A Regional Newspaper Scrvinjr Nine IrriRnlcd Idaho Counties WAR BULLETIN I.ONIIUK. 24 (/t>~ni4nhi] J omU KUIln toiilllit announced ths eaplon ol llafuhev on llie \Vhlt« RouIm Ireat and dccUrcd the cnrtny waa ancnaUns Dim, la»t major German baatlon e u l e( Faker, ■alewa^’Ui Ihe enUre DalUo lUtc* area. VOL 26. NO. 2G8 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. THUUSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 19M PRICE 6 CENTS msBnniE FO E m SHEETS '8HSES1DN I) MOSCOW, Feb. 24 (U.R) — Uiissinn troops and Umk.t biimmcrcd Ihe (It'rnian.s back throiiffh the Ktrccts o f Dtio, slrongesl German bane ensl of Pskov at the invasion K“>e- to the Baltic .states, tn- .lay and captnre «f tho t.>«„ 'vii.s bpiicved imminont. Mor 3 Gcrii klUtd. and many otii turcd In Uie Jiul-brenkliiB offensive. NorlhKtU of Dno, Oen. Leonid A. OOvorov's Leningrad forccs id l- ed nnollicr 30 locnlltir.-) nlons a broad from above Pskov. Hl.i main rohimii, ini.'ihlne cIo%n ihf' Lenin* I Krn niiV\ NAZ I A IM AT ALLIF.n IIK A D Q l’AR- TKRS, NAl’LlCS. Fi‘b. 2-t W*) - Fijrlilitifr nyain flurod on I lie Anzio front, with artilkry piinners breaking up Gorman groups pn-parini- tn attJiL-k in front of Amorican troops wosi of CiHterria and alllpd iroo|>s repuisinfr nazi attempl.s to in- tSKmlo tVicir lines soulliwrsl of Carroccto, ajlied headqunr. icrs fnmiHicc'A lo(inv. Pnlrol action* and (ilinrn ex- .rtlllerr II the , 1IKtb I lhi> wicmy movrnirnt: Wari Field Marslml All regmuplnK liL third ti benchhead KURRe.ned rrl KeMel- forccs for nlllr.i did German liiKh command commll any .ilmblf force.i o actinn jrsfrrday and no Rr hniigrd band.'. German planr.i continued to 1 nd ahool ii[> benehhend troop; Prisoners Captured al Anzio r or UST open* to diU' >u(e to priwn rampn behind .an ottennlTe aratnst l)ia ntl Planes Flay Key Nazi Industries I.O S D O N , i-el). 24 (UP.) — Pi>\ .■aw b.mibiTS bla.-iled (German at Cothii and Sclnveiufurt t I. but n In (hr nftc llne.i throughout tlie BrltLih forces of the eighth heat off a »m»Il-jeale Qerma lack In (he region of OunrtilnBrelp Bbout SO miles Inland from f Adriatic on a ttlshway ^outh'»;e^t Ortona. London Reporters- Find City ‘Unsafe’ LONDON. Peb. J4 (,r^\Vnr cor- rtjpendenta Jujt returned from the battI(front« have concludcd. nftei Tandergolng the stepped-up German Valda on the BrilLib mnllnl thnt It rifflnltely Isnt safe arotind here They miM their slli trenchw. Rom Munro. Canadian pre.<a re.ipondent who %-ut at Dieppe In Africa, Sicily and then Italy, med up for hl» componlons: •'TieM buildings aren't snfr....... going: to dig a silt trench In the pt>rk in front of my home," FLASHES of LIFE ntSDANDEO NA0OATUCK, Conn.. Feb. 3t- The S.05. has disbanded becaiw, one member explained, ••others kid- ed u i to much about U th n l we couldn't take It any longer." ■nie S.03. consisted of a group of high school girls who met each Wedaeiday to listen (o a certain radio program. 8.03. stood for “Slaves of Sr natra. 4fcLEl !EP HARTTOriD, Conn., Feb. 2* ~ Cornelius A. Moylan. unemployment compenMtlon conunlMloncr. wa I f i okay to sleep on the Job under certain clrcunulancea. Awarding unemployment compen. satlon to Nick Rentavloe, 63. Utm Britain, who «aa discharged fo' sleeping at hi* bench, Moylon sivli the employe merely 'look a cat nap' while walling for wrk to be brought to him. This *aa net a sufJlclfnt reason lor him to be fired. Moylan ruled. EVICTER " ^ WIUHNOTON, N. C„ Feb.; 24- Qcorge W. Jeffrey, olflce Of price BdmlnUtratlon rent director for the wUmlngtotf area. u U his rented house had been sold and the r March I*** H .S .GASUAL IIES MAL 151 ,865 WASHINGH-ON, Feh, 34 lotnl 1.17.R6S. of which 36,00i ai tolnlrd llB.iaB. dlHdPd a killed 19.4PI>: woiinrte<t « IK 3«i.335. prLsoners ol nn\-j'. miirlnM and eo.vt uuard- Biisod on reiwrls mi to<lay, have nmounte<l to 39,737. n.i follows ‘ " >d 16.506; wound<Hi 0.332; m M Ol: prl.«otier» 4,41fl Pntlrrson .^nld UuU of Uie 45.WS camps. rooKly In Ja5>AiWf«'oetwpltrt nrcn.^. He commented thnt "11 Is known that the nctunl number must, In and reality, be much Inrgp) " Woman liurned iii Linseed Oil Fire BUHL. Feb. 34-SllRht damage wiw cnu.-ied by n flie which broke B uhl re.sldence owiied by^Mrs, EJf nor Van Houlen and occupied by Mr-, and Mrs. Clifford Nutting Llnsccd oil bclnc henled c itove causlit fire. Tlio lire dci.... only curtnhLi and b tew clothc.^ >erorc the Buhl fire deparimen :xtlngul.KJic<l thn tilarc. Mrs.NuttlnK received severe bum tbout the hands and had lo be tak' •n to n doctor for treatment. Lonergan Trial NEW YORK. Feb. 34 l^T—Wajne U>nen;an'8. trial for the slaying of hbi heiress wife. Patricia, today was adjourned until Monday when his counsel. Edward V. Broderick, failed to nppenr In the courtroom for Iht second successive day. General Bes-ilons Judge Jonah J. Freschl said he had received an- other telegnun from Broderick from anada declaring that h# could not ppear until Monday. Assistant District Attorney Jacob -rumet reluctantly agreed to a de- fervse motion for an adjournment. Exchange of War Internees Nears n and-r iie United Slates and other American nations now en rout* lo Lisbon for exchange are expected to cross the Spanbh frontier «. Irun today. A Spanlsli auihorlly aald ..,v group frtim Baden<Baden, most of vhom were Interned in November, 1642, When the Gerrhans occupied Vichy, France, will be Joined by J* seriously wounded American sol- diers captured by the Gerrhans who will be exchanged for an e<)ual ber of qermao. ^wnded at •I.s of Anieri lul l>aH boHi ir fifth liest) linited S(a « which ha.s ■•ry dny .'»ii I unpreredpnti Faflorki Tar ininry wnjet.-^ 5lnnt ai Schwc piday f'ti .vUlton I, by Liber- the I plnnui ftt 5 ator twmlxffs of llii- l.')in nir inrce.' In Itnly. whicli Ihu.s iiialntnlncd the nbrokrn ylrliiK of dully nttackj,. Ilnlland It.ililril Only n tew liour.s alirr twln- .igined RAF Mo-squltoe.s relumed from Oermnnv. Amnrlcan 9th air force Marniidpr.^ In dnyllrht bombed ilrfleld-i In ocruiiled Holland from which Orniinn flRhtcrs have been .rr-Io-liwrasi-i'lylnC-Fot. id Ubcratora la their for- ImultAi •Icli. flgllter-ljomlSers r have l>ccn preparlns rockri. Upward.1 of 175 C relallftted with thel tondon and llie ht lights la.n nlK number of homes n Ings and selling fli e plnr it. WTfcklne a id odier build- s. T»o enemy s Ihli morning i first dnyllghf * ■• U)ey touched off London'. . alert since iMt July 7, dropped no bombs. ObJecUves of the Brlllsh nUht raiders were not announced, but they were presumed lo lie In Oer- " Vs Industrial Ruhr and Rhine* iUESI PROB ING D EA IH O F YOU IH p Impact tbrew hh Offlcprs reimed thal a in-wrt ihp unldenMflfd t -xin UiMilln, sl.'.ler o! II inRtil.'h the object In the cln . Young Eauterly ws* wearln [-colored overcoat. declared hr slopped and louiid tho his firic borrott' i>lt. The drlvrr of tl Iflrd rnr also slopped bu nued on hl< way, Sheri hn^on ha» Issued a call tli [Cxnllnit^ •• net t, New Gas Books to Cut Fake Coupons SAN FRANCISCO, Frt). 34 llf.PJ- Ia;>unnce of new C-3 K ‘‘wHne cou- pons on March 1will .llmlnnte Uie nece.isliy ot Impotintlliii; ihc nirrent C-2 coupons In *lx we.neni slate.i to halt Uie use of 3.000.000 (tnllons worUi of tnunterfpll wilpt, the of- fice of price admlnljlrailoii an- nounced today. All new extra nillraf;n rallmiit l.s- ■BUpa after'Mnrctrl— jrtthbe—Jn-the form of C-3 book?., but C-2 books will be valid ualli Ilic <ln1r of plriitlon, Moiorlit.s llrcnsc niiinbm oil Uie back.1 of used C-2 couimm will permit tracing or rouiilerfell script, Leo Ocntiipr, regional OPA director said. Lieut. Aadrew’s Body Recovered SHOSHONE. Feh. 24 - The body of Lieut, William M. Andrew who was killed In the cm.<h of his flBht- er plane In Sullen bay near Croc* ketl, Calif., on Jan. 15 ha.i been re- covered accorillnR to n wire received by hLi moUicr, Mrs. Aniiainae Ken- aston, Shoshone, from the army air base, SanU Rosa, Calif. The, telegram advbcd Mr*. Ken- aslon tliat Lieutenant Andrew’s body was being scut to Shoshone for funeral services and burial. Record Totals Predicted for Farm Macliihe Auction Friday The Mnslc Valley high of the-year In farm machlnerj- sales loomed as ar prospect Tliursday, as last- ile preparations went ahead for all-day auction sale which will begin at 10 iJii. Friday al the \V '1U Hams Implement lot. Modeled atler last yew's &ale here, whtcl) wb.< the first dealgnetl to place farm machlJiery where,It w»s most needed at a time of crlUe- al “UJortage, Uils year's sale Is ex- pected to surpass the 1BI3 event both In number of Implements and dollar volume. ’Thvdollar volume would be up If Ihe Hinnber of Implements «-ere u n ^ s a l d E. C. <Doc) Vaw- chairman In charge of ar- rangements, "becaii.>e of tlie high qnallty of ihe Iniplemcats offered lor sale." The sale h being s|xinsorcd by the Twin Foils Chambef of Com. mercc and the U. B, D. A, war board, In conjuncttoa with Twin Falls Implement dralers, Tlw Red Cross wiU benclll by the number of hlildera on celllns-price Implemeiitii, .because the II charged each bidder In lho.'e cases w ill go to tho Red eras.', Tlie Orpheiun thcaier will fu^nL^h personnel and suitpllcs for a bond booth on Uie groundji, and bond* will be nvalltble all day. II was said by Uie sale nianajeiiifai. Women of the Hatu^n Orange will serve lunth. House Overrides Tax Bill Veto by 299-95 Vote With Senate Passage Predicted SO IONS EttId BBEHK D EHD IOCK ON BU I! BU I WASHlNCTnK.l’c I Ik •ole Inniorrii break in thi; lonft (ie;i(il()(;k between advti- cates of .-^tate and federal bal- lots. Sen. Theodore F. Green, D., R . I., a-senate conferee, iniii- i-ntotl Die slalttH of Ihu (alks that tlip y.'t Japs Make Use Of Bomb Crater AN ADVANCED eO im i PA- CIFIC AIRDA8E, Fi’t> . J4 _ Each limp alllecl fllrrs ralrlrrt odicall.v rppnlrrd But yp.Merdny a force bomber sn'i tlirre. W A S H IN’tiT O M , l'\'U. 24 — EKpvpssinji sividt-ul vcheUion as5\inat Pres- irlrm Koosi'vplf.s ta.x vic'ws, tin* linu.^c I n'lay voUni td it') to pass the $2,300,- iifUl iinii ...... Im'II Ui.. lOOJIC '111 .X 1. .•■■n iio 1 - » cxiiootod l( •^latiito iKiok iealo llu> tioiiso acli ‘ Pn'sidenfs ohjeclii ial rpoli>(i pcililicat Wu:- .-(■imle noniocratic l,.‘a .'.1 in 111.- halU of til., riij.i Uimiirrow, putting tha H notwithstanding, nirton back on its heels pre- r Uarkley of Kentucky, and .•c‘. boll, of whom tailed for ov..rri(ie came to a roll call, nijise of the pru- Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV, Feb. 24 (U.R)—Sen, Alhen W . Bnrklcry of Kontticky today resii^ncd a.s Domocrntic floor leader of tli latf, iitit ajr'rpfd to cept the past i oh'cted him and 1. Pat Harrt.wn of Navy Lashes M ariana Isles in New Attack ny MORIIIE I-ANDSnKUCT A.uorlaled Treu War Cdltor The -HWccpinK offen.sivc of American forces carryins Hielr nssuull ever clusor lo Jiipan'H lionio waters poinletl up today th e >jrowiii;r peril of the enemy’s po.sition.s in the Pacific. A heavy U. S. carrier attack hit the .Marianit i.slands, 1,300 mile.s aonth of Tokyo, for tho first time even as American fiKlitinp men won .still another ba.se in Eniwetok, western Mnr.ilialls, to extend oi>era tions nKfiinst the core of Japa nj’.se_i,‘<lnn(L‘icfonses.____ . Tlic wcilem end of New nrltali •’U now coinpletfly in our hanu^, relDpineat whici nimblliig ol nip I the southwrs cd. In a furilier contributed to il ponc.ic strcngtl; Puclfk-. m lcr Tojo U ppreailliig tlmmgh Ja- jMin," iho Chlnw cenlral ncw« HBcncy said today quotlnn rr|>orts ttttrlbuWd lo J.«i)iinc!,e la Shnlghal. Several hundred plniies attacked Saipan and Tinian Islands, al Uie soulJicni llp of tiie IS-odd Marianas, Tuesday In a raid probably msdt by the annie carrier task force which ploughed Into Japan's naval strong* hold of Truk Feb. 10 and 17. Saipan, clilef of Uio group. Is 120 miles north of Qunman, American possession capUirnl by the ijaponese early In the war. Both the Truk and Marianas as- saults were comnianded by Rear A dni. Marc A. Mlischer, skipper of the carrier Hornet when D-21 army bombers took off for the I94J raid I Tokyo. Radio silence again dclajed com- unlcatlon of details of Ihe Matian- I attack, but Uie naval units may »ve soiled Uicre In March of Uie Last of Alabama . Quadruplets Dies DECATUR, Ala., Feb, 24 iX’, — Dianne Hutlo, last of the quad- ruplets bom to the 33-ye*r.old wife o l an army paTatrooper Tuestlay, died ihls monilng In Benevolent hosplui. DeaUi, as in the cases ef her two sisters and'brother, resulted from ••weakness and prematurity,” lice- p lta l attaches t*^ld. H er mother. Mr*. Speacer Ed- lund Hutlo, 23, was lu good comU; on. nie lamer,.Private lluita'35, came here yesterday Irouj Ibrt Bcn- nln«. Ok Crucial War Period Seen For Finland WASllINOTON, Feb, 24 MV-Fltl- land uii|ijirciitly rnlered Its most crltlcnl |)rrlod of llie wur today wlih tile departure from Stockholm of Dr. Jiiho K, Paa.'lKlvl. i>care envoy, Tlie Imnircllalfl Issue confronting Uie HeWnkl Kovemment, aMumlng pciicc terms have been arranged the coiinlo' from the fate of Italy— prevent iLs becoming a batilrground for Gennon iind allied armies. O n the other hnnd, If peace ne- Rotlatloa..! nt Stockholm failed, the Ls-itie Is how long Finland can stave olf Uie smaslilng red army attacks expected U) follow up the recent Helsinki air raids. If the ncBotlatlons at Stockholm were coaclu-slve it Is believed here that the next lew days should see the tule lold—either In Finnish ef- forl.i to rid the country of Oermuns 1 new nas^lan blows nt Finland. High Court Saves Man From Death BOISE, Feb. 24 iU i*>—The Idaho supreme court in a 3-3 decision to- day savfd William Behler from the gallows by modifying his deal(i sen- tence lo life imprlsomncnt for the murder iMt MattJi « ot John P. Gllberir. Ferdinand merclianl. The majority opinion, wTltien by Chief Justice Edwin M. Holden, cited Behler^a aub-normal mind as rcabon for the reversal, Jw^llces James P, Allshle and S. Ben Dun- lap concurred. Justices Alfred Budge •nd Raymond-L, Olvens dissented, holding (he death sentence, pro- nounced by.an Idaho county district court Jot}', should sUud,' ,s,Giim ip CO iERREOON h rcntrnl Idiiho r coramunlllcji of Jrroiiip. Rii T-Aln Follf. Durlpy. Buhl, I’alll. I and Casllpford. Tlielr native li ranged from Diglnnd. Spalrx. . tria, Italj’. Orrmtvny and BwH land to the United Stales (one Itlloner was repairlntcd alter Ing been a Canadian citizen). Leo H. Murphy, nalumlliM exaailncr from Spokane, handled Iho hearing. Tlio new cltlrens and place of nativity arc: Harrjd CotUer .Shlnimln, 44,. J r om'p, Ixim an lale of Man. 'Eiii;lajii nobert Henry Shlinmln, 50, Jcrom I«Ic of Man, England; na)7nond Ia Roy Harbour, 52. Rujiert, born I ttllnc I'RlLv 6|>aln; Leon Segal, 57, Biirle.v Austria: Itenrv Mrndlnl. 40, Biih Italy: Anibrc«lna Mcndliil, 41. Buh Italy; Peter Cook. 66, Paul, Oifr many; Iner. Paolt, 37, Riijierl. Itnly Oltone F. Coll, SO. Paul. Austria Joseph Bnmo Blehl. 41, Twin Knlli ny, Marie Scliaucrman. 43, Edei ; Mary Klein. 68, Twin .Fall; Oerinnny; Regina Glu.'i-nrr. 6( Ca.stle(ord, Oermany; Mnrtu I^lrda Ilpcker, 30, Ca.-«tleford, Germany Lena Schutle, 48, Eden. Germanv I,orpnr« Celava, 50, Tain Palls Spain: Rosa Mueller. 50, Dulil. Su-li •>nd: Alfred Mueller, 64. Buhl. SwlUerland. Veto’s Overrider Saves FDR Money WASlIINaTON. Peb. 24 (,D - Prcsldfntlal SccreUiry Stephen Eai ly N>ld today that Mr. Rouevclt. c a Umber-grower at Hjxie Park, sloe to lose money on hLs veto of the lux bill, but would save somethUig on a coiiRresslonal actltm to over- ride Uie veto. Tlic bill. Early said, would savi Mr, Roosevelt the tux-on about »3,- COO annually on hts forestry opera- Uons. He wUl Iom? this. Early .'aid. 1 . congre.ss sustains hl.^ veto. Tlie Pres- ident produces at hi.s Hyde Piirk ea- late a variety of timber. Includhu Chrlsunus tree.-*. CONVOY ATTACK IIKPULSKI) LONDON, Feb, 24 OI.PJ — Light □rltl.s)i navnl units repulsed at- tempt.s by several Krou|is of Ger- man E-boat.1 to attack a small con- voy off Uie east coa.st early ycsler- ind de.stroycd one enemy vessel, admiralty annoimced l^ a y . art* Cor ipanj DoughWn dc- L-li.rril he had "parted cotnpanj’* with Uie Prrsldenl on the veto Issue, ■:iiylnK Mr. Roosevelt’s message re- flected -on Uie judgment and In- tegrity of the congress of the United Stales," and that Ihe executive "has told us in effcct Uiat If you’ll *c- ccpt by dictation and abdlcale your r,--'porLslblIlty. I'll approve wlial you Mr. IKKvsefpIl’.s \Va.shltisujn hlrUl- tlay vito me.-jmge de.scribed the Ux litll as il nipa.surc for the relief of Niiieiy-iitnr Democrats and on» .iilnor party member Joined l » Re- imhliratis In voting 10 override. "Ilirpn Ileiiubltcnns, three minor piirty inrnitiers and SS Democrat* voted lo siLMaln the chief exeCUUve. •niU was the second time wlU)ln n year the Pre.sldenl had been over- ridden In Uio house, Tlie fimlth- Connally untl-slrike bill became law lfu.t .Iiine over the President's velo, tlie hou^c voUng 344 to 108 to over- ride. Two Veloet KusUlned Mr. Roo.M'vell has been tucccss* ftil during Umi time In having two. vetoes su-ntaliied, Botli of Uiew vetoes prcvptited the outlawing, of food subsidies as a part of ths war* time stabilization program, ’I'oilay's house acUon was one ot llie worst legblatlve setbacks Uii president has suffered sines h« looU jfflci * a«o. llately after ths merridlna vote. Rcpcrcacntatlve Knul*on, R,, Minn.. Ropubl'ran .le»a*r ^ot Uia , ways and mcaivi cohunlttee, IsSued a statement calling for "a coin- plpte ,sliaketip of the policy-maV. jiiK i>er.sonncI In the treasury de- Jolnt ■oob.Mr' ii.ur>’ "1 s«U7- ,-lndlcat .. a It cannot die- ig Inability of the tax- ns lawmakers to get along fur- wlth the present treasury pol- naking personnel. sold •• upon treasury U i. or the infon .* Hit A has been Tlie Republican tax leader »n- lounced he was Introducing today a >111 to establish the bureou of In- (CnllpiiH en T.,, J. Cl.ni. I) ■^ ’ * * * Senators Approve Override of Veto WASHINGTON. Feb, 24 (rtV-Re. publican senaior* were described u unanimously In favor of overriding President Rooscvclfs la* bill velo lifter an Infonnal canvau today In a coiifcrence called lo chooM ol- fleers of the senate mliierity. Senaior McNary, Oregon, w»* ri* eiccted without opposltlarrasTntnor- — ity lloor leader and Senator White, Maine, who has been acting leader lit McNary-s abvence due to Illness, elected formally to tliat post, he Republicans named S ^ to r idcnberg. Michigan, as eonler- e vice chftlrinnn, Senalcr Wher- r)'. Nebraska, as parly whip and #u- •• -irizcd npiwlnlment of a nine- inber steering coaimitlee I: first full zallon of lha minority j ............. .......... ton. Ohio, was chosen letaelary of the conference to eomplila tha party organluUon. “Shangri-la” Now a Reality As New Carrier Is Laiuiclied NORFOLK NAVY YARD. Ports- moulh. Va„ Feb. 24 (U.R>—rlic 27.000- Ion aircraft carrier Shangri-La, a 16. ,000,000 harbinger ot new air raids on Tokj’o, was launched here today under ►ponsorslilp of Mrs. James Doolittle, whose husband led the Ilrat American raid on Uie Japanese capital. launcliing Slalc.1 a lotal ot tiers in addition crulser-typcs and. escort carriers. « Linked to Raid Tlie name of the new flattop U linked closely wlU» the first Amcr' tivve Uie United I flr$t-Une car- nine converted raid 01 April 18, 1B42. When President Roo.ievell was asked where the American bombers operated from, he replied Uiat they had eomo from “Bhangri-U" — the myUilcal land mentioned In Uie no\-el “Lost Horl-. ion" by James Hilton, “flhangri-la" laWr turned out to be the aircraft carrier Hornet, aub- sequenUy sunk. B ut so much public' tnleresc was srou«ed by Uie refer- uce to ‘•Shaogil-lft’ - that- i t v u sclcMed I tlie' ;orricr.. An lntcre.sted specUtor at th* launclUng was Hllion. the British novelist who crealed the name. ' .AL'o present was a participant In the famous first attack en T ^ o . HcwasCapt.J. E. Mandt, Staunton, Va., .who flew here from'RlU field, Ogden, Utah, to witness the launch- ing. He U now a test.pilot at HIU field. Gov. Colgate W. Darden, Jr,.of VlrglnU,.subsUiuilng’for'6mt«ry . of Navy Frank Knox, gave tht ne»' carrier, formidable In her grey war.' pahil. godspeed. • "1 hope,’ he said, ’ thst tbb . . , will bcnr herseU In a niaiuicr wcrUiy of Uie valiant n9rttt,:»ncl' mat the hour may oMo;. u the thunder of aerial tMltU R^'icrosa. .... J blow cameffsi------- - The 37,000-ton e 3.000 men and oyet WT)— 18 fii-e-lDch. U alibtriS^,.

FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

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Page 1: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

A Regional Newspaper Scrvinjr N ine IrriRnlcd Idaho Counties

W A R B U LLE T INI.ONIIUK. 24 (/t>~ni4nhi] JomU

KUIln toiilllit announced ths eaplon ol llafuhev on llie \Vhlt« RouIm Ireat and dccUrcd the cnrtny waa ancnaUns Dim, la»t major German baatlon eul e( Faker, ■alewa^’Ui Ihe enUre DalUo lUtc* area.


msBnniE FOE m SHEETS '8HSES1DNI)MOSCOW, Feb. 24 (U.R) —

Uiissinn tro o p s and Umk.t biimmcrcd Ihe (It'rnian.s back throiiffh the Ktrccts o f Dtio, slrongesl German bane ensl of Pskov at the invasion K“>e-

to the Baltic .states, tn- .lay and captnre «f tho t.>«„ 'vii.s bpiicved imminont.

Mor 3 GcriiklUtd. and many otii turcd In Uie Jiul-brenkliiB offensive.

NorlhKtU of Dno, Oen. Leonid A. OOvorov's Leningrad forccs id l­ed nnollicr 30 locnlltir.-) nlons a broad from above Pskov. Hl.i main rohimii, ini.'ihlne cIo%n ihf' Lenin*

I Krn niiV\


TKRS, NAl’LlCS. Fi‘b. 2-t W*) - Fijrlilitifr nyain flurod on I lie Anzio front, with a r tilk ry piinners breaking up Gorman groups pn-parini- tn attJiL-k in front of Amorican troops wosi o f CiHterria and alllpd iroo|>s repuisinfr nazi attempl.s to in- tSKmlo tVicir lines soulliw rsl o f Carroccto, ajlied headqunr. icrs fnmiHicc'A lo(inv.

Pnlrol action* and (ilinrn ex-.rtlllerr

II the , 1 IKtb I lhi>

wicmy movrnirnt: Wari Field Marslml All

regmuplnK liLthird ti

benchhead KURRe.ned

rrl KeMel- forccs fornlllr.i

didGerman liiKh command

commll any .ilmblf force.i o actinn jrsfrrday and no Rr hniigrd band.'.German planr.i continued to 1

nd ahool ii[> benehhend troop;

Prisoners C a p tu re d a l A nzio

r or UST open* to diU'>u(e to priwn rampn behind .an ottennlTe aratnst l)ia ntl

Planes Flay K e y

Nazi IndustriesI.OSDON , i-el). 24 (UP.) — Pi>\

.■aw b.mibiTS bla.-iled (German at Cothii and Sclnveiufurt t

I. but n In (hr nftc

llne.i throughout tlie BrltLih forces of the eighth

heat off a »m»Il-jeale Qerma lack In (he region of OunrtilnBrelp Bbout SO miles Inland from f Adriatic on a ttlshway ^outh'»;e^t Ortona.

London Reporters- Find City ‘Unsafe’LONDON. Peb. J4 (,r^\Vnr cor-

rtjpendenta Jujt returned from the battI(front« have concludcd. nftei

Tandergolng the stepped-up German Valda on the BrilLib mnllnl thnt It rifflnltely Isnt safe arotind here They miM their slli trenchw.

Rom Munro. Canadian pre.<a re.ipondent who %-ut at Dieppe In Africa, Sicily and then Italy, med up for hl» componlons:

•'TieM buildings aren't snfr.......going: to dig a silt trench In the pt>rk in front of my home,"



ntSDANDEO NA0OATUCK, Conn.. Feb. 3t-

The S.05. has disbanded becaiw, one member explained, ••others kid- ed ui to much about U thnl we couldn't take It any longer."

■nie S.03. consisted of a group of high school girls who met each Wedaeiday to listen (o a certain radio program.

8.03. stood for “Slaves of Sr natra.

4fcLEl!EPHARTTOriD, Conn., Feb. 2* ~

Cornelius A. Moylan. unemployment compenMtlon conunlMloncr. w a I f i okay to sleep on the Job under certain clrcunulancea.

Awarding unemployment compen. satlon to Nick Rentavloe, 63. Utm Britain, who «aa discharged fo' sleeping at hi* bench, Moylon sivli the employe merely 'look a cat nap' while walling for wrk to be brought to him.

This *aa net a sufJlclfnt reason lor him to be fired. Moylan ruled.


Qcorge W. Jeffrey, olflce Of price BdmlnUtratlon rent director for the wUmlngtotf area. uU his rented house had been sold and the r

March I***



lotnl 1.17.R6S. of which 36,00i ai

tolnlrd llB.iaB. dlHdPd a killed 19.4PI>: woiinrte<t « IK 3«i.335. prLsoners ol

nn\-j'. miirlnM and eo.vt uuard- Biisod on reiwrls mi to<lay, have nmounte<l to 39,737. n.i follows ‘ " >d 16.506; wound<Hi 0.332; m MOl: prl.«otier» 4,41fl

Pntlrrson . nld UuU of Uie 45.WS

camps. rooKly In Ja5>AiWf«'oetwpltrt nrcn. . He commented thnt "11 Is known that the nctunl number must, In and reality, be much Inrgp) "

Woman liurned iii Linseed Oil Fire

BUHL. Feb. 34-SllRht damage wiw cnu.-ied by n flie which broke

Buhl re.sldence owiied by^Mrs, EJf nor Van Houlen and occupied by Mr-, and Mrs. Clifford Nutting

Llnsccd oil bclnc henled c itove causlit fire. Tlio lire dci....

only curtnhLi and b tew clothc. >erorc the Buhl fire deparimen :xtlngul.KJic<l thn tilarc.Mrs.NuttlnK received severe bum

tbout the hands and had lo be tak' •n to n doctor for treatment.

Lonergan Trial

NEW YORK. Feb. 34 l T—Wajne U>nen;an'8. trial for the slaying of hbi heiress wife. Patricia, today was adjourned until Monday when his counsel. Edward V. Broderick, failed to nppenr In the courtroom for Iht second successive day.

General Bes-ilons Judge Jonah J. Freschl said he had received an- other telegnun from Broderick from

anada declaring that h# could not ppear until Monday.Assistant District Attorney Jacob

- rumet reluctantly agreed to a de- fervse motion for an adjournment.

Exchange of War Internees Nears

n and-riie United Slates and other

American nations now en rout* lo Lisbon for exchange are expected to cross the Spanbh frontier «. Irun today.

A Spanlsli auihorlly aald ..,v group frtim Baden<Baden, most of vhom were Interned in November, 1642, When the Gerrhans occupied Vichy, France, will be Joined by J* seriously wounded American sol­diers captured by the Gerrhans who will be exchanged for an e<)ual

ber of qermao. ^wnded at

•I.s of Anieri lul l>aH boHi ir fifth liest)

lin ited S(a « which ha.s ■•ry dny .'»ii

I unpreredpnti

Faflorki Tar ininry wnjet.- 5lnnt ai Schwc

piday f'ti .vUlton I, by Liber-

the Iplnnui ftt 5ator twmlxffs of llii- l.')in nir inrce.' In Itnly. whicli Ihu.s iiialntnlncd the nbrokrn ylrliiK of dully nttackj,.

Ilnlland It.ililril Only n tew liour.s alirr twln-

.igined RAF Mo-squltoe.s relumed from Oermnnv. Amnrlcan 9th air force Marniidpr. In dnyllrht bombed ilrfleld-i In ocruiiled Holland from which Orniinn flRhtcrs have been

.rr-Io-liwrasi-i'lylnC-Fot. id Ubcratora la their for-


flgllter-ljomlSers r

have l>ccn preparlns rockri.

Upward.1 of 175 C relallftted with thel tondon and llie ht

■ lights la.n nlK number of homes n Ings and selling fli

e plnr

it. WTfcklne a id odier build- s. T»o enemy s Ihli morning i first dnyllghf

* ■ • U)eytouched off London'. . alert since iMt July 7, dropped no bombs.

ObJecUves of the Brlllsh nUht raiders were not announced, but they were presumed lo lie In Oer- " Vs Industrial Ruhr and Rhine*


p Impact tbrew hh

Offlcprs reimed thal a in-wrt ihp unldenMflfd t -xin UiMilln, sl.'.ler o! II

inRtil.'h the object In the cln . Young Eauterly ws* wearln [-colored overcoat.

declared hr sloppedand louiid tho

his firicborrott' i>lt. The drlvrr of tl

Iflrd rnr also slopped bu nued on hl< way, Sheri hn^on ha» Issued a call tli [Cxnllnit •• net t,

New Gas Books to Cut Fake CouponsSAN FRANCISCO, Frt). 34 llf.PJ-

Ia;>unnce of new C-3 K‘‘wHne cou­pons on March 1 will .llmlnnte Uie nece.isliy ot Impotintlliii; ihc nirrent C-2 coupons In *lx we.neni slate.i to halt Uie use of 3.000.000 (tnllons worUi of tnunterfpll wilpt, the of­fice of price admlnljlrailoii an­nounced today.

All new extra nillraf;n rallmiit l.s- ■BUpa after'Mnrctrl—jrtthbe—Jn-the form of C-3 book?., but C-2 books will be valid ualli Ilic <ln1r of plriitlon, Moiorlit.s llrcnsc niiinbm oil Uie back.1 of used C-2 couimm will permit tracing or rouiilerfell script, Leo Ocntiipr, regional OPA director said.

Lieut. Aadrew’s Body Recovered

SHOSHONE. Feh. 24 - The body of Lieut, William M. Andrew who was killed In the cm.<h of his flBht- er plane In Sullen bay near Croc* ketl, Calif., on Jan. 15 ha.i been re- covered accorillnR to n wire received by hLi moUicr, Mrs. Aniiainae Ken- aston, Shoshone, from the army air base, SanU Rosa, Calif.

The, telegram advbcd Mr*. Ken- aslon tliat Lieutenant Andrew’s body was being scut to Shoshone for funeral services and burial.

R e c o rd T o ta ls Predicted for

F arm M a c liih e A uction F r id ayThe Mnslc Valley high of the-year

In farm machlnerj- sales loomed as ar prospect Tliursday, as last- ile preparations went ahead for all-day auction sale which will

begin at 10 iJii. Friday al the \V'1U Hams Implement lot.

Modeled atler last yew's &ale here, whtcl) wb.< the first dealgnetl to place farm machlJiery where,It w»s most needed at a time of crlUe- al “UJortage, Uils year's sale Is ex- pected to surpass the 1BI3 event both In number of Implements and dollar volume.

’Thvdollar volume would be up If Ihe Hinnber of Implements «-ere

u n ^ s a ld E. C. <Doc) Vaw- chairman In charge of ar­

rangements, "becaii.>e of tlie high qnallty of ihe Iniplemcats offered lor sale."

The sale h being s|xinsorcd by the Twin Foils Chambef of Com. mercc and the U. B, D. A, war board, In conjuncttoa with Twin Falls Implement dralers,

Tlw Red Cross wiU benclll by the number of hlildera on celllns-price Implemeiitii, .because the II charged each bidder In lho.'e cases will go to tho Red eras.',

Tlie Orpheiun thcaier will fu^nL^h personnel and suitpllcs for a bond booth on Uie groundji, and bond* will be nvalltble all day. II was said by Uie sale nianajeiiifai.

Women of the Hatu^n Orange will serve lunth.

House Overrides Tax Bill Veto by 299-95 Vote With Senate Passage Predicted


W A SH lN C T nK .l’c

I Ik •oleInniorrii

break in thi; lonft (ie;i(il()(;k between advti- cates of .- tate and federal bal­lo ts.

Sen. Theodore F. Green, D., R . I., a-senate conferee, iniii- i-ntotl Die slalttH of Ihu (alks

that tlipy.'t

Japs Make Use Of Bomb Crater

AN ADVANCED eOimi PA­CIFIC AIRDA8E, Fi’t>. J4 _ Each limp alllecl fllrrs ralrlrrt

odicall.v rppnlrrd But yp.Merdny a

force bomber sn'i tlirre.

W A S H IN’ t iT O M , l'\'U. 24 — EKpvpssin ji s iv id t-u l vcheUion as5\inat Pres-

ir lrm Koosi'vplf.s ta.x vic'ws, tin* linu.^c I n 'lay voUni td it') to pass the $2,300,-iifU l iinii ...... Im'II Ui..lOOJIC

'111 .X 1.

.•■■niio 1- » cxiiootod l(

•^latiito iKiok

iealo llu> tioiiso ac li

‘ P n 's id e n f s o h je c lii ial rpoli>(i pcililicat Wu:- .-(■imle noniocratic l,.‘a

.'.1 in 111.- halU of til., riij.i

U im iirrow , p u ttin g tha

H no tw ithstand ing , nirton back on its heels pre- r Uarkley of Kentucky, and .•c‘. boll, of whom tailed for

ov..rri(ie came to a roll call, nijise of the pru-

B a rk lc v Itesigns b ill Accej)ls

P os t AncSv by U nan im ous V o leWASHINGTOxV, Feb. 24 (U.R)—Sen, Alhen W . Bnrklcry of

Kontticky today resii^ncd a.s Domocrntic floor leader o f tlilatf, iitit ajr'rpfd to cept the past i

oh'cted him and

1. Pat Harrt.wn of

N a v y L a s h e s M a r i a n a

I s l e s i n N e w A t t a c kny MORIIIE I-ANDSnKUCT A.uorlaled Treu War Cdltor

The -HWccpinK offen.sivc of American forces carryins Hielr nssuull ever clusor lo Jiipan'H lionio waters poinletl up today th e >jrowiii;r peril of the enemy’s po.sition.s in the Pacific.

A heavy U. S. carrier attack h it the .Marianit i.slands, 1,300 mile.s aonth of Tokyo, for tho f ir s t time even as American fiK litinp men won .still another ba.se in Eniwetok, western Mnr.ilialls, to extend oi>era tions nKfiinst the core of Japa nj’ .se_i,‘<lnn(L‘icfonses.____ .

Tlic wcilem end of New nrltali •’U now coinpletfly in our hanu ,

relDpineat whici nimblliig ol nip I the southwrs

cd. In a furilier contributed to il ponc.ic strcngtl; Puclfk-.

mlcr Tojo U ppreailliig tlmmgh Ja- jMin," iho Chlnw cenlral ncw« HBcncy said today quotlnn rr|>orts ttttrlbuWd lo J.«i)iinc!,e la Shnlghal.

Several hundred plniies attacked Saipan and Tinian Islands, al Uie soulJicni llp of tiie IS-odd Marianas, Tuesday In a raid probably msdt by the annie carrier task force which ploughed Into Japan's naval strong* hold of Truk Feb. 10 and 17.

Saipan, clilef of Uio group. Is 120 miles north of Qunman, American possession capUirnl by the ijaponese early In the war.

Both the Truk and Marianas as­saults were comnianded by Rear Adni. Marc A. Mlischer, skipper of the carrier Hornet when D-21 army bombers took off for the I94J raid

I Tokyo.Radio silence again dclajed com- unlcatlon of details of Ihe Matian- I attack, but Uie naval units may »ve soiled Uicre In March of Uie

Last of Alabama . Quadruplets Dies

DECATUR, Ala., Feb, 24 iX’, — Dianne Hutlo, last of the quad­ruplets bom to the 33-ye*r.old wife ol an army paTatrooper Tuestlay, died ihls monilng In Benevolent hosplui.

DeaUi, as in the cases ef her two sisters and'brother, resulted from ••weakness and prematurity,” lice- pltal attaches t* ld.

Her mother. Mr*. Speacer Ed- lund Hutlo, 23, was lu good comU; on. n ie lamer,.Private lluita'35,

came here yesterday Irouj Ibrt Bcn- nln«. Ok

C ru c ia l W a r

P e r io d Seen

F o r F in la n dWASllINOTON, Feb, 24 MV-Fltl-

land uii|ijirciitly rnlered Its most crltlcnl |)rrlod of llie wur today wlih tile departure from Stockholm of Dr. Jiiho K, Paa.'lKlvl. i>care envoy,

Tlie Imnircllalfl Issue confronting Uie HeWnkl Kovemment, aMumlng pciicc terms have been arranged

the coiinlo' from the fate of Italy— prevent iLs becoming a batilrground for Gennon iind allied armies.

On the other hnnd, If peace ne- Rotlatloa..! nt Stockholm failed, the Ls-itie Is how long Finland can stave olf Uie smaslilng red army attacks expected U) follow up the recent Helsinki air raids.

I f the ncBotlatlons at Stockholm were coaclu-slve it Is believed here that the next lew days should see the tule lold—either In Finnish ef- forl.i to rid the country of Oermuns

1 new nas^lan blows nt Finland.

High Court Saves Man From Death

BOISE, Feb. 24 iUi*>—The Idaho supreme court in a 3-3 decision to­day savfd William Behler from the gallows by modifying his deal(i sen­tence lo life imprlsomncnt for the murder iMt MattJi « ot John P. Gllberir. Ferdinand merclianl.

The majority opinion, wTltien by Chief Justice Edwin M. Holden, cited Behler^a aub-normal mind as rcabon for the reversal, Jw llces James P, Allshle and S. Ben Dun­lap concurred. Justices Alfred Budge •nd Raymond-L, Olvens dissented, holding (he death sentence, pro­nounced by.a n Idaho county district court Jot}', should sUud,'

, s , G i i m i pCOiERREOON

h rcntrnl Idiiho r

coramunlllcji of Jrroiiip. Rii T-Aln Follf. Durlpy. Buhl, I’alll. I and Casllpford. Tlielr native li ranged from Diglnnd. Spalrx. . tria, Italj’. Orrmtvny and BwH land to the United Stales (one Itlloner was repairlntcd alter Ing been a Canadian citizen).

Leo H. Murphy, nalumlliM exaailncr from Spokane, handled Iho hearing. Tlio new cltlrens and place of nativity arc:

Harrjd CotUer .Shlnimln, 44,. J r om'p, Ixim an lale of Man. 'Eiii;lajii nobert Henry Shlinmln, 50, Jcrom I«Ic of Man, England; na)7nond Ia Roy Harbour, 52. Rujiert, born IttllncI'RlLv 6|>aln; Leon Segal, 57, Biirle.v Austria: Itenrv Mrndlnl. 40, Biih Italy: Anibrc«lna Mcndliil, 41. Buh Italy; Peter Cook. 66, Paul, Oifr many; Iner. Paolt, 37, Riijierl. Itnly Oltone F. Coll, SO. Paul. Austria Joseph Bnmo Blehl. 41, Twin Knlli

ny,Marie Scliaucrman. 43, Edei ; Mary Klein. 68, Twin .Fall;

Oerinnny; Regina Glu.'i-nrr. 6( Ca.stle(ord, Oermany; Mnrtu I^lrda Ilpcker, 30, Ca.-«tleford, Germany Lena Schutle, 48, Eden. Germanv I,orpnr« Celava, 50, Tain Palls Spain: Rosa Mueller. 50, Dulil. Su-li

•>nd: Alfred Mueller, 64. Buhl. SwlUerland.

Veto’s Overrider Saves FDR MoneyWASlIINaTON. Peb. 24 (,D -

Prcsldfntlal SccreUiry Stephen Eai ly N>ld today that Mr. Rouevclt. c a Umber-grower at Hjxie Park, sloe to lose money on hLs veto of the lux bill, but would save somethUig on a coiiRresslonal actltm to over­ride Uie veto.

Tlic bill. Early said, would savi Mr, Roosevelt the tux-on about »3,- COO annually on hts forestry opera- Uons. He wUl Iom? this. Early .'aid. 1. congre.ss sustains hl. veto. Tlie Pres­ident produces at hi.s Hyde Piirk ea- late a variety of timber. Includhu Chrlsunus tree.-*.


□rltl.s)i navnl units repulsed at- tempt.s by several Krou|is of Ger­man E-boat.1 to attack a small con­voy off Uie east coa.st early ycsler-

ind de.stroycd one enemy vessel, admiralty annoimced l^ay .

art* Cor ipanjDoughWn dc-

L-li.rril he had "parted cotnpanj’* with Uie Prrsldenl on the veto Issue, ■:iiylnK Mr. Roosevelt’s message re­flected -on Uie judgment and In­tegrity of the congress of the United Stales," and that Ihe executive "has told us in effcct Uiat If you’ll *c- ccpt by dictation and abdlcale your r,--'porLslblIlty. I'll approve wlial you

Mr. IKKvsefpIl’.s \Va.shltisujn hlrUl- tlay vito me.-jmge de.scribed the Ux litll as il nipa.surc for the relief of

Niiieiy-iitnr Democrats and on» .iilnor party member Joined l » Re- imhliratis In voting 10 override. "Ilirpn Ileiiubltcnns, three minor piirty inrnitiers and SS Democrat* voted lo siLMaln the chief exeCUUve.

•niU was the second time wlU)ln n year the Pre.sldenl had been over­ridden In Uio house, Tlie fimlth- Connally untl-slrike bill became law lfu.t .Iiine over the President's velo, tlie hou^c voUng 344 to 108 to over­ride.

Two Veloet KusUlned Mr. Roo.M'vell has been tucccss*

ftil during Umi time In having two. vetoes su-ntaliied, Botli of Uiew vetoes prcvptited the outlawing, of food subsidies as a part of ths war* time stabilization program,

’I'oilay's house acUon was one ot llie worst legblatlve setbacks Uii president has suffered sines h« looUjfflci * a«o.

llately after ths merridlna vote. Rcpcrcacntatlve Knul*on, R,, Minn.. Ropubl'ran .le»a*r ^ot Uia , ways and mcaivi cohunlttee, IsSued a statement calling for "a coin- plpte ,sliaketip of the policy-maV. jiiK i>er.sonncI In the treasury de-


■o ob.Mr'ii.ur>’ "1 s«U7-

,-lndlcat.. a It cannot die-

ig Inability of the tax- ns lawmakers to get along fur- wlth the present treasury pol- naking personnel.

sold ••upon treasury U i. or the infon

.* HitA has been

Tlie Republican tax leader »n- lounced he was Introducing today a >111 to establish the bureou of In-

(CnllpiiH en T.,, J. Cl.ni. I)

■ ’ * * * Senators Approve

Override of VetoWASHINGTON. Feb, 24 (rtV-Re.

publican senaior* were described u unanimously In favor of overriding President Rooscvclfs la* bill velo lifter an Infonnal canvau today In a coiifcrence called lo chooM ol- fleers of the senate mliierity.

Senaior McNary, Oregon, w»* ri* eiccted without opposltlarrasTntnor- — ity lloor leader and Senator White, Maine, who has been acting leader lit McNary-s abvence due to Illness,

elected formally to tliat post, he Republicans named S^tor idcnberg. Michigan, as eonler- e vice chftlrinnn, Senalcr Wher-

r)'. Nebraska, as parly whip and #u- •• -irizcd npiwlnlment of a nine-

inber steering coaimitlee I:first full zallon of lhaminority j ............. ..........ton. Ohio, was chosen letaelary of the conference to eomplila tha party organluUon.

“Shangri-la” N ow a Reality

As N ew C a r r ie r Is La iu ic liedNORFOLK NAVY YARD. Ports-

moulh. Va„ Feb. 24 (U.R>—rlic 27.000- Ion aircraft carrier Shangri-La, a 16. ,000,000 harbinger ot new air raids on Tokj’o, was launched here today under ►ponsorslilp of Mrs. James Doolittle, whose husband led the Ilrat American raid on Uie Japanese capital.

launcliing Slalc.1 a lotal ot tiers in addition crulser-typcs and. escort carriers.

« Linked to Raid Tlie name of the new flattop U

linked closely wlU» the first Amcr'

tivve Uie United I flr$t-Une car- nine converted

raid 01April 18, 1B42. When President Roo.ievell was asked where the American bombers operated from, he replied Uiat they had eomo from “Bhangri-U" — the myUilcal land mentioned In Uie no\-el “Lost Horl-. ion" by James Hilton,

“flhangri-la" laWr turned out to be the aircraft carrier Hornet, aub- sequenUy sunk. But so much public' tnleresc was srou«ed by Uie refer- uce to ‘•Shaogil-lft’ - that- i t v u

sclcMed I tlie';orricr..

An lntcre.sted specUtor at th* launclUng was Hllion. the British novelist who crealed the name. '.AL'o present was a participant In

the famous first attack en T ^o . HcwasCapt.J. E. Mandt, Staunton, Va., .who flew here from'RlU field, Ogden, Utah, to witness the launch­ing. He U now a test.pilot at HIU field.

Gov. Colgate W. Darden, Jr,.of VlrglnU,.subsUiuilng’ for'6mt«ry . of Navy Frank Knox, gave tht ne»' carrier, formidable In her grey war.' pahil. godspeed. •

"1 hope,’ he said, ’ thst tbb . . , will bcnr herseU In a niaiuicr wcrUiy of Uie valiant n9rttt,:»ncl' mat the hour may oMo;. u the thunder of aerial tMltU R^'icrosa.

.. .. J blow cameffsi------ - -The 37,000-ton e

3.000 men and oyet WT)—18 fii-e-lDch. U a l i b t r i S ^ , .

Page 2: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

P affc Two T IM ES-N EW S, T W IN PA LLS , ID A H O Thursday, February 24, 1944

R[IAINS BARKLEYIlls mlgimtlon. hr

. HI coIIpupniilmou.Oy votrd lo rc-ekct him i tholr iMder and Bdopttd ilie cm IlOcnrf rpsolutloti.

••AlaJct wny {or liberty," jhW 6pi Tom Connnlly. D., Tex., oiH. (rrcn the eonfereno ccnmnlliie of collcagiii'f Uarkii’V of Uie action.

•ntA leiive Ifl.x. r for

T llS B L A C K F L A G F L IL S

KT>\f Maple Vallfv'^ 3ce-

nnd traffic tlc.alh 0/ J04< ocruued a l 8 p. v< f r h . 23



DArklpy «jx>nt 1pm tlinn Imlt iin , lioiir In Uie contcrciv

formnlly lil.<cxpialiiol Ills rcnaoiM for dolii;;inti men Irfi liU

, iillt thrill to iviirh Jinmprrp>l bv 111* i>

As hcjrd tlir i

I) ix-r

Olv« » lUpl,

Hr VIn hl.s ryn

Bnrklpy jaUI hi“ tiad not rrpllwi to Mr. Boo'cvi-Ifn tririirnni ApiwnlliiK to hlin not to rfMitn. but Mid he "aupposfd" hft would.

Prpntdcnl Roonevcll iirnrrt Dfirkley not to r<»li:n Iixai nlKht, RlinMt Im- jnf<Jlntelv iiftpr hr hrnrd n( thfl de- cUilon. Ho l lntn-aptiM nnnthtr "Dtnr Albcn" mtMAKr, sUnlliu- In saluui-

nicntnl In flpcllns Uorklfy to the lewlcrahlp by n onr-votr marifln nearly *even year* ,i«o. Whit* liou-ia SecrcUn' Slcplit-'ii T. Eiwly clellvej-«l Jt.

Mr. , RooBavelt exprfMfd rpgrel Uint he »M "otit of the city"—ih« first dL^ruuro thAt he wu nbarnl from tile Wlilt« Hous(v-And Hint he Oterefore could not hnvc iv ix-rsonii: Uilk with Diirklpy. Bui hr wild:

"I «incfrtly hopo ihnt you will not persist In yoiir nnnouiiced IntcnllDn to resign M miij[>rlty learirr of thn «matc. If ymi do. hoarver, I hope your cOlIfii«iH-s win not ncrept your realgnntlun; but 1/ they do, I iiin' cerely hopo tftnt they will Imnietll- ntcli- onil unAniiiiously reeled you.'

DniRiAtIo Speech In the drtimntlc iiixi>ch In which

heimnouncrel HLi rrslfnntlon, Bttrk- 3e>- Bccaied tJie Pro.slrtcnt of mAklng a "calcuIMed ftnd dcllbemte n-wnult on the InKiirlty of evpr>- mpinber of conRTfiv"

"I do not propose lo tiOte thl.i JustlTlntlc Ks.miilt lylnp down," hiul shouied. Mr. noojcvelt took i nisanci' of ihls protr.n In his ti 84R8 to the Kfntucklnn.

•'I- rogret lo l»-arn," Ihi* Prcaldeiil iy\ld, “thnl yiai lliounKt I hnrt In ni (veto) mwAgf* nttnckwl the liuc’i rlty or yo\in>elf luid other meinhci of coiiRreM. Such you tmi.tt kno wns not Riy Intentloa.'’


nmhiK cAmimlKii. Ihi- !ffect of the uiirlnloK, •« iverntfp clllwn la conrtriv ,he new rcunur- bill ui will brcnme Tnw.

'Hill will r»L«p the

000 inmiilly. The •.til"prnvU

liicrfa.x- In I

rh msliiT rxi I liixuflrs. Inrj iQUor l«. U'X•ff'Tllvr Ap.ll

T w in F a lls News in B r ie f

•rom Nmmp*H io Jlev. Olenn Griffith tnd the

U-v. Oeonje Dnurle, lx>tii of Nwnpa, n> hero on bu«liicu.

Chnnitx-r of Con;

•nil has relumed from Ban j where he ipent thn p**t llln* hl.i diiUKhWr and her

.Mretint.a.- Wdiiir.|.> IrinTiie will mcfll in. todAy in-m»-pnriMi hull. Ira i.f me parl:.li hnvo been

Citation of Honor For Boy Who Died As .lap Prisoner

I Mrs. 1 UsI

f cllat wiva alRnrd by l ndlnR Ki'iirral of (he

-my ttlr force*.I'rlvRle noils. *uiloiied In

Phlllpplnfj wlUi the iilr < . rounil lorcca. wn* flr«i rppnrted ilulnf; In (Lcllon, then wns on-

nounc^ » priaoiicr niid fliitillv wni •ted by the wnr tlepsrlnient a.'

luvlnir dipd June 18. 1643, IU« f.i- l> vlcAT of Aacen.'lon EjJiacopa:

d Uie lived 'aenerail

"ClWllon nf Honor. UnllBd .States »rmy elr Inicea. Pvt. Frcrt W. Rolh,

• gave hla llf« In th.' j«!r(<irm»m;e Li duty June IG. 1013. lU llvcl enr lil» c.miilrya nrm*. He dlnl live Ita honor. Ho van n soldtrr and hr knew n aoldler'n duly,

sncrlllfc will help lo ki-np uglor llnnilin torch thnt UahU our

rrty.y know I

10-Day Term for P ilferer of Auto

Merrill I. Cnrdwell. 27, TR'In FnlK who wfii pilferins n cnr when th owner reiunietl nfler BitencllnB show. v,-(u jentcnced to lO' dava i the couniy Jail when he epponred betoro Probate Judge 0, A. Bnlley on a chnrge of p»tly lurfeiiv.

Balloy jttld tlm t Cardwell la pisn. iilns to Join the nii\7. and Utat he

-WlU-bo ttltiMd-for thfti-pun>03f*-tfhe Is oc«pied before, the compli sentence la served.

The machine Cnrdwcll tdmlited rlfllner Is owned by E, A, Drlncen: who wllh Ills fnmlly spotted Hit man and help In his arrest by city police.

Mayor Proclaims Red Cross Week

n ie period of Teb. 27 U> Mnrch 4 tlcalRiiatcd ns Rod CroM week in

Twin Knili In n proclnnwitlon 1: by Mayor Bert A. 8wcel,

■•I urge the cltlzcn* of Tain Foils to support this KTCftt humanitarian orRonlznUon to Uie JuUcst extent of Uiclr ftbllllj'," siiltj the mayor, "by faklna n mcml>orshlp and ‘

tlcuo I

therefor a Eubstuntlul amount in - Uiat the Red Crav mny con-

■o cany on the work .i'hlcli....... - gloriously endeared It to thepeople of ths world.”

The annnual campiURn of Twin FftUa chapter of tiia American Red Crocs • will open during ned CrossWCdCa

99 Hunt Evacuees Examined in DraftHUNT, Pcb. 24—A total of Si

evtcuce residents of Hunt went u Boise Wednesday and today for pre Induction phj-slcal examliuitlons. it wna ,eatd by John Bigelow, reports officer.

Eighteen l8-ycar>olds reglste;^ with the Jerome county selective service . boftM were In Boise Wed- ncftdAy, and the otiief 81 who went up today vtre transfers from coast boorda to tha Jerome county board.

lljcse. »aId Blffelow,-ftrc the first retlstranU to go from Hunt dnce Japohcae-Anerlcaas cune under all

.prorUlona of the «IccUve service

« hl.iwho

rU-el.i/- Joy of hb-iiy him ho

cinory, Inpride redrdlcAi......................... .......plete fulllllmfnl of the ta.-'k for whleh he lo Rnllnnlly hna placed ill* Hie upon the tivski of man's freedom,"

Private nfllls' brother, Btewatt Rolls, *111 sraeluatc Nfnrch 11 from Bsnta Clara university, San Frnii-

tis nn aernnnntlcnl on«lnrer. a ucci'pted a po<t with thn nn- ndvl.wy coinnilltca on neron*


Inquest Opens in Higiiway Fatality

driver I Immrdl- ,y shi-rlfl'i detnlLi bo


te1y ko Hie Jerome otilco in order thn'Rlvpn on the ch.ic , nci. lie would bi trnre ll?hl on th . ..tald.

Yotinii Ks lerly wm bom Nov, 23, IPIO, In Cooper, Tex. Hr wn.i work­ing on hl» fniher’-i farm nenr Jer­ome and Is ■ Jerome hiRh KChofll Kfftduale. Siirvlvlnft arr hn pnrenl.', Mr. and Mrs. Bert FA.slerly, and the followliiK brothi-rs unci sisters: V/ar- rrn Easterly arul Bill EAsirrly, Se- atllp,- Wash.; Ocorjte-Easterly.-lflii Vegft,i, Nev.: Jack Ensicrly. In Ihe U, 8. ormy at Camp Bowie. Tex,; Uoyd Ei«lerly. Dalla. . Tex.; Mrs, Dcrt Lflllftll. RosweJl. N, M.. and Ml.w Etliia Easterly. Phoenix. Arlt.

Also «urvlvlns nre two unclc.n nntl an auiit: Charles Webster. Jack Websicr nna Ml.ss Mae Webster, all of JeroihP. Tlie body Is at the Wllcy funeral home. No funeral nrrnnge*lenis Imve been- made.Tills wiu ihe ffrst traffic fntalliy

of the year for Jerome county and the second of 1D44 for the Maslo Valley, The iMt MnRlc Valley high­way dcalli w u tliat of Nehx>n U Karris, 31, Heyburn. who died la*t Salurdw. » day after the truck he 'fts dilvinit had coUlded with d Union Pacific motor cnr at Rupert,

The Hospital

Onlj- • few bed.1 were available I the T»lti FnJla county general

hospital Thursdoy.ADMITTED

Mrs. Pranlt Esllnger, Mrs. WlUIe L. Chatterton and Alec Broolu. all ef Twin Falls: Mrs. Joe Lux, nier, and Mrs. J. Homer Schncll, Kim­berly.

niSMI.SSED Mrs. R, T. Olbbs, Mr*. Leslie

Durkhalter. Mrs, Howard McCll- mans, infant James Lewis and Jim­my Catron.,all of Twin Pall.i; Mrs. John Jlansen -and daughter. Col­leen JolisMen and Fred R. Chad­wick. all of Hieelton: Mn. C. M. Roberts and son. Kimberly; Mrs. Laura Jotin.' on, Hansen; and Mn. Lrman Stokes and daughter, Mur- laugh.


Five Women on Jury; First to Serve in County

rivu Twin T'.xXh i

Mr' Florence Wid.

police I

A. Fo,-?

WM «rr.',Ued by Tv,'ln Fall' le nlRliI of Feb 12 In n Inca Aiiin in rnmpftiiy with Jame.- .. 31. a Millor, Al. o Klullnnei!

Th*' l.S-yenr-old girl, who la n>11, the coniplilnl AKnlnM Uaker, hiw l«-rn comnilUrd in Si. Aiithnny.

of Ihe five wninen and five niei liiiimiii-lle.l for jury mtvi. o. It Ihu appeAred that there were no chiil lenUM by ihn <Iefeiue, allJioiigt

Navy and Marine Discharges Filed

Honorable dlscliMKc.i wcro re- nirded hire 'Hiursdny nml Wedne. -

ittcrnoon by flvr Twin l-nlls Including one

mrd.iC froi;

. Ihe marlnea and from the army.

IJonaUl Tlieron Knight was <lLi- chnrRi'il from ihe miirliii'.-. Feb. 12 of this y.iir al ParrLs l,'=hiiid. N, C. He WPS a iirlvate. Clifford Lewis WiwtdUl, mtitlue pclviMo. ^ ’tvs tc- leiiM'd July 17 nf Inst year nt Ureni- eriiin. Wn.sli, Viil Arthur Toolson WAS dlJi'harKiri Ironi theeoaat guard as apprentice leBinau Inal April 0. Dale Junior Short wa.< dl.schnrscd from the navy Jan. 33 of thLi year at Ihe navnl c«nvale.<ecnt hospital, Santa Cmi. Calif. Ho was an ap­prentice Bc.imsn.

Paul M. Miller, prlvnlc, recotrlpcJ dlJcharge from the arniv as of Jan, 1, 1943 at Camp Joseph T. Robinson,

Mrs. J. A. Handy, - • III 2 Years, Dies

nVPERT. Feb. 21-Mra. J. A. Handy. 00. dird at <:30 a. m. tixlay al her home In Hryburn atlor hiiv- Intt been III for the past two yesr.i.

Born near Connor Creek, Cusla county, on Dec, 7. JBS3. rfie was married to Jsmeji A. Handy at AJalla In 190J, They lived in Burley for three yean and then moved to a homestead louth of Rupert. They lived on the homestead until two years ago when they went to make 'leir home In Heyburn.She Is sunlved by her husband,

.KO wJis. Leo Htmiy and Eatnnt Handy, both of Heyburn; flvo grandchildren: four brothers. Leon Condlt. Coolldge. Arif.: Herbert Condlt. Vernonle. Ore.; James Condlt. Los Angeles, and Fred Con­dlt, Lamonl. la., and one sister, Mn. Rena Haas. Ssn Jose, Calif.

The body rots at the Oocxlman mortuat}-. No funeral armnBement* have been mide.

Lions Plan for Red Cross Drive

Plans foe live Twin F»IU Lions club partlclpaung in the 1B44 Red Cross campaign were outlined at the group’s luncheon meeting Wednes­day by Victor ruflet, chairman of the activity. Lions have accepted the responsibility of eanvasslng the bus- Ine.-J and wirehoaie districts in T»in Palls, when the drive begins March 1.

A kick-off breakfut will be held b}- the club at 8 a. m. Wednesday. March 1, at the Rogerson coffee shop. All Uons of the. Twin Palls club are cxpected to be prescht, aU though each member is to b« con­tacted and aulgned a certain tml- tory before Wednesday. •

Tliers were no guesu or 'guest speakers.

radio trehnlfiiilVlS, who Wi,from 1-.VUI Fall e WM prnmlnen

Final Riles Held For G. W. Shrout

rjftfki Hliiout. at 3 p, m. today In Ihe White nuittu.iry chajwl wlih the Rev, Mark C. Croiicnbergcr offlclat- 1ns-

Mrs. 4^ellle Ostrom offered Isoln.s.

AciiiiB pallbearen were Frank Brown, S. Cluiid Stewart. Wllbiir 3 Hill. W. R, Prii-be, Charles Caaey

the Tttln Pall*

54 Ruhl Men Report For Physical Exams

num .. F.-r> :4-Fifiy-four m. half of them mnrrled, reported BoL.p Wef1e.i.lny for ainiy phyiU.

o reporl for physl-

Cont. from 1:30 ■ .15c til fi


ALSO Batir Dncli Cartoon

Daffy the Commando" tatest War Newi

World Day of PrayerThe siartlng time for the W«ld

Day of Prayer ha been ch.mged from 11:30 a. m. Friday, to II a. m. beeause of a Jllghl change In pro-

I, TwinBIrtlis

Tt> Mr. and .Mr» Joe DeiPalla. a .laughter, and lo .... ..._Mr«. Homrr Schnrll. Kimberly, a aoji. both bom Feb. 24 at ihe I'win Fall* co'.in:y grneral hospluil mater- tUIy home.

CAP lo Meet

•' Mr. PnM.l M--Cluik . formrrly ,.f Buhl, i.r.- 11 f ft Kill IKTII 03 lit 11 l« county uenrral ho.-.plt,

home. Df McChnky ■rlnt»nden' of the Idal

ftohert War-jeru hn.i recelv- rrt that her brother, 8gl

King, 1» Unprovlim after brrii W(.,imlr<l In IJir Jr/I

tiy hand-nrt!ii-


Milk prodiicrrs and proce«.'ors In Tuln FalLi coiiniy elected s sp Iialr\;iirn.' comiiilllre which piiljlli-lz.' and <tlslrlbute Information on n<»- rli;lu-iK<lnl milk produc- tloii iiroi,Taiii for 1944. County Agent n. T. unllnKbroke announced. The niedliiK wa.'i lli'ld Wedne.'sdny r nt Ihe courthouse.

llir prrtnram la jponMred by the tl. .S, cl,-|iailiiu-m of aKrlculIure nl ' llie enltre ilalry lndu.nry. Includh bolti producer.? and processori, / coiinilea will act up tlielr o*'n con mlttees In a nntlon-wlde effort .. Increaite the total U. S, milk pro­duction.

Tom Speedy. Tti'ln Falla field man for the Jerome Cooperative cream­ery, »•« elect«Kl chairman, and L. J. Tencklnck. Twin Fall* dairyman, vlre-chalrman. The Incoming coun ly «lirnt will serve as the commit' tep.i areretAry, Jlnllngbro'iL aald.

Otiier member* (if the commlltet are: Carter Hither, Duhl. flego Milk comiwny; C H. McBride, Twin Fttlls. Sulfl nn<l coint^aiiy, and rep­resenting i!io iliKr leading dalr) bter<H ml thn rommlltee *r« Mr Tenrlcliirk. Hnl-tein: T, V. Nall. KlinUTiy, Ouern.^rv; Hnrr>’ McCau­ley. Ilulil, Jers,-y Stanley FrlPien, T-iln F.ill.>. In the annltnllon de- parlii.rnt of the M te rtepariment of aKrlfiiliiire, tervr. on the enmmll-

Information on the nr>w program will be rti. lrltjiiled hy commltlee- meml».r« to ull dairymen In the coiiiuy Hriefly the elKht iwlhla of

• uf feed: focd lo ovoid aummer Ilk .<!ump; feed cows liberally dor-

Ing dr>’ period; keep os many cows

Seen TodayProsecutor Sverell Sweeley and

Defender Bill Dunn pr«iiing a bit in preparaUen for apiwaranc# befor* flve-ilxtha-woroan Jur>'. . . Stopltislil al Main and Shoshone gon^ for re- palra. and molorUu croiilhg and peering against the sun in effort to find tlie Uilng. . . Four couniy erlntendenu walling at Mrs Doru Btradley's office for arrival of bus bringing the other four. - - All wiih- In fe* bloclu do*-ntown. Uirce Twin Pslli faUiera walking with jon.' in uniform, each ton at Irut half ■ head Uller than his papa. . . Hus­band at 8lms apartment dolnB ■

and big washing iar family. hangUig It oui and all. . . Implement yartl for that second wartime aucuon Jammed full of this and that. . . And two saleamanlJh or ledenillsh looking fillowi emerging from c ‘ • tore, with one saying to ot

II we go over and calch 01.1 Ooofus before lunch?"

Six Buhl Youths Leave for Navy

DOTH, Feb. I4-SU Buhl youtlLv enny L*on Caale. Richard L-e

Andrloff, I>tneU 1- Cunnlnghajii. Leland lUrdm Hyllon. Cheater F-«- lum Partin inrt Unie J . M. Wolfe II reported In I»oU» for n»vy in ucUon today.Wolf# U » trmnsfer frrrni Ooodlnt

produce goo<l-q d WBJle, and I

herd repUcemenu.

permit: mar

;uaUty m ll^ i

AAA fommllteemen m the vorl- oai famiUu! communlUei of Twin FalU rounlt arv nun turttng the aiinUAl spring ou Uie 1M4pl.in slirriA. Ben Jtii'en. vlee-clu>lr- :n»n Ihe rounl,v AAA office, an- Roun.esl Tliursday.

-It Ij our duty as farmer* to r»-

■rratlon CfTtfe nrjat be able lo mske a correct re­tort of intentlonj lor i'!»mina — ifterrt-if*-lt.MS all farwen to com* :n for ihelr tlgnupj when they rr-

Ijwiiig pUcr* ha'-e I f.-r ilcnupj: l. lmunHJ• at Barker's v :e:.-.rd at U»pll.'l fhu:'

nifr »i Filer hlgh«.

he we.-dtr Jeii.'en. >Pe I'ri rlU vlrtun’lT ,\'f.et .

1UK rillD ' TO .41.V ^ M i. F<U :




Page 3: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Thursdny, February 24, 1D-I4 T IM E S - N E W S . T W IN FALLS. ID A H O PageThrea



ClnCAGO, Pcb, 34 (-7V-T110 nns ngrlciilnirnl nrm>- will have

owii • in.«k fnrce" In llio 1044 ■"rt [irortuclton bslUe. » WKA

Col Hhlllp Q, Bniton. wnr food dmlnbirnllon dircclor of Iftbor.

Ilif plnn 15 10 cslnDlLih nnil -lain n mobllP Iwc ol about

'.WO nbU- bo(11r<i InlcrsUtc and ’pri'Uii aorktrs »l>o Cftti be shifted nn Jliori iiotlfp lo snve itircftlcncd

irrcrmfnnitbonhortw Brcfuh- Tlif -insk forcp" would ror.«IluW

0!-.b- a smrai cracnxncr-unii-of ihfll;it)or lorcp ol 12 000,000 pcrsoiuwill bff rrqiilrwl al llic [icnk of nation s lianr.M If lirnrtiiclloii of iiMOthrr rocor<l croji to mcol war rt-maiicls b iiccomiill*liw1. be »old.

Somr Sfa^onal Wotkfm WFA inpdliif; wiih i

t.'iiMon <liri-i tur> nii'l 1-wn labor :l-..vi>r>r. Ir,.,rt Ij nlKlWCSt StatCS

fniir ri'Klniml conl' ,000.000 of Ihc toli.1 ipornrv or s<‘n.'i< .IcIlIiK 800.000 WOl I dltlilri'ii. ri'rrii

»tiil vlllfl :,•

- third c

while iH-tiiii IV iitnvrnii-m (or modl- llf.-itlon ol ihi- rrviM'rt drnll rulci,

rian t odor'cO Tlie movement <o r>'Ux tlie rcfril*

lalloiis hn.s bcun rndorswl by the Amrrlcan P-.xrm niircnii fMiiTnilon. the NaUnnal GrrtMRC, llic Nnllonal Council of Farmer CoopcrnUvcs nrcl tlir National Cooperatlvt Milk PrO' •Ivu-or? IfdPrnttim.

0 :i|’|iiri|!y. ii l.irmrr unrkcr. In

Former Resident Dies in Kentucky

, null! 1

I Ilf'iulr*i.<iii, K\

iiT liiishniic)

11 Mir 11 n in iwin ll” wl'" ' liven iintll Ifl-io Mrs lioli «a;

« v<Tv arllv^ mi'ml)er In thi* Hap- I't rliiir.h In IVIn Ki.lh. She had ivpti with lier hii'bnnd lr\ SttirKl.- ■lure IPIO. iiltliotish shu vl;Uc(l licr !;nii:hlrr hiT>' bJt siimmrr. 111'b^ixl Is n former fmplflve o :d:ih0 l> ji:irliiienl ''ore.

S'lTvlMni; nic Mr.Hftiiuhter. Mrs. Cnr.'on, and irandchlldren.

Preacher Charged In Gas ViolationMOSCOW, Ida., Feb. 34 tUPJ -

Tlii-*L.Hnli rouiiiy riuion bo:ird to- <liiv recnmiiH-iided lo tlic Si-altlc OPA rnlnrceinenl office tlint It deny ■111 Ka.villne coupon. for six moiiUw lo the Rev, E. E. Diinc.m, cvaiiRol- l.M. who the boarii clnlmed drove COO niore’milc.'i a month Ihnn the

The board charged the cvnnceUst, jioldcr o{ a "C" cnrd arsnted by the board, with "» nnffram rlolstlon of mlledge ratlonlnB."

Mllbunj Kenworthy, board chalr- rnnn, *nld »peedometPr jeadlnRs i«howwl Dimcnn had driven mi

. iliilonal Gtio miles over mllcnsc ... p lolled him on hl.i "C” card iliirlnff ' rach of seven monthi he wwi here,

Dimcan since has moved lo Seattle,

Boy Murders Two After War MovieVAN WEHT, O.. Feb, 34 Ifl.

.vear-old boy related Wednesday that he shot to death, his mother nnd sL'ler nfler becoming excited over the action In a war movie.

Dcput}' Sheriff Wilbur E. Loke snld a written coiife.ulon was matlc b.v Edward WarTlchalt, whose moth- r r and ntne-year-oltl sliier were Main at Ihelr home near 5t Char- ir*. Mich, last Monday.

Patrolman W. L, Clay said the younftster lold him he ras so Im- prrxsed by killings In ihe movie iJxnt he believed "ho could do It too

W e P a y 6 «

Per Lb.


W ipingRags

owmlls, Iroujeri, »nd other extra pieces not Bccepubtc. Pleas*

rnnare all buttons.


HKI T. U. E. VOELLEH . . . Son of Mayor and Mrs. I . Vorllrr. l«uhl. who rccfl'e It wlnc anil commlA.ilnn »l •*'

Riiiii Mayor’s Son Now Army Officer

UoH Piiiivi, Ciillf . liU biuML- irainlnt; nl Uiiioorc. CoHI.. and ilia advacceU course at Douglas.

Born In E\'nti.'iton. Wyo., he co to liuhl with his imrent. at the nRC of (our mill IinH nindc his home here .since. He Bracluntcd from the Uiihl lilKh school nnd ntlcnded the Uni­versity of Idaho for one semc- ier. lulct Kolni; to Mcnla Junior colti'Kc.

pnrk, Cnilf. Hi* nl-o I '

llik- hlK (lyliii; traliiliu;.Llcmennm Vcx-ll.T Ic’d Dul

Kliifniiin. ArU., lor uti lulv;










U illi lik'ht >

of . izo.-i.

U. S. Employment Controls Urgedj

$ 1 5 $21 $23 $33

2 4 O N L Y M E N 'S


n.T cliiiim-sui' ;i

fol'Ts ;iii(| pa ll

H.'vrubr j;i(i.()()

.■ lo K'-' n

\ xwxJ lissni-tm

IS v.Hi'll lik.-, I

li .?:!r),o() valiK'.-i-

I- tniloiv,!. ;ill u-,.<il

V A L U E S i n G I F T S f o r

M E M in t h e S E R V I C E !17 onlv, I'U lU>OU(ilI BAGS, canvas, « i & M

I R ok. ?2.f)0. now ..........................................9 /

onlv. r n n .O lK J H HA(;S, caiUi

1 larpT .-iz-'. U.-K. n o w ..........K IT HA(;S, l.cih! lo ilrt arlicl.'s, all

I l.'allicT. nx-i‘l:'i- iu>w ...........

Krd A rm y 1'IKS,iilnr 'liic, iiiiw ..........................................

Draw s tr ing iJAdS, hcllcis lol.s of small

1-li‘S. n■^rlll.lr $1.71), lu iw ..................... .

I S la ij„ iiiT y I’O IM TOLK).H-«iilar r>;U'. now .........................................

$2.9» $1.98

50c 97c 37c

^ j^D StO M RS

Touta mlsslns some outstanding values In RA;Q u.ied can If you liavcn'i.sccn our splendid selec- .tlor\,^Drlccd_vvltiiln .cvcriouc's, reach.

fl-60 S775S725S995$445$350

' M&ny Olhert

*39 Dodge Deluxe Fordor Sedan

■<0 Studebaker Comm. Fordor

*40 Pontiac Deluxe 3D Sedan

*40 Ford Fordor Sedan

'40 Sulck Special Sedan

•41 Bulck 8-50 Club Coupe

•41 Dodge Luxury Uner Sedan

•41 Oldsmoblle 8-98 Sedan

'41 Potvtiac Tpfpedo Ooupe

•39 Ford Deluxe Coupe

•40 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan •41 Plymouth ConvcrUble Coup* •40 Ponllac Convertible Coupe •39 Chtv. Mast«T Dc\ux« Coacb


T '



rie. tlilrk. vift flcecy .

AI’ KO.N KITS, includlns many lollel articles, regular

............ $ 1 . 9 7


S . “ $ 1 . 9 7Ualher OVKUNIGIIT DAGS.

$ 1 . 9 7MlUlary lU'.l.TS.....Hen. 7Uc. now 5 0 cKJiukl sIccvclCM t / wool Sweatm, all / J Price


Men's K.M color. In r BIk lurii-iiideep |k>vK<" 1835. now

$ 5 . 9 5

$ 4 . S 8

DoyV kiut SHOUTS 111 jwiHlU'

n r ' " - 2 9 cMens UiHlaled UIXT lU l'KLtS Regular.»150 3 3 C

$ 1 . 9 9


9 9 c

Men^ WOUK r,\NT coveti.% twills. In tans, graj-j and blue. Regular » l. f

$ 1 . 6 3


53cMen's leather WOKK GLOVES genuine horsrlUde reg. T9c. now ----

Women's knit rayon PANTIES tea-rose color onlj': Mrrs are small, medium and larsr ularly 19c

1 3 c

Women's q\ilUed rayon BKI> JACKET . - . fine print pattern satin, sites sm., ni«d. and !»n:e. neRular »158

$ 1 . 6 7

Women's crinkle mpe P.U.Wr- AS. soft pastel print patterns. 8ltes30to4ii.Rr«.

Knit DICKIES, rsrater wpe. fine ra>-on and »ool, pastel eclors. ITS. » li9 - "

_ 8 7 c

Ungtrte SO.^r. Famma 3»3xa\ eoop that rcmoTTs all-iypea-ot— statna, perspiration and body

9 7 c

Regular «1.00 ain

Regular 35o al*«

JEWELRYtrt;nliir ICO :llll<- ‘ In |nqi|ihiu. tiitx-ti,-5. n.-fkl.iee.s .

W om en's IJIack Fabric

D R E S S G L O V E Sark fnbrlellniuW'tw

MMe. with See them i ReKUIar $1

JoiiC dii'.vi top.<Mlay. All .'Ues. OO vnlurs. 67

Siluhtl.v Soiled.

D i c k i e s , C o l l a r sHere are vnluw (and J 1.2).pa.«el lour 47<

Sprln j; Shades lUvon

H O S I E R YA fine, sheer rayon hoslcr>' In grand spring shades youH love. Complelr .»lrr.v 8>, to 10\. in a ,qi.;lil Ir- ttsul.ir of oiir 9lc gr.Klo. 57

I 'r in t Jerscv

TURBANSPastel and brlRht prints on a smooth tltUng and drnp-

Ins Vivtt rv>'®» Ubtlc. Vftl-UM of T9c nntl 11.00. 27<

ANKLETS14,Cool, fresh, easy lo wear cot­

ton anklets, in grand pastel “or-Hcn“Jpnnp-roiciTsrTicgu.-

lar l»c. tn mts-vs and women'* (lira.

«hlt« with blue, red, c m n or brovn stripes. j » mReg. tl.98. now

W O M K N ’.S SI.IP.S, satin .vtnpc'

cciium ‘II- n iy u u cruiie d L K ^ n

ix-K. Sl.'l". n .nv ................ O / f c

W onien’.s Jiayon COWN.S. while k n il, .siiius in to 1!)

rcK. S1.25). now ................ W C

Cliild.s’ no lJSKC O A T S , iirinl pcT- cule.'*. ill sizt's G aiui fii.i onlv.

l^e^^lllar ^ j 4JChiltis- HOUSECOATS, print pal- tcn is . Kfaiid .‘<tyle.<, hand.'fonic'lj' de- tailet). All sizG.s 8 to ^ j i f m IB , rofr. ?2.98. now ^ J

Girif?' J l IM r E R DRKSSKS. Vic­tory l)liu' fl;innel, .sizo.i 10 to 1C.


.Mi.-iscs' PiiiKla .SWKA'J'KKS, >rre<-n tnushv^l uu„(, in siws.

■ itaui,". $2.0®iia-J^a SW H A T K RS. those .■sliaKKy one.s voii’vo lulm iri’d, in all .si/i-.s.

...$2.33Woul F iost-rd iiil SLACKS, renu-

.....$6.50Stniltcr am i ScrKc SLACKS, dtir- alilu wool.'', all .sizes and color.s.

...$5.00Mis.-;i..-> cotton “T” SHIRTS. rcKU- lar in )>1ain ^

loiie.i and stri))o.s.

GIRLS' DRESS COATSnrgclar »8.95 Recular S104IS Regular SIS.9S Retmlar $1R95

$4.S8 $6i88 $1©«8 $1388 -


House FrocksCrisp, pretty print • * house dresses that

. go thru re p e a te d M BW laun de r in rts . nnd j . look fresh nnd bright M C ns new. every time. M M M Smartly tailored. »


SLACKSSltultera. gabardines, frost points, cotton twills, all are included In thi-i blK selection of dark nnd Aprinc colored cle.uanco slacks. All sites.

Vnluc.9 Up to 0 0 ?5.{)5..........................D O ZEN S O F W OM EN’S

DRESSESHer« are grand cotton styles you’ll Ioyc for round the house, be proud to wear at tea time or for your shopping trips. Pretty styles, many featuring a C f >1 frosty loce trim -------- S» * •*§ /

41 O N LY W O M E N ’S

DENIM SUITSA popular work suit you'll like for digging in j-our Victory garden, or for Just knockingjirouncL.-AU sizes, a l l---Navy blue, and oil re- Cduced from J455. ^ M " " ■

W om en’s W h ite Cotton a A _BLO U SES ...... 5 V C 'White pique, trimmed In a natty-na\-)' de­sign with blue bias. All sites, slightly soil­ed. Resulsr »1 J 0. "

$ 1 . 4 7»i.9a, now..........

ClD.M.'Cut group of HATS. Doscnj of fells, velvet. with pretty veil anil ribbon irlnis. Htgular vol.


7 9 c

’> gabardine SKI

Corduroy SKIRTS, misses' sties, tjrcun color only ret;. $3.98, ii

Women's fabric GLOVES, pastel and dark totici. Some are slightly soiled. Regular C9cnow only, pair ___

Women's DltASSIEnS, pretty, practical and real' values, tool Regular 69e

$ 1 . 0 0

_ 2 7 c

4 7 c

., lacy \ip-

- 2 7 C

Corset itnrAIR KITS, contain webbing, elastic, snaps, hooks,

;sf,:^^”:‘: ! i . . i5 cRubber DIlAIN BOARD MATS, large sizes, corrugated .jt reg. 60c, r

Plastic i-laCe mats, wosboblt llnish wim ptlni patterns, Slz 12x12, reg. 4 for 69c - -

■43 C, woabnhl* terns, 6lz^

- 4 3 C

Cork PLACE MATS, wubftbla print patterns; Ideal for. bot dUhcs, teg. 43c,

- 2 1 c


Terry WASH CLOIUS, large die medium weight, reg. • 6c eacl\. ___________j C

Clopay WINDOW 6IIADES, la Ian color only, tough fiber, with- out roller*, rtg. l&c now ISe; regular lOo'DOW, each —

Black 8UAOE8, lo-duties roUffs. reg. a

49c, noiA______ -___

VENETIAN BUKDSa4to3St«llby 73-ln___

. S c

$ 4 . 4 9

-57 !BBECEIVWa BLANKETS while with coIorcd bcnlsn,, reg. a9A ot>« -



Page 4: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Pago Four

Tlmf.. «ublUh.<l In lO®*. •"'I ‘f-* T-*°

had .spent lils iilt-* as liii; up the roiicl I s hll by a sticll :Palmed on the side of It wii.s the nnmc ‘Jci nle.' And I got to wonclcrlnR who the Btrl Wf for wliom Ihiit Jeuj) was named, nnd lliinklii about how filK- 1;> fioiiiti it. f“''l wt.-n \- kiu.w.s whal liii-s hap|)cnocl -

III a story from llic south P^.cllir, s,.„ina 1 Walsh

;ce III theIS they wntch tlie clock and dr: •he dead havi- K

:hlfl ;

1 the ■ hii: bnsk«-i

II tticlr


; bi'liiK I

wlilch was bomboci on thu AiuU was describing the I'XlMosioii. A: thn death of lU.s scigoanl. •'In,': i>j filled wlih tears," .sakl Liu- rrjioi tervtcwcd him.

We should be proud to ruad sir these. We should be prnucl to kii American soldier Is a soldier whr tears In his eyes. I t l.s no .slun of w his tears are tears of anRcr, as wi

and compiiThe enemy hn

youth on Ihr pa war Is 1,’iorion.s. ■


Kto listoi

?/ keep 0

A N A T ltR A L

Poor Elmer D av is—nobody seen his admonitions. The o ther day, publicized tam ily row in OWI settled, Mr, Dnvt.s acldro.s.sed to branch the hope th a t O W I could: of the paper for a little while.

Two days later. O W I (overseas branch) wa.<. back In the p ub lic prints. The Republican.'! had lumped nU over the a^cncy for falUnR to Identify Phlox's Governor Drlckcr as_a pres-

--identlal flsplrnnfc In .shortwnvlnR liisTomarks In Washington to oversea.^ listeners.

Well, we don’t blame O W I in th is Instance, even though the governor hindc the purpose of his Washlnpton visit pretty clenr. For even In this campaign year, an nvowcd presidential hopeful Is so rare a bird a s to be readily over­looked. It Is now four m onths to convention

• time nnd the only announced candidates with much visible chance of getting anywhere are GoTcmor Brlcker nnd M r. Wlllkle, both on the Republican ticket.

Presidential asp iration is no longer a mat­ter of thtimped chest.s. bellowed challenges and brass bands. Nowadays It secm.s to be marked by the m odest b lush , the averted eye, the Indecisive answer.

This being so. O W I m ig h t be forgiven If It was looking for pres iden tia l candidates im- dcr mossy stones, instead o f listening to Gov- 1 crnor Bricker.



.1 Salem. Mam. 'nit

T I M E S - N E W S . t w i n f a l l s . ID A H O

One “Freedom of the Press” That’s Abused

Thursdai', Februarj- :


IM 19^-4


P E G L E R ’S A - N G t ECHICAOO . IVb. — Ch»rll»

Cli»p'jn'» furrtnt lroubl» wllh ihr dfPiruiKM of jusUct • rctJij


{ I AEEV og


r u n t o r t

.soltilci-. "A.s I was com- V a jei'p liia t had beci

r In the ditch.

J TEC.1-'«3U I a m

5 4 0 TACAN»>CyffB

ir e SAVsr

nRA F 'T P .O vv.ui-

'ST -

■ yo T 1Th e

pro^U}’ h u tute York cfrtaUil.v hki. U sere worth lh»

iM! ol leJucUwi. Ub. al< of » minor or iitMn rould b<- pun- .trl.-H>' police court iifain the noilc« of rtmcDl of JusUf*

1 Ut»L-a >

reisj iroJtii

illl town girls who itcd by pri'fcs5lon»l

hawtn Chlc.<Ko for scn-lce in the dunipi «hifH Uien thrived un-

p5rcUr Miicilon ind pollilcAl Oit. TtiP dfb.itc.'* ihoarcd thh to

d Urcrnr attd c

milon pros^cutl

C L A P P E R ’S O B S E R V A T I O N S


and I

of iniuiklnd. Bn I description of his .vntchetl Ills bi

men ,snng their rou.';ln(r war .sotiR n.s took off to bomb England. ThP Jap made the excuse /or n ii oiKy o f .sliuujlitcr .suel the clvlllzcd world ha.s no t known tor i lurlcs.

The American soldier hates war. He flRhts to flnLsh It. not to bntho In fnlse glory. He Is not Immune to Its .suffering, an d he cai weep without .'Jliame at th e lo.' s of a comradi But he can also t ig h t w ith .soUlc.ss, matchlos courane to avenge that c-omradr.

The .vokllcr w ho weeps l.s lliv .sunie soldle of who.'ie heroism nnd devotion an d .sacrifice we have read ,so many times ,slnco thl.s ' began. He Isltlie man who. In the midst

. w.\r, still coii;ldor.s one hiinmn life to prcclous an(V lmportant.




n n i tiif; p a c if ic flkct , i THE MAUSHALL ISLANDS (t

•less'-Coutrury lo ronrxy pr.OI1.S tlmt I lirnrrt In Wii'hliiKliIn the Rotllhwcst Pnclllc, 11

5lon of IhP Mar.iliolUivitcci Wpii. provi-

II hruv lip woiilil rjbe JK;,000.dlroct«! iitlciitton 10 duo ut

tliiTwL-ic ndinlrnbU- s|ie«h by ili'r for Ihi* next Rpinibllrnii Tl c Dlhrt u-cak polnl In Mr.

)li XM lt.i llmtiic. If hp l.f. KmiOlliti-Miiii cnii nml sIiolW

othrie Uin

TnrnIt in

. All

plnnnlnK I he Mnr.'linlH pftlgn—ihi'i there mail be no lllon of TnrAWn.Nobodv will ntlmll oftlclnll:

■arnwa fell short, of v,1i»t It •■hoiiW iiive ..bccn^But^thctc.-J

fnulw in the plixn of open the Mnmhnn.1 camp^ilun

fpirll on b.mril when lie ntmnuv “Tom'irrow nlclit. Lynn


•c ftr not bottirrtiiK to cle;ii llif Jap from tlir Mnr.-<hnl Is. It Li more econnmlcnl. n.i rffpctlve, to cut Ihettt off ilipm "die on the vlnn," ns

mrthivl l< rcfiTTcri to om here.' 3eiiprftl MacArihur I-' d Criiliipn- II U n Jonn of


U1 rX i>i;o

R»nV.LS-\nta3 iBflorlro a»• build- the tierv-'i-jt r

a.s f« li con® . -s to srt Its I

, b1 Ineoine pJr of lU bl IxvU sluiikffper.'

) liu

npprecitof sc.ooo.ooo.ooo

I Hint •'I 10-01

K<e In debt the vlctshould lunite every cnorl to pny u mttc

of the wnr-s cmt us Is |)o . Iblc while *Ull flRhllng il inr, mid U cnii h.irdly he doubled lUftt the iiiftlon cn .Jford to pnv mna’ Ihun the J2,300,()00,OCO of ii

............... vouW bBut It Is not enough lo siiy tlin

llinli every dnllnr. coriwrnte nnr riipnbln of bcnrlng a tiix, partlcii: iiirt ludlvlduol MriilnBs which nn


II you don’t th in k that the world Is chang­ing..reflect thftt i t wa.m’t long ago when. In Soviet Russia, blouse, breeches and boots were dressy enough fo r any occasion, while Eng­lishmen prided themselves on dressing each night for dinner, even In the remotest colon­ial jungle outpost.

Today,.the Russian diplomatic corps has dresa uniforms w ith m ore gold braid than the Tillage bandm aster’s uniform . W hile war­time London took .ltd d inne r Jackets out of mothballa for the f irs t t im e tiie other night— to Attend an ald-to-Russla banquet.

, . When children o re taught.table-mknners they don’t spill t h e beans or get you In the soup.

Indlvldunl. Uiat li rly llic«e corpornte crtnlfd by tha »»r

enorniities uix no one. It Is one Uiln; lo point (o n dcslrnble revenue gonl; quite another to get down lo brnss tacks nnd ;>pcclfy In what manner tnd from whom the money Is lo be raL'cd,

Mr. Wlllklo marie it clear Umt ho wns putting forth his lax guRgcsllons, not iis a comprc ienslve plan, but

I lllU- trnUons of the thlniw he bellcvei lo bo necci. iry. If he will now come forward, In rcsponae to the ivltatlon.i which have been extended, nnd state In

dctnll hCRi- he would ralae Uie nddltlonni rfvenue which le correctly *ay« jliould be mL'ifsl. ho will take on idded slnturo lt> the ryes of those Amprlcnnj who itnnd ready W mnKe tho pmonal sncrlflccs tlint are ipcessnr - If we would win thU war without pulling our imtloiinl luture_m nccdleis Jeoimrd}-.—Wtuhlnglon

lhai no niniier how much ilelny tl troops mlKht encounter upon rcac! Ini? shore, their covcr would siiiy with them and hold the Japs hi IhPlr holes.

Purthemiore. the approach lo the moln-objccUvca.was plnnned on nn entirely different basis for the .Mnr- shalla campaign. We not only made sure that the Japanese nlrpower MS knocked out before our land- Inss bcRnn. but the Inndlnw them- elves ivere pliinned differently.We slipped around to one of the

.ear ntolls where wo were not ex­pected. On Uie fir.n day we occuptcd

undefended Islands near the - _r one* of Rot atvl Kwajnlcln.

"niB purpoM In occupying those was lo set up arlUlery for hen\7 bom­bardment ol our roaln UTReis.

And iiljove all there wm an enor- ..lous coneentmtlon of the Pnclfle fleet, with sufficient strength to

taken on any defense Japtin

(Mnre.)(Kdlior'a note: Here II



n, Frnny: and lye Danner, son" e bte Frcri Dnnnrr left Ii'i home In Lo.< AtiRPlr.-, Cnllf nllendlnR the funeral of tlich

1, Sodalath

Mr, and Mrs. J.Sprins*. returned lo ilirlr linnir....................tr. nnd Mrs. Strve

Mahoney anil attending the funi-r- nl of Fred Danner.

r. and Mrs. Elmer Dorts an- ice the birth of a wn Feb. 15 le home of her parents,-Mr. and 8. C. Kelly. Mrs. BorU was the

former Miss Ellen Kelly.n .« , Snjrler Is spendlnB the week

In Bols« on business._ ;l rowers rclurncd home

from WnllB Wallft, Wash., whrre lie apent Mveral day* on buslne. s.


- Workers In an In d ia n a bakery struck for ;hlgher wages and shorter noura. M ore dough ) ot OQO klQd and less of another.

Ncono SOCIAL W0KKER8 Three years ago a small group of clvle-mlnded

.'ompn In Hitflcm, aware of a need for more ttalned Mclal workers, decided to raise a scholarship fund to lend qualified Mesro sludcnis to the .Vew York scliool of social work, TJircnJKh Uie efloru of this ijroup, known as the Hnrleth Committee of the Community Ser ’lce society, a mc«leat sum ho» been rabed lo pro­vide financial a&ilstance lo nine men and women «ho might otherwise not have gone to the school me Negro scholars are currently, rccclvlns scholarship help and obtaining the training Umt wlU enable Uiem lo return to Harlem lo cope with Uie complcx problemi of that community.

Because of the tremendous need for trained soda] workers, the Sarlcm committee Is awarding two ad­ditional scJiolarahlps beginning with Uie spring lenn.

n YEARS AGO. FEB. U. 1PI7The • report of Louis C. Kelsey,

special cowuItlnfT engineer. wa.« tiled yesterday with City Clerk R. M. Williams. The plan as submil­led presenU a proposition for the construction of a new aynem ai the ipproxlmate cost of *000,000 taking ■ater In the winter from Rock creek. 3n wWcn flllnB haa been made by Mayor E. M. Sweeley, and in the tummer from the hlsh Une canal.

Final estlmatcJJ on the eost of the Lilly grade place the east ai about $l8iOO, accordlnff to the report of Engineer i . E. FOx to the county board. A meeUng of ihe'board will be held In Suhl soon to discuss thb and other matters.

IS YEARS AGO. FEt 51. IMl Purchase of Magel's' cigar st<

no Main arenue south,'from B. MaBCl, by P. J. Doll, proprietor Donceland and of the PTliic Jtollpr rink, waa announced 1 evenlnK, The new manasement ' take charge Monday; Uic coiisldc


At a meeting held cn Tuesday. Feb; J3. ihe phi'6lclans o f . T*-ln Falls county perfected their orsan- iMtlon by elccUng Dr. C. D. Wea«r ot TrIh Fills president; Dr. A. P. McCluskey. Buhl, vice-president: Dr. F. T, Benoit. Twin Falls, scere- tary and treasurer. All licensed phy­sicians of the county are eligible for membership.

U. N. Trrrv. Fr:\r.t s;»ck nd W, R, U.1VS hnd a j,h«trvr fn 'IrglnU Allen, now Mrs. D*.-

Sl'.ncklett.•re »ere SO 1.m11« llierr. .Ml h ii ;hUiK lo eat. TTu»t

of dirty dwhes.Domed 11 the ihree Imer. Frank and Walt —‘inp In the Terry home the tack Av bflorp tl:r party e.".de\1. roil >jj ii-lr sleevT5 »nd_WAiii.ettry dsn^.1 0110 ot ilu>si.* I'.l'Ues. Only bcvte le cup handle, uxv

ON THE M.\rDc.-\r Third Row:

One vislilru: Texan Is ce.aMnc»d lat T»ln FalU is rtilly on the lap. M. E. Pation. who U here wit.*i

J. U Mnyrr and A. C. fnvnLubbock. Trx, for special churrh serv'lces at the Chuteh of Christ, i;ct

letter from his wife hccie.It was addressod to hlia at box

31. Twtn r*Ua. irtthesit ».ns designation.

reached him ftwn Lubbock ta four days without • hlte^


TRIPLETSh-ar Pot Shots:We read the article about D. 3.

Cuvanach^ flock bt sheep pt\Khie- ing t*-o seta of trlpSets out of l.CW head. Now. w» know Mr. C»v^na|h, does not need.sny moR sheep, bvt

think we ought to lay clabi to ne kind of record for «=• farta

nock of 110 fwe*. .which preduced five seU of trlplet-i. four »ts ' them are U«e *nd healthy.

.. — ea Uve lamb petteal«e c\f 160. which show* this rieek I* realty *it to win Ihe war.If anyone doubts ihls iteont ewt*

and see us.,^Mr«.

FAMOCS l.\ST UNB , . .MTta 7MI atof> ewBUBt Ut*

dAys ontU ItstOikx «msm amd t* empty the aahes?

.*■ -intt*

o longer

prc>t)lnia. Uielr work- L-« r»[wcii,v increases iioilce-.ihly.

The ’iKU^rvs ot hmityr am b.'K'fci are cncr««ie In Hamburs b; llie susslliuuoa ol local clAy. Those

in haJ'.dUn!; It Klvc Xre In- lo amateur m. son.v Al»n'

«ifd mine RiCler.es In the Ruhr re fH-cn for sticlng lunilture ol r.’u;t«, Tt» old .0>a»s atp dry,ATTO jo j .'afe •ft\'nt espKvUvwi. Debru Ittcn WTeckctl ccnlers a;lds

.0 the rjpplr <if ,«cT»p tron needed by slffl mULv PrtTwtetp otroed re-

and syrpJ\» rnlLisry weapons :e Vvted to trsenals'guarded by le cTitsp.'—be^xcid the reac.h of po- •mui retiels.

SlTTtnERS—New cwnpllcfttlons, ho«trer. hare arisen. Dr. Walther Piint. prT laenl of the relcJwbank. a<t-nlis ihsllnnoeounirj- u the gap betwwn currency in clrculaiion and avajUb> merchaadw m Kreat «s In that under the swastita, Onle Ci.*Kuh “permit reQulrrments*' can arythins be purch»«d wltJi cash. TTits eccuw stops « rise la pnce.' eicepi in b2»ek roarketv

Ikit dlsUltxiUon la menaced by demands frvtn bUts viciuos for beds, blankeu. UbJe.v clc^hlng. kitchen USenMU and other. rseeesfJtle*.

The FAtemuent.ls In a dilemma: It must prevent rwpid depletion oi acarve dvUlsn soods resnltlns from buylT4 ^srea, j-ei It must be sener* ous to the deiUtate, One "oui" has teen the ttduetjan In compet>^sitloa to air mtd safferers so that they wU not have too much money to speod. Bui ihU restrvuon »nd ihe rejection cJ their p:e»» for replace- meat of H?entl»ls sire ncce atiatter' inc to morale than b the trar of eervta canted «n by Acflo-sAtBerl- "inatucks.

HlUtr IMS 0C*n hU gatn ta the EiJshA and Americans to MTe 0«fma»j £rtn Rus&U has often beeti eucpested. Thav Tt>Jo may dothessaeUhtnuxlbTscme dlplo- mats. Tt» re«ao(a a n at foUows:

^Momers. In the iu»t the blg_the

miirkct were imanruUy ........rumor ha.'! ii that ihfv are nc>l dU- coutTx ed. To rircunntni a rej^emion of the procixlure. jUni retail ccen- blrutlon. are being bluep.-l;nr to deal dlrectlr with J. ctc' r producers.

NelRhtx>rh««j b.inks wlU prot^bly extend convmer crrtli! Jipilitii's to enteri>.-t!-cs formerly the fmnnce cocnp.inlM. A cvnun.inl- ty ••service* orRanlation may stip» plant indlvMiial coneems ihn: ren- ' ovate Tartous househoid »ppllarxce».


Seaman John T. Ooutley has been transferred from Cape Olrardeau. Mo., to Tulsne university. Ne* Or- lean. . Ia .. where he wUl rvcetve further training la the navx V-13 pro«ram.

Mr. and Mn. John i Gourley tiad aa dinner guests recently. Mrs. Paul Murphy. Caldaell and Mrs. H.E. BoUey. Mrs, C. S. Riith and Mrs.J. O. W’hluig. all of Nampa. The t four bdles were delegate* Vs the ▼ Magic VaUej Y. W. C. A. dUtrict conference and the Japan«ae-.\in- ertcan conference at Hunt.

Ab Seeper. appctndce »e<unan stationed al Famsut, U hem* on le.>ve -Ull March 2. .

Pearl Heffner h.u relumed trcra several months at Phoente. Arte.

Mrs. U A Wilhite wtU return home ihU seek from the Wendell h(»pltal. where ah» has been a pa­tient for S weeks rteelTinc treat* ment for a broken hip received tr«n

Albert Packa has aoM hU «0 »CTe farm adjolalng the county ialr grounds and wtth his family la moe- tng soon to a 130 acre farm he pur­chased tour'mUtt •M.thwesl ot Tvtam it .

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McCoy »nd dauchter. Linda, who haw been vWtlns telailvta at Pocatello, hare tetumed home.

Page 5: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Thund&y, February 24, 1944


JliObfrs, riWrlci inilflc tnanftgcr of Utvurd AW \AT>ri »\ Bail UkK« CH.y.

Urge dcvclopmrtil of li'o»l airltiiM lf«llnK Into the trunk

In »n »ddrrM pr»n»ml (or de- li>rn bffore ihc DoL\e IloUry clubifvlriv. hi“ Mirt ttip MivinslQn will

la itt MI* nil the rlMl ipronBUtlc.1 bonrcl n'.Klii lndlf»te.

■'All of Ihf Airline* roulcj In the f>-->i;>n lodnv total only 4S.OOO miles.”hf .'aid -hiriT sonie 600 np-;>:iraIlCMU on tllr Kxlay. I brllcvc, •-■jLini: lor M^mnil (M.VM mUw of

H "tski'^.'r'liroplcr wnicf will notil»vrUip<>l rommfrcliilb' for five

cr 10 yran. but ftn<! otherfiniii »TT >iirvi-ying bolh Otnh nndM»ho lo R.-<-frt'nln nfliml

n\»lpital will tx' prf.sriitrd to tlip cull »frcniiiitl<-s b>mrd lor Muriy in (MiMiN-tlon with tipw roiilM «n'l

lip prrfllrlprf four PiiRlnP mnl»Un- pn >-imtiiK W ivi.-.'PiiKPri «ill miv.!■%- n.lion in 11 .m<l finr-hnll

T IM E S-N E W S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O - P age .Ei v(3—

lotttrpd nnd I nil'll »tU b

no xiaillonal


•oni the Ucl r slriianTUtiP' «-lll cirrip ilii. clnh» 1 pl.vk-lllip 'fhPrtiilMOnf luimlinl Ii(l'-i)a,-.'pni;pr

Nampa Air Hero Drops in to See Local USO Club

LlELECimIX)S ANOKLX&, rw»._^

(-ixtrtj ^<rvlcr »■»» rrjtoJrd to n>>TrtlMtt W.WJ u\ Ove I*" A-tx-Krlfj arra 1.vt»y m »\Nrk "f tri ir- in< .\ti'rm-h«ltfiTj ItiiM nw-cwird tuxlrf thf rtirfC>»"« of Ilir nrnix «hlch »rl.*«l thr

iy'»Trsplilr A lO-d*y strtir o!

C»1 Rutl» \V. Puliuii'- *n\V' 'lL • ttk-t fiislnwr •'!thp i'Un». «1J 11 tuUhl t3» Stur­dily bcli\r» cvvnil'irtf «ti» rrssorvd W »ll rr-'MriMA.

WorS pf'i«v\«lrit\s i:-.f jxiwrr Has bcwis tanirt ti«\ t'Ti »Uuoj «IIU VAT i>Uiili fir?! .«! \hr ILM TPP m^'rlty « « ft'-Pti lo » luv'torlpa h»n<lUug ttrfpi" '"f*: l»r thp »lr forv-rs U otlipr pMAb- iL'luiifiiu iwtklxis on ti*'»linnii Nf»l III liup vtrr »*tTli,'Usr.<

.»:trt^ »isl rp>lJnr»nl.' '■■'ii.'■ l.yxl mrrf ltiIT»l»nPvl '" I'h M'-'*' jr 6v Uct of rr'ftUTr»«lvMV Slngtns 'W rit tn T!ip Aniw .■a, ri-ivitr crr«> lumM oiu |.

Brothers Meet Oh Ita lr Front After 5 YearstXj GEOnOK TUCKKIl

KIOHT nOKTF-U MASK IS ITALY. rVb. 16 (Dclnyrd) .1'—i-ti Fr»nk Ma-vvjck. llllix)lLs. Ill, ujv standlnc In « muddy miiniimii* r..i- rtM on nn alrflclcl Iti Ilnly ii.i r wjiA bloody, he linrt n rmnrwt iii ii.. nard iind hp «■«» RrtlliiK ri'iuh in rum H flo»T> thp muzflp ol « ;ii mtlllmotpr cannon \khi-ii ii Ihb lir,iv'\ w irr in a Jprp rolli-<l out fti liim •Hey, FYnitk, Uiey ftniil you ni tn- »-orfc.\hoj)."

Mn950ck KM Cleaning « « Itltfhed 10 a UcauflShter.

!!p pm down hta ramrod, blew his Mirr riiretiillv, nlotillicrt a llttlr n[ 1)1,' niiid off hi.s fpol, and koI Into till- Jpei>.

"Soinrboily'll Imvff to flnlslt Uili Joli - IIP cnllcd bnck na he rode oft.

At thr workshop Llctit. Ulay K. WiM-, Moljlli-. A!n.. loutiRed at the <!i«ir 'Si-rKiMiil,’ h<* draw led, itii rr’s II man lii itlcrr

ii' M-i- vou. Up snvs he knew you Mli.ii you wrrp a kU."

hnldo, .\tii.v.i)fk found himself Miiiilrnly siiiiklni: hiincls *• til- ri in.-mbornl very well. Ttiry li«'>

;Vi't III I1u- M<mc siroot fight* anil I i:iitip II) thr samp school. Also they I ii.iit .MilniilKrrt lo I he torture of hov-

.... . [ivi- yi-nrs. hurt been tiirowni.-iH'Uii'C hv tlu- ItH'.iMlc.s ol war on a •liiitiv Hiific-lcl 111 lijily after nite-ilnit

each other by a hair In half a do«n strange comers ot the enrlh,

TliLi brotliiT, a lliile taller prr- haiw timn l->aulc. a tllUr. Ipsa Icnti lAPS SALVAGINGand cerlaliily « lllllp thlniirr of Imlr, win AP War Co re IKlntlenl Ulck Ma.uock, who lina speiil mr»t of tiio last decade rei>ort1iiK ihp news from .Moscow and P«rLv Wii.»hlMKlon nral rionip. A pan of thiil Unip hnd lireii


ciL- CliniK. Chlttp'u cvanRclbt whoHpenl a.i an tntertxce tl i\Aly.

First MeetinsHAll.CT. Ti.l, ?4 , F ,•rrlt C.

Campbell iiiinid.sl lUs Iir.M nirptuii; of the boiird lit niuini' ctnii. mlMlonpr iil llinr Fvbnmrv <r.<- slon, altUmiKli he lo.k hl.s nntti ,.t

p.M-nix l trcim SlnKm»re late last vi'iir. Mild tiiday lln ' Jniiancse were .HlrlvliiK to snlvakT the HrltHh war- »hl|K HcpiiL^c ami Prince of Wale.i sunk <ift llip rnn.st ol MulaVa m 1941, but have IiikI llllle .siircera.

In iin Inlervir^- Chcn« fald the Jiiimn('.'-<* .shdrlaKo ol Milpjiliift wa.s refU'Kti'd In tlic tallurp of Japanese- mixU' Koods <0 apiinir In Malayii.

ipndtnB to llip tU'lil dinic.v sinri- ijmidiite. Up tills Ihp viuanry raii<,-,| |,v llie denth ot A W. lU'ckfit. ulmttHA »t the UiAtil Jnnir\A. tlalrd elivipil eliiiirninn.

Niir hiivc they Ix-cn able lo rxixirt rnbbiT, liuKe qiiiuituiej of whichIny Idle nnil \intLsr-d.

He ^:lkl Hritish-li'il RuerllliK>. op. iTi'iiiii: Ironi thr JiutKle. weri' » Mire trial Id the JniMincnc. 'Hip ([uerlllft.s

vcra reported «eU-«qulpped tnd well organlred. Thw Include Brit* Ish. Australians. Indiana, and Ch!-

Tlio larscit number ate OIU-..... *ho have joined to avoid con» .serlptlon by the Japanese, he Mld>

Chtn* wild Japoncse policy to* r&rd «'hlte ptlionem wna and U ne ot dellbtmt# dcBrndntlon, Half-

nr.ked prboncrs are c«iaclat«I crta- UiiM ot ^Wn and trane with sunken eyes, tmkcmpl bodle.i ntld tincut hnlr. ne said. TTiey nre made to eollfct goibap and do other menlaV work.



«8 seeond A»p. K Phone 51-W

fv-rrraiic S'lipuprppr H In p*xinir\- on si’p.-ml oitlprs. l i

Postmaster Job Open to March 10

WASHINOTON. FVb. 24 i,r>—Thr ftvil ..enirp romniL- vion announcMl

K ihat nppllMtlon^ will l)p rpcelvpd itn- 111 Ihp cliwp of biislnpw March 10. !oc tt p pi«tini>'lpn.hlp at Olenns fVrry. Ida. Tif annual wlarj- Is

Real Estate Trnnsfers Infnrmitlnn Furnished tiT

Tvln Falli Title and Atntnet Coinpanr

fEB. 1*tVixl: N. N. T1ifimp,vin In S. E.

n^^t.^k. *1: Int 8. blofk 52, Utihl.DpTd: D. KlnR to A. T. Johnson,

»3.V>; lot.'s «, 7. block 8. CMllPford.rtL'chBTKe; U. 8, armj-

lo ,t. R. shlllini:.Dp« 1: J. B. Hill to M. B. Skepm,

»1<'; lot 9. bl«k !09. Bivrry'5 Sub,1>«1: \V, A. Chlldm to H. F,

Thortip. JJO; port S\VSW 11 10 17.I>ed: Ora F- Otlslrr to M, J.

CArmlPhaPl. I I 050; lota 31, 33, block n^, Twin FVill'.

Honorable dv.><hnri:e: U. 8. army 10 A. K. Roff.

rw<t: A. C. Mllnrr to L.—4*rwt-»l—lots-»rH».-l;tni:DTrr-

Deed: TVdrral Lanrt bank to W. C. U^wjTr, *1: E‘,SW 27 10 H.

HnnoraNe dlscharRC: U. S. armj- to A. D. OalJJH.

FEB. 1»1X0: TJuh Cowirucilon Co. . .

W. B. SavaRe, lanj In Ulah Con- jtrwftlon stibdlvWon of Sec. 8 11 18.

Deed: Tsrtn Palli Dank and Trust Co.. to W. O, Wood. »1M; lot 11, Work 2a. Hansen.

Honorable dUchMge; D. 8. armyB. J. itodden.Deed; MetnjpoJltan Ltfe Initur-

ance Co. to-J. H. Oreeson. »S,000: h-ESK Sa JO IB.

Deed: Koma I, Walker to R. H. Mlni^n. U.OOO: lota 44. 49, 46. block 11. Blue Uket m t.

Deed: R. H. Mtap) to R, T, Buck- endort. 110; *»me property.

Dee<l: J. E aillesple to Adella Brtnsle. 110: bt IJ. block US. T. P*.

Deed; O. E. Orow lo C. E Frant*. }I0; lots 13. 13. t>lock to Dlue Lakes we.'U

FEB.llHonorable dlicham: XJ. a. «m y

k to J. S, WhltaiM*.CertiriMte ot dlseharn- C. 8.

navy to R. V. Oo bIILDeed; p. Pearx>n lo M. C. CJem*

. int-s tlO; NH lot }. Unity Sub.• 'RonoraWe dbtivaTtei u. S. wwy 10 R. J. HjtJe.

Deed: J. E Olllesple to B. H. omwpJe. »100: lot 8. block T, Han-

HotKirable dLieharse: D. S. army to n . S. Randtll.

Honorable dL<<harfe; U. S. army to a . H. Penwn.

Deed: M. F. PurceH lo R. L. Her- ncfc. «10; pan lot ». block I. A.<hton.

lloDorable dliduueei-tl-S-inny. to R. R. Bltck.

Hooorable dljcltarct: U. S, m id ; to J . U. &o}-d.

Oertincwc of dlschant: U. a t»'Tf to T. a lUff.

Honorable dtjcharse: D, S. anny . to N. OUea.

The«- t»o Hurley youths t, UilrJ from the AAK advjiifpd tKO'rnclnp pilot srhool at Mirfa. Tex_ wlnninj their •rlncs ami ol- flrer'» ratiklne. Setond Uentrn»nt T«>lor I. son of Mr. and Mrv Wiii.Uow It. Ta>l(*r; m *hl Offirer Slmon.v wn of .Mr. and Mrv Gu Slmim^. and hi< ulfe. daughter ° .Mr. and Mt^ G. It- Wllllainv ar vlslilnn In tlarlp.r- lArmt »l

IJescuers Near 68 Cut off by Storm

to s ANOn.Ki. FrN 5* 'UJ" - njdlo-e'iulpfxxt JTt -ue sjuaiU liicU-

■ thrwuh H»«Udfn tnouni.Mn» to*ar\i Oi pers.>nJ marcoiieil

»rrp tiJiHW at Sp«.>'!n'b.s r»i im1 S' m»iT \nf"rtvMin(iI llp.ltbl lAXVi-lPI-ll.MI* ohjpft

Me*n»h>lp hlih»»\ mMtitriin

.-Irarrxt bJ.vLrvl Mr<-rtJ .

Boy Pleads Guilty In Rancher Death

CASCAt’u ^v^ :

4;» llrr» CoraM U

Man Dies Despite 4-Day Sled Race

BROADUS. Mont- Feb. 24 UJJ-.i— A dravnatlc {outlay s\«l Tide irom his liolated ranch to a doctor end* ed In denth from a ruptured appen- dU lor Lnwrcnce Mace. Ranch creek mnchtr.

The &lLtii\uu pulled 35 miles over dlfllcuJt terrain in an eKort ta reacb » iSbeior In ttoio. Mae« ’a-a* nuhed from Brtmdiu to Miles City In an ambulDnce but died a short vttUe later.

.veni me m»iirr hun.-rll lo lh» p«. doti NMtU »i i;j Ai-rtl lenn.

Citiidfli'.'vi JotnUv•Ktih T.-.f V.vVf Vfrx-»xiU7m.T2. T\u-!lp U'tr \W. «tti> Muvttnc and UMiii-.i i'h»Hp'^Aiin!s

Vrrv-.AU!r:rn h*> slrr-A.t.v pWdM nutlly i;',l hip ini*l«lM'n:v.riil l:i irs» »iale prnllrn.

Two in Idaho GOP Will Seek Office

nOl«:. IVb ;« Brpub-llTAiis thur f-Aiivliilnrlrsfur i«t!> iviv.m.m.vv.' toiuchi. l<sler y Altrit. IVMse. f'V wcir-lary of maip »iut H .O rsvkham. Wilder. :.s* lirutrnai'.t so'tm.v,

Peekhari's *r.ni«N-»nienl .* up)eh. ed runic'r> Ihjl he *»» cwvvWrrtti* flllns for the x'X'rrtior AU' TK n ln»•. tli.'n.

rx-ckium li i!-.p l « ! Ri»nxi>in,Td randtdAtr Ivv Urutrr.Aiit covtnint, a F. M;«-, KrlWC. liM «uM.'»In1 he 'KlU sect the KfV«,vK\.'»s\ tlon tor »«rv-Aiy iM fUte.

Plane Crashes Into — Buildinjr^-Man-Qiea

WEKtXlVni. t'ulv. 54 One tiler »o.’. tiV.rd «u.‘. Mx M'l.lirn Injured »neit j t.'t:r'ri\»in<sl b>vi<b. er trwu t!>e Wt:i.-lv\T»r air bi.'* rrashed lnt>< a *\w'fn butlAtnc a mile south the tirU l*.'t t\lghi.

Ta-ia ct th.vp hutt «ftr 'WuiMnt.^ ^ the buWw.{. Vi the VWiviTt i »T« butt .'ettvXV'vV.


Sha'a aa Livaly aa a Younnkar^ Nowh«B*ek«ch.UbiMw>tuy •affetni . . .

.Ji nnvUac wirbw aoB#>






W /K £y^

T O W N t l A D ^ S U ^ S

S ty le d f o r Spring O Q J 5 Priced fo r V alues A #

Hrrt‘':< vnlup.rjKl'* dciwii the line! DiMlliKUl.shcd fnsliloiw — and sptv.lhle fiushiniw ■— pronil. lii« lii.MlnK giKid tnslp. And qunllty to tnnlcli. too — rii«KPd all wool ttiirslpds. diinibly tailored for nll-nrouiiil .\UnUiiii. lliiiid.somp simile iiiirl <loubIi' DK'n.'itcd models lo ct-iofvv from. In iipw 1044 strlpliins, Trlcc? Only 29.751

Dcin'l -Sqiiandpf” -Wartime

income*! INVEST In

Toun.risd (Juallty




i.98Gabardine for 19(41 In

anitxM veavn {«i.drew. Rnn, lighl weaves, too,,

to glre the aerv ice YOU need

for MTtiv* »port»wcar!


2 -’ ®BoW herringbonw, dtago.

nak , pitids and checb in

rough, tough weave# fot

' apotu >nd'(choo|^.'Hatd finT

ish drcu itripc*, oveiplaidt.



G A Y , Y E T P R A C T I C A l

To M ak e Y ou P o r t r a i t -P r e t ty fo r S p rin g !

I.ivoly Phiiii O.Icr.K A-

I*rinl.>. I,<‘nil Nrw t'liiirm

Fcniiiiino fi'tirks in frosh colnrrd priiil.^(IS li^’lilhtiarli'ii us s|irltit,' lo wi'nriitul.T winter I'nal.s (ir ,«uiiny ^kies, .Maiic> of fij.'iirc-nuHiliiini' mynn jcrsfy thut (icfic.s wrinkles, I’jiislrys and r ion ils in lirilliiiiit Itiic's f'lihiiiu'i' ntiilli-tTort'il v Rkii'^s. :vmt sluiv>\l iHxUct's. Vi \to 'JD.

F R O S T Y i . I N t ; KHli': on HI.-ACK I’UOl'K.S .. . S.Tcn.-ly .Mnijil.' cK-sivjii.- cif fine rayon rn-))r (iaiiililv i-ti-licii \vii)i sh.‘ci- while lini:.Tie <li.K.'ys, enll;u-s an.i jalnils. Al llir sairu' law pL'iiiu'y i>i'it'i'l

A» tills ad l« beUiR wr the BiiinrleM «lyles 1 1 bcliiit iinpnrkcd. Au.'li:ll frocks arc iioa' rnidy 1


A T T R A C T I V E B L O U S E STailiiivti iir frilly, floworud or p la in , you’ll finil thorn here as fresh ns thi? fir.st .s))rinK hiids ................................................................. 2.29

The Approved Shndc.s for Sprinjr

F A B R I C G L O V E SSVylts fint\ qxinlity nrc haml-in-Klove w ith spring , 19-1-1. See tho.se at your earlio.st caiiveniencc...................................................... 98c

Friilh fo r vnitr Dark I)fcs.scs

FRILLY COLLARSwide choice o f pleiiEinR i^tylcs .Snowy white eollurs in

— tailored alyle.s. loo ......

Late A rrivalsIte m s y o iJ n ^ d !Fnr beyond our antlclpnllon ore Ihe qiiantltk-« ot goo<L arrlvlns dally — Shop Pcmiey’a and savet

Little Hoys’ Striped

P L A Y S U I T SBlue and white alrlped play lulls are In Rieat dciiiftnd. TUIs entire allotment only 10 down. Slws for small boys on sale Friday A M........ ...........—

Boys’ Medium W c ik HI

U NIO N SUITSImporlanl for N ow !

Sheet B lankets


1 . 3 9 station W agon ------------:-------------------------------------- Coats

A Surprise Sh ipm ent , ' 6 9 0

BEDHPTCraWS1 . 1 9 ntunjr poekcts- 8iM lO'ts 30. .

Page 6: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Page Six T IM ES-N EW S. T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O Thur8^ilay,_Febniary__24, 1944


LONDON. Feb. 34 W - How flrong la Germany? In the opinion o{ iiillMl mlliury Jcafler*-an opin­ion rellccifd In Prlmo Mintsur Churchill’s speeech In Uie liouae of commons ycslcrduy — A<lolI HlUrr bUII h«s « mlglily w»r mnchlno nt his dl.'poiial.

Hera l4 a plcliire of nail nillllaiy inlghl as conipiliKi tram Hit: oiiliilcinn of ttt'Q top ttlllcd olflccrs clinriiiil with iLw.islnff Ocrmnu slr'Tittm «mlJrom..........- OcrnIradtr nirtlnR file alllfd n

Noiip of t n comblnalli


H e re ’s Last Step iii F i l l in g T ax B la n k


ol.l>i.liora {ilOT'4(eXp*4. n.I.n« Kt irJ. Leu: C«tiln inlrre«t 6. £anMi incofnc <r.'lUUnoe to nnnn.1 u.---------- -------B. N«m»l UJ (6^ et lint 7)_______________________

SurUx on unnunl in line 4. ■0. ToUl Incom,T.«(Iin.8pfu.lin.9V (V J*-* » . _* a.

). NCT VICTOilY TAX (line 6 c< Vkt«y Tti SchnJuk b<4. ToUl of lino II .nd 13_______________________5- Tm p«ic! al »ourte « Ui-(m covmint bend titn

, U LARrXA T>>ii

<0 F nur ihe UNI-ORCIVI J [>.it d iK. -t-il, i. iScF.MrK e _______:.............................

TnTAL 'N< I AIK AND VICTORY TAX. (Tn*)' !'•1.1— (a) lrv..nC.ndVKl.,.yT..-UH^ldt.yr".lJ..,-._____

(i) Ir-.m. T « p.id a, IW in-om..........................

(O Tot.l p.ymn.1.-----n ’NTAini'AIANCF. OI IN( OMF.ANDVU IiiliY IA\. (ti

9 (O)__________

1 Lhucsiininicd to liuve , bem tjciv j.OOOpOOQ nnd 1,500.000 men m Jast elBlit momlis, llliler h;i5 yci rcai'lied the boilom of ilic n ■jKJWcr barrel.

Army tjtlll Slro--ThQ Gc-r

Marp h«i

o llii-

I nllncks

«1 fnetunJ Inform man fJKlitrr proiliiction cut bcluw loMcj.

Incrca intt Ocrmnii iUk «pon England and KAK nitilil law.*. ■Khlth t«cn\ly rcaclitrt a nrw IiIkI of 7D on « KlnKlp niRm. indlraii mat the Otrmaii nir force still has a tremrndoii.1 kick Ipfi.

(4) Scapowcr; Ocrmnn F.-apc hna been no wcakmrd 11 l.i not peeled to be n serious factor In Invasion of wMtern Europe nnd crpt for submnrlnfs may not t pul In an appcarniice. .

The principal nen problem-laclnc the alllM li ihnl of mnklns amph loi« lanrtlnns with wiirfhip nnd .... Biipport agolnsl fltrong nhore (te> en. e3.


1 i-i.. vox t-X PfcV 9.3.


wllli Indlcntlom i l»nd to rrly mnltil lowland.1 durtns tithr Bj-viuU.

’Illlj bfcunip Ki »lonR witli a rrrr ilLiBrmln* nil ln»r lice of Dutrli n..i ilnlhiiKli'rs tK'ir•ctivliy. TUi'f’-

i-ri - Tlie

iin nlllrd m-. iii.I Middrnly

1 floodinK Ihr In.t HnuM of

> %Vr<liirNdny.

iiinlry p

11 Oftri.3\mti

The Public


IVITM lUfi FEI,LOW8 Editor. 'nmps-Nrwj;

Hnn-Maw. II ftrnis »ome peopl'

,l place I do not Bgri

julicre by con- ftltl Irllow riU

1 n fompelltor

Town Hall Talks Speaker’s Theme

aOODlNG. Feb. 24 - Diirton DrIfKs. superintendent of the Good­ing SlaUs tcliool. prwntert a digest

Twin Palla Town Hall meetings »t the rcBUlar Rotary club meetlnK here. Mr. Drlggs nUo gave a num­ber of pertinent auggestlon.s lor Improving the city of Gooding dur­ing the post-war period. At the cla'c of his Brtdrew he dlsplnyed pholo- graphs of ntudenta at the sUle .'Cliool. Mr. DrlXBs win Introduced by JuUai Schmitt, prosrnm chnlr-

Oue.it. pre.*vent were Sid SmIlh. Shoshone; Tom OoodlnK, H.-ilIcy,

Jack Frost, Buhl.


Mri. Ouy Stjinlon. accompanied by Mrs. Frank Daley, left for BoL e on business.

Mrs. Alleen Querean. rormer Jer­ome resUent, Is here from PocaleUo for ft few days on business.

Mr. nnd .Mrs. Lyle Martin, Corpoa ChrUtl, Tex., have returned homo after bclnn guests In Jerome at the

; of Mr, and Mr*. Jftlnei Purdy.

Don’t Ncglcct SHpping


F ina l Instn ic lion .s G iven in

A r r a n g in g ln<;«me Tax R e p o r tainnuiJt..............................

poiWvi:—meaning tluvl vow <y*t l!\c Irrii.Miry wlialevpr It shows, fn ihiil


Oie prf>rt\icilon1-illy liirrfH.'rfl •lomr rxKTiiftl

Tt) FIn.I I!»I3 Ta»


The (.oil (J;

bamblim and the tnlnrtcd llicro nrc In the low countr)-,

Oermrins mention Flushing, Ant­werp and Rotterdam as the most suitable bridgeheads and supply bases and are • threatening to raze those cities In anj' retreat.

Grazing Board to Meet Complaints

nORLE^^ Ing tor protr; advlMri- twill ilLMflcl of til vice will be I flce.% on Wr.; rordtUK tn S

1 JU.S 5 makeitf about what a woiiilefful coun­

try tliL-i Is for a poor man to get a staru I came here to Idaho In 1020, ond'I was told how easy Is wos to get n farm, so I went to work on the pince 1 own now but tht land

r, tolil II a short lime a 1 Lhn

■ Nl-rWH WAhT ADS.

Burley Man Gue.st Of Enjjiish Rotary

Relief At Last

ForYourCoughm relieves promptly be-

oc,'. rlfthl to the teat of the o help loa-.fn and expel

phU'cm, nnd old nature and hc.ll raw, tender, lo-

■ronchlal mucous mom- oll your ilruKKlst to sell you

C R E O M U L S IO Nfor Couehs,Cheit Colds, BronchiHs


William Amos nrrlvpd honi(- for ten day furlough to visit hU moll, rr. Mrs. Mory Amos, anil brother, Jflck. He wlU report hocK put for duty on ^fftrch i,

Mr*. Tom Nolan Is vlslilnR her daughters. Mrs. lu iph Shanks IUm Betty Nolan.

Mrs, George McCoy left for North___Hollj-wood. Calif., to «pend her va-

ration wHtH~hef 'i»rtnl3; Mr. nnd Mrs, J. W. Guthrie.

AJr. and Mrs, C. M. Hobcrtson, Mrs. Elwln Shipp. Mias Owendolnt BoJIlger and Mrs. Dan Compton spent the week end In Boise. While there they visited Mr. nhd Mis, T, E. Oroy, Mrs. Robertson's parents, nnd Mrs. Emereald Ir ’ln. Mrs. Compton al.'o visited her parents, J. 8. Prtaelle.

Page'Edwards wtui n \isltor« at the Harold A. Covey home recently.

Mr. and Mrs. rmnk Albro nnd Mrs, Courtney MueUel nnd daugh­ter. H*nt7 Eilen, n\l ol Rose^nr, Ore.. have been house rucsUi of Mr, nnd Mrs. Harry K, Stumbo for the post weet Mr*, Albro. who Is Mrs, Stumbo'a only sister, nnd her hus­band. are looking for a location on Wood river.

Mr. and Mr*. B. R. McCorkle visit­ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, «»TT7 K. Btwito this week on their way from Colorado to Beattie. Wash., where they 'tilll make their future home.

Mrs. Arthur Beny la convalescing «t the Twin Falls county general hosplUl after undergoing major ger>’ there.

Scott Allred has purchased Uie hom# lormerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Verle Rutter. They plan to move from their rench at Gannett eoon.

Cpl. Michael Mcaonljfal, son .. Mr. and Mr». George McGonlgal. haa completod his basic fljlng course In the army at Tuseon, Arlr, aroi7 air field; and will be transfer* red to ran advanced flylneaeliool. He attended Bellevue high school and Oanvl college at Helena, Mont, before ent«r1iic the armj’ air corpn.

— Mt«. -KdUe -Ohaoer- made- •- trip to ShoeboDS from Iser rane]i at fibwton asd waited ilx lio tin to tee her. dangbter, Blanche, tor Just two mtnalaa. Her dau«bter, who enter* i

. *d the A m j Norset Cccps U(t May I

Adtl 12 n

limn « 0. wrlt.^

cl. U lO (b) Is brgcr ■Tlle "O" on Line 10 cd Add Unc

• 20.. Tlic

total liability Mardi .11 boUi 1913 and for Uie unforglven portion of 104} taxes.

Bubtrftct Line 21 (d) from Line 20 10 Bet Line 22. which l.s whut

lorlcliu, you stnrlert thLs pro paid balance now ment lor Income t.

It L- the u:


turned from Rupert where they at­tended tlie wedding of Al Dallolio at the Catholic church In Hiipcrt. Mtis Paoll snng two solo numbers for Ihe event.

3wen Blril hfts ictuvned lo his me In Milford. Ore., after vijiiing KCfk wlih his brothi-r, Anln

Pounder and family.Mrs. Earl DnvU Is recovrrlr.j at-

bfaciorlly from n major opejiii! n she underwent Irust week nt St. Val­entine's hospital In-WendcU.

Beamen Vcmon Soren.'on. Nelson Psvte, Dan Ray, Jlnuny Powtll and Franl: llcnklna. are home on leave from Fftrrauiit iifter completing bool training.

Sgt. Dus Pnte returned to his my base, nt Ontario, Calif, nfter furlough here with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. J im Pate.Mr. and Mrs. Dean Giles and

clilWten Mt vlsiUnK in Snll Loke City aiih her sister. Mrs. Ileno' Hansen and family.

Mr*. E. Pounder. Leva Hot Springs, U visiting her son. Ah'In Pounder and fomUy.

Tom Byrnes 1b spending tbla week Iti Boise with relatives.

Mrs. James Lathrop and daughter have been dismissed from the Hailey

Blofcesley, of the Ada county draft boord, recently visited RIchlleW friends.

{cne Cox left (or Boise to spend al days there.

nnd has been etotloned In Oregon.

comp. U waa the first I. Chaney had seen’ her

. In imllorm.John M. RuUer and Mr*.

. Braase left for Camp. Adair, Ortn to visit tbelr aoa and btvther,. ..... Itutter, and bii wUe. ' ,

H e l p w a r t i m e m e a l s t w o w a y s w i t h C a l i f o r n i a n a v e l o r a n g e s

VITAMIN HEALTH h r fhe whole family

1. Our£0' fooils for better

[h the"Bisic7"e licilth. Group 2 ii

duties tlic important viiimirj C fruits and veg­

etables. Onngesarcourfnost3bunJantcvef)-day source of this imponanc vitamin. One 6 to 8 ouncc brc3kf.ucgLiss of CUifomiiNJvcl onnge

juice gives j-ou your full <lay’s tequicwticnt of vitamin C...plus \-aluabIcamounts ofvitaniiiu

- A , D„B,(G ), calcium anJotlierminenU. --


S E E D L E S S -e a s y to

p e e l , s l ic e , se ctio n

2 a You a n add color .md variety to wanime mealj by serving delicious California Sttdlas NaveU in a variety of ways. Tliey arc quick.to

slice for brcakfist, delicious and hcsltliful in

fruit OJps, sainds and dcssens, pcrfea to peel

and atDct^^'eenmeils, orto topolT»well-M. ftnced box lunch. Discovct how miny wiys

California N avd Oranges can help makeup for d ie shortage o f cinncd, dried and & oi« fiuio.

S v & n / M e /


"Sunklst" sampeJ on the skin li](Ati£ei the fiaeit fnUc from 14.500 cooperadng Caltforeu-Axooas-gfOver*. JIivc a cood supply of SunkiicOnDsa on hiaiThey w sooa"iiecpen." Best roK ]via-aml V.nTjatl

CcrTTl lu. 1M4. OlibfiU Frail Ccmn CuliU{a

S n n k i s t

c i n i v o K i i i A .


b tMfiiriu Um )«la> >>111 liM Callferela t>ml •nata*. Tm ctB*t bMt then for a m l W)ik vaha. Tbcr an

Closing Days of the Monthoffer you extra s a v in g on your fimtl hudKct- known qunlUy brands a l money-Bnvintt pricos. Fri­day, Saturday , Monday and Tuc.sday.

S U P E R ' P A L M ­ P E E T S


L g . Pkg . 3 R cr.Cakes ’ S '

2 5 c 20c 27c


2 7 c


•cmiiim Salted W afern'

...............3 2 c ,


2S c


li/.i W iifflp Svnip

......... I 2 c

TEAriia.si' & Siiiiliorn. hlnck


Bakinjr Powder t'kai;.' 4 3 c

TAPIOCA sty Tiiplcx-a8 c

VANILLA .1“ir.. v;inlllii

6 5 c

COCOA ■ 1 0 c

COFFEE s s r " ” "’lee minus Uie3 5 c

DRY MUSTARD Coleninn'a <-or pkR. 1 9 c

t j l j U r O dozen . ...•KM

3 0 c

POST BRAN r '; , for 2 5 c

Graoenuts Flakes 12 ounce pkg. 2 for 2 5 c

COOKIES nr Oraiiue bars2 3 c


Sweet, Ju icy Navels •



Golden yellow « C m pound............. .. A

TUNA FISH 'Apoints) "Chicken of the Sea"Z 7 c

4 5 c

i S c

3 7 c

M I L Kpoint each) Al! popular brands

3 9 c

SNOWDRIFT fg;Shortening 115 points c

6 9 c

Deviled Meat l i e


Staley’s, C o m or Laundry




“ R oya l Arrria”



Hcgulor 10c paclfapre

Fi'iL, ....._.,9ct Y E (

Cudahy's Bex Lye

L““.... 25cFree deliverica each Monday, Wcdnesifay and Satur­day — Sou th and East part o f town, 10:00 a. m .; North and W est, 3 :00 p. m. Grocery phones No. 0 end N o . 1

IDMO DEPT. STORE«If » tsrt>t Right — Bring U Back”

Page 7: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Thureday> February 24, ID ll T IM E S-N E W S .T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O Page Seven


Bj HAnOLD STREETER AuoeUlrd Pma War Writer

The Untwd Staw* PucJflc (lett. hlg rnough to be both bold and per- ftjiifnt. silU i3 hunting lor the rc- liictarl Jopanese nn%-)\

Last ThiirKiay and Frtdsy — hum liinifd lo Tnik. In capllAl «lrcngUi. the Jop navy nppurcnllj

<^a.^n'l there. Tuesday ihp Amen- 'van-1 had a look 700 m!lf* beyond

Tn4 m lh« Marlimo.i. Wtinl was loiimi rmalnB lo b« dl«lw*<1. ,

That Li one view to be taken of ihr l&ust new.t fron Pearl Harbor. Thr whereabotiM of the JapaneM nav-y conllniieii lo br one Of tJi* most (r«iuenlly nskcfl queitlolia of th« I’arlflcr war. After the Tnlk atlaclc. Tokyo radio look palnj to exj laln lo nlppon tiial Uie fleet

Foi the (Irlense of Japan?Carrten HUhtrd

Last n-b. « alien two Llbcr»tor« new north from the Solomoai lak<- phoioKrapli.' of Truk In pri iirntlon for the tortJiconilni; carrier plane awaull, the re.-onnal.'uancf ni'-rn r"[xirt«) *l|(httnK two carrier! In III- 40-nille wide liiRoon. Whpti Ih'T- lire rnrrl'T* tlKTr Inglrall Wdiilrl tx- rapHftl Ui-m

Y»t when Uie rcsiilti- were In oi t*i<- twn-dny air poundlni; of Ttul the hlRRe't Mil|> hst-rt jui'tmu !

corrr.ipondentJi vfrr ivnnl"'’’! l j.ny In tl'elr <Il.np.itrh<f\ 'hut U"- Wi

have 1 l.'ti 1


.. Ft>b.Dirt Uiey RO in the Mariana*’

AlUek Shnrkrd JapThe Tnil( ailnck shockM Japin.

Tokyo nwllo aclmltteil lor..'ic.\ virtual­ly miitchlnK iho,ie announced by Admirnl Nimllz. Pri-niler Tojo dras­tically shook up his war cabUict.

Now. while still stunned by tiiat stroke, Jnpnn gets the news " nnothcr powcrfal carrier blow , fallen even closer to -the homeland —and In 1pm Ihnn a wi-ck's lime

A force of carrier.' (ind biiltlc.shli>»-- ■- B near enouKh to the Murmn:i'

d out planes must he dlr-lain- nny threat to li.s rear By Jnp- WBj-shln.< al 'mik. 'Pierelori'.

Ill- pilot* or American planes which boinlurl Tnik must have tirnnahi biM'l< ellcournk'lnK rrjxirl.-..

Civic Club Will Sponsor Banquet

HAOERMAN, Feb. - The CtHc chib voic'd lo fixni.sor the )uii)fir- wnlor banqiirt os hi p.-wt few yeui>.

The comnilttrc iippoim.rl tnr llie liL'l card partv of the vrar Includr.s Mrs. Martin Curran, Mr.v r.iu. Cun. r.irl. ,\1rs. Sll,.,s OiiKlli. Mi>. K I, ('haplln, Mr.s Ravniond Ciirrlccr. Mr.v Wallace Br^stnlrk. Mrs. Glenn Hell and Mr*. Charlie Blarkhait.

Today the mrmbcr.s worked on a necktie qiillt to be .sold for the IImI

Hi)ste.v.es wrr Mrs. Jack W< RiiMel! and Mi

• Mn-. llavN WiiKner, -Ihend, Mi.v J. n, V Wallace li.atwlck.

Six million n ed by rli'W Yoi week.


WASHtNOTON, Tcb. 24 (-D - .Srtiator Byrcl. 15 Va., a.ikecl Wednea- il.iy lor an InvestlRatlon to tlelcr- inine Rheilii'r the IJrttlsh dlstrlh'l- l'<l to American troop.i a tabloid mu.>pfti>er conlalnlng n story tlmt polltlfal opponents of President UiKU'eveli art- rcndv lo spend *50.- O.XI0CK) to Clrfeat him for rerlecllon.

I})rd ri'iKl to tlie .sciiute a letter Ue uTotf lo Wavis. rticrctor otHie nflli r of war InformiilInn, clthlK H iif»s Ul.spairh frcjin London which mid 0' Midi a story appearlii* in a liiiir-poRe iiewj paniplilct l■. ued byI lie oliicial lirllish lnf<irmaIlon "Heiicy and clLstrlbutcd among men »'rlHiiii 111 KtiicUiid,

Tlie .?iorV 111 Ihe piimplilel. wlilch i>n.s not iii-illteil to any .source- fald

.'l“-ii(l '■0 niUlloii dollars lr> beat lihnII 0* th-y a.vsmne

No Privacy

d fnr P I'lertlons."

,t the

i'!an Who Invented llakelite Passes


dovtlDpmenta are maklns U more apparfnl every day that the eon- YUblona of rrconvcrslon may be harsher and more painful Uian earlier rsllmatrs Indicated.

The declajatlons bv Prlm» Min­ister Churrhlll. Serretno' Knos and Pltaldtn\ ROQiCuJV tiiaV U»e Eu-

tliwe hUO 154S, tocether with tlie heWhtened pace of the offerv'ive aRainst the Ja|K»nese In the Pa­cific le.irt to thlt ixwlbllitv.

Til" pcrlcxl between the end of the KMro[irnn w;ir ami the end ol

er than which .in planiirr' h


Homlter, “ R c h u il t " in M id-Air,

I?rings H e r Crew Home Safelyny KEI.MAN MORIN

ALLIED HEADQUARTERS. Al­giers. Feb, 24 (/IV-Thcy. didn't have paper cllp-1 or chewlni? gun aboard the crippled Fortre.w but they mnn- ated to tlucl a te.w bits o( wire and thev prncllonlly rebuilt her In mid­air aiul hrDiiKlii lur home.


Anrin I)

whm I

e look a

• bonitiliu; i

ico?uV''n'ihir*^*''' 'ih<' stick and nothliiK h:i|>-

. salfl Sernnd 7-lriil. TJinmn'

Hr Foil then riKlned li.-c-ir

hull oui. When the iili.n-Inclined to rrmiiln in i!u‘

:i thouKh crrfttlcullv, he Irlt pllrit nncl engineer al ili^

liitikn were punctured and : fiifl Pie oxynen .sj-steni . Amniiinltloii was explod­

ing. Even spare clothlns and equip­ment was riddled.

JudBi; kept the remainder of the crew ready to Jump nnri lilm.solf went over the ship irylng to repair the controls, lie used wlnr.i from empty bomb bay.s and extension


Wm. Ulxcoff, Mrs. I.ewn Fiej- milli'r and Mr^. Mar.shall Mend arf V1.M11MK relatives hi lllgRlnvllle.

M « . Leo Cheney, PlBccvllle.'Callf, Ix vl.sltlng her daughter, Mrs. Earl Howivrd and family.

Pnul. small sou of Mr. and Mrf. Tcs.ni. has been released irom the Twill Falls hospital, bHt Vi sllll un-

Cassia Receives

$‘1,279 Liquor TaxHl’ni.KY. F.-l). 24-Cii.^sla coun­

ty s'to;vi„ iccclvcd i0.270.7S Q.S 114 slure of till- Bt.ilc.collrctrd Ila'lor tsx for the fourth finarter of 1343, iccordlnK to Ivin ll063''n. couniy auditor.

Tlie sum W.1.S distributed a.i fol-ra.sMa county. S-VB3SBB; city

of-niirlc'v *:i7i;oiC; vlll.i,;- of ovl:-of I. Sl'rc-lnl srwllis r

r'l hull next Monday.Sr and Mrs Newell naher v relnllves In Oadrn liisl wo-n 1.-.-1.U..P of Slake cnntrrrnc-li'-hl In nurley. no .■•er'lco. ,

,rchl.- nrt<l)er spent Ihe w--r-y,

•ill' M. 1. ntflrcr.s and in V hi-lil a daiirliiK pnrtv foUnu mill, when ihr hall w.i.s ,l- il 111 the nalloniil colors In c iiic'iiitlnn of WsshhiRlnn s hi

tnilniJin 111 ORdrii


\\hlch hu iiil':hl have valuemalctl.ll.In pffxluclnit the aub-

sinnce in me farm cf baltlis pipe stems, the pcliiUn-born chem. 1st ntinounced his dl.srovery »t the ChemlalA club In Kew York In 1008.

In New urr 45i

Moral^Iease Don’t Refer to A Ship as Boat

day.A navy Corsair plbt returtiln*

from lUbaul. lost from hl« fonn- Rtlon, with Instruments damaged and p^oline low. sighted a war- ililp. He radloetl;

•Key. you boat, can you give me a bearing?"

-WhBl's the mBtter,’ cam* tho sarc.v'llc reply, ''you lost?"

“Ym," pleaded the pilot. “My Rns nearly gone and I gotl* get to iiUiik Held. Can you help

-onay, Ace." replied the war­ship 'Tlie bearing Is blank de- Kree-S and Its exactlj- blank mile*. Thiiili you can find It. Ace?"

Tliaiilts a million. n i re-

nversallon wa.s recorded Hri. Murrey Harder,

'hm. ait.iched to an ftlr

CINDER HLOCKS Order now for *prlng buUd- Ing. Sold by

Robt. E. Lee Sales Co.420 Main So. Phone 159-W

Manufactured by

Cinder Products Co.niONK 60J, JSnOME


c ship.

F A R M E R Scheck your needs now-


FARM IMPLEMENT SALEFriday, F e b . 2 5 , 1 ^ 0 0 A . M .

Take your choicc of Ihc implements offered tn this l« « k»Ic — then bid <m them a t the lUictiunl Jo intly sporuiorcd by thd T. F. C. o f C., the U.. S. I). A. Wnr Hoard, and your Twin Fnll.s Implemcnl deulerR. No p ro fit accrucs to any orsaniziition. Thc.sc implcmenls a n d others will be tfffered for said


.<--1 r p - i f p

feJlioS A i'e s /o r M s

' / z


' as SKHCHt-U rP-CM i-IFE^AhU

5 M O W M M C I'. ' AT H U P IO N - t lA R K



l i u . - o o a o

Tlie shnes sJio\m here are sketelled

from our reRiilarly larRe stock of

ehllilren s ihoe* Tl\Ls larce selection

Cviiipird with the cxtrnordlnarj’ care

liven In flttlnc the RrwlnK fi'd.

UirouKh X-my and experienced

clerk-s. tnakea ynur purchaae ft

«urrty In sntlsf.icLli'n of ■•fll" and

quality. We Invite your lii-'poctlon

Of thli important lelectlon.

7 Mowcrn

1 Tractor Bean Planter

10 2-wny Tractor Flows

2 Tumble Plows

5 CorrugatorB

I I Spike Harrows

1 Grain Binder

3 Scrapers

5 Beet Pullers

Also—4 rolls of electric

wire fencing—as well a

listing. And remember,

in as sale time nears!

10 Beet and Bean Cultivators

1 P um p '

2 Tractor Plows

1 Spud D ipger

1 D itcher

1 Rubbcr-llrcd Trailer

3 D isc Harrows

7 Wagons

5 Spud Planters

3 Self Wcedcns

6 Cream ScpiiratoM

1 Stock Tank

1 Culttpnckcr

10 Spud Cullivators

. 1 Field Cullivalor

4 Bean Cullers

1 G ra in D rill

7 D u m p Rake.s

11 Seta o f Harnc.«fl

4 W alk inK Plows

2 Jackson Forks

1 Sickle 'Grinder

4 M anure Spreaders

3 Tractors

wire, some stacker cable and several rolls o f new woven

s innumerable smaller articles which space does not permit

again, that this list is incomplete. More items will be coming

S E E Y O U F R I D A Y A T T H E S A L E !

M c V E Y ’S ■/

C ^ H . - J o i s ' t i l

t o t u X i . f o ' I 5 ®

5 x o v 4 i A j a u j ( m d -

t a j o 1 6 u i^

ic lu x jf o j p i(u ) - '4 ''8

m o e o A t i u ,

■Utd hvhot Ltn qlrls

< ^ r o u )u .- u i u x . t m t e i H i . ,

Page 8: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Pape E ich tT IM ES-N EW S, T W IN F A L I.S . ID A H O Thursday, February 2i,^ 1944


The onniml *prln(t bull snlc spon- sor«I by the IcIaIio Cnlllcmen'« m- Boclallon will be licW at the ynrcla of the T«'ln Fulls Commission com- nony Jirre Mnrch 25. nccordUig to announcement by Lron L. Weeks, Bolie, sfcrcuxry ol the assoclnllon.

ThU nnminl evpnt orcllnnrlly 1* held In Boise, but. Wepk cxpUtnert. bpcau-ie of Falls' ci-nirnl locu­tion. Is bplnK held here ihl.i f>prlii«. The ftnnunl fnll Mile, whli-.ti m 'lie post hn-1 born held i\t Pi)Ciilrllti. an* held here ln.-<t fnil.

"From nil Inillrniloii'._ WMki, "abouU7S-buUi.imd.i5 li£llr-

era will be cold IliroiiKli tUr rlnn " F-nlrle* I.IMril

Weeks Mid lirerdcr* ' ho linve 1n- dlMted thftt they will Imve ron- RlKnmenM at thr sitle Inrliidr .1 t. Hndley, Rncklnnd; Clarrnrr ciivr-

Chnney Ilerrloid tjn.li, (•.i'un-'i. aeome C MIllT niiivi... Uy.. snh UiiniMi-iii. riiiilii'; < a I 'i- (hrr. Goodlni:; T"m Altwrl Wiilfki'T Mnvri'l.l, H'tnmtiPoller. CiiirliMid .............. . II a'H'i.Jrnsi’n, Riir""'’

Invitnlloii.- IM .•ni. r ""'j

snle must !><• m-'iiiinT!; .,t ih-' Cnttl,- Ilirn'.' ns.v)rliillnl>. iiinl IIUIM <>-*n llir dams of tlir bull' they lire m'I1ui>:

Entries cIojp Mnrrh 1, Werk.i ,',ild.Calc to 1> Shown

In nddlllon to the purebred rea- latered bulls at tlic snle. Weeks said, there will be a t-H club calf enicrod by Fred McCloud, WcndHl. which will be sponsored by Floyd Enkin of Hncermiin and the I. C. A. Younit McCloud showed thl.-s cnlf nt .several fairs Insl Minmier. lylnc for first place nt the Cli.odliiK fair and wlnnliiR second at Ihe Jerome fnlr. At sale lime the I'alf will weliih alX)Ul 1,000 ixiuiicls. V.’rTk,>. s.Ud. nllil will be just a little past one year old.

The sale eommlttee eonsUts of lUy V. Swan.ion, Pocalello, ehfttr- man- Seth Bur.siedl, Clmllls; FjI RlBgon. Victor; and Tom Callen niul Virgil Llckley, both of .l.Tomr

Col. E. O. Walter, Filer, will l>e tha auctioneer.


Seaman .second cla.ss Walter Kiser from Farragut Is vlslthiK home.

A son was born FeD, 20 at the OoodlliR hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe.

Z. Pond has piirrha.'icd Innrt In OooCllnK county and also n hnnii- 111 the town of Oondlni! where the fnmlly plans W re.tUle In the fmure. Roland pond, who has been In war wort In Portland, will retiini to mftnaBC the Z. Pond ranch In Cn- maa county.

TJir council of Uie Coinnninlty church met a( the Orr homo with IB In attendance.

Th* Polynesians are bellcvc-d have migrated to Paclllc blnnil.t from the east coast of India,

Largest L and P lane , Say N azis IRAIONEARliMiUNE

A BOMUEIl BASE IN E2^0LAKD, Feb. (,Vi—I.leot I!. E. Broxlon it Niylng he won t be fomettlns bomblnK mw-.iiiii No IJ his Libera­tor. "Half O' Uoiies.- made of enemy tenllor>'.

Tlie four-ensliircl bomber up to the Jinx number In Monday's raliLi over Oomiiiiiy, and a."; the filer from BlrmltiKl'nm. Ain., head­ed her toward ii Orniian airfield, f)nk drove up nt him and a |iack of enfmy TiKtitprs dtved down.

Cannon slielU pul the lop, nose Will tall uirri'i.s Dili of cAmmixsion. Tlie number tour eiiiiine ciiURht fire. Aiht alien n tlnk lill rwlucod the |>oaer In tJie niimb<T one engine 50 per rent, old "Hnx O'Dones" wa* an nptly named emit. Then the clcctrical and hyclruullc syatcins Went out and Uie hydnmllc fluid eaui;ht lire in the wnKt of the ship.

Ill spue of all thl', llie plrtiie hi'ld llA torniiition ntvl pvrn executed a D60-<leicree turn for n second

riiiiialKlrr <if the U iimphlbldiiB forces hla.itlng the Jiipn

f an atoll highway lo Chinn. Is 10 of the softeit-hrnrted IoukIi en who ever put on Ihe mnrlnt?

He poundc«l Ills men Into a finely- tempered n.' 'iftull wenpon composed of youth, eoiirnKe, nnil ,Heel-sprlnK

hlnK pudc;Smlih's niUid.

Flerry roulrt pin' ore niakeiip than a and a imlr <il sie'' acles. He .Mnnl:e n il ilrlnks old la.'hlnni






In Uie Matter of Uie Eitnte of A. D. HOLMAN, Dccen.sed.NOnCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN By

the undersigned Executrix of Uie r. tale of A. D. Holman, deceased, tJie creditors of and all ptraon.'i ha in« clalm-s ngalnst Uie .snlil lcccn. ed, to exhibit them with Uid nccewary vouchers, within four months alter the first publication of this notice lo the iiUl ExKUtrlx. at Ihe office of Raybom A: Raybom, nttorneys, County of Twin FalU. State of Ida­ho. this being the place fixed for the trtu«aetlon of the busliieM of •ftld estate,


Executrix of the Estate of A. D. Holman, Dcceascd,

Publish: Feb. 17. 34; March 2, S, I ■ I0 « . ------------



ESTATE OP CLARENCE CLIF­FORD BROWN. DECEASED. Notice b hereby given by the un-

derslried atlmlnlstmlor or Uie Es- ' tatc cf-Clnrrnri* fTllflflrri. Brown, de­ceased. to the creditors of and nil persoiu having claims a«iUnst the «Ud deceased, to cxlilblt them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publleaUAi ot th ii notice, to the lutld administra­tor. at'UiB law offices of Edwnrd Babcock. In the Fidelity National Bank Building, in Uie City and County of Twin Palls. Stale of Ida­ho. Uils being the place fixed for the transacUon of the business of said estate.

Dated January 36th, 1B<4.ROY PAINTER,

ir of the esuile ot Clar-




the underalsned : administrator-ot the estat« of Ca^e Ohapln, deceas­ed. to Uie creditors ot and all per­sons having claims agnlnst the said deceased, to exhibit Uiem with the necessary vouchers, wlUiln lour monU» after the first pubUcaUoo ot this noUce to the said administra­tor at tbs office of Harry Porry, at- tomqr at law, Idaho Department Store Building, Twin Falls, County or Twin Falls, state of Idaho, thU beXnir U>e p]«ce fixed for the tran- •aetioa of the buslneet of eald es- tBM.

Dat«d JanuaiT IK lM t. • ABTOOB CHAPIN.

AdmJaUtMUir of the Estate Of Car­rie Ohaplo, deceased. I

; PubUsh: IW». i UM. i

an »n.iiinent. whether It ln•.h m -Inlin, nltlr In Adni. Wllllaiii

render nil urgimient iiiiil spmk.s (lev when Admiral Che.-iter NImllf pu Smith ii Kl Turner to work on Hv prournni lo blast n lih'aeh In Jap an’.' ,'liralh of forllflifl atoll.v Sal. Smith:

■We foiitihl. We argund like hell But when we eame np oft Ihe mu' we were friends. I like the uiiy."

Marine hy Arelilenl The man who I.k tvplral ptimiKh If

be old man itevll don hlm^clt Join­ed the mnrlne.i by accident. Wenry- Ing ot iin apprenllccshlp at Inw It MontRomery, Ala., he njked his enn. grcs.sman to help him lr>' lor ai army comml.'slon. Tliere were nt army vanincles but would Sniltl like to try for Ihe marines?

'■Wlirit,'’ he a.sked Ihe conRre.vs- man. "are the mnrlnes?"

Tliey rniKle him n .sivonri lleiiten' ant and put him through Amiapo. lls—and In Ihe yeiirx Ihnl followed he benan In Ret Ihe an.^wfr to hh question In Itremerton, SenlUe. Manila, Cnvlle. ShniiRhal. Puerla Plata, France, Nnrfcilk. NcTi'port. Port-au-Prlnce. Quanllco. Philadel­phia, New Orlrans, Long Beach, Francisco. Wa-shlngton. San DleRo and Pearl Harbor.

Tie was b.Mtlc-hardcneil before World war II. He had participated In the march on Santiago In IDie. •the fighting in Santo DomlnRo, the battles of Verdiin. Chateau ITielrry, SolMons and Champagne and tlie Atstic-Maniae. Oolse-AUne, Si. MI-


Ml.« Doris Lewton,' who Is ployed In the naval ordnance plant at Pocatello,* is .ipending a couple of doys with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H, H. Lcwton,

Earl Branncn. machinist's male second cla».s, with Mrs. Drnnncn and baby, are enjoying a vWt with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brnnnen, and. other relallve.s In Buhl and vldnlt>’. He, has been stailoned In AIa.sko. and hU prc.sent 30-day leave Is the first he has had in two years, at the completion ot which he reporl-s to Mare Island.

Mr. and t^8. M, C. iMel) Han-cy and daughter, Dianna, who make their home In Spokane, will rtsit lor 10 days with hl.i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stewart. Me! Is a fireman

the Great Northern out of Spo-

Loulse Wlnegar and G?ral[line Howard will visit tor weeks'at Long Beach. Calif.

Btaft. Sgt. WlUlnm E. Baughman, ow somewhere In the Aleutians,

has been awarded the good conduct medal for ' ‘ '----— --------- , — innanceof his duUes, according to informa- Uon from the war department. ,

Mrs. Kurt Kerpa has gone to Camp Polk, La, to visit her hus­band, s u tt Sgt. Kurt Kurpa. vho Is slotloned tlicre.

Mrs. Bertha Richards visited friends In BoLie.. Mrs. et«lla BrowTie h « piiie to Pocatello lo be with her husband. R. E Browne, who will be wlih the Inrome tax division there tor' V while. •

Mrs. Alma Miller received flowers ..t Valentine's day which were cabled to her from Qigland from her son. Halbert Lee, who Is sta­tioned there with the psroiroops.

Miss Dora Oough n-as a visitor in Salt Lake Oty,

pliiK the flr.sl ti'itlne brUncte mto an elite landing force. Smith roarixl Into this projnrl like an Irru.sclble linn, cipmardhlit ctiulpmeiil, lasliliis •Mibordlnali's, driving himself tlie hnrdesl of all. He experlnieiiled with Andrew iiiuiilns' htiih-sperd Iwuils and Donald n<x-Mlni;> iri>ci<T ir.>n>l ai;iH„r.,r nnti

1 fvui.-nrr, ure mirmnig machuirKUn.s of Anictl-

fiKhtlng pUinc.v II- sloven are made of the new i'( rubber ivhleli comluclji elcc-

:v. Insti'nil of nuulatlug atinlnst hoy are made tif lint flietts, tlmn n tjuarlcr Inch thick.

isl ti> ttinli arvMind llie brreehe.s >t K'liiv 'Hk-x Ki-iierule ^Yl lo

ii.« 111* n,hlifr 1. ImprrkMinlcil

Die xTiiiiDd IllX SO ltillr.< all lliiiir .Ill lliiiiie trailing Iniin one engine and wliul wIiLstllii); thrniiKli more (hun 400 bullet holes. And when •'Bur O'lione.s" headed squarely for another taxiing ship, Broxton was fnrcetl lo turn her into a muddy flclil. nhere she finally ploughed lo a Slop.

Jerome Red Cross Committees Told

l>nl . Mrs. Char- i\ Sheriff U'r S a-p, Berl filler .nrl J T. Steele . J W. Oraiil.

It's P lace



The ttondsfd oF oxcellene* to wKkh SIcW Select It brewed

makes il diflicuir for us alwayt to Iniure your deoler of

having a lupply. If aver you are diwppolnled in not being

able to obtain Sicks*'Select, retnember you «.!l| navtr be

diwppoinled In Its quality when you do.


. fkOM SSATfir

SEATTLE B R E W IN G & M A L T IN S C O . * S in M l 878 * E . G . Siclc. P ro s .


Mr. and Mre. Bill Richardson. Caldwell, spent Uic week end In Deelo attending lo business.

Mrs. Clarice Drown returned home from a iwo wcek.i irip spent wllh relatives In California.

Mrs. Pauline Cook, Boise, and Mrs. noi.coc .Moore un<l ion Jerry Wayne. San KrnncLsco. Calif., are here visit- tnx their i«irents, Mr. and Mre. Dorsey and Ihelr brother. Charles Lee Dor. ey. marhlnl-'l mate third cltt.v!. who 1.1 on leave froiii Brooklyn, N Y,

Mrs. Margaret Nlel.'on, OKden. vtklted her mother over the week

Mr. and Mrs. James Sldtiell left for Salem. Ore.. aticr vi. ltlng the uaiL_mctUll._alUi Uitlr iloughtcr. Mrs. Burden Curtis, and .Mrs. On’ll Voyce.

.\Ir. and Mrs. Dn.«ll Hendricks, lirlRham City, vtiicd relatives In Declo. -

C e l e i y S a l t

g iv e s r e a l c e le ry

f l a v o r i n a j i f f y

Save rime and trouble...add entic-

injr celer>- flavor quickly to many

dishet with this handy ihakcr.

Schilling:— R E A D T I M E S - N E W S W A N T A D S —

VALUESA t Y o u r A n d e r s o n ' s FO O D M A R T

| T (;l o b e A . i »



_________ 1 7 cCORN

i 7 c

PEASSelected, garden run 4 9 m Ho. J cam j CTO.M.VTO JU IC ECKB. 4B-0I. 2 ^ C

{;r a i ’ e f r i ' i t j u i c k

3 9 cOranKe & (Jm pefru it

, 4 S c

VcRctablc Cocktnil

c a T '” '’ ' 1 5 cMr.STARD O R EE N S

» 7 c

SJ‘IN A ( HSclrrted Qualliv No. 3 ciiiu

I’ EACHI'JS iillced yellow clings. I

PEARSLibby's, Barlletl

D ILL PICKLESQuivrl Jars ....

SYRUPKaro, Golden, I ‘5-lb.Jar ...........................

SYRUPKaro, whileI'i-lb, Jar ............. .

MOLASSESAunl Dlnnii’s g

PEANUT BUITERSchool Boy p 3-lb. Jar .................... 3

1 7 c

I RESH PRODUCEerlsp, bunch ..........

LETTUCE .......GRAPEFRUIT brrnklnM. Ih...........





Crisp, Delicioxw



Fresh and~DcHclous

2-Quarl Jnr



T O IL E T T IS S U EFull 1.000 sheds ■ j g ^

Individually wrapped ...;................. ^ f o r

Pillsbury'a Fnmou.i

Golden Bake Mix20% Soy F lour, vitnmin

........ 2 9 c

R O LLE D OATS Albers. Quick Quaker l-lb. box . 2 5 c

M UFFETS Whole -VVlieal bis- « « mcults, pkg..... ------A L L B R A N , '

V 20CC O R N F L A K E S ,Albers, regular O m

sUe. pkK. ...... ............. ® ® iSW A N SOAP Regularbars,____________ _ 6 C

jIV O RY SOAP 'Regular

'l a u n d r y SOAPor Crj'stal While

'lO bare -----------3 y C |iM ELO ''Water Softenera-lb. pkB .----SCOTCHOnmulAted.famllr siM _____R IN SO R ^ I a r '

2 5 c |

- » 7 c l

2 3 c

. East Texsa Pure Syrup;


.Fresh nnd Tasty Large lO-pound ja r—

I $ 1 . 9 8

I Fresh Ground


|Gold Bar, l-L b . G lasi J ar Drip or reffular

2 9 c



5 7 4 - 575 FOOD MART

Page 9: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

thursday, February 24, 1944 T IM E S-N E W S . T W IN FAi.LS, IDAHO Page K in d

Council at A lb io n N o rm a l

Stake M . I. A. Sees ‘O u r A m erica ’Dance M arch 2

The IV m Fulls rttiikc M. I. A. will spon.- ^ I f i Thursday, Mnrch 2. in Ratiio HoiuU' X nuT ica" as tho ihem e nnd rod, whiii- and h)\

in the dceorntions, music for tho diUiiT Norman IltT zinner mid his nrclii'Stru,

Diiiicliiii »lll t>e from 8 P- m. until nimiilKhl «n<l tc-ntral chnlmcn Tor llip rvfiil ivrp Wylnnd Unrt Mi<l MK'. M,ir«iirrl Shuiy. ^ '

Mvl CurU'S Iw ttnncp\jaiingej *nr1 R<lmKMon »lll be by V;d«c

r.n> Cox Klcton Slokcs (I oiclu'ini. Roy BM)

‘H-'len eillou; lnp,'I

ill 1Ilf sclionies offtM-ed l.y


Oh^nns Foitv T*'I'A P i 'c s o n t s r r o « - m m


llKhiliiK <11111 t<wrih- rn-lci> tium >Jom'J- cUl .•i rrcrnily i

Mrii. txrPriilcr, Mi.s. O- L. Hule. nnd Mrv IJnl.-luli CoUni wi-rc elccl p I Hi noiiiliiiitlUK cfliuinUlcc, Mn Wllliiim Bullixrct .mil Mrs, J, I Julies, room nioilicr.s, iind MtNiJunc

.1 Mn>. Wlliuii U.\lfcI rrtro

Aflclison C lu b M aps

A nn iversa ry PartyHiP AtlcllMin AVi'luip Snrliil club

Hailey K oboka lis Sot

lied C ross D rive A id!Un,KV, I-S.li -M-D.'l>niuh l!r-

Marian Martin Pattern

Mr., Bflljr noyrr Cannon, :o. »Kr fi{ S»l. Ailhur Caonon uho li nUllonrd with (hr >x^iy In KntUtid, cniloltd In the WAVES Ju»t 1 few ilijs afler tier 201U MrlhiUr. TIic daushler of >In. IlrrtlDi Mue Doyer. Gooillnr alie In a inilMMf of r.ocxlinc liUhMhnol. Mn. r.nnan fiiprrl, in


C H I L D R E Nll» ANtiELQ t’ATUl

Imvo his fi.., Ilf Ri-tN b;u'k

pome. Tfll liliii ihii follow sttlct IlCjilll

iHy KlottlnRboy, ■nslcly

TODAY'S rATTEBN 1 DlssfTOlngly simple, utterly weor-

• » c in till* buttori-rront frock. p»t- Cm WI9. . . trimmed with nirapH itllchlng. It tnkes nHturally to quick cudslng nnd IronlOB. £uy too, mxn the »cwtng angle—«* udtnesa th#

' dlkSTnrn showlne t^e ytry tew pat* t*m ptw*.

Patlem'Ml# comM In sires 12, H, It, IS Knd » : 30, 33, St. 30. 38.' 40. 81ie 16 lakes 3?i yards 3S-lnch'(At>* rle."

iboiit It he ImiKTsoanl nil. Wlioii hn>Itli Is n .nriil.scil no boy. nc. girl.

•U me child Is fiilllnn, *Piirch for thB ren.'on. If lie 1.? trying to do tho Inipo.wlblo ntljml the tiuk to Ills nblUly nnd chfcr lUui aiu DosVt stress Ills fnilure but kocp strew- iMR hi* desire to «uccc«l. keep holdlnR the poalblUty of bucccss before him, #nd keep helplnc him until he cnn go nlone. Acccnt Uie Idctt you want to* prcvnll. but keep silent nbout (lie one you wuni to: comabi. Every mention o( nn Idea atrsngtheai li ao keep Ktrcngthen- Ing the one you want to keep grow­ing.

Keep suggutlng goodnc&s. ^ever mind the other side. Lot U sleep It U will and keep Bpcaklnff, Impw- wnnlly always, of the child’s desire to do good and to be good. Pmetlce making strong but subtle hlnla,

r II You Srtfff Dlilnss From


Frontier Ridinir Club Will Begin Year’s Activities

Tlie 'IMln KnIU FrontlPr Rldlni!

veil ll; 1 klck-y II hul

Westoa Dciuil*. former mAnsKers of ihf local .il.iblps. ttlio arc Ir.ivlii* lu make Uielr homo a> Weailcll.

Diirrcll Prck, lha new mnniiRcr at ihi' riding innblw, all! be prwont and hor'pnien hnve brcn iirnpd (o coinr nnd ki'I iirqiiiilnircl

lived I the Ptirifnnuly 1

60LI1Y AFFECT R4IHTE1B10.'AsniNCiTON. I'Vb. m (UP.)—Tlie I lull coni)«n pre.'\idenlxcull nnd hla liaiidplcked eeii- DrmiKiAllc lender luii hlowa up

mid .start ctnlffleM on a rebellion *hlch would

11 uprl.iliii;ji seem feeble, nrry lh«t rrWUon rlRlit riii.ir of llir Den»cicrntlc

Sd Party Uollll- Iho n<!i)iiLllniii nacl,vivM» i iittc i»iluicivl l\fils

YW(^A Unit Fetes National Figure

•flir Younif Mntfora (jroup of i Y. W, C. A, met Tuesday night ... the "V looms {or & no-ht»i filnntr In honor of MIsa Esther Bricsmcls- ter, natlonnl hitcr-raclnl recretnry of Y. \V. C. A,

A piislel color schwno wns used and the buffet wtu covered with lace clolh nnd centered wim *»•« ix-a» and pair Rrren tnprrs.

*ltti rnlouhil rtiimc plac.' TnT.h’

11 People Celebrate

Lieutonant's-Returnni.EH, hVI, 24-Forty.,lar i^ople

.1r. Hearhdl r.-<-i'iit

S iK i'r Annivcrsar.Y

F(»- Twin Falls Pa

A l l

M a lta Girl Becomcs

Nur.<G Corps OfficcM-

Sho IfI Ihr a

I Siin Dicvii,


.tlonnl word grndunied Iilm D, S. hospltAl I a tfrndunte nurse iitid imiiii'ill.

utely Joined the ANC.¥ +

, CalendarKlinberly amiige will inc''i nt K p . Mondiy. FVb. 28, in the Uruafji

holl nt Kimberly,

Camp Em-Ar-EI n( the D. U, pi will meet ni llie iicniir of .Mrs. ' -Erlci.-fllfl-EoaimLavajuc.ft'esl.

. rrkliiy.

) io n N onn- . i l I^ ^v ie w s

P h y s i c a l i u i u c a t i o n P l a nA LB IO N NOH.MAl., F.-li- J l — Ai a jji'ii.Tiii colH’c iirfrtoiii-

bly Wodnc.sdiiy. Fel). 2'-i, llie (Iciianini-ni of physical education for wonion, w ith Mi.srt Ireiu* i^uckley us director, reviewed tlic ir work o f the year luiii (Icinoiirtinitetl ilu' pnrl of ])hysical fitnc.ss ill the tcacher traiiiiiij: |in>j;rain al Albion. Tho^ram wa.s e.spccially timely i

' ■ • :t tlie

) pro'

■ of the fact i.slilute in i'hy

! rPKi'ina)

nc axu-Uvy. > I, rtliilid F.ill-;;i Shln.i.'r, lUilil

Birthday Meeting For DAR Group

r-alLs mpipit.ihlni

rif llii

<lnv luncheon nt Eniniii Clouclick.

K.-HV Mt!.. R. n . Ctixwlortl rd the mrriiiiK nnd a mr George WimhUuiirtii »•Il offer Mrs. Wilbur Hill.

A (troup of piitrlollr s.mi; ingrd by Mrs. FViink Flrown and :rs. Margurcl Prck wjis .-.uiiR I in chnptrr and Mr.s. P. W. Mi

Roberts talked cm Aii.slrnlla.wn.s announced tluii cli;ipt<

mcnibcrs-hnYf_,hQ_fiir_nlLeiLll22Jblood plftsma fund.

■mis pattern. toRfthcf with a inw^ework pnltem of useful and I dtcSratlva motifs for linens and gar- amttll*. TWENTY CENTS.

Bend TWENTY CENTS In coins tor these patttrns to TimM-News, Pattern > p t . Twin PalU. Idaho,


3 TEN CENTS more brings our 19U Harlan Martin Spring Pattern Book.

*w, eaay.to.make styles. Free Pat- a prlntcC la ixwls.

» a s s 'Uotui monUdr dis-



DW Cortd-ANy aiie piece

HAMBURGERLean, fresh ground 7 polnla, lb. ................

Cottage CheeseCreamed, no « o points lb • A w

BEEF ROASTRound bone

(8 points) lb.......


Book 3 Brown Stamps V , W and X

Expire on Saturday •. February 26

CHICKENSFresh Dressed

Hens, l b . ....... 35cFryers, lb . .....39c

B o o k -4 Spare Slamp.s N o . 3 valid for Pork

H am . lJucon; cle. E xp ires Sat.. Feb.


We handle only gOTeminent Inspected meata of kno«-n qtiaUty. under modem, umltary condlUoni, uUlUlns the best In equipment and refrigeration.

New MedaK'an Re Won hy All

Fxcept Airmen

ll.' ro l|ilrm.s

iIkI.' llltllbflvciii|ilelod-l.-i .1! .stniH' In ■ .sirlpp and

l l v i i'O'Hwniy ul luuutUlUR

S(. Valentiiip's Hdspilal

ha.iutnl Ihi- « rck an- Mr. and Mrs. II. n, Htluhivm, u diiM^Utcr. Fcls. 18; Mr. aiul Mrs. Gili>crt Bnmer. a (IiiUHliier. Ki'b, lij; .\lr, mid Mrs, Albert Uallon. a .«ti. Feb. 17: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Leo OUcn. a snii. Feb. 17: Mr, nad Mrs. James Gludowskl, a duutihl.T. F.-1), 21, all of

Inlcfiircled iis. unfrlcnUlvluimlJjUliatVon. Du...-

If/ Aius In.M elected to the .srnnlo 111 1033 wail the nctlvc nuLstance'of Mr. Hoaievelt, who weat Into Kca- Incky .10 su|»rt his candidacy atinln.1t tlint of A. B. (Happy) :iina(ller In the Democrntlc prl- imry Ch:iiirll''r .Mil>.-.p<iucatly ROt n .niiui’ jr.ii N.iw Biirklpy H up

40 Hours Devotion At Jerome Church

. i-VKiiiy. Ki-a. 2S. i

I-Vldimil I

e llnir of fiilllllhiR tlielr V b0Kln.« for nil CiithollCi ,t day of U'lit, IVb. 27. or choir uiiiI.t Ihr dlrec

Paul Smith, with Mr;

I the J, will

Tooat . . . in thouundt of

homes.. .you hear women »ay; “I couldn’t plsn my wartime meal* without Ihehelpofgrand-

ttt^ti g MIEUIUU Crscker*."

It ‘«tu}-toei|iliin.rnrMiin(a perkupllieflsvotofollieresJcn- tial rc«di—soups, taUdi. coi.

acrolc dislies. The inlly lanR of

paCMUtiiRif''fltvoral its best,"

Look for (he N*lil«co seal

on the (smiliar pscksf;*. It'a llie

(tuarsntee of ({uilily. Your food

store hsi FRtuiuu* (reih from nrarhy Nali'cM




Sllllipl) I,'*mg

«ill 1 n cniiclldni

New Zealand Bride


. Hamuel C. Tu/ner, wh« (isK June Browiilnj.Welllne-

Zealand, d.urhler of nnrt Mr., V,. J. Krownlnf. iiirt, Se* Zeslnnd, before m«rrU«f In ,MarlnB Tapt.

C, Turner, a .Hurlaugh

Id mlKlK iittrnci more tlinn a f«!w 1 ihe Harklpv Manriiird.Wli.-ilier llnrkley dropped a block­

buster In resigning from the aenato Democrntlc leadership or merely » canLiter of pollilcnt red fire will b« determined ns pollilcnt events de­velop. He could become the rallying I«lnt for a congressional deoiocrat- ic effort to organlie against tho draft-Hoosevelt movement, which Is now far artvanced.

The most gorgeous array of “dol­lar-for-dollar" values seen this season. NOW, when your money MUST cover so many necessary things . . . it’s a real thrill for it to be able to include “just what you’ve always wanted in FURS” . . . and at a PRICE YOU W O U L D N ’T E V E N H A V E DREAMED OF!

$95 to $595

Twin Falls Store

Page 10: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

P age Ten T IM E S - N E W S . T W IN FALLS, ID A H O Thursday, Februnry 2 i .

H A I L E Y B E A T S G O O D I N G S T A T E , E N T E R S T I T L E G A M E

A c e q u i a , H e y b u r n a n d D e c l o W i n

O p e n e r s i n M i n i - C a s s i a T o u r n e y

Two T o u rn e y s

Begin T o iiig litTuo iiior.- f<ub.<liHtrict tour-

wiU.'JiK'ii tonijfht in tiir Ma^Hc Viilldy. They aru the tioi-th side a t Dietrich ;inil lh<- K in « l!i!l a t Glenns

W e n d e l l R in g

Team W in n e rWENDELL, rcb, 3<—In flghU SO

CJCBC Ulnl the Judges and rcfcreo dL’ngrcpd on decisions In three of trium, Conch Tom Proscott's Wen­dell boxcrji Kiilned their sf^oiid vlc- tor>- over Uie Ooodlnn mllt-sllnseM. Weiulell won (Ive of the nine bouta with one n drow.

Child! vaa compcJlcd

Armstrong Drops Garrison Six Times

To Gain Technical Knockout Victory

MattliCM’S, H and so m e W eller,

Sorrv H e D id n ’t L o o k T oukIi

:hdran r his I_______ __________ o( Uie in-V lo pair thfm «P wllli Wehv :ik-litrrs of similar welnht. < It decisions were rendered Ifi >oiil--< In whlih Boyce, 117. tie- tl Ncbeker. 117; HlltfnKcr. 128,

'■ "S, ftnd AmhrtMC. D)cr. UU. Tlie from Wc’ii

>UKh rllinl- Mntty Mallhi\h>- .•enliity, w hoiiu'lv, Ik' wah

ISTniCT im'luiii>IK a loMK l>.)t «l.i<Thp notlli

\Vbi>n .lackriitr-il -Slio- his I- .lone c)'n 111 H l.ii .'iiiri'cri MattyI'lch 'Mark wani- li

/'KTrmciri m i no. Iin.l 1 wni

Ol Ibr hn l nnr lieil for a 111

ruined.1 the lirM Kler’s III.;>f ihc tlrstnnrl New York

City, July 13, 1873. He attended public Khool but went to work early (Itlvlns tl UiicK tor n tpn "^nre. lioiir.c. Juiisling casc.-i of tea. hun­dred? of them dally, tlevclopcd him

urdy youth. HU IxiMlbllUles il Old E.i(Tle-Kyo Clinrlcy

Wlilir. wlK - ■ •

nltrays nboutployed. This typewTltc ..........remnnlxira “Eddie" plnyhiK first bfU'e with tl tlw-.cr rnltt tiltrr ttv mnntigcr had exhniisti'd nil hi otliiT jilny.Ts whil- jixkeyliiK to wli « 13-lnnlng conte.-it.

But when the trnm nrrdnt ninn<- to c»rry ,on "Eddie" wa» Die »tA of lh« outfit. In the xale at Wnrll esnee tlckrts, hLi name alw.^ys >r 111 the rest.

■nmfs the kind of a clinp th BOldler* aroused to Ihclr rcKrel-i 4-rcr perhnpj phy.slciilly hut not n heart. And tliai henrt Just wouldn't let his loynlty be qui--stlonrd.

AmonK the tcnms that Coach El' mcr Edillnston's unbeaten Sho.shoni Red5Una sen'cd up ft scorcleu quar ter during th« rcffular aeaion was Rulon Budge'* Burley Bobcats, Thnt

. might have lieen BudRc’s own coachlns Jn the pnst cnmlnR back to slap him In the fnce, roi know DudBc oncc coached Uils Elmer Eddlngtcn over' at Cryslnlc«r. ___________

M a r tin S ig n s

Cai’d C o n tra c tOKLAHOMA CITY. Feb, 24 (P>-

Pepper Mairtln; the “wlW hots* ot the OsBge" who romped to fame with the St. Louis Cnrdlnnls. nn- nounced la.it night that he vrould tlon a Card uniform again this leaton after three year* out of It.

Martin made the announcement tfWt tftlMng irtlh I ^ W r n i Bwn Breidon of the Cardinals by tele­phone today.

It had been reported Martin would to to St, Louis as a radio »port-i uinouncer but he said he had de> eldtd to decline the Job after dls-

K 'Kith htoMtirtln. who win be 40 on Feb.

J9. said he wm “Ju.' t itolng

Kmln and Smith Tie Ferrln hfld *1x Held goals tree free tlirow.i fnr 15 iwlntji. but p was nintclicd by Smith, Mnlla's , rcat Kuard, wlio counted k ines from thp Held and once from

the ftte throw lint.Th# HcyBum Pnnthera. the t

be. . .... ---- _ ... win

... d down whatever position Billy Soulhworth thinks l can br.n mi."

Lmi season he managed the «oehttWT. N. V, e\\jto In Vne Inter- nitlonftl league.

D o w C h e m i c a l s

Win 3 Straight.PROVO, Utah. Ft*}. 3t MS-DOW

Chaolcsl mode It t iree In a row om Otab Sendee leatrue teams Jut nliht by taking « Unie cage decision -!T ths Provo eieclera.

TteilgbC Dow plays » combination Proro S teelet»-^t lAks SherUfs Culnkt in Salt IdtJto City and con- duitei U)0 Utah lour against Uni- Tersltjr 0/ Utah Uter this wwlt.

n s bonutonolng risltors prevl. otisly defeatMi Ecker «tudlo of ths ■crriea letvue in tro giunes.

. the buds and soles of the feet.

A ll SL\ Q iiin te ts in K im b e r ly

ToiiH iev E ven A f te r 2 R o tu id sK m B ERLY* Feb. 24 - T he six teams \n the south sidt:

aub-(Jis(rict rouiuUrobin to iirnum ont were nli cvon today each with n victory’and n defeat, a fter two iiight.s of play.

The aecoiitl nifjht’a Ramc-s started \vi(h nn upset, Hollis­ter defonting MurtnuRh, 23-19. JIurtniiRh hnd bocome one of the favorites a fte r dcfcnt- inp Castleforci on the opening niRht.

Murtaugh grabbed a 5-4 lead In the first ttusrter, but Hollister wu i front, 12*10, at the half and held _IB-M ndvnntage at the end of tlie third period.

Miss Jean Parson’s Kimberly Bull­dogs, who took a drubbing at Uk hond.1 of Eden Tuesday .night, cnmt back to ittumph ovec Harclton. M-20, la the elweJt game of the night.

Tie In Flnt Period The teams were tied, 6-0. enter­

ing the second period, from which Kimberly emerged ahead; 13-11. The Bulldogs played their best basket- bnU tn the third period. iMnnlrig their niarjln lo IB-IJ.

Tlie CasUetord Wolves made the toumament on aU-cven affair by defeaUpg Eden, 2J.2<. in the flniU ssma.of ths tdght. The Wolves en­joyed only a one lleld-goal msrgln cnret Edw «wl a »m thicws. strangely, that furnished the milnder of their sdrnntage.

WoUci Take Early Lead Smarting /rom Tifrtdoy Jilghfs

defeat, the Wolves took a 11-9 flnt quarter lead. They htid this manln when the h*U ttiied. 1B-J4. Men pared four point off .Jn the third frame, but Caatleford eonUnued in Iront for the remainder of the gime.

Bhick, Eden's star forward, made six fleid goals but Dlssed four free throws, to wind up with 13 points,thekwwd. who had four field goals and four out of stt In t throws.

Thursday night starting ot 7 o'-

clock Eden will meet Murtaugh, Hnzelton opposes Castleiord, and HoUlster tnnrlps with Kimberly.

It H pf MuruuaS f* fl r5 1-1 S S.>-.ir» 1 0 «-« 5

i.*nliiii( s Vlf-nor K


S 4-Z llAnKIn t I <l'l S

*0 t\ , *.S *

i I t e - - 1 i0 0-0 o|K£>«n 0 0-0 :

T-LU > J.lfl It! Touli f »-» IJ

KImhttIr 1* fc « rfltrb«n t

* 1 *o »Stroiita «

I J *

s S : * I H I i i S S ‘ i f :M

ToUl. s s-i; i:l Touu * |.» u


».| t a 0.0. I

! I:| ijvin^'Hd I i

To«*li It 7.11;10| ..ToUW JO

Roman ladles used white lead and chalk to whiten the skin; Egyptian kohol for the eyelids and laslies.


S P O T CA S HFor Dead or Worthless aorses

f . Mules and Cows



Cage T i l t o f fSPOKaNT?, Wn.sh

F:ifnrl.< to lln.' up a nt llif Pnrltlc consl' bull trams—Oonziii;i the University of lapjfd tonlRht.

Father Art Duusult. Oontaga KTnduate mnnnger. Mid he attempt- <1 to make arrnnccmcnls for games .Itli Clint Ei'nnn, Cnllfnriila grad- intc manngcr. lii a idophonc verutlon but tlie Impending . parture_of mem^bejs of the Ooniaga naviHtnm' nhd the Isck oflTrnelif- tordcd the California trnm to reach Siwbnc niadt! It spptiir -OT per cent Impo. lble.”

Tlic SiWknne Athlctlc round table ought to orrnngc an unofficial

coast champlon.shlp series between ‘he two schools.. Although UnlvetTiily of WBshlng. Ion hs.i clinched the northern dl- vuion Util-, U has tlroijpod thn-o gnmp.? lo the powerful Oonznga out- lit which is not i» conference mem­ber.


ONION GROWERSWe Have a Limited Amount of

Imported Argentine







Page 11: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Thursday, Februftry 24, 1D44 T IM E S-N E W S . T W IN FALLS, ID A H O Page Eleven

ILLFRIwmt T}{E O. s. FtTTH An^rY

AT CASSINO Feb. 24 (J*—The bat- Hr nt lione wnll on Hill 5D3-Jusl acrcH > gulb' from Uie Abbey Monw CaMino—L'\ ft happy one be-

It fndert with nbout SO dead CirnriRiis pllrd nround the wiUl nnd

^11 of thfir opponenl-o. eltttit Amcrl- V'ln.*. Mill Jhootlns nrd still t/>Blni

hiintl jrfnacles- The clilit m^n led by Ueill. Syl-

vMier Hiinwr 81. Loiil*. Mo., held ♦h top of Hill 593 fnr *8 hour*

comtantfire t>ll of (hr iimc. A tood drill of ll'

.ilmoiiidrs '

F iis t P ho to o f In v a s io n Chief a n d S ta f f

The ti I began

“We were practlcnily ahaklnft hanil.' o'fr that wall,'’ tlie -icrBeftnt continued.'The Oermatts would yell nt ui. We never knew whnt thpy wpff snylnft but we would yell rlsht bnrk and nhnnt alorlf with 11."

"I am Hire wr klllod 75 or Sn nl

hriil tlii'm pUi-d up An Ihi-lr ol

^ ntii- nirht nlnn^ psfk hrnreri




:n TiiE M.vriTR o r t h e ks- TATf: op PERilY F. HAUER, De-

Nnttre L? hrrcbv r1v{ ri r l ;>l t1 Einm.'ii E. 1 l'U-ai<ir of ihc raiiii/ Tlniitr, riecensixl, to Ih onri all p r>rin.' hi



InLMrn.piiblicullnii of Uils nollci Mid EmmeU E. Biillfir, n< tor, ai Uif hw offlccn f Smith, Dntlk UUlldlni;. TiliiF»ll.*. County of Twill■f MnJio.



'■ pin-' :rniivicIlon of- tlie 1

Krt>. 3 r. Si, lou .


IN THE PROBATE COURT <t\vin falls c o u k t y . stateOF IDAHO.

In the Matter of the aunrdlnn.shlp of MARVIN M. MONROE. In> competentNOTICE 18 HE31EBY GIVEN

That Twin Falla Bank and Trust Company, Ouardlan of the estnt* of Manln M. Monroe. Incompetent will Hll at prlviile snle. subject (c Hie conflrmallnn of the nbovo en. luled Court, on or tUlcr the 13ili dny of March. 19«. all the rlRht. title. Interest nnd estate of M. Monroe. Incompetent. In and tt the folIo»1nB described real proper­ly Miuattd In the County of Twin Fall,.. Stnie of Idaho, to-wft:

me Southwest. Quarter of the Sotiihenftquarter (SW ^SEU )of Bectlon Twenty-seven <37).Town- ahlp Nine (9) South. Rungo Four- tfpn 1U1 ZM of the BoIm Mer-

___ Mlan.-ln-Twtn-FBlls-CountyrT<Ift"

Written offers or blda for fald property *111 be received at Twin FalLi Bank and Trust Company. Tnin rails, Idaho: the terms of Mid wle will be cash, snld Guardian rwer'lng ths right to reject ony nnd nil bids,

Diiied tills 23rd day of February, I£H4.


BY J, G. BRADLHrV. Assistant Cashier

Guardian, pub. Feb. J4, Mir. a. lOii.


THAT I. Louis M. Stanley; Jr.. will, at the next r«ular meeting of tha Idaho Slate Soard of Pnrdnu. to be held »t the Stateliouse. Boise. Idnho. on tlie first Wednesday of April, IB44. mtke appUeaUon for «i Pardon and/or Commutation of Scntenea from UiKt certain Judgment of con­viction of Qrand Larceny, made and enter«d in the Cmirt of the llth JudleJil District of the Slate of Idaho In and for the County of Twin Falls on or about September 3. 1S43.

DaUd at Bolsa. Idaho, Febuiuv II. W«.Appllant: LOUIS M. STANLEJY. Jr. Publish; Feb. H March 3.9, Ifi, I9 « .


THAT I, DruM Harrla. will at the next KtuUr meellcs of the Idaho State Board of Pardons, to be held at the BUlthmfi. Boise, Idaho, on the fint Wednesday of April. 1944. make ippUcaUon for a Pardon and/ or OommutaUon of. Sentence from that c«itatn Judgment of conviction of infuBoiu Crlms AsiUnst Ifatura made and entered in tha Court of ths llth JudlcUl District of Ui« Slate Of Idaho In and for Uia County of Twin FaHi oa or about October


' i 3 l° ip « “" AwUmoJ: bbocb BAWUS

vbUib: feb, 24, u»rcb a, 9.10, ia<4.



omiiivv Fol). lil 1,5’,—Tlie •'Loii

B r it is h Navv Goes O v e rb o a rd

F o r N icknames f o r E ve ry oneny KKNNETII T. DIXON

ABOARD A BRITISH CRUISER IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. Feb 15 'Drinycd) ulwTtoc Is no bet. [,T V.:,v ti) Kfl nrqimlnl.'.l with Dnt. 1-I-. Ii.-.v„l cxUI.'tirc nnd nicknnmr:

viiitiiK- iilNiiiril II »nrshli' Im

.......... Tlie army ...................alion officer obonrd beeomr.s, through the liiltliils of hi' Ini). "Dio." while thp forwiird oUserv.i-

Adm iral S p r iia n c e , V ictor at

' T n ik , Q u i d , D ead ly W arrior

Wants to Quit


I pulilli

iiT novi) I.Inr

‘ r ' * . ! * ' , , ? , Y o r K '- ’

lui-.r 'nii'V hlKi-a

MKo his Ix,'. nmion «Tni i, of AntwiKilH. f 10 bf an nnnv mppcil by thr

mil' innii iiii

waiitrrt Him lilt Rny wn^ IP Mft which

She |)l<Kl(lf<! fl DOf. n

r, Ooroiuidu, Ciilll .'«i iho brouKht lirr out . Coimlr. R‘<,;i>r Cut .lul her pro.-riu .‘.kli.i

lonely trip ii ship, with lU nnd 125 pii.w

1C muted (

-But il' mill'llide :hc 3,000-mllf trip t

liawull alone,’' he. siiUl.Escaped Jap Sub

"One nlRht, a MupniiP.'e submarIne emerged about 4.(X>0 yard.i ol nnd kept pace with n.' for uwhll wlhout noticing ii.s. That was Ui • i.->e.« period nt ih^ «hci|p trlt>.

'During our IlrM innntli Iti iictig , inn nine mlMloas Into the Ru.s

tell Islands. We never once fulled t deliver our loals nnd wc move 10,000 ton.s of guii.i, tJilik.s nnd sup pllc-i nnd 2,000 men.-all on the on. ahip except for tw runs late In Uic motith by u iicalv-nrrlved LST,

We had 51 days In the combat _.jB. the longest ^uch period for any_U,_B._naval . vesjel. We under enemy nttack.30 tlme.s Ing the period."



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP Ed-Fleld-anjrABpfr Field. Deceased.Notice Is hereby, given by the un'

dernlRncd Edwnrd Field, Atlmlnls. trator of the e.'ilate of Ed Field und Ajnes Field, decca cd. to jhc credit­ors of ond nil persotxs having claims Bgnlnst the 84ld deceased, to ex­hibit them with the necessary voucher*, within four month* after the first publication of this notice, to the Mid Admlnl.ilrator at the law office of Roy B. Smith, Pldollly Dnnk Building, T«1ii Falls. Co'linty of Twin FafLi. State of Idnho, this

Dated Februarj- nth. 1044.EDWARD FIELD.

Admlni. trator of the Elitate of Deceased.

Publish Feb. 31, Mch. 2*8:18. 10«,



In The Matter of the E<;lalc of Hjnry Nonnan Wagner.

• Deceased.Notice i« hereby given by the un­

dersized administratrix of the es­tate of Henrj- Nonnan Wagner, de­ceased, to the ereditor* of and ill persona having claims against the . . . . exhjbit them -with............isary TOUchiirs, within fourmonth after the first publlcaUoa of thU noUce. to the said adminlstra- tru »t the Law Ofllee or A. J. Myen, Twin ralU Bank h Trust Building, in th# City and Countr of Twin Falls. State of Idaho, tbli belne the lice fixed for the transaction of la buslneu of uld estate.Dated Febniair 7th. je«4.

GERTRUDE WA0N231, Administratrix of tJ)a

READ TIME9.NEWS WANT AD6.1 Publish: Feb. 10.17.34. March 3, l « i

U\>' < i\\ Crtllod •Chief Rlricer Iwcniiii's

,fl,050 in Bonds Sold by Scouts

nrni First and Kixlh ^

Irlvp. solliltpd n Inl.il of J1.050, ifrkliiK Ir.s, (him tlirri- hour .Drnti Aiider.ioii Is .Sctmrna.MPr

•IToop no nnd W. R. H.cson i LouU Ji-ivsen nrp cniimiiticpin Scouts arc Ralph ForKPoii, .Rich MCi'd, Alfred Pncknm. Dave Jen-


:Ui Merrill andMr. and Mi son. La Miir- Provo, Uinh, v cent gue.M.s of Mr. nnd Mn Jordan.

Levi McDavltt left on a 1 trip to Kanfa.- City. Mo.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Nel«on ed from n vhit with n s^n In Ore.

Herbert Atkins Irft for hi

IV ............ - .Hnmllton returnpd with h vLslt.

Mr.i. Lucv Maxwell left fnr Dal­ton. Wn-ih., niter sevpral weeks visit at the home of Mr. ond Mrs. Jack bolt.

Glen Croft, who l.< stationed with the army In Orrcoti, tptnt a few days here last week. »e Is being trnnsferrrd to VIrpliiIu.■Orlando Wnrncr. .iintloncd at Far-

raRUt, Li spending a short leave with relatives,

Eugene Pullman wns a business visitor In PocJitcllo.’ rcccnlly.

Deni JohnBoh Ciitniull, Jim Arnek, Normar OI PIl. Clnreiire Povfy. DennI.i Dlxnr nnd Jay Urondhcad.

Thirteen Men File Service Discharges

if Clerk Mrs. Cliarlotto Robcr-

They are. Clarence T. Bailey, John 0. Brooks. Freemnn H.ile, Harvey V. Hite. Donald L. Jen-icn. Cecil-I.- Kennlson. Georco E. Mahnney. Vrr- non E. Shurt?, nnd Mnr.shiill W. Wll- son. all from thr army; Harold Adolph KnurIn, Lniiiont Oscar Mor- Ban and Dclmer Coots Pinkston, nil from the navy, mid Avelnn Olean Wells, from the marine corps.



Now Available at

ABBOTT'S133 Shoshone North


More of a treat th an eve r because it ’s scarcer than ever


... K<BtDck)r«tnl(htBouibeBVVldtk.«r i I H*BoailDictfljmPro<hiet»Corp.,N.V.-S(l.4Pfool

Ltf$ ell back iht aitaekt B U Y EXTRA W A R B O N D S r

H \CKRM.\N ]

, , 1./. UUl> H.T

Df St. Aiphnri.111.' hiwpltal. Bnl.iel"'Llriil. HcK'n OrltiWe, dnughler of

Ir. and Mr.s. Walter G.rlbble, writes

>tlic-r. .Mr.-- Ml..' H(i>rr

e Helvkah rlnh met nl 111. • of Miv Ed 'nuiiiii«nii. He hl«r. n.'iiliih N'ell.soii. w,.


LOS ANGELES. Feb. 24 f/D-Ac- -on on a tno'loti- lo fllsmLis Joan

•nam'ii p«tcrnlty suit '.Bnln.it Char- Cliaplln woa poftporied for "ft

rtk Wednesday at the reauc5t Of rr new attorriey.Tlie rieliiy was on mnUon of Jos- ili Scnit. who Ktcpped In to repre- •nt MIm Barry's 4'a-monttt-6!d iby after John J- lr»ln withdrew. Kiil>-Tinr JiitlRe Stanley M0.1W or- tM the iv\Mi'onement pItrc_BccH — iiteil he 'iiiMl not had time to

liimUUMiTj- liUtuiflt »’«li the cRse.iiri.O-l offered no objec-

. wlHulii'w with nn ex- at hr felt Ixmnd by tin le rntered with Chap- v prior to the birth of h.rry. jirovldlnc for ih- f. iirtloii .ihotilcl a blood

County Offirial

Talks at Schools


HAILKY, Feb, 24—0. K. li lulne county jirobiitlnn officer, ven a scrli* of tnlti lo Bli ■unly .vhool.s rturlns the pnst v

tUc CMCtcw tcR«lntlou! pius. ed by tho board of county roni-

■ loneis lit 11 retfMl nieellim.

Q ^eur dnofis

Relieve Misery of

les Irrltiitlon, clear cold- u i « v eM«. Follow VICKS



7'Ae/a Aa*r c / o r a r e /o tt fcora 0/ ffirf/cfif

/A o f^ tvAo

^a 'trer/uem M e S u o n e n

c//Jie CtAJ|lFI£D (fCTION





FEBRUARY 25Hin. puhlic auction


F E B R U A R Y 28E. E . Hnll

AtU'orlihcment, Feb .

FKBUUARY 2SW . L . Brown

Advcrfi^emonl, Feb . 25


PUBLIC SALEHere are some Real Values oCCered in a B ig Combination Sale a t t h e E.E. H a ll fa rm south, east, south E as t End oEHazelton—

MONDAY. FEB 28thS A L E S T A R T S a t 1 P .M .

1 Tlirco-sccliofi Wood H uitow , like iiiS),v1 Three-aeclion Stotjl H arrow2 Beet nnd Bojiii CuItivator.s 1 Motinc Side Delivery Rnkc1 Corn Shollor,' practically new 1 McCormick-Deerinfr 10-foot Dump Ruke, used 2 yi'.s. 1 DeLiivnl Crc.im Separator

1 Fi\’c-fool Mow'c2 Wnlkinp Plows

• 2 Hay Slips1 Set HnriiP.‘'S 1 Moline B inder 1 Small Feed Grinder 1 Wagon and Rack 1 2*Row bcaii cuttcr 1 2-Way P nnd 0 P low

• 1 Wheelbarrow Verier

1 Gruin DftU1 Land Leveler2 CorruRators1 Spud'CuItivator 1 Bonn Tickler 1 Moline Disc Harrow 1 \Vagon Box 1 GrindRtone 1 Bean Drill1 SIoHne Manure Spreader

1 Battery Electric Fence 2 Five-gallon Cream' Cans

LIVESTOCK1 Coming'2-ycar old H e ife r w ith calf4'Cow.s, m ilk ing 3 Calves 1 Yearling Heifer

4 GOOD HORSES.lay Colt, 2 years

!ick Colt, a ycitrs, weinht 1500 lbs. ..ilack Jlare, snioulh mouth, weight 1700 B ay Mure, 7 yeurs, weisUt 1600 ll>s.

NACHD^RYMc-Deering 10 foot Dump Rnkc N ew Moline Mower, 6 foot Mc-Deering Singlerow Spud P lan te r Mc-Deering 6-foot Binder *P nnd 0 Bean Cultivator S e t Running Gears1 Set Harne.ss . I Box W agon



1. E. HALL, OwnerT E R M S - C A S H

Co>.E.O. W alter, Anctloneer H.e.OwidIefingei>,CIerIc-

Page 12: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Pape Twelve TIIIES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHOThursday. February 24, 1944

Page 13: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

Thurfldny, Febnmry 21, 1944 TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS. IDAHO Page Thirteen

e B M S I F r ^ Markets and Finance

CHICAOO. Ptb, « WV-Oraln* ndvanccd todsy on buying which cntnc mninly from local tradcri, some of which wnii ottrlbutcd lo covrrliiK by iirevlolu iiliort-*cller».

n ir mnrkei ciwiifd lower, rya (iroiipInK About a cent, nnd Ihen re- vcrsecl lli-clf afler tho first h»lf- ho>ir. From Ihnv Uine onwMd. the

:.iiiiiii l l l i i

ii-;; i:is iii'; iiis

Page 14: FOE m SHEETS House Overrides Tax Bill '8HSES1DNI) Veto ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Barklcv Itesigns bill Accej)ls Post AncSv by Unanimous Vole WASHINGTOxV,

— ^PagtrFourteeri TIMES-NEWS.TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursdny, February 21,. 1044

Much wanted nrc these A r . row shirts — we have a nelec- tion now in while and fancy patterns, in sizes M to 17. Don’t fa il to tnl(e ftdvnntnj;e o f this opportunity lo buy this quality sh irt!

Turn Out For Uncle Sam!Farm Implement Sale Friday

Be sure to iilteiul the bip comminiity-wide im iilcmcnt snlc, fo r a ll Magic Valley th is F r id ay ! Hundreds of implements go in ff in this b ig auction evonU Lunch w ill bo served on the pounds by th e Hansen Grange. Sale s ta rts a t 10:00 A. M.

“I f It Isn’t Right, Bring It Back’’