·1y tne pre·~-.;. 11 na,; tls c•tl"et'l inja11ndie-1ng tne 1•rew ol the mas~.

Tne ;;i.;•1•1p .1c•lpe•l tu cmT1'('i thi.;. 111• .;i1n11·ced llS

\;;111di11'. nul a . .; th,~ da1)\!l'l'vll" pol1ti<'al agit.l(<,1· of 0:1r le 1d1n·.: a!·t.1rle'. n111 <1s. the 1e tllv 1·ao.;tl 1· .lhire danp:i:rons ."Pll'illHtl .leadc'l' ol a ne,1· 1de:tl1,.:•n 1,ir ~!iall \\.L' ~·:i:: n! •·in ~llll'l1.:.J11 t.•tn.1(."J) lit) ('~1:111.>lLe:~·c! illf

smug i:11m111act'llt:.: b.1·. :<h•i11·mg 11..;_ !!>11\' much 1.1,ll·e ncarl.v ll.u1.1tma <1and·11 f,1llowcd Chri,;< tnnn •ll••·t of 11~ do wnu prnfp.;<; tn h·· H1.~ disciples C\1n.;1·1 'Ill', did ::.1l111ce 1i1w 11vrk .. 111011.i-o: 11; aft<•r t'w J;i<J1,,,,·~ ::d!;,c and iot.; 111" Sl•lllC~ fell l°l'•Hll nnnen v.l hand.... fl~ opened n1aµ,·1l' easen1~111-; \\· 111.:h al10\V\1d l,q t1J 1110\ 1>t1t iwon \q.o life''' India. :li1d man\' ~aw t'•J1'1•1,.: uf •i11:h and ; ... ha;·i...'.; oi' h •'.lilt' t 1 1:.\· ilnd Jl.l' .... <·1 ;..·; bl· lore. a1 11 J .\el tn~ 1~1~ l 1 •P \\'a..; p;\~ .... i1lll~1i•'•.\ in:-; .... 1"1:r ti1ar "'11\· .1 ... .1~11~. the 1".•nl 11.~.;u" ni' tn,~ 11 l-..p ... )I..;, n11t i 11;' 1,;n11 j_ '\..'::;..:, l'l't.:':ttin!l •l 'dv'...!"lll<llH' Ill •11l11,,:, -('I :Id Jil'l'tl1<lllt'llt­

iy ..;at1,f\· t 1 · ..:. 1 l1r1tn.1I i1t1 1·.!·~·1· i1f Jnd:.t. !t \\'1 11 iHl a t?l'(l,\I g'lld If. \\'ilt.:'11 l')1• }:i..::h11J1 !{}~

tld))..;, h..,• I.' \I) iil\;,.:•J'Jl)'l•: {j..., 1 11 Iii ll<! -1).1 11!,\{ IJllf -.:/.'\

n11l11.i11...; \'11d 1 it lllll· n .1.:.l 1 ' 1 "'1 1 11.! !111.• · l111111L·1.d 11drJ lltiJ\tull-' \II ~lt.li i.111 l. 11 ~![ 1\~· .ti'•• ,t!I .!11·1-.: that ult}

I I " . ' ' Jl(l,tll IJ•"l·•'('I -..111 1 tl ,,,,, !lll"'d'PI !'~11,11! !•, ,l...,

tll~·. :11·.· !jL,_>I-.. ci1 d" ;t 1 )'" 11·.1·11.nJ, ti1.• ,·a, r ...... l 1 11'.>r~n'11 P'\' \".',•:11'1)J,:11c1\\ll llltlilll\ i.1 i11d1;: ; 1-.: 1h('\

;1111 l,,,1•.• .1r ... ,, ll • '11) ''l•l,\l'1 1.' 11·)'1•tl"'l\ 1• '' ,\ 11 !•' \ 11'- I 1Ji 1

} .• 11'..' ,. I' 1.t! I U1 .; I" :l llll..,l:t1,,._ 1'il1·1,. !"' ""l.i:ill•

in t.1 J·1: ·11:·· :t1 .. •1 \<:' t'.i't' di.., .. ri .· 1 1111·· :t · 1, 1 ...

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k1• ''I •I• I' I I ti. • I ! 1l\' ' 11 11,j . ; ,\ t 1 ) j, ' I J l

' ' ' .

I ,. l. l .I '"•'!,. .... ;

j·, 1 ~· ) • .., • :_ I '' j II 1' I 11 "'"")'. l·• ........ [ .~ .. "···l'-.\ 11-:r:i .1 ·i "· .i·1el\ 111 I 1, .. n 1>1 1' l J·~11' ..... 1!..1· .1..; c·'I

l I\. •l!lt \•I t1J I~ .tl 1:11· ".IJ\\ ~1lj111111•-l·1

in..: 1 ' 1 ,11• ... '!·! i t .i·.., .. ,· "dt' ';..i'l'.l~ 1·;1 •· ::- 111 1'l. 1;11 ..

}111 \ ·I ~ . .tf.l i1 i ... :.' :11 lJ 1l l ... 1 !.·..:: 1..:. ll11. ...... tll· .. llll•t l'l JJll ·. ra_.,.,,,,,,,. "'1 ,,,. ,.,,,/,i .. ,..1 .... tii1i f11rb!t! "'lll'il .1. Ind1;m •Jll ll'ter i1~ 1111r A11<1r..1i1an rilice<

Th1•r1· I\ ,11 e·•:n,· 110 .J.,1.,i,t. 111..Ii1il'.u .. ,1b u1' ,h -P•Jlir1·, but t'1e point I want t<J e 11n11a<1St' to ni> Indian reaJ.,r.; is l'lat it i:-i nut a 1•nlicv o! hate or ,~· suspicion: 1t i~ a pol:c\· of JH«Jteet1•m. The •no";

Page 112: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

(6) 514 THE INDIAN WITNESS August 19, 1925

liberal provision is made for the student, the trave~ler and the merchant to come to our country, and I thmk I can say that such have every courtesy extended ~o them. It may be that the natural corollary of t_h1s policy is a "Brown India Policy," and I _do not thmk we should object to that. We are pass10nately dem­ocratic and want to rule ourselves; but we are so democratic that we desire other people to rule them-

selves. h B' . h d f 1 In missionary work t e 1s11op as ma e us ee that we ought to do more for India. He made it plain that while India dues not want official '"leaders'" (after the old Student :Movement model) she d~es want brothers who in the loyalties of love and ser".1~e will help India to express h~r best ~elf. And Ind1.a s best self will find, we b~heve, richest expression through the life and teach mg of our Master, .Jesus Christ. \Vhen she has yi~lded hers~lf to HiJ? s.he will give us, we beleive, an mterpre~at1~n of !I.is hfe and character such as the world 1s still wa1 tmg to receive; for we without them cannot be made per­fect.

The Trend of Prohibition REV. DEETS PICKETT

When you drive your car you glance. at the speedometer to see how fast you are travelhng ; you examine it to find w1!-ether or not your .car needs greasing and what mileage you are gettmg out of your tyres. To other instrum~nts you .tm:n to lear!1 whether or not the bat~ery 1s charging a11d ~he oil flowing freely. These mstr?ments are llJrllcat?rs informing you whether there 1s cause for sat1sfact10n or alarm.

$ • !fl

For some time the indicators of prohibition pro­gress gave ample ~a use for anxiety ... Just after pro­hibition there was a tremendous improvement all along the line. Then arr~sts for drunkenne.ss com­menced to increase,· as did cases of alcoholism and ther~ were other in<lfoations that we were beginning to lose the ground that we had gained. This bad tendency continued fo; s.everal years although at the very worst the balancmg of accounts showed a clear net aain over conditions e'{isting before prohibition. Seei;;ingly we "t~rned th~ cor1.rnr'.' just aft~r the last election when 1t was cl_early.111d1cate~ ~o.th1s ~d­ministratiun and to every 111telhg~1~t. pol.1t1cian, he­publican or Democrat, that pruh1b1t.10n 1s an estab­lished policy of the people and wet support is a poli­tical liability. There _have recently b~en seve~·al studies and statements issued by responsible parties which show the present tendency to be favour­able.

* * First a report b~r l\Jr. HobEJ"l E. Corradini, who

has colle~terl statistics showing ane . .;ts for intox­ication in the cities of the United States .. Jn Hl.18. which \\"::IS the last really w<:>t ~·ear. the followmg yenr beinl-!.' partly nnde_r ';-ar-timc prohibiti,on and part]~· under war re~.tr1ct1ons .. there w~re .2~.8 n_r­rests P<'I' t hon>'ancl ot Jlll)l~ll~t1011. m l~.i l'ltle:> .. 111 :~~I :'ttllt.:='. 'fh ... 11 1.:an1l~ l'l'<.1t~lL1J{!PJ~ }1! ]!l:!fl 1'1 dDl'lll;..!'

t;ii'"' i«1t\: ~ ':- ]'..:~· ~1~· 1 ·: ... :1'··1. I:: l:·_.~ t r .... e :.· !l. :. in }~1~....'. t1..· 1~1.::. 111 1'. 1 ~.~ ti• 11.l. li11t i·1 i: 1:2J tli1. .. r:l.tl:' t. I ] · 1 · 1i ~1i 1 '.. 1'l ... l:1t1'l~/ i.•· 1..:. • c11jl.:' .. i,, '~{I t.."'.! ~.1 •.! .. Lv ·- .. t.::-


There i6 reao<•11 t<> \.c:li.::' i: di.it 11 hhin :inuther \ear ur t110 1\l' will again tunrh <he l••I\' ratC' Jhc·d in ·1~12u. thi: Ill",\.' car uf !•l°<Jhiliiti"11. :11111 it h cvrt:linl.1· to be hope.) that the natiui; a,; a 1Yhule 11 ill Jn1,licate the e:-.per1ence uf state:; 11·hich have gune dry an<l continue frum now 011 to <lecrea::<e ~tt>adily the in­toxication rat~. Note the following three facts. First, there was an enormous decline in the first year of prohibition. Second,_ tl:~re was a steady increase over this first year proh1b1t1on rate up to last year,

but this increase did not bring the figure back to the pre-prohibition rate. Third, the rate has started once again to decline, ~!ready being far under the rate of last year.

• .. • Now what about the demoralization of our young

people by prohibition'! We have heard that they are all drinking as never before. The Scientific Temper­ance Federation sent an inquiry to 250 Superinten. dents of schools and Principals of high schools in the State of Massachusetts asking for information. Near­ly 100 replied. Only 1 said that young people are now drinking more than before prohibition. A num­ber of high school principals said that in all of their experience they had never seen a single pupil under the influence of liquor. The Inter-collegiate Prohi­bition Association queried 60 Presidents of Colleges and Universities. These men were emphatic that so far from prohibition having lowered the ideals and moral life of young people, that it had proven a boon of inestimable value. President George B. Cutten, of Colgate University, said-

" I shudder to think what they might be if the saloons were in vogue during these restless days."

The President of South Dakota State College said,-

" The ideals and moral life of young people are being rais<:'d rather than lowered."

President Hunt, of I:luckneil, declares, "The representative attitude of students is more

and more in behalf of the enforcement of law." Professor Carver, of Harvard, calls Prohibition

"the greatest experiment of modern times,'" and President Smith, of Washington and Lee thinks it a national blessing.

!ii • * Touching upon this matter, a Brooklyn, New

York. school master, Mr. Gilbert .f. Raynor, principal of Alexander Hamilton fligh School, has issued a statement intended to be read at a Conference on law enforcement at Round Lake, New York, which is truly remarkable and we quote it in part:

"The attendance at this high school varies from three to four thousand, made up of young men from all ranks of society. I am personally or by represen­tative present at practically all of their social func­tions. For the past four years there has not been a single instance of observable violation of the prohibi­tion law by any of these young people.

··About a year ago one of our New York news­paper representatives came to the school and asked if he would be permitte<l to take a straw vote in the Senior Class. composed of 234 young men. to ascer­tain how main of them were in favour of a modifica­tion of the Volstead Law. I gave him permission to take the vote which was done without comment. The vote stoo(l 229 against modifieatiun and 5 for modification. !'he paper did not publish the results. I have my sn~pieions thnt if the rcf>nlts had been practically reYer:>e<l, it would ha\'e bc·en shoulc'd f1 om the front ]J<I;,!.('" of the \\'el pres:> thruughout the \:OUn­trv.

· "HefnH' ihv da~·" of prohibition in thi!" gTcat cit\' hit.!'h ~l'hnnl. 11'<' al11a1~ h11l J·1<·~,·nt 11 ith u:;cases u~· Ji~1~·~· ... :::-ill.:..! !•U\ .._..l'l,\. J·~·,11' . 1.:~il'..:. • i1r t, :~c11t.:'~' 1nu1r· l .. tilJt..'l .1 ~1..·~1·,u1.1r. li..~ 1 1\··· (ti.i•l fruJJ1 ,\:,;

11 ,Li..rl..:' \\,1 ...

' . j l'] 'i · 'l j t I' • [ , I . ' ' l' J' 1 ' l' I · 1 ... t!·J·I,\'\ JI i >. <l, l .':'l• ~1.: 1 J,L.., l•l·1I • 11.)11 ,•J ••·, ..._ \\ }l'

\."' ..:,•'.,q,'. l 1 ?t·,\. n} ·!''': ,:...:· . _•J ···:. !'l-.t!,;a ... t nlld e\iJcJ1tl.1 lcl';.dll:! •J'J <:•JilaJ--e. \\ <' frc·• 11lc·i 0 ll .. L·ullgi11 .'11vl?~ an1l tJ\ •:lLc-'.tt:- in lhL' \\ j~)tl~f tu 1'1·Ji<?\ \...} di.5tteSS· in:! ca"I'~. It was n11t 11nus11al fur ,:mall 1.H1\S t« cume tv, sdiuul in the· murning more or k~s 1la1.e.d and a<l­mittin:J the> .• lw.1 had nuthin.C!· fu1· Lri:al,i'"st Lut beer.

":)in("e pruh1Litiun. thi: tt·achers· \uluntan relief fund ha~ been discontinued. anrl 1\e ha\·e not seen for ~ears any boy coming to school in the morning showing the appearance of insufficient nourishment. \Ve have had nu cases for three winters of boys need-

( Continued on page 3.)

Page 113: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

-February 23, 1921 NORTHWESTERN CHRISllAN ADVOCATE (I!) 251

Burma Welcomes Her New Bishop William B. Norton

K l PL! NG was wrong," said Bishop Fred B. Fisher a her spending his first day in India as bishop. 111 being whizzed

from one place to a\1other all day at a fast pace in an auto­mobile. "He was wrong "hen he described the fool who died trying to hustle the Ea<t. The way these Indian automobile dri,·ers go and the hurry-up calls for immediate action on a c!ozen questions indicate that the East is trying to hustle me. This makes my third trip to India and I am amazed at the rapid changes which have taken place since my first com­ing sixteen years ago and C\'en

from my second Yi<it in 1917. There is a new India and it must he reckoned \\ ith in .:.c..·t­tling the international qnes­tions of the world. I 1.,,.,, the Indians. Some of them lo\'e me and some of them don't. but I love them all whether they lo\'e me or not."

carri on work in English. Burmese, Tamil, and Chine,e. The Burmese arc without ca;te and are a literate penple. nearly ninety per cent of the men and _forty P<'r cent of the women being so rla<sed. ft 1s a city preeminently adapted to Christian \\·ork in (,('hn11l' ;ind through the spread of good literature.

Bishop Fisher and party have made three excursions to cen­ters of work in the interior, Thongwa. Syria. and Pegu, and

will make other..


Rl'SSLLL IL (\J'>\\'l:LL

T l 11/ tide "ill n·turn and

Calcutta filled Bishop Fisher with an enthusiastic optimism. He announced that his policy would be to get acquainted \Vith his epi,.ropal arC'a. Ben· gal and Burma. to hold what the church had already estab­

BISHOP A:'/D ~IRS. FR!'.P B. FISHrR A.RRJ\'J:-;'G l:-1 hill\


i{ie rehgu.,us 1nh~1 c:-.t \\'ill

he 1110 f' extcn.::-1\'C'. and n1ore intrn.::. than "''er heiorc The "f'll"<' 11f need '' hirh dt"pl"C"'><'S

all c1a}scs 110\\ I"' thc pron1i:.c oi :i Q{rcat rr\'hal. It \\·i!l he nntur;1ty 1niraC'ttlous. if hi.;­tory is to repeat ihelf. The h1\\' coUrts. th<" 1noney 111arket=-. the high CO'-fS of 1n·ing-. tlH' rush for h1'\11ril";:, the contin­ued \\":i.tiare. thr '>t<tr,·in~ chi1-clrcl' ai-r un1tc'1l~ dri' ing 11:> hack t•; Christ. The awful

lished, to strengthen it and to <tudy where changes and new mo\'es '"~rr 111.:·r<lt:"d. A district Cc..\nfrrence \\'as held at Pakaur in which he had every local preacher. exhorter, and Bible \vo1nan 1nakc a report on his or her ,,·ork in open conference. Various comtnittees \Vere set \vorking in Calcutta on an epis­copal residence, on new plans for the pre,ent center on Dhar­~!!:t ::!:. S~:-:.:ct ~nd on .tC\V v.·a,_, ru1 11.,.nJ1i11g iln: j111.iiJ11 }JOJJU·

lation and especially the young men who lhrong in thousands to Calcutta, drawn by the great l-ni\'Crsity of Calcutta and the commercial opportunities of the city. ',\'hile n;,hop Fisher comes to India in a new capacity he has long cherished con­victions as to India's needs and opportun1t ies and cloes not need to wait as would a bishop unacquainted with the situation l:efore taking action •

.'\ft er a few days in Calcutta Bishop Fisher made a quick trip to Burma, which forms part of his area. He expre«ed amazement at the de\'elopnwnt of the ~! ,•thodist work there.

u1 knc\v \\'C had an Eng1ish-"peaking rhurrh in Rangoon but I had no idea 0f its hignrss.1' he $aid. "Think of th~~ l?OY"' high school with eigh1 hundred in attendance. !f we helie\'e it is \VOrth \Vhile to reach tht..• Chill<""<" '' h<'te i-. thrre a h\·th r opportunity than in Rnn1--.nnn. \\'h<"r<' the Chin<'"~e are 1,n11r1n~

in as th<>y arc into Sing:tpore and P(n:ing ?" On Christmas Eve Bishop Fhher acldre>Sed our ~lethrnll't

Chinese Sunday School and the parent' "ho li;1<I gathcr,•d at the ccJehr:i.t1on. 1'he nu1nhrr prrsent \\'a:- a .. large as \\'C s.a\\' one year ago at Chri..,t1nas tin1e in Singapore. So rapi<l had lw1'1J the gn"' th of the Chine'e work hno that the Rev. N. A. 1-..1'irt..\ the 1111 .... iut1;1r~ in charge nf that .. p~·c1.d population. \\'::l"

ob1igl'<1to11tili:~e \\hat h:i<1 h1·e11 ah"'"' .. 1.1'•lc. \\e ~:J\\' thl· 0lJ :-t:lhl.:- \\>th :i f,)nr or f\('-fc 1 ,...,t I !'c .k i:: · 1:\· r ... j 1 .. ',

l'c1~ $ :tn1J g-:r1s \\h0~e 0nly ch:incC' tn _ ~ 1 1 ~. ••

· J,., ?1 ·c~'. · ;: .. a chu;;h \y;-,.:. \'. b1 n ~,; .. • ···-

t·1 the r....l:~tic·r1n <.ir<l .. ;n.:J or recite. 1'h, ~· 11'. · ·.·~ · n1c .... 1\t: :?t 3 1:n1e. 0re ;:.rr011p r1.:1 • "'' 1 ·h ,;, ot

•111 .. 1her the "tc·r~ ,,f the 1.irth <•f C'hri·t i1: ("'h 11e:e. anri -t;ll 0thcr" spoke in Fn:...· L .... h. The Chi111 · c c• .n• u? ..,_, ;i:; pre• ent in full Ure~$ ::i.nt.l lh:L\ll1..'•l .111 J.·iilrt· i·1 l', 1 ::H:• Ch;nc~·e. '"h:ch "' .. tr .. n·l:"lt~ll to 1hl a11, 1:lllCC- in c .. ·!··L\•( Chinese, \\hich is spoken there.

The ', ., :"lC'f' froin C:iJcutt3 to R:ltl'J'('lon tonk t\\·o and a h:tli d3ys. The \\eathc·r \\as perfect an·i thi..: •1· 1 s1n···•th r. .ii .. ··• n j.:; a rity I•: :i'··1J! ':l/IOf1('fl T1 r:n1t ... "•'t f·· r:.~11 1 -.n .1n1l (".:J­

c11tta in r,.n11n<·rri:ll i1nj•f•r1:-inr<" in the' ln·l; 111 1 n1p'rr lt j .. :i

rit,· c;f < !ectrir Jicht·. aut.11111.Lilc· .. I' 1\ • .] ·fr\ 1 1 111· · :1 ~ 1"' ·

turc ~ho''•S. and \\'orJtl iatnou::- Ilu·hthi·t 11a"'JdJ::.. )ft..th.,cli·t·

nee<! of his prinrip1es in -:orirty. an1l oi Bi-; redecn1ing- po\\'Cr in the hearts oi statr~111e11 ~111d pc>a,:int.., i::. forcing- 1nankind to call ior hiin no\\". .-\ 111ilhonaire f(llcl 1ne a fe'"' (lay .. ago in his ho111c. "I atn tirt.."d of -:tocks an(l hon<ls.. of ·('lH·n1c-. for 1naking tnonC"y. I \\':tilt Chr1.-t. l can SC'e that Jl•)thing el:-.t .. sati,fie.::;." The old tl<'\\' gospel that "lfsus Chri"t c:nnr intn the \\'Orla to s:1\'C s111nC'rs" can TIO\\' he a'-'t·rtt..•d hnldly and n1en "·ill Jistrn. 'T'ell the1n no\V tho.t the '"·orld need ... the Sa\'iour and they will hclie'c it.

O! It j._ "'nrh :i ro1nfort to finrl in 111~· nge that ''the Church's one foundatiun" has not n1oved a hair's hreadth. Then, too, that old P.n"k i.:. still the hook of life. Once th1· 11ihJc rny drar Alethorli<t father 1 cad told nw the trnth that ,Tc•n< called little <"11'1drrn to him, and that then meant me. Then, later, tlw P.ihle said a yonth c;11nr to hitn .11111 that Jes.us Jo,·ed hin1. 'rh~t thl:n llll';1nt 111e in ~ <1uth. 1~h<'n tht..• old Rook told me of the need of a S:1\·ionr and F1 icn1I. in college. in hu .. int•, ... in tra\'el. in thl." hon1<". in the 1nini ... try. and in tht• ad1nini..,tration of a nnhr:sit.\ th:tt, fl\n, 111c~1nt n1e. \"o\\" th:1t I a111 so S01i11 to gl) ("111 a jn11r11•·y takPn hut 01H'f'. T find the drar old P.0ol.: \\'ith it;;; ''·••111 ("dnt• ... is a con1plete g-111clc to the country I :1111 goin.c: to 'i~it :\n nth<'r honk rnn tell lllf"" :in,·thin!:" :1'•n11t th<> :1.tl!!('lc:. tl 1 t~ ri·~. tlh• g]0ry. the SOil!.!'- of the 1'1.,''1<'l'lll('11. 'f:1k..:- a\vay all T ha\'<" b~·yn1Hl 1ny robe and r:int..•. if I 11111:;1 lt'>•C' lh<'nl :ill. but it..':t\'C n1e thi-. B1)ok in n1~ ntt·1norr and hl~a1 t' Then I can \\':tit (Ir !?'f' c;n !-i,••\\'in.!:.' th 11 1t 1· '!Tl 11·1 d'1 1·! t1"111h. th:lt olJ tliin~ ... ,.,.r.rk t1il!l~tht·1· j,,r ::"'·" 1 !·· thctJl \\hn 111\C rind. Jesus i .... tl! ~hr \\'1;rl11 1n inc· nn\\: .ind l > t~:1r11 to tell all the \Vorld al•ont it. JJe is c.urrl~· ..... 1ni111· :i·· !Jll


,\ ,• 11\• 1 ' ,_,· ,;

~ ! : '· ') . l ~·

,. l ....

rl .. 11,··

... '(,. I . , ... • '-,

1 • ' •• ;._

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: ":-:- · l~c-s' i: t JI

c~pn. ! ~-e ,t ." n P e v, · !1 t:·(' t~r.<"h:.n:..?e~.bJe

pro\i-..i(Jn of tLc \1 '.' 1. 1'!1 :!r -···?•t c. 1·1.I c;1rr for 1\\0 ~tt:(l,nts

a trric-:-ati<)ll :i .. ("I. flr.c !~,o ! ~ 1·r JT•~• n•-11,;: ,•1··~cnt h:-1• 'lc.\elopcd is e'. r:;\,._"!'Ct.~ ll·· ~ ... _. 11· • • •

1' t1· "' P!c Efe f:-tirl) er::rli-

c::te<l ~ •· ~ c, r·: .. : cf .i··- 11 -; . 1 •• · ~: .... ~ - ·: •

n~:lde :,;~ f. 11 er in his l1 ·\ •. • : · 1· ·' ::j( ~ tJ1;-:t '''0U'J h1\'e Tht.. a\cr.1;.:oc ~!l'rlcnt

, i 10 ,1' ''. 1r·l<· ~~irir~ 11<till ··l ·l l hi· f:"!1her's cnrire ~l.1rJ~· , 1:· 1a :t ( •• -~· .\111. r~.1 1 .-~ .. -~:~. 1FLncr~. dJnc~~. c1 .. •!1c~ :!1~1111 c.. c· , . :.·ra. pil ... up t!1c 1' 1·,l r3p:d 1". Tho11cr11 <'"l~C'::r·c..

~1t{~ • :" r~·l <., q.ncr<u•h ,,,er i1'1 ..<:• nntr" it i,. t .. le c1"11 1 • •• 1

;; :!· , h n <·· 1.f ,,] ,·· ·,,:!'·: '1!' .:.J111 • .ti • .-n t,,.iJ·i, :lTf" :1.tl' l"'"•.r1

pr••llt Ul11 • 1! 1]~;'..!Il in tht::: pa~t £Cnlration.

Page 114: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

252 ( i2) NoRTHWEsTr.11:-.; CHRISTIAN Aovoc.\TE F,hrnary 2.l, 1921

Vulgar Sports in the Name of Charity John Thompson

t \n onthnc of a sermon preached at First Methodist lipisco• p.d l'hnrch, Chicago, Sunday February 6. Text: "! was hungry an<I ) e gave me meat." Matt. 25 :35.) _.__

T HERE should he a large margin for amusement in life-a time when the belts arc thrown off and the prc;sure lifted-the ncn·es relaxed. The slightest lrnowlrdge of

history will asrnre ns that our age is quite tame and sober compared with much of the pnst. Yet who dare affirm that it is a colorless ag<' \\ hl~n a young lady of rcfine1ncnt and cuhurc will stage a pri1e fight in the city of l\ew York-a fight which was so gory that the referee had to stop it-and another young lady of similar wraith and statinn plans a wrestling match in Chica.go? Both of these ,-nlgntitics are promoted in the name of charity. It is no indictment of the<e two thrilling sports to say thnt their heing fostered in this way is inimical to onr best Americanism. Either of these wealthy ladies could gi,·c the amount rni!'.cd h~· thC"(.c spcctaclC"~ and ncYcr mis' a meal.

The Most Sacred Element Eliminated

The most sarr<'d clement in the exercise of charity is the spirit of sacrif>ce. but that element seems to be entirely wanting. It is not giving when we get something in return. Contrast this with the frugal meal arranged hy ll!r. Hoover, when a goodly number of New York's wealthiest sons sat round a table and were served a dish of rice and then ga,·e large sums to feed the hungry. That was a direct laying of money on the altar of humanity. while here it is paid out for sport. There is more of the >elfish than the sacrificial clement in it. It is not ele,·ating.

Life is altog<'llirr too selfish. We \H·ar the croS< on a chain. but there is no mark of it in the dail" l1k Paul said: "I hear in my body marks of the Lord _1,.,u;." The people go to tho matches and the fee is gi\'en lo ch:.rity. \\'e are each in the center of a world of our own u ith >Ufi1'ring and ncecl all nrnund us. '\'h:-it \\'C' gh·c cnrichr" :i.nother and hJe.:;."ec:. us. Sc1fishnrss is n ~vno11Yn1 for ~in. ).Ii5'.cr is 1ni::.rrahlC" abhre' i· ated. The v01111g. ruler was s:"I l1ecau<c he w3S selfish. Coal is hlack when cold. \\'hen hurning it shine< like molten gnl<I. Salvation comes through sacrifice. The world is made helter h) our gh·ing, not hy our getting. Lucifer aspired to be a god and lost hea.\'en. Adam cherished a similar amhition and lost Eden. Jesus counted it no prize to he equal with God, an<l he ~its on the thronr.

Jn the time nf the Cru<ades whon .lern<alom was taken they met to elect a king. The choice fell on the ,·aliant Godfrey de Bouillon. They wanted to pince on his head a crown of gold, hut he spurned it saying "he could not "ear a crown of gold in the city ,,·here J rc:.ns had ,,·orn a cro,,·n of thornc:.." \\'c are in n \vorld ,,·here l<?c:.us \\·nre a cro,,•n 0f thorns. \\'hat arC" we wearing? lt wo1ilcl not hurl ns to call off some church ban<iuets and sen<l the n1oncy to the !'tar,·ing nlillinns. nn<I wear something cheaprr that tho <hi\'ering might h~ clothed.

It Weakens the Human Appeal

Sur('ly the fact that thC'rc arr star\ ing 111illi1,11<:: eating: rnnt" and thistles and le;n "'· and e'en chewing al their old clothes or au'.\ thing that \\'ill gn r thc111 a :-cn~c oi ittllne:-.~ and :-a\ e thc111 ftn1n in11ncdi;itr ch•:1th c.houlc1 he e11n11.zh to appC'al to tl" \\'ithnnt the ha it of hrnt:t1i7in~ :-ports. ~lothrrs :i.1·c clrn\\ ning thrir clnlclren tn save thcn1 the agnny pf cly1n~ of hunger.

()ur ~l<'tho<l1s.t S111Hln\ S\ho11l" h:t\C ;..:i\<.'11 ~-100.000 f01 thr -ufTcrrrs of C'C'ntral r·uropc nncl .\r111C'ni;1. 'I'hcrr shool<l be t 11011.eh in the snffC'ri11~.:. 1•i thc•r pr(·11lr 111 lon .. C'n all nu1 1n1r:.e '-trin:?P. Jn the·C c.111•1tin!! 111:1tthc.· .. thr c:rn"<' of h111nan hrnthC'rhond i ... lo.-L lt i-> lh·!pf111t1c .. ._ n1 1. 111'.:' T1.":!C' 1'hc~r(' ;, no helping hand heltl out hut only a rnlcl chc.·fk :--~ nt hy \\':tY

.if a ('!'lnrting- pnuC':111t. 'rhe dc:in 0f 1'nynrl c.- 11.'11 '-::111 "\\'h.1t the P(•fll' nre<l j.., n.

\'0\1f 11101l('\'-it is , .. u." nut hit(' (11lh 11~·'111•\' j...; off11cd 'l'hc .. c h,,,ini: and ·,,.,< .. ·tlini.:: n1.1tch<'" ~rr n°•nr~nd11rtnr' 1 1 1

J., ·' 1i1l!J .... n11· 1!h,. In.~,,..,::·•• t11~;}!ii-t.: cl:\~ ,,Ji\11 1110.,' \\,II: ... ~, l,;, ~·\\'I . . ~\'..; ··. ·~-, :-:r ;, '." 1 r·,nt \' '''1 ,: .• • · ·· · , • i •' '1, 1· 1', 'l.

1, ; • \\ ·•h t, ''" '( ' 1il' f. '1"·l ' • "• < ; • ~ ' ' 0

1 ·~ 1 ·) f, I 1 ._ •. ,.,11rre rr•1 h ··,'r.1 ·· 1•· 'i'"'• 'ft·· . , ~· • · 1··11•·, 11

•• ~ '1f(' 1·~·,1 1 \ ··~ • 1 (' .. 1 . .. •• ! •·• 1 ,, ' • ,, 1 1., 1 ... '

. \'• '11111 r,{ i·e. ~ ·-·. . '. 1 ~~·· .• .• ' 1 r:l'r" ,. (' :ire 1n hr·lp t11('ll .1~ ('hri·t h1 ~1•( r] ~lll Ill ''' P:t:•l feel \\ ·:· ·, h:irC"' 1l·rir ,, r1• "· :1r•l 1•1.i1<' '·1:r .i., '1

1•1cr t1n11f'r1·( !.,, ·r i l""', \\"(' peril 1111 .rC' of 1he irr·· 1111• nr~· oi hrin. ~·

1. ·1h1·rh;.r.rl. ~J·tal,inC' 0i i :1ni\ ,, '.1t·· :i ... \\t.: lrt•1111 nth .,··1~ 1 1n 1101 U i

•lu1l,rr 1h:.n \\.:1tl'. 'lht 1'.,,.J ci ,I\·',· {'J,. ·I "lhd f,.: h11111.i1·i1,· l·h~c] ... 1he hn111::11 l'.1(C 111::01 ~h1 r i11 ~ 1,h 11 <'h.lill~ <··· nni· rr··,·l l.r1.th11h1 •·'1. llc i~ 1~:. ~··:1 r ?° \1 ,. ' 1't' 1 ,,l ,. 1,r.,thr-· .. f n.: ~,11, \r<' the,· \hine.:e :111tl .\rn1c>nian .. \\ho c.11flcr' '\·<'· f!nt 1he\· nrr mf'n. 1hrrefrrc riur J,r,•thC'r.:.. Th1· i.: thr Chr1· ti:in po .. it: .. n \nv <·th"r l;;, p:iz1n.

The Lowering of Our Ideals and Motives \\~r nf'l'tf :i l.'rl"':i.t ~:i•'n~ ,,f "11r i 1 lr:1l~ t•··•l ,• Tb,\ ~1 f' .,

",, ).,\\. 1...'lit.1J• J.11J,, .1nd 111c-<li11crith~ ~nrcr :11 th1· i.J, .. ,Ji .. 1. l 111

ultimately the "oriel crowns him. The mus1c1an who refuses to yield to the glamor of the cheap music hall crowd may suffer mo111ent<1r) lo;,, hnt by and L) he sets the standard for our finest music. The artist who spurns the ready profits of the cheap and tawdry, C\'Cn though he suffers hunger, creates an i"deal by \\hich the choicest productions oi art are measured. The icleals of the idealist are ultimatelv actualized.

These matche< tend to a mixing and. polluting of the motives. Lo\'e is the highest moth e, and hecause it is the highest we rrach it Ja .. t. It i:. th<· "nlr n1r1ti\"<' that is deep enough and strong enough for the prnhlcms of the world Small souls can get along with sm.111 mnti\ C'. r,·cn as toy ships only need a bathtub for their sailing. J\nt the great ocean liners need the deep blue sea.

Great souls must ha\'c abiclin~ motidty. The love motive is not a n1on1rntary sensationalil'n1 nor spasmodic outburst, nor ecstatic enthusiasm, but it j, a pcrn1anent, stea<lyin~ quality in the life anrl hol<ls it up to the principle of sacrifice.

Napoleon at ~t. l-lelrna <aid· 'Je<its Chri<t founrled an empire on lm·e. He united in him<elf not a nation-bnt the whole human race."

The Cross was a stumbling hlock to the Jew, foolishness to the Greek, weakness to the Homan, and is nonsense to the selfish of onr day. J erns Christ made the Cros. the throne of the unh·er;;e. Ile dethronocl the C.'1.'<.1r< :me! enthroned him· self. He is now the world's <tanclarc! oi manhood. The nations :ire at his jnclgn1ent seat. ll11n1anit~· i:.. at hi.:; judgment bar. The future may hO\·e some jnclgmcnt re,·clations. hut the world is at a judg1nC'nt day c' C'n no\\.

It is not \\'i1hout ~ignifir:1nre- th:tt thr organization \\•hich rep-1'C'<"C'ltt5; the \\'111 ld':; grt·.1tt· .. t cr11:-:iclr fo1 hclpfultH.~'5 j.; ca11ecl "The Rrd C'ro .. c.." It ;.\·ill outli"c 11Hht:!ris1n. naYi<.''. ar111ie-.;, prize fights. anrl \\'ref.tling- n1atchc·.., hecauc.t~ the <..pirit of thr (ro~s i:; in it. 1'hc ~pirit of the old C'r1'~' in h11n1an life \VOUlrl rarry the !-tock of hun1a11it\· up h' p:u. The f.rtcred conta~ion of the Cross has pa<>ecl "'er the heart of the world. hut we 11<'<'<1 tn in::k<"' it inra11cl(''f1 llt in clail\· life The ,,·orlcl needs heroic souls who dare hreak through ·the com·entinn• and stem thr c1an1ning. destroying currrnts that thrraten n1ndrrn f.nriety.

\\'e mu<t so exalt the <pirit of Christ and the Cro« that men °' rr\'\dKre. in all lands. :mc1 among all classes, will come to feel-

"Thnt, whether on th.- scaffold high, Or in the hattle's van:

The fiuinq place for man to die Is where he dies for man."


1;,HI '"II S<l\e hy the pospcl still; only let it be the gospel in it .. pnrit\, 'fhi" µ1anil old S\\'ord \\·ill f.plit n rock in hal,·r:-: ..... , ... :=:11t1r!:'~~ .. 11. I Io'' i" it that it does so little of its old con­querin.c \\•·1'1, ·. T "ill tell you. Do you see this scahbarcl oi nrti~tir \\1111,, •o \\1)11drriull~ cl:ih0r:ttccl-:i l'ull n1:i.ny keep the S\\·01cl in thi ..... ,,,!.J1.n11. an•l thc.·ic.·f111e its c.cl~<' 11<'\Cr gets to it" \\'orl..:. Pull ,.fr th.at "1 :thh.ucl } J;ll!..' th.11 finC' =-hr:ith to lladcs. and th<"ll ... cc h .. \\. in the l.01 it' .. h:111d ... th.it ;?lt<1·i1111~ t\\·o-handed .. \\·ci1c1 \\111111"'\ d .. \\11 i~t..hls Pi 1nc11 ;i ... 11111\\11~ lo..\t.:1 the g1a .......

\\ith th, ii' ·1~tht••. 'fhl·re j .. nn 11r1·l tt1 p-n clc•\\'ll tn l:g~pt for help. 'fo i1l\ itv t hr dr\ ii 10 h<'lp Chri-.1 is .. h:1111efuJ, Please r."'1 ,. <" ·h:tll ~··c r1·f'l~p<'rit~· y<'t. "'h"n th<"' C'h11rrh of God is ,, ... ,,J,rcl no\'er to seek it except in Goel' .. 0\\'11 \\'ay .

THE FAMILY ALTAR Tnr. Rn G. ~ r., :,· 1-<:•

Faith Arr::d Trial L , 1· :1 ~·rt•:: ! ·_. ., .. r-· e:·\· .p:tC"e ''r

11.,,J,,r.1 :;~ 1 ···, - 11 :n1111C" of

.:: ·-..=av \1. i:dav T1:('~ria\· \\'c~ne<dav Th1·r~riav · F-i,::iv . .:: ••


c: 1.,;: 'n::: ,. "'1 ~J·r~-! ........ . ] "J,, • .1 ']' ., ]·.~·~"··· 'f"h· 1' '1 ..... ll: .. ~~;,~~· .•. ~p:111n.i1 ·r, ,: .. 1.: . .- .••..•..•..... nr111l("f'l'\

r,(,,1 :n 111r ..: • • 111 r. pril ,.~ .

T'<t. 4 le JG i t'•·r. -l"·H ,ll('h.28-1_,

flt''· 12·1; 1:,(•1] ~ 1 :: l~a.~1' 1

\1 :111. 7 .?-1-_1;

T. ~c:JI< 1 1 tJ·c ITr:1r• \,1 1 ,.,.,,, ... ,.: :, ·11c 1l:iy• ,,;

.. , .... 1', r1t\ th it n1,· i.11th \\'Ii ~.ind ti1\ .. 1 •• 1·111:·

') C'hri-~ \'. l' ,., lf'li, 1• •1· :::\ • • •:1~· ·1· t t"P\\ ·,,' rinC" cnnficlc·nc" ;n r,,.,J. \11\ \\• l1h1 11.I \\1•h ih: •\1• dlr l"''''r :111d ]n\l' ,,j "ilT l";1thrr. llt"lp n~ 1'· T•l:jcc <•llr hand.:. in hi~ th:it \\C',

i .... m:t\ 1,. ~trcn• ,.,J 1•,,.h·t,.,, ;n the· d1t~ .,f :i1h('rc.i1, \ .,,,, .,

Page 115: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

1Jn jfflemoriam

Dr. l·rcdcr1ck D. Fisher

Central Detroit and Kiwanis Interna­tional lost a towering· world figure in the passing of Dr. Frecl<•rick B. Fisher, pastor of the Detroit Central Methodist Church on Good Friday, April 15.

1 ]lJ'. Fi~h<•r's career had led him from · hi" l.iirthplacc in Greencastle, Penn$)']-


vania, to a 1nis:::.ion post in India, a graduate degree from Boston Unh·crs­ity, a n1issio11ary bishopric to a uni­vt•r:·dty pa~toratc, a11tl a pnstu1 ail' in a cathctlral church in a 1nodern n1l·trop­olis. lJi:-; t•:-..p1oi1s as Ol'ganizt\r, :tdn1in-1:--trator, prt.•:H.·h~r. ll't·tu1·t•1· :111<1 lcadt•r had m:ul<· him int~rnationally re­no\\ n1.•1l. Ile \\'a:-: a 1.·lo"""\ frH•1Hl of :\lah.1t1n11 Gandhi. :llHl hi:-: tlt•1•p ..:yn1pn-1h\ ''-llh Jnd1.1'.., 11pp1t·~~l·d 1111llio11 ... ltd b1rn td ll· .. JJ.!li th1 1Jll"'tt•J•;\lt• and 11tu1·11 l•· .\11u·Ih':t tu 111t11plt'l t1ll• '''1l1ld ln1~­·J• 111·1 Ch1i~tl:1nJty tn hi:' •''-'.11 !'•t'p!t.

.A\n au~111J1111Jlll· :1t.·1 idt.·llt 1)J1 I·\·IJ1U· a1\" :.!i. t·ll 1·ontl' to ].'}nrida. <.·a11.:::1.•d 111-

lc·;nal lHJUJJl•-=: \\hn·h ltd \1l h1. .. death.

Dr. Fred B. Fisher Quits the Pastorate

Dr. Frcdrri<·k B. Fisht'"r, former bishop. has rr,ii;ned as pnstor of First Chmch, Ann Arbor, llli<-h., to take effert on September I. He has brt'n nt Ann Arbor four yenrs, prcarhiu~ to ~r(~a t. congrrga f ion~. but h0 sn~·~. "l f rr I 1ny pbce is out in the world." The .1/ ichi:l"" ( "h.-istian Advocate says:

"He will fill enl(al(cments in the Philippine l;J:rnd< durinl( ,January and Februurs, Chin<i nnd Japan in 1\-l:in·h anti April. !-'in;!apor(\ in i\Ia~', Kew Z1·:dand in June :nu! parL oi July, and in Au;tmlia from mid-.July to the en1I of September. Aftpr that he will return, and, from Bo,lon as hi< headquarters. WJ!I go out on <kta<"he•I ser1•iee to carry out the same type of work in this country.

"Dodor Fisher's friends icd that the con­lrollin~ n1oli\'L' iu his df't·i:-.1on is his nrp;e to j!c·t <l\\":1~· frozn ud111ini:->lrati,·c \\'Ork and clo lhr ,\·ork of au r\·:u1gcli::l in thi~ \\'orld rri~i~, not an n·ang<'hst of the okl order but an <'nmgeli'l of the drnnµing ord1•r."

Dodor Fi>h1·1· is qnotc·d as saying: Hl\Iy it!( a uf 111i:-~ions c1b10.1J is U1al. lhe

churrlws 01·!'r there ou~ht to lake 1·ontrol­;-ho11Id gJlhrl' t•ourag:r fo :-.1.1nd on lh<'ir O\\'ll

f,.d. It. i' that l!OOll lm1·,1rd II hi..J1 WC will work. In i\J,,lh011111•', Au,lr:ilia. I will lw :H'­l'cplin~ an ill\ 1L1l1t)Jl .1 .. an .\1111'lil'.ttl c·h•t'"\'-111 in 1 •l c11nd11cl ~· 1' 11·• .. dui ill~ th• 1 • I1br.J1 i~u i"'f 1h, l'll' ..: i • n·· nn111.''

n.,, 111r F1-h; r" ,, J .. )rn in Jn,Ji.1111 fii1,·-1,,n \•ti• .J;!U, ,iJ11111,.J .It .\·IJIJl\0

, })11;-lu~ Jild

JI 1•\ ii'•!. "'·1' or.JJJD• d .Jl.Jd .'I I\• d l\\11 \t ii,

111 ]11d11. l?l lurnID;! to 1hc l'ni1c<l ~l.11• .. J11

\\'.1i 0:-1 t'f<Lu~· of thC' Layn1ln's l\J1 .. ,-1onJr\' J\lo1 llnrnt (1910-1020). Elrdcd bi,hop 1u rn~o. he """' a>-igncd to Cakntta AJ"Ca. In HJ:.iO hl l'l ... lgll1d .JDd hft'JilH p.1 .. tor .11 .\nn A1hor. Ml> Fi-her "·'' fo1n1• rh· \\'c!thy IloOdllg<r, young 11uJ1Jcn's 11orke1· and writer.

- '

Page 116: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

1ates the statute of 1llowing cases: income of an item :ly included m an-

income of another

\'I., June :!U-JU. A~!--l~IJllg 111111 \\"aS a 1'lllJUh

fJt·ully of ~pcdalisls in the ,·arious dcpart­mrnls, including the Re\'. and l\lrs. T. Ba>il Younp;, the Rev. Harry K Titus, l\lrs. Ror H. l\litchcll, and l\liss Marion Armstrong. The ;\cw York 8talc Coundl of Churrhrs ancl Hrliidous\ Edm·ation cu-opcralc<l 'with the Vmnont lra<lcrs.

Sumiµer Program at. Round Lake

The summer program nl Rvtmd Lake in­cludes se\'eral imporlant and hPlpful p;alhrr­ings. The Troy Conference School of l\!ims­lcrial Training will run from July 10 to 20, wilh the H.~v. E. W. Gould, chairman of the Conferent·e Boarcl, as dean. In c·oniunction there will be held lhc fouri.11 annual Gradualc $rhool, with the Rev. H. C. Ackley as ehair­man. The fal'nlty of the GradualP l·khnol in­dudes Dr. Hazm G. Werner of Flinl, l\li<·h.; Prof. L. R. Et·kardt of DcPauw University; and Bishop F. J. l\lcConnrll.

The fkhool of l\lis-•ions, l\lrs. MarJ(arcL Ttwker. dean. will meet July 21 to 28. On 110 farnlty are !\!rs. F. C. Rr)·nolds of Baliimor•', !\Id.; l\lrs. Ray L. Tm·krr, Elmira; l\lii-s Helen JohnFon, l\fo• l\lahPI Ta)·lor a1ul !\!rs. H. B. Wynkoop. l\lrs. G. W. Pikl', of l:khe­urc:tad_:\·, is r~p;istrar nnd trPa1'Urf'l'.

On July 28 ancl 29 the !<;astern Di,tri<'t of the Woman's Chrislian Trmpcr.lll<'P l'uion of ::\'C"\V \"ol'k Stal<' "·ill hold ils :-.111111nf'r l'tHl ..

fc rrn<'c JI Round Lake. Thr >l'r"hrro on :-un1lay will be Dr. H.nr\' E. \\ uoln rr of \\'Jehin~ton. an1l Ill rs. Lr1gh Cnh m, ;lair prr >!dent. ancl olhrr>-

Thc World W1•k Guilcl. the mi>;iona1y 'o­r1rt~· for girls and yn1mg T<omcn of the :\orthrrn Baptist Com <·nt10n. will meet Angu>t 13 to 18. l\lrt. C. \\'. Gammons is eh:unnan, and Mrs. Ruth Ainolre ti\\ift, rrgis­tr.:tr.

The Epworth League In>titute, August 4 to 12, \\JS announocd in a funner letter.

( 4) Adjustments between estates or trusts and their beneficiaries; or

(5) Changes in respect to the basis of property for purposes of deprecia­tion, depletion or gain or loss which affects returns for previous year.


The above digest co,·ers the major changes in the new 1988 Revenue Act which might prove of interest and im­portance to members of the Kiwanis clubs throughout the United States.

We have tried to make the statements brief and to the point fo1· quick reading.



, . ,f Good Will I tge 4.12)

to Capt. Arthur Slater of stea1ncr "Princess Joan." Angeles, i\layor Ralph E. similarly honored.

the C.P.R. At Port

Davis ''"as

At a luncheon address al this cit\• Byron L. Johnson, president of NC\~· Westminster Kiwanis club, gave a fine talk on the necc8sit\· of Canada and United States standlng united in dc­frn8c of libert~· and demonacy. .\t E\'crett, i\Iayor A. E. Edwards recei\'ed hi~ fran1<.?d n1e-R~age, ns a bl?v~~ of 1>r0tty girls distributed refreshments.

All Stanwood and Eaot Stanwoocl turned out to welcome the hurl';·ing a111bas~adors. Dinner '''as ~C'l'\'l•d h\' !\Iount \"'ernon J\.i,,·anian~, \\'here )L..1,:· or '''· \~aux rec.·eivl·d hi.;; n1l':.:.~::i.g


1..• Pi·t·~entnlinns to l\In;·or Burk•igh Han­nington nf B~llingham :rnd ::lla;·or .J. \\'. Shel'!~ of Hl:iine were made :l\ tlw Pl•at.· ... · . .\1 l·h ci:ren1ony.


Dr. John Macl<ay of \\'innipe2 Dies

Page 117: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

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rIAN ADYOCATE OrTOBl:R 20, 1!122

I. f d · · 1· L ~\ ~ s.J.,;;.,.«..'t ~ r:. .Ci....1-a po IC~' O gree Y 1mpcna 1sm. ct the fol'<'1$"n nal!(lll~ ae•

velop, without any ultimate political or rcligl(IUS purpos<•s,~ \0 the economic resources of the :!\eai· East; let them develC1p 1 these resources strictly on business lines, and their co-opera-tion will be welcomed. But let them recognize, once for all, that we have as much right as any other nation in the world to political, economic, and spiritual independence.

Let it be realized, finally, that only when we remain the undisputed masters of our own home will the :Near East be­come once more a center of peace, civilization, and culture.­From "How the Turks Feel," in Asia :Magazine for :\'oHmbcr.

Some Fisher Stories Bishop Fred B. Fisher is a "fisher of men," and his stori<'<

are not like regular "fish sto1·ics" except for relish and en­thusiasm. These accounts were picked up from his spoken discourse at Cincinnati.

"Seventeen years ago," he said, "I 'vas a young 111i$sionarv with the first blush of consecration. ::11y language teachc


r was a great student of the New Testament, although not a Christian. One day in the Yillagc he fell to arguing with some Mohammedans and shook the New Testament right under their sacred beards. These bigots snatched the book from his hands, tore off the coyer and the lea,·es to shreds and trampled them under feet. Because I could not yet speak the language effectively, I went away with an utter sense oi sorrow and defeat.

"Contrast the difference now. In that same \'illage I was invited to address the Mohammedan students in a ::'llos­lem school. I told the principal that I would not speak on morals and ethics without speaking of my Christ. He said, 'Go ahead.' I went into their fine building, placed my Xew Testament on the speaker's stand on top the Koran, an1! proceeded to preach to them.Jesus of Nazareth. They gaYc me hearty applause many times."

Another interesting story has to do with the dedication of a Hindu temple as a Christian church. "A Hindu came to ,me asking that I dedicate a temple as a church. I asked, 'Will not the idolaters make trouble for us if we try to Heal their place of worship?' No, was the answer, from this man, because he was the priest now com·erted, and all the people were quite ready to make the change not simply in their temple, but in their hearts. Being in the possessh'e mood, I went over and started to perform !lie ceremony. I foun1l it full of idols. Taking an idol under each arm, I con;, 1! them out and sent many away to America as trophies of Christ's victories. Then I opened the :llethodist Dis<"ipline and read the service dedicating this centuries-old idol temple to the worship of God." .

Showing the utter abandon with which many Hindu Chris­tians enter the kingdom of heaven, he told two stories con­nected with baptisms. "As I was walking clown a long lbw of waiting people, I noticed a young man with the tuft of hair still on. This tuft of hair is supposed to gh·e a hand­hold for rescue in the future world, according to their beli<•f$. I asked this man, 'Would you be willing to ha,·e ~·our hair cut?' He answered quietly and decisively: '\Vh~', ye•, if that is necessary. I have decided to be a Christian, and will pa~' any price.'"

The second story has its setting at an immersion serdC<'· After the service was over, one of the men remarked that his foot was in very bad shape and needed bandaging. The bi~hop asked him, "How did this happen?" The man replied, ··As I stepped into the water I f<•lt my foot cut seYerel~' by some sharp blade." "Wh~' did ~·ou not tell us, ancl we would h;we gladly attended to your foot then and pcrfornwd the bap­tismal serviee at your convc-nience ?,, 'fhc 111an hu1nbly con­f<•ssed, "I supposed this was a part C1f the cer<'mony ~"

Bishop Fisher made 286 puhlic appearances while speak­ing in the English language in India within two ~'<'RI'", show­ing the rapid rise of education and the 'proad of our ton!!U<'· The Bengal Conference was h<•ld in EngliBh from ,tart ~o finish. Students are ex<'ccdingly numerous in certain cent"r'. For thrc~ da~'S he spoke at a unh·ersity nnd held JH'l\''· t" interYiC'\\'S ,,·ith 1nultitu<l(\~. .-\ft<1r a ~pc>t'l·h. IH, annour11..·<·~l 1hat one rnissionarv \Vou1rl \\'l'ItQ in na1H<'=' for 1nt<·r\ i<'\\'~ :;~ t<"n-n1inute 1ntC"•r\·ais for the follP\\-!ng n101ni11g. :n.d n?~<it•.···· n1issionarv like\visP for the nft1·rnonn. The i11i,.~:c..J1r:.:· 1 c..; \\'· · · ~\\'3nlpt~<l -,vith applicant~. B1~h0p Fh•hc:r had to .. C'l' :r.t •11

in r<'!ay~ by group~ . . ~t th~ Beng-a] (,onfPrc:1He hr 11·1.t•1\C·'1tl;'11·<1 11 'C' ····-..1'.:

111l·n on trial. Eight are ('o)lC'g<" graduatPS and ~f'\ t·n ar•· hn: :­•chool graduates. Immediate!) following- th1' -plc11d1rl , , .• c1~ptio11 he l'Pl·ci.iYed a rablt~gran1 fro1n . .\nlt!l'h·a announrir.~ a 30 1 • t·ut in appropriations, and ht• had to tP:J ~i:-i of tht ~t~ ~ oung- nh·n that th<')" rou1d not ht• n:--c-11. 011c-> n1nn hrnkt• l'•U: \then10ntly ag:iin:-::t the <hUr<"h and th<> bi~l1op f11r holclin,!! 11~1t fal~P hopt>s to hin1 during hi~ P11uc·ational cnrPt·r and tht-"n allowing- him to he thus stranded ju't when he wa< rea1ly 1•> n·ntlcr sen·ic<'. '"In the days of '.\lcC'abo ""cl Thoburn, a 3' tut in appropriations sent fhp Boar<l of Forc·i~n \11.,.5ion~ 1Ll its knees in t·ri«s of agon,., '0 Lord, a\'l'rt thi" nis1>.° Rut no\\' that a 30'; <..·ut is il11n1inl•nt. I ~c·c> no bh•hops, ~ceret.a?'Je~, or pastors, or laynwn at the· altar asking God t-0 lwlp hi~ d1un·h out of this thr<'atcnecl calamit)""

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Oc·1·osER 25, 1922 'VESTgR\' CHRI

Europe and the ] John Bay

G UGLIELMO FERRERO, the distinguished Italian his­torian, whose study of modern peoples is as profound as his knowledge of ancient Rome is accurate and de­

tailed, speaks a grave message to those who han• come to think that the League of Nations offers the most substantial hope at prC'sPnt of a peareful \Vorld. Jn an intl'rvic,\· given the \\•riter at Bagni di ('aciana, i\lr. F0rrcro snicl: "Uniess ~on10thing unforesc<•n ocrurs to save- ih(l situation, the League of Nations is tending toward exhaustion ancl dcl"a)'. This is due first to the indifference of the masst•s. The purpose and the acti\'ities of the League arc remote from the daily intncsts of the great majority of the people. The multitudes arc concerned with ()Uestions of clail)· brca•I. f'onscqucntly they do not bring the pressure of public opinion to support the aims and methods of the Society of :\'ations.

"The second obstacle to the suc<·<•<sful action of the Lengue is the hostilit)· of the nations towm·d one another. These havc not bccn minimized by th<> war, nor by anything whieh has taken plaee since the war. How arc the national hos­tilitics to be displaced by understanding and t·o-opcration? This is the great ancl as yet unsolwd political issue of Europe.

"Th<> futility of the League is further cYidC"nced in the rn1turc of the qu<>stions and issues suhmittod to it for solu­tion and action. These lul\'c bt•en Pithcr simple and trivial, of comparati\'cly slight importance, or else tht•y have be<>n questions too diflicult for the individual nations conecrned to d<·al with dirl'etl)". Tlw really soh·nblc problems ha\'e not g·onc to the Lc>agUt.". The really vital issut.·s the alli<'<l po\vcr~ have kC'pt within their own control. The real political life of Europe goes on apart from the LeagU<>. The League is well conceiw~d. Tht>orctically it is good; practically it is not func­tioning in any large significant way."

Excessive N ntionalism There arc no doubt many Americans whose opm1on of

th<> L<•ague corresponds with th<' judgnwnt <'XpressC'd by Mr. F<·ITero. If this view of the L<>aguc and its ac('omplishments is conect, the inability of the Leaguo to function in any nota­bl)· constrU<:tiYe manner is due, not only to A nwrican jealousy for its national rrerogatives, but also the precisely the same state of nationa feeling in Europe. The idC'a of nationality wlueh has worked such destructive ha\'Oe in the world, and which was so continuously ill\'oked in the pcacP discussions as the new principle of world-pt>nce and world-progress, re­mains an obstacle in the way of any grouping of peoples for the security and progress of ci\'ihzation.

Even the warmest advocatC's of the LC'aguc of Nations realize only too well the iimitations which an cxccssiYe nationalism places upon the purpose and tlw methods of the Lt>ngue. 1'his is recogniz<>d by C\'er)·one connected with the secretariat at GencYa. When the visitor is shown th<' ledgers in which the abstracts of more than 2:i0 treat ics are recorded in eonformit~· with the constitution of the Leagtw, he 1s told in answ<>1· to his question wlwther all lul\'c been recorded, "\\'<> hop<• so; but w<· have no assurance that the Jays of S<'<"l'<'t trcatiC's e\'en among the membN·s of the League an• past."

Are European nations taking the Lca;:uc seriously'? Tlw failure of tlw United States to t•nter the League wcal<cncd at the outset and has continut>d to lower its \'aluc for Euro­pra n:o::. 'rhC're is a gC"nuinc desirt' a1nong Europeans, in grate­f'ul recog·nition of A n1criea's part in the \\'al', and especially beeause of th!? ,·ast a1nount of relief \\'Ork done in thtJ Yl'ars succ·eeding h<>r military effort, to understand the rcluctnnec of tlw Unit<>d States to sha1·c furth<•r tlw r<>sponsibility for I·:uropC'an l'ondit1011~. "Yet lh<'l"t.~ is <.tll u1ulc1·<.·urrt..•nt. of feel­ing· that tlw l'nit<>d i:>tatC's has shirl«'<l a mo1·a\ n·<ponsib1lit)". It is pointerl out th:tt the l,(•aguC' j5 not n lPaguC' of F:uropt.•an ]H.•oph .. •:-;: it is n 1.t>ag·utl of th1• nations of tht· \\'Orld. 1"111· failure ot' th<' Unit<.'d Stat1 .. s t11 srf' th(\ 1.C'a; . .::u<' in its ,,·orl·1 pruJH1rt1011:; and to :Jt.'L'l'Pl a llll'a:->urahiy larg1· ~h:trf' of t<'..:pon­~ihilit\· for a 11(\\\' \\'nrlrl 0 1·tl('r u11cl()11ht1•1llY ha-.: I c'1Hi1'd \'C'l'\

;.! • l'H 1. J\ II•\\ :11 d 1 h1· .. 1a1 }, 111 -.:~ 1 \hi hn 1 ·cl h\ f:0

n;..: ):, n.J a nil F1.l1'1 ·,.

~ .. 1nn11n·t tl'«P ,..."''l\1• 1 1n'hl'~·1·-.: !11 tl.(' 1Ud)!n1~"Pt nf thi~ ::-::11-

1 ·1·ty ot :'\,1ilOl1.:.

lJohti<"al :'.rttlrn1rnt~ .\re.• Basi<" .~t j'J<:-t.·nt 1ntl·1n • .1t1un:il 111nl1•J1l'it.'t" :i•·1 1fJJ,1t'll•<·il ;,j.

11111:-.: \\holJ;\· \\llh C'l'o11111ni( qUl.:'Sl!on...- I·>1vl';...· J·:urop(':1ll n:1-t1vn h.t:· Its n1;.!ht1narl' of an 111:hal.11111·cl hudg4..'l. 111 tl•1 l'11itt·d ~1:t\1·~ th1·rt· :-'I'( 111~ tn h·· a ;.!IU1lg111;..:I~ ill4-'14..':l!'ill~ ;u· h no\\ lt·dg 1111.-nt that t ht• l 't onon1 it· 11f4..' of any p('oplP. <·Yf:"ll a natio:l a::. .. ,.Jf ..... u:1i1·h nt .~~ ou1· 11\\-1. j .. int1n1atP!\ 1·on11,.ct1·d ''ith ~h1 11:t1u~11ii> . ..:. 1h1· \\.1;.:'t'". th<• 1n.nk11 ... , : 11c) !h1· 1ln.1n­t 1.tl j..,:·1 11iu .. ,,f oth1·1 p1·opl~ "· Tht·!" j ... c '1·1 \\"1tl1 ll"' .1 ... -,·ho . .) (•f tho1l;!ht \\"}-.1rh ho1cl~ that thl' l1a'-i?"" of '1atio11al lii'1· ;t11d 1 l\i}1:ati.111 al\\a~:-- j .. 1·l111111n1lt, ·r"t th1- root 01' l·:urop .. an

d1tn1..·u1tic>.~ to-<la~. anJ l'\i 11i.u:.i.1l~. uf \\01!d d1·tu1h:t11l'C"·. i-s ]Jo lit Ji·~l :.lnd no! t·1·onon1h.

TJu· p!itil:l.J~· fJUl'"'i)o:1 \\hh·h i:-. t}1 .... turhi11u J-:u1·eo11(• al thl· pJt!-t·Jll ti!ll1· 1 .... !Io'' :11'1 lh1· p1•oph·" 11f r.u111pt· to Ji, ~,,,._ .. 1111·.l '1 Tlu· lHt1llftl ~ b:\ .... 11 ~· 11111!->ll\ :..;11Jl•,-. 'l'h•· : .. 14.. ;,t 1111.J\

Page 119: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,


The Cross above Siva [Court,·sy of The Flmul.1 Cl11isllan Advoc.llc, L1kcl,m<l, Florida]

"The bishop is coming! .. The cry was n:pe.1te<l through­out the little Hindu \'ill;1gc umil .ill the inhabitants had heard the good new,. As if thq· h.1d waited only for a signal, they began pouring out from their huts, ol<l men and women, the mid<lle-aged and the young, ,111 bound for a central point, the village square where the little temple of Siva stood in white-washed majesty.

\\/hen the bishop came into view, the crowd began sin"inrr in their native tom!ue a hi·mn to Christ, and the

b ~ '-'

singing, cheering crowd made way for the m;m of God to come 10 the open space before the temple.

Thus was the entrance of Bishop Frederick Bohn Fisher to a li11lc Indi.111 village some twcl\'e years ;1go, as he told it just a few months before his death this Easterti<lc.

"I w.1s so surprised that I didn't know what to do," s.1id Dr. Fisher. "I had receivec.I a call from the village to come and baptize some new Chris1ians, hut I did not know I was to receive the whole village into the church.

"I dismounted from the cart in front of the temple. The shaven priest, wi1h the emblem of Siva on his forehead, gree1c<l me with olltstretched h:111ds. 'I am. so glad you have come,' he said. 'My people are anxious !or your com­ing and they are all rea<ly for you to haptiz~ them.'

"'Do you mean 10 say tha1 1he whole village wants to become Christian?' I asked.

"'Yes,' he answered. 'They arc all candidates for bap­tism and they expect to be baptized.'

"'But do they know the r:1techism ~ Can they repeat the cree<l? And <lo they underst;md what it means to be a Chris1ian ?'

"'Yes,' said the priest, smiling al the crowd, which smiled hack. 'They arc ready. Shall we test 1hem?'

"I g;n·e assent and there was a murmur of exci1ement .a11101;g the crowd. Small chil<lren in the front row beg;m movin<> their li11s as if re1ie.11ing a \\'ell-learned le<son. I " . noticed an old gr;1ndf.nher who sat lll'.Ir 1he fro111. He, too, \\';ls mumbling his ksson. Evidrntly they had been :studying diligently.

"But I was completely surprised \\'hen I heg;m IO a'k the questions. 'How m;rn~ grnb arc there:·

"'There is but one God,' c1111e 1he an\\\'Cr frC1m h\'e hundred throals 111 11111son.

"I w,1, ,1.ntlcd .11 1hc quldl'n ro.11· from the hitheno ~il<-111 cJ<>\\d, hut \\'hen 1 c.ttnt' lo tht· ll<'\I tjU<"'tinn !ht' ll''i'"ll"' "·"the ,,11m·. On d"\111 tit< 1111< I \\<Ill.

hi' di\. I ,1,ked ii .111\ one could 1qw.11 tlw T\\'rntHh1rd I'• . .J .. ,, \.t•\'l'l ,h.111 i frn ~l'I tlw hl'.1111'' nl l h.11 < h.11ll ,1, li\'l' hundred m<11. \\oll;,.n •. 111d ,·hiidrv!l "J'<",ll<·d 111 tlll1, .. n tlw Sh< phnd l's.t1111.

"'1111.n 1h.._, 11..ill 11• 111t 11 •• 111 111.n1'"' th( I~\ i111111h .....

di .. 1 ... l'tr .... J>1..,1.1 • .111·1 d .. J .. i11 ...... n:h ,L.1, i\ · ,., J .. h1~. ·r\,11, r.111 ,J,.,,11 111' ,hllL, ,,..., I J1,11.1h.1.1

·.\· J,,• 1tt1111,.J11 1J,~ i'''\'1. ··111•\ ,,., lt ,,i, I ,.1.1

·1:1n. ,,JI na. ''h" 1.rn.:.:h1 1h,111 1h1,:· "The ]'l'l<'l ol ~" .1 'lmkd .1\ he· d"IT"l 111, \<II"" r .. h,.

\\luch "·" 1hc "~n ,,f ht' r.1nk .111.I <.illlll,C:. He l,ntl1 IH \.,1, me ·" 1 l~u1nlik .. u1<.1'IC """J,I h.1\C I,n, It. 'I 1.1u.~hl 1hcm.' h< ,.1111. ·.rnd I w.1111 t" lw h.1pt11cd \\i1h them.'

.. \II d.I\ long I h.1p11/cd 1hcrc. tmlll 111\' ;um l\.t< tired ind I h.11! t" Ir.in .1g.11mt the" ltmplc ,,,tll to ,1,1ml. .\nd

as I b;1p1ized 1hem tht·y chan1ecl softly a new song .md I dwugh1 of the words c~f the Book, 'He hath put a new 'ong 111 my mou1h.' 'Sorrow .md sighing ,h.dl flee aw.1y.'

.. ] Jud heard 1hem singing long months before, when I h.1d first visi1cd the village. Such smgmg! The wail of l°'t souls condemned to endless tortme coul<l not ha\'e been more hopdess. I had heard the chan1 of the lowest of the outcam, the street sweepers, p.1infully creeping .dong the lihhy streets, brushing with a wisp of straw the dung that was used for fuel. They had mo.rned as 1hey swep1, 'There is no hope, there is no hope. Not c\'cn in another life may there be a chance for such as I. There is no hope, 1here is no hope in this lik.' It \\'.ls .m eerie sound that chillecl nw hloocl as I listened. Could 1hese peopk ever come up' out of the depths to which their religion had consigned them? Could Christianity, even~ with its message of love, lift them out of this slough ot despond so that they could really smg a song of joy?

"I confess that my faith was we;1k as I prt·.Khcd Christ to them.

"Th.11 h.1d been lung months .1go, but now I \\'as seeing the fruits of our labors. Here in this ancient village, with­out a missionary or a pre;1chcr to stay with them, 1hey had taken 1he words that I had spoken and the books that I h;1d left among them and, wi1h the help of the pries! of Siva, had learned enough of the Christian religion to be received as probationers in the church. Had 1hey really learned Chris!? That was my first qucs1ion. It would be comp.uatiYdy e.1sy to kHn 1he \\'or<ls whid1 they had rccilt'd, hut it would be a diffen·nt ma11er to really accept Christ as their Saviour.

"I could ask the question no longer now. The wng h.1d amwered it for me, for they were singing:

"ft''ll"- h.1<; t;1kl·n our hurdcn\> .1\\ay~ 1-lc h.1 ... lilll·d uor. up frnn1 th<.: 1111rc.: of .. in and "llJl<'r.:..tition: I h: h.1~ gi\l"ll us hope \\ hl're \\'e h;1d no hope.

Glo1·y h1..~ to Jc~u ... our S11\ io1u .'

"Th.It is not their ex.Kt words, Inn 1hat j, 1he itlc.1. Ii \\".IS ;1 joyful song .• incl coming fwm tl1c'c ou1c.1<1e 'il­Ligers ii w.1s a mir;1culous song.

"\\'hen 1hc b.1p11zing w.1s finished, I w.1, w 11red th.It I ,110uld h;l\'e likl'(l to rC\l. But I here \\',ts more to be dun<" .Ill< 1 I mmt do ii.

..'.-11 11 "·" 1h.11 .. 1holll Mllldo\\ n, I d11nhed up a ncke1y ll\'t'lll\·f.,.,1 l.ulda 111 1hc top of 1he liuk Hinch1 1emplc. \\'h1k Ill\' kn<n lrl'mhlnl hl'Il<.ith me :md 1he l.1ddn '\\'.thd ,i.in~c1nmh-. I foll11\\l'd !ht· dircc1in11s of 1hc J'llc'1\\h.,111°lh1<1 i1"1 h.q>ll/l'1l.

.. ],n ..... 1.... ,;~ .11 .. 1..n1h'.,111 ·! '."'-:\. ".h·J,." ... h"1~'1.11 th1.. J'l'l"I 1f'• 1)1 hlJ"'\. ·. llt~ J'lll dh ti".;,' 1•' ( h1·.., 1 lll JI-.

pJ.h... } Ji. J~ l!h \\1·! },J \' Jij \,.111•\\ 1!111 \'' l• l ! 1 •,•·,111,''

I I!'• 1.1,l,l '·i iii .. Jill!:_;\ •·l :--.1\.- .... ih I 1! ~ .. :. 1 Ill ••

1ntl ,,Jh1, tih 1.·.11·,1.d 11:..:1111. 11,,, t1111•Pt.:i1 iln .'II. 1h1..

1'1.••Ph ... 1.1 lll' .1 n11~ht\ ... J~11u1. Jh11 ''h1.11 I ... tt tlh 1.1'11'' 111

;h j>l.t<1' !he\ '·"\~ .• .,Jth .II JiN. th, ll Jlli>1J.1111h. th1 II

,,,11~ c.I 1.l1.li\t1.1n1.1.. 'J1. ... ll\ h.1 ... 1.1J..1.111•lll ln11.J,n ......

1 hi ... ,,,,.., t111. ... 101\ th.II \\.I\ h1l1.l l1i\ h\ I·~11..t11..1h.l. 1;.,J.11 fj,h, 1 '"nic· mnn1h' .1.c:<>. I Ji,1, nu! .111• I. "hrn I )1.


AUGUST 17, 1938

.F1shn h:icl app.1rcntly lini,hed, 1 ,1,ked his permi,s1on to tell !he Sl<JI'\'.

"But the;e is more,'' he s.1i<l. '"I c.Hried a temple like th.ll home \\'ith me when I left lndi.t. I w.mtcd to h.1,·c "'mething to remind me of th.It liule Chris1i;111 \'illagc. 1 found one like it in Ikn;1rt'S, the sacred cil\', and bought . . l t.

"If 1h.1t sounds incredible. remember th.It a Hin<lu temple is no1 a large JfT.iir. It is small-ju't big enough for one \\'Or,hiper at a time-a1Hl the cost of a temple is not too gre;H .. \nyw.1y, I bought one anc.I had it tr.111'­ponl'd do\\'n 1hc Ganges to my home in Calcutt.t. There it was dism:mtled and made rc;1dy for shipment IO

,\meric.1. \Vi1h 1he hdp of the nali\'cs, Mrs. Fisher :in<l I numbered r.1ch piece according 10 a di.1gram so tlut ii migh1 be put togc1her again, anJ then it w.1s loackd on .1 ~hip hound for 1\merica.

... .\ fit·r a iournev of more 1 h.111 t h1necn thous.md n11k<. the temple arnYe;l at my home in Hingham, M.1ss.1drn· ~ells. jusl ou1side of Boston. I h.1d re•igned my posi1ion as bi,lrnp ;mcl expected 10 nuke my home there :rnd 10 erect tlw 1emplc in my g.trden. But my pl.ms \Wrl' d1.111gt:d :mrl I went to be j>.1'tor of 1he church at Ann .-\ 1 hor, lvhchigan. Following this, I came to Central Church, Detroit, and I did not ha\'c time to do any­thing wnh 1he temple. They told me that it would be Ull\\'i"' to rebuild it in the cold :!'forth, as it could not '1.lllcl 1he frce/.ing lempcr.nme without crumbling to bi1s.

"Du1 ing .111 1hese years it has lain p.ICked away under .1 sht:cl 111 my g.1rdcn at Hingh.1111, but now since· I lu\'e =-een ,·our bc;nniful ca111pus ;ll Florida Southern College, '11 is ~o much like India th.It I h.l\'e decided th.u this is 1hc pl.tee for 1he temple, and I ha\'e told Dr. Spivey, 'lhe pres1dc111 of 1hc college. that I will erect the 1cmple ht·re.

"I 1hink 1hat I shall come down here when I 1etirc. ;111d 1 c.m spend 1hc e\'Cmng of my life in 1hc sh.1dow of this little lemplc that s~ mholi;-cs one of 1hc grl'.llt''l <':'.pniences of my mini,try."


Dr. Fisher ld1 for Detroit 1h.11 night .rnd I nc\'er \.m· l11m ;l''.1in. In k" th.m one month he ".1s cle,1d. The s.1me :"I.I\ 1hcll s.nv 1he begmning of 1he long imtrne~ of d1t' tem1.,k from I-!1ngh.1m, i\[.1".1chll"'lls, to L.1kd.1nd. Flo11< l.1, S,l\\' .1bo the· l.i•t joUrtlt'~ ol Fru"" id.: n.,hn FJ,htr. He died on Good F1icl.1y, hill 1hc 1nnpk, '' h1<h "more 1h;m .11w1h111g t'l"· a mcrno1i.il to hun .md lo ill< 1hin!!' which h: hcl1;'\<'<l. ,1,llld, tml.1y on 1he c.11npu' o! th< :·ollv•r 11 hid1 he .1dmirl'tl .incl whcrr he h.td pl.1n1H d to 1n.1kt. J11, honl<.'.

:\kn .t!ld \\IJtllen .Ill' collling from .ill <>\'t'J' the U>Ulltl I

~" ,,,. the 1empk \\ hid1 h.1' hcl'll c·n·ttc·d Ill m<1n"1 \ .. : Dr. 1:1,hcr. Tl",. h.l\'c• ,1,knl, "\\'h,· ,h.,11ld .1 I lin.111 it 111plc. ... 1.1n.I on.the .~1 nund, t ii .1 ( :h11,11.1n C1lllt·:..,:1 7 ··

1\IJ 1 ·h, .•Jl,\\ll 1' \11\ 'illlJ'l~ )1 j, !11· J1·11...:ll, J}•lJ. 1•

',ti;ll'I l.i~l ,~,\ 11(,:, :1.J)l l1 \•.'.1·,l1 '..\ '·'' , .. ·;,'

II !1111 . H 11.I' l-1i..n .. •.·1·.,11,.! ·r1i ... 1:nl 11lli 1 ':' :---·

l I..,,• ':!JJl'•"I,'' tJ'\ ]1•"ti: )1) q-, ;'~ ,, il\\ ,:•'' Jt ... l'" ( h11 .. 1 \i,t!ld ..... 1 ... 1 -.\111i,,,) .. 1· i11 ... ',,)],;,\ , •. 1i1.

"h" h 1IH1·t l'.1n 1li..: n11 ll1h.n1p1111n .. \nd. 111,1111 i; .. lllllJ1ll. JI) lht J'l.l1l 111 tlh f1.,,l)'._11)1h td1 11. lh1ll ].., .I l11' 1

1li ti' .11hl .1 t)ll ...... ' 'hhh ''·'' '._!l\'lll h\ 111 11]11 .. ,h1•1 1l111i1. tol I>1.f1,)llr,.1ntlll111J...in!.!1h ... ·1·r11 ...... 1r ... ·th1 1hI~ ... ·1'r· 1ll ... • 1

, .111.IJ, \II< k<. \\hie h '' 111h;,1i,., th< F.llh< 1. ~ .. n .. lll•l I J .. h :-:.pm I.

. -- - --~--- ---~~- -

Page 120: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,



1 ~I II .i

+ ZIONS HERALD * :\1·c.1'r 17. 1938 PAc.F. 1045


J Page for the Quiet Hour


Wednesday, August 24 1'11t HJ0/!//1 oft? 11g'1tl'01t.• n1a111,,· tl u·ill of ltjc -Prcl\crh' IO:ll.

\'ery kw of us will ever he ahk ~o preach great 'cr-111(111~ or ~ing grc\1t !-iong5, but any of us t.111 111.1kL the \\orld brighter hy 'pe.1king kind words and ofknng hits oi cncour.1gt•mcnt to the wc,1rv folk we meet. The word oi cr111c1sm .1imed :11 some h;ird:working kader in dw c.wse oi righteousness c.111 do more to defeat the work of Chn>t than .1 vicious .111.lCk from the forces of C'\•il. More pwpl<' lose he;1rt hec.111se of the unkindness of their friends th.111 hec.1u'c of the assaults of their enemies.

(;r:tnt int' 1hc spirit of p:ltu:ncr, clt·ar Lo1d. 111 de.ding ''i1h thl' fol1' \\ho 1ni\Ull<k'r!<.l~1nd ll1<.' .1nd i111p11tc t\il 111011\t.'' to int...

Thursday, August 25 Hat1ctl .(/lllt'lh l!f .<111/<.<.-I>ro\t:rbo;. 10:12.

~o one can estimate the losses the world has su,tained hec.1use of strife. Contentions o\'er money, pciwer. J'rI\'I·

lege. pr.1ise, and plJce have consumed the best efforts .ind the greatest strength men have had to give. Of all the causes of strife, none 1s so prolific of 1ro11hle as h:11red. The amount of hatred in the world dismavs us. but the W<l) to rnre the hatred of the world is to get hat1Tcl out of our own hearts. \Vh.11 .1 terrible thing it is to h\'e inside of .1 he;ut I h;11 hates!

Forgi\e 1n(', 0 (;od. for a:-.kin,g 1'hec to 1n.1J..e Thy d\\t:lling '' nhin a heart that 1~ hl'foulcd hy the h:ltrt.~d~ I hc:11· to\\ :ud otll<·r rncn ,,·ho :ire..· al~o Thy hc)o,·e<l.

Friday, August 26 /I 1od t.• for tbr hnck of /11111 t:hrl 13 roi1! of u11d1rJti111d111g.­l'rcl\crh< 10:1.l.

Thomas Brooks Fletcher, the Ohio congressm;1n, in a Chautauqua lecture of years ago, was accustomed to say that some people were martyred for what they thought. hut that many more were m;1rtyred by wh.11 they thought. The e\'il mind invites dis:1Mer, while the pure in heart n:11ur;1llv gravitate toward the he.trt of God. Even a cursory


Stl;dy of tht• e:-.perience' of wicked pt·opk re\-c,1h the f:ict that man\' suffer ternhk trouhk bemuse o( their 111ahilit\' to le;1rn ·from tlwir hums. Thev cons1.111tl\' seek the c--:i1Lrn:11ion for their trouhl<·< ou;,ide tht·m·«·lvt·s, 111,t<.td of \\"ithin th,·ir 11\\"n he.in,.

lh11· l11t II• "\.lf\h Ill\ 11\\ll ht.irt ft·T du. \,lll'·l 1•1 1n\ u .. u!•I\'. .• nd .11ttr 1li.t1 ht n1t l1111J.. ,,11Ji \h.JJll\ l!J•"n 1ht v.1 rid ,1b11111 llll'.

(I (11.d

Saturday, August 27 H 1.•t 1nr11 111.i up ~11on/,d.s..·1.-P111\l·rl1' ]11:1..J.

"\\\ 1.1ke i.:rc.11 ,,,11,f.1c1ion.'' ,,1icl .1 wise \\0111.m. "in the f.1c1 th.n \\"~ .ICcumul.nnl '"me thing' during th<· pros-1'' roll' d.1~' 1h.t1 c.mnot hL t.1~u1 .m .1~ from 11' Juring tlu <kprc·"1on. \\"l' rn.uk .1 mp to Europe .. mcl no one ,,111 r"h ll' of thL l1t.1u11f11l rnrrn"n'"' \\t h.1H. \\'c hought

boob .md read thl'm in those old d.1ys, .md no C>lll" C.lll

roh us of th<· great ideas we gle.mecl there. \Ve g.n'C' "'me monn to the m1s"o11.1ries and to the church culkges .. ind thcN' im'l"stmt·ms h.1vc never depreciated in \',tluc. \\'e hdpt•d .1 hoy through college in those d.1y,, .ind his gr.Iii· twk 1s .1 h1g d1v1dend to u' now.''

1"c;1fh llll 10 gl\ t' 111y lll"•t ('flort to thL· dung-. 11( pcrn1ancn1 \,1hll·. () Lord. 1'1;1t J n1.1y lll'\l'I' ,uffcr :i dcpre,,1011 nt the: '"ill.

Sunday, August 28 Fie 1.• 111 tlu· n·ay oj hf< that k<cf1tl'1111.-·trnct1011.-1'1n\c.'l'h' 111:1;.

\\'c hc.ir an occasion;tl compl:1i11t to the effect that there .ire \'cry few good public speakers. But it r.m he- s.1id with .1 greater me.1sure of truth th.11 there arc Jc\\' good listen· ns. Tm> m;m\' of us listen in the .11111ude of cldcn'L'. \Ve hl'.tr .1 \\"ord c"1i rebuke or correction and \\'C immcdi;Helv build up :t defense in our mind, ag:1111st the \\'ord. Ther~­after it is poll'crlcss to do us ;my good. God's hc,t efforts Ill our behalf c;111 ht• frustr;t1ecl if we rdusc to Ji,ten to H1' voice \vhen ll 1s correcting or rl'})J"oving us.

Hl·lp Ill<". dear Fa1hc.·r. to )i~tcn c~rc:full}' to the \\or<l o( l'ollll· -.l I .ind the \\'ord of corrl·ction, t"\ c:n \\'hl·n 1hcy .1rc 'pok<.:n hy dH,~t· \\ ho111 I hol\t r~ll'l'll)l·d 1ny t·ncrnil'~.

Monday, August 29 ·1·1,,. 11glif('OtU '-' c111 tl'tl'la.•1111g jou11tl11t1011.-Pro\·c.·rh, 10:25.

"I have a profound belief in the bw of gr.1vity," s;ud a young hu,inc's 111:111 who \\'.ts engaged in a life-and-de.uh 'trugglc with certain evil forres in his community. "I h.tve .111 cqu.11 confidence in the moral order of the uni· verse. I know tlrnt no building c:tn st.rnd whid1 has ignored the law of gra\'ity, .111d I know th:tt no cause can st.111d which violatl'S the mor;d conscience of God. Thert·· fore, I have no fear when I know 1 am right.'' This young man had his feet on foumtuions th.It were• eternal. He could speak with asMtr;lllce became he believed he """ speaking words th.n would I.1st fore\'er.

1"cach 111<.· the 1ncan1ng of the t•\·crl~tstingne~~ of gooJ .ind tru1h. that I 1nay nc\'t.·r fl·ar \\-ht.n I kno\\' that I ~un uuc •. ind 1h.11 I .1111 doing tht.: \\ ork' of goodnl."'''·

Tuesday, August 30 '/'/u fr-c11 fl/ thr /.flrd p10!011J:,'tfh di1y,•·.-Prn\l'rh-. ]0:~7.

There '' .1 c<r1.1in '"1"'· Ill which ktr 1Tntkr~ th .1 g1<.I! '' n JC<. Th< H" J\, (or lll\l,Illl<. the fr.ir ,,f hot troll,· th.It ,,1\'t:-. ll" fron1 hurn .... tht' ft.1r (1f ..,uflcr1ng th.n "i~l\'C(, ti'•

from d""'"· the j,,,r "' ,·rni<i'm th.11 m.1J..e, U\ ,-.1rdnl m 'Jl«d1. ln .1 f.1'h1<•n '"m'" h.11 \lm1l.1r.1he n·,pcc"t \\C h.l\e for the mmd .111d l.1w of ( ;,nl ,,t\'es us from m.11n- ,1 d1s­trc\Slllg l\jl<ricnn w11h rvil. The only ,Jfq~u;1rd 'against unrighteomness th.11 will '·''"'. ti\ i' .1 wholesome frar of ( ;ocl "h1ch m.1J..cs l! impos,1hlt for U5 to Sill .• \nd 'in h.1s .d" ·')' r"uhul in de.1th. in \Oml' form.

Kt·t·p 1nl' 1n111dtul of Thy prt''t'ncc. 1hat l 1n:a~ llt\ er J,,.,c: the 1•r111tltlPil tli.11 TIJ\ J•ll'tllll l 0rJllj.!'· () (~ud.


:\ l' (, l' S I 1 7, 1 9 3 X


--Questions and Jnswers


lt<d, mduding hi, 1m.1hcl mC>ther, wnh the childrn1 I<>

td11C;l!e, he is stn·m .ind hr.1ve de,pne the g1mcl ,,f pm· en~. In spite of all, one 'et•s '"<:r)' qu1Ckly in 1.ilking "nh h11n th.n he is h:1ppy. His 'crenny .111cl h;1ppincss .lit due to l\\"o out,1.111dmg .1chicn·mcn1s of his Christi.in f.1i1h. He has established a home where e.1ch member is .1 Siii·

cere Christian, enjoying .md renprocating in the alkcuon oi rWr\' other memhn. Ren11larlv cvcrv S11nd.n· he . ~ . " . loads ll!S entire family, except the inv.tlid grandmothu, into his old modd-T Ford, and t.1kes them to Sund.1y 'chool and church, where .111 .ire act1n· workers. Ht· looks for\\';trcl without cJ1,wur;1gement to a life o( 1011 .ind h.mlship. for, more th.111 any other li\'ing m.m I c.m tl1inl, of at the moment, ht· Lnc.\\"s the me.ming of wh.n P.11il c.ilkcl "the unsc.1rch.1bk 11cfit·, oi Chri,t."

\\'h;i1 j, till 1nc.·:ining 11( Ro1n.1n-. J\:~t1: "'.\nd in like.· 111.11111c.·I' 1ht Spirn ,,1,0 lu·lpc.:th our intir1nll\': for \\'c.' kno\\' not ho\\ to pl'.ty ,1\ \\ c. ought: hu1 the.: Spirit h11n,1..·lf 111.1kt:th inttrce,~1011 fur ll' \\Ith gl'o.111ing ... \\'llll'h ~«1111111r he.· ull<:I'cd"?

It would he easy to let this p.1ss.1ge k.1<l us into unproi­nahle controversy. ls tht· Spint a sep.1r.11e Person who 111terredes with God for m' If the Spirn is God, does Hl' 111terccde with H1111'df for us? Laying .1sidc such ques­tions, it 'eems de.tr tl1;1t ( ;ocl's Spirit assists in our pr.1yers. \\'e .ire not .1lone Ill our struggles. ()od helps in .ill our wc:-;1kness. He cooperates with u' in our cleepe5t and most p.1ssion.1te YL\trnmgs, and e\•en when we .m· unable to fr.1mL' thc·m in words, He underst.111<1'. "To thL·m th.11 lo\'e God all things work togcthl'r for good" (verse 2X), rnclucl111g the suffering that comes upon 11' unhidclm. a' wdl .1~ the beneficent p;1in experil'ncnl 111 the tr.1\':1il of ach1ev111g lo\'c and mtegrity.

In f.tct, all e--:pericnce' of re;1lity are m.irked by th<· dimension of depth, inrnlving inmost struggk .md oftl'll .111guish of spirit. M.1ry ,\usun 111sistL·d th.It cre.11ivc authorship 1s not .1 m.ll!l'r of t;tking p.1ins so much ·" h,t\'ing them. And now Professor E<lg.1r \ V .ill.Ke Kn 1ght of the Uni\'ersity of 1'orth Carolina is quoted by tlw pre5s .1s ,,tying: "Kno\\"ledge is produced not hy 1.1king p.1i11s hut by h.1vi11g them." Almost ) 'JOO )'<\tr' .1go the ;1postle P.nil found th.11 the same is lrttt' of prnductiv< religmn. l·k ,ho\\·, .11 length in Im ll'1tcr to the Rom.111' 1h.11 hy nwrdy 1.1king p.1in' he co11lcl not get he\'ond Sill·

(,ice rdigtC>n. In 'hon. he l.11lecl. It m.1ck him .1 )'Lill lc,t:.1]1.:.,t, IH.\lf .1 \t•ll.il lfl.1lc1r. B111 \\hLll hi' 1.11lltr1111·n

\\<Ill"' cl«"I' th.11 hc h.1<! p.1111<. h1' re k."' <.lint •. 1111! lh htC.lllll' 'i'lrllll.l)h prc•clUdl\< Ill .111 .Jt<.I' »I hit. ':\1' lntlt ,hilclr<n. ,,f 11 h1•ll1 l .1111 .1.<:.1lll 111 1r.,1.11l 1111111 ( hr1,· hL form«l 111 ~ 011 ..... ( ( ;,,). 4:) '•).

The 111.1rt1Cul.11L pr.1:111g Ill thr tk-cp ")(, \\htr< (;,,t)" htlpmg to chrect the motion« of ptr\Clll.illl:. 1' i11'1 ••ll< ~t.l,t.:::t (Ji thl J)f(ILl'\\ ,,f pr.l\(J'. \\'hln \iJlc."ll'l, \Ulh p1.1\

1ng df1e<- n<1t r<n1.nn un<.\.Pf<'''l·cl. It fruit\ in tht .1r1 ,,{

ll\mg .. incl p.1r11c11i.1rl~ in thr .iri ol ev.lll.l!eh<m. 11 m.1k" <•11l' .1 n11,,ion.1r: 111 1h1' ,,1\.1.ce \\orld.

Page 121: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

Bishop Fisher Resigns the Episcopacy

WE cannot conceive of anv announcement which at this moment would more. startle the l\Icthodism of this country and of Southern Asin than the state­

ment that Frederick B. Fi,IH·r of the Calcutta Arca has surrendered hi' offiec as bi,lwp. lk hn' concluded to do it that he ma\' on<'C' mor<' rntrr the pastorntr, am! do a work he cnnn~t do in the field cYen in India. "'<' have known for somf' YNll"» that this was !wavy on hi' hcart. l"nder this burd;n he could not find in t lw di,tindions of the great officc of the cpiscop"-l'Y a compen"ttion for the p1;cc he felt hc had to pay a' to what "a:. and now is his heart's drC'pc,t dc~irr. and in what lw has so many times found lw wa, an in•lrum<'nt in God',, hand' for

doing. In 11 IC'lkr to the Board of Bishop$ mecting in Bo,ton,


h<' sln!C'd that he hnd indi­<'H tc-d to the r<''id<'nt bishop of the Dctroit Ar<"a and lo thc official hoard of the ;'llcthodist Episcopal Chur<"h in Ann Arbor, :\Iich., his aeecptam·e of a c:dl to lwconw the pastor of that ehu rch.

From a wir<' from Dr. L. 0. Hartman, editor of Zio11'.~ Jlrmld, Bo,ton, "hcrc t hc bishops' 111<'<'1 ing "II' hrld, II'<' llll\'C' thC' state­

mcnt that Bishop Fislwr's decision sccms to be basNl upon hi' love of prrnching, his <'Olllparntiw distaste for 11d-111inistrntiYC' trchnicalitics and his <ksir1• at thi' juncl11r<' "to nrnk<' wny for lh<' lnrg<'l' Indianization of t!u ,·hard; in thc <'mpire." Thr pr<'scnl dl'clinc in \\"orld S<"ni<"' in­trrrst and thC' fnct that a' 11 result of tlw din1inution of financial r<'sourcr' and the nrcd for mor<• high-grade younJ! missionaries inf111<'11<0 <'d him. Th" big probl<•m in mis,,iona ry work now b1•ing Ira nsfrrrcd from t hC' field itself to I he homr bas<' also influenced thr bishop to ac­<'l'pt thr call to thr Ann Arbor paslora!P.

Our peopl<• all too littlr under,.tand thc ha,·oc tlwsr fall­ing rceripts for Work! Scn·icc haw play<'d in th<' foreign field. It is a ll"sig<'dy of trngi·clii•,. Somrtim<·• it would srem that WP :;1<' <"losing <'Wry door W<' haw in !hr forC'ign world. \Yc mu'! 'peak plainly on this quc,tion, and Wl' an• preparing to do it. \\'ithin thirty days II'(' anticipate wr will lw ready to draw that eurtuin asidr.

But to-rlny iwrc is tlw al'lion of !hr bi,hops at their Bo:don nll'l'ling, "hich is kindly transmiltt·d to uo by Bishop H. Lrslt•r Smith. >r<'n•tnry of !hr bonrd:

Since Bi>hop Fislwr has ,ignitkd to thi> board in writ­ing hi> dt•sin• and purposr lo "ct':tM' from trawling at inrg•• nmnng t iw 1wopl10," a' n•rp1irl'd of a bi,hop: and ha;; cxpn·""d hi' 1·arn•·,f "i'h lo r1·Pnf1•r liw pa,fornl1•; and :-inc• Ji, h1-. .... t.1t.d 111 111:- 1'Pi11t11u11ic.1tion th.1t h•· dof' ... not int. ncl h1 r1 .ift • 1 lo ··, ' ' 11 j .. , 111 .in~ d, gr•' th·· 1 p1-1·op,d otllc1• Ill our ri111n h."' th. h1-hnp' tln11J.. th:d iii, fl'<]1J<·-.t lll:t,\ bt fflll"fl'IJ•d .J ... f11l111!,! llJJ1l•1 ]>.1r.1g1.1J1h

:!!i:l, S<·1·tinn :!. of liw Di,cipli1w. Th'.' ha\•·· fi,. !"I for•, in lwnnony \\ith Paragraph .i'; k ~1·..tio11 :i. n·ad.in-ft-d the Calcutta .\n·a and nr•· "·nding Bi-i1np Fi-iwr's ,fal<·­mr·nl In th,.. G1·n<ral ('onf<·n·ll<'< lnr ''' iiiwi acli1111.

Tlw hi-hnp' ha,ing laJ..111 a1·lio11 nn 1111' ,f.if,11wnt of Bi-hop Fi,hrr. "h' r• in ill' nprt "'' 111- d· ''I°" and pHr­po .. 1· to ('l'C:l"''' frnn1 tra\Pltng ;ii. :i h1 ... Jiop, :rncl lu ... v;j ... !J lo

Jfuy .}.C/, l !I.JO

hr appointrd· to pa,toral ,C'l"\'icr, lh<' qm•stion naturally arises as to the power of a bishop to appoint Bishop Fisher to a pastorate. \\'hik we do not find any clear law or precedent rrlating to this question, so that it would apprar to br an <'Xt ra-disciplinary matter, the bi;hops nn• fully agr<'C•d in 'anctioning and supporting thr action of any bishop who may placr him in !hr pab­lornft• of a church, iwnding sol!l<' ruling or Irgislation by I hc G<'1wral ( "onfrrrnc<' on th" <JUr,tions now lrft some­" lrnt llllt"<'rtain.

In addition to thc forlllal adion taken by thi' board with rl'f<'l'<'ll<'<' to· t hc rrquc,t of Bishop Fisl1C'r, the bishops "i'h lo n·rnr<l an unqualifiC'd <'X]Jl"l'"ion of nffrction for tiwir coikagur. \\'" ha'r ,greatly cnjoy<'d hi, trn years' ""ociation with us and ha\'l' had grcat pridf' in the won­ch-rfui nu1g1wti,m and canw,tnrss which hr has conse­cratrd lo lh<' mi"ionary platform and progrnm. \Ve have tlH· full<•,\ confid1·nce that hC' is now acting in har­mony with his con,<'ientious con,·iction in his decision to ,urrrndcr th<" oftice and work of a bi,hop. Loving him in t hc lllO>I b1·ot hcrly 11 ay. "<' "ish him a most praycrful gorbprrd 11' iw gor, lo tak<' up >Ollle other form of sel"\'ict• for thc ;\fo;ter\ Kingdom.

Important Items of Bishops' Meeting

T HE mo,f ,fnrtiing il<'m coming from !hr sr1111-anmrni mrrling of th<' Board of Bi;.hop.< in Boston i' thr r<'signalion from the episcopal office of

Bishop F1·edrrirk B. Fishrr of thc Calcutta Arra. Thi' i. tn•at .. d fully l'l,l'wlwrr. Thc <'onviction has deepened in thr hn·a,t of Bishop Fishrr that he should giYe what is kft of his life to olhrr than episcopal administration of local -ituation<. It would sr<'m to be th<:' same convic­l;,Jll llwl 1111ul.. E. Slan!toy .Jonl's, his college mate at Asbury C'olkgr, halt and put nsidC' thC' cpiscopal dis­tinction and "officc." Sr<' dsewhere for fnlkr ;;tntcmcnt.

From Jli,hop Smith, secrC'tary of the Board of Bishops, come t hrsC' added i !ems:

Bishop Andcrson was elected to write the episcopal address to thr next Gcncral Conference.

Bishop \Yclrh ancl :\Ir. \Yarrcn E. Keplinger wrrC' ekctccl truslcrs of thr :\Idhodist Episcopal Church to takr tlw placcs of Bi,l10p HC'ndcrson, dC'cN1scd, and :\Ir. James N. Gnmblc, resigned.

Bishop Nicholson was designated as fraternal ddcgat .. to t ht• General Council of the l'nitcd Church of Canada, which is to meet in London. Ontario, in s ... ptC'mhcr.

Bishop \Yarnr wn' appointed tlll' official rcprcsrntatiYe of th<' Board of Bishop' at thr <cYrnty-fifth annivrr<ary of the founding of Garn•ll Biblical Instituk.

ReY. ;\I. A . .illarcy of Eugcnc, Ore., was rfocted as tlw Portlnnd Arca n•pn»t·ntati\'e on thC' Board of Hom<' :\Ii--ion- and Church Ext0n,ion to takC' tlw pla<•r of H<•v. Byron II. Wibon "·ho fl'an;frrr .. rl out of th<' ar,..a.

Th .. pr•'"'ll•'•' ot" ilw hi,i11ip, .1,Jminist.-ring our work in f11r1 ic-.n :1rl.I' int rnduc1 d .. 1 ... it .d\\ .1 \ ... dl)l'', a nott· t)t'

~ . 1\traorrhn11'.'' 1nt. l'• ~t .ind in .. 11ir.1tinn into 11~1r n1- •tin: 'fh·· r1·1-..orf .... \\11'• 11Jl,i] ,,if), .. f.1t111l•llt ... of })1'f1hl•ll'" 1-.

,,,JJ .1 .. 11! \l•f,,ri•~. ('01i1i11~ ,J;:.,i .1~ iln_\ did fr··lJ 1

fi1ltJ, in "li11li 1·\tr.1ordiu.1ry 11H1\1111l1Jf-,, .trv goill~ for­

""'"! in liw ]if .. of lh1· \\orlrl. th" '"lrrl, of uur hi-hnp' in for1·icr11 1'1 ... id1 111·1· \\'1·r1· c'hall1·n1,.in!.! to an 111111-.nal cl1·1rrl·t·.

~ ~ " ~

:\Jori· than :in 1 ntirc -.1· ....... 1t•ll ''·'' _c;i\'1·11 to ih1· con ... id1·r.tticn1 of 0111· ,\.11rld ~1·r\i1·1 JH'n.l1ct .. ~ and 1111Ji111it1"l ti1111· "'1-..

~i\c·n to 1111 r111nrf ... of 011r o\1l' .. 1a ... \\Or],,

1"ht· Inn ... ul1,i1cl:-. \\l1i1·l1 r1c1i\1cl 111.1.ior con ... id• r.1fi11n

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at this session of the bonrd WC'r<' th<' spiritual life of the church in· the light of the approaching Pentecost, <1ncl the ", orld Service nncl missionary progmm of l\frtho­dism. These two subjects lif!C'cl the thought nncl nction of the board to a high spiritual l<'\0cl. Then· has not h<'<'n a more Yit al and h<'lpfu I med ing du ring my comll'clion with the work of the bourd.

Commencement Days

GREAT nr<' th"~" co11mwncem1•nt day,. How rolorful arc Ill<' college yards, how spiri!Pd C\'cry hour. The

home folks a re t ll<'r<' to scC' t hci r cl1111ght c1·s n ncl their sons march in their ncad<'mir gowns and stand hd'orc the pres­idents for their precious parrhmcnts. EY<'rything is pro­phetic. Everything is romantic. Everything throbs with the heart of you! h.

Blessings on .vou, young folks, and woncl<'rfnl clays ahead. Be worthv of \'om· alma matC'r. BP worthy of . . . your mot hC'r's prayers-! h<' sacrifiecs thn t have kept you in school and that is praying for you amid unseen tears that you make good!

Blessings on you, collC'g<'s nncl univcrsitiC's ! You hnw done your part. Your daughters and your sons go forth these da~·s to win laurels for you in the character and career they achic\'c for thc1md\'c•.

College Finances

S ELDO:\I <lo we sC'C', as just no" n t Col111nhia 1 'ni\'<'r· sity, how great wealth il' pouring a<lckcl millions into

our great uni,·crsitiC's, but we wish tho"' JH<'n would take a look at thC' sn111JIC'r colleges of th<' \\'<''!. The "'rst ,,:~hes the East rich. The East im·Psts its spar<' change' in the Eastern institutions. The agricultural :<C'clions of the United States arc collectiYcly rich, but incliYiclually in close circumst ancC's. Ought not men of w!"nlt h to be tall enough to sec them also?

In o!hC'r years we kn<'w a man who wns maclr rich in a "'estcrn community. He did not forgd whence he came or what the "'est had donC' for him, und is to-clay. He took an interest in the institutions of th1• ""'st as a ch·bt of gratitude or clrbt of practical s<'ntinl<'nt. H<' lwlpC'd the communitv we ha\'C' in om· mind and through thC' years it has revered. and bkssC'cl his name. Y <'a rs ago ll<' p~sscd through the portals of death. But he li\'cs on in thC' good he is doing every day to youth, who in turn go forth C'quippccl, he and thry in that ehoir \\lll'rc music is the gladness of the world.

Look Before 'You Jump By GEonnL\ ltont:nTso~·

Look before you jump! Yes, it is uncnmfortahlc hrre in the fryinf!-pan; but to jump into the fire would be worse! Think the ma.ttrr thrOUf!h to the end before you give your approval to a change in the \'olstead Act.

If n·r ,1rr to ha.Ye "'inr and brrr thry muo;t he sold snm~where. \\'ould you hkr a \VinC' p.1rlor nC";..t :our h<1mr? If not \\"Ould it be f.1ir and ,iur,,t to a"k for it nr'i.t '-flm<· one cl<::c":. hnn1C'~ \\"ould you i1kc your \\'ifr, hu.sh.1nd, cnn or d.1u,.:rhh·r !11 fr1·r1u<nt \1,in~· r 1rl11rs~

O ! 1"<>u \\'ould not have \\'inc p.1rlnrc;, )"ou v;ou]d ha\"C bC'cr and n·ine sold only in hotrJs anci r<'~t'lur.1n1s. \\'oul<l you hkr youn.? mrn .to take your adolescent daul'hter in :i hotrl lo drink wme with IJ1em? Whrthrr we admit it or not. ii h " fact that wine inflamc-s fh<' baser passions and at the sa.mc time deadens the conscirnce or moral sense, thus causin,: much immorality • .i.o past history proves.

Do you think it would be safe for young girls ,to be taken to hotels lo \\'inc parties?

0 ! You would have wine and beer sold only by the bottle and not drunk on the premises. Would that help the situation? The young men could easily stop and buy one or more bottles of wine or beer when taking your daughter out. Would you feel qutte comfortable about it? If not, how about other mothers' daughters?

O! You would ha\'e wine and beer sold only by the case at whole­sale and throuf!h mail orders? Then Uncle Sam would be using the mails to further the liquor business and so become a partner in it. Beside, the poor man having no bank account could not send a check, neither would he be likely to have sufficient ready money to spare to buy a whole case of wine or beer, and the wets have always •been so solicitious about his being deprived of his beer, so that would not do.

Beside, with wine .and beer bought by the case and kept in the house one would not e\'en ha\'e to go o~t to get a drink, so having it so handy naturally more of it would be drunk, and it would always he ready to treat one's frirnds when they dropped in. Even the young people would find it convenient for trrating their friends, some of whom would' not f!el it in their own homes. The home Lise Jr would Joosc its sacrrdness and become a kind of refined saloon!

0 ! You would have it sold not in quantity but Just by the bottle in grocery and drug stores, and not to be drunk there. How would you like it when you went to the grocery or drug store to find the place filled with men likr those who used to hang around saloons waiting to get their bottles of beer and to be jostled and crowded hy them while you stood a long time in line waiting to be served? Would it lend a pleasant air ,to the store? Would you enjoy it? Would you like to send your child to such a place on ·an errand?

0 ! You would have it sold only a.t f!OVernment stores? Would you like your go\'crnment to brcomc a liquor dealer?

Every one, even ardent \Vets, say fhc saloon must not come •back. But neither is there any other satisfaatory place for the sale of wine and beer, as we have just seen. Also Jct us remember that it was not the place where the liquor w<1s sold that caused the harm, the evil was inherent in the liquor itself. S.1loons selling only non-alco­holic beverages would never hn\'e been ohjectionablc !

Furthermore 'vc find in pr<'historic time& cis ~hO\\'O in inscriptions on the ruins of ancient Egypt tlwl C\Cn then they made Jaws trying to prc\'ent some of the C\'ils of \\'inc drinking.

Noah himsrlf, aft<'r C'oming out of the ark, plnnf<'cl a \"inryard, and became disgracrfully drunk on his pure, so-callcd, harmless home­made \vine, before distiJIC'd liquors \\'ere C\"C'T invf'nted.

France, flo\vinp: \vjth \Yinc, ht1d to suppress absinthe; it \Vas de­stroying her people; and no\v they ll"nvc th<'ir '''ines for cocktails, and it is said they arc considering prolubiting cocktails.

You might as well seek to pre,'ent crime by striking out laws forbidding theft, burJ?larj·, and murder, as ,to try to cure the drink evil by striking out the Jaw' aJ?ainst the sale of wine and beer. The only cure for the drink rvil is Prohibition properly enforced. We have a President in the White House who can do it if we give him a fair chance. He wants to do it, he believes in it. Will you help hlmP

Our Cover Page The cOVCt' pagti of this i.'l."ltt' pr<'.'ICufs n hi11f;"Jric .•('fJl(I nf gr"nl

t•a.lur. It is a photograph of an oil 1>aiuti11.q rtrrn.f/!1 pr1>,-rrntf'd hy /Jot•ril Limitrd to tho tru.•lees of llio ll'cslc!t Clia71ol, Cit_y RoaA, LoJJdnJJ, E119/a11d. Tho pai111i119 iG'a• produced by IV. Jlallierrll, R.I .. R.IV.A.

Thr piclu1·c prcsrufs .John ll"<'slcyi the 1n·iucr- of open-air pr<'aChl'r:l, holding a scrt•icc on a publir .~q11arr.. II a had b<'tn, rfl/uscd n1u1

pulpi"t a/l<'r another. The ronsrn·afit•f' chuJ"ch ancl ifs c/.l'Y.fJ.'J did 11111

rnjo.I/ hi.'l 1nr.'t$n.gc. JndC'c<I, it u 1a.'l <li.sturbi119. It ~·1nackccl of cn­thu.-:1"a.s1n. That 11H'a.11t rrli11iou. r11lii.·c 11ccl b!/ 0111otion and a religious <J.'}'Cticncc illun1i11alfd bf/ a deride·<! tadit1nrf'.

ll'llfn hr rould no lo11pcr 111·,·arh in lh1 rh11rrlif's, h,. tr1ok /fl thf' nprn roi11111ou nnd the ri/11 .-·Ire 1 t,~. 1 hr /l' ,,pfr rn111C f!J hear /inn h11

lh 1 tbnu.~nnil.~". 1lu11 u..•rrr 11.~ h1111q,·11.~lurp. 7h1.11 l"n1·d bin1 'Jlnd/11.

//, ta11•1ht tlu 111 ft) pr1111 nnd ,,, ,,.;nq rind llflU:.' 1'1 lic:t> ,/. ('( 111 /i:·r,~.

]/, 11;.11/.,11 •. / t/1•111 f·~ fl n·~~· 'l''··itanlity 1111 j•/rachi11.1 l/u '1"'"P'l 1 f thr -:...•iln•.·.~ nf thr ]]0'11 ·"pirit.

11" 'll.•n.,· n ... rh11ln1·. 1>111 in hi.-i p1·rnrhi11_r1 f1J1"-"t'Jok thr r/n,~srnnn1 1111d

flu lil1rnr11 and brff'Jnk hi111 .... rlf to the fief,/.", a•hcrr tlir n111ltitudes ro11ld /11111 bi111 nnd luttr tbr rnll nf ('hi-isl.

rJ11t 11.f hi,.;i t11tlcaro1-." ranu? n -....·vrld-:..·•i1lr 1rr.~lr·.11n11 1nnrr111e11t. now 11111nbrri11.11 111a11!1 (/111onii11atiu11s :..::itli 1nilliun.-: of ar/brrt nf.,·.

P<lhh~hoad '"'·~rv Thursdav h' Th• :1i.li:-thnc:i1~1 Rol">'k f'onc~rn. at 740 Ru•"::: .•••• C'hk-.t'""'I. 111 '~"n;l'"n,.·1, r -n<"~. ~:?on ':"t'"'" "°"t'ar in ;;.Ovan°r!' E""·e-<·<i :.• c;,crr .. ·n c :;, .. \!· ,., '\.r, .... ,. 1«:• ·t 1" i'n'f ();1,ct at (l1cagn T,J, t.n·· .. 1·<" \1· · ~l·rch 3. JO:'I)

AC'ccptarict for ma1hng at ~pC'c.1al rate oi r-·o~ta~C' pro\1dcd in 1' ~-.::11•.n ll03. l\ct 01 Octoorr J. 101;. autnor1zed July :. 101~

.llay :!.'l, /.'l.JI/

Page 123: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

liorn in 1882 in Gr(~encastle • ra o

l1dv.oe tcd -

Gracl .-1hmoie. Ind 0 Jligh School,

:B .s .- Asbury College, 1902

A.Bo- 11 1' 1902

Grad. na:evara. l'ro:p., 1 !.i O'i'

Ph.Do-~Gsto:r.. Universi·ty. 1908

D .:u .-Asbury Colle go, 1915


.Jent 'i;o lnciia i;i.l.l u r.dssio1ia1s c.·i tn0 -:.: • .s .Ch1.!rch ill Jtu~e 19(~. a;:r.. • began his work in Agra., India Jt:.J.y 12, 1904

J.iriglis:h a~:O. village uo1•:t 1905 - 1906, a:a.d IJaE.'GOJ:' of ;~g:;:>a

.l'trl.glish CJ:n.u:c:n. Jan. 1906 -

Hcturned to f;.rn0rics, j..n .~iarch 100n and withC:.rev1 from O';.U:" work,

a8 a cis si onary

Pa.otor, Firs·t C:Uu:rc:'..l, Bosto:u, I...ass 9 , 190'7 - 1910

.c'it::ld. ;J~a·~1. 1ayraon':.; ~.lission8.ry J..;ove.:ia:r:;:t, Jan. 1910 -al

Geog:·~apllic 0·.)ciety in J. 921 ,~leciico_ :fellow cf tho Hoyal

:recognition of' 11is 'bool: "I:o.clia's Si1ent Revo1-u"liio11" o

, ':. • 1•• o >:u'"' · ~ ..... o" ...,._.... - 'O ... ~ ,..,,

1. ·.~ ·-

Page 124: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

: Austrian A11.<e/Jl11.<.<, Hitler propaganda machine loose

crhs. Friends of mine whn h.id re'lll'Ct for the Czech

ind~pendencc :llld who ntcd ;m improved st.nus for n Germ.ms. now look upon ' .1, unci\"ilizecl oppressors. " friends in Gcrm:lll)' now I-Iv of the nccessitv of an of the 3,500,000 ·su<leten

1·nh 1he F:nhnbnd. l.lllt pastor of ~iemoclkr's J.1hkm dccl.1red. "You must

l h.n l he western part of ·akia is an original pt·rmanic ?posit." I asked llim if he lu<k Pragm· in :1 •possible since it had much Ger-

1ccturc and the oldest exist­·an university. The pastor

1h.tt, while Prague was ?tmanic in its development, uld not he t.tkcn ifrom the r polit1c.1l and racial reasons. c-:tdet s whom I met snortecl ;nm.Ill c l.1 i ms of original iflumce in Bohemia. Thcv me that the trrriiOry ha·,

rwhdminglv Bohemian in l .lllcl ntl;u;·e sitKL' its settle·

-100 11.c.. hy the Roiaren m). a C:chic trihe that from wh.ll 1ocla1· i< Fr:11K<'. ; otKe C\l <"IH L·d their \\l".t\' l(" si:l' .. r lk1!111 .. md 1h.11 .u.~ \\,I\ one.:<: Sl.1\'J( in n.1n1r. n' 111 P1u-.. ... i.1. S.1\1111\, .ind

11 h1. 1r ~J ,, i\ 11 inlt .... }1p. 1'~ ... 1 i l\)," 1l! 1\1l 1ih ll11l\ 1l:\1'\ \.., 1···1 .ll\·h1 1tl!l1il Ill

l < '11.ch ... ]''•·1111 i11 l\\11 buil1l­h•n·< h r1n.1ni..: 1111111'. i1l1.. t11r

Ii Jill h' C ;l 1 n1.1n .... .1.lll', 1 ln11n.! n" '.' .1;.i "!1<1 11111 1h.11 IhL ;on.PllO ( ;crm.111' n T\r11} \\ere f.1r \\11ro:.c r11T ,5on.c1nn in c ·/('<'he ,,J .. 1 .1 k i.1.

EYt·ryday J..i,1ng:, br /o.•crh Fo1t .\·, u·to11 St·1.:k1ng for (i11id.1ncc.., b, /~o\ / ... Snutl: Children in Courl, /.,1 /udg,. \lafrulm !1atfic/,/ Rrligton and 1-lc.·.illh. IJ\ /?or H',dla«c Tlio1ntlj ·rr.uning the: i::uturc <;hurch. ''-' l'11i,111 (;111111


The Prt·.ichcr, b.r \/,11 )' H,tl/c II

Crn·Rc11 N1m•s Pcr,on~

E\cnt"> Bri1ish J\kthocli't Confrm1ce

But four consi<kr.ttions nude them t.1ke .1 difkrc11t at1itttde to the Suderen (;crmans. First, the larger number 111:1kcs the problem more actne. Second, politic:1l opportunism closes .111y imme­<klle protesr to Italy. Third, lvlussolini has promised improved conditions in ~outhcrn Tyrol. Fourth, Italy is the only >Ure ally of Germ:111y, am! the pnc oi friendship must be p;1i<l. Yet I did not meet a German who considered the qm·suon of South Tyrol closed. One I r.111klv admitted that the Sudc1en Germ.ms ( ~o named because of t ht: Sll(ktcn Mountains where 1hcv live) have "a he:l\'cnly existenrc" .1~ com­p.trcd with dw (;,·rm.1m 1n h.ilv, \\'hne ncit her >d10ob. d1 urchc~. nor ,,.;; :i.1 l rcprcscnt,llion exists. in cun1r.1't to l he liberalitv of the Czechs in this reg.ml.

.\ mt:mher of the Czech p.tri'1.11ncm '.1id 10 me: "You will find no co1111tl'\' it' Europe so f.1i1 in oilier n.11ion.t! t~rnllj'<; \\"ithin th<.' COtlllll\. (:11111p.1r1.

1•11r 1r1.11n1cn1 1:! thl· ~thlctrn < ;c1n1.1n·. \'.Jl~l dh l.1i ... f•i th ... l\,J·..,11 1111J'•"il'

(1t!JY'!,l'~\, 00 .\ ( ,'l<.11 ,,.,,,} '\1•l ,1;

,1.11 ... 1! "\\'1.. h,1\1.. "1111:.::ht ... l• .. .._p:~1-r·h1l J, lll'l ti) 1Uli1l'~-1;11:...: "' t..

1 • .J Ji .. !1 ; •

t Ji, 't<k .ind lllh 1111'1"1 ,,J .un"n.:.: the Sndt ten ( ;c.~rn1.1n.... 'I"hl tlgur1. °' on H hL f cJ.,llllllL 111 1111r nnp.1111.11111 ...

It 1' trll< l h.11 th, !->uddc n Cc 1111.i 11'

h.ne .1 hntcr L(oncnrn< In!. .\ numh<1

C1i C7C·ch .rnd Jewish fanoric· moved out of the Sudeten tc incre.1sing un<:mployment. The ht'.thh n:sorts-«iucs like Carlsh M.11icnbad-ha1·e been crippled res1ric1ions ag.1ins1 tr.1\'C:l to ( ,J.,1-.tki.1. The Su<kten agriculu gion is hillv and not as fertile a ··.cc ll<>!l' ot" Czcc hoslo\' .1 k i.1. In rcgiom of Gcrlll.lll\', the C pt:.t>.lllt' .ire on ,, ~!11;ibrh· low .ml of living.

ll " .1 gcner.il hdid in ( ;erm.1 miln:uy ·force will not he U<L'< probkm will he soln«I. but by J .rnd cconom1' prL'"urc. In C

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~!.1m· C1.ech k.1dn' ·"" t101tl 11 h.ct the\' l'.tll the imp'"'""'" ,,,Ju1ic>11 oi the Suclctcn prnhlu 1• lli,llllllllhlillt:_ th1.. l'Cj'l!b!J. :1.1:,1ll ·h. 1n:~1n.1l 111.l ......... 1:\

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Page 125: FISHER, BISHOP FRED B. (DR.) AND EDITH JACKSON FISHER Icatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/fisher-bishop... · 2014-02-19 · FORE\\'ORD paid. His close touch with the people,

CCJMMIT'l'l:ili vN CON8BRV"~1' IUN & ( METHODI8'.I.' BPI8CO..:AL CHU!{CH, \ · 150 .l!'ifth •• venue,

(. ' ,. . . '. New York City

filcthodiat Epiaco~al Church, stationed at Calcutta, ~as

elected ·~o a .:.•1 ell:.;"J;Jr1i~, ill tt;e _.Jyul Ueo:_;i·o.;.:1icaJ. 8ociety

en' the. t d-a nornina-

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Centen~ .. ry Gommit'.,ee in its driYe for ~'.·1.ooO,u'J0,000,

with i.<. udqtlr.rte _·s ct 111 .l''if'.:.h .cvenue, New Yor]~

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Dr. Fred B. li'isher, a missionary in J.gra, India, under the

Methodist Boa.rd of :b;oreign Missions, from 1904 - 190'7.

He came from Newcastle, Indiana, and was educated aJG .ii.sbury

College and Boston University. He also took a post-gradua-ce course

a -c Harvard. .After returning from India, he was for three years

pastor of the First liiethodis t .'8piscopal Church in Boston. Later

he became general secretary of the ilethodist I·aymen's Missionary

l:lovement. Following that work he took up the e;eneral seci-etro:yship

of the Interdenominational 1£,ymen' s J;Iissionary Movement 1~·hen the

India I.lass Hovement Commission of the llethodist .... piscopal Church

was organized, Dr. Fisher was asked to become its J!lxecutive Chair-

man. In the fall of 1917 Dr. Fisher made a trip to India and the

l!'ar East in the interests of the Commission. He has raised over a

million dollars for the depressed classes of India, among whom is

going forward an extraordinary Uass 1.1ovement to'· ard CJhris'i;iani ty.

This movement is economic, social. and religious, llnd affects

about bO, o..io, 000 of India 1 s people.

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The Rev •. Frederick Bohn Fisher, D.D., pastor of central Methodist -- --~·· .. ,,~;....; ... ..,....._ ' . ·-· -· ........... ,- .,.--,. ·- - .

Episcopal Church, Detroit, and long identified with the missionary

enterprise in India and America, died in the Henry Ford Hospital,

Detroit, after a brief illness, ~n Good Friday morning. He will

be remembered by the Board of Foreign l'.issiqns as a former mission­

ary in India, an associate secretary of the Board, and later as

bishop of the caloutta Area. AS an advocate of the missionary '

enterprise before A~erican audiences he had few equals.

Dr. Fisher was born in Greencastle, Pa., on Febraury 14, 1882.

School of Theology and Harvard University, earbing Bachelor of

Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bacholor of sacred Theology and Doctor

of Philosophy. Later he was a .. arded t.~e;f doctorates in Divinity,

sacred Theology, Laws, HUmanities, and Literature by various univer­


After a pasmorate in Kokomo, Indianap he was appointed a mis­

sionary to India in 1904, going there with his bride who was ~iss

Edith Jackson of Muncie, Ind., Illness of rirrs. Fisher forced their

return to .America after three years of Indian service, but not until

the young missionary had shovm some of the gifts which later distin-

g1ilished hi;: s a ch1'..rcl1 leader o For several years he uas pastor

in No: ·i;h Cohasset 9 t::asso 7 and in ?irst r: ethodist Episcopal C:hurch 9

lloston, from which he was called to an associate secretaryship

in the Board of Foreign "iasions and to the service of the Lay-

under his leadership and

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getlius, the Movement held great missionary conventions in Boston,

Indianapolis, Columbus and elsewhere.

In 1920, when Dr. Fisher was but 38 years of age, the General

conference elected him a bishop, with the largest vote ever accorded

a general superintendent up to that year. He was assigned to the

Calcutta area where he remained in charge for ten years. nuring

this decade he made friends with Mahatma Gandhi, the poet Tagore,

and many other India leaders, and helped to interpret India to Amer-

ica through his pen and his voice. No, speaker was more eagerly

sought in America during his occasional visits to this country

than was Bishop Fisher.

In 1930 he resigned from the episcopacy and accepted the

pastorate of the First Church, Ann Arbor, Mich., four years later

being transferred to central Church, Detroit. In both charges he

has great follcwings, his message being sought especially by the

g student bodies and by the educated classes of these oorrlll1Ull-

ities. He also travelled throughout the country as a lecturer

and preacher -- always interested in interpreting India and the

world to American audiences.

Br. Fisher was twice married. His first wife died some time

after their return from India 9 and in 1924 he was married to Miss

welthy Honsinger who had been a missionarynin China, and editor

of the missionary magazine "World Neighborson She surviveso

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available upon request. For more information

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