ENERGIZE EMPOWER ENLIGHTEN EXPERIENCE News Letter | For Private Circulation Only | May - July 2011 Flight towards a brighter future 2011-12

Flight towards a brighter future - EraGroup Era World 040811.pdfThe flight towards a brighter future The fact that birds fly is one of the most amazing things about them. We, at Era

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Page 1: Flight towards a brighter future - EraGroup Era World 040811.pdfThe flight towards a brighter future The fact that birds fly is one of the most amazing things about them. We, at Era



N e w s L e t t e r | F o r P r i v a t e C i r c u l a t i o n O n l y | M a y - J u l y 2 0 1 1

Flight towardsa brighter future


Page 2: Flight towards a brighter future - EraGroup Era World 040811.pdfThe flight towards a brighter future The fact that birds fly is one of the most amazing things about them. We, at Era


The flight towards a brighter futureThe fact that birds fly is one of the most amazing things

about them. We, at Era Group want our employees to fly,

like the seagulls gliding effortlessly on the sea shore or the

eagles soaring above the sky, and reach new heights in

their profession. With this in mind, Training & Development

team of corporate HR launched ‘Udaan’-a professionally

organized induction training program designed to meet

the aspirations of our enthusiastic new employees and

reinforce their decision to work with us.

The induction program carried out over a period of six

days was conducted to make the employees comfortable

with the organization and assimilate them, thus

enabling them to perform better. The program offered a

wonderful opportunity to establish clear foundations and

expectations in terms of the company’s mission, goals,

values and philosophy, personnel practices and of course

the job they are required to do with clear methods and

timescales. With emphasis on individual’s personal goals,

the young employees were convinced of a path to career

growth in the organization.

Induction of the trainees is important so that they reach

a level of competence and acquire domain specific skills

on par with industry expectations. Some typical activities

included in the induction training program were site tours

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• Finance/Business Strategies – Mr. Joy Saxena• Contracts/Tendering – Mr. Rohtas Malik• ProjectPlanning&Management – Mr. Keshav Sharma• Procurement&InventoryManagement – Mr. Pawan Mehra• RealEstate–HowitWorks – Mr. Sanjay Chawla• ModernTrends&Techniquesin – Mr. Sunil Gupta

Highways & Structures

• ModernTrendsinEquipments& – Mr. P Banerjee Plants in Infrastructure Industry

• EmergingRoleofHR – Mr. MCS Bhakuni & Mr. Raj Sharma

• SafetyatSite – Mr. R. Kandpal

and visits, field visits, Era Net and ERP training, video interviews from fresher to senior head levels etc. This

together with the aim to give them exposure to a wide variety of experiences and contacts, highly intense

learning sessions by Key Functional Group Heads and Domain Experts were conducted. These included

A feedback is required to check the effectiveness and response of any training program. Udaan ensured

that each day started with the evaluation of the work of the previous learning session for all the

participants. The participants had to make team presentations on industry related topics in front of a

panel of experts which helped to elevate their knowledge and confidence. Progress reports are given

out at the end & certificates handed over to participants on successful completion of the program.


competitive yet team building environment.

This is just the beginning, we at Era, are confident that Udaan will boost the morale of our employees and

increase their productivity and consequently lead to excellent results for the Group.

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Headed by the AGM Group HR, Mr. Anshul

Kumar, a 5* member team of Era embarked on

an interesting journey of recruiting 5*100+ fresh

engineers in a period of 5* months. The main

objective of the exercise was to build a pool of

talented engineers by developing and retaining

trainees to meet current and future business


The exercise started in November’ 2010 and

the goal was successfully achieved with the

recruitment of 540 engineers in March’ 2011. Era

Group adopted a 3 pronged approach to select

the final lot from a batch of 6000+ candidates.


a written test, which was followed by a technical

round. Finally the candidates had to appear for a

personal interview before being selected.

180 premier institutes from different parts of

the country were selected to be venues for the

Campus Recruitment. The HR Team went to 100

Engineering colleges, 69 Polytechnic institutes

and 11 Management schools to pick the final

540 engineers and travelled to prestigious

institutes such as IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, DCE, NIT

Warangal, Polytechnics of Nilokheri, Kashipur, and

Management Institutes such as IIFT Delhi, IMT

Ghaziabad to name a few.

Hiring Talent 555*

Kudos to the HR team for the efforts!

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ERa BuILdsys participates in an international eventINIsEnterprisePrivateLtdorganizedanexhibitiononMetalBuildingandSteelStructure


participated in this international event which showcased modern methods for fast track


With the company working in close association with industry leaders in project

development and construction, providing support to critical industrial, commercial and


beneficial as all major companies, decision makers, industry experts and policy makers

visited our stall.



momentum for the company.


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Era Buildsys receives RdsO approvalEraBuildsysisgoingfromstrengthtostrength.TheCompanyhasreceivedRDSO

Approval for fabrication and supply of steel girders for both plants at Pantnagar

and Nagpur. It stands tallest among its peers after receiving recognition as the


Price Waterhouse Coopers.

We have serviced almost all sectors of the economy from highways & bridges to

railways and aviation, from power plants to stadiums, from metros to high rise

buildings, from textiles to FMCG and many more. Additionally, we have delivered our

services not only to government bodies but private sector as well which includes top

architect and consultants.

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Respect has always been an integral part of the Indian soul. At Era, we understand how this respect for

customer satisfaction can act as a catalyst in our growth process. This led to the design of the Atithi Devo


Corporate HR formulated a one day Training Program for the staff of Era Landmarks on customer service


program has inspired the organization of a second program in the near future.

Era Landmarks Ltd. implements aTITHI dEvO BHaWa


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The one day training program was a serious introspection on current practices followed at sites and

head office while dealing with the external customer. Just as external customers are important to an

organization for its success, the internal customers must also be kept happy for the well-being of the


For a successful internal customer service, all departments must be able to work together productively

and co-exist peacefully, to meet common goals, which will lead to better quality products and service for

external customers. This important concept was discussed in the presence of the CEO and Heads of other

Departments. The benefits of team work, experiential learning from role plays and feedback were other

highlights of the training session.

With the entire program being explained in an easy, understandable and fun approach through games,

activities and clips, it was an effortless way for the staff to remember the importance of ‘Atithi Dewo


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The debut Outbound Training of

An excursion was organized at Shivpuri, Uttarakhand under the guidance of SATOREE for the students of


Mr. Sanjay Pande included rigorous physical as well as challenging mental exercises to ensure complete

personality development of the students. The end of each exercise was followed by an interactive session

where students shared their views and experiences. With each student having to come out of his comfort

zone and do the unexpected to succeed, the excursion was a reflection on the complexes of modern day

businesses where success is dependent on innovative thinking and strategic team work.



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One of the most interesting and most challenging tasks was the blindfolded climb. There were three

teams and each team had only one member with his eyes open to the visual hurdles of the jungle hill.

With the rest of the team being guided by directions from only one person, the activity sent adrenalins

rushing and heart pumping in excitement.

Other activities like Trekking, Tent Pitching, Rappelling, Spider Web etc., taught every student the art of

team work and quick thinking. The Trust Exercise was again a source of learning about how to trust your

surroundings. It was very interesting to see how students faced challenges even beating the odds of the


With every passing activity each student was learning to shed at least one of his or her inhibitions and

come closer to discovering him or herself. Overall the excursion with the gamut of activities was a rich

experience and a tremendous way to facilitate learning. An opportunity to do various things, to break the

monotony of regular routine and live with lifetime memories.

To sum it all up, SATOREE seemed to instill its meaning in the hearts of its members; everyone had a

chance encounter with some ENLIGHTENMENT. All in all, it was one of the most needed appetites to be

satiated again and again.


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India was the second nation which formed

diplomatic relations with People’s Republic of


celebrated the successful completion of 60 years

of diplomatic and friendly relations between

India and China. The delegates of the Chinese

Embassy and foreign students in India from China

were invited for the event held to celebrate the

occasion. The invitation was also extended to the

neighboring management colleges.

To complement the spirit of the occasion the

seminar hall was given a Chinese make over

complete with beautiful lanterns and other

Chinese decorations. The event hosted by Anil and

Shivangi, commenced with the arrival of students


schools. The Chinese students and delegates were

welcomed in Indian ethnic style, with garlands and

the traditional tilak on the foreheads.

This was followed by a talk on India China relations

over the past 60 years, after which the Shanghai

Expo video was displayed. The chief guest Mr. Peng

Gang, the Commercial Counselor from the Embassy

of Peoples Republic of China gave a speech on

India – China economic and trade cooperation. This

was followed by Dr Sanjiv Marwah’s presentation

on China, covering geographic, social, economic,




To conclude the event a quiz was conducted by

Professor Nitin Tickku, wherein Parker pens and key

chains brought by the delegates were distributed


a Chinese lunch, some visiting students gave

interesting snippets about their stay in India.

The event was grand success and it is expected

that this event will promote strategic and friendly

relations between India and China.

Indo China dayCelebrating


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“INIZIO FEsTa”, the fresher’s party at ERa BusINEss sCHOOLAmidstalltheglitzandglamourEBShelditsdebutFresher’sPartyINIZIOFESTAforitsfirstbatchofPGDM

course 2010-12 on 11th September, 2010. Inizio means ‘a new beginning’. Holding true to its meaning the

entire affair definitely gave a beautiful and energetic beginning to the students as well as the college. It

was a fun filled affair with all the students decked up for the event with girls sporting vibrant colors and

boys finishing up like Gentlemen.



The entire show was very well anchored by Ms. Shalini Somrain and Mr. Kamal Sharma with the objective

of finding Miss and Mr. Inizio Festa suitable enough to represent their Alma Mater. The first event was the

ramp walk which allowed gave each student the chance to introduce themselves.

This was followed by a talent hunt wherein 12 girls and 12 boys were finally shortlisted. Each participant

was suppose to showcase one talent to the audience enchanting enough to help select four boys and

four girls for the next round.


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With every passing moment the tempo was rising. The students were sporty and flamboyant and came

up with various talents. Few sang beautiful melodies and not to forget the eye candy of the day – the

Salsa Dance performed by Ms. Divya Singh and Mr. Kamal Sharma.



and Sahil Shrestha made everyone sing together. One of the most interesting events of the evening was


student with just four fingers. Magical to see how were they able to lift one up with such an ease!!.

The quest for finding Miss and Mr. Inizio Festa only got difficult with each passing moment with Ms. Divya

Singh and Ms. Ankita and Mr. Sahil Shrestha and Mr. Kamal Sharma reaching the final round.

In the final round, questions were asked and answers were analyzed to know each candidates’ analytical

abilities. Finally the judges finally came zeroed on the most suitable placeholders and extremely talented

Ms. Divya Singh and Mr. Sahil Shrestha. Congratualations galore!

With this the fun filled evening ended…Look forward to party next year.


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ERa BusINEss sCHOOL participates in the Clean delhi campaign InitiatedbyArtofLivingfoundation,EraBusinessSchool(EBS)participatedinthe“CleanDelhi”campaign.

The campaign was the drive to promote awareness among the masses to keep the environment clean

and to discourage polythene usage among public.

The campaign was spread over 2 days. On the first day, all the volunteered students and faculty members


and write their messages.

Students were given the task that they had to meet people and encourage them to use cotton and jute

bags in place of ploy bags. Posters were also pasted and pamphlets were distributed. The day ended with

an entertaining musical performance.


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The next day the entire campaign team reached the market dressed in Art of Living T-Shirts along with


thereby attracting the audience. This was followed by a a nukkad natak ‘ Hamari Prithvi which was


grave issues being faced by our mother earth. The play was well received with a great response which

was marked by the nonstop audience cheers. At the end some refreshments were served.

The campaign was also fully supported by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi which ensured that the

market was cleaned. Covered by Doordardshan, the participants gave interview to the media, discussing


The campaign ended with participants signing the oath page, stating that from now onwards they will be

responsible in their actions towards the environment and Delhi.


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ERa BusINEss sCHOOL introduces iPad 2 in Management Education AsasteptowardsaccentuatinglearningandempoweringeducationEraBusinessSchoolhasintroduced

the Apple ipad 2 for all its students.


by creating a unique learning environment. Having invested in developing a world-class infrastructure,

powered by a Wi-Fi state-of-the-art technology campus, step based global video delivery enabled




Now, they can engage in higher education from any corner of the world. Since college students prefer

freedom and flexibility, the ipad2 is just the right choice in customizing the learning experience. To

facilitate learning it will offer innumerable free lecture notes, examinations, and videos for students and

curious learners online.


anytime notes while getting the institute’s updates, attendance, class information, e-mail access, instant

messaging etc.




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Global exposure for students at ERa BusINEss sCHOOLThestudentsatEBSparticipatedinExperientialLearning&Development

Conference 2011 on 27th January 2011 which was held at the prestigious

Empire Hotels & Resorts, Wan Chai, HongKong.

The Experiential Transformation Conference was first of its kind in Hong

Kong. The conference was aimed at management students, trainers,

HR managers, suppliers, vendors and others interested in experiential

learning and transformation techniques in the field. The conference

was guided well recognized by experiential learning & development

practitioners who shared knowledge, experience and insights.

The conference provided a unique interactive experiential experience to



- New tool in instrumentation, structure experience, value clarification.

- Seasoned experiential practitioners in their field will share their



cross learning from different interests and needs. Learning new things


and helped in personal transformation and development as a whole.


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ERa BusINEss sCHOOL organises Management development Programme on Risk Management ProfessorsfromUSuniversitiesjoinhandswithEraBusinessSchoolforthispurpose.



this two day programme was on understanding the risks involved and their implications in the banking

and financial institutions.

Management Development Programme helped in generating awareness about the financial crisis that

hit us globally. In the two day event the middle level management, academicians and student focussed

on understanding the recent financial crisis which will enable them to understand the risk involved and

their implications on the economic growth. The program contributed to an increase in the capacity of

managers to adopt new techniques and methods on risk management.

Various eminent speakers from India and USA such as Prof. D.K Malhotra, Professor of Finance,



contributed their thoughts over various issues.

The objective of the Management Development Programme was to provide comprehensive

understanding on various forms of business risks, the recent global financial crisis, assessment of credit

risk, etc. This programme provided an unprecedented and unique opportunity to learn comprehensive,

state-of-the-art risk management techniques using advanced tools and derivative solutions.


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1. The famous board game called“Chess” was invented inIndia.

2. In India’s 100,000 years of history, it has never invaded any other country.

3. India is the 6th largest country in the world, the largest democracy and one of the oldest civilization.

4. India was one of the richest countries in the world before theBritishinvasionin17thcentury.

5. Thevalueof“pi”usedinmathematicswasfirstcalculatedby the Indian mathematician Budhayana in 6th century.

6. India is one of the largest exporter of computer software products. It exports softwares to over 90 countries.

7. India has the world’s largest pilgrimage destination called the Vishnu Temple the city of Tirupati. About an average of 30,000 people visit this temple donating about $6 million US dollars, everyday.

8. The origination of Yoga was done 5,000 years ago in India.

9. India has the most number of mosques. It has 300,000 mosques which is much more than the Muslim world.

10. Christians and Jews have been living in India since 52 A.D. and200B.C.respectively.

11. The Art of Navigation & Navigating was born in India in the river Sindh over 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘NAVGATIH’.

12. Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India.

13. Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to AsiabyBuddhistmissionaries.

14. The largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways, employing over a million people.

15. India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world.

16. India is the largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest Country in the world, and one of the most ancient civilizations.

17. The world’s highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh.Built in1893after levelingahilltop, this cricketpitch is 2444 meters above sea level.

18. TheKumbhMela(orGrandPitcherFestival)isahugeHindureligious festival that takes place in India every 12 years. In 2001, 60 million people attended, breaking the record for the world’s biggest gathering. The mass of people was photographed from space by a satellite.

19. More than a million Indians are millionaires, yet most Indians live on less than two dollars a day. An estimated 35% of India’s population lives below the poverty line.

20. Dancing is one of India’s most highly developed arts and was an integral part of worship in the inner shrines of every temple.

Interesting facts about India

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The remaining letters spell a secret message - a Vince Lombardi quotation.


Hidden MessageFind and circle all of the Sports that are hidden in the grid.

Brain Teasers1. What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?

2. While on my way to St. Ives, I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives, how many were going to St. Ives?

3. What never gets any wetter, no matter how much it rains?

4. I am large as a castle, yet lighter than air. 100 men and their horses cannot move me. What am I?

5. What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?

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4. The castle’s shadow 5. A deck of cards



Hidden Message

Brain Teasers


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