1 FMCSA Dealer Query System Quick Start Guide (Dealer)

FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit

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Page 1: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


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Page 2: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit



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Page 3: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit catalogue & part enquiries to FMCSA FCSD. The DQS system assigns a unique ticket ID to each enquiry, which enables the end user to track the progress of their ticket. The system also allows end users easy access to current and historical query outcomes. Applicability Of the DQS The DQS service is provided as a means to submit catalogue and part related queries to FMCSA FCSD. Intended Users for DQS Ford Motor Company South Africa dealerships. What is a DQS enquiry? A catalogue or part enquiry which requires investigation by FMCSA FCSD.

System Requirements

• High-Speed (Broadband) Internet Connection.

• Internet Explorer 6 or higher. Access and Authentication To access the DQS website, use the following URL:


Page 4: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


How to Logon to DQS System The following explains the authentication/registration of the DQS web site: STEP 1 : System Authentication If you are first time user Click on the ‘Register’ button ( Go to STEP 2) or already registered users please enter your Dealer Code and password to login to the DQS website.

Page 5: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


STEP 2 : Registration To register please submit the online registration form. (Refer Below Illustration) The registration page is used to create an account for your dealership and to collect your dealerships contact details, etc. After submission of the Registration form your request will be forwarded to DQS Administrator for Approval and then users will be granted access to use the DQS

Page 6: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


How to Submit a Dealer Enquiry A successful dealer logon to DQS will give the following screen as shown on the illustration below. STEP 1 : ‘New Ticket’ is the online DQS Form to submit any dealer related enquiries. (See Below Illustration )

STEP 2 : Please ensure to complete the Form Fields and Attachment Option to submit a successful query To lodge a new enquiry, complete the form fields with the relevant information, and click on the Submit Button. To attach a file: 1. Click the Browse Button (a dialog box will appear) 2. Select your file to upload ** For multiple attachments, please ZIP your files into one file using a program such as WinZip.

STEP – 3 Ticket ID Once an enquiry has been lodged through the DQS website, a unique ticket ID is created and sent to the dealer contact via email. This ID is to be used for tracking your tickets progress and for all correspondence relating to the enquiry.

Page 7: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


How to Track a Dealer Enquiry The Tracking page can be used to stay up-to-date on the status of a ticket. Use the ticket ID supplied via email to search the database for an existing ticket. STEP 1 : To track the status of Ticket ID, Click on the ‘Track Ticket’ button. Then you will be able to view the status of your Ticket ID. The below screen illustration gives the snap shot of the status view

Page 8: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


How to View a Dealer Ticket List STEP 1 : Click on ‘My Tickets’ button and this page will display a list of all your dealerships tickets in order of most recent. By clicking on the Ticket ID you will be able refer its full details as shown on the below screen illustration.

Page 9: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


How to Reset the Dealer Code Password STEP 1 : If you have forgotten your password or want to reset your password then on your main screen click on forgotten password button STEP 2 : Then enter your dealer code and press submit STEP 3 : A randomly generated password will be created and sent to your email address (email address that was supplied on registration).

Page 10: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


STEP 4 : Highlight your new password (contained in the email) and copy it into the Password field on the login screen.

STEP 5 : Once logged in, select the ‘Change Password’ link. Copy your new password into the Password field. Enter your desired password into the New Password and Confirm New Password fields and click the ‘Submit’ button.

Page 11: FMCSA Dealer Query System - dqs.com.au · 3 Dealer Query System Overview What is DQS? Dealer Query System (DQS) is an online dealer support website which allows Ford dealers to submit


Adding Additional Dealer Contacts The ‘Dealer Contacts’ page allows your dealership to add additional dealer contacts to your account. The dealer contact selected during lodgment of a new enquiry is used for all correspondence for that ticket. STEP 1 : To Add additional Dealer Contact please select the Contacts Button

STEP 2 : Then this will list you the contact list of your Dealer code STEP3 : To Add Additional contacts please click on New Contact and new details of the contact as shown in the screen illustration Below

Logging Out from DQS To logout from the DQS website, simply close Internet Explorer.

Technical Support For Technical Support please contact:

• Email: [email protected]

• Tel: +61 3 9409 9510

• Fax: +61 3 9401 5677