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ARACEAE IN THAILAND: New Taxa in Family Araceae

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Duangchai Sookchaloem

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: ftiaflinun u (Araceae.)

cn$ ii Z"I 34

C! W I I A as v -J

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yn71?Lfl 1flurnA(Araceae) L1nUJJi

1flflflI)1ft11 1AJ ZI 1ThU Qw, L1flTfl5J1tJ

n*rfL9i ICA

1fl?J611fl 1n tJ (Araceae) thirint 25 ri 150-170iiici ifc'

fl -fl Uf1T5flVTV1JT4VffflZ1 Piptospatha N.E. Br. (new generic record) Z& --I Lv1T1fl:?Jci 1flJ1flfl iii'thi Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl.

l'NtJ Piptospatha elongata (Engl.) N.E. Br.n n 9 19

in (Schismatoglottis) Jiiu ian •Th iid'c'u cic niuulJi

IIJ thannI ii 6tug{fi Piptospatha 111j1J Ec11501111U11JTh1ThJ ICU

IQ4 9/

sv - LLa Q flflflitL1J1999Ifflif),115OSvVINCUINTf

11f1 Typhonium (new record) idn tniinn


Tif) (new species) W /"640'11 n'vicn- (Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaloem, Hett. & J. .Murata sp.

; nov.) Typhonium sagittarifolium Gagnep.

91 fl1N?flA dTNflJ 11J1J 11

- 27.5 Lm 2-2.5 tm. €v'jU Typhonium iI1tI4

(new species) 1Jn 1 6?J Efl'YJq1Thi (Typhonium pusillum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.. D. &

) Hett. sp. nov.) 1 iiiLusnfl Typhonium

gagnepainii J. Murata & Sookchaloem 1114flA

- i i nIcn! L1dJifl1 22.5 PLm


£ QJ V:: cZ QJ 6)

fln: LnL1pitiiirn, S1-c1Lth,AtfaflalmJ, 1, JL1J, Nc1tfl J11

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ARACEAE IN THAILAND: New Taxa in Family Araceae

Duangchai Sookchaloem



Systematic studies of Araceae are carried out to survey and document habitat,

plant habit, plant characteristics and distribution. Based on takonomic treatments of


.Araceous plants from the herbarium and living specimens, there are 15 0 - 17 0 species in

2 5 genera. Within these, the genus Piptospatha is recognized as a new record. The plants

from this genus were collected from Narathiwat province, and named Piptospatha

perakensis (Engl.) Engl. They are similar to Piptospatha elongata (Engl.) N.E. Br. The

genus resembles Schismatoglottis but differs in a constricted spathe, a petiole sheath

usually not ligulate, with the upper part of spadix sterile. Piptospatha has a spathe

without constriction, a petiole sheath with long marcrescent ligule, and a spadix fertile

almost to the apex. Not only a new generic record was found but also new record in

Typhonium. One species in Typhonium collected from Saraburi was found as new record

in 1999. Later this species was completed for taxonomic treatment and found as new

species. This species name is Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaloem, Hett. & J. Murata

- -

sp. nov. and differs from Typhonium . sagittarifolium Gagnep... in characters of the

appendix and staminodes. Pollen morphological characters are; inaperture, spheroidal,

- radiosymmetric, 27.5 1m in size, spinate exine sculpturing, with a spine 2-2.5 1

tall.. The second new species was collected from Mukdahan province and named,


Typhonium pusilum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D. & Hett. sp. nov. This species is similar

to Typhonium gagnepainii J. Murata & Sookchaloem but differs in staminodes and

cataphyll characteristics. Pollen morphology is similar to that of T. saraburiensis in form

aperture, symmetry, and exine sculpturing but the former has 22.5 J1m in size, with

spine 1 ..1m tall.


Keywords: Araceae, Ligule, New generic record, New species, Pollen, Staminodes

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- Page

icti i).' • c11cu1 II







- Parti : Taxonomic Studies of Piptospatha 2

- Description of genus Piptospatha N.E. Brown .3

- Description of Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl. . 3

--, - Key to genera 4

- Part2 : Taxonomic Studies of Typhonium 6

. : Studies of Typhonium species 1 6

- Description of Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaloem, Hett.

-, & J. Murata sp. nov. 6 . - Studies of Typhonium species 2 7

1 - Description of Typhonium pusillum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D.

& .Hett. sp. nov. . . .. 8 -

- Pollen Morphology of two new Typhonium 9




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- ') M:c: fl -C V




Figure 1 Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl. 12

--J Figure 2 Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl., Perak, R.. Father Scortechini

1317. . 13

-j Figure 3 Piptospatha perakensis .(Engl.) Engl., Pahang, 18 9 1, H. N. Ridley

2395. 14

-) Figure 4 Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaloem, .Hett. & J. Murata

D. Sookchaloem 3508 (holotype BKF) 15 -, Figure 5 Typhonium pusillum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D. & Hett.

R. Pooma 1664 (holotype BKF) .. 16 -/

Figure 6 Pollen morphological characters of Typhonium saraburiensis 17

Figure 7 Pollen morphological characters of Typhonium pusillum 17

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The Araceae family is normally abundant in tropical forests. It includes --

many species that are important as a source of food and medicine or are

economically important, such as ornamentals. The recognition of species in this -

family should be thoroughly reconsidered on the morphological observations.

Based on taxonomic treatment of Araceous plants from herbarium collections and

living specimens, there are an estimated 150-17.0 species in 25 genera. After


examining, it was found that some species and genera were not known before the

taxonomic study. The plant species collected from Narathiwat (Charoenphol et al.


39935 K Larsen et al. 42228 and T. Wongprasert s.n.) was unknown and found

similar to Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl. The genus name Piptospatha


was given by Brown (1879). Later Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl. was

discovered by Engler (1893) and published in the Flora of British India. The --

specimens collected from Narathiwat need taxonomic studies. Not only the genus

.Piptospatha but also genus Typhonium should be studied because of its unknown

_ species. information of Typhonium and allied groups in various publication is - studied to clarify the taxonomic status of Typhonium. Formerly, called

Sauromatum has closer relations than other genera in the same tribe, and a

molecular study was carried out to support morphological evidence. However, a

phylogenetic relationship between Typhonium and Sauromatum could not be

inferred because phylogenetical informative cp DNA RFLPs were not found.

(Sriboonma et al. 19 9 3)5 deciding that the two genera might be the same.

- Hetterscheid and Boyce (2000) included the genus Sauromatum Schott in

Typhonium. Sookchaloem and Murata (1997) described a new , species


(Typhonium smitinandii) based on information given in Sriboonma et al. (19 9 3)

and Murata (1990). According to a study of Wongsaengchan (1999), one


species collected from •Saraburi (D. Sookchaloem s.n.) was found by

Sookchaloem as new record (Typhonium sp.). Later the author collected a

specimen from the same locality (D. Sookchaloem, 3 508) and it was expected

that it might be a new species and needs therefore taxonomic evidence.

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Furthermore the herbarium specimen collected from Mukdahan (R. Pooma,

16-64) were newly found and named.


- Studies of the Araceous plants were carried out in 2000 to document

habitat, habit, characteristics and distribution. In this study, herbarium specimens

from Narathiwat, (K. Larsen et al. 42228; C. Charoenphol et al. 3993;

Wongprasert s.n.), Saraburi (D. Sookchaloem 3508, D. Sookchaloem s.n.),

Mukdahan (R. Pooma 1 6 6 4) were examined including type specimens from K,

- AAU, BK, BKF, C, P, L, 'KUN, SING and TI. Pollen samples of Typhoniurn

were obtained from living specimen and the herbarium specimens (D.

-Sookchaloem 3508, R. Pooma 1664). For scanning electron microscopy

(SEM), pollen grains of Typhonium were treated according to the method of

- Lynch & Webster (1975) and observed under a JSM scanning electron

microscope in the Scientific Technological Research Equipment Centre of

Chulalongkorn University. Voucher specimens are preserved in the Forest

. Herbarium at the Royal Forest Department.

The plants collected from Narathiwat were compared with type specimens

of Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl. and P. elongata (Engl.) N. E. Br. to -J

discover whether this genus is generic record. The plants collected from Saraburi

and Mukdahan were compared with type specimens of various and allied species

of Typhonium such as, Typhonium saggitariifolium Gagn. and T. gagnepainii J.

- Murata & Sookchaloem for study.


Part 1 : Taxonomic Studies of Piptospatha

The herbarium specimens collected from Narathiwat (Charoenphol et al.

3993, K. Larsen, et al. 42228, and T. Wongprasert s.n.) were used for

- taxonomic treatments. The plants were identified as, Piptospatha perakensis

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(Engl.) Engl. It was reported that the genus Piptospatha is recognized as new

generic record. The details of this species are described.

-J 1.1 Description of genus Piptospatha N.E. Brown 8.

-) Piptospatha N.E. Brown in Gardener's Chronicle XI. (1879) 138 f-20;

Engl. in DC. Mon. Phan. II. (1879) 644, in Engl. et Pranti, Nat. Pfanzenfam. -j 11.3 (1887) 132; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. III. (1880) 985. -

Rhynchopyle Engl. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. I. (1881) 184, XXV. (1898) .20, in -J Baccari, Malesia I. (1882).288.

Terrestrial herbs, with stems short and stout. Leaf blade lanceolate,

elliptic, base cuneate, apex acute-acuminate. Petiole 3-8 cm long. Spathe short

and broad on long peduncle not constricted in the middle, upperpart deciduous.

Spadix shorter, sübsessile. No appendage of barren flowers. Flowers unisexual.

Male zone terminal, contiguous with lower female zone. Male flowers: stamens

compressed, sessile; anther with connective prolonged, horn or hemispheric;

thecae oblong-obovoid, apical dehiscing. Spadix base covered with sterile

flowers or not; sterile flowers claviform, cuniform, truncate. Female flowers:

---, ovary unilocule, 2 - 3 plancenta, parietal placenta; •ovule hemianatropus; style , distinct, stigma broad. Fruiting spathe funnel-shaped. Seeds fusiform.

J 1.2 Description of Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl.

Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.)'Engl. -Schismatoglottis elongata Hook. f. in Fl.

Brit. Ind. vi. (1893) 539. -Piptospatha elongata var. perakensis Engl. in

Pflanzenr. 7 1 (IV 23E)(1920)125. (Figure 1)

Herb, tuber 1 cm in diam. , fibrous root, partly submerged in streams,

stem stout, short. Petiole 3 - 3 0 cm long, I mm wide. Leif blade lanceolate,

elliptic, 5 - 2 0 cm long, 1 - 8 cm wide, base cuneate, apex acute, margin entire,

slightly undulate, main veins rather strongly raised below. Peduncle 4 - 15 cm

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long. Inflorescences: Spathe fusiform, I - 5 cm long, 1 cm wide, not constricted

-) in the middle, beaked, cream color, or greenish; spathe tube persistent. •Spadix

shorter than spathe., 1-3 cm long, without appendage. Flowers unisexual: Male

zone cylindric blunt, contiguous with lower female zone, longer than female

zone, without intervening sterile flowers, upper half of spathe falling off in fruit. -j Fruiting spathe funnel shaped 1-2 cm long.

- Thailand. -Peninsular: Narathiwat, Chatwarin water fall., Sungai Padi

Distribution. -Malay-Peninsular, Borneo.

- Ecology.-Submerged in streams on sandy soil, common on rocks in

streams, in lowland and hill forest, in evergreen forest along the stream, 100-

1,200 malt. Flowering in September-October. Fruiting in December-January.

Specimens examined: Narathiwat, Chatwarin water falls at Sungai Padee,

Sept. 18, I970, Charoenphol et al. 3993; Narathiwat, Oct. 8, 1-991, K. Larsen

et al. 42228; Narathiwat, Chatwarin water fall, Budo- Sungai Padi national park,

T. Wongprasert s.n.

The genus Piptospatha is recognized as new generic record. Based on

-) Mayo et al., 1998, some parts of the key to genera are given to compare this

genus to allied genera.

Kçyto genera

-- 1 . Upper part of spathe persisting as long as lower part; petiole sheath • lacking

ligule; ovary 1-many locular; thecae dehiscing by subapical pore or

- longitudinal slits; connective usually conspicuously thickened

(Aglaonema, Homalomena, 2 genera in Thailand) -J

1. Upper part of spathe marcescent or caducous at anthesis,, lower part long-

persistent petiole sheath with long, marcescent ligule (except most -i

Schismalosloltis spp.); ovary 1-10 locular; thecae dehiscing by apical pores.,

- connective not conspicuously thickened

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2 . Placentation basal or basal and apical; thecae truncate or horned


(Hottarum, Bucephalandra and other genera, not in Thailand)

2. Placentation parietal; thecae truncate


3. Spathe constricted; ovules anatropous to hemianatropous; petiole sheath

usually not ligulate; upper part of spadix usually sterile


(in Thailand)

3. Spathe not constricted; ovules hemiorthotropous to orthotropus; petiole

sheath with long marcescent ligule; spadix fertile almost to apex


(New generic record in Thailand)

Piptospatha was found as a new genus by Brown (1879.), published in

Gardener's Chronicle XI 138 f. 20. In 1879, Engler described Schismatogiottis

elongata Engl. as a distinct species. Later, Brown ( 18 9 5 ) revised and recognised

- the name of Schismatoglottis elongata Engl. as a synonym of Piptospatha

elongata (Engl.) N.E. Br. In 1912, Engler described P. elongata (Engl.) N.E.

-, Br. var. perakensis Engl.,. and in 1920 he reduced this variety as a synonym of

P. perakensis (Engl.) Engl. (Figure 2-3). Hay et al. (1995) reported P.

perakensis (Engl.) Engl. synonyms, literature, and herbarium of type specimens

deposited as follows:

Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl.

Synonym: .Pitptospatha elongata var. perakensis Engl.,

Rhynchopyle perakensis (Engl.) Ridl.

Reference: Pflanzenr. 71 (IV. 23E) (1920) 2

Type: Goodenough s.n.; (CAL, SING), Ridley s.n. (SING), 2395 (K,

SING) , 12026 (K, SING), Scortechini 1317 (K), wray 31 222

-s (SING)

Distribution: MACPEN (N), OUTSIDE(N)

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i1 6 IJ

In this study, P. perakensis (Engl.) Engl. is similar to P. elongata

- (Engl.) N.E. Br. in spathe and spadix shapes but differs from P. elongata by

sterile flowers appearing basally from the female zone of the latter species but not

-j appearing in the former one. •

-j Part 2: Taxonomic Studies of Typhonium

2.1 Studies of Typhonium species 1

Wongsaenchan (1999) reported that one species collected from Saraburi

-I (D. Sookchaloem, .s.n.) was found by Sookchaloem as a new record. The author

collected the specimens (D. Sookchaloem 3508), carried out taxonomic -J

treatments and reported that this new record is recognized as a new species with

the name: Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaloem, Hett. .& J. Murata sp. nov. The

details of this species are described.

Description of Typhonium saraburiensis .Sookchaloem, Hett. & J. Murata sp.

LJ nov.

-I Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaioem, Hett. & J. Murata sp. nov. - Typhonio

sagittariifoiio similis sed appendicis acutis spathae tota viridis differt. - Typus: -J

Thailand, Saraburi Province, Tapguwang, in the area of the Kasetsart University,

Animal Training Centre, November 1999, D. Sookchaloem s.n. ; 26 September -J

2000, D. Sookchaloem 3508 (holotypus BKF) (Figure 4)

-j Tuber globose, 1-3 cm in diam. , creamish. Petiole 15-30 cm long,

green and smooth. Leaf blade deeply trilobed, c. 20 cm long, upper surface dark -j

green, anterior part broadly ovate to narrowly ovate, 8-1.0 cm wide, acute,

posterior parts triangular ovate, to 10 cm long, to 5 cm wide. Inflorescence -J

appearing after the leaves. Peduncle to 5 cm long. Spathe 5-8 cm long, with

base and limb separated by a constriction, less stringly so on the ventral side,

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base elliptic, 2-3 cm long, 0.8-1.5 cm in diam. , outside yellowish green, limb

-J triangular ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3.5-5 cm long, 1.5-3 cm in diam. , acute,

erect or slightly oblique, outside and inside yellowish green. Spadix erect, shorter

-3 than spathe, 5 —6.5 cm long. Female part 3 mm long, with c. 2 -.3 rows of

flowers. Sterile part c. 2 - 2.5 cm long, the lower half densely covered with

-J staminodes, the upper half-naked, creamish. Male part 1 - 1 .3 cm long.

Appendix conical, 1 - 1.3 cm long, stipitate, base truncated, apex acute, cream

-) coloured. Ovaries perpendicular to the spadix axis, narrow pyramidal, c. 1 . 5 mm

long, stigma discoid. Anthers ovoid, pink, thecae opening with apical pores.

Staminodes subulate, :2-4 mm long, curved in various directions.

-J Distribution. —THAILAND, central, Saraburi.

-, Ecology. —occurring in low area near limestone foothill.

Etymology.—the species epithet refers to the province in which the type

material was collected.

Notes.-The inflorescence morphology of T. saraburiensis closely

resembles T. sagittariifolium Gagn. However, the latter species has a red and

obtuse appendix and staminodes curved downwards. The leaves of the latter are

sagittate and all parts are narrow .lanceolate.

2.2 Studies of Typhonium species 2

The herbarium specimens collected from Mukdahan by collectors

1 .R. Pooma 1664, were received taxonomic treatment. It was reported that this

plant species is recognized as new species with the name: Typhonium pusilum

-I Sookchaloem, Nguyen V. D. & Hett. sp. nov. The details of this species are


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Description of Typhonium pusilum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D. & Het.t. sp.

- nov.

- Typhonium pusilum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D. & Hett. sp. nov. - Typhonio

gagnepainii persimilis sed staminodiis spathuliformis differt. - Typus : Thailand,

Mukdahan, Phu Phathurp National Park, c. 250 m on the trail from headquarters

to tourist area, 11 May 19 9 7., R. Pooma 16 6 4 (holotypus BKF) (Figure 5).

Underground parts short and depressed. Tuberous rhizome, c. 1-2 cm in

-J diam. Petiole 10-20 cm long, covered with short, glandular hairs. Leaf blade

hastate-sagittate, 7-14 cm long, anterior part ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 4-8

cm long, 2-4 cm wide, acute, posterior lobes narrowly oblong to lanceolate,

3-6 cm long and 1.5-3 cm wide. Inflorescence appearing after the leaves. --

Peduncle 2-4 cm long surrounded by a single cataphyll. Spathe 2.7-4 cm long,

base and limb separated by a constriction, base elliptic to oblong-ovate, 0.7-1

cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm in diam., limb triangular-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2-3

- cm long, 1-1.5 cm in diam., purplish green. Spadix erect, slightly shorter than

spathe 2.5-3.5 cm long. Female part with c. 2-3 rows of flowers, 1.5 mm

- long, 2 mm in diam. Sterile part 6-10 mm long, the lower part covered with

staminodes, the upper part naked. Male part to 0.8- 1 cm long, and 2 mm in

diam. Appendix conical, 0.7-1.2 cm long, 1-2 mm in diam., stipitate, base

truncated, creamish. Ovaries lageniform, 1 mm long, stigma discoid. Anthers - oblong, thecae opening by apical pores. Staminodes 2-3 mm long, spathulate.

_d Distribution. -THAILAND; Northeast, Mukdahan.

Ecology.-Under shade of trees in dry evergreen forest.

Etymology. -The species epithet refers to the diminutive proportions of the -


Notes. - Typhonium pusilum is very similar to T. gagnepainii J. Murata &

Sookchaloem (spec. nov., this publication), sharing most morphological

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characters including the glandular hairs on the petiole but the latter species has

-/ clavate staminodes and lacks a cataphyll surrounding the peduncle.

Pollen Morphology of two new Typhonium

Grayum (19 8 6) . examined the pollen morphology of Typhonium

-J trilobatum and T. blumei. Sriboonma et al. (19 9 3) examined pollen in T.

roxburghii, T. albidinervum, T. flagelliforme, T. inopinatum, T. diversifolium, T.

--} horsfiedii, T. omeiense and T. giganteum. The pollen grains are generally

spherical, inaperture, intectate and spinulose. in this study, T. saraburiensis has

the following pollen morphology (Figure 6): inaperture, spherical,

radiosymmetric, 2 7.5 J in size and spinulose. Pollen morphological characters

of T. pusilum (Figure 7) are similar to that of T. saraburiensis in form aperture,

- symmetry and exine sculpturing but the former one is 2 2.5 Lm in size with a

Spine 1 JJm tall. Although there is considerable variation in the size of the

- : grains, the shape of the spinules is of taxonomic use. Typhonium saraburiensis

has pollen with widely conical spinules that are commonly found in T.

.giganteum, T. horsfiedii and 7'. diversifolium. But the low and acute spinules of . T. pusilum are similar to that of T. flageiiforme and T. omeiense.


Based on taxonomic treatments of Araceous plants from herbarium and -

living collections. Specimens collected from Narathiwat (C.haroenphol et al.

39-93, K. Larsen et al. 42228 and T. Wongprasert s .n.) were identified as -J

Piptospatha peraicensis (Engl.) Engl. The genus Piptospatha was concluded as a

new generic record in Thailand. The two species in genus Typhonium are

recognized to be new. The first species was collected from Saraburi (D.

.J Sookchaloem s.n., D. Sookchaloem, 3508) and named, Typhonium saraburiensis

Sookchaloem, Hett. & J. Murata sp. nov. The second new species was collected

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from Mukdahan (R. Pooma, 16 6 4) and named, Typhoniurn pusillum

1 Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D. & Hett. sp. nov. The representative specimens of

two species in Typhonium were examined for pollen analysis. Typhonium

saraburienis has pollen with widely conical spinules. But T. pusillum has pollen

with low and acute .spinules.


:1 would like to express my gratitude to the Directors and Curators of the .J

following herbaria, K, AAU, L, BK., BKF, C, P, KUN, SING and TI for

specimen loans. Special thanks are to Peter Boyce (Royal Botanic Gardens, -J

Kew), Wilbert Het:terscheid (Rliksherbarium., Leiden) and Prof. Dr. Jin Murata

(The university of Tokyo) for their helpful comments. I also wish to thank Mr.

Martin Greijmans for editing the English and staff of the Forest Herbarium

(BKF) for their assistance.


- Brown, N.E. 187 9. Piptospatha. Gardener's Chronicle XI: 13 8.

1895. Araceae. Bot. Mag. 51. Deser. adt. 7410. -

Engler, A. 1879. Araceae (Auctore Engler). In A. Dc., Monographiae

phanerogamarum 2: 609-618. G. .Masson, Paris

. 1912. Philogendroideae-Philodendreae, Homalomeninae and

-) Schismatoglottidinae. In Engler, Das Pflanzenreich IV. 23 Da: 124-



. 1920. Araceae-Aroideae. In Engler, Das Pflanzenreich Ht. 73 (IV-

23F): 1-249. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig.

-I Grayum, M. H. 198 6 Correlations between pollination biology and pollen

morphology in the Araceae, with some implication for angiosperm

) evolution. In I.K. Ferguson and S. Blackmore (ed.), Pollen and spores:

Form and Function, 3 13 - 3 2 7, Elsvier press, London.

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Hay, A., J. Bogner, P.C. Boyce, W.L.A. Hetterscheid, N. Jacobsen and J.

=; Murata. 1995. Checklist & Botanical bibliography of the Aroids of

, Malesia, Australia and the tropical western Pacific. Blumea Supplement


Hetterscheid, W.L.A. and P.C. Boyce. 2000. A reclassification of Sauromaturn

-;, Schott and new species of Typhonium Schott (Araceae). Aroideana


-i Lynch, S.P. and G.L. Webster. 197.6 A new technique of preparing for scanning

electron microscopy. Grana 15: 127-I37.

Mayo, S. J., J. Bogner and P. C. Boyce. 19 9 8. Araceae. In Kubitzki, The

Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. 26-74.

Murata, J. 19 9 0. Diversity of shoot morphology in Typhonium (Araceae).

_1 Amer. J. Bot. 77: 1475-1481.

Ridley, H.N. 1925. Aroideae. In Ridley, The Flora of the Malay Peninsular.

- vól.V: Monocotyledones (concluded) Gymnospermae. London. L Reeve

& Co., Ltd. 84-131.

Sriboonma, D., M. Hasebe, N. Murakami, J. Murata and K. Iwatsuki. 1993.

. Phylogeny of Typhonium (Araceae) inferred form restriction fragment

-) analysis of Chloroplast DNA. J. Plant Res. 10 6: 11-14.

Sookchaloem, D. and J. Murata. 1997. A new species of Typhonium from

Thailand. Thai For. Bull. .(Bot.) 25: 57-59.

Wongsaengchan, A. 1999. Impacts of Bang pa in-Nakornrachasima Motorway

project on Forest and Wildlife Ecosystem, Royal Forest Department.

'lip. (in Thai)

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V.. I



Figure 1. Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engi.

1. Collection of K. Larsen et al. 42228

A: habit; B: spadix in spathe; C: stamen;

D: pistil.

2. Collection of C. Charoenphol et al. 3993


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Figure 2. Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl. (Syntype of Piptospatha

elongata N.E. Br. var. perakensis Engl.) Perak, R. Father

Scortechini 1317.


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Figure 3. Piptospatha perakensis (Engl.) Engl.

(Syntype of Piptospatha elongata N.E. Br.

var. pera.kensis Engl.), Pahang, 1891,

H. N. Ridley 2395.

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Figure 4. Typhonium saraburiensis Sookchaloem, Hett. & J. Murata

D. Sookchaloem 3508 (holotype BKF)

A,B : habit, showing plant and flowering

C : Leaf blade

DIE : Spathe with spadix inside

F : Subulate staminodes, curved in various direction


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Figure 5. Typhonium pusillum Sookchaloem, Nguyen V.D. & Hett.

R. Pooma 1664 (holotype, BKF)

A,B : Habit, showing plant and flowering

C Inflorescence: Spathe enclosing spadix

D : Spathulate staminodes above female flowers




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Figure 6. Pollen morphological characters of Typhonium saraburiensis



Figure 7. Pollen morphological characters of Typhonium pusilum
