Food for Thought From Paa Nabab

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  • 7/27/2019 Food for Thought From Paa Nabab


    Food for thought from Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn...

    1. We live in a world of Half souls, No souls and Whole souls. The Celtics

    have no souls, people in the West have Half souls and Africans have whole

    souls. People in the West have Half souls because they are all mixed. With

    that you must know that the gate opens at different times, different places,

    depending on different frequencies. And because people in the west have

    half souls they are mixed and therefore are not aware of the different times

    and places and frequencies the gateway opens in them. This is why forces

    are able to ride off of your emotions. You do things that are not natural to

    your Nature, you must be aware of this and control it.

    2. Just recently a Celtic opened fire at the empire state building and killed

    one person and when the shooter turned the gun on the police the police shotand killed the killer, however they also injured 9 bystanders. Their idea of

    gun control is let the police with the Celtic mind have all the guns and

    Negroids have nothing

    3. Mitt Romenys presidential campaigning partner Paul Ryan has already

    messed up with his statements referring to rape as just another method of

    conception, in support with Todd Akins Republican Senate race candidate

    statement "legitimate rape" victims rarely get pregnant and therefore do not

    need abortions. The lepers want President Obama out so bad that they are

    tripping over there own stupidity. Mitt Romenys included Donald Trump

    on his campaign tour, that was another stupid move because Donald trump is

    a gangster and he has pictures with rappers and all kinds of people and

    Romeny is a Morman, so people are like dumb move. All these mistakes are

    like when you were younger and and the inner tube in your tire world bust

    you would just repair the hole , however you can only fix it so many times

    before it has to many repaired holes and its no good, well thats what is

    happening with them and there many mistakes.

    4. Armageddon is right now, Ha is Egiptian for on high mountain. Ma is

    Hebrew for the word from and gadden is Hebrew word for fortune. And it is

    between the North and South, here right now it has started verbally and thanit will escalate. But as Baa Baa told us many times before it has nothing to

    do with black people, and Baa Baa said what did I tell you along time ago

    stay out of the devil way and they will destroy themselves. However

    President Obama is stiking his head in it and the reason why is because he is

    a half soul.

  • 7/27/2019 Food for Thought From Paa Nabab


    5. Now look all of these public shooting, notice how it is the same age

    group, thats because those are the children of the same project, the Montauk

    project, which is series of secret United States government projects

    conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long

    Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques, so

    now they have nothing to do and they are use to killing, just like some of the

    soldiers coming home from war, now they wont have anything to do so they

    too will go back to what they know and that is to kill.

    6. Arabs know now that if they want to target white, people they target

    places like the grand prix, hockey tournaments, and bowling. A dumb move

    a navy seal did was just put a book out on how they got Osama and the

    Arabs will study it and the government is looking at him like why did you

    do that. There are a bunch of Arabs in the military , like the shooting that

    happened in at the Fort Hood Military Base in California, where 13 people

    where killed and 30 were injured, the killer was a Doctor in the Military andhis job was to help the soldiers, by listing to what they went through during

    the war and help them get back into a normal life, so as an Arab he would sit

    and listen to tons of soliders come back and tell of how they rapped man and

    women, killed children, torture people and how they may have enjoyed it

    and couldnt help themselves, so he snapped and walked in the cafeteria

    were a lot of them were and opened fire.

    7. One of Baa Baas past life was that of a person from Rajasthan , that is

    located at the North, West Corner of India bordering Pakistan, and just

    recently there have been many floods their and the reason why is because in

    focusing on Rajasthan Baa Baa caused the floods, he than said oops my bad.

    8. Baa Baa name is Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn

    9. Bayanuu means between us in our Laghagh Nuwaupic and Nanan is

    an endearing term for Muldad.tat mother, Tamas means to pray. Stay tuned

    to to keep up to date with our laghaghnuu our


    10.When a person dies and they are buried they are stuck with the body that

    is why you see a lot of spirits of dead people at the graveyard. Insects eat the

    flesh however the bones stay for centuries, and the bones contain the

    marrow, that produces the blood. Therefore in burying a person they loosetheir density on the spiritual side meaning they are not as strong. There are

    rules for the dead just like there are rules for the living. Like Physical

    anatomy resist physical pressure,when you do things to harm your body that

    is against the rules, for example if you are on a motorcycle and going very

    fast, faster than what your body goes naturally that is against the rules.

    11.To protect your home from spirits you should put a mirror in the window
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    facing outward, therefore the reflection is facing the outside because they

    cannot enter because of the reflection and also they can not enter into salt

    water, so you can also put salt in your doorway. Burning sage weakens and

    draws the spirit out, like if you burn sage and take a picture you will see how

    it burns.

    12.If they the dead go to heaven why go to graveyard to visit them?

    13.Catholic memorial worship came from Eygpt

    14.Again when burying the dead you bind them and they loose density

    and cant move as freely. That is why we criminated our loved ones because

    it releases them, a preserved Egiptian Burial was for re- animation purposes.

    Once cremated we would put their ashes in an Urn and place in a central

    place in our home and put gold dust within the ashes, this is because the gold

    allows for interdimentianal travel and keeping their essence near you. For

    our Elite we make bust of them with their ashes and gold dust and this

    maintains the link. So if we travel we can always keep them with us,however when buried it isnt as easy to take them with you.

    15.Yanuunism is here and a Yanuunist is a person who excepts Yaanuun as

    there saviour.

    16.The letter D is pronounced as d in dud. The haraf that looks like an

    hourglass, for more Overstanding of our pronunciations please go to

    17.Our Flag and some of its colours meanings are as follows, the colour

    black is for supreme blacncemnt, the colour gold is our wealth and fortune,

    and the colour red is for our happiness, pleasure, sex, not blood shed, our

    blood will not be shed anymore. And white is for the sky.

    18.George Washington was killed by vampires, check his death he was

    drained of his blood with marks on his neck, he was overdoing it, he was

    killed in the woods, the Pliadians did it

    19. Most freemasons get killed by vampires, 32 degree dead, 33 degree

    reanimated, during the ritual they drink blood in skull of who they say is

    john the Baptist and this rite promises many things and are afforded

    privileges like being questioned, during last the last election with John Kerry

    a student asked him about the skull and bones society and he was tased and

    dragged out of the open forum, and nobody saidanything like nothing ever happened.

    20. A prince hall Mason cannot become a 33 degree mason prince hall

    masonry was created for 14th amendment citizen who are wards of the state,

    not citizens who are considered equal to white man at that time, like the

    Moors because they are considered Nature free and accepted, Masonry is

    linked to the Pliadians
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    21.Tea party is related to Boston tea party in so far as they are revolting

    against the british government.

    22.One of the guards at the prison made note to Baa Baa that he gets visits

    every week so his family must have a lot o money, Baa Baa responded with

    yeah we are preeeeety rich, so this guy walks buy his cell out of no where

    and tells Baa Baa he does crochet blankents and wanted to know if he would

    like to buy some to send to his family, First off no one let alone this Celtic

    has ever spoken to Baa Baa since he has been there and then when he heres

    he has money he come peddling his crochet blanket. Ofcourse he got a

    classic send off.

    23.Noble drew Ali was native American and was under Marcus Garvey, and

    on the right path until he got a hold of Islam, once he added all of those

    Islamic terms you went right back under their system.

    24.Elijah Muhaamud was half grey

    25.Farad Muhaamud was a fraud, his name isnt even a name of an Araband Baa Baa hired a private investigator to prove it. He was married

    and was a Celtic from Organ had a son who now lives in Fiji.

    26.The Celtics are the Vikings once they ravaged there land they crossed

    over into Babylon and other lands and mixed there seeds and caused chaos.

    Like the people of the Sikh religion the have there prophet hanging on the

    wall in there homes and they have made him white and no one has never

    seen him or how now that have made Buddah and Jesus white and you know

    that must be another Jesus because Jesus said I am alpha and omega so he

    could not have been white, being the


    27. The Olympics are for the gods of Olymipia who are the Anunnaki.

    They watch the games to see what the genes are doing and who will be eaten

    next. Its like having a box of chocolate and squeezing it to see what is on the

    inside. And they see blacks have the strongest DNA we are winning in

    everything even fencing. But the Nazduru said dont touch my people and

    the Annunaki responed with what about the ones who are like the celtics.

    28. Baa Baa noted that after four years of survalince the only evidence they

    claimed to have had was Baa Baa leaving restaurant with people and

    teaching the Bustop dance with sisters and brothers29.Garvey died in 1945 and Baa Baa was born in 1945, our nation is now is

    where Garvey left off.

    30.Baa Baa was going over the different features that are race markers, like

    the jawline, negroid has an upward angle jawline, mongoloid jawline is like

    a rocking curved shape and Caucasoid jawline is a straight line. The ears are

    markers to Celtics dont have earloabs, mongoloids have big earlobes and

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    often time there ears stick out of there head and Negroid ears are close to the

    head and not big with earloabs. Theses markers are just that, people have

    become so mixed.

    31.Half souls recognize these voices are not yours and take control of your


    32.The holy Tablet was an explanation of there expiration, it explained all

    there religions

    33.One time Baa Baa was teaching class and 3 crafts, came into sight for

    everyone to see. At that time Baa Baa told everybody to think come

    closer, the 3 crafts came closer like 100 feet away from everyone, they

    could see the lights on the bottom of the crafts, than Baa Baa waved his hand

    and they just disappeared, showing that is the power of interstellar travel,

    now look at all the people that were there that day and saw that event and

    still left and did what they did.

    34.Religion has expired because when what happens in the bible catches upto what is happening now that means that book has expired. Look at what

    was considered miracles like the Ark of the Covenant it the same thing as a

    cell phone. Or how Chris angel already walked on water, people are

    levitating now. There scripture has been explained therefore it is outdated.

    Its over.

    35.The new era of time is mind communication, would it be nice if we can

    talk mind to mind, I can pull things out of your mind but you cant to me

    because you have all these distractions, interference frequencies

    36.May 1st hell opens up, you must be aware. Half souls are likened unto

    resident frequency to resident evil others in your body besides you. Once

    you open the gate you cannot close it

    37.Baa Baa was taught young that we buy from each other and sell to all

    others, however before a people that has been beat down can do that they

    must uplift themselves first.

    38.In Israel the Jews that are fighting and causing the war are the Zionist not

    the original Jews that were there at first they actually was living in peace

    with the Palestinians. The the original Jews that were there are

    also fighting against the Zionist.

    39.The English language is a cifer, not a language its an illusions, BaaBaa went throught each sould of the alphabet and showed how its a only a

    few real letters and how all the vowels are one letter, A. Masons set this plan

    up with the Pliedians in order to mess up your matrix.

    40.Baa Baa spoke about religion and how it is unfair how they treat women

    when it comes to there dress. Like a women cannot were a short skirt

    because it will show her legs or that she must be fully covered. However a

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    man can ware pants that shows his genital and thats alright.

    41.Baa Baa was commending what the brother Doosua started by connecting

    Africans to there families and how that was such a king act and the power in

    giving. Like money and how Baa Baa always would give it and receive more

    to give more, what other purpose does it have.

    42.Irie means lion

    43.Any man that says believe in or trust in an holy book and doesnt

    speak the orginal language than dont trust them

    44.El shadai and allah are written in the first part of declaration of


    45.We have a cultural dance and the adults will be doing the dance also.

    The Sway

    46.David Bowie is Venisian.

    47.We as Egiptians had a bural ground in the grand canyon, and

    Missippissi River was sailed by Hat Shep Satakh who was half humanand half Amun Rayay.

    48.Ebola is coming to America,

    49.Baa Baa keeps telling us to get lamps, generators, etc, and we are now

    in the storm season.

    50.Why they are burning up west coast and rebuilding the houses with

    lighter materials is because it is unbalanced and they are trying to balance it

    out. Because in NY they build everything up and the building are tall and in

    California all those big houses were built with heavy materials, so when the

    wind blew the tall buildings I Ny and the weight of the material in Ca. it put

    the planet off balance and they hope by buring the houses in Ca. it will cause

    the earth to do a natural wobble. However it too late.

    51.We must be ready for transformation.

    52.A Queen mother in Ghana, Africa sent letter to Obama on behalf of Baa


    53.We legitimize Nuwaupu in the eyes of others with our culture. 54.Speak

    our language and our genetics will change, you will physically change by the

    vibrations and tones used and how your month is shaped and formed to

    speak the words. You can look at other races that speak different laguages

    and see they look different and then you can take those same races andwatch them pick up the American

    tongue and see how they physically change.