For Investment Banking Brochure

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The Right Information For The Right Decisions at the Right TimeIn a fast paced, dynamic, and hypercritical industry, data accuracy and delivery are two key components in a successful investment bank. With the current systemic changes behind how banks do business and the demand for specific data, it is difficult to stay ahead of the competition. However, with S&P Capital IQ, you can compete at the top of the global market.

Our unique data sets and analytical tools streamline your day-to-day workflow and reduce the amount of futile hours searching for sources and confirming data. At S&P Capital IQ, we care about the value behind our deep and expansive financial data sets and the innovative analytical tools to optimize tasks such as generating ideas, modeling financials, researching companies and creating presentations. We also know your success depends on the integrity of the underlying analysis, so we offer the highest-quality information.

Research. Pitch. Execute.From M&A to equity and debt capital markets, S&P Capital IQ can help you deconstruct and reconstruct the numbers, identify trends, and develop well-informed strategic advice.

Stay On Top of Market Economics and ActivityReceive organized and updated news at a moment’s notice for significant industry and company changes in the office or on the road.

¬ Access streaming quotes, news and charts set to a standard or customized coverage universe or watch list

¬ Build targeted email alerts for news and transactions within your target industries and companies

¬ Take S&P Capital IQ on the road with the iPad app

Profile and Research Specific CompaniesFind comprehensive profiles of public and private companies, private equity firms, transactions and professionals.

¬ Get details on a company’s debt profile including capital structure, current Standard & Poor’s and other agencies’ ratings, key credit ratios, credit default swaps, credit indentures and prospectuses

¬ Stay up to date with news, key developments and events for a specified set of companies

Drill Down to Historical Financials and Projected EstimatesAddress all your financial data needs in a single platform with well-sourced financial data and a full list of broker estimate projections.

¬ Analyze financials for companies globally, representing 99% of the world’s market capitalization, as well as financials for more than 590,000 private companies

¬ View industry specific data items across 17 different industries

¬ Fully auditable data with click-through functionality that takes you straight to the source filings for financials and research reports for estimates (available in the Platform and the Excel Plug-in)

You’re always looking for that extra edge— and now you can get it.

We’re helping investment banks around the world work


faster and

smarter to meet their clients’ strategic and financial goals.

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Profile data covers over

60,000 public and

3.5 millionprivate companies

Private capital data includes over

16,000 sponsor firms and

60,000 current portfolio companies

Industry-specific financials cover

16 industries

Build Fast, Accurate and Detailed Financial ModelsQuickly build and manipulate financial models with accurate and transparent financials, market and company data, using our Excel® Plug-In.

¬ Utilize the 130+ investment banking model templates to build and manage your financial models with accurate and transparent financial data

¬ Use “Formula Builder” to quickly and dynamically add S&P Capital IQ data into your spreadsheets and update values in seconds

¬ Tap into our dedicated Excel modeling team to develop customized models

Generate Thoughtful IdeasIntelligently identify comparables, potential buyers, investments, acquisitions, co-investors, lenders and strategic partners with powerful screening and targeting tools.

¬ Use the “Screening” tool to filter through our expansive database of content by specifying qualitative and quantitative criteria resulting in customized lists of companies, transactions, securities, professionals, and key developments

¬ View auto generated lists of trading comparables and transaction comparables with our unique algorithm-based “Quick Comps” and “Transaction Quick Comps”

¬ Access our sophisticated “Find Buyers and Targeting” tool to search historical investments and investment mandates to return a targeted, ranked list of potential buyers based on specified criteria

¬ Filter for bonds based on pricing, covenants, ratings, terms and conditions, as well as issuer financials and company information

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Your day is

fast paced,demanding and

stimulating.Get the extra edge with

S&P Capital IQ.

About S&P Capital IQS&P Capital IQ, a business line of the McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:MHP), is a leading provider of

multi-asset class data, research and analytics to institutional investors, investment and commercial banks, investment advisors and wealth managers, corporations and universities around the world. We provide a broad suite of capabilities designed to help track perfor-mance, generate alpha, identify new trading and investment ideas, and perform risk analysis and mitigation strategies. Through leading desktop solutions such as Capital IQ, Global Credit Portal and MarketScope Advisor desktops; enterprise solutions such as S&P Securi-ties Evaluations, Global Data Solutions, and Compustat; and research offerings including

Leveraged Commentary & Data, Global Market Intelligence, and company and funds research, S&P Capital IQ sharpens financial intelligence into the wisdom today’s investors need.


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