Flood update... News and information for Oxford residents Autumn 2015 Welcome to the Eleventh issues of Flood Update, keeping you informed of how Oxford Area Flood Partnership is working with communities to reduce the risk of flooding. The Oxford Area Flood Partnership 2015 OPEN FORUM Tuesday 13 October 2015 (Invitation on back page) Oxford City Council has paid out almost £200,000 to victims of the floods that hit the city in winter 2013/14. Oxford City Council has paid out almost £200,000 to victims of the floods that hit the city in winter 2013/14. The money has gone to those families and individuals whose homes and businesses were directly affected by the flooding. The Council worked hard to make sure that people who were badly affected received the cash and benefits to which they were entitled. Almost 100 residents and business were helped by one or more of the following City Council schemes: Council Tax Flooding Relief Business Rates Flooding Relief Business Support Scheme Repair and Renewal Grant As well as cutting Council Tax bills for the period affected by the flooding, residents and businesses were given repair and renewal grants to cover flood prevention measures such as flood gates. Oxford City Council: Supporting residents and businesses affected by flooding

Flood news Autumn 2015 - Oxford · Flood News and information for Oxford residents update... Autumn 2015 Welcome to the Eleventh issues of Flood Update, keeping you informed of how

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Page 1: Flood news Autumn 2015 - Oxford · Flood News and information for Oxford residents update... Autumn 2015 Welcome to the Eleventh issues of Flood Update, keeping you informed of how

Floodupdate...News and information for Oxford residents

Autumn 2015

Welcome to the Eleventh issues of Flood Update, keeping you informed of how Oxford Area Flood Partnership is working with communities to reduce the risk of flooding.

The Oxford Area Flood Partnership 2015 OPEN FORUM Tuesday 13 October 2015 (Invitation on back page)

Oxford City Council has paid out almost £200,000 to victims of the floods that hit the city in winter 2013/14.Oxford City Council has paid out almost £200,000 to victims of the floods that hit the city in winter 2013/14.

The money has gone to those families and individuals whose homes and businesses were directly affected by the flooding. The Council worked hard to make sure that people who were badly affected received the cash and benefits to which they were entitled.

Almost 100 residents and business were helped by one or more of the following City Council schemes:• CouncilTaxFloodingRelief• BusinessRatesFloodingRelief• BusinessSupportScheme• RepairandRenewalGrant

As well as cutting Council Tax bills for the period affected by the flooding, residents and businesses were given repair and renewal grants to cover flood prevention measures such as flood gates.

Oxford City Council:

Supporting residents and businesses affected by flooding

Page 2: Flood news Autumn 2015 - Oxford · Flood News and information for Oxford residents update... Autumn 2015 Welcome to the Eleventh issues of Flood Update, keeping you informed of how

Thames Water sewerage catchment studyThames Water’s delivery partners, Eight2O are undertaking a detailed study of the sewer network in Oxford to better understand the causes of flooding,restricted toilet use as well as issues relating to growth in the city. The studies will deliver cost beneficial, independently scrutinised schemes that achieve outcomes for current and future investment in the sewerage network.

With the help and support of Eight2O’s Customer Liaison team, the project team is working in collaboration with a wide group of stakeholders including Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, the Environment Agency and local flooding groups. We have been gathering additional evidence from customers and We have undertaken a catchment wide flow survey of the sewers and are currently in the process of calibrating computer models against this data. Our aim is to identify collaborative solutions that provide a wide range of benefits and address issues related to the performance of sewers.

We have a dedicated website which is updated monthly and the link is provided below. www.thameswater.co.uk/about-us/18594.htm

Our present aims are to promote the maintenance of existing waterways; to support the principle of the multi-partner Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme; and to ensure that, as and when that scheme happens, maintenance is properly provided for.



Autumn is a good time to check your flood kit. Make sure it’s up to date and check your batteries.

Essential flood kit:• Keep a mobile phone loaded with

important contact numbers• Yourcard“HowtoPrepareforFlooding”• Working radio and torch spare batteries• Firstaidkit• Prescription for any medicines• Copies of important documents in a

durable and sealable plastic bag (including driver’s licence, insurance and bank/credit card information, family and other contact information)

• Warm clothing, sturdy shoes/boots and blankets

• Washbag and basic toiletries• Comfort items for children (books, games

and toys)

HinkseyStreamandDrain are key waterways in the west Oxford flood plain, it is vital to keep them working properly. We have surveyed a very inaccessible area near the Hinksey railway sidings, by canoe and a visittotherailwaysidingswithNetworkRail.StreamandDraindivergehere,theStreampassingeastundertherailway.Maintenanceissorelyneeded.FollowingourreportwehavetalkedtoNetworkRail,withsupport from Oxford City and the Environment Agency (EA). Clearance would reduce flood risk in the west Oxford floodplain.

WeirsMillStream (in reality a river) leaves the Thames by Long Bridgesandrejoinsitbeyondthesouthernbypass.Surveyingsouthof Weirs Lane, and helped by photographs from a third party, we have found trees in the water, and partial obstruction of a weir and a bridge. We now plan a survey with the EA from a boat. If our findings are confirmed the riparian (bank) owners should fulfill their legal responsibilities to keep the stream clear.

ClimateChangeandFloodRiskWepublishedanarticleinOxfordCivicSociety’sJulynewsletter“Visions”aboutthepotentiallyseriouseffectsofclimatechangeonOxford’s flood risk.

OxfordFloodAlleviationSchemeWe support the aims and principles of this multi-partner scheme, in which we are one partner. It’s vital that the scheme be properly maintained in perpetuity. We have put forward an idea on this: that is that local organisations involved in flood risk reduction and in nature conservation work together in a single body - to maintain the flood risk benefits of the scheme, while also making the most of the benefits for the natural environment.

ThanksWe’d like to thank all the organisations involved for their commitment to the important task of reducing flood risk in Oxford.

The Environment Agency and partners are working in partnership to develop proposals to reduce flood risk in Oxford. Investigations have confirmed that a flood relief channel will bring significant flood risk benefits to Oxford. The project team are looking at options to construct new channels or enlarge existing channels in the western floodplain. If the scheme is approved they plan to start construction in 2018.

Summer2015publiceventsDuringJuneandJulytheEnvironmentAgencyanditspartnersheld five public events across the Oxford area. The aim of these events was to provide an update on the scheme and to offer local communities and residents the opportunity to talk to the project’s technical specialists and to provide them with valuable information about the local area. The events were attended bynearly300people,withover135attendeescompletingfeedbackquestionnairesabouttheirviewsonthescheme.Manyresidents and local community groups are pleased that the scheme is being developed to reduce flood risk and are keen foranyschemetoworkwiththeexistinglandscape.Residentsput forward a range of ideas and the project team are now looking at these ideas to see what might be feasible and this information could prove vital as the design of the scheme progresses.

What’s NextFollowingonfromthepublicevents,theprojectteamhavebegun using the information they were given to feed into their

Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme A letter from the Oxford Flood Alliance

Oxford City Council has been successful in securing funding from the Environmental Agency to deliver a £1.4 million flood alleviation project in Northway and Marston.

The project will include flood alleviation works at the NorthwayCentresportpitchesandCourtPlaceFarmrecreation ground to reduce flood risk in the area. The next step in the project is to complete the detailed design work for the flood mitigation solution and work onsite isscheduledtobeginbytheendof2016.Formoreinformation on this project or if you have any questions please email [email protected] or call 01865249811andaskfortheNorthwayandMarstonFloodSchemeProjectManager.

Funding secured for the Northway and Marston Flood Alleviation Project

evaluation of the options available for a channel route. They are continuing to develop these options and will share these with you at the next round of public events, which they are planning toholdlaterthisyear.GroundinvestigationworkbeganinSeptemberandisscheduledtotake4weeks.Theresultsofthiswork will help the team to understand the geology of underlying layers of rock and soil and confirm groundwater levels.

FormoreinformationvisittheOxfordFloodAlleviationSchemewebpage www.gov.uk/government/publications/oxford-flood-risk-management-scheme

Or email [email protected]

If you missed the public events you can view all the display material here www.oxfordshire.gov.uk

Page 3: Flood news Autumn 2015 - Oxford · Flood News and information for Oxford residents update... Autumn 2015 Welcome to the Eleventh issues of Flood Update, keeping you informed of how

Take action this winterThe Emergency Planning Team at Oxfordshire County Council is committed to increasing resilience within our communities. There are several actions you can take to prepare yourselves and your home from flooding this winter.


• Reportinganyblockeddrains,pipegrillsorgulliestotheHighwaysandTransportDrainageTeamon08453101111.

• Clearinganydebrisfromditchesadjacenttoyourproperty.

• Ensuringanyvegetationonyourpropertyisneatlytrimmedtothebackof any path or away from the carriageway edge.

• Identifyingwhetheryouareariparianownerandifso,takingactionto maintain your watercourse, clearing any obstructions so the flow of water is not impeded.

• Visitingwww.bluepages.org.uk to see which household flood protection products, such as airbrick covers, would be suitable for your home.

• Preparingyouremergencygrabbagwithimportantitemssuchasinsurance documents, phone numbers, spare clothes, bottled water and any medication you may need.

• Preparingyourfloodplan–wherewouldyouandyourpetsgo?Doesyourinsurancecoveralternativeaccommodation?

Additionally, funding is available for local groups and projects from the ScottishandSouthernEnergy’sResilientCommunitiesFund.

Formoreinformationpleasevisittheemergencyplanningpagesonwww.oxfordshire.gov.uk or call the Unit on 01865 323765.

Useful ContactsThames Water0800 316 9800www.thameswater.co.uk

EnvironmentAgencyFloodline(24hrs)0345 988 1188*www.gov.uk/environment-agency*The cost of calling a phone number depends on the digits it starts with, your phone provider and whether you use a landline or mobile.

Oxford City Council Call Centre01865 249811www.oxford.gov.uk


Oxfordshire County Council0845 310 1111www.oxfordshire.gov.uk

CanalandRiverTrust03030 40 40 400800 479 9947 (Out of hours)www.canalrivertrust.org.uk

NetworkRail03457 114 141www.networkrail.co.uk

NationalFloodForum01299 403055www.floodforum.org.uk

FloodProtectionAssociation033 33 238 701www.thefpa.org.uk

Residents of Oxford and the surrounding areas of Botley, South Hinksey, North Hinksey, Kennington and Wytham…

…are invited to The Oxford Area Flood Partnership 2015 OPEN FORUMOxford Town Hall Tuesday 13 October 2015, 7 – 9pm After a short presentation on the OAFP’s work, you will have the opportunity to put your questions to the Partners themselves: • Environment Agency• Oxfordshire County Council • Oxford City Council• Vale of White Horse District Council• Thames Water• Network Rail

For more information email [email protected]

If you are at risk of flooding call Floodline on 0345 988 1188*

who will provide advice and also register you for automated flood warnings.

To find out if your property is in an area at risk of flooding visit the Environment

Agency’s website: www.gov.uk/environment-agency

andlookforFloodmaponthehomeand leisure page.