1 World Book Day Yesterday, the children celebrated ‘World Book Day’ in school with a day of book-themed activities. Thank you to all the parents for making the day such a success, the children all looked great in their book character costumes! School Council chose their favourite costumes from each class, who received a certificate in Assembly today. Congratulations to: Niamh, Logan W, Emily K, Victoria, Benjamin, Amara. Zol, Noah, Zoe, Elodie, George L, Nathan, Olivia, Georgia P, Elliott, Harrison, Krishan, Eloise. Some highlights of the day included: Making Snake’s log pile house Creating gingerbread characters Collecting ingredients and mixing magic potions Making Gruffalo crumble Floreat Montague Park School Newsletter – Friday 8 th March 2019 FMP NEWS

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World Book Day Yesterday, the children celebrated ‘World Book Day’ in

school with a day of book-themed activities. Thank you to

all the parents for making the day such a success, the

children all looked great in their book character costumes!

School Council chose their favourite costumes from each

class, who received a certificate in Assembly today.

Congratulations to:

Niamh, Logan W, Emily K, Victoria, Benjamin, Amara.

Zol, Noah, Zoe, Elodie, George L, Nathan, Olivia,

Georgia P, Elliott, Harrison, Krishan, Eloise.

Some highlights of the day included:

Making Snake’s log pile house

Creating gingerbread characters

Collecting ingredients and mixing magic potions

Making Gruffalo crumble

Floreat Montague Park School Newsletter – Friday 8th March 2019


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Athlete Visit

We are delighted that world class Paraclimber, Josh Senior will

be joining us in school next Thursday (14th March), ahead of

competing in the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo. Josh will be

completing a sponsored fitness circuit with Reception, Year 1 and

Year 2. The funds raised will support both our GB sporting stars

and enable us to purchase new school PE equipment.

Sponsorship forms went home last week and need to be returned

to the School Office by Monday 18th March. We are very

much looking forward to this sporting event.

Red Nose Day

Next Friday (15th March), children are invited to bring in small

change (1p, 2p, 5p) which will be used for outdoor mathematical

problem solving across the day and then donated to Comic Relief.

Can we fill our playground with money? Our School Council will

collect your small change on the playground on the morning of

Red Nose Day.

Easter Hat Parade

On Friday 5th April 2019 we invite all of the children to design

and make their own Easter hat. These will be judged by the

School Council and prizes will be awarded.

Service Learning

Year 1 will be studying ‘Looking after the Environment’ this half

term. As part of this learning they will take part in litter picking

around Montague Park and the school site. They will also be

looking at the very current topic of plastic and then recycling

plastic bottles to make planters.

Animal Magic for Earhart Class

Louise from Mulberry House Vets came to visit Earhart class on

Monday and taught the children about what a vet does and how

her equipment works. They then learnt what foods are and are

not safe for dogs.

Louise sent this email to Miss Floss after her visit:

Dear Miss Floss, It was lovely to visit you and the nursery class on Monday. I just wanted to write to say how impressed I was with the children's behaviour both in listening and confidence to interact as well as their interest in what I was speaking about. Well done Earhart class for showing such great learning

behaviours to our visitor!

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School Council

Our newly elected School Councillors for this half term:

Da Vinci – Jack and Sonakshi

Owens – Violet-Eve and Conor

Gandhi – Ryan and Alicia

Curie – Hannah-Rose and Ufan

lMandela – Lucas and Nancy

Key Stage 1 Forest School

Mrs Smith is busy planning an Easter themed Forest School

session for the Year 1 and Year 2 children to enjoy, including

building a giant nest using teamwork and using some new tools.

The children will once again go for an extended session in

smaller groups and we are pleased to confirm the dates as


Mandela (Donaldson and Potter) – Monday 1st April, PM

Mandela (Morpurgo and Dahl) – Tuesday 2nd April, PM

Curie (Donaldson and Potter) – Wednesday 3rd April, AM

Curie (Morpurgo and Dahl) – Wednesday 3rd April, PM

Gandhi (Donaldson and Potter) – Thursday 4th April, AM

Gandhi (Morpurgo and Dahl) – Thursday 4th April, PM

If your child has a morning session, they should arrive in school

in their Forest School clothes and bring their uniform in, ready

to change into afterwards.

If your child has an afternoon session, they should wear

uniform as normal and bring their Forest School clothes in a

named bag, ready to change in the afternoon.

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The Rainbow Fish Curie Class have been learning the story of the Rainbow Fish as

their Talk for Writing book and sharing it with their class.

Floreat Montague Park Behaviour

Congratulations to those who have achieved a


Early Years Key Stage 1


Ava R

Jack S

Sarah B

Joshua T

Tommy B


Ryan L


Alice W

A message from the Early Years Team

We have been very lucky with the delivery of some more new

resources this week, including a new stage and role play shed. We

are still looking for some more additions to the outdoor learning

area. Please contact the School Office if you are able to help us

with any tyres, cable drums, tree stumps etc.

Diary Dates

13th March 2019 Mandela Trip to Roald Dahl Museum

13th March 2019 Dinosaur Workshop for Reception

14th March 2019 Athlete Visit

15th March 2019 Red Nose Day

26th/28th March 2019 Parents’ Evenings 4-7pm

4th April 2019 Easter Hat Parade

5th April 2019 Last Day of Term

8th-18th April 2019 In2Sport Holiday Club

24th April 2019 Children return to school

27th April 2019 FOFMP Spring Fair

Adult Fitness Classes

We have a yoga class in school on Monday evenings, if you

would like to join please contact Giovanna on:

[email protected] or 07788 111416

We will also soon be having a trampoline fitness class running on

Tuesdays and Thursdays, watch this space for more


A message from the library Wokingham Library:

Tuesday 19th March 4pm to 4.30pm

Happiness Storytime - Come along to a Family Session and

celebrate International Day of Happiness. Join in with activities, a

story, story massage and a relaxing activity, to make you feel

good and smile. For children of school age.

Lego Club For children aged 5 to 10 years old. 50p charge per session.

Places must be booked at the relevant library, as space is limited.

Winnersh Library: Every Thursday (term-time only) 4pm to


Lower Earley Library: Every Monday (term-time only) 4pm to
