PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07 »n EXTIIA bonj bel'vecti •w and Sept 30. W AR BULLETIN^ SO«T» PAtlKfO HK/U>QDAUTEB8, Bgnday. Brpl. 16. WT—MbIJian 209 Unllfd- Btalw pl.tnei ^Iroch WtOncsdai. t Japancxd' ba<M A Rcffional Newspaper ServinR Nine Irrlffatcd Idaho Counties ’ Admiral n'lllUm F.. lUUey .old (odar la (hfi Solomons, dntroylnx V enemj ptapet. VOL. 26, NO. 134 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, SEI’TEMBER 19. 1913 PRICE 6 CENTS Let’s Be Good Sports to grlpo nboul , hole.i. taking It nnd .llsliliift J and filth, bnttllng Jujw nncl Qcrmnns, fndiiK and often j They’re BcltlnR ihtlr urms nnd Icks shot oft and iliclr Yes, Uicyre flghilnK like hell—for tlicnisclvca. for >oi They’re the onca who dcsccvo. consideration abo T /hat Uicy are £olnir thn3Ugh'-U'U0t>t0 their Ilklnc. t your llfo cftliBt.- Clrc:^.<.r faff^UUfU-d. they mu Into the mnddenlng din of hcU when their supcrlo eommand. . Let It not be said when Ihcw men come lioinc ( « tunnte enough to come honie) Uint wc fnllod to do whnt p to theit No%v ot nil tlmta, lei’s dcinonstrale llinl we're Kood spc Let's say to tlie;.e men rleht now: ‘'Here’s the money, l»ys, along with oiir best wishes. Olve 'cm he ¥ » ¥ Women Mobilize All-out Bond Push; County at $1,050,000 Illrliii; for an nll-out piuli In Irecllon ot Mrs. O- O. Mcnill, nlirht si.id he tjellcvcd llic coi more tSinn Sl.OSO.OOO In bonds t Women hnve been selling bonds In the trnvcllns booUi on downtowr xlrccls. Mr.v McRlll said, ond lmv< been t>olll:ii; bonds in both the Wool. wortJ> nnd Wnl^recn booUis. Mon- day nfsht. she snUI. there will be r mccllnB of women workers at tin t il\e halt-way marlt PRIORITY SEI ON COAL DELIVERIES WASJIINOTON. Bopt. 18 (/T) — / priority .^-stcm for delivery of ol types of coni.to the trlllcnlly shon _ Pacific noviuwc-'il. v.ax tn\nounccf 9- todny by tlic office of price ntlmln. L-itrntlon BUpplcmentlnK plans ot Un Aolld fuels ndmlnlstrntlon to make Uic con! fivnllnblc. ' To awure fuel to e.wiitinl wni Induces, food processors nnc BlennTpower BencrnllnR plants, con- sunicrs of conl for purpose.^ oHic'i thun- heat, domcsUc hoi wiitcr nnt cgoklng will lop the prltirlty list. These users will gel whalcver ti ’ lliry require. thnn one-fourih llie amount fuel needed tor one Reason are tic In the order of prtforcnee, folloi ed by consumcn who hnvc Ira tin... hnlf tlielr rcfiulremenls. nnd flnallj by those with Inrger suppllc-i. The measure. affecUnK the stnlc: of Wnshlngton nnd Oregon nnd !• countlM In Idaho. Li merely ■ re- vision, OPA said, of a flrea-ood rO' tinning order In effect In the arct slncc last June. This was ndvBnhip It wn.1 said, becau.sc coal and wooc cnn bo aicd Interchnngenbly In t largo percentage of stoves and fur- naces In U\e area.' In ordering, conl, OPA said. *umcrs mu.'it stnlc In writing to Uiclr denlera the amount of conl they have u well M estimate Ihclr reeds for the year. Dealer* will register under the pinn at b time and place O P ^ deslgtintcd by the Pacific coast Badoglio Claimed Safe With Allies LONDON. Sept. IS (UB-Prcmler ^^a^shnI Pietro Badoglio escaped tlu’ough Ocrmjui line.i around llome, 11 was revenlcd authoritatively to- day. and Is enfe la alllcd-held terri- tary tn Italy. tfhcre.helinegntlaUnp economic, financial and -poUtiail phiiscs of tiie Italian onnlsUce. Dndogllo was known to have left nome iilmMt U Oennan troopa laid siege to the capltAl His arrival In h!lled-htld territory in Italy assured AnRlo-Amcrlcnn authorltlea of con- tact with thfl only legally-tonjU- pweniHicirt ol dftjio. I whei nnd ( they 1 till I r Job. Sor Sept. 30. "Every man. woiutin ntid cWW Itv Twin Piilk mu drclared. '^^n of you mny bo once. If so, take It courteously. I) a Job tills big, Uils enn't possibly be helped." Mrs. McRllt urged evcrj’one to buy M Kclierously ns po.?slble. •'We ore attacking now," slie said, "Your dollar or mine may help to buy time sometliing that is needed to save your boy. my boy, or o nrlRhbor’s boy down the street. V can't fall them. Be rendy Wedne.sdi., momlns when the lady calls at your door lor yw r bond." All rcport.1 were not In lr«t nig but NcL'oii said he thought tlie Si tu-day totals would combine witli *12,000 bc%4 Mlo allotment fri the Bt.itc of Iffnlio to.put Twin Pnlls county over the half-way mark. ■'In Uie 10 days Just post Twin Falls county bond purchases have avcrnRcd approximately *100.000 dally.” he said. “If Uils dally age cnn b« maintained for th t ....... 13 days tlio county'f objcetlva of 12 • 400.000 wtU be reached. In «. drive t>J this nnture tho first half I s ____ _ considered to be tho easiest half, but with Ineomo taxes out x t tlie wa}%' nnd wlUi our bean crop rolling to market, the last Imlf should this Umo be the easiest half. We know that we can count on Twin FKlU county farmers to do tlielr part.' War Casualties Set a^ 105,205 'WASHINGTON. Sept. 18 W>- The office of war Information said today Uiat announced cu- UAlUcs of ttiB United States arm- ed force* from the outbreak of tho war to date totaUDJJOtJli*- TUHdrerZocs.not include caitul— ties where the next of kin have not been notUled. BoAcd on war nnd navy depart- ment reports. lh« toul Included 30.104 dead. 28520 wounded. S2.- OOa missing « id 23,970 prisootr* of war. ALA' it Uobr •• 10 Imp Nonhi-ii town Df c uvltl Manu canio wllliln So- viet nrimcr>- iiin«c ns VIbll, six mllci.'i to itii; WHS c.-ipturcd-^ind 20 othvf lott-n-s ovfrrmi. ’t’tiu-s Uic nu.ssl;in-. wi-re 80 miles north of Kiev Ing Him ( :lrcle of Hii-'.'Jlnn for lid Clii'rnlKov. ...... •s from Kli'V a 1 M mill-.'' 1 Kcdi Ttirenten IlrfenMrs •f^Auo'her th rm tp, me lower Qer- man Dnieper river line dcvelom'd when the Ru.'.slnns seized tlic town and mlUviiy Junrtlon o' PnvJot;nid on Uie rond to DiiU-pcrop< trov.sk, Soviet trooi.,1 flr.-.i cnicki-d Ocr- miin dcfenr.es on tlic S.-minra nnd Volchya rivers, wixIriiI Ihc-msclves into enemy fonniitloiw and then swept on to IUtto street engnKO- ments insltle PavloKriid. A regiment of Qernian liil;intry wiis wiped out, Ulc bulletin snid. Autumn niln wns hliidprlng boll) tlie ntlACk nnd the ddciise In this key sector. or tl.. tonight I....... lower rnllrond ufaclured In I crcftset! aignr —but wlUi rc:,<i._____ One rcsolulion adopted at the elosc ot the first confcrtnce of chief cxccuUvea oJ the Wo stcHons vottil western governors would study. "If they tee fit,".the freight mle sub- ject, "with rc.'ijvct to any dUcrlml- nntlon tliat mny nffeet tho western Btntcs." Anotlier tlnit bi-tran, "without pn-'Ksliig on the qiiot.i sy.Mem." urged thnt ‘’the war food ndmlnlstrntlon encoutage production of sugiir beeta for 1044 In nn ninoimt cotisl.^tnnt with tho Induslrj's nblllty to pro- duce." Tlie Wfiteni Buvenmrs" stand agnljist whnt they termed Inviislon of states’ rights received conference backing In a rt^olutlon pnrngraph thnt set np ft policy of "cooperotlaii with the fedcml foicrmncnt on a basis such as the tcdernl old act for rond building where states hnye n volcc In how luicl where moneys Mc to bo spent." Gov. 0. A. Botlolf.'en of Idaho re- minded the governors to think more about their resi>on.'lbllllle3 and less about Btntcs' rlghui, Bond Sales Over Nine Billion Mark WASHINQTON. Sept. 18 M’)—Tlie treasury announced tonight bond sales were tO.532,000,000 In Uie first 10 days of tho *15,000.000,000 third war loan drive—nnd Its figures nre not complete lor some arca.5. Daniel W. Dell. uiidiTsccretary of tho treasury, said tlie total Includes *st0,000,000 of government trust funds. Not Including the Investment of Uiese trust funds. *9,0K " ---------'WRtelj 00 j^cr s been rnked. Pilot Killed in -Army^Plane Crash RAMONA, Cnllf., Sept. IB (-T^An m y P-S8 , Interceptor aa-Cied In names two mUe* noyUiwest of here Ut« yesterday, and the pilot was fcltied. Tlie pilot was Identified at March field, where he was ba.-ied as Sec- ond Lieut. Stephen* W&twn, 22. ot W «t Palm B e^ Flv War’s End for Italy „t all.. '^ItijC ilDcutiirnl; Commodurr It. 4mi)r05i(. of ll.-ily. w ho no* Ihr IlleU fprr« >iinrd a mllllarr amilMlce SepL 1 at rnl- Mftl. G tn. \V. Jl, SiWW. VV.Hy. Nnvy; MaJ. On.. Co^lftUi.o. chiff-nf.Ma(f to Hriir, J. W. n. stront ot EtiRUni In rear Is Mr, lioto by Sltiial corpj radio.irlepliotor-- U.S. Blasts Jap Bases In Raids on Solomons RPMllP Cecil Boucher 29, » Jo'mnlcnn irni worker, wns Instaml)' killed ixHin p. m. Friday when Uic truck In which he wm rlillnt; overturn nnd pinned him bencnth It at jwlnt nboul four m iles sauthei of TrIii FnlLr Tile tnelc wns driven by Snmuel I Net Inronlci Kns snlrt to be aboii rhopprrl hny. Tlie v jy ai(He Y - I03<-< »llli wlm n Fnllsr employer of both Green told Sheriff Wnrrrn Low. thnt the Bim was In ht« ejes nf rounded the corner. tunilnK from .. rlh to west, nnd Ih r tracks of tit ;^iiclc sliowrd that Hr lind com ...........tlie torioT.’ T>lt- o n iiotl' the road, ’n i e truci: ovet when, the d riv er su-ung to — -;iD mkldle of tlic ro^l in a effort to keep out of th e ditch, ' Boucher’s licnd wa.» between th right door nnd the ground slien Ui truck cnme to a slop on 11 s sUli. nnd Dr. Clarence H. SchUl, Twin PalU county coroucr. said dent by a skull frncturc, , wa.s dentl when Inkc from bennith the truck by those llrbt to nrrlve on the: scciie nfler Iho accldrnt, and D f. Schllt Bald Tlie Jamaican's death marked the flfUi trnfllc fatnllty tor Twil Fall^ county UiLi year nnd the 12tl for Magic Valley. T lic last Magic Valley trafllc death came fr< (Collr.H .n r.i. •. C.I..P tl FL^HESof LIFE EMHARRASSED BUFFALO. N. Y., S e p t. lB -\ ...... pollcCjKarched four boys charned with several minor tlielu, Uiry found four wallets, •’llftfd" Iron policemen who hnd questioned thi quutet. DUJIMY SALT LAKE CITY. Sept. IB — BIrenj serenming, tw o police sped to Investigate the rtpc crushed illirt blood body was I iQ the iUttl. They found » dummy jplatlered with pnlnt. TIUXTERS .......... BILETZ, Ore.. Sept. 18-Maybe the women of the Uncoln county Pomona Omnje are "different. The Orange sponsored b rodent- catching contest, men nsnlail wo- Bwomen won-bnKKlnn 92 mice. Chiang in Plea For Cooperation OHUNaKlNO, SCI*. 18 «'H3cn- eralUslmo Chlahg Knl-shfk, making -nla first publlo oppenrniice aipres- Went of CTlns called today lor the cooperation ol his country Bnri her Jllles iQ an ’'all.front" offenilve and declared that the surrender of the Italian fletl •'detrrmlnM Japan’n utumate doom." China's. w« maUist aggrtaalon was effectively linked to the European battle tiienlfr by the ^ntaiiCT 01 ui8 iwvUftn he .UV.D HEADQUARTERS 11 SOU’I’K PACIFIC, Sundnj . 10 i,>',-Aini.Tlr:in wnr plam- iZ IS SHIFT 10 DEFENSEFROMIS STOCKHOl-M. Sept, IB (,n-Oei . mnny Is »r;ikiiilnK her military pc 'niWil------- • - ' liy battle. Today’s —, - ........... ilquo reported boniborj "of nil categorlrs”— mi'niiliif; Ubvrntor heavy bombers, Mltcliell medium bombers. Avm^er torpedo bombcm and Daiintle.-j dive boniber.s—struck twlcc Wedneidny nder i d Bnlliil of I of nlrdroni ,y plnnes challenKed ll Airdromes Dlasted Only the dny before, mure i lOD Amerlrnn bombers poured C lvrs on nlrdromes In the 1 9 o'clock in^the morning i enrlv nfternoon while e'cortlng .flKh'ters battled 11 out with lOO In- tPrcvlovLsly, dlr.pxtcUc.i from the Solomons area cald the Japanese mny Ix- ferrj'liig plnnes from Jnp.in down throiich Truk nnd Rnbnul. New Britain, to Bougainville bxn-.v) nou^-alnvlllc In the souUiern Sol- omons L 'i the last air fortre.vs barring American forces now entrenched on New aroniln nnd Vclla Lnvelb fron< the enemy s all-lmiwrtanl naval and olr base of Rnbuui. Tlid Amerlciin airtlefd at Munda. on New Oeortiia, now ser\liig with Giiarinlcanal’s Henderson field a/ bases for American air raiders, has been raided threo more times, head- quarters said today. Slopping up at Lae In the New Guinea wnr theater mopping up operations nre in prog- ress arouiul ncwly-capturcd Lae. Off Knvleng. New Ireland, a 1,000- ton enemy frelKhler hns been hit by aerial btnnbardmciit. Heavy and medium bombcn. dlvi bombers ond torpedo bombers, es. corted by flijhtcr*. delivered the Int- e.'t nttncl: on enemy airdromes U Uie Bnln-FnW sector. Allies Bag 501 Planes iii Africa WASHINGTON, SeptT 18 WV-Ol.. crews of allied aiitl-alrcraft units knockcd at least 601 enemy planes out of tlic norili Atrlcan skies dur- ing Uie cnmpalgn tliere ntid banged Id more during the first week of bwincss tn Sicily. Tlie war department, reportlnt this today, said tlie (Inal score tor Uie ground gunners, whoso task 1 : less spectacular Uinn that of tht llEliter-iilane-pllots.-probabiy-wlll-be even higher because some of the crcws hurriedly pulled up stakes when Uie north African campaign was over ond moitd to Sicily wiUi- out getUng a cliance to tally Uiclr galna In tho African war. Officers Shot by Accident Improve POCATEU/3. Sept. IB-W—Lleu- innnts Hugh T. Smyth of fttu - biirgh. Penn.. And Claude T. Lo>t- laco of Union Cltx,,Tcnn,.5rho were accidentally shot at th# Pocatello army #lr base Thursday, were re- ported tod'.y w "progrr.v^iiB luktU- fnctorlly" by Major Paul B. Reis, •-as« suTReon. The offlctm were Injured when .50 caliber machine gun was- acci- dentally dls^nrged irndlns » thell throush &buUdlns ol 'Rhlch s»a' ------OCCUpftDtf ri’allnt:. Uie Saiuluii nil nlon;: ? Ihie the St. ler lliis of tablLsh Iio;il m A Iruntlc shlHlnn of trojps to anUrliiatcd new nllled lU' vo-npn blow.-", rciwta rrachlni SlocWiolmls.'dd today. * ’• Tttciity to <0,000 German trooiv have been ri'tnoii-d from Norw.iy It id tlioiLsands—oni BY WES GALLAOlIRIt ALI.IKD HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Sept. 18 (/]■)—Allied navitl units have opened u new phase in the battle f{?r Italy by seizing three more islnnd.i commnndinR the immedi:ltc sen approaches to the great port of Naples, hondqunrtor.-i announced today na allied Rround troops omerKcd victorious in tho bloody fi^iiting at Salerno. A'lipecial communique disclosed tho occupation of Ischi^i, 1C mile.-< southw est of Nnple.s, only n few hour.s after the n-K'nliir w ar bulletin from Gen. Dwijtht D. Eisenhower's iced the seizure of two oil’ .spur of the bay of Naple.'!. islund.s flEN IW IN DISORDEWM LONDON, 18 (-n-DLsordei I scale not seer nconflni nis-lia\ •t f.ild t I wlllHlraa lined ll from Hussini under Ki-s." ■1'M.fu'facM a i-placlng 39 It '..:ondtnts re|Mrted lal elite Gen bitn nio\i'd from to n'lnlorco tr> Miir>hal Cell, Albert d Field Marshal nDmmrt in ll.ily. icdlsh ( I llerlln jwlctlgtd t mlllta Scandlii n ob.'.er wlilHlr.1 iid.althi • been als >ro ■3for w (C.ipt. Ludwig Scrtorlouj, Ttans' ocean News Anenry ccmmcnUHor, It a rrm.irkubly Irank dlKitJlon of the Oemian rclrt.il In KiisJl; was not clear where tlic backward movement would h.ilt.) The Berlin correspondent of the fitockholms-Tldnlnscn .^Id the Oi mans were sacrltlclnR territory great cconomie Importance In Ri slo. Benito Rants At Emaimele In ‘Broadcast’ LONDON. Sept. la l,V^A voice 10toe that ct Bm«o Mus- solini. the Inllcn foiiniler of fnse- Ism, tonlKht hc.'iiH'd (temmclatlon upon King Vlttorto Eni.imiele, eaUed for the "ellmlna inn of fa-wlst t ors.” and bade Unll.ins take up i____ again by the side o( Ocrmnny and ^apnn. In a IS-mlnute radio speech from on undisclosed place the speakw jxprescnted as Uie tx-ducc liber nted by the Oennnm. loM a story of thnt rescue which he uid would "be- come legendary" and outlined thU four-point ptogrota , for ■ “loyal" lUUans: 1. Take.up arms again by Uie side of Oennany nnd Japsn. 3rKfrojianTie'arsnce“Uie artheff forcta and mUlUa. J. Eliminate traltofs. partlcuUrly those who wtnVbver lo Uic eneraj-. 4. Make on end to pliitocraUc methods and .'octal and fascist order. Mont listeners here 7I 10had heard MussdUcU fpeak Ixfore »ald Uicy bellored Uie voice wu actually Uu»t of the fallen luUan ptemltt. whom the Germans lime announced as the head oJ Uio na:J-si>on.'orcd "Mpub- Ucan fascbt ixiriy." (The Oiilnlon of Uie U. S. gov- ctnm cnt radio luonltots was 8 to a that It was Mus,»anl‘s Tolce. though «ome»hat subdued from his old bal- cotjy days In Rome, and some thought It wis fro.li a reconlln*,) 'J^iough Uie fpoech «m generally JtSMded in London ai one ct ‘'a a u m whose presllg« U gone for BW)d." lUteners agreed Uiat tho s p ^ e r MUiided nio»t like the bltw- tcrlng duee ol old -fthtn he tnxmtl- atcd his foufpotot program. since llic fcill of F n ............ ported In linly tonlglil os tho Ocr- mnm souRht to kick their beaten, allies back to nh unweleoine part- ncrihlp with them. But Uio Italians were flghUng b;\clt In IncrcnslnftJiiuiibers It ap- peared, 'Thej' were reported ripping MI> Qcrmtvi^ cwnmunlcalloia be- tween northern oncl central Italy ot u time when the German comaini moit urgently needed them. At sot polnis In the north they were an . to be ftniidlng against the natls nnd shooting It otiL No Food in Rome A varletv of accnunU from ___ ir."!! oiul Llllca w u ic fi i):t.Vuif,i’’lh lr A3 pan of tho chaos In IlalX' 1. No food - - No ‘ctlon Tlio vfd for days 1 j ncilvliy rcsiwied irc thnn ft week ander na*l "pro* : bcln compelled to bring li troo|n, 2. The Vntlcon ringed about virtually cut off from Uie c world by nn?J troops. Pope Pius XII WM reported In neutral Stockholm disp.ilche.s to hnve ntrongly protect- ed hli stntua ns a vlriunl prisonci M well 0.1 the treatment of Uie peo- ple In Kcncrni. 3. Savage fitihtlng between Ger- mnn and Italian troops nlom Urenncr p:ra railroad line, -means ol eniry and exit Irom Itnly for tlie nazl.^, and nt Turli other part.i of Uic upper pen! including the Genoa region. ,4, Turln-Milnn Indu-strlal rcglon.i In srml-pnralysls. with nritl-fiwclst workers refu.slng to RO to their }oia. 5. All northern Itnly short of food, wlih the aermnna confbcatlng wlint la nt hand nnd making no effort to provide for civilians. 0, Leaflct-i nre being distributed to the Itnllnns urging the ’- anbotage nnd light the nails. Death Deerpe Irapojed Meanwhile. U wns reported from Dern, Switzerland, thnt the German sccrct police went Into lull apeed operation In luly today with order Imposing denth on all Italia cnuRht hldlns nrms or molesting otenllns military e<iulpmcnt. Grand-dad Faces Army Induction NASHVILLE, Tenn,. Sept. 18 (-I-)-. While the nuc.-.Uon of drattlUB l a - ' thcrs Is debnted by congrcs.i. a Nnslinilfi drnft board may put a prand/atlier In the army, Ttioniis J . Doyd, 37. who.vs so n - the faUier of nn Infant daughter—Is an nrmy fergennt stationed at Comp Robert.% Cnllf., alrc.idy has report- ed for hl> preliminary plij’slcol ex- Qmlnallon. The first wlfo of the thrice mar- ried srawlfnthcr. mother of Sgt. Tliomw J. Doyd. jr., la serving her eounlry In the WACS. At 31 she Li one of the youngest grandmoUicrs. In Uiat branch of ecrvlce. Ischia was tnkcn Ttiurfdny, one ' doy nfler Uie occupation pf Ponzn, 05 miles west of Naplc.i. and of Pro- cldft, 13 miles soutliwcst of Naples nnd only two miles from the north-. em land orm of the boy. Attic* Selte Ca^it^ Allied forces previously hnd oc- cupied Uie blond-of Cnprl. on Uie aouthern side of the bay. Ischln. largest of the four. ha& an nrea of about 20 r.quarc,mll»i and Is only seven mlic.i from Uia nearest mainland coast. (Berlin broadcasts nn announce- ment Uiat Oermnns hod occu- pied the Island of Elba. Nnpoleon's first homo In eille, 33 miles cast of Corsica and eight miles from Uie Italian coast. Seven UJOU.'aind HaU- OQ troops were oald by Uio nnzla to liavo surrendered Uiere.) Allied armies emersed victors In tlie battle of Salertio—first great engagement with HlHcr's legions for Uie command of E u r ^ e —because of nn abundance of'gilin courage on tho part of American nnd BrltUh Infantrimcn and overwhelming nlr and sen superiority. "-The AmorUan nita_nhdf'British ' eighth armies merged In tlie final stages of Uie strntcglo victory which . enlarged the Salerno bridgehead in- to a fuU fighting front,-..^ German troops, who trlsd fuUlcly tor seven days to hammer Uie Amcr- ’ “ "'ih forces Into Uio sea. had I oulh. the allies emnshed Inland 11 miles, but allil clung .^-ivngeb' to the gate- way to Naples In Uie north. Inland Town Taken Tlio headquarters commtmlque meed the c - - - Inland I. t) U. S. READIES NEW A M A T M S DEKN.'Switzerland, Sept. 18 (/T>— A dlspaleh from Chambery, France, io the Tribuhe de Geneve said loday that the RAFs Thursday nljhl bomblnc of MoOane. rnllivny June- Uon on Uie Kalian-French bnnler, lell the clly'f railroad yards » sham- ble*. The bombing, eouplrd wllli sabot- age of Uie .Mont CtnlJ railway «un. iiel by Italian troops, w.u expected t« hall IraKIo over the Imporlanl rail link with Turin for seven lo eljlit months, llie dbpateU said. LONDON, Sept. 18 The iTniicd States nrmy nir force Is dc- irt-rnngc bombura ig ft great weight stcn Iho defeat of Uarucd hctc to- veloplng capable of of exi>lali« Germany, Up t r bomber development ntered on long-rango IS iKcn dlscloscd Uuit • BUpcr- .10 At- InnUo round-trip wlUiOUt refuelling arc in producUon. nnd Uicso will bo ejpcclnlly nee<lcd in tho Pacific. .New runes Prepared But the expcctcd conijuest ot northern Italy-Jiut across the Alps from acrnmny-has put a premium plants capable of carrying bigger <C«>i[<i..J *n P i t. t. C.l.i>a i» Behind Steel Plate, Surgeons Take Live Shell From Sailor (The following story, written by Tcch. Bgt. Jim Lucas of Tulsa. Okla.. marine combat correspondent, was dbUlbuted by the Associated Press!. A SOUTH PACIPIO MARINE BASE (DeUycd) — Twenty-three year-old Alien .L Oord6n of Rock Island.-BI,, knew he wm a human bomb. Standing at his post aboard *oi Amerlton worship in the sotitt Pacific, he had been struck below the left chcst by & 20 MM osU- nhrratt sliell which pierced his Intestines and .lodged in his left hip. By freakish chance, the shell hnd not exploded. When Gordon, a fire control man. third glnmly carried i luhore at this bland output on Nov. 33. 1M3, he could »tlU srlo sti the corp-^men who'servtd as hla' atrelcher Iwarcri"'' Thus began one of. the ttrocgest Btorles et ww «urgt0-whl«h mlnsted on Dec. a. when two navy docton, worklnff^beWnd *t*«l plate, operated on '»n Amtilctm sallo^^»ho niey removed the ahtiUitlUs wp *ad.»iaiMan-tDfeetlon In.-Qordon was itron* enough eventually to tbe.CBlted Stetea. where treatment cooUnues. .

flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

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Page 1: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07


at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07 »n EXTIIA bonj bel'vecti

•w and Sep t 30.


Bgnday. Brpl. 16. WT—Mb™ IJian 209 Unllfd- B talw pl.tnei ^Iroch WtOncsdai.

t Japancxd' ba<M

A Rcffional N ew sp a p er S e rv in R N in e I r r lf fa tc d Idaho C ounties ’

Admiral n'lllUm F .. lUUey .o ld (odar la (hfi Solomons, dntroylnx V enemj ptapet.

V O L . 26 , N O. 134 T W IN F A L L S , IDA H O , S U N D A Y , S E I ’T E M B E R 19. 1913 P R IC E 6 C E N T S

Let’s Be Good Sports

to grlpo nboul ,hole.i. taking It nnd .llsliliift Jand filth, bnttllng Jujw nncl Qcrmnns, fndiiK and often j

They’re BcltlnR ih tlr urms nnd Icks shot oft and iliclr Yes, Uicyre flghilnK like hell—for tlicnisclvca. for >oi They’re the onca who dcsccvo. consideration abo

T /h a t Uicy are £olnir thn3Ugh'-U'U0t>t0 their Ilklnc. t your llfo c ftliB t.- Clrc:^.<.r faff^UUfU-d. they mu Into the mnddenlng din of hcU when the ir supcrlo eommand. .

Let It not be said when Ihcw men come lioinc (

« tunnte enough to come honie) Uint wc fnllod to do whnt p to the it No%v ot nil tlmta, lei’s dcinonstrale llinl we're Kood spc

Let's say to tlie;.e men rleht now:‘'Here’s the money, l»ys, along with oiir best wishes. Olve 'cm he

¥ » ¥ ♦

Women Mobilize All-out BondPush; County at $1,050,000

Illrliii; for an nll-out piuli In Irecllon ot Mrs. O- O. Mcnill, nlirht si.id he tjellcvcd llic coi

more tSinn Sl.OSO.OOO In bonds t Women hnve been selling bonds

In the trnvcllns booUi on downtowr xlrccls. Mr.v McRlll said, ond lmv< been t>olll:ii; bonds in both the Wool. wortJ> nnd Wnl^recn booUis. Mon­day nfsht. she snUI. there will be r mccllnB of women workers a t tin

t il\e halt-way marlt


WASJIINOTON. Bopt. 18 (/T) — / priority .^-stcm for delivery of ol types of coni.to the trlllcnlly shon

_ Pacific noviuwc-'il. v.ax tn\nounccf 9 - todny by tlic office of price ntlmln.

L-itrntlon BUpplcmentlnK plans ot Un Aolld fuels ndmlnlstrntlon to make Uic con! fivnllnblc.' To awure fuel to e.wiitinl wni I n d u c e s , food processors nnc BlennTpower BencrnllnR plants, con- sunicrs of conl for purpose. oHic'i thun- heat, domcsUc hoi wiitcr nn t cgoklng will lop the prltirlty list. These users will gel whalcver ti ’ lliry require.

thnn one-fourih llie amount fuel needed tor one Reason are tic In th e order of prtforcnee, folloi ed by consumcn who hnvc I ra tin... hnlf tlielr rcfiulremenls. nnd flnallj by those with Inrger suppllc-i.

T he measure. affecUnK the stnlc: of Wnshlngton nnd Oregon nnd !• countlM In Idaho. Li merely ■ re- vision, OPA said, of a flrea-ood rO' tinning order In effect In the arct slncc last June. This was ndvBnhip It wn.1 said, becau.sc coal and wooc cnn bo aicd Interchnngenbly In t largo percentage of stoves and fur­naces In U\e a re a .'

I n ordering, conl, OPA said. *umcrs mu.'it stnlc In writing to Uiclr denlera the amount of conl they have u well M estimate Ihclr reeds for the year. Dealer* will register under the pinn a t b time and place O P ^ deslgtintcd by the Pacific coast

Badoglio Claimed Safe With Allies

LONDON. Sept. IS (UB-Prcmler ^^a^shnI Pietro Badoglio escaped tlu’ough Ocrmjui line.i around llome, 11 was revenlcd authoritatively to­day. and Is enfe la alllcd-held terri- tary tn Italy. tfhcre.helinegntlaUnp economic, financial and -poUtiail phiiscs of tiie Italian onnlsUce.

Dndogllo was known to have left nome iilmMt U O ennan troopa laid siege to the capltAl His arrival In h!lled-htld territory in Italy assured AnRlo-Amcrlcnn authorltlea of con­tact w ith thfl only legally-tonjU-

pweniHicirt ol

dftjio. Iwhei

nnd (

they 1

till I

r Job. Sor

Sept. 30."Every man. woiutin ntid cWW Itv

Twin Piilk mu drclared. '^^n of you mny bo once. I f so, take It courteously. I) a Job tills big, Uils enn't possibly be helped."

Mrs. McRllt urged evcrj’one to buy M Kclierously ns po.?slble.

•'We ore attacking now," slie said, "Your dollar or mine may help to buy time sometliing tha t is needed to save your boy. my boy, or o nrlRhbor’s boy down the street. V can 't fall them. Be rendy Wedne.sdi., m om lns when the lady calls a t your door lo r y w r bond."

All rcport.1 were not In lr«t nig but NcL'oii said he thought tlie Si tu-day totals would combine witli *12,000 bc%4 Mlo allotment fri the Bt.itc of Iffnlio to.put Twin Pnlls county over the half-way mark.

■'In Uie 10 days Just post Twin Falls county bond purchases have avcrnRcd approximately *100.000 dally.” he said. “If Uils dallyage cnn b« maintained for t h t .......13 days tlio county'f objcetlva of 12 • 400.000 wtU be reached. In «. drive t>Jthis nnture tho first half I s ____ _considered to be tho easiest half, but w ith Ineomo taxes out x t tlie wa}%' nnd wlUi our bean crop rolling to market, the last Imlf should this Umo be the easiest half. We know tha t we can count on Twin FKlU county farmers to do tlielr part.'

War Casualties Set a 105,205

'WASHINGTON. Sept. 18 W >- The office of war Information said today Uiat announced c u - UAlUcs of ttiB United States arm­ed force* from the outbreak of tho war to date to taU D JJO tJli* - TUHdrerZocs.not include c a itu l— ties where the next of kin have no t been notUled.

BoAcd on war nnd navy depart­m ent reports. lh« to u l Included 30.104 dead. 28520 wounded. S2.- OOa missing « id 23,970 prisootr* of war.


it Uobr ••

10 Imp

Nonhi-ii town Df c

uvltl Manu

canio wllliln So­viet nrimcr>- iiin«c ns VIbll, six mllci.'i to itii; WHS c.-ipturcd-^ind20 othvf lott-n-s ovfrrmi. ’t’tiu-s Uic nu.ssl;in-. wi-re 80 miles north of Kiev

Ing Him (

:lrcle of Hii-'.'Jlnn for

lid Clii'rnlKov.


•s from Kli'V a 1 M mill-.'' 1

Kcdi Ttirenten IlrfenMrs •f^Auo'her th r m tp, me lower Qer- man Dnieper river line dcvelom'd when the Ru.'.slnns seized tlic town and mlUviiy Junrtlon o ' PnvJot;nid on Uie rond to DiiU-pcrop< trov.sk,

Soviet trooi.,1 flr.-.i cnicki-d Ocr- miin dcfenr.es on tlic S.-minra nnd Volchya rivers, wixIriiI Ihc-msclves into enemy fonniitloiw and then swept on to IUtto street engnKO- ments insltle PavloKriid. A regiment of Qernian liil;intry wiis wiped out, Ulc bulletin snid.

Autumn niln wns hliidprlng boll) tlie ntlACk nnd the ddciise In this key sector.

or tl..tonight I.......lower rnllrond ufaclured In I crcftset! aignr —but wlUi rc:,<i._____

One rcsolulion adopted a t the elosc ot the first confcrtnce of chief cxccuUvea oJ the Wo stcHons vottil western governors would study. "If they tee fit,".the freight mle sub­ject, "with rc.'ijvct to any dUcrlml- nntlon tliat mny nffeet tho western Btntcs."

Anotlier tlnit bi-tran, "without pn-'Ksliig on the qiiot.i sy.Mem." urged thn t ‘’the war food ndmlnlstrntlon encoutage production of sugiir beeta for 1044 In nn ninoimt cotisl.^tnnt with tho Induslrj's nblllty to pro­duce."

Tlie Wfiteni Buvenmrs" stand agnljist whnt they termed Inviislon of states’ rights received conference backing In a rt^olutlon pnrngraph thnt set np ft policy of "cooperotlaii with the fedcml foicrmncnt on a basis such as the tcdernl old act for rond building where states hnye n volcc In how luicl where moneys Mc to bo spent."

Gov. 0 . A. Botlolf.'en of Idaho re­minded the governors to think more about their resi>on.'lbllllle3 and less about Btntcs' rlghui,

Bond Sales Over Nine Billion Mark

WASHINQTON. Sept. 18 M’)—Tlie treasury announced tonight bond sales were tO.532,000,000 In Uie first 10 days of tho *15,000.000,000 third w ar loan drive—nnd Its figures nre not complete lor some arca.5.

Daniel W. Dell. uiidiTsccretary of tho treasury, said tlie total Includes *st0,000,000 of government trust funds. Not Including the Investment of Uiese trust funds. *9,0K "---------'WRtelj 00 j^cr

s been rnked.

Pilot Killed in -Army^Plane Crash

RAMONA, Cnllf., Sept. IB (-T^An m y P-S8 , Interceptor aa-Cied In

names two mUe* noyUiwest of here Ut« yesterday, and the pilot was fcltied.

Tlie pilot was Identified at March field, where he was ba.-ied as Sec­ond Lieut. Stephen* W&twn, 22. ot W « t Palm B e ^ F lv

War’s End for Italy

„t all..'^ItijC ilDcutiirnl; Commodurr It. 4mi)r05i(. of ll.-ily. who no* Ihr

IlleU fp rr« >iinrd a m llllarr amilMlce SepL 1 at rnl- Mftl. G tn. \V. Jl, SiWW. VV.Hy.Nnvy; MaJ. On.. Co^lftUi.o. chiff-nf.Ma(f to

Hriir, J. W. n . stron t ot EtiRUni In rear Is Mr, lioto by Sltiial corpj radio.irlepliotor--

U.S. Blasts Jap Bases In Raids on Solomons

RPMllPCecil Boucher 29, » Jo'mnlcnn

irni worker, wns Instaml)' killed ixHin p. m. Friday w hen Uic truck

In which he wm rlillnt; overturn nnd pinned him bencnth It at jwlnt nboul four m iles sauthei of TrIii FnlLr

Tile tnelc wns driven by SnmuelI Net

Inronlci Kns snlrt to be aboii rhopprrl hny. Tlie v jy ai(He Y ■ -

I03<-< »llli wlm

n Fnllsremployer of both

Green told Sheriff Wnrrrn Low. thnt the Bim was In ht« ejes nf

rounded the corner. tunilnK from .. rlh to west, nnd Ih r tracks of tit ; iiclc sliowrd that Hr lind com...........tlie torioT.’ T>lt- on iiotl'

the road, ’n ie truci: ovet when, the d river su-ung to

— -;iD mkldle of tlic ro^l in a effort to keep out of th e ditch, '

Boucher’s licnd wa.» between th right door nnd the ground slien Ui truck cnme to a slop on 11s sUli. nnd Dr. Clarence H. SchUl, Twin PalU county coroucr. said dent

by a skull frncturc,, wa.s dentl when Inkc

from bennith the truck by those llrbt to nrrlve on the: scciie nfler Iho accldrnt, and D f. Schllt Bald

Tlie Jamaican's death marked the flfUi trnfllc fatnllty tor Twil Fall^ county UiLi year nnd the 12tl for Magic Valley. T lic last Magic Valley trafllc death came fr<

(Collr.H .n r . i . •. C.I..P tl

F L ^ H E S o fLIFE

EMHARRASSEDBUFFALO. N. Y., Sep t. lB-\ ......

pollcCjKarched four boys charned with several minor tlielu, Uiry found four wallets, •’llftfd" Iron policemen who hnd questioned thi quutet.


BIrenj serenming, tw o police sped to Investigate th e rtpc crushed illirt blood body was I iQ the iU ttl.

They found » dummy jplatlered with pnlnt.

TIUXTERS • ..........BILETZ, Ore.. Sept. 18-Maybe

the women of the U ncoln county Pomona Omnje are "different.

The Orange sponsored b rodent- catching contest, men nsnlail wo-

B women won-bnKKlnn 92 mice.

Chiang in Plea ■ For CooperationOHUNaKlNO, SCI*. 18 «'H3cn-

eralUslmo Chlahg Knl-shfk, making -nla first publlo oppenrniice aipres- Went of CTlns called today lor the cooperation ol his country Bnri her Jllles iQ an ’'all.front" offenilve and declared tha t the surrender of the Italian fletl •'detrrmlnM Japan’n utumate doom." China's. w « maUist aggrtaalon was effectively linked to the European battle tiienlfr by the ^ntaiiCT 01 ui8 iwvUftn he


. 10 i,>',-Aini.Tlr:in wnr plam-


STOCKHOl-M. Sept, IB (,n-Oei . mnny Is »r;ikiiilnK her military pc 'niWil------- • - ' •

liy battle. Today’s—, - ........... ilquo reported

boniborj "of nil categorlrs”— mi'niiliif; Ubvrntor heavy bombers, Mltcliell medium bombers. Avm^er torpedo bombcm and Daiintle.-j dive boniber.s—struck twlcc Wedneidny

nder id Bnlliil

of I


,y plnnes challenKed ll Airdromes Dlasted

Only the dny before, mure i lOD Amerlrnn bombers poured

Clvrs on nlrdromes In the 1 9 o'clock in^the morning i enrlv nfternoon while e'cortlng

.flKh'ters battled 11 out with lOO In-

tPrcvlovLsly, dlr.pxtcUc.i from the Solomons area cald the Japanese mny Ix- ferrj'liig plnnes from Jnp.in down throiich Truk nnd Rnbnul. New Britain, to Bougainville bxn-.v)

nou^-alnvlllc In the souUiern Sol­omons L'i the last air fortre.vs barring American forces now entrenched on New aroniln nnd Vclla Lnvelb fron< the enemy s all-lmiwrtanl naval and olr base of Rnbuui.

Tlid Amerlciin airtlefd a t Munda. on New Oeortiia, now ser\liig with Giiarinlcanal’s Henderson field a/ bases for American a ir raiders, has been raided threo more times, head­quarters said today.

Slopping up a t Lae In the New Guinea wnr theater

mopping up operations nre in prog­ress arouiul ncwly-capturcd Lae.

Off Knvleng. New Ireland, a 1,000- ton enemy frelKhler hns been hit by aerial btnnbardmciit.

Heavy and medium bombcn. dlvi bombers ond torpedo bombers, es. corted by flijhtcr*. delivered the Int- e.'t nttncl: on enemy airdromes U Uie Bnln-FnW sector.

Allies Bag 501 Planes iii Africa

WASHINGTON, SeptT 18 WV-Ol .. crews of allied aiitl-alrcraft units knockcd a t least 601 enemy planes out of tlic norili Atrlcan skies dur­ing Uie cnmpalgn tliere ntid banged Id more during the first week of bwincss tn Sicily.

Tlie war department, reportlnt this today, said tlie (Inal score tor Uie ground gunners, whoso task 1: less spectacular Uinn th a t of th t llEliter-iilane-pllots.-probabiy-wlll-be even higher because some of the crcws hurriedly pulled up stakes when Uie north African campaign was over ond m oitd to Sicily wiUi- out getUng a cliance to tally Uiclr galna In tho African war.

Officers Shot by Accident Improve

POCATEU/3. Sept. IB-W —Lleu- innnts Hugh T . Smyth of f t t u -

biirgh. Penn.. And Claude T . Lo>t- laco of Union Cltx,,Tcnn,.5rho were accidentally shot a t th# Pocatello army #lr base Thursday, were re­ported tod'.y w "progrr.v^iiB luktU- fnctorlly" by Major Paul B. Reis, •-as« suTReon.

The offlctm were Injured when .50 caliber machine gun was- acci­dentally d ls^nrged irn d ln s » thell th roush & buUdlns o l 'Rhlch s » a ' ------OCCUpftDtf

ri’allnt:. Uie Saiuluii

nil nlon;: ? Ihiethe St. ler lliis


Iio;il m A Iruntlc shlHlnn of trojps to anUrliiatcd new nllled lU' vo-npn blow.-", rciwta rrachlni SlocWiolmls.'dd today. *’• •

Tttciity to <0,000 German trooiv have been ri'tnoii-d from Norw.iy It

id tlioiLsands—oni


18 (/]■)— A llie d n av itl u n its h a v e opened u new p h a s e in th e b a tt le f{?r I t a l y b y se iz in g th r e e more islnnd.i com m nndinR th e im m e d i: ltc s e n a p p ro a ch e s to th e g re a t p o r t o f N ap les, hondqunrtor.-i a n n o u n ce d to d a y na allied R round tro o p s omerKcd v ic to r io u s in th o b loody fi^ iitin g a t S a le rno .

A 'lip ec ia l c o m m u n iq u e d isc lo sed tho o ccupa tion o f Ischi^i, 1C mile.-< s o u th w e s t o f N nple.s, only n few hour.s a f t e r th e n-K'nliir w a r b u lle tin f ro m G en . D w ijtht D. E ise n h o w e r 's

iced th e se izu re of tw o o il’ .spur of th e b a y o f Naple.'!.


f l E N I W IN D I S O R D E W MLONDON, 18 (-n-DLsordei

I scale not seer

nconflnin is-lia \

•t f.ild t I wlllHlraa

lined ll



■1'M.fu'facM a i-placlng 39 It

'..:ondtnts re|Mrted lal elite Gen

b itn nio\i'd from to n'lnlorco tr>

Miir>hal Cell, Albert d Field Marshal

nDmmrt in ll.ily.

icdlsh ( I llerlln

jwlctlgtd tmlllta

Scandlii n ob.'.er

wlilHlr.1 iid.althi

• been

als >ro

■3 for w(C.ipt. Ludwig Scrtorlouj, Ttans'

ocean News Anenry ccmmcnUHor, It a rrm.irkubly Irank dlKitJlon of the Oemian rclrt.il In KiisJl; was not clear where tlic backward movement would h.ilt.)

The Berlin correspondent of the fitockholms-Tldnlnscn .^Id the Oi mans were sacrltlclnR territory great cconomie Importance In Ri slo.

Benito Rants At Emaimele In ‘Broadcast’

LONDON. Sept. la l,V^A voice 10 toe that ct Bm«o Mus­

solini. the Inllcn foiiniler of fnse- Ism, tonlKht hc.'iiH'd (temmclatlon upon King Vlttorto Eni.imiele, eaUed for the "ellmlna inn of fa-wlst tors.” and bade Unll.ins take up i____again by the side o( Ocrmnny and ^apnn.

In a IS-mlnute radio speech from on undisclosed place the speakw jxprescnted as Uie tx-ducc liber nted by the Oennnm. loM a story of thn t rescue which he uid would "be­come legendary" and outlined thU four-point ptogrota , for ■ “loyal" lUUans:

1. Take.up arms again by Uie side of Oennany nnd Japsn.

3rKfrojianTie'arsnce“Uie artheff forcta and mUlUa.

J. Eliminate traltofs. partlcuUrly those who wtnVbver lo Uic eneraj-.

4. Make on end to pliitocraUc methods and .'octal andfascist order.

Mont listeners here 7 I10 had heard MussdUcU fpeak Ixfore »ald Uicy bellored Uie voice wu actually Uu»t of the fallen luUan ptemltt. whom the Germans lime announced as the head oJ Uio na:J-si>on.'orcd "Mpub- Ucan fascbt ixiriy."

(The Oiilnlon of Uie U. S. gov- ctnm cnt radio luonltots was 8 to a th a t It was Mus,»anl‘s Tolce. though «ome»hat subdued from his old bal- cotjy days In Rome, and some thought It wis fro.li a reconlln*,)

'J^iough Uie fpoech «m generally JtSMded in London ai one c t ‘'a au m whose presllg« U gone for BW)d." lUteners agreed Uiat tho s p ^ e r MUiided nio»t like the bltw- tcrlng duee ol old -fthtn he tnxmtl- atcd his foufpotot program.

since llic fcill of F n ............ported In lin ly tonlglil os tho Ocr- mnm souRht to kick their beaten, allies back to nh unweleoine p a rt- ncrihlp w ith them.

But Uio Italians were flghUng b;\clt In IncrcnslnftJiiuiibers I t ap­peared, 'Thej' were reported ripping MI> Qcrmtvi cwnmunlcalloia be­tween northern oncl central Italy ot u time when the German comaini m oit urgently needed them. At sot polnis In th e north they were an . to be ftniidlng against the natls nnd shooting It otiL

No Food in RomeA varletv o f accnunU from ___

ir."!! oiul Llllca w u ic fi i):t.Vuif,i’’lh lr A3 pan of tho chaos In IlalX'

1. No food - -No

‘ctlon Tlio

vfd for days 1j ncilvliy rcsiwied irc thnn ft week ander na*l "pro*

: bclncompelled to bring li troo|n,

2. The Vntlcon ringed about virtually cu t off from Uie c world by nn?J troops. Pope Pius X II WM reported In neutral Stockholm disp.ilche.s to hnve ntrongly protect­ed hli stntua ns a vlriunl prisonci M well 0.1 th e treatment of Uie peo­ple In Kcncrni.

3. Savage fitihtlng between Ger- mnn and Ita lian troops nlom Urenncr p :ra railroad line, -means ol en iry and exit Irom Itnly fo r tlie nazl.^, and n t Turli other part.i o f Uic upper pen! including th e Genoa region.

,4, Turln-Milnn Indu-strlal rcglon.i In srml-pnralysls. w ith nritl-fiwclst workers refu.slng to RO to their }oia.

5. All northern Itnly short of food, w lih the aerm nna confbcatlng wlint la nt hand nnd making no effort to provide for civilians.

0, Leaflct-i nre being distributed to the Itnllnns urging the ’ - anbotage nnd light th e nails.

Death Deerpe IrapojedMeanwhile. U wns reported from

Dern, Switzerland, th n t the German sccrct police went Into lull apeed operation In lu ly today with order Imposing denth on all Italia cnuRht hldlns nrms o r molesting otenllns m ilitary e<iulpmcnt.

Grand-dad Faces Army Induction

NASHVILLE, Tenn,. Sept. 18 (-I-)-. While the nuc.-.Uon of drattlUB l a - ' thcrs Is debnted by congrcs.i. a Nnslinilfi d rn ft board may put a prand/atlier In the army,

Ttioniis J . Doyd, 37. who.vs s o n - th e faUier o f nn Infant daughter—Is a n nrmy fergennt stationed a t Comp Robert.% Cnllf., alrc.idy has report­ed for hl> prelim inary plij’slcol ex- Qmlnallon.

The first wlfo of th e thrice m ar­ried srawlfnthcr. mother of Sgt. Tliomw J. Doyd. jr., la serving her eounlry In th e WACS. At 31 she Li one of the youngest grandmoUicrs. In Uiat branch of ecrvlce.

Ischia was tnkcn Ttiurfdny, one ' doy nfler Uie occupation pf Ponzn,05 miles west of Naplc.i. and of Pro- cldft, 13 miles soutliwcst of Naples nnd only two miles from the north -. e m land orm of the boy.

Attic* Selte C a^it^Allied forces previously hnd oc­

cupied Uie blond-of Cnprl. on Uie aouthern side of the bay.

Ischln. largest of the four. ha& an nrea of about 20 r.quarc,mll»i and Is only seven mlic.i from Uia nearest mainland coast.

(Berlin broadcasts nn announce­m ent Uiat Oermnns hod occu­pied the Island of Elba. Nnpoleon's f irst homo In eille, 33 miles cast of Corsica and eight miles from Uie Italian coast. Seven UJOU.'aind HaU- OQ troops were oald by Uio nnzla to liavo surrendered Uiere.)

Allied armies emersed victors In tlie battle of Salertio—first great engagement with HlHcr's legions for Uie command of E u r^ e —because of nn abundance o f'g ilin courage on tho part of American nnd BrltUh Infantrimcn and overwhelming nlr and sen superiority." -T h e AmorUan nita_nhdf'British ' eighth armies merged In tlie final stages of Uie strntcglo victory which . enlarged the Salerno bridgehead in­to a fuU fighting front,-..^

German troops, who trlsd fuUlcly tor seven days to hammer Uie Amcr-

’ “ " 'ih forces Into Uio sea.had I oulh.the allies emnshed Inland 11 miles, bu t allil clung . -ivngeb' to the gate­way to Naples In Uie north.

Inland Town Taken Tlio headquarters commtmlque

meed the c - - -Inland

I. t)


DEKN.'Switzerland, Sept. 18 (/T>— A dlspaleh from Chambery, France, io the Tribuhe de Geneve said loday th a t the RAFs Thursday n ljh l bomblnc of MoOane. rnllivny June- Uon on Uie Kalian-French bnnler, le ll the clly'f railroad yards » sham­ble*.

The bombing, eouplrd wllli sabot­age of Uie .Mont CtnlJ railway «un. iiel by Italian troops, w.u expected t« hall IraKIo over the Imporlanl rail link with Turin for seven lo e ljlit months, llie dbpateU said.

LONDON, Sept. 18 — The iTniicd States nrmy nir force Is dc-

irt-rnngc bombura ig ft great weight stcn Iho defeat of Uarucd hctc to-

veloplng capable of of exi>lali« Germany,

Up t r bomber development ntered on long-rango IS iKcn dlscloscd Uuit

• BUpcr- .10 At-

InnUo round-trip wlUiOUt refuelling arc in producUon. nnd Uicso will bo ejpcclnlly nee<lcd in tho Pacific.

.New r u n e s Prepared But the expcctcd conijuest ot

northern Ita ly -Jiu t across the Alps from acrnm ny-has put a premium

plants capable of carrying bigger<C«>i[<i..J *n P i t. t. C.l.i>a i»

Behind Steel Plate, Surgeons Take Live Shell From Sailor

(The following story, written by Tcch. Bgt. Jim Lucas of Tulsa. Okla.. marine combat correspondent, was dbUlbuted by the Associated Press!.

A SOUTH PACIPIO MARINE BASE (DeUycd) — Twenty-three year-old Alien .L Oord6n of Rock Island.-BI,, knew he w m a human bomb.

Standing a t his post aboard *oi Amerlton worship in the sotitt Pacific, he had been struck below the left chcst by & 20 MM osU- nhrratt sliell which pierced his Intestines and .lodged in h is left hip.

By freakish chance, the shell hnd n o t exploded.When Gordon, a fire control man. third g lnm ly carried i

luhore a t th is bland ou tpu t on Nov. 33. 1M3, he could »tlU srlo s t i the corp-^men w ho'servtd as hla' atrelcher Iwarcri"''

Thus began one of. the ttrocgest Btorles et ww «urgt0-whl«h mlnsted on Dec. a. when two navy docton, worklnff^beWnd *t*«l plate, operated on '» n Amtilctm sallo^^»ho

niey removed the a h tiU itlU s w p *ad.»iaiMan-tDfeetlon In.-Qordon was itron* enough eventually to tbe.CBltedStetea. w here treatm ent cooUnues. .

Page 2: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Page Two TIM ES-NEW S. TWIN. FALLS, IDAHO ber 19, 1048

S I M M ISLES M i M l l E S

Irom llie ronsl cii tl'c southern Ilnnk, v.iicre Uic Qcnnatis wi llccliiK lo f:nir>c ciUf.limicrt.

Tlic victory of Salerno btlongs the biilfle-urJiiiccl liifniiln’niPii U dcr Ufiil. Gcii. Mark W. Clnrlc w foiiKlU CM L-Irr.'ly ./or !icven days wltliout tiv t mill » builcccl frnin llidr .. brachps In nnd who OlednillirJ lliiin i;lvc up nii Inch.

Tlio Infniitry made the victory po.-.'lblr. Air power, which pulver­ised imil ci);iiiiiiiiilc:vlloii3 and fronl Hue |)a,illiiir.. iiml /i’a power, whichIKnilr. • ol I 1 the

)f this cnmhlniitlon, Q m -

1 (or , 'with

• .'<01110 of tJic tt^U-1 01 5iivai:c IlKhlliig:I. C;irl A. Sp;uil/.’ north- ;i iilr ftircei liiivr tlfhtcr r> 10 mliiutvr.' niKhl of

five Ocrmnn Ulvl.'ilon-i li;iiUy nii.iili-d, sapplJiK

liirh llic O.Tinnn

VajI Slaml Kxprdcd

(iiliily -.kill Ix^x'foro Nliplc.'i, Tllfi cnptnrt of Niipli's aoiild Rlve " nUk'3 one of the bcst-uml lorgesl port:, hi lUily. tlirouch which thou- fanrf.-; of tons of r.upplles could ‘ iunncneil.

Four-cnKlnetl Plying FortxoMM and im-dliim Alllchells tuiil Mnrau* dcrs .itnick /iiitatti nt Ocrmnn nlr power yesttrdai'. (icstroylnft scores of eiiciny llshtcra and bombers the ground In siirprl.^o oUadoi on

Romu, but encounttri.'O.•no o n the a

(llscinsi'd ottlclnlly timt Amcrlcnn P-40 Wtirhaxvks tinri RAP 8pltflrc.i now nro operating froni mainland ba-wa rstnblLihed nfter the landing of Uic (IftJi i 6ftlcrno.

Flylnu Porlre.wc.i h it C'(Iroini's n t ClumpUio mid dumped hundre<I.< of boinb.i on n group of S|^?i»-Wulf long*ranEO bombcra.

Anierlciin Llberatora from the middle ta.-;t ncnln Joined In tlio nerlnr offciulve with a dnyllght nt* tnck on tin- rail Junction anti freight

' yiints a l i’lsnini. on the caat'coast

Drilbh IrooiM which landed ftl Tiil-anto ri iimlnKl coinpiimtlvcly In- active, mennwhllc, excL-pl for tiis RLrt-nKthi'nUiK of ccntnct wltli ot^er Brltlr,h forces Juil nortli of Liio In- 6tcj) of llie Italian boot. Tliero were n.'pori'*(ra;n Uint sector Hint tho ro- treallng. Genitalia uero taking Ital­ian hoslnfc.'i to fujure cood conduct on tlio part of clvilliuij In vIUbbcs held by the nrxzbi.

Pharmacist Buys Hazelton Store

WHNDICLL. Sept. IB-Jam ea Dn-- den. rci?l2lcrcd pharmacist In Idaho nnd Ulah anti for nine years em­ployed hi the Wendell Drug com­pany ,'tore, rc.ilcned to take over the TliorcMn Dnig store In Ilatle- ton, which he purchased.

Drydcn was graduated In phor- mney from the University of Idaho, S, n„ nnd worked tor a sliort time at the Wnli;rcen Drug store In Salt Lake City before coming to Wendell.

T w n Falls News in BriefEzpeelnl Homo

Mm , W, s . McOowcn Is cxpectcd homo Monday from Kftnsoa City. 'Tex., where slic hna been vlslUni; relatives and friends,

CorjMral VlillsCpl. Burt Joseph, former Twin

ra lh man now stalloned n t flhcp-

r d field. Tex., was a fiucst at V, Rotlirsck home last week. He returned Thursday to tho field.

Qneat HereCpl. Rlclianl 0 . Shacldett, Mur­

freesboro. Tenn.p Is a houscijue.^t of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Allen. Corporal Shacklett l.< stationed wltli tho air corps nt Ilolb, N. M.

LeiTrs for Iliilse Mrs. John yiynn has left for

stay a t Uoijc. While Uierc she w viMtiher dniiiMiUT-ln-law, Mr.i. Uon- ald Flynn, former I'wlti Falk

At FnrmeullUcliard Orcutt, son of Mr.i, Dim-

1.1 A. Orcuti iiiul a fo/nier T-N ein- plftyi-, ri'ceiilly benaa hU ncrull tralnlni; ul llic FarraKiit iiimil liaKC Youni; Orcutt gmdu;ite<l from Twin Falls hltfh school this .■.•prhiK

I.lirnsri KiurUMiirrliitju llecnsrvi v.ire

SiMurdny to CIlvc Jonea, 41, a. iicnilce Woodruff, <1. both of Jr ome; and Rhrcilc I.. Smnll, 'J . a; Annie Isabelle Uowdiiiu, 5J, both of Salt Lake City.

Hon Dcirn Word has been received here

the birth of a mii to Staff L. Droadston nnd Mrs. Droadston, Sacrnmento. Calif. Mrs. Broad.-Jtoii was formerly Mljts Dorothy M. Mll- chel! of Twin Falls.

At Texai HawMtncrvn J. Lorain, a lormer tehch-

. r In the Magic Valley area, ho i completed her WAVE training Atlanta, Ob., nnd L' now stationed Chofe field, naval nlr station Beevllle, Tex. t

F w s l ln n t^ i.

irlver Fined «5Robert F- Vun O.^tmnd wo. fined

12} when he pleaded guilty before Probate Judge C. A. Bailey charge of driving a motor vehicle without llshti. Tlie coinpl.ilnl waa signed by Deputy Sheriff John E. Lelser.

WAS Promotion Recently promoted to corpornl a t

tho WAO detachment stationed al Fort Hancock, N. J., was Blrdelln McLain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O, E. MoUiln, Twin Falls. Corporol MeUiln attended tiie University of Idiiliu and wns employed by the T^vln Falls ofllce of the OPA prior


Do; DItM Child- Larry Sayer. (I, 351 Fifth nvcnue north, was bitten about the face and head Friday by a dog belonging to . nelahbor. Tlie physician who trcat- d Ujo boy said tho wounds were

.lulnful but not serious. Chief of Police Howard Ollletto reported that tho dog la being held under ob­servation to dctet'mine If It has ra­bies.

FuneralsLAMP-Punctal rites for Bonnie

Mark Lamp have been postponetl to 3 pjn. Monday to be held a t Uie Filer cemctery, Tho Infant's father, Everett Lpmp, b ep route here from North Carolina, wheru he is sta­tioned with Uie army.

Flreilda Meet TonijhtD rcilde chat for both L.DJ

wnrd.1 will bo held thlj evening the first ward Relief wclcly room

I Mrs. Utahana Klrkman will «i>coli:.

Herreant HomeSgt. Dale W. Olian, C.imp Chftf'

fee, Ark.,vJs home to visit hLi prir- ent.1, Mr, nlid Mrs. Qeorse J, Qhnn. and will go to Ocden lo visit Ids brother.

Non In FloridaMary Day. yeoman third clois, has

been trnnsferred to Miami, Fla., a f­ter completing her biulc WAVE training nt Hunter collc-e. She Li the dnui;htcr of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day.

irnnip on I.raveDale J. Aihumon,

[Ir.’ t i-la.'.s, li home on 30-iiay

21 montlK nf foreign Ill.s father Ls Itilrnicd liy the

Jupane.'.e a;. iKjirhoner of uar.

lllrtliiTo Mf.-nnd Mrs. Robert P. Cox.

a daughter; lo Mr. anil Mrs. Lcland L. liolmc.i, a daughter, and Mrs. W. A. achliind. a dnuRhtor, all of T^vln Falb, nnd uli bon a t the Twill Fiill.i county hwpltal.

T>ndcr« DeniedFenders were dented In a collision

between cars driven ,by l’leri:c, 2G0 Heventh avenue ngrtli, and Pauline eawle, 13S Bgbt;:it;e e,i,il, fYJJaj- In tfif 1£0 block of

Troop 67 Meellnr Boy Scouts of troop 07, Methodist

church, nru asked to bring their hnndlcraft or woodwork to Monday night’s meeting. Scouls who have not been notified what to Ijtlng nre Rsked to take n pie. Puents of the' Scouts aro welcome.

flrtiim i From DenvfrM Virginia Allen, dsujhter of

Mr and Mi's. C. E. Allen, lias re- ;urned from Denver, Colo., where ihe was employed for llie summer \t n health rcji>n. After a short ilay wllh her [virclil.s, tlic will bo ■niploycd nt i\ lienlili rcjoft at Phoe-

Trucker Fined tIOnnan Ciirli:e 'V'o.s Jlne<l *10 , he pic.uled culllj belOTc Mu­

nicipal Judi;e ,1. O. Piiiiiphrry lo a irgo nl drivinic a truck without

llKliU. Molbort Taylor paid ii t l fine ' ir Improper p.irklns of n triiclt, and

loyd Miller paid a SI line for ■ivlng with mipro|ier UsliU. <

iilot CollideCars driven by Vic Onert?en. Jil5 ddi-Hon aveime, and Carrol Ore.i-

hnin, Snn Onbrlel, Calll., collided Friday al ilie liiierjrcllon of Main

ic and Eljlrth street north. Damt'Ce wa. confined to llie right front feiulcr of Ooertjcii c.nr and the

ront lender and left rear fender e oilier machine.

Large Users Must Apply for Rations

Industrial u.iers of food mii.'t np- . ly for allotmcnti In perinn or by letter, it wa.s said last nlelit by Carl N. Ander.vin, ehlef clerk ol tlie Twin Falls county ration board.

Such u.^ers must nisn present n WTltten Invmitory of dried prunes nnd raL lns on hnnd.Seiit. 5, 1043. Anderson said. This Inventory inusl be in pounds nnd points.


MEATS. B t r r r a t c h e e s e ,OILS. PA T S-R cd Stnmixi X. Y nnd Z good throui;h Oct. -. Brown stamps A nnd B In book 3 vnlld tlirouglj Oct. a.

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CANNED—n , S and T bluo stamps vnhd tlirouith Sept. 20. Blue stamps U. V nnd W valid tlirough Oct. 20.

SUOAri—s u m p in book No. I "Vnlld for five pounds throuBh Oct4> her; stnmp.i 15 nnd 10 woHh five, pounda each for home canning. Up to 15 pounds more canning rugar iivnUablp tlirough local boni^ .

sn d E S ^ S ln m p la valid tlirough Oct. 31.

OASOLINE>-No. 7 "A" coupons in new basic books now cuod for four jliilloiis racli; "H" nnd "C" couijoas or old type niu-u be exchanged for- new typo now ellti tlvo.

Seen. . .Bank patron movliiir lips sllcnlly

hut feelingly after using wrong side of slick-bnclied bjottcr. . , Appliance dealer tosslni; lixik of vast surprise at? brash fellow wnntlng to buy on' electric range . . Mnn In'self servlco Rroccry runnliin down oranges spilled from ,siii K. . . Prlre.notntlons In another grocery offering soipi strange oddlll'.' as result o( smal boys' urge lo swlteli the movabli numbers nround. . . Four-car caron crash denting only one fender In Saturday jili:hi traffic brush on Sec­ond street wo.'t., , Woman In slacks cnrrylnt: alarm clock and clothes

:er. . . Courthome worker wear- _ aunch of cherries so real Uiey

make you hungry. , . Artillery cap­tain amnckhiK his Ups over big beef- stenk and telling waitress: "Save one Juat like that for me when I comc back". . . Winter Ols on lota of the

r: Aneli'til C Second Rtri'rt c but nbsolulcly n.


k■The U t h t m f f i c d e a th h i

Mitijic V alley o c c u r r c d S e p t . 17 i« Tivin F a lla c o u n ty .

W E A T H E RT»ln Falh. .Majle VnUey-Coldei

a t nlclil; lltlta clianio In tempera- tore .><undar.

Illltli Friday 8<i low <3. Low Sa(< iirdiiy 4!l.

Gooding Welfare Leader Arrives

QOODINQ. Sejil, 1&—MLw Lucla McOriiUli.fotnurly of Boise, ha.i a r­rived In CUiodlhR to'«sjumc duties

.'.upon'lr.or of the public iL'siLst- c office hiTe. ' Ml.«i McGrath 1.1 her mni.ter’s degree In imbllc lure councellng from Columbia i'erslty. Tlic OoodUut office takes ! of welfare work In Ooodlng,

Camas and Liiuoln countle.i.Mis.-! McUrnth I.s staying a t theIncoln Inn for the prc^enl, She

I her nppolntmenl lo Qoodlng,

The HospitalOnly emcn;enry beds were avail- ole a t the Twin Falb county hos-


Elmer WiL.un nnd Mr.i. \V. B. Sk.iggs, both of T^\ln F.ilk, end Atloij DuCa:.5i-, Jerome.

DISMISSED Leslie Oxford, Emilio Qcobar,

Gary Evan',, Mrs. Adell Nokon. Mrs. Fla-Jie Kirkninn, Mrs. J. II. lUtchey. Mrs. J . It. Uerry nnd .son. Mrs. Clnreoio Nve and daughter and Mrs. O, F. .'Sutherland nnd daugh- t'-r. all of Tv,In Falb; G rant Rey­nolds, Hnnr.rn: Harold Beat, Klm- hcrly, nnd Herbert Shaw. Hailey. ‘

Edgar B ergen Charlie M cCarffty



This S u n d a y ’s F a m o u s G uost A r t is t t l



Station KTFI6 P. M., MWT


U. S. Readies New Axis Air Attacks

<F(OD> r«ci On*l loads of dtatruLtlon for compnrn- tlvely short <il3tanccs. A Jnrgo-force bf there planes Is being prepared.

Dctall^ of the new bomb-carrler cannot be divulged, but It la liuffl- clcnt lo i>olnt out that many types ofiilanes, even fighters, can bo con­verted Into short-range bombers by ehanglns part of their load Irom gaiolino to bomba.

Air Base nombed Tlie Marauders today glTve the

■Qcrmnns' Beauvnts-Tlllo nlrba.-ic In- France it-s fourth ballerlni: wlUilii a month to carry, the newest ncrlal (isjault on tho continent through Its fourth straight day.

RAF Moroullo.'; last night bombed Berlin for the tlilrd siicctsslvc nlcht,

■ other Morqultos and Whlrl- 5 swooped over Brittany to

shoot up a number of trains—nil ivlthout Ir.vi./M itchell incdlHnv bombers of the Royal Dutch nav.%1 air .service r.triick at railroad yard.s in Rouen, be­tween Paris and Lc Havre.


Child Run Over By.Fatiicr’s Car

nOPiaiT. Sept. 18-Lolft Kump, one-year-old daiiRliter of Mr. and Mrs, Dean Kump, Rupert, la In the Rupert hMpltal wllh a .- kull froctute received tinder the wheels of tv car driven by her father P^ldny aXtcr-

TIi'o baby was playing In tlia driveway, iinoU'trved by the father 0.S backed his ear from tJio

Hay Fever Torture!

Alleviated by new technlqui;. PalnlcM and pleasant. Quick relief. Call now lor free sulUitlon.

[ D R .A L M A H A R D IN ,D .C ..130 Main No. Phono 2320

nwo'fcccompftftled by » *»}. Mae K um p. One of the wbeela of the car pa.v!ed over h e r head, eho woi re­ported lo be la #. »crloua condition tonight.

T h o Kumps lire on an acna jo at the couth edge of Rupert.


........EZO PnOOUCTS COMPANYnux. Nv UK. nrpi. AIT, rhii* .» .rv


F ro m t h e H a l l s o f H e r o e s . . . r a c e s t h o g lo r y s t o r y o f v o n g o o n c e a n d v i c t o r y ^

h e a r t s a n d h e ro is m — t h a t w il l .c o m m a n d

y o u r e v e r y e m o t i o n to b l a z i n g a c f i o n i

- P L U S - ■’ D a f f y D iick C nrlo o n “S C R A P H A P P Y D A F F Y '* -

r .A T E S T W A R N E W S !

BtfV War fioftdsh e r e I


Mn.MlI. MOIIAL: ■ llor lijndi In



S p o n s o r e d b y RADIO STATION 1^

f e s* - M l« l _


Illp n icE S i

m UON. & TVt UmIim

.J> * ir<

SHOWS START AT 1, 3, 5, 7 AND 0 P. M.

* } '


Page 3: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Sunday, Sei>tember 19, 19'i3 TIMES-NEWS, TW IN PALLS, IDAHO Page Thred


CHICAGO. Sppl. Ifl (UP) — n ic Ann'rlcnn Kcil^niilon of Musldniis ciulc-d n 13-montli bon on the nink- InR ot trnnscrlptlons loclny by sIkii- Inii a coiitriicl wtli Hie Dccca Ri - corclUiK compiiiiy fiml H'o World

..V,. 0, rctrmo, AKM hCinl. or- unu.l iiic bnn on rrconlliigs cf- tcctlve Mir. I. 1012. on llic KroumI timt Ihc mitHiiK of rcconU tmiJ cnii.spcl utR'inploympntBraf>i\x Tlic WM csri'u-llvp board will that dl.splncrmciil of nui?ilcl:iin by "cnnnnl" rnn.-slc"ttcinlil rvcntiially ilfMroy' the lii-criillvi' tor lliP stiicJy ot mii lo uiul fvcmimlly V.OUUI Or.'irny Ihfi rnllrc niti.:|n incUisiry mid nuislc culniro."'IliirtliK a hi-nrint: bi'forc n srmihr

lnviv,tli;nUiiK lomililllrc ' IilvI .hill- imrv, Poirlllo iidnillli'il Hint Hip re- corrlhii: bitiis Imd not rc.Miltr.l m Minl.lnymi'nl nl nv'.ri; -Uvc" hwikI- ‘ liiiis. bill Al'M c)Hl<'lii!s cxpliiliii-d

of /cordliik

Grange FurrowsBy J . R. C U A W rO lU )

WENDOVEn. UUh—Under Icrrl- lie prc.ssure ttic Itnllan war mnclilne liai coUnpr.i'd iwul tJic w n y prowuro wll! iiovi' l3c annllcd to oi

—, emits. me[irospcct Hint Uis

! ond will ccsne qiilckcr tJiati wc Onrcil liopwl for wlitn »c atlnckcd Sicily. Uiulci' llic !,,H.ll ot WllJlJUl

—' ‘'T5#v' lUUikliiK thorc 13 liable 10 be ii IcU

J, iyrr«"font- ttnii Mi)!ild be very iiK-l/tn llie llklntt of our rneuiles iid/< il;ihl wrll proIoiiK Ilic war bf- inlil scliediJli', wlilcli -•■o liir wc have I'l ii bealliiK by a m 'al iiiarKlti. Miiay II fooUiaU RaiiK' lias brcn

>s[ liT tlic final iiilmile.' of i>Iiiy nnd i;iny ii b.w.cball Kajm' hii. bi'cn lo.'il I ilu' ninth liiiilnn. Hi. ii nimlil be

KKl 1( pilch- iKl .lap* •sld« Li

n liiiilnt;s. It inlchi

Anirrlnui K. d

iltrillaiidhn:Decca n-TDi'dlnKS, Inc., oiul tlio World nrn;>dciislln!: By.'Uni, Inc.. Wilch will mnkp the ffnlcc! of the mcni'iiers nt the.- tfrtcriillnti nvnVlabW to th(j:,e comjianlcn for the rocord- InK of pliunoi:rnph rucordfi nnd clec-

•,trlcnl iranscrlptlonB.S ' ■Tlie acrecmcnt Is llic rr.iult of

rilsruMlon over'a piTlml of inany nionlh.i diirlnK «'hlili ihe iniiliial jiroblfms ot niiiiuiKrinc ill and laUir

op'prcciallon ai'tl retlict n cnieral piirpOM' of eoiipi't;itlcin.'’

I'etrlllo s;ild tjiily llie (»o com- palik'S would be nlliittcd to ii;.,' mii.'.lclah* tor rceord^ nl prer i'iit.

• 'n ie AF.M will nesollale wllli Other conip;>nlc-'! If Ihry areto c p Uic «•:


Three Boise Men Hurt at King Hill

BOI3B, 6c|)l. IB — fUP — Three Boli.e men injured m ar KIiik lilll v,him a brUlKO rollapsul iMiicatli Uipm late yi'Mcrday, win: "re.slliiK tafilly" nt St- Alplioii.Mis hospital here today. ^

n ip Injured wpre John II. Fader. 30; Homer II. Cllford, mid Jou Alrllo, Ciltfnril. Iia^iiltal allcn.l- aiit.' said, wa.i .surloii.'ly but not erllleally hlirt-

Tlic depArlinent ot lilulnvnys .-iald

Tciiiy Miirrai/o Co;i.Mrucllou com- l):iiiy on n hlcliwiiy projcct nt Klnr; Hill, and liiid unlked out on the Clover rreck brlilce nfltr n chnrRe of dyiiainllc hnd failed to ninke it collapse.

fotl!.i <• prcftill.' m;iniitacUirc of Ihe linplemenUs of war for our fljjtilliu; men. TliC 'I’cumrm cotumlttcc Is rendering vbI- uabli- M-n'lci; lo the iiaiion mid to niir service men, and ttlijlf they are probably nol niiikliii: miiijr. Irloiids amonc the claia ailh whom It la hlchly prolltablu lo he un friendly Icniir., llKT eiirnliii; ii debt of i;r.iiiiiide from the i-.i ol u.'. Many yf ih,. people wlih Alumi t hnve.

el'i-vrwi’ih'tJi.' 'liriir’iu i' Ariu)Td;r'and f.tr hcliVA- the lulic.r linkin', which ihe.' p RMPh llki' Ml •*>:: lo upbraid fo.- thLlr liicl; ol

And you kniw. I In ;■

.MiirArthur hnd ii M.i<nilc rfnl opiKir- liinlly In iKxnl liliir 'll ils n candl- d.ilc for Pre.'ldeiit ».iru he . H.'i-<! Ihp rtceiil l.iiKllii;; of Iroop.i

ed Unit It he hiul landrd wllli hi: troopi U wuuld liav.' been so i morp !i|X'clficul;ir, llimuh he no) have 50 well dincti d Ills troo|v; Ircim the Kruund as Itom the nlr. and Inllmiitid Uiai tie ua.i pri>l);ibly lemptPd 10 do .'.0. To me thl.s Is Uic Wiinil ot rudlii Irtpf;. cii iitTal MucAr-

wiisii' 1)1.'! time 111 vaUm'lnrioii.'i i:r .iidr.tnndliiv lo i;.t ili,‘ Uin.-lh:lil. .Such talk on thu riiilhi brands Uie

rle<l aboul our war fliuinpcj 1 In the hl;;h wju;ps of laborers a

hlKh prlce.s tlial fanners are )

funrt.'! tiint niight vase the prci^^ure on their own Mnull s.avliigs (WJOO,- QOO.QOO atlcT hnvc beenIn I9«, !L\ estimated by Rniidolph Piiul, iji ncral counsel for Uic United State.s treasury. Thin W twice the iimount In 1930, U ir^ is l pre*wn^ year, and allows th '/n -lo pay the bISKCst Uix bill In hUlory and sllll double Uirlr net proflla, I prc.suino IJicsc nre some of the folk.1 th a t the fur comp.inlc.i are hlfjh prtMUrlii« to buy fur.s, a.s tliey wind up their iiVipovK willi a RUsc,c-.>tlos\ Uvii.1 buy inilre boiuU. 'P ie way out, lus MH;«p.sKtl by the n-elplent,i ol tlib J8,300.000,0(» dole. Is to M)Ck the fnrmirs lUid laboriT.s with h salu.s Xax. Per caplin, Uie fanners are the Krpale.-.l piirthiLsers of the frult-s of the laborer's toll, nnil likewise,, jk t capltiv, llie laborers .ire the Rfitite.-it buyers ol the prixliicL^ of the farm. So tbp bui'den of a Kciiernl sale.s Inx

!»l! Iw.^vlcil c«\ U>esc

s beun nnltp an clfort by 1.ie to Justify thl.s witr in ' lo ChrLsrIanll.v. but I hi 1 there U no JiiMlfkiiilon ' ■ slRbt ' ^


. Clirl'Uaniiy. Tlip w:tr is .djiiorrcnl t<

Miiiliy athe C

lir IlKht ol ■y Uftve ttskcd tiwl li 11 terrlblp war, but God i;l.iw It. Man has always •iKiice of belnk i> child ot luiplc.v; sinner and iisuiilly iDvn Uip lattpr role. LpI us ■ to do all in ouj powur lo


S n n d n v I’ricc.s . 2 5 « til 2

T h en 3 5 c . .Tax Included

Doors Open 1:15


^ RiVCK T H E A T T A C Kn U Y M O R E B O N D S


Prune Crop Hit ' By Heavy FrostEMMtrrr. Idaho, Sept. 18 (/IV-

Emnictl's prune crop, usually num- berliiK 300 carloads, dropped to 54 lW-1 sear.

SliliipiT.s , ali1 n heavy froit that :turicd early In Junp when the

tree.s «'irp Just nlnrllnn to bloom, eaii.sid Da' liirte rpdiiclioii.

Diirliu'. ihi' (.Ml few ivpck.K. ujn'fo imiiii ly ,'.0 earload.i of npples svlli .'hlppeil.

Court \Vill Open Witli Lady Jurors

DOI.SH:, Scpl, 18 M’)—The • '■ term ol Ihr U. 3. district c ojipiu liiTp Monday wun wo servltiK oil liileral Jurle.s tor the tlnip In llie history of tlic coui Ihe Mate.

Elevi’ii .-oiiih Idiiho women :

.‘'te rn - vl^aifcil Oouimler. of flrrrc norlh African Htrbcr tribe, 'hariieiis hli American bayonet f-ir future attiieki acalnU the axis. i:n!Mlnc on »ldr of democracies fnr the shepr love nf flplitlnt anil fur miiiicy they cH, llie'e moun- (aiii (rllip'iiien liclprd allies rlean lip In .Sicily.

FORT DODOE, In., Sept. IB fU.R»— Tlioma.s J. nunyartT notorious bjuj; robber who eicniicd Monday whiK . ervhiK- n life term for murder It the Iowa .stale priMni. was cnpliini last niKlU nlicr a m n bnttlc witl IKili.'e,

Hiiiiyon Wiis M'li’ed alter terrorl?- hn: and robbintr farm liimiden im (hb vieliilly lor two diiyii. Ills cii;)- lurp pnded ontr of the blSBesl man- himi.5 In lowft’s history.

due i^Uccmcii,r i)pi> 1 Porter

, nunyiiii iLS he p.\v>ed :111 IV stolen iiiitoiiiublie oul ilde <iiy. He fired ii.s lie sped past till", piir..iipd. returnhiB the witli pistols and a -Miotnun.

Tlip nun battle conlltuicd Into om.'.l:irus of Fori DcdKe, where Hit jcm Mopiied his car iind hudtllc;! llie floor. He surrendered r.-.",|stani.-e and told hi? captors:

■ you WITL- fouilnn too clase, lliouKlil I'll call It <iiilt.s,”

"k i)(>s t i;k ” s o c ia l HAN.SKN, Sepl. 18 - Hans.

Giaiiiio niembt'r.s are rcfiuesteo brliii: Miiid’.vlclies and cookies i ■•wxi.ster" iili;ht ’niurj-day. '

B iE A U C R A T S H ITD13NVFJI, Sept. IB f/T)—NoUcc was

.servwl today by Gov. C- A. Dot- Uiliien. Idiilio. on a "group ol zealous youiiR men" in Washlnnlon ■'whi n the prr.sent war Is over will tie another war declared if whal •some i>cople Insist on cftllltiK 'bureau- cral.<' keep on pMhlnn us uround."

He jwlnted oiil in a spcecli de­livered nt the western ami southern Kuvcrnors’ conference in , Denver thal ihe we.st ts Oie "only oectlon" o t.the imtlon whleh Increxsrd In rHipiilatlon In the la.st U 6 years, (loveriior Dottolf.^en luwrtcxl that as

Increase Ihc tiei1 Mate-s It not si

....... duty ...................'h b program of Improvlns nu ni iriim the bottom up."

■'Wr can lender a Kreal .s the .T.tirp nation If wc lake In ■I'liiiiiiijitinK the InifflcU'

whatlead I

iln federal office cominiiiilly. the

ifflce-s throiii;IU)Ut probably Ju.st as

Price of Truck Must Be Listed

Both buyer and seller of & used truirk M& required to sign & form giving the prlcG paid for the \e - hlclc, along with a full descrip­tion o! the truck, under n new ottlco ot prlcc administration rcgulntlon. It wod taid by Carl N. Anderson, chief clcrk of Uie Twin Falls county rntlon board.

Blandford Named In Legion Group

BOISE, Sept. la tUPJ—A Icgl-lln- tivo conimlltee composed of live members of the 1043 Idaho l«Lsln- tun- and an eiliiaitional council have been niimeci by M. P. Goudy, Idaho American Lesion deparl- nienl cummiindcr.

Tlie educational council Includes J . H. Diniidtord. 'rv.tn FalU.

^ A T l 'R E S Sa ra u iL D iN O • r En o v a t in q

Anderson Urges , Used Tire Care

The notion U now comlne nenrtr than ever belorc to scraping Uio bot­tom ot 111 new and aiable used tire rtserve. nccordins to word rccelvcd from OPA hendqnarters by C.irl N.

tS Jtt e ltjk ot T «tn Pftlli county ration boartl. who cnli- ed upon dtlvera to help tcte sltuallon by conservInR their oivn Urts.„

•Tlio ver>- few experimental Bjn-

Ihetjo _Urcs now bdha tnad# nnd BCheduied to bo made during tho next few monthj nre Just » drop In Ih# bucket compurtd with the need,~ Anderson » ld . "Most of ih ls 'm a tt- rlnl m iut to Uic- aMtrd forcea,

"But there la a solution to Uila problem. I t la lo consirrc iho largcat (tockpUe of rubber in America to- flajr—the Ures on America'* can. Uila can be'done by enreful driving, by obeying speed limits, by excr- cHing sensible tire care, and by rc- eapplng when necessary."

U n til f i i r t l io r nolico. th e fo llow ing o f f i c e w ill bo

I c lO sc(l.nt 1 1). m . on Saturtliiy.s, e f fe c tiv e O ct, 2 , 10^3.

D r. G eo. S ch o le r D r. R . A . P a r r o tt

D r. C. E. A lle n D r. O rr in F u lle r

.W e ste r ly O ptica l C o.

57iY E A R ^

Savings on Hog and Dairy

of Service to theNation (/S H O P A T S l i A l l S A N D S A V E ■ \

MINERALSProvides Iioks with all the es­sential inlneritls for rapid Krowlh and health. OrlRlnnlly formulal- I'd by lawa Experiment Station. .


Fnds hoi water troubles! 01ns.s IlnliiK fu*ed lo ;,tcel, miikinn shiKle unll sani­tary as china. UnalUcted by minerals , .' . won’t rust, corrode. Alrcell ln.sul- atc<l jacket surroundsttffiV., rclali\i Ucikt, fAvex fuel, Tested a t 250 lbs. prc.«urc- 30-Ballon capacv Ity. '5-year guarnnteel Packed ready for lr.stalla- Uon. in.suinthig Jacket In place.


CLOSET SEATOne*lnch'hardwood stock. Sani­tary, glcamlnu white enamel fin­ish—<aslly cleaned. Pita all stnndftrd-slre closets. Excellent mnwrlal end »-orlimanshlp as­sure tntislaclon’ sendee. Com­pare with seals selllrife for much morel ,

2.59 2 .98 3.98

Fuel Saving Boiler Jackct

Puel-saverl H ea\7 5-ply alrecU insulation. Includes top disc, team tnpe. AttmctJve. lly Instftllcti. For 30-BalloO tank __ $3 .98

A s b e s to sPaper

r o v e r w n ll acks. warm r f u r n a c e f|)cj. floor in ­

sulation, l o r •tier hcntlng.

Fjislly app^'ed. 29 yard rolls. IB In. wide—

$ i.*5



( 0 e 1 1 Vf ly catches and h o ld s dust, 10x25-Indies, 3 Inches . Ihlct Replace old fil­ters . . nowl

$1.49lave muted or markctl Ceillnjr Priccs In com- ^ a n c c jyU h (^vcjjm cnt ReRulatlon.-?!

sears; ROfBUCKANlfeCiO;

( |iia !ity . Contain .s nl! os- Is, T oikIh to incruit.se milk H cljw g row in tf lunilis.

100 Pounds 5 4 9 8

Fulton MiSI Filter DiscsPopular Fulton quality. Pure bleached cotton fiber.

Filters milk, soup.i. Jellies, coffee, oils, quickly and

thorouRhly. fl-lnch diam­eter. Box of 100.

29co th e r discs a t 30c, <9e, 69c

Farm-Master Self-FeederF a rm e rs B u l le t in ITtO'! .laya

f 0 7 H , “aclf-ted hoRS n in k c 2G‘

fii.s te r da ily Kuin.H on 27^I- le.ss fee d th a n h a n d f e e d ­in g ." T h is f e e d e r savca y o u lim e, la b o r, m o n e y . E a s ily

m o v e d , '

•J f t . : 23 bu.Hlicl c a p a c ity ; 6 f t . ; 34 b u s h e l c a p a c i ty ; 8 .door.s . . . $ 3 7 . 6 0 12 do o rs . . $ 4 7 . 9 5

5 b u sh e l capncU y, $ 1 1 . 9 5

Defiance STAhfCMSON

Easy to fUl! Galvanized FOUNTAIN-

I En.'iy to clean and carry, too, ' Positive vacuum control keeps

water level. Strong Balvanlr- ed steel. Tightly soldered srtHns. 3-gallon capacity. For poultry a weeks or older.

a Q a t .-S Oal, . . . . . J o t Fountain, Ea,

9 2 .2 9

strong. aJmple, economical! Side

mils durabla oiled hardwood, lo conserve Tital war materials.

Qulclcly odJusUbIc to 7 li. 8,_

or full n - ln eh openhiK. Ileav? luuiBlns ehalnj. Con-proof lock.- Metal ears cnKnge stall upright,

n ta wt»d or S\ U>M IntJhea hlglj.

$ 3 5 9 ,

SEARS PUMP JACKPumps water lor rivcslock or household. Safe, fully enclco- ed gears run quietly In bath of oU. tTpstroke ilov; retum stroke, quick. Stroke adjust­able Irom 4 lo e Inches. For 1-3 or 1-a II. P. motor. Red and sreen Itntsh.

$ 2 6 -5 0Leas Motor—


alia. Bemn's, ft. — 1 9 63.1a. BclUnj, f t ____2 7 <

4-la. Belting, f t ____ 3 5 6

6-la: Belting, f t . ____4 3 «e-tn . BtW na. It--------5 5 «

Also Endless DelU

High Stand Hen and Flock Feeder

F a v o r i te w ith xiock o w n ers b ccau se a m p le ro o m .under­n e a th s ta n d C0n 3C^ •e3 va lu ab le s c ta t c h in g sp n c c . A ll w ood . T ro u g h h a s sp e c ia l h a rd b o a rd b o tto m , i3 7V& in c h c s w ide , 5 in c h cs deep .

F iv e F o o t . - $ 3 . 59:

Sears have posted or m arked Ceiling Prices in compliance with Gov’t Regulations.

B-'-S / R O E B U C K A N D C O .

Page 4: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Page F our TIMES-NEWS; TWIN FALLs’ IDAHO Sunday; SbptemVor i^, 1043

A eon»olM»tl«Ti en rtb. H. l*»*. t< Ui« tmn. .UblHRrt t» IMS. mii4 tb« T«rt»-F»IU- r»4, »i»UUb»i.'rubtiibaJ •'Mk-din arcnlnft.

' r . 1, ¥ . r A ; ’s ; . r : . s ; ‘s . i f t V . ' S; ( = S .

O •n4 eik« C«antr. N'trad*

ODi.ld« SCI. of H

SOCLALEZICn M E D IC IN KSom o t im e (iBo, w h e n tw o of our ro p re scn -

tiitlves In co iicrcss w ere vlslt)ng__Tw ln Falls, we ovLTlicurU uevcrftl lo c a l d o c ty s co m p la in ­ing ubovit llic Wa(;riL‘r - M u r r a y bill. K now ing th a t m em tjc ra of t h o m o d lc a l p ro fession se l­dom d c m o n s tr tito m u c h c o n o c r rt over public a ffa irs , w c bccam c I n t e r e s t e d In th e pro test.

I t Is q u i te g e n e ra lly k n o w n t h a t tl ie re ’s ft m o v e m e n t a fo o t to . e s ta b l is h socialized m efllclne In the U n ite d B ta te a , b u t I t Is no t u n t i l 'y o u study til l th o p ro v is io n s of th e W n g n o r-M u rra y b ill t h a t y o u app re cia te Ita

i scopc a n d im p lica tio n s .So m o r e of us n ia y k n o w w h a t I t is a ll

■ a bout, l o t 's page th ro u R h th l.s IcKtslatlve pro- : posal w h ic h one w r i te r h a s dc.scrlbed as a

m e th o d o f ‘'a b o llsh ln u p r iv a t e m edical p rae - ; tlcc" o r t h o ‘‘p re lu d e to c en tra l ize d contro l • of th e profe!!slon8 a n d In d u s try ."

T h e b i l l . In a nu t-she ll. p ro v id es fo r '•frco”■ g e n e ra l m cd lca l, sp c e la l m od lcal, la b o ra to ry : a n d h o sp ita liz a tio n b e n e f i ts fo r m ore th a n

110,000,000 people I n th e U n ite d a tn tc s . I t " p ro p o ses pl.ocing In th e h a n d ? of one m a n —■ th e s u r g o o n Rcneral o f th e U . 8 . public h e a lth

florvlec— th e power a n d a u th o r i ty to :1. H ire doetors a n d c s ta b l lf lh r a te s o f pay—

possibly f o r nil doc to rs ,2. E .'j ta b lM fee s c h e d u le s fo r specia lists.3. EKtabllsl) q u a l if ic a t io n s fo r specia lists,ij, D e te rm in e th e n u m b e r of Ind iv iduals

. fo r w h o m « n y p h y s ic ia n m a y prov ide service.5. D e to rm in o a r b i t r a r i ly w h a t h o sp ita ls o r

clin ics m a y provide s e rv ic e fo r p a tie n ts .K e y s to n e of th o w ho lo sociall7.ccl se t-u p

Would b e a “ unU lca so c ia l in s u ra n c o syatcm .”: I t w ou ld s e t up th o m a c h in e r y .fo r ta x pay-■ m en ts f r o m and I n s u ra n c e b o n e flts to r p rac ­

tica lly e v e ry em ployed p e r s o n In th e U nited S ta te s . Inc lu d in g t h e s e lf -e m p lo y e d .

T h ese so -ca lled " f r e e " se rv ic e s Would be m ade p o ss ib le by e m p lo y e rs a n d em ployes eac h p a y in g a 6 p e r c e n t t a x on Ind iv idual w ages iip to $3,000 a y e a r . T h o w hole w orks would bo headed u p by a n a t io n a l advisory m cd ica l a n d h o s p ita l c o u n c il—to co n s is t of th o SU R G EO N G E N E R A L a n d 10 m em bers a p p o in te d by tho S U R G E O N GENERAL, On th is v a s 't fiot-up, a p p ro x im a te ly $3,000,000,000 would b e sp e n t a n n u a l ly — a ll in c o n tro l of th e SU R G E O N G EN ER A LI

....... N a tu ra l ly th e -A m e r ic a n -d o c to r s - a r e - o p ­posed to a n y .-iuch B o v e rn m e n ta l d ic ta to rsh ip o v c r '^ c l r p ro fession . A n d b e fo re we a re too h a s ty W ^ k a w ln g a n y co n c lu s io n s , th e re a re se v e ra l th ln k .i to k e e p In m in d . L e t’s g ra n t th a t th e y o rd in a r ily s u r ro u n d them se lv es w ith a p ro fe s s io n a l a u r a t h a t keops them i aloof f r o m th ings c o n tro v e r s ia l . B u t le t 's a d ­m it a lso t h a t few o f th e m e v e r am ass m uch In th o w a y of w e a lth . P e r h a p s th e re 's no o th e r profe-ssion o r e n te r p r i s e t h a t gives a \ ^ h a l f so m uch o f I ts s e rv ic e s a s does tho m edical f ra te rn ity , w h e t h e r th a t bo fo r h u ­m a n i ta r i a n reasons o r . J u s t poor business. B u t th e Irrefu tab le f a c t r e m a in s , A m erica 's phy .sic lnns and su rg e o n s a r e doing a b a ng - up Job I n true k e e p in g w i t h th o A m erican tf t td l t lo n of p e rso n a l I n i tia tiv e .

U M c r ou r p r e s e n t sy s te m , th o U nited S ta tc ^ J s a t the v e ry z e n ith o f n a tio n a l h e a lth , w ith 75 p e r ccn t o f m o d e rn m cdlcal services o r lG ln a t ln g In th is c o u n t ry a n d new a n d revo­lu t io n a ry d iscoveries b e in g a n n o u n ce d a l-

-m ost d a l ly . I t Is th e m o s t e ffe c tiv e and .w ldely d is t r ib u te d .system o f m c d ic a l care th a t h a s ever l;c c n provided f o r a n y c o m p arab le n u m ­ber of p e o p le a n y w h e re a t a n y lim e.

A lth o u g h stiile m c .d lc in e h a s been on tr ia l fo r m o re th a n 50 y e a r s In E urope, th e h o t­bed of I sm s and d ic ta to r s h ip s , th o U nited

. S ta te s Is s ti ll th e h e a l th i e s t (la tio n In th e worldl

W hy th e n , we a s k . s h o u ld w c h e a r a ll th is c lam or f o r socialized m e d ic in e ? T h e doctors Ihem nc lvcs hava . t h e a n s w e r :• "TJio p rocc ises p r o p o s e d a n d th e m e c h a n ­ism s in d ic a te d a re d e s ig n e d to a c t os tho c a ta ly s t I n t r a n s fo rm in g a rap id ly e x p a n d ­ing f e d e r a l b u rea u crac y in to a n a ll pow erfu l s ta te c o n tro l . H u m a n r i g h t s a s oppc.«ed to .■!tate s la v e ry is th o Issue . F o r th o do c to r. I t m e an s . . . tho n c c c s s l ty o f c a te rin g ;o tho w ard c o m m lttc e m a n o r t h e p re c in c t c ap ta in r a th e r t h a n to th e n e e d s o f th e h u m a n be­ings w h o a ro his p a tie n ts . '*

F ro m o u r experience w i th m a n y o th e r re - — c e n tly -c p n c clvort g o v e rn m e n t b u r e au s wc I

sho u ld b e able to J u d g e p r e t t y well w h a t so­c ialized ,m cdiclne w o u ld m e a n to th e people th e jn se lv e s . Alter s t r u g g l in g th ro u g h severa l

. y e a rs o f b u rea u cra t ic w ra n g lin g , c o n tro v e r­sia l Inco risls lcnc ics , r e p o r ts in qua d ru p lica te , ju r is d ic t io n a l a rb i t ra t io n , d u p lic a t io n s of ef­fo rt , d iv is io n s of a u th o r i ty , a n d w h a t n o t. I t Is conoelvaB lo th M a p a t i e n t m ig h t b e dead, b u r le i l (u ic t aafely e n s c o n c e d in h e av e n bo- fo re s o c ia l iz e d m e d ic in e c o u ld g e t a ro u n d to

. calllD g a n a m b u lQ D c e .____________

S om e m o d e m m u s i c m a k w i t h a rd to te ll w h e th e r . 'th o n e ig h b o rs a ro p la y in g th e radio, f lg h U n g o r w ash in g d is h e s .

Statlatlca that thovr th« arerage woman cats less th an the averag® xnan aren't always

, Wiokod u p by /ltfu rea .- -


W H I R L I G I GENTUY.-Pr«H[Jcnt noosovelt'* cholc* o f « luwenor

to Oen. Ocorgs O. Marshall, ttiouId hB u iu m i over.oU coinmBtid ot cur Europcftn invAslon expcdlttcnu rs ex> pccMd, will dstcrmlna if tho ciUlc* will roly on «lfl)Ow. « to win. Thtf ftppoinlmcnt will tliow wneuicr or not

the United N&tlocii htva learned th t • tessom of th# conlUet.

■ Logical leleclloa would bi LlsuU Oen. Jcncpn*D. MeNsmcy. now deputy eiiief ot <Mf(. But U e 50- y*ar-old officer is a veteran aviator. He hfis been * crack pilot for » number of ycari and tlov Uie (ir*t nopklni.Ifarrlmtn mUalon to Rui-

iny,m6ntijs ago.Ef-I 110 drew fip thB plan for ft com-

V i - J / r a plcte rcoreanlzatlon of th t military laiup. Wiin aerial mldlit Maumlhg B

„ _ . dominant role in rccenl lUges o( "*’ Uia ftR»« on the auli, he li Ideal

candidate (or M arshall't Job, and U lald to b« Uia la ^ tcr’s fnvoMte protege.

But Uie two iremberi o l one high eommtnd, Aihnlrtil Wllllfttn D. Lenli>- miiNnval Operatlonii Chief Eriic.it J- Klnj, are "iJaUIcwagon men.*' ’Hwy lwl«l on rclcKntiiiK tlie sky (otreii to an Inferior role. Bo. wlkfn the showdown coniM rfuardlng a Mnrshnl plncompiil, llioy »Jll probably cn*t tliclr votei ag:

fM m u U i is U ,If 1 ^ 1id lorceii' entry will probably b» Ueut. I D. Bomerval), wfto jolvrd to many WPA tfore Pearl Harbor, and 1.? tlicrclorc Harry Ir-halr6tl boy, einee the *tar boarder at loujo hnn F.D.Il.'* car ut all momenta of nd day. the army ffrvlce forces chi call of Airman MoNiirnoy.

■ D-Prull .y olllclunbcll___ ...[HurcU Itiily clcplct.......................

Rlilp'rondlllon of squalor and poverty. Our food dl. ' irlwuors IhouKlU they had srcn thf ilcpllu of famlno ai)rt dcaredatlon among th« Aram iii north Afrlcn bill they ilcclare that the dtuatlon in Muiiollnl’e critr wlillo-domaln la muoli wcrne.

The Oemians stripped the countryilde of everr bit of juitenance. Lack of labor, eeed, Jertlll«r and other luppllc* prcvcnt«d Uio nallvta from planting and growlnB their luuni cropi.

American soldlera who landed livth# vlllagea were no depressed by the aufferlng that Uiey tava away tlietr rations and went Iningry ihcm.'jclvc.'s until they re­turned to bases In Sicily and Tunlsln. Tlielr Kencroslty.

:hetr bomb-i and buUcts, brought about the

• ith the ficcptlon of Us need for iiilod Uiat IlJily will have 10 draw <.s of foocLituffs. The natlon'e basic .•hciit. Fortunately tlie allies hove :imo<Illy, Tlie liberated people wUl II they can obtain thfl grain, the

ciipltulatlon.80 far, however

coal. It Is not anti on our declining Bt diet Is founded or a surplus of (hat c nol aak us (or inc main Ingredient 1 ghettl. And they ci and -(rulK.

8UFFEIUN0—A complete revl*lon o( the army method of nnnounchiK ovtrsrcu ciismiltlcs will reiiilt from protest* »ubmllt«l to tiic war dopartment by •'6t«va" Porter, (ire clilcf of ihc nbtrlct of Columbia, and other. paront.i who have endured nco<llc.« hcart- ftohes becauM o( the present arrangement, Here Is the

Olilet Porter’s boy 1 pvtr Sicily. No.lnklln

'nmlly from ofdcl e drat Intlmatlc

...... ])t Porter'a tent ihnd notified the reli encc.< and tlio dead mnn'a c coursc, wa* ft complete ahock. that thousand-s o( moUiers an


is apparently lost In a

. forwarded his .. focc.i. The revclatlt Ciipltol hill mnll n

:1 liithcrs have been


tailed dfttt forti mlngboy> end but atldlllonii

Owing to conWalnta of sent a special emissary uuro:u

■^eportlna system. ThroiiBh tlli nto soldler'a comradcs will nol be permitted to relay tlie bad nows until nftcr ptrents have been Informed by Washlncton that Uielr *011 has been ItlUed, wounded or mining In action.

No blame Is attached to Uie war deportment In Uita Instance. 'Hio purveyors of tho tragic InformaUon thoURlit that they were comforting the survivors. But licreafter nollflcatlona of (otalltle* will not be dls- pntcheU (rom any source until the army has chccked

Secrelnry 8tlm.>ion hanuc the taiunlty plan an unfortun-

— ..V . —eked.' Henry I«, c ... — ............lana belrlRS in Uie capital, agreed Immediately ti 1C exl«tlnB order when he learned oI tha eitrerr •css caused by Uic old haphatard'roullnc.

BLEEP—near Admiral flaw T. Mclntlre, the Presl- denfe physician. Is nn extremely considerate and thoughtful gentleman. a.s are most medicos. Out lit

■ Wishes that Prime Minister Churchill would 0 hom

When he was a^JWfHhe reason (or Uils seemingly In­hospitable deslj^T he replied, "Becausa our Drlllali visitor—though I love Jilm and enjoy hts personality and conver«atInn—Is kteplng my patient up too late at night. F.D.n. can't go to sleep so long a* Mr. CliurchUl Is talUne."


Congressman Whlte'i committee 011 Columbia river resource* has been In the nortl1we.1t for some time InveatlgaUng posslbUIUca for addlUonal water to ben* eflt Oregon and WnsJiUigton,

Wednesday White. In a statement from Spoknne, Btatcd the committee was "greatly Inipreaed" by the "vast potential water storage capacity In the Canadian arra of Uie Columbia area o( the coliunbla basin."

White (urtlu'r stated that the Pend OrclUa projccl In Idaho "1a now approved by Uie Idaho state admin- titration pfovldlng certain conditions are met.”

White's report on Canadian waters sounds like double talk, and there Is tlie ever-pscscut qucjUon o( whether or not Cauada would fumlUi waier to the Columbia river area. Occasionally there are Interna­tional obstacles. But his sUicment regarding Idaho's

.•'presentVadmlnULraUon- U pUin KOt□ovcmbr liotloKsen once put up a vigorous (Ight to

keep (cdcral water poachers out ot thii state. This Is a matter o( rccord, Eomethlng happened Jii the mean- Ume to completely discount aU the good work that had been accompllslied. We may team the details be- (or^—or after—ne get tlie federal axt.

But there Is loo much conversaUon about “condi­tions" to hide Uie fact that the Rovemor ‘eased up" tinder pressure. HU original 'no" opportunity (ailed to stick.—Bol« Statesman.

ASK VOUH SENATOR T he'other day we dropped in on an income tax ad-

Iser. Me looked so woebegone Uiat we Intjulred Into -he stale of hli health; whereupon he pulled out a booklet and said. "Have you seen this damned thing?" Yes, we aald. we had seen It. ‘‘Do you understand It?" he asked. “Only the pennltlei," VO tald.

What ha had was the Laiser. booklet. ‘•Preview of Your Income Tax.- which w# spok* of In Ui^ column the other day. Tliis m a n .« part of 'whose bUilncM It is

-hj-ndTlse-^ona-tnytrucrper*ons-in-lW«ii»-Ux-fllints,- hrnl rcadJind reread It. He said he could unflersUnd praoUcsUy notHlri;; In It except Cbb^enaltJe*.

"Tlicre's John Blank," he said. “I f anyone In Idalio can undentand this new tax law, he can. I'll n»ve

3 go ond 8 « him." And we eald: "Why don't you ask ne of our lenators?”‘That blew him up. He was already w yry and ilck

to'death b( tax laws th a t nobody can Undcrstanfl; and luggcstlng that Jie ece Tliomas or Clark wm ;uit too much for lilm. He rose, ircmbUng nil over, and ihrust ati anfiry finger a t us; and in • toIc* th a t would hate mads Carter Olaai alirlnk to half tho aha of an otto-

he said: "ScnatorsT Oood Ood. tlw e never --------- - • •bUil-'Theypaw» . . . ___rwTTiTU...........................

ths damn thlcgi to set nd of themr If ■niomas or Clark should read this, wo do not «x.

pect them to tty > yord.-8oU> a u i ^ n.

juit Whin tha American publle. a l« r . labarloui ef- fort, le ts lltelf aahooled to abld* by » « e r » tl« regu­lation, ino OPA chanies th» >* done to keep the office helD employed, but It U rftther confuiinj 10 ararrMxljf

Anyhow, It’s a Good Beginning

a n a l y z i n g c u r r e n t n e w s

FROM NEW YORKBUSPECT — Winston ChvircHill's

sugBestlon that tlia B30-Word vocab- uiar>' ot ba lo EngltiU l3c adopted us

'ork who redect itlments volccd ilh of Uie hor- •. In fact, what

'.lefpful acnelomlo proposHl l<i rr.',olv- :d by them Into a matter n( ntrlxl ore.stlKe mid nn-

, tlonall-rm. T h 1 i •hltltude, I( pcr-

unfortunato effect on our jtibor policy.

The peoples below jhc Rio Grande who, except lor the Arnentlnc gov- eriiment, have lately demon.itratcd friendship for Uncle Bam, always fear that the l/iiltcd BtatM will overshadow'llitm. They are (Icrcely pround c( Spanish and Portugiic.' c, their mother tonguce Jiallowcd by tradition and lllernlure.

Vice-President Wollace on his re» cent visit mftlpd thrm by the cx- pre-'.slon of hh hope for n (iiture common speech. Now the prime min­ister (ollowe with B delliilto plan which he admlM was discussed with President noojovpit. ''

PROOBAM-However.someof the moet Influential leaders, trndcre and university (acuity members in our- near-by republics realize the

of 0communlcatio the linguistic tits of the hemisphere they o((er the (ollowlng suggestions:

1, Make Bpanlsh compulsory In nil United States tcliools. Then wltliout losing face South Amerli Introduce English Into

S. Place North Amerlcai Uonal Inslltullon.'i In the prim eltlos (rom Mcxlco to Chile.


I expedited .T and buy- wa.'! taylnpr.

ready, for example, one such e.i- tnhli.slimiiit Is extrcmrly sucewfu In Eciindof, attended by children o Uio iiovprnlng group it itJie bc»t cpiitcr of lennilng In thi lajid. Aiioihrr Is oiveratlng In Mcx. Ico Clly.

3. Mnvr tlip Pan Anicrlcan licnd quarters from Washltigton where Latin dcmiigoiiuea clmrtto. >t 1) doin' Inatol by the U. S. state depart ment. tn Panama, a localc acccs lbli to diizcns Of both contlncnls and reiiintp from every capUal.. <. Supply United Btntcs ariny fleers as mllltsty liiitructors to country requesttn; them.

5. ftfc trade wlih all the nsUonr Of tlic new world, n acilvity which could bi witli profit If each Acllo cr knew what the other

Champion* of lhl« ( I gram-and ITiey Inch portant Latin Americ end olflclaLi — mnlatuin that It would be more beneficial to lli 0. A, ihnn tlio forced adnpuoi ba. ie DiKllsli.

■ctedinsRcmenta of large New York

stores. Anticipating the early <;ndlni; of hostimies—rcsardle.HsofWaihliiB- ton'e cautionary notes about tougli flRhlliig ahead-thcy ore eutUns down Iheir orders lor "vlcton”' moi cliandlic like ersats Ico chestj, ploi tic garden hoie. Improvised tnbrlcs and other make.hlfts.

They Uilnk a poace-drtamli public will delay purcUoacs of tlicac Itcmi until artlelf-1 ufactured with orl.Mrrehants do not relish belnj stuck with unwanted commodltlts 1( WPD's civilian requirements brand- floods the market with pTMfiit p ri­orities.

Retalltra also expect th a t »uh nt much money In circulation thli

shopping fictiaon will equalr smuh (ormer records.


By DR. TIIOMAB 1). .MASTERS One glance a t the list ot marrlti;..

licenses Issued dally Uiat appears iti newspaper* Is enough to lmpi?;.s8

forcibly upon i obsenter t h e U nt of marrj- . and B1 r 1 n g In marrlMe accom­p lish ^ In w ar­time. Most of these marriages. I t Is t ' bo h o i^ . wia tx permanent a r mn?cments. Som t

of;■ fortu.. will I

nate. Still o th e i. wUl come to grief

with the passing of yean.I With emouon m nnlng high, 1------l^lB'ays riwi rm. th i> »VI. nf nndobJecUYD^acing of all the probablll- Ues and U<ucs tha t may arise Ir the course of time for two people undertaking a 'lifetime contmct Is uhquestlonably difficult. N ercrthc- less, when people marry a t any time, certain Questions should come to mind, and Uie answers to the.^e questions given fairly and honest* ly. No matter how much love Impel*

poasessort Into marriage, certain ...atters of socloloflcal ond phyal- ologlcftl import should be looked In ;to.-cxenJnJhfljnltlil.otA-war.__ _

A hapOT relaUonshlp between a and a vom&n. and parenthood

the major objecuves ot m ost ttm laje*. A medical check-up o f.* |*cin miy point the way to .iu c c e u 'Or (allure in each Instance. Highly i2nlroUe. unstable, Immatur# peopls 5? 10 Into m# lerlou* buslneu « tasrrlaje eager to uphold the ir ^ 01 t3r>«un:<n. TOC the ment.


■ jxirt. they are looking to someone .. lean or depend upon. Marrlogi should be a highly adult- proceeding calling, upct) the moat grovn-u] faculties. ThOM who liavo been U>i victims of mental breakdown 01 epllepty are In danger of InvalldL-on aisd of forcing extra burden of re- sponslblllty on tJielr niate.^ Tuber- ouloils. diabetes, pro«rc£alve deaf­ness, etc, should llkeu‘Lie be taken Into .account before marrligs- Is underiakin—all to be corwlilfrrd berly.

parenthood, Uie tubseoutnl and most tangible aspect o f msrrlaRe, presents medical conddcrations such as the.^: Heredity tcucl.<i to a t,ur- vlval of Uie lit. and undMrablc charactcrtsUcs, Kcnerally jpeatins. aro recessive. NeverUieless, before

and women should coiuldtr each other's heredity, both ntentsl and l^yslt:*]. U«r« again, prosiesslve deafness, hemophilia (blertinj), harelip, dUbetei. etc., a re deimiteiy observed to run ih famUlei, Tliere Is also evidence to believe thi um o •of epUepsr, drmenUfc praeeox, Khleephrenl^ and manlc-depfetslva wychose^ The appeju'ftnce from lima to time Id a family of luptrior endowment of »• phencroenwi Ilka the Wonsol Idiot fa *0 rare >nd *0 r«cciilr<.u t« .b t capable of.bolna------- - «„• . leral low.grode

— and mental t«nds to be re*u)aflir inherited.

A wWhini of thftii po lnu »ui not gtoo Inany unions from being con- WmnUitMi It tow , however, jjyo i»en the n « t overwrought young- Iters rauM before jumping huuiy .n t? » UMult*bI. a n a ^

traglo marrlfc^____ _

.............. .. wo.^h t .............them and wc carry them to our c cer. From where I thought they w Into tho proper channels for r lamatlon and re-use.

You can see. can’t you. why I’n: RO^ih-blamed put out about a Kt bic pile of nicely flatteiud c Uiat UBS been dumped aboui'a n and a half north of the north 1 of tho Twin Falls-Jerome bridge? ■ Tlioy'ro there. Pots. VoU can. them (rom tho highway. Tliere m .bp ft million cf them.


n 't somebody d

- 0 . D

BAZOItS, nEPORT NO, S As o t esturday afternoon, exactly

U more razors had been brought In to us (or tho 'nava l cofivaleicenu. T hat makes a total of US in one week. Among-Uio latest contribu­tions were two from Lavema Nolan, two mailed By W. L. Mitchell of Harelton, and two from Wall Beer, Kimberly.

DOAMA w m i A CU.MAX Concern deepened Into real anx-

Icty. out a t Ute M. L. Whitehead homo- a t 338 Sixth avenue north Saturday afternoon. Jimmy White­head, 3. couldn’t be locaud In the ploccs cloco to home where he's usually to be found.

It's so unusual for him to wonder any dlsumco tha t police were call­ed a fte r the family had searched every room, looked Into tho ear parked m front of Uio house, and combed the neighborhood. Officers began patrolllnB etreets. and mem­bers of UiB family continued look.Ins. e after out of nplncca to Investigate.

The father and mother and two sbtera. Winona and Joyce, searched again through the house. Pappy and the two girls separately opened, Uie car doors to make sure be wasn't Uicrc..

While Uio poUca went about their pa rt o f th« search. Mr. Whitehead began a hous«-to»house Inquiry, looking for ,.«nn*J)Ody who might have seen i little fellow toddling along the sidewalk.. Mrs. White­head got in the car and began in- icstlgatlng alleys.

Suddenly the 'hunt ended . . . with j sound of mfligment la back of Mrs, W hltehH B fcgbe »«med her head, and the roT nfrJlm m y , barely able .to . look o v e r T ^ ^ k of tlie

‘J lra n v Jlke* to h ld « ? ^ d be found." explained his moUier. "He had laid on the floor cf th# car, covered himself with a blanket, and It WOA all a game. H t must have gone t« sleep while his father was drtvlnB the car in the early part'o f the search."

Red faces: Pappy. Wlnon* and Joyce had a ll looked- on Uie floor if tho ear without tnvuugatl&c th a t the blanket covered.

Cigars; A box went to the potlce departinent, expreasinc boUi the ap- pTKlaUon and reUef of Uis Wblte- beadi. ^ ^

: FAMOUS LAST UNB ' - Hs's M eborl of help h i has

(« work hImseU — aod his heoltli Is l4t« beteert . . . "

TUE OB^m,EMAN IN j r o g n u B o s o w


PEGLER’S ANGLEgrandfiYork 1

WmUtmIi Pailu

NEW Y O nK-M arshall nekJ. 3rd, rill receive lata this monU) tho re­

mainder of tha estato left by his idfither. A dUpatch to the New

Times states rtodfall

will amount e th ln g

tween »10.000.000a n d 115.000.000 and tha t he hai already received since his grand- fatne ri deaUi in 1900, about 993,COO.OOO.

The first Mar shall Hold WS born In Massa- cliuiotU Ift 1B3S and went to Oilea- go 'a t the age of ai to w arb io r a wholcsola dry goods company. Ha became a partner four years later and. during tho Civil war, which broke oQt when he was 88 years old, his company had very protltablo dealings with the union government in fumlahing cloOiing and oUier nocessltlos for Ui» soldiers. By UiB end ot Uie war he was already rich.

As Chicago and Ui« nildW(St grow, Marshall Field's wealth pyramided. 1(6 bought Chicago real estate cheap and profited by tha Inorease in value a nd 'he Invested'In railroads and other public utllUlee. lie paid, low wages and was an arrogant and Indefatigable tnx-dodger and one of the privileged rulers of a com* munlty and a section of ttie growing nation whose pioneer inhabitants In all directions paid proflU to him through his network of property interests.

tils grandson, non. Interested In newspaper-publishing In New Vork and Chicago, was sent to England for hts education, and his enter* prises until a few years ago con­sisted of marriage, Uiree times, hors* racing And a . Long Island estate of more than 1,000 acres.

If It can be assumed Oiat MarshaU Field, Srd. Is guided by the success­ful wisdom of the old gentleman who left him tha money, he has kept intact the Inheritance wiilch Ae h u prevlou.tly received, and has managed his affairs as Uie old man

about 1140,000.000 which, a t the .con­servative yield Of three per cant would pay him an Income of 11300.- 000 a year, tlnlese he were able to show a lofls, this Income would bo Urgcly siphoned off Into the Unltod States tretuiury to pay (or the war which Mr, Field saw coming and which he fiercely berated other* (or nol untlclpaUng, However, with two dally publications, ono of lhem„ln Chicago, an outwardly conventional lawspnper. the oUier. in No-# York, . jounialLitlo query which makes lO pretense of factuallty. ho is In . po-Otlon to show operating lo«ca (hlch. K^cckoned ' ' ■ - -

ilderably.vould reduce his

week, enough to support boU» o( his pubUcaUons a t a los.-, nnd atlll leave an attractive sum for the govern­ment.

Pleldl editorial poUcy is piMion- ately new deal in both of his ven­tures and he haa received the sup­port or the department of Justice and the Roosevelt administration hts efforts to compel Uig Aa.ioci»te{S»; Press to ^ve him a franchi.ie in' Chicago. After his applleaiion was blockcd tho department ot Justus attacked tha A. P. as ■ monopoly notwlthstandini the fac t th a t th» United Press and International Newi. both excellent, are available.

Field's New York paper PM, be­gan JTlUi a rather subtla under- ground ballj’hoo. I t waa mentioned day after )lAy before publlcaUon In

ahortly after It came out It was discovered that lU editorial depart­ment ^as a nest, or coll. of fellow- travelers and similar radicals. I t Ii European, not American In pattern aud notwithstanding Its leftbh diaracter It is distinctly .rcmlnls-

|*cent of Uie nail prc.>rly phase,

9 of’ llltler'a

g Amerl."Theni L-,■can JoumalUt now In the army who acfved ricld a t a sub-cUltor of PM for some time, "a peculiar parallel between PM and tho noil papers during Hitler's rise, n ic re la tha awne subsidy b}‘ a rich man. Field In one caite, Frlti Thyssen In an­other, "rhe same psoudo-sympaOiy for tha poor. The same disembowel­ing of context. TTie some consistent discrediting of democratic InsUtu- Uon*. euch as congress, the same IdoUxatlon of a single leader, or fuehrer. The same amcaring of.busl-

lal appeals f t t

ample, of native Amexlcaa fatcitm." ■"Of courae." thla former sub­

editor wrote, 'Tm has never tried for accuracy. tU>n has lald again and again tha t he does not want people to understand, only to ‘feel’."

RMI refers to Ralph Ingercoll, Field's first editor, who was drafted over Field’s protest a fto r clamoring savagely for war. then quickly pro­moted to /ap taln and assigned to aedcntary duties In London.

Uko TTvisen In Oermany, Field has a^stupendous fortune to pour Into his political adventure. He U socially reticent. K not furtive, and never sets forth any deflnlts poli­tical objective. His objective must be surmUcd from his performances and day-to-day parnlleU with the JoumalUm'of the nazLi and oven If he were to pay full taxes on Uls income, claiming nn los.^es, he could, out of Inherited principal, maintain his present papers and other.i, too. as long as he can reasonably expect to live: and the (ortime nf the flr--<t Marshall Pley^mjght wreak serloai.



il- organization supported by j U wiiat Secretary Hull says

wc must have.But he did no'

I n d i c a t e th< methyd by whlcl force would b( provided.

Behind tho sec­retary’s b r o a d phrases is the nd* ministration Ide,. of continuing and

g in

n<ra>»«chiefs of staff.Borne have Jumpeu to uie conclu­

sion tha t eecrcury Hull has been hinting a t an IntemaUonal police (orce. But tha t term does not (julte (It what the allied leaders have In mind.

’Hiey have discussed Ute idea of using forco In terms of working through the combined chiefs of staff. Tliat meUiod has very broad Impli­cations Indeed, but It does not need to sacrlflcc Uic naUonal Identity of military forctv •

Of one thing wo may be sure. Tlic nnUonal defense estAbllshmenU wa remain naUonal d e f ^ a establish­ments. You will nevel find Winston Churcliill taking dowM the Cnloa Jack and placing Uio BrlUsh navy under an International flag, ’th e British navy may do tha bidding of the combined chleU of staff—but It will carry out the mission under Its- own flag, ■You will n*ver fb d Uncle Joe SWlUi changing hU valiant red guard regiments into unlfonns of International Infantry. American army air forces will not take o(( Uieir wings to put on Uia rainbow colors of an Into(orce. No such wren'------------- -------national m lliury cstabllahmenu Uiv>nf#winlftlivf ^

Only tho Americans and the Brit- Isli have Joined in Uie combmed chiefs of sioff. BoUi Roosevelt and ChurcliUl have Indicated they (avor continuing the nrrangement after the war. Public reaction has been fa­vorable.

Some tn allied unmclls hava fa­vored a fonnal, InumaUonal agree-

Uie combined clilnfa of staff would be continued (or a definite period—say of five or 10 years with provlalons bo Uiat ajiy parly might give notice o( cancella­tion. or even that Uie agreement might renew Itself automatically In Uie absence of notice to wlUidraw,

BvldenUy the thought Is not to try to by-pass tho senate. Tcctinl-

:qulre Uio (ormal D ut In such a

if American, t. the senateforeign relation.-!

imdoubtedly would fcol to have opportunity to extend lts\ constltutlonaJ advice ond consent In the present temper of the coun­try, with Republicans like Dewey supporting Uie Idea of an Aiutlo- Amerlcan alliance, tho senate prob­ably would act favorably.

UnquesUonsbly those high In al- • lied councils would consider .Uiat Russia must be b rou th t Into Uio postwar combined chlcfa of staff. A Ruula hai not been a member be- ^ cause there has been no common fighting ftont with Atnerlcan ond Brltl.sh forces. B ut-n(tcr the war. boUi diplomatic and military coiuld- ersUons would make I t dc.slroble that Russia should bo on Uie com­bined chle(s 0( staff. Cailnn's pres­ence also would bo desirable.

Objection would be raised by sonio against Including any nations ex­cept thcM providing tlio bulk of the military forces.

How rniich auUiorlty would the comblned’chlefs of sta ff have? Now the group makes r«commcndaUons subject to the personal approval of Roosevelt and Churchill. Would It '

,be possible to make » combined i chiefs of staff and technical arm of I an International orsanlzatlon? Or I should U remain tho s ta ff agenoy of UiB lifiads of Uie Amerleaa, D r l t^ and. In Uie future, of Uie Russian eovemnlent? In substanca u iat rcaches back to Uie fundamental queaUon. Art we to procsed on the ba.sU of alliances with a few naUons

I such os Britain and Russia. 1 'broader United NoUona r - Uoof

sla. or In a ,


t7 yeASB AGO, BEFT, 19, » l lEarl Hanks of Hagerroan, man­

ager of th* Uagerman Valley S u <s Hcmejr company, received the at­tention cf k number of Interest^ onlookers oa Hroadwajr »t«et la Buhl, when b« stopped his Ford aulo tnick. containing-11 eases of honey. Honey b«ei swarmed about the m e s T L w untU it looked u thouih a whole cflony batl com* out.

With ttorM hH brw ^e* mder hU dliKUon. at Twin r ^ . BcUe and Balt U k« Oltr, 0. 0 . Oatei, as gen­eral sales mai;artr for Uii flua Uotor oompatiy m Uu intemoun* tain e ou n t^ *1U hare one of thi largiit auto ul«< ttrrltorles In Use west.

IS YEAItS AGO, SEPT. 19, IKSAn obsolete Pennsylvania law

that prohibits vehicles morlng through streets a t a greater speed than four miles on hour, la matched • • by a Twin Falls ordinance that prohlblU dlslaylng a "for sale" sign ca * lead of hw , or a team of horaes M an automobile. The Twin Palls ortUnano# was gleaned b y -0 . W.> Wlthaia, Twin FaUs a ttSm er,

o ' J, Joluuoo. who has a lease on the K steher prune orchard near Kimterly.-iaVs-that -tbs quallty-of.. pnmM Is unsuaily good this year, thouitv lUt* most o the r fruits, the yield l s ' ' ^ e r light. Me hOA ship*I p«d tlirca a rloads already haviog

for tbeU destlnaUoa.

Page 5: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Sunday, September 19i 1943 TIM ES-NEW S, TW IN PALLS, IDAHO Page FiVo


WASFmiaTON, Sept. 18 (o.ra — War rood aJmlnLslrAllon oMIcItOs ipced unanimously Wday th a t Uie milk d lun tlon b the. nation’s num - btr-ono food problem, and Iho^ucs-

, lion or whcUicr to aubsldUe pro- t ducllon -wfw Bltcady ijclng tiebntcd

bj coiigrcsimen »nd food otXlclals.Milk shortngM Imvo become ncutc

la many orcas, duo to hcnvy de- niands by Uie mlllinry nnd Icnd- Ifi«. M any dalDincn ftlso hnve Mid otr their htrdj becouso W ahcr (ftd a iid labor r;oita mnkc produc- lloii unprulltnble al prcT.i'fit prlccs.

Tlie WFA pbiw 10 oniiouncc b lullniial proRtnm Rliortly to lim it lluld m ilk (lliirlbiillon. but Llic qiicsllon 6r production remains lo be solved.

Sny» Subsidy NccdfdKen, n o b c n P, Wagner. D., N. Y..

ultl he believed some form of «\ib- iklj- m tfit be tidopted—••wheUicr )ou like 11 or n o t—to maintain production and Mill keep prices Klthln tJie rniise of low Income

KiHxl AdminL'trntor Miirvlii Jones |irn|ior.cd tlirr t milk sub.sicly plans jfsicrday to Uic scniUe Uanklnn and currency cominltleo, of which Whr-

Oni! wii-'> II fUl sub-'ildy lo pro­ducers e.sllmntfd to co.it $50,130,000

II i>crloil. n i e sec- iit prcxluccr c ml!K costs

lirlce ci-lllnt? In- cxtases m low cost nrphs. l l i e llil^d »na%a fi-ed subsidy to keep feeifc ^ CCBU In line will) milk price.-:, eatl-

' Dialed to cost 120.000,000 for Uiree ir,ontlii. (Tlifi cost of the second

• plifr wns no t given.)P rice Increase A.skfd

A farm bloc ?toup, heaclctl by Ben. John Banklieatl. D., Ala., who la »1» on tlje banking and currcncy eommlttce. countered Jones’ sug- •gtstlona wlUi a demand for a prlcc lncrcii.se o f one cent n quart to pro-

ilB sa id ho KM not particularly igd tu t Rubrililiri, )i\il doubted Cliiil Jours' proiKisaLi would solve the problem,

"One c tn t nmy not ,«)\ind like inuch," WnRncr returned, "but to poor lam llles li'j a lot," He lulmlt- W th a t a. majatuy of his coiunitl- Ke are oppc»rd (o nubsldlr.s, but iild ho honjj^ the admlnlsiralloii could worJl (Jut an "aeccpmble" j)ro-

Seabee Recruiter In City Sept. 21

.............................. 1 Idiilio0 enlL'il

Bonriers. In charKC of the Twin Fall: {ccrultlnK fllallnii, aiinonnced.

To Interview prw;|>ccilve enlUtee.s IJfUt, E, T . Renlrr, si'aln'C procure. irniU officer Itimi hendquarter.i m S.ill Lake City, will l>e In Twin FiiIIi Tuc'ilay, Sept, 31.

••All m en who linvr applied a t tin T»ln' P a lls recruillMK station dur- Inc Ui6 p i« t te«- weelm for enlLst- nvftil In the stubetr, m c urwed to call nl once and arrnnne for an api'olntment with U eulenant Heed- er." Sanders said.

.Men a re particularly wanted whc e«n qualify for tlie.se Bcnbec trades Bskfr.s. cooks, bulldozer operators rarpcnters. concrete worker.^, eriini oprralor. , draftsmen, electricians, niRliie operators, nasollne nnd Dk-sel ninlmien, Instrument men. slioji iiid sta tion mcclianlc.i. plumbers, rosd machine oprrntorfl. sheet metal mrkers iind powdcrmen.

Civilian workers enpn«ed In non- fcrmiw mlnlnn or IhkkUik opera- tlon< cnnnot be acceptri!, however, II «as announcfd.

Here Is Idaho—‘ Bacldns: the Attack’

WENDELLretty O fficer linrry F rith arrived

eii leave to vlsli his pnTcnl.'.. M r and Mrs. Hiirn^ Frith. He wn.s re­cently Bradualtd Irom the boller- mMicrs' iichool In San Dleuo:- Mlr Ivii May Peterson, daughter of Mrs. C. J , Peterson, has enlkted In the WAVES and will rcport-for duty soon.

Annin Webin.m ha.s been employ- til as Jan ito r or the Rrnde school. rcplaclnR AuRUst Hhuter, whti-Tc- Usntd., Mfj, Hollln* FlfWiman left for Houston to Join licr husbantl. In Uic •nncd force.v ficv. O . L . Kendall, p.istor of Uie

!■ cthodl.st churth 1 ^ Baker. Ore.. vbllfd hl.s mnllicr. Mrs. E\'ans Wood.

Mn, R obert Meyers and two chll- ofcn retu rned to the ir homo In

• Brfmerton, Wa,".!!,, after n vl-;lt wiUi her parents. Mr. ond 'Mrs, Robert Kriser.

Mr, and Mrs. Don Clack. BealUc, tn vedTbr n vbR nt the home of Mielr uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs, C, a Eaton.

Mrs, D uve Collett nnd children. Oranrt View, visited a t Uie home of Iicr sister. Mrs, Maurice JamLson.

Mr. and Mrs, tim er Scraft nnd ' ftrally of Sunbeam dam in S tan -

if; basin, visited a t th e homo of hrr brother. Hugh Caldwell.

Mn, O. r . Harrlsoh nnd little Bon Wt lor U ielr horns In Ontario, Ore,, allfr io days nt the homo of her mother. M rs, Mar«aret BeverldBC.

h t Dale Shoemaker. Mrs. Slioc- maktr nnd little daughter of p -* -- lumi, Calif., ntrlvtd to vUlt mother. M rs. nobtrt Lorlmcr.

Hr, and Mrs, Wallace BImpson Pleasant Orovc, utaJi. arrived, to »lUt thclr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolui aimpRon and Mr. and Mrs. Tomnawka.

H ere , in cfii^^s-.sccliou, is Itltiho—tlic p cdp le w ho a rt; b u y in g w iir limulH w liile the fi ,'lllill^,' nu.-n o f AiiiiTicii a n d h e r allifis iirH j'r i in ly on the niaivh tiv i-ryw lu 'ro in th u WQrIii. Thc.si- am i mil!ii)ns like llicni a n ? ."IjackiiiK' th u n l ta c k " — ii)nriiiitr th e nation tliuir ftnuls to h a sten v ic to ry . T h e y m ay he yi>ur friciitls, your iiuij’ i i l jo r s —thcrc'iJ no ra n k o r s ta t io n in I h f tirivo lo finniici^ v ic to r y . . . jl'r i n con tin iio ii-‘5 jo li ftn: nil o f ui<. Tiip to b o iio i ii , I ff t ro w : K en J le d f o n l , g n ) ti;r . luiyiiiK ii bond f ro m A i l Tiinnioii.s,

Jiiul D o ro th y S m ith iilli.-rv, a iilo 'n iechaiiic .

■filhii.son, w aitre.s.'i;

v n h in tc u r .so lic ito r; Lollcriu (,,ai w ith D o ro lh y s tioj:,-Miij;):.'<v; h t To[) to . b d tlo m . c e iilu r ro w ; 1.Loui.sa LGiioii, iiaK cry iriicK d n v c ^ lo p lo h o lto m ,. r ig h t , ^^r.s. E . H. W illiam s, 'i 'w in F u lh iiio iiue r; H e n ry D arn ic r, l) :iker; F . C. SheneberKLT, a t to r n e y se rv iiiff a.s v o lu n te e r .-solicitor, e x c iia n ^ iiii; a liu n p huoks fu r limwla fo r G o rd o n G ra y . j r „ a n d M iehiiol t i r a y , so n s o f M r, a n d 'M r.s . G ortJon G fiiy . (P ho lo .s by Vic CioiTtzoii— .s ta f f enj.TavitiK-'')


Winfred Roswall, in chiiri;e ot Twin F.ilh Salvr-tinn Army cm hn.<i been pronioled to the rank miijor. acrordlnn lo word recil troni the territorial cnmmamlcr s flee in Hnii Kmncl.'ico.

Tlie mnlftr has been an ofllcer In the Salviillon Army for the p:\st 15 year.-i, servlnu on the tralnlnK col- leRe faculty In San Fr;incl'.co, as the hvi5>cvlntvi\ilpithe Boy.s' nnd Cilrts' InduMrbI a t -Lyttoii, Calif,

Mrs. naswall Is also an officer In the orKnnlrjitlon. h;ivlni: craclu- ftted from the Western Tralnlnir eol- lepe. She hn,s .■served In various n[>- polntments clurlnc the past II yenrs IncUidlni! membership on the co|. Ie;;c fncuUy. us an a.wfstAnt In the territorial younR people’s depart m ent covrrlntj the 11 western htate: nnd the Hawaiian Wands, and us slstintr her hu.'.bnnd on the boys

■ Klfis’ hnme staff,>r the past two years Majnr ivall nnd his wife have been in

charno of the Twin Fall? Salvntlon Army corps.

S P O T 'C A S HFor Dead or Worthlcis Horses,

Mules and Cows Call Collect raO-JS. Twin FalU MAItX AUCE TnOUT FAttM


nii.in II

Keith Hlciii;ui, ,sun n nicm.111, li'lt FiUi;iy (Wl,v, k) rr.Miua- hl.< e JOlms tnllltjiiy acuilciii

Mrs. Siiiniicl K. V;ii Friday It.r tlie iiiHluiui ol llie ,\ni.Tl-iui Uk-1 anil ilic lire tlic natlun;il e .xccullieionunlttie width sill' l.'i a iiirmijcr as lUul: rc|ircsent;ilive.

Har.eltun I’re.sbyterhn Ladles' i foclcly nni!r plans at tlielr rettii iiiccllnR this wi'ck (0 .vud «III Chrl.-,tni:i.s le tte r to every II frcni tills riiniimiiilty In Uic serv of lili ct)unlry.

Mr . nuth .Murphy, Caldwell, s retarj of Manic Valley Girl 1

FR EE B O O K On C o lo n

m otith of the blM known «huc*.will-a-wldow Ii 80 targe It Cu„

- " « lo» hummingbirds and sparrows


ABBOTT'S153 sn o sa o N B N aPhone 95-W

N E W B E A U T Y F O R O L D S m C O H O M E Sf a x i n g W alorpmtJ Cemefrf Paint R o n o w t Apptaranco

of l o w Cost

Boodex nctuallr becomci port of the wall itMlf, ernslns every trac« of water-dnmagc, civiog your bc*ne tlenmlog new beautjr jw U

• -be proud of. AddJ Jrtar* of lifei malntaSa* value of propertr.

,, w m uuMo lOMa

Bond* P arfo e ily W ithStucco, Brich, M asonry

Hrof«(]9roo6 Fovrnhiiont, TooB O N D E XWATERI>ROOF


e orKanlrJillons, will be In Ha­

ll Is hiiiklnB plans lor her v

City from which air ba;.c he expect­ed II l\irloiii;h home for a month !■». Seriiraiit Wood has been In J .'<iiith I’liellle almost two yeara. a Kunner on a MylhK Kortrc.ss liii,', M'en nuich action ami ha.-, ki iriil Jap 7eroe.s to hU ereillt. Mr. and .Mrr.. Wood have three sol

A well dressed air for socials!

sSocia l l i f e is c u rta ile d th e s e d a y s . T liis m a k e s 5t

m o re im p o r ta n t tlia ii e v e r t h a t w h e n y o u do sco

y o u r f r i e n d s , you shou ld loolc y o u r b e a t. C lo th es t h a t -

a re d e n n e d o f te n cnii p u t in a good n p p e u ra n ce n o

m a t t e r w h a t th e occa-sion. D in e w ith fricnd.s o r h a v e

y o u r b o o k club over in th e e v e n in g • y o u w ill f e e l

VPelU dresaed i f you a re w e a rin g a f re s h ly c le a n e d

o u l t i t . / . '

Buy Bonds Smash the Axis

C lecm ersO ff ic e s : F i le r , B uh l, i»nd th e D e n v e r T r a d in g P o s t ,

o r o f P o s t O ff ic e In Tw -iu F a lls ,

BQITLE OF 1 1By JOHN 0'nniU .T

Keprerfentlne the Combined U. H. I'resi

W m t PIl'TH ARMY. ITALY, Sept. 17 (Delayed) (U,P.>—Patrol.i of the flftli and clRhUj nrmle.i met so nlM-nptly they nlma^t pn«ed each other by.

t nn Oklahoma officer's shout­ed -hello" and nn Irlslunon'AirogUi tUiRed resix)n.se—plus n bottlo of m tlve wine—broucht them touelher.- Tiioy insl U\te vestcrday <m stretch ot mountain road In the pi' t\ire;;qiie country between Pac,stum ajid Snpr), ' ' '

I went out wltli a patrol ordered to travel south until I met etgliUi

It hapi)en#d nlonR a good din road, not far from the Me<Uternm. ean. Tlio soldiers had miiehlne gUns nnd rifles really. Our tliree Jeeps roimded n bend when two DrltWi armored cars. tmvellnK nl a pace, appeared.

Before the driver* could stop the lead cars pa.s.'.ed ea*h other. Oiir leader, U cul..n , B. Daic.'i. Elk City.

I., called out hU "hi'llo" mid n Cray with a dusty head eallcd back •'heUo ' from the first armored

i a.s Sitt. M artin Butler. County Kildare.

ler Introductions, they exchaiiR- uws nnd tlien Butler, wlio was

nccomiMinled by Pvt. William Noblc- London, safd; 'T tliink this calh for

Illtio wlno produced In IhLs beau- Jui land." Ho Had tho wine. Trc

burfoo t Italian goat herders watch­ed the drinking ceremony,

• old Italian who spoke Enttll'h who hnd worked In a coppcr

smelter In M ontana hiid hla wllc prepare us n meal nnd wo tnlKcd until the moon cnmo up, Tlie Italian family complained tha t tho Qcr-

% never were friendly, wouldn"

Within ft few hours we were bixck slKht of the fla.ihes of guns fifth army front.

3 Cars Derailed In Rupert Crash

RUI’RIT , Sept, IB-Thrce empty Parlflc r tu ll frclRht cars wer railed on the rail branch wt . nujierl this week when No, i73, svvltohliii: on the ‘'Y" plowed thu side ot wciillJOUiid No, (il7. Twoof the-frelKht cars overluriied. No one wa.s lnjure<l,

Tlic accident occurred when 1 o n , traVL'llMK Wfst from niijX'rt Ihe nu|)ert-Bll!j branch line, v pa.'.-.lnK thu switch, Tlie eiiKhitii tlirre cars had pa.«cd the swll when No, 573 struck tlie fourth e overlunnnR the third nnd fourth ears of llie string and dcrallliin themill.

I nuxUlary enRlnc Cle.ired tlie tracks and trnfftc was resumed nfier

lihort delay.

Niunes in the News

■ ny Unl(e.1 P n a jPrime MlnLsicr Jolin Curtin ot

Australia. In a mcs.ia(ie of conffrntu- liillon-s to Oencml MncArthur, liatl-

ih« conquest of Iao nnd 6ala-__ua on the New Oulnea const namarking "nnoUier roiablo staBo in tlifi Paclflc-war." Ho added that "the achievements o f tl>o forces of our two countrlc.n nnd the ir Invincible comrndeshlp In n m u jn re n hnppy portent of greater thlnfw to come, culminating In the final defeat of Uie enemy.",

Film Director Leslie Ooodtrlni and 8tarlet Crcell l''raneea Woods were married U.it n lsh t In Hollyxtood.

Rep. Junes E. Van Zandt, Penn.. UiVeo tlmea national com­mander of ihn Veteran!! of Forelcn Wats, wiu rc.slRn from conKreis Sept. 24 Ui enter the navy ns n lieutenant commandcr lor ncllvt duty in the Pacific,

Mneslro Jlenry Bu.we, In Holly­wood to besln a picture, Li now re. cuperntlng from an cmerucncy op- pendectomy.

BrlK. Oen. Gilbert Chcvea, Atlan­ta. Oa„ ha.s been npiKilntetl chief ot staff to MaJ, Qen. Itillph Itoycc, new U. % commander In the mlddla

Slarlel V lrjlnla Cruxon was voted

. . . party- a t wUlch Bamoel Goldwyn In. tiled lerTlce cameramen t« tako Ihelr own plo-np pictures—and ^r*- »iain* atlrMllTB film «Urreti M modtlj.

OfflclaU of Uie nallonM mnrttlmft union nro contesting lh» 1-A draft clnislflcfttlon of their president, Joseph Curran, m.olntalnlng ho, l4 e.vrntlol to Uio war effort na di­rector of the seapjon'a orgaaliallon.

MEAT ,Tlie meat shortage and the ration

program were reflected last nlBht In tho theft of foiir^abblls.. which wa.i - reported to poUce by Jcis'WlUls, JBl Slnmaje.



Now is th e tim e to aell W hen tho o th e r fo llow ^ Wiinta to buy .

Listing.’' vvnntet] on h o m e s ncieaKC.'i «nd f a r m s .

L EM A , C H A P INHQ .Main Are. NoiUt Phone 719

NOTICE!R u le s a n d rc ;ru ln lio n s o f Tw in FalLi Bank anti T r u s t

C o m p an y concern iH B flav in es accounts anil c e r tif ic a te s o f

dci>osit w e r e a m e n d e d A u g u s t 20, 19'13, by I ts .b o a rd -o f d ir e c to r s , e f f e c tv ic O c to b e r 1,19-13, a s follow ^:

s e c t i o n X . O ld s e c tio n str icken ivtitl n«w se c tio n a d o p ted u s f o l lo w s : .

"Tlie mnxlmtim rale of interest to be paid on savings nccounta shall not exceed 1 per cent per nhnum, payable on March 31st. and Sopteniticr 30lh of each year. No Interest shall be paid cn savings accounts with balances of less thnn }10,00, No Interest slinU bo paid on paria ot & n«»tU or patla oS a dollar, w tor any pail ol Uie hall year between Interest-paying dates on sums wU>idrawn between tlio. e date.s. Deposits made prior tg Uio eth day of any month shall be considered In eompuUng^_yitercst ns having been mado on ttis

T IM E C E R T IF IC A T E S “Tlic maximum rote of Intere.^t to be paid on time certtflcatea

of dejmslt shall not excccd I per cent per annum. Tills provision shall affect new cmlflcate* nnd renewals of ccrtHlcates now out- ctandlng.”

T W IN F A L L S B A N K & T R U ST CO M PA N YTwin Falls. Jdalio

STUDY THIS PICTURE for a few m intltes. t m a ^ e th a t th e m iu under the blanket !s > you r son;-jrour b ro tbcr, your husband, y o u r f r ie n d T hen ask yourself you con’t *acri- . '

' f ic t whalovcr is neooatary in order to b u y $100 c i t r a in W ar B ondi th li inontL You cna d ig up the $ 100, caa 'tyou?,

' ^ 3 “ W A R 1 0 A NBACK THE At t a c k ...W IT H W AR BONDS

s . .


Page 6: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Pago Six TIM ES-NEW S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Sunday. September 19, 19-13.

Busload of Beaiity Entertains Sailors

(fni* P»»» Oirt> fatal Injurlu received by Evelyn Borcmon. 18, Twin FaUs high «chool senior. Ui » crMh nt Dllsa Aug, 29.

Doucliir v u tlie third Jnrntlcan nntlvD to die In UiU country «ltico tlio nrrlval ol Uioujands to help in ttio hrrcJt, It nalrt lti5t

-night by Roy C. U ns. •maiiBBcr of tllo IVln FalLi Inbor camp. Ono Win dtowiitd end tlie other died from n»tural cauacs. Ho wn-n Uie first Jftmnlcnn fi'rm worker , to dl« in

- Idnho,In ttcoiiJlnictlrg the accJdcnt far

ofllcfrj. Orrm flnlti Douclier met ht« dcoih by thanclRR trickS m they were Itftvlim ihe place where they hntl been norltlnir. Houchcr was rid- Ins on B 'fhlcle precedlntt Orcen's (ruck, Orecn rtcnlled, and JunirK'd Irtitn tlinl mndiliie to climb Into the <-.ib wllh Orern, Tlic truck over* (iitnrrf n »li"rt lime Inter.

DanuCf to'tJie truck w iu estl- niritcd nl-t75. ftrera said lie linri Imd five yms cjpcrlence drlvlnit a triifk in Joniiilcn. Sheriff IxjKcry rnltl no durucs would be filed.

Troops at Prison Camp Due Oct. 1

RUl'KUT. Scpl. 1&—Soldlers-who will (iiionl iirlsoncrs nl Uic w'ur pfL<i- oner Ciinip ncir I'nul nrc «»ccted

Ui \it.-Col. H. S. bicry. commnnilInK offlri'r. in n lall! iK'foro tlio Hupcrf Hdlnry rliili.

Dlrcy Imllrfticci n brllcf tlint Inn jirlwiiirrs nmy Ix; liroiiRlit li

- Pnul ciiinp, In spite of K nly’s c ,.. Illation, ttUhouBli ho (idmltted the posflliliuy thsl the prisoners might be Oennon.‘ "I nm of Uie opinion th n t will r.llll Kce ItalUn jirlr.onrrs at this camp," jnltl Coloney Dicey. "In iplta of luily'* surrender."•The lldns that,m ight b ring aer-

mnns lo the camp, the colonel wid. Is thnl cllmnllc condlllons would be moro agtcenblc to them.

Jerome Boy, Hurt , In Blast, ‘Serious’

NORFOLK, Vn.. Sept. 18 (Uf3— The condlllon of Avlntlon Mticliln' tit li Male Earl Claiborne, fon o U. A, Claiborne. Jcronio, Ida., on< ot tlio 250 i>cr«K« Injured In tlif ex- plo-ilcn at the nnviU ivlr base htri

’ yrstcrtia)'. continued si-rloiu todny,' TRcniy-llirec jnilars and a WAVE

were killed In the explaslon.,■nifl cjpltvjlon. which was caused

by "aniinunltion In transU” rocked tliB dty of Norfolk ycstcrdxiy mom- Intr, jhaltered windows tw o miles oway and could tw hoard /vt 6\iffolk. 30 inllca frDm Its point of orlcln.

There ti»s been no report as yt. from a four-man nnvnl txjnrd ip . ■polnl«<i to Investlftnte Iho troBedy nor would the na\y dlsclo.s8 any furtlicr details.

i Last Tribute for Edward E. Vance

A final Irlbulo was paid Saturday afternoon to Edward E. Vancc, long, tlma resident of Twin Falls o t Bat- urday aflemoon services a t iho Whlt« morUiiry chapel w ith R«t, n.

I O. McCalllstcr officiating.Mrs, Margaret Watts sana ....

. numbers, Th# Odd Fellows lodge, of which Ur. Vaneo was a member of long standing, conducted th e lodge ritual Bt tlia grarealdo a t T w in Fkllj ccmcteri^i • i

Pallbcafcrj were T. U CORBWell, • Olynn Smith, Ivan Price. E d Walt*.I William Thletten and Earl lUlnts.

Lions Entertain Boy Scout Troop

I OOODINO, Sept. 18-Uon5--jpon.

I aorcd Boy Scout troop members special dinner guests a t th e r e t _ . Lions club meeting held o t Plynn'i cafe. Judse D, H. 8utphen. clialr-

I man of the advancement cotnmltii, ' tee of the Ooodlng distriet, present­

ed the club «ith the Bcout charter. TcntlerlocV bsflges were presented Scouts by Uland nischm an. Other member? of the Lions Bcout com- inlttco Include Frank Robertson and Kenneth nici). Fred Locko is the scoutmuicr.

Judge Bulphen spoke on th e origin of Scouts and scouting. President O ito Joslln presided for the 'm eet.

. Ing.Tlie ncit meeting will ba th e "one

hundred per cent" attendonco meet- , j_ tng with t Wtnlc plMmed. ‘Ktnlo : ~W lnmltte« appointed Included Hu- I old Bright, Harley Crlppcn and

Vnldo Gray.

SU6 iUDQMENT BOUGHT Juiinment for »1S8 Is sought Jn a

probate court suit filed by th e Pn>. . fcssional Adjustment c o m p a n y

ngalnst P. E. Yadon. The money Is said to be due on a promissory note, J . H. Bamcj ij attoniey fo r the

tlrre 's tb« dple|ratl<in ot more than two do in i allrarllvo USO aldrttr.i from t\Tin Fg lls who wera KUrsls of the SiiD V.illry naval eonvnlrsrent lio^pil\l at u darire Sniurilay nlilit. Accnmpanird by chai^ croni, the aldede* Irfl hy bu.i Saturilay aflrrnoan from thr? USO center, were dinner fuciln of the navy, nltfndrd the J a n rn a t Sun Valley, ^cijpil ovrriiislil In spcelal ijuartcm nprnrd for them at llio resort and arti (o return Sunday aftenioon allcr enjoyint teiinla, golf and swImmlDg on the navy hospllal ((ounds. (Staff Photo-Enjravlns)

Job Rating Slows Hiring of FiremenOnly unccrt.Unty n-i to the fixicral

Bovcnimcnt'.'i atlltudc toward the essential nnture of fire fl«lilUi« stands 111 the way of nipldly IIIIIiik oil fire dcpiirtmeiil viicn.iiclc.s. It sa id last night by Councilman W Thomas, public safety commLwlc

One m an has been htrcd of the six needed to rephieo the half- dozen positions vacatcd when half the flro^Iepftrimtnl was dljml-v.cd la st week. Tliomos KiUd plcntj- of. applications have been received to fiU all poaltlons, but some of the m en are engaged In e.wcntlal Indus­try , and m ust have certlllcates of avallnblllty In order to go to work fo r the city. '

The councilman eald the would ask Uielr employers for luch certificates. Falling In this, ha said, they wo;;)d-sfek tho necessary per- m la lon from tho U. 8 . employment service.

Rev. Rice Heads Ministers'

New officers for the Twin . .M inisterial association, elected ... th e 'latest meeting, are n«v. H. 0. Rice, president: Rev. H. O, McCal- Uster, vice-president, and Rev. Ellis Sdsm , secretary-trtasurer.

A vote of thanks wiu given (o the oatfiotoB o lJlttra for Uieir tm lc ts during the past year. Retiring of­ficers were Rev. E L ., Ikenberry. Rev. Mark 0. Croncnberfier and MnJ. W lnlcm Roswall, president, vice-president and sccretary-i------respectively.

. . resolution was pa.«cd to send letters of recommendation lo ih< U lnbtcrln l associations'at Belling, liatn. Wosli., Where Rev.-D. E. Hoff­m an of tho Assembly o t Ood wlU be taldng up n new pastorate.*and to the West Seattle association where Rev, a. A. Carlson of th e .n ic r Bap­tis t church will take up * ' work.

TOOLS STOLEN TJie theft of a tool chest agd the

tool* It contained from Jilslruck at Rupert was reported to police here by Robert Van Ostrand, an employe of the Hoops Con.^triicllon company, Tljo theft was said to hnve occurred FrtvSay nlghl.

' ^ i s im c lk n _

Met# iKcn twenty-fir# y«or» ego fh# Inilgnlo of the Nofienaf Ssfacfod Morflclont b«eam« a mark of

> In furwral Mrtlce.

Tliow wfco hove E»etn Invited |i1 <9 dUptoy tMt «mbUm. U »ynboIUe«

elMeol itandard* whkh Iniure the public of fglr deol- . Ing, reotonoble pricei, and expert profeulonol care.

“^WHITE MORTUARY1 3 5 Ph . 1400

Bond Show"Singe Uixir Cnnleuii" will I

shown nt tlie Orphciim tlimvt Friday iilgUt ii

Nelson. Twill I n m b .fo r thi: third drive.

Pull details will be announced Tuesday. - __

Junior High Tops Scliool Bond Sale

Topping the Twin FnlM hlKh school In ilic Ural week of bond sales of tho Uilrd war loan wlUi a margin of more Uian *400 Is tho proud achievement of tlie Junior high school

Junior high student.^ rang up a total of_>i,25D Including a iDOa tlom p Bale, while the' senior Jim h members sold J333 In l»nds and stamps.

T h e ' '^ h u s ls t lc group has ex­changed a great many pennies, nickels and dimes for war stainju and bonds. A cug’ar sack , of pen­nies tijjde up tho money {or one

Youth Held in Attack" K youth auspceted of attacking two Duhl sisters. 11 and 13 years of age, respectlvelj-, laal Thursday night was arre.iled a t Buhl last night and lodged In the county Jail. His nnme was withheld pending filing of tho complaint. One of the girls received a cut Up when she wo. Uirown to the' ground, before both exnped by running.

Twin Falls Truclt Man Passes a t 30

Clauilc Dcxjley Currier, 30. Tv»ln Falls truck driver who lived on route tivi). died at 12;10 a. m. 8at- urdn,ji at the Twin Falls county Rcnenil hn^pitnl. where he-had Ixcn afpatlcnt tor u week.

Coming to lUnho .'I'ven years ago from Fowler, Colo., .Mr. Currier had ni;xlc his home In 'Z^v|n FiilLi for one yi'jir. Ill' -wii.s Ixjrn April 17. 1DI3, at Carter, Okla.

Mr. Cvinler Icai'es his wife. Mrs. Ethclyn Currier, iind two children, Lancio Gayle and Priscilla Janice; hLi fatlfsrr Fred Currier, a ilbert. Arl7., whoSj3».’hcrc nl tho time of hl.s son's deiitli; two brothers. Seiti Currier, with Uie army In north Afrlcn, and J. Paul Currier, 011- berl, and thrre sl.iters, Mrs. Claude Ftey. Amarillo, Tex, ML's Marie Davis and Miss Mary Ann E>avls. Ilcri'ford, Tex.

.Fuiicjnl ^ervl^^s are awaltlntj nr- rlviil 6f UlC brother Ironi Arizona.



IIIGIIPST CASrt" rW C ES I’hone 73

^HAYES Furn. Exchange

LASTNOTiCito buyers of

Candoka &" Rio Oso Gem

Pecsch BuyersT h e a o tw o now nnd e x ce llen t v a r ie tie s hnve •been allow ed to fu lly t r e e r ip en a n d a ro n o w p ick ed a n d rea d y to can . E v ery o n e w ho ha-?“ o rd e red thc.sc peacK es shoulti com c n o t

l a t e r th a n S u n d a y ( to d a y ) since o u r su n n ly ■ " • is ^ c r y - U tn i tc d !----------------------------------------- ------- —

W e alBO fiaTc a few c x c c lle n l t r c c 'r lp c n c de l b e b t a p e a c h e s

O u r H A L E PE A C H E S a r c a ll so ld e x c c p l f o r • . c u l ls .

P n U N E S a r c be ln e picked and a rc now re a d y f o r lo c a l Ba^p Id a ll g rades.

HARVEY ORCHARDSOa the OM Orejon TraU \ jm , of Bnhl.

Open E reo lon OBd BEDtUya


one man was charged with reck* less driving and his two companions were charged with lntoxle»tlon as the climax to an episode which en­livened an "Improper lights" drive last night that resulted In ttckata for'■38 driyefs. -

Lee E. Pursey, Jarbldge, Nev.; Rodney Madroir. Tw in'F alls, and Joseph D, Morgan, Jerome, were In the county Jail last night, the f irst facing a charge of reckless driving, and the other two on charges being Intoxicated.

The car driven by Pursey failed to Btop a t the stopalgn a t the Wosh- Inglcn school, whtte State PoMte- man H. W. "Brick" Zimmerman and peputy John E. Lelser were check­ing lights, and Zimmerman pur­sued II east on Addison. Halting the car. he ordered the driver to proceed to the poUce station. In­tending to charge him with running the stop sign.-

However, the driver changed his mind after'f irst f re e in g , to do as asked, and made an escape effort. When the state ofllcer caught the car again he brought In the three on the reckless driving aiyl Intox­ication chardes.

The Unproper light drive was con­ducted by sute. county and city officers._________________

Divorces Given 3 Men, 1 Woman

Three husbands and one wife were awarded dJvo.-cej In dtJtrJct court lYlday afternoon by Judge J. W. Porter.

Tho woman who received a decree ..aa Mra. Donetta Coombes, Buhl, mother of fire children. Bhe rccusccI Marlon Coombes of cruelty. They married July 4, 1030 In Twin Pnlls county. The mother was granted custody ol the children. Including three sons and two daughters rang . Ing In age from two to 10 years.

Qlecvn Lo«, Buhl, won decree against Mrs. Edna’Low after she de­faulted altlioush previously fUlng a demurrer ami then withdrawing It, Tliey msrlred July JO. 104J in Twin Falls. The hiuband charged cruelty.

Irvin E. Kevan, also claiming cru­elty. won Irecdom from Mra. Bertha W. Kevan. now living, In the state of Wa.ihlng(on. They married Dec. 24, 1037 In Twin Falla,

Thomas O. Innerarlty was d i­vorced from Roberta Lee Innerarlty, Fort Peck, Mont., on grounds of cruelty. They were marlred Juno 37, 1030 a t Waaliua, Mont.

Knal Call Takes J.L.Waggener,80

James L. Weggener, 00. former sugar fartory employe'here, died lni*tlie Mate hospltui a t Bl.ackfnot Friday, according to a wire received by frleml.i hnre Saturday.

T B o m Dec. 16, 18C3, In Illlnob., Mr, Waggencr lived In the Magic Valley area f<ir mnny years. He was pre­ceded In death by his wife sevaral years tu;o.

Survivors are a sl.iler. Mrs. P. L.. Meeks, Mount Vernon. Wash.: and a niece, Mr,i, 0 . L. Bennett, Acam- po. Calif.

Town Hall Will Stai-t Drive; Frank Buck Fii’st Atti-action

Monday, Sept. 20. ■njUti Hall tjeglns Its annual membership drive for bringing tills eeaaon's retinue of oOlstandlng speakers to the Magic Valley area, Mra. Rose North, presi­dent. announced

"Our membersnlp fee Is *350 for tho year—»5 of this covers oui Bpeaklng" program and the SO cent; Is government tax. T h ere 'a re nc tickets available for Indlvldunl^um- b e n —only , regular member^* may attend, but this membership fee tltlea you to all numbers wltli additional charges o t any kind."

D nder-the sponsorship of Chamt>er of Commerce, this marks the,jilxth year for the Twin Falls Town Hall a sw latlon . Atsoclattd Town Holls have been organized tljroughout tho country to bring outstanding speakers to IndlvlduoJ communities.

-^Four Hiwakers BookedAs In the past, the board of di­

rectors plans to bring to th is i munlty seven or eight leading and women. Already booked .... Prank Buck, for Oct. 1: Dr. Oerald W endt, Oct. 20: Dr. Vernon No.'sh, Nov. 23. and John L. Davis, Jan . 1'

Only once In a lifetime Is there

Red Cross Picks Mrs. Bailey as

New SecretaryMrs. C. A. BftUry. wife of

Twin Falls county probate Judse. has been named srcrflary of f Twin Falls Red Cross chaptcr. was nnnouncid la- i n ight by Frank U Cook, chairman. She tokes the place vacated by the resignation of Mrs. W. .H. McDonald.

Chairman of the w lunteer serv­ice committee, whlclf^iipcrvl.ies a number of Important activities, Atrs, Dailey has been active In Red Cross work for thfr past two years. Cook »ald.'

Mrs. Bailey wa.< appointed relary .at the la-M meeting ol Board, Cook said, hut n»vs o) oppolntment was withheld unt flclnl approval ol area headquar­ters a t San Franelsco wa. recelv^ ye,'ilerdoy. She ha* already taken Office.

2 Cadets Killed In Plane Wreck

AUGUSTA. Ga., Sept. 18 Two aviation cadets from Bush field were killed In the crash of thrlr training plane nar.jLoulsvl^, Oa.,

Bush field publlc'relatlons lUl the victims as Edward T. ZImmi man ol Presque, Me., and Cadet John M. Zang, Jr., snii o t Mr.Mr.s. John M. Zang ot Salt City.

HAULINGLorat and Long Distance


Prank Buck. Re Is the man who has captured and delivered aljve b complete loo. Uls tntliriat« Infor­mation on. the far east presents a timely .means of bringing IbUners closer to. the supcr-chargcd atmo- aphere of tha t side of Uie world.

Dr. Oerald Wendt is an outaUnd- Ing chemist and research consul­tant. The tclcnce editor of "nm o" and a pioneer In chemical welfare he reveals the Impact of modem eclenco on armament, production communlcailon,'^lltikrleg strategy and transport.

During the first World aided In development of the gas mask nnd several new toxic ga.' DuTli\* ensuing yews he has had .... important part In developing hiany of the products whlcli today arc taken for granted. He maintains that Uie result of the "synthetic" age wlU make the naxt generatlnn wonder how we mariaged to live In the present dark agc.i. His subject Is "Science for the World Tomor-

Thlrd on tho IW of speakers. Dr, Vernon Nash will present his ease for a federal world government, He- llevlng th a t no more vital question confronts America nnd the ulti­mately victorious United Nation.'' than tha t of "lasilnK pence." Nosh's dlscuMlon is expected serve as a stimulant for Intelllgi'nt thought, even among ' disagree with hb vie

UnaiPopular llumcrlyt

If Amer-...........I popular humorl.sU, John

L. DixvU U dcscrVtwrt hftvlng n •brlstUng wit. scintillating humnr nnd rapld-Hre eplgrnmatlc elo­quence." ^ t y per cent ot his book­ing aro reported to be repeat book- Inga,

The ticket campalffn period which will begin Monday lasts to Oct. 1, High school student.^ are again be­ing given the opportunity to earn season tickets on the -vile of three membership tickets, one of which mu.'st be to a new member.. Letters were rcccnUy mailed to Eden, FUer. Buhl. Jerome, Gooding. Kimberly and Twin Full.i high school principals, offering students In tlir.^e communities equal opportu­nity to buy membershlfi

FFA Has Officer : Training Mteetin'g ;

A db trlc t Future Farmtra a s ,° Ielation meeting was held during the iw ftk In Twin Falls with an officer \tpijning school for those boys who !were elected to offices last spring. {Included in the FPA dblrlc t are aU I high schools Jn the Magic Valley . j

Smlth-Hughes teachers from th » .. i vorloua schools met-with groupa of presidents treasurer!, e to , to tx - plaln the duties of each office. 'll,

TwUi FaUs PFA ofllcers are Roy Magoffin, president: Vaun BoUngbroke. ilfe-prtslden t: Waj-ne Hankmg, seCrctoTy: JoJm DcrUs. treasurer; Dick Johnson, sentinel, and Duane Hansen, reporter.

Firearm s and fish-hooks are dangerousHunter.s, fishermen and. in fact.

one Interested In outdoor sports and actlvliles will do well to ask U.1 about our goif and aports (la­bility ijdllcy and our Vacation Per- sonniyAccIdent Policy. We'll pro- tec tX ou against budget breaking bllW for only a few dollars.


y S I D C A i S ! If YouVkfantTo


G l e n G . J e p k i n sC H E V R O L K T S A L E S jV N D S E R V IC E



W . C . R O B I N S O N—‘Loans and Financing”

Operating Under Idaho Small Loan Ucense

NOW OPEN TO SERVS YOUW o in v ito th e people o f Muki'c V a lley to ta k e ndviintuK o o f o u r loan f a c i l i t ie s . 'L o a n s in th o a m o u n t o f ? 6 0 , $75 a n d ? I0 0 receive th e Hiimo co u rte o u B c o n s id e ra tio n a s th e la rg e r a m o u n ts . W h a te v e r y o u r l in a n c i a i p ro b le m s a re , w e w ill b e . g la d to d isc u ss th e m w ith you .




Sales orv^ Livestock Dealer Sales


2 3 0 MAIN A¥E, J^O.“A cross From P ost Office in Twin FaUs”

ARNOLD F. CROSS, M gr. P . 0 . Box 732 Phone I

Page 7: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Sunday, Scplehiber 19.1543 TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO ,Pago Seveil

Social and Cliub NewsImpressive Nuptial

For Novak and Gilb. . . .... im pressive nuptia l m a s s c e le b ra te d b y M agr. J . P .

O T oo lc ’ a t 11 a . m .'S a tu rd u y a t the b e a u t i f u l l y de co ra te d S t . E d w a rd ’s Catholic chu rch , M ias M n ry L o u G ilb becam eth e b r id e o f TSdward J . N ovak . ___

Th'o b r id e is th e dauRhter o f M r. and M r s . C a r l G ilb , and M r. N o v ak ia the.ncplicw ofM r. a n d M rs. E h ica t Cum er- on. N ew B r ita in , Conn.

Tlie hrldnl parly fciUed upon Iho white linen carpcl lo the mMn al- tor. which WM entirely banked Ir gladioli and WM Hanktd by lall candclaljrn and flowtr biskeU.

'rrndltlonal white satin worn by Uie bride, "me bodicc - f«hloned with » lace >'ok« nnd nlcrvej. Tlie skirt »ns full wltn a loiiB u-aln. Her full IciiBtJi veil w.u caught u-lUi Ml orange bloiiom tiara. Tlic bride's Ilowers were rose budi

1 Allen. brldcsmsliL'. slmllm- sowns. MW 'niDj

• i MWn, RiipVnV nnd.Ml:* . wore plctute'hnl.lashloned bouqueti.

Aon Nye, Ilowcr jl'l' In ' long yellow frock nnrt » bonnet win- ttrcmncrs and carried a flower bai-

, aV Hargraves. Iduho Folb, nt- jillcndcd Uio bridcBTOom &s best man, ~ and Uie brldo was given In marrlago

by her tallier, Carl QUb. MUo Pear-kon and Joo Dill nobert.«n -----ushpr*.

ML'S Melba Holmes ployed a lln selection. "Pontls Anstlleiis,’

. Ml.vi PBtrlela Smith prejldlng at the organ played Uio. wedding march. Bolii Joined lo play rNtsslonal mu­sic .M to Phyllis Plckiell, Buhl, tnag “Ave Marla." Mrs. Wcllle ~ '

chnrg t the Iotrered background ilrilni during Uie ceremony.

n teepHofi Followi At IHFTcFctTOav a l th» ailb

followlns thn,ceremony a . .. Uticd wMjtSln8,cak< a Uiiybridal eotiple va.i cut By Ihr couple,

Mrs. Horace Holmes snti Mrs. Joe Kohler. Mrs: W. W. Tliomas.nnd Mrs. C. E. Allen presided nt Uie i toblP servlnc more than 150 &uc.' MLvs Leonn Rhd HukIicj, Mlis Blllle Kaufman, Mrs. Joe Hill ftoberUon. Miss Marjorie Laah, and Mbs Bar. (ibra Wanman. an ol .In Foils; Mrs. Robert Scott, Kimberly and Ml.-vi Helen Ciuper, Idelio F ILi sJ.sted 111 the dining i«.m.

Ltinclieon al the Ho,;er!on h(fl<'l followed for the brirti'l p.irty. Tin couple left far an uniiiiimunccd dcs. llnntlon. and will be at home lem- porartly at Salt Lake CItj,

Special CueU .Ml.« Ultra M. Cleavelsnd. Poca

tcllb, close friend ol Ihrwidegroom wa.'< a fprclnl weddliiR RUMt.

M rr Novak Li a TMln Falls high ■chool Kraduut* and comiiltled lw( year* at-University ol Idaho, eoulh' em branch, where she afnilated u llh Qaroma DelVa Ounmi

The bridegroom graduated from the souUicm branch with k bachelor oi science dcKree in pliumacy. He is & graduate of the New Britain high

Wanena Ai'ranges Work for Girk

Plan* for Uis fall acUvlty of ih Watan&po Comp Fire roup ver discussed when th« Wsnmi club met last week a t the country horns of Mrt, Kelcn'nussell,

A council llro wai irnnged tor October with the TaniXla uid Wat* Miapo erouns taking part. Needle- word guilt' work was ibo planned.

T hrt# Birla of the group furnished IhB program. Ida May Smith land Dorothy Lte Berry ipoke on the lil.itoty. purpose and program of Camp Fire, and Betty Ann Russel Ulked on Uia value of.conducUng

W -CnniP rire ineeUngs according to parliamentary procedufe. T^e three Btldre.-aes were.rcqulreffients of Fire Maker rank and the glxls assisted Iho ho.str.-is In actvlng.

Tlie Watanapo group met Friday ■ nftcmoon a t the home ol Uielr

, leader, Mrs. N. O. 4ol\!ucii toi & business meeting, .and a potluek dinner was held a t Uie horn# of An- neito poubfrif, Followlns the dUi- ncr the glrU nlUn'ded the football

' gatnr.T he 'T ia t se."aIon. Oct. 1. will fea­

ture election of officer*.* * It

Couple Retui'ns After Ceremony

RICHFIELD, Sept. 18 - Mr. and Mrs. aicrni L. Borcnson haw re-

• • turnrri (o RichfleldiJollowlng their marrloKO al the L. p , 8. «mpl« l^. 6a\ , lAkt, c ily , Btpt 4. Mr». flortn- iion was formerly Miss Alberta Falr- rtmond of a t. Anthony, and both ■he and her hiisbonJ'are returned L. O. 8. missionaries ft«i& th« CaU< fom ia district.

Before leaving for her wedding It. Ball ta k e Miss Farrljnond wm honor

--------guesl-nt-lwo -ahowen-slvtn-ror-har-by her mother, Ura. J. W. FarrUnond M d later„her friends in'Salt Lake

. , City in d Ogden cntfrUlned In her O ' honor nt siUt Lake City with the

Mlfis Vtm nuft, Mlis Donna Falrrl- mond nnd Mlsa Lola-Wiawart. aa hostesses,

Mr. and Mri. 8cren*on are at home »t Uia Cottoawo«t& nrnth whtre h« Is «ngo«cd la fannlnj'wllh his faUi- «r, L..T. Sorenson.

♦ * # Auxiliary Officers

Installed at MeetHAZELTON. BepL I»-Iiut*Ua-

plnce a t the regular Bi«Unt Uii* week ttt the home of Mrs. A. P.

' HaworUi. Plans were laler itiBds to imdertake the iporuonhip an to Uila year ol th e tdhool Itutcb pro­ject vMch hM b««a tor ytart the majcr scUrlty of tb li unit.

Weds at Church

. .MIu Mu 7 Lou Glib, bride of Edward J . Novak, is ihown en (ho day of her wedding tolcmnlxed Saturdiy morning at St. Edward'* Catholic church. (Album rbolo- Staff Encnxvlnt)

Mrs. J. Phipps - ■ Host to Circle

f Clrclc_ ... . members Uie W. S. C. 8 . mft J . T. Phipps homo for a l:SO p.m. dLwert lunclicoii. Mr.. tTrd Bpencei o*-slst«i In flcr\ lnK.

Mrs. H. C. Ftrstts'^n ttad 'devo llonal service from the~... ’Chrlatlan Advocate," church

During the bus Ciiirftici'. Bciin niia"Mrs. Claud's Jo jift'fa tc jipao ln tpd n.s a nomlna ItiK cOmmlUoc to name Diflcers replacp thoj;c rc^Usr.rd. Mrs. Jon conchiilcd Iho progmm by reading seli-ctlon. “P 'u n ts of the Bible.'

D elegates Named at Meeting- of RebekahSHOSilONK, i IB-Whcn Re-

vuc-VWlt. Mr.i. Uln ThiKard wa; elKWd first delcatvte <o crand lodgi nnd Mrs. H tilh Durgcii wa.i namet .icconildflci;ate. Mrs. Ellznbelh Clln- Bcr WHS elected deputy pre.ildent Ihi; comlhB year.

Marian Martin Pattern

FOR EABV DEESSINO. ;c 5 -T s s rn n v n 6 n n s iu rm : rT 5

d ress for school a ll by herteUl Pat­te rn M i ls trotit-butt^iwlna^ , . JuM th o Elmplest possib le '^rin6»i Rtyle, w ith the sm art nddltlon o f . t ccal< loped yoke. N ot only easy for her U p u t on, but n elnch for j'ou to make.

Pattern »521 comcs la children’! slecs 3, J, i . 5. 0. BUe 6, drcM with contm sl, IH ynrd i SS*lnch u>d S y a rd 33-inch n a p fabrle; d iw aU

fabric, 3 ti yards 35-lneh.

Bead SIXTEEN CENTS tn cDlni for Uii3 pattern. Writ* p l o i ^ t u z ^ NA&IE. ADOBC88, ST T16 NUMBEB.—K e» M I 'a r id Wliiler Pattern Book for TEN CENTS mor#. F ree jlsiicm fo r opron with aj>- pUquo printed righ t In book.

Send your order to Tlmes»NewB Pattern Deportment, Twin A lU , Idaht).

Nutrition Class OpenforWomen

Iteglstotion for new classes In nu­trition sponsored by the Amerlciux Red Cross I* now opem Tho courao offers 30 hours of standard Dutrl-

on. and must be completed before member Is ellglblB for tho canteen

corps.Officials of the nuUlUonal' dl-

vlilon of the Red Cross have voiced i need for a preparedness for tho :«nteen corps and cited as an ex­ample. tho ailuatlon a t Parma, Ida., last spring when Uio canteen corps Uiere fed 3S0 people for four days (turing a flood.

Mrs. Harold Uickey, chairman (ho nutrlUon group, announced dMlre for completion of the clai ' :fore Uie Chrbtmns holidays.

Plans tof ftvenlng atwS afltroooa elaase.-i are under way and anyone Interested has been urged to call Mrs. Lackey, a l 1197-J, or the local Red Croas rooms.

Thursday Meets Set <for Women

scheduled meetings for “hursday. 6epU 23,

Mrs, L. L. Brccicnrlilge, leader of

351 Eighth avenue north. .Mrs. O, . . . Witiiam will review Uie book, "In- Blde Latin America" by John Qun-

OMup 4, Mn, W. O. Smith, leader, . ill meet with Mrs. C. A. Ernes, 305 Ninth avenue north. Mr*. H. A. Boll, IB44 Poplar itrect, will be hos­tess to Group 4 with Mrs. P. H, aiu-lck. leader.

Mrs. A. T. OlllesplB. Affllbon ave­nue, wni entertain'O roun 7, Mr. . L. E Sniladay, lender. Members iire U> call the lender for transporwiion.

Lorraine Jensen . - Shower Honoree

M lu LornUiic Jcn&cii, who will wed Capt, w . J. Lang, Dol.sc, a t Ok­lahoma City, Okla., soon, was the honoree at a briclul shower Friday cvcHhia the 1-iwnt ol Mrs. A. D. Nye with Mrs, Dee Hart as asaist- inu h<>'t«!.s.

I'avors were losliioned of_j:iioco- latSjiarreLi and stick* ol gum. forin- ilig aitplnnts. The honoree played high a l bridge aUd Mrs. Blaiiclie Hodgc won Inw score. Salmon gli oil and white asters formed n dfcoriitlniis.

aiic.M.s v,cre Mrs. Jane Jen Mrs. Dick Duvall. Mrs. John WtUli. Mrs. Jutk Uucrlg, Mrs, Llllls G ra­ham, Mr.i. Gene Davis, Mrs. E. M. Kloppeiiuerg, Mrs. H. W. ZlmnuT- man, Mrs. Clyde Carlson and Mrs. Blanclie Hoclgc.

* i» J*

Progi'am Session At Falls Avenue

Mrs. Ocruld Askew entertitlned the Falla Avenue club last week at her homo wlUi Mrs. Melvin Switzer presiding, Mrs. Motels Owens and Mra. Eunice Hrath pre.iented tlic program,

Mrs, Iloatli mid Mr:t. U A. H an­sen offered readings and Mrs, Pcnrl Gray and Mrs. .M. M. Sjster con­ducted a contest and awarded prizes to Mrs. DlKlle Sockelt and Mrs. Askew,

At the close ot' Uie aftemoon a polnk and blue shower was kIvch iw Mrs. Paul Juuketl. Mrs. Verna aucs and Mrs. Wilber Kealbr a t­tended as guests.'

¥ ¥ »

Girls Invited to' ‘Riveters’.PartyA "Swing Sh lff get acquainted

party for all eighth and ninth grade girls, who will come coslumcd as "Bosle, Uio rlveler," has been plan­ned by tho Phy Delta " y Girl Re­serves for tho evening of Tuesday, 8epL 31.

Phyllij Ourkharl hn.i been named chairman of the entertainment c«mmlttee and Hope Bla.ser i s hpad of Jhe tnvltatlon committee. Peggy Strain and Dorothy Allen will lend the singing'.

Next regular meeting of tlic group wlU be Monday, Sept-

Drive for Members ' Launched at BickelThe new membership drive was

outlined a t a joint csslon Friday of the P.T.A. executive board and room moUiers of the i>lckel ' ‘ Mra. H . Rogers heads - moUiers drive cominlll'. .,

Mrs. Ployd Lincoln resigned her po.iltlon of vice.presldent and M n. Bernard l la r ty n was voted ftito Uie poslUon.

CalendarMecUnj o t;the DP.W. scheduled

tor Monday has been postponed un­til SepU 37.

• ♦ ¥September's meeting of Circle 4

ot tho W,' a . c . 8, has been post- poned, a nd Un- rmup ,wlH meet a t U xetegylir Ume in Ocloiw.

♦ . * ¥Mountain Vlaw dub wlU meet

Wednesday afternoon wlUi Mrs. J. W. McDowell.- Mr*. Opal ^Wonacott ,wUl assist the hostes.'.

weniury ciud iiuuuiu>)[ the past president will be held a t 3 p ja . Tuesday a t the Presbyterian ehtirch parlor*. Rev. E. L, Ikenberry Will speak, and music will be under the dlrecUoo ol Mrs. Frank Brown.

Dr. Geo; CrHalleyt» retioDtng' to Twin u d will rtsQina pracUce ca

O C T O B E R 1— a tm PlfUt street North

Weds on Coast

Mn. Lyle W. Callow Is pictured on her weddin* day at San Fran­cisco. . Klie was Mlsa Charlotte Uhll( prior (o (he September mar­riage. (KUfI tnirraTmg)

Coastal Wedding For Miss Uhlig, Lyle W. Callow

M r. iinil M rs. C h a rles U lilijr. T w in FiiUs, u tm ouncc t h e niitrriaKO of th e ir 'd u u g h U 'r , M ias C h a rlo tte U hlip , t o Lyle W . Callow , Sun F ra n c is co , C alif.

Tlie wedding tool: place'ftt 10;3[) m. on Sept. 4 In the Swcndcnbor-

glan ciiiirclt In S,'n Francisco. Rev Edgar A. LowUicr of the Tcmuli MeUiodbt church officiated in the

e ring c ..............was llKlitfd by randies i Iruiii Uie open Iln'plivcc

Tlie bride wore « drc;

•. Thod the

'iiB were, of bliicl: *iiede.Allcndivnts ucre ML'y. Kny Suen

er iiiul Joe E.'uston. MKs SweuLMf own V.H.S of rose cnloicd woul, nr, he wore a white ro.Tcbud CorM.i; Fifty gUfM.i attended the weddliii

rAU'SiMty, Bcln chnp\cr. .

Mr.'. Callow'Kr^'St'lif*^KUm'cr.

vcf.-,lty of C;illfornla, L0.1 ;


Mr. Callow, dent al Medical

ho)<Li a

Mr', ar :tn Carl


n Fiaiiclsco. iilor dental Ity ot Calif.)] San I'-rnncl' In Ociobcr, imiLv.1011 111 I

Food Calendar

At the peak:-Totnmo<-s by open kettle,

pack, hnt pack, by prr.v,uri- a |>ouml» for 10 ----

V pru;. i t Ilv<-Pei" . . for mliiutci, by dehydration, by freezing,

Peachcs by pre.'.sure nt five pounds for 20 minutes, by dc'hydration or by freezlni;.

Prunes by pre.iiiiro a l live pound.i for 15 minutes or by sulphur dehy-

.draUon.Crnb.ipplcs f o r Jelly, buiicr or

plcklcs.Cabbage by brining.Cucumbers by brining or pickling.

Coming on:Orape.1 for Juice, Icily or conicrx'c.Fall apples for applcs.iuee or ap­

ple butler.Aboi-

Com by pressure at 10 pounds for C5 niliiuie.i, frte.Tlng or dehydration.

Bccbiby pressure at 10 pounds for 40 minutes, by pickling or by deh dratlon.CanlUni

For peaches, pears.'applc.^: Avoid a ir spaccs; completely nil Jars for open Jiettle; leave only >i Inch head space for other meihod.'i, The.^e frull^ sometimes dUeolor 1 lop because of eniymo action

(Cnpllrt hr th. T.ln r . is T«*etirr BMoctfttlon counrll an i«o4


The Happy fititchrrs reorf Friday pflemoon nt Uie home of the leader, Mrs, J. E. Wallis. Eight mem­bers were present a l the business meeting when tho following o«lce;s were elected for Uie comlnl; club year: President. Iva Juno Huffman; vice-president. Pally Timbers; sec­retary, Doris Wallis; lreft."iurer, Leah Fancher, and reporter, Shlrlcy Fancher

Youths in Service Will Receive Giffs’

HA2ELTON, Sept. IS-W. H, Det- woller, president of Uie local iJons Club, has appointed a committee to purchase and prepare for mailing suitable Christmas paeknge tor sc; Ttcemen overseas. ElfnUwr plans will be made for the men in Uils country a UtUe later, os Uio club oxpecls to remember every local serviceman with a Christmas pack' a«e.

W ashersParta aro available for ail

Maytag tfibdels.


C A R E O F Y O U R '- "


','niei rlr.tu t r for etiling. Done n t the rlRhl limcH’i w ort will bo rci^'irded wlUi Ih? very best rcMilt, nnd i->nch ll;ne javcd. Tills Ls peculiarly uue about tlic training and education ot chlldrtri. If. by sonic forliuiate combination of knowledge, undcrsuimllng and maiilc. one could know tlw tlme lo present an Idea or a lo.sk or an experience of any sort to tlie child one wio r.enrlng, it would be IH-rfrct. But there Li not the . llnhtc.sV ■ ■ " ■ ' ' opportunity In

iloiii Uio be.st Vnnist continue

1. icachlnu in ilth. believing,

T lir it Is a time m the lives ot iiinK children when obedience to Iri'ct, iirply delivered orders Is cliglilful. Youngsters delight in ba. IK trained as anlmaLi arc trained >r perlormaiiccs. Teachers of chlld- ■n in the flr.st gradc.^ kno#’ that i l ' Li so aiid they litlhr« tliLi tri'lt I tr;unliiK children lo work mU act 'KL-ilier. the i»wer of the group U|«irtlnK and driving them all fo ard Tiicy U.-.C 11, Itfo, tor Uie pp •ctlon and safely Of Uie gniup. We aln yoiniKi’r children

> Uml rely 11

icy will ■ ordiTBrnllow rapidly . .

;iv.'n them l:i Bately drill;.,T iw .t m ue ciiHdtttn eivjov a Sivt

iiUiuie ilrlll In obedience. Tin y lo' e :o Jump tip ni the-comniuiul, clti;,',— ilnnd. Cliinj means prtjwre. Stand nean< Jump to one's feet ;ind stiind It uu.'nliou, A .ihort drill like tliLs, Mth wmdijwr. wldcopi

r leaderlirlii,;. thr

than live niUiulc.'!, and 11 mu.1t be done, gayly, mulilng grim about It.

O irat,ciitc m ust be taken nlwaV" to see thaC little-ohlldrca are not fatlfiuecl jii'-loiift period.? of com- inntul.i a/id obedlcnce, Nothliiij tlus n little child or an older one for lhi)t mtitlcc—to mucl\ ils Ion? pet\«li of mllltary'drlll. Qiice a day Li onouith tor the little onj.i. and Uie drill should be iniinadlntcly IoIIoawI iiy

>om. An activity prokTiuii ilora neie.-i.slly imply nobi', eonlii-

iid dbordrr. Activity iirn;;r!in's r work, and Kood worK l.s nul

)nIu5lon and ills-

k ^Iraller iiiid hLs

tliorlty and (ibeillei d place ‘lor l>u;ill


e place tor

'^ in d Your Manners

Test your kiiowltdiic of correct socliil u;mKc by atuwcring, the ' ’ lov,l!\K cnic!.tlati5, then chi-i ai-.aln.a the authoritative an; beln-,v:

1. Should tluTe be A cloth cii table on wlileli a tea tray li pli

2. May a tea cloth be eolorci

4. If a 0 prc.':I the

Kive an afternoon tea with dai InK? ,

5. Is it groclou.i of a hostess WTlte and tell her relatives w iiave tx'en her house 'Kuc.its h much she enjoyed having them her home?

W hat would you do I f - When a house Bue.st you leave an

article of clothing and your hostess send.'! It to y o ii-. (a) nctiu-n Uie postage when yoi

. write?(b) Don't botlier to return the

postage? .

4. Yes,5. Ye.i, TliouRh It would no

absolutely nece.'sary.Better "What Would You DO"


RUPERTMrs. 8 . Kat-iannky entertained for

Mls.1 Alpha Walch who liad Just ar­rived home front the Mayo cllnlc-

Mr. and Mrs. C. F . Mcndcnl\9.U aro moving Into the residence prop­erty on Sixth street recently pur- chtiiicd by them, Tho property 1 - WamsIey'oslAte.

Mrs. Enft.it NelLsei^ nnd baby have been released from tho Jones ntirsing homo and returned to theli home in the Jackson dlstrlcL

Mr. anti Mrs. U C, Jensen are tin •parcnta of a girl, bom Sept. 7 nt the Jones nursing home.


Twin Falls Klwanlans turneil their thoughts toward Uie Dalian’s capital Tliursday, and dlscu.ued senate,bill IIBI. one of Uio newest political bahle.'y—delivered and fostered by- Sen. Itobcrl F. Wagner.

lniro<luced three m on ths___bill proposes wholesale amendment (o Urn pre.^cnl system Ot social se­curity. It would lncrca.ie Uie scope of the present proffram lo cover n national sy.- trm of public employ­ment olitcera. a national system of social In.iurance- to include old age. fiurvlvon'- perinaneht disabil­ity, temi>orar>- disability, wiemploy- metit enmpensatlon, etc.

Included on the bill now under Ui flenale's consideration Is n clause which would provide for federal medical lio-ipltiillmtlon and related beneflt--!-

Cite« ConieqoencM .n r , i . \V, Mn^^haU. M prtaclpat

stH-nker of the KlwanLi meet' concl-ntrated on the medlenl liiiipltallrallon phase of the bill Ulii.-itrateil whal he believed the 1 «eflurnrM would bo H doctors . hoM'ltals were pu t under federa

'T his hill would place the powi. nnd aiilhorlty to direct medlca Kire In the hands of one man, a sitrceoa Rcneral who.se office woiUd

.be a pollilcal appolrimenL."Undc r'a i^yntem of pollilcal

lehie which has been e.iUmat ral.'.c the eor.t of government three billion Yearly, tho American docti would become a political lienchmai And if the medlcni profcrvslonrcKlnientrd, It rcprffenl.i .Just ai other step toward estnblL^hlnd cei traltm i fe<lernl eonlrol of nU the prefc^slwis and Indu be nn added •hiitxlrr other political football to be kicked

round."Him U WovilA Work

Sketching what he believed wouU e.^ulr-If-medicine were nn t unde edernl control. Dr.- M am alt eald -IXclors would be paid by go

rient. ProMiniably they wotJld.• • • ead of 34

•i.uld n Illt1< lnrenj.lv0 become skilled

a n of mrcllcat practice, for hln vanreinfnt would depend upon Influenre' with politicians rat than on the skill or tho character nf his work,

-State medicine—polltlciil control nf niedlelne—iilw-aya has and always will di.-velnp doctors ivho a UtlcatK- nv■n■. h e, 'j.-ho cater

Ktw;inlaii.i propose to contln Ihe dl.icmslon of senate bill 11' Olher phnVcs will be studied a t nt weck'.s si-.t.iion.

VliUnr*VIstnniT Klwanlans Tlnirsrtav wi

N-oniird Uruce, guest of KIwanI linv I’nInler, and Wayhe Pack, Kucsl of R. J. Schw-cndlman, presldenl ' KIwanL-;,

n r. .Mai^hall was presentedlu-lpnl -r by p chair-

vail, past district gov-

Klwanlan Itelier P. Dennison w-ot hi- war st.-imp, a w-eckly event li ihlch the I'hili member answerlni, •ithfartnrlly the tiuc.'tlon-of'the-

ek Is awariled $2 In stamps.

UNITYMr. and Mrs. Alfred Cmne had

as KUc-sLs Mr. nnd Mrs, Ivcr Jen.'ei and chlld(ne. Lynn and Susan, Sal I*ike City.

Pvt, William Boyce, stationed at Camp Kearns, spent tho week-end here.

Miss Tlitlmrt F rort w ho'has been here eonvalcsclng from an oppen- dectomj-, has returned to her wori In .Salt Lake C«y.

Ml.-w Thco Oooch; who has Been engaged In war work in Ogden, has como home for nn extended tlnn.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bowen and family vijlled In Montpelier.

Tlio Kl. I. A- opening social will be Held In ward hall Monday ' nlng.

Farmers of the community cuttlni: beam nnd Uie third crop of hay. Some have begun digging po-

' Mr.'atwl-Mcs-Newell Raker hate left to visit for a short time li Ogden nnd Sal'- Uiko City.

Will pay hJRhest prices! A mod­em bam -with coiicrcto floor, plus oUicr minor physical re- tSMltcvnents wtll tnablo you to meet Grade A standards. Business increases are m a k ^ an ttnmedlnie demand upon lu for addlUontil milk.

n ’rtl« er Fbene


P h o n o 6 4


HANSENRoy E, Btallh, son o f M r. and Mrs.*

C hulu Gmllh. h a s beet\ asstit- ant coaclvior tho i<owlston h lsh Khool, Uwuion. Ida., fo r lha past three yesrs, li now h e a d coach, ae- cordltig to a upon lo h is patents.

Ronsld Naflcr, am nll son of Mr. nd Un. Ktantlh Noj-lor. lubmlUed

lo a lonjllecioniy a t ih o Twin Falla county general hospital alter slilch

jTiOTNi lo his ho ro t.Chulcj nranao returned from

Boise where ha w ent to take his army aviation teat, a n d utter a brief «tny »t hli home wUl re tu rn to Boise for lurthtr examination.

Mhi Dctty Coiiscy a n d MUj Doro-. thy Tjsof lelt tor Albion, where tJiey will enter Uie S ta te Normal. NlM Tjior li the daush ter of Mr. anti Mr*. W. j. 'T>'8or, n n d Mia Cop­ay Uis daushtcr of M r. snd Mrs. Elbert Copsij. - -

Wayne KenworUiy, TmIIh palLi. in of Mf, »n4 Mra. M. p, Kcn-

worthy, Huuen. has occtpitd a po- Utlon at Hollj'wood . w ith the Na­tional ‘Droadcutlng -company, Mrs. Kenwortliy and the tw o clilldrtn will rcBoln'la T*ln Falls until ha ta n local# Uicre.

Pfc. Dnice Walker. Pott Worm. Tu„ lell lolloKliig a v b ll mth hla parents, Mr. and Mra. Clyd# walk­er, and hi] aunt, Mrs. Dorii Strad- ley. Tain Falli,

MltA Uatsfttet KlliYsemaim l^^Il for Wallab'ufg, Wa.\li.. where she be­gan her leaching Job. Sepl. 13, Sin iios spent lha pa.it several weeti a'. Uio home ot her fnUitr. Ixi'nis Kllnsemann, and h e r sUlet, MissIda Klingcmann.

tnOnlDff. Be Is a seaman (econd class of the navy.

Mr. and Mra. Ward Marsh have' moved back trom Kelchum whern ho baa been employed this vummer. .

Mr. and Mr*. ^Illey'Anderson t1»- Ited a friend n t the- Bushnell gen- . cral hospital a t Qrlghom City, Uioli.

J ! n . rroncU Olllett relum ed homo from Seattle, Wash., wher« aho spen t the ' post, month -vlsmiiB her Bori.’U eut. M a x b u ia t and M n. Olllett.

M r..a n d Mr*. Bob Slmplot ar« Uie parenU o t a , daughter bom sept. 13.

Pvt. J>ohn Greener ho# returned to Fort Sill. Okla., where he la sta- Uoned. I lo visited relaUves la Declo on a short furlough.■ Earl Cobbley and sUter, Mrs. Et«

elj-n Chnstenscn; visited wim rel- aUves a t Aberdeen.

HAGERMANt r m Mae Condlt. daughter of Mr.

and Mis. Elliu Condlt. Eutilca Con- dlt, daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. J. W, Coiiillt: Qeorelanntx D ic k e r s o n ; daughter oi Mr. a n d Mrs, Frank Dickerson; Harry D ennis, jo n . of Wr. and M a A, L D ennis, and Finn- cli Ultlcan. daiinhtcr of Mr. and Mrs, William Ultlcan. -Ictl Wcdpca- dn.'-, for Lamonl. Ia.. -where they will attend Qraceland college, "niey " JiU Ittehman. .

Mn. HeKa Btahlfflon relumed to the Irome of her m o the r, Mra. Desa AtfMii. &he has been In Conft'Us. Wssh.. vlalilng her husband, who has now txen sent o u t on maneuv-

Wr. and Mra. Floyd WlLioti, HaHey, sixnl Sunday at tho home ot her sLiter and iiwbind. M r, and Mta. Martin Currtui.

Mrs. aiantoii Doyd, Jr., and. Stslnlon HI. Wendell, nnd cousin. Miss Trc.«i M>e Condlt. spent a tow days last week at th e home ot the laiier't alster and ftunlly . Mr, and Mrs. Morris 6lokes, n t Hill City.

Claude Butts, son a(. Mr. and Mrs. Claude DulU, Is being transferred liom Logan, Utali, to Corjiiis Chrlstl. T«x.. wtwre l« will be 8l’'Ci\ italn- Int In ivUtion rad|o.

■nimiiiy Price, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Price, hits' beett. Iransrtrred to Port Hueneme, Calif., for furUicr


Fon'n rind 1( payi (0 ace your Ford D ealir tiral- for dependabie,

economical iraniportatlon.

4J Mercury Sedan Coupe 41 Bulck Spcclal Club Cdup*41 Mercury Town BWan

MO .Mercury Town Sedan40 Mercury Conv. Club Coup*41 Fortl Super DU Btdaa 41 Ford Super Dlx Tudor ’40 Ftord I>elux6 Tudor Sedan40 Ford Collpe Deluxe41 ChevTolet Special Dlx Sedan- 3D Sludcbaker Commander Sdn 3B Studcbaker Commander Sdn ’J9 OldimobllB-Sedan ..39 Oldamoblle Coupe 36 Fo rd Coupe 3S Pontlao Coup#34 Po rd Dlx Coupe

W E D UY-SELL-TItADE Remember, the bonds you

bought |Mt.,year. got us started;




C « ,( o r . .m .lH o o » l« V .. .lUl'i U f . - S l t l i .

•Inniyl U tte rly («mlnlo» t^)rt>tor l o ,

TTom Drown «ue(Jt purictu.' .u J -.itU allStfatoi eald .

Functional, lo o , Itctiil* of 111 conccale J {itluiO.

8 H 0 3


. . because you w ant the best;

^ ^ l^ e c td e o n


I f you've •Iwnyi longed !or ft lu r coat, youH do well to se« these sm a rt fu r tKauUes, each mad« o t exquisite pelts, th a t represen t t tu finest catch <)(

- ^ a in y » aeaB on .'-A lw ays complet« aolecUon of eoata t o ’

. ctaooee Itom , In lull or seven-

Page 8: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Page E ight TIM ^S-^JEW S.'TW IN FALLS, IDAHO _^Mai:,.Scptanbcr.ia, liii3

Jerome, Burley Win to Take Top Spots in Big Seven Conference

Oakley plnylng T ula Palli in B non-coiifcrtnce Bftme. the Bur­ley CobcftLi nnit Jerome Tlgcra each giiliircl Krconcl vlrtorlM.lo take the Ica<l In Uie UlK Seven eonfcrence

Powers Uses 32 Players as Bruins Down Oakley, 24 to 0-

Conch Hank Powers playeduall bolli for victory nnd llie (..........Mike in Ills Tttln Falls Brulna' ltH3 InnuBiiral n«alnn the' Orvklcy Ilor- nel-1 at Uiicoln flclil Friday niHhl anil occoinpll.'hcd both purj>osej'-

ills tram wnii. 24-0,'iind he Ra\ no IfM Uinn 33 plnycra—hi* enUi

* Miuad—a cliance to <1o or die fc. nima mnt.T, And all Kiive n liood Iiccojiit o( liiunwlvrs, even tl only six were lettcrm cn from

• Mimic Viilli'V—Hob Mat

10 llie Onkli'y M-yi‘nl' ll'X-'- There they losi the ixill on downs. On the flr.M play. Mntthrv,-s w c»l off tiickic Icr 27 >-«rila.'A'.Mnlllicws-MaKln paM V.US K<io<l for (inolhtr firiil clown, Aflcr Dallon Clark, end. had ■implied Mnllliewa’ pn-i-s In mld-

.... . — T w in ' Fplls plnycr

Burley 41, Goodinff 0DunLEY. Sp|>t. in -co i • .....-

•R. n»diTe> Hurley Unbent.'

.•> ni'II carried Uic ball

the extra point. After Bell had irned a punt 30 ynrri* to Qood' .1 10, Pncc made eUht anrt

pliir nndHell tlic-n carried Pncc's dropUlck’ wna Kood tor Ihc extra point.

OeorKc Lovett SO yards for i touchclow-n In the second qiiartei nml Uell diipUcaled the teat on thi Ilr.it pliiy in the second. Piice drop, kicked tlie'ex tra point. Dell fcorcc aKaln hi tlie third qviarter nml li the tonrth Lovett went 35 ynnl:

marketi;arller I Uip , Hie

--------- I.K .........

Buhl 26, Filer 0• F lt.nn , Sept. iB-^ScorlnK nil It. points In Ihr tlrr.l two periods, Buhl won from 1-ller, 2C.0. here Friday nfternoon,

Cnrl.^oM. speedy Indian haltlinck, scored the first touchdown with n flve-ynrd sprint nroinul end after s <0-ynrd llrlvc. A ,ihort time Inter, he went over rlRht tncklc for elcht yards nnd a IoucIkIowu. In thi lecond period. Childs, Bulil Rvard liiicrcepird n iia.>;s nnd ran 40 ynrri; for a loiifhdown. Two lon fn in ! by CnrL-ion nnri a line sninsh by Peterson piive Buhl Its final touch-

A.;•. Uovcnion. II. Lull.

First-Draw Held For Game Permits

BOiaE, Sept. 18 M ^ T h e tin t drawing (or permlta 16' hUlit in ipcelal blK Ktune hunU 'In Idaho UiU

.year vaa conducted today In th# of­fices o f 'th e . Idaho rish nnd cwne depaTtment.

The drawing wan for permlta to hunt in the Lcat rtver spedaJ «iU - lope event la Butl«.'C lark, i^inhi, JeHersoa and a portion ot Custer

-Eeybnm-Wins Gve Paul 32 to 6

PAUU Sept. 18 — Hepburn de> Psul. 3 M . JjBT

• dX'iSAa football ffsi....Tbla.care Pftul a JWO Brenf» for

the ceuon, th t P u t b e n luring de< Ae«giila, 3S^ . la « prerlout

Dohoraii Stars As Pilots Win

WENDELL, Sept. IB — Fllllbnf' Dotwrnii scored ii iwvlr of touch dnwivs n.1 Oene Cooix-r's Olenii Fi'rry Pilots' dcfcaU'd the Wendrl Trojiui.s, lD-0, here yr.sterilay alter

him, Mai

Di'KlnnliiK Oiiklcy reHrclwith M;ititii'W tirill tir lw.v>liiK Brulii slv.viit

II A*-.-.-Iiinililed :ind I i’car

ii.shed I for IloiiR .

the ball Into Wendel territory In the first jwrlod. lii airo pluiiKMl for the cxtrii point.

After the PUoUh had recovered r fumbled punt. Rodforil. left hnlt , llppcd oil tackle for the «e< loiirlidoivn in the tlitnl i>erlud. the Cbial jxTlod, a pn.vs, Dobora Kellkiinp, left end. put the b ill ItT acorlim terrltorj' and n liiomeni laler the fulHi;iek cnrrlc<i It over,

Tlie fierce tacklliit: of the Trojan held (loan the scorc.

Angels Lose Third i n R oav

LOS ANOELES, Stpl- 18 MV-Tlic rminnt-wlniilnt: Lai An[:cli>* An­ils came closer to bchis ellmlnntcd ■oni tJie Pacific coii.sl basebal

leauuo p!aj-offs today, w hen Seattli won an 8 to 2 vlctorj’, milking 1

iree n a row. ^

Seatlle ........__..113 100 011-8 10 0Lea Anjclca ... 000 000 002-2 5 2

Dfinoran nnd Siieme; Lynn, Phlpia i3), Maker (7), Mallory- (B) nnd Holn).


Tlie San FrnncLwo Scala. rctunilnit home after lo.ilng two-BlrnlBht gamts to the Portland DenverB. s their flrtt victory today, 3 to (

Ton Senta, Scab’ southpnw, held the Beavers to a ll hits.

R‘ II EPfirtland _____ 000 000 000-0 0 0Sfln Francisco ..300 000 OOx—S II

Cook, Wilson (8» and Adam; Scatj emd O^rodowskl.

Hagerman Defeats " -ley Team, 49-0

H A O m iA N , Bept. 18 — Seven

defented Holley. 49-0, In >’s grid opener for boUi

anu cere yesterday.Devi Jloscrs scored two o( the

l30^dovns. 'oae on a 32-yard run. Mj-roo \V*t«on drove through the Hailey Ibe 33 yards for another. Bostwlck, eent«r, lnUrcepl«d a pom

for a touehdon-n. Others to___ ..tra Oweley. W atJon, -Con-yer and Weech.

n ie big but green nag en o an teun ■cored tiro touchdowns on pusea, tvo on Interceptions and four on drlrei ihrough the line.

Murtaugh Domis ” izelton J 5 Je r %MURTADQH. S e p t 18—WlUl Pin. laytoo Korin* twice on powea from Kale and Egbert going over on a reverse, MurUugh defeated Hazel- ton here yesterday. 19-7, In a t o ­man football game. All of the touch- dorm cane In jh e flr«t half,

Roei scored for nozeltoa on an end-around pliiy In the third auarter.

Albion Wins Hard Fought Conftst

ACEQUIA, Sept. 18—Albion de fcatcd Acc(]ula, 20-0, in n slx-niai Riime ficrn yL'stordny but not unll the Dhie Devils had pliiy<-<l the In dians on even ttmi-s for Uic JlrH

alf.A pii.s.1 and lateral.-Hepworlti to

ChaUjum to Powell. Rave Albion n touchdown In Uie first p«rrlod. CliURg and Ilually Stfphen^on plunsrd to tie the score alter F frriii had In­tercepted nn Albion ixis-s,

Tremnyiie, Albion hnlfback, rar\ 50 yards In the third i>crlKl Krscoh! iifler Inlep'eptlnR nn Acequlix pass. In the flnnl period a Ions paw, Hep- *orth to Rowe, scored Alblon’a third touchdown,

Tlic game wns hnrd fought, Albion making 10 llrsl ijowns to IS for Acf^ula. Tlie Indians were held onco on the onc-yard line and miother time on the tliree.All'kin itO) 1-9... |{)

Obba ----------------------« « T t-IOAw^ol»--------------------- g « » »_ T•MAR.KELL W NS

NEW YORK, Sept 18 {ff>-'dot­ting in a powerful bid for the year's championship of the "Jndlci" . of the turf, Warren W rlsht's Mar-Kell ;ime charging along Aqueduct’s ong stretch today to win Uie'Bel-

Jame handicap, riche.' t stake of the season for fUUes and marcs.

CARDS WIN SECOND N. L. FLAG IN ROW.Birds Grab Twin Bill;19 Games in Front

ST . L O U IS , S e p t . 18 (/P)— A fte r c linch iiifr th e N a tio n a l leaK ue p c n n ^ w ith ii 2 to i v ic to ry o v e r th e ChicuKo Cub.'A in t h t f o p e iu ‘r o f a double lionder to d a y , th e w orld c ham p io n S t . L ouis C a r d in a ls Hwept Ihu sc co n d 5 to 0. _______________________________ U nokic A lp h a 'B ta z lc , up

Declo Passes ,To 27-0 Win' SHOSHONE, Bept. 18—The sur­prise tfam ot the MaKic Valley, Dcc- lo Hornets, held n (jrldlron opening seiison crowd here spellbound for four perlotlj ii-i Ihey ran over Sho­shone, 27-0. yi'-slerdny.

It wns the .secciiid sirnlRht victory /nr the Hiinu'Us, they hnVlhK provl-

Aberdren, 33 to 0, Theyou-sly beat.'

practice n However

born loe n

scokIms ill llornet-s cai: In Uic four

. In

li.illliiicK, who I

till' third quarter. Hi' back to reKl-ster t 111, Jacobs first i

Appling Drives in Winning Sox loins

fn iin S j ic rn m c n to in th e P a ­cific c o as t leaK iie, n o tc h e d h is s even th v ic to r y n K ain at one d>'fi>al in th e second* K«me, III- a llow ed on ly f o u r sinplc.s.

Tlie Red Birds, with their secondnes in f ^eds.

copix-d a clinmplon.nhli* by

e other pennanu. eaved themselves rniw. M-ttiinB the

Cleveland Wins From Tigers, 4-2

Purdue Beats Sailors, 2.S-13

NEW YORK. Sept, 18 (,I>-Mlchl- Ron, wlih Its nll-cvcrything bnck. field, took a 20 to 0 workout today ot tlin cx|>ensc of Uie Camp O ^iit soldiers but lls showing was over- sliodowed by the performances of Purdue and Duke,

Purdue. anoUicr of the 'te tiiat bencflttod handsomely by navy's Juggling of grid UlenU fented the vaunted eleven from Orent Lakes, 23 to 13.

Duke, nnother nnvy school, n tcred the Camp Lejeune marines, 40 to 0, In a display of power thai netted a t least one touchdown li every period agiilnst a line tha averaRcd 211 pounds from tackle U tackle,

Elroy (Crnz>- Leftsi Hlrsch. WU- ............................... tJic Mlchl.

, Mlnnes;ed t 's Klft, c

1 mil

they coiildtl't subdue 1

Dietrich Defeats Eden Six, 29-7

DIETRICH, Sept. IB—Tlie run­ning of a«KC nnd the dropklckInK of We-wl fentured Dietrich's 20-'? vlctori' over Eden In n sU-men Rnme

while td tli Ihl' M,tc)lul,

ro fd In every peili ■'in>rit*:'ii loiichdoiin il-'Plir^:;. counting on lack, a i tu end, cnitK

60 Golfers Will-Tee Off in Touiney Here

IE ig h te e n -y e a r-o ld B u d D avis toilny lo o m e d ns Tw in Fn ' ti t le hope na b e tw e e n GO a n d 60 Rolfer.s j ir e p a rc d to te e a t th e T w in F a l ls m u n ic ip a l ^olf link« i n the qualifyi?iff round o f th e f i r a t iinnunl Matjic V ailey chunip io ii.sh ip tour- q am en t.

T he y o u n g .s te r , w h o w on the medal in t h e recent hand i- caji to u rn a m e n t , h a s been HhootinK Mome K ren t p ra c tic eround.s. In onu-th iH \vcek h< w en t o u t one u n d e r p a r and th e n c an Q in w ith a p a r 35.

Ho'Acvcr. the ouL-.tnndlng favor­ites will be the veCoriirvs. Rollo Olb- bons, Jerome, and Dr. H. L. Shndi Burley, Olbbons has either won c shared In the wlnnjnff of the la.- hreo toumnment-s here nnd will en er today's event the defendln,, :hamplon. an honor accorded him by his city title victory a year nso

Course Ma.sler Fred Stone saiil coumo Ls In the be.st condltlnii

[ the y r for tn Rolfcr.s will qualify for the

:hamptonshlp f ■iRht losers In tl- lext Sunday will d lenl's flight,

'Hie other niRht.' ;oiIers. Prlzr.s wli .St today and the

A’s Break 8-Game Streak of Losses

PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18 (rTV- •nic AUiletlcs broke an elglit-Kame lo.'iliiR streak nnd extended Uie Bos­ton Red Sox lo'-inK string to elKht

row by tnklnc n ."i lo 4 decihlon

Local f earns Win Bowling Matches

Olmo’s lilts Win For Brooks, 6-4

..........i-Ro-.kl> drove In foii.

the Brooklyn


quarts of mUlc lost year.





t r a n s f e r

2 2 7rc U Y INSUnCD CAnRlEIlS.


PACKDJQ, STORAOB AT LOW COST_W » .Coiiiiect ty ith Van 8ctt1« Anj»her« to A aerlei

Braves Take Pair From Philadelphia

'l.ll.ilriphla .


All Type, of City or llou.'^es and OulUull

«t us fhow/you how wi nnd do 0 I; r job.


430 Main So. Tsln Fallsby


September »FRIDAY

September 21

A T T E N X I - O N !Live-stock Farmers & Cattle Ranchers

Tlie Twin Fnlls Livestock CommlMlon company wishes to announce thivt in addition to their regular Wednes­day sale they will also hold a jjUc each Friday.

H ie r\in.<i of cuttle nre getting too big for one sale day so Uiey will sell cattle each Wednesday and Friday until the big rush i> over.

TlUa will give inickers n better opportunity to get the cattle to town, nlso a better opportunlly for railroad service lind for care of buyer* and scUera. WheUier your conslgnmenu are largo or.smaU your catUe will ^ c given stwd care a t the stock yards.

Prank Slattcir, general managtr, T J in Fails Liyestock Commission Cb., says there will be another big run of cattle for their sales this week, Wednesday. Sept, 23 and Friday, Sept, 34.

T W IN FA1ULS_ --------

Livestock Comm. Co.Frank Slattery, General Rlanager

N elson LeadsTOLEDO. 0 -. Sept. 10 (,1

FlrlnR rounds of 7i nnd Byron Nelson. Invtrae.'j nrol

duration plon froi IndW at

lend over CralR Wood, natlonni open ch I Mnmoroiieck, N.

HELP theWar Effort

Ctuih paid for hlclti, pelta, tal- ow household fnta, bones. Csll alicct Twin IJvUa. 314; Qooding.17; ilupert. 65.


Q U A L I T Y ^ B Y K U P P B N H E I M B R

i9’s o 3-p5y 9wSs«

it’s a R^penheim erT b o r E n g fc h nh-and-pcpper look re s a la

f ro m th e J-p ly tw ist. And as strong a s these

a ll-w ool fabrics arc , Kuppcnhcimcr's “ tem­

p e rin g " proccss improves tlieir w e a r and.

crcasc-hoId ing cjualitics. Add to th is K u p ,

pcn h eim c r 's style and fitting rd incm en cJ

a n d hstvc a n octstanding su it tfaa t ii

tru ly s n m good g p p t j r a n u .

7 NIZD rar - hjr 4 COOe mr

$50Wen*fl_Dcpartm cnt_____________

Idaho DeptrStore^“S! I t I s n 't B lg h l - B r i n e I t B n c k "


Page 9: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Sunday. September ID. 1043 TIMES-NEWS, TW IN PALLS, IDAHO Page Nine

M ’SliU IB lf : F K ERISflNEB

GARY. :ncl., Sojit. ID (U.W-A (iMd. tnaii'ii imnrtwrltlng niici a JiiclRc wlio lUTOKl (leleotlvo to prove

&.SRUIMJ Eusen® 6'UUlvoti, 31. hill freedom lodoy.

Sulllvim. whD for elBlit yewa hw gljlm cd hU imiocciii-e, WM flcnlctic- W w K tenn of 10 to 25 ycn« for th f robbfry of Uic iiorlUfm Indlwiii

■ Public acrvlcc. company office a t Crown Point, Int!.Ho ttppcaJcd. won nil ftcqui ■

dieted niiniii for llio rob.; » clPiiiiliiK p^lnl)llsl'll'plv

rfOlcn wns loot«l clay Uif public uUllI ’ office wni robbM. Tills llnifl lil» InU'r<l, unil in-U Mnrch D. SulUvnn wni sent to prison.

• ............. Not*SBt. ClmrlM 6.

ninkr sliot l-'iirt Shcrld

Itmrif t - —, 111, IV o any* Int

■'For ilif liKtlnim Public

would prove that Sul: the ban .....................ttsUfy, Mis. IJlnkB illcd.

I t Mcmcd Apparent ro the JudBo ■that Mrfl. Bltika knew Jicr liusbtuiQ

guilty all atoni;.“ • Yc.^ltrday. Ationipy Jonppu Con-

ro>-, who hM fouiilil for 8iilllvan-« freedom "luce 103<. fUetl “ i»tltlon for ft new trial. He asked lor a writ

j3t error."1 tulid# V mlatnkc," »nld the

hidse. and gronled the petition.Sullivan will b« rclcojicd to Join

hi* wife, MnrKiiret, and iJiP'r bniiv.

Group of Buhl Men Leave for Service

BUHL, Kept, Ifr-Soldli'f* Icnvlrg for ro rt Dougla* Wcdnc.idny morn In*, to begin active duty for Uncli earn, wcro Eujcno R. Klucnrior Franci* W. Lowe. Newmnn C. Peil- emtn, Paul P. Chtnhan\. Sum\c G Doyd, Frnnlc O. Keumeycr I'nil Kd win 0. Adam*.

4-H Awards

It turrii. iiuiirr, iifr, Ui D.T1* llUhT


<:hll.lr.n,*rilrf,*’llT iuil/^'Turlfr. iihlM'oTi:!'

j .z r r iii ;c M i;v iu rn ) i« ;\V«ncU M<*n, llryCitirn. II ( I S»Ut.i\. lU'

MlUni ■ ubk It(mon.liilloa.JUUOINQ

natrln ccMh i wintora wrriVkfUli ],• liui Jmr KrlMti (nd Millix Ilroon. k MlelJoU Uin. pUcIn* rin ti

etiir firock>. b ib ia

S u s H i w S i i r '

Aids Navy

BOiSe , Sept. 18 ftirm labor siciintl<iii the opinion oI Dc;>ii of ilio University ol of nurlculture, Bpcakm Vrly nitelln# af Ui'- tt’iir board, which ci


■me USDA m£e»n[[

loni? *f«alon covcri-cl ii Charles Oehlcr, Pci

rcprcufntlng the toiiu cnrporatlon. explulnnl Kciiln« loanii on iK.iAtn peat

He finld that the pii

10 prodii' rail of m


By PRIIKTTA»(rnnumrr. Getl(r»l t»lcn!.lon.

Untvrmlly ef;«reion. - AWiougli Iron i totin parUn ol On

ounirj"conie reporUi Hint thl» eai ummcr hnn fnllert lo arrive, yet oui Imiiiiac* po.illlvely inloi

i,m.. MWT. MDUrttcf


-hlch «

c of funfiirc from hi.' c( 10 "cnulnocllftl Atorms I .surely deluse in fo r dn] mini rnlnj. However, the*

.idled ......... -•dn. Inljcl IhiB btllef likely u not wo ki

___ . Iti n prolonBrd perio.of riollghtfnl Ind ian tummcr.

rerlK l of ClUniciI the cnblc

n ilifi *ouUi nt iic-on well towjud iho soutlinfst M thc.se posliloii.i bceonii

•■tlal Equalnr imngint >vo ca e entirely acr

ftllQWltlB tot crytthere Ir ove the horl-

a proniolcd 10 the rank ate, jiecond


9 ( i r a d u i i t c Niipm's «


MEW. I J -: DAilON

E’H O N K .It;:IdtfU BU Third .Uenue ^

Soldier Who’s Not ‘A-scared’ Risks Death lo Hunt Buddies

WITIf K i m i AllMY, Ttnly,S (DelajodV iLt.m-'rhe path c I) a pllo of rock.' about a qii >( a mile below tho hlghe.M peak of ho mouiiLiIn. Not evuii a Jeep could .0 beyond and a Jeep can go almost

in .ell of LlUle-

« not sum." tald the drive................ What he

olns;- Four soldirta are mlRslii oinflwhor« up thcr<*. lliey went u 0 e*i«b:ish a lookout pft^l and the liey simply dUniipearrd. No «lgi


V> 'IIUand fri

C. V apI

Dlack and »on.Her. Judy, visited ihe ,eek here wIU\ re­nd* from Portlai


H, Rn>.......... art/M onU :....’ Criiii(T I* aptmUnu a

(l»y.s hore Iroin T oiile, Utah, o

.Mls« Tliplina noiuicly. daughtei Mr, and .Mrs, Lauren JlounUy Is h vUltlng her parcui-i and other i nllvcB from Portland. Ore., where 3lio 1* In War wort:,

MIm Alleeii Gordon left this wee toe CaWwcU. wlwte she l» a. »05\h omore a t the ColIeRo of Idalio.

William PhlllliM left reeonUjvfc Babbitt. Nev., where ho employe

•companlcd Mrmips I. here

le wlni.'


Ira. C, H. H

on "World II. WAKliini lembcra hn

Mcirtlia C 3, Ida., 10 t

111 be held Wctin, icpi. aa, In m.v(j:>ii.- Crcniicl, Twin JVlLs,

ItlZCn-lhlp," I’niJ- 311 and ElmvuyKl > been Invited

Carload Government Graded Washingrton

Quality B a r t l e t t P e a r sArrive PerTuesday” ^ 0 . 0 0 bushelThis is an Openinff of a Growers Service \

By pooling tlie money and tnlcnt.s of a lot of Growers, we could do a Job eollectlvcly that we could no t do alone. T ills building will bo the f irst mccllng plaec for arowers to advance Icicns for crop proccsilng plants ond other •PA.RiV wbjtcta.

The Valley N eeds Canning FactoryT h is b iii ld in p n n d ndjoinin;? lota o n track is id e a l lo c a t io n f o r h f r u i t a n d yoK otablc c a n n e ry , niicl if cnougli in te rc .it is s h o w n , o m e e tin g o f thoao

•• in te r e s te d w ill b e called fo r th e p u r p o s e of o rg a n iz in g .

PO T A T O E SE tc.will b« bought and packed out for market. « l» small lot< of crops usually hard e« dlspote of. Many such •Farm' aervlcej will be n-orkjd oui bovh buying and Klllnj.

EGGSA t c c ilin ff p r ic e s , i f con v en ­ien t, b r in f r th e m in T u e s d a y ' Biid t h e r e a f t e r .

# ^ R r A N K ~ A159 WALL ST.

B O N D E D S H IP P E R '. ......O N 'l’RACK


n patrol. > pointed cut

.'cTBeaiit am

lieneath the hntelOugh." mid ih(: Me 1* doing 1:

of him before

ilnin ni.iTcrept *lowly up the .lopes if ilir mouiilnln, PooLi of darknes* ornied beneaUl Ui# tree.i.

"He really wouldn't have to stiek il« iieek out," Ulo driver went on. 'iSr TOiirt Jint look aromirt up here inti iu)l,odv would know dllferenU"

-■ ml No Trtle hills • iithly still

if passed. Then the e rx. He wn.s brealliiiii: ulned hi* i.hlrt and il


Tlil.1 U lliirn- Darr>' t

NEW YCnK, Sept. in Ol.ri-A low no(« lein|«t Uurjit alonRDrontl'Vii lo<lny M Perry Como bc\-am -croniier o( ilie yenr“ o f e-swiK

The liriKnt

•pen n'lir i.kM tlio

odiU i look aiioUif

. tJi#

hli potential success whoh hn open, 'cl nt the Strand Oifatcr.

Can BiTDOn If They Deilr# "Anyone can swoon, shriek or pant

\t me If tliey want to," Oomo anld. •Just as long as they want mo to J.lng, I don’t caro wliat 'tliey do. T hai -swoonlnR rultil on f bUslncM

»>irt my Idea,”A Mion. aloe-cyeil Vnlentino typo,

Oomo. like ainairn. Is married and ‘ .hov. Ui\llk« liliiRtiR, lift Msca a

Rht delivery and eoinbu hla lialr.


1 qui'^tloii; " Is alnatra Cn;iu'i neir.ocl tlest nhte lo

nick Hoyiifis, no '

.*. hiclelr liei

•. a t any public 1 UlPlr loynlty lo

Rwnonlliu HI npi'e.irniiee,Coino bdc.ni*

'H ip Voler'- Ju .t Wlil.po Accnirtliiii lo tiiU niitVI"

faction, "1..........nnrt If llie eye.' li


0 II,

C«no, «

Tfd We.in« Ih Wccnm broi)i;li where JUierUii

RICHFIELDMr. ond Mrs, E. IS. Moata, Port-

»nd. Ore., vl*lled hli iLitor, Mn.K. Wnllcer and lamlly, eti routi

o Erie, iviin., lo vMt their daugh'

Mr. and Mr«. Milford Sweat am •Ir. utul Mr", nay riiivcl, nio Tlnlo Jrv., hnvp ri'Tlirnecl lo Ihelr home, ifler vunma relntlven. Hay Flave ifti. been .tUohnriie.l from tlie armj nmp a t Tort Douglas la tctutn U

Mm, i:»il Cliiylnn hiiH returnee

Copt. Jack Ktull. and rirfct Muto mil Stull. r.n r<

enrolled a t ndionl Mni Nina BoroiiMU 1$ the t r .........

Teildy iinil Dlciua Cm.ih have re liirnod from BnL e and Kmmott uftc vulilna n'liawe» Uie p« ;i two week:

Wuctcu, Btwlen. !'!\t>.y and Mw Crawford rcillrnetl lo Uielr hOluo a WeUrr after ispendliiit the pa»t two uu<ntli» hero with Ihelr Crawford and .wife.'


EuneralServic®For C. Starkey

BUHL, Bopt. 18 - FlnM rlte.i for Carl W. Starkey, were held this /c6k a t the Buhl BaptLit churcli •lUl nor. A, 0 . Lnthrop olflclatlnr;.

. ’nllboateri wore Jay niiKg. Ooitlun Van Ostran, Morris CurrlhBluii. Ralph pulkersoii, Earlo Saniels anti 'Vlttor MHlcr.

A fiiiarlct compo.'ied of Mrs. Plor« ice Wilson. Mrs, Earl Allen, W. U

Kyles nntl Mr*. Olln LIncecum sans number,?. Mrs, Wilton sani; n accompanied by Mf-i. Eiliel

who played tho preluda and pfl.11IU()c.

Mrs, - fllarkeys Sunrtn/ ichtiol liu.i actert n,i floKcr attendant* and i:r own church class alfl^nricd In a

body. The church was flilofl-to ca- pnelty. aiH lliP tcaullfiil floral of- ' ' Its rhowcd the esteem In which

ptAiKpy wfts held in tlia com- ilty. Interment was In the Diilil

...elcry under the direction of tll8 Alben*oii innernl home.

luropc't ent Alpine railway w


'niiyer> b Uhlppert .pOTATOtS ONIONS -T.

Phono Plione'-' •1211 l)OluM)lH!-J

lOCtlcfVTK IN F A LIS TW IS ^ 4 t lS

10 Bhoihone 8 t .w « t ,i

Send that boy in the service

A L E T T E Rfrcvt H O M E '

September 19, 1943

1x4*, Inil.t and Ui: .Ve unloaded a cai . Ilr this week. Mi.i

ao. If >ou

iriy bought

lUlty of V ,Mdmg for

iiotc.r oil.

cr uiio ha> u>;eil noihlnir but Arkancai motor oil in hit c: ralrl >rd>M, lie l>A> run the

.over Illl,(H]0 inlle*. Hr hat n had uiiy »ork done an the and 11 doeui't U>e any oil, saw. "If anybody w ant, to k

Kenil t

: liiid

I to me! I )Ton-t Iiesl-II lUcm lh al U U lUe

u«ed," n iietllng fc

1, but Vhave some paint In various

3 of that good lOOr;. General paint. We rxp rtt a shipment of white

lint next week, btit we ore fre.'h It right now. Wc have a new «hlp- ent of floor covcrlnu. tliLi con- !t-'. of Inlaid, heavy quality at J1.50 square yard. Abo a Uchtcr grad'

Inlaid a t 05c a square yard. We haii

wide selection of pnttems for llvlnc room ami kltehcn. also roine print Unoleum'ln six and nine foot wltllSw, Wc havB ft lew pocktV knivii, gaberdine shirts, some fly spray, Ir- rlcatlng shovels, pitchfork handle* men's shoe.i, and automobile bat­teries. These batteries will fit any make of car or truck. Wo have them at prices that will sure save yot money.

Have you tried ony of tha t B«- curlty slock food? It's bettor than

of feeding milk. Wo stUl have a good

H S f S S i s

the grass olf the tUtch bank and save the high prlcB of boy to either sell or fe«d this wUiter.

Mao the srocer has hud » busy week. Youll find cars-parked around there about all the Ume. But if you go in the storo and find everjbody busy, just grab » basket and sU rt helping yourself, there']! be someom



he efforts of Detwoitrr^ you men and women In- III local doings.

1 Mcciell

nicpi.iiid Is T edi.a^ t. .ri who hiLs bei'a vLsii-

.nhorlly la. And

iim the war of Fort Leon- rid, wheri' lie Is coniMerlng up hoiiw-.lcad tli'.liu. Jcilm 1. formerlv of Twin Falls, tally, he hit town the siime

cm the ataM of Uie ri. Mcfarland Is now t Drmliig, N, M.

• Incidentally, may wo remind }0u that a letter addre.'acd to Do- wellcr's will bring you ft quick, heart-warming reply, Ea U you'ro a llttlo short of mail thcso Uny.t and not too bu-iy to write, drop a line and yauH he.vQ rs\ estrti k t- t.-r at mall caH quicker than you can tl»y tho Invasion of liAly.

• etnff sergeant John A. Kecgnn, Kimberly, hai been promoted lo technical sergeant at Banta Ann.

n Tivm Fulls to iit- rnl of hl.i father, n ,

n. was n&v;i5 Coleman I Field, notldn, Tho s Wednesday. 'A recent

in the navy's ihlnilon Is nobert Dnie Hash, FlI-

tcnd the fiir L. Colcmn from Elsli

way innrk-I do. how he leelJ nbol but I lioin • •Mnh

iK all t.'..Iley dol-

collector of In- « open til mld-

lo h tlp

blc-and tl compll.'lii'd the p r o p o r t i o n a t e share of our go il of S3,0m,ooo.i» In this couiiiy. Well. I t Isn't too bad-thp Idlest report nho»-« lliul J812.ni.75 liavo bofii nold-tliat only Ic&vti ti,2n^s:a i5 lo Bol • The Whole point of llio oiilcoiiie of this drive Ij whether wc are kO- Inu to lei down you m en and girls who are flshtlng this f ig h t for us —and I don't believe we wlU.

of Fort Des MoincJii3t h;ippcned to vcrsatlon t .......... I! heuie

wllho• TVln Falli wi plelc 1116 dtpii two dnyi Uils la.H wccK-cnd when ono iblft quit cold in proiist against thg firing of n n n^^hiant chlcf, Leonard Young—th a t incl- deni coiiplcd with some extra work which Uio cliy IntehdeU tliem to do In fire house occa.sloned the Btrlk<>-and lu all fa lrn e u to' everyone concerned. I believe the amount of work demanded, asked, suggested or wluit have you was

inlcd by trale alltr & : peac

............. e n lis te d ..........................day—nnd after tiie conversation was closed the enlisted man came up w ith ft smart salute which broualit nn equally smart luiluto- tlon from the Lleutenant-and a tmllc. And Itit soWler Wtritd lo Jils buddy end said, -Eoy,' did you see th a t “hlBh bftll"—and Uiat, umlle, Tlioso WACs get tlie Job done!"

u can 't keep the lure of Sun• out Of ihB picture—this about 30 0 6 0 girls—the• hoaVe.v(es and aldetle*—ore uesis of tho Naval officers xTsoimel of t^e Sun Valley lo.scciil hospital. Theyll Jour- icrc ‘this week-end. '

• Another decoration waa,added to the air medal nnd four oak leaf clusters already w onbySgt. Raymond Peck, Twin FalU. when ho was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross upon completion of hl.i tvretily-flfm mls.<lon over the continent in the European theater. And injured — again —U Llout.

• William T. Atkins, Buhl,-In (he Sicilian campaign—'but a letter printed with hLi left hand nsiurecl h li folks he would be as Rood as new thoiteh he mlcht have rather tin extended stay In the Hospital.• U ru l., Warren Weinberg. D8 MC. Wemlell, has been visiting h li parent.^'fli-home: Tlie lieutenant Ii ba.sed at. Quantlco, Va. Now over* sca-1 la .Llcxit, Joan F. KohIc^ Twin palls,. In the role of an army mirsf,^• To M married are D'LCTBh' Maxwell, Jerome, and Lj-man Thomas, Jr.; Seattle, seaman first clats. Aviation Civiiiit James liCk..Fairfield, ha.? been Leiaorc. Calif., a i school. I t has only la.?t Chrlstma* for woi Steven*, Tt.-ln Falls,

nts. Rea.wi

;rred lo' rm y flying taken since

rd of Clifford lo reach his that he

wltii Majcr Dtn Safety comm i «s i o n c Thomaj, tin . whtile nf slTftlghleneaout.^a Uic

Could be.

• N o« of Jap.lipld prisoner, Merle M»»ncr. was brouRlit to tlie family lo nupcrt by ft .'^hort-wave proumrn from ToXlo cnrly this week. Mwoner had been employed In clvUliui construction wotk on Wake. On* ot the Ustcncrs-Uv was W* young ton, Obo'. A nd niioUitr MIp captivs nuinaKcd to net Kofd throuaii-.pf^A lbett \V. rancolt

u. route .........-auIU. route three. *ent Uie luuftl printed postal Dirmigh. ‘Hio mes- S ti Information coii'ialned on on#


• Pishing I-' good near Ketclium —If th ftt makes you homesick- and I talked with one party who thumbed tlielr way <or maybe they u.sed gnsoUne) Into Lost Riv­er nnd hocic on to Wood River and came back witli the fLih to back up their stories. Ooine of 'em were really lunkersi

• HlghllKht hi local military ac- tlvWe?. WBA IhB psactlcAlly dfty

■ long iiianeuvcni of the four Maglo Valley companies of Uie State G uard along with the local squnil* ron of the CAP. Only liltcli In Uie Bham affair wan when Uie irw ia , took the whole thing too sorlously mid "shelllnH" Uie low flying planes with clod£ of dirt and amall rocks. No cBsuftltles were rcport«l' Qlthoueh one of the ml&sllcs even to.’acd by hand might have coused serious damage to one of the IWht lilanes. The Oovemor and the A0- Jutant-<]«nera] of Uie state were on hund to pronounce the whole , nffair ^ fine success.• Back hooie for a short fur* lough Was George Minward, Twin Kails, who Is stationed a t Lowrr field n t Denver. IIU arrival was

Jap prisoner In a Shanghai prison camp. And speaking of lettcn, have you written yours to Dct- weller's on lhe subject. "What we expect of the folks on tlie home front.'’ Mailing must be by Oct, 1 - t h e winner will receive ft t2 i W ar Bond. If you've any gripes, sugge!<llons reganilng us stay-at-. homeji, the libar situation, the matter ol tomplaciTicj or lehM. have you. unburden yourself. Your pet peeve mny win you iMI• And Magic Valley was having Its first ta.«e« of effects of near- by pn.'ioper of war earop« when local peace officers were on th e , look-out for three ewaped Nftit prisoner* of war from a camp ftt Trliiidad, Colo.• Well. UwfB about the BJiort newji Items for ih li week. LeU hear from niora of you to we can spice this letter wlUi some fint* hand aecounta 6f. your'dolngs. D e m iie i ' t ^ m .t o do Uvelc p art by keeping you folSi Informed about Ihoie in Uie armed forcrj nnd Uie doing* of major in terest' h rre on llio homo front. _ ■

• Arid to the folka a t home;, don't wait lor ait answer to wtIUit-.-- write rlgtit now—those boys and Rlrls are awtully busy IheK days. Bend them this letjer rt«u larly - '■ youll find It tilled t»e hope) with " the Utile Items which.pw«»'Of real Interest to

department ox* • 8c« ^ iu afoln. Joe ; - •,



Designed Aa a Public Servian by DetW€iler*t, Inc.

surprisingly soon addressed to this

after t letter

Page 10: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

UMLOCKIMG ADVENTUREByr C harles C o urfncy

Cliarlm Courtnt; Is (^e »orlJ’» Mchp-il paid Iccsl Jlmmj' Valtn- tlnp. TtiH It Ihf tnic florj «>t l>'» many nilvcnturri oniofliln* nafrs nrnuncl the fiirlh »nd iinclcr (Iip

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O


S u n d a y , S e p te m b e r 1 9 ,1 9 4 8 -

B y F R E D H A R M A N

CI!APT?:il XVI A hlliirlniw liidilciU «'a3 IHp

Of Uio nil.v,liiR indlDCks. 'nils pencil In prohibition •'''IlLcr who hACi bocii o: n loiiR 'imp I'oil Dip (■DtMk-ca.'iy ilL'lrlil

A osnvica. INC.

"I lind. i\ i:;ir<lcMicr wlui camo me (non ntlcr I rclurnrcl Irom t irlii, 1)111 lu: f|ult a tiny c

(• hiidI Xho I

n tore-

/jivvli'i! •II <l(

1--III, f' oUlrr. I

iiiili)i'k Iho 0. or forcu thuiii," ! told Hunk. "You cnii put <jn one Hint woulil Uke hours to pick nncl tlmt woulil tlop your Joker, but If you'll like lo catch him, I enn rli: up n bcU lo Ihi: pndluclc thi>t will Klve nil Hltirm louil enough to wnkc City Hnll.’ '

Unnk wn-i <lc1lRhtcd. In the m oni- luR, he Klopped liy Ihc eliop axoln. KriniilnK.

"So you ihniiRhl II uii.i n lot of kid.i! It'd a simrtlni; old ucntlcman of pretty rr;>r 10, IM say. l!c dolnf? 11 on n Uet wllh ftiiolhcr old crony uho vim-cI lo ImnK mil iit'lhc pltvec.,Hc hill 11 Krund lli.ir m iJn- atnllon hoiiso. How do llicv ilu II?” n.sked llniik, lookltiK M hl.i lli.'il Iret. "Whwi.I'm iij olil ns Unit, I don’t cx|x'cl lo ■crnnl.''

Eoinc'Ilnu'.s I did i\ Itlt .it di tu iliii:

riilibc.l of n s;ifc‘liil nl Jr-.vdry. boniln nnd olhcT viilimtiUs tiul Iw ki'pl 1: his country hmnr. ’Jlir Mfc Imd no

knew tin- roinlilnnlloii pxrrpt til owner nnd hi.' .'iTrplnrj. t tjiry liiid bri-n locked u[roljljco’-

'Tvo known thLi yomm yciirs.' 'thp owner »Uii,- ''(ind would trii.sl him with anyllilni; thfit l li'avc. 'Flic llik'f 1.1 sonieoiic cIm'. iuid.'ir you Inok nt Ihr snfp, von..fUJuy ' ‘ iihle to SCI' tiow It i>n.» olU'ncil.V,

We drove out lo ttu' bmiRc' liouj.p on the 5liote. In the T'mnll l>;ineU’d oKlre heynml the llbrnry Wii.s tlio f.iilc, ti ItlTKc otic. I looked nt 11.'! mnkc.

•'WllC you help me tip It for«iir<l7 I risked. WliIIp tlif bniiker lield th

'snfc; IcniilnK sllglitly on the froii cciRP. I twldiiit;il wllli the dliil.i niitl tlic door flpW opn.

"m intl" he enclftlmcd. anronc do Uint to It nnd

' open?" ‘•■Anyone who knew," I nnawerrrf.

"You-boufjbt this s«rc In Aiwtrln. didn't you?7

"Yes. froi'n n Rood tlrni. nnd It w Bunnmleod to bn burKlnr-proof.’

"It Ls i\ Kood Ilnii l)ut wlicn tlicy mnde thl.i model nbout sU yenrs f tliey tllKcovcrtd thiit the first wifc.i were detecme. When t)ie .•Is tipped forward, tlie locking bolt

work diirlnn Sciii

I lO L l) K V E I lY T H lN r.

I l-'lylns tj<Ti:e;inl


W hen a j o c k e y is ''SET • DOW N," HE

/ S S U S fiS ^ D S OO ffi f f / t H C A S a

/ s o v >4 0 / s r ( ^

- I

F YOU CCOSS' AO R A p e F R u ir

AND A TAN&ef^lNE.,V.3U 6 Br AT A A A ^ O .

9-lfl T.

AKBWni; I i (impended, fo r »ma Infraction of niles.

SCORCHYe ccooausE -roxN ow


e YOU OONl Arm fT t ,___^

M tt . \V£a / COAIMANPER TCCrr.' VOU AUWAVS 5EEM TO er AeWNS (JJESTION’5: ALWAYS Seem to be w r1 AMSlsmiNtO TH£A».' -

n fiir.lory. Wlien tie fiifo hnd been cTlciin inllllonnlre,tlib country.

dentil I wnnteri t irbhiK thnt It wwil mv loiu-llne.vn. llm t

the -•Mii>'trr i-ork- e Hook." r> work


^ f^ S h m e /

. i i S i r i '

r-SlR. WILL S o u KiNJOuV1 pERU'bE T h e p l a v j ~ }^H O K iR V A U D F - . * - VILL-G 310ES FAIL J fA fW H E R , TO AWU9E A. < \ WA'sNSUlT,IFORMEC. S C tE N C e i -£W1EF/'

PUPlL OP- LADWFA .R AO A 'Y 'S l ^ i ' iioTUBBEO T l- \e •ROVA.L HER.iKiSTlTUTlOM ---------^ F A P / r

is£a,iirri£ 5C--^t33U5H 13 N

•a m dv js-s w e d t ‘D-.'CriESS FR en



DIED 1SX \ e a n x

O U T o v n W A Y B y W IL L IA M S

iiilinnr nnil v.ltlulr:iw tin-

,,;1 It txnsnir. to Ii;i'l- coplM In the' Imiid.'i of lock.MnUli.i, even iic- crcdllfd iiieinl>er.i of the ii.woclatlon. Tlicy r.ikl tlint no oue of the booti

■■ 'le In .■lfl’ hnnd.i n.i Ipnc ti ok could rc.nl.(To He. Continued)

VJHO.VP'V.t X / DOM’T lit;• - , / CAM MO Y >OU GET OUT c-*- \

HeCE-1 T M E PE & O I r.vo I • / THi-3 15 A A C ^ T IN TO TUt'W I I C tAD i KlD.' O A t?O U W D --TW t«2. B O O T S A N D H E R B U D D I E S


l iy E D G A K M A R T IN

bnofc of the s 1 111 coll,ii)i>nitIon with lolin'.ciii iind piiblbdied

Workers Needed To Process Crop

llA7.i:l/rOK. .S<'l>t. IR—IC.xtni lielp li;i' been .securcil fur Ihr wurelio lU Antlrliintlon of the InrKeiit I

r *

o a .n A ijo v ; fK'nt Hoo


G A S O L IN E A L L E Y B y K I N G -

L I F E ' S L I K K T H A T B y N E H E R



■'.Junior hnx boiiKlit live wfound BO far 0


iBy G U S E D S O N -


Z STA Rpyo.:

B y G A L B R A IT H D I X IE D U G A N By M c E V O Y a n d S T R I E B E L

T i m i B L E T H E A T E R S T A R R I N G I’O P E Y E

NO WOlI m u S tn t2 SOCK A U»%\AN .■U


• OONTSEE ) __BulletjVheres

-------- 1]------ T CMB IN






Page 11: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Sunday, Soptembor ID, jlO-lS TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS,‘IDAHO Page Eleven

WANT AD RATES|D»*d oa CMt-ptr>wordl

(A Btoltoom of la word* b n <mr on. nA T.rmi-C«hl!l DEADLINES, for ClMilfW •olri

s i i i i


~ i i |iE C iA ir N O T lC E S

NOTICETHRESHERMENWc are now eriulppcd to

vuic.-iiilr.o your mnchlno bcIU


TEJA V B L & K ESU U TS•ANl-KII: K1.1. <o T.cr.,. t>c.o.


C H in O P R A C T O IfS 'D i~ U~


- NOTICE —to pnrty or pnrtlcs wlio hnve been strnllng tooLi from employed on the S.iml Spr.. „ Rnnch, und from our macliUic &]ied——

Wc arc Eolns to ol/cr

■"r e w a r d o f ?25Q^for liiformnllon tlint will lead

your nrrest, otid will incren.ie .t (unouni to

$ 1 , 0 0 0

If you we convicted and Jailed.

H E L P W A N T E D — F E M A L E

H E L P W A N T E D — M A L E

r 'su D ntcr. 'Colo-


Apply In peHon


H E L P W A N T E D — M A L E & F E M A L E

BOYSI-GJRLS!12 Y cnrs o n J O lder








W A N T E D — R E N T . L E A S E


1 U 'E E K O N LY* racii In !v.ulh I'itk. I-

Kiotm. Knnttj pin- rinUh. I.»ree«n firm.

C E C IL C. J O N E S , Tel. 2041




Ka IncliiHtls 40 1.11 for lU.OOO. Thu croi lOuM man thin h»lf p,

VHllry Hrnliy Co.

1|\ f:. C R A V E S i SON

sri.E N D in lio

E . W . M d m R lO in -.S & CO.

L IV E S T O C K — PO U LTRY r = 7 T ^


VlrwAr Drtrr19 ■•AK'it to f*r>^. ,oor. xraih

on AH«Un remU. Do. b.

nvi; .Sutiuik. itrkrO r

Ilnmiihlr.' burk.. (moJ liilit. C. II. Llnd*i7. Rout«

IjO AlJ.srtlAjWIhll- l.ul),(., 4 oW.,. S «ll™’n=.tlh >4

.‘<«ONI> r.lf IIoljl«Iii.i;uerMrT

mllr, 1.1 ■«

IIM'.|,ST>;1JKU J'trthrruo »t»llloM earning|..m ccn.cn. •thr^. C I. B«l. K..h-


lfl«U2. Wjtran'i G>rd>n>.M.I. SAI.K: Kl

KTiin; ii^k frTrn. 2 Bll>* teuOt. tMl

rhnn.n. Plx,B« «aJW,VA.S'cy 1. huihti tf truck load.

...........x i . = ;rr’., ;

iuTck of rr.1 I Iln'rri^n ‘iom

M ISC . FO R S A L E.................

n*jr •«rvlf« mtn iiiUeriNn i

r a i M r t U t C A l ’p L lA N C E S


While they Jiuit S'22Jj(} nnd up.

SiiiRcr Bi'KlnR Machine Co. 131 aiioshone No. Ptionc H i



KEW YORK, Sepu IB flin>-eiock3 advanced to new hiclis dnce July 20 today with tnidlng Uie heavlc.il since May 8.

Prlct.1 moved ahead fractions to more than n point over a broad list. Bpcclal stocks made the bc.st show- Intc tn Rains nhlle Uio ttcel, motor, mllroad. nircrnll, copper ond tire liiuM made tractloiial gains. Some high-priced Investment jlockj were up a point or more-

Low priced jitlllllcs, noUblj- United Oaa IinpliovcmrnV without dLiLrlbutlon niid Gambia Oai, fca-

■d In turnover.ow Jones prcllmln»r)’ clo.ifng mBes; Iniliutrlal. M0.S4. up IJl:

r«IJ. 3i.40. up 0J3; utliU}-. 3U0. up O.IO; and Oi *tocki. 48.81) up 0,«,

ck salts totaled C8s.sn iliaies,.......no3t for any short m uIoii since82},45() were traded last July 31 and

impared with 290,460 nlinrcs last Saturday. Curb stock .lalcs wore Hfl,- 1&0 Rliarca against c3,cr75 a week ■«o.

iii:T7riV i'i-.7.Vr.I7r"o,m,

BRAND NEW1942 HUDSONS.Tnidc or terms If de.ilrc'!

•n t l iC K S A N D TR A IL ER Si


ri-:Av;u;“ nrrikTr“.7^-;



...J »»c.cr buck

32 INCli C... .;r.lnchit.. Kh"p, \V,n MI. ,

Cllr, U

fl” nr.n'cn,'rK."'li,ir" ' '






8e» us bcfora fou lelL

F m J S iW

•»t»»lfnrml fonnuln ticl w»nt«d. It ( 15 p«r ilir.B o w ln d ro m e F o u n ta in



V rltntw H e^


CSSISmAl. war worker* Boit bi • UlrrsrM of aTallmlillllj or cinrmi tT C.aHS. ot Ih* Wir UinjN>< Commiwloft.

• UlhlEO G RAPllIN G

M O N EY TO LOANC. JO.SUi for IIOUES aa4 LOAKa. R L Buk A Tran DgU4- *.............


• TY P E W R IT E R S___________ta t Mrrlc*. Hhcno W. SI

TTP wniX tU. ObpmIM p. 0,

_________ _____ _______ . ; : o p• l y a t r e g s o f t e n e r sAiAoii't. }ti BtetMM 61. K T rsrn w t


has been little evidence tJiat tl t OPA';; announced cclllns prlcc ( live lioKS ha cau.sed unusually Ian ; llrjulriatlon Of livestock, accorilli [ to market reports from Ihc Chi- cnno Ktockyards. Total production of lioKs this year li cxpectcd to ex- cued Uie all-time record set last yi’iir.

I^iccd with an aculc feed hltua- tloii 113 well ns the Oct. 4 telling of $H.7S a hundredwclRht. producers Imd feared Uiero would be a gcncr* al lowering ol quality and prcma- inrn hlaiigliter of stock, tliat would onllnnrlly be marketed next year.

Although the tendency has been to nmrkel ft few more lighter .weiRhis and younger hogs thU con­dition usually prevails in tlic fall; according to packers, who buy at tills tlrje to supplement their win­te r supply of dressed nient. Tliere hns been little IndlcnUoh tha t hog producers bave dccided to Increase loadings in substantial amounts.

Good nnd eholcc steers closed 16 to 25 cents lower' than lat« lose week. Common and medium grndu oUo weakened late bu t Ilnbshed strong to 25 cents hlBhcr Uian the previous week. The ' supply was largely steers and heifers, with good and choice steers predominating. Tlic extreme top of SISiJS was paid for choice to prime sterrs weighing 1.212 to 1J33 pounds.

Prices strcnRthencd on tx moder­ate kupply of sheep nnd closing deals indicated n 25 to 50-cenc ad­vance on lambs. Oood and choice western lamtJs brought top prices ond sold for J1450 to IU.7S.

Elmore Man Gets ■ Army-Jail Choice

BOISE. Sept. 18 m — Melvin Joseph Moxley. 24-ye.ir-old Nampa truck drlvcr.'who pleaded guilty be­fore District JudKO Chorlea E. Win­stead to the theft of 12400 worth of payroll checks a t the MounLiln Home air bajo July 22, w m given n ctiiuicc to JoUi the onny today In­stead of going to jail.

W hen Moxloy nppc«rod lor ‘sen­tencing today. Judge Winstead sold:

■•If >ou con pn*4 the phy&leaJ examination and Uie army takes you Uils case wUl be closed. I t not you wtU be returned to tba court for sentencing."

Moxley admitted taking the checks from the flle.» of the J. M. Tertel- Ing ond Sons componj-, Boise con­tractors and Mountain Home air baso bulldrn, while he was employ* ed by the contractors as a truck driver.

S to c k A v e r a g e s

s ’ A i'TliISJ S i !!:!

sH !>■<

M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c e .O C K S C L I i lH PRICES, V O L iMarkets at a Glance

New York Stocks


SEPT. 15 Deed—Irm a Mcrarlonil to T.

•Worland M800. Lots n , 18 Wock l i Buhl.

Deed—Nora H. Lewis to J. W. Noh <700 S^BW 36 II It).

Cced-E . Z. Hflog to AHi Cobb »i, Loi-8 Weaver Sub. i

Deed—O. H. ^tcFarlflnd to L. 0. McFarland $7500 WHSE 30 10 ID; SHSE same.

D ecd-D . H. Tyler to Mary Pearl Tyler t l . Lot U block 1 Nate's Addn.

D eed-L . 0 . Sclinclder to B, D. MaUieny llti. Lot 6 Martin's Sub.

D ee d -n . D. MaUicny to E. D, Hewlett *10. Lot 6 Mortin’# flub,

D eed-E . D. Hewlett to H. 0 . Wl- dener »10. Lot 8 MarUn't Sub:

BETT. 16 Deed: O. W. Orten to L, 0 . Fisher

»2I;2S lot U blk. S McCullum.Do; L. O. Fisher to W. l i Origga

»3iS0, same. ,Deed; Mnry P. Tjler to Mary H,

Hones $1000 lot 18 blk. !, Narcs A ddn..

Deed; M artha Sorerufn^to Mnry A. Boyd $1 N’.i S 'i SW fJW 33 10 17.

Do; Mary A. Boyd to B. W $2S00 same.

DecJ: A. a . Beuolt lo A. D. Bobler JI376 lots 1, 3, 3, blk. 161 TP.

Do; K H.' Spencer l« Eslfter L. SuUman *10 lots 13, » . 15, 18 blk. 6. PUer.

Local Men Will Show, Sell Rams

f^ronk L .'stephan, Ed TBlbtrt, A. E. HoicqtUst nnd sons. C, W. Coiner and R. B. Bentty, all of T»ln Fnlls, wm take Uielr top rams to the 17lli aaniuil fall ninse mm k\Ic sched­uled for Baturdoy. Oct. 2, »t tcllo.

OUjtT breedefs ol purebred mms . •on . Ttrtn Falls couniy Include Robert s . Dlustoek. Oirse brothers. L. A. Winkle and softs and V- A. Mc­Coy and son. Filer: Dartd'Bcllmne, Buhl: Daniels and Plscher. Mur- tflngh. Rams golog to the » le fronr thesti tTeedcrs include bolii white and black/ace brccda.


■B. .iri:!" IS.ir. Ararrk-- 1 (Oolt«r»

■»"rtr“''?r2ik‘it n

“k 3 .'5 i i? r £ 'L 'Z " L tI. fk. I<. IlI(r. l..K«ntuckr IS.t »ti

BUHLW arren Bhmder returned to Cald­

well ftfter a month's Tacatlon spent w ith his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neUi Shntltr. H o Is a member of the cnlljteil reserre corps of the arm y, and Kill fo r the tim e being continue hla studies In pre-medical a t th e Collfte of Idaho, where lie Is

Junior.SBt. John Eugene Venter. DSMO,

left Thursdty (o r San Diego to re­port for (Imy, a fte r spending a m onth 's furloush with h is parenb. Dr. J . O. Vtnter and Mrs. Venter.

CinCAOO, Sept. 18 (UJD—Grain futures moved within narrow limits on the board of trade todAy closing about steady to Ilrm.

Wheat flnWicd Uw day unctianR- ed to up cent a bushel; onts un- ehsiign! lo up U, and r je un- dinngcd to up S . ,

onAiN T*nt.B CHICAGO, la iU|-)-Cr.In i Ujxn lllth Low

(tir'l—'Vh.-Iit. forn


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n « Vl."j‘;'‘*Khlli’Vluhoil «hlu ticladlni 11.«0.- »r.t»Tn rr.l

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Potatoes-O nious

• .1 ill SH. llt.rj- » lr ,i ||;.50 Ih'k'i: K,.r S.&rn. C«)iupnr*d vr«k

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CHICAGO, Arrlv.l. lISi un ir.ck^:i)}; loUl^ itiipmcnli l.Oh*. I.I.-

A. IJ.5I! ll»a Mcciu'rM li.' S. s ' l rt.ram»rt‘li"i“ V ’' NjbrMVi n.M.Tcr.•na Norlh ■ D.kM* llllii VTrliimrh.?'u'n*

i:.Ot u> •howinz ..mr H..l-IH ucki, 11.10; tVlx-onilri IDfii ’IViiim.tii


Trend o f StaplesNEW YOHK. StpU t l —Tho Awotl.lc•r«M »tlihtr4 vholniio rr4c* Imln ot 5!

M iuiug Stocks

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T ’tvin Falls Mai'ketsUVESTOat '

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Page 12: flE N I W IN D ISO R D E W M U.S. Blasts Jap Bases iZ IS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...PICTURE at a rrw o( iliem li on pace (Ite today . lef» oli h07

Page Twelve TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Sunday, September 19, 1943


SCHWARTZ AUTO CO.Tills *iJvcrtlMmcnt prepared under the (vusplcc? of ih# W ar AtlvMllslng Council la cooperation wiih ilie U. S. T^tsasurr DeportmcoL