ckf¨tf / ckf¨tf ePsf JolQmx?nfO{ g]kfnsf] k|sf]k Joj:yfkgsf] d"nwf/df Nofpg] lsgeg] ckf¨tf ePsf JolQmx?sf] klg c?x? ;/x ;'/lIft hLjgofkg / ;+/If0fsf] ;dfg clwsf/ 5, ljz]if ul/ k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] ;dodf EUROPEAN COMMISSION Humanitarian Aid

Flip chart

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Page 1: Flip chart

ckf¨tf / ckf¨tf ePsf JolQmx?nfO{ g]kfnsf] k|sf]kJoj:yfkgsf] d"nwf/df Nofpg]

lsgeg] ckf¨tf ePsf JolQmx?sf] klg c?x? ;/x ;'/lIft hLjgofkg / ;+/If0fsf] ;dfg clwsf/ 5, ljz]if ul/ k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] ;dodf


Humanitarian Aid

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Humanitarian Aid

Mainstreaming Disability and People with Disabilities into Disaster Management

in Nepal

Because the people with disabilities have the same rights to a safe life and protection, especially in time of natural disasters.

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e'sDk- Earthquake

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Stay where you are - don't move too far. Drop, cover and hold.

;s];Dd ;'/lIft :yfgdf hfg'xf];\ geP hxF“ x'g'x'G5 Tolx“ /xg'xf];\ . lgx'l/g'xf];\, cfkm'nfO{ 9fSg'xf];\ / ;dfTg'xf];\ .

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h fcf}+

f df;/lIft :yg

cf}+ fh

;/lIft :gyd



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If you are in bed when an earthquake comes, stay there and cover yourself with a blanket.

Efs' Dk hfb“f olb vf6df xg' x'G'5 eg] /xgx'f;] \ / l;/sn] cfkmn' fO{ 9fSgx'f;] \ .Tolx“


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If you are outside, stay in an open space away from power lines, trees, building, etc.

olb aflx/ x'g'x'G5 eg] ljh'nLsf] vDaf, ?v / ejgx? EfGbf 6f9f v'Nnf 7fp“df a:g'xf];\ .


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f df;/lIft :yg

cf}+ fh

;/lIft :gyd



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Stay away from book shelves, windows, trees etc - things that can fall on you and trap/injure you.

b/fh, ´\ofnx?, ?Vfx? cflb -To:tf a:t'x? h'g tkfO{dfly kg{ ;S5g\ / tkfO{nfO{ aGWfs of 3fOt] agfpg ;S5g\_ af6 6f9f a:g'xf];\ .


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h fcf}+

f df;/lIft :yg

cf}+ fh

;/lIft :gyd



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cfunfuL - Fire

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If a part of you or your clothing catches fire, cover your face with your hands, drop to the floor and roll. DO NOT RUN !

olb tkfOsf] zl//df jf sk8fdf cfuf] ;Ns]df cfºgf] cg'xf/nfO{ xftn] 5f]Kg'xf];\, e'O“df ;'Tg'xf];\ / kN6g'xf];\ . gbf}8g'xf];\ .


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h fcf}+

f df;/lIft :yg

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;/lIft :gyd



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Get down low and get out fast.

lgx'l/P/ ;s];Dd rf“8f] aflx/ lg:sg'xf];\ .


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If you cannot drop because of your disability, put the flames out with the natural fibres (wool or cotton).

olb ckfËtfsf] sf/0f e'O“df kN6g ;Sg'x'Gg eg] pgL jf ;'tLsf] sk8fn] cfkm'nfO{ a]g'{xf];\ .


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f df;/lIft :yg

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Make sure that the exits from your home and other relevant buildings are accessible for everyone.

tkfO{ /xg' ePsf] 3/ of ejgsf] lgsf; -9f]sf_ ;a}sf nflu pko'Qm 5 eGg] ;'lglZrt ug'{xf];\ .


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h fcf}+

f df;/lIft :yg

cf}+ fh

;/lIft :gyd



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klx/f] - Landslide

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After a long periods of heavy rain, be aware of the steep areas around your home and if there is any sign of danger evacuate to a stable area as soon as possible.

Wf]/} ;dosf] ef/L jiff{ kl5 cfºgf] 3/ jl/kl/sf] le/fnf] If]qx?af6 ;fjwfg /xg'xf];\ / olb vt/fsf] ;Í]t ;"rgf kfPdf ;s];Dd rf“8f] ;'/lIft :yntkm{ hfg'xf];\ .


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If it is not possible to escape from landslides or if a landslide is happening right now, curl yourself into a ball and protect your head.

olb klx/f]af6 pDsg c;Dej 5 of klx/f] tTsfn uO/x]sf] 5 eg] cfkm" es'08f] cfsf/df a;L 6fpsf] hf]ufpg'xf];\ .


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After a landslide has passed, wait for notice that it is safe before moving from a safe area.

Kflx/f] uO;s]kl5 cfkm" /x]sf] ;'/lIft :ynaf6 csf]{ ;'/lIft :yn tkm{ hfg d'gfl;a 5 of 5}g ;rgfsf] k|ltIff uGf'{xf];\ ."


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f df;/lIft :yg

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af9L - Flood

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Wherever possible, avoid crossing the flood waters, even if you have to travel further to do so.

;Dej eP;DDf af9L cfPsf] 7fp“lt/ ghfg'xf];\–a? w]/} ofqf ug'{kg]{ ePKflg uGf'{xf];\ .


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Move to higher ground immediately as soon as there is sign or warning that a flood may occur.

af9L cfpg ;Sg] ;Í]t of ;"rgf kfP nuQ} prfO ePsf] 7f“p / hldgdf hfg'xf];\ .


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a. If you have difficulty moving you will need to evacuate early - even if you are not 100% sure that a flood is going to happen.

s= olb tkfO{nfO{ lx“88'n ug{ ;d:of 5 eg] Aff9L hf“b} 5 eGg] !))% kSsf gePsf] cj:yfdf klg cem rf“8f] ;'/lIft :yntkm{ hfg' kb{5 .


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b. If you need to cross flood water during evacuation and have difficulty moving use the assistance of others wherever possible.

v= olb tkfO{ af9L cfPsf] ;dodf ;'/lIft :yntkm{ hfg'5 / tkfO{nfO{ lx“88'n ug{ ;d:of 5 eg] ;Dej eP ;Dd c? JolQmsf] ;xof]u lng'xf];\ .


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f df;/lIft :yg

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Make an emergency plan for what to do if an earthquake / fire / landslide / flood happens.

Ef'sDk÷cfunfuL÷klx/f] / af9L hf“bf s] ug]{ eGg] Pp6f cfkt\sflng of]hgf Afgfpg'xf];\ .


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If you have a disability and stay alone during the day, try to spend most of your time on the ground floor of your home.

olb tkfO{ ckf¨tf ePsf] JolQm x'g'x'G5 / lbp“;f] 3/df Psn} a:g' x'G5 eg] clwsf+z ;do 3/sf] e'OtNnfdf latfpg'xf];\ .


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If you are talking to or helping those who have difficulty understanding, keep your instructions short and clear.

olb tkfO{ a'em\g ;d:of ePsf] JolQmnfO{ ;xof]u ul//xg'ePsf] 5 of s'/f Ufl//xg'ePsf] 5 eg] ;'´fjnfO{ 5f]6f] / :ki6 kfg'{xf];\ .


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f df;/lIft :yg

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;/lIft :gyd



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If you have difficulty communicating with people, you may need to work out and practice ways to express your needs.

olb tkfO{nfO{ ;~rf/df ;d:of 5 eg] cfºgf] cfjZostfx? Aftfpg] tl/sf lgsfNg'xf]:f\ / To;sf] k|of;÷k|of]u ug'{xf];\ .


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;/lIft : yfgdf hfc }+ f

f;/ Ift l : gf dy

cf hf }+



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}+ hcf

l t;/ If :yfgdfc hf f}+

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If you are helping to move someone with a disability, ask them the best way to help them.

olb tkfO{ ckfËtf ePsf] JolQmnfO{ ;fg]{ of lx“88'n u/fpg ;xof]u ub}{ x'g'x'G5 Efg] pgLx?nfO{ s;/L ;xof]u ug{ ;lsG5 ;f]Wg'xf];\ .


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h fcf}+

f df;/lIft :yg

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If you can not hear the weather outside or information about what is happening, make sure that you have identify a group of people who will inform you if you need to evacuate.

olb tkfO{ aflx/sf] df};dsf] af/]df of s] eO/x]sf] 5 eGg] ;'Gg ;Sg'x'Gg eg], 7fp“ VffnL ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;f] sf] hfgsf/L lbg] 6f]nLsf] klxrfg kSsf ug'{xf];\ .


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h fcf}+

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I;'/ ft y g fl : f d f }+ f .h c

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If you have to evacuate, wherever possible bring your assistive device with you.

7fp“ vfnL ug'{ g} kg]{ cj:yfdf ;Dej eP;Dd cfºgf] ;xof]uL ;fdu|L cfkm';“u lng'xf];\ .


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