Course Objecve: - To ensure the parcipants understand the importance and also process involved in conducng the Hazard Idenficaon and Risk Analysis Process. Subsequently they will also be made to understand the process and steps involved in the implementaon of Control Measures to ensure a Safe & Healthy Work Environment. This will then lead to:- compliance with the legal requirements of OHSA 1994 & FMA 1967. compliance with the organisaon’s requirement Portraying a posive leadership culture Connuously improving OHS at the workplace Ensuring zero incidents at workplace Improve work morale Increase quality and producvity Reduce operaonal cost FMM Seminar Hazard Identification, Risk Analysis & Risk Control at Workplace For more information, please contact Ms Florance Gabriel / Ms Rajes at 09-515 6858 or 03-515 6857 or email [email protected]/ [email protected] EB/02/2019 Who Should Attend Managers, Supervisors, Safety Officers, Engineers, Safety Committee Members Course methodology The course methodology would consist of:- Theory, Praccal & Videos March 11 - 12, 2019 * 9.00am - 5.00pm * Vistana Hotel Kuantan Opening remarks: Tuan Haji Mohamad Jais bin Suratman DOSH State Director Speakers: 1) Puan Siti Rahimah binti Ramli - DOSH 2) Mr Prame Kumar Nair - OSH and Environment Head of Department OHSE Berjaya University 15 CEP POINTS BY DOSH Course content:- The legal requirements that they are required to understand which will have implicaon at the workplace – FMA 1967 & OSHA 1994 Importance of managing a safe and healthy workplace Determining and then understanding hazards at workplace Determining the risk arising from the hazard Classificaon of the hazards into high, medium or low risk The methodology in implementaon of control measures as required legally Review the effecveness of the control measures put in place.

FMM Seminarthe workplace – FMA 1967 & OSHA 1994 Importance of managing a safe and healthy workplace at workplace Determining the risk arising from the hazard lassification of the

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Course Objective: -

To ensure the participants understand the importance and also process involved in conducting the Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis Process.

Subsequently they will also be made to understand the process and steps involved in the implementation of Control Measures to ensure a Safe & Healthy Work Environment.

This will then lead to:-

compliance with the legal requirements of OHSA 1994 & FMA 1967.

compliance with the organisation’s requirement

Portraying a positive leadership culture

Continuously improving OHS at the workplace

Ensuring zero incidents at workplace

Improve work morale

Increase quality and productivity

Reduce operational cost

FMM Seminar Hazard Identification, Risk Analysis


Risk Control at Workplace

For more information, please contact

Ms Florance Gabriel / Ms Rajes at

09-515 6858 or 03-515 6857 or email [email protected]/

[email protected]


Who Should Attend

Managers, Supervisors, Safety Officers, Engineers, Safety Committee Members

Course methodology The course methodology would consist of:- Theory, Practical & Videos

March 11 - 12, 2019 * 9.00am - 5.00pm * Vistana Hotel Kuantan

Opening remarks: Tuan Haji Mohamad Jais bin Suratman

DOSH State Director

Speakers: 1) Puan Siti Rahimah binti Ramli - DOSH

2) Mr Prame Kumar Nair - OSH and Environment Head of

Department OHSE Berjaya University



Course content:-

The legal requirements that they are required

to understand which will have implication at

the workplace – FMA 1967 & OSHA 1994

Importance of managing a safe and healthy


Determining and then understanding hazards

at workplace

Determining the risk arising from the hazard

Classification of the hazards into high, medium

or low risk

The methodology in implementation of control

measures as required legally

Review the effectiveness of the control

measures put in place.

For more information, please contact Ms Florance Gabriel / Ms Rajes at 09-515 6858 or 03-515 6857 or email [email protected]/[email protected]

* Includes Materials, Lunch, Refreshments and Certificate

An early bird discount of RM50 will be given to registration received on or before

February 25, 2019.

Fee Per Pax

Member RM1,000

Non-Member RM1,250


Attendance is by prior registration only.

Registration form must be completed and returned to FMM Eastern Branch by the closing date with the correct payment in crossed cheque or bank draft made in favour of ‘Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers’.

Bank-in : Maybank Berhad

Account No. : 5-56011-06326-9


E-mail or fax the deposit slip to FMM Eastern Branch for issuance of Official Receipt


Cancellation must be in writing

Replacement participant can be accepted at no additional cost

Registered participants who did not turn up on the day of event are liable to pay the full fee

FMM Eastern Branch reserves the right to change the facilitator, date and/or cancel the event should any unavoidable circumstances arise

To : FMM Eastern Branch

Attn: Ms Florance / Ms Rajeswary (Fax : 09-515 6855 / Email : [email protected] / [email protected] )

Please register the following participant(s) for the above:


Submitted by:

Name : ………………………………………………................................ Designation: ………..………………..…..…….….

Company : .. …………….……………………………………………………………………………….………….………..……………...

Address : ..……………………………………………………………………………….………………………….……….…….………….

Tel No.: …..…….…….….…….……..……..…………... Fax No: ………………...…...…………………....

E-mail : ……………….……………….…………………………..………...….…………………..……………...

FMM Membership No. : ……….………………….…...…………….


1. Name : …………………………………………………....................... Designation: ………..…………………………....…...

E-mail : ……………….………………………………..……………..... Vegetarian Meal : Yes No

2. Name : ………………………………………..................................... Designation: ………..…………………….…..….….

E-mail : ……………….………………………………..………...…….. Vegetarian Meal : Yes No

3. Name : ……………………………………………….......................... Designation: ………..…………………..….…….….

E-mail : ……………….………………………………..……...……….. Vegetarian Meal: Yes No

More than 7 days before

the event

Full Refund

Between 3-6 days before

the event

50% payment charged

Less than 3 days before

the event

FULL payment charged


MARCH 4, 2019

FMM Seminar Hazard Identification, Risk Analysis

& Risk Control at Workplace

March 11 - 12, 2019 * 9.00am - 5.00pm * Vistana Hotel Kuantan