My Production: Dark Obsessions By Jessica Peaty

Focus Group- Methodology presentation

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Methodology presentation and screening of my final production

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Page 1: Focus Group- Methodology  presentation

My Production: Dark Obsessions

By Jessica Peaty

Page 2: Focus Group- Methodology  presentation

ContentMy audience researchMethodology:Planning stages Filming process Editing processDrawbacks and how I overcame them.My production Post production:Feedback questionnaire what happens now?

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My audience researchBy the use of survey monkey I structure a questionnaire which asked people to complete, this then gave me an overall idea of what i needed to add to my production or take away to make as effective as it can be. I then analysed them, to get an overall idea of whom my target audience, would be.

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My genre research As well as target audience research I needed to research my genre of which I am planning to use for my production. Using the four key micro elements of sound, editing, camerawork, and mise-en-scene, I analysed 5 different trailers and 5 different opening sequences. Which can all be seen on my blog.

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Planning stagesWithin the planning stages there was numerous of different techniques I used to approach this project.One of which i created a shot by shot list and planned out each of filming days, to ensure i would get all the footage that we needed. A storyboard was used as a checklist to get all the shots I needed. Along side this I made a prop and costume list, dated to match the filming days, so that I would have all the essentials needed on the right day, ensuring no drawbacks to be caused through lack of props.

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Filming stagesThe long work of the planning process made the filming stages of the production simple, I was able to get all the filming shoots done on 3 separate occasions with one shot filmed at home. Two being in the darkroom at Eastbury. One being at Jo rich using a 1 point lighting system.

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Editing process The biggest task for myself was the editing process. As my production, doesn’t connote a facial character, and no diegetic soundtracks. It was an task to make sure the shots and editing was perfect, to mimic a real life-like opening of a film. This process took must of my time, as I wanted to make sure that everything was in place and at the best standards it could be.

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Drawbacks and how I overcame them.

During the planning, filming, and editing processes, i was faced with a few drawbacks, such as the following: Filming: After the first day filming, things wasn't going to plan the shots weren’t turning out how I had planned, therefore to solve this I re-planned around the problems in the darkroom (such as lighting) and re-filmed my shots. Editing: Editing provide to be a drawback within my group, as the editor and camerawoman, the others in my group may have not known how to edit the footage in the way in which I was.

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Screening of my production.

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Feedback questionnaire.

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What happens now?Now that my production is finished and improved. I will now go on to finding out a BBFC rating and correct distributor and/or producer company is best for my work. My BBFC rating research and rating is already up on the blog. However my company distributor I am yet to complete.To do this i will need to research different companies taking in consideration their typical genre and other movie releases, their target audience/demographic and their ethos.