Fl a t Worl d CR M Infosys’ End-to-End C R M Approach I n n ovati o n Flat W or l d C R M S p eed Predictability C R M Tec hnology Embrace Inno vation Wi n  in  t h eFlat World

Flat World Crm Booklet

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F l at W o r ld C R MI n f o s y s ’E n d - t o - E n dC R MA p p r o a c h

Flat WorldCRM is Infosys’com prehen siveC R Mapproach

to help our clientsW in in the Flat Worldthrough Innovation,Speed

and Pr edictability.

Flat W orld CRM is designedbased on experiencegainedthroughhundredsof engagementsaroundthe world

in key focusindustries ,leveragingour Global

DeliveryModel,and passionfor innovation.

2 E m b r a c eI n nova tio n ,Win i n t h eF l a tWo r l dF l at W oI n f o s y s ’E n d - t o

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C R MP ra c t ic eP r i n c ip le s …

C u s t o m e rVa lu e Createcustomervaluethat keeps our clientscoming back 

I n d u s t r y Pro videdeep indu stryexp ertise& ind ustryspec ificsolutions

S e r v i c e s

Deliver consistentend-to-endofferingsto help thru the entire

lifecycle, anywhereon the globe

R O IBringthe best in insightand thoughtleadershipto createeffective & efficientCustomer-CentricOperations

Peo p le

I n nova t i o n

Growand trainwo rldclass consultantswithcompetenciesan dskillsets to matchmarketdemand

System atica llyfocuson innovationand cus tom ervaluetocreate sustainablecompetitiveadvantages

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1 C R MVision

In fo sys Performs

In 200 7,Infosysbeca meth e 1st IT Consu ltingand Service scom pany, wo rldw ide,to be inductedinto the H

of Fam ef or St ra tegy Ex ec ut ion. Thisaward is institutedby the BalancedScorecardCollaborative,USA

is assessed by a juryh ead ed by Dr. Ro bert S . Kapla n(Ha rva rdBusin essSchool).

Infosyswork s withlead ingglobal Fortune500 clientsto assist them in aligningtheir 

  businessobjectivesand technologyinitiatives throughvisioning, planning,and

executionof cost-effec tiveC R Mstrategiesfor sustainablerevenuegrowthand

superior customer experience.

C R MS t r a t e g i cA l i g n m e n t

C R MVi s i o n i n g

C R MB u s i n e s sC a s eD e f i n i t i o n

C R MO p e r a t i o n a lD e s i g n

C R MR o a dM a pD e f i n i t io n

C u s t o m e rE x p e r i e n c eS t ra te g y

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E x e c u t i onCR M  V i s i onCR M

CRMg a n i z a t i on

I n n ovat ion To t a l 

S p e e d

P e r f orCR MO r   CR M  m a n c e

Da taCR M 

P r e d i c t a b i l i t y  CRMa t i o n sCR M  O p e r

Tech n o l o g y


S T R E A ML E A D I N G P I O N E E R  


Thefullbenefitsof CRMcan be derive don ly by aligningbusine ssobjective s,customeropera tion s,and

und erlyingprocesses and technologies. Throughits CRMVisionservices,Infosyshas helpedmany

clientsachieve desiredbusinessobjectivesand convertC R Minvestmentsinto tangible benefits.

⇒ PragmaticCR Mstrategy, vision,and road

map alignedto tangiblebusiness benefits

⇒ OrganizationalCRMmaturity, maturity


EstablishingCapabilityMaturityKeyto IdentifyOpportunitiesInvestonly inareas that are alignedwiththe strategyand affectthe business.

1. Accountmanagement

2. Activitymanagement

3. Calendar 

targets,and gap bridgingstrategy

⇒ Value drivenbusinesscase and benefits

realization methods

4. Campaign


5. Contact management

6. Customer analytics

7. Forecasting

8. Management

reporting9. Opportunity


10. Quote management

11. Service requests

12. Claims management

13. Wellness management


Priority for design and

configuration. Customization as


BModerate designand

configuration.Minimal customization.

UtilizeChange Managementto adoptC OT S

C process. No customization.

14. Team collaboration LOW VA LU E

⇒ Prioritized,valuedrivenCRMroad-map Current Capability DesiredC ap ab il it y C ap ab il it yG ap Potential RoadmapMilestones

C l i e n tC a se S t u d y

A leadingCommunications ServiceProv iderengagedInfosy sto developa comprehensive

CRMvision,strategy, and roadm ap.Follow ingthe roadmap,we worked together in the

deploymentof an integratedCRMsolutionand technology platformthat en hanced

customer relationships, redu ced time to market for campa igns, and implemented

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repo rt ing andanalytics,significantlyim pr ov ingsalesopera tio ns anddecisionmaking.


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2 C R MPerformance 93.94%

In fo sys Performs

Of all ourprojects,93.94%wereon-timeand

on- budget.The industryaverag eis around


Infosys’metricsdrivenPerform anceImp rovem entapproachis helping our global

clientsto assess, create,capture,and measure tangiblebenefitsand businessvalue

associatedwithC R Minvestmentsand initiatives.

Assess Create



C R MB e n c h m a r k i n g

C R MPe r f orm an ceM a n a g em e n t

C R MVa l u eR e a l i z a t i o nM o d e l( V R M )

C R MP ro c e ssR e d e s i g n& H arm o n i z a t i o n

6 E m b r a c eI n nova tio n ,Win i n t h eF l a tWo r l dF l at W oI n f o s y s ’E n d - t o

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To t a lCR M

Compan iescon tinueto makesignificantinvestmentsin C RM

initiativesand technologies, but onlya few achieveand/orm easure

anticipatedbenefits.Infosys’C R MValue RealizationModel (V R M )

is help ingour clien tsto effectivelyrealizetangible benefits.

Alignmentof businessobjectivesto performanceimprovementinitiatives, metrics,and shareholder 


⇒ Tangiblebusinessvaluerealizedthrougheffectivebusiness


⇒ Benchmarkingof business processesand C R Mtargets to

C R MValue





leading CR Mindicators⇒ Institutionalizedvaluetrackingmechanismsand


T OTA LCRMBusinessTransformation

C l i e n tC a se S t u d y

A leadin gfinanc ialservicescom panyeng agedInfosy sto enhanceservicedeliveryprimarily

thru cal l cen terand branch opera tions.Infosysdeve lopedand implem enteda pragmaticroad

map linkedto performanceimprovementinitiatives and the bank ’s customerservicemodel,resulting in an im pr ov ed cus tomer satis fact ion score by 5%, a redu ction of 

total cost of 

custom er contact by 56%, and a grea tly im proved resp on se time of 15 seconds.

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3 C R MOperations 92.07%

In fo sys Performs

Since1 995 ,92.07%of our clientskeep returnin

for additionalvalueaddedservices.

Infosysleverageshigh-impactCustomerOperations offerings andinitiativesto help

leading organizationsincreaserevenue,contain costs, and achievesuperior 

customer experience acrossmarketing,sales,services,contactcenters,and billing


C R MO p e r a t i o n sO p t im i z a t i o n

C R MPo r t f o l io R a t io n a l iz a t i o n

C R MM a n a g e dS e r v i c e s

C R MC o s tC o n t a i n m e n t

C R MRev e n u eO p t im i z a t i o n

C R MLoya l t y& C u s t o m e rE x p e r i e n c e

C R MC e n t e ro f E x c e l l e n c e

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E x e c u t i onCR M  V i s i onCR M

CRMg a n i z a t i on

Inn ovation 

To t a l  Sp eed

P e r f orCR MO r  CR M 

m a n c e

D ataCR M 

P r e dic ta b ility  CRMa t i o n sCR M  O p e r

Tech n o l o g y

Excellen cein custom eropera tionswill continueto characterizeleadingcustomer-centricorganizations.In

CustomerOperations best   practicesand services

offeringshelp our  clients to sign ifican tlyenhanc e

the Customer Experience while improving


Custom erOperations B estPractice(Example):

Buildan OperatingModelThatAllowsfor Piloting& Proof of Concepts

Stay Adaptive& Relevant

and containingcosts.

⇒ Optim ized custom er operations and related

 business processes

⇒ Tangible revenue enhancements; cost

reductions; and customer experience

improvements impacting: retention,


Customer InteractionExecute personalized interactions

with consistentquality across

customer channelsin a measurable


Keytoolsand concepts:

• Customer interactionstrategy

• Customer servicestrategy/technology

• Fulfillmentstrategy an d process

• K e yaccount management&


• Salesforce

automation/effectiveness• Consultative/value  basedselling

• Customer touch point analysis

• Voiceof the Customer 


InteractionO p era t in g

M o de l





Customer InsightKnowyour markets, cust

and prospects bettertha

competitor, and develop

hypotheses  basedon the


Keytoolsand con• Customer Interaction

• MarketAnalysis

• Customer Segmentati

• Customer Value Assess

• Offer Assessment

• Produ ctPortfolioAsses

• CompetitiveAssessme

• CapabilityAssessmen

share, and bottom line

⇒ Robust CRM Solutions supporting business

growth and adaptability of Customer 


Customer StrategyDefineproductand serviceofferings

and channelstrategies which

maximizevalue foryouan d

customersto enablehypothesis

Keytools andconcepts:

• Brandstrategy& tactics

Value proposition

• Product portfoliomanagement

• Channelstrategy

•  New  product de

• Pricingand



C l i e n t

C a se S t u d y

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a C R Msolution whichstream linedthe sales globalbusinessprocessesfor a leading

logisticsand transportationorganization.K ey results include a single global CRM

sales platform, consolidated operat ions, increased

transparency of  cu stom er informa tion,   better sales   pip el ine vi sibi lity, and


cross selling/up-selling.

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4 C R MTechnology 99.998%

In fo sys Performs

Since2002 ,our projectshave producedtechnol

that is 99.998%error-free.

As the pioneerof the GlobalD eliveryM od el,Info syshas work ed withtho usandsof 

clientsin the design,development,configuration,integration,testing,

implementation,deployment,sup po rt,and main ten anceof superiorbusinessdrivenI T

solutio ns ,by levera gingleading business and info rm ationtechnologypracticesand

commercia llyavailab lesoftw arepackagesand C R Mtechnologies.

C R MP a c k a g eS o l u t i o n s

C R MA r c h i t e c t u r e

C R MI n f r a s t r u c t u r e

C R MA p p l i c a t i o n sI n t e g r a t i o n

C R MC u s t o mS o l u t i o n s

C R MT e s t i n gS e r v i c e s

10 E m b r a c eI n nova tio n ,Win i n t h eF l a tWo r l dF l at WI n f o s y s ’E n d -

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CRM business strategy is most successful when effectively executed and supported by robust technology.

Infosyshas worked with leading global organizations to deploy

world-class CRM technology solutions successfully aligned

to business strategy and objectives.

⇒ Realizecost-effective C RM Solutions, implemented

on time, within budget and aligned to business


⇒ Reduce Total Cost of Ownershi p and integrate end-to

end services; from business concept to technology

implementation and support

⇒ Benefit from increased value-add resulting from the

use of our world class implementation

methodologies,managed services, and Global

Delivery Model

FlatWorld CRMImplementationMethodology

C l i e n tC a se S t u d y

A leadingmobile computing organization engagedInfosysto implementa comprehensive

CRMsolutionacrossmultiple countries. Infosysexecutedthe solution design,

development,and deployment of the SiebelCustomerServicesolution resultingin a more

effectiveserviceorganization, red uc ing call ha nd ling t im e, min im iz ing pro du ct returns,


en terprise supp ort revenue, and im proving overall bus iness  performance.

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Delivers busine

gnificantss insight

ovides  prope

Demonstratesd creativea


financial be


nefits Helps

moreclient becocompetitive

     I    m    p      o     r     t     a     n    c     e 

5 C R MData

Client Value SurveyResults







r amountof fact-based



In fo sys Performs

Info syscon tinuesto rece ivethe

highest satisfaction score sfrom our 


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Infosys’data managementserviceofferingsassist our clientswith the designand

implementationof effectiveC R MData Govern anceand Steward shipmodels,

Cu stom erData Integ rationSolution s,and Data Cleansingand ConversionSo lutions

associated with customer operationsand new initiatives.

C u s t o m e rD a t aI n t e g r a t i o n

D a t aG over n a n ce /S tewa r d s h i p

A n a l y t i c s& R e p o r t i n g

M a s te r  D a taM a n a g e m e n t

S e g m e n ta tio n ,P e r s o n a s

D a t aA u g m e n t a t i o n

C l e a n s i n g& C o nve r s i o n


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E m b r

a c e

I n nov

a ti o n ,Wi n

in th eF l a t

Wo r l


F l at W o r ld C R MI n f o s y s ’E n d - t o - E n dC R MA p p r o a c h

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To t a lCR M



Infosys’ CRM Data Integration services are designed to provide an

architecture, platform, and on-going governance structure for a

single,tim ely view of customers across channels and  business lines.


Custom erData IntegrationSo

strive to provide data integration solutions tailored to the needs

of each particular industry and client.

S t r e a m l i n e dC u s t o m e rD a t aP ro c e sse s& Wo r k f low s


C u s t o m e rR e p o s i t o ry, D a t ac le an sin g& I n t e r n a lS y n c h

Customer DataRep ository Cleansing

⇒ Improve quality of customer interactions and serv ice with D e l e t e Inact iveInternal syn chto ensurethatal



ubiquitous access to 360° customer information

M aintain F inancesystems


Other  systems

⇒ Infuse your business with agility and efficiency driven by

real-time, high-quality custom er data and analytics

E l e c t r o n i cI n t e g r a t i o nw ith3 r d p a r t yven do rs

U n i f orm g lob a lcu st o m e r H i e r a r c h i e s


⇒ Accelerate results and achieve better solution quality





Geographichierarchies   E

utiliz ing Infosys’ proven m eth od s, tools, andsolutions

Customer  Data  


C l i e n tC a se S t u d y

Infosysimp leme nteda C D Isolutionfor a utilitiesmajor to manifesta singleand true

versionof the customer, availableacross enterprisein real-time. K ey benefits

include,seamless integration of CRM and C DI capabilities, closed loop data

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custom er 

analyt ics

enab ling our 

client to

access new




wallet share.13

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6 C R MOrganization

In fo sys Performs

In 2007Infosyswas rated by Fortune/CN Nas one of the top 10

com pan iesin the wor ldfor its practicestrainingand deve loping

leaders in a globaleconomy.

Infosysoffers world-classtalent and methodologiesto addressOrganizational

ChangeManagement(OC M) ,Training,and Know ledgeM anag em ent.We assistour 

clientsto effectivelymanagetransformationalengagementsand institutionalize

 pragmatic C R Mgovernanceand organizationalmodels.

C R MB u s i n e s sU n i tC o l l a b o r a t i o n

O r g a n i z a t i o n a lC h a n g eM a n a g e m e n t

T r a i n i n gf o rH i g hPe r f orm an ce

C R MGov e rn an c e

C R MK now le d g eM a n a g e m e n t

14 E m b r a c eI n nova tio n ,Win i n t h eF l a tWo r l dF l at W oI n f o s y s ’E n d - t

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Two critical success facto rs for transfo rm ation al pro ject success are

user adoption and stakeholder engagement. This can only be

achieved through proactive, integrated project governance and

organizational change management. Infosys imbeds these activities

into the core structure of transformational projects, effectively

reducing risk and increasing project effectiveness.



C h a n g e

⇒ Achieve projected returns and intended impact of 

initiatives and programs

⇒ Facil i tate successful so lu tion adop tion and stake ho lder 

engagement and buy-in

⇒ Effectively train project personnel, solution users and

stakeholders, leveraging our world class trainingand capability building expertise and solutions

C u l t u r e

Jo ban d

O r g a n i z a t i o n

D e s i g n

S t rat egy a n d

Vi s i o n

O C ML e ad e rsh ip

 New Ways

o f Wo r k i n g


C l i e n tC a se S t u d y

Infosysworkedwith a leadingfinancial servicesorganizationto increasethe sk ill- focusof their Shared Services organiza tion while improv ing process and org an izat ional efficien cy.Infosyswas able to assist this clientto realize va luab le stak eholder engagement,

organizational tr an sp aren cy, and effective co mm unic ations, significantly increasingov erall customer satisfaction. Th e im plementa tionof a Cen terof Excellence generatedimp rovedcusto me rfocu sand long-term sustainableresults.

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7 C R MExecution

In fo sys Performs

InfosysPM Elite is a dem and ingand rigoro usProjectManag ementCertification

Fram ew orkdesign edto dev elopwo rld-clas sInfos ysprojec tm anag ers.The

demanding cap abilitie srequi redfor certi ficatio nmakeit uniquein the industry. T

framework is also alignedwith the Proje ct Ma nag em ent In stit ute ( P M I).

Vision& stra tegycan on ly materializethroughsuccess fulexecutio nand effectiv e

Program/ProjectManagement(PM ).Info sys’PM methodologyhas been appliedto

thousandsof globalengagementsand is specificallydesignedto address the multi-

disciplinary aspects of com plexCRM  businesstran sform atio nand businessdriven

I T implementations.

P r o g r a m& P r o j e c tM a n a g e m e n t( P M )

P r o j e c tM a n a g e m e n tO f f i c e( P M O )

P M / P M OGov e rn an ce

P M / P M OTr a i n i n g

P M / P M OC e n t e ro f E x c e l l e n c e

P M / P M OK now le d g eM a n a g e m e n t

16 E m b r a c eI n nova tio n ,Win i n t h eF l a tWo r l dF l at WI n f o s y s ’E n d -

f h l d h d l bi d i h i d lib f ld

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To t a lCR M

Infosys PM app roach, tools, and methodology, com bined w ith the experience and caliber of our world-

C RMPM professionals and CRM  practitioners, deliver together all the elements required for Excellen

Exec utio nthrough Innovation, Speed, and Pr edicatibility.

⇒ W in Through Innovation: Customer service is necessary but

not longer sufficient for loyalty and reten tion. Faster 

Innov ation is

LeveragePM Elite& GDMBestPractices,Toolsand Tem

ForInnovation,Speed, & Predictability

- Design - Implement - Operate

required to stay ahead of competition. Innova tion is notthe




“eureka mom ent” but the effec tive execution of visioningand

winning strategies.

⇒ Prevail Through Speed: Time to market and realization of 

 benefits make the difference between leaders and

followers.Leverage our G DM, tools, and accelerators to




Black B ox

• CR MAccelerators

• CR MProcess• Templates• CR MBenchmarks

Business Requirements


& Analyze


& Optimize

• Customer Opera

• BusinessProces

• CR MApplicatio

• CR MTechnolog



⇒ Succeed Th rough Predictability: Nearly 94% of our  projects

are executed on time, within budget, and with a 99.998%

error free track  record. You can count on us for successful

and timelyenablement of your  bu siness C RM strategy.

• CRMPM Templates

• CR MSolutions• RepeatableCode

• Integration


• Sequencings

• Shift Optimization

• Tools




C l i e n tC a se S t u d y

Infosys is managing a mega-program for a leading C ommunications Se rvices P rovider. Withend- to-end own ership, our 569+ team has developed key strateg ic platforms ba sed on Siebel &

Clarif y while keep ing the "lights on" for existing systems to ensure smooth transition. Benefi

have included a multi-fold increase in "Customer Satisfaction", and a 37% reduction in T C O .


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g to the

client'sHead of Operations “Our 


 been better  before”.


F l t W ld C R M

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T o t a l

F l at W o r ld C R MI n f o s y s ’E n d - t o - E n dC R MA p p r o a c h

Infosys’Flat W orldCRM is designedto be flexible

in bringingvalueto yourcom pan yat different  pointsof the CRMlifecycle.

Flat WorldCRM can be appliedin a m odularor 

integralform ,depend ingon your specifictiming,needs,and requirements.

18 E m b r a c eI n nova tio n ,Win i n t h eF l a tWo r l dF l at WI n f o s y s ’E n d - t

1 5 lI n fo s s 'C R Me n g a g e m e n t s

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1 5 s a m p leI n fo s y s 'C R Me n g a g e m e n t sT OTA LCRMDIMENSIONS

Client Vision Performance Operations Technology Data Organization Execution

G l o b a lH i g hTe c hD i s t r i b u t o r

L e a d i n gC o m m u n i c a t i o n sS e rv ic eP rov id e r 

G l o b a lL o g i s t i c sa n dD i s t ri b u t i o nC o m p any

L e a d i n gH i g h -Te c hS erv ice sO rg an iza tio n

L ea d in gFin an cia lIn st i tu t io n

L ea d in gFin an cia lIn st i tu t io n

L ea d in gFin an cia lIn st i tu t io n

L e a d i n gC o m m u n i c a t i o n sS e rv ic e sP rov id e r 

L e a d i n gE n e rgy O r g a n i z a t i o n

L ea d in gFin an cia lS erv ice sC o m p any

L e a d i n gD i s c r e t eM a n u f a c tu r in gC o m p any

M a jo rE n e rgy C o m p any

M a jo rM a n u f a c tu r in gC o m p any

For a detaileddescriptionof engagementsand servicesplease refer to our Infosy sGlo balCR MPrac tice


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