Fitness STAR Magazine - Spring 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2

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Fitness STAR Magazine - Spring 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2 YOUR Fitness Modeling Resource! We invite you to check out the sixth installment of the Fitness STAR Magazine! Our talented contributing writers offer excellent guidance, tips and experience for the amateur fitness model competitor, the most seasoned veteran pros and those who would like to live the fitness modeling dream! This issue is jam packed with inspirational and motivational articles, our latest Shooting STARS (Marie-Pierre Grenier and Atif Khedri), the Titika Active Wear Fitness Fashion Feature, the Team Roberts Photo Feature and the popular Fitness STAR Photo Gallery plus much more! For best viewing, please make sure to view the Fitness STAR Magazine in Fullscreen mode and kindly support our valued advertisers and sponsors by clicking on their embedded website links! ENJOY! Healthy regards, The Fitness STAR Magazine Team

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Spring 2011Volume 2, Issue 2


YOUR Fitness Modeling Resource

Shooting STARS

Competition Tips

Fitness Fashion

On the Rebound...

Never Too Late!


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ContentsSpring 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2

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Yours in health and well-being,

James ErdtFounder / PresidentFitness STAR (http://FitnessSTAR.com)Joyzone Inc. (http://Joyzone.com)

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Spring 2011Volume 2 / Issue 2

8Editor’s IntroThe Swiss Ball- James Erdt

COMPETITIONDo’s and Don’ts- Erica Johnston

The Judge:On the Rebound- Darrin Robinson




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For the record, eating a protein and vegetable for each meal of the day makes no sense from an anabolic or recovery standpoint. Protein is consumed to repair and replace cells that become damaged by working out, carbohydrates and fats help supply energy to the body having a protein sparing effect. If you consume a diet low in fat sparing effect. If you consume a diet low in fat where the only carbohydrates are brous vegetables you get very little energy from them and the protein you consume gets converted to energy. When this happens the body isn’t repairing and replacing cells like it needs, this ends up leading to muscle loss over time.

n the tness industry we have a thing that happens to many competitors after their competition…the dreaded rebound! This rebound phenomenon is when a lean, tone competitor with a one in a thousand physique turns into a bloated sloppy average person within weeks of competing. When I say rebound I am not talking about water I

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So what’s the secret to preventing the rebound? Using a balanced approach where dietary calories along with the daily calorie burn aren’t too much lower than the maintenance caloric level. Once calories are dropped too low or there is too much activity performed the metabolism is forced to slow in order to let the body survive longer. When this happens most people do survive longer. When this happens most people do more cardio or cut calories even more, this makes matters worse. Just this week I had one of my competitors experience a plateau in her body composition, rst thing I did was increase her calories by 500 a day, not cut them or throw cardio in the mix.

One of my competitor clients was asking me today what an acceptable rebound is after a show. I replied “There should be no rebound after a show, your weight gain should be calculated and based on what your off season goal is and how you want to look”. If I can personally get down to competition levels (because I like how my body looks at extremely low body fat levels) and easily maintain these levels for the best part of a year and still be able to go out to eat at restaurants and drink alcohol then everybody should. I don’t rebound once I hit these levels despite indulging a few times a week, I maintain whatever body fat level I want with relative ease. Do I have amazing genetics, Hell no! Don’t maintain whatever body fat level I want with relative ease. Do I have amazing genetics, Hell no! Don’t believe me check out my before pics on my website www.timetoemerge.com under Founder Info. In order to be able to eat this way and maintain low levels requires an understanding of what foods do to your body and how much and when you can have and need them. I teach my clients to plan for dirty meals by adjusting the rest of the day’s meals to accommodate the excess they will consume with their cheat.

Since many of the competitors I work with are sought after for photo shoots I have to enable them to stay lean all year round if a photographer contacts them with a week or days notice. This has to to stay lean all year round if a photographer contacts them with a week or days notice. This has to be achieved without any extreme measures that will hurt them in the long run, plus they want to have a normal life not be deprived year round. This should be the goal for any aspiring tness model; you can’t get exposure only being able to take advantage of photo shoot opportunities 2 weeks before or after your competition.

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Within days her body composition test showed she dropped two pounds of fat, she was shocked that this happened on higher calories, obviously I wasn’t as this solution is always my rst when a body composition stops moving in the right direction.

I had a 5’ 10” gure competitor who had just competed come to me from another highly regarded trainer. A month out from her show she wasn’t as lean as she should be so the trainer had her increase her cardio from 1 hour a day to 2 hours a day while consuming no more than 1000 calories daily. She didn’t lean out any more over the month, she just no more than 1000 calories daily. She didn’t lean out any more over the month, she just got skinnier. I asked the competitor what her starting body composition test was and what it was the month before the show. Fortunately her trainer performed body composition tests but clearly didn’t break down the results to see what the fat and lean mass was. The competitor had lost 20lbs of lean mass from the start of the diet to one month out (6 months). This instantly tells me her metabolism has been slowed dramatically yet the trainers solution was to make her do even more muscle burning cardio?!?! cardio?!?!

This is typical in the industry; cardio is the immediate go to if someone isn’t dropping fat fast enough. I took this competitor and placed her on 2600 balanced calories, cut out the cardio, reduced her resistance workouts from 9 hours a week to 3. In a couple weeks she regained 6lbs of lean mass and dropped 4lbs of body fat. She was blown away at how she was eating more, exercising far less and looked much fuller and leaner. Again no looked much fuller and leaner. Again no surprise to me, starving and overtraining is not the way to get ready for a show. If I had not put this competitor on my program I can guarantee that she would have had a HUGE rebound once she started her off season.

I always ensure that the diet my clients are on contains a balance of proteins, carbs on contains a balance of proteins, carbs (complex, brous, simple) and of course plenty of essential fatty acids. Since their bodies are getting everything they need from

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a nutrition stand point without extremely low calorie levels or cardio (I don’t get my clients to do any cardio) there is no shock to the metabolism and it never slows for more than a week before I catch it and speed it up again. This leads to a body that gets used to being lean and has no problem staying there, after a show the calories are increased to maintenance levels meaning they maintain the present body fat level or a level we determine.

I will admit that this approach takes longer to get to the desired body fat level so I always base my clients cutting schedule on 1lb of fat per month. Once I perform the initial body my clients cutting schedule on 1lb of fat per month. Once I perform the initial body composition test I can see how much fat needs to be lost to get competition ready and if its 10lbs then I start the client 14-16 weeks out even longer if time permits. This gives me lots of time to make any adjustments to the diet as their body changes; I also like to have my clients’ competition ready a few weeks before the competition. When this happens the skin has lots of time to tighten and stick to the muscle.

I know what you’re thinking, you can’t peak weeks out from the show or you will look at and depleted on the day of. Not true, once again I turn to the diet and adjust the calories so that depleted on the day of. Not true, once again I turn to the diet and adjust the calories so that the client is brought up to maintenance levels ensuring no muscle loss or a at look. In many cases I have my clients step on stage without any pre contest prep, it’s just a normal day of eating and drinking. The main time I use a prep is for gure or bodybuilding competitors but I rarely have a tness model or bikini model do a prep, they look great already.

The bottom line on the rebound is if you go extreme with diet and cardio to get ready for the stage or the beach your rebound will more than likely be an extreme one. If you take a slower more balanced approach your body will be balanced and there will be nothing to rebound from. So take my advice, don’t look rebound from. So take my advice, don’t look like a competitor or tness model for a day, look like one year round. Don’t be the person that surprises people when you tell them you compete, be the person that is asked “you look great, do you compete?” One more don’t, don’t be the person that posts glory days facebook pics but looks absolutely nothing like the pics in real life! ;)looks absolutely nothing like the pics in real life! ;)


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`̀And that’s my list of competition do’s and don’ts in a nutshell. Competing is a lot of fun. You will have days where you are on top of the world, and others where you wonder what the heck you have signed up for, even if it is your third signed up for, even if it is your third or 10th time competing. But when show day arrives, and everything falls into place, there is truly a sense of accomplishment. Good luck to you and happy training! Hope to see you at a future show!̀̀ ~ Erica Johnston


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You have worked out for years and have gotten such great results that you now embrace the stage. Since tness has become a large part of your life you decide to become a personal trainer. The money seems good and the job will allow for you to keep up with your training. You already give your friends advice so why not get paid for it? After some research you decide on the certication that’s right for you and complete the course. Most of the information was second nature because you’ve always loved to read about working out.Through your connections, or job classieds, you get hired on by a Fitness club! Congratulations! The club starts pairing you with clients. They have all types of musculoskeletal issues that need special attention and starts pairing you with clients. They have all types of musculoskeletal issues that need special attention and have lofty goals. You panic. All of your research to this point has been to improve your own workouts.

The following is an overview of the Focus System designed to help you. Follow the six steps to ensure that all your bases are covered and your clients can safely progress beyond the beginner phase.

Step 1: Rep Range (the great decider)

The Rep range should be established right after you have discussed goals with your client. The rep range will dictate the number of sets and exercises in a workout, types of exercises, tempo and rest intervals.

Step 2: Primary Exercises

These exercises are the focus of the workout. In turn they will be what you measure progress with and what you expect your clients to get gains from. The primary exercises are always large / multi-joint movements and done by themselves with adequate rest. Some examples are squats, deadlifts, bench press, or chin ups.bench press, or chin ups.

There are two reasons why so much emphasis is put on primary exercises:

1. Beginner clients cannot focus on more than 2-4 exercises at a time and therefore will not progress unless giving some direction.

2. It’s easier to sell a program based on two exercises then it is one with 20is one with 20

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Step 3: Secondary ExercisesThese exercises have the biggest variance and can be circuited in nature. Although form is always important you don’t need to be as picky as you do with the primary exercises. The goal with the secondary exercises is to support the primary movements. Single-joint movements, abdominal work (rotation, exion, and anti-rotation) and single leg movements work well here.

Step 4: Tertiary ExercisesTertiary exercises include rehabilitative movements or prehab. This is where you specically address muscle Tertiary exercises include rehabilitative movements or prehab. This is where you specically address muscle imbalances. Tertiary exercises are unique in that they should be included no matter the goal of the workout. They are not exhaustive in nature and can either be used as active rest or at the end of the workout.

Step 5: CardioDepending on your clients goals developing a cardio protocol may be benecial. Be careful with prescribing cardio as it’s often the case with a beginner client that resistance training is more benecial. Initially greater gains will be had with resistance training and, as adherence early on can be an issue, it’s important to get beginner clients gains as quick as possible.beginner clients gains as quick as possible.

Step 6: Dynamic Warmup and Myofascial ReleaseThe warm up you choose will depend largely on the client’s level of self-efficacy. Even though it may be a good idea for the client to do long dynamic warm ups and lots of foam rolling you run the risk of making them feel stupid. If you decide on dynamic stretching and self myofascial releaseIf you decide on dynamic stretching and self myofascial releasethen make sure to write the exercises down and provide the client with a handout. Go through it 1-2 times with the client and leave the table open for them to ask questions. The warm up should be completed before they see you for their session.

The Focus System in ActionThe following is an example workout that could be used for a beginner client with no injuries but suffers from poor posture beginner client with no injuries but suffers from poor posture (upper cross syndrome) from a desk job. Their goal is fat loss and to increase core strength. Please note that this workout is written for a hypothetical client to illustrate the Focus System. Exercise selection will vary.

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Day 1: Full Body Push

1. Squat (Primary) 4*8-10 superset no money drill to help with external rotation (tertiary)2. Bench Press (Primary) 4*8-10 superset scalene stretch (tertiary)3. Speed interval 1.5min at 80-95%MHR4a. Neutral grip chest press (secondary) 2*15-204b. Hand plank walkouts (secondary) 2*5 superset chest stretch (tertiary)5. 5. Speed interval 1.5min at 80-95%MHR6a. Dumbbell skull crushers (secondary) 2* 10-126b. Single leg squats (secondary) 2*6-87. Scaption (tertiary) 2*8-10

Day 2 (full body pull)

1. Dead Lift (primary) 4*8-10 superset hip stretches (tertiary)2. Chin up (Primary) 4*8-10 superset chest stretch (tertiary)3. 3. Speed interval 1.5min at 80-95%MHR4a. Glute thrust 2*6-8 (secondary)4b. Side bridge with minor twist 2*12-15 (secondary)5. Speed interval 1.5min at 80-95%MHR6a. 1 arm bent over row 2*8-10 (secondary)6b. Glute ham raise 2*6-8 (secondary)7. Pallof press 2*25s holds

Cardio guidelines – 2x/week.One day perform a 30min job at70-80%MHR. The second dayperform 45s speed intervals ata 6:1 rest : work ratio.

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The Workout Broken Down

Step 1 – Rep Range: There are a variety of rep ranges used in this hypothetical workout but the primary exercises are all within the hypertrophy range. Since the client’s goal is fat loss it’s important to build up a baseline of muscle.

Step 2 – Primary Exercises: Since the rep range is higher (8-10) the exercises are split into push and pull and are large multi-joint movements.

Step 3 – Secondary Exercises:Step 3 – Secondary Exercises: Staying true to your plan while being creative is important. In addition, the secondary exercises in the above example support the primary exercises. A good example is the inclusion of the single leg squat increasing stability in the ankle, knee, and hip joint.

Step 4 – Tertiary Exercises: Tertiary exercises were used as active rest to increase the metabolic aspect of the workout.

Step 5 – Cardio: Sprint intervals were added throughout in addition to a mixture of sprinting and steady state cardio. Fat loss is the key so it was important to add a significant amount of cardio into the programming.the programming.

Step 6 – Dynamic Warmup and Myofascial Release: A 5 minute program including foam rolling focusing on the calves, hamstrings, hips, mid back, and chest would be included followed by 5 minutes of dynamic stretching.

Conclusion - Training clients from all different walks of life is difficult. A successful figure or fitness competitor doesn’t necessarily make for a successful trainer. By following the 6 steps outlined above in the Focus System you will be on your way to getting your clients amazing results.

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Shawn, a year ago, you attended the Fitness STAR International show, in the audience, what prompted your desire to watch the competition?

I had attended previous tness competitions, since my sister competes. I was there, along with my parents, mostly to support my sister, Kim Brady, as well, as you, Jolene. Plus, I was in the Brady, as well, as you, Jolene. Plus, I was in the company of the Xanadu owners & my co-workers, who were there to support you, since it was your rst show. My family was encouraging me to move in the direction of tness competitions, in order to encourage me to nd something safer than ghting. I heard Fitness Star International was a great company to compete and get was a great company to compete and get involved with.

May of last year, I decided to assemble a team to compete—Team Xanadu. Shawn, you took it upon yourself to go over and above to help me out with the team. You invested a signicant amount of volunteer time, working with our team—what was your motivation?—what was your motivation?

First of all, 3 of the 6 members had approached me, for their personal training. This was a good experience for me to witness each individual’s bodies, and to see how differently a person reacts to certain diets and specic training, in order, to achieve a competitive physique. It felt great to be needed for a precise goal, not only training be needed for a precise goal, not only training them, but working on posing and presentations with their dedication and commitment. Basically, this was not all about the money; it was about their success, becoming my success, as well. I wanted them to do well in the show and feel comfortable on stage, in other words, I would give 120% if someone needs me for an event, give 120% if someone needs me for an event, such as this. If their hours were awkward, I wanted to be working with them, regardless, so that as my client; they would feel completely condent getting up on stage.


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So, how did it feel having invested so much of your time and energy with the team and having us bring home 8 trophies attesting to our success?

It felt amazing, especially when the team all picked me up and placed the trophies on top of me! I felt great to have been top of me! I felt great to have been acknowledged as part of the team’s over-all success and made me realize it was worth the extra time devoted to the team’s preparation. The winning was just a bonus, more importantly was the bonding friendships that occurred, that still exist to date.

From that experience, a new team was formed—Team Roberts, From that experience, a new team was formed—Team Roberts, sponsored by Dr. Roberts. You helped in the selection of participants and co-captained this team. How did you go about nding the people that were suitable for the tness competition?

After the previous competition, people approached me, to express their interest and to train with me in preparation. I chose people who were very determined, they wanted it and were 100 % committed. They all had a good physique base. They were dedicated to following the had a good physique base. They were dedicated to following the instructions I gave them and were in the gym all the time, either training with me or complying with their work-out programs.

What was the deciding factor that made you choose to be a participant on the Team?

We had such a good team and I wanted to be part of the positive energy, we had going into it. Many of my clients encouraged me to be a participant. It was a great experience, because it enabled me to have a participant. It was a great experience, because it enabled me to have a better understanding of how a competitor has to adjust to the diet, the regimented work-out routine and still continue with our regular daily commitments. I did it to give me more personal rsthand knowledge and understand when I am asked to train someone preparing for a tness show, what a competitor endures.

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I cannot think of a better way to help a competitor, than to endure the experience of competing yourself. So how have you beneted by competing with Fitness Star International?

What can I say, except, that I’m elated to have won my 1st contest against some strong competition in my category. When I arrived, competition in my category. When I arrived, I was informed that both the short and the tall categories were going to be combined! I felt “wow”, this is going to be a “challenge”, but I felt fairly competent, going on stage. I was even more attered to have won the 1st choice Male over-all audience award. Also, I have been chosen to model for Fitness STAR Magazine—chosen to model for Fitness STAR Magazine—Summer Edition 2011 with SXEFX Fitness fashion along with luxury automobiles.

How has your participation in Fitness STAR International excelled you, in your training of others?

I denitely have experienced an increase of client requests. By doing the competition, I can take requests. By doing the competition, I can take anybody and transform them into a “tness star”. Paper qualications rarely exceed rsthand experience. My winning photos at my place of employment show I am capable of achieving what I hope others to accomplish. I am a rm believer in “practice what you preach”.

Jolene RobertsFitness STAR PRO


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ittle did I know that all of the above mentioned points were in fact what actually made me the loser! During those times,I realized that everyone I tried to impress,

were usually the same negative thinkers like me. This was my wakeup call! I realized that it was not too late to change the way I thought. I stopped caring about what the "KEWL" people thought and started focusing on what the respectable, motivated, positive, and happier people thought.

I joined a gym for the rst time not knowing what I was I joined a gym for the rst time not knowing what I was doing; however, I did not let that discourage me and I continued. I used to look at tness magazines while being blown away by the models and competitors. “Not in a million years would I ever look like that” is what I used to say. I always looked at the built people at my

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gym and wondered “how do they do that?!” I would talk with them and eventually realized they all had one thing in common to say, which was “It takes time”. I kept at it and as the weeks, months, years went by, I slowly started to notice new people at the gym look at me, it turned into people asking me questions. I realized that not people asking me questions. I realized that not only did my hard work psychologically make me feel fantastic, but I had now started to become that “physically” inspiring person in some people’s eyes. It was the best condence booster in the world. As I continued, I kept on feeling better and better. Thinking positive started to really make me feel better overall. I started to wonder, should Ime feel better overall. I started to wonder, should I take pictures of myself and post them online?

A few things crossed my mind especially as I was very shy wondering what people would think, I also did not want to put myself in a position where I might get criticized. I put pride a side and went for it. I took that big risk that I was really afraid of. Sure and behold, I started to afraid of. Sure and behold, I started to get all sorts of comments, of course some negative ones but guess what? I also started to get POSITIVE ones! Ones that I never thought I would ever hear, especially from all over the world. Now I realized that my risk was actually not that bad after all. It actually fuelled my that bad after all. It actually fuelled my motivation and kept me going. I now wanted better pictures (Not in front of the computer). As luck had it, someone saw one of my “self taken” pictures and

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Proudly sponsors Hair and Makeup for:

Fitness STAR Model Search

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"Never too late to achieve your tness dreams"


ITried to make healthy food choices and eat clean to

’ve been physically active for as long as I can remember.I played Basketball and Volleyball in High School I rantrack in grade school and I’ve had a tness membershipsince I was 16, Gold’s Gym how could I resist! I’ve always

keep my body working efficiently. But I never considermyself to be an Athlete or to be in” Great Shape”. Sure I was healthy enough to climb a set of stairs without panting or condent enough to enter a 5k race with a few co-workers, but that was about as far as it went.

Then I attended my rst tness show last March 2010 (Fitness STAR) as a spectator of course. I was so surprised (Fitness STAR) as a spectator of course. I was so surprised and impressed by the physiques of the men and women competitors. I really thought that people only looked like that in magazines. I didn’t know that one could actually taketheir tness goals to the next level.

That year I went to watch four different tness shows, and after each show I started thinking more and more that it really is possible for the average person to achieve that really is possible for the average person to achieve that level of tness success. With the combination of good nutrition and an increase in your regular exercise routine toa routine more regimented with more cardio and strength training it can be done. My sister started competing and I saw her body change from month to month. I also witnessedher discipline and dedication it took to achieve her optimal results.results.

Last October I hired a personal trainer and decided I was going to see if I had what it took physically and mentally to prepare myself to become a tness competitor. At 40 years old I thought maybe I was starting this too late, maybe I was too old to compete with women in their 20’s and 30’s, maybe the fact that I have a 9 year old, a 3 year old, a full time job and a husband to take care of, that would prevent me from and a husband to take care of, that would prevent me from being successful. Maybe it couldn’t be done, but then I thought why not give it a try, what have I got to lose, and so my journey began.

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After many weeks of 5:00 am intense cardio workouts, evening weight training sessions and lots and lots of bowls of oatmeal and egg whites. I started to believe that I would be able to get on stage and feel condent about what I had achieved and how my body had evolved. I realized that all those years of being physically active had prepared me for this next level of my tness journey and that it is okay to this next level of my tness journey and that it is okay to aspire to want to have the physique of the people we see in magazines or on stage in competitions, because it is attainable. It isn’t something impossible and something you can only wish for as we look at others in “great shape”. But in the end it’s all about achieving YOUR tness dreams, not anybody else’s.

On Mar 19, 2011, I entered my rst Fitness Star competition, and with my kids, husband and my sister, who is now a Pro Fitness competitor watching. I placed 2nd in the Master category (women 40 and over) and 3rd in the open Athletic Fitness category. It was a wonderful experience; I learned a lot about my own drive and determination and I also leanered it’s never too late to achieve your tness dreams!never too late to achieve your tness dreams!

My journey is just beginning I have a new love for tness, and plan on competing well into my 50’s!

Michelle MooreLevel 2 Fitness STAR


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he story begins years prior to September 11, 2008 the dreadful and almost fateful day in which my life would be forever altered and almost cut short. The years prior to September 11, 2008 were lled with change, growth and personal development. I had made a complete life over haul moving to new town, leaving behind a good paying

factory job, a 5 year relationship, and a life that seemed to be going know where with little joy, fulllment, or real direction. The initial move seemed destined to be the worst move I had ever made, for 6 months every possible thing that could go wrong went wrong, and I was desperate to see things through.

This was the beginning of understanding that sometimes the decisions we make for our personal benet are tried and tested, and you get to see if you really want what you say you want. The mental merry go round, doubt, fear, the lack of security, all made this decision seem want. The mental merry go round, doubt, fear, the lack of security, all made this decision seem very wrong. I started to see that regardless of my situation that you learn and grow the most during adversity, this was the beginning of what I am all about today.

After my 6 months of utter hell things started to change. Now it was time to make decisions about who I really was and what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I knew that the factory was not for me, and with out knowing it I came to a place where I was not backward motivated. Meaning I knew I needed money to live but would that force me in a direction or would my passion would that force me in a direction or would my passion for life and who I really was.

I applied to a few universities as a mature student and was really terried as I had no money, no vehicle, no proof I could do any of the courses, so to build condence I took a grade ten math course and could not pass it. Oops! I wasn’t really sure I had made the right decision to apply to university the little condence I had decision to apply to university the little condence I had was waning quickly. How do you face utter embarrassment in life and try even though hope seems to have left you by the wayside?

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I received a yes from one of the universities and it is one of the best. At first I was extremely excited then reality settled in. Not only do I have NO money, no vehicle, no formal education now the university that accepted me was 3 hours back the other way! Well that’s it I guess I tried as hard as I could and to no avail after all the other seemingly impossible things to get me here and now the stopper. The good thing about past successes is if you rehearse them you start to realize you felt the same way through them and now here you are!

The small successes of the past were enough to make me continue against absolute The small successes of the past were enough to make me continue against absolute hopelessness, all the fears and questions, and oh ya my friends, they were there to remind me of just how ludicrous this was. I accepted the offer to attend classes and started my journey. I completed my schooling in the shortest amount of time without any formal money to speak of, no vehicle to get me back and forth, and no money for the motels, the food, gas etc. etc. This experience was the most difficult one of my life to that point, you learn a lot about what is possible in life if you will only be willing to dream and then step out on those dreams no mater what. The years of university and getting the opportunity to have hands on experience what. The years of university and getting the opportunity to have hands on experience counseling was really a dream come true, a great sense of purpose and destiny. That was really the beginning of the training I would need for my upcoming future as a professional life coach and one to face the insurmountable obstacle that was laying ahead.

The day of September 11, 1998 started as normal as could be a friend had called and asked if I wanted to spend the day with him as he was having some relationship issues. I said I would accompany him as relationship issues. I said I would accompany him as he decided to go to the casino in Niagara Falls, although I really didn’t go to the casinos or gamble. We spent the day playing a few games eating lunch, he was losing and I was wining, beginners luck I guess. After we were debating on whether to stay or head back home, we opted for home. The beginning of our drive seemed really long and it seemed as if we were drive seemed really long and it seemed as if we were not really getting any where fast, we stopped for directions once and then away we went. I remember sitting back in my seat and thinking I will just rest until we get near home. That was the last thing I remember until two weeks later.

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The next thing I remember was an older gentleman looking through glass at me and smiling, he was a friend from my local church, he came in and I believe he prayed for me? I don’t remember anything else of that meeting or seeing my family which had been there on and off for the two weeks waiting word on whether I would live or not. My family had witnessed at least two other families loose there loved ones from similar type accidents and were really devastated by the whole experience.

The day after my friend had come up to pray for me I was released from intensive care they The day after my friend had come up to pray for me I was released from intensive care they started unhooking me from the life support systems and over the next few days did a lot of testing and questioning about how I was feeling. With in four days I was released into the care of my family, I was extremely weak, and could not catch my breath. The injuries I sustained were broken sinuses, fractured neck in three places, I fractured my chin in half and both pieces in half, I split the bottom of my chin so badly my chin was hanging out the bottom, I received a laceration to my arm that required staples to hold together, and during my stay my lung had collapsed, but the x-ray was misread and they put the tube in the wrong lung almost killing me.collapsed, but the x-ray was misread and they put the tube in the wrong lung almost killing me.

This would have been enough to survive and move on from but my injuries from the accident were not complete! As I began therapy 8 weeks later for my neck and jaw which had been wired shut, the physiotherapist noticed I was having a lot of difficulties that were related to a brain injury. He asked me about what he was noticing and I told him I had never heard of a brain was noticing and I told him I had never heard of a brain injury but that I had noticed a tendency not to be able to control myself as far as getting angry, but I was heavily medicated for the past 6 weeks and thought it was related to this. After a long drawn out process I received a neuropsychological test and I remember doing what I had done for all the other rehabilitation tests and that’s tests and that’s pray and ask for the best outcome possible. And to this point I was batting a thousand a perfect record except against me, not one of the results to this point had been positive. The reports were piling against me.

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The inability to accept what doctors had told me and what reality was saying was crucial to me not staying where I was and forging on, for had I just did what they said, I would not be here writing this article or completed the countless things that I have accomplished over the past 10 years since leaving rehabilitation. This process of stepping out beyond rehabilitation. This process of stepping out beyond the realm of normal requires that you are unashamed of what you look like, there were countless situations where I looked like a complete fool, I bluffed my way through situations and pretended a lot, all for the sake of a shot at a better future than the one that was laid out before me.

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The next chapter of my life began in the Middle East more specically Lebanon. I went with my family and spent a year in the south of Lebanon living amongst Hezbollah; the town was called Tyre a beautiful area right on the sea. The experience was the most difficult and the most rewarding. Never could I have imagined visiting Lebanon especially since the media had left me with a very scary view of this place and the people. I was able to assist people from all walks of life whether they were Shiite Muslim or United nations workers, people from the Palestinian camps or on my travels in Syria and Jordan. The opportunities to do what it is that I am best at, camps or on my travels in Syria and Jordan. The opportunities to do what it is that I am best at, helping people to see the possibilities in life and to overcome the things that would hinder them in their progress. I must say our experience with the Lebanese people was outstanding!

I am now a licensed and certied corporate coach through the World wide association of business coaches, the International coaching Federation, the society of NLP, and hold more qualications in behavioral cognitive, and addictions. The great thing about life is your next Big moment may be right there in front of you, we just aren’t able to see it yet! Be strengthened and encouraged TODAY!strengthened and encouraged TODAY!

Scott Fleming

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Commonly known as the "seed of blessing," black seed (Nigella sativa) has been used as a natural remedy in the Middle and Far East for more than 2000 years. Black seed provides nutritional support for the body's defense system. The most pertinent point to be made about black seed is that it should be regarded as part of an overall holistic approach to health and ideally should be incorporated into one's everyday lifestyle. In this way, the many nutritional and healing properties contained in the seed can help build the body's immune system over time, supplying it with the optimum resources it needs to help prevent and fight illness.

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“ Science shows that diets that restrict calories can actually make it harder to lose fat and keep it off. Learn how to stop the never-ending struggle with stubborn fat. ”

Being a woman is tougher than ever with all the hype and “newest best weight loss tip” on the market. Celebrity diets have populated the majority of magazines; even gaining favor in television shows. What a shame!

Low calorie diets rave how “normal” people like you and me can look just like celebrities. But do you really want to be starved of nutrients, while your hormones are completely unbalanced, causing feelings of helplessness and depression?


Eating less than your body requires will slow your metabolism, making weight loss impossible and will negatively affect your health. As you have heard, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and yet many people still confess to eating only a piece of fruit for breakfast.


Food is used for energy, cell structure, regulating hormones and chemical reactions. Food takes one of three directions upon ingestion: energy use, storage, or excretion. The body receives energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. If our stores of carbohydrates and fats are in short supply, our body will turn to muscle for breakdown of amino acids will turn to muscle for breakdown of amino acids (stored proteins) for energy, causing muscle atrophy.

“Everything in moderation”. Ever hear that one? Although there is some weak truth that, eating everything in moderation will keep you overweight! Women all over the world are suffering from eating disorders who are clearly unaware of having one. If you’re skipping meals or eating very little in order to lose weight....STOP!! These actions will only make you lose weight....STOP!! These actions will only make you pack on the pounds, sometimes at rapid rates.


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Low Carbohydrate diets deplete theliver and muscle of energy, which causes muscle wasting, lack of energy, and will compromise your health.

Low Calorie diets, while reducing body weight (usually for a short period of time), will ultimately poorly affect your health will ultimately poorly affect your health and in most cases will have a rebound effect. Low calories will reduce muscle mass and strength. When nutrient intake is low, the metabolic rate will become low forthree reasons: Decreased thyroid functionreduced thermic effect of eating, and reduction in muscle massreduction in muscle mass. While reductionsin muscle mass causes a lack of endurance (especially during exercise), in turn will lead to osteoporosis and lack of independence as you age.


Eating every 2-4 hours has been researched to show a positive effect on body composition and overall heath. Frequent eating boosts metabolism, regulates blood sugars and maintains muscle mass.Expert Nutritionists believe obesity occurs from a lack of nutrients in diets. Hunger never subsides as the body is signaling for nutrition to be ingested. We are seeing vitamin deciency diseases come back that haven’t seeing vitamin deciency diseases come back that haven’t been around for decades.Your body doesn’t understand whatto do with processed foods. Diets high in sugar, sodium andprocessed foods do not seem to signal the body of being full and therefore leads to hunger.



Fat storage is the largest form of storage in the body.Low calorie diets, and long waits in between meals, signalthe body that starvation is occurring. With this signaling, the body will turn on the storage mode.

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Photography by Richard Sibbald

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Photography by Richard Sibbald

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Photography by Richard Sibbald

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Photography by Richard Sibbald

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Photography by Richard Sibbald

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Photography by Richard Sibbald

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