Focus on the Goal. Voc. Unit 4-- Ms. B. Wulchak. By Philip Field 2009 Revised by Twinkle Patel 2010

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Atrophy (v. & n.) To waste away, deteriorate Almost every case of muscle or tissue atrophy is the result of disease, prolonged disuse, or changes in cell nutrition. The atrophy of the downtown business district began when two huge malls opened. business district began when two huge malls opened.

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Focus on the Goal. Voc. Unit 4-- Ms. B. Wulchak By Philip Field 2009 Revised by Twinkle Patel 2010 Atrophy (v. & n.) To waste away, deteriorate Almost every case of muscle or tissue atrophy is the result of disease, prolonged disuse, or changes in cell nutrition. The atrophy of the downtown business district began when two huge malls opened. business district began when two huge malls opened. Bastion (n.) A fortress, defensible position, stronghold People around the world look to America as a bastion of strength and freedom. Syn: citadel, rampart, bulwark, parapet Concord (n.) Harmony, a treaty, pact, covenant Will the Middle Eastern countries ever live in peace and concord? Antonyms: Disagreement, strife, discord Consummate (v. & adj.) To finalize a deal; of the highest quality As soon as he struck the opening chords of the selection, we realized that we were listening to a consummate master of the piano. Disarray (n. & v.) Disorder, confusion The office was in a state of disarray. Syn: (n.)disorganization; (v.)dishevel, mess up Ant: (n.) organization, order, tidiness Exigency (n.) Urgency; an emergency The governor emphasized the exigency of the situation by requesting the exigency of the situation by requesting the immediate dispatch of rescue teams. immediate dispatch of rescue teams. Syn: requirement, crisis Flotsam (n.) Floating debris, wreckage; homeless, impoverished people After the two ships collided, the survivors clung to various pieces of flotsam and hoped for rescue. Frenetic (adj.) Frenzied, highly agitated, frantic People who are used to the unhurried atmosphere of a country town often find it hard to cope with the frenetic pace of big city life. Ant: calm, controlled, relaxed, leisurely Glean (v.) To gather bit by bit Syn: collect, cull, pick up up His long, verbose speech made it hard speech made it hard to glean his few main to glean his few main points. points. The Gleaners by Jean Franois Millet The Gleaners by Jean Franois Millet French, 1857 French, 1857 Grouse (v. & n.) to complain; a type of game bird of game bird The patients latest grouse was that he did not get any dessert with his dinner the night before. Syn: (v.) gripe, kvetch, bellyache Incarcerate (v.) To intern, immure, imprison. They will incarcerate the convicted felon at the state penitentiary. Ant: liberate, release, free Incumbent (adj.) Obligatory, required; one seeking reelection. If a candidate is in office seeking re- election, hes the incumbent. It is incumbent on students to be present on test days. Jocular (adj.) Humorous, jesting, joking, jolly. joking, jolly. What are you Its a joke, son, when looking at? I tell you Im at the age I tell you Im at the age Im going to be from now Im going to be from now on. Im trying to be jocular. on. Im trying to be jocular. Ludicrous (adj.) Absurd, ridiculous; inane, laughable Her comment was so ludicrous that we finally understood that she was joking. Syn: risible, preposterous Ant: heartrending, poignant Mordant (adj.) Biting, caustic, harsh. Everyone quit the club after the president yelled out biting, caustic, mordant criticisms. Ant: bland, mild, gentle, soothing Nettle (n. & v.) A prickly, stinging plant; to irritate, plant; to irritate, bother. bother. The principal was nettled by the students disrespectfulbehavior. enlarged nettle hairs enlarged nettle hairs Pecuniary (adj.) Financial, monetary. The couple was forced by pecuniary considerations to sell their large home and buy a smaller one. Pusillanimous (adj.) Cowardly; mean- spirited. It is often said that bullies, when tested, are the most pusillanimous people of all.m/spots/the-wizard- of-oz/links/ Recumbent (adj.) Resting, reclining position, lying down. The tired toddlers were recumbent in the hammock after playing all afternoon in the yard. Stratagem (n.) A scheme to outwit an opponent. The defense attorney used a clever stratagem to curry sympathy for his client. Add-on: Asseverate (v.) To affirm, to state strongly with emphasis. The principal asseverated the importance of doing well in our senior year to graduate with honors. Add-on: Prepossessing (adj.) Creating a favorable impression, pleasing, pleasant. All of the volunteers have been so prepossessing and helpful.