Flow Through Pipes 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Flow Through Pipes 1


    In general the flow of liquid along a pipe can be determined by the use of The BernoulliEquation and the Continuity Equation. The former is an algebraic expression of the

    conservation of energy and the latter is a statement that what goes into one end of a pipe, comesout at the other end! It must be stressed that in this paper only Incompressible liquids are being


    Bernoulli's Equation

    A pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, usedmainly to convey substances which can flow-liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders, masses of small


    This is usually expressed as:


    Where is the head lost due to friction.


    Consider the motion of a fluid down a steamtube.

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    Consider the motion of an isolated volume ,, , . After a time it is position ', ', ',

    ',and since the volume ', ', , , is to both.

    The net change is equivalent to moving themass of fluid from , , ', ', to , , ', '.

    The work done by the pressure on in time


    All the work is expended in:

    a) Doing work against the pressure at


    b) Raising the weight of , , ', ', to

    , , ', ', i.e.

    c) Increasing the kinetic energy of , ,', ', to that of , ', ',

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  • 8/6/2019 Flow Through Pipes 1


    This equation can be expressed in terms of thequantity flowing per second.

    Using the Imperial system of measurements





    Darcy's Equation For Circular Pipes


    where Wetted area/Wetted perimeter

    The Chezy Equation




    Reynolds Number

    Which equals 2,300 at the point where the flow

    changes from Laminar to Turbulent. This isknown as the Critical Velocity

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    If is plotted against

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    The critical velocity is the velocity at whichthe change over from laminar to turbulent flow

    takes place.

    Frictional resistance is proportional to the

    wetted area

    ( Where is the perimeter of the pipe.)


    Hydraulic mean Depth

    the slope of the hydraulic gradient Note: is not a constant since is a functionof Reynolds number

    This formula is known as the " CHEZY

    FORMULA"Consider a circular pipe running full

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    Which can be written as The DARCY

    EQUATIONi.e. Head lost

    Note: in the Darcy formula is not an empirical


    For Laminar flow

    The change over from laminar flow to turbulentflow occurs when = 2300 and is independent

    of whether the pipe walls are smooth or rough.

    Laminar Flow

    When the flow is laminar it is possible to use thefollowing equation to find the head lost.

    The Poiseuilleequation states that for a round

    pipe the head lost due to friction is given by:

    Flow occurs because the force across ismore than that on and hence it is possible

    to write down the following equation.

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    But when




    Now the mean velocity is given by:-

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    (9)From equation (7)

    The head lost due to friction is given by:

    Substituting from equation (8) for

    Sudden Changes To Pipe Size Or Shape.

    The sudden changes or the introduction of bends or valves disturbs the flow pattern along the

    pipe. The result is an increase in turbulence and this increases the frictional losses.

    Sudden Enlargement

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    Note: The pressure just inside the larger pipe isthe same as that in the small pipe! Momentum

    at 1 = mass Velocity ==

    Momentum at 2 =

    Drop in momentum

    for this to happen there must be a force

    opposing motionThe magnitude of the force =


    Applying Bernoulli:

    Sudden Contraction

    As can be seen from the following diagram, eddy

    currents reduce the effective diameter of thesmaller pipe. This causes the loss of head.

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    The coefficient of Contraction is defined as :

    where is the area of the choke and is thearea of the pipe

    The head lost is given by:


    is a constant and in this case is approximately0.5. The value of varies with the application

    and a selection are shown in the table at the endof this section.

    Loss of head, is given by:



    Head Lost At An Obstruction (e.g. A Valve)

    fig of valve

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    Bendradius, which is measured to the inside curvature, is the minimum radius one can bend a pipe, tube,sheet, cable or hose without kinking it, damaging it, or shortening its life.

    An elbow is a pipe fitting installed between two lengths of pipe or tubing to allow a change of direction,

    usually a 90 degrees or 45 degrees angle, though 22.5 degrees elbows are also made.

    A gatevalve, also known as a sluicevalve, is a valve that opens by lifting a round or rectangulargate/wedge out of the path of the fluid.

    The formula from above hold good but with differing values for . The following table give

    some typical values:

    Example: 1234


    Example - Example 1Problem

    Water is siphoned out of a tank by means of a bent pipe , 80 ft. long and 1 in. in diameter.is below the water surface and 6 in . above the base sof the tank. is vertical and 30 ft long;

    is 50 ft. long with the discharge end 5ft. below the base of the tank.

    If the barometer is 34 ft. of water and the siphon action at ceases when the absolute pressure is

    6 ft. of water, find the depth of water in the tank when the siphon action ceases. is 0.008 andthe loss of head at entry to the pipe is:

    Where is the velocity of water in the pipe.

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