fk - _JO,4IIIALELLMAS7OII-: pnricolfrß." . ra' Prertr!E„ Bosttin is the-kapihsk,f -- Mass' the salt of the earth; and krW,lif. anti r ocking hoes at the live Yankee.::.:,. , jt is a city of imniense asitondulleirs, to ..attemps, vast victories and tretnenjuons learning. , 'The intatitable. achoaltuanzi,,l_ kiuriPhOie agitatoi, Hie Warlike debeller, all cum redhot from Boston. I am Playkarded to lektur hereto-night at .Musik but low I shall succeed the Lord- onlykriows, for 1,-a man of no learning; a very poor speller,- and devoid impu- .dense, -and got to. face poets and shallots,' /11042741/15 and sages, besides , lots of with- min, who hay got more edukaahun in one minnlit than Nebialkeneziter had after 999 years of toil and sweat. a shall Probably make a fizzle a' it, but i hare one oonsolashun to cheer me, it won't be mi rust . Fust fizzles are what try a-paella* •if he kart one of them, and not all leak 'eta, then) is hope for him, and also s slight sprinkling of salvaahttn. What hake saw of Boston snits me. - The people are as gentle as lambs, and knosi a stranger the atinnltt they ;it their eyes on. kin BEE , . " Noboddy here, lain too much of ,a 'mini to be civil. - Ifyou have_ loartre - hotel the fast - Mad you meet will waste 2 houriftelling yu,of the different crookiryu lona; take:to •ireach It; and finally konklutletboafest way ~ to tell Ili how to get there his dreveveey7 thing and go with yn: ,• ' . Boston is the coyest - place tow git lost in .1 (with allits morality) tha I have . evikt tried. '-. You kan git lost and not -kno it tilt a hour afterward. . , , •- Tharedon't seem tew be'enny streets that run parallel., They - all seein tew run where they pleze, and every area -has got at lead, . one end: to it, that brings up in somebody's .doorlaid. - 7. " . To l earn Boston one "should - be born here; ... or at least eesve art tipprentlaship hergior 40 or 50 years.,; : . . , Boston. is principally selebrated (just'now ) -.._ for its grate temperance question. J 'Whiskee is as aktualakarse here as hair on the hid of .mi cane. ' .• I haven't dared to ask the question. for - fear of ,heingunested, but i don't suppose, a near alkanjudg.e, that:thare is not a square drink or corn whiskee within sir miles of , the city of Boston, for sale or to let.: What `Oh earth the people liv on for drink is a toys- tery tem. , 4 I Virtew and morality are the two staple krops of Boston. This afternocin lam going to be invited out to ride d'n the mill damm, a piece of fast road - near the city, which IS built in a straight line to avoid the unworthi- - appearance of a trotting track. - - Bunker hill is not fur oph, and I arateued - to stay over to-morrow and visit it, but I have - alus mode It a rule, the ioluieker i kan leave a town, after I have spoken one of ml lek- - . turs,l and got ray money for it, the more . pleazant It iz for my friends to entertain me. -'. I'llinouth rok is likewise sumware In these ajacent - Parts. I would like tew, go and stand on it—the_man who kan stand'on Plimonth rok and not puff up satii is a stonyltuse:N„- Stich a man probahlynever had enny-four- fathers, nor tinny soul, porenny gizzard, nor enny fewter prospects in him. / spent two hours just after breakfast in the ; common - , 4hipli Is an. uncommen fine _liieee- of veritable land, inhabltedwith grand. . ; elms, and lit tip, by day, with happy chil- dren. - •If i had a hi* that i 'wanted tew elevate, in the way. he-should go, the most, I wouldn't undertake the job .miself, but I would take opli his halteland turn bim out loose in the eitV of Boston.' .; < It has been sed, by one of her historians, "that a man once born - 1n Beaton don't hay tew be.born agio.7., If . this. Is-really so, it is a great saving. : k c - Itelicks artf-very CheapjOst now in Boston: ,: II was offered a hemlok Lard, tin feet long, eight inches' wide, and .an inch in depth, taken in onepiecelrom the grate Colyseum, for the miserable .pittance of $2.50. It was Borg sassake-eheap, but it was two . , dollaminore money than i had, and more hemlok board than I stood in need of. .• . ' :Y' Brains brthe chief artikle of•consumption .l "Boston; almost everything else iiltneglek- ted; and tho'; this is a sublime idear, the consequents, is, theta great deal of natural - genius is.oeglektetL and the city is a leetie overstocked With morbid taylors and languid . 'nantamakers: t There is one thing .that i love and- respekt Boston fiir-l-she- lets her, dead. aleep.. in Id' graveyards all abont the City. m 4, - .Pkonsider a man's bones a fast ortg. e . on ) and, that no process but the summons f Gabriel's horn kan-reineve. `:WORKING ortni.P.—"Wriat does Satan pay you lor swearing'?" asked one. gentleman of. another. "He don't pay' me anything," ?nab the reply. . "IVeIl, you work cheap: to laY aside the "character. of a gentleman ; to ipiliet so much pain on 'your friends and , people; to lmfrer ; tm,d lastly,-`to .risk losing your own precious sour—and 411'for •nothing. .You certainly'do work cheap—- , very eheaiindeed." •• 1 F: was a-meeting held. in Petersburg, iVa. the other day, to nomitiate..a candidate ...Ifotdge, and among those. toresent:wis 'one or, e's veterans: The meeting was allarge olie,- and it :was found necessary to make the• -vgters stand in line tdfecont them. The hue 'being somewhat irregtiNr,'. one of the.tellers cried out, "right dresii, "t'vhereupon our !vet- eran exclaimed, "Look , bere,..Mister, "Ifsou tire going t! atart another war you' must count me out Pve.had'etiough of that sort of thing"; and, .with a spring to -the-rear, liEllitidtiTdhublC 74-11Telt - tinie away 'lot': his hOine. riot sottnnb to get. FAjiAT PRIVATE BALE.—AI Farm: con, ntag AZ acres of good Bed %halo Land, Nitwit° inTacker Township, Carbon County, Pa., with - im- ' ,metnents, consisting of Two Dwelling ,Houses, Barn; Wagon tilled, Spring Rouse and -Waal Ilduse: also, u spring of.never falling water: con- venlent to the house; Malittnoy Branch of Lehigh Yalley Railroad passing through:- convenient to - school: good mar :eta afthiu two an three for particulars inquire of - GEORGE BO DY op the premises, or to E. F. BODE ,; villa. - Dec.ll, '14,-40-tf :" - COB S 1 E.—A First-eta:a White A..ah Cadet' , " In LT e . the :NI atianol- Goal Field, lease 13 years to tun. A Splendid Farm, :XU acres, on the, Suaqueltanna Ricer. . . A . twenty feet lot in Second StreeVinitable for private residence. 1 Tocen lots in Alalionoy Clttr. 7 I i.. - - To LeaseL , -31airunoth likidntore and Pritnrose Vans; near Alatianoy City., . !. For itent=Als ollice in Silver Terrace, ' Mlv to FRANK CARTER ° to Agent, Silver Terrace, Pottssitle, I' Rapt. Is, 'OS).-36-tr. i i A 'RARE OPPORTUNITY 'Ts. OBTAIN: A - GOOD COAL LEASE.. THE LOCUST DALE COAL CVSIPAITY ' Offer to lease a portlon of their Locust , Dale Estate as yet nntOuched.inthe Ashland fitusinOf the Maim My Reeon, containing the MAMMOTH, with the tinder, lying and overlying veins, in very fine condition. .Application to be made to OEO. Elms, .President; No. 110 Broadway, New Yorkitu dr to.i Jan..1,'69-1- their Agent at c. yorts7llliTh. 'CUR SAlsE4 c Farm of MO acres with . latptove- I molts and eiteateou thellne of theitebnyl- kill and Susqu MIS Bolin:Ion:till miles from Pone-' villa 10 acres of the landare under onititratiog, 75 acres are -coverts! with chestnut sprouts of i years growth, which would make exaßimt_prop Ur4Per .cree arecovered withheavytlinber.. The bapenve- merits consist of a stibitantiel h a nese Striae Barn, out houses, and a LIM saw mill w waferPow- er. Stock consists of hems, cows; grain, t*r, and farming Implements. The price asked can be real- ized from the timber Mane. Terms easy. _Applyto JOHN M RRr AFER;Esterly's 'Z=n, ergo FERGUS G. FARQ,UHAR,To. 1190 trastreet, Pottsville. Asigtret 7. VALUABLE) EHOPIIIRTY AT PHIYATiI v SALE.—Vue-twentlethInterest ils _the tract of Coal ln4 In New Castle Township, Schuylkill On,, tknostii as the Pott A Bauman Mlia.) C0n14141138 about .120 acres. -._ A ,1.1 A tract of 220 acres of COAL and TAMER, LAND, in Riley Township. I i .. Valuable building lot s on Ilabintologo met. , A splendid lot on iitenuTl4lll Ave4‘ftige c tloe the Avenue, and 57 feet front on_Ch . '. One-fourth Interest to the "Coal of land in Schuylkill Township, to elosst tile. e of ;the Lae Mrs. Sarah Hart.- I Apply to . HENRY O. RUSS Real }..state and insurance Agent, ISo. lb -bingo St., Pottsville, Pit.. Jett.), i I-1Y rail BALE.. t , . 4 : , TUL rotioartao !. i L MINING MACHINERY. 'M One nigh prextme Cornish The c i t %ni•Vihnik_leUgine. ' ' 34-.lnch ..viltaer 7 feet stroke, ono on WU Complete, ...and 2 line of pumps BD ids each_ i one 18.1 inch theother I.4.4nettpinnger. aaoheeven reel stoke. 1 .. . LE IO,--OneWltulingEnglaets4nehcYllinter4tert 1 stroke with drum-searing and boilers ommia*, ,—Four seta Breaker Machinery. i ' - ' 1 &a,—Mithree-tontstopeWagons;ueivrtiy •• for 4 feet track. , ; i nsist, .- 1 . ALLBO,.-One 10 . feet Fan and Engine with ' : boner emendate. . , ALSO,—One Hotizontal Pumping Mach' Vt l:lll42 4fre gis siOinti r :akearsaaal .bc'bi, 7.°,1 - 1Dfeat *truce. .._ . ..•., _ 1..... 1 The above machinery has been in leAlee; 'lndia tni good working order... - gatqnoz V. SICTDER. - 311z4M4itOOLIf*-11-44 tows:44k PL D °MING- MILL BOW 414.14.1k.--Tbei ender ROLLING-'MILL Mimedcomer . for sale the .** MOUNT . CARBON, ~ ROLLING AIILL,". located at. McNutt getters, •Itees .•• Pottsville, Schnyiltill County, Pa. ' , . , , ~..., The MU contains 4 doable rortfal r a -- heating ninsaets, I train ledneh g in ped. . '11 , 012. rmerchant bar fil le t itralM Phe _Ablis 72 Inches In lenstn by 24 outd eu other, machinery tor-the matinfaotureoftbealloviedescr non of Iron. Timr* and lin fors larepro- pelted byis rem 'engine of ISO : the ter MiliVr S horizontal 01= , oleo end the remainder of the .ourch 0 . , ingtheare, fan, de., by 2engines ee wed to tkorts., Rosen :e.t9ppeettrei i - i-` - 1 .. t as y tot Isuing' which tower an areß of over : 7t square feet., are Mites artthe fornaettland Itsg they cordabi)of tweet 4 ' 1. roost substaausl ostorterand centred' ik ; waltehlafromthe .. sower tame convenient 1 I•Mnotaltc sztt - fisr sblventist -r_ I - .„4114OrditiallolklId=uteessot to thal MOW*. . .111.111, nib iirt &IWO "Of and - WOOMIA Mao' ~ --t; iodiest, inea boo= cil =oonvenPart ro d t 4 .• .. , ' rt .. 'UM Oa t le honeseslad All -tread mestorith a tat . , --... .., k , out Amor-1U NM the - L - 41. - .---- a p - iteoiftec eta wedy. or tmve rota water.' -- * am ' saw *4 stout eessin7 wall lirsese. ,, limn Inr.the, anO=lo‘ l7ll 4 0714itaniti- ' -facture Otirosi. the such as Is . sem. ___=l"a;t 6 6 fythe best valley Isiolocel this vichtler The htellitheof t ' t . 'MEV andds-tdirser -Tay tbolEttedirag soda* "mamasor, by the SchnYllall Canad. -• ' The fitiiht y °MonConsinated In the fir . ~ _hintkii,AIRIONAIIR . - ..t.,.._ 1 w iles " ! -so IL, - . e. '-. -r. , f d ', per, .:f. , “, t Ax :14: ,eteC r illarniA BAR'rt) Mart d* i .• i i Tts. X, 'TO - , El IMI MI MI I 4 t BEM h e _ CpPlCall OP MPS& PAP= ii&NICr,IOI -4211) aavounneiT Nc NAssatz emu" raw Toss, Febtusr7 15th, /1121.1* The remarkable memo arthai attended ow 1111 0 . bake:La the ...ostke of the Czarsti.:Paavic Bans *oar, cold.asi and the Waselba Pam= . -SOAP Catreaxv. and the ty . aad credit 'vow* Vase Lomb have nada lb the taaateta, both is this moan' aaa shows that - the Int=• 13auls e; atathe and 'reemati.bAba as the idvantateotat loan Uneabaatilk'4leld.hti a- more liberal Vienne, than coin UV& tar be derived from Aic - tiamen{ ionds,-(sid aviimbie Lo tali* nipix Plans Amoired Mil, in the selection and JD* o#ll o , od eoperlar-Itellived Lowe, we sin 'meth* w Fad pobito went.invinnideting valtUbleeect*W-boUt lithe !widow 4il 01*W and to those peat , Idstional Sforki.# Od inland met whose intrinsic metit end eubitantial chinwiter entitle them to the use of Capital and the Coadirdence oti Investors—we now Offer-with 11Pftha confidence tad waisfaCtion FERST MOBTGA,OrZ lIONDO Or TEE 'Cii2o3 - APE.VirE it-01310 RAILROAD 06317A11r The Chesapeike cad Ohio l!hafrood, exutifetingthe itlantio coast and the magnificent harboeS of the Chesapeake Say With the Ohio Steer at a point of reliable navigation, and thus,, with theventire,Tisil-.. road system and water ;:raziePortsilonl ed th11 421 1 0 17 West and Sonthweet, forms the additional - East and West Trunk Line, so imperatively denumded for the accommodation of the immense and rapidly-lower- ingtranaporUitlon between the Atlantic seaboard and Europe on the oneband, and the great produ- cing region!! of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys an the other The Importance of this Road as a new outlet from the West to the sea magnifies it into one of national itnisequence, and Wit:tree tj:, It an extensive through traffic from the day of its completion; while, in the develppmeht of the extensive agricultural and min- eraLm.odicee-of Vitgin la and West Virginia, it pie- sesses,gongits own line, the elements of a large and profitable local business. - . Thns the great tntereata, both general and local which demand the oompletion. of the. CitseArzsl4 AND ONTO RAILROAD bathe Ohio River, at<ord the guarantee j ot lawman and Value;andander tt tiae moat Important and substiallel Railroad eri• terPrise now in progress this country. Iu eupertorltyas an Zinn and Weetronte, and the promtsc of an iMMOUSO and prbfltable trade await- hie its completion, hare drawn to it the attention and-co-operstion, of prominent espitallats and Rail- road men of thie,City ofsound judgmentandknown integrity, whose connection with It together with that of eminent citizens and businesia men of Mr- fits and M7est Viminia, insure an energetic, honor- able, e and stnicest. 1111 management. Roa4 Is completed and in Opention,trom, l'tichnsond to the 'Celebrated. White Sulphur SPrings of West Virginia, 227 miles,. and there remain bat 200 miles (nowpartially ecnitrticted,) to be comple- ted, to carry ft to the proposed iermlnus on the Ohio river at, or near, the month of the Big Sandy 150 miles above Cincinnati, and 350 miles below Plttabnrg. ' . 1 . Lines are now projected or in progress through Ohio and Rentnchy to - this polut; which will coigiect the ChesepeakeSnd Ohio with the entire Railroad-- systems of the West . -and South rest; and with the 4 , Pacific Railroad. A its valuable frimehises and superior advantages. will piece the CECEI4.LPEASZ sett Onto Ressaoin Cciirtawv imong the richest and moat powerful and triortworthy corporations of the country ; and there . eteis s present valno, In completed tread and work done, equal to the entire amount of tbeiziortgage. . The details of the Loan have been arranged with . sfiecial reference to the wants of all classes of Wiest- ' I ors, and combine the various features of convenl- ence, safety; and protection against loss or The Bonds are to denominations of •1000. 1500. and $lOO They Will.he issued at Chapon Bonds, kilobit to Bearer, and may ha held in that form; or The Bond may' be registerea 1q the name of the owner, with the coupons renialitinii payable to bear• er attached, the principal beirig traitslerable only on the books . ofthe Company, unless re-assign- e;.l to bearei; DVEILIC SALE.--The following" articles will.be 1 sold at the residence of the subscriber, in North Manhetm Townsllp on the road leading (rom Cres- sona to 114inersvil e, %wile below. Westw otx.l, known as Allson's Farms on . : MOSUM Y,' MA liCll 21, 187 O; f ' :Cointrierielng at 9 o'clock In the forenoon'Nle: 4 mares; 3 of them good family ultimata, m Nles one an extra good leader, 0 cows, 2 heifers, one of which will be fresh in April, 4 shoats, s slot of thick- ens, 1 Willy carriage, l two-seal carriage, I sulky, 1 heavy spring wagon, 1 milk wagon, I heavy two horsawagon,:sleigh two hometown; I clan_ 1.family sleigh, I milk, 1 heavy 00,4 log sled, 1 mow- ing machine, 2 horse rakes, hay ladders, hoisting Cork andrope, l fanningmill, licutting bench; 1 feed Sloughs, harrows , cultivators, roller, riding saddle, bathes., log and other chains, wheelbarto*, hoes, forks, axes. 40-gallon .tron kettle, milk cant, =ter bench, tool chest,-.I set of >blackswith hot bed aasisand frame, band cart, SO bushels. early Goodrich platittag"potatovi, and 'other Norte. ties. Alms lot of choice_ garden seed, sad 'iniatt3r other articles too numerous to', mention. -- On sales amounting to Ten Dollars or upwards. six Months credit w ill be given bytho purchaser giving note with approved security.. , - 1- - GEO. PAXSON, 11.13.—N0 intoxicating liquar_will. be allowed on .the premises upon the da3r.of 5514.. - worth Manhetm Tovinshlp, 9 . 7e1) 21, Ili , 10-ill• The coupcnii may be - detached and cancelled, the Bond made a perraarf Ref/leered 801111, tmnsfers- ,ble only on the books of theiCompaby, ind. the in- •tArest madepayable only to theregfahaval owner or War attorney. . The three classes will be known respectivelytts: Ist: :''Conpon Bonds payable to Bearer : " lid. "'Registered Bonds with Coupons attaeliedi" fd. ': Registered Bonds with 'Coupon* 'detached and should be so 'designated by CowesPomUnkts Specifying the class of Bondi desired:. ' They lased - thirty Yews to rite from January 15. re 11450,Nwith interest at six per cent. per annum from' I.'covembei• 1, iMe. Prinntpal'and Interest payable 'gold In the city of New York. - timber. Tile interest payable In hfay and lgoVintiber, that It may tape the Olsen:of theta the earlier Li- sties of Flve-Tyreuties, andsult the convenience of 'our friends who already boil Central and Western Pacific toads, cith intermit payable in jaunary and July, find who maydSalre, in making additional Inveatfoenta to have their intereil - reeeiCableat Mt- flint seasons or the year. LIIIIII.BER YARD. I. ,• ' ' SILAS 'BALL ` ;& . 3rxertcnA*rs, COAL STREET, NEAR MR RAILItO4D REPOT,. POTTSVILVE, PA. 04 Have c eup onatent ly Ito stack full pltot ell Mode -••• 1- • • of L UMBER, aril to eedsotted„ at. loweot -tharkr prthea t - rt ill : . f . we arereporetl to ter- 115 11Pb*n thVnd c i f otg i ft l :t ' the loirestetholesale ug- For east* patetuieter Itheratfiseciunt slilTered. Jan. 21, 70-01;tt. . . JOIEN A. _OTTO...AZ:Mk. The Loan is secured by a mortgageupoti the entire Line of Road Crete Riehrebed .to the Ohio River, with the equipment and'aii iliner property and ap- purtenances coinzected A Sinkini Fund oT 8100,000 per, annum is provided for theredemption otthe Bonds, Yo take effect one year after the ethripfetion, df the Egad. The mortgage's for 115,000,000, of which i3,000X00 wilibe reserved and held in trust for the redimp- tionof outstanding Bonds of the T . /milers pintrat Rafb:dad Company, new merged in iiiettsu pftazt A-xi) Omo. .... ... ~.. . ~ , -„,„.: :‘,-,.• -.,-,•:,.._:;:-.,‘. x4i•:.. ,--....., •.:, ~ .., .-... ..,,,,, "Lt - ii - Nll3 - E. - :" - 'R' ..v .. . MC2I Of the rental - 10ml 1113,04,000, sufficient anmunt win be sold to complete thirroad to tbe Ohio river, perfect and improve 'theportion now in operation, and thoroughly' equip the !hole fol. a lane Mid ac- tive trees. Jan 16. 10 s-eln CORK PINE OTTO lalitllElL FILBERT (WTO'4 MILES, " manntacturem;d and :Th, present 010 . 41 Is 10 azascsnaltd interest. A Loan eo amply secured, wonr4l l7 it carded. east so certain hereitter to command• s prominent place among the favorite ie4nriths la the ,nuakets, both Of thle nountry aid guiope t wlllbe at °nee &p- -ro:dated gild quickly abeerbed. DEALERS ./N,l LUMBER. Nr11.1.14LU5P08,t, ,, 410.1q4.: NW on ONnal, ,west of Maynard &Bee .41 ' 11. Box, 201 201 ALtpotAseo.lL July 410-814.1` 'er r , nrseevtfally, pBT a r LioN 1.81;13LIIEB YJ►BD' ' WM:BtUCBLFX, Proptfetor,' FIBS & HATCH, BattikelX Wh*Pie Priger.in lands Ot Feb 28,10 MI %mug, Ranges,: kt. Feb a. PPP NEW ;8°11.114111114 soxoillow InooizE.S, groat, 'us a 4 Bonne 1,44,2441. w min, 24; SSWCadre cwt. mua4ciuPnlEG N b. FR C CO, Aod all Ends of A number e.. mai STOVBS, whichbe bed id imodente prism lie Up abobeesVamentsbedt 1110== s's& Wiped esed Heederats.• IMBeoome.OU Tebbe ii.tui ttitateber i t ii r , ei c ps Coil , oll llMAtebresCant a end all Obiernere. . Oeidletak •iigPaaie. , , . , itastir=ras• -rrUP' —l4 --..g qumegto ki, .. .. sad, i____. I y. II I= .4careiervi all MOIR* 40111(0101:: Mi rstoes4 ..f; 11.11-4144t0r --- ' . 4iii_l*,- v. -i. MUM= . •• .1 Tat iroLLowpgesTßZlT coliparmi .THE march 9' MI tXbliriNGE 110 TEL, tUinti, giquors. ti. C 11" -.ES LOGUE, -.-. ' :• ' I 1.: 'DEAL= IN:.. : FOREIGN - AND DOMESTIC W INES . AND LIQUOIO3, : I . LONDON BROWN STOTT, ' :EDINBURGH ALE. and DUBLIN PORTEB Se. Iti 6042 . 1 , Strut, Apposite tit Maeda's" Mame, ---._ ; Manille, Pa. ' . , :ALSO inners Pon *MI NIAG4RA. STAR BITTERS, 1 Sara Iteatady for' Ihispepsla,) lIERB RS; and , ;• - ' .- ; MILLS BOURBON WHISKEY' _October 17, '6B 1.,.i--- ; ! . 42._1):: Regal garbs., C. P. fi'MaTIET. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boom . No. is, Esterly's Euildlng,'Centre street-, ' Jan 15, 'lO-3-1y) . ,• Pottsville, Ps. HENY C. dB:MAPES, ATTORNEY-AT LA,. Otlloe, 1.5.5 .:eutrt!'l3l.,. Pottsville. .May 2.2, TIV . 21—tf I A..:11. PAESSMOBE,_ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; J,. Potts - kJIle, Pa. ()ince. No. V bitattintango Street. opposite Post Office. , Aprll3, 'W-14-17 GEORGE KARTICHSIB, ATTORNI6II-AZt LAW, Pottsville, Pa. °Moe, '1..;al.a Centre ht., nearly oppoelte .111nenr Bank. , April 3, BENJA.IIIIN B. 111c4300P. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Orrice, Mananuingn ntreet, above Centre January 1, 'iv . , I.—tf TAME H.CAMPBELL,A.ITORNEY-AT - LAWi J Rooms L5 and 16 resin budding, No. QC Walnut zitreet, Philadelphia. an 1,; W.m. B. IngTH. NITORNEY-AT-LAW6 Cent.re rogaville. ra. - Januaz7l, 'Tc! , 1— ANIXL D. DILLMA.ISI,' ATTORNEY-AT- AI LAW; Yvtteville. ra. Ottice, tio. 9 Makuuateato street. I , , January 16, 4111--3-4.1 ALB.EST IGNITTLA ,ATTORNEY AT-LAW: Mee, No. tat Centre tstreet; Pottsville, Pa. All claims promptly collecte(L. ' October 16, '4lll-44-I.y N. AND AFTER APRIL 18T. 1889, O. P. O BRCHIRL, Atiarney-ac4.mir,aui beseenat his new anew, Esterley corner Centre and Mee. tiantongo Sine% Roam No. tend 6, Immediately over the Govenunent Bank. ltneehl7; oar rIICORGE 0821.11BERS, (Late of the Vhsinbers- Bar,) ATTUILNET-AT-LAW, No. 12 Mar. k01411r002, rotteellte, ra. [ Nov. 0.10-4S—bu t. LAW AND COLDNCTION 017 D D. --CHRISTOPHER LSITLE. ATTORNEY AY LAW ANT; NOTARY PUBLIC Porravratz, Scstsyuctat. co., Pa: Sept. I, 'c -1-17 -, S jl / 11 1A LICE TATS%WI Z E AID T 4.22113E1/ 1131 0 1T1C1.15/rEit, 0: _ 4l raaaarrrosiao Br.,PreersMlX, Pa. Spears). attention given to aubaslll ooll in thesbove breaches. Bails* large experlearsk and promptness guarantee& AXWeetleas especially. solicited and will receive loarrsaillirealiention. January 1, 70 , - , . liminess gado. P: We of the eels vanio ' Bt4sto 'illTrOsourva. enk , tads, tame, /Ba. 8, 'E• T.,_,QIILIsITCR, ENGINEER sad ARM- .tin, TRW, 171/ Centrostreet, Pottsville: Filet, Elps. Sincanans and Eftlaraiss made of ovary tlasariptLon of banding& —An:imtrisg_ La Ala various branones attendedW . Janlll.lo-+11: POLLCK. COA.LACI -W . L—Oesos. IiPIVWre and, PotariOls. WRITE snit OEXT.ASK COAL bouglit &AA sold osi Cassails• PUtissi4ar ution lA* ta Use trlttnie air at map ana . . JOl7 CIXOIOII I. WM/WM. , A.. 1. arIINAN cTSANOHALIXKIHRIN ___ cavu. A.ND 0 2DI DagAASN' ,"! AND D AUGUa F. In Crimps Aram, PastovlALAlslistelisi _lamina 1. '79 tr iilnl2" PClvill iatiniiirlk ~ andDisposteColautskaad szusilneslLLtw . '-iXitsam—Bannizes ;11fi1dlitg. Centre St" !wolfs —Epsom& Church. , 1 1.. -Jou I,'6o+l—- , Hemlock, Oak and WitiniPlae Lambet, and altisys: has an band a Lase lot of Doors. Moldinp, Iniutat! team* Scrawl "awing mai inicaletke aoneatt iboit notice. Also, =tractor and baiktero: Attend to Mattisliallroad Location and Construction. TopoirtaSorvglal<And al ethic wort In the line thnintel—Cieer Bright's hot 10-.1 'L . :Ar.'vntnutzr. BANNER; leo cage. saw*, Pottsville, ra :zigAlzin r COT - SILVER, rasitcni wrziLisoz, maw stets AMY mugs 110.111D8,- MN= iiken ; go 01 11 irpoorrasiziuirr sTocrriM" r atid sold at tbi New Tot actin - et Muds:Lai the 4111411) ; ataxyricrupats gain status Ett All Kinds of itsimberiOr Bridpf&Biesii!nl;l+ AUX4sda'qf ad nether* to prder. ream. Awurz tia,l4.- Dow% "- -oitiest I.iOn4mir, aPpalluitkr _1X014114. Ividu; Ounti las 1/04ffit i f ini Zat• 'palm ith• na huillivratrolluas. WOODZIVIIFAIIIirTANZL! r A 3 Igm& to itt the ' -.7"; '1 t ,- -• , ! 1=•;! shoit, nottot suitable. kr trinta...-DlSPies,- •. , imuntor4.4'l l r., *atm &um= aoiligia, item anima runtralliuml 311. . 4 111 =Kaitik.' , ..„ , . l•liks 4.—__ 1.. immet p 4 .... .... - ~..„..,.....,..,. ~;:.;;, ,,..,...,,.,._,.,..,....-i, t - ~-.._..-......,..i.,-..,-;;.7.:„„7,-,...„-s-.;,vv.::..,:, ti...:.„...,..„-„,„- 1...,..,...,.: ,.. 4. ,.;• .:,..-_-: ,., , - .'.::.:- ; -'2 -- 1._.,, - ,!,, ll•vot!Os_,.. c ,•11* .401.edscr:. 0 .,Iff...ii. ,r, F9,1", ...!?. - "Ti. ,:."_ l ,, v1i!...' ,. - _.;..,;:; - ., _,-. - i -`.- --' 7raziiiith•thtto ,- :iffutnaistvAtikia '''': - :4104- mosersii. ; -'. T - 4i.Bir4 1 - ... . ---,,,i4r.;-'; -,-. -v7 WEEN *•24PICOgi '• - ,- IOWELN.. . . . :44. 3 , :-‘..,.• :':•••'.'::; ,•':'.'`, 4 .. ; , , , ,ir , : .. ._ ..:, „..,.:. , ~..:,....;; _:„ .:-.r , ,, , ,;. , 4A , ;Ti, ,, , --, .:,, ,J..:, :0 - ~ :i.• - -! - ''.'!' l '-•'. ' J.: : , L Akeialoo - iii of sll.l*.isaipt* White-Giedsilifir At LOVitli PRIM' than -ea :be add' einswberse^ ,- 4. ,,,, . . ~. .rl _:. , _-,,.. ,, i „., - ~,,,...-,.: C1141403-CIIKAS ,. 13 . .Pottamlt e ..' atm ._. ~, , .„ - .. . ~ _ , THO -474 ple , 4)0;111(011k, '- s 7.0 First' •:,• - et, or VIZ 4trini fr-0046 1 061 1 kag l ia r 16041.1112 QUAIUN *ACC or my on naibd.S.Polt -oriOrtria_ I Cli 4 OnirraPki,.. sui - hind I =4 l tanBl4lll *./i/l i ig r ''::1141* -111"46* : •• - )30D* --- J P. . •H. •. INSUItA-NCI , - , i :-,'":ising. l ' : -•-••••4•••••••••.......:W............-..../' :71TIONONFIr_ _ Nsldak WM% mad llassodilarlavi (lOW ;!. «•. t— , ----- 7! s:o c om7i.F. Salesglallsedia."4---***#:-1• ---- 7 .. "- I .....---":,....;,.: Dise.ses,s3 141.111r.11 "--- "------------. *-----:-.T"----.7. " 7 "H -717 = -"----7:7-7 ... ......1..:..... ...'-'—' . '1411M 711.5 144 1111r 11 ' .; ~...._A mmo' es Putima Stew.7llsrlibei..4.—. ," ...—.—...;...:. 7 —.—.---..., . , 1 7—!--17- .. . :,..,.... 4 , gamut= 7 SesisMallsrart ramvark...:4—....--,-----•------ 4,--: - """"rr 7. =L - ...? sis wie 18 ' inkimmapirw..........:..................------,-----t-, -'t ,--,-71 - 7 - 7-" ... .. 413113 es Siblal_CW/cnolly lreek«-----" ------"---* .." --17.. .:7 :21 - L...:... --- amkaga in Kara Jaminas allIIIPri•—•----"----"---- -- - ' 0 •:_.._'.....4.---. ' ///411.1 sI - S1 Norideb. 0wa0etkat.......:.....--,.:......._._.....-_—..--.---i••• !T , ,1 . . Tata 11400111.-----.—,,,;-----«*•;:—..-+ -r---t. ' /.....- 1 Pir . t.la/lasAtteationsiTesi co si of Coal Sne akers. - -..J1M14.M11M0 07 /aly 19:-Itni WIZ) AND SILVET , 13.0113. !~I J WALKER „& PRICE 98 , N . 7 Drum 1 -HALL,' mANBASToNcia. STREET \VIM., OFFER, FROM Tills i - ; - •;• •. ! !. ANY GOODS . FROM THEIR STJPERIOR 1 1,EftTOCH,',1 .AT PRICES „. LOWER THAN GiCkEt) 13A.SIS. GREAT: REDUCTION•Iti, PRIC-ES. , 8 cent* andlsp. , .IILACK COL'D ALPAOCA'B. SILKS, DRESS; GOODS,,of 0 .., kinds. NOTIONS, egc., r v . Come and 'see for yourself- 4 PRICES THAT CANNOT HELP'BUT' BE POPULAR. NEW UNION DRY GOODS STORE IS , THE PLACE FOR . BiRGAINS. . , t 44 'rat HELL" 'SELECT AMILT BCI4IID IDENNi tYLVANTA G RAND i i IEO SCHOOL.; i. V . .1 : An Easilels; ClansloeL' Mathenintical. Scientific : THOMAS PoWLDS, Jr,,Prepristor. , •, L , Artistic Institution,. Iturzaillicx.-Hon. Benj. Patten. ~'' FOR. YOUNG: MEN AND .BOVS, Oct. 2. V. 40-4lm t ' ', 1 Ai Pattlotelr , gootpiery cli4 Pal ... :. . , . . ~...,_ nd . , The ri Term Of the Nineteenth Annual Belgian . . spy will oetamenott on,WEDN-ESDAY,' the Bth 4sy of i ~ (LATE ..mrk.24 ,,, ) ,••,, Nwl. 1 SEPTEMBER., _next. . Pupils reeelved at tirly..tme. r• - •- ; For Menhirs waists' -• .• Center Clare sad Call owhlll Street;4 ...-.. .. I BAY. CIEOROE r mn.s.:En, A. Si., Prrichga.. . , 1 porrsvitax, rENNA -- . ,- ' , rsassices: ' _, •- ' REV: DES.- Mel Schaeffer, Hann, Krenth, I,A3irrEIL GARRETS, troPriet•Or! ,L„ saw, Mithlenberg, - Starter 'Huller,' Stork,Vonrad. APralai .69 . -7" -• - ' -' ' '"'-'''' Bainburge_r_Xylie,Sterret&iri:cruilashanksoix. , •••••• ,_IIONS.--Jordsti Ludlow,sill , Myeni, M. Russet Thayer, Benj._ _IA. Boyer, Jacob S. Yost. tilester , CV- er NlobAlUilinser In Ekictfl.--Jtunes E. wen. James eisi= C. Grove, T. ,C. WOokliskrei Bancroft, Th 0. il=C. F. Norton, L. Hottp.t r E3. Gross Frylilller , (Merles Wfusienificher .I,James Kent , tee A. Co.. din. I- i.JillY4l.;w-m , tl 3nsuranct. Effil i ii , ' L ISCOIRORATED 11151. 'H. '' ' '-- BERKSHIRE IRE LIFE INSURANCE , , 1 prrreFIELD, mmia. Anara - 4 si..iiimazarr. ism. 1.18 0.. . , -. Asets, Poipt., 4, 1869....,-.........., •' 166 $7 Paid datum; .t- ...Li, ...11f600 00 ,- Paid dividend on ,guarantee cap- •_,, --,, , .• -ital Mr illffl.. ~. ....... 3,460 co Paid Mtlfra t ith d iv idend...:...:. - ' 14 Bald =webers 6t12 dlvidend...--- Oki= *5 WirftrUelinceled policies... . ~' 611,3117 .64 paid anarliniee =Vital redoeullea; 6,509 in . P , --..- I ---- ,- 7 ---- , . r .!.... `• F 115,1113 74 lids:nee- - ", . ..... ......._.' 3940,032 ID suicstris intifilroliiiie iiro iiic; ilea $l, 1969. Pretniunie and renewals. 251X 1 , 11 / 6 25 ' - ' '' ' - Intereetandrants t goc elv cdandacirted,andpro- 113' •1 0, dt and)eas arootnt.. = ~:' , ,rd innrtisticrivs: ' Paid claitis,llllllvat,Opol- 1c1ea....;-.,,... .... _---065, 742 00 ' Paidoonuniationetoseemisiti,l9l 34', Paid expe nd. salaries, . : , tat KM 73 Paldl et al iterest on guarantee . - ' •• capited...--_ - 2,10000 ' Paid medical examine- ' Ansi; is:mar/I,lM --..-11,SV.0:1 10 1 INTMOTED Ai 707.. L. We: s. , , Unttsd stases mistimed , . , bonds,: pir et., Mi. , , twvaltio....4- 010,09000 ~, - ' ~ 'mime stase** --- Mkt bands.4.2o.l7,parratus 10,1100011 UAL coupon baltdeJ 4 P 4 * 4 , - - - .. WOW , i attocoriaord beprds, 1 ient a:al (ll l 4 l i •- ii iiii Us " cks . . , Rints t ro s per esnt.:----- 14400 04 '' coff.?l7 ken. Tree, AMOS ~- ,:., , ' _ _ Have now opened s eticttce stock of 'NEW GOOtins: for Fa l trade and 'Holiday Season; cordprialng: *a drafts Tlttelleld tlonalßaak etoelti: 0,5000 ' IlatbarasAirtralteralNa - _, tlonalasokraoS! 110- IMMO .• 1110shataladeras mimeo. 1111 0(1 4 al Bank etock,tl , Liana cet teal :ratetra ist ' taottelraea...--..... =you 00r ya ws collateral sad ; i " 714 " 51V)4"41 4 09200 itemtuniLisa OapiAlcleetoiprie, Doss to 4 Reel estate- .zalleAoo CO amok imaairtsTiiii - tosi.- --Inig =tads of egente........4- . . atorcet ateroal larastaseata._ AMR a asagossi.ssaletoama , '4 , Agog, tor., , 4- laminates._ Lome seeraldiarratt . los 1 - Ma -quatiateo : 4 , 4 . z ra. Add erinumetaboada,vocsk above pis; O. stVi.ll iphiliistpa4i.o4".Ne. sief wain% ~. ..' azmizeix,, .A.iiiiiiir vATiaraivorricirxi. -.1 itellabls Asesta,lllllll.llol. 'Antra OM". ': " •i 'Oet 1.8, 11104,111/11!, AMERICAN ai SWISS 'WATCHES, 3PFELIRT,_ )V=,-W_Q__ES4 REL WARE, VER WTABL E ARE, FINE ?I. 4;0-R.I.AT CUTLERY, &C. AbsO, a fine,atetartment•.of French Mantle Clocks, Bronzes,' Engljah,Trenekt andVienna LeaWr and Farley Good*, Of onr own selection the PastSummer In Europe; all of whieltvre are offering at car! modexitte prices. Lamm imuatraAn4o,Az oentrc.' ' TilaiTablw ebelrtigsramicebma a ail L. T r ig. iti Mint& Moo arms 111 4 _Buidliq; a. /LIM. f i b tad sad Maireabiteristo b.... ii.ims -,' . ... r• ,:2l', h a r gall 2 ' 41 irstvj g ail ti“ 14.41116. ' 31". , - 11 r15, tr 6 , .. ,i . New 0rt,J....:-..,•—.. livi Ai jam 1 ' t, . :., ! K. P.' .• IL •, , I ',-;.• ' t- : 311M11111 1 ,Ir* HERRING'S Earn OLUIPION .FIRE dc. BURGLAR PROOF SAFES N. (WITH DRY FILLINGS,) Awarded the Prize Sfedids at World's Fair, London .World'a Fair, New York, Exposition Univeraelle, Paris. . PARMA, HEIMANO, 4. CO., east cumariNtrr arami. RAIWEY °ILL" IPHILLADELIiIILi. =slaws eabigw, !kw Tort. imam, sana rra, !air Teri. J Moen thile/00Th ustiktNait Emil= hire been, sod are now in nee,* ant over efor,preaenringthair six Marna= have I =lthwilihillmusfinal rn MOM tostanoelarbares manyOben itifie w d a- earxfan flan* sass Of cow own andotbar mates hoeing bean reoained in ;art pay fortbe Improved Patent amoploo, for at at loW,rates. 31 11111 =1111. ..; , QAre nicrosrrCOPA.NT.: awszXurf AGALSST LOSS. punotAßY:Fm, int .Accio*r. - THE SAFE ,DEPOSIT COMPANY, iirrizist NSW s Win : MiGLA.PipPIiOOO B=DING N05:159 nun ail Cs~l a~cr seise The fidelity iniurance'Trust _ . ISAIM DEPIXOT .00117AZY. N 4 B• Brelniati ' , ' : Edward W. oak, 31. -r, . Attemseeter aui Sr lacmlifeieb. -- J - ' BtePfkee A. M Cald , well, i Orli*. kfaceleilier : .8=..41r 15117... F 'x ix : : , r* ' '' ' ' .-- lee _,- . 14 .•i. : IC.CLATM___,, -- egoneseuree- Wr. E TON..`Me 111fr.07-*J i A3 / 1 31 W. ArrT. The Conail2ll.= 2o2elafelin theftnewilding iAridVathe -iseerltr egeino foes r 2 -ESre. , 6 ,...,_0r Ajiteleteusf3 AND vA itrAi , ass ON a'k'vm.A 4Wir e GUARATES __ Miorsessibilootos totes. imltide fee el! le!B Pcnuus atutoll other . essitlemOr thoieb3.43l"Yr Su" ' firr2 l . ooo ,Cio= s2llll24l=r - Somlit •.. ,; ~ . vnlarter * •;' Oa g xe 6 - 20 M L t ..•.............,:.• —:—._ 1.2 i per 1.000 at .; - ----; LW peF . 400 ( 1 = mt. rad& uusw' lie ••• :' . . - lriititt, rio! - i to isMet ris=" r .... .::7120 tr. .4800 'DM-itril l ra na 04 11 •11 11 ble- risr :=Venefelly. to bulk. x ' .-- --1! '• ' - 7-- --- " * lig rr l4lll 11eseeltatterM intro boxes.areeba rg e4 sbeala of 134 tel cable to* 1115 411 r; tritapese."ir:7, r- 1 •:•.•-_,••• •••••...; , . extpissiaolltoteneteoll becolleeted, ivies deiliedi 5ee1fw10.4104,1,0 9 -#.almeNi°l', ,1 1.'4 4/"?ent* ' Thi s t o aft% theieelir-: . . , . . wiz rsiniirritg : 7 ' l 2 ,- PR0C4:4741 7141 1 1,1 I=3Ak 777 "13111 ,: , 7. , , ,,7 4tu ; vaieolorriewati., 17 , ; ••.-; - ,1LH: .. 77- - .thosti ral et t ia Wry: --,' ' ;-1, --. 00-• ‹V -.r, , f, : ' r ~.- Ap-.„''',. -,lllllV=Me.O.:, ',a,. 111114, 41 , IN Ms Vire. k r"T C.11:10137ra Ikatult:01 1 M Vet 012. 4 b.., tirtuirof sirodry Write. iotarel ,f,sno- - . seent. inatell out sitins Court of Qum: mon Pima, - Eintinfhllll Ceuta. 811 410 , ifie 40144 ,thereWilt be expoealSl pliblle min ac Outery, rinuag, 4rAzzEr #6, ' at PA tau*. atinimmo. ixr. the Chanhassen, t ri (Ns Boa_st *Mho WO! following m• ‘‘. tomrail eshste,_tolett.: ' All3O-All therlght.l ll4o4ol4ll4o mlol 04 1110 04 11 -* Tauten of. in and to all that !eatidi barn r tme47 ty of situate in Barry tewnshin, Chan. fi lA ang lands ofJorinthanY Xise- Michael Boll es 1 aeresonore or Ws. eritittbe ask easedating of * 24tory.frame with* Pesory Meese kttehsn attache& end ,hern airtimonmehy of fRA.AC YARNALL. - w -a: aICSAIRZL-1.11.14 Magt,asettaln - plesmor 'pertel'at now„ the begs wotrott , Clinton. lieturri. CouWAseanded doserthel me Whom, vied at MMus; by-hind- NM at -John f=alaittleessised,rlMCgorptesa Met 40% perches 1 to *tones, theme MC Clismuel C. - Boyer south met ipereasse testosei,-„ _Mame by Mad VlAMllliltler sad erhere south SW dearest west C perches tostanelletal• of Manner hem? suill weet.4s 4 perches totheplikos 0-(7.hbinM.------to 10 acres. amore 1 1111 No. 2.•;-4111. tbas codas lot wow of st wid, aide in ibe borough at-Fort Cliatook Schuylkill Countyboandednertbirerdly by kstallbm Ash: nustwartlly by lot tafJernei BaMeit. easithward- wrg*moue street, end westwardly...sty Centre pike, tiontlintiret in width /NOS More or Lem,. sad in depth= issgmeore or less, visa the 8 14FITto• 'samosa, consisting OF a 3 OW, fauns direlling.ftogio With stone basement and a• frame simmer kitchen attacbed,anda frame *table; ea thetinMenyoffsahlf I RORN, Jr. _ ALL Mat certain lot or_pitsituate ln the Borough of Ashland, ric 1 4111 p bound. ed northwardly by Middits_........strest. bY street .souttiwardly e = by lot of Frank Di and tn depth 100feet, ank bear . litalro ' n Block 57. on ae = ti or with the 1 .. dwel- a ttinteekstralthe , ~• All those ;;;L; Rms.,. 01 , IMladsituate* earbon„ north modlY hYI OOO Car-1 txm. . , •. . hardly - 1"". in . 414117M03, and in T PIZ less. with the appurto- UMW, '‘" bra 2.lltOrY franle dwelling house,. with ialsth basment, _and a frame stable ;i the of WILLIAM ITILDESILANT: All b landtha n messuageteneMent ann eruct or piece of ituate in 'Union Township, Schuylkill County,adjoining lands of Hugh , BeMie It Co., Philip Rain, .I=hower, SamuelBoone and others, containing el 4 acres, more or lark with attrizpurtettences, ting of a 2-story; mime dwelling Imes. im flame stable end a water-power saw miu as the property of I:CRAM ILFREAs. ALSO-411 those two adjoining to ' or DiDOO4l of t=l ienate on the pontos/mow sideof - PeMock the Township of Norwimilin, Moir in the Borough of Potteeille),SchuylkAll County, 1*(040be lots which are marked numbers 125 and 121 on- the map or plan of the Normal. a re adsitten to Potosirille. - . Containing la front - or'bath on said Peacock street 108 feet and 4 lecher- , that is to i my, lot- -number 123 °cattalos 41 fact ; and 4 inches, end lot number 129 sixty-six feet and ten inches in width on said. Peacock t and are more particularly bounded and descri bed as toll we, Ber m = at poet on the northwardly side of said street, thence b y _ a feet wide alley. whieli was for! merly a part of Judd lot number ras, north 11% de- drum West 231, feet and 11 inches to a iset 13 feet 6 Inches southwardly from the- Mid, of the west Branch of the Mount Carbon Railroad, thence along =itwith said Road north :SS deos;sitist 117 ems by lot marked number Lai - on. the said map or plan, south 113 i degreeseast 231 feet; and 10 inches Ma post °tithe northwariby.sidc of said res- tock street, th ence along it south 00 degrees west 10$ feet and 4 Inches to the place of beginnin_g; as the huirrmtiatiliN BURNISH, JAM TALBOT and ARDLEY. Seizes _end taken into execution and will lie sold by GEORGE, C. WrIKOOP, Sheriff. Sheriff* Office, Rottsrilled February 19.1870 . f . . '8 -it SJatcs: ELPIIANS ° COURT SLLE.—Pcirsunut to an O Order of the Orphans' Court of the Count,' Of Schuyikil, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the subscriber,. we of the Administrators of Henry Boyer, late of the Borough of Pottsville, in the County of Schuylkill, deceased, will.expose, to sale by public Tendue, on Yc the . itifnefeenth day of dfarqs next,, et 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the public house of I. M. Fester .e Co., in the Borough of-Pottlyille, in the County of Schuylkill Aforesaid„—All those cer- tain three niessnages, tenementeand lots of ground, 'situate in the Borough of Pottsville, - County •Of Schuylkill and State of Pennsylvania. No. 1. All that certain messuage, tenement and lot or piece of ground, altuate in, the 'Borough Of Pottsville, County of Schuylkill. bounded , and de- scribed as follows, to-wit: t n the .aorto-lwest by Church alley. 30 feet, thence by lot of Clecregellasiee- ty, in southeastwardly4irection, 90 feet, theses' in a southwestwardly direction parallel with Chun% alley,4 feet, to Sch u ylkillavenue, thence along'aid avenue In a soathireetwardly were 26 feet to the other property of Henry Boyer, doweled, thence the same 62.feet to Churchalley, being the wastnardly Miff of lot marked No. 27, on the plea of Benjamin Potta' addition to the Borough, of Pottliville, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame dwelling house, with stone ft.seruent, and a tiro-story frame kitchen attached, and also it ono-itery. frame dwelling hoes., with stone, basement Mt the rear of Raid lot. , r Na 2. All thatbertain lot or piece of ground, site- ate in the Borough of Pottsville aforesaid,3manded in front by a twenty feet wide alley, now called Church alley, °nth.e eastside by lot number twenty- Seven (0), in the rear by a public alley twenty feet .wide, nowlied Sehayaill avenue, and on the west side by lot° John Halbach,withthe appurtenances, consisting a ono-story frame dwelling house, with one story frame kitchen attached and frame stable, being the east half of lot marked in the town plot of Benjamin Potts' addition to the Borough of Potts- ville, with the number isrenty-eightl23),containing in front 30 feet and i 54 fiet deem No. 3. All that certainframe blacksmith shop end lot of grOund, situate on the southwesterly side of Coal street, in the Borough of Pintsville, bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point on, Coal street, thence toutheastaratdly alone sard.Cold street 32 feet flinches to a ten feet wide alley, Menet Along said allernartheastwardly i 6 feet to lot of =ln Hannan, thence along sense: ty n Hannan at an angle northwa feet, thence southweotwordly by - lot PrGeorge el and eat right angles with Coal street 100feet to the place s' of beginning, being the southward's'half of lot marked In Boyer & Harman's addition to with the number three (3), late the estate Of sald de- ceased. Terms and conditions made known At the nine and place Of sale by " - , JOSEPH H. 618iEN, By Order of the Orpgans' Court, I Administrator, CnAs. Diolamt,' Clerk. , Pottsville, Feb 214. '7O ' 04t, ICP EC '~~ M2SHOU sgs 1=2:1 BE PRINT EEEM H:.H-~ e ~~:7s GWENALL pf SU- imak[pannovaidatitan,roctmna,ra.; unaroot, a 1.031103 aqmoas wawa - C43. Cashbapital and-Assets, $16,000,000 Invaited In the United States, over 1,500,000 1103111 INSTLEA.NCE COMT#A#Y, ' aisw mAvirs, comoccrictrr. Cash,Oapitti, saiickooo Surplus Jan. Ist, 196%, . .•111119,670 95 Insurance to in the best Companies on favor- ableterms. li.osees promptly isti) anct pald with- out delay, - , . (lan 1, is YOUR I.lpn Di THE . . . .• ' P . ' ' 1 - 1 , ' 4 : - ' - IFIXIII, I LIFE INSORANCE COMPAN2,- OP FilidTo2, COLE It 112110IID. -General Agentsand Minnie/ye, Orilcits i . -Nos. 150 sad 15213outthtblit.,Pbllada. A feature In the John Hmteaelt Mutual is, that its Polities are nos-forfeitable after one moment, ,and for reliability, it is ineond to pane. it also pays div• ideals In auM after one ~ We stibridt'll a man is =l t s' whole duty as a husband and father, withoutnair some positive . Provislon'for ' his Wally, in case of his death.' If he Is rich he fa wit, bent mime, if be be poor, the. need Is greater,:and still no name*. Let him mph. pro- viilOn at Onee. How can this be dons? He can in•. sure la this John Haamet, and there is nothing else he eau do that. hi more certain and so sure it' bring -tile promftea fruits. - We wish agents P3r the nnappropriMad.nortions Appenns New Jeney,-. and West Vials. a. ly to DOLE A STROPID, - Oeneral Agents. . 150And L53 South 4tti Meet; Philadelphia. Pa: t Feb 12. 70 -7-10 t 1 = El= o :. siter ,. ......;,..,:-... , -c:.. -- . ...7. 1p .11 .' z, .'''. :y....- ",..." 1 , 4; ::: 4.; v - enissir IMO 30111118 5W1141311 - 1-4 - -.'--:-Jl..irinrrl4llxlll/114417,131I slll sll - •• . -FAMILY.SEWING MACHINES.- oricaostiiv4Y. imw.YOK, I rotinseTNUT &last i' - f . Midnitigrszei 5 44,41alithai fitital: PiFfikicat•Niti Slaof Illocidowy. Mang both- thtesds Is- , the amools.A No fosteatoirOt seams ay, Ladesoad* of *nod. WM* Talkie of otkPli- xstSon iritboat elmulfroof aftjustosess. "The seam Mains, .ts: beauty and, frowi tandsofterr e. a.g op ircil iMorti a lleoblser,Besides those Xaolliolo eurate the montesati audjonOsment. tan dory and Or7. liaD r lt ! l t l Wc*.t. N.IIOOIM, ibitoriffe: .1t41104. *, , 411 WAI3OIII " SEWING 'With all. the lath impresements. mark ort mere lib- Mal time than ear otimir Sewing. liAciater. War& Wheeler & Wilsoauset*tred the Gerd Medal; and the 'aly one, owardedfor met whet Sew- -4.ltachlneand Bet- con-hole Illsellineex- hAtetal. as the. Parts RiPasi", n,- ; c en Arent OIL . well= usetalk- Vdt that see 1 ` Maeb tees all the wing, the Wheeler 4. 3taehtnea as all doingtattoefi stork, mid are giving perfect latlefaction. , .6i.nd we have the greateatnovelty of the age—. ' 101117M0 nee. simple, andrellahle, easily operated, and not liable' to oat of order: Snits everything. Every Ma- Price, 113 G. ' Sidemen, No. llabantonto Week nest door to the Postofbee, POte4llle, re., wherel'all are Invited to call strid Ewan:Line 4e machine befOe_lloyinielae- wheYe• 1 __ „W E.STKONeI„ Agent fat• Schuylkill County. airlillatruetloniitiven at the residence of the pur- -1 chaser% withoutextra oharge..- Sec. 4, '414-tt i i a#4o . Ott :3ep.Orti. OW STAIJIPPS , ANDWATCHE JEWELRY.I2I NO. 148 Norm' Mtconto Snow; ocinnsit or (Waiter, PHILADELPHIA. An 'assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Either and Plated Ware constantly 'on- hand, Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. Attend. 411/ - COLID stoma AND SILVER PLAT g Ware of every description and' latest designs; *affable for Bridal OHL., Testimonials, Holiday rms.. era& Prices lower than the regular market rates. Estranrdinary inducements topurchasers; ' ow..u. BECIITEI.., Old Estabilshdd Stand, O.'B9-41-1 y I , :o.7ltlArch sin/OP.-Philadelphia: /934 , . FISHEIBR9S... : 1 93. - Watehei, Clocks, .Jewelry, Wedding ,and Merit Rings(is" K solid,) Silver and played Ware, Lies' Work Boxes, China Ware, etc.' . , Largest assortment of Mason & Rainlin's and Geo. itroois di Co.'s Parlor 'and Church !Organs, Pianos, and .Insicsl Merchandise generally. Watch-repairing by _competent workmen. Call and examine .before purehardrig elsewhere. FIBBER BROTHBRS,I; ! ' lAll Centre Street, Pottsville. - .. 1 7 -Iyd OPENING DAY. Sept. 1, '69 7CitOLIDA* GOODS - _HavingJust returned from the Eastetn markets, I wIll:onen on the Ist of•Deeember, the•tinest assort- ment of Holiday oOods ever offered In this market, embracing both Foreign and Domestic Farley Goods, =eh as ' - ousvp AND HARDKERCIIIEF )30Xt., , -, WORK BOXRS, . . . . ..- , . . ' JARDIMISYR, ~' . BO4UET VARRI3,. . . ' FIGURES, DIRKIM,, &e. Solid Sterling Silver Ware in great variety._ Fine Plated Ware of beautiful derig ir serdl and make your selection., R. C. GREEN, 178 CENTRE ST., near '3,llnrs' BaniWPOrISV/LLZ. POttaville. August .2B, 'Sr ' Zr-rlydw , \. E. -- i.Vi IS LADOMPSA:CO,' - 71 DIAMOND. DEALDRS l ifi lEWEI,ERS.\ warms, arena / 4 Rum **Et ' i WATT ad dEVELILIt . *EPATIED: . - A 602 Chestnut Bt Ml* HAVE always onhand a largand well selected' assortment of wit- km, DIAMONDS, .Ir.waLRY .& SILVER WARE, 18 KARAT PLAIN RENICK of all weights and Slaeii, suitahla for Engagement and Wedding Rings. BRIDAL GIFTS, IN GREATIICAKIETY. Watetias,repalraiand Warranted. All woods sold at extreknely low pzices.: soIicited.C7trYI74I2 " LEWISLADOMVS & co., Dec. ° S2, . & a Chestnut Street. . . i r . . . .. . ALDWELL tk 0 ' C' `• i aL- AC ;,. . . •,. . .P* AF ' ' A -'••••*' : JEWELLERS, •-, -4L .-- A - 7 .- - .'lll AND , , IMPOIITERS OW Cliestnuf Street, Phlialletpliiii, . 1 ... Imo cairix . 1.. -. PIRST CEAS S_ Ei- 010 I) S. Alt 1;114.FIC8IC TABTICiIt or ' ' . GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONBS, JEWELRY,' SILVER' WARE, WEDDING' 51Lt" . 1.7.R, . PLATED ' WARE, LOCKS, •• BRONZES, FOREIGNI, ,f. - FANCY otlsooS: i. ' FINE PAINT. •1• . , . 'NOS, & - c. '..: . ' f ' All persons desiring really line Siticles, reliable in *panty' and ,modemte in price. ere certain to be pleased by our 'exceedingly large and vp.riefI collec- tion. Our stock is kept, ' always fresh by additions from first„sourpes. . : ' . z t otir stotels pronounced one of the most elegant in the world and orty• parties visiting the city are i corOlally invited to call utui inspect it at their leisure. 441,11. 10. - 1 ' . i ti+ly CLARE & BIDDLE. JEWELLERS OD. SILVERSMITHS; . (4 doom below 124 i! . 111f4'CIIZIONVT , STREET, PIiiLipILPHIA :110131:111130, t puD ecessor to L G. 'W•iikia. & . waousAuviso ummonuse DRUGS AND CHEMICALS; PIERFITAIXErf,. DYE STIIPPS. Y.' 143 Cestre 412 . 04 * Thlttavila.•PEliaa * N. k_partleigar litinr o tit‘tatlan given to Pkriticiont . Prow:intim* tat ail I t uf tho IsT•stl night. Feldman" V. gel Ned: Vinectimputs. ,A VOID .QUACKS. -4 victim of club! Impni• Xs; deuce, Causing nervous debility, premature de- cay, &A. has dtsooveredasimple Deans of care, which he will send free to his fellow sufferers. Add mot 3. H. R1F.,EV1.13, Td l.iassau street, 25ew.Yorlt. 'October Itt, '6B' , : 1316SMITRE GOITERINGI3 & CIIRTASINGS ever description,at.reduced prices. via: AR' F Wool Green Rep andTi ep'll 50 per •yard, such as are sellhas_at SSTS Strl Reps,* SI 751 SILK Stri Pal TERRY $ s and npwarto therichest imported. . ~.._ _' 5W15.4 mad IiOTTINGISAM . - . ' LACE CITRTATI.IL PurchMied,sl recent Bankrupt Sales,forsale &el qt Also, a: emnplete atecic of WINDOW SUADFS self-acting flit -neat. and a. full aasortment of Paper ilansinga. G.' L. & .1, B. KELT!' & Co.. - I IMPORTERS, JOnamill 3....1T8 RETAILERS; ' 442 Breadway. saw Hama Street, New Tat. 16.13.7-Puitilture Store•at 061 Broadway, Nevi York. Nevember.TL I& Jon puts. SHENANDOAH IRON WORICE: , The scdseertber Is noir pre wed to baltdSteain Engines, Pumps Coal Breakers, and Drift, Qtrs. All kinds of castings and PR forglngs made to order.. Especial atten-Sh,l'haa., *lon paid to the manufacture of car ."....: wheels. , . 'JOHN . GATHER. IM2 - = Shenandoah City, Jan. I, 11.1—h , . OUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. STEAM F CABPACTOBY. AC. . The subscriber would call attention et to the superior facilities possessed -by ' hint for the various branches of Steam 7. Engine Whiting Iron Founding, and ta ciat the manufacturing of all kinds of ma- chinery for Rolling Mills. Blast Furnacks, : 1 road. Cars, &c., &C. - He will also continue the Inse.hess of mining and selling the celebrated Pine Foft•At. White Ash Coal, being the sole proprietor of this colUery. . Sep- 1, ty . 01W ' GEO. SINY:IDER. 0 ROILARD IRON ;WORKS.. PATTSVILLI , PENN f. The sulkserlbert are prepared to Air- rdsh STEAM and all kinds of NLA.CHINERY - tuad CASTINGS for ~a Wines, Blast Furnaces and Rolling SI lila, and have a full assortment of the most ,approved pasterns for, VERTICA LOLLING MIL 4 ESIiINE 11,17REZERS, SHEARS, PUNCH- -17,.4131 31.A.1111.NTEi. 4 , and all other Machinery requited in the manufacture of Railroad Iron and Barg. , Sept. 1, '0.4-I.lydvr - POTT d VASTINE. porrsvnam ItOLLIIM MILL, ATKIN:3 8R0T11.E123, PROPRIMMI, Pottsville. &binßill Leanly, PS.; , Manufacturers of Railroad Iron (both' e T and street Rails) are prepared to n.u. celve and execute orders at short notice„,, for any and all the ordinary sites in:use. - Ea •liaktut our , own, pig metal, we. are careful to select suitable ores; buyers can t ereforn rely upon receiving In all cases Ant class rails. The smaller sizes ofT 21, 23, 21. and 40 pounds to the yard, always on hand, and supplied In small lots as wanted. Jan. 1, '7o—ly _ _ TO COAL OPERATORS AND MINERS PIONEER. 'BOLL= WORKS The snlyscribertreSpectfully Invite the attention of the busitiess:oommu- nity to their Boller Works on Railroad 4 es, .annl' st., below the Passenger JOepot, Potts- - vide, where they are .prepared to man- ufacture BOILERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Smoke Stacks, Mr Stacks, Blast Pipes, Gasometer& Drift 'Cars, &c., tte. Boilers on hand.• Being practical mechanics, and having. for-years devoted themselves entirely to this branch of the business, flatter thefiXseives that work done at their' 'establishment. will give satisfaction to hlt who may favor them-with a call. Individuals arid Companies. will find it greatly to their advantage to:examine -their work beforeengaging elsewhere. . JOHN T. NOBL,E, Jan L 10-1, . MATHEW RHODA: WASHINGTON IRON. 'WORKS. y I , YDlCE.—Theivorks of the late firm of tVren S. Brother, known as the "WASHECCiTgiN IRON WORICS,'! located on Coal street, in the Borough of Pottsville will be contin- ued by the subscriber In all its branches' via: Steam Engine- tta and all kinds of machinery for mining either coal or ore; blast farm:tees of hot or col. blast all kinds ofrailroad castingsandrailroad car tixt tires of wrought and cast iron; all kinds of brass castings; all kieds of sralthwork, and all sizes of the latest inn- proved pumps, single and dole act ipg. Repairing promptly attended ta and zieatly. exectited. By careful attention to. business the subscriber trusts hew ill receive a share of the publle}saroaage so liberally bestowed oa the late Arm. 4 Jan 1, JAMES 'WREN; ABIILAND IRON WORKS. The Subscribers are now fully pre- pared ttirfurnish:, at the Ashland Iron . Works, Steam Engines and Pumps 45. 7 of any power and capacity for min- y-augz ..-icul ing and other purposes, Coal Break- ere of every_ size and pattern now in use, to- gether with castings and forsings of everY:delieliP- tion. Coal and Drift. Cars of all sizes and patterns;. large Truck and 'Morse Cars, all furnishe4l tit tire shortest.notice. The subscriber* flatter 'themselves that,' inasmuch as' every member of the firm Is practical mechanic,. they will be able to furnish machinerythat will compare favorably. with any in the Region. All orders directed to J. I. Gattsza, Ashland, Schuylkill County, Pa., will receive prompt attention. J. & M. GARNER. Ashland, Jan 1 E.A.GLE.IROICI WORKS HEI.'Htl" WALTERS; Proprietor,' , TAMAQrA.,.SCHVICIRTLL Having enlarged his feundry and ma- ehlhe, shop, et' the Eagle Iron Works, „Ct ._ Tamaqua, and .thus very materially increased their capacity for turning out ;7 -yrrii , lailit work in his line of business, he is now prepared to make Steihn Engines and Pu_rnos of sur power and capacity., for. mines; TifaChinery fur Breakers, Rolling and other. -mills, and for Fur- naces; ail kinds of castings, and forgi curs, &e., Ate. An experience Of manyyears in the business, with the facilities which these works now possess enable the proprietor to turn out the very best and t 43 most satisfactory work. •-•- - All orders addressed to HENRY:WALTERS, Eagle Iron Works, Tamaqua, Schuylkill -County, Pa., - will receive prompt attention. ' June M, 130—C tt HE PALO ALTO ' IRON ,COMPANY; Are prepared - to furnish T RAILROAD ,IRON—- weighing from 20 to 70 pounds peryard—STREET RAlLS—from IS to 00 pounds per yard, . e ..• to suit either for horse oars or loco- 1; Motives- - Ail these rails are -of , the LATEST AND MOST - APPROVED PATTERNS. Also, a general assort- went of MERCHANT BAR IRON, Routs Flats,, Squares, Oval, Half Round and CirOoved Hoop- 'AN D BAND IRON FAR AXLES RAILROAD CILURS, FISH PLATES AND Pk i Ii:SPIRM., for rails. ROLLS made of the best de 'of cold ,: blast charcoal iron, ready for use, either for , rails, street rails or bar iron. 'Alscvall kinds'. of CASTINGS FOR ROLLING MILLS. We' also in- vita attention to our DIFFERENT PATTEMNS•OF , SHEARS, for cutting old rails, piiddled iron, Ac., ha BENJ. HAWIOOD, Pretildent, Office tor. Secondand Market Ste., Pottsville, Pa. Jan' . - BALI r WIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS... ' •• M. BAIRD & COMPANY, Broad and Hamilton streets, Philadelphia, Penner„ would call the attention of Railroad Managers, and those interested In ft Railroad Property, to, their system of •—• Lotomotive Engines, In which they are' adapted to the particular bald- . ness for which they may be required.; Y of one, two, three or four pair of driving wheels; an the use f the whole, or so, much of the weight be esirable for adhesion; and in acoonr- -. modat them to the grades, curves; strength, of supeastruction, and mil work to. be dime. By these means. the maximum useful effect of the, power is secured with the least ex for attend- ance, cost of fuel, and repairs to hoed and Engtue; With these objects in view, and as the result of twee- ty-three years practical exyerlence in the business by our Nether partner, we manufacture Ave different - - kinds of Engines, and several classes of sizes ofeactr Mid. Particular attention paid to the strength of theinachine lathe plan and worktuanahliaa all the' details. thir long experience, and opportunities Of obtaining lufelmation, enables us to, offer these en, . glues with the assurance that In efficiency, economy , and durability, they will compare favorably with those of any other kind In use. We also furnish to order, wheels, axles, bowling or low moor AreRafit centre* without boring,l composition esatiwy for" of every descriptionof 'Copper, tilhftt Iron- ander Works; and every article ai nd Vning to therepair or renewal of Locomotive nee. - M. BA. L• j . -GEO. B 31; CILA.S.T. PARRY. Jan 1,'70—1-, , nts EIT GI NE; le especially adapted Or MINING purpose& , ii s plain, - compact; tumble and cheep En- gine, =de In the very beet manner having all, ‘4COunection pins made A peel. The Plaice Ma Crank with thefr eirnnee- lons balitmze each °thee.," rhich saves the ;usual strait:tend jarordniinary vertical engines. , ' Foi deli:2.44lcm; circa• r ogldretertinies, send She trquanficturera. "OREM, TiIOStRIDtIE & Reitetris, al and 213 Delaney Si ., New York. FIRE BUICK. Twits Dina=-" MOUNT SAYAOE." Datuumnr. DU PLAIN* s B.lliffiNl, IMO MOM rntteit States Garen:anent Standard, jltaqullte. tined es iv by' the (XIMBOLIDATED COAL' COMPANY, or laud, for Blasting, Puddling, Smelting,and Glass and &Umber requiring the EMT =ALIT Dlingtmottg= and Priam will be ftrnished by tits tualersigneL GEORG EK E , S CRE CIiGICBEELAiep COM.. By the_Cargo;trara the Contgan s Ocean Mine. C. IL DALTON, Pres'. eat,' 4 Perabert n'Square, JAS. S. MACX.I.I7I , President, -New TOM JAS. A. 3 1110LLAND,2d leePreel . ,'GILMOR Dec 11,111., , 35 South Gay• tribiaumme. . Atm& Itatargs.. . BRASS FOUNDEV AND SNIELTEN.i. Roll Anti -Frictibbitt, Type Ant a t itereotirpe w y ti t ERG 1 i tt a camings. Petit/tr itistr4 r at Roll `Journals and Railroad cat ;tom .-. , ' - Scapoiattko. !-- ~.' ---.--. no not= uncom Si'.. plru.kimusrA.- NOOki Attila" - 130004 'or Bola on moiirdiniiiimis maztaca.ma-wli ACTURIIIM'AIra MC= 011 1, •••spesta •• *as in4lotranklASillpikk-z •:t ! 1/ =ti c n °- -my •aattr its 2441 , _•_ b. itriLini(PAW Um The entire , o r t o Constr. wit tl collect 011 or ti? tempo Visks vil_9lg. 'lls4 rho : l)4 i . W., ' " 11044 1111 ahlgadar .111104 .‘ ,.7 ualkit-lhe' :nue, Peribettssibre ,-- 4ttAßetl, l ,lB7ol , Te VAIDLESS—VAIWON' S rATENT BitbAD , Corr "313EDSo.wan,_isrone of the moat o,4am; pleb- I:inventions of the.day.. It can be _ , by hand or. lone pryer.- -With the - hand 'machine, ono man at the:-usual walking gait can glow fromfour to eight acres per hour.— 'lt throws wheitabout forty feet under,by turning a little crank.: Price $lO for hand sower and $5O for the home power machine ; - which Aral sow about fifteen acres per hour, more even than the 'Usual mode or **lug. , , Bsatras &Ri SEY have been:appointed Agents for the sale of the machine.-. 7. IM CA BE. OF HOUSE PLAN - TS .~,.-. ..,-- 11o* to make' plants grow in - the .hittaso is 1 ti much more hnportant, question thin Aiow---' .toinalte them grow'in a, given,luiuSe: :yew.- per Sons have conservatories. Almost every.. one has a window at:which -the_ spring. and ! suMnier, of plant-life may be fostered: and'; . maintained miring the long winter months.: Fo-rinerly,almest every hotuie had its , plants. The.children and the dowers were .the;. hlef: ormiinentii Of Atte old homestead...During' the .last . generation,.or since the intredaction of furnaces,and gas; the Cultivation of tibias has steadily declined. -This great' deprive- _ .tiorf and less to: our modern -houses is un- necessary; for Plants may - tfoilrish as' *ell .under the tilaiwnsation Of gas and furnaces, as inthe days of the wood fireandinoulo . oantileti. ..- 11 -ntay'be tine that plants:will not grout in an 'artificially , dissipated .air. The skins and delidritemembmnecthe throat and - -kings, parch. In. the dry. heat -just like the . leaves of theplants. -The:freshest ciithples-•,, "ion" beconies whitened by it , winter. or. th"-; siroet".. What then . shaltj*: done iro o r. furnace. heated houses? --- -o&pljr Introdu - evaporatoni, Which shall furnish to the air at least, ne half as much Meisture tas theqii i•, ,, naturally containa,atthe same tenipera. ture v in springOraummer. The shrinking ! of the wood lwork.of•the houties,Or Warpingsof fur- niture,lare•indications of a naturally dry heat, which is fatal M. plant' and Injurious -to iinintal life,".: it la true, .also, -that 'plants : .will.not thrive iti cOs.e.rooins ; charged with ;the stilphutouil acidiescaphig- troni the. coin- '..bustiOn -Of anthracite oir aproduct-of eombus- thrh of impure illizminatinwgas;- andi hi the smite, atniosphere•the throat and lunsl4ol hu-. mati-beiugs alp sutrer.tuore or less yerely-. What isi the remedy.?.. Open , a ventilator Into .then chimney, near the top •of ' every '. room, iftou can do no better,. and keep.,it open,at 'while east during the evening. the ' .gas is burnink. Furnace heat and gaslight are no obstacles to the cultivation of plants`;' •011serviug onlY ..the. preeautions.:whichare .eonallv es...sentiarto human. health. X think .therule should be broadly• stated, that any , . rhorn iii which plants refuse. to grow is unfit : for .human •. life: .In this connection - it la proper to enter a protest against the barbar- ous habit of excluding the „sunshine from . .in- habited :rooms, especially •in winter.-»,foitr- not of-':Agrieultu're. - ' .' . .' - ' .. . _ ' MILK' FEVFA: IN CirWs; Cows apparently enjoying. good health 'during the nrst 'ten. days after calving, .itre seized with this fear- ful `dlaease of a Pr otean' character; in some cases consisting% okaixiplery and paralysis; in otheca," isi 4ullatinination of the abdomen -and .Wolllb,•cpu,pled with.great weakness. In - still, it is a blOod disease assuming, :the-character Of typu.s,. consisting of puru- Icid - defection, especially when inflamma- tion Of 'veins and' deposits of pus or matter,. 'occur in several parts of the body. The great cause. of thisdisease, over-feedingbefareand after-calving. - '. The- early signs of the-fever are loss of power Of the hind legs, thiowitig the head about, _T. Tirixruuvr.---Give twenty-five' drops of, tincture of Aconite soot at once, which will all*" all excitemeikt; fever iind pain. Re. ikcst: the dose in thrt:lo hours„ -Next -give one pound each. of Epsbm'salts and table salt ,mixed in four - quartti of water and drench, Turn the cow froth Side to side thr&,finies day, tualisik the action of the medicine.- 4/bek Journal, WEIIE FED. Dr. Lyman, in bias remarks at a recent meet- ing of. the. Farmer's Club .of .Nett , York, spok - Oof the fckur fat cattle recently exhibited in that citY,:"Weighing from 3,300 to 4,0 u each; sid-; In blood these tikeyes were . sevenzeiglifsDiliort horns. They "Ni'vre Aired - for fattening,: qualities, and were fed inthe usual way-- : .:.sumnier•range and kweet hay in, the Winter:. At the age, of foulthey were given: .a - Peck Of meal twice al day... They .werealso.fed •roots twice a dayrand had.aa much hay as-they Gould eat. : They had in , the:paiture a variety of 'grasses. 'they had .hay, all summer.. Variety. In feed should be carefully studied. These iteers-'gainedilye hi~nctred pounds the first year, but .theast year they only gained three hundred, and; :seventeen pounds. In responiie tot/ question it *53 stated -that.; no four cattle : had eber equalled:" these in weight. .This particillar family were reniarklible for their site.; rt'auairn .in : 1,./.ef< alb 'county; itets OnIV eighty acres.; of lank but his sales of pOrt; this season riniotint Thisvian raised and - fattened'Upon forty-two 'fteras of corn.: 'His total. income from fartnproduce will be itiver.i;•,!,201.0... 4 : - fliitgtittp4iti Abiiirtistm*l.l 8,20011'.A - TEAII AND EXPENEDES TO, - Agents to sell the celebrated WILSON- SEWINO MACHINES. The beet machine LTV the itorkl.' &itch alike en bosh irides,4 One 3fachltiewltti- out money, . For - further particulanwaddmas ;Feb 6, '79-fitn] Tu N. 9th St., Phlbuka, Pa. R-"*. ROBINSON . CO., •• . (iimvesiscir , to W. U. Mlrdier„) . wpotkrmts, sr.tztVir,\CTIIIINRS FITRIPISHATS OF Mlli4ary.Chtreeb, Society. Tgestriesi Goads, Magi, Bsmiers, Badges:. &c., 0 , 1 0:1 3 11orth Third Street, Ildledeltdda. . 4 lELLNDULPHIA BURGEONS' BANDAGEI INSTITUTE, No. 14 North Ninth SL, above biarket. 73. C. EVERETT% Truss .positively eures Ruptures, CheapTrusaes.o ll. Elastfeißeits,Stockino,Supporters,Shouldittßraces," Suspensories, File Bandages.. Ladles attended.to by Mrs E . May 23, Be r OTEVL. A• 7 J. ' . :;. --. IIANDEAaVRED AND LIIIPORTZX OP- FRENOH CO SET'S, No. 1313 c'grisrs- 01 . ST., ?ifI.IIkDaPATI4' 3finNitl ;,10- - . ' 11!-.17 IRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS; for St ore , I V PninKastories, die., Beery Crimped Wire .; Cloth for etinhag ores, coal, -Heavy Screen Clothe and l Screens. Wire Webbing for sheep and poultry yards: Paper kfakers?. ,Wires, Bran and fron - Vt'ire Cloth Sieves, Painted Scieens, Qrnamen- tal Wire Work.. Every information - hy addressing "the manufacturers, fit. WALIZE.R it some ~ ;No. 11 worth Bth street; Philadelphia.. Feb Y2,. F u 11141 :7 1 m. . JOSEPH 'WALTON, a C0.,• spc - rT MAS:ERS4 4137Walnui 8t ,Pblladelphla Our establiihmentls one of the oldest In and from long experience and superior teeth- tles we are prepared to furnish good workat reason- able psices.• W - emanufactiirefine furniture and else tneditun- priced Painitureof superior quality., A lir ge stOck of furniture always on hand: Goods made to order.. Counters, Desk Work and °Mee Furnitrire for Dankk . eillees and Stores, made to order. JOS. WALTON, J.N.LIPPINCOTT, JOG. L. SCOTT: Fob 12.70 . 7-ly OM,ESI., CO,LLADAY & CO.,- - r. 412 •nd 1414 Chestnut Shied, 4:: PHILADELPHIA. GREAT• MI DRESS G(76.p.5,. N'ERI ; B:EANY WORMD SURGES, friths Whim- able dank sbades fcir suits, 60e. . ' . Taking advantage of the great depression in bast- innees, 'XL C. it co. titre made ,` I Sj i Im ge Purchases . . Of Driiims,Gtoials to this market for cash at silt ExpizittitrEs AutmxianozN'.— . , . ' A:1 tinlow*e post of linperiiitlep,;ntileh.tinsy are now estennfit t and will et a very slight advance. . a , , , . - . ?he} desire to direct spedal attention to this stock together with their own large . importation. which have been reduced to correspondingly loqintes, and wilthe tonna the -!.: , - , ,' •• -- ' LARGEST ?AND CHEAPEST STOCK- Writ OFFERED. MEI Saelttdin~; to isms nine and Green Efttipee,s(helle PopWanCiNtobalis, to great•Tnr!et,rotelyte;l fur as47)4a, worth 75e toll. OD. . , , MEI 1 0E Aitwociu Emnum comp, ID en colors. ve:lry desirably 1411114e1t Navy Blne, ftindt446 se. Ell El atiatSt#ll)4r4l.lTY Snit *Z*0;11110 colors. ; 73 - 0 114 1 ): , . / 13 .= latdtla Al f01:11% Silk and Wool: very ,lußbbarll4pool 7itic. EU jeßme ItOMPOPLINIA. Silk:snit tc3:e ME , AILTR;VIUMPirt 16* *Ono CADS. for W*0412.001-I.l4Virk: '• NI El

panewsarchive.psu.edu€¦ · fk • •-_JO,4IIIALELLMAS7OII-:pnricolfrß.". _ ra'Prertr!E„ Bosttinisthe-kapihsk,f--Mass' thesaltof theearth; and krW,lif.antirockinghoes attheliveYankee

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    _JO,4IIIALELLMAS7OII-: pnricolfrß.".


    ra' Prertr!E„

    Bosttin is the-kapihsk,f--Mass' the salt ofthe earth; and krW,lif. anti rocking hoesat the live Yankee.::.:,. ,

    jtis a city of imniense asitondulleirs, to..attemps, vast victories and tretnenjuonslearning. • ,

    'The intatitable. achoaltuanzi,,l_kiuriPhOieagitatoi, Hie Warlike debeller, all cum redhotfrom Boston.I am Playkarded to lektur hereto-night at

    .Musik but low I shall succeed theLord-onlykriows, for 1,-aman ofnolearning;a very poor speller,- and devoid impu-.dense, -and got to. face poets and shallots,'/11042741/15 and sages, besides , lots of with-min, who hay gotmore edukaahun in oneminnlit than Nebialkeneziter had after 999years of toil and sweat.a shall Probably make a fizzle a' it, but ihare one oonsolashun to cheer me, it won'tbemi rust . • -• Fust fizzles are what try a-paella* •ifhekart one of them, and not all leak'eta, then) ishope for him, and also s slightsprinkling of salvaahttn.

    What hake saw of Bostonsnits me.-The

    people are as gentle as lambs, and knosia

    stranger the atinnltt they ;it their eyes on.




    • " Noboddy here, lain too much of,a 'minito be civil. - Ifyou have_ loartre- hotelthefast -Mad you meet will waste 2 houriftellingyu,of the different crookiryu lona;take:to

    • •ireach It; and finally konklutletboafest way~to tell Ili how to get there his dreveveey7thing and go with yn: ,• ' • - .

    Boston is the coyest- place tow git lost in .1(with allits morality) tha Ihave.evikt tried.

    '-. You kan git lost and not -kno it tilt a hour,

    - afterward. . , • . , . •• -Tharedon't seem tew be'enny streetsthatrun parallel., They-all seein tewrun wherethey pleze, and every area -has got at lead,

    . one end: to it, that brings up in somebody's.doorlaid. -7. " - • . _ •To learn Boston one "should-be born here;...or at least eesveart tipprentlaship hergior40

    or 50 years.,; : . • . ,• Boston. is principally selebrated (just'now )

    -.._ for its grate temperance question. J'Whiskee is as aktualakarsehere as hair on

    . the hid of .mi cane. '.• I haven't dared to ask the question. for

    • - fear of ,heingunested, but i don't suppose,a• near alkanjudg.e, that:thare is not a square

    drink or corn whiskee within sir miles of, the city of Boston, for sale or to let.: What

    `Oh earth the people livonfor drink is a toys-tery tem. , 4 • I

    - Virtew and morality are the two staplekrops of Boston. Thisafternocin lam goingto beinvited out to ride d'n the mill damm, apiece of fast road -near the city, which ISbuilt in a straight line toavoid theunworthi-

    - appearance of a trotting track. -- Bunker hill is not fur oph, and I arateued

    - to stay over to-morrow andvisit it, but Ihave-alus modeIt a rule, the ioluieker i kan leave

    • a town, after I have spoken one of ml lek-- . turs,l and got ray money for it, the more .

    pleazant It iz for myfriends to entertain me.• -'. I'llinouth rok is likewise sumware In these

    ajacent -Parts. I would like tew, goand standon it—the_man who kan stand'on Plimonthrok and notpuff up satii is a stonyltuse:N„-- Stich a man probahlynever hadenny-four-fathers, nor tinny soul, porenny gizzard, norenny fewter prospects in him.

    • / spent two hours justafter breakfast inthe ;common-, 4hipli Is an. uncommen fine_liieee-of veritable land, inhabltedwith grand.

    . ; elms, and littip, by day, with happy chil-dren.- •If i had a hi* that i 'wanted tew elevate,in the way. he-should go, the most, I wouldn'tundertake the job .miself, but I would take

    - opli his halteland turn bimout loose in theeitV of Boston.' .; blackswithhotbed aasisandframe, band cart, SO bushels.early Goodrich platittag"potatovi, and 'other Norte.ties. Alms lot ofchoice_ garden seed, sad 'iniatt3rother articles too numerous to', mention.-- On sales amounting to Ten Dollarsor upwards. sixMonthscredit will be given bytho purchaser givingnotewith approved security.., -1-- GEO. PAXSON,

    11.13.—N0 intoxicating liquar_will. be allowed on.the premises upon the da3r.of 5514.. -worth Manhetm Tovinshlp, 9.7e1) 21, Ili, 10-ill•

    The coupcnii may be -detached and cancelled, theBond made aperraarf Ref/leered 801111, tmnsfers-,ble onlyon thebooks oftheiCompaby, ind. the in-•tArest madepayable onlyto theregfahaval owner orWar attorney. .

    The three classes willbe known respectivelytts:Ist::''Conpon Bonds payable to Bearer: " •lid. "'Registered Bonds with Coupons attaeliedi"fd. ':Registered Bonds with 'Coupon* 'detached

    and should be so 'designated by CowesPomUnktsSpecifying the class ofBondi desired:. • '

    They lased -thirty Yews to rite from January 15.re •11450,Nwith interestat six per cent. per annum from'I.'covembei• 1, iMe. Prinntpal'and Interestpayable'gold In the city ofNew York. -


    Tile interest payable In hfay and lgoVintiber,that It may tape theOlsen:of theta the earlier Li-stiesofFlve-Tyreuties, andsult the convenience of'our friends whoalready boil Central and WesternPacific toads, cith intermit payable in jaunary andJuly, find who maydSalre, in making additionalInveatfoenta to have their intereil-reeeiCableat Mt-flint seasons or the year.

    LIIIIII.BER YARD. I. • „ • ,• ' 'SILAS 'BALL `;&


    POTTSVILVE, PA.04 • Havec euponatently Ito stackfull pltot ell Mode

    -••• 1- • • • ••

    of -L UMBER, arilto • eedsotted„ at.loweot

    • -tharkr prtheat -• rt ill :. f . wearereporetl to ter-

    •• 11511Pb*nthVnd cif otgift l:t' the loirestetholesale ug-


    For east* patetuieter Itheratfiseciunt slilTered.Jan.21, 70-01;tt. . . ,JOIEN A. _OTTO...AZ:Mk.

    The Loan is secured bya mortgageupoti the entireLine ofRoad Crete Riehrebed .to the Ohio River,with the equipment and'aii iliner property and ap-purtenances coinzected

    A Sinkini Fund oT 8100,000 per,annum is providedfor theredemption otthe Bonds, Yo take effect oneyear afterthe ethripfetion,df the Egad.

    The mortgage's for 115,000,000, of which i3,000X00wilibe reserved and held in trust for the redimp-tionofoutstanding Bonds of the T./milers pintratRafb:dad Company, new merged in iiiettsu pftaztA-xi) Omo.

    . . ....


    .... .


    . ~. ....

    , -„,„.: :‘,-,.• -.,-,•:,.._:;:-.,‘.x4i•:.. ,--....., •.:, ~• .., .-... ..,,,,,"Lt-ii-Nll3 -E.-:"-'R'..v .. .

    MC2IOfthe rental-10ml 1113,04,000, • sufficient anmuntwinbe sold to complete thirroad to tbe Ohio river,perfect and improve 'theportion now in operation,and thoroughly'equip the!hole fol. a lane Mid ac-tive trees.

    Jan 16. 10 s-eln


    "manntacturem;d and:Th, present 010. 41 Is 10 azascsnaltd interest.A Loan eo amply secured, wonr4ll7 itcarded.

    east socertain hereitter to command•s prominentplace amongthe favorite ie4nrithsla the ,nuakets,bothOf thle nountry aid guiopetwlllbeat °nee &p--ro:dated gild quickly abeerbed. " -

    DEALERS ./N,l LUMBER.Nr11.1.14LU5P08,t,,,410.1q4.:NW on ONnal, ,west of Maynard &Bee .41' 11.

    Box, 201 201ALtpotAseo.lLJuly 410-814.1`'err, nrseevtfally, pBT ar LioN 1.81;13LIIEB YJ►BD' •

    ' WM:BtUCBLFX, Proptfetor,'FIBS & HATCH, BattikelXWh*Pie Priger.in lands Ot

    Feb 28,10 MI%mug, Ranges,: kt. Feb a.

    PPP NEW ;8°11.114111114• soxoillow InooizE.S, -

    groat, 'us a4 Bonne 1,44,2441. w min,24; SSWCadre cwt.

    mua4ciuPnlEGN b. FR C CO,

    Aod all Ends of

    A number e.._ maiSTOVBS,whichbe bedid imodente prism lieUpabobeesVamentsbedt 1110==s's& Wiped esedHeederats.• - IMBeoome.OU Tebbeii.tuittitateberit iir,eic psCoil,ollllMAtebresCant aend all Obiernere. . Oeidletak•iigPaaie. , , . , •itastir=ras• -rrUP' —l4--..gqumegtoki, .. .. . • sad,

    i____. I y.II I=

    .4careierviall MOIR*40111(0101::


    ---'.4iii_l*,-v. -i.

    MUM= . • •• •• .1 Tat iroLLowpgesTßZlTcoliparmi

    .THEmarch 9'


    tXbliriNGE 110TEL,

    tUinti, giquors. ti.

    C11"-.ES LOGUE, -.-.• " •' :• ' I 1.: 'DEAL= IN:.. :FOREIGN - AND DOMESTIC .


    Se. Iti 6042.1, Strut, Apposite tit Maeda's" Mame,---._ ; - Manille, Pa. ' . •

    , - . :ALSO inners Pon *MINIAG4RA. STAR BITTERS,• 1SaraIteatady for' Ihispepsla,)lIERB RS; and , ;• -' • .- ; MILLS BOURBON WHISKEY'

    _October 17, '6B 1.,.i---; • ! . • 42._1)::

    Regal garbs.,• •

    C. P. fi'MaTIET. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boom. No. is, Esterly's Euildlng,'Centre street-, 'Jan 15, 'lO-3-1y) . ,• Pottsville, Ps.

    HENY C. dB:MAPES, ATTORNEY-ATLA,. Otlloe, 1.5.5 .:eutrt!'l3l.,.Pottsville..May 2.2, TIV . 21—tf

    I A..:11. PAESSMOBE,_ATTORNEY-AT-LAW;J,. Potts-kJIle, Pa. ()ince. No. V bitattintango Street.opposite Post Office. , Aprll3, 'W-14-17

    GEORGE KARTICHSIB, ATTORNI6II-AZtLAW, Pottsville, Pa. °Moe, '1..;al.a Centre ht.,nearly oppoelte .111nenr Bank. , April3,

    BENJA.IIIIN B. 111c4300P. ATTORNEY-ATLAW. Orrice,Mananuingn ntreet, above CentreJanuary 1, 'iv • . , I.—tfTAME H.CAMPBELL,A.ITORNEY-AT-LAWiJ Rooms L 5 and 16 resin budding, No. QC Walnutzitreet, Philadelphia. an 1,;W.m. B. IngTH. NITORNEY-AT-LAW6Cent.re rogaville. ra. -

    Januaz7l, 'Tc! • „ , • • 1—ANIXL D. DILLMA.ISI,' ATTORNEY-AT-

    AI LAW; Yvtteville. ra. Ottice, tio. 9 Makuuateatostreet. I , , January 16, 4111--3-4.1 •


    Mee, No. tat Centre tstreet; Pottsville, Pa. Allclaims promptly collecte(L. ' October 16, '4lll-44-I.y

    N. AND AFTER APRIL 18T. 1889, O. P.O BRCHIRL, Atiarney-ac4.mir,aui beseenat hisnew anew, Esterley corner Centre and Mee.tiantongo Sine% Roam No. tend 6, Immediatelyover the Govenunent Bank.

    ltneehl7; oarrIICORGE 0821.11BERS,(LateoftheVhsinbers-Bar,) ATTUILNET-AT-LAW, No. 12 Mar.k01411r002, rotteellte, ra. [ Nov. 0.10-4S—bu t.LAW AND COLDNCTION 017 D D.- --CHRISTOPHER LSITLE. •ATTORNEY AYLAW ANT; NOTARY PUBLIC

    Porravratz, Scstsyuctat. co., Pa:Sept. I, 'c -1-17 -,

    S jl/11 1A LICE TATS%WIZEAIDT4.22113E1/ 11310 1T1C1.15/rEit, - •0:_4l raaaarrrosiao Br.,PreersMlX, Pa.Spears).attention given toaubaslllooll in thesbovebreaches. Bails* large experlearskand promptness guarantee& AXWeetleas especially.solicited and will receive loarrsaillirealiention.January 1, 70 , • - • ,. •

    liminess gado.

    P:, We oftheeelsvanio'Bt4sto 'illTrOsourva. enk,tads, tame, /Ba. 8,'E• • T.,_,QIILIsITCR, ENGINEER sad ARM-.tin, TRW, 171/Centrostreet, Pottsville: Filet, Elps.Sincanans and Eftlaraiss made of ovary tlasariptLonof banding& —An:imtrisg_ La Ala various branonesattendedW . • • Janlll.lo-+11:

    POLLCK. COA.LACI-W.L—Oesos.IiPIVWre and, PotariOls. WRITEsnit OEXT.ASK COAL bouglit&AAsoldosi Cassails•PUtissi4ar utionlA* ta Usetrlttnieairatmapana. . JOl7

    CIXOIOII I. WM/WM. , A..1.arIINANcTSANOHALIXKIHRIN ___cavu. A.ND 0 2DI DagAASN',"! AND D AUGUaF. In Crimps Aram, PastovlALAlslistelisi_lamina 1.'79triilnl2" PClvilliatiniiirlk, ~

    andDisposteColautskaad szusilneslLLtw.'-iXitsam—Bannizes ;11fi1dlitg. Centre St" !wolfs—Epsom& Church. , 1 1.. -Jou I,'6o+l—-

    • ,Hemlock, Oak andWitiniPlae Lambet,and altisys:has an band a Laselot of Doors.

    Moldinp,Iniutat!team*Scrawl "awing maiinicaletke aoneattiboitnotice.

    Also, =tractor and baiktero: • • Attend to Mattisliallroad Locationand Construction. TopoirtaSorvglal