UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Hot Topics Washington State Fusion Center Washington State Fusion Center January 9, 2012 Volume 2, Issue 1 Hot Topics 1-2 Suspicious Activity Reports 3 Tips and Leads 3-4 Fusion Liaison Officer Program Calendar 5-6 Training Opportunities 7 Administrative Notes 8-10 Inside this issue: Special Points of Interest: FLO Basic training February 68 at three locations in WA. Message from the FLO Coordinator (Pg 8)/ Message about recent FLO Basic Training (Pg 9) 01/03 Tripping up terrorists Select businesses know they should alert the FBI thanks to an FBI program known as Operation Tripwire, designed to enlist business in the government’s effort to detect terror plots. Tripwire is an example of public-private cooperation that ap- pears to be yielding results. Established in 2003, Operation Tripwire tasks FBI agents with communicating, preferably face-to-face, with critical infrastructure stakeholders and select businesses to help raise their awareness and teach them what to do if they see something suspicious. In many ways, it’s a more focused forerunner to the De- partment of Homeland Security’s ―See Something, Say Something‖ campaign to generate suspicious activity reports from the American public. ―Tripwire is intelligence,‖ says Section Chief Michael Clancy of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division. ―It’s going out and talking to people...and gathering intelligence and understanding our domain, knowing what the threats are, and using that to inform how we move resources.‖ Currently about 30 different industries—like beauty supply stores, gun stores, and chemical companiesare actively involved with the program. These are the industries the FBI believes are important to disrupting terrorism plots before they go operational, Clancy explains. http://www.securitymanagement.com/news/tripping-terrorists-009393 01/04 Ultimate nuclear terror threat Any notion that achievement of nuclear capabilities by Iran, North Korea and other countries hostile to U.S. interests poses little direct danger is terribly misguided. Imagine a very plausible scenario: A relatively small and primitive 500-kiloton single-stage atomic bomb the same type of weapon that has been in existence since the 1950s is launched from an ordinary-looking freighter ship and ex- ploded in the atmosphere about 300 miles above Chicago . The resulting electromagnetic pulse (EMP) will release a burst of charged particles powerful enough to overwhelm all systems or circuits that draw or transmit electricity over a large distance, literally blowing them out or frying them from the inside. This includes orbiting satellites used for missile tracking, ground-based GPS, and general communications. The launching ship is then sunk, leaving no firm evidence about who sponsored the attack, or against whom a counterstrike is warranted. Many highly informed sources, including former speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich , believe the potential for an EMP attack is perhaps our most serious national security threat… one with catastrophic consequences for virtually all aspects of life. Try to picture the disastrous effects of U.S. power grid disruptions that shut down all water pumping and sanitation stations; lights and refrigerators; TV, radio and Internet communications; and manufacturing industries. http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2012/01/04/the-ultimate-nuclear-terrorist-threat-to- the-united-states/ 01/05 DOS: AQ Kurdish Battalions designated SDGT The Department of State has designated the al-Qaida Kurdish Battalions (AQKB) as a Continues… FLO Weekly FLO Weekly Mineral Lake in Lewis County

FLO Weekly 9 Jan 2012

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Washington State Fusion Center

FLO Weekly

January 9, 2012 Volume 2, Issue 1Mineral Lake in Lewis County

Hot Topics01/03 Tripping up terroristsInside this issue:Hot Topics Suspicious Activity Reports Tips and Leads Fusion Liaison Officer Program Calendar

1-2 3 3-4 5-6

Select businesses know they should alert the FBI thanks to an FBI program known as Operation Tripwire, designed to enlist business in the governments effort to detect terror plots. Tripwire is an example of public-private cooperation that appears to be yielding results. Established in 2003, Operation Tripwire tasks FBI agents with communicating, preferably face-to-face, with critical infrastructure stakeholders and select businesses to help raise their awareness and teach them what to do if they see something suspicious. In many ways, its a more focused forerunner to the Department of Homeland Securitys See Something, Say Something campaign to generate suspicious activity reports from the American public. Tripwire is intelligence, says Section Chief Michael Clancy of the FBIs Counterterrorism Division. Its going out and talking to people...and gathering intelligence and understanding our domain, knowing what the threats are, and using that to inform how we move resources. Currently about 30 different industrieslike beauty supply stores, gun stores, and chemical companiesare actively involved with the program. These are the industries the FBI believes are important to disrupting terrorism plots before they go operational, Clancy explains. http://www.securitymanagement.com/news/tripping-terrorists-009393 01/04 Ultimate nuclear terror threat Any notion that achievement of nuclear capabilities by Iran, North Korea and other countries hostile to U.S. interests poses little direct danger is terribly misguided. Imagine a very plausible scenario: A relatively small and primitive 500-kiloton single-stage atomic bomb the same type of weapon that has been in existence since the 1950s is launched from an ordinary-looking freighter ship and exploded in the atmosphere about 300 miles above Chicago. The resulting electromagnetic pulse (EMP) will release a burst of charged particles powerful enough to overwhelm all systems or circuits that draw or transmit electricity over a large distance, literally blowing them out or frying them from the inside. This includes orbiting satellites used for missile tracking, ground-based GPS, and general communications. The launching ship is then sunk, leaving no firm evidence about who sponsored the attack, or against whom a counterstrike is warranted. Many highly informed sources, including former speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich, believe the potential for an EMP attack is perhaps our most serious national security threat one with catastrophic consequences for virtually all aspects of life. Try to picture the disastrous effects of U.S. power grid disruptions that shut down all water pumping and sanitation stations; lights and refrigerators; TV, radio and Internet communications; and manufacturing industries. http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2012/01/04/the-ultimate-nuclear-terrorist-threat-tothe-united-states/ 01/05 DOS: AQ Kurdish Battalions designated SDGT The Department of State has designated the al-Qaida Kurdish Battalions (AQKB) as a UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Continues

Training Opportunities 7 Administrative Notes


Special Points of Interest: FLO Basic training February 68 at three locations in WA. Message from the FLO Coordinator (Pg 8)/ Message about recent FLO Basic Training (Pg 9)


Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity under Executive Order 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. As a result of the designation, any assets that AQKB holds under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with the organization. This action will help stem the flow of financial and other assistance to AQKB. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/01/180166.htm 01/05 Threat of female suicide bombers In Secretary of State Hillary Clintons remarks at the launch of the Global Counterterrorism Forum in September 2011, she expressed the need to deepen our understanding of the process of radicalization and terrorist recruitment in order to undermine the appeal of extremism. Shes absolutely right, but theres still a gaping hole in the U.S. National Counterterrorism Strategy of 2011s approach toward countering radicalization: the fact that terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and the Taliban continue to exploit uniquely female motivations as a tool to recruit female suicide bombers to attack U.S. soldiers and international aid workers. As the number of female suicide terrorists rises, it becomes increasingly important to acknowledge and address this threat to American lives and interests. Doing so would result in a more comprehensive counterterrorism strategy. Female involvement in terrorist groups is not a new phenomenon. Secular groups began using female suicide terrorism nearly three decades ago. Sana'a Youcef Mehaidli, a member of the secular Syrian Social Nationalist Party, conducted the first known female suicide attack in April 1985 when she drove a truck filled with explosives into an Israeli Defense Force convoy, killing two soldiers and injuring another two. In addition, 76 percent of attackers from the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, a separatist terrorist group in Turkey, have been women. The successful integration of women as suicide terrorists in secular groups led terrorist groups based in religious ideology to begin including women in their operations as well. Al Qaeda and the Taliban have both formed female suicide cells in Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to reports from 2010, culminating in the first female suicide bomber attack in Pakistan on Christmas Day of that year. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2012/01/female_suicide_bombers.html 01/06 AQ attack influence overrated? Al Qaedas influence on terror plots and attacks in the West isnt all its cracked up to be, said Mitchell Silber, director of intelligence analysis at the New York Police Department, and its becoming less evident as time goes on. Thats doesnt mean the group is less dangerous, just that its ideology has metastasized like a cancer to other parts of the globe where it has become harder to fight, he said. Silber has written a book, The Al Qaeda Factor, Plots Against the West, based on meticulous review of court records of 16 Al Qaeda-associated plots since 1993 in North America, Europe and Australia. In a discussion of his conclusions at George Washington Universitys Homeland Security Policy Institute on Jan. 5, Silber said in reviewing the court documents of the most significant Islamist plots ranging from Mitchell Silber Faisal Shazads 2010 bomb attempt in Times Square, Umar Abdulmutallabs 2009 Christmas Day plot, to shoebomber Richard Reids 2002 bomb attempt and even attacks before 9/11, like the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, striking organizational similarities appear. Silber said Al Qaedas influence in Western plots can range from direct involvement, to suggestions, to completely hands-off. Many of the plotters had some sort of facilitator, who had only loose connections to Al Qaeda. The plots in United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, Australia and the U.S. shared surprisingly common environments and traits, he said. He said each Western plot grew out of a local scene that involved a small group of radicalized ideological or politicized leaders there. The core groups, he said, were initially involved in a larger activist community in their localities, but broke off from that group because they deemed it all talk and no action. The leaders surrounded themselves with like-minded followers and a looser group of peripheral individuals that helps with operational activities, but isnt directly involved on a day-to-day basis. Little actual recruiting was done by Al Qaeda in most cases. http://www.gsnmagazine.com/node/25377?c=education_training



SARsMaterials Acquisition/Storage WSFC INTAKE [email protected]

[email protected]

NWWARN www.nwwarn.org

(U//FOUO) [Region 6] On 27 December 2011 at approximately 0620 hours, an identified subject was observed by TSA Behavior Detection Officers to exhibit behaviors, while waiting for an Alaskan Airlines flight, which warranted additional screening. During the additional screening, the subject gave several different explanations as to why he had been in Seattle. Additionally, several suspicious items were discovered in the subjects carry-on bag. These items included; six cellular phones, numerous loose wires and styles of batteries, numerous rental car business cards and receipts, multiple expired tickets from Santa Ana, CA to Seattle within the last two weeks, two photo-copied documents of international monetary transactions exceeding $100,000 each, a large telescopic camera, photos of historic military memorabilia, books on military logistics/physics/laser technology and a folder with information on coal mining companies with maps, color photos, global location and employee numbers. Additionally, the subject had in his possession 5x7 index cards with destinations, mileage and drive times. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2011-12-29T15:20:16 Status: Open

Testing of Security (U//FOUO) [Region 6] On 31 December 2011 at approximately 1630 hours, an unidentified male subject was observed near the Convention Place Station inside the Metro Bus Tunnel. The subject was wearing a black ski mask as he paced on the platform and stopped to look into the guard shack several times. The subject was observed to carry some type of illuminating device in his hand which had a wire leading to an unknown item under the subjects jacket that made a noticeable bulge. The subject was last seen boarding bus number 2810 on route 72. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-01-07T11:56:45 Status: Open Breach/Attempted Intrusion (U//FOUO) [Region 5] On 1 January 2012 at approximately 1600 hours, an identified male subject attempted to enter a restricted area at the (REDACTED) Transit Center in Tacoma. The subject was warned several times not to enter the area, but continued to attempt entry. He was arrested for Trespassing and Obstructing and booked into the Pierce County Jail. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-0104T16:16:58 Status: Open

Tips and Leads(U//FOUO) [Region 4] Over the course of several months, an unidentified male subject has used a CB radio to harass and make threats to employees of a pulp and paper facility at the Port of Longview. Some of the communications have included threats to "blow up the dock" and personal threats against the facility's CB operator. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-01-07T13:01:49 Status: Closed (U//FOUO) [Region 6] On an, at this time, unknown date and time, (REDACTED) Flying Service received a letter, postmarked in Nigeria, from a subject who claimed to be interested in learning to fly a variety of commercial aircraft. Also included in the letter was a request for (REDACTED) Flying Service bank account information. At this time the letter appears to be a poor attempt at obtaining bank account information for the purpose of financial fraud. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-0105T11:45:39 Status: Closed



Tips and Leads(U//FOUO) [Region 6] On 14 December 2011 at approximately 0815 hours, the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) received two messages on their voicemail. In the first call, the caller stated he was going to kill pilots and pedophiles. In the second call, the caller stated "we (the CIAC) would not get out of this alive." The call apparently originated from a known phone number in Bellevue, WA. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2011-12-22T15:16:34 Status: Open (U//FOUO) [Region 6] Between 19 December 2011 at 2200 and 20 December 2011 at 0749 hours, unknown suspect(s) broke into a vehicle parked in the Queen Anne area of Seattle. Taken from the vehicle were numerous items of police equipment to include; handbag with "Police" in white lettering, a police cruiser mini-bar blue and red emergency light, two twelve round SIG 357 magazines, one half case of SIG 357 ammunition, collapsible baton, and a canister of pepper spray. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2011-12-21T13:51:23 Status: Closed (U//FOUO) [Region 5] On 25 December 2011 at approximately 1530 hours, a U.S. Army CID agent's badge and credentials were stolen from vehicle parked at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2011-12-30T12:22:52 Status: Closed (U//FOUO) [Region 4] On 30 December 2011 at approximately 0600 hours, an identified subject approached a security officer at the (REDACTED) silicon wafer manufacturing facility in Vancouver, WA. The subject inquired as to the previous military background and training the guards at the facility possess. The subject then began making bizarre statements regarding employee suicide and burial of deceased in closets at the plant. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-01-07T13:29:23 Status: Open (U//FOUO) [Region 6] On 3 January 2012, sometime in the evening hours, a message was left on a City of Seattle Twitter account threatening the 520 bridge. The message in verbatim was, "I know you better drop this toll sh*&! F%#k around with m there won't be a bridge to cross damnit!" WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-01-07T09:38:43 Status: Closed (U//FOUO) [Region 6] On 4 January 2012, an identified subject, claiming to be a "Homeland Security Agent", notified Seattle Police Officers that his department AK-47 rifle was stolen from his vehicle. At this time, the location of the theft is unknown. WSFC Tracking No. TL_2012-01-06T15:08:40 Status: Open



FLO Program Calendar January 2012Resource: US National Counterterrorism Center2011 Calendar, www.nctc.gov * Refer to Volume 1, Issues 43 through 45, and Volume 2, Issue 1 for an in-depth description of each training event for January 2012.

1 (Sun)2009, India: Serial explosions in Guwahati kill five and wound 67; United Liberation Front of Assam believed responsible

2 (Mon)2008, Algeria: Bomb attack on police station in Naciria kills four, wounds more than 20; al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb claims responsibility

3 (Tue)2009, Afghanistan: Car bomb and suicide bomber kill 15 policemen and first responders in Khash Rud; Taliban claim responsibility

4 (Wed)2009, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Fifteen people killed, many kidnapped in separate incidents; Lords Resistance Army believed responsible

5 (Thu)2003, Israel: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades simultaneous suicide attacks kill 23, wound 107

6 (Fri)1963, Colombia: National Liberation Army (FLN) founded

7 (Sat)2007, India: Armed assailants fire on civilians in Sibsagar, killing seven; United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) claims responsibility

8 (Sun)1998, US: Ramzi Ahmed Yousef sentenced to life plus 240 years for 1993 World Trade Center bombings

DOC Narcotics Dog Academy (Jan 8 through Feb 23)Shelton Adv. Roadside Impaired Driving EnforcementMt. Vernon Basic Mountain Operations Course 2012 (Jan 712)

9 (Mon)2001, Colombia: Army rescues 56 hostages from ELN; group captures 15 more and kills one

10 (Tue)2009, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Six civilians, several military personnel killed in Sambia; Lords Resistance Army believed responsible


2010, India: Two killed as attackers fire on local traders; no claim of responsibility but Communist Party of India-Maoist widely suspected

12 (Thu)

2007, Greece: Rocket-propelled grenade attack against US Embassy in Athens, no

Technical Entry Concepts Course: Lock Picking Grant Writing WorkshopSpokane Valley

First Line Supervision: Mastering Leadership SkillsBremerton Collision Investigation Basic (Jan 913) Tactics Instructor Course (Jan 913) Field Training Officer Academy (Jan 913) Child Abuse Investigation and Interviewing (Jan 913) Basic Mountain Operations Course 2012 (Jan 1116) Priest Lake, ID

13 (Fri)1987, West Germany: Mohammed Ali Hamadei arrested at Frankfurt airport. Charged with 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847/murder of passenger and Subtle Mechanical Breaching SkillsSeattle Spokane Valley and Seattle Seattle Bellingham Burien Priest Lake, ID

14 (Sat)2004, Gaza Strip: First female HAMAS suicide bomber kills four, wounds 10 at Erez Crossing

15 (Sun)2002, West Bank: Palestinian militia leader Raid alKarmi killed by bomb outside his home; Israel implicated

16 (Mon)2006, Afghanistan: Twenty-two civilians killed, 27 wounded by suicide bomber on motorcycle in Spin Buldak; no claim of responsibility

First Level Supervision 80 Hour Online (Jan 16 through Apr 28)** Course is online

Advanced Concepts in Motor Learning and

Websites queried for training opportunities : www.cjtc.state.wa.us; www.wsema.com



FLO Program Calendar January 2012Resource: U.S. National Counterterrorism Center2011 Calendar, www.nctc.gov

17 (Tue)1996, US: Umar Abd al-Rahman (the Blind Shaykh) sentenced to life in prison for his role in 1993 World Trade Center bombing

18 (Wed)2011, Iraq: Suicide bomber kills 50, wounds 150, in attack on police applicants in Tikrit; no claim of responsibility but al-Qaida in Iraq strongly suspected

19 (Thu)2007, Ethiopia: Twenty-five killed in attack on community in Gunagado; Ogaden National Liberation Front believed responsible

20 (Fri)1981, Iran: Remaining 52 US Embassy hostages seized in November 1979 released

WSEMA Mid-Year Networking LunchAirway Heights Performance for Motor Skills Instructors Course (Jan 1620) Burien

How to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute a No Body Homicide CaseOlympia Grant Writing WorkshopBurien

21 (Sat)2003, Kuwait: Gunman ambushes vehicle near Camp Doha, killing one US contractor and wounding another

22 (Sun)1999, France: GIA ringleaders sentenced to eight years for terrorist acts; 84 others sentenced in mass trial

23 (Mon)2002, Pakistan: Extremists kidnap and later kill US journalist Daniel Pearl


2011, Russia: Suicide bombing kills 36, wounds 180, at Domodedovo airport in Moscow; Doku Umarov claims resp.

SLATT: Muslim Culture for LE; Psychopathology of Hate Groups; Explosives, Methods, and AttacksSpokane Valley Rural Policing Training Workshop: Drug Endangered ChildrenMonroe Crisis Intervention Team Training, In-Service King CoBurien

Reading Body Language Interpret Signs of Danger, Deception, Demeanor and Disagreement (Jan 24)Puyallup Leadership Under FireSpokane Valley Crime Scene Photography Digital (Jan 2327)

Crisis Intervention Team Training, 40 Hr Basic King Co (Jan 2327)

25 (Wed)2011, US: Ahmed Ghailani sentenced in civilian court in New York to life in prison for role in 7 August 1998 bombing of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam

26 (Thu)2009, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Assailants kill 36 civilians in several villages; Dem. Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda widely believed responsible Developing and Managing Complex InvestigationsKennewick Student Substance Abuse: Deterrence and Steps to DetectionBurien

27 (Fri)2003, Afghanistan: Armed militants attack UN convoy, kill two security officer escorts

28 (Sat)2008, Burundi: Assailants kill three soldiers, then booby-trap bodies to target responders, in Kayanza; Party for the Liberation of the Hutu People (Palipehutu-FNL) believed responsible

Pharmaceutical Drug Diversion TrainingSpokane Valley Vancouver Burien

Street Intelligence for PatrolKennewick

2003, US: Richard Reid, failed shoe bomber who attempted to bring down American Airlines flight 63 in December 2001, is sentenced to life in prison

29 (Sun)2008, Pakistan: Abu Layth al-Libi, al-Qaida senior military commander and spokesperson, killed

30 (Mon)2010, Afghanistan: Female suicide bomber kills 14 civilians and three soldiers in Khar; no claim of responsibility

31 (Tue)Gordon Graham: Discipline of RM; Five Concurrent Themes of Success; Why Things Go Right Go WrongPuyallup Intro to the LE Tactical Board/NIMS-ICS Responder Tabletop Trng ExerciseArlington

1 Feb

Ethnic CriminalsKennewick

Asian Gangs and Organized Crime (Jan 31 through Feb 2) Spokane Valley

Indoor Marijuana Cultivation InvestigationsSpokane Valley Taser Instructor CourseSpokane Valley Defensive Tactics Instructor Level 2 (Jan 30 through Feb 3) Burien Hostage Negotiations (Jan 30 through Feb 3) Burien

Websites queried for training opportunities : www.cjtc.state.wa.us; www.wsema.com



Training Opportunities** The following training announcements are provided to our FLOs as an opportunity for furthering education and is not endorsed by the WSFC, or DHS, unless specifically stated. We encourage FLOs to research each class to see if it meets their training needs before attending. For more information on courses, click on below icons. ** Local(U) Ethnic Criminals, 30 Jan, Kennewick Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Indoor Marijuana Cultivation Investigations, 3031 Jan, Spokane Valley Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Taser Instructor Course, 3031 Jan, Spokane Valley Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Defensive Tactics Instructor Level 2, 30 Jan3 Feb, Burien Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Hostage Negotiations, 30 Jan3 Feb, Burien Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Asian Gangs and Organized Crime, 31 Jan2 Feb, Spokane Valley Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Gordon Graham Discipline of Risk Mgmt; 5 Concurrent Themes of Success; Why Things Go Right - Wrong, 31 Jan, Puyallup Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Intro to the LE Tactical Board/NIMS-ICS Responder Tabletop Training Exercise, 31 Jan, Arlington Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Taser Technician Course, 12 Feb, Spokane Valley Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Use of Force Against Dangerous Animals, 23 Feb, Federal Way Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Crossmatch Livescan/Fingerprinting Training, 6 Feb, Burien Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Record of Arrests and Prosecutions (RAP) Sheet Training, 6 Feb, Burien Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Combat Ethics, 6 Feb, Edmonds Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Crisis Intervention Team Training 40 Hr Basic, 610 Feb, Burien Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us (U) Reid Tech. of Interviewing and Interrogation, 710 Feb, Burien Website: www.cjtc.state.wa.us

WSFC Sponsored(U) Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO) Basic - February 68, 2012 This is a one day (8-hour) course. For more information on course objectives, target audience, and how to enroll, click here: FLO CONOP CAN FILL ALL THESE CLASSES FLO Application




Administrative Notes

A message from the FLO Coordinator:Hello everyone, First of all, I hope each of you had a wonderful and joyous holiday. This time of the year is always hectic and full of stress, with the shopping burdens we place on ourselves. Hopefully you got all of your shopping done in a timely manner and did not do like I always seem to do and wait to the last day. We are excited about what 2012 has in-store for the FLO program. Im currently working on more FLO basic classes, which will be held around the state in February and sometime in the fall. Also, I started planning our Intermediate Class, which will be coming this summer. Finally, we will be offering some one day training opportunities for FLOs that are anticipated to begin sometime in the spring of 2012. The Fusion Center will be offering six FLO basic courses in 2012. Our first round of classes will begin in Wenatchee on Feb 6th, then we will be in Poulsbo on Feb 7th and we will finish in Vancouver on Feb 8th. The second round of classes will be sometime in the fall. I will post those times and locations later this spring. As I mentioned in your basic class I hope each of you will assist me in recruiting candidates for these classes. I am currently in the planning stages for our intermediate class. Some format options we are considering for the class include: A two day course to be offered on both sides of the state. This will afford you more opportunity to attend the training with less travel involved. A one day class, which would all but eliminate the possibility for travel and lodging. A one day class with instruction for six hours, allowing one hour of travel at the beginning and end of the day. We want to provide quality training, while considering the needs of your agency/employer. With that in mind, please email me ([email protected]) the option that would work best for you. We will use your responses in our final planning for the class format. This training will be open to all current FLO members. The Fusion Center will be sponsoring one day classes throughout the year on various topics. These classes will have limited attendance, so when the announcement comes out please respond quickly if you would like to attend. Also, please let me know if you have any ideas for these training sessions and we will try to setup the training. We had our first sponsor class in December. The Washington State Patrol Homeland Security Division sponsored the training and we trained 98 FLOs over the three day period. Sponsoring your own class has several key benefits to your agency/employer. Two benefits that standout are that your agency will be able to pick the training date and location that best suits their needs. Additionally they will be able to train as many of their employees in the FLO program as they deem necessary. We hope to see more agencies participate in sponsoring classes in 2012. If you, or your agency head has any questions about sponsoring a class, please email me at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you in 2012 and into the future. Remember this is your Fusion Center and we are here to assist you in collecting and disseminating information statewide, as well as nationally. Stay safe out there and I look forward to your feedback.



Administrative Notes

A message about recent FLO Basic Training:

In December 2011, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) Homeland Security Division hosted three one-day Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO) courses at the Seattle Fire Departments Joint Training Facility. The WSP Homeland Security Division, comprised of Troopers and explosive detection canine teams, provides law enforcement and counter-terrorism services at Washington State Ferry (WSF) terminals and on board ferry vessels. The training was initiated to bridge the knowledge gap between the products and services that the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) provides and the day-to-day mission of the troopers assigned to the ferry system. The WSP invited urban area partners from Snohomish, King, Pierce and Kitsap County to participate in the training. The FLO training brought together partners from throughout the Urban Area and gave us a greater understanding of how the fusion center supports us in our day to day activities, stated WSP Captain Chris Gundermann of the Homeland Security Division. Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant funds awarded to the WSP for vessel and terminal security was utilized to support the training.



Administrative Notes

FLO Coordinator: Det. George Mars 253-279-9669 [email protected]

RIG FLO Coordinators are as follows: RIG 1: SGT Matt Myers has been reassigned and, until his successor is named, Det. Kevin Fairchild will be the acting sergeant and FLO point of contact for Region 1. work 425-257-8495 cell 425-508-6018 KCRCIG: SGT Steven Davis/ Criminal Intel Unit 206-296-7527 [email protected] RIG 5: Det./SGT Jim Loeffelholz/ South Sound Regional Intel Group 253-830-6533 253-405-6214 [email protected]/ Entire RIG: [email protected] If you know of any federal or local training you would like to add to the FLO Weekly, or if you would like training on a particular topic, please reply to [email protected]. If you need SAR training material to share with your co-workers please notify Detective Mars. Handouts and a 15 min DVD are available and will be provided to you. For those of you who would like additional informationand have a legitimate need-to-knowon a SAR or TL mentioned in any of the FLO Weeklys, contact the WSFC via email or tip-line and provide the WSFC Tracking No. and a justification. If your department, agency, or organization identifies any suspicious activities, please contact your local law enforcement agency and the WSFC at 1-877-843-9522 or email [email protected]. Additionally, reporting can be accomplished by using the Report Suspicious Activity feature at the Northwest Warning, Alert, and Response Network (NWWARN) at www.nwwarn.org/. Please include the word FLO, followed by your region number (1-9) then your name when you submit information to [email protected]. Put this information in the subject line of your email; for example, FLO 1 Joe Smith. By providing the WSFC this extra information, it will assist us in keeping track of FLO information submitted. On another note, when you submit a Tip and Lead (TL) to the WSFC we ask that you courtesy copy (Cc) your RIG FLO Coordinator as well, so that they may obtain situational awareness. If you do not have an established RIG in your area, courtesy copy (Cc) your local police or sheriffs department when submitting a TL to the WSFCdoing this will help WSFC assigned detectives follow up necessary TLs.