n r I i 0 It I n- l It k I 1 II r c iI fat L I l b 1 C < T H E T YRjcFlflONn f L CLIMAX ii i 4 i J Jr ii < t p i I fOLTJME31 RICHMOND MADISON CJDtJNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY MlRCH L 8 1905 NUMBER 42 I I PHONE 80 IE C WINES DRUG STORE U COR MAIN FIRST m J7 n 7I7F7ImTm I F7I t I ATTENTION t New eustomer- t iJrF i are your our new line of Spring j and Summer goods We are prepared to offer the buyer 5 7fevery advantage of newness quality and economy that a splendidly assortedretail store can present a 95 We solicit your spring tradeon the representation that you T will find it satisfactory and profitable to make your pur 71 Vchases from us t T We carry most anything you can ask for in < i Dry Goods Notions Shoes Hats f j Gents Furnishings fe 4 f i We also carry a complete line of Carpetst Mattings and Rugs R ilif J e guarantee to give t e st quality of goods for the pricethe PRICE always the lowest Call andsee us i + Lackeyalld Hamilton fTUE HUSTLING CASH STORE First and Main hV 71 71 7IF7I7I s 7I7I 7 jF ffi 7 ffi THE ffi CountryI 7r Store 1m + BUY FOR f + c ASH SELL FO- RCASH + I o A f We handle Groceries Queensware Hardware 1 + Woodenware Porcelain and Graniteware l Harness Farm Impliments Wagons Buggies g Road Carts j etc In fact most every article used on farm or in kitchenc 4 CASH PRICE makes ffi iememverour goods very low when compared with the credit system 7w < WE SELL THE + Lynchr ht lad P1oV 71fthe most substantal and easiest running plow 71 N the world Examine and give us your order Fencing Wire Roofingetc Fry our Old Fashioned 7K m Country MeaL CheapF Poultry Eggs Hides dV and Furs Colyer Bros + Phone 237 Main Street + tRICHMOND KY Wi M c 7 I D W TRIBBLE AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE AGENTJI Y iur IltiBiHO u Rat f ctioa 0uaraateed RICHMOND KYj p 1 il New Llrwy Jim E C Million Son annoanee to the public that they have opened a first class livery feed and Kale stable in the old Duncan statid on Irvine street in rear of City Hall Nice new Hgg and I polite attention We wish tobuy SOBW fancy saddle and haraew Iwrses laj OJl Wioa Son 0 10 1C lti I M I WHY IT SUCCEEDS Because Its For One ThingS Only and Richmond Learning it Nothing can be good for everything Doing one thing brings success DoanV Kidney Pills do one thise only They cure backacheevery kidney- ill Here is evidence to prove Its Elsworth Blackburn carpenter of ersaiIte says Some few years 0 I was employed in a freight house the nature of my work being on y feet so much of the time and doing so much heavy lifting the doctor told me was the cause of my kidney trouble After leaving this position I went to work Hi a tobacco factory which did not seem to be any better for me as the dust from the tobacco made the trouble still worse The aching acres the email of my backWMsosevere that could hardly stoop or Btraghten and the secretions from the kidneys werf not freo enough in action were discol red and at times painful I learned of Doanfl Kidney Pills and procured a box They helped me right from the start and I kept on with the treatment until I was well the aching ceased and the urinary trouble was ccrrtcted J valuaI ¬ Plenty more proof like this from Richmond people Call at B L Mid drug store and ask what his customers report For sale bv all dealers Price Wc osterMilburn Co Buffalo N Y sole I agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other mch MMIIQ NBR ALB Mary Gentry < c Pif again- stNancyToddc I Dft Notice of Sale in Equity By virtue of a Judgment and Order of Sale ot the Madison Circuit Gjurt eid red at the February Term thereof iiitj in the nhove style cause the un aerbtgned will onV Wednesday Mch J5 1005 between the hours of 10 oclock pcmisltIill pope to Public Sale to the hIghest nud best bidder the following described property viz A Certain Tractor Parcel of Land conuhKy ¬ posed to be about 18 acres be the same more or less part of the tract that Jos tIon meeting house to Richmond All that theline tine Tudor at a small black ash tree mark as a side line running to a black oak Peter Taylors original n with corner ot his thousand acre survey now thitline ijtagnors toa stake wIth mulberry pointer close to the road corner of tillitcomls road at Valentino Tailor where the small black oak is marked UK So side lauilealdColllusboaldt of the road Said laud in sold for dis ¬ tributionV TERMSSale will be made on a creditolaix months The purchaser will be required to give T ond with ap- proved ¬ security fur the payment of the pnrchase money to have the force and siTed of a Judgment bearing legal in tereet from day of sue with a Lien reo sMVKd upon Mid propertyVanilal the fHlftitMe wonny ia pRidEP050551011 ivf imld tan will bsgiveeiaemtipsjsnri- with the rJll61oluldlllll ft H THOBKE iCiiC J < gej II 1II 1 fi FRANCHISE VALUES State eSS1ment oard of xed the franchise value of the rail ¬ I roads in Kentucky as follows Louis ¬ ville Nashville 11032400 Illinois Central 5536400 Chesapeafio Ohio 4272440 Cincinnati New Or- leans Texas Pacific 36011816 Southern Railway Co In Kentucky fl4o330 Mobile Ohio Louisville Henderson St 951071I 742400 Ashland Coal and way Co 620300 Nashville nooga St Louis 345730 Lexing ¬ ton Eastern Railway Co 84ji683 LouisvUe Eastern Railway Co 220000 Camden Interstate railway 156126 Tennessee Central railway 159517 Glasgow Railway Co 66 500 Licking River Railroad Co 11 000 Central Traifer Railway Stor- age Co 4460 Cadiz Railroad Co 14120 TO READJUST RATES The State Railroad Commission Will Take Action Owensboro KyJlarch 3Catt W T Ellis attorney for the local ship- pers made a motion which wan sus- tained before the state railroad com- mission ¬ which has been In session here for the past four days for im In ¬ vestigation of the ownership ot the Louisville Henderson St Louis Railroad Co L J Irwin general freight and passenger agent for the railroad company stated on the stand that he did not know who ownel the controlling interest in the road It is thought that the freight rate Investi- gation ¬ here will result in a readjust- ment of rates all over the state NEW STATEHOUSE Plans For the Structure Have Been Completed Frankfort Ky March 3The hoard of statehouse commissioners hold a meeting at which Architect Frank M Andrews was present He toW the board his pans and specifications were all ready and that advertising for bids for the erection of the new statehouse could begin at once He said It the bids received were accept ¬ able to the board there was no reason why work on the new building could not begin by June 1 The deeds for the Hunt site are In readiness and as soon as the attorney general com- pletes ¬ the examination of the titles the property will be taken over by the state Admits Combine Covington Ky March 3Thet- eno Lake Ice Co of Cincinnati one of a score of Cincinnati and Covington ice companies that were indicted two years ago in this city on charge of forming a trust to regulate Ice prices entered a plea of guilty before the cir- cuit court through its attorneys Tho court assessed a fine of 500 Sues Railway For Damages Paducah Ky March 3J W Hud ¬ on of this city as administrator of the estate of his son Harry has fllel suit at Memphis Tenn agaInst the Illinois Central for 25000 for the death of his son who was an engi- neer and who was kiled some time ago at Millington Tenn a switch be Ing left open Cooney Howell Acquitted Paducah Ky March 3Cooney Howell a white man who shot and killed Harris Freeman a burglar at Grand Rivers Ky was acquitted hv County Judge Thos Evans at Smith land the court holding that he was j ustified in the INewport Weltner the 17yearoM girl who was I accidentally shot by her brother died at her home near Cold Springs TheI fatal 22caliber bullet from a lit rifle penetrated the throat lodgirg In the back of the neck Remains Will Be Cremated Covington Ky March 3Dr Chas- E Ellis 39 died at the home ol his aunt Mrs Wren West Ninth street The deceased had practiced medicine in Covington for 12 years Th1 re- mains ¬ will be cremated at the Ciacln nati crematory Had a Narrow Escape Paducah Ky March 3J R Co bourn assistant manager of the hum ¬ berland Telegraph Co was struct by a street car knocked down and iady bruised but was rescued just in time to prevent the wheels from parsing over him James L Conner Expires Owingsvllle Ky March 3J lnlsI J Conner aged 60 years died few days illness of pneumonia He was for 17 years deputy circuit clfirl of Bath county and was connected with many of the most prominent tarn illcs Death of E J Slattery Louisville Ky March3E J Slat ¬ tery third vice president of the Trav- elers ¬ Protective association die4 un- expectedly ¬ here of pneumonia Mr Slattery celebrated his 43d birthday anniversary only the day before Physicians Wife Sues For Dlvojce Paducah Ky March 3A divorce suit was filed In the circuit court by Mrs Ida Hesslg against Dr JP T tile sig a prominent distiller and phYS- ician ¬ The sum of 8000 alimony Is askedV A water reservoir at Manchester Eng is sinking and the cause if be leved to be coal raining neat It = PEFFERi iNERVIGO RESTORATIVECURI- SIERYQU5 DEBILITY one world Mmlree men irko are Iosg L- aiaatai JIc1 Dee force i men ot ambition enerjrand m icoctljm tUtrusne ot p tct ra OOIL 10 MI1h1a She anC reqw1Ie H llealtll MAI1GeTIIotIfUDCamaloelUWortIi IIRS NCRVICOR MkM drone C > Mmi Cure Ntnroti O ftlHt ftWtrtt Mtmxrr Vital Wuk 4dto Ifalm TieS haalUr Moo Md ncaln waita MJ na = rood gxwon Sooaiet tie L 5OO box Six ta ee poewtMs4 iVU Itpuns LA For sale by E C Wine The best wagoQ mxde tM S de bakeils for sale by U E DtfagJH < Co f 13 St fscXt I 1 sIt0ni1 e04t5WI M1l Iftf Ir f- 1 ul ktl A ywV OJ l j ebIItla RIot1 VVVIti rt T = IIEoer J Two Mifiutes Physicians tell us that all healthyhuman the heart once in every two minutes If this action be ¬ comes irregular the whole bodysuffers Poor health follows poor blood Scotts Emulsion makes the blood pure One reason why SCOTTSEMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood It is partly di- ¬ gested before it enters the stomach a double advan ¬ tage in this Less work for the stomachquicker- and more direct benefits To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos ¬ sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health Scotts Emulsion does just that A change for the better takes place even be ¬ fore you itWe win tend you a sample free Be lure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap¬ per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT It BOWNE Chemiits 409 PearlStNY joeentiand floo All Jrurruu j I CONVERSIONS AT LOUISVILLE Ministers Doubt the ClaimsMade By the Evangelists Louisville Ky March 2At the conclusion of the union revival serv- Ices In Louisville last Sunday the vis ¬ ting evangelists claimed that the number of conversions was 4000 Clergymen have Issued statements some of them caustic attacking the claims of the evangelists One state- ment reads The papers said 4000 Joined the churches the first week there were not 40 The leading evan- gelist ¬ said 1000 Joined the churches last Sunday there were not 100 Rev Dr W P Harvey has this to say Such erroneous statements as were given out tend to prejudice the laity against the ministry and to low ¬ er all clergymen in the opinion of the general public Such matters ought to be met squarely The general committee of the revi- val ¬ composed of local ministers will hold a meeting to correct the allege erroneous impressions given out by the visiting evangelists THE PAWNBROKERS A Charge of Alleged Conspiracy Made Against Them Lexington Ky Feb 28 Meyer Greenburg and O Cohan formerly of Louisville and engaged in a pawnbrok ing business in this city together with Harry Jones waived examination and were held to the grand Jury to answer the charge of obtaining money under false pretense by conspiracy The par ¬ ticular charge made against them is that the pawnbrokers would furnish Jones with a pawn ticket upon an al ¬ leged article of Jewelry said to have been soaked for a stiff sum and that Jones would borrow money on the ticket claiming the article as his own and unable to redeem it A number of prominent citizens say they have been victimized FOR A STATE DEED Kentucky Statehouse Commissioners Met To Prepare New Property I Frankfort Ky Feb 28The state- housec ommlsslonerc held a meeting and directed the owners of the Hunt site property to prepare an abstract o f the title to the property preparatory to giving the state of Kentucky a deed to it at once The commission wilt hold another meeting Thursday which the architect will be present and arrange for a complete and detailed survey of the new grounds The Frankfort city council passed an or dinance providing for the purchase of a strip of ground to widen to 100 feet the street that will face the new state- house DOUBLE WEDDING Child Brides Figure In Marriage Ceremonies S Louisville Ky March 2lva HofrI back 14 years old became the brida of Frankie Crall aged 21 years at the courthOuse Lura Watkins 1C years old who assisted them from Upton Ky accepted the child brides banter to participate in a double mar ¬ riage and with one ceremony Magis ¬ trato Joseph M Keyer Joined the des ¬ tinies of four people for weal or woe The girls met ther lovers while on the way to school They barely hal time to catch a train coming to Louis ville StrikesRocks When youf ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption Pneu monia etc you are lost if you dont get help fn ra Dr Kits New Disco ery for Consumption J W McKin non of Taladetra Springs Ala wriiefl I ha been very 111 with puetimoniii under the care of two electOrs but watt settIng lib better when I began to tnli Dr Kings New Discovery The fir i doeegavn reliefVintlone bottle cured meuril care for sore throat broit hiclit1scoeaghs 1 Trial bottheSfe lin FerSd Nice WtMi iirkstTeet 4128 1Sjjot c ± i j HE OBJECTS TO PLAN I ARGENTINA MAN OPPOSES AL ¬ TEEING BARTHS ORBIT i Says Canadian Astronomer Is Con ¬ templating the Project for Pur pose of Exploring Heavens Dangers Pointed Out London A daring astronomer in Argentina wishes to change the orbit of the earth and as the government of the country shows no inclination to interfere with his plans the ingenious correspondent whose letter is append ¬ ed calls for British Intervention to avert a catastrophe The following is the text of the let ¬ ter as received by a newspaper here Buenos AyresI have no doubt this letter wl I cause great stupor in England where it will find all the at ¬ tention that it deserves A review of Buenos Ayres was publishing a fiction by Mr Adolfo Enrique Antognini which was in brief the following Some astronomers seeing the poor progress of astronomic science due to the great distance that separates the nearest heavenly bodies from the earth which renders null all the Improve- ments ¬ that can be made on telescopic apparatus cetermine tuning advan ¬ tage of the discovery of a Canadian who is a member of the companyto divert the earth from Its normal path with the purpose of exploring the heavens as far as possible This aeIcompanied moving the earth from its orbit is a I beingbut mind to the thing The persistence of this rumor aroused at last some inquietude among the public who although unable to re- alize the magnitude and perils of the scheme owing to their little knowledge of astronomy on reading the publica ¬ tions of the newspapers on the sub ¬ ject were struck with terror and at ¬ tempted to lynch Mr Antoginl The authorities made some investigations and then the rumor was given the lie but I can assure you that the attempt will be made The learned English people can im¬ agine what would be the consequences of such a thing In the opinion of well known astronomers a little deviation of the earth from its regular orbit would be fatal to humanity If it were to be removed within its orbit it would perclpitate Into the sun and if with- out ¬ it it would attract the planet Mars or be attracted by Jupiter with results that every one can imagine As it Is an affair that concerns the 1 Eng1th ¬ aware of this will hasten an energetic Intervention to preventarmre disaste- rs the seem so Indifferent about a thing of such Im ¬ portance For however great for hu- manity ¬ I the value of a better knowledge of Mars or Venus may be it appearsn to me that to put without ¬ sent the human family under danger of complete destruction is too much audacity on the part of these men for whose degenerate and insatiable curi- osity ¬ the whole world does not suffice and who to satisfy their passion for knowledge would dare to oppose Gods will It would be shameful if the endI of the earth and its inhabitants be due to the recklessness of some crazy fellows Those who wish to obtain more in ¬ formation can do so from No 890 Al mirante Brown street where Mr An tognlnl and his companions hold their councils against human well being- I hope that my call to the English people will be successful and that with the help of your important publication it may save humanity from an immeas ¬ urable peril I am sir your most obedient servant LOUISA BELLO FINDS COLD IN FRUIT JAR Little Fortune Is Discovered by Daughter of Frugal Michigan Man in Searching Cupboard Jackson MlchA little over 800 in gold coins stored in to a twoquart fruit can was the find made recently at the residence of the late Eugene Murphy Ha was of a saving disposi ¬ tion and the money was discovered after a daughter was told that he might have gold hidden Murphy in life was consecutively a policeman a police sergeant a police captain and an officer at the Michigan state prison and during his years of service to the city of Jackson and to the state he pursued a frugal policy About ten years ago the county of Jackson borrowed money upon inter ¬ estbearing notes Murphy Invested money and when the county paid him haveling a sum largel in excess of the amount found 800 but sickness In his family probably depleted his swings England Has German Mayor Sheffield England has elected as Its new mayor a German Joseph Jonas who has been German consul there for some time He came to England as a young malt in the capacity of com ¬ mercial traveler In 1870 he establ- ished a business of his own and at present be employs over 1000 work I ers Not Appropriate to Her A negro woman 73 years of age has j just graduated from a New Haven Conn I school She has one big Advantage No- body will be likely to make flippant references to her as a nwset girl grad ¬ uate Examine our elegant display of Carriages Buggies etc before making a purchase We are ceiling vehicles at the lowest possible price Richmond Carriage Works S MldklffProp DD USE MARSfl I BootsShoesRubbersCEt1ustIi1Nt t SatowM E 060005 j UB A Splitting Backache Pains in the back nflloins are the most XHWBon 8yintili kidnny troubles These pail are moetl mused by overwork overwcwlkm awl worrimeBtMealIwomen aliki- amaul4eet to tfceee pafee but relief I quickly oIMaIHdb 1 DeehP- KI4A7 Pi9a Price 36 IalMllOe g7bGx MC4 Ji L Mfcltoxu i U- tiri S 0 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Grand 1 WA f < < < i i > t Spring Summer Textures ze JllSYJee tash5l0re appardever ¬ i withus r March 20 and 21 andI Opportunity for Every Good Dresser Dontforget groaningI Ginghams Impored Shirtings and etc that are stacked and piled mountain high lOur Hamburg and Lace Tables are chuck full of bargains and are attracting a great ofthesplendidnew ies are especially attractive anddurability dateA beenbeen the largest line of Carpets Mattings Linoleum Hugs Lace Curtains Druggets Portiers etc ever are seen iu I this city Get our low prices See the newest things before you buy Trimmings ¬ our low cah prices on all new things and save money ° You are cordially invited to visit us and partake of the many good things we offer W 0 OLDHAM and CO RICHMOND KENTUCKY We purchased our vehicles to sell d it you will only call aiJ get price we will prove this assertion and make of yon an everlasting friend and custo ¬ mer tf S L Miilkiff Prop JEEPOALNOVI075 WEAK HEX CUBED lottMdl Folly LAct or Stractk Drain Uet tt Evrcr ml Ambition Poor it1 r o Pin upxuith Icralu Sent posipAU ul plain vru perM receipt HUMS Bold only baie cuIOS 0 Sad 4trpcipopbiIttrooUtie wwta Ilk ii ii if- s Which is the Cheapest One fireor I burglarymaydeprive valuables vorthanywhere between S10 and 10000 One years rent of a Safe De posit Box costs you 5 Which is the cheapestState Bank TrustCo Richmond Ky New Time lard on L A Commencing Monday Dec 19th noon train for Irvine and afternoon train from Irvine will be discontinuedI until further notice No rival and departure of other trains at Richmond M Hacker Agt il f Gas YEA TBRS j 0 t AyersPills your or beautIful Browner rich black ttI 1io Smoke 10 5m ° oDt t ovWitha It Heater The room is heated quicklyV and cheaply They cost little and being detachchV able can be used in any room J Telephone Orders J Promptly A t Richmond 1 1 c Water and Light Company e rr Rubber Stamps and Pads n Want moustache beard Use Gas satisfactorily Filled IAycrs WJ or llUM1Jt Ii i r FURNITURE l cIg1 i Winter is now approaching and II Is now time for fall > Every housewife wants something new to brighten np the drearydajs that arc soon to come A piece of new Furniture a pretty Picture or a nice Rug We handle all kinds of house furnish ag goods from tho smaiiestpiece up to the massive Bed Room Suite3 Jt i lOur lino of Pictures all kinds ot Curtain Fixtures Fancy Hampers E 1 Rugs a large line of odd Recking Chairs and everything thatVillC r make a home cuzy and comfortableV fCome and Inspect our big stock Special attention is called to ourV Undertaking DeIHr memtws i uITTIZTTT 0 D- L VV J

fOLTJME31 RICHMOND MADISON I iJrF IE C WINES DRUG STORE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069162/1905-03... · n r I i It 0 I n-l It kI 1 II r c I iI fat L l b 1 C < THE T YRjcFlflONn

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Page 1: fOLTJME31 RICHMOND MADISON I iJrF IE C WINES DRUG STORE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069162/1905-03... · n r I i It 0 I n-l It kI 1 II r c I iI fat L l b 1 C < THE T YRjcFlflONn

n r I i0It I


l It kI 1



iI fat LI l

b 1


YRjcFlflONnf L CLIMAX iii



ii < t





J7n 7I7F7ImTm I F7I t I

ATTENTIONt New eustomer-t iJrFi are your our new line of Spring

j and Summer goods We are prepared to offer the buyer 5

7fevery advantage of newness quality and economy that asplendidly assortedretail store can presenta

95 We solicit your spring tradeon the representation that youT will find it satisfactory and profitable to make your pur 71Vchases from us tT We carry most anything you can ask for in


iDry Goods NotionsShoes Hats f

j Gents Furnishingsfe 4 fi We also carry a complete line of Carpetst Mattings and Rugs RilifJ e guarantee to give t e st quality of goods for the

pricethe PRICE always the lowest Call andsee usi +

Lackeyalld HamiltonfTUE HUSTLING CASH STORE First and Main


71 71 7IF7I7I s 7I7I 7

jF ffi 7 ffi

THE ffiCountryI7r

Store1m+ BUY FORf





fWe handle Groceries Queensware Hardware 1+ Woodenware Porcelain and Graniteware lHarness Farm Impliments Wagons Buggies gRoad Carts j etc In fact most every articleused on farm or in kitchenc4 CASH PRICE makes ffiiememverour goods very low whencompared with the credit system


Lynchr ht lad P1oV71fthe most substantal and easiest running plow 71N the world Examine and give us your order

Fencing Wire Roofingetc

Fry our Old Fashioned 7Km Country MeaL CheapF

Poultry Eggs Hides

dV and Furs

Colyer Bros+ Phone 237 Main Street +tRICHMOND KY

WiMc 7



Rat f ctioa 0uaraateedRICHMOND KYj



New Llrwy JimE C Million Son annoanee to the

public that they have opened a firstclass livery feed and Kale stable in theold Duncan statid on Irvine street in

rear of City Hall Nice new Hgg andI polite attention We wish tobuy SOBW

fancy saddle and haraew Iwrses

laj OJlWioa Son

0 10

1C ltiI



Because Its For One ThingSOnly and Richmond

Learning itNothing can be good for everythingDoing one thing brings successDoanV Kidney Pills do one thise

onlyThey cure backacheevery kidney-

illHere is evidence to proveItsElsworth Blackburn carpenter ofersaiIte says Some few years0 I was employed in a freight house

the nature of my work being ony feet so much of the time and doing

so much heavy lifting the doctor toldme was the cause of my kidney troubleAfter leaving this position I went towork Hi a tobacco factory which didnot seem to be any better for me as thedust from the tobacco made thetrouble still worse The aching acresthe email of my backWMsosevere that

could hardly stoop or Btraghten andthe secretions from the kidneys werfnot freo enough in action were discol

red and at times painful I learned ofDoanfl Kidney Pills and procured abox They helped me right from thestart and I kept on with the treatmentuntil I was well the aching ceased andthe urinary trouble was ccrrtcted JvaluaI ¬

Plenty more proof like this fromRichmond people Call at B L Mid

drug store and ask what hiscustomers report

For sale bv all dealers Price WcosterMilburn Co Buffalo N Y sole I

agents for the United StatesRemember the name Doans and

take no other mch


Mary Gentry < c Pifagain-


DftNotice of Sale in Equity

By virtue of a Judgment and Orderof Sale ot the Madison Circuit Gjurteid red at the February Term thereofiiitj in the nhove style cause the un

aerbtgned will onVWednesday Mch J51005 between the hours of 10 oclockpcmisltIillpope to Public Sale to the hIghest nudbest bidder the following describedproperty viz

A Certain Tractor Parcelof Land

conuhKy ¬

posed to be about 18 acres be the samemore or less part of the tract that JostIonmeeting house to Richmond All thatthelinetine Tudor at a small black ash treemark as a side line running to a blackoak Peter Taylors original n withcorner ot his thousand acre survey nowthitlineijtagnors toa stake wIth mulberrypointer close to the road corner oftillitcomlsroad at Valentino Tailor where thesmall black oak is marked UK So sidelauilealdColllusboaldtof the road Said laud in sold for dis¬tributionV

TERMSSale will be made on acreditolaix months The purchaserwill be required to give T ond with ap-proved

¬security fur the payment of the

pnrchase money to have the force andsiTed of a Judgment bearing legal intereet from day of sue with a Lien reosMVKd upon Mid propertyVanilal thefHlftitMe wonny ia pRidEP050551011ivf imld tan will bsgiveeiaemtipsjsnri-with the rJll61oluldlllll

ft H THOBKE iCiiC J< gejII

1II1 fi



eSS1mentoard ofxed the franchise value of the rail¬ I

roads in Kentucky as follows Louis ¬

ville Nashville 11032400 IllinoisCentral 5536400 ChesapeafioOhio 4272440 Cincinnati New Or-leans Texas Pacific 36011816Southern Railway Co In Kentuckyfl4o330 Mobile OhioLouisville Henderson St951071I742400 Ashland Coal and

way Co 620300 Nashvillenooga St Louis 345730 Lexing ¬

ton Eastern Railway Co 84ji683LouisvUe Eastern Railway Co

220000 Camden Interstate railway156126 Tennessee Central railway159517 Glasgow Railway Co 66

500 Licking River Railroad Co 11000 Central Traifer Railway Stor-age Co 4460 Cadiz Railroad Co



The State Railroad Commission WillTake Action

Owensboro KyJlarch 3Catt WT Ellis attorney for the local ship-pers made a motion which wan sus-tained before the state railroad com-mission


which has been In sessionhere for the past four days for im In ¬

vestigation of the ownership ot theLouisville Henderson St LouisRailroad Co L J Irwin generalfreight and passenger agent for therailroad company stated on the standthat he did not know who ownel thecontrolling interest in the road It isthought that the freight rate Investi-gation


here will result in a readjust-ment of rates all over the state


Plans For the Structure Have BeenCompleted

Frankfort Ky March 3The hoardof statehouse commissioners hold ameeting at which Architect Frank MAndrews was present He toW theboard his pans and specificationswere all ready and that advertisingfor bids for the erection of the newstatehouse could begin at once Hesaid It the bids received were accept ¬

able to the board there was no reasonwhy work on the new building couldnot begin by June 1 The deeds forthe Hunt site are In readiness and assoon as the attorney general com-pletes


the examination of the titlesthe property will be taken over by thestate

Admits CombineCovington Ky March 3Thet-

eno Lake Ice Co of Cincinnati oneof a score of Cincinnati and Covingtonice companies that were indicted twoyears ago in this city on charge offorming a trust to regulate Ice pricesentered a plea of guilty before the cir-

cuit court through its attorneys Thocourt assessed a fine of 500

Sues Railway For DamagesPaducah Ky March 3J W Hud ¬

on of this city as administrator ofthe estate of his son Harry has fllelsuit at Memphis Tenn agaInst theIllinois Central for 25000 for thedeath of his son who was an engi-

neer and who was kiled some timeago at Millington Tenn a switch beIng left open

Cooney Howell AcquittedPaducah Ky March 3Cooney

Howell a white man who shot andkilled Harris Freeman a burglar atGrand Rivers Ky was acquitted hvCounty Judge Thos Evans at Smithland the court holding that he wasjustified in theINewportWeltner the 17yearoM girl who was

Iaccidentally shot by her brother diedat her home near Cold Springs TheIfatal 22caliber bullet from a lit

rifle penetrated the throat lodgirg Inthe back of the neck

Remains Will Be CrematedCovington Ky March 3Dr Chas-

E Ellis 39 died at the home ol hisaunt Mrs Wren West Ninth streetThe deceased had practiced medicinein Covington for 12 years Th1 re-


will be cremated at the Ciaclnnati crematory

Had a Narrow EscapePaducah Ky March 3J R Co

bourn assistant manager of the hum ¬

berland Telegraph Co was struct bya street car knocked down and iadybruised but was rescued just in timeto prevent the wheels from parsingover him

James L Conner ExpiresOwingsvllle Ky March 3JlnlsIJ Conner aged 60 years died

few days illness of pneumonia Hewas for 17 years deputy circuit clfirlof Bath county and was connectedwith many of the most prominent tarnillcs

Death of E J SlatteryLouisville Ky March3E J Slat¬

tery third vice president of the Trav-elers


Protective association die4 un-


here of pneumonia MrSlattery celebrated his 43d birthdayanniversary only the day before

Physicians Wife Sues For DlvojcePaducah Ky March 3A divorce

suit was filed In the circuit court byMrs Ida Hesslg against Dr JP T tilesig a prominent distiller and phYS-ician


The sum of 8000 alimony Is

askedVA water reservoir at Manchester

Eng is sinking and the cause if beleved to be coal raining neat It



SIERYQU5 DEBILITYone world Mmlree men irko are Iosg L-

aiaatai JIc1 Dee force i men ot ambition enerjrandm icoctljm tUtrusne otp tct ra OOIL

10 MI1h1a She anC reqw1Ie H llealtllMAI1GeTIIotIfUDCamaloelUWortIi

IIRS NCRVICOR MkM drone C > MmiCure Ntnroti O ftlHt ftWtrtt Mtmxrr Vital Wuk4dtoIfalm TieS haalUr Moo Md ncaln waita MJ na= rood gxwon Sooaiet tie L5OO box Six ta ee poewtMs4 iVUItpuns LAFor sale by E C WineThe best wagoQ mxde tM S de

bakeils for sale by U E DtfagJH <

Co f13 St

fscXt I

1 sIt0ni1 e04t5WI M1l Iftf Ir f- 1

ul ktl A ywV OJ l jebIItla RIot1 VVVItirt

T =

IIEoer JTwo Mifiutes

Physicians tell us that all

healthyhumanthe heart once in every twominutes If this action be¬

comes irregular the wholebodysuffers Poor healthfollows poor blood ScottsEmulsion makes the bloodpure One reason why


is such a great aid is becauseit passes so quickly intothe blood It is partly di- ¬

gested before it enters thestomach a double advan ¬

tage in this Less workfor the stomachquicker-and more direct benefitsTo get the greatest amountof good with the least pos¬

sible effort is the desire ofeveryone in poor healthScotts Emulsion does justthat A change for thebetter takes place even be¬

fore youitWe

win tend you asample free

Be lure that thispicture in the form ofa label is on the wrap¬

per of every bottle ofEmulsion you buy



409 PearlStNYjoeentiand floo

All Jrurruuj I


Ministers Doubt the ClaimsMade Bythe Evangelists

Louisville Ky March 2At theconclusion of the union revival serv-Ices In Louisville last Sunday the vis ¬

ting evangelists claimed that thenumber of conversions was 4000Clergymen have Issued statementssome of them caustic attacking theclaims of the evangelists One state-ment reads The papers said 4000Joined the churches the first weekthere were not 40 The leading evan-gelist


said 1000 Joined the churcheslast Sunday there were not 100

Rev Dr W P Harvey has this tosay Such erroneous statements aswere given out tend to prejudice thelaity against the ministry and to low ¬

er all clergymen in the opinion of thegeneral public Such matters oughtto be met squarely

The general committee of the revi-val


composed of local ministers willhold a meeting to correct the allegeerroneous impressions given out bythe visiting evangelists


A Charge of Alleged Conspiracy MadeAgainst Them

Lexington Ky Feb 28 MeyerGreenburg and O Cohan formerly ofLouisville and engaged in a pawnbroking business in this city together withHarry Jones waived examination andwere held to the grand Jury to answerthe charge of obtaining money underfalse pretense by conspiracy The par¬

ticular charge made against them isthat the pawnbrokers would furnishJones with a pawn ticket upon an al ¬

leged article of Jewelry said to havebeen soaked for a stiff sum and thatJones would borrow money on theticket claiming the article as his ownand unable to redeem it A numberof prominent citizens say they havebeen victimized


Kentucky Statehouse CommissionersMet To Prepare New Property I

Frankfort Ky Feb 28The state-housec ommlsslonerc held a meetingand directed the owners of the Huntsite property to prepare an abstract ofthe title to the property preparatoryto giving the state of Kentucky a deedto it at once The commission wilthold another meeting Thursdaywhich the architect will be present andarrange for a complete and detailedsurvey of the new grounds TheFrankfort city council passed an ordinance providing for the purchase ofa strip of ground to widen to 100 feetthe street that will face the new state-house


Child Brides Figure In MarriageCeremonies


Louisville Ky March 2lva HofrIback 14 years old became the bridaof Frankie Crall aged 21 years atthe courthOuse Lura Watkins 1C

years old who assisted them fromUpton Ky accepted the child bridesbanter to participate in a double mar¬

riage and with one ceremony Magis ¬

trato Joseph M Keyer Joined the des ¬

tinies of four people for weal or woeThe girls met ther lovers while on

the way to school They barely haltime to catch a train coming to Louisville

StrikesRocksWhen youf ship of health strikes the

hidden rocks of Consumption Pneumonia etc you are lost if you dontget help fn ra Dr Kits New Discoery for Consumption J W McKinnon of Taladetra Springs Ala wriiefl

I ha been very 111 with puetimoniiiunder the care of two electOrs but wattsettIng lib better when I began to tnliDr Kings New Discovery The fir i

doeegavn reliefVintlone bottle cured

meuril care for sore throat broithiclit1scoeaghs1 Trial bottheSfe lin


Nice WtMi iirkstTeet 41281Sjjotc

± ij




iSays Canadian Astronomer Is Con ¬

templating the Project for Purpose of Exploring Heavens

Dangers Pointed Out

London A daring astronomer inArgentina wishes to change the orbitof the earth and as the governmentof the country shows no inclination tointerfere with his plans the ingeniouscorrespondent whose letter is append ¬

ed calls for British Intervention toavert a catastrophe

The following is the text of the let¬

ter as received by a newspaper hereBuenos AyresI have no doubt

this letter wl I cause great stupor inEngland where it will find all the at¬

tention that it deserves A review ofBuenos Ayres was publishing a fictionby Mr Adolfo Enrique Antogniniwhich was in brief the following

Some astronomers seeing the poorprogress of astronomic science due tothe great distance that separates thenearest heavenly bodies from the earthwhich renders null all the Improve-ments


that can be made on telescopicapparatus cetermine tuning advan ¬

tage of the discovery of a Canadianwho is a member of the companytodivert the earth from Its normal pathwith the purpose of exploring theheavens as far as possible


aeIcompaniedmoving the earth from its orbit is a Ibeingbutmind to the thing

The persistence of this rumoraroused at last some inquietude amongthe public who although unable to re-alize the magnitude and perils of thescheme owing to their little knowledgeof astronomy on reading the publica ¬

tions of the newspapers on the sub¬

ject were struck with terror and at¬

tempted to lynch Mr Antoginl Theauthorities made some investigationsand then the rumor was given the liebut I can assure you that the attemptwill be made

The learned English people can im¬

agine what would be the consequencesof such a thing In the opinion of wellknown astronomers a little deviationof the earth from its regular orbitwould be fatal to humanity If it wereto be removed within its orbit it wouldperclpitate Into the sun and if with-out


it it would attract the planet Marsor be attracted by Jupiter with resultsthat every one can imagine

As it Is an affair that concerns the

1Eng1th ¬

aware of this will hasten an energeticIntervention to preventarmre disaste-rs the seem soIndifferent about a thing of such Im ¬

portance For however great for hu-manity

¬ I

the value of a better knowledgeof Mars or Venus may be it appearsnto me that to put without ¬

sent the human family under dangerof complete destruction is too muchaudacity on the part of these men forwhose degenerate and insatiable curi-osity


the whole world does not sufficeand who to satisfy their passion forknowledge would dare to oppose Godswill It would be shameful if the endIof the earth and its inhabitantsbe due to the recklessness of somecrazy fellows

Those who wish to obtain more in ¬

formation can do so from No 890 Almirante Brown street where Mr Antognlnl and his companions hold theircouncils against human well being-

I hope that my call to the Englishpeople will be successful and that withthe help of your important publicationit may save humanity from an immeas ¬

urable peril I am sir your mostobedient servant



Little Fortune Is Discovered byDaughter of Frugal Michigan

Man in Searching Cupboard

Jackson MlchA little over 800 ingold coins stored in to a twoquartfruit can was the find made recentlyat the residence of the late EugeneMurphy Ha was of a saving disposi ¬

tion and the money was discoveredafter a daughter was told that he mighthave gold hidden

Murphy in life was consecutively apoliceman a police sergeant a policecaptain and an officer at the Michiganstate prison and during his years ofservice to the city of Jackson and tothe state he pursued a frugal policy

About ten years ago the county ofJackson borrowed money upon inter¬

estbearing notes Murphy Investedmoney and when the county paid himhavelinga sum largel in excess of the amountfound 800 but sickness In his familyprobably depleted his swings

England Has German MayorSheffield England has elected as Its

new mayor a German Joseph Jonaswho has been German consul therefor some time He came to Englandas a young malt in the capacity of com ¬

mercial traveler In 1870 he establ-ished a business of his own and atpresent be employs over 1000 work

I ers

Not Appropriate to HerA negro woman 73 years of age has

j just graduated from a New Haven ConnI school She has one big Advantage No-

body will be likely to make flippantreferences to her as a nwset girl grad ¬


Examine our elegant display ofCarriages Buggies etc before makinga purchase We are ceiling vehicles atthe lowest possible price

Richmond Carriage WorksS MldklffProp




t SatowM E 060005 jUB

A Splitting BackachePains in the back nflloins are the

most XHWBon 8yintili kidnnytroubles These pail are moetlmused by overwork overwcwlkmawl worrimeBtMealIwomen aliki-

amaul4eet to tfceee pafee but relief I

quickly oIMaIHdb 1 DeehP-KI4A7 Pi9a Price 36 IalMllOeg7bGx MC4 Ji L

Mfcltoxu i



S 01


<< <i i>t Spring Summer Textures

ze JllSYJee tash5l0reappardever¬ iwithus rMarch 20 and 21andIOpportunity for Every Good DresserDontforgetgroaningIGinghams Impored Shirtings and etc that are stacked and piled mountain high

lOur Hamburg and Lace Tables are chuck full of bargains and are attracting a greatofthesplendidnewies are especially attractiveanddurabilitydateAbeenbeenthe largest line of Carpets Mattings Linoleum Hugs Lace Curtains Druggets Portiers etc everare

seen iu I

this city Get our low prices See the newest things before you buyTrimmings ¬

our low cah prices on all new things and save money°

You are cordially invited to visit us and partake of the many good things we offer

W 0 OLDHAM and CORICHMOND KENTUCKYWe purchased our vehicles to sell

d it you will only call aiJ get pricewe will prove this assertion and makeof yon an everlasting friend and custo ¬

mer tf S L Miilkiff Prop


lottMdl Folly LAct or Stractk Drain Uettt Evrcr ml Ambition Poor it1 r o PinupxuithIcralu Sent posipAU ul plain vru perM receiptHUMS Bold only baiecuIOS 0Sad 4trpcipopbiIttrooUtiewwta Ilk

i i ii if-s

Whichis theCheapest

One fireor I


valuablesvorthanywherebetween S10and 10000

One years rentof a Safe Deposit Box costsyou 5Which is the



Richmond Ky

New Time lard on L A

Commencing Monday Dec 19th

noon train for Irvine and afternoontrain from Irvine will be discontinuedIuntil further notice Norival and departure of other trains atRichmond M Hacker Agt


Gas YEA TBRS j0 t

AyersPillsyour or

beautIful Browner rich black


1io Smoke

10 5m°



HeaterThe room is heated quicklyV

and cheaply Theycost little and being detachchVable can be used in any room J

Telephone Orders JPromptly A

t Richmond 11c Water and Light Companye r r

Rubber Stamps and Pads


Want moustache beardUse




orllUM1Jt Ii ir

FURNITURE lcIg1i Winter is now approaching and II Is now time for fall

> Every housewife wants something new to brighten np the drearydajsthat arc soon to come A piece of new Furniture a pretty Picture ora nice Rug We handle all kinds of house furnish ag goods from thosmaiiestpiece up to the massive Bed Room Suite3 Jt

i lOur lino of Pictures all kinds ot Curtain Fixtures Fancy Hampers E 1Rugs a large line of odd Recking Chairs and everything thatVillC r

make a home cuzy andcomfortableVfCome and Inspect our big stock Special attention is called to ourV

Undertaking DeIHr memtws i