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Morgellons Remedies

Updated: 05/10/2012

"Morgellons (also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome) is a name given in 2002

by lab technician Mary Leitao to a proposed condition characterized by a range of cutaneous

(skin) symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations; finding fibers on or under

the skin; and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores), initially in her son...

The U.S government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that it is not

known at present whether the condition represents a new disease entity, or whether persons who

identify themselves as having Morgellons have a common cause for their symptoms, share

common risk factors, or are contagious..." (Wikipedia)

DISCLAIMER Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional

medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or

health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any

treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician,

or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or

diagnose your particular medical history.



11/13/2008: Nan from Minneapolis, MN: "Also wanted to mention that a much cheaper way

of fighting these things...

I put have a vile of alcohol and half Hydrogen Peroxide and put all over active area...shere

crawling occurring - for me a lot of it starts in the feet and legs so I smear it all over

there...seems to keep them from crawling at night - it's a lot cheaper than TTO and seems

to work as well or better. The TTO price has shot up recently...must be a lot of people with

this stuff, it's driving the price thru the roof.

Also, found two homeopathics that in combination at least for me stop them from crawling -

got 9 hours sleep last night from using them and the alcohol... Arsenicum Album - 30c or x

and also Nux Vomica - 30c or x... seem to work so far... I've gotten a lot of relief over time

using the homeos...I'm convinced therein will lie our cure - it vibrates throughout the entire

body and will kill them when we find the right one...also, if people get samples of these

critters you can get a remedy made out of the worms themselves and that would kill them

right off!

Happy bug killing!"


[QUESTION] 02/01/2009: Pam from Waco, TX replies: "How much is a "vile"?"

EC: Nan probably meant to write: "half a vial", not "have a vile".

"A vial (also phial) is a relatively small glass vessel or bottle, especially used to store medication

as liquids, powders or in other forms like capsules. They can also be sample vessels e.g. for use

in autosampler devices in analytical chromatography." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vial

[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 06/21/2010: Nan from Raleigh, No Car, Usa replies: "Have

tried a million things...the latest and best so far is psorinum 200c, a homeopathic remedy that is

quite powerful....when I took the 3 small tabs I literally felt these things cramp up in my feet and

around my body...it was amazing...they hated it and it was harming them. I felt only slight

movement most of the day...Unfortunately w/homeos one cannot eat strong tasting foods like

mint, no chocolate/coffee because it dulls the affects. and I foolishly partook of some coffee and

lost a little steam... Happily I made a water solution of psorinum by putting 1-2 of the small tabs

in about 3/4 c of water and you have to put in a jar and pound the jar a bit to transfer the

psorinum into the water and then I put some of that water on my face....it immediately killed

oodles of the face mites. Homeopathy vibrates so it doesn't necessarily have to touch something

to kill it...it may go down into the skin further than the surface...but it worked amazingly on the

mites. I also put the water all over my body and it seemed to work to calm the morgs all

over....but not 100%. Definately gave more sanity though, because after the new moon they were

going crazy and I was quite alarmed...seemed monthly they were worsening. There are stronger

solutions of psorinum...1m & 10m and I imagine they might work quite well in water on the skin

as well. You should work w/a homeopath with psorinum as it is strong...I was at first a little

scared when I took the first pills and their reaction was so vehement...it's nice to know you have

someone you can call ...it can be antidoted by putting something w/camphor in it on your or

smell it. I think psorinum may be our answer to this monstrosity...but it's all technique...dose,

frequency of use, length of use...and sticking to a good diet and not ruining the homeo w/coffee,

cinnamon or mint (toothpaste) or something...you can look for a list online of things you can't

use while on homeopathics....if someone finds the right dose/freq, etc...please post...and I will let

you know when I know more. Sulphur homeo is another possibility.... lycopodium or thuja for

the spores/fungal"

08/16/2010: Carol from Austin, Tx replies: "Just a warning.... I saw a video the other day that

warned against using Hydrogen Peroxide for Morgellons.... It showed that the parasite actually

responded to Hyd Per by growing in size immediately... I wondered why these worms grew so

fast in me... When they are confronted w/certain elements they respond to them by increasing in

size... I've stopped using the peroxide and they seem to have diminished in size and they seem

weaker.... I've also added essential oils to my TTO solution...

peppermint/lavendar/lemon/camphor/cinnamon/clove and others - they hate it and stops their

movement esp while you sleep (remember to wrap in glad wrap though so it stays on your skin

throughout the night.... Just something to think about"

[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 08/28/2010: Carol from Raleigh, Nc replies: "Recently I've

mainly used TTO but put peppermint essential oil and lavendar on the skin directly more every

day and then top off w/the TTO.... I've also been taking Echinacea & Goldenseal tabs... Great

herbal antibiotics... Lavendar and peppermint are known to kill worms... Usually internally...

One can take a drop of peppermint with a little water internally too but I'm mostly putting on

skin.... I've noticed great improvement with these oils... They are defininately killing off... The

smaller parasites first and the larger ones are weakenening... Very happy w/results - the best I've

experienced since I met these monsters 4 yrs ago... I'm hopeful this might finish them off... I also

take Nat Phos (suppose to work on long worms) and Silica is also good for worms.... I've found a

good homeopathic parasite killer tooo from Newton Homeopathics... I think the essential oils are

doing most of the work though.... Happy hunting! Try this I think you will get great relief...

Particularly if you are new to this disease. I've also cleaned off my face excellently w/

homeopathic waters of graphites and psorinum.... From 30C to 10M... And LM it can be mixed

in water and pounded (look online for directions) You can get these remedies at Present

Moments online... Psorinum requires homeo RX however. Best of Luck to all of you suffering

from.... Do not despair... We will conquer this in spite of the medical industry!"

EC: TTO= tea tree oil

11/15/2010: Carol from Madison, Wi replies: "I've recently weaned myself off the TTO on the

skin... It begins to become a problem because all you are ultimately doing is driving this deeper

into your skin and this is not good. I do mix homeopathic "waters".... When I take 1-2 c of water

into a breakproof bottle and pound various remedies into the water (Cina 30-200) - I've read this

has killed filarial (30) and heterohabdus (200) worms... Silica (6-200)Cleans things out of skin...

Graphite (30-200) Sulphur, Psorinum, Arsenicum are a few I've used... Gives relief (vibrates thru

the skin so has deeper reach than mere TTO)... I'm saving a ton of $$$ my TTO budget was

reaching well over $100/mo and just couldn't afford anymore. But wanted to mention here too

that I'm also trying magnets... They seem to weaken them... I tried these since some think there is

a nano nature to this disease - thought it would disorient and disempower them perhaps and has

helped... They do abandon areas you put the magnets... I want to buy magnetic wraps to cover

larger areas as it is now... I find the soles for the shoes has helped the foot area where they

harbored and I need wraps for the knees... They like to hide where there are hollow areas in your

body. I believe it has killed some of the smaller worms but still have larger... I would hope you

aren't using hydrogen peroxide as I believe they respond to it by growing faster... I've seen

videos online to that show this... It was my experience that the TTO and Alcohol and Hydrogen

Peroxide only made them procreate faster and run to the head and other areas you couldn't use

it... If we all keep sharing info and experiences it should help ultimately solve this."

02/25/2011: Nan from Mpls, Mn replies: "I have tried everything.... Many things work for a day

or more weeks... But the cure is elusive. I tried something recently that I've tried before but didn't

pay attention and didn't know what to look for... If it didn't healme immediately I thought it

wasn't working, not realizing this thing will take months if not years to lick... I have different

eyes now and know that if I feel worse that might be a good thing. I took Olive Leaf Extract the

other day because I put a lotion on my face that had some in it and it seemed to kill alot of the

facial stuff... Then I decided to take it orally too... I have noticed a stepping up in activity of the

worms or whatever the H@*! They are... It frightened me, but then I thought maybe this Olive

Leaf is upsetting them and killing the smaller ones... It sure worked well on the skin...

Everything I pull out of my face now is dead... Always good.... Try Olive Leaf.... It was the herb

the dove brought to Noah on the Ark... Must be good huh?! But take 2 500 mg capsules 3-4x a

day with meal... Keep at it for a long time... No matter... It's potent stuff. Might kill all of it...

Something will we just have to find it. I don't believe there is ever "no cure" for anything it's just

a matter of finding it. Also homeopathy will give relief... When these things attacked the other

day because they hate Olive Leaf I held a bottle of 10M Psorinum and they stopped in their

tracks and I had a good nights sleep... Cina, Teucrium, Sulphur, Arsenicum, na Phos, Silica are

some to consider... Happy hunting! "

03/16/2011: Nan from Mpls, Mn replies: "Another new development.... I took only one dose of

homeopathic Thuja Occi 30x and the next time I put petroleum jelly on face to clear out...

Suddenly found lots of green stuff coming out coloring the jelly green... Thuja is known to kill

fungus... So obviously there is fungus in there too and it handily killed it... So take Thuja we

probably have a fungal component throughout the body too... Have also read that Cina 200

(homeopathic) will kill filarial worms and to me this parasite has a lot of symptoms similar to

filarial worms... Also read that homeopathic Hydrocotyle is for elephantiasis which is from


06/03/2011: Tatiana from Aurora, Ontario, Canada replies: "PLEASE STOP PRESCRIBING

YOURSELF HOMEOPATHY! It can be as useful as dangerous. There is no universal

prescription for everyone even for same condition.

Taking right remedy TOO OFTEN often you can aggravate your state. It is unique for everyone,

but as a common rule - do not take high potencies 200CH, 1M more often than once in 3-4


Do not take 30CH every day for a long period.

If you are in crisis - put few pills in a bottle with water (3 standard pills for 100ml) and shake

well before each intake - take only a spoon of that water in mouth. Basically, do not repeat

remedy while it works. Repeat only if it helped but the effect is losing (if it is a right remedy).

Come to a homeopath!"

08/07/2011: Carol from Houston, Tx replies: "I went to homeopaths.... Spent $150 per visit with

no results.... I do better on my own. This thing is so multi-faceted it is very difficult.. I've studied

homeopathy for the past 17 yrs and am fairly well-versed in it.... I've suffered no harm from any

of it.... It is certainly safer than hardcore antibiotics (5 at a time).

I've gone to doctors 3 and only lost money and received no assistance - only made more upset

and depressed because they have apparently been instructed to tell us all we are crazy and should

immediately get on their "crazy" pills... No thanks! - we are on our own on this one.... It's likely

going to kill us if we don't cure it.... I'll take my chances w/homeopathy...its safer than anything

else we have access to.... It is certainly better than self-administering animal worm killers from

feed stores! I won't take strong homeopathics w/o a homeopath and I do have one I consult but

he has been of limited help. The water applications on skin have helped tremendously and seem

quite harmless...."

08/28/2011: Barbara from Memphis, Tn replies: "Latest development in the fight against this evil

affliction.... boiled a bunch or two of parsley in 1-2 quarts water... Bring to boil and then simmer

3 mins... Wring water out of parsley into pot and throw away.... Then refrigerate water and take 1

tsp per 10 lbs in AM & PM.... It really weakened them and I believed killed even some of larger

ones... Great improvement... Clears out your system too (on two occasions found lrg dead worm

in toilet).... Also Cina 30 seems the most effective homeopathic so far (200 seems to make

worse)... And Teucrium 200... These are definately two key remedies... Also Vermi Fuge

(homeopathic you can find online) and VER (homeopathic)... I have this on the way - could

really work... It actually has the nosode of many worms in it which could kill them straight away

if it has the right worms in it! Nat Phos cell salt creates more alkaline environment which helps,

Belladonna (homeopathic only) will kill agrobacterium component, and I have some strong

Allicin/Garlic tablets on the way.... Garlic will always help you when you're having a tough

day.... It does diminish the influence of homeopathics so take hours apart.... but definately drives

them into submission at least as long as its in your systemj, may need to increase intake

w/time...make sure the garlic has lots of allicin it though.... Also helps heart and cholesterol as

well as many things in the body... Garlic is great for good health! Crushed garlic on the skin kills

whatever it touches straight away... Also take thuja for fungal aspect, which many think is part of

morgellons.... Homeopathic ear and eye drops availabale at Walmart.... I also use multipurpose

eye solutions (for contacts) in eyes as boric acid content helps kill them in eyes. It is

unbelievable that the medical industry has left us all to twist in the wind with this one.... But

we're definately on our own w/it..... Herbs that have helped are Olive Leaf, Cats Claw (TOA-free

better), Echinacea, some say Gota Kola helps.... These are the best of what I've tried so far and

believe me I've tried lots of things and spent thousands and thousands of $$$'s trying to rid

myself of this plague... No thanks to the AMA! Saltwater & hydrogen peroxide baths help too...

Good Luck!"

08/30/2011: Ds from Us, Usa replies: "Is is just me or does anyone else think that all the Nan's

and Carol's in this thread are the same person? It would help if testimonials from same person

indicated such."

09/19/2011: Diane from Madison, Wi replies: "Try Dr Bronner's Peppermint Soap... I've heard

people saying to use this for some time, but it has really slowed the buggers down.... It really

kills the mites... I put it in bath (pretty strong dilution)... Used it for shampoo.... And just plain

put it straight on my body.... Excellent results and its safe and smells good... I think its pretty

effective and if you then continue to attack them from within with garlic or what have you they

have to get out to skin area and hopefully will be damaged by the peppermint oil and other

ingredients.... You could also add other oils to the mis like eucalyptus, tea tree, lavendar (will

relax you too), cedarwood also useful, etc. I'm going to kill these buggers.... If it kills me!!! If we

all keep sharing what we've learned I think the synergy of all these minds working toward one

purpose will solve this plague! So keep at it.... We can help the world rid itself of this


05/02/2012: Kevin from Des Moines, Iowa replies: "I have blue and red fibers coming out of my

skin and I have proof and it is not a fake thing!! What do I do?? and who will help me? IM TO

SCARED TO TELL ANYBODY. They will laugh and say Im crazy but its right there in my

medicine cabinet and I wish I was a doctor or boilogist or something. It is real and I am living it..

I will say that I have done drugs before and I think it could be a factor but I have a degree in

electronics and I think Im an intelligant person who cant spell lol..... I pull fibers in little black

splinter like forms that come apart in a way that is unearthly and seem to spread out in a growing

cluster like a lint ball that is mostly red, blue, and white or clear??? what the hell is this and why

dont doctors have somethinng to say about it. I feel all the symptoms I find on the web and there

is so much proof and videos and photos how do I get help.... For me its not so bad because its

only localized to certain areas and seems to be stress triggered. I am well in control of my

emotions and even though life for me is like living in the TWIGHTLIGHT ZONE and I feel like

Im the Only one living with this but so many people are suffering and when will there be help...

This is like something that makes the normal problems of my life seem to much to take. We all

know that the governement has its secrets and I dont care about what is told or not just that I cant

live like this and I have a reminder coming out of my skin that is supposedly non-existent... reply

to khalladey(at)yahoo.com and I will give you proof and I think from what Ive seen My proof is

some what different than the norm... I can even see the object from a small black splinter spread

out into a multi-colored array of fibers.... I do not think it is alive or a mite, it could be fibers

from clothes and so on although it does not match the colors of any fabric that I own... Please

respond!!!!!! It is driving me to the point of giving up and it is contagious (ya I cant spell) my

girlfriend is showing signs and it seems to be spread like poison oak or stinging nettle.... I can

feel it coming out!! And notice that it comes out and can move right into a different area like it

seeps into any open pore. I need some input other than bs on the web. I know what is happening

is real because when I wake up its still there and it hurts like hell like a million needles and the

stuff on-line looks like exactly what Im dealing with.. respond to khalldey(at)yahoo.com and I

am more than willing to cooperate with any test and skin samples."

05/02/2012: Kat from Redding, Ca replies: "OMG.... For years I have had these THICK BLACK

ROOTLESS "hairs" coming out of my face. Sometimes in specks. It got worse, 3 weeks ago.... 2

weeks ago, I looked up "fibers coming out of face" and for the first time heard of Morgellons. I

never really paid attention to it, but have ALL the symptoms listed online.... And started

watching as green and red, blue and purple fibers came out. I put olive oil on my face and it

really started sending them out, with lesions that will not heal until all the crap works its way out.

I thought I had big spider veins on my face that I have had lazered in the past. Now I have 3"

black fibers that are twisted up with what looks like a mosquito or some kind of bug, in the

middle of them, working their way out. Not spider veins at all! I have many other things that

look like weird little alien bugs coming out... In various colors. Did you ever go to sleep.... And

wake up and think you are in the twilight zone? And hope to wake up.... But every day is

worse.... Like if the twilight zone and groundhog day were mashed together into a 3 week

movie? I actually laughed when I stumbled on Morgellons disease..... But it is very real.

Everyone out of the very few people I have told about it, said go to the Dr. NO WAY! I see how

people have been treated! I have quite a weird collection of things that I've gotten out of my

skin..... My husband thought I was nutz until he pulled a few "doubled green hairs" out of my

skin! He has seen enough and knows what I am dealing with. WHAT DO I DO???

I am so new to this.... And am really scared. I have weird dots on my eyes.... For a while now. 2

nights ago it felt like something crawling into my eye..... I looked between my lashes and found

this weird red aiein looking spider thing still moving. I have felt like something is in my eyes for

a long time, but we can never find anything. This crap is freaking me out! HELP!!! I am a very

logical and bright person... And am not in any way crazy. >^..^<"

05/10/2012: Mr. X from Washington, Dc replies: "Kat, I hear where you are at. Do not allow

yourself to panic. Anxiety makes it worse. I have had this since 1996. You are not alone.

Some things for immediate relief -

Thursday plantation tea tree soap

regular or maximum strength thera neem soap

dettol soap (orange kind)

Dr. Bronners peppermint soap

A good liquid muli - vitimin

at night - coconut oil in ears and on face

try a bath with apple cider vinegar or baking soda

Drink five 8 ounces of water a day.

Avoid overly sugery foods.

Relax, don't let yourself worry, obsess.

Don't stop your life, it's exhausting, but keep moving forward, and use these suggestions to

manage. One day there will be an answer."

ALFALFA Ratings:


02/05/2010: Izzy3 from Vero Beach, Fl: "Morgellons cure

A woman named Daisy Baleen claimed she was cured by alfalfa tablets and sun detergent,

she also said she took alfalfa internally, however hers is the only case I have ever read on

the net that has spoken of success with this, has anyone on the forum or at Earth Clinic

ever heard of ANYONE else who has been cured or helped by taking Alfalfa, I'm afraid to use

it due to having the insect type morgellons, and we all know bugs LOVE alfalfa !!!"


07/30/2010: Diane from Tulsa, Ok replies: "Just curious, I've seen this claim of Sun Detergent &

Alfalfa curing morgellons. . . I doubt it and tried it and really didn't notice any difference. Have

others tried it. . . If we could take a little poll and put this one to rest as to whether it works or

not. . . . Would be useful. Maybe I didn't do it right or maybe it is not that effective. . . . Thanks

for your replies"

[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 08/17/2010: Lisa from Pierre, Sd replies: "I sincerely believe

that bathing for hours in Sun laundry Detergent w/bleach and at least 25 alfalfa tablets saved my

life. Before I tried this I was lifeless. I had no strength, couldn't stay awake and the lesions and

swelling was getting worse! Nothing that the doctors prescribed was helping. It took a few of

these baths before we noticed that there were no new lesions and the old ones were finally

healing, so I continued with the baths for about 3 more weeks. I don't feel this cures you 100%,

but I have not had anymore lesions for 2 years now and have gone back to work full time."

[NAY] 12/15/2010: Karlisha from Jacksonville, Florida replies: "I saw this remedy as well. I

have had morgellons for almost five years now and with a lot of scarring and down to only a

dozen "sores", I desperately tried this remedy (alfalfa and Sun detergent) and it made it

extremely worse. I'm back to the days it all began. I'm happy this worked on the lady but on me,

it definitely DID NOT. I do know that somehow, with me, it is connected to my nerves and

anxiety. The less stress I have, the better they get but I am SO tired of these things, I can't wait

for something to get rid of them once and for all! "

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01/02/2011: Morgellons from London, England, Uk replies: "I have started using Alfalfa in the

bath with 1-1. 5kg table salt. Loads come out of me mainly white and brown tiny ones, the

feeling this gives me is amazing. I remember my first experience with Alfalfa an orange blob

came out of my legs this left me in disorientated for a few minutes I couldn't believe my eyes.

Even today white big clumps leave my body now mainly the back of my legs. Grape seed

extract(Liquid) 10-15 drops in water 3 times a day kills pathogens. Internal cleaning am a big fan

of so far have done the Parasite next on my list is the Bowel. Using Jason shampoo and

conditioner helps. If anyone has got any questions or would like a chat feel free to add email me

sweetiepie212121(at)yahoo(dot) co(dot)uk am also on facebook."

07/20/2011: Tim from Orlando, Florida replies: "I have been taking supergreen herbal tablets

from health food store and also alfalfa tablets for the past 2 weeks-BIG DIFFERENCE. Try to

eat alkaline foods-no animal protein-learn to eat tofu. I also take whole food vitamin

supplements daily and drink water with freshly squeezed lemon slices in it-make a big jug of it.

Keep your body alkaline and you will see a big difference."

[YEA] 08/01/2007: Menna from Wildomar, CA: "Alfalfa tabs in bath with Sun Laundry

Detergent/with color safe bleach for Morgellons. I couldn't believe what all was coming out

of my skin. I just did it yesterday, and again this morning. They aren't gone, but incredible

results so far. This was done after starting the twice a day baking soda 1/4 tsp in water and Natural Cellular Defense drops for 1 week."


07/28/2009: Charles from Jacksonville, FL replies: "well im tellin u that who ever says to

use alfalfa is crazy because if you read from numerous sources about the herb and

understand what your reading you will understand that all of your alliments will become ten

times worse. Hypotheticly speaking anyway> I urge anyone with this horrible disease to

research any medication herb or supplement before tryin it .im not saying not to use is all

im saying is to use use judgement based on what you understand and know to be true. hope all is well otherwise."

09/09/2009: Phil from Augusta, Ga replies: "I tried this remedy tonight and it is to early to

tell anything as of yet. I do however believe that the black specks people are seeing in the

water is from the alfafa it self. Because black specks were already in the water before I

submerged myself.

I really DO NOT know if I even have morgellons. Thank God, I do not have the big gaping

sores that most people here and around the world are reporting. I do have pimple like

bumps that have white stuff come out when mashed, only to return later. I will from time to

time get the stinging feeling and have gotten out black hair looking things, that seem to just

come out when they are dead.

Yesterday, my arm was itching like crazy and had kind of a swollen spot on it. I thought at

first it may have been a mosquito bite. With the itching not going away and driven me

crazy, I decieded to put some CLOVE OIL directly on the real itchy spot. So with a Q-Tip I

applied it and left it on. A few hours later I went for a walk a was sweating a bit and the

spot began to burn slightly.Once returning home from the walk, I washed the area off with

some lemon joy. As I went to dry my arms with a paper towel, I noticed a black hair looking

thing, that had come up out of my skin. And I could tell that it definately tell it did come out

of the skin. I wiped it away with the paper towel and looked at it under a magnifying

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glass.It just looked like a black ant would look if you were to smash it with your finger.

I then decided to wash with Tecnu, this is a outdoor skin cleanser for like poision oak and

what not. I just followed the directions and rubbed the area with my finger tips vigerously

for about two minutes and then washed away with cool water. This did seem to really take

away some of the angry look of the skin. I should say I also been taking a little baking soda

1/4 Teaspoon in lemon juice about twice a day on an empty stomach.

Well I really hope Charles is wrong about the alfafa, making things worse. I am a daily

reader here though and will post any changes good or bad. My arms look really GOOD now,

but they looked pretty good before the bath tonight. Only thing bad now is I feel a little

dizzy, but can not say for sure what that is from. But as of right now I do not have any

more ITCHING!!! THe itching actually stopped last night after the hair looking thing came


09/10/2009: K from Sacramento, Ca replies: "You may want to look at the morgellons

sanctum web site to get more treatment ideas. Sounds like you have it. I do, too. I can

make stuff come out of my skin anytime I want to. Ted has a good suggestion, his lyme disease protocol. I am taking V-C and sea salt daily and it helps tone down symptoms."

05/18/2010: Mary from Beverly, Ma replies: "Has anyone considered using Hulda Clarks

method of killing parasites. Afterall, Morgellons is a parasite of some sort. Hulda Clark has

written several books on all Disease being caused by parasites or toxins. She has

instructions on how to create a zapper in her books and on the web. She used different

frequencies of electricity to jolt the body and kill parasites effectively. In turn ridding people

of various diseases. I know I've seen zappers for sale on Amazon and they are not that expensive."

[NAY] 09/22/2010: Itch-ebitch-e from Boone, Nc, Us replies: "I've had the crawling

hell/nipping nightmare for about a year and a half now, and was totally taken in by that

ridiculously prolific story about the woman and her cat who knocked the alfalfa tabs in the

tub. Yes, at first it helped, but a few minutes after exiting the chlorox/sun deterg./alfalfa

soak, I was in agony and sticky as a used lollipop, to boot. I suspect that the apparent initial

efficacy is due to the high pH of all three ingredients, which definitely appears to displease

the critters. However, it doesn't really "dissolve" them; rather, they appear to be more like,

dazed and confused for a bit, and then really pissed off! I stupidly continued practically

living in chlorine for the next few months, believing that a show of extruding material =

improvement. Kind of reinforces the old adage about stuff not killing you making one

stronger... Because it sure gives them a vicious will to live, and now I avoid unnatural

cleansers and chemicals like the plague. I am presently experimenting with a Dr. Clark-type

zapper, and have had some mixed results, depending on the frequency used. Oddly, the

lower setting seems to produce more skin lesions from systemic acidosis, I believe,

although they are more uniform, symetrical, and thus aesthetically pleasing as compared to

the old-fashioned worm gnawing... (heavy sarcasm). Since I can't really spend any

significant time in the bath without experiencing unhappy bug re-entry after a few minutes,

I'm trying the zapper whilst en tub and have had some success-ish sessions. The thing is,

though, I've not figured out what setting ought to be consistently used, and my natural

ADD/reckless curiosity has been massively exaccerbated by the rotten creatures and I've

literally turned my whole life to finding some way to make myself better, which makes

patient consistency difficult. I've slathered, soaked, and stuffed myself with just about every

known substance, both non-toxic and highly ruinous concoctions. I'll share more of those

when I have the time later, but I have to say, (shout from the rooftops! ) that wasabi, the

green Japanese horseradish, aka sushi condiment, seems to be the best thing so far, both

internally and topically. It gets one truly "clean", which any Morggie victim can attest to

being a fairly rare phenomenon, and also rids hard and soft surfaces of them, even where

they've really dug in and nested. Oh, and also, copper in any form is a lifesaver! It is

actually the MOST antimicrobial/antifungal/etc metal, which is a well documented

phenomenon of considerable veracity. I've found that affixing long pipes to my closet and

shower curtain bars has made a huge difference, and I have loose pipe connectors and

whatnot scattered all over the house, and perch on the larger pieces when I'm having a melt-down from feeling so "pursued"... And consumed, ugh. Hope those help..."

03/16/2011: Carol from Dallas, Tx replies: "I tried a zapper type machine for a time but

found that all it did was.... If I was zapping my back they'd run to my head or feet... If I

was zapping my legs they'd run to my back... So no real progress... In fact I wondered if

the stim wasn't stimulating them too and making them stronger. Main key is they can run

from inside the body to outside and up and down so must take something orally and on skin

as well... Garlic definately harms them... I just read an article that said ethanol extract of

allium sativum (garlic) isa potent larvicidal... So don't know if that, being made with ethanol

is usable on humans... But sounds like would work at least to kill little ones. It drives me

nuts too when you search "morgellons cure" and Daisy's story shows up again... I think it's all baloney and wish people would quit posting it... its out there enough thanks."

08/07/2011: Kathy from Shreveport, La replies: "This might really creep you all out.... But

there is an additional component to this disease.... Insect vectors that virtually come out of

your skin.... I've seen little black specks that actually fly... I've seen little small/miniature

mosquito-like bugs.... Trouble is now these things can bite others and transmit disease....

At one point I put some of the things from skin( and elsewhere in a baggie and was shocked

when a week later they were small mosquito-looking flies... Which makes me think filarial)

Good news is that I believe Echinacea and perhaps Olive Leaf may kill these because while I

used that and also many things on skin they disappeared.... Now when I go to bookstores

or other public places when I see very small flying insects I worry.... Who knows if there are

other diseases being transmitted by this form.... It is my theory that these diseases are

being carried over to America from all these 3rd world countries that are overruning

America now.... If vectors can come out of skin and fly out and bite you.... This could be

epidemic... I saw something a couple weeks ago that was scarey.... I was at a local

sandwich shop which is national and had a larger house-type fly by the window I was sitting

in flying about.... I killed it and was horrified to see small white worms squirming about

after the fly was dead (in its place).... Obviously this typical fly had been bitten or

something by one of these vectors and had a worm disease and now they are flying

about.... Is it the same one... I don't know.... But I looked at all the bread sitting out and

disserts uncovered and have not returned and am concerned when I eat out now.... this

thing has to have the lid blown off of it and investigated why they are allowing this horrific

disease spread throughout our country -- the CDC takes millions to investigate and comes

back w/nothing - Unbelievable.... I hope this is not intentional... As Americans we pay

dearly for these things to be taken care and they are failing us miserably... We should

demand this matter be dealt with and now before its too late... I see small children that look like they have it... how dare our government fail us so."

10/01/2011: Val from Barling, Arkansas replies: "Kathy from Lousiana: You stated that you

had black insect vectors with wings that could actually fly.

Ditto with me. I thought I was the only one to experience these horrid little bugs. In April

2011, samples of these bugs were sent to a lab and were identified as "unknown tick anthropod".

They are gone now; they were a stage of Morgellons that gradually disappeared. Now I

have the crawling sensations deep in my skin. My most recent lab results (last week)

identified the samples I submitted as "plant and fabric fibers - no parasites".

There are apparently many, many stages that these little monsters go through."

11/20/2011: Colette from Phoenix, Az replies: "Hi my name is Colette and this morgellons is

slowly killing me. I don't even mention my bugs black dots that have flown out of my face

or the crawling worms under my skin to my friends or family. My doctor who I believe

started or activated this horrible nightmare slicing open my face to remove a large pimple

cyst accused me of being a drug addict and refused to see me once I figured out what I had- morgellons disease."



[QUESTION] 12/28/2009: Izzy3 from Vero Beach, Florida: "Can anyone out there tell me

if it has been proven that the body does better combating morgellons with a more alkaline

system, or is the jury still out on this ? Some people online say alkaline is better, others say

acidic is better. Has scientific research been done on this ?"


04/27/2010: Des from Chatsworth, Ca replies: "The controversy over alkaline vs acid is

confusing isn't it?

Our bodies need alkaline to be healthy, but acid is needed for certain functions. This

confusion increases by the little known fact that "slightly alkaline" and "slightly acid" is what

bodies run best on.

It's easy to become confused over a pH reading for an internal body part, when another

slice from that same internal part will show a different pH reading. Two pH readings for one

functional mechanism? Why?

The whole picture of the need for one part with two different pH environments built into it,

can be overlooked by well-intended researchers. Even scientist disagree with each other.

Conflicting research interpretations surrounding different pH requirements are the result of

"tunnel vision", which can reinforce the position of the alleged experts on both sides of


As well, this scientifically proven separation of pH measurements may be ignored when

researching data by those who's loyalty to the special interest group is required for project


Bottom line is, nutritional deficiencies sets us up for disease. But statistically, all disease

exist in a high acidic environment. If anyone finds a disease that does not need this acidic

atmosphere, let me know.

By the way, I have not suffered from a cold for over two decades because I take alkaline

substances that immediately regulates my pH which corrects the imbalance. It never fails.

Ultimately, our immune system is the only thing which can heal our bodies. Both doctors

and alternative supporters have the human trait of using embellishments to support their

Reply to this Thread Email Print Back to Top

position of wanting you to believe what they believe. It's normal.

If anyone compares the often fragmented medical research with the hearsay that

accompany sites with health issues, look for references. Then continue to see if that

references is followed by an unreferenced personal opinion. It happens all the time.

That kind of sentence is a common lure for the reader to assume that the opinion is also

from the same reference. Two reasons for this deception that I know of, are deliberate

frauds or an unintentional misconceptions passed on by a personal rumor copied from

another site. Both can be seen all over the web.

If you don't believe the obvious historical version that everything needed for a healthy body

grows from the ground, that's your personal choice.

Here's more history: the discovery of vitamins and minerals by scientist happened when

research confirmed that every disease is attached to a deficiency of one or more of these


Decide for yourselves if that means anything or is it just a coincidence. If anyone responds

to this, please do so with referenced facts only.

No one is a 100% correct about anything, though we all have tried at sometime to offer our

opinions with out-of-context data and embellishments which support our beliefs.

Health backed by science is the only way to expose many of the misinformation sites

presented by individuals who may only want to sell you their products or to discredit the

opposition. Nothing wrong with marketing your passion for something, just look for those

references. The honest ones always list their references. It's good for business.

Be well."

11/16/2010: Tena from Champaign, Il replies: "You said you take alkaline substances to regulate your PH. What do you take?"

10/02/2011: Sue from Denver, Co replies: "I've read that cancer and disease can't survive

in an alkaline state - they say Morgellons has a bacterial component so I have to believe

Alkaline is better..."



[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 02/06/2009: Elaine from Spencer, Indiana, USA: "Morgellons

help: I moved from indianapolis to spencer indiana 3 years ago. We never had problems like

Morgellons until we moved. I think some how this Morgellons is related to Lyme. Indiana is

the capitol of the limestone industry. There are a few limestone Quarys in our area. The fuzz

balls and fibers we see in our home and on us resemble those fibers found on lymebusters

under jeuvenile Nematomorphus. We use a lot of garlic and vinegar. Before going to bed at

night I find great relief after bathing I rub regular cider vinegar directly on by body all over.

I have a dollar store spray bottle filled with vinegar and I spray it all around my room and

on my bed. I get relief. Vinegar I found out has 93vitamins and minnerals in it. Try to eat

Reply to this Thread Email Print Back to Top

garlic as well. I hope they find out what this is soon. I am tired of No Answers. This vinegar spraying works for me. It is not a cure, but I can get a LOT OF RELIEF>"


06/08/2009: Christine M. from San Pedro, California, united states replies: "i have many

skin issues, tho nothing like what seems to b parasites.........u have my deepest

sympathy.........now as to the vinegar, which i've used for alot of skin things, try using the

white vinegar, the apple cider leaves a residue which is alittle sticky & the white works just

as well..........i won't go into depth of my issues, but i'd been treated 2x & was about to

have a 3rd, when i ran across these medical journals that were really old, 80yrs or

more......i had alot of health issues & these articles talked about hydrochloric acid

therapy.......it's a natural substance ur stomach is suppose to produce, it keeps ur stomach

sterile, killing bacteria, germs, whatever, it oxygenates ur blood, stimulates white blood

cells to attack anything that shouldn't b in ur body, maintains Ph levels in the blood, keeps

minerals in solution & many other things, it'll even kill gangrene....anyway, i started

treating myself & one of the first things it did was helped my body to expel the parasites

that had been destroying my health.........the parasite detox was no fun either..........the

thing is, if ur body produces enough HCl, it stops many things from getting past the acid

balance that protects our bodies........we have it in our skin, in our stomachs, in our

blood.........the acid kills invading organisms..........if u want to know more, write i will write back........chris.........."

11/09/2009: K from Sacramento, Ca replies: "Christine from San Pedro, How are you today? Can you share your experience and how you got better. thanks"

02/05/2010: Janet from Dallas, Nc replies: "In response to your article on hydrochloric acid; what is it and what are the benefits?"


06/21/2011: Bryan396 from Vancouver, B.c. Canada: "I would like to send this doc with

graphics and active links... Maybe a pdf

Picture Taken July 2010 in Vancouver, B. C. 22nd Ave. Rupert St.

Chemtrails, Crystal Formations, Morgellons Fibers and Self-Assembling Polymer Formations

in the Body.






Living Chemtrail Fiber.

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Morgellons Fibers under Microscope x 100 From Mike in California.

Morgellons Crystal Formation in Assembly Process.

Morgellon Fibres. Pics From Mike C.

Building Nano Polymer Structures.

Pictures in the embedded slide show link above demonstrates some of the growth patterns

of the polymers and how the pattern can be manipulated with sound frequencies and microwave pulses,


Chemtrails and the Morgellons Links



This depicts the crystals as an energy source and the polymer fibers attaching to the crystals.


Morgellons: Terrifying New Disease Reaching Pandemic Status

Tuesday, March 03, 2009 by: Barbara L. Minton


See all articles by this author

Email this author

Morgellons Samples From Patient


The beginning of the Investigation.

Both My Partner and I have Amber Crystals coming out of our acupuncture points, and other

locations while using the Kidney Stone or Crystals Detox and Heavy Metal protocols listed

below. There are several detox programs in the enclosed documents.

From our personal experience and visuals and my research of published papers along with my personal analysis of my crystal formations and extraction.

To test for crystals: Feel your body until you find a small lump or hard point between your

tissues and bones. Vigorously rub and massage the area until you feel a sharp pain at that

location in the lump. If this applies, Bingo… you have found a crystal that was encased in a

protein shell to hide the crystal from your immune system. Continue rubbing and

massaging, ignoring the pain, as they are quite painful, until the crystal cuts the tissue and rises to the surface. They are barbed and hard to get out. Very painful too!

The small, black particles. are micro seeds with the DNA program encoded in them. They

are small enough to penetrate the pores of the skin and to enter the body through lung

tissue when inhaled, my forehead skin pores were full of them.... they grow into slivers that

then grow into the pear shape somewhere along the way after connecting to the crystals

(seeds and crystals sprayed in the same mix.... Then they attach to the energy source… the

crystals are tapping our bio-electricity by forming in the acupuncture points and Hijacking

the energy and signals... Then they begin to grow a tap root to the vein for a nutrients supply and ?DNA infusion?..... bio-engineering us.

A prominent researcher stated that they stop growing at a certain size.

That would be when they are transmitting stronger than our own Bioelectrical system and

acting as a soft kill weapon... No need to get bigger and obvious. This is their stealth tactic.

We were all watching for it in the vaccines.

They are found in biopsies of Dementia Patients and in Breast Cancer tissue biopsies. They

may mutate the proteins which cause disease (in research papers)... The soft kill weapon is

causing the bulk of the disease increase, and effecting everyone with a multitude of different symptoms. The diseases are all caused by the same initial cause, crystals.

The increase in MS and the crystals in the nerves and neck veins of the people. - Biopsies

I have crystals coming out of my acupuncture points … . electro attraction and disabling the

nervous system "They hijack the DNA in order to bypass the immune system"- self assembling polymers.

Connect the dots

From the link below

An unusual inclusion observed in presumed macrophages was "polelike" bodies 0. 04- to 0.

7-(jim thick. Linearly arrayed, their presumably proteinaceous crystalline substance was moderately electron-dense.

Linearly arrayed, their presumably proteinaceous crystalline substance was

moderately electron-dense. Many were membrane-bound and appeared to arise

from the endoplasmic reticulum. … .MS Cause…see link below.

Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/01913129409016267?journalCode=usp

Read More:


They are found in tissue biopsies of the first 2 initial diseases I researched. Must do a

follow up, but I suspect that I will find the same as I did for heavy metals, in numerous

disease tissue biopsies. Nothing will get into a cell if the receptors are not clogged with Heavy metals. The receptors ARE the gatekeepers.

Inside the body… . the self-assembling polymers are activated by body heat, bio-electro

action and external light sources or inaudible/ audible frequencies probably from microwave towers and other sources.

The frequency controls the growth pattern... Fibers in some areas and crystals in others....

Via published documentation At what point they attach to the crystals... I don't know

I had crystals with and without black... though they may have broken off as I scraped the

crystals out of the wounds.

It has taken months to clean a wound out by scraping and picking.

I have since learned, via their documents, that Phosphorous Saline breaks down the assembly process fully in 8 days.

First the amber crystal... Then the clear granular pieces migrating to wound. Then the sand

like white powder, through the skin pores with the protein gel , when skin rubbed... then

the black root/sliver...profuse bleeding until fully removed and instantaneous stopping of

blood flow when sliver out.... very difficult to get out.

Plant Cellulose in foods additives and Microcrystalline Cellulose, used as a Binder in pills, both break down into Polymers in the body!

Plants are Self Assembling Structures!

Polymers are in Polarized Light


Self-assembly: from crystals to cells


Process of self assembling polymers crystallization during polymerization in vivo

http://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=process of self assembling polymers crystallization during polymerization in vivo&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

Protein and Polymer Formation


Hitachi shows off a microchip smaller than a grain of powder ... You need to make them using inkjet printing techniques on a flexible ...




The Japanese electronics maker Hitachi has revealed radio frequency identification, or RFID,

chips that are just 0. 05mm across and look like grains of powder. They're small enough to be embedded in a sheet of paper, a company spokesman said.

Self-Assembling Polymers, And

Other Best Science Images Of The Year

http://m.io9.com/5476485/self assembling-polymers-and-other-best-science-images-of-the-year/gallery/


Single molecule measurements of channel proteins incorporated into biomimetic polymer membranes


Researchers at the University of Cambridge, UK, have grown unusual silicon carbide

nanostructures. The team's vapour-liquid-solid process produced nanoflowers, nanotrees and nanobouquets of the material.

Former Nanotechnology Editor-in-Chief awarded knighthood in Queen's Birthday Honours


Gold added to polymers for conductivity

A novel amperometric immunosensor based on three-dimensional sol– gel network and

nanoparticle self-assemble technique




unclassified military - frequency controlled polymers … . Above site not accessible anymore, to me.

The USA Navy Research Nanotech Dept. In California Subcontracts the medical aspects of

the nano tech research to university medical nano tech research departments, while

maintaining industrial application research with their own research labs. UBC and SFU, both

in GVRD Vancouver, B. C. , are just 2 of these leading research leaders. The issuing of research contracts was recently allotted to another dept in the USA Government.

Please research this some more for yourself for reasons of information sensitivity and

personal safety. Google their


Why Control Structure? Nanopatterning is the science of controlling the structure and

behavior of matter at an intermediate scale between the molecule and the macroscopic

world, that is the nanoscale (1-100 nm). Over the last several years, this field has garnered

much attention as a primary step towards the fabrication of nanodevices. Many studies have

demonstrated a sophisticated level of control over the self-assembling, coil-type polymer

systems to produce nanometer scale patterns for lithography blocks and secondary

synthesis steps. Intricate block copolymer patterns may be formed and controlled by relying on the competition between unfavorable mixing and stretching of the dissimilar.


Search Results


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

PE 0601103D8Z. UNCLASSIFIED. • . Education. The URI promotes graduate education in ...

PE 0601103D8Z. UNCLASSIFIED. (U). Selected technical accomplishments: ...


A Kinetic Mechanism for the Polymerization of %u03B11-

The mutation in the Z deficiency variant of %u03B11-antitrypsin perturbs the structure of

the protein to allow a unique intermolecular linkage. These loop-sheet polymers are retained

within the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes to form inclusions that are associated with neonatal hepatitis, juvenile cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.


It appears that they are at the core of tumors, cysts, for many types of DIS-EASE!

We previously reported the discovery and development of a class of self-assembling

peptides made of only natural amino acids. This class of material peptides can undergo

spontaneous assembly into well-ordered nanofibers and scaffolds, ~10 nm in fiber diameter

with pores between 5– 200 nm and over 99% water content[1], [2]. These peptide scaffolds

have three-dimensional nanofiber structures similar to the natural extracelluar matrices

including collagen. They can readily be designed further to serve as a biomimic synthetic

extracelluar matrix. These peptides have been used for the study of cell attachment, survival and proliferation[2]– [4], and injection into animals[


Crystals in Biopsies.

Kidney biopsy. Shown here is an example of acute interstitial nephritis. The diagnosis is

based on the active inflammatory infiltrate on the right with unaffected glomeruli.

Interstitial edema and fibrosis are present on the left side of the field, where some tubules

show thickened basement membrane (hematoxylin and eosin, 20 X).

Crystals in Kidney Tissue Biopsy


The contractile part of myofibers is bound to the extracellular matrix by a chain of proteins

(see diagram on left), the main components of which are dystrophin and the dystrophin-

associated complex (DAC). Dystrophin, a 427-kD protein, lies under the sarcolemma

(the cell membrane of muscle) and is attached to cytoskeletal actin by its C-terminus. The

DAC consists of two main complexes of transmembrane proteins, the dystroglycans (two

subunits) and the sarcoglycans (five proteins), which are closely associated with one

another. The N-terminus of dystrophin is bound to b-dystroglycan. Dystroglycan, in turn,

is bound to merosin, the alpha 2-chain of the basement membrane protein laminin 2.

Defects in this chain cause progressive muscle damage resulting in muscular dystrophy.

Mutations of dystrophin are the basis of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies.

Defects of the sarcoglycan complex cause some of the limb girdle dystrophies. Deficiency of

merosin is found in some congenital muscular dystrophies. Antibodies to these proteins

applied to sections of muscle are used to diagnose muscular dystrophies.


Morgellons Samples From Patient


Chemtrails also cause Morgellons Disease with self assembling polymers.

Design and self-assembly of two-dimensional DNA crystals

(Self Assembling Polymer Crystals- Formation Pictures)


Easy polymer latex self-assembly and colloidal crystal formation: the case ..... which impair crystal formation, but are mostly segregated in this process.

For example, rod-coil block copolymers with an amino acid-based rod blocks have

been suggested as models for membrane structural proteins or DNA gels and for use as artificial membranes.





Project full title: Patchy colloidal particles: a powerful arsenal for the fabrication of tomorrow

new super-molecules. A theoretical and numerical study of their assembly processes.


Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects


Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and

Engineering Aspects

http://www.people.vcu.edu/~htafreshi/Reprints/COLSA 2009 - 1.pdf

Energy Migration in Novel pH-Triggered Self-Assembled

â-Sheet Ribbons


Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Dendronized Polymers: Reversible Control of the Polymer

Architectures through Acid%u2212Base Reactions


Self-assembly in complex systems (PhD Thesis)


Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Device

Point-of-Contact, DNA-Based Amplifier for Detecting Cancer-Related Micro-RNA in

Blood Serum (with Amber Cox, Jeunghoon Lee, Cheryl Jorcyk, Bernard Yurke, and William

L. Hughes), 7th Annual Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and

Devices (2010)


Platinum group metal thiacrown complexes as precursors for self-assembly reactions


Title: The Ins and Outs of Supramolecular Polymerization


The last two decades have seen a significant growth in the field of supramolecular

polymerization, in which reversible, noncovalent interactions between synthetic

(macro)monomeric units are utilized to build functional mesoscale architectures such as nanofibers and nanotubes.


Hierarchical Self-Assembly, Coassembly, and Self-Organization of Novel Liquid Crystalline

Lattices and Superlattices from a Twin-Tapered Dendritic Benzamide and Its Four-Cylinder-

Bundle Supramolecular Polymer


Crystals, Crystals…. Amber Crystals Everywhere I look.

Amber Crystals in Tissue Biopsies

http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=779&bih=399&q=amber crystals

in tissue biopsies&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&fp=1&cad=b

Crystals in Breast Cancer Biopsies



Charcot-Leyden Crystal



The link below shows that the polymers hijack the DNA and mutate it in people..... Hollow hair????


Amber crystals breast cancer biopsies - Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, Volume 10, Number 2

http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=779&bih=399&q=amber crystals

in tissue biopsies&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&fp=1&cad=b

Barium-salt. — Crystallizes from the syrupy solution in flat, transparent, ... Very small, alkaline, detonating crystals, which turn yellow when heated, ...

http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=779&bih=399&q=barium turn crystals yellow&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&fp=2cdea8c88b5ad24f

Barium is as poisonous as arsenic and it causes protein mutations that lead to tumors, cysts and diseases.

When the crystals dissolve in the body, Barium is released and the body need help to rid the

poison from the kidney, liver etc.

Black Silicon Chip Growth Clear Crystal Chip Growth

Pictures Courtesy Mike C. in California.

Amber Fiber Tubular Growth Black Fiber Tubular Growth


.gov/pmc/articles/PMC501061/pdf/jclinpath00275-0065.pdf amber crystals

found in




The link below shows that the polymers hijack the DNA and mutate it in people..... Hollow hair????

Self-Assembled Nanofibers of Fluorescent Zeolite L Crystals and Conjugated Polymer


MORE -http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=779&bih=399&q=self assembling

polymer crystals&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&fp=3a3ed50791ce5a37

Important unknown nanotech within humans


1. [PDF]

Preparation and self-assembly behavior of polystyrene-block-poly ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

by YJ Zhu - Cited by 6 - Related articles

Keywords: smart polymers, amphiphilic block copolymer, self-assembly, polymer synthesis

.... (Hitachi Co., Tokyo, Japan) operating at 150 kV ...


Morgellions and Chemtrails and Polymers/Crystals.

Chemtrail Analysis Done

We do know that these polymers are of a

crystalline morphology, are very friable and break into millions of small fragments in the atmosphere, are inhaled and in some cases

are bio-active causing serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin. The filaments are lyophillic or are oil soluble (upper epidermis oils melt the polymer

fragments and are absorbed into the skin). We have clearly identified the US Air Forces polymer technology used in UV Radiation

Mitigation strategies. The use of encapsulated Ultra-Violet Absorbers, Mannin and other organic compounds to absorb UV or reflect

radiation have been found in US Patents….. http://www.rense.com/general39/vat.htm----

"Heavy metals, biological pathogens, "fibers", polymers, and other dangerous

materials are being sprayed everyday, all around the planet. The materials are fine

particulates and are easily breathed in. Once in the body, they become systemic in

less than a minute...." Morgellons/Chemtrail Illness Protocol by Gwen Scott, N.D

This is Very GOOD Info.



Chemtrails are Reported to Contain

Aluminumn – attaches to cell receptors – immune suppression

Barium – slowly poisons the body

Polymers – Morgellons and Chips

DNA/RNA – DNA Hijackers.

More Source Documents and Scientific Papers.

The Bodies Mineral Deficiency

Since the 1920s, successive Governments have been warned abut the inability of our soils to support healthy plant growth. Discover the dangerous consequences of their inaction.


Secrets of soil nutrition: Why the minerals in soil determine the success or failure of foods,

health and civilization http://www.naturalnews.com/020072.html A

href="http://www.helpyourautisticchild.com/clathration" target=_blank>Autism causes,

autism heavy metals chelation, mercury chelation therapy autism

Most toxins or heavy metals that attach to cell receptors do so in a manner that ... The oral clathration agent and ionic mineral supplements increased their child's heavy...

www.helpyourautisticchild.com/clathration - Proxy - Highlight

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/020072.html#ixzz1Hqmj9nvN

Heavy Metals and Cell Receptors

Pathogen Recognition Receptors


DNA Transcription and Protein Assembly


Protein Molecules and "Simple" Cells


Cells -Molecular Structure Animation

-1 binding to its receptor on a cell surface, created from structural data. ... molecular

biology cell receptor interleukin-1 IL-1 protein ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms_ehUVvKKk

Neutrophil moving to the site of infection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9zSe0qmXGw

Self Assembling Polymers – The Science

Description: The invention relates to nanoparticles, in particular to nanoparticles for use in medicine. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2009/0226526.html

LRAD – Total Crowd Control - LRAD for oscillating the chips.


And a Portable LRAD that is 15"x15" and can be mounted in the grill of an SUV.


YouTube - Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Denounces Worldwide Chemtrail Poisoning and Genocide


Our DNA is a transmitter tuning in one of infinite possibilities?

Talking quantum science here. Is

our DNA tuned in to the frequency that is us (our vibration off point zero energy). Is DNA the go

between from the quantum world to our classic world? Like our

radio receiver that is instrumental in the collapse of the wave function. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090718045919AAI4gBs

Research this new paradigm yourselves.


PATHOGENIC MYCOPLASMA A Common Disease Agent Weaponised


Support Groups

The Morg Board


Morgellons Pictures

http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&xhr=t&q=morgellons videos&cp=11&pq=morgellons pictures

videos&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=morgellons videos&pbx=1&fp=1a4a2d1bee6d78b4&bs=1

http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&xhr=t&q=You tube morgellons videos&cp=8&pq=morgellons

pictures videos&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=You tube morgellons


Self-Assembling Polymer Arrays Improve Data Storage Potential


Light-sensitive self-assembling polymer film could become organic PV material




Related material

Easy polymer latex self-assembly and colloidal crystal formation: the case of poly[styrene-

co-(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)]








Anti Government Phobia- A NEW Disease



Also see this link on Manipulation of information energy.

Zero Point Energy / Energy into Matter.


Understanding The Relationship of Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics /

Spirituality, and the Manifestation of Energy into Matter through Vibrational Frequencies creating the Structure of the Universe.

A Mystery Solved?

This is a direct link to the Document. Please review and enjoy. It provides all the missing links to zero point energy.


The whole world is sprayed.... Maybe the 500 million controlled population is in

the D. U. M. B. 's and they will bring out the people/cyborgs and repopulate the

planet and also rewrite history... Again.. Full perfect control of the population and planet with no resistance... ever again

Now I'm scared.

Official Admission of Chemtrail Spraying.

Last December, a Canadian citizen complaining to his local air authority about sky-muck

over Victoria, British Columbia, was told by that authority that the chemtrail formations

were the result of a joint U. S. And Canadian military exercise. His explanation was caught

on audio tape and played for radio listeners all over the Western Hemisphere.

http://www.healthfreedom.info/Chemtrail Crisis.htm

Chemtrail Spraying- Burnaby

See related chemspray videos on right of screen@



NPG Asia Materials

Impenetrable disorder : research highlight : NPG Asia Materials

I am not sure how I wound up with all this in my email, but there are many links that are

very intriguing, although I don't comprehend what much of it means.

2008/02/04 - 2008/02/21

This event, under the umbrella of Asia Nano Forum (ANF), will be co- organized and co-

sponsored by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),

by Tokyo Institute of Technology (TOKYO TECH) under the COE program, and by National

Institute of Materials Science (NIMS).

The purpose of ANC2008 is to provide young researchers in the field of nanotechnologies

from Asian countries, as well as Japanese participants, with an opportunity to learn the

frontier of this field and, more importantly, to build personal relationships across the Asian


Membranes go inorganic : research highlight : NPG Asia Materials

Membranes go inorganic Published online 24 March 2008

A copper grid immersed in a solution of surfactant molecules and then removed to dry,

results in the self-assembly of a reversed bilayer membrane in each hole (left). An ultrathin

film of inorganic material, such as platinum, can then be grown onto of this bilayer, which is

subsequently removed by washing in water (right).

Ultrathin membranes are ubiquitous in nature, serving as both a means to encapsulate and

protect living cells from their environment and to regulate the myriad of biochemical

processes necessary to sustain life. Ultrathin membranes also have important industrial

applications including gas separation, sensors and fuels cells. However, although organic

membranes can be readily grown in a test tube, their inability to withstand even modest

temperatures beyond 100ºC limits their applications.

Several methods have been developed to grow thermally stable membranes from inorganic

materials such as carbon or silicon. But most involve multiple time†‘ consuming

fabrication steps such as photolithography, or result in membranes that are mechanically

fragile and difficult to handle. Izumi Ichinose and colleagues at the National Institute for

Materials Science in Tsukuba, Japan describe a simple technique exploiting

self†‘ assembled organic membranes as templates for the growth mechanically

robust inorganic membranes1.

The authors' procedure begins by dipping a copper grid of square 7 %u03BCm wide holes

into a solution of surfactant molecules and water, to capture a small volume within the

holes of the grid. As the water molecules in this solution evaporate, the surfactant

molecules gradually self– assemble to form a thin 'reversed' bilayer membrane— similar in

structure to that of a conventional biological membrane but with its constituent molecules

oriented with their hydrophilic end in the centre rather than at the surface of the

film—known as dried foam film (DFF). The DFF is then used as a support for the growth of

an inorganic film by conventional physical vapour deposition (PVD). In this way the authors

grew pure, free†‘ standing membranes of carbon, silicon, platinum, iron and

cadmium selenide with thicknesses ranging from a few to hundred nanometres.

The remarkable feature of this approach is not its versatility for producing membranes of

almost any material grown by PVD, but that it works at all.

"Initially, we were afraid that our DFFs would be thermally unstable. However, we found

that some of them were stable at above 150ºC, " says Ichinose. "We now realize that the

properties of DFFs are more like those of polymers and not soft like conventional bilayer

membranes. This is quite surprising, although the origin of their stability is still unclear. But,

they are stable. "

The authors are searching for better and cheaper surfactant molecules for making DFF films

in addition to studying their potential for growth of porous diamond†‘ like carbon

membranes for applications that include gas separation and zinc oxide membranes for

fabricating novel optical devices.


Jin, J. , Wakayama, Y. , Peng, X. & Ichinose, I. Surfactant†‘ assisted fabrication of

free†‘ standing inorganic sheets covering an array of micrometre†‘ sized holes.

Nature Materials 6, 686– 691 (2007). | article |

Author affiliation

Jian Jin1, Yutaka Wakayama2, Xinsheng Peng1 and Izumi Ichinose1

1Organic Nanomaterials Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

2Advanced Electronic Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

This research highlight has been approved by the author of the original article and all

empirical data contained within has been provided by said author.

Membranes go inorganic Published online 24 March 2008

Suggestions –

. I have just learned that Phosphorous Saline breaks down the assembly process fully in 8

days. In their Documents found obline.

Dr. Gwen Scotts Suggestions for Morgellons Detox.

Diataceous Earth – Fossil Shell Flour

Miracle 2 Soap

Organic Purple grape Juice – for expulsion

Himalayan Pink Salt

Mango Steen or the Grape Juice for testing

Bryan396 Protocol - Crystal / Chemtrail Detox / Heavy Metals

Chanca Piedra – crystal breaker

A Good Liver and Kidney Herb Blend

Cranberry concentrate caps.

Apple Pectin

Chlorella Powder

St. John's Wort Oil "EXTRACT"

Omega 396 Oils… .as per bottle directions. Just start and try to stay as close to schedule

with this detox the key is to stay with it. You will see clear results in 2 weeks.

Alkaline Diet


Fast if possible or eat as little and light as possible and only as needed.

Kidney Support http://www.medherb.com/Therapeutics/Urinary_-_Kidney_Support.htm

Urinary - Kidney support


YouTube - Diuretic action in the kidney


YouTube - **Kidney Filtration (Up Close)


Also… .



Herbal Teas

Lots of pure /clean fluids, etc.

. I have just learned that Phosphorous Saline breaks down the assembly process fully in 8 days.

Vinegar is acidic and breaks down the polymer film on skin. Use in washer with pink or sea

salt. Use Baking Soda internal and for wash… . alkaline also breaks down the polymers and

impedes growth. Essential Oils rubbed on skin dissolves crystals. Hot Baths/Showers/Water

dissolves crystals. Rubbing the skin surface vigorously in a hot shower or will oils will bring

crystals to the skin surface. Pick crystals out of sores once they poke through the skin

surface and create a temporary exit for your body to take the nearby crystals to.Pick off

scabs so more crystalline residue will be used to produce more scabs. (painful but

effective… . Or the crystals plug the pores and can't come out… . use hot water for less

pain.)The body uses local toxin reserves to make scabs and dump toxins that plug the skin

pores. Dissolved crystals melt and form a hard surface in the surface skin layer... this needs

to be washed off frequently, so more residue can come out. 80% of the crystals will be

small jagged crystals like powder glass.. 15% will be sand size ( particles that come from

the skin pores. 5% will be hard crystal slivers that will poke through the skin. This is NOT an

over nite process as once your body sees that it can dump the toxins and not work at storing them… … . more and more will start to be discharged from storage areas.

Heavy Metals Detox Info.

Just ADD these to Detox Heavy Metals Too.

Coconut Milk.. removes heavy metals from the brain and provides good omega oils ect.

Cilantro… steep a buch fresh for tea… removes mercury.

Liver detox diet in Hot News Box at www.theramax.ca




It is CRUCIAL because of the energy shift.

The crystals form in acupuncture points.

Acupuncture points are relay switches in your energy/electrical system.

Acupuncture Meridians are the electrical wires in your body that carry the energy signals.

Crystals absorb and amplify energy. Thoughts are energy.

Firmly reject it in your mind and your actions and you will be free…. It will not have the power to steal what is rightfully yours!


" I reject all the wrong and harm that is being done to me and others. I reject all

harm that is being done to my body…… and my body will expel all the harmful energies and matter.. I will Not be part of it."repeat often, mentally.

If you choose to do nothing about the current situation and world events…Then

you have used your free will and have chosen to accept it….and what comes to


You would have agreed to become part of it and will be saying that it is OK with what they are doing to you, and all of us…..THAT….is FREE WILL!

Speak Up about Chemtrails…. your silence is consent! Heavy Metal Detox Info.

… .."It sounds like truth decay! " Lead, mercury and cadmium exert most of their toxicity by

destroying important proteins, many of which are enzymes, hormones, or cell receptors.

Mercury will attach to sulfur amino acid building blocks in proteins. The sulfur amino acids

are methionine, cysteine, and taurine. Sulfur is present in all proteins. Numerous enzymes

require intact sulfur groups and many are inactivated by mercury.





Chlorophyll also activates the PPAR-receptor on the nucleus of the cell which is .... It is

here, where mercury and other toxic metal attach and disable the cell from ... Mercury is a toxic heavy metal and the chronic health problems ...

http://www.google.ca/#q=heavy metals attach to cell



The Chemtrails are MicroChipping Us with nano technology!

Chemtrails nanotech pathogens and MMS -- yes, we all have parasites


Herbal Gout Treatments and Diet for Crystal Formations in Body

http://www.goutpal.com/uric-acid/uric-acid-crystals/ http://www.agelessherbs.com/GoutNaturalRemedies.html




This different growth patterns were described in the light and frequency manipulations for

polymer formations of tubes and crystals in the docs I sent.Different lights and frequencies

created different growth patterns of the polymers... Via spectrum lights (Street lights are

the same spectrum as sunlight) and they use sunlight to activate psychotropic drugs to

produce a catatonic state.... That is why those drugs make the eyes sensitive to light and they have warning signs of skin sensitivity to sun and burning outside the psych wards)

Via Microwave towers... HAARP... Different frequencies transmitted in different areas...

Different growth patterns.... To avoid mass complaints... and getting caught doing it.

This is it... Everything I sent today is complete in explaining how it is done and what is

happening.... from entering the body to the formation, activation and mutation of the hair growth in the pics

Analysis is complete and correct and substantiated by all the docs provided...

I thank everyone who I spoke to regarding this and now it up to the people with the proper

equipment to take the assembled info and analyze, prove or disprove and find the solution.

Any glitches in the hypothesis or theory... I will be glad to hear input and offer help. But I

AM correct, I am sure so No need to further investigate this... just run the necessary tests to confirm.

Frequency Response. Solution.... is to be determined..

Their documents say that their growth or assembly is near nil between . 001hz and 10hz.

Approx. 8hz is the earth's natural frequency… . ( Jupitor is 528hz and every planet has it

own vibrational frequency.. So does everything else in the universe. Ours is encoded in our

DNA at conception. )… … … Microwave (HAARP) or cell phone towers will likely stimulate growth and assembly of the polymers absorbed.


Over ride the signals with a new signal that is stronger.

528 hz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuG2ILHKj6A

Rife Frequency Generator - explode the crystals?

Chanca Piedra - breaks up kidney stones and crystal formations in the excretion ducts/glands (Crystals in tear ducts/glands)..From personal experience

Oil of Oregano on band-aid on sore ... Frequency of oil is high and draws out the crystals. From personal experience

Heavy metal detox - to clean up cell receptors.

This was described in the light and frequency manipulations for polymer formations of tubes

and crystals in the docs I sent. Different lights and frequencies created different growth

patterns of the polymers...

Via Microwave towers... HAARP... Different frequencies transmitted in different areas... Different growth patterns.... To avoid mass complaints... and getting caught doing it.

I am also an electronics tech... This is real If I can do anything more to help with this...

please let me know. I am just that damn sure that this is it. Maybe the plan is to turn the

people into vegetables/plants...reduce people ... Increase plant life... 2 birds for 1 human!

Now THAT"S Thinking Green, eh?

Copy Write and Disclaimer.

This document was assembled with the published research documents in the nano tech

field, and credit is given to those researchers with links to their information. This researcher

claims Fair Use of others information and research as this document is to be used for Educational Purposes in creative thinking and analysis."


11/19/2011: Csidegal from Rye, Nh replies: "Bryan396 I really enjoyed reading your post.

Opened my mind towards embracing this life in a more mindful manner and brought me a

lot of peace, even amidst your presentaion of the negligent use of new technology and how

they being implemented. Your Mantra brings a bit of peace and hope, and will delight in

trying some of your recommendations for treating this dreadful condition. I modified the

mantra slightly, I hope you think of it as imitation being sincere flattery:

-I reject all the wrong and harm that is being done to me and others.

-I reject all the harm that is being done to my body, and with all my body, mind and soul

will expel all the harmful energies and matter that is forced upon my being. I will not be

apart of it.

I especially appreciate your moving plea for action against these harmful uses and the Morg

monster among us. That we need to act, by letting them know it is not ok. One analogy

immediately came to mind while going over your thoughtful research and that was the word

"rape", because this really is what they are guilty of, with what is being to innocent, knaive

trusting individuals.

Defintion of rape being:

The wanton destruction or spoiling of person, place and/or living/non-living entity.

Scientists, researchers, "informed" government officials are raping us, but why is the big

question. What is it that was so lacking in them that designing and/or implementing these

new technologies, without regard, seems just or right.

For example, Kris Pister' s words about Smart Dust's possible environmental impact says it all,

"A lot of people seem to be worried about environmental impact. Not to worry! Even in my

wildest imagination I don't think that we will ever produce enough Smart Dust to bother

anyone.... If I make a million dust motes, they have a total volume of one liter. Throwing a

liter worth of batteries into the environment is not going to help it, but in the big picture it

probably doesn't make it very high on the list of bad things to do on the planet. "

Also, his comments on "the dark side" of Smart Dust are even more amusing.

- " Yes, personal privacy is getting harder and harder to come by. Yes, you can hype Smart

Dust as being great for big brother "(thank you, new scientist)". Yawn. Every technology

has a dark side - deal with it. [this was my original comment on "darkside" issues, but it

made a lot of people think that we weren't thinking about these issues at all. Not true. ]

-As an engineer, or a scientist, or a hairstylist, everyone needs to evaluate what they do in

terms of its positive and negative effect. If I thought the negatives of working on this

project were larger than or even comparable to the positives, I wouldn't be working on it.

As it turns out, I think that the potential benefits far far outweigh the risks to personal

privacy. "

The link to Kris Pister's statements are found at:


Go to the link, (My view of "sensor networks in 2010") to see some of Kris's and DARPA's innovative uses for Smart Dust.

Gregor Wolbring's article on Smart Dust at Innovation Watch, is really eye opening as to

what this new technology is capable of and how it is being used. And if you have never

heard of New Songdo your in for a treat. Article is found at:


Also, check out DARPA"S site to understand what kind of research our government is investing in.

Thank you Bryan"

10/21/2010: Sable from Springfield, Ma: "Hi Earth Clinic family

I desperately need your help with a mystery parasite. For the past two months or more I

have had symptoms of mite or parasite "invasion"... I use that word because I definitely feel

invaded. Like with Morgellons the Md's dismiss the person as "delusional"; that was the

word the "Skin Doctor" with all the degrees said to me. I went to my doctor and was

ignored and sent to a specialist who barely looked at me and wanted to give me drugs for

the symptoms and not really interested in finding the cause. I surfed the web and could find

nothing until I found a blog with symptoms like mine... Here is an excerpt :

"People are contracting a tiny white insect, arthropod, or parasite from clothing of retail

stores or other people. This pest is neither a mite nor a flea. It's not lice. It looks like fiber

or thread. Yet it's not affiliated with Morgellons or Fibre Disease. Please pay close attention

as I describe the physical attributes and symptoms of this pest. If someone has this pest,

they will see 3 types of White things:

1) tiny round things about the size of a spec of salt; some are a little larger

2) tiny, oblong shaped, things that look like a piece of thread or fiber; varies in length from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long (It grows. ) **It unfolds itself to fly. It crawls also.

3) slightly larger round white things that jump. I see #1 and #2 most often. If someone has this pest, they will have the following physical symptoms:

1) Bites that sting 2) Red skin rashes and/or small red bumps 3) Lighting sensations;

Victims will feel the pest or its eggs lighting on their skin. 4) Optional: Itching

**I don't itch, but another victim has an itching problem.**

This article was from 2006 and my problem started this past summer. So I ask friends from

around the world if this sounds familiar or anything similar can you post your experience. I

think this is new to the US because I have not found much info. I for one have the skin crawling feeling and itchy skin. Any help is welcomed. Thanks, Bev"


10/22/2010: Tommy from North York, On, Canada replies: "Hi Sable,

I know a lady here in Toronto who has the same problem. She went to 5 doctors and all

accused her of being hallucinated. She was afraid to go to other doctor because every time

she went, she got the same answer that there is no such disease and that she has mental

problem. I realized also that the doctors are well trained to cover them self when they don`t

know how to diagnose a disease and turn the ball in our camps by telling us we have mental

problem. I have spoken with people who have Lyme disease and they told me the same

thing. The doctors were accusing them of being mental until the bacteria was found in their

blood. I will give you my email if you need to contact this lady. Thank you."

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11/13/2010: Eve from Augusta, Ga replies: "What did you use for morgellons, because I'm tried of discussion with doctor that think you are crazy."

12/25/2010: Pie10 from Miami, Florida, United States replies: "Hi, I think I have what you

described. I worked in a clothing store and I've seen the insect that you described. Do you

have any more information about this? Where did you read the article? Thank you"

01/30/2011: Jen74 from Waukesha, Wi, Usa replies: "Hello-My 6 yr old son & I Have this

"insect"! It's going on about 10months now. It's horrible. I have tried so many things w/

some help but, still have these things in/on our bodies/house. We both are covered in bites

and sore at times, crawling/biting sensation esp. in our ears and scalp. We also have little

black specks all over our bodies and the house. These things go into the nose and eyes as

well. I have been to several dr's. W/ NO HELP of course "IT'S ALL IN MY HEAD" OR THE

BLACK SPECKS THAT BITE-THEY SAY IT'S DIRT!!! LOL I can take an hour bath w/a shower

etc... Remedies (exfoliating, borax, peroxide, sea salt, etc... ) these black specks are right

back as soon as the skin is dry. They come right out of the skin!!! The adult and/or bigger

one's that fly do seem to be killed or? w/fleaspray... If sprayed ALOT. If you spray flea

spray on hair the are killed and float up to the top of the hair... I don't know what these

things are if anyone has any info. or would like to chat please feel free anytime.. my email is jenfrostman/at/gmail/dot/com"

02/14/2011: Jane Doe from Palo Alto, California, Usa replies: "Hi. I live in California, and

began noticing being bitten on my legs. It was like little pinches. I also got really itchy

rashes. I noticed my clothes had little white "dots" that oddly seemed to be in the same

spot where I would get "pinched".. I could see a small bite, with a tiny bit of blod where I'd

felt it. I tried all sorts of detergents, salt, borax, soaking, boiling, etc. I put some dark blue

sweat pants in a clear plastic bag and days later there would be more white dots. I used to

try using a fabric shaver to get them off. Finally I looked up "cotton mite" on the net and

decided they were bugs coming in from other countries in our textiles... We no longer

bleach cotton... so the bugs can survis I guess??? Anyway, I now wear rayon and other

synthetic pants.... I had to search high and low for synthetic clothing.. I mean not even the

pockets or lining of the waistband.

I also had to start using a really expensive detergent made by Q based solutions, but it does

work. I don't know how long I can afford to use their soap. Its so so expensive... for a short

while, I wore a fashionable plastic raincoat that looked like a dress, along with some cool

shiney rainboots.

I now have lots of synthetic white t shirts I wear underneath things, most of my cotton

clothing is gone... can't trust it.

Also, I never ever ever use the dryer anymore. It just seemed to be worse after drying. I

got a great drying rack, and its helped a lot, too.

Something is terribly wrong, and we must not be intimidated by people who can't believe

it... this is always the pattern for new diseases... HIV folks were initially told they were

crazy. It takes a lot of people complaining about the same thing before it taken seriously...

Its up to us. What diseases have they cured??? Malaria? nope. Asthma? Nope. Erectile

Dysfunction? Yup. Baldness? Yup. Hello????

Nutrition is our friend. So is basic hygene and common sense. I used a colon cleanse that

was diatomacious earth, bentonite clay, psyllium, etc. It took some time but it paid off in

spades. Each time I would pass something strange in my stool I would get more energy. But

I now have a lot of food allergies. I was never allergic to ANYTHING before.....

Here's the scarey part. I was at Trader Joe's grocery a couple days ago buying lavender

plants... I read that lavender and rosemary help deter insects... The checkout clerk started

telling me how the school sent his kids home because they were itching all over and they

think its coming from their new couch. The kids were kept out of school for a week, they got

rid of the couch, but the kids still itch all over and have red bites. These people have no

money to deal with this problem... No health insurance. How many people have this that are in that situation?"

04/14/2011: Jen74 from Waukesha, Wi, Usa replies: "Hi Everyone! Awhile back, there was

an article copied on here"ARTICLES OF INTEREST"... It's about a mysterious new insect that

is contracted through new clothing... We have had this for more than an entire year now...

HELP!!! If anyone has any info... It would be greatly appreciated! jenfrostman(at)gmail(dot)com or a reply on here! Thanks so much!!! Jen"

11/04/2009: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand:


that's the future of nanobots in our vaccines. lol. the swine flu is picnic. wait until they put this stuff in our vaccines for swine flu!"

BORAX AND H202 Ratings:


[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 09/09/2009: Karen from Rochester, New York: "I believe I

have had Morgellons Disease for 23 years....lucky me! Three weeks ago I started taking

1/8th teaspoon Borax (a natural mineral), 1/8th teaspoon 35% Hydrogen Peroxide and 1/2

teaspoon baking soda in a liter of water every day. I drink it slowly throughout the day and

when finished switch to regular water. At first I was breaking out like crazy with itchy welts

on my legs. That's completely cleared. My face continues to break out but the lesions are

not near as bad when I first started. I also use essential oils soap, body balm and herbal

bath. The fibers and black specs come out of the lesions with these products. I highly recommend them.

My question is: I know my cat has this disease. He has lost fur on his legs from licking so much. I fear that he is reinfecting me and I him. Is there anything I can do to help him?


PS: I see you have treatment for dogs and refer folks to the mange borax treatment but

have heard that borax will kill cats. Is this true? Thanks again."


10/22/2011: Amanda from Walla Walla, Wa replies: "Here is my story: I got infested with

this bug over 3 months ago, from my own blanket that I was using and I put it away for 2

months and never touched it, until one day I used it and it started to sting me so bad. It led

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to the huge infestation in my house, stupid me, washed that blanket with the rest of my

clohts next day I activated this huge infestation machin. Anyways, after one month I moved

to another place, sealed everything that I had, I took literally nothing with me. Had a

shower with borax and put new cloths on me, until a day after I realized that was on me

already. I tried ivermectin and others, I am allergic to sulfa antibiotics unfortunately, I think

that would help me. I did not bother to go to the doctors since I heard about morgellons 2

years ago, I knew what was going on. I had this weird worm looking things under my skin,

and the crawl would not stop at all. I supposed they lay eggs in our skin or something.

Anyways, I used borax in showers which helps, sometimes I would feel so unberable that I

would put it in my clohts and wear it like that, it would keep them away for a while. I was

so terrible and close to suicide and helpless untill one day I tried this. I mixed sulfur powder

with vaseline (make sure u are not allergic to that ) and I would wrap my entire body in a

plastic wrap for over night to sleep like that. It helped me so much, I even spent days like

that not going out of home and it calms down al the skin and I think kills them. I am not

sure how long do they take to hatch, but I would cout 7 - 10 days. I was so much better. I

took all the pills possible including antibiotics and I did not feel any difference only skin

application would help me get them out. I was sleep deprived one month in a row before I

started to use sulfur applications on my skin. Now I am so much better, I am almost there I

would say 90% got the off. All my new cloths got easily infested, I do this. To tell you I

moved to a house with no carpet and I seat on plastic chairs only, before getting into my

friend's car I lay plastic bag on it and seat on the plastic bag, then toss it. I do the same in

the office, I dont care, I say I am allergic to cotton of the fabric.

Washing. I put my cloths to soak, I have several buckets I use epsom salt to soak my cloths

in for days. To make it efficent, I took plastic coca cola bottles or detergent bottles for

weights. Put sand in it and it will become heavy. Put it in the bucket with the water and

cloths, keep the cloths like that for days. You can have sepereta buckets for different colors

and towels. Try to have them soaked for 3 days at least and on the last day add detergent.

Try to remember the date of your soaked cloths. By the time you reach the new batch you

will have a new one to wash. Right after I have the cloths washed I put each seperate

pieace of clothing in a seperate ziploc bag (i buy from dollar tree) and I seal it and leave a

bit of space to squeese the air out and then close it tight. All that goes to my drawers.

Sometimes I use latex gloves to touch my new clean laundry. When I take my cloths off, I

immediately put them in the water or seal in a plastic bag until the time comes for that to soak. I have no pieace of clothing left in open air, period and that is the rule.

During the day at work, I have sprays with lavander and peppermint I keep in my bag,

when I feel a slight crawl I go to the bathroom spray myself with that and it calms down. I

bought those products on http://www.thebodyshop-usa.com, expensive stuff and I am

broke, but I need this out of my life. Last night I had to pull out a sealed bag of cloths and

guess it was contaminated, and they spread all over me again, it was 2 days after I was

feeling great and not a single crawl, now I have to kill them again. This seems a never

ending problem, but let me tell you I dont care, if I need to kill them by sitting in a bathtub

for one entire day in epsom salt I will do that, I dont know the circumstances, but I may live

a short life, but a quality life. I know for sure, they dont like peppermint, lavander, sulfur

mixed with vaseline, epsom salt helps a lot. Soaking helps, because it smothers them.

Regarding my landry I am thinking to change my strategy. I am going to keep all my cloths

in water with weights, until the moment comes I will take them out, wash, dry and wear,

fresh. I also bought first aid blanket I use it sometimes to sleep in and I put another blanket

on top not to infest it fast. I sleep on the airmatress and I still have it encased. If you have

any suggestions let me know. I also think that those black specks are the mites themselves,

did anyone see those on the microscope. I think they come out and bite us when they dont like something. I almost have no black specks anymore, one may be per day.

Leisions and rash. I put a pinch of sulfur with vaseline on top of those and seal wth duct tape for a dew days, if you seal well it doesnt come off in the shower.

Sulfur: Be careful you will get very dry skin, try to use good moisturizer right after shower, it will help during the day.

Hope some of my tips help anyone out there to kill these bugs once and for all. Be positive,

it will keep you going and dont give up."

[YEA] "This combination may kill parasites and nano-bugs. Read up on the Curing Dog

Mange page. Also read up on the Borax Home Remedy page."



[YEA] 10/16/2007: Paula from Joshua Tree, Calif.: "Hi, I have a friend who had a bad case

of Morgellons, her arms & legs were covered in bloody looking sores & she told me that

weird threads came out of these sores, she had been to her doctor who didn't have a clue

as to what to do for her. I got interested in colloidal silver after I became allergic to

antibiotics and wondered what on Earth I was going to do the next time I got seriously ill. I

got sick and it was going into my chest , I was coughing all the time & had a very sore

throat, I was frightend, but I went to the health food store & bought a little bottle of silver

and took it and vitamin c about every hour, just a dropper of silver and 1000mg of vitamin

c, in just two days it was gone, before I would be sick for weeks. Later I learned about how

to make it myself with an inexpensive machine see [email protected] and now I

can stop everything before it gets me very ill. I brought some to my friend and she began to

put it on the sores & drink it internally in a few weeks they were healing up and now it is all

gone, she just has white scars wherethe sores were. This stuff will kill over 650 different

pathogens including virus's whereas antibiotics kill only bacteria and only about 30 strains. I

have been taking it for over five years with no ill effects and my friend with the morgellons

has been taking it for 3 years with no side affects except to get rid of the disease."


10/17/2007: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Actually the Morgellon's as they are

loosely called is a synthetic superbugs, which you can peruse at :


A more detailed description in layman's terms on getting rid of this is:


Actually my remedy is to take baking soda to get the urinary pH to 7, plus borax 1/4

teaspoon in one liter of drinking water. It appears that the remedy that is missing to

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completely kill them are the essential oils found to contain sesquiterpenes. The

sesquiterpenes is well known to weaken HDPE, which is a major component breakdown of

Morgellon. The HDPE is a plastic, of high density polyethylene and its fibers can be grown in

a plain glass of petri dishes with no nutrients. Silver colloids seem to limited in a full blown

Morgellon's although I haven't tested this with vitamin C, I do know taking orange oils were

helpful too. Certain other that is helpful against morgellon's Include vetiver, clove oil, cedar

oil, and pine needle oil.

However to completely stop with the open wounds due to Morgellon's (more like a gaping

one) is to raise the urinary pH to 7, such as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day in one half glass of water.

While I have using colloidal silver for over a decade, I haven't yet receive much positive

outcome (perhaps lack of feedback) on the use of colloidal silver alone, and hence I don't

usually use this a a remedy for Morgellon's.

What I can say is copper colloidal plus colloidal silver might be more effective, or even the

addition of a copper peptide (soy sauce and copper chloride solution). However, that

remedy is hard to do and was conveniently set aside, unless people still weren't helped with

the original remedy. If anyone is doing these metallic colloids, all I can say is chromium

made the conditions worse."

10/18/2007: Paula from Joshua Tree, Calif. replies: "It may have to do with the strength of

the silver solution, my friend had a severe case of morgellons and she drank a lot of it every

day,she figured she had nothing to lose, she also sent me an e-mail about some researcher

who used silver with some great success. my friend is on vacation now, when she gets back

I will see if she can send me that e-mail again. I am not a doctor but I know what I saw. I

will also pass on to her your info about the baking soda but she is well now. Thank you so much"

10/21/2007: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Great to hear that colloidal silver and

vitamin C works. The reason for my lack of use in large amounts is that some people

complain to me about the constipation it caused.

The other thing is that a colloidal silver I used that seems to be effective is a colloidal silver

oxide solution.

It is prepared brewing the colloidal silver batch in a 0.5% H2O2. The resultant colloidal

silver will be completely clear white and no yellow. All colloidal silver with the H2O2 won't

cause agyria, since it is a silver oxide colloidal solution. A company patented a tetrasilver

tetrooxide, which were found to be more effective than ordinary silver, due to silver's affinity to oxygen.

However an interesting effect I found is that while it is more effective, it won't cause the

constipation. The reason why colloidal silver is not used, in some areas (except the U.S.) is

the silver (pure from) are relatively difficult to acquire, which discourages some use in other non-U.S. countries.

There was one person who had AIDS used a single I.V. drip using tetrasilver tetrooxide and

was cured of AIDS. It's mentioned in the patent on that too. So my guess is, we can make a

similar analogue of that, just by adding a high peroxide 0.5% concentration of distilled

water during the brewing process of low volt D.C.

The major reason why silver is effectiveness according to NASA is silver molecules has a

very high affinity to oxygen and it is the oxygen that kills most anaerobes. If adding

peroxide during the silver brewing process, this would result in a more effective

antimicrobial properties. I have read that the three most effective antimicrobial metals are

silver, zinc, and magnesium. Perhaps in their salts, or compounds such as silver oxide

colloidal solutions, is what I think in combination would not require to take too large of a

dose that some people might find too much. While copper colloidal is possible it should be

mixed with a zinc colloidal or its appropriate salt where the zinc to copper is something like

4: 1, so that the body won't have the toxicity from copper, as zinc is an antagonist. If a zinc

together with copper, taken together, or even the electrical properties of silver, with the

copper, will result in electrical flows generated by the body's own salt, thus short circuiting

the morgellon's, or perhaps virus. One clear example to prove to you that the body's salt, in

presence of zinc and copper is killing the bacteria is this: get a multimeter, and measure the

volts going through your body where the left hand for example is zinc rod, and the right

hand with copper rod, attached to the multimeter, you will get about a hundred something

volts, and some milliamps. This amount of electricity running in your body of copper or zinc

colloids in the blood serum in presence of the electrolytes as it conducts electricity would be

enough to kill the organism, and given the silver oxide, it will oxidized the microbes too,

which generally all three would cleanse the blood of the microbes. A magnesium citrate in

that form added as a supplements have antimicrobial properties too. Of course borax and

baking soda is one remedy I know of Morgellon's. There are others, but those still needs to

be tested. Hence, I suspect, also the silver acts as an electrodes too much like zinc

electrodes, although in presence of all three this the electrical charges taking advantage of

the body's salt would cause a high electrical potential which killed the morgellon's and other

microbes, much like Bob Beck's device, or Hulda Clark's device, athough this one is done

inside the blood stream, which would be more complete than the use of externally applied electrical appliances.

You can prove to yourself also that a simple sea salt solution, for example, in presence of

zinc/copper, or silver/copper, would generate a electricity of several hundred millivolts and

some milliamps. Theoretically speaking, the electricity potential at that rate would be technically more than sufficient to zap the microbes.

Thank you for your input! Will be most happy if you can provide me more information in the future!"

[BETTER BUT WITH SIDE EFFECTS] 02/27/2010: Djpurity from Oakland, Ca, Usa

replies: "I just got this brand x of colloidal silver from store y. Anyway, it is 96% actively

charged silver, and the smallest particle size ever produced, thus the most surface area

despite being only 10 PPM.

This tincture, I tried when in parking lot for store y. I ride my bike because I live in Oakland

and we have great public transit and bikes are popular. Anyway, by the time I get home,

fibers and blood are leaking out of my face!

I take 5 droppers about 3 times a day, for the last few days. But the toxins of these things

dying inside of me is killing my immune system. I have never felt this bad! My body is

definitely fighting for control.... my immune system is winning! And this is only with using

this product with the hydrosol silver, not hydro-colloidal kind most people think of. Which

makes a difference, imho.

ANYWAY, what I do not understand is that feeling like run down, tired, feverish, swollen

joints (I have reactive arthritis), but after being in bed sick for 3 days, look at my legs, the

worst of the sores is almost completely healed up!

When I took a shower, it really helped. I heard they are attracted to red grapes for wine? I

don't know what or why, but imagine finding a brand z of face peel mask made from merlot

wine red grapes! And this mask always pulls out the skin fibers.

There are silver bandaids and silver gel out on the market, all "new" -- strange timing!

Anyway, if one i truly infected with this disease, you will feel the toxicity of their death. This

is no quick flush out and you're feeling fine. You will have to fight it out. It travels into your

system,e esp blood, and other organs, since the lesions or fibers cause bleeding, they can

enter as well.

My mom and I think the best way to heal is to hit it from all sides. She doesn't have it --

lives on the East Coast, USA, while I live in Oakland, CA, USA (the same city Keiser

Permanente is headquartered and did that useless 2009 study)

She wants me to take cipro to counter infection, due to sores and lesions from where the

fibers and their makers, these black specks.... weird, every fiber always had a black speck

making it. This sounds like science fiction!!! Not this reality. This is current science!

Anyway I am still on day 4 of the purge using just this one product x. It expelled and killed

so much of this so quickly, that now I have these toxic particles and crap in my system that

my immune system is trying to flush out. I am dying of thirst non-stop, and drink and sweat

nonstop. My body is trying to flush this out. Natural but I didn't expect it.

This is why I am sort of suspicious of any of these cures that are posted here that do not

mention the after effects of the immune system having to clean up all that dead waste now

that it's been stopped, killed, whtever.

I say yes to hydrosol silver.. which is very slightly ever so different than colloidal silver,

hrmmm. But this is just me. I am trying my best to get up and shower and use charcoal

soap. These are new on the market too it seems. I found these at the same store y that I

got brand x of the silver. The charcoal sucks things up from the skin, debris, etc, AND it

seems to work well with the silver colloidal soap I also have. Charcoal first, silver next.

Bring it to the surface, kill it.

But to be honest, until I put this silver into my bloodstream, it was just moving the fibers

around my body to use silver gel or silver bandages... they were shooting off branches

under the skin of fiber, to a new location, away from the bandage. So I had to get it in my

blood to kill it.

But there are many parts to this disease. I am dying of thirst as I type this. I think my body

wants to flush it out and it keeps sweating and I just feel horrible but I know my body is

healing, and my immune system is telling me rest while it cleans up. i tried to move around

too much today and ended up back to bed. Can't wait until all these things are flushed out

via sweat, etc."

05/16/2010: Lisa from Spokane, Wa replies: "I had (have) morgellons, all the symptoms

including wierd black fiber growing out of red bump.

I tried topically: H2O2, which burned it black & helped but it returned.

I tried the borax, AVC, NaCO2, with some marginal help.

What really worked was animal wormers, Ivomectin 3gms topical type, increased to 12 mg

daily for a week at the full moon. (bought it in aminal health section of feed store for cattle)

Some symptoms did come back much milder - (all symptoms eventually returned except

the skin fibers), and required repeated treatments, also tried alternating with other animal

wormers to help decrease resistance over time.

Natural cures that seem to also help keep it in check are essential oils, oregano oil, thyme

oil, eucaplytus oil, in a thyme tincture, sipped 2 X a day, about a tsp at a time. also taking

some borax or bksoda for acidity (parasites generate lots of acidic wastes of their own that

need to be eliminated).

I also take a bit of H2O2 at least once a day in some water, and Pot. Iodine a few drops a

day, but these only gave minimal relief to control.

Additionally there seems to be a chlamydal or mycoplasm component that responds to n-

Acetyl Cystene 6 pills 3 times a day, and sulfur pills - MSM or other sulfur suppliment - &

wormwood powder (I grow some & dry the leaves to make a powder for me) 1 TBS 3 X day.

and walnut hull tincture - 1 tsp 3Xday.

but I still need to continue treatments, I will try asprin cure - as I had shingles many years

ago & it still seems to pop up occasionally - hence viral component to my immune

disfunction, and lysine (2000mg)& vit C (few grams) helps to send it into remission but it

returns whenever it can. (20 yrs now). Also need B12 in massive amts (due to chlamydl

inhibiting this) and Iron phoryphroin toxicity, so I treat those also, and noticed some help.

One thing I did notice when I first took some CoQ10 - I could really notice an improvemnt

which eventually wore off... also a symptom of mitrchondra depression of energy - another

Ch. symptom.

I have been vaccinated up to age 35, no jabs for the last 20 years. Also very poor teeth -

heaps of mercury fillings, been working to detox both these problems (cilantro, & herbs, and

all the suppliments to help with this problem)

hoemopathics seem to help - Silcia most effective, I take it as a suppliment, drops or pills,

horsetail tea - (internal & external as baths), 3X , then 6X, then 12X, then 30 X, then back

down to 12X, then 6X, then 3X,... various patterns and occasionally stronger dosage. over

time it is helping to pull out infections & toxins."

12/25/2010: Chel from Ofallon, Mo, Usa replies: "Dearest better but with side effects:

In regards to your use of hydrosol silver, bravo. Your intuition is right on when you say that

the critters are dying off and giving your system too much to do in the way of detoxifying

you. What you are experiencing is known as a Herxheimer reaction. One must take

immediate measures to help the body rid itself of the debris of the dead and dying foreign

invaders. Yes lots of clean water of course, also helpful will be some sort of fiber to absorb

and eliminate toxins from the bowl. Psyllium husks, charcoal, perhaps colemeas, many

items can work for many people.

Also to address the constipation accompanied by the use of silver; because of its ability to

kill hundreds of different organisms it also kills the good flora of the gut, therefore one must

recolonize the colon with probiotics. Please use the silver on an empty stomach in body

temp water so that you will get the best absorption and efficacy in the blood stream. I will

continue to pray for all of us. Thank you for being strong to talk about what is going on. All

the best


12/27/2010: Nan from Madison, Wi replies: "Homeopathic Silica is useful to help with the

clearing out of the body of dead materials... It is a cell cleanser and very useful for this."


09/12/2010: Lsk555 from Atlantic City, Nj: "I am helping a close friend find cures for

morgellons, as shes been dealing with this for months and drs have all told her shes crazy -

so we are going the natural path and have found alot of interesting facts and hope for

complete recovery. We are ordering MMS so that my gf can begin treatment with it, in

hopes of a complete cure. Other than that, she is on a very healthy diet, which includes no

meat and will build up to a completely raw diet - in order to build her immune system up

and aid all of her organs in function. She has noticed a tremendous difference just since

we've changed her diet. Bacteria feeds on sugars, which are in all processed foods in some

form, and parasites feed on bacteria. Elminate the sugars and ure on ur way! Also, she

drinks apple cider vinegar mixed w/water, cayenne, lemon juice, and grade a or b maple

syrup twice a day. Nightly baths with food grade h2o2 and baking soda

And a glass of red wine at night to help her laugh, relax, and sleep. Red wine has antibodies

which boost the immune system.. Plus, the most important part of healing is a good mind

set. This is the first time she's laughed in months :) Use caution of course, and dont over-do

it! We started with colloidal silver drops under the tongue every two hrs but are switching to

the MMS as soon as we get it.

Hope this helps someone! Good luck and many blessings to u all!"


03/07/2011: Kristi from Fairfield, Maine: "Hello,

I was visiting another forum... Believe me, I need all the help I can get! I posted about

night-time tooth pain, and that the pain was just like an ordinary bad one, but instead of

the throbbing, I felt movement, along with the intense pain. I tried gargling with warm salt

water (which used to work well, until I contracted Morgellons, and they got into/behind my

teeth)... I tried hydrogen peroxide swish... Nothing. I read a post, after I'd posted a

question about this, in answer to it. Oh yeah, I'd also mentioned that I have two

compromised wisdom teeth (phobia of dentists), and that I also, receintly, had felt the roof

of my mouth with my tongue, and felt "swirls" of stuff up there, for several days. I had also

been clamping down on a garlic clove at bedtime, and all night, which did help, at first, but

no longer. In answer, I had a reply telling me to gargle with concord grape juice and seltzer

water, to get rid of the "worms" on the roof of my mouth. The poster wrote that I should be

prepared to see some horrifying stuff, but that this was really a good thing. It took me a

couple of days to get to the store; so meanwhile, I brushed my teeth 2-3 times/day with my

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baking soda/sea salt/clove oil mixture, and also added some borax to the mix, for good

measure. For two days, I did this, along with sleeping with a clove of garlic. Before I could

get to the store, two days later, the "worms" on the roof of my mouth started to disappear

on the side that my teeth were bothering me most; then completely disappeared, along with

the night time toothaches. So I started, the second night with the clove of garlic on the

other side, where I have another (not so completely) compromised wisdom tooth, and those

worms disappeared too... and no more toothaches. Meanwhile, I was able to go and

purchase the concord grape juice, but forgot the seltzer water. Even though the "worms" on

the roof of my mouth were almost completely gone, and my toothaches were greatly

releived by now, I decided to gargle/swish with the concord grape juice, anyway, to see if

anything came out when I spit into the toilet. I decided to use vodka in place of the spritzer

water, for some reason... let me tell you... I have done this 3-4 times now at random, and it

is always the same: all kinds of black specks, small worms (look biological, like cooked rice

noodles), red blobs, clear blobs, a few stirophome-looking things, came out. Each time I do

this, I swish hard 20 times, back and forth, spit, then repeat 2-3 more times; and each time

tons of gross worms and black specks come out. I believe the purple grape juice makes the

stuff you spit out a lot more visible, and it seems, also to release them. I don't think "they"

like it. Wow. I do not have a bathtub here, so have not been able to do the soaks that many

claim release tons of crap. I am so glad for this, though... at least I've gotten them to leave

my mouth and teeth alone.

I hope this helps others.

I've decided that "misery doesn't love company", but misery NEEDS company. Love and

Peace and greatest of health...



05/14/2011: Mysticgardener from Plain City, Ohio: "I am still unraveling the mystery of how

my sleep apnea was cured, because even with plenty of Vitamin C, occasionally I know I

have suffered in my sleep because I wake up with a headache. I have more to add which

seems to be a very important part of my protocol. Before my last sleep study which

determined me to be "cured", I had begun drinking cream of tartar in water several times a

day, because I had read that cream of tartar kills candida. And it DID trim down my bloated

stomach. Cream of tartar is a by product of the grape/wine industry. It can be found in any grocery store in the spice section. You can also buy it in bulk at some bulk food stores.

I also practiced swishing grape juice in my mouth for about 3 minutes and then spitting it

out. The second time will bring out more than the first, the third more than the second, etc.

I generally do it about 10 times in one session and it takes me about 30 minutes. I just go

about my business while I'm swishing. Spit it into a white sink or white bowl. Then look at

your tongue and scrape them off your tongue. Yes, really! I bought a tongue scraper for

this. One time the grape juice brought out a thread like fiber that was 2 inches long! You

can read about the grape juice swish at Bariumblues.com. On this site they say if you have

dentures it won't work, because they come out of the roots around your teeth, but I would

think they would still come out of your tongue because apparently they come out of your

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blood stream. If you do this you will be startled by what comes out of your system (blood?).

The first time I did this I spit out a lot of things that actually looked like tiny moths! I swear

they had wings! I spit them into a white bowl and left it for the liquid to evaporate and after

a few days, the "moths" actually crystallized. If you read the posts on this website about

Morgellons, you will understand what I am getting at. I have been doing this from time to

time for several years now. Whatever these things are they seem to reproduce rapidly,

however, I have never again seen any as large as the very first time. Some were so big

they actually got stuck between my teeth! The ones I get now are very small, but there are

lots of them. I don't know if these things are from Morgellons or from Candida. I only know

that it seems that about 2 or 3 weeks after doing this, I start to struggle again in my sleep

and so then I do it again. It is as if these things have reproduced again to the point where

they can congregate in my throat and nasal area at night, blocking my airways! On the

section here about Morgellons, one of the treatments that is recommended is Vitamin C, but

I believe that is only one part of it. I take about one half teaspoon cream of tartar in water

3 times a day. It is bitter, yes, but if you drink it in grape juice you don't taste it. For the

grape juice swish, you may have to try several brands until you find one that works the best

for you. I have been using Welch's concord grape juice. Even some red wines will work,

especially if you add a tiny splash of hydrogen peroxide. However, you will be shocked by

what you see and will want to do it again and again to get rid of all of them, and the

peroxide seems to make the teeth very sensitive for several days, so DON'T overdo this if

using peroxide! Also on the Morgellons section it was stated that these "fibers" hang out in

the feet during the day. That would explain why my feet burn horribly if I drink grape juice

in anything more than very small amounts! It must cause a very rapid die off and too much debris building up in my feet!

On the posts here about ACV for sleep apnea, my guess is that a lot of juices probably draw

these things out, and maybe even alcohol, it is just that the grape juice dyes them so dark

you can see them. I like to be able to see them! As far as weight gain and sleep apnea,

when I was diagnosed I was the thinnest I'd been in over 20 years. I am 5 ft 6 in. And

weighed about 142 lbs at that time. This is an ongoing search for me to solve this mystery

to keep my cure and to help others and I will post more if I think of something else that I

believe has contributed to my cure! Another thing that the cream of tartar does for me, I

have had chronic weeping and tearing of the eyes for 10 years and it stops when I take the

cream of tartar! It seems to me that I don't need to do both the cream of tartar and the

grape juice swish, just one of them. Either the C. of T everyday, or the grape juice swish

every 10 days or so. It may be different for you. You may want to do both until you get the

population of these things under control! We all have to experiment and learn what works

for us. Hope this helps someone!"


04/07/2012: Tierracast from Oroville, California replies: "I liked hearing that there's

something that works for the apnea. Since this has manifested itself snoring loudly is one of

my many new physical problems.

You mentioned how it likes to hang out in your feet during the day.. I recently purchased

one of those ionic foot baths and although it doesn't eliminate them all it does pull out

thousands of the "babies" just like the grape juice or burgundy wine gargle. It seems like

there is NO END to them though, the more I get rid of all the more return to make me pay for doing it.

Another thing I plan to try that I haven't seen anyone else report using is Kombucha Tea. I

just discovered that my neice has had this for years and claims it saved her life and allows

her to be "normal" again. My other neice uses it because it keeps her Roseca under control.

It's a type of fungus you gow for 7 to 9 days in green tea with vinegar and sugar(it's food

source)and supposedly works like both an antioxidant and a probiotic. Will report on the outcome in the future."


04/18/2011: Anna from Fort Lauderdale, Florida: "Hello,

I have had this for almost 2 years now, but I have to say that since I started an alkaline

diet like changing cow milk with almond milk, lowering my sugar intake and taking 2 spoons

of wheat grass powder at night before going to bed, I almost forgot about the crawling stinging, and itching sensation.

I take 1 spirulina pill with a multivitamin in the morning and 1 maca pill just to start my day

and feel full of energy. Maca is great against Morguellons because not only is good for the

inmune system and energy also it gets rid of the pain I used to feel, the stinging sensation.

I take maca 1 or twice a day. Also I lowered my sugar intake, but sometimes I get a few cookies or chocolate during the day with no effects of any kind.

I don't take colloidal silver, MSO, garlic pills, alfalfa or any other stuff I used to take before

when I was desperate looking for something that could give me my normal life back. I don't

see those horrible black dots or hair anymore. Sometimes I even forget that I have this disease and feel that thank God I am living a normal life now."


05/30/2011: Jeanne from Phoenix, Arizona: "I have only had this for a few months. I have

tried tea tree oil, eucalyptis wormwood and oil pulling. Has anyone tried any of these?

Granted I am new at this and have only had it a short time (maybe 4 or 5 months). I

thought I had everything from fleas to bedbugs to scabies and also thought it was in my

head. I've seen the black dots, red oblong things, white things, round things and once I did

see stringlike fibers coming out of one of my toes. The oil pulling seems to be helping along

with about 40 drops of wormwood in about 3 or 4 TBS of water right before I eat anything.

Also staying away from sugar and MSG (which is what I lived on since moving). I recently

moved from cold PA to warm AZ and believe that was the beginning for me. I do believe

staying cleansed and sugar and MSG free helps lots. Thanks for letting me sound and I will

continue to stay tuned."


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05/19/2008: Rathmussen from Montreal, Canada: "MORGELLONS: I've been reading a lot

about this condition because I happened to come across it in a forum. My heart goes out to

all sufferers! I just thought I would add 2 suggested treatments that I came across because

they weren't posted here. One woman said she had great luck with putting digestive

enzymes on the sores, the idea being they will eat through protective proteins surrounding

the infectious organism. Another poster suggested taking sulfur supplements and using it

topically. An interesting piece of information I found is that there is a high incidence of

concurrent Lyme disease with Morgellons, so treating that might help your immune deal

with the skin infection. Two antibiotics were also mentioned (Doxycycline and Rifampin), but

the poster suggested you had to take it for a year or two to clear it up. If I had either of

these conditions and they weren't getting better with other treatments, I think I would try

that chlorine dioxide (MMS) that there is such a buzz about. It's not well tested and it might

not help, but I haven't come across any testimonials that suggest it's actually dangerous in

such small doses. I think I would go batty if I had this! I hope everyone triumphs over this darn thing! Good luck!"


[YEA] 11/29/2007: Linda from Gainesville, FL: "Just some food for thought... I was just

reading over some of the posted material and noticed that salt is making an impact on

Morgellon. There has also been some posted concerns about the toxicity of using salt for an

extended period of time with it's impact on high blood pressure. Just a thought, has anyone

considered that "tissue salts" are what is missing from a 'healthy body'? I don't know this, I

do not have this disease, nor am I in contact with anyone who has this disease, but is

anyone out there willing to try The Twelve Tissue Salts of Dr Schuessler as a substitute for

the table salt that is presently being used? If so, will you post your finding? Just wondering if it would work better... food for thought. Regards!"

EGGS Ratings:


[YEA] 11/05/2008: Nanm from Minneapolis, MN: "Morgies Don't Like These

Just wanted to mention that nothing calms these beasties down like eggs... don't know if it

is the sulphur in eggs but when I eat eggs they go away...it really slows them and takes

away a lot of their power. Unfortunately there are very few foods that they don't like so if I

want to keep them at bay I have to be on a diet of eggs...meat is okay too...lettuce, celery,

not a lot of other things do the job... But Eggs are like magic...try it. I make up a batch of boiled eggs and pop one when I need it...

Don't eat sugar, processed foods, wheat, most foods stick to the foods above for a couple

weeks you will see results. I've soaked in everything, making myself sick w/all those things,

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dried my skin out with so many salt baths I swear I look 10 years older...eggs are healthy, the perfect protein they say."


[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 11/03/2009: Connieishere from Lapeer, Michigan replies:

"Whenever I start to feel 'sick', actually SO tired, and NO MATTER WHAT I HARD I STRY TO

STAY AWAKE, I STILL FALL ASLEEP - I KNOW the 'bugs' are working. So, I start to eat eggs

like they are CANDY! Just a saying, I try not to eat sugar. But . . . they WORK!!! They are

NOT a cure, but they help!


02/04/2010: Angela from Smalltown, Bc replies: "I read somewhere else on this site that

you can cover your dog in mayonnaise to kill mange mites, (for as long as possible) then

rinse with vinegar water. I had mites and tried it on myself. It helped. Not sure if it would

help with Morgellon's, but hey, if eggs help, it might be worth a try. (Pure mayo is just

eggs, oil, and vinegar, you can make it at home or just use any brand) Just a thought anyways. At least it won't hurt you."


04/07/2011: Michael from Houston, Texas: "Morgellons is a bio-electrical organism.

Microscopic evidence shows tiny light emitting organisms.

You can see their electrical nature in these videos;




Because of the electrical nature of these creatures they are resistant to chemicals.

Chemicals have a limited effect because the body is always cleansing itself by eliminating

foreign substances through the liver and bladder. The effectiveness of chemicals is

temporary and mediocre. The reason for the difficulty in finding a cure is that everyone is

trying to fight an electrical problem with chemicals. We must fight these organisms by

attacking their electrical metabolism. Therefore electricity is the logical solution for a cure.

Electrical circuits are affected by electrical signals and magnetism. This effect can be seen in

AM radios or in older TVs when a powerful CB operator is nearby. Interference is caused

affecting their performance. This concept is used by the military to knock out enemy

communications through destructive interference. A very powerful signal is transmitted

which is picked up by the enemy stopping their ability to communicate. The basis for my

theory are established scientific principles of signal propagation. Morgellons lives in a non-

electrical environment, the blood stream. If a very small amount of electrical energy is

introduced into the blood stream, a disruption of the organism's life processes results. The

organism dies and it eliminated out of the body. As a sufferer of Morgellons for eight years, on March 24, 2011 I tested this theory on myself using a device. I am now cured.

Even though I have explained the theory behind the disruption of electrical circuitry and its

relation to this organism, there will always be those that doubt. There will always be those

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that search for a medical miracle from some form of medicine. So far, modern

pharmacology doesn't have the answer. People are suffering needlessly and some are even

dying. This problem is unique so we must think outside of the box by putting away old ideas

which don't work and be willing to accept new concepts if we are to survive. This is a challenge which we cannot lose because our lives depend on it."


05/20/2011: Now123 from Scottsdale, Az, Usa replies: "To: Michael from Texas --

Regarding your Electricity post--

Could you be more specific as to how you used an electrical current for the Mogrellon's/ parasite condition? I agree with your premise and would love further info from you.


annepacur at gmail dot com"

05/26/2011: Dee And Jay from Houston, Tx replies: "My boyfriend is experiencing a lot of

symptoms that looks like it could be morgellons. Everyone we've talked to believe it is in his

head. Every single night, he stays up trying to find ways to cure this or just prove that he is

going through this. I am at a stand-still with solutions right now and we just want to live

normal lives. I don't want this to kill him or our relationship. Your idea about electricity

seems logical to me. I'm sure he'd do anything to be cured from this personal hell he

experiences. Could I have more information about your cure?

dee underscore bee at yahoo dot com"

07/24/2011: Lois from Tampa, Fl. USA replies: "How did you get electricity please let me know I believe in your theory. I am desperate. Lois"

12/14/2011: Jefried from Alameda, Usa replies: "Please give feedback about the device you

created as I agree this is an electrical issue/frequency game. I do energy work and so I

have been giving myself healings by raising and holding my frequency (which seems to

skyrocket the more I consciously let go- they seem to grasp and hold onto

everything/anything). Eventually I zap them. Often jerks and squirming, even very

uncomfortable temp changes ensue before they finally explode. If you try this just

remember to stay with it after the first zap. It's like an astronaut whose space suit gets

punctured. He will lose all function eventually so hold your ground (haha) through the

sqirming. And remember, if he is returned to hospitable environment within a certain

amount time he can regain all function as if it never happened. Often an initial zap is

followed by a larger one- could be another one or just the final, final so to speak. Also, my

vibrator has been the most powerful weapon of all. It zaps them like no other and

something about the frequency of the sexual energy literally destroys them. They still cling

on so consciously relax and let go to get the most bang :). Ideally something even more

powerful exists so the whole day isn't spent meditating and masturbating with intention. I

wish I could hook myself up to a machine and tune out. What about the electrical

treatments they give for mentally ill or clinically depressed people? Any feedback here?

Please- any feedback on your device would be appreciated."


[YEA] 04/30/2008: Jillian from Tampa, Florida: "Skin Parasites-Morgellons: There is a

woman in Florida that has a patented invention for skin care. It is patent US#7060306.

Made with German Chamomile, shea butter, Carrot seed essential oil, Rosewood Essential

oil, Cedarwood Essential oil, no fragrance oils, no chemicals and has helped many with

Morgellons and Psoriasis, eczema. I am a testament to her. Her website is www.espbotanicals.com. The Preservation system has no chemicals, just essential oils."


04/25/2011: Yorkville from Nyc, New York replies: "I'm aware of these products and have

actually spoken to five or more people who use them and they swear they really work.

There's a photo on the front page of the site of before and after of some horrible foot condition this guy has with lesions and scaling all over, really horrible."


02/15/2011: Kristi from Fairfield, Maine: "I was so upset when I wrote my earlier post

today, as one can easily tell by reading it. I was having suicidal thoughts, but I won't kill

myself, and I knew that. So I searched the index in the "Morgellons Cures" section, looking

for ingredients I had here at "home". I saw and read the first or second post involving garlic

and grape seed oil. I searched around for grape seed oil I thought I had someplace, but

couldn't find it. I came up with an idea of my own, anyway:

I peeled all the cloves of a fresh bulb of garlic, then put them into my small food processor,

and they ground up into very tiny bits, just about a paste. I decided to try this as I don't

have a juicer, which the person writing the post did... Anyway, then I added about 4

heaping tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and a splash of olive oil, and blended it all up to a

nice looking cream, although still with tiny, tiny bits of garlic. So I took some and rubbed

my right arm (the one with several lesions) with it. After a few moments, rubbing more,

some black specks came out and I put them in the sink and kept rubbing for awhile. Well,

I've been wondering and agonizing lately as to whether or not I really had this morgellons

syndrome, because, even though I had most of the symtoms for sure, and even though I

had been finding ball-like bundles of soft fiber around the house, I did NOT have any coming

out of my skin. Well, after the procedure above, I didn't have an especially dramatic

experience with all kinds of junk and fibers coming out at once, BUT... I held my arm up to

the window and saw what looked almost like hairs, but longer than my arm hair. I pulled on

the first one I saw, and it kept coming out (weird feeling)... It was 2 or 3 inches long, very

fine and almost transparent against the light from the window. Then I pulled one out maybe

half that size, and definitely RED. I placed it on the notebook paper I use to tape weird stuff

to, trying to get them identified... And it seemed to wiggle a bit, so I wasn't sure I'd be able

to capture it with the tape, but I did. I am now sure I have Morgellons. I am still creeped-

out, worried and afraid. Somehow though, there is a certain sence of relief, knowing. I now

KNOW what I have, as horrifying as it is... But I know I am not alone. God bless this site,

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and all of you. Let us find peace and a cure. Atedinua winston




[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 11/07/2009: Paul from Los Angeles, Ca: "first of all thank you

to this site. As a sufferer of Morgellons for 20 plus years I am truly greatful to the internet

for all the knowledge we inflicted people are going through who have this disease and the

hope we are now being given by all of us taking one step at a time in trial and error usage

of anything and everything on this planet that may be able to cure us one day, which is

more that I can say for the medical community making us feel like idiots because of their

headstrong view points. I often wonder how these morans got their diplomas, perhaps in a raffle.

The dermotologist and Parasitologist community are the worst for being of any helpto a

plight they cannot see clearly or understand. To them if it does not exist in their medical

books then you are crazy, all I can say is they sais the same about AIDS and I have seen

many of these people in 20 years and only 1 tropical medicine doctor cared enough to make

the effort to try and help even thought she did not understand this either. Thanks to

youtube and wedsites like this we are begining to be believed and make a difference.

Anyway enough of all my hurt and pain now comes the good stuff.

In my fight to rid myself of the entity I have nearly killed myself by taking animal

medications and knocking my poor skin to shreads by taking harsh treatments which may

work temporarily but of course these things come right on back in the next hatching period.

I believe the cure is far more simple that this and its staring us in the face and is not meant

to hurt us in the process.

This is what is helping me greatly. A combination of two treatments. 1/ Garlic not just to be

eaten and 2/ Pure Grape seed oil. Method: buy 5 or 6 cloves of garlic about a $1.00, then

hopefully you have a juicer because you are going to juice the garlic not eat the garlic. You

will get a little juice from each whole clove but not much. Juice all cloves and you will have

a small bottle full. Buy a small 2oz bottle that has a dropper in it. The Morgellons entity

seems to be active most at night or stirred up by heat. My main problem area is with my

scalp and facial areas, so I run hot water on my scalp at night to disturb the worms and

bring them to the surface and in an hour or two I am crawling all over my scalp and face

with the movement sensation and on scraping the skin with an instument, under ths skin

scrapings are the worm string hair like objects and black oval shaped objects. Ok, apply the

garlic liquid via the dropper all over the skin on the scalp and face. It will burn like hell for a

bit but remember what you are burning so its ok, nothing can withstand the fire of sulfur.

The liquid is very potent when juiced. (DO NOT DRINK THE LIQUID) because it will kill you

or make you very sorry you did, be carefull also not to get it in your eyes. Ok, after about

30 minutes or so this amazing miracle of nature will change its consistancy and dry as hard

as a rock making you hair rock hard, nothing on the surface can move, (just like Morgellons

sticks to your skin by producing a substance that protects itself and at the same time

sealing itself through the substance to your skin so the worm can start burying into the skin

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and reach the hair folicle which I believe is where it lays its eggs thus you skin protects the

Morgellons from whatever you are using and the hatching cycle will start all over again. Its

a very clever little worm getting your own body to protect its babies along with its own

defensive substance) leave the garlic liquid on the skin and hair about 3 hours then rince off

with warm water and the miracle consistacy will change back from rock hard to liquid again

and easily leave you skin and hair intact. You will have just killed everything that was on

your scalp and surface of the skin for that night and the next couple of days. To repair the

damage from drying out the skin the next evening you will now pour the Grape Seed oil on

the same area scalp and hair and face, or any part of the body that is infected this does

several things. 1/ Softens the skin up from the dryness of the garlic liquid and 2/ the worms

don't do well in oil especially Grape Seed oil which is also a strong bacteria fighter. The

weight of an oil stops them instanly from moving and I believe also kills them from the

content of grape seed. Within the next few days you will have more worms coming through

the skin from the hatching egg cycle from the hair folicles and the only way to break this

cycle is from stopping them from entering your skin to produce babies. So repeat this

procedure garlic Liquid one day Grape Seed Oil the next 2 nights tehn go back to the garlic

liquid. It will really help the cause but as yet not a 100% cure.

I believe I contracted Morgellons from lying down in my back yard on the grass and that

this is a plant based organism or as some believe and man made organism either way its

out there and is no figment of anybody's imagination.

I also have tried the skin penetrator solvent DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide by mixing a few drops

into the garlic and to try and take the garlic through the skin and penetrate the hair folicle

where the eggs are or penetrate the skin of the worm also. I had a few side effects from the

DMSO, nothing bad but I stopped using the solvent for the moment.

Thats what I am using after 20 years of trial and error and life ruining hell and I am

managing to survive and improve. Until there is a cure you have to manage the problem.

the higher the percentage of management the better you will do. We will win the war even if

we loose a few battle on tghe way. No doubt about that. Godbless and I hope this can help


thank you Earth Clinic for the opportunity to post this."


[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 07/21/2010: Djpurity from Berkeley, Ca replies: "I just tried

this in a different way because I have ADHD and sometimes just don't read the entire

information or instructions! I found some pure grape seed oil used for cooking and pored it

on some lesions on my hands and immediately stuff began to come to the surface, mainly

colored fuzzy gunk, and black specks, although sometimes they are connected. Then there

is the white tunneling strange fungus like thing that goes under the skin and can wrap in

spirals around something in the middle - almost like laying eggs or a larvae or who knows.

Whatever it is, it is gross, this whole thing is nasty and gross. Well I enjoyed the grape seed

oil and well lubricated every possible opening, lesion, sore, cut, or wound, especially on my

face. I was able to kill and clear out an unbelievable amount of nasty gunk. I used gloves at

first, because those little black specks are like bugs, they bite and will try to burrow back

into the skin if exposed. Sometimes at first I tried sterilized tweezers to encourage the long

white fungal chains or larvae bodies or worm things whatever they are I have no idea.

When they were dying at first you could actually see them try to tunnel away from the

grape seed oil. So it is important on the face to have the oil surrounding the hair line, chin,

eyes, and mouth to protect it from escaping the face. Also using Sulfur-8 (Sulf-8) hair stuff

with sulfur in it also helps protect the hair from getting too many contaminants in it. That

and some other ethnic products that contain a lot of natural plant oils, essential oils, etc,

which I find that Morgellons do not like oils as a whole as long as they are natural, and they

really do not like essential oils (pure ones). Well after the grapeseed, and then trying to get

out the dead debris, there was some blood, but a lot of stuff kept coming out. Lots of black

specks, tons of them, tons of fuzzballs and then tons of long thick white "roots" that merrily

traverse through the epidermis. I checked up on this again and read about the oil of garlic,

or garlic specifically, and read I did this out of order; Oh well, it worked beautifully. I have

been taking grape seed supplements and garlic oil supplements for about a week now since

I had a relapse of symptoms after being cured for 90 days. Sad to see them come back.

Well I opened a bunch of tthe garlic oil capsules and then using gloved hands again, rubbed

the garlic into the lesions, wounds, afflicted areas, and sure enough even more stuff than

before came out like it was a mass death. I was amazed. So much came out, I saw every

phase of the life cycles. I just wasn't sure what to do with the dead Morgellons things. . .

Leave them in my skin or get them out by pulling or poking or whatever, using oils, other

things, a lot of paper towels. I had some charcoal soap I should have used. And dead sea

salt soap. But I stuck to these two products. The grapeseed oil and the garlic oil both

worked miracles and killed everything in sight. The only problem was all the junk going

down the sink and then the thought of well, even if I clean it all out, I am sure I will be

contaminated again by morning and infected all over again thanks to something on my

clothing or bedding or a backpack or something benign. If only to make this permanent! I

have long been a huge fan of using pure plant oils, essential oils, organics, and also taking

garlic and grape seed supplements. Garlic just makes sense because it makes us taste

funky to whatever is trying to dine on us, like mosquitoes and bugs and such, so why not

these buggers?

I say this is a YES it works, but unless you leave the house naked sealed in protective

clothing never to use any of your old belongings again and move into a sterile new place, you may have a constant fight ahead, otherwise I think you could very well be cured!"

[YEA] 07/23/2010: Djpurity from Berkeley, Ca replies: "I wanted to add to my post about

the grape seed oil and the garlic oil. It seemed that doing the grape seed oil first got a lot

out, then the garlic oil from the garlic 500mg gelcaps opened seemed to get out even more.

Eating the supplements internally helped and every lesion and affected area has gotten

dramatically smaller in just a few days. The thing I wanted to add was the addition of

colloidal silver 12-15 ppm spray, which is meant to take sublingually, orally under the

tongue. Well, after I did the grape seed oil and the garlic and ran out of the garlic, I tried

this colloidal silver spray afterwards on the few areas I thought were affected. Boy was I

surprised! Those "small areas" still contain A LOT of Morgellons parasites! ! ! I noticed that

there are various forms, and one form is very flat, almost transparent, and it lays in rings

under the skin, so flat that one cannot tell it is even there until it dies and peels away. Sort

of like a tapeworm flatness. But the silver added to the grapeseed and garlic seemed to

clean up every remaining spot! Just wanted to add that!"


04/05/2012: Emu Lady from Mcclure, Pa Usa : "I hope to add somethnig that will be of

some benefit through this post to someone suffering with Morgellons. I became aware about

five years ago I had Morgellons through extensive suffering and research. I came to Earth

Clinic many tmes hoping to find anything that might give some relief. You did have some

very good thingsI found here plus things I formulated myself. I liked the Borax information

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connected with Nano. I tried it all as many other sufferers have. I was diligent for three

years and finally after almost gonig on two years I am still in remission. I know it is almost

as if one has died and gone to Hell. I bathed in Habernaros which was horrifyng and I could

not endure long. But since I was an Herbalist for 15 years before I got ill I had a head start.

Natural worked, stay away from processed foods, eat Organic as often as you can. Possible

connection to Lyme so I treated it that way. Parasites seem to be in control, and deefinitely

work on the immune system. I made my own skin cremes whic healed even the scars from

the past. I also stay on a protocol as a maintanance. I never ever want to go back there

again. When I go out in the commnuity I get myself ready so I do not get a back set. Gas

pump handles I use gloves. I try to open doors with my sleeve. I do parasite cleanses and

always will. I believe you must get the head under control. They thrive there and seem to

go from there somewhat. I no longer live in fear because I can feel secure if I do get a back set I can get it under control quickly. "

12/27/2011: Slimpauli from Baltimore, Maryland: "Hi Ted, Was in Bangkok in late march of

2004, and apparently contracted a mycoplasma bathing in a local brothel. I went to at least

a dozen urologists on returning to the states over a 7 year period, and was flabergasted by

the poor care I recieved. Had 1 broad spectrum myco test-neg. The burning and pain from

genital to anus was overwhelming. I read your myco-cure of apple cider vin and alum-free

baking soda and was miraculously cured within 1 week. Frequency of urination went fron

10-12 times a day to 3 or 4 (fairly normal). Picked up morgellons in California in 06, and am

now battling another war. The Borax-Hydro-perxoide and Baking soda is my next protocol.

Your articles and advise are a true Godsend, Get back to you on the efficacy of your morg

treatment. Eternally grateful, Slimpauli."

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