For news and info from across Berrow and Brean and the wider church Dates for your diary Sunday Services this month 12th Sept 9:00am Harvest Service, St Bridget’s Brean 10:00am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Berrow 19th Sept 9:00am Holy Communion, St Bridget’s Brean 10:00am Harvest Service, St Mary’s Berrow 26th Sept 9:00am Morning Praise, St Bridget’s Brean 10:00am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Berrow 3rd Oct 9:00am Holy Communion, St Bridget’s Brean 10:00am Morning Praise, St Mary’s Berrow Night Prayer (on Zoom) Take place every Wednesday at 8:00pm online. Please contact us if you would like to join us. You can access Zoom online or by phone if you prefer. Berrow and Brean Community Cafés and Hubs Every Tuesday 1:00-3:00pm Berrow Village Hall Every Thursday 1:00-3:00pm Brean Village Hall Friday Fun Club (see over) Friday 10th Sept 6:00-7:30pm St Mary’s Church Room Some Thing (see over) Friday 24th Sept 6:30-8:30pm St Mary’s Church Room Advance Notice The monthly Evening Prayer service, Nosh and Natter, Encounters, Julian Group and Bible Meditations will be resuming from the beginning of October. For more information please see the calendar on our website. Dates will be included in our next newsletter. Contact details Revd Jonathan Philpott (Rector) [email protected] 01278 751806 Revd Jo Healey (Assistant Curate) [email protected] 01278 781014 Website www.berrowandbrean.co.uk Dear all, Firstly, thank you to all of you for your patience with and careful following of the guidance that we issued following the lifting of restrictions. It appears that the pace of change seems to be fitting for most people and so we will continue to do our best to make wise and appropriate decisions as we see what happens over the coming months. Rotas have been produced until the end of November now, and the details are on the calendar on the church website. You will see that our harvest services are taking place this month, and there is advance notice of the All Souls service on 31st October and our Remembrance Sunday services on 14th November. We have not yet set the rotas for December as we would like to see how things are a bit nearer the time - so watch this space. I would also like to say a huge thank you to all those who came to my licensing service as Rector on Sunday 5th September. It was lovely to have so many people there, and I know there were others who could not come. Thank you to all those who worked so hard to provide the food and furniture moving after the service. It was a really special day and I look forward to seeing what God is asking of us in the years that lie ahead together. Thank you also to all those who contributed to the very generous gift, and to the lovely and extremely thoughtful book of messages. It was very moving to see what you have shared and it will be a special memento that I can look back at particularly when times feel tough. We really feel loved and valued by you, so thank you. Finally (and this appears over the page in more detail) our love and prayer are with Jo and Sam on Saturday 12th September as we celebrate the first anniversary of their marriage. Hope it will be a fab day. Rev Jonathan Philpott 7th September 2021

For news and info from across Berrow and Brean and the

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Page 1: For news and info from across Berrow and Brean and the

For news and info from across Berrow and Brean and the wider church

Dates for your diary

Sunday Services this month

12th Sept 9:00am Harvest Service, St Bridget’s Brean

10:00am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Berrow

19th Sept 9:00am Holy Communion, St Bridget’s Brean

10:00am Harvest Service, St Mary’s Berrow

26th Sept 9:00am Morning Praise, St Bridget’s Brean

10:00am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Berrow

3rd Oct 9:00am Holy Communion, St Bridget’s Brean

10:00am Morning Praise, St Mary’s Berrow

Night Prayer (on Zoom)

Take place every Wednesday at 8:00pm online. Please

contact us if you would like to join us. You can access Zoom

online or by phone if you prefer.

Berrow and Brean Community Cafés and Hubs

Every Tuesday 1:00-3:00pm Berrow Village Hall

Every Thursday 1:00-3:00pm Brean Village Hall

Friday Fun Club (see over)

Friday 10th Sept 6:00-7:30pm St Mary’s Church Room

Some Thing (see over)

Friday 24th Sept 6:30-8:30pm St Mary’s Church Room

Advance Notice

The monthly Evening Prayer service, Nosh and Natter,

Encounters, Julian Group and Bible Meditations will be

resuming from the beginning of October. For more

information please see the calendar on our website. Dates

will be included in our next newsletter.

Contact details Revd Jonathan Philpott (Rector) [email protected] 01278 751806

Revd Jo Healey (Assistant Curate) [email protected] 01278 781014

Website www.berrowandbrean.co.uk

Dear all,

Firstly, thank you to all of you for your patience with

and careful following of the guidance that we issued

following the lifting of restrictions. It appears that

the pace of change seems to be fitting for most

people and so we will continue to do our best to

make wise and appropriate decisions as we see what

happens over the coming months. Rotas have been

produced until the end of November now, and the

details are on the calendar on the church website.

You will see that our harvest services are taking

place this month, and there is advance notice of the

All Souls service on 31st October and our

Remembrance Sunday services on 14th November.

We have not yet set the rotas for December as we

would like to see how things are a bit nearer the

time - so watch this space.

I would also like to say a huge thank you to all those

who came to my licensing service as Rector on

Sunday 5th September. It was lovely to have so

many people there, and I know there were others

who could not come. Thank you to all those who

worked so hard to provide the food and furniture

moving after the service. It was a really special day

and I look forward to seeing what God is asking of us

in the years that lie ahead together.

Thank you also to all those who contributed to the

very generous gift, and to the lovely and extremely

thoughtful book of messages. It was very moving to

see what you have shared and it will be a special

memento that I can look back at particularly when

times feel tough. We really feel loved and valued by

you, so thank you.

Finally (and this appears over the page in more

detail) our love and prayer are with Jo and Sam on

Saturday 12th September as we celebrate the first

anniversary of their marriage. Hope it will be a fab


Rev Jonathan Philpott

7th September 2021

Page 2: For news and info from across Berrow and Brean and the

Harvest 2021 Our harvest services will be taking place this month. St

Bridget’s service will be on 12th September, and St

Mary’s service will be on 19th September. We will be

collecting produce which will be taken to the Foodbank

as in previous years. Produce should be in tins and

packets please, and funny as it may sound please check

that it is in date! Unfortunately we cannot accept fresh


St Mary’s Car Park Now that we are up and running fairly normally again,

we are in need of a small team to help keep the car park

behind the Church Room tidy and under control. If you

are interested in being involved please see John Hance.

We would particularly love to hear from you if you have

a hedge cutter or a brush cutter as these will help!

For your prayers As you may know, we have a Prayer Diary for Berrow

and Brean, and we would love to encourage you to join

us in praying each day using this as it is a really great

way of being united in our prayers.

Please also pray for the different things that are in this

newsletter, and for the groups that offer people the

chance to grow in their faith. Please also continue to

pray for our community cafe and hubs.

This month, we continue to pray for those leading the

process for the appointment of the new Bishop of Bath

and Wells. The following prayer has been offered for

our use:

God of love, lead us through this time of vacancy.

Guide all those involved in the appointment process,

Give us all ears to listen, eyes to see,

hearts to pray and minds to think,

placing the needs of others before ourselves,

always seeking your will and your kingdom. Amen.

Young People’s Groups starting/re-starting There is nothing like a curious name appearing in a

newsletter or notice to show that groups for young

people are starting/re-starting. On Friday 10th

September at 6:00pm, Fun Club is re-starting after an

absence of nearly 18 months. This is our youth club for

children in school years 4-6. Then, on Friday 24th

September at 6:30pm a new group called “Some Thing”

is starting for young people in school years 7-9. We are

really excited about getting both groups going, and

there are further plans down the line for more provision

for children and young people. More information can

be found on the website and your prayers for these

groups are very much appreciated.

Readings and Collect for 12th Sept (Trinity 15) Lord God, defend your Church from all false teaching

and give to your people knowledge of your truth, that

we may enjoy eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Genesis 45:4-7 Numbers 6:22-27 (St Bridget’s)

James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 (St Mary’s)

Readings for 19th Sept:

James 3:13a-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37 (St Bridget’s)

Genesis 45:4-7 Numbers 6:22-27 (St Mary’s)

Readings for 26th Sept:

James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50

Congratulations On 28th July, the following people attended and passed

the First Aid at Work course - Angela Hope, Bev Vincent,

Della Harrison, Patrick Barber, Jill Davies, Julia Gaunt,

June Jenkins, Marion Hance, Richard Harrison and Verity

Boulger. Well done all, and thank you for being first

aiders for our churches.

Prayer Ministry at St Mary’s

There will be a 'prayer request' box near the prayer

area for you to put your prayer needs in. The

prayer ministry team will collect these each week

and prayer into your requests.

From Sunday 3rd October we will once again offer

face to face prayer ministry after the main service

with the following safety measures:-

• All participants should wear a face covering

unless exempt.

• Chairs will be spaced out for the safety and

protection of the ministry team on duty.

Jo and Sam’s Blessing of Marriage Congratulations to our curate Jo and her husband Sam

on almost reaching their first wedding anniversary.

Although we couldn’t be with them last year, many of us

will be joining them for a blessing of their marriage at St

Mary’s Wedmore on Saturday 12th September. Our

love, thoughts and prayers are with them as they mark

this special day.