Fitting Sums of Gaussians Can model fitting using sums of Gaussians provide an unbiased estimate of galaxy shear? Lisa Voigt & Sarah Bridle UCL

Fitting Sums of Gaussians

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Fitting Sums of Gaussians. Can model fitting using sums of Gaussians provide an unbiased estimate of galaxy shear?. Lisa Voigt & Sarah Bridle UCL. Talk Overview. Can modelling with sums of Gaussians provide an unbiased estimate of the ellipticity of galaxies with elliptical isophotes? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Fitting Sums of Gaussians

Fitting Sums of Gaussians

Can model fitting using sums of Gaussians provide an unbiased estimate of galaxy


Lisa Voigt & Sarah BridleUCL

Page 2: Fitting Sums of Gaussians

Talk Overview

Can modelling with sums of Gaussians provide an unbiased estimate of the ellipticity of galaxies with elliptical isophotes?

Investigate how the following factors affect the bias:• PSF convolution• Pixellisation• Number of Gaussians used to model the galaxy• Noise

Does the method provide an unbiased estimate of the ellipticity of galaxies with non-elliptical isophotes?

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Simulating galaxies with elliptical isophotes

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Modelling the galaxy with a single Gaussian: No PSF, small pixels

Simulated galaxy Model

Exponential e=0.2


15 pixels per FWHM along minor axis Best-fit Gaussian to exponential found by minimising the Χ2 between the images with respect to the 6 model parameters: x0,y0,e,phi,a,A

Question: Is the measured galaxy ellipticity biased?(Bias = measured – true ellipticity)

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Modelling the galaxy with a single Gaussian: No PSF, small pixels

Simulated galaxy Model

Exponential e=0.2


15 pixels per FWHM along minor axis Best-fit Gaussian to exponential found by minimising the Χ2 between the images with respect to the 6 model parameters: x0,y0,e,phi,a,A

Answer: No - bias on ellipticity measured is < 0.1 %(Bias = measured – true ellipticity)

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Modelling the galaxy with a single Gaussian: Gaussian PSF, small pixels

Simulated galaxy PSF = Gaussian True convolved image

Model = Gaussian PSF = true PSF

Question: Is the measured galaxy ellipticity biased?


*Best-fit model

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Modelling the galaxy with a single Gaussian: Gaussian PSF, small pixels

Simulated galaxy PSF = Gaussian True convolved image

Model = Gaussian PSF = true PSF

Answer: Yes! - bias on galaxy ellipticity measured > 1%


*Best-fit model

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Modelling the galaxy with a single Gaussian: Gaussian PSF, small pixels

Simulated galaxy PSF = Gaussian True convolved image

Model = Gaussian PSF = true PSF

Answer: Yes! - bias on galaxy ellipticity measured > 1%Need to model the galaxy with more than 1 Gaussian!


*Best-fit model

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Modelling the galaxy with a single Gaussian: Including the effects of pixellisation

• Pixellisation is a convolution followed by a sampling.• Convolution with the PSF dominates over convolution with the pixels if the PSF is larger than the pixel size.

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Pixel integration

• Modelling pixellated images requires pixel integration … takes a long time!

• Use analytic approximation to pixel integration for a Gaussian image.

• How good is this approximation?• Test by fitting a Gaussian to a Gaussian.• In simulated Gaussian use numerical pixel integration,

with each pixel split into 50 x 50 sub-pixels.• Compare bias measured using analytic pixel integration

in the model image with that measured using numerical pixel integration.

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Pixel integration

• Analytic approximation to pixel integration equivalent to ~10 x 10 sub-pixels. • To obtain a bias ~ 0.1% need approximately 3 x 3 sub-pixels.

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Modelling the galaxy with more than 1 Gaussian

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Fitting the galaxy with multiple Gaussians:No PSF, small pixels

Tied parameters: x0,y0,e,phi Free parameters: a,A

Model = Gaussian

Simulated galaxy = exponential


1 G

2 G

3 G

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Fitting the galaxy with multiple Gaussians:No PSF, small pixels

Residuals=Σ (Iitrue - Ii

model)2/(Σ Iitrue)2 x 100%

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Fitting the galaxy with multiple Gaussians:Including the PSF

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Χ2 minimisation with multiple Gaussians

Modelling the galaxy with 3 Gaussians requiresminimising over 10 parameters … takes a long time. Solution: image is linear in A, so solve for A’s analytically! Removes thin line of degeneracy between A1 and A2.

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Adding in noise

Galaxy size = 5 pixels/FWHM along minor axis

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Bias as a function of ellipticity



bias = e1m – e1

t = m e1t + c

Includes PSF Galaxy size = 3 pixels/FWHM No noise

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Relationship between the bias on the ellipticity and the bias on shear

• Express the relationship between the measured and observed e1

using the equation:

e1m = (1 + m) e1

o + c


e1o ≈ e1

i + γ1t

• If we apply the same shear to all the galaxies in the sample then

γ1t ≈ < e1

o >galaxies + < e1i >galaxies

• We estimate the shear, γ1m, by averaging over e1

m, so

γ1m = <e1

m >galaxies

= (1 + m) <e1o >galaxies + c

γ1m ≈ (1 + m) γ1

t + c

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Simulating galaxies with non-elliptical isophotes

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Fitting multiple Gaussians to galaxies with non-elliptical isophotes

• Simulate galaxies with a sum of 2 Gaussians, each with the same flux, but different axis ratios.

• First Gaussian represents the bulge: e fixed at 0.• Second Gaussian represents the disk: e varied up to 0.4• Perform ‘ring test’ to obtain bias on shear when galaxy is

modelled with a sum of Gaussians.• Plot m and c as a function of disk ellipticity.

Simulated galaxy PSF PSF convolved image

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Fitting multiple Gaussians to Galaxies with non-elliptical isophotes

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Fitting multiple Gaussians to Galaxies with non-elliptical isophotes

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Using Gaussians to model galaxies with elliptical isophotes:

– Using 3 Gaussians to model the galaxy reduces the bias on the ellipticity measured to < 0.1%.

– The ellipticity measured from noisy images is also biased by less than 0.1 %.

– This method should do well on STEP 4 simulations! But…

A first look at modelling galaxies with non-elliptical isophotes suggests that using sums of Gaussians to measure shear may not be good enough for future surveys…

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