rs.\.i .J. .-. bjjg di8turban.ce, but-the blamed thing TrrrTnTithEa weyiaTe^berfareezesr th at^are-lr! ^^^^P^ 5Wfi7ft«fr •rrito^'p>M>gf|p&; is^t^^ccpjnpIiabjad^C^Ubjaat discern^ m A T"»-J J. ¥ ^ _ 2 „„„«.*- «!*'« Jv"%^1 ™ ' « r t A'/l Writ Entered at the Postofflce at Fairport, * second-class mall matter. " Member Western New ¥6rK Nuwsuupui Tub- ishers' Association. —Qffl™ -> No. 16 North,.Main Street- mind if they will take ordinary pre of dread possibilities'to-the^ indiffer- r - v ... .. .T^ i i it i. •,_ i r 4nnt~nrrlH-hp-rnrelesa.—--"It"-will b e a Local rand Long Distance Telephones.; ueuati»-K] ° n * " nn " lr Vpt ' C . J ,-, Home 4-A. Subscription, $1.00 ye«r and pro rata Single copiesfive cento.—T- mingling of warmth, wito cold, snow" and rain, ice and slush. As a com- bination for the propogation of grip, [pneumonia and kindred ills it has'no •gap @ ^^ggAU^commjmi SHF^for publfcallon-upon^anH t ^r^cmtie^gai%^^p^{ ^"•KS'ar.'^^^grJf^S^rbaakihg"in early sttlllM orsprlngTiiff ttm T(Bril5S^''con8lst8 ;iii; th6 f* ..-)... .^^-C^lel^P^«dlctlo,ni^!E^iled. , ' =MPlie==in6tnei .-.fibothsc 5Sfrl! j—iTeTomflB^is^tmnntHtiver^ttr gains strength by repetition.,-; This does not "mean the rep'Ov '• * tition" of one advef ttsemehtr— "lh^egnltelyr"^ar^haTige^^r: ^ "copy Is desirable. It'means' -- j-antUher^hlgh^flnklt that she' be killed. "A'iittle^caref^B^ittle-patience^and jTiriKtrsijiM in«rderthat-tne readeranay Know wiiu ia-n>e- author -aud who ia responsible for the sentiments- therein expressed, THE HERALD job rooms are well equipped- for -grkflHlB-pfgwUjob-printing. ,. _.._.. period THIS PAPER REPRESENTED TOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE «5££= looking brrck-TJver-a-^winter that has been exceptional'the country over-—ai "seasonrtbat "even now haB -brought-floods-and riPRtrnfttion jn_Cftl-.{ tke continued advertising of pne's business in as effective a_manner. as possible^ ts^pej^n^ba years: another opened Obis Ito^^^gt^WjrekT^Botif^pjay 4>We^ually^iQnfl8t^eqwaUy^^ §^^^^^^^S^^^|^^^ «lf?l^W^5FFTCESS BHANCHES-|N-AT±-THE-PRIf<61PAb=€4T4ESr ifornia and icy breezes in far-off Flor- ida.:: ..-•-. - •- : , A Bad Time to be "Broke. -of-eredlt and custpnL —But which has the, betteCrepnta^ tion? Naturally the man who lleva^l ST -n- 'THE PEOPLE OP THE 8TATE OPNEW I : -yOBKJUBjOhe^Crace.otGod^Pree and In- dependent. To William" P. Hitchcock; Mary L. ^^wfirdl^iwcy^OwBTdrG^^nyBleCe^etoy^^ ^fthe-Towh^f^perinto^N.T.pM&raie^Hitcte rOtek^WJUian^igBitehoack^h^ _nrHolra-«. in the estate a m o n n r P R nriO m a n a .xuuniw nuuuj VILVM BUU ICTJUUWI W VV ^^» l e - m e O B S g a ^ n ^ t f B ^ b«forc^ho:SarT6gar**f o^«^UiUsuDt4t0ira>e^in: irtt- arid_^onlmanQSO. ^urTogata^^iur^nnih^iTthday-oLApjciUaii. . ^. , Tit ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, at the •••"- Q.,__«—-*~> in i_ * u - r«jt„ „# n^.koal» tttnn Best PamUyXawtive' _ ^ Beware of coristipation. -Use Dr. „ v ,v-^_^--»^.flitchcxfck» late: of^ttis. ceased. : i. Oreetinsr^^'^.-K; ^^^fr*^^, ^^ S w, .You are; hereby cited arid ; required ^ to appear ;.,•;-, .),.;.. u3&'8$& O^IN^SJlpLgDS^ .-^• ; :11 rhone ge&V^ J;,ty> ^^^^^ome^gfa^n«t88^ a v fc^i* v viwn, m LHO AV&cxaw«a \J** v*-i*»w «*»/ * - Surrogate's office in the City of Ebchester, then ^nd-4hero-^to-«U«od tho judicial-aottloraent-o King's New Life Pills and keep well. Mrs. Charles E. Smith.; of West Franklin, . Me,,." calls them "Our has - Jieeff doIn» business in >hP Rnme building for tweni: era iand-^Maric„JNorris^ne^t_deEEhr^: a^c75rnTJ8liy^a^^ouBgrio^pJe20jii-"thei wedding- trip We would counsel that they Take tneir pockeT"bT5o~ks - Blong. o at least a little -change, to "make things easier-for-the grnom—A_yD.unglJ {-man—just-married—is-^pt, to—need j\ilj his spare ;cash,and^or^bjmcji^of ty years. It Is the result of. persistency, the__ iHev^ab]^ cumulatly^eff ect -—"--- -r? - You can't get away from it —your reputation .will either "25c AirdruggisfT , jp^Bu^kTln^^^o^in^emhjgW^^ the accounts of Edward 'L. Dudley a?, the ExecU_- tor6fthe~estateof Balddeceasedr~Andif anjrof- •the aforesaid persons are under the age of twenty * one yeai'ap^iirieea^^r^dtherwTse incompetent •they-wilLplea an tv If a nnHnW thnf thpy »r« reanired *.i __: ^>_-_»t_« i ii tt it . u _ „ « -»»»\»J —-"• ,•'• ---^ .—-^ i ••••.• •••. j ...^i ^ w ^ M •>^~. to appear by their genaral guardian, if they have one. and if they.-have none.' that :they apply, for the appointment of a special guardian; or in the event of their neglect or failure to do so. a.special ^rdian wDl. be appointed by_the Surrogate 'to Resldfant; Picinb Tuner T y n y<fftTR'. t u n i n g experience lu'.ax-.. piano factory. My work is your guarantee for satis- faetofy^service. . r *: : - •,-.:-.-. - -i- s^im^^Bimiiri^ngTrgi*,?? -fcnni R^-^-j^^^wp^tscnsgnt^x^CT^ lll^bWltegs^zHoiirlBelden^SpBr^^ -S^_---_ 35»" "at" hi s^^pl ace,*"""thre© : —rnileB-north^O; JllMacedon—Center, lj miles enRt. .of •^fgpp-elteT pr - wo^rSe^^s^our 8 ^ business—methods—r.become^-r— ^raWffTTiepetltlou impresses the facT~even on^the^careless "observer. Rememberthisin~^-f your advertising. Doq't ex- pect to make a fortufTe by ^^Auction. . ^H ^ Chas. P. Hacker will offer for sale jvne..effort., but use it ns one heartless young men to work him tor - . . — ~ _ •——• x ' ' -.—•••» . . v .^f^^8«enough^<wmaka-thfi^hrJiie= J ^h^nem^for_lite, L Whehjloy FeJ^ lers and his bride left Sodu?~Wednes" day* eveni ngTifie' youngTiTen'merrtioned above accompanied them^on the train zZ3GKnflPB~~A~~r!lark was~Hrman~who "believed in the- "do it for Fairport' 7 idea, and what's more, he practised' big hpljpf. Snfh a man is a big asset JtO a community, and one whom it can ill afford~to-lose. *_ ^ and-triedto-make It as interesting as possible Aintl QhtJ -tfaiji Htartedf'and-a little while afterward, when they found the joke was decidedly on them, "2 stone to help build the tower ^liiit^wui^rhlsfi—vou*z,hlgher- -"ii 11U* u*fT*»yrr: West Walworth, and two miles west of Wal yorth Thursday, March 26, at heif^r^^UmhaiMgagC <k»unty^ofeMonroe^t»=fej^orpto--affijced 3?ftt£^igarri^" e tflo^aahdqiiPBrS^ ^Hwi^niH^rge^s —dredariJiSirteen.-T**'* - ^ -^^^^NIHIEW^UDQLPH,- »." : Clerk* Surrogate's Court. E. J. FISK. Att'y. for Executor- - . P URSUATST T O A N ORDER of Hon. Selden S. Brown, Surrogate of the County*of Monroe, v "' • ? ~r~ z ' J v~~-rfir* ZI~*'^ry~T-7v^'- i-rj l : notice, la hereby-given according to.law to alLper- 1 o'clocITp."- to'. iEv^teamTSf 6-year-0la" sons having ciaimaTbr demandsagatnBt Mary-Ar i_r i •..» "OKnft'it;." -tn. n »««)«••« Butts, late of. the village of Faimort, County of black mares,- 2500 l b s . , tWO COWB, R Monroe, Stale of New York, deceased, to present - - ••••-.•• J_„_ j. the same with the vouchers therefor to the un- j-tJon-of-busineaa-as^ueh-exeeutorT-at-tr. ficeof-E.-J*-Fisk4n the-villago-ofJairpQrt,.N—Y., nn nr haf.,rn tho9.nA Hpy nf .Tilly, 1914. Dated December 29.1913. i^aQHgycoivigi lojti letlfij Th».moat liberal Haaith jmd Aco'ldont Polloyeyor laauod, and at low boat. gonr-Wiard-plowi—LeRoy—neversible- [frulky^plo^^Iie&ksake, l^Korse cuir tivator, McCormick^bJiider,^hay_ rack u set-dump-board&i—grind-stone, 16-ft, ladder, double harness, 2 single har- ness, 2 horse blankets, buffalo robe, bush hook, hay fork, corn planter, fanning mill, wood stove, 3 log I . EPHRAIMJ. FISK ; E.xecutprjof-the last Will nt Mary A. Butts, "deceased ^0\-v^;& SHAW. - - - Funeral DirectorB -ajrjpjS-ano offlce in^Sjlavv^ga^^block, dence——-^~, THinBROWK* *-TI , V^J- =IsMt8»A-W- ; croagcut saw. ^^D^shelS^^g^^oj^ F^feol^idH IT -in-r i u«i^ o n fn riooh rthnrn l to bresent tne^ HENRY R.RELYEA X Brown, Surrogate of the County o a,, '"" B '«"^L~ ""' ' ~. " I notice is hereby given, according to «w7To all haTn9f~~^et^QQQ^HK^wagoii-^P~^gSf4s>er^ . . - 1 nnh PI Mnnon Into nf thA viUngP nf Fftirport N ORDER of HonVSeMJn S. 1 ^ T TVI irVr?^f> , T ateof the County oTMjnroe; VJiVCf Ei'lv^ en. according to 4Bw, to all " ^" JIJAY rT^TirP^^f^U^H----- {Tbarrel-cJ^nVwater cream separator, j at his place for the transaction of business ..,__«. »,^w— v/i-Ar-. '' : ' • n - ^ l «'"^h pypgiifor-at-thH-Banking Office of -BeWifr —BUSINESS-NEXT—YEAR. potato coverer, spring tooth harrow, as , .„ k „!,„»#- T n Pnv ' sucb executor, at tlm Banking Offlce^rf-BeWittrO? 2 dozen,milk^pan8,„hay_kjjU&_i»eKoy Becke r ,„in-the-villageOf-Fairport,.:N.-X..on.nr. pairHpob—sleigh8, : Poland—jguttf]^ t "'"Fly swatting" has arrived^-—Each fly killed now when it crawjs forth ^into-snme^^j^h^ai^^ i jgQjm^icojQ CT ^ winter nap means many million less flies to destroy later. The housefly is -trfp-'-jfnrrirfr-nf-t-yphoid^germSx-^-It-is fc held responsible in part for infantile paralysis. The "bluebottle" fly is another grievous offender and both are .great menace-to-life. Remember ;he-^a*iom~of '' Sa f ety^First' ===£§4 as the car doors were locked and'they w^re~b^tng~taken-farr-far-from-home r without a cent in their pockets, or sothey told-ihe conductor.- The- groom rose to the occasion and paid* their fares to East Williamson,'and thither they were carried, wily-nily. We im^ersTalr^flfey^^^ Record. ^pen^buggy, - 5ft .chickehs., - 3&-Va*fl* -ET-VTT^ISK; ..•» iI —.i.e 1 U„U -A *J-I,„J„_.IT rag carpet^ , quantity~pf "hbUBehqld goods, and other /grtjjelesv Eight _ jonths—credi t^rr^ums^v^ir7-$5700r The auctioneer will be C. C; Law- ~the "clerk teander Baker. R Office in kear or residence lT*ifit%*Pvr*i' Bell Phone No. 243-W.' Home, 30-X before the 26th day of July, 1914. Dated January 20.1914. ' . •-—- - " "Executorir- Atfyrfor Executorr- Fairport, 1^. Y. Auction. "swat the fly." * " * * AT William Hagreen, having sold his farm.wi 11- off er-f or -sale on the-prem- TVTQT1CE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant toanor- l^ deref'Honr Selden SrBrown7 - Snrrogatedof the County of Monroe, notice is hereby given,'ac- cording to law to all persons having claims or de- mands against Edward J. Hawkins, late of the Town of Perintoh, County of Monroe, State of New York, deceased, to present the same With -=-• ^- ™-r- ~ . .. -. .^.-.—- —!_: a—1.1 |Wtf«^ari^B^ ^wereirantrTailors: Suits,MadBitO:OrderJtom r $17 to_$35__, CLEAN IN G A N D RE P AIMING ™" 16S. NtAIN^STT 1 Already Done. "Far'mers will do well to postpone the vouchers thereior. to the underslgned^atrhis place for the transaction of business as such ex- ecutor atrNo. 7 Pleasant st... Fairport,-N.Y., on tKv^r^r^fih-^-% A^^eTaTMh^tffl^Sv^^ Rochester-Union &Advertisex^_iio_t —-A- Jersey-preacher, whose reference in a public address to the morality of public school children stirred up the_ 4aUr he was taken to England, where An interesting gathering took place last Saturday at the home of Mrs. S. J. PattersQH.st-Siiver_Lake Assembly. J±_wa8-J;he__celebration of the =80th birthday of Rev. W. B. 'Ulitt. —-Mr.-Gliff-was—born at Tarrytown r N. Y., March 7th, 1834 (the place and- year-of—florn-Ghauncey-Bep birth). His mother dying three years field Brick church on the Salt road Tuesday^ Mareh-4.7r eommencing-at-1- jr- union «-^v«i««aa_^a JiL i c,ock - P" m the following property: Most of the farmers up thTsi^^y horser-13-years,^ 100-lbs,-cow 12 years, due March 20, 2-year-old much way, did their' s'pfing" plowingr~last fall. -Dansville AdveHlsert - "IiTarGooci-tetter-AtteirAll: town of his residence to an H^sTTT-™;-;-;^ ~Someone"has~a"dva7nced~the- opinion that the letter- "el' is the most un- oFturiate 1e"tter^n"trIe"Erifli§h~alpha bet, because it.is always out of cash, heifer, lumber wagon _wi.tb_.bjax. and top box, .top buggy, democrat wagon, CHAS W. BUTLER, -AttorBey-for*-Executor—- fairport, N. X. : Dated Nov.»28th, 1913. Executor J^AJCESTATR D f Bs,irn~.fia Y nn TI For-an up-to-date residence or a JOHNE HAW-rSsT^ Bfo^kT^uifaW^riicll-T^® 1 ^ - - «™-n ta , - lneBS mocbj ft N o j building lot or / cutter, •dou01e-mirnea, neavy-single harness~single"harness"l-horse-bob8r neck yoke^ set fly nets. 2 sets whiflie- trees,"" riding"cultivator, two-1-horse laic —'— C K t i u u y t - v M v t i w —•«- •.»••>•• _.—.—— _ _ _ , ——.—_ action of business as. such Administrators at 911 uci, u c t a u ^ .v..*- « . . . UJ ^ , , v .... „v,—, r . 4 - |914WilderBldg. t Rorhester,N. Y., on or before the fnrp.ver in debt, never out of danger.! plnxPTrHpr.inp;—^ooth-dr^g—-spike tooth iRtdnv nf .Tnnn 1914 and in hell all the time. For some J— 1—• i™* <••">'' «<• O^OIMR .21 ««»««-»* VIOTICETO CREDITORS-Pursuant toanor- -1^ derof Hon:SeldenSrBrown.Surrogat©of-the County of Monroe, notice is hereby given, accord- ing to law to all persons having claims or demands against Stephen A. Hunt, late '6f ""trfe—rown ior" ^erinton,_County_of-M.onroe,_Stete of New York, deceased, to present the same with - the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned Cornelia M. Hunt and'Frank"Mr'Hunt, Administrators, of the es-' "late bfisaid"decedent"a:t'thelr~place^forthe trans=- I" ui ma lca . uc .iv. t w m. .... *-.. he receiveams eoucauon anuumnicu. and in nell al i tne time. For some drag, marker, nay ra.cK, aeu BL-UIBB,-^ tintis were shown to be witli OUt .„_J noma fr» Pori-I) TwVlorp hp.'WflSBIl I _• * t L_ 1.11 „™ *—„ nnll Uia aHantinn I #««l,n nniMiiVtar rrroin hflCT!) fVlflin. Rlan - coriditiotis were shown to De without foundation, undertook on Sunday to put himself right before his congre gation. explaining that "a wrong in-] dfty . Cf>hnn] terpretation had been .put on speech, with serious results." his He and came to Perry, where he was en gaged in busihess~for eight years.~He was superintendent of the M. E. Sun ior_a—year or—two,—and -insisted that he had merely spoken-or a rumor-reaching his ears--about the conduct of a few high school girls. preached for several", years at St. He- lena. Gibsonville and for the -Free- -We-do not think t4ie cxp.anation'- n |g m wi|l Baptists at Oatka, taking his Sun- day rounds on horseback. After a re- vival and addition of over 50 to the ofjhejetter, as we call his attention to the~fact "e" is never iif - w a r aria" always in* peace. It is the beginning of existence, the commencement of easeand the end~6f_trouble. Without it-there would be no meat, no life aridT" eer will be William Redder and m ^T?prra^h^^P«ftohflr.»^Hft^f>nfo.KKHa^thftti he passed along a "rumor" affecting the character of a number of young -women without investigating iU He ft?> gave it such respectability as his" cloth could confer on it, to the injury of a number of persons from the cir- cumstances of the case unable to de- . fend themselves. His .remarks threw suspicion on all the pupils of the school to which he referred— Nor can|-^ he, or any other man, tell today the f ul 1 .extent .of _ theTTaTmlTiir^lKgrvirigF may occasion. The minister enjoys, through cus- , torn, a latitude of statement not al- lowed to other professions. Its. liber- ty in this respect imposes a corres- ponding responsibility. Certainly the light repetition~of scandalous tales is an offense not to be. overlooked or permitted to pass uncondemned. jsoTryi rrerr-a-su ffveientr MUIII "was "Biibscribed^for^the^buildtng- of a small church, when the paper mill company failed and the employees scattered, so that the project was abandoned. Mr. Cliff was one of a committee appointed to look over the site of the present Assembly ground, - and report 88 to the advisability "of -obtaining it for camp-meeting - purposes, and was one of the first tcrbuild a cottage; He hj^_preached more sermons there than no heaven. It is the center of hon- esty, makes love perfect and without it there could be no editors, devils nor "riffws.—.Exchange ZHZ~H " cultivators, potato hiller, plow, shovel plewT^spring—tooth-dragr-^siiikR tooth, im.mj ... .... ••• ••••.. j • • 1 i_: i "•••* rt ^r „ oT CORNELIA M.HUNT. I . . . . •- drag, marker, hay rack, set scales,.2 . FRANK M. HUNT, /Administrators in first-class'companies/call on 70HN^ DIXON—"^^ : ^~Fafrport-NT-YTr Monuments i 1 .^ JUiis_seld6maiiiiee6Ltliat^=^. attection respect fail to inspire the living Ml-9i4Wild^"_Building forks crowbar grain bags chain. Blab* chard churn, 6 chairs, 2~-heT}steffllsff^^ parior_lamp r -2-hand-lamp8 r —andinunv erous small articles, .credit on sums above E i g h t "TO^nths The aucti Works Both Ways The following, from our brother ed- itor of the Interlaken Review, is right clerk Jay Hurlbut. VIOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or- i^ der of Hon. Selden S. Brown. _ Surrogate of LCounty of Monroe, notice is hereby given ac- d<ng to law, tp nil porsons having Hnims.nr flKKSBUniffi&sl ^-flSS^v. atNoTB2BPo any other-minister.—Tn 1872 he re- <* * 4* rt^iinh-jp-rirliftr: tho light comes in the mornings and. how much longer it stays. The days are longer'' and as "the sun comes north they lengthen out. Pretty soon the slush, and rains and the warm sunshine of "breaking- up time" will be here and they will ~~ aelrianil attention because uf "lllti dis- - comforts they will bring and the dam- rr—agethey will" threa tenr ^=—^ -^ While we have been discussing the softness or the rigots-of winter t ~fig- linquished his business and joined the Genesee jconference. ...He is now on the retired list, having been a mem- ber of the Methodist church 71 years, and as a local or itinerant minister has preached the gospel 63 years, hav- ing commenced to preach at the age of 17. His name appears in the Con- ference Minutes in the list of "The 12 to the point: . ,+ Tt's a good—id get your free notices where you get your printing, or else get your print- ing done where you get the free no- tices." This rule'works both "ways." —Lyndonville Enterprise. Yes, we have-wondered why-some editors give- away what costs them money and then "sav there is no"lnom;y~iirTh'e~Trrtmrng DIAMOND o* column vw- *»TT. .** «..,*«*«—.— D —~—.— demands against (William Henry Mann, late of the Town of Pittsford. County of Monroe, State of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned- Ralph C. Mann. Administrator, with the will annexed of William Henry Mann, deceased, at his place lor fariB^tToTrofPXnstness as-such-AdTnlnlstrator JT526 Powers Bldg.".' Rochester. N. before the 1st day of May 1914 Dated Rochester. N. Y., Oct. 18th 1913 RALPH C MANN, Administrator with the Will annexed GEeRGE-fcr-MQRSEr Attorney for Administrator, etc. No. B26 Powers Bldg., Rochester*, N. Y. to mark the graves of ESTEIHRftNl Bell Phone 234-R 54 East Ave. FAIRPORT, U Y. - - We have decided to engage m'nrfl pxtfinsivfily in Patriarchs On July 22, 1900, his only child, a son 30 years of age, was... dro: while swimming in ttte iBk^zzMyrch 1906 his wife died whil¥ on a*visit to England. -At that time.he received letters from the late Geo. B. Wat- kins of Rochester, "and also-from the late C. N. Patterson of Silver.Lake, 4irglng^-him-to—return and home with them for the rest of his flifer - .This-he-ha87done-8pendfng-each business. Just ask - a grocer to" give you a one dollar pair of rubbers if yoU'ouy a pair of threl dollar shoes, or a hardware man to throw in a fifty cent hammer with a two dollar saw and see how quickly, they will do it. But some editors are perfectly wilK] ing, yes offer many times, to give a dollar's worth of advertising with a -two dollar job of printing..- Every Town Has a Few. -SADIES! _ . . Ask yonr Druggist for CHT-CHES-TRR S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RBD and GOLD metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Kibbon. i TAKB NO OTHKar Bayef^roior Dragglit and aik for OHI-OHES-TfiR S DIAMOND BBAKD PILLS, for twentv-^TQ years regarded as Best; SafestrAlways Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUgeiSIS TRD5D ,-A. good example-of-tryin^—to-giye HOW ABOUT THAT AU C<f I O N THIS SPRING? I-am-still-in- the business-as AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE N OTICE TO CREDITORS. - Pursuant to an or- der of Hon. Selden S. Brown, Surrogate of the County of Monroe.notice is hereby given.-ac- cording to law to all persons having claims or de- mands against William Agate, late ofjhe Village and ToWnof Pitteford« County of .M 0 nroe,-State of New York, deceased, to present the same with •ihjB.y,ouchgra .therefor, to the undersigned William-I J. Agate, executor of the. last will an,a testament' , WUR 'n j O. Agate, exiicuwrui uic mot ^ . . . Q..». V^ U .»...„... ^ l'KSTBJXi|^rWIllialn"AgaterdeccaHedrBt-hiB-place-for the transaction of business as such executor, at Nos. 27-30 Elwood Building. Rochester, N. Y.. on or be- fore the 21st day of August, 1914. Dated January 28, 1914. , WILLIAM J. AGATE, ... .'_ Executor SALISBURY &• AGATE,- Attorneyirfor Executor, Nos. 27-30 Elwood Building, Rochester, N. Y. •. If you wish to buy /"sell "of" ex7 change a farm or village r property, call on GEORGE A, JSLOCUMpAient ~ The Maili. MAILS ARRIVE. FKOM EAST : " ' 7.00 a m 8.65 a m M.23 2 25 p m ^.lOp-m FHOM WEST 7.00 a m - 9.52 a m winter with the Watkins -family, and eadh summer at the "Patterson home^. uringroutJn-a-harmlessj30.rt_flf_a wayJJ^.til? 8 crosset ^ whether the windn-have- been strong - er;-the temperature-lower and-the =iiihn6W«ide«ip<yi= the Atlanic ocean f i2 J .At the birthday gathering reminis people something for nothing, was il- lustrated in this place on Monday when it was noticed thatmen who sit about the Free Forum every day and a good part of the evening toasted their shins all day Monday and Monday tng^trthtrphjasantT^roms^furnis ed them free, but there was not one of them wbTr W0irl3 =:: -lendia hnndHi shovel off the snow from the thirty feet strip in front of the place and the owner N OTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or- ~'der'6f-HonTSeldetrSrBrtfwn, SurrottatH-Df- the County of .Monroe,'notice is'heVeby given, ac- • cording to law to all persons having claims or de- |tmands-againBt-SteHa-EV-ForrellHato-of-the-villftge of Fairport. County of Monroe, State of New Yorkr-deccnBcdr to -presenV-the - same -with=the. * rigned-^Exeeutorv 54-iasLAveiiue Fairport, N, Y. BELL PHONE-234-R ~ ~ 2 62 p m J. 16 p m MAILS DEPART. pOM WgHT* EOB_KAST- d.30a. m. "HfiO p m 9.80 am of the Forum "IF to send "Th'il 2LeU£fe4V ^ ld ^ 0 V^ng^pt^i g h4the^yj?M^m 1 friends of former. years participated. Re'vT~WT~WTRohlnTonr of-ferty w¥s | mgggggg ft' u i e inu iis ± _ . ..'—l century-. alongr--U3itT4ri3-kni tting".« until. J»e. i s where he is cutting much more of a IHJTI.-.I. II ••m.iini K | I , igurVin *hi*- ^fernal equation of exis- tence than he did a few months ago more than a few weeks ago, in fact. at his place for the_transaction of bdsiness as such Executor at No. 7 Pleasant St, Fairport, N. Y. on or before the 6th day of September, 1914. Dated February 25th,-19i4r : —- —'-^ ~ - DANIEL MrFARRELLr— . - . . .. Executor CHAS. w. BUTLER; -- - v ::.• -:_:-. Attorney for Executor. Fairport, N. Y. «^0-P-m- 2.30 p m 8.30 pm Sunday mails'arrlve at 7 am from the east and woBt. No mails dispatched.Sundays. . •^TATfr OF NEW YORK. Supreme Court . . P.^Countj^of 3 ^onroa.-^Mlnerea,^^iilpJreoge,j Plaintiff, against Thomas E. Ockenden and Agnes C. Ockenden, his wife,* The Despatch Lumber | ^^mr^y-And-F^rrftrLLUJnh^ FAIRPORT MARKET REPORT Wholeiale Prices aa Paid by Local Mer- men down to "clear it away, looks like the height of selfishness on t.^«w,,«A Uti«- Tf 4o oViAiVf H i l l 1 wTI' rtAtil^T Forum t .5uO,t ls~lhWrainiiat_coula r be expected probably.—Palmyra Cour <w*^-^l ler. MPMP Law Regulating Fashion©* i '',V. * Si •' -Tltere-wonU.be many_we6ks of ^in- t e r . ' Maybe- you will be pleased to UZheliT ';thiff'nasaTiranr:gr~po8sibly^r yqxx- would like no more anow -and ice and zero . temperature. You will -get . *'weather*'off and on, and it will clog the'streets and make walking "~"difn^ult : -am1 r .bTin^ newed activities, but winter of much a* duration is a thing of the past. Its backbone is almost fractured. There will-be some squalling and Each day counts mightily in the trans- Iu 1639 the general court of ^lassa- ^rnmtoh c~0^ ment shall be.madewlthshortaleevea; and such as have garments with short Stubborn, Annoying Coughi Cured. V My husband had a «ough for fifteen years and my son for eight years. -Drv^King-Ia^NawiIjiscaveryxompletely cur^'d them, for which I am most »A B o o n / o A l l SPECTACLE N Wearers ' _ Jri pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly granted In thealjoWelrnUlcd'ScMonand . entered ifith6 office oL-the Monroe-CoontyClcrkH on the 10th day. of February. 1H14 I. E; J. FiSk," the undersigned referee in said judgment named, 3^!l3ffi&nfesnmni3raElinnrn±±hrfr theiown halUn the yillage of Fairport. N. Y., on lh^r28lh^ay^r^rKttnT^9t^Ol6^IbcTBrrih^ i.noon of thnt day, tho premises described -in said tswitnsnori thankfu , .. wr ites Mrs. David Moor, sleeves shall not wear them unless a J . » ... „> tt _^ ^ or ^. lhey_coYeOhTal'fflno"Ure"wtlBtr-ATid hereafter; no person whatever shall make any garment for .women with sleeves more than half an ell wide (twenty-two and a half inches)." If laws -regulating; f&shlona^were: passed today, how many women would bo fined for law-breaking? ... . . t Try us for Job Printinpr. . Saginaw.^Ala What.Dr..:King!a. NeW~DlBi:oveTy^irHor"thestr~men7-itj will; do for ypu, "DrrKing's New Discovery should be in every home; Stops hacking coughs, relieves la grippe. and.^al(..Uiroa.t-:andx-lung:ail?u ments. Money back if it fails. All druggists;' ";PIiw^Oc^nd^TT_O0r^tir E. Bucklen Ai Co., Philadelphia or St n Louis. -/Advertisement. . - ' / ' ^ V •^P^^Wn —••• •• •»—•——mmmmmmm^ —i———K— Patients Eyes Examined and Glasses or Spec- •tacle8-prdperiy~ntted, Only where needed v"At .Moderate-iPricer—fr jlWUUi H H H . U U/ t Uiu iHvimo^a «««.««*•••»««- ... -™ - judginenT^ToiloWsT^i^xnnhTir^FBcror^^ of land, situate in the Town of Penfield. < ounty — ' .BrW'awrauus uM.few.. l Yutkjjiiid;lmtn«vB ... GRAINS Corn .McaLperJon.. .......... _ Middlings, per ten;..:;.c£v,~*i* Bran, per tonV...•....'...."»."..." .$34.00-. 80.00 .28.00.: 44- Corn, per bu. " ~ " K - ^ * ' - - - . - " -•••-• WhcaC pSr"b"u..'. .VTTrT^TTr ~K & Hot Nor'40-Jn-iownflhip-N<»r4»Jt»4ha4<m»Ui range of townships in the town of Penfield, bounded, and described as follows:. Commencing, in tho center of the highway known as the Five Mile Line Road at the south cast comer of lands ot.Charlea,J._UrckfiU._thence westerly jon the, -south-Hnc of ^ald -Urckflteland fllwoThnndVed^feet to a-point; thence Bouthcrly In a-straight Iin6 and parallel with the Five Mile Line Road sixty six feet to a point; thence easterly in a straight line and parallel with said Urckfitz south lino two hundred feet to the center of-tho_Eiyfl..MlleLine, 1 .Road^enceJtJorthfiriyJn ^Uic.center_olJbiafwej Mile Line Road,- sixty six feet to the place of be- ginning. ' iv'i ' S.••'• ' . Being tho samflpremises conveyed to Thomaa B. Ockenden by 'Charles J.UrckfiU and wife by Deed d&ted April 177^605," recorded in Monroe County. Clerk's office May 4,1905. in Liber 705- of Deeds atPagelBSrs^^—^^^^rr^^t^i-^^^^—* Dated February 10,1914. •', * . - . "„ ' -'••• :.—..,•'••• I .'•^rr.'v.r^'rR J. FISK. r _^,„^. >Jv ..,., T ...^..^ T ..^-_—..i c: —„ -.-Referee; ,CIt VS. W.BUTLER, .1 - - ^ r lAttorney for Plaintiff, ..,. : "•-:.;, ' ' .ELQIIB .PROVISIONS. Butter, per lbr.-r.; .r.~.-r.y........ Eggs, per doz.;-.-.».•.*»..•»>....;. .-.80 '.28 FARM J R O D U C E " Potatoes,.\.., '.$.60 MEATS AND TOULTRY (Fairport, N; Y<\ OalveaipeT cwtvrHvenr^rrrMTV^^r^^— I=©.00 =5= Calvca,-percwt^ressedr.-nT7.. ,' — • ••—'-HiOO-— Pprlc, per 1Wdressed;;.v»v ;v^;;ri•:"/--.%ll>< ? h . ( Chickens, per lb., live ........... r ; ;, •-•16 , I .Fowls, per lb., l l v o .......... > .... v .14 : M>:0&i

flKKSBUniffi&sl · rs.\.i .J. .-. bjjg di8turban.ce, but-the blamed thing TrrrTnTithEa weyiaTe^berfareezesr th at^are-lr! ^^^^P^ 5Wfi7ft«fr •rrito^'p>M>gf|p&; is^t^^ccpjnpIiabjad^C^Ubjaat

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Page 1: flKKSBUniffi&sl · rs.\.i .J. .-. bjjg di8turban.ce, but-the blamed thing TrrrTnTithEa weyiaTe^berfareezesr th at^are-lr! ^^^^P^ 5Wfi7ft«fr •rrito^'p>M>gf|p&; is^t^^ccpjnpIiabjad^C^Ubjaat

rs.\.i .J. .-.

bjjg di8turban.ce, but-the blamed thing

TrrrTnTithEa weyiaTe^berfareezesr th at^are-lr!

^^^^P^ 5Wfi7ft«fr •rrito^'p>M>gf|p&;

is^t^^ccpjnpIiabjad^C^Ubjaat discern^ m A T"»-J J. ¥ ^ _ 2 „ „ „ « . * - «!*'« Jv"% 1̂ ™ ' « r t A ' / l W r i t

Entered at the Postofflce at Fairport, * second-class mall matter.

" Member Western New ¥6rK Nuwsuupui Tub-ishers' Association.

—Qffl™ -> No. 16 North,.Main Street-

mind if they will take ordinary pre

of dread possibilities'to-the^ indiffer-r

-v... . . . T ^ — i i it i. •,_ i r4nnt~nrrlH-hp-rnrelesa.—--"It"-will be a Local rand Long Distance Telephones.; ueuati»-K] ° n * " n n " l r V p t ' C . J ,-,

Home 4-A.

Subscription, $ 1 . 0 0 • ye«r and pro rata

Single copiesfive cento.—T-

mingling of warmth, wito cold, snow" and rain, ice and slush. As a com­bination for the propogation of grip,

[pneumonia and kindred ills it has'no

•gap @

^^ggAU^commjmi SHF f̂or publfcallon-upon^anH t ^ r ^ c m t i e ^ g a i % ^ ^ p ^ {

^ " • K S ' a r . ' ^ ^ ^ g r J f ^ S ^ r b a a k i h g " i n early sttlllM orsprlngTiiff


T(Bril5S^''con8lst8 ;iii; th6 f* ..-)...

.^^-C^lel^P^«dlctlo,ni^!E^iled. , ' =MPlie==in6tnei



j—iTeTomflB^is^tmnntHtiver^ttr gains strength by repetition.,-; This does not "mean the rep'Ov '• * tition" of one advef ttsemehtr—

"lh^egnltelyr"^ar^haTige^^r: ^ "copy Is desirable. I t 'means ' --

j-antUher^hlgh^flnklt that she' be killed.

"A'iittle^caref^B^ittle-patience^and jTiriKtrsijiM

in«rderthat-tne readeranay Know wiiu ia-n>e-author -aud who ia responsible for the sentiments-therein expressed, •

THE HERALD job rooms are well equipped- for -grkflHlB-pfgwUjob-printing. ,. _.._..




looking brrck-TJver-a-^winter that has been exceptional'the country over-—ai "seasonr tbat "even now haB -brought-floods-and riPRtrnfttion jn_Cftl-.{

tke continued advertising of pne's business in as effective a_manner. as possible^

t s ^ p e j ^ n ^ b a

years: another opened Obis Ito^^^gt^WjrekT^Botif^pjay

4>We^ually^iQnfl8t^eqwaUy^^ §^^^^^^^S^^^|^^^

« l f ? l ^ W ^ 5 F F T C E S S


ifornia and icy breezes in far-off Flor­ida.:: ..-•-. • - •- : ,

A Bad Time to be "Broke.

-of-eredlt and custpnL —But which has the, betteCrepnta^ tion? Naturally the man who



I : -yOBKJUBjOhe^Crace.otGod^Pree and I n ­dependent. To William" P. Hitchcock; Mary L.


^fthe-Towh^f^perinto^N.T.pM&raie^Hitcte rOtek^WJUian^igBitehoack^h^ _nrHolra-«. „ in the estate

• a m o n n r P R nriO m a n a .xuuniw n u u u j VILVM BUU ICTJUUWI W „ V V ^ ^ »

l e - m e O B S g a ^ n ^ t f B ^ b«forc^ho:SarT6gar**f o^«^UiUsuDt4t0ira>e^in: irtt- arid_^onlmanQSO. ^urTogata^^iur^nnih^iTthday-oLApjciUaii. . ^., Tit ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, at the

• •••"- Q.,__«—-*~> in i_ * u - r«jt„ „# n ^ . k o a l » tttnn

B e s t P a m U y X a w t i v e ' _ ^

Beware of coristipation. -Use Dr.

„ v , v -^_^- -»^ . f l i t chcx fck» late: of^ttis.

ceased.: i. Oreetinsr^^'^.-K; ^ ^ ^ f r * ^ ^ , ^^ S w , .You are; hereby cited arid; required ̂ to appear

; . , • ; - , . ) , . ; . . u3&'8$&

O^IN^SJlpLgDS^ .-^• ;

:11 rhone ge&V̂ J ;,ty> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o m e ^ g f a ^ n « t 8 8 ^

a v fc^i* v v i w n , m LHO AV&cxaw«a \J** v*-i*»w «*»/ * - • Surrogate's office in the City of Ebchester, then ^nd-4hero-^to-«U«od • tho judicial-aottloraent-o

King's New Life Pills and keep well. Mrs. Charles E. Smith.; of West Franklin, . Me, , ." calls them " O u r

has-Jieeff doIn» business in >hP Rnme building for tweni:

era iand-^Maric„JNorris^ne^t_deEEhr^: a^c75rnTJ8liy^a^^ouBgrio^pJe20jii-"thei wedding- tr ip We would counsel that they Take tneir pockeT"bT5o~ks-Blong. o at least a li t t le -change, to "make things easier-for-the grnom—A_yD.unglJ

{-man—just-married—is-^pt, to—need j \ i l j his spare ; c a s h , a n d ^ o r ^ b j m c j i ^ o f

ty years. It Is the result of. persistency, the__ iHev^ab]^ cumulatly^eff e c t -—"--- -r?

- You can't get away from it —your reputation .will either

"25c AirdruggisfT , j p ^ B u ^ k T l n ^ ^ ^ o ^ i n ^ e m h j g W ^ ^

the accounts of Edward 'L. Dudley a?, the ExecU_-tor6fthe~estateof Balddeceasedr~Andif anjrof-•the aforesaid persons are under the age of twenty * one yeai'ap^iirieea^^r^dtherwTse incompetent •they-wilLplea an tv If a nnHnW thnf thpy »r« reanired *.i _ _ : ^ > _ - _ » t _ « i i i t t i t . u _ „ « - » » » \ » J — - " • , • ' • - - - ^ . — - ^ i • • • • . • • • • . j . . . ^ i ^ w ^ M . » •>^~.

to appear by their genaral guardian, if they have one. and if they.-have none.' that :they apply, for the appointment of a special guardian; or in the event of their neglect or failure to do so. a.special

^rdian wDl. be appointed by_the Surrogate 'to

Resldfant; Picinb Tuner T y n y<fftTR'. tuning experience l u ' . a x - . .

piano factory. My work is your guarantee for satis-

faetofy^service. . r * : : - •,-.:-.-. - - i -


-fcnni R^-^-j^^^wp^tscnsgnt^x^CT^ l l l^bWltegs^zHoi ir lBe lden^SpBr^^

- S ^ _ - - - _ 35»"

"at" hi s^^pl ace,*"""thre©:—rnileB-north^O; JllMacedon—Center, l j miles enRt. .of

•^fgpp-elteT p r - wo^rSe^^s^our 8 ^ business—methods—r.become^-r—

^raWffTTiepetltlou impresses the facT~even on^the^careless

"observer. Remember th is in~^-f your advertising. Doq't ex-pect to make a fortufTe by

^^Auction. . ^H ^ Chas. P. Hacker will offer for sale

jvne..effort., but use it ns one

heartless young men to work him tor — - . . — ~ _ • • — — — • x • ' • • • • ' - . — • • • » . •

. v .^f^^8«enough^<wmaka-thfi^hrJiie= J ^ h ^ n e m ^ f o r _ l i t e , L Whehjloy FeJ^ lers and his bride left Sodu?~Wednes" day* eveni ngTifie' youngTiTen'merrtioned above accompanied them^on the t rain

zZ3GKnflPB~~A~~r!lark was~Hrman~who "believed in the- " d o it for Fairport ' 7

idea, and what 's more, he practised' big hpljpf. Snfh a man is a big asset

JtO a community, and one whom it can ill afford~to-lose.

*_ ^

and-tr iedto-make It as interesting as possible Aintl QhtJ -tfaiji Htartedf'and-a li t t le while afterward, when they found the joke was decidedly on them,

"2 stone to help build the tower ^liiit^wui^rhlsfi—vou*z,hlgher-

-"ii 11U* u*fT*»yrr:

West Walworth, and two miles west of Wal yorth Thursday, March 26, at



3?f t t£^igarr i^" e tflo^aahdqiiPBrS^ ^ H w i ^ n i H ^ r g e ^ s —dredariJiSirteen.-T**'*

• - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ N I H I E W ^ U D Q L P H , -»." : Clerk* Surrogate's Court.

E. J. FISK. Att'y. for Executor- - .

PURSUATST TOAN ORDER of Hon. Selden S. Brown, Surrogate of the County*of Monroe,

v"' •?~r~ z 'Jv~~-rfir* ZI~*'^ry~T-7v^'- i - r j l:notice, la hereby-given according to.law to alLper-1 o'clocITp."- to'. iEv^teamTSf 6 -year-0 la" sons having ciaimaTbr demandsagatnBt Mary-Ar i_r i • . . » "OKnft'it;." - t n . n »««)«••« Butts, late of. the village of Faimort, County of b lack m a r e s , - 2 5 0 0 l b s . , tWO COWB, R Monroe, Stale of New York, deceased, to present

- - • • • • - . • • J _ „ _ j. the same with the vouchers therefor to the un-

j-tJon-of-busineaa-as^ueh-exeeutorT-at-tr. ficeof-E.-J*-Fisk4n the-villago-ofJairpQrt,.N—Y., nn nr haf.,rn tho9.nA Hpy nf .Tilly, 1914.

Dated December 29.1913.

i^aQHgycoivigi lojti letlf i j

Th».moat liberal Haaith jmd Aco'ldont Polloyeyor laauod, and a t low boat.

gonr-Wiard-plowi—LeRoy—neversible-[ f r u l k y ^ p l o ^ ^ I i e & k s a k e , l^Korse cuir

tivator, McCormick^bJiider,^hay_ rack u

set-dump-board&i—grind-stone, 16-ft, ladder, double harness, 2 single har­ness, 2 horse blankets, buffalo robe, bush hook, hay fork, corn planter, fanning mill, wood stove, 3 log


. EPHRAIMJ. FISK ;E.xecutprjof-the last Will nt

Mary A. Butts, "deceased

^0\-v^;& SHAW.

- - - Funeral DirectorB -ajrjpjS-ano offlce in^Sjlavv^ga^^block,

dence——-^~, THinBROWK*

* - T I , V ^ J -


; croagcut saw. ^ ^ D ^ s h e l S ^ ^ g ^ ^ o j ^ F^feol^idH IT -in-r i u«i^ onfn riooh rthnrn l to bresent tne^


X Brown, Surrogate of the County o a , , ' " " B

' « " ^ L ~ ""' ' ~ . " I notice is hereby given, according to «w7To all haTn9f~~^et^QQQ^HK^wagoii-^P~^gSf4s>er^

. . - 1 nnh PI Mnnon Into nf thA viUngP nf Fftirport

N ORDER of HonVSeMJn S. 1 ^ • T TVI i r V r ? ^ f > , T ateof the County oTMjnroe; V J i V C f E i ' l v ^ en. according to 4Bw, to all " "̂

J I J A Y rT^TirP^^f^U^H----- { T b a r r e l - c J ^ n V w a t e r cream separator , j at his place for the transaction of business . . , _ _ « . »,^w— v/i-Ar-. ' ' : • ' • n - ^ l «'"̂ h pypgiifor-at-thH-Banking Office of -BeWifr

— B U S I N E S S - N E X T — Y E A R . potato coverer, spring tooth harrow,

as „ , . „ k „ ! , „ » # - T n P n v ' sucb executor, at tlm Banking Offlce^rf-BeWittrO? 2 d o z e n , m i l k ^ p a n 8 , „ h a y _ k j j U & _ i » e K o y Becker,„in-the-villageOf-Fairport,.:N.-X..on.nr.

pairHpob—sleigh8, : Poland—jguttf]^

t " ' " F l y swa t t ing" has arrived^-—Each

fly killed now when it crawjs forth ^into-snme^^j^h^ai^^ ijgQjm^icojQC T^ winter nap means many million less flies to destroy later. The housefly is


fc held responsible in part for infantile paralysis. The " b l u e b o t t l e " fly is another grievous offender and both are . g r e a t menace- to- l i fe . Remember ;he-^a*iom~of ' ' Sa f ety^First ' ===£§4

as the car doors were locked and'they w^re~b^tng~taken-farr-far-from-homer

without a cent in their pockets, or sothey told-ihe conductor.- The- groom rose to the occasion and paid* their fares to East Williamson,'and thither they were carried, wily-nily. We im^ersTalr^flfey^^^ Record.

^pen^buggy, - 5ft .chickehs., - 3&-Va*fl* -ET-VTT^ISK; — . . • » i I — . i . e 1 U „ U -A * J - I , „ J „ _ . I T rag carpet^ , quanti ty~pf "hbUBehqld

goods, and other /grtjjelesv Eight _ jonths—credi t ^ r r^ums^v^ i r7 -$5700r The auctioneer will be C. C; Law-

~the "clerk teander Baker.

R Office in kear or residence


Bell P h o n e N o . 2 4 3 - W . ' H o m e , 3 0 - X

before the 26th day of July, 1914. Dated January 20.1914. ' .

•-—-- " "Executorir-

Atfyrfor Executorr-Fairport, 1̂ . Y.

Auct ion .

" s w a t the fly." * " * *


William Hagreen, having sold his f a rm.wi 11- off er-f or -sale on the-prem-

TVTQT1CE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant toanor-l^ deref'Honr Selden SrBrown7-Snrrogatedof the County of Monroe, notice is hereby given,'ac­cording to law to all persons having claims or de­mands against Edward J. Hawkins, late of the Town of Perintoh, County of Monroe, State of New York, deceased, to present the same With

-=-• • ^ - ™-r- —~ . . . • - . . ^ . - . — - — ! _ : a—1.1 —

|Wt f«^ar i^B^ ^wereirantrTailors:

Suits,MadBitO:OrderJtomr$17 to_$35__, CLEAN IN G A N D RE P AIMING ™"

1 6 S . NtAIN^STT1

Already D o n e .

"Far 'mers will do well to postpone

the vouchers thereior. to the underslgned^atrhis place for the transaction of business as such ex­ecutor atrNo. 7 Pleasant st... Fairport,-N.Y., on

tKv^ r ^ r ^ f i h - ^ -%

A ^ ^ e T a T M h ^ t f f l ^ S v ^ ^ Rochester-Union &Advert isex^_iio_t

—-A- Jersey-preacher, whose reference in a public address to the morality of public school children stirred up t h e _ 4 a U r h e w a s taken to England, where

An interesting gathering took place last Saturday at the home of Mrs. S. J. PattersQH.st-Siiver_Lake Assembly. J±_wa8-J;he__celebration of the =80th birthday of Rev. W. B. 'Ulitt. —-Mr.-Gliff-was—born at Tarrytown r

N. Y., March 7th, 1834 (the place and- year-of—florn-Ghauncey-Bep birth). His mother dying three years

field Brick church on the Salt road Tuesday^ Mareh-4.7r eommencing-at-1-

jr- union « - ^ v « i « « a a _ ^ a J i L i c , o c k - P" m t h e following property: Most of the farmers up t h T s i ^ ^ y horser -13-years ,^ 100-lbs,-cow

12 years, due March 20, 2-year-old much way, did their' s'pfing" plowingr~last fall. -Dansville AdveHlsert -


town of his residence to an H ^ s T T T - ™ ; - ; - ; ^

~Someone"has~a"dva7nced~the- opinion that the letter- " e l ' is the most un-oFturiate 1e"tter^n"trIe"Erifli§h~alpha

bet, because i t . is always out of cash,

heifer, lumber wagon _wi.tb_.bjax. and top box, .top buggy, democrat wagon,

CHAS W. BUTLER, -AttorBey-for*-Executor—-fairport, N. X. : Dated Nov.»28th, 1913.


J^AJCESTATR Df Bs,irn~.fia Y nn TI F o r - a n up-to-date residence or a

J O H N E HAW-rSsT^ B f o ^ k T ^ u i f a W ^ r i i c l l - T ^ ® 1 ^ - - « ™ - n t a , - l n e B S m o c b j ft N o j b u i l d i n g l o t or


cutter, •dou01e-mirnea, neavy-single harness~single"harness"l-horse-bob8r neck yoke^ set fly nets. 2 sets whiflie-trees,"" riding"cultivator, two-1-horse

l a i c —'— C K t i u u y t - v M v t i w —•«- • .» • •>• • _.—.—— _ _ _ , ——.—_

action of business as. such Administrators at 911 uc i , u c t a u ^ .v..*- « . . . U J ^ — , , v „ . . . . „ v , — , r . 4- |914WilderBldg.tRorhester,N. Y., on or before the fnrp.ver in debt, never out of danger.! plnxPTrHpr.inp;—^ooth-dr^g—-spike tooth iRtdnv nf .Tnnn 1914 and in hell all the time. For some J— 1—• i™* <••">'' «<• O^OIMR . 2 1 ««»««-»*

VIOTICETO CREDITORS-Pursuant toanor--1^ derof Hon:SeldenSrBrown.Surrogat©of-the County of Monroe, notice is hereby given, accord-ing to law to all persons having claims or demands against Stephen A. Hunt, late '6f ""trfe—rown ior"

^erinton,_County_of-M.onroe,_Stete of New York, deceased, to present the same with -the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned Cornelia M. Hunt and'Frank"Mr'Hunt, Administrators, of the es-'

"late bfisaid"decedent"a:t'thelr~place^forthe trans=-


ui ma l c a . u c . iv . t w m. . . . .*- . . h e receiveams eoucauon anuumnicu . a n d i n n e l l a l i t n e time. For some drag, marker, nay ra.cK, aeu BL-UIBB,-^

t in t i s w e r e s h o w n to be witli OUt . „ _ J n o m a fr» Por i - I ) TwVlorp h p . ' W f l S B I l I _• * t L _ 1.11 „™ *—„ n n l l Uia a H a n t i n n I #«« l , n nniMiiVtar r r r o i n hflCT!) fVlflin. R l a n -coriditiotis were shown to De without foundation, undertook on Sunday to put himself right before his congre gation. explaining that " a wrong in-] d f t y . Cf>hnn]

terpretation had been .pu t on speech, with serious r e s u l t s . "

his He

and came to Perry, where he was en gaged in busihess~for eight years.~He was superintendent of the M. E. Sun

ior_a—year or—two,—and

-insisted that he had merely spoken-or a rumor-reaching his ears--about the conduct of a few high school girls.

preached for several", years at St. He-lena. Gibsonville and for the -Free-

-We-do not think t4ie cxp.anat ion '-n |gm

wi|l Baptists at Oatka, taking his Sun­day rounds on horseback. After a re­vival and addition of over 50 to the

o f j h e j e t t e r , as we call his attention to the~fact " e " is never i i f - war aria" always in* peace. I t is the beginning of existence, the commencement of easeand the end~6f_trouble. Without i t-there would be no meat, no life aridT" eer will be William Redder and

m ^T?prra^h^^P«ftohflr.»^Hft^f>nfo.KKHa^thftti he passed along a " r u m o r " affecting the character of a number of young

-women without investigating iU He


gave it such respectability as his" cloth could confer on it, to the injury of a number of persons from the cir­cumstances of the case unable to de-

. fend themselves. His .remarks threw suspicion on all the pupils of the school to which he referred— Nor can|-^ he, or any other man, tell today the f ul 1 .extent .of _ theTTaTmlTiir^lKgrvirigF may occasion.

The minister enjoys, through cus-, torn, a latitude of statement not al­

lowed to other professions. Its. liber­ty in this respect imposes a corres­ponding responsibility. Certainly the light repetition~of scandalous tales is an offense not to be. overlooked or permitted to pass uncondemned.

jsoTryi rrerr-a-su ffveientr MUIII "was "Biibscribed^for^the^buildtng-of a small church, when the paper mill company failed and the employees scattered, so that the project was abandoned.

Mr. Cliff was one of a committee appointed to look over the site of the present Assembly ground, - and report 88 to the advisability "of -obtaining it for camp-meeting - purposes, and was one of the first tcrbuild a cottage; He hj^_preached more sermons there than

no heaven. I t is the center of hon­esty, makes love perfect and without i t there could be no editors, devils nor "riffws.—.Exchange Z H Z ~ H "

cultivators, potato hiller, plow, shovel plewT^spring—tooth-dragr-^siiikR tooth, im.mj ... ....••• ••••.. j • • 1 i _ : i "•••* rt^r „ oT CORNELIA M.HUNT. I . . . . • -drag, marker, hay rack, set sca les , .2 . FRANK M. HUNT, /Administrators

in first-class'companies/call on 70HN^ DIXON—"^^ :^~Fafrport-NT-YTr

Monuments i 1 .^ JUiis_seld6maiiiiee6Ltliat^=^.

attection respect fail to inspire the living

Ml-9i4Wild^"_Building forks crowbar grain bags chain. Blab* chard churn, 6 chairs, 2~-heT}steffllsff^^ parior_lampr-2-hand-lamp8r—andinunv erous small articles, .credit on sums above

Eight "TO^nths The aucti

Works Both Ways The following, from our brother ed­

itor of the Interlaken Review, is right

clerk Jay Hurlbut.

VIOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or-i ^ der of Hon. Selden S. Brown. _ Surrogate of

LCounty of Monroe, notice is hereby given ac-d<ng to law, tp nil porsons having Hnims.nr

flKKSBUniffi&sl ^-flSS^v. • atNoTB2BPo

any other-minister.—Tn 1872 he re-

<* * 4*

rt^iinh-jp-rirliftr: tho light comes in the mornings and. how much longer it stays. The days are longer'' and as

"the sun comes north they lengthen out. Pre t ty soon the slush, and rains and the warm sunshine of "breaking-up t i m e " will be here and they will

~~ aelrianil attention because uf "lllti dis-- comforts they will bring and the dam-

r r — a g e t h e y will" threa tenr ^=—^ - ^ While we have been discussing the

softness or the rigots-of winter t~fig-

linquished his business and joined the Genesee jconference. ...He is now on the retired list, having been a mem­ber of the Methodist church 71 years, and as a local or itinerant minister has preached the gospel 63 years, hav­ing commenced to preach at the age of 17. His name appears in the Con­ference Minutes in the list of " T h e 12

to the point: . ,+Tt's a good—id get your free notices where you get your printing, or else get your print­ing done where you get the free no­tices." This rule 'works both "ways." —Lyndonville Enterprise. Yes, we have-wondered why-some editors give­away what costs them money and then "sav there is no"lnom;y~iirTh'e~Trrtmrng



column vw- *»TT. .** «..,*«*«—.— D—~—.— — demands against (William Henry Mann, late of the Town of Pittsford. County of Monroe, State of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned- Ralph C. Mann. Administrator, with the will annexed of William Henry Mann, deceased, at his place lor

fariB t̂ToTrofPXnstness as-such-AdTnlnlstrator JT526 Powers Bldg.".' Rochester. N.

before the 1st day of May 1914 Dated Rochester. N. Y., Oct. 18th 1913

RALPH C MANN, Administrator with the Will annexed

GEeRGE-fcr-MQRSEr Attorney for Administrator, etc. No. B26 Powers Bldg., Rochester*, N. Y.

to mark the graves of

ESTEIHRftNl Bell Phone 234-R 54 East Ave.


We have decided to engage m'nrfl pxtf insivf i ly i n

Patriarchs On July 22, 1900, his only child,

a son 30 years of age, was... dro: while swimming in ttte iBk^zzMyrch 1906 his wife died whil¥ on a*visit to England. -At that time.he received letters from the late Geo. B. Wat-kins of Rochester, "and also-from the late C. N. Patterson of Silver.Lake, 4irglng^-him-to—return and home with them for the rest of his

flifer -.This-he-ha87done-8pendfng-each

business. Just ask - a grocer to" give you a one dollar pair of rubbers if yoU'ouy a pair of th re l dollar shoes, or a hardware man to throw in a fifty cent hammer with a two dollar saw and see how quickly, they will do it. But some editors are perfectly wilK] ing, yes offer many times, to give a dollar 's worth of advertising with a -two dollar job of p r in t i ng . . -

— Every T o w n Has a F e w .

- S A D I E S ! _ . . Ask yonr Druggist for CHT-CHES-TRR S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RBD and GOLD metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Kibbon.i T A K B NO OTHKar Bayef^roior Dragglit and aik for OHI-OHES-TfiR S DIAMOND BBAKD PILLS, for twentv-^TQ years regarded as Best; SafestrAlways Reliable.


,-A. good example-of-tryin^—to-giye



I-am-still-in- the business-as AUCTIONEER


NOTICE TO CREDITORS. - Pursuant to an or­der of Hon. Selden S. Brown, Surrogate of

the County of Monroe.notice is hereby given.-ac­cording to law to all persons having claims or de­mands against William Agate, late ofjhe Village and ToWnof Pitteford« County of .M0nroe,-State of New York, deceased, to present the same with •ihjB.y,ouchgra .therefor, to the undersigned William-I J. Agate, executor of the. last will an,a testament' , WUR ' n j O. Agate , ex i i cuwrui u i c mot ^ . . . Q..». V ^ U . » . . . „ . . .

^ l'KSTBJXi|^rWIllialn"AgaterdeccaHedrBt-hiB-place-for the transaction of business as such executor, at Nos. 27-30 Elwood Building. Rochester, N. Y.. on or be­fore the 21st day of August, 1914. Dated January 28, 1914.

, WILLIAM J. AGATE, ....'_ Executor

SALISBURY &• AGATE,-Attorneyirfor Executor, Nos. 27-30 Elwood Building, Rochester, N. Y. • •.

If you wish to buy /"sell "of" ex7 change a farm or village r

property, call on


~ The Maili. MAILS ARRIVE.


7.00 a m 8.65 a m M.23 2 25 p m ^.lOp-m


7.00 a m -9.52 a m

winter with the Watkins -family, and eadh summer at the "Patterson home^.

uringroutJn-a-harmlessj30.rt_flf_a wayJJ^.t i l?8 c r o s s e t ^ whether the windn-have- been strong

- e r ; - t h e tempera ture- lower and-the =iiihn6W«ide«ip<yi=

the Atlanic ocean f i 2

J .At the birthday gathering reminis

people something for nothing, was il-lustrated in this place on Monday when it was noticed t h a t m e n who s i t about the Free Forum every day and a good part of the evening toasted their shins all day Monday and Monday

tng^trthtrphjasantT^roms^furnis ed them free, but there was not one of them wbTr—W0irl3=::-lendia hnndHi shovel off the snow from the thirty feet s tr ip in front of the place and the owner

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or-~'der'6f-HonTSeldetrSrBrtfwn, SurrottatH-Df-

the County of .Monroe,'notice is'heVeby given, ac-• cording to law to all persons having claims or de-|tmands-againBt-SteHa-EV-ForrellHato-of-the-villftge

of Fairport. County of Monroe, State of New Yorkr-deccnBcdr to -presenV-the - same -with=the.

* rigned-^Exeeutorv

54-iasLAveiiue Fairport, N, Y. BELL PHONE-234-R ~ ~

2 62 p m J . 16 p m


d.30a. m. "HfiO p m

9.80 a m

of the Forum "IF

to send "Th'il

2LeU£fe4V ^ l d ^ 0 V ^ n g ^ p t ^ i g h 4 t h e ^ y j ? M ^ m

1 friends of former. years participated. Re'vT~WT~WTRohlnTonr of- fer ty w¥s

| mgggggg f t ' u i e inu iis±_ . ..'—l

century-. alongr--U3itT4ri3-kni t t ing".« until. J»e. i s where he is cutting much more of a

I H J T I . - . I . I I ••m.i ini K | I , •

igurVin *hi*- ^fernal equation of exis-tence than he did a few months ago more than a few weeks ago, in fact.

at his place for the_transaction of bdsiness as such Executor at No. 7 Pleasant S t , Fairport, N. Y. on or before the 6th day of September, 1914. Dated February 25th,-19i4r : — - —'-^

~ - DANIEL MrFARRELLr— . - . . .. Executor CHAS. w . B U T L E R ; -- - v ::.• -:_:-. Attorney for Executor.

Fairport, N. Y.


2.30 p m 8.30 p m

Sunday mails'arrlve at 7 am from the east and woBt. No mails dispatched.Sundays. .

•^TATfr OF NEW YORK. Supreme Court . . P.^Countj^of3^onroa.-^Mlnerea,^^iilpJreoge,j Plaintiff, against Thomas E. Ockenden and Agnes C. Ockenden, his wife,* The Despatch Lumber | ^^mr^y-And-F^rrftrLLUJnh^


Wholeiale Prices aa Paid by Local Mer-

men down to "clear it away, looks like the height of selfishness on

t.^«w,,«A Uti«-— Tf 4o oViAiVf H i l l 1 wTI' rtAtil^T Forum t . 5uO, t l s ~ l h W r a i n i i a t _ c o u l a r

be expected probably.—Palmyra Cour <w*^ -^ l

ler. M P M P

Law Regulating Fashion©*

i '',V.

* Si •' •

-Tltere-wonU.be many_we6ks of ^ in­t e r . ' Maybe- you will be pleased to

UZheliT ';thiff'nasaTiranr:gr~po8sibly^ryqxx-would like no more anow -and ice and zero . temperature. You will -get

. * 'wea ther* 'o f f and on, and it will clog t h e ' s t r e e t s and make walking

"~"difn^ult:-am1r.bTin^ newed activities, but winter of much

a* duration is a thing of the past. I t s backbone is almost fractured. There w i l l - b e some squalling and

Each day counts mightily in the trans- Iu 1639 the general court of ^lassa-

^ r n m t o h c ~ 0 ^ ment shall be.madewlthshortaleevea; and such as have garments with short

Stubborn, Annoying Coughi Cured. V My husband had a «ough for fifteen

years and my son for eight years. -Drv^King-Ia^NawiIjiscaveryxompletely cur^'d them, for which I am most

»A Boon / o A l l S P E C T A C L E N Wearers '

_ Jri pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly granted In thealjoWelrnUlcd'ScMonand . entered ifith6 office oL-the Monroe-CoontyClcrkH on the 10th day. of February. 1H14 I. E; J. FiSk," the undersigned referee in said judgment named, 3^!l3ffi&nfesnmni3raElinnrn±±hrfr theiown halUn the yillage of Fairport. N. Y., on lh^r28lh^ay^r^rKttnT^9t^Ol6^IbcTBrrih^

i.noon of thnt day, tho premises described -in said

t s w i t n s n o r i t h a n k f u , . . w r i t e s Mrs. David Moor, sleeves shall not wear them unless aJ . » . . . „>tt_^ ^


^ .

lhey_coYeOhTal'fflno"Ure"wtlBtr-ATid hereafter; no person whatever shall make any garment for .women with sleeves more than half an ell wide (twenty-two and a half inches)." If laws -regulating; f&shlona^were: passed today, how many women would bo fined for law-breaking? . . . .

. t

Try us for Job Printinpr.

. Saginaw.^Ala What.Dr. . :King!a. NeW~DlBi:oveTy^irHor"thestr~men7-itj will; do for ypu, "D r rK i ng ' s New Discovery should be in every home; Stops hacking coughs, relieves la grippe. and.^al(..Uiroa.t-:andx-lung:ail?u ments. Money back if i t fails. All druggists; ' " ;PI iw^Oc^nd^TT_O0r^t i r E. Bucklen Ai Co., Philadelphia or S t n

Louis. -/Advertisement. . - ' / ' ^ V

•^P^^Wn —••• • • •»—•——mmmmmmm^ — i — — — K —

Patients Eyes Examined and Glasses or Spec-•tacle8-prdperiy~ntted,

Only where needed

v"At .Moderate-iPricer—fr

j l W U U i H H H . U U / t U i u i H v i m o ^ a « « « . « « * • • • » « « - . . . - ™ — -

judginenT^ToiloWsT^i^xnnhTir^FBcror^^ of land, situate in the Town of Penfield. < ounty — ' .BrW'awrauus uM.few..lYutkjjiiid;lmtn«vB


Corn .McaLper Jon. . . . . . . . . . . . _ Middlings, per ten;..:;.c£v,~*i* Bran, per tonV...•....'...."»."..."

.$34.00-. 80.00

.28.00.: 44 -

Corn, per bu. — " ~ " K - ^ * — ' — - • • - - . - • " • • - • • • - •

WhcaC pSr"b"u..'. • .VTTrT^TTr



Hot Nor'40-Jn-iownflhip-N<»r4»Jt»4ha4<m»Ui range of townships in the town of Penfield, bounded, and described as follows:. Commencing, in tho center of the highway known as the Five Mile Line Road at the south cast comer of lands ot.Charlea,J._UrckfiU._thence westerly jon the, -south-Hnc of ̂ ald -Urckfl te land fllwoThnndVed^feet to a-point; thence Bouthcrly In a-straight Iin6 and parallel with the Five Mile Line Road sixty six feet to a point; thence easterly in a straight line and parallel with said Urckfitz south lino two hundred feet to the center of-tho_Eiyfl..MlleLine,1 .Road^enceJtJorthfiriyJn ^Uic.center_olJbiafwej Mile Line Road,- sixty six • feet to the place of be­ginning. ' iv'i ' • S.••'• ' .

Being tho samflpremises conveyed to Thomaa B. Ockenden by 'Charles J.UrckfiU and wife by Deed d&ted April 177^605," recorded in Monroe County. Clerk's office May 4,1905. in Liber 705- of Deeds atPagelBSrs^^—^^^^rr^^t^i-^^^^—* Dated February 10,1914. •', * . - . "„ ' -'••• :.—..,•'••• I . ' • ^ r r . ' v . r ^ ' r R J. FISK. r

_^,„^.> J v . . , . ,T . . .^..^T . .^-_— . . i c :—„ -.-Referee; ,CIt VS. W.BUTLER, .1 - - ^ r

lAttorney for Plaintiff, ..,. : "•-:.;, ' '



Butter, per lbr.-r.; .r.~.-r.y........ Eggs, per doz.;-.-.».•.*»..•»>....;.

.-.80 ' . 2 8


Potatoes,.\.., '.$.60


(Fairport, N; Y<\

OalveaipeT cwtvrHvenr^rrrMTV^^r^^— I=©.00 =5= Calvca,-percwt^ressedr.-nT7.. ,' — • ••—'-HiOO-— Pprlc, per 1Wdressed;;.v»v ;v^; ;r i • :" / - - .%l l>< ? h

. (Chickens, per lb., l i v e . . . . . . . . . . . r ; ;, • - •16 , I .Fowls, per lb., l l vo . . . . . . . . . .> . . . . v .14 :
