FOR SALE & TO LET. Ik T PRIVATE SALE.Th- threes ttj Xm\ hr.rk HOCKE, with St-.'» and 1*A of gronnd i ttm n a* M Chatham-art west aide, between Pearl and Da ata , said hit hemc in size Ü feet by 107 feet in itpttv 1' tTi price, term* and farther nartirularv aj. jet ANTHONY J BLEECE Ek. A . . r jyl lw 7 Brojd-st__ AVALUABLE FACTORY bbbI W\- TKK PBIVILKUK te Leans -A buujB,esnuB tutd well-built Man ifiv-tunisr F.stahluhmen». . Uuaaaair Creek,immediate), adj.aniag Use V.liage of NSW. pVRtiH. Oratite Cuuaty. N V and withinfo'ty rod- I AM of th* H olaon River, bow owned byCBi rB Bliller and Thomsa W. Chrlaie. Ksos T.'ie Fasten B sue has U tu heretofore used aa a Fo indrv and .M Bmp.as a Fib factory aad the manufacture of eotloa u eirhty feet in length by forty Bjet in breadth, and three Sto¬ ries huch above the basement. It has a neve- ., , of water aumeient for any manufart u ring pur;,o*». w itl. 1 privilege to draw water from Orange Lake, and u funusbe] with the necessary water-w heels sad «haftinr T:. now in the' uildinr epinninr frarne« and ma/hinery nearly new. ready for tine, and w hirh ran lie purchaaed at a mode¬ rate;,!,-.. i SIBSrted nrBh the Kar-'o-y are ab >ut ee re li¬ tearris rr I sad, rat Orr* ITennanr hirnrt t~r rt-nn hirh. thirty feet bv forty, with a w,ng attacheal, containing in all eleveu rooms rjea:dethe red r ami kitrhen, well fin¬ ished and in mom order Ala<». two other tenant houses, rommodious aad 10 rood order, one r/>ut.unmr eirht rooms, and cellars rorreauoadinr. Also, a budding used as a work¬ shop Tnere is a fine A: ;>le Orchard and other fruit trees on the premises It is, in all reapeet», a desirable location for maii'ifaciurirur purpiae*. and as a residence and it will he leased to a rood tenant for a term of years at a moderate rent Application to he made to Jaaeos W BetrleceT the Proprietors, at Newburyh or to Y A Loaaatd. IM Hearl- et.New-York my*7 iastl TuRf Ii*OR SALE..A lieai.tlfu] COUNTRY BBHIllKNCK. w .thui nx in as- ires wait of tarn Mew- York and New Haven Railroad station at Mamar me. k, coutaimnr atiout tu acres of superior land, with a (treat va¬ riety of pears, eherne«, and other carden fruits, and in full'view of the Sound The house is 4U feet front, M Rai deep, with kitchen attached, hnished with hard walls, m w- hle manllea. crates, (mm, rarnare house, sheds, ay Pos- sesaion riven immediately Inuuire of N TOMPKIVS 1JI Boaery )«ll liuTuThfcS* FOR SA LE.135 acres of I. V N I), within one mile of the pleasant village of Tariytown. w ith an elerant prospect of Ins Hudson Kimt and surrniridinx country, situated nesr and adtuinine, staae of the most fash- joushie eoaaary rssntsnrsi oa the Revet There is s nue stream of aster running through it. abtast M acres of heavy timber and a rrove ol maple and ash of in bc re- seaHOaif n wtsbiag an elegant countr) reeideaee, tin- sasn a rate uaaortuaMy Terms to - II pa rebaser Apply to BTATR INS &. HINK. Ml Broadway. I^OK SALE.The new and elesntal 3 ja stoiv DW K.I.I.INO Hoi in. 131 AvenoaA, between Ninth mid Tenth st* bneemsnt, ondet cellar sad atlir lloi.se I», feel deep, with a In i it '.1:11 . l.ot St feel i inches front and rear hv 113 fact deep Chs Hos is built in the'beet manner, with all the modern im- proveatenti For further part senlan in«|uireof n MIL- l.EH. »,3 Wa.i it sestlWSeveatb-sl_jy3 iw« IJVIR 8ALE or EXCHANGE for CITY an PROPERTY.t Country Beat iumI farm of TO acres, silua'ed on the Mori « a r-.:ol. at S im-in'. Hi. i shoul Bvc sunnti i wa:k frtmi tl t Di pöt aad M atilei from tow n The place is ahumlaiitl» supplied with fruit and sbruhlieri, and is anaurpnesod for the bennty and aanRkfubtees of the situation Can fbar times a dar from the fis.t of Ciirtbutd-st, Apply to C SCHAEI.KIt. l Nssviu si M story i) I lw* IjtOR SALE.A STORE, GROCERY. Re .and LOTofLand.eliaibli situated im thenriai ipnl street BtfberillMoof Hnntinston,SutPilk Co., I, I be) seen «Im h place and the Citv "t N'i w-York there w daily < i- ¦aastndien by railway and stssmhrrel If not-old prat knit to the ist of Beptembei will be -old si nnhUs ancAioa oa the proaaaeealf o'clock, P.M "i that uoj for terms, ind more particuliir dasenption, inquire of Ii PLATT, H-i Huiitinrtoii, ol y«23ti I w St K A 0A1NRS,71 Nnssnn-st., H V I' i^oK SALE in FLATBUSH.Only i; mill i I'm in Fulton ferry. Brooklyn, ta of Land toaether, having los feel f, ni on Clarason-ai by 2V feet in depth, and ontaiiinu ah ml i n ie«, or the sin» arenas 3ii cit\ lots. One oftaSOl Iota is lud out with Rjaendanuti .1 v. slks, ami; 1.d «itb about MO shade and fruit tn of i hoses varieties, ins latter iaat oonaaainto In aniKS, and manv ornament il ahruhs, runp'ierry and c ir rent bashes, large strawberry bed .. kii The other lot a in etover, and has yielded a heavy eitsn this season There it n new vi ell and pump on the premises, cms- featahs, BOW, sad the whole has been pal m prem nt order liy the oamei with the es.iertation ,.) ho,Mini: thereon for bisowaaei u- pation The henRh and baaatj oi fIntbunh, iteensya eesihiUty frost this city, (omaibusaaa passing each waj som Utaaas a day) render this a rerj favorable onportunitj for Bay one to pun base, aboil neeirous of building s connl 11 n v,,iia,, in aooaveaient hi il a ind aaiatorovuig neigh¬ borhood Will lie sold ,,ii met oininod.ita,:/ terms Apply to A. o WILLCOX, Clnrkson-avenoe, flatbash, u ANTHONY LANE.3j Wall -t N V n«3f K.H BRIDGE..The balance of the Ll i s. rts M to MBoa nag of limb nttansittto, »r« now lortha tir-' time aaVred ton aala Taia propettj atn aled on the Weetchsotst aids "ill irlem Huer, opposite the Eishth avenue on this Islnail The fine on the Rightb- avenue Raitroad, which leads direetl] to these Lots, is to In-but live eeaat for Ihf w hole leiu'h of tin load llavin- a arnR, nuat npoa the Harlem River, Uta property aflbrda sri-Ht ml v sntageo fot boating and ti-him: Ti rms favorable. Ain.lv. I u map- mal other information, to I) B W1NTOR 7lCedai--i cor of Nassau-st ie.'3 Im* TOHE SUBSCRIBER otTen for SÄLE I bei PRESENT RKSIDENI E ia Ihs Borons. BTAaffORD It isaituttedoa in eauaem.terlooh the smtire v lilaue, mid hiss aommandlM »ata of S sreat edent of Lens lalaad Buaad, Thedwettünt-boaso lv^.¦ ston. s nigh, in good rsbair, und ountaass ten annas: nt- tsclied to the hoase are about three iu re» of I Hid, in a hiK.li stage of cnRivatam, on winch maenad ban aad a variety ssTrast traes and saarabhery. It is eoneidsred . of the moat pleasant situnttons in the village, and will beaold reasoaabletenns Apph lo.l xmi's PIERCE, IMRIeei-k ei si at BARAH W LOCKWOOD, on the premises. ', N 2w* rpHE NEW VILLAGE of STRÄT- M TENPORT.siin.ii.d within k nulea ,.| the i'i>. Hal wmil, HwrUaa. -n the Floahina Hat. I BOtad I its Wild fowl, iiiki' 'ind clmiiv. uiih hull a inur irnui I isli n lownril IBM College Point.The Bbovi beautifnl baildiu: saht having aaisa snrveyed and laid oat late msi lots, (Mb IBB Bat,) Bbonl one BBoath, Btaoe which l.there hat been aU.ut half the hnadsspoaad of; ih<. irs < Bason front sll parte, ami poaaagaaatly there art itul a good chines nt nil pnits la be ahtpnnad of, aad al the aaaW-tasntioBsd prices All has shove or east ol l^fayetti si .$71 M All loo betnr, ii Lafnt etle aud lligb «:s .si u All loto between High and Amelia sta ..... Its eu AH l»ls between A.h -t and i 'oil.lire a\ Ml mi All lots between i'..iie .% d the Raj las ou Coraei lots will I». mvarsaall sold at an a.lvan. >. uf SI . aval tin- aljntains lots. The streets aiui even.see me son betna graded An eteaisBsa will i* made every Bnnday until farther n.ti.e fsAeto can be obtained fat FLAMMEB The cm.hi ions of sale ire III enah M the time of par- chase, aial Ihe balance in mou'lilv instalments of MU I'll - pieperl. comprises the hunds inung «ratet privthtgas,ol bull auleutekteat.ei ibrnr«nnt nnparallalsdptasmactsofI u Kasi River, vdlage of Fhishm Netrtown shore, B Island, Morrtsunnv \ a isi, m the novel snectacle >u' the Pallwade K.«-ks and C ii-'.iii MouataiBi to West point, MaaasaiSS se.eial tunes a da., both bv ind and w at B'or uiaps sad evert inf.antaiiun relative theratu nnalt al Hi. isBhssofJ k FLAMMKR, LtWoosU St., two iliMirs Iron, \milv N II 1 tie Vmitv-slreet st ire« BBa« b. ans d..»« evarj ii«.«. nun ilaedanng the daj n i at ryo Ii I IL I) E R S..Fot Sale, with Jl Itaaai to sslvnaos in s Butklinf Loas. a BLOCR Hl 11.HI Nil LOTS, on. n ail lated wiUun at nu- Hutes' distance of the Ktchatire. lueaenting a tine (saporta BBv tarnen of ralsrprtss Iptd) to E MARTIN DALE, I Nassau M , M tSOT] i, I I w * VACANT LtOTS for SALS..Two §4 the best LOTS on BtTSBth at , weat aide, between Twenty-second and I'w. C, Cmdsls two l.tM'S »ii 1'wci.- tjr ae.-,.i ,1 st au.i two on fwentt bis) st seatBsvsnth-av. wMf in.increments in.ikuu and i>> BaBUsdeonUus Ivonne, and in the vh iuhn. render lb i pi ports very aamraMs Ai^ ply to (sat ti t B. W i mEsi Ek, it Wall st I^O LET ..r I.KVSK.An exeelltynl r aCTORY m ll i>lNt; and W * I'KK BOB M auevei lailinr stream, its.ui «S nu!<« fr-m iln« citv. so.t, MB f»i a CsStea or Woolen Factors, \c bat Im li nu ibe Eue Raab.Kid. and 1 from Hie liaison Kuci Rent low AI«... i pod BTORE-HOl'SC ind DWELLING g>sad stand for i CMNItj Mors km been aetaMaihed M yeara. is ueni a popular «nst mill, an.l St a BeaalBtrauaj nli> W .11 N- l.-t reasons'.!.' X-, a «..itable tenant Ap¬ ply to A t* BMI ni N l t.s.ni 21 .. .'$ stTaThxS* f|>t» LET.In Gn.wich ViHase,Con . I a g COTTAQE, with at rounaa, door yard and gai d.a. and regetaldea tixwunt n th s trd.-n Sc'i.s.'s. Cbuicbet. si.hsss ..ml P,»i-Ofti.. ¦. , riinisnssnl It atea egBBstnlaasassearalh fraes the t'.leenwseb lVis>: ua the New Yolk and New -Ha.cu Ka li, .,1 ll arssald be let for two a oaths or mass Rent seven dollars i«sr month In¬ quire Bl VI \MIN PECK, I .. ViUt ol F Is F BECK. Ti Ch illu ii-.-i - a . I^O LET.Tke dwellinn pun of the new HOI SF.S.iaBlr.vk. i s; ..««t-u-.. at and back r.s.m laa Badraaatia taa wrd atot ind front parlor in the sast'.HTi.l >1>'M a Ch b.i. k his, a i. cellar, kc huislie.l a in-sirn »'i !e. vvilh aiai '¦<. n. i.'rls. f rotwi wa't t m the > I slotv, with aanlS ptpe, h< i; lio ... Iba lane. «t..rc. mi- «Irl li e above prenc.se« j.SIt* r|^(> LET..Rocknwny « iitugea, ndjttin- B nar the Maruss PavtWm, Ci ,v. >i,Vi> u liNi its .a IORN H POn bn Es k h 11 Inqeiie NOB IX» I tKlli'l I., at Ro.-k.awa TO LET.A HOI SE, ia BihrmIvi ty, ub town Has been linnvhed f.sr and oc npHsJ naaBra clav« Is.i.vliiw house durmt the :>| \i omu I'hesta- ataei u> ciuuniaialing, and laa and !en.m' the renutamr tetSM »f the leeeewiu S' transtei ie.1. aad. if desired, t ie taiBiiun. aBl aa «nid .at reasonable terns laqu-re .. i hat. las ,.hI,-i e \ . H r|V» LET. Kntit ston of \ - S, 9 hi 7 v" st y ....... ... ,\, i .... Tritnin H- ddia«s T«> I-KT-.v NVt !i *, ..K-h.r-.i HOUSE SSMM Ses-.^a-as^^. Rn<| r., ,llT.th rd-st near v bivson;;.. Vw'-s- * ^/u., LET.. V btaingg|U all,i rjHWNDCirh- * ' ' »'.. >' . . ti is .| ItottHl-v.. .re ol I »-.-.v. M-s-l \(,,, . : HH SKlh.WH S . vk , ,!vs: s SKlii.WHR.Lenot._ 27:: s TEAM POWER te LET_Thn«e hsTBOviVS (»Hl \*\ Jt.>!sf>rl. Wllil S?»»l(Vt PlIWtBf Irtalll raa J Ma f H siM.iNsoN. id u", si <M I \ IILS.. UsjMOrtaa*>Mof'BOON\ i UN i I l NAILSi aval Hi HI Et ll Fl I.I.I is v, 1X1 <«. 3;i.T- Tiiasai . iMOrswnwath-a ( LEA K Y TIN R< >< > PS PA I NT ED ao<i filed foetmec?^.. per f ml with the N*w-J»raey UM- rr-svve tnnt. m.d w arrnted Tr:« Pant 11 well ad ..pi¬ ed for otjt-honses f. nrinr kr Sold f>* 4 n-nU nerpo'ad. mraod ., i»dy for ose OftVe tt3 Spnnr-st n*v Hod»n ¦ill Im*_ KOO FI N G ..GOODWIN'S Patent CEMENT SHEATHING raakea a ah»ap, l.irr.t aal durable roof-done on ronch ;.lani fee t, BOBM .+t t*y.-<m t;n or »Lirurlea. Ji eeata per f< >t. and warranted Otü-e.J« Spnnr -st .near Hudson, jell Im* DI ETZ BROTHERS «fc CO. 134 Wit liam-St New-York. Mar.nfarTurer» of .i.r, ?'.»n'VT of LAMPS ( HANDELlERS f'AMJEI.ABk». GIRAN¬ DOLES. HALL LAN I LhNS. GAS l lXriKES. ha a9 ja. SPECTACLES ami OPTICAL IN¬ STRUMENTS.0>r Glasses hare air-aty hOSS trat I to «o nianv i-erson». tlia« we roerel) mute those ant yet ae- quaint. ', w.tt, ti.cn. to call at o .r institute. 41» Broalw.j jyl m* WALSTEIN 4L BECKEL. O.t.cians «AJIPHENE..Best quality CAM- -VPHENE. f .r sa> hv the barrel, hi jettf DI ETZ. BROTHEB fc CO 131 Wii.i K|m1 DOZ. SCYTHES, Snaths, Forks, . ßVPiJhukf*. B'fl.-s sad Scythe Koaes.foc ertj ar.d roun- fan resale fcn « Je hr C ¦ LITTLE. )e9 In, S3 and 34 Euit..n-st 1JA PER WAREHOUSE..GAUNT A DEBRICKSON. IM Faltoaaad K Ana-st , oSerrbc »nie a larsss asvrtment of wntiruj. wrapping'. hanr/inir. pnn'ina; and sized pn;«rs. at Mnnufii'-"irSIS Best SS pasrr of any kind made to order st the shortest notice. M H- Raa warehouse 1J9 Soutn-at_" dORATES and FENDERS..H. K EL- wJiLY. Grate and Fender Manufactui er. 144) Broosae * three doors west of tnc Bowery. wbstsSSSds a:.! retail A splendid utsortment ¦¦{ Patterns always on hand, and at re¬ duced prices K*M taa* iaJTK\\ ART S Plantagenet Gtwrd RA- b^ ZOHS.The s boeribers msstmns as ree,- ... r supplies of this ei rated hi/or For sale at whuesaJe only by FRANCIS TOM ES fc SONS.« Muden -lane, sole a- r^iUfor C. Stewart fc (V. Ch innr-rroas. London invt .( TV AILS' NAILS" NAILS"'.Kir-- 11 BBBlBjl lirntlfhl an! rut Nails of every variety an,! sire at the manufacturers rerv lowest prices Ear aal» by CHARLESP DICKIE. Itt Chamhers-st near the Hmls. n River Railroad depot. jyl Im* BAKER'S IMPROVED MODE of SETTING BOILERS .Orders will he re<eived for the above, and information furnished as to plan and the sav¬ in k m hieb has been effected in numeroua rr,se« . 10 tf SlILLb.'-AN. ALLEN fc CO Ii A RLE an.l POCKET CUTLERY. A larva assortment of every deacnptioa of tine ai d low-priced Table and Pocket (u'lerv of ttie bites* patterns. direct from ihe manufaotnrers, and for sain low by FRANCES TuMEs a sons. No I Mstdon-laao, Iin)iorters and Dealers in Guns, Hardware and f Gotsla I i't SPIRIT G IS..Beat quality SPIRIT (LAS. for aala by the banal i>v je2tf DIE I/. BROTHER k CO 131 W;llinm-st W CRAWBUCK'S UPHOLSTERY, re o HOUSE and aTaia-Farakshhaj Warsrooms, Mi Grar..l-st New-York, whi le will be fosndaCompleteSS- oortnieiit of tlie followuir Brticles Festhers, h or, is .ss and husk ;,.dsn. beds, mattresses, palliasses and CUshious; also, bsdaaeada of every aaaerlpjtMa, v:/ patent a row. . joint, lock punt, iron screw, rottiu'e and trundle MtS,Re.; also, a splendid variety of paaoT haafiaf, b ir.b rs. Sic Mr C would ( all particular a'ti iition to his Styll a* hail and »iriiiit mattresses. N B Old bods and BsattTCS N renovated and made rjrveroqtia] t.. new, by W CRAWBUCK, IM Orsad-sl servond rlnor jvK Im east of Essei-st. IKON FURNITURE, of elegant pat> terns, from Ronaaoaa and Amern an demaas, plSSali finished or costly ornamented, and aaaaraeiat hat Staads, »Ottoos, chairs, brackets, pacture-frames, bedsteads -i oon ami parlor tables. Be for sale by the PATENT MER¬ CHANDISE CO 240Broadwa .opposite thi Pir* o-it TfaThaR 11 SPHI NO IIA [R MATTRESSES.-Res- spot i - p itenl Bpriaa Man Mattrem BED. maaafb lured "oalyby" R PRINCE k CO at lu7 EultOB-st Broukltn.isa perfes snbstituts tot Psllinasss, H er m it. sad Foatnsr Bod, and will wear " twoatyyears." rhej n ll up. Can be USOd 00 both sides, are made oi SpriagB, pare flair, kc and are entirely Iree from Cotton waste. Tow, Husk, Moss. Hosts Rhatles, or aar otherdeletsnoasarticles, of watch materials the.at of taa Bov Sprim) Mattieasei now in use by the eoaUBOaR) are compose,I. thourh they nun have been purchased in respc. table shops L t ij jiersiiii who has one afthose things railed Sprioa Mattress IBs eelstate tins matter, and in nine enses out of ten the above remark will prove correct Rssssgae's Patenl Mat¬ in Bed i oiitanis ten UoUliJe of pure hair to ever, f.i ,t la wultt, tin v an lb, in a; st roi nest Oeo r,n i.s...a ao parson has seen or iis,d them, but pronounces them i most iicrfcct article furtlio.se m health oi the invalid NEW-YORK T a TEN T MERCHANDISE COMPANY, Ml Broadway, and BKNJ NEWHOL'SE. CT Hndson-sl New.Y appoint, ii afoata tor tadtusaorders, where the srtirds stay bo seen by thoss ieeidin| mtluscity,orat the ¦aanfai lory, 101 Fulton st Brooklyn )eM amTaThil" SOFA BEDSTEÄ I).NEEDH \ M'S Patent Sofa Bedstead, nmaataetsrod be w I HUM- PHREYS.No Id Chatham si ackimwledeed by all who hara aoeafaaaa to ha the heel e»ei rsfmrsd for sale Itre- quires but ten seconds to convert into a ;,erb rt bodssV id wi'hspruiK mattxom attached Plasm noil m,d etauune them N B .A laree aasortment of furniture, mathers,boda, and mutlrcssrs w bolesslc und r, tail a!9 |Bt* (M)RN HUSKS..A few bales pri. uiialiti. Indian con d, for sale bt i»»Jt* DOREMU8 R NIXON, MNamaa m. PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, SASHM \- I KER8.B1 ILDERS, mdotheralaterested,remomhet lhal RAMTEL SCHOONMAKEK, 6 ml -1 nth is for sale the irery beet qualities oi French and Amsri- can BssABPi "' »»¦'.....» '^Ht- ».».... «>» »«r "V »'sl cosh prsCOO I'ainlers, in nwltM llat, iicy l.--,r in ni.u I. ihm. to Ine aid uf f an evti asive Steam Power Paint Mills, kept cutwtantl) in operation, I ¦.ambled to sell better ni in 'es of PAINT nt lower priese thaa am other inanefai tarsi m ibe Cmted States PAIT8, OILS, PUTTY, lilt t Sil Es. ami evei artw Is in the line, in say qoaatitt sam I El SCHOONMAKER, 6 Chat. tounn n \ N II.Piiibsmm will have then no sis delivered in aajb) oraadstkm. and free of cbaine, to am paet of taw cat) »¦i im« HAGS! RAGS!! RAGS!!!.The BhjhOSl matket |inces paM inCtsii to* Baus, Gaass Rare, Waarrtaa Stock, Canvas, TaBBKD Rock. BataailMM, Hai.i.is,.. RoraCvrriRaa Paraas, ami aii arrttss curaa at Parsa MaaeracTvasa» s oi k, bv CYRUS W. FIELD k CO si their ir?u 3m Rae Warehouse, HI Beekui,n-st New V uk GQU1RE ä BROTHER, 07 pSuWst ks^nnd IM Bowery - Wa'ehes. Jeweliv Slid S i \\ We can make it U,e interest of those aas WSJtt tSS BBoea, bv our aiiMiiKiuieuts in Euroiw, totethei With .ur man i- fm lory her.-, ,,f havisa tlie roods from trat Im ids, to maks the i pan hllsea at < it ft, stole, M PaM hi st Uf IM Bow civ. Wsars BeHarwansd upon kssetasths ropotataoasf < r Sltver a., , Iho asms a* Botlmrs liilsi.» out a ted Staudairf '.al0 3m Ol X Kit K- All c 'ods are naiiaBlsd as re;lresell., ,1. lowest pi.ee- and cash sui'y. 97 Fultoii-sl. and Itt Rowory, 1\' MVIIEs.JEW ELRYand SILVER » » WARE..A very larre aaaottawBl of the newest stvle of rich Jewe'.rv, of everv isvtteni mie gold and silver indies'Hini reailsasraa Watcasa, aad RUrm Ware of the atamlard ,>i uV4lars,al eery moderati puces, can be found at F W. PACHTMANNa lews . SI 0anal-s1 Watches. Jewskrj and Silver Wa, e made to oi der, and c.irr- fullv repaiied CaUlo-uia Gold tasru in in i e usd made up to ordei |«ITtJylT* DUTCH ER tx READ, Pracueal ¦ ¦ HOUSE and SHIT I'T' Mlit KS .',2 W .-.r si i ibsits from Peek-siip All onlers prumpiIy attended to N B T1TRB1NG ii ni -nth nrataum sad ami sirh leSTlai* ]»ATENT ZINC PAINTS,as Mannlar- tut.d kfl the Niw-.ler*ev Etpl.irinx aud BMahsj Co a- panv. for sale bt the BjaaatBtj BBhj watTSRwi PaiSTs.- The No I apahty. iisaad at arther ml.spints of Inrpeatme, or in varnish, ,,wiin!i s vesi .. heautitul isircel.oii tuusb so much adiiuml.) is whiter than the purest while lead, ut fr,e fraa all f.ueuu impurities. Slut destitute ol tha unpleasant small and poisoiioat ties of lead paints. 1 ho Nas. I an.l 3 qushties »re in all resisn-s l.ke the No 1 etccpt Ihes are mm quite sii wtnte tin . cwiuo at lowtr prices, and a,e well adapted to outside stork The drv white ovule of Zinc timed with water and a litt is Mao, makes s brilliant ami lastiur w hite SOOljaaj lor walla an.! ceilinss A suitab'e ,'rver is nrejMirshl f,,r the paint, and it is in a 1 other res,s, 's BSSd wlute lead, except tliat it si. said Bot be quite so much thjnaod ,!ow n with oil Dakk Bkown utDRLAcaRrai Pvis.s -Tbssoarsfur- nmbeil pa a ksw :i., .-.and ars smioaBtodlj ihachaamoataaal best isiintsin the market. the. are lavaluat le far tut roofs and'run suifaces of all kinds. bein< a Mrtsetprots Ii aswasaortahrfKm; u;s,nvussJcu*uif*.<tAikr>. «iralso a ra>> ssl ie tote, hi umiiisI nie ThsoSBaM Paints, k.m inr a pare metallic hass, srs wh-- ranted not to turn vellow. and will n ta n tuen ssailSSl br.:- baaei much !oiic, i Uian whits ioadoi an. of ihce-it». ia»- rnents now in u>e The afi ni ,i, ,.t dealers is resjnrsted !'\ the C,,ii.,.,i rvneisl Aoin» S T JONE« k CO >3 Beaver-st Ö PRAG I Kt, MARSTÖN, F4artufactnr- B ersof Guns. Bitlsa. Rifle Pistols, paten: selfc s s t Kevohiuf Pmtuks, whsaeeals and ivtail. it phstham si up »wem. jaBJ im* i M N WA D Dl NO - KLEYS Oloih a. a »;v n \\ kDDING, IM '«-st and, tu asest arts-le used Elev s Perrussioa Csps, w ire CartrnUes. kc A lartr sad ot'sss-.t st melted aad fur sa.r bv the manu tact nn r 's Suis Arrnta, nittf FKAM1S Ivitlr s k sons 6 Maiden laim. 4 MINI INE TEAS..TW CwttaSR Tea a. ¦ Conibany herebv aaorise the public that thev a«> pre- tmred to n tad everv vairt» -f TE \ at lower pra-es thaa aa> oUier eolaMi>'.iiiei t ^a ui,.i...u,;, Trinr e\;,n- aive whose rale trade rvvunnr them to k,-ep on band a eery harr» assortment, the i urcaaser at retail aecessanir de- rtvrs many sslvantatfes b, tradius with them, a,sj ohtaiurd slsewhere City an.i c- uutrv families w oukl jreatlv cs- sult their interests cu'.r re<ardinr this advertisement. This M the 1-h'est Tea Coinoanv ia the Bstf Ttseir SSkht establmhtoeiit is at Hi CbaUuvm-at.. betwrea Pearl and MoeseveR. ami thev have BOW B" branch Mores Groc. ro Bspphaui in small quantities as low as by tke eisest 3«* ÖHN DTIOMERGI E, Rottitior and Ihstilo r .Hi>\ EsT JOHN, alter batiur passed trt.imrh -he ivrdcai of fire, a up axam and rt ad» to supply hie cn»t, n eis Baal Uo liquor trade reuerallv. with Use bisst ¦ Pars Saar*«. is aartea Braaraws, Gm sik! Wim Call. Voo in want uf a «u|,-r.«r arts-la. at h.s ,s!d pUco. 110 West Se,rn>ieftt,-s* nrtr BS>r«aah ivenuo iotJ» Im* .1 B C'ATECHISM ON BEAUTf..Qax*- 'tiaa.w :..t(l"fi'- *d Anssrrr.Person:.! betuly ö.How ran this I* BtMlfBOd if n«< naTira. A.By ,..nr Ti,-au- ; r y Nature q_How »hall we ranjuure a know ledge of «T-ti m-tr.s A .B. lMirnuie fr m th">e " luv studied (j. Wan lu» r.o inanetnksttts themoot atteat ... A-M LAVASSE,theF reachCbeaust uM(>suBetat*sa Q lliita dine be impar* his ki-wledre A.tie ha* praawd a > .all bank enaVnl Sf »kt or Baatrrr. or How to m HAjnasonat. t>.Can lie learn us Uw I- iu ase brown skin fair A.Ye-. a:.J lo rem. re gampica. freckles, tv <J-f nr. he teach us t.. »m.->iu the mrmalei ».in Z.Tea, aasi to asaska .id ,-¦-» ata hmkj .nag again O.I).<-s hetearh BOS* to whiten M «a t Ik A Yes and harden dasenM-d fUUtS aal sweeVa t:.e I'teath. . . , O.t an he soften ami bsMtlfy harsh. s-iiThair A.Ye*. ai..l make it grew profusely Q.f 'an he promote the fTosrth Ol wru*«ert, kr A.Yet, M ha-tei Ikt |tWWtll Of mustvhes O.Can he rgBBBdj dim eye, or he pthe sight A.Yes. ami make the dull eve »parkie nngh» f>.C.n he ro'.or the hkir ' a.Y>>. niv r..lor a isheti < an tie ed O.Can i.< tell linw to have re.l Cheeks auj lips A.Yes. without fail. also to remove su.-'rfluou» hair Q.ftas anv rersa-n tried huv plant ' A .Y'e*. thousands are trviur them and a., ire p.exaed. Q.Are the Sita let he reat nbei «aie A.Y'e». petiectly, and rorj t\\tm ton O-Where i- the .' See re' of R.aut. fid * A.At 1(mj Nassau--: comer of Ana fj.What t* the price 1 A -(ir..s -1 It i- -,,],! un-le- -. d rf» Bememher the name. Si RiTni Bf »t ri. or How to be Kajmoari by M LAYASBEE, Fr- .. C fcr. iei61m* FIVE HUNDRED SOLAR I.A mf WICK, N aa I Beat aualitT, for aalt at lo» priests,*] METZ, BROTHER a CO. je2tf lit Wiiliam-st. IMPROVED Tu'.ular WATER FIL- ¦ 1FK-The most she. Ii and perfect Water Filter in the v..rid. Price Bl 3$. Depot tilt Broadway hull lav* BT LATTDfG A CO ABBIT1 > SOAP POWDER .Li- lie* w ho are interested :n i1i«pe:i«iii g with the slavish W'asi i..- I)-.- aia! tii -e v,.... ¦.« . '..i; li«h the w ,-h- ing for ten persona with the aimple r,.«t of Tit.. ivnt«. ariB please read thi« This artnle railed B T BABBITT'S SOAP POWDEB.il betnrredui e,t to ¦ ;.lei.s re r much ejieape, than ht any Other for.n Bars.ian rontaius twenty-Bts i*r cent nf snsterin s rry«t»ii/e.i »taie. ,.i;., r- viK-it v\.,' ,d re>t hold together While BJahhitt's is le- dui'ed to poVM'er and < .nta.ns BIlsTS waxhinr BMteti ll ii.an anv other artu le in Ike WorW, and .1 -e.- Bet lo*e ia weir'it hke bar sosp by standnn. if bar soap stands in the o|<-n air one vear it will l.isc from twi nti-tive to thirt. \t r rent .of course this loss BttBst be water and n >tlnria* flip, therefore it eanaol be washing material Babbitt has bad Bp plications from all parts of the r ;utrv for the etclusive right foe selling, mit as yet h" sold M eiclusive rights The ire-are sale« are about two and a half tuns pee Anj a and acttan is nneW by ths Banbnsseof test per cenl ; Ben heses, Boa par eens All m- frmcers will Im- rigidlv prose, uied. whn ii are ten in BUOthot at tins tine Ere^yihing in the shape of washing sraUbotri btborwaennkaostra until BABBITT sdrsitased thes tue whole world was set in con.motion to evade BABBITTS PATENT BOAP POWDER. I il nywtnotluna snparea ewcpt one man. and he dare not mnnnfaC .re in c m,r. aoencVofthi patent BABRITTS BOAP POWDER st II leads an, nnd psndnenma aa it rei astntnshinr Baranncttun, No one d.s|srnM-« withthi- U»» f it. al't.-r the have on e ¦sad B; no bad smeR kt found m taSstclothet if: r araehnuj as sosneeonpe do R kt pat aptn nearly pound p inersatritB directions f r use printed on each packago. The besl art to i.«e it for washing is to follow tin-first direct,on on the pei er fr using the powder direct for ill white clothes v .r rxMored clothes fellow tbs ditwctnnss for making asto ».ft soap, whioh regnrsa ao grease and is m d* ia ten mi nute« Soft sonp erary obi knosrs bow to sse.ii asorory etennth it most of tin«e wbs nas it put t small n ientity of the pestrder orsoai hi .km aater.which renweresall tht i»- it once, »ml vnil remote erarythina that say other soap ki the wold Will do 1 he clothes do not require boiliaa after the :;-*t ihr. rtion is followed t" make them aaits.thus saving amch Rnst snd hvbor It has Is en used in-arl> two ysain, and it is found i loll.es last more than t rtOaJas I'll-. hSeSIWS thev are aot rtu>aed to pteoee as they ars when s wash board is used. No washing »isla is required. The retail pnre is twehresad a half cents. There hi no risk ia trying it.ie»- i si ,.|. pacfca|e wdl nsnae two galkme af bsaanfnl aoR sonp, that na] OBS run use. Fut sale b] aearlj all Ihe |tooeriet in this place Bfann- factared at sad 71 Wnshington-st, in New-Terh City Any country .irngirist ..r man beats an order tarnaah nay aholeeale mercbsnt in New-York,and gat ns caaatpas t,. ai'plrtothe factory direct Anv person m the Cities of Rew-York end Brooklyn aa bare a Btagteboiaeattotlunn at the cost of -i\ sad a quarter cents, bj sending t >the Bsc- to. v. 7n Waslimgton-st orhavethi grocers pel A fot you A bot contains sivtv p »'-. hall b..v thirty-sit paners .ml depot for the sals tti BABB1 IT'S sn VP POW¬ DER at BARLE R CO.. rj and It Waobrngtoa st Raw-Tan, . ''ff.tu. . i BaaaiTT, 1 n»ABtl mo |(,3n DRV GOODS, aVo JPRINTED LAWNS at ONE SITIL- UNO.A lull assortment, SStat reg]! iM-autif d, and Bta h as have been si Hun: fot 18 pence or i^l OOODfl i on TRAVELING DUFssES F e lam Chnu.Iua. s at IS ;h iic.-. (mil oartaiu Bat) «.1 iiitiL- raty baB I. .sli'is. CMgpa u'I.ioii ami other St] lei looms rou BOYS' WEAR, from loceiiistu <" eantapai yard, en.bracing erar] irtkas win, h the lnail.i t adonis at all desiiable DOMnsBTIC fJOODB tit n.snufarturera' prhtns, we being esanaal la aamae the di»- count allowed lor cash CRAPE Ml \w U Some saeehanl bnrgnant m Rm n aoans l ILL REFER PRINTS at (.cents per v.ird. s h us Bare bl en Bold ti one shilling The cannot be matched at the price in the world OCR PALL IMPORTATIONI ure now < .lining in, a foa hav hut biu ii ni cm d. and we are le...l> ..I..i ssil,¦.«,.. n.i.k.- sr. at »;,.-r.he,-» and ..tfer great imtuceinenta to pairliaeera m or-', le mitIf- room therefore ii.nte an enrlv call at 1111 BOWERY iayinq8 >IOKi Iff Bowery lygtKA FW B . F. Oll.LEY Ji CO I J REAT KXCITEMET..s-Columbuui wR Hall, til Grand >t S k Bf. e TOWLE.fnahional Pining nnn Baainwn fill a ind fane} dress OOODg Tl.es bnenbsrs, 8. B fif. e I aanld respectfully call the atuiilu n ol the la.hes to a large a»s. tuient of rich Spnnr and Summer dress goods, just received, cwnwetini f B ii pan es of rn h ebene and br.«a.!e SI LKS. .usi ciiint/ printed FOI L kRDS, Ml " printed Sll.K TISsl ks. Sim ¦¦ chine han g. HE LAINE, Mit " Pant BAREGES ind MUSLINS, together w ith full laenrtmenl of English, Scotch, and Anwricna Printed I \\v \s and HINOH OI> Also.p, slop Fanaj Forrester, front Wamoon, SB*Ant aorili of rich, plain .mil embrasdered Silk and Crane SHAWLS, (extra heary frnare and new sutterni Ladkri desirous of purcl.asiiir.sh uild not ..How the present spper- tuiu'i t ssinswithout ealhat Pikes, B>to BM In rissnertum nab His above, are fJaSelatgaal Pniisnts MANTILLAS snd VIS1TES, w Hi itrs wide Bruss. ., line I illuming*-prn es, >J t ¦» 1" in.iK.ii' tin ab aa sortiiKiit unsurp.isse.1 f,,r vuneti !'. anv house in the r.ty Honeeki i js r'* stttnttra is pacta ..arh direi ted t,, age urn rtnaad uf Embruulsred Lace and Muabn CCRTAINS, t. pairs, sots, and by ths yard, al rerrloa ir,c«-s. B gaaa- ril atär tTmsnl of Fancy and Steide i)n tj sis, astäntli on hnad, cansaaaBg oi LINENS, LAWNS, LACES EMRR0lDERIES.JACO.NET Ii - Swim MI'S I INS Eu| »criniiu and Ihnaesue siLK.i -tton and W is len HOSIERy foil ,rtmi at Satin. TanVta and Lustriiii RIBBONS. S.Ik Lace TRI M- MlNGSof all widths I sdies" «nd il.nts' French Kal, balk, and L.sl. Taurand GLOt EB Cubes sad Gents' Einbrtadered, Pia. .. Colotad, Ii ilen ,1 sad Mot nuns POCKE! H kNDREBI HIEFS I i. es Lau VI U.S.C VPES. CULL \RS. CUFFS and I SDER81 EE\ ES, L nen T tBLE ( LOTUS N VP- KIN-. MB Fl.IV DI IPERS, >.. a lb "st. Goods, PHI NTS, SHEETINGS al sillHI INiiS. irom the ihrteren: m ils, by Ms cam st .aft VII ..Hier riasls fBaomRy st'lsineil m Urv Goods sad la Ui an a s Fnrnahmg Store», may i»- mand ¦ even- variet. 0. sals m lit to anv pail ol the c. or rSCHUt] r: it - Irr* Ir*t>. RitTi'ry snd Grand st. Jena] City sud Wil ishurvh stares, puss the d-«>r even live in mite-i rartas.1 - s k m e Tow I.E. Importer* am! Ri t.nlers. Col urn' .an Hal. Ü i,r .ml ¦.' 01. e pin i and no dev.alion o7 it CUSHION iBLE H ITS../nsl i m i-s. d - stsidi BoveroBert El« FRENCH BILK HATS a: the low ..rue of fl. usually add at gt A:»o. an artn e .'. - Kent H its BRoWX. ... c. ... - je» ba* One do-.r fritiu Snilivan 1MANAMA BL\TS..StrswGt> i,S Oaaan, tor gen's ra bb rents. raatbs ami BaSnsts, ,-usistiiiS Ot Pan.in. l, nud Leghorn ami Pal-ii-leaf H it- also new >t\ ie braid :..its for ge:..«..,., ug Ä, ,,ad !?..». trtlknaawalyle l-os and iufai:i.-traw - \.«,,\ir:oi- iattrius cents and v..uiir rents Un a-sk a. silk. Macs, js arl-,white, color,,: eater bats, al MON ARol'E S. tU ¦every. i3im* (HAUTION T<» THE PUBLIC..AU . vulcaluted wlute RoMier. as weil as nlai-s and «her e. 1. rsnot stamped byH<ajare H Da. GOODYEABS PATENT," acc.rd.bii to aia csrrrnanl ia h.s lacenss n m Ooodynar,is aa uaftingemsnt sa ii-.«l.-ar » Patants, a ..1 all dealeis in. SC purcliaarr» uf tuest tuoda, aie e^aall. b ¦- bas as tre*pu>aers i.is.u t',.,,!,-. ar's a.-»r iwledged r'.rh's w.'h Horace H I>a. bunself, the Maket of auch mioda.and wdi be pnaecuted acc. r\!in*i|- AU the Ind,, Rabber s:. -es iio.v Suade by Horace H Day. are an latr.ugt.u. nt Godiear's Patents, ami ad dealers thrreia ren.lertLe.u- >' - ,t - :. .>lr i»< u'D i L kg :.. P tetlt.t In assadf af the Ha. ward Rut ter Co Newark I R. in fact, nnt Co. L Came., funi t i ,8aos kaao- r atrs aial .slkers ¦ || 11 INDIA RUBBER GOODS.Mstratme- I Nd «tnler OOODYKAR'S Pa-en: T .r N ars » li. l.a Rabat r Manul wt i I ai.-. st go » Maid- i- Une. Kew-Tesk; fa,-t.^-i. Resaark, Ne>s Jer><- r in t umpauy are manuiai-torers and w iioleaale dealers iu all the eil«rest art.. .. s si»'i:a< :ur»xin .d Patrat, and guarautre all their t «als as being egaal a sjuaLti .. reprts. i.'. >|. .. m's are ,u-.'r«: AD PSSahl are warranted to staa,.! *:i. a> I n- m si at«raiUnu»t..roLutiv dea.en HIRAM HCTCHINSON. President WaKBIM A ktkuss. Sscreta; .iagai.Ui.aW* jrjHEAP i LOT HI N G..-Ths w.^ signed hasinr a large a?sortm. at ¦( Simmer I h* n-vitrathe attention of in. nt. and cuntry dealers Ui thrntw Bsaniasr.BU Oressmith-at, between Ran-lni-and npttntrs simi RL fk ial PLAXNELS..500 Lmles ScarieL Yet- ¦ 1 m and White mUm and i..illr>l, nWnals na l«l NE>MliH k CO aSlln.i! si .1,1 , N \\'M. 8. VANDERBII.T «nm\i e$M :< cnst.imrrs. sad the plot* cs«- rally, t< hi* well selected stork f ('LOXIN tSSlMEBES T1STTJCOS, t SCMMJ 1. -,' Jh » :.:.* . tatt favorable trrm«, for rut, r .ris»-<;-i' t/> tmMuu hi* to «eü in KT rlic-e, it we d-kn 'Wi TAILORING EST ABLISHMENT, 4i* Brwd» f --. ü - >r fr m c.rn-r of Tin d-sl w*.er» bt ¦ prs-pared f.. ri-^r .: (it Ni l EMEN S sod BOY'S CLOTHING, of retry «Irwnpüo*, m the neatest ml m «st fsshiotiabie »-\ ¦* He als.. krrM rMistantl» or. hire! a wrF «elected ajuv»rl- nient OS* Prathmsss arid B .»»' rralvmilr t*i .hinx. Alf. a r*n> raJ »»-.rrin.ni f OFMI ».MkM . H t.MSHl>6 **Ti LI«, of every rasissj »'. liw« CPOOL THREAD..M Ii liars! s^PaNs' I > aA -.. Se'Mtig Cottas." a verr »'i;.«rioT artirla Forsattby L O VILBOIf ft CO, mS fta 11 C>rtlird-et snd II De--st. ULANKETS..A rrnnplete assortment M-ß Kack Nag i B --n ¦ »-.- »it.« for fair br )Ti NKSMTTH ft CO.. M Bread, 1 .n ' vi New st WAITH VM COTTONS..300 m k- NESMITH ». CO ^OTTÖN WASTE.,000 of Clean C < : >r Ft r: r W rar f r *t!e 1 rJl tf GAE NT A l'LRRK'hl»ON. 151 S-nfh-st. »RINTERs- BLANKE R.And Lip- par.* Engravers aid Boiler Ctntk. tnr «sie tw C B 1 E HAB«IN. jjPme-et. \>Es BLUE and WHITE and TWO BIA Y. PRINTS V lala et dt_ C B LE BARON i5 P..-.est pOLORED CAMBRK S..100 cases, w- -' all rolors and qualme«, f.* aala at redacts! prieaa by dt _C. B LI BARON, » Pin-tt ROWN COTTONS..1,500 comprisineeven width Baal ijuthtv. for *Vc bv 1 NI>MirH 3t CO ¦>: Br ..i.i-.t i:,dJoNea-st KKL! Ii PIANOS. JA C. FISCHER, (late Xi m B Kls- ».Hrn. Mauufactorv am! Warer «>ai, 17n Green» ich- r. traf Dot PIANO-FORTES warranted, withrts. rtrae hridee and patera! take, well calculated for see-unc in tat.« P.at. .-fort, »tum Iii i nc.ai.irj»; Im« PIRST PK EM I I M. 1841, '4x1 md '44.. Ja S'i;.»-riMT w irrante,t lasta-ssBssafti treatft} to 7octave -, at the lowest susauRacism ssness iada) taa* CHARLES 5 HOLPBH. ISlSsiaag at, 47 OL] \N PIA NO-FORTES..A iiew JM-d and splrndid Warem 1 bbm t r OIL> BJCXT ft CO Sf oelehnrted P.m.». with or wRhotrt ihn JColiaa w . iniment, h recentU l>een awaawd lay WATERS a, BERRY. 133 hVoadwnx. eorwet ¦; AnthooT- .t , in addUiou to '.heir fon.,er e»t»!,li»l.,..eat, 447 Uread- Wav t run, (tie matl) iBill annul d'tiand for the .E>lian Pia:i»- Fortr«, und nie liatlnmaiili ta their favor raceived from all pari» of the country, they an1 «nre they have onl> to lice nut «¦ fWB. to take prMoaVrtira* of dl ochera. Price, of jEotl Ul Hiau E..rte«. from M) |a $*. a Gram! Pian,^. with and without tlie jColhaB Second ham! Hi inoa t is. 1 in PXCbaJtre Hi«u.. to 'ore n,> !9tf Wa rEBS a. BKRHT, ssi a 1»? Braadw DIANO-FORTES.Fol Sah or to Hire -1 liMjaira,naatd tatBaptaaihar. at Jin Brwowi at.; aft-r tat of Septentber, at Stat retail Institute, I >) Br aadw 11. of faM im« F. II N \sil LANO-FORTES foe SALE . Per- Boat t pnrchasina Piaaos wiU Und 1' to their sd .nitat-, locall it BENNETft COMPANY'S M ... ifactory, IMFultoa-sl asidaof Bnaadway.) They hare a largs a-- .rt.111 lit of Rom wo. d P. il, ,s .n.iv ,,,1 lie, EreryrastnimeatwmrrnatedBar twoytari B AC" h»»e thi aasaaoat aaoro thaa lain sorsoaa thap wdi raasrto, who hare poitlissnil Piaaooof them, all of whaoh h ue ffrsa oairersnl wUtsfasakm, but whoa aay do<ahta are ox- pressed to their q alitv. the ava lit Bmyht withheld until such doabts are mnorod old Pamoosscasnrod.. New ami soeoad Piaaoa to let nS tt ä \ cV H. HA KM ORE offer at their Man- ndWan 14 BLEECKER-ST., r of t am ns-st., as isaormonl ol tlssrsnl PIANO FORTES, With the metaUkt frame and reverse brides and all other modern improvements. lelO 3m* PIANO-FORTES..Persons at>.»ut pur- clia>mr Piano«, «dl lad it to their ailviintaif. t >ch1I at R OleaaRCo'i Mannfactory, IM Paltoa at weal nf Brtsad- way.) A rnienil ssBisilimiBl ofamhocBBy and rtwowood Piainss OOMtaatlj aa hand, which will he sold low for cash or spprmed pai,er. llealers supplied on htieral terms, aifu tf B GLENN ft CO IMPaltoaat. \l i:i.ni)i;oNs Mi:i.oiii:<»v^ ». ITH The besl Musical tustrnrarnt now in ose..CAR- HART'S Impaired Patent Melodoons, manufactured by < 'A RHART ft NEEDHAM, Wsrer.as, M Mr ad ly, where can lie lonnd the foeest und !.e-t s««,,rtnieut in the eitv AJso,JRoUsa Pinn,¦ Fortes ft R MolodooaS tuned and repaired si short SOtiM J I CLARK. Meat, jel9lm# aMRlumiway,BofwsNo 2. 1WÄNÖS I'OR STLE snd TO HIRE, st 7 Baitlai et opyosfts the Astae House, from 61 to 7 Betaree, m raaewtmd and mahoeaay cases je/3 Jm* I AM ES I'Ho.MPsoN. late [allaau B Raadall I>IANO-FORTES..V. F. HARRI- SON.M Csnsl at (tsatwrwMa M atoryO offers for sals a splendid assortment of Roaev ,««! PIANOS f «j and T aotaree, with the latest iaaaroraaaasata, < im* COAL. (?OAL..$4 85 snd *l .'ii> per tan..1 sin 'atte receo nr a larre sup; ly ot Re 1 A «Ii. from tftBi sbratod Salem,S|sihn ml Lewis veins, tliat I <»;ti:r nt ti.e tow . .f ,.,.l.,»rv (..«1 Also. Lohicb 111,1 ,"ier Whit a A-).;r..als. id ioIiiiml pripiu I u:ii m !|t iliruf '-ilan tm; to rethd, at a rery bberal dmrotmi t;E<> WABNBB, ioSl ftaTaTaSat' BM Hotaatoa, em [ aaieae et (^OAL..Ha v no testen ¦ new rard, at the ''corner of <;,ireck aiul Rlfiagtoa, in eoasectioS witii mv ohirsstabrsshedyard,at km.' and Oreea rash, aad hat« lilt manv evtra ineaus in the w av ..f re,,'i,,n* Cod of lae boot qwality.os ibta ass to»ell at tins low price f,,r eaah ,i!> Froai hosts. White Ask, Store aad Raa, S3 M ; Red Ash, Store aad Ees S41 at orals ssatataoaB] tr,,iu yard. Deliv¬ ered to ata part of the city. reStSar* PETES CLINTON / «OAL.$4 85 PER TUN .The tmb- w scriher is constantl. rec ivuir, direct ftwmths miass, Pn.i h Ot.hard.lilai k Heath and Lsblstl COAL, .fall Hit ta al nsea, tn Rrokea, Ksf. Range aad Samra and war¬ ranted to bt of the rar) boot quaUtr. which he offers for sale at lower prices than en r before sold .11 tin! B irki t james, L w ORTH, 71 Br dwaj. utd yell tf Fourth, r ,rn, r 11, sagSSS sts POAL 11 85 PER TUN .Peach Or- wVchurd .1,4 L.ioeh Rgw. Stars, Raaaa Bad Panas e COAL.now diackarriaqt, at list radacod arieoof *i U got tlill O.ders tiiaeii. the tla.e ol deliver, I". it purchasers, at the BBtrra pr.c. Als.,. LiroTTOSsl (Im .Csanm aiaj 1 um¬ her land. Aram nndsr ci tor, at v irda whi Hr..«,ia.1, aatwi ss Eik-t.tielC.'i ,l,d Nineteenth sts Illl.l I'i7 B-werv. o.ptHiallt Bj Bg-st U*i4iO RANDOLPH MEBRITT *HE SI BSi RIBER is snthoriaed (as Agsat of Um Coaspaay) na r,ai"ict Swtfte hsBran ,4 CARGOES if the eolebrsied COAL from the Salem Htfl hi .ues at PottstriUe, Pn formeriy w .rsed njr Btibkat B Hay- WsMsd aad Joan G Howe» Jli |v* 8 C OGDEV. «.> Wa!l-st. 1 SCHOOLS. HOYS1 SCHOC)L la NEW-YORK.. \l ,nt' ,.i »t- 's- wit AsslsT \\I ... igjsd to teai htha L it in and . ire.-s. bu^aaaas. Ma liemat., -. and to take the management of classes The ocwortaaity, ti .in- rentlemaa ami st holar. havins sum ipttal and d. ¦KSBaaf settling in New-York, is one rareiv to be found Paitn .tat« ma, bt assrrtanted bi aiMrsmiag oSh real tsms aad address, OMEGA, but iSMNew-\ P s- .<:. tat A.I 1 on.m in.caliolis >'.i, t,, c ..i.,. .,. 11 ' JOHN \\ LEON LRD, Teacher of Phi" niwraph'. Amanuensis and Rt|orter. 49 Ana. aid !lS Ch.-imlerasts .Nsw-Ymk Terms. %i f.. r Ii ir.»«.» iottlm' HOOK-KEEPING, . Mr. MARSBTS C n'.iar Ri. ni» for the sfidv and .-,.»¦ t.ce ,J BOOK¬ KEEPING, Set Bruudway. cor D aue-.t . ¦, utmue open dad» Cn-ciilars witla term*, devrip-ive oi the coiir« f matrortion. a< supplied , 1, appltc.ilusa. or forwarded.. Marsh's W.,r»s on Boo..-krepiax. t*au::.'ul ed.'.o^-. priated --. r. Spanish and Ear'isli. for salt Bs abort Er..-- M EDICAL. Ia^OR THE PILES .Dr I'll \M's ELEC1 L'ARY aa Bti sal rssasdj .s icartesai irs f"i that d.»',.s..i.» jttsl dai.r.. .,« up i .[.' p.ie- 1 mm it s»wt aatoaisiiir.r reetaim und, see ss a- :,.<.«. to 1- had rralj.. ,,f tile ...oplietor Oif. e Its* R.I v- etv. v, here t;.r m. Ja im ... ta.u» .! Re urn. » t 1st) Rowtrr. t doors abort Sprjac-tt.. aad alt» UCaawsBrr- .t.. atid bt Mrs Ha s. j a B 13 tn,T raai Morse's i' ;>,und Sv-u. ,,t \'IT l.i'U inn K ROOT..We feel a roll ptesl ».-. tterr r.-.e to .,-. acownto tie woild tnr auaattrrai tSk m .t tu.s sflraar* Saw eparatiua. Thoeasiu!> hart beta fi mnl sf a great an.ount of suflennr. and mm lives sated r,» the oao of it It is 'u »in o lcdre.1 .-the'.est >!.?, ,.| :., :. ne lu be the mutt rlerant.scieafifk' ami aalSBary oretiamtiuB now in sse. and at i deperitue '»ruedr. se.diHii .1 r' er CJUahd. It staeds auriviiiii .1 1,, e eure ol Br ¦ rlas, SaR Rftsaas, Caii.rr. St lof'lia ai d all'be var, us d:»es«et .imunr tt a aa Harare state sd Utr B!.««l Akts, ail RiImssi >ui; bunts, ami is US«d »Ith Utp.irse.Irate,' »¦!. ow m bB sbsbb tf Pa> Bsalt Wsskatts and roneral At SM -'-euirhen nr the w.... i:.. >i sd,-. Kirnu '.«1.« to "a* rseawasrg o». siat ,n*ar- mWtam the entire s. stem, aud si^. fu. T,e tfSWtha IdtSB Cow plaint. Catairh. L) sgopaaa, H ada. he, D:/tineas. Coagka, ki Tbust affe, tid ailhCbn^.., Diseases I I laVV tvw toioi. w ill hn.1 this u.tda ant bot aal) plssasal lotus tas'e. btst a rertam cure, if rt be wnthin the power of rtnsm d:ai a.ei rt- d.s- r V .- .. t ! ...-di¬ enet sm happih ¦ umbnud. asto'eud JirtHtl, to ggrt tiaae It* tar stosoai L and bowels, etctte to lsealthr as turn the Lit er ami the w ;,.,le I RmtaWhsT >. tt-.-.i ail i N-r».. j l:nta.,J.ty ahd ptiMoote the free a. Ikhi of the Luut«. this reuderins tt BPSfteahMtaaRdaaBaooBsf a Chesma aatare It.«...*re;y and may bo s»ed la all 111 mains, sad st all k.- e>l,s of the rar Prepatrd.nl> b) C MORSE h CO st 1SJFowoU a-st PioridriM r. R 1 sad told Bs tb.MisaiHls all over limfartaa S k IIUIsK'K I n.lLlES a CO . II P- j. at. Rew-Ymk Ott s .¦, »Soi* C'ORNS, CORNS. CORNS r^ri TOOTH ' ACHE PROPS BI RRS 0 > .rated C..rnSa!.r sod T »<h Acbr Dnns. to » eft known, ran he »nvurej al the principal Drag.» aar! Chert.sral sto..». B J M-aha. k (' lO!l-*l»ir. I har.r» H R-ar. :yj d Thönses T Green. J^d.'. 0>"rre Lee. J ,. H T kse-atr J i."9 d J W Basseil. Ml do. J kit foaj .1 uftoa. :34 .John B !>.::. rid PU, E WattSSttT.BU do; Wm D ( '¦: '...: .- E»er. M' Inf-e iYT2do. EM Ga>w. ITT Boa err. e»>rner Grand. 1 » Sand. :a B »ery. James I n.rar>.e. c -r O retain »I and Boa er« .... I k.wise st a!l the nncipi. 're* t .' u<-....tt t and hy the Pvoacaitec. m Oread at N B .Ar s.-ei.t ..wanfe.1 rt'.e St.tr .: P .> > .A.;.ir- »s . e Pt.'cnet.*. tsat-isajJ i*t* ha Fr mthe rtesr-Yeet rrtssme SYRl of NAPTHA .Wi fe< 1 it .-» da- - h t -ill Sbr vtent.on m 1> H l>TIV.s> COM- Pi'l ND SYRl P OB NAPTHV TM MM tnar» noe- trtaat, tnri the pre; arat.on ad one .«t the m-«»r eroim-rtt ic t devoted .4 the n.eiia-al fn -dtv ami n'oiuvthe twentieth pvt .«. 1*4 store- arl.wt tsr true, it is .-e-ta.ul¦ a :nva. ia- bes datcutcn Testimonial* >sf the sen highest .e Js^r rer- t.j\ ... its puHlltS C'ire .si that heretofore AC tr.Me disease Tvsrrrnlar Consumption an.! ita elm arv ta Asthma. Sptt- th r : B d Km Saeuts. Wastimr <.( fse Etesh. and alt diseases of the Threat. Chest, and Lüne*, are pr.aa.mn. ed griieinl. >n»s nt ta !*esjanl!yren*ark»Me Recilar Ph>- stcians invanhlv ttttt adv. rtised popular no.*:: | arttjk -.- lent an«! pc.4Vx ud rssateeipt: bat in the ras- of HAST- IM1VS COMPOCND SYRl P >f NAPTHAA'is very far oUm r< -.se for :t lias set the mmority ..f them to the tnak- i:.e i r«.;srrunent». and the d.ss-nsM.m al its mer.t» md the It «u'.t is. that there are bat iVa ..r none of them a ho Bo not rt commend it.and arm Ü 'n their p"vsle practt-e. a :'.* a armest adv.«rate« are the dstmgiiished IV M ott ami r>' Checsman. a ho regard it as one of the rtrsl dasr.'veneaof the are K»r .»nr own part, we tries! HAST- 1 \< iS I SVKl P n s H I - .ere old, a t.ieh h id :< » i. ed S'i>ppsee f the chest, and creat dittt. ult. of breathing aast H ,r..' us so sjtte l.y ..ad etfectneh as to till its w.th .u!- miratrm sad aawirrmttrl Ita actsoa isa the .Mrcm .. .es imrat din*- and :m-. »sant. ntil there » as no sup, rrl i-.t. left In fa. t. it en ibled ns to breathe as freelv as ever IhjTM Inn.Uli and entfretj reinosesl the stoppiwe of the ehest m as aaaa] k in BT« eintest I v recommend all whom it may r- nceni to iradthe advertisa rueu*. and should mm ails ?- rar\ of it* nientt he sn indnrement to them to obtun anv of the NAPTHA sYRl P we h-id onrscive« responsiM- Am .- .si etfei ts. mid that they aid !s- thank I'll to ma for callins it t.< their asattcav y.-rs^-ji is.ttie. si\bottles Bir $S oBVe IM Orratts- airh-st AN., s .ld b. E M GVION, \tl Rsmeiv.au.l J B DODD.m aasaadaraj let.' iair JlikS \\ 1TER (TKK. \%"<'R« ESTER v. \ n:u l RE l\ Tt 8TITCTION st a retai.I am! heaitlir hs ation S ROGERS, M D js7 im E E BOOBBS,gata*rhateadeal DR. ell vRLES Ml M'irs \\ vTER- Ct RK ESTABLISHMENT, in BeeeoeTiUe. North. anipton. Mass.. has tsren reopened Bot t irther i.articiilara aeaiy to the DarAer, at ahere,erle WM KAl»l»v: ta Br' a.l« iy. New-York it . tt ORÄNG I M01 NTAIN W IT ER ( i uy _.s...|.h Onutre, i:-..» c Kea J r»ev JO¬ SEPH A WEDEB. M I». Ph s.. at. hi tht Institution Visitors !>. w New-Yort Irare the f.h.t of Cortland it Si and o'rl.s-k. A M and t and rt ! »*A. P M i-.'* tl nVliRoi'X'lllh IXST1 l'l rE.ItPb- anon Sprint«. N *i nad II I nhyhl st Nev Vark Cite Urs .i.ii HOSEOBU havi -. shed FEMALE DEPARTMENT I rtl. -rial tret astet i PROLAPSlSandiitheri tareij ipa ir man- ateno nt Dr. Trail will he al the citi etta lahmenl t >i rtsjis'iltatioa on rVESDAYS ind WEDNESDAYS jeltt Im* Fokimi oH'Ur KTnaoeaTitii Irbtiti ra, i Si HooLkT't Mm ai .is. Juan H, iui t rpHlS INS I I HON will be readj foi JB the rereptioB of Invalnts early m J It u .1 .1 rAYI.OB, M ( .. tipiaam jeUJin* WM I MOORE,M D [ . Ml DSON RIVER W \TKU-« URE EST IBLI8HMEN I tl I' tRRTTOR N. naa nftha moatdehahtfulami nenRhful Incntiiatt, aannt a view.d the river f. r M miles and an i s-.Lie aeretal limes daily by Ratlrond and Btennibontt, it ow open for the rece|4wn o| |. .Heids rjet Im*] F PEIRSON, M D. Physaciaa. DR. SHEW, the earliest American au¬ thor and pi n utioiie. i WATRR CURB, enHnnta toraceiTodarpatienttaadbonraari. O 'di-Tiit. praetiea and lettert foi advice attended to OffieeaiuLJns lion corner of Twelfth st and Unfrei tlly place, iie.."r«ll ulssa] INSI K A M JE. i 11 DSON RIA EH WRE INSI R- i i \M K OMP INT, W it. it inj N V ISH C API rAL iStiO.OOO. orfii e N" i" tVant-el Manh ittan Baak Bmldinr Th s Cismpnny continues to insure Pirn Risks ...i the Bloat favorable lenns. mmM 'he public mav rest assured that all losses tnttaiaed oj ihia Comonny/will he In.erull'. and promptly adjoetedand pnidnl tneit New. v»tk Oante, in ntssnor nnaal at tin bnnka a tin- cit. ISAI o( BLOOD, Preatdeat. p .1 A. niv. Bttiotnn jaJtaa A Rntyoa, Ataattant Bacretnr] |yT If rpHE MERCHANTS1 !Nsi rvnce I i OkTPANT, or thf rv 01 van vorm. OtTii e, nernoi id Giaaawk h and FuVton *i* o. .au Bin- Bttildiaa CASH C M l TAL, ÜM las in. e acainst Loss oi l)'ini.i;rlh Eire DIRECTORS Aaron Clark, R H Van Aukea, Win H Dieti, Crow e| Ad.ims. C VB < l-t unle \S m llasta. e, l esiAirnr. D R Martin, Robert Hoe, Nathaniel Weed, El. Hoppock, loanph M Bo.wa. David Marie, Q W Burnham, Bohert P lieti., Valeul K by, Ward A Work, E Beadseatoe, m v Hoppork, s s Bowman, Hamoon Ionen, t IRON CL VRK. Piesnlent Gti.R. k vv S.. s ,1 aif-lin IIFE INSURANCE.MANH ITTAN A LIFE INSURANCE co Office N H Hr:int it t trtit t- hi HuwflfT, nrr BnMran V \9n capi¬ ta I. $1'.. .iin, p. asUi tin i.. nmuhHioa ul . Urs.- kateuaaae, . I Ins Conipnnt it oondiictedua Hie mutual principle, and the assurei1 win ra i>' back seven eethtite ofall the pr<4lta. pohi ii s am hnned Bit tie or more yanrt ormr Ulk Per¬ sons in o. insu , tin n laes for their on a bemriR or the Im o- eht of their knahnaahk nrrran, pnrentt tad ohiMrea, or cred¬ itors mav insure Hie lues oi their debtors Policies will al*.. (.. panted payable after aWatit, i,r apon the party ar- nring it a s|*ruied are, at Insdisa ri tisn. Person- mOWed linn CTree and re ro-s t'.e Atlantic (b ean, in first riass vessels WlthlStt OTtTa ehnrft it Hif ¦eeaam ofthe year j md hj pa eine aa addahon 11 ehanre, map Visit outlines Is in at lie).mil llie limit* of (he Policy Inaereat «iii be pan) mi Bat pranan, wherobj the yinrtf premium ia isxlu. t d each \ sal after tue first three oiM' ana » I i\Zu a VLVOKII Pr - lent C Y Wruri I, Sc. r.t try Abk*m Hi sols. AI I) Medical Ctuminer, -t ta. .fl'n s fr, in 11., i p m andi a u.a an Paaaaa, M D OaaeaRnuj pi .-...>. Rev .suli/s R Vss.S n \l s it) rar , and ( ui.-m! BOtKli of IrlRt.' TOKs A c Kinetland, C s Woodhoil, m Tan fehasrk, I n Moreen, He.. i> ph. ips. Enoch Hem, B J Brown, Ina \ mNtsrden, Natal o Bradford, H B rti ett Le a is B Lndoe, Silas C llerrinr. H Anatm Muar, Henri Hairnt, John B W diiama, H Phelus, Jhn P Br a,,, H. J Amlsmsn, R Haislit. J P Hs re. Kleeaai P.mir. John P Vkare. J ones c BhMwin, Beaton Paaitut, AA AJvoed, John S Harris. Jolui \ Merntt, Hei.i M. .. . His... S \| s. Jt Ge.,./e W'fsbt., wm J Vslsntme. Georrte Raraanra, Wm K MnaR. Will.am Burther, Has.d Austen. t! I Y Vk EMPLE Se retary. Ii», e of the GROCERS' KIRK INSURANCE CO. " i Nu i! W ail .w,,,. p. , CAPI rAL fUXKOOtt. At an ssseTiaa hehl tins Jay, the following msnhannes were ciMsseii Hirtel..is oi this Company ant lue ens in tear s ion M i M tat I i n- -i. B let Benj B Sherman, Marshall Peuooo, Fraiwis Sknldy, Peter Maitin, Aieian'r H'Giaist, Chat Birkl.alter, RnfuaSt ry Asal P'-rter, James B Wilson, Hen'. Ed. i, Isaai C la' r. Will.am H Footer. At a s'1 sequel.' meettng of the Board, S WIPsoN Moi'RE K«u «a .- i. -,. ,. .4 President ,,f the I J .'ULioN »Mini.oeereurr. Nea-York. Feh J ISA? N H .Thisl'oii.ien. n'iii e. ins i-e B'.M ir« Mer- data M E irs I e, FasnoR ui Poet, mr , .sa Bks mmt tas uaiile '.erii.s. All los»es art mptif s.t, isted sod pa d at If It ROOKLYN K I R K INSI RANCB i O .Offj. e *, Meref, ihr,' Lie rise Wnlst.N Y and 13 It' n-t Brook! wm tLLavkuhlH P e, : A G snuM. kn if.:) Hfam* r|,ifK N E w BNO L A N UVI I .si. a K INsi RANI y COMPANVJ i Ren »..«.«. Conn., ins ire horses, rattle, ke. cga.ust .». I. .tu deat.'i, mthei frum natural i a .se, a. <uleat, or disease of aay da- a t |i whatesf New-York Aftary, la Men haute' E" smjs runss-r i>(W'aBaad Hna ter-ats avn-nt t >_LÜH \RT. treat (OPAR IM JISIIIP. 1 kISSi Li TloN of PARTNERSHIP. m\J.N <. ssLets v fiseuihal UmCs^mrtnersaapkaee- . er i i. I Arm of LAURIE a BARKER. Cnei \ -Ml ,> st .was disservedJsli it.... matnal <<»i.sent AH itaineea.*f . ettM GEORGS LH ItlE of the oi l »RGE 1. ii HIE a i 11 GEORGE LAI RIE *_JE«>SE BARKER rpHE i 0-PARTNERSHIP hen RICILiBDhtJN. WATSON kI New-York tadPhila- .-..! WM WA !'«»iN k i .. Ma', .eater, England, jstfc.. day dissolved ',v iu own Lii.rtnisan Tiie outstaad- , ' >'.x"« r" ta serried <.¦ III.is RICH ARDION .a.: WM WATMiN. aad in P:c^.lelphia ei'her fthsi .-. THOMAS RICH tRIMOX WM vs 1tsor WILLIAM k i i tRRTR THOMAS RICHARIMOV nil aBhan Oat Aatntrnl ( B.in.s»e L and SI... ;.ir>< i-itajneaa* of the late r.rm. and * ie Artwcy ..I the Pktmealnjnm ^nd lAsmrpaxd laae of Steam- skips at ti e uatce. II Evcnaairr-aiare. Nea -Yors. aad 9 Walaot-st . PUiiadrlphia I at mlsa nhers uavinr ihm dar formed a Co partnership. -.nne the Dr- G<« sis tmsineaa nftne la'e Irrnäl RH H tBISMiN. WATSON a CO a' u Ev .eir- ,-.».... i vv .VI WATSON' a Cm VI aiuheater. Enriaml. umler thn.rni.iWM WATSON ft Co *vm WATBtlN vs tl.TEB M kGRB July i. MM Js" JOHNSTOK The Dr. Graate l cr t.es* of the late tir.n .4" RICIIARI)- SON. WATSON v< u MbhtaVlpkis, ad! i. e.*atinue<l WILLI am R CL \Khl Juli l. iL,i 1 I: had c Che., n-el FINANCIAL. ILMING 1»'N tad M \V HUM r.n RAILROAD-arten per SSM MORT. UAOE BONDS. -Sesled prv-».wala will res-aired t>. Ik* ror«-*T»»»r» until THI KSDAY.the IMh d*i of Jal. Best farthree bundled th iMal d-llirs of the first Ban] M><rtir*AT Bernds of Ihr Wilnunrtiw ami Manchester Hi! rv»d C >i» pm>. tiesnnr interett st the rve »f «er** rs-, rent pe' annum, principal artd m»err*t ra>lee-a*S> m .»# I t i \> »York, the rwiiK-irwJ OB ^e M l«H>, :#H 11 * R-itids »TT in BWaa of *l BSlearh. » itn eil*,,«» n*<*- Mr »t tl.r Mm hanW Bank. Nr- Y "k. * the W IV M .' :«t June u. each .ear. contrrt 'de e Mao stfstal St." » of ihr r..u..'.ir.». »t the .tyTa,* of the h Yt-rv Hi ix» ...! indi : acts of the Lettsiatsirrt N 8. uth far, i .. mm ur. .1 . » M arBrtatO r Dm i Truat. to Edwird Sandturd. Essj . a! New-York i f.« the h.Idcrs .U the B uJ. ! Deed of rrc« rsrst-rt the satin law I rat I » et.n,pMrd and to bor from W .'¦».nr-n. N C t.. Msrrhratrr, in S C » distance >t :*f mil's , m'.r* w hen con;'ieted v> it h » S .'-tvy T nil ami ev,'1 ipned. $' .mt.mmV The ett a.rdinan »dtptednesw.tf the c-*n*trt b c# . aj strwrts n t >n :»v »v.tint»*> tans h*a c*t 11 r Trustee iseuesvwered. hi »-*«* of mi OOaro' dsn ,a payment of inrmaMl mi laloiiot, to take ntanrwa « of tlie onttre hse >u R> ¦.<!. »ith it* espn,! tieitu. »iati>*ts, in ««e franchise. Ac . the same t.> »eil ,| hi» d Sftetam '.» the hajhaal hidd.t for cash. t.> pa- arte r* of pciacipaj w m tr -t Ihr »hole »m>mt .f S>ad» »nth. shad t \. ;v,.: ,| trot* of the stockholders at a meetiasf railed f r that jurpoaa tu April last, and an order of 'he Raairoa.: Board. > to r-i «c me it » t a. "he res <'hr r a : ..¦!.. aients. onN <*tw.*w' 4 »hi«-fl sre » , ,r ' Is I rnaspaaj irHI o«e M *hn Jrbt »>..<a the r>td»t eoinpleied. Tb« road still prose an mv«>rtsnt link a t*i» »»e»t rhsSa ,.( ri ...!« ill Ibsstolt. hirw -k f.., Ks« Otlooao rrsiarrtinsT st *,*h>"rrnj*,~i .* i*h ihs RaleisA and Woa i.c'. u R...1« a n .... ..>..« »; Staiui ester «Ith tV <rral .S.'.it:i t-at ...K; ,. , flnai rhathssna ta thr r -*i -i Montjro.n. A'.*\ini». n.'tr in the re. eip? of n ir » mi.! n of dollais vmu i", fr\aa it* biuuness » ;1 a\.\.l Ih. resell! .iis.urr. . .. ,, v, flisai WltiioSsatiio taCbjtrle»f. sSsiatsti the tr»s.-: I St* Orleans one lav's time, i.v.'.it.itr tin in i.ls. in! »:llhrta« tin Aoiiih in Bsi'iaiaiiimliata sad ihr»* t c nsm s'oowsa the N -.th 1 s' I f fh's R Ra rSOMtretl 'T,s V rt: tn.lS» itk. lL»ra»> tra.les. ue oter llii't. tee: to 'he n: e*sj.^ from eint es. ami hsSap e.mat ruction, is s'ieh »s to ;,it it >a). ¦wad the on |etitioii of ,n\ .itherliue of Nad. lor 'tis ta. use in'..Mki iratcl rsetweeu the North ni Nr.* tlrlesss The <rc ii. r l-ait of th.s R. a.l': at i s, s ,. .,..si -i>.iUssaa and fertile portabaa of S.mth Canstiaa, ;>r.sl<icmt ott-a e»»rr.. k. in treat lh*aashuBM Its stcaahaaanSsoMtMsdJ h tt it hasadasaastt. Ine ci essj snows tritt t'.e UStTl I f unns, whWh attl batrit'UtarT ti this R-<al. m.l .. *. ; », ;| foi' wispertatinn to market, aroalat ad in Ihn ssfwatJ taoi- |.- ; t an iteraire « eu'it eti'n of lio Sss I he t Dtaaaaj hss one miiikoi 't aaajiaMs st.»'» snttteiaV *sl. n',«»t ot a hsrh h is iveen paid in mil spphevl to eiMistrai tjoa, to ahsrh ras Pe nakasd at utt tiast st tat ootto« sfthj i .i >..« .. . ihscnhsd hj thtrM>att t N rth fart baa oa certain rt*naKa>ns II ,s si in .-est that the net BBtawal ptatBa ¦< II re ich rj in .. ut pot aanaw Als. it ii. half of the eutire um has heen t aled tad br..l«ed.t!.. rroos lias ta tin 'he ouaiso of de'.»er., tad vt 1. n .i.l t. r ti.i ii on r u.« i.i.im .1, c. I. the entire in., isaadoi e ntract i yrnduu 1.1.1 '.rdrst im! ia t Ikawnid stats to«artl complettoa Sil thtM sand two h .u.lird tuns r ¦ u «. T i'lttcia. Ins» hoea purchased sad are ha ths no rse 04 lolnrorj A' o.»?>7iMi.isst h is alreaili Iwen expended mc .astricti a, in. oil Bg itment ftsr IhO ratio purchisod It it oipected that alami M miles from Maneaottti Kit «ilii«. cosnpliled indiaur*rnthiata ttiefiil .^'tlittrrv, and Ihs miiio lint In Wilantrsna sarlj asityooi I.unsgi ment of tins Ruad is in I. , th ir<i» is'Oe sal oompsetenl saods No «.>ts ia the Beasta 'imlenakeo « p: .1 in.. 's with no re paittiar tsttM tiiauthis. y, 1 faith. ¦ and 1. pnrtie laftsraintbsi»»refer tut rut. .1 " Kthil.it" (it itti full details of ths Risid and its tj. u*s, st hscb roataias a Map of the I MwMh its Masr aa> sectioas, c pies of the Bond snd M rt^ i.e. piuas .|t hia. sc I, b. r iii.l t 1 lo 1. » W lliol ee. t'n ..hui! >f tbs Company, winch nsay bo 11 laiasd as anjaaVsAsMat ta* «. I fthoCoaipani it Wihnuwt.ia. N C. toflhtiada> Mgned by mail or othei a ise, S i'h am Othsr ml irmtli.a Jj. tiled Mi deem the ssrarttp a dsotraMs oas Th» 8'stss x N rth snd loath Caroma, and the ranoss crp<>rsi»as ehaitored »ithintheir linn's, which have hern l«irr\n*en»i stone bats ssironali snd under ths most advene rat ss- ttantesprompt 1) met then pecuniary emtsgeimma Psbb mntinwal In lhn»e Malts hat r*yt is. ,1 kork «ruanda r. . urd topaaotoalfaltllsasatiff p«M tad .r'i»ie . .u,, III It oils l i e $.11111.W will bodtopOOSd of atwolutety and sntkmt re- rte t.. the lushest bsSstsi si dod uti'isaaTa. foi any sssonai nol. ss th 1.11.00«. will be ricem d at the rti. a -I ths amh rtssrasil lattl J araaak mi ths pth of j.ii\ rusaao fr...,.-.- t to WINSLOW I.IMKRi CO, 4Wall-tt,, New-York,osntorsed I'uor.istLs r*s V», a MaacHtsTBa RaiLBoaa aoana " I otie» w ho'e lud» ale ,c. e| Ied w i, 1 lie reqti-rd 1'i^w twenty (a-r cent spos thsaaMsuBt nwanlsd tolatm ¦ < in nit auBmod .i t he aarsptsBcs .! raeir bals, issl this a ¦sssastm m sajaal sasosisto »a the Arst .I.e. »| Ispttasha (I, b ier. Nuromboi and Pootmhsr nett, hut am mirt. tni as uhkSsrti to sat m full at om , if aaaaad sataasaal awan net fkum las .luv »I pat mi ut .1.1. in w IN.si L tNlKB h 00 H . Ptoawita imo Woat asTai RataiaaBCa ( i ki tsi a aas ii. ii. falj 1 is.it ( n|\ IDEM)..A Dividend ol Dim u Om Half Fm Cent, on ths Pressrrod Mock of tk- l.posy, kaa Ibisd iv in'eu deel trad, psj d.le it theTris. tii Aftscy, BWilhsm-a m ths CMi of Naw-Ytih, a .i .It. Iht im ,est.mi Hu Tisusler Biaikimil Its opSSSd a Ho Ii th instant vi ra «; i im bkins. in t....o D TaaDEsaEB'a ii.sk. Niw Yoaa, Jam kXIML IVIDEND..A aemi-aunual dtviilcn1 af ihrer dtduusa ahars will bs paid i- iln- si.s kk .al 1.1 tail Raak im and aftm Thursday. the M Jal] nasa By ordsi of the Baanl M Zw RICH Mlii IlKKUV .. rpHE HOARD ut DIRKCTORH ,d ih. I IMKRICAN MININH COMPANY hart ml M Assessment of Flftl BOalS a ihsrS. a MSB than stis'fc ill the .Not w i. h Mine icnnl.eie.l Iron, N Sue tit N TwsbI) Thousand inclusive, payable on ns bsaats the IBB da) .1 Joiv nisi Vt A I;hen I I kmieh s- irtan of 'a. I ii,puny Winds..I, \ erflBMt, full I, II H r t II' Ol i: \N BANK ..I th. « I I V oi NKU YORK Tin tttrsclois have declared semi innna, PitidMd oi Kite ;er MBt. paitl.le on ,.1,1 alter the tali utmt fb« traastWi boobs snti » iiksssd unid Dial day lb ftnlbfiil ll.e )|,i:inl nJllil] I ., lilHIHIYM onhi" \MKRICAN MINING COMPANY II.. I..f.. SUlsJCriptlSM to -ii ire, in Ii.,' BINI' BOB MINE, Lakt Buusrmr, wdl.pan .i th- osaa 'I,, i l,pm > II adwsf, Iron the Kk to the l«k >f I . .ms' riie imt.t I shiio h .! Ii s in the Aiin-ru tn Mm ingCismpaa) toi borrtbsffarthars*in the Windsor hast at tin iiiiuiui in pre « ill ease ,,n the Hlth mat New-York,Jsl) I. IBil >i'.t«i e e IMlEl.PN.Pte.1 Mi.. ,i tun s' tao ra im.««' Utas, j New Yorb.JsBStT. IUI I IlIOTICE t- the s n)CKH()LI)KRS it 1 1 here!., t ten. Ihnl ,n el. etmfl fa DIREI IllltSof Iii ' Institution will bo bold ua the sei utad istaa| of falyswtt. t!,i Rankiiu H isi I'll. (,, ,i,,|-.' ,,[,.. -,t »one y.iie in ,. c. ail shi i election foi thn .. INSPKITOBH ' tin-in \t rlscttoa thsrsaftsi tasuuu lot Dire. t.r* ¦** s»..l Boat It. poll WlUbl ..¦ ., lr ii, I to J o'i kick, I' M It rth i f thi Ii. ird, E Ii HRow N.C ti. « je/7 ^w* OffIt B NOBWIIM AMD WOB'iEtTBB B B Cat ' Nobwu ii. Csaa .June u ltd ( ANM \L MEKTlKo he 8toci holder« I the Nurwich snd Wore. sler R nlrooil Cot. psayars berob.bated that llseti Aaaaal MootsMtWlbs rbusCO lit DtltCtoiS Will be held al the ,,dice uf Ho- CttS N w.. i. ... sscoad WEDNkstUAY m f ih I,, .t. it II i kt k. \ ,M LitU IBM t ut nan. ., BBtBM or..peril htWtbfM hM t M i... et i.i .,..! ,,,, ,, ,,..,, ,,( ,|.. ('.uanali .-.J tsth Her order, P Si M ANHRLWÜ. I'lrrt OFFICE t'..r PATENTS, ft Wall-nt - Pattwta fur inventiuns rmttsarsd kt all part"*! Earops,theCanadss,f*asws, the BmnU, aid m tbt ifmitd State« " I he Patent Laws of all Nations" cm lie uhttiss* st thi*off. e iral.sru 200 pp Pr,< . || BSyMtf JOSEPH P ^IKSSTjaf HANK DEPARTMENT, STATE "> NEW-YOBB tmasy, July i. IBM -Tke STRi BEN I Dl NTs HANK nut tin. da, I,led m tliu'sfatst l fths apioiiiiii.t nt .1 (OliN I HOMPNOM.isf tv ( ity of New Y Tk. at agent for the redruiptum of rttciret- latmg notes, tofi iher with a revs at ion of the aoptsataarw wt tm Leather Ifssafartsrara' Bank, at such agent. »tr» altletoth« Bet en».tied " An art to amend the setersl *¦"*' mlsthat to lactnrpofatod Ranks, Bsnkiar Asassmtsms am Im al Maasers iiussed Aerd 17. ISil ;tj<i' DAMM. II M IOII S. s a p. ra'. tuW EXCURSIONS. & I RSIONS to VVASHINO l'» M-atHIOHTS d mi,ii RBI DOR * sad . ststaasi lEMNk UND will ras retularly asabsw» Sundays tscerAtst, leawas »i,e fa»S otf Ctwaabssmo'.. St* .j am! t, o'ebark, and Washinaitoii Higbtatl 7,, ll. 1 and f, o'eli ek. laadmr nt Han.ni.aid and Spring-ft., sad s> i Manbaitsuvdlr sad Btnktr'i Ha to ahn h the famitoai' rents, am! to Waaluatton Hirbls It cn.t« Masre* a iwadaaaattai [ ssmsgsis to Irish Bnsaa IT* |,V\ ' I RSlOaN > to the n8HIN(. I.iBANKBsm rssk tmrmg hat saaj»r ire wsU-knows sea tusmrr BUFFALO, Caps. fsMaai w.ll h ate Haoumim »» N R . at s'smefc, Cm»sl-«J J G l-st. E B st I p.r I.N B.»A* .EM I .. Ig -w le -,a.t and rrtnu\a\1!m will provided Kare jfi cents rarh way *rlj If i «RAND SUMMER EXCURSION . e Dl N K!Kk' BEEltlo , .¦; \I \.. t R k F* 1 I 'he New-York ami Er e Ba.'r sal. ft'ie n-i^siaasBiet 1, « fare of Ten Dollars a* Ihs e<enr»o»n bs WaMBt^no back to New-Yofh. Arrai. «¦»¦ tbs New-York sad En« h....i.I Dtsnswat U *«»?«*. Eicsmt«overtl.nr rusd loDuakirk, sad .. a*sB*ssos* B'irla.t^-; aasrngers u, leavt * . York tmthe l»tf | tad w th.u three da .s af. rw ar.ls, and to leturi .* '* f.tr» '.th fr H.i r. r »e-, nny le- bad asftbr -o i a llaradsn s Erpress offtce. No (, Wall st, älf^ j catHm tnnst r* made earlt. its (ho n.Bar Otf BsWPl U*M L W wIM iO-sfrKH. sMU pajamas LEBANON SPRINGS.Skint** Cbeapeat r., ,'. to lbs* d< j .ir.i Su.sner Betratt 4 Hmhwa Biter lamts sad lUlsn Ki»<-r Radmed tt Hndaon, and taeaco by ri.ln.ad and stare* to ths b( the wiv of the Sha.er (',:, Passsmgers frmi *r*~ York to ofrrn.r ta/ats >r ra..road. »UI Irate Huston w .«CM tram, a.d arme at the SprsaWJ" J PM Paatemcers froia New-York by ovtmag ""'¦*«! trains will leute Had. at the Be it taunting d 7 ,.cbt>. BP arm eat t:.e S, rin.-s It >j A SI. soal fare npua thr n»« |1 fare from H tdson t" ihe ttpriara. $1 lo ,_, J I W Af'EKMAN Su;..rmtrnJeal Hodtoa. Juno t. .... *" ADVKRTISEMKNTS arp in^rtcd lbs best papsrs ia othtr nisesaial Iowas st T PA 1 M ER 8 Adtsnasing Agsacy Tnbant Bauhbog I

FOR SALE &TO LET. LEA C'ATECHISM C'ORNS, Ik …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1851-07-08/ed...UuaaaairCreek,immediate), adj.aniagUseV.liageof NSW. pVRtiH.OratiteCuuaty

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Page 1: FOR SALE &TO LET. LEA C'ATECHISM C'ORNS, Ik …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1851-07-08/ed...UuaaaairCreek,immediate), adj.aniagUseV.liageof NSW. pVRtiH.OratiteCuuaty

FOR SALE & TO LET.Ik T PRIVATE SALE.Th- threes ttjXm\ hr.rk HOCKE, with St-.'» and 1*A of gronnd i ttm n

a* M Chatham-art west aide, between Pearl and Daata , said hit hemc in size Ü feet by 107 feet in itpttv 1' tTiprice, term* and farther nartirularv aj. jet


jyl lw 7 Brojd-st__AVALUABLE FACTORY bbbI W\-

TKK PBIVILKUK te Leans -A buujB,esnuBtutd well-built Man ifiv-tunisr F.stahluhmen». .

Uuaaaair Creek,immediate), adj.aniag Use V.liage of NSW.pVRtiH. Oratite Cuuaty. N V and withinfo'ty rod- I

AM of th* H olaon River, bow owned byCBi rBBliller and Thomsa W. Chrlaie. Ksos T.'ie Fasten Bsue has U tu heretofore used aa a Fo indrv and .MBmp.as a Fib factory aad the manufacture of eotloa u

eirhty feet in length by forty Bjet in breadth, and three Sto¬ries huch above the basement. It has a neve- ., ,

of water aumeient for any manufartu ring pur;,o*». w itl. 1

privilege to draw water from Orange Lake, and u funusbe]with the necessary water-w heels sad «haftinr T:.now in the' uildinr epinninr frarne« and ma/hinery nearlynew. ready for tine, and w hirh ran lie purchaaed at a mode¬rate;,!,-.. i SIBSrted nrBh the Kar-'o-y are ab >ut ee re li¬

tesä arris rr I sad, rat Orr* ITennanr hirnrt t~r rt-nnhirh. thirty feet bv forty, with a w,ng attacheal, containingin all eleveu rooms rjea:dethe red r ami kitrhen, well fin¬ished and in mom order Ala<». two other tenant houses,rommodious aad 10 rood order, one r/>ut.unmr eirht rooms,and cellars rorreauoadinr. Also, a budding used as a work¬shop Tnere is a fine A: ;>le Orchard and other fruit trees

on the premises It is, in all reapeet», a desirable locationfor maii'ifaciurirur purpiae*. and as a residence and it willhe leased to a rood tenant for a term of years at a moderaterent Application to he made to JaaeosW BetrleceT the

Proprietors, at Newburyh or to Y A Loaaatd. IM Hearl-et.New-York my*7 iastl TuRf

Ii*OR SALE..A lieai.tlfu] COUNTRYBBHIllKNCK. w .thui nx in as- ires wait of tarn Mew-

York and New Haven Railroad station at Mamar me. k,coutaimnr atiout tu acres of superior land, with a (treat va¬

riety of pears, eherne«, and other carden fruits, and in

full'view of the Sound The house is 4U feet front, M Raideep, with kitchen attached, hnished with hard walls, m w-

hle manllea. crates, (mm, rarnare house, sheds, ay Pos-sesaion riven immediately Inuuire of N TOMPKIVS1JIBoaery )«ll liuTuThfcS*

FOR SA LE.135 acres of I. V N I), withinone mile of the pleasant village of Tariytown. w ith an

elerant prospect of Ins Hudson Kimt and surrniridinxcountry, situated nesr and adtuinine, staae of the most fash-joushie eoaaary rssntsnrsi oa the Revet There is s nue

stream of aster running through it. abtast M acres of heavytimber and a rrove ol maple and ash of in bc re-

seaHOaif n wtsbiag an elegant countr) reeideaee, tin- sasna rate uaaortuaMy Terms to - II parebaser Apply toBTATR INS &. HINK. Ml Broadway. r«

I^OK SALE.The new and elesntal 3ja stoiv DW K.I.I.INO Hoi in. 131 AvenoaA, betweenNinth mid Tenth st* bneemsnt, ondet cellar sad atlir

lloi.se I», feel deep, with a In i it '.1:11 . l.ot St feeli inches front and rear hv 113 fact deep Chs Hosis built in the'beet manner, with all the modern im-

proveatenti For further partsenlan in«|uireof n MIL-l.EH. »,3 Wa.i it sestlWSeveatb-sl_jy3 iw«

IJVIR 8ALE or EXCHANGE for CITYan PROPERTY.t Country Beat iumI farm of TO acres,silua'ed on the Mori « a r-.:ol. at S im-in'.Hi. i shoul Bvc sunnti i wa:k frtmi tl t Di pöt aad M atileifrom tow n The place is ahumlaiitl» supplied with fruitand sbruhlieri, and is anaurpnesod for the bennty andaanRkfubtees of the situation Can fbar times a dar fromthe fis.t of Ciirtbutd-st, Apply to C SCHAEI.KIt. l

Nssviu si M story i) I lw*

IjtOR SALE.A STORE, GROCERY.Re .and LOTofLand.eliaibli situated im thenriai ipnl

street BtfberillMoof Hnntinston,SutPilk Co., I, I be) seen«Im h place and the Citv "t N'i w-York there w daily < i-

¦aastndien by railway and stssmhrrel If not-old pratknitto the ist of Beptembei will be -old si nnhUs ancAioa oa the

proaaaeealf o'clock, P.M "i that uoj for terms, indmore particuliir dasenption, inquire of Ii PLATT, H-iHuiitinrtoii, oly«23ti I w St K A 0A1NRS,71 Nnssnn-st., H V

I'i^oK SALE in FLATBUSH.Only i;mill i I'm in Fulton ferry. Brooklyn, ta

of Land toaether, having los feel f, ni on Clarason-ai by2V feet in depth, and ontaiiinu ah ml i n ie«, or the sin»

arenas 3ii cit\ lots. One oftaSOl Iota is lud out withRjaendanuti .1 v. slks, ami; 1.d «itb about MO shade andfruit tn of i hoses varieties, ins latter iaat oonaaaintoIn aniKS, and manv ornament il ahruhs, runp'ierry and c irrent bashes, large strawberry bed .. kii The other lot a inetover, and has yielded a heavy eitsn this season There itn new vi ell and pump on the premises, cms- featahs, BOW,sad the whole has been pal m prem nt order liy the oameiwith the es.iertation ,.) ho,Mini: thereon for bisowaaei u-

pation The henRh and baaatj oi fIntbunh, iteensyaeesihiUty frost this city, (omaibusaaa passingeach waj somUtaaas a day) render this a rerj favorable onportunitj forBay one to pun base, aboil neeirous of building s connl 11

n v,,iia,, in aooaveaient hi il a ind aaiatorovuig neigh¬borhood Will lie sold ,,ii met oininod.ita,:/ terms Apply toA. o WILLCOX, Clnrkson-avenoe, flatbash, uANTHONY LANE.3j Wall -t N V n«3f

K.H BRIDGE..The balance of theLl i s. rts M to MBoa nag of limb nttansittto, »r«

now lortha tir-' time aaVred ton aala Taia propettj i« atnaled on the Weetchsotst aids "ill irlem Huer, opposite theEishth avenue on this Islnail The fine on the Rightb-avenue Raitroad, which leads direetl] to these Lots, is toIn-but live eeaat for Ihf w hole leiu'h of tin load llavin-a arnR, nuat npoa the Harlem River, Uta property aflbrdasri-Ht ml v sntageo fot boating and ti-him: Ti rms favorable.Ain.lv. I u map- mal other information, to I) B W1NTOR7lCedai--i cor of Nassau-st ie.'3 Im*


BTAaffORD It isaituttedoa in eauaem.terloohthe smtire v lilaue, mid hiss aommandlM »ata of S sreatedent of Lens lalaad Buaad, Thedwettünt-boaso i» lv^.¦

ston. s nigh, in good rsbair, und ountaass ten annas: nt-tsclied to the hoase are about three iu re» of I Hid, in a hiK.listage of cnRivatam, on winch maenad ban aad a varietyssTrast traes and saarabhery. It is eoneidsred . of themoat pleasant situnttons in the village, and will beaoldreasoaabletenns Apph lo.l xmi's PIERCE, IMRIeei-kei si at BARAH W LOCKWOOD, on the premises.

', N 2w*

rpHE NEW VILLAGE of STRÄT-M TENPORT.siin.ii.d within k nulea ,.| the i'i>. Hal

wmil, HwrUaa. -n the Floahina Hat. I BOtad I its Wildfowl, iiiki' 'ind clmiiv. uiih hull a inur irnui I isli nlownril IBM College Point.The Bbovi beautifnl baildiu:saht having aaisa snrveyed and laid oat late msi lots, (MbIBB Bat,) Bbonl one BBoath, Btaoe which l.there hatbeen aU.ut half the hnadsspoaad of; ih<. irs < Bason frontsll parte, ami poaaagaaatly there art itul a good chines ntnil pnits la be ahtpnnad of, aad al the aaaW-tasntioBsdpricesAll hasshove or east ol l^fayetti si .$71 MAll loo betnr, ii Lafnt etle aud lligb «:s .si u

All loto between High and Amelia sta ..... Its euAH l»ls between A.h -t and i 'oil.lire a\ Ml miAll lots between i'..iie .% d the Raj las ouCoraei lots will I». mvarsaall sold at an a.lvan. >. uf SI .

aval tin- aljntains lots.The streets aiui even.see me son betna gradedAn eteaisBsa will i* made every Bnnday until farther

n.ti.e fsAeto can be obtained fat FLAMMEBThe cm.hi ions of sale ire III enah M the time of par-

chase, aial Ihe balance in mou'lilv instalments of MU I'll -

pieperl. comprises the hunds inung «ratet privthtgas,olbull auleutekteat.ei ibrnr«nnt nnparallalsdptasmactsofI u

Kasi River, vdlage of Fhishm Netrtown shore, BIsland, Morrtsunnv \ a isi, m the novel snectacle >u'the Pallwade K.«-ks and C ii-'.iii MouataiBi to West point,MaaasaiSS se.eial tunes a da., both bv ind and w atB'or uiaps sad evert inf.antaiiun relative theratu nnaltal Hi. isBhssofJ k FLAMMKR, LtWoosU St., twoiliMirs Iron, \milv N II 1 tie Vmitv-slreet st ire« BBa«b. ans d..»« evarj ii«.«. nun ilaedanng the daj n i at

ryo Ii I IL I) E R S..Fot Sale, withJl Itaaai to sslvnaos in s Butklinf Loas. a BLOCRHl 11.HI Nil LOTS, on. n ail lated wiUun at nu-Hutes' distance of the Ktchatire. lueaenting a tine (saportaBBv tarnen of ralsrprtss Iptd) to E MARTINDALE,I Nassau M , M tSOT] i, I I w *

VACANT LtOTS for SALS..Two §4the best LOTS on BtTSBth at , weat aide, between

Twenty-second and I'w. C, Cmdsls two l.tM'S »ii 1'wci.-tjr ae.-,.i ,1 st au.i two on fwentt bis) st seatBsvsnth-av.wMf in.increments in.ikuu and i>> BaBUsdeonUus Ivonne,and in the vh iuhn. render lb i pi ports very aamraMs Ai^ply to (sat ti t B. W i mEsi Ek, it Wall st

I^O LET ..r I.KVSK.An exeelltynlr aCTORY m ll i>lNt; and W * I'KK BOB M

auevei lailinr stream, its.ui «S nu!<« fr-m iln« citv. so.t,MB f»i a CsStea or Woolen Factors, \c i« bat Im e«li nu ibe Eue Raab.Kid. and 1 from Hie liaison KuciRent low

AI«... i pod BTORE-HOl'SC ind DWELLINGg>sad stand for i CMNItj Mors km been aetaMaihed Myeara. is ueni a popular «nst mill, an.l St a BeaalBtrauaj

nli> W .11 N- l.-t reasons'.!.' X-, a «..itable tenant Ap¬ply to A t* BMI ni N l

t.s.ni 21 .. .'$ stTaThxS*

f|>t» LET.In Gn.wich ViHase,Con .

I a g COTTAQE, with at rounaa, door yard and gaid.a. and regetaldea tixwunt n th s trd.-n Sc'i.s.'s.Cbuicbet. si.hsss ..ml P,»i-Ofti.. ¦. , riinisnssnl It ateaegBBstnlaasassearalh fraes the t'.leenwseb lVis>: ua theNew Yolk and New -Ha.cu Ka li, .,1 ll arssald be let fortwo a oaths or mass Rent seven dollars i«sr month In¬quire Bl VI \MIN PECK, I .. ViUtol F Is F BECK. Ti Ch illu ii-.-i -

a .

I^O LET.Tke dwellinn pun of the newHOI SF.S.iaBlr.vk. i s; ..««t-u-.. at andback

r.s.m laa Badraaatia taa wrd atot ind front parlor in thesast'.HTi.l >1>'M a Ch b.i. k his, a i. cellar, kc huislie.l ain-sirn »'i !e. vvilh aiai '¦<. n. i.'rls. f rotwi wa't t m the > Islotv, with aanlS ptpe, h< i; lio ... Iba lane. «t..rc. mi-«Irl li e above prenc.se« j.SIt*

r|^(> LET..Rocknwny « iitugea, ndjttin-B nar the Maruss PavtWm, Ci ,v. >i,Vi> u

liNi its .a IORN H POn bn Es k h


InqeiieNOB IX» I tKlli'l I., at Ro.-k.awa

TO LET.A HOI SE, ia BihrmIvi ty, ubtown Has been linnvhed f.sr and oc npHsJ naaBra

clav« Is.i.vliiw house durmt the :>| \i omu h» I'hesta-ataei u> ciuuniaialing, and laa and !en.m' the renutamrtetSM »f the leeeewiu S' transtei ie.1. aad. if desired, t ie

taiBiiun. aBl aa «nid .at reasonable terns laqu-re .. ihat. las ,.hI,-i e \ . H

r|V» LET. Kntit ston of \ - S, 9 hi7 v " st y ....... ... ,\, i ....

Tritnin H- ddia«s

T«> I-KT-.v NVt !i *, ..K-h.r-.i HOUSESSMM Ses-.^a-as^^. Rn<| r., ,llT.th rd-st near v

bivson;;.. Vw'-s- * ^/u.,LET.. V btaingg|U all,i rjHWNDCirh-

* ' '»'.. >' .. ti is .|

ItottHl-v.. .re ol I »-.-.v. M-s-l \(,,, .

: H H SKlh.WH S . vk , ,!vs: sSKlii.WHR.Lenot._ 27::

sTEAM POWER te LET_Thn«ehsTBOviVS (»Hl \*\ Jt.>!sf>rl. Wllil S?»»l(Vt PlIWtBf Irtalll raa J

Ma f H siM.iNsoN. id u", si

<M I \ IILS.. UsjMOrtaa*>Mof'BOON\i UN i I l NAILSi aval

Hi HI Et ll Fl I.I.I is v, 1X1<«. 3;i.T- Tiiasai . iMOrswnwath-a


LEAK Y TIN R< >< > PS PA I NTED ao<ifiled foetmec?^.. per f ml with the N*w-J»raey UM-

C« rr-svve tnnt. m.d w arrnted Tr:« Pant 11 well ad ..pi¬ed for otjt-honses f. nrinr kr Sold f>* 4 n-nU nerpo'ad.mraod ., i»dy for ose OftVe tt3 Spnnr-st n*v Hod»n

¦ill Im*_KOO FI N G ..GOODWIN'S Patent

CEMENT SHEATHING raakea a ah»ap, l.irr.t aaldurable roof-done on ronch ;.lani fee t, BOBM .+t t*y.-<mt;n or »Lirurlea. Ji eeata per f< >t. and warranted Otü-e.J«Spnnr -st .near Hudson, jell Im*

DIETZ BROTHERS «fc CO. 134 Witliam-St New-York. Mar.nfarTurer» of .i.r, ?'.»n'VT


a9 ja.

SPECTACLES ami OPTICAL IN¬STRUMENTS.0>r Glasses hare air-aty hOSS trat I

to «o nianv i-erson». tlia« we roerel) mute those antyet ae-

quaint. ', w.tt, ti.cn. to call at o .r institute. 41» Broalw.jjyl m* WALSTEIN 4L BECKEL. O.t.cians

«AJIPHENE..Best quality CAM--VPHENE. f .r sa> hv the barrel, hijettf DI ETZ. BROTHEB fc CO 131 Wii.i

K|m1 DOZ. SCYTHES, Snaths, Forks,.ßVPiJhukf*. B'fl.-s sad Scythe Koaes.foc ertj ar.d roun-fan resale fcn « Je hr C ¦ LITTLE.

)e9 In,S3 and 34 Euit..n-st


»nie a larsss asvrtment of wntiruj. wrapping'. hanr/inir.

pnn'ina; and sized pn;«rs. at Mnnufii'-"irSIS Best SS pasrrof any kind made to order st the shortest notice. M H-

Raa warehouse 1J9 Soutn-at_"dORATES and FENDERS..H. K EL-wJiLY. Grate and Fender Manufactui er. 144) Broosae *three doors west of tnc Bowery. wbstsSSSds a:.! retail Asplendid utsortment ¦¦{ Patterns always on hand, and at re¬

duced prices K*M taa*

iaJTK\\ ART S Plantagenet Gtwrd RA-b^ ZOHS.The s boeribers msstmns as ree,- ... r

supplies of this ei rated hi/or For sale at whuesaJeonly by FRANCISTOM ES fc SONS.« Muden -lane, sole a-

r^iUfor C. Stewart fc (V. Ch innr-rroas. London invt .(

TV AILS' NAILS" NAILS"'.Kir--11 BBBlBjl lirntlfhl an! rut Nails of every variety an,!sire at the manufacturers rerv lowest prices Ear aal» byCHARLESP DICKIE. Itt Chamhers-st near the Hmls. nRiver Railroad depot. jyl Im*

BAKER'S IMPROVED MODE ofSETTING BOILERS .Orders will he re<eived for

the above, and information furnished as to plan and the sav¬

in k m hieb has been effected in numeroua rr,se«

. 10tf SlILLb.'-AN. ALLEN fc CO

Ii A RLE an.l POCKET CUTLERY.A larva assortment of every deacnptioa of tine ai d

low-priced Table and Pocket (u'lerv of ttie bites* patterns.direct from ihe manufaotnrers, and for sain low by

FRANCES TuMEs a sons. No I Mstdon-laao,Iin)iorters and Dealers in Guns, Hardware and f

Gotsla I i't

SPIRIT G IS..Beat quality SPIRIT(LAS. for aala by the banal i>v

je2tf DIE I/. BROTHER k CO 131 W;llinm-st

W CRAWBUCK'S UPHOLSTERY,re o HOUSE and aTaia-Farakshhaj Warsrooms, Mi

Grar..l-st New-York, whi le will be fosndaCompleteSS-oortnieiit of tlie followuir Brticles Festhers, h or, is .ss

and husk ;,.dsn. beds, mattresses, palliasses and CUshious;also, bsdaaeada of every aaaerlpjtMa, v:/ patent a row. .

joint, lock punt, iron screw, rottiu'e and trundle MtS,Re.;also, a splendid variety of paaoT haafiaf, b ir.b rs. Sic MrC would ( all particular a'ti iition to his m» Styll a* hailand »iriiiit mattresses. N B Old bods and BsattTCS Nrenovated and made rjrveroqtia] t.. new, by

W CRAWBUCK, IM Orsad-sl servond rlnorjvK Im east of Essei-st.

IKON FURNITURE, of elegant pat>terns, from Ronaaoaa and Amern an demaas, plSSali

finished or costly ornamented, and aaaaraeiat hat Staads,»Ottoos, chairs, brackets, pacture-frames, bedsteads -i oonami parlor tables. Be for sale by the PATENT MER¬CHANDISE CO 240Broadwa .opposite thi Pir*

o-it TfaThaR 11

SPHI NO IIA [R MATTRESSES.-Res-spot i - p itenl Bpriaa Man Mattrem BED. maaafb

lured "oalyby" R PRINCE k CO at lu7 EultOB-stBroukltn.isa perfes snbstituts tot Psllinasss, H er m it.sad Foatnsr Bod, and will wear " twoatyyears." rhej nr« ll up. Can be USOd 00 both sides, are made oi SpriagB, pareflair, kc and are entirely Iree from Cotton waste. Tow,Husk, Moss. Hosts Rhatles, or aar otherdeletsnoasarticles,of watch materials the.at oftaa Bov Sprim) Mattieaseinow in use by the eoaUBOaR) are compose,I. thourh theynun have been purchased in respc. table shops L t ijjiersiiii who has one afthose things railed Sprioa MattressIBs eelstate tins matter, and in nine enses out of ten theabove remark will prove correct Rssssgae's Patenl Mat¬in s» Bed i oiitanis ten UoUliJe of pure hair to ever, f.i ,t lawultt, tin v an lb, in a; st roi nest Oeo r,n i.s...aao parson has seen or iis,d them, but pronounces them i

most iicrfcct article furtlio.se m health oi the invalidNEW-YORK T a TEN T MERCHANDISE COMPANY,

Ml Broadway, andBKNJ NEWHOL'SE. CT Hndson-sl New.Y

appoint, ii afoata tor tadtusaorders, where the srtirds stay boseen by thoss ieeidin| mtluscity,orat the ¦aanfai lory, 101Fulton st Brooklyn )eM amTaThil"

SOFA BEDSTEÄ I).NEEDH \ M'SPatent Sofa Bedstead, nmaataetsrod be w I HUM-

PHREYS.No Id Chatham si ackimwledeed by all whohara aoeafaaaa to ha the heel e»ei rsfmrsd for sale Itre-quires but ten seconds to convert into a ;,erb rt bodssV idwi'hspruiK mattxom attached Plasm noil m,d etauune

themN B .A laree aasortment of furniture, mathers,boda,

and mutlrcssrs w bolesslc und r, tail a!9 |Bt*

(M)RN HUSKS..A few bales pri.uiialiti. Indian con d, for sale bt

i»»Jt* DOREMU8 R NIXON, MNamaa m.

PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, SASHM \-I KER8.B1 ILDERS, mdotheralaterested,remomhetlhal RAMTEL SCHOONMAKEK, 6 ml -1nth is for sale the irery beet qualities oi French and Amsri-can BssABPi "' »»¦'.....» '^Ht- ».».... «>» »«r "V»'sl cosh prsCOO I'ainlers, in nwltM llat, iicy l.--,r in ni.u I.ihm. to Ine aid uf f an evti asive Steam Power Paint Mills,kept cutwtantl) in operation, I ¦.ambled to sell better ni

in 'es of PAINT nt lower priese thaa am other inanefaitarsi m ibe Cmted States PAIT8, OILS, PUTTY,lilt t Sil Es. ami evei artw Is in the line, in say qoaatittsam I El SCHOONMAKER, 6 Chat. tounn n \N II.Piiibsmm will have then no sis delivered in

aajb) oraadstkm. and free of cbaine, to am paet of taw cat)»¦i im«

HAGS! RAGS!! RAGS!!!.TheBhjhOSl matket |inces paM inCtsii to*

Baus, Gaass Rare, Waarrtaa Stock,Canvas, TaBBKD Rock. BataailMM,Hai.i.is,.. RoraCvrriRaa Paraas,

ami aii arrttss curaa at Parsa MaaeracTvasa»s oi k, bv

CYRUS W. FIELD k CO si theirir?u 3m Rae Warehouse, HI Beekui,n-st New V uk

GQU1RE ä BROTHER, 07 pSuWstks^nnd IM Bowery - Wa'ehes. Jeweliv Slid S i \\We can make it U,e interest of those aas WSJtt tSS BBoea,bv our aiiMiiKiuieuts in Euroiw, totethei With .ur man i-

fm lory her.-, ,,f havisa tlie roods from trat Im ids, to maksthe i pan hllsea at < it ft, stole, M PaM hi st Uf IM Bow civ.

Wsars BeHarwansd upon kssetasths ropotataoasf < r

Sltver a., , Iho asms a* Botlmrs liilsi.» out a tedStaudairf '.al0 3mOl X Kit K- All c 'ods are naiiaBlsd as re;lresell., ,1.

lowest pi.ee- and cash sui'y. 97 Fultoii-sl. and Itt Rowory,

1\' MVIIEs.JEW ELRYand SILVER» » WARE..A very larre aaaottawBl of the newest

stvle of rich Jewe'.rv, of everv isvtteni mie gold and silverindies'Hini reailsasraa Watcasa, aad RUrm Ware of theatamlard ,>i uV4lars,al eery moderati puces, can be foundat F W. PACHTMANNa lews . SI 0anal-s1Watches. Jewskrj and Silver Wa, e made to oi der, and c.irr-

fullv repaiied CaUlo-uia Gold tasru in in i e usdmade up toordei |«ITtJylT*DUTCH ER tx READ, Pracueal¦ ¦ HOUSE and SHIT I'T' Mlit KS .',2 W .-.r si iibsits from Peek-siip All onlers prumpi Iy attended toN B T1TRB1NG ii ni -nth nrataum sad ami sirh leSTlai*

]»ATENT ZINC PAINTS,as Mannlar-tut.d kfl the Niw-.ler*ev Etpl.irinx aud BMahsj Co a-

panv. for sale bt the BjaaatBtj BBhjwatTSRwi PaiSTs.- The No I apahty.iisaad at arther

ml.spints of Inrpeatme, or in varnish, ,,wiin!i s vesi ..heautitul isircel.oii tuusb so much adiiuml.) is whiter thanthe purest while lead, ut fr,e fraa all f.ueuu impurities.Slut destitute ol tha unpleasant small and poisoiioatties of lead paints.

1 ho Nas. I an.l 3 qushties »re in all resisn-s l.ke the No1 etccpt Ihes are mm quite sii wtnte tin . cwiuo at lowtrprices, and a,e well adapted to outside storkThe drv white ovule of Zinc timed with water and a litt is

Mao, makes s brilliant ami lastiur w hite SOOljaaj lor wallaan.! ceilinssA suitab'e ,'rver is nrejMirshl f,,r the paint, and it is in a 1

other res,s, 's BSSd .» wlute lead, except tliat it si. saidBot be quite so much thjnaod ,!ow n with oilDakk Bkown utDRLAcaRrai Pvis.s -Tbssoarsfur-

nmbeil pa a ksw :i., .-.and ars smioaBtodlj ihachaamoataaalbest isiintsin the market. the. are lavaluat le far tut roofsand'run suifaces of all kinds. bein< a Mrtsetprots IiaswasaortahrfKm; u;s,nvussJcu*uif*.<tAikr>. «iralso a ra>>ssl ie tote, hi umiiisI nieThsoSBaM Paints, k.m inr a pare metallic hass, srs wh--

ranted not to turn vellow. and will n ta n tuen ssailSSl br.:-baaei much !oiic, i Uian whits ioadoi an. of ihce-it». ia»-rnents now in u>eThe afi ni ,i, ,.t dealers is resjnrsted !'\ the C,,ii.,.,i

rvneisl Aoin»S T JONE« k CO >3 Beaver-st

ÖPRAG I Kt, MARSTÖN, F4artufactnr-B ersof Guns. Bitlsa. Rifle Pistols, paten: selfc s s tKevohiuf Pmtuks, whsaeeals and ivtail. it phstham si up

»wem. jaBJ im*

i M N WA D Dl NO -KLEYS Oloiha. a »;v n \\ kDDING, IM '«-st and, tu asest arts-le usedElev s Perrussioa Csps, w ire CartrnUes. kc A lartr sad

ot'sss-.t st melted aad fur sa.rbv the manu tact nn r 's Suis Arrnta,nittf FKAM1S Ivitlr s k sons 6 Maiden laim.

4 MINI INE TEAS..TW CwttaSR Teaa. ¦ Conibany herebv aaorise the public that thev a«> pre-tmred to n tad everv vairt» -f TE \ at lower pra-es thaaaa> oUier eolaMi>'.iiiei t ^a ui,.i...u,;, Trinr e\;,n-aive whose rale trade rvvunnr them to k,-ep on band a eeryharr» assortment, the i urcaaser at retail aecessanir de-rtvrs many sslvantatfes b, tradius with them, a,sj ohtaiurdslsewhere City an.i c- uutrv families w oukl jreatlv cs-sult their interests b» cu'.r re<ardinr this advertisement.This M the 1-h'est Tea Coinoanv ia the Bstf Ttseir SSkhtestablmhtoeiit is at Hi CbaUuvm-at.. betwrea Pearl andMoeseveR. ami thev have BOW B" branch Mores Groc. ro

Bspphaui in small quantities as low as by tke eisest aÖ 3«*

ÖHN DTIOMERGI E, Rottitior andIhstilo r .Hi>\ EsT JOHN, alter batiur passed

trt.imrh -he ivrdcai of fire, a up axam and rt ad» to supplyhie cn»t, n eis Baal Uo liquor trade reuerallv. with Use bisst¦ Pars Saar*«. is aartea Braaraws, Gm sik! Wim Call.Voo in want uf a «u|,-r.«r arts-la. at h.s ,s!d pUco. 110 WestSe,rn>ieftt,-s* nrtr BS>r«aah ivenuo iotJ» Im*



C'ATECHISM ON BEAUTf..Qax*-'tiaa.w :..t(l"fi'- *d

Anssrrr.Person:.! betulyö.How ran this I* BtMlfBOd if n«< naTira.A.By ,..nr Ti,-au- ; r y Natureq_How »hall we ranjuure a know ledge of «T-ti m-tr.s

A.B. lMirnuie fr m th">e " luv studied(j.Wan lu» r.o inanetnksttts themoot atteat ...

A-M LAVASSE,theFreachCbeaust uM(>suBetat*saQ lliita dine be impar* his ki-wledreA.tie ha* praawd a > .all bank enaVnl Sf »kt or

Baatrrr. or How to m HAjnasonat.t>.Can lie learn us Uw I- iu ase brown skin fairA.Ye-. a:.J lo rem. re gampica. freckles, tv<J-f nr. he teach us t.. »m.->iu the mrmalei ».in

Z.Tea, aasi to asaska .id ,-¦-» ata hmkj .nag again

O.I).<-s hetearh BOS* to whiten M «a t IkA Yes and harden dasenM-d fUUtS aal sweeVa t:.e

I'teath. . .,

O.t an he soften ami bsMtlfy harsh. s-iiThairA.Ye*. ai..l make it grew profuselyQ.f 'an he promote the fTosrth Ol wru*«ert, krA.Yet,M ha-tei Ikt |tWWtll Of mustvhesO.Can he rgBBBdj dim eye, or he pthe sightA.Yes. ami make the dull eve »parkie nngh»f>.C.n he ro'.or the hkir '

a.Y>>. niv r..lor a isheti < an tie n« edO.Can i.< tell linw to have re.l Cheeks auj lipsA.Yes. without fail. also to remove su.-'rfluou» hairQ.ftas anv rersa-n tried huv plant '

A .Y'e*. thousands are trviur them and a., ire p.exaed.Q.Are the Sita let he reat nbei «aieA.Y'e». petiectly, and rorj t\\tm tonO-Where i- the .' See re' of R.aut. fid *

A.At 1(mj Nassau--: comer of Anafj.What t* the price 1A -(ir..s -1 It i- -,,],! un-le- -. drf» Bememher the name. Si RiTni Bf »t ri. or How

to be Kajmoari by M LAYASBEE, Fr- .. Cfcr. iei61m*

FIVE HUNDRED SOLARI.A mf WICK, N aa I Beat aualitT, for aalt at

lo» priests,*] METZ, BROTHER a CO.je2tf lit Wiiliam-st.

IMPROVED Tu'.ular WATER FIL-¦ 1FK-The most she. Ii and perfect Water Filter in thev..rid. Price Bl 3$. Depot tilt Broadwayhull lav* BT LATTDfG A CO

ABBIT1 > SOAP POWDER .Li-lie* w ho are interested :n i1i«pe:i«iii g with the slavish

W'asi i..- I)-.- aia! tii -e v,.... ¦.« . '..i; li«h the w ,-h-ing for ten persona with the aimple r,.«t of Tit.. ivnt«. ariBplease read thi« This artnle i« railed B T BABBITT'SSOAP POWDEB.il betnrredui e,t to ¦ ;.lei.s re rmuch ejieape, than ht any Other for.n Bars.ian rontaius

twenty-Bts i*r cent nf snsterin s rry«t»ii/e.i »taie. ,.i;., r-

viK-it v\.,' ,d re>t hold together While BJahhitt's is le-

dui'ed to poVM'er and < .nta.ns BIlsTS waxhinr BMteti ll ii.ananv other artu le in Ike WorW, and .1 -e.- Bet lo*e ia weir'ithke bar sosp by standnn. if bar soap stands in theo|<-n air one vear it will l.isc from twi nti-tive to thirt.\t r rent .of course this loss BttBst be water and n >tlnria*flip, therefore it eanaol be washing material Babbitthas bad Bpplications from all parts of the r ;utrvfor the etclusive right foe selling, mit as yeth" sold M eiclusive rights The ire-are sale« are abouttwoand a halftuns pee Anj a andacttan is nneW by thsBanbnsseof test per cenl ; Ben heses, Boa par eens All m-

frmcers will Im- rigidlv prose, uied. whn ii are ten in BUOthotat tins tine Ere^yihing in the shape of washing sraUbotribtborwaennkaostra until BABBITT sdrsitased thes tuewhole world was set in con.motion to evade BABBITTSPATENT BOAP POWDER. I il nywtnotluna snpareaewcpt one man. and he dare not mnnnfaC .re in c m,r.

aoencVofthi patent BABRITTS BOAP POWDER st IIleads an, nnd psndnenma aa it rei astntnshinr Baranncttun,No one d.s|srnM-« withthi- U»» f it. al't.-r the have on e

¦sad B; no bad smeR kt found m taSstclothet if: r araehnujas sosneeonpe do R kt pat aptn nearly pound p inersatritBdirections f r use printed on each packago. The besl artto i.«e it for washing is to follow tin-first direct,on on thepei er fr using the powderdirect for ill white clothes v .r

rxMored clothes fellow tbs ditwctnnss for making asto ».ftsoap, whioh regnrsa ao grease and ism d* ia ten mi nute«Soft sonp erary obi knosrs bow to sse.ii asorory etennth itmost of tin«e wbs nas it put t small n ientity of the pestrderorsoai hi .km aater.which renweresall tht i»- it once,

»ml vnil remote erarythina that say other soap ki the woldWill do

1 he clothes do not require boiliaa after the :;-*t ihr. rtionis followed t" make them aaits.thus saving amch Rnstsnd hvbor It has Is en used in-arl> two ysain, and it is

found i loll.es last more than t rtOaJas I'll-. hSeSIWS thevare aot rtu>aed to pteoee as they ars when s wash board is

used. No washing »isla is required. The retail pnre is

twehresad a half cents. There hi no risk ia trying it.ie»-i si ,.|. pacfca|e wdl nsnae two galkme af bsaanfnl aoRsonp, that na] OBS run use.

Fut sale b] aearlj all Ihe |tooeriet in this place Bfann-factared at sad 71 Wnshington-st, in New-Terh CityAny country .irngirist ..r man beats an order tarnaah nayaholeeale mercbsnt in New-York,and gat ns caaatpas t,.

ai'plrtothe factory direct Anv person m the Cities ofRew-York end Brooklyn aa bare a Btagteboiaeattotlunnat the cost of -i\ sad a quarter cents, bj sending t >the Bsc-to. v. 7n Waslimgton-st orhavethi grocers pel A fot youA bot contains sivtv p »'-. hall b..v thirty-sit paners.ml depot for the sals tti BABB1 IT'S sn VP POW¬DERat BARLE R CO..

rj and It Waobrngtoa st Raw-Tan,. ''ff.tu. . i BaaaiTT, 1 n»ABtl mo |(,3n


JPRINTED LAWNS at ONE SITIL-UNO.A lull assortment, SStat reg]! iM-autif d, and

Bta h as have been si Hun: fot 18 pence or i^lOOODfl i on TRAVELING DUFssES

F e lam Chnu.Iua. s at IS ;h iic.-. (mil oartaiu Bat)«.1 s» iiitiL- raty baB

I. .sli'is. CMgpa u'I.ioii ami other St] leilooms rou BOYS' WEAR,

from loceiiistu <" eantapai yard, en.bracing erar] irtkaswin, h the lnail.i t adonis at all desiiable

DOMnsBTIC fJOODBtit n.snufarturera' prhtns, we being esanaal la aamae the di»-count allowed lor cash

CRAPE Ml \w USome saeehanl bnrgnant m Rm n aoans

l ILL REFER PRINTSat (.cents per v.ird. s h us Bare bl en Bold ti one shillingThe cannot be matched at the price in the world

OCR PALL IMPORTATIONIure now < .lining in, a foa hav hut biu ii ni cm d. and we are

le...l> ..I..i ssil,¦.«,.. n.i.k.- sr. at »;,.-r.he,-» and ..tfer greatimtuceinenta to pairliaeera m or-', le mitIf- room

therefore ii.nte an enrlv call at1111 BOWERY iayinq8 >IOKi

Iff BowerylygtKA FW B . F. Oll.LEY Ji CO

I J REAT KXCITEMET..s-ColumbuuiwR Hall, til Grand >t S k Bf. e TOWLE.fnahionalPining nnn Baainwn fill a ind fane} dress OOODg

Tl.es bnenbsrs, 8. B fif. e I aanld respectfully callthe atuiilu n ol the la.hes to a large a»s. tuient of rich

Spnnr and Summer dress goods, just received, cwnwetini fB ii pan es of rn h ebene and br.«a.!e SI LKS..usi ciiint/ printed FOI L kRDS,Ml " printed Sll.K TISsl ks.Sim ¦¦ chine han g. HE LAINE,Mit " Pant BAREGES ind MUSLINS,

together w ith full laenrtmenl of English, Scotch, andAnwricna Printed I \\v \s and HINOH OI>Also.p, slop Fanaj Forrester, front Wamoon, SB*Ant

aorili of rich, plain .mil embrasdered Silk and CraneSHAWLS, (extra heary frnare and new sutterni Ladkridesirous of purcl.asiiir.sh uild not ..How the present spper-tuiu'i t ssinswithout ealhat Pikes, B>to BM

In rissnertum nab His above, are fJaSelatgaal PniisntsMANTILLAS snd VIS1TES, w Hi itrs wide Bruss. .,

line I illuming*-prn es, >J t ¦» 1" in.iK.ii' tin ab aa

sortiiKiit unsurp.isse.1 f,,r vuneti !'. anv house in the r.tyHoneeki i js r'* stttnttra is pacta ..arh direi ted t,, age

urn rtnaad uf Embruulsred Lace and Muabn CCRTAINS,t. pairs, sots, and by ths yard, al rerrloa ir,c«-s. B gaaa-ril atär tTmsnl of Fancy and Steide i)n tj sis, astäntlion hnad, cansaaaBg oi LINENS, LAWNS, LACESEMRR0lDERIES.JACO.NET Ii - Swim MI'SI INS Eu| »criniiu and Ihnaesue siLK.i -tton andW is len HOSIERy foil ,rtmi at

Satin. TanVta and Lustriiii RIBBONS. S.Ik Lace TRI M-MlNGSof all widths

I sdies" «nd il.nts' French Kal, balk, and L.sl. TaurandGLOt EBCubes sad Gents' Einbrtadered, Pia. .. Colotad, Ii

ilen ,1 sad Mot nuns POCKE! H kNDREBI HIEFSI i. es Lau VI U.S.C VPES. CULL \RS. CUFFS and


lb "st. Goods, PHI NTS, SHEETINGS al sillHIINiiS. irom the ihrteren: m ils, by Ms cam st .aft

VII ..Hier riasls fBaomRy st'lsineil m Urv Goods sad laUi an a s Fnrnahmg Store», may i»- mand ¦ even- variet.0. sals m lit to anv pail ol the c. or rSCHUt] r: it -

Irr* Ir*t>. RitTi'ry snd Grand st. Jena] City sud Wilishurvh stares, puss the d-«>r even live in mite-i

rartas.1 - s k m e Tow I.E.Importer* am! Ri t.nlers. Col urn' .an Hal. Ü i,r .ml ¦.'

01. e pin i and no dev.alion o7 it

CUSHION iBLE H ITS../nsl im i-s. d - stsidi BoveroBert El«FRENCH BILK HATS a: the low ..rue of fl. usuallyadd at gt A:»o. an artn e .'. - Kent H its

BRoWX. ... c. ... -

je» ba* One do-.r fritiu Snilivan

1MANAMA BL\TS..StrswGt> i,SOaaan, tor gen's ra bb rents. raatbs ami BaSnsts,

,-usistiiiS Ot Pan.in. l, nud Leghorn ami Pal-ii-leaf H it-also new >t\ ie braid :..its for ge:..«..,., ug Ä, ,,ad !?..».trtlknaawalyle l-os and iufai:i.-traw - \.«,,\ir:oi-iattrius cents and v..uiir rents Un a-sk a. silk. Macs,js arl-,white, color,,: eater bats, al MON ARol'E S. tU¦every. i3im*

(HAUTION T<» THE PUBLIC..AU. vulcaluted wlute RoMier. as weil as nlai-s and «here. 1. rsnot stamped byH<ajare H Da. GOODYEABSPATENT," acc.rd.bii to aia csrrrnanl ia h.s lacenss n m

Ooodynar,is aa uaftingemsnt sa ii-.«l.-ar » Patants, a ..1all dealeis in. SC purcliaarr» uf tuest tuoda, aie e^aall. b ¦-

bas as tre*pu>aers i.is.u t',.,,!,-. ar's a.-»r iwledged r'.rh'sw.'h Horace H I>a. bunself, the Maket ofauch mioda.andwdi be pnaecuted acc. r\!in*i|- AU the Ind,, Rabber s:. -esiio.v Suade by Horace H Day. are an latr.ugt.u. ntGodiear's Patents, ami ad dealers thrreia ren.lertLe.u->' - ,t - :. .>lr i»< u'D i L kg :.. Ptetlt.t

In assadf af the Ha. ward Rut ter Co Newark I R.M»in fact, nnt Co. L Came., funi t i ,8aos kaao-r atrs aial .slkers ¦ || 11

INDIA RUBBER GOODS.Mstratme-I Nd «tnler OOODYKAR'S Pa-en: T .r N ars »

li. l.a Rabat r Manul wt i I ai.-. st go » Maid- i-Une. Kew-Tesk; fa,-t.^-i. Resaark, Ne>s Jer><- r int umpauy are manuiai-torers and w iioleaale dealers iu allthe eil«rest art.. .. s si»'i:a< :ur»xin .dPatrat, and guarautre all their t «als as being egaal asjuaLti .. reprts. i.'. >|. .. m's are ,u-.'r«:AD PSSahl are warranted to staa,.! *:i. a> I n-m si at«raiUnu»t..roLutiv dea.en

HIRAM HCTCHINSON. PresidentWaKBIM A ktkuss. Sscreta; .iagai.Ui.aW*

jrjHEAP i LOTHI N G..-Thsw.^ signed hasinr a large a?sortm. at ¦( Simmer Ih* n-vitrathe attention of in. nt. and cuntry dealers Uithrntw Bsaniasr.BU Oressmith-at, between Ran-lni-and

npttntrs simi RL fk ial

PLAXNELS..500 Lmles ScarieL Yet-¦ 1 m and White mUm and i..illr>l, nWnals nal«l NE>MliH k CO aSlln.i! si .1,1 , N

\\'M. 8. VANDERBII.T «nm\i e$M:< cnst.imrrs. sad the plot* cs«-

rally, t< hi* well selected stork f('LOXIN tSSlMEBES T1STTJCOS,

t SCMMJ 1. -,' Jh » :.:.* .

tatt favorable trrm«, for rut, r .ris»-<;-i' t/> tmMuu hi*to «eü in KT rlic-e, it h« we d-kn 'Wi

TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT,4i* Brwd» f --. ü - >r fr m c.rn-r of Tin d-sl w*.er» bt¦ prs-pared f.. ri-^r .: (it Ni l EMEN S sod BOY'SCLOTHING, of retry «Irwnpüo*, m the neatest ml m «stfsshiotiabie »-\ ¦*

He als.. krrM rMistantl» or. hire! a wrF «elected ajuv»rl-nient OS* Prathmsss arid B .»»' rralvmilr t*i .hinx.Alf. a r*n> raJ »»-.rrin.ni f

OFMI ».MkM . H t.MSHl>6 **Ti LI«,of every rasissj »'. liw«

CPOOL THREAD..M Ii liars!s^PaNs' I > aA -.. Se'Mtig Cottas." a verr »'i;.«rioTartirla Forsattby L O VILBOIf ft CO,

mS fta 11 C>rtlird-et snd II De--st.

ULANKETS..A rrnnplete assortmentM-ßKack Nag i B --n ¦ »-.-

»it.« for fair br)Ti NKSMTTH ft CO.. M Bread, 1 .n ' vi New st


^OTTÖN WASTE.,000 of CleanC < : >r Ft r: r W rar f r *t!e 1

rJl tf GAENT A l'LRRK'hl»ON. 151 S-nfh-st.

»RINTERs- BLANKE R.And Lip-par.* Engravers aid Boiler Ctntk. tnr «sie tw

C B 1 E HAB«IN. jjPme-et.

\>Es BLUE and WHITE andTWO BIA Y. PRINTS V lala et

dt_ C B LE BARON i5 P..-.est

pOLORED CAMBRK S..100 cases,w- -' all rolors and qualme«, f.* aala at redacts! prieaa bydt _C. B LI BARON, » Pin-tt

ROWN COTTONS..1,500comprisineeven width Baal ijuthtv. for *Vc bv

1 NI>MirH 3t CO ¦>: Br ..i.i-.t i:,dJoNea-st



JA C. FISCHER, (late Xim B Kls-».Hrn. Mauufactorv am! Warer «>ai, 17n Green» ich-

r. traf Dot PIANO-FORTES warranted, withrts.rtrae hridee and patera! take, well calculated for see-unc in

tat.« P.at. .-fort, »tum Iii i nc.ai.irj»; Im«

PIRST PK EM I I M. 1841, '4x1 md '44..Ja S'i;.»-riMT w irrante,t lasta-ssBssafti treatft} to 7octave -,

at the lowest susauRacism ssnessiada) taa* CHARLES 5 HOLPBH. ISlSsiaag at,

47 OL] \N PIANO-FORTES..A iiewJM-d and splrndid Warem 1 bbm t r OIL>BJCXT ft CO Sf oelehnrted P.m.». with or wRhotrt ihnJColiaa w . iniment, h i» recentU l>een awaawd layWATERS a, BERRY. 133 hVoadwnx. eorwet ¦; AnthooT-.t , in addUiou to '.heir fon.,er e»t»!,li»l.,..eat, 447 Uread-Wavt run, (tie matl) iBillannul d'tiand for the .E>lian Pia:i»-

Fortr«, und nie liatlnmaiili ta their favor raceived from allpari» of the country, they an1 «nre they have onl> to lice nut«¦ fWB. to take prMoaVrtira* of dl ochera.Price, of jEotl Ul Hiau E..rte«. from M) |a $*. a

Gram! Pian,^. with and without tlie jColhaBSecond ham! Hi inoa t is. 1 in PXCbaJtre Hi«u.. to 'oren,> !9tf Wa rEBS a. BKRHT, ssi a 1»? Braadw 1»

DIANO-FORTES.Fol Sah or to Hire-1 liMjaira,naatd tatBaptaaihar. at Jin Brwowi at.; aft-rtat of Septentber, at Stat retail Institute, I >) Br aadw 11. offaM im« F. II N \sil

LANO-FORTES foe SALE . Per-Boat t pnrchasina Piaaos wiU Und 1' to their sd

.nitat-, locall it BENNETft COMPANY'S M ... ifactory,IMFultoa-sl asidaof Bnaadway.) They hare a largsa-- .rt.111 lit of Rom wo. d P. il, ,s .n.iv ,,,1 lie,

EreryrastnimeatwmrrnatedBar twoytari B AC" h»»ethi aasaaoat aaoro thaa lain sorsoaa thap wdi raasrto,who hare poitlissnil Piaaooof them, all of whaoh h ueffrsa oairersnl wUtsfasakm, but whoa aay do<ahta are ox-

pressed a« to their q alitv. the ava lit Bmyht withhelduntil such doabts are mnorod old Pamoosscasnrod..New ami soeoad Piaaoa to let nS tt

ä \ cV H. HA KMORE offer at their Man-ndWan 14 BLEECKER-ST.,

n« r of t am ns-st., as isaormonl ol tlssrsnl PIANOFORTES, With the metaUkt frame and reverse brides andall other modern improvements. lelO 3m*

PIANO-FORTES..Persons at>.»ut pur-clia>mr Piano«, «dl lad it to their ailviintaif. t >ch1I at

R OleaaRCo'i Mannfactory, IM Paltoa at weal nf Brtsad-way.) A rnienil ssBisilimiBl ofamhocBBy and rtwowoodPiainss OOMtaatlj aa hand, which will he sold low for cashor spprmed pai,er. llealers supplied on htieral terms,

aifu tf B GLENN ft CO IMPaltoaat.

\l i:i.ni)i;oNs Mi:i.oiii:<»v^ ».

ITH The besl Musical tustrnrarnt now in ose..CAR-HART'S Impaired Patent Melodoons, manufactured by< 'ARHART ft NEEDHAM, Wsrer.as, M Mr ad ly,where can lie lonnd the foeest und !.e-t s««,,rtnieut in theeitv AJso,JRoUsa Pinn,¦ Fortes

ft R MolodooaS tuned and repaired si short SOtiMJ I CLARK. Meat,

jel9lm# aMRlumiway,BofwsNo 2.

1WÄNÖS I'OR STLE snd TO HIRE,st 7 Baitlai et opyosfts the Astae House, from 61 to 7

Betaree, m raaewtmd and mahoeaay cases

je/3 Jm* I AM ES I'Ho.MPsoN. late [allaau B Raadall

I>IANO-FORTES..V. F. HARRI-SON.M Csnsl at (tsatwrwMaM atoryO offers for sals

a splendid assortment of Roaev ,««! PIANOS f «j and Taotaree, with the latest iaaaroraaaasata, < im*

COAL.(?OAL..$4 85 snd *l .'ii> per tan..1 sin

'atte receo nr a larre sup; ly ot Re 1 A «Ii. from tftBisbratod Salem,S|sihn ml Lewis veins, tliat I <»;ti:r nt ti.etow . .f ,.,.l.,»rv (..«1 Also. Lohicb 111,1 ,"ier WhitaA-).;r..als. id ioIiiiml pripiu I u:ii m !|t iliruf '-ilan tm;to rethd, at a rery bberal dmrotmi t;E<> WABNBB,ioSl ftaTaTaSat' BM Hotaatoa, em [ aaieae et

(^OAL..Ha v no testen ¦ new rard, at the''corner of <;,ireck aiul Rlfiagtoa, in eoasectioS witii

mv ohirsstabrsshedyard,at km.' and Oreea rash, aad hat«lilt manv evtra ineaus in the w av ..f re,,'i,,n* Cod of laeboot qwality.os ibta ass to»ell at tins low price f,,r eaah ,i!>Froai hosts. White Ask, Store aad Raa, S3 M ; Red Ash,Storeaad Ees S41 at orals ssatataoaB] tr,,iu yard. Deliv¬ered to ata part of the city.reStSar* PETES CLINTON/ «OAL.$4 85 PER TUN .The tmb-w scriher is constantl. rec ivuir, direct ftwmths miass,Pn.i h Ot.hard.lilai k Heath and Lsblstl COAL, .fall Hitta al nsea, tn Rrokea, Ksf. Range aad Samra and war¬ranted to bt ofthe rar) boot quaUtr. which he offers for saleat lower prices than en r before sold .11 tin! B irki t

james, L w ORTH, 71 Br dwaj. utdyell tf Fourth, r ,rn, r 11, sagSSS sts

POAL 11 85 PER TUN .Peach Or-wVchurd .1,4 L.ioeh Rgw. Stars, Raaaa Bad Panas e

COAL.now diackarriaqt, at list radacod arieoof *i U gottlill O.ders tiiaeii. the tla.e ol deliver, I". it purchasers,at the BBtrra pr.c. Als.,. LiroTTOSsl (Im .Csanm aiaj 1 um¬her land. Aram nndsr ci tor, at v irda whi Hr..«,ia.1, aatwi ssEik-t.tielC.'i ,l,d Nineteenth sts Illl.l I'i7 B-werv. o.ptHiallt

Bj Bg-st U*i4iO RANDOLPH MEBRITT*HE SI BSi RIBER is snthoriaed (asAgsat ofUm Coaspaay) na r,ai"ict Swtfte hsBran ,4

CARGOES if the eolebrsied COAL from the Salem Htflhi .ues at PottstriUe, Pn formeriy w .rsed njr Btibkat B Hay-WsMsd aad Joan G Howe»

Jli |v* 8 C OGDEV. «.> Wa!l-st.



\l ,nt' ,.i »t- 's- wit AsslsT \\I ...

igjsd to teai htha L it in and . ire.-s. bu^aaaas. Ma liemat., -.

and to take the management of classes The ocwortaaity,ti .in- rentlemaa ami st holar. havins sum ipttal and d.¦KSBaaf settling in New-York, is one rareiv to be foundPaitn .tat« ma, bt assrrtanted bi aiMrsmiag oSh realtsms aad address, OMEGA, but iSMNew-\ P s- .<:.

tat A.I 1 on.m in.caliolis >'.i, t,, c ..i.,. .,. 11 '

JOHN \\ LEON LRD, Teacher ofPhi"niwraph'. Amanuensis and Rt|orter. 49 Ana. aid !lS

Ch.-imlerasts .Nsw-Ymk Terms. %i f.. r Ii ir.»«.» iottlm'

HOOK-KEEPING, . Mr. MARSBTSC n'.iar Ri. ni» for the sfidv and .-,.»¦ t.ce ,J BOOK¬

KEEPING, Set Bruudway. cor D aue-.t . ¦, utmue opendad» Cn-ciilars witla term*, devrip-ive oi the coiir« fmatrortion. a< supplied , 1, appltc.ilusa. or forwarded..Marsh's W.,r»s on Boo..-krepiax. t*au::.'ul ed.'.o^-. priated

--. r. Spanish and Ear'isli. for salt Bs abort Er..--


ELEC1 L'ARY aa Bti sal rssasdj .s icartesai irsf"i that d.»',.s..i.» jttsl dai.r.. .,« up i .[.' .¦ p.ie-1 mm it s»wt aatoaisiiir.r reetaim und, see ss a-:,.<.«. to 1- had rralj.. ,,f tile ...oplietor Oif. e Its* R.I v-

etv. v, here t;.r m. Ja im ... ta.u» .! Re urn. » t 1st)Rowtrr. t doors abort Sprjac-tt.. aad alt» UCaawsBrr-.t.. atid bt Mrs Ha s. j a B

13 tn,T raaiMorse's i' ;>,und Sv-u. ,,t

\'IT l.i'U inn K ROOT..We feela roll ptesl ».-. tterr r.-.e to .,-.

acownto tie woild tnr auaattrrai tSk m .t tu.s sflraar*Saw eparatiua. Thoeasiu!> hart beta fi mnl sf a

great an.ount of suflennr. and mm lives sated r,» the oaoof it It is 'u »in o lcdre.1 .-the'.est >!.?, ,.| :., :. ne lube the mutt rlerant.scieafifk' ami aalSBary oretiamtiuB nowin sse. and at i deperitue '»ruedr. se.diHii .1 r' er CJUahd.It staeds auriviiiii .1 1,, e eure ol Br ¦ rlas, SaR Rftsaas,Caii.rr. St lof'lia ai d all'be var, us d:»es«et .imunr tt aaa Harare state sd Utr B!.««l Akts, ail RiImssi >ui; bunts,ami is US«d »Ith Utp.irse.Irate,' »¦!. ow m bB sbsbb tf Pa>Bsalt Wsskatts and roneral At SM -'-euirhen nr thew.... i:.. >i sd,-. Kirnu '.«1.« to "a* rseawasrg o». siat ,n*ar-mWtam the entire s. stem, aud si^. fu. T,e tfSWtha IdtSBCowplaint. Catairh. L) sgopaaa, H ada. he, D:/tineas.Coagka, ki Tbust affe, tid ailhCbn^.., Diseases I I laVVtvw toioi. w ill hn.1 this u.tda ant bot aal) plssasal lotustas'e. btst a rertam cure, if rt be wnthin the power of rtnsmd:ai a.ei rt- d.s- r V .- .. t ! ...-di¬enet sm happih ¦ umbnud. asto'eud JirtHtl, to ggrt tiaae It*tar stosoai L and bowels, etctte to lsealthr as turn the Lit erami the w ;,.,le I RmtaWhsT >. tt-.-.i ail i N-r».. j l:nta.,J.tyahd ptiMoote the free a. Ikhi of the Luut«. this reuderins ttBPSfteahMtaaRdaaBaooBsf a Chesma aatare It.«...*re;y

and may bo s»ed la all 111 mains, sad st all k.-e>l,s of the rar

Prepatrd.nl> b) C MORSE h CO st 1SJFowoU a-stPioridriM r. R 1 sad told Bs tb.MisaiHls all over limfartaaS k IIUIsK'K I n.lLlES a CO . IIP- j. at. Rew-Ymk Ott s .¦, »Soi*


sod T »<h Acbr Dnns. to » eft known, ran he »nvurej althe principal Drag.» aar! Chert.sral sto..». B

J M-aha. k (' lO!l-*l»ir. I har.r» H R-ar. :yjd Thönses T Green. J^d.'. 0>"rre Lee. t» J ,. H Tkse-atrJ i."9 d J W Basseil. Ml do. J kit

foaj .1 uftoa. :34 .John B !>.::. rid PU,E WattSSttT.BU do; Wm D ( '¦: '...: .- E»er. M'Inf-e iYT2do. EM Ga>w. ITT Boa err. e»>rner Grand.1 » Sand. :a B »ery. James I n.rar>.e. c -r O retain»I and Boa er« ....

I k.wise st a!l the nncipi. 're* t .' u<-....tt t

and hy the Pvoacaitec.m Oread atN B .Ar s.-ei.t ..wanfe.1 rt'.e St.tr .: P .> >

.A.;.ir- »s. e Pt.'cnet.*. tsat-isajJi*t* ha

Fr mthe rtesr-Yeet rrtssme

SYRl I» of NAPTHA .Wi fe< 1 it .-» da-- h t -ill Sbr vtent.on m 1> H l>TIV.s> COM-Pi'l ND SYRl P OB NAPTHV TM MM tnar» noe-

trtaat, tnri the pre; arat.on ad one .«t the m-«»r eroim-rtt ic t

devoted .4 the n.eiia-al fn -dtv ami n'oiuvthe twentiethpvt .«. 1*4 store- arl.wt tsr true, it is .-e-ta.ul¦ a :nva. ia-

bes datcutcn Testimonial* >sf the sen highest .e Js^r rer-t.j\ ... its puHlltS C'ire .si that heretofore AC tr.Me disease

Tvsrrrnlar Consumption an.! ita elm arv ta Asthma. Sptt-th r : B d Km Saeuts. Wastimr <.( fse Etesh. and altdiseases of the Threat. Chest, and Lüne*, are pr.aa.mn. edb» griieinl. >n»s nt ta !*esjanl!yren*ark»Me Recilar Ph>-stcians invanhlv ttttt adv. rtised popular no.*:: | arttjk -.-

lent an«! pc.4Vx ud rssateeipt: bat in the ras- of HAST-IM1VS COMPOCND SYRl P >f NAPTHAA'is very faroUm r< -.se for :t lias set the mmority ..f them to the tnak-i:.e i r«.;srrunent». and the d.ss-nsM.m al its mer.t» mdthe It «u'.t is. that there are bat iVa ..r none of them a ho Bonot rt commend it.and arm Ü 'n their p"vsle practt-e.a :'.* a armest adv.«rate« are the dstmgiiished IVM ott ami r>' Checsman. a ho regard it as one of the rtrsl

dasr.'veneaof the are K»r .»nr own part, we tries! HAST-1 \< iS I SVKl P n s H I - .ere old, a t.ieh h id :< » i. edS'i>ppsee f the chest, and creat dittt. ult. ofbreathing aastH ,r..' us so sjtte l.y ..ad etfectneh as to till its w.th .u!-miratrm sad aawirrmttrl Ita actsoa isa the .Mrcm .. .es

imrat din*- and :m-. »sant. ntil there » as no sup, rrl i-.t. leftIn fa. t. it en ibled ns to breathe as freelv as ever IhjTMInn.Uli and entfretj reinosesl the stoppiwe of the ehest m

as aaaa] k in BT« eintest I v recommend all whom it mayr- nceni to iradthe advertisa rueu*. and should mm ails ?-

rar\ of it* nientt he sn indnrement to them to obtun anv

of the NAPTHA sYRl P we h-id onrscive« responsiM-Am .- .si etfei ts. mid that they aid !s- thank I'll to ma forcallins it t.< their asattcav

y.-rs^-ji is.ttie. si\bottles Bir $S oBVe IM Orratts-airh-st AN., s .ld b. E M GVION, \tl Rsmeiv.au.l JB DODD.m aasaadaraj let.' iair JlikS

\\ 1TER (TKK.\%"<'R« ESTER v. \ n:u l RE l\Tt 8TITCTION

st a retai.I am! heaitlir hs ationS ROGERS, M D

js7im E E BOOBBS,gata*rhateadeal

DR. ell vRLES Ml M'irs \\ vTER-Ct RK ESTABLISHMENT, in BeeeoeTiUe. North.

anipton. Mass.. has tsren reopened Bot t irther i.articiilaraaeaiy to the DarAer, at ahere,erle WM KAl»l»v: taBr' a.l« iy. New-Yorkit . tt

ORÄNG I M01 NTAIN W ITER( i uy _.s...|.h Onutre, i:-..» c Kea J r»ev JO¬

SEPH A WEDEB. M I». Ph s.. at. hi tht InstitutionVisitors !>. w New-Yort Irare the f.h.t of Cortland it

Si and I» o'rl.s-k. A M and t and rt ! »*A. P M i-.'* tl

nVliRoi'X'lllh IXST1 l'l rE.ItPb-anon Sprint«. N *i nad II I nhyhl st Nev Vark

Cite Urs .i.ii HOSEOBU havi -. shedFEMALE DEPARTMENT I rtl. -rial tret astet i

PROLAPSlSandiitheri tareij ipa ir man-

ateno nt Dr. Trail will he al the citi etta lahmenl t >i

rtsjis'iltatioa on rVESDAYS ind WEDNESDAYSjeltt Im*

Fokimi oH'Ur KTnaoeaTitii Irbtiti ra, iSi HooLkT't Mm ai .is. Juan H, iui t

rpHlS INS I I HON will be readj foiJB the rereptioB of Invalnts early m J It

u .1 .1 rAYI.OB, M I» ( .. tipiaamjeUJin* WM I MOORE,M D [ .


moatdehahtfulami nenRhful Incntiiatt, aannt a view.dthe river f. rM miles and an i s-.Lie aeretal limes daily byRatlrond and Btennibontt, it ow open for the rece|4wn o||. .Heids rjet Im*] F 1» PEIRSON, M D. Physaciaa.

DR. SHEW, the earliest American au¬thor and pi n utioiie. i WATRR CURB, enHnnta

toraceiTodarpatienttaadbonraari. O 'di-Tiit. praetieaand lettert foi advice attended to OffieeaiuLJns lioncorner of Twelfth st and Unfrei tlly place, iie.."r«ll ulssa]

INSI K AM JE.i 11 DSON RIA EH WRE INSI R-i i \M K OMP INT, W it. it inj N V

ISH C API rAL iStiO.OOO.orfii e N" i" tVant-el Manh ittan Baak Bmldinr

Th s Cismpnny continues to insure Pirn Risks ...i theBloat favorable lenns. mmM 'he public mav rest assured thatall losses tnttaiaed oj ihia Comonny/will he In.erull'. andpromptly adjoetedand pnidnl tneit New. v»tk Oante, inntssnor nnaal at tin bnnka a tin- cit.

ISAI o( BLOOD, Preatdeat.p .1 A. niv. BttiotnnjaJtaa A Rntyoa, Ataattant Bacretnr] |yT If

rpHE MERCHANTS1 !Nsi rvnceI i OkTPANT,

or thf rv 01 van vorm.OtTii e, nernoi id Giaaawk h and FuVton *i*

o. .au Bin- BttildiaaCASH C M l TAL, ÜM

las in. e acainst Loss oi l)'ini.i;rlh EireDIRECTORS

Aaron Clark, R H Van Aukea, Win H Dieti,Crow e| Ad.ims. C V B < l-t unle \S m llasta. e,l esiAirnr. D R Martin, Robert Hoe,Nathaniel Weed, El. Hoppock, loanph M Bo.wa.David Marie, Q W Burnham, Bohert P lieti.,Valeul K by, Ward A Work, E Beadseatoe,m v Hoppork, s s Bowman, Hamoon Ionen,

t IRON CL VRK. PiesnlentGti.R. k vv S.. s ,1aif-lin


Hr:int it t trtit t- hi HuwflfT, nrr BnMran V \9n capi¬ta I. $1'.. .iin, p. asUi tin i.. nmuhHioa ul . Urs.- kateuaaae,. I Ins Conipnnt it oondiictedua Hie mutual principle, andthe assurei1 win ra i>' back seven eethtite ofall the pr<4lta.pohi ii s am hnned Bit tie or more yanrt ormr Ulk Per¬

sons in o. insu , tin n laes for their on a bemriR or the Im o-eht of their knahnaahk nrrran, pnrentt tad ohiMrea, or cred¬itors mav insure Hie lues oi their debtors Policies willal*.. (.. panted payable after aWatit, i,r apon the party ar-nring it a s|*ruied are, at Insdisa ri tisn.Person- mOWed linn CTree and re ro-s t'.e Atlantic

(b ean, in first riass vessels WlthlStt OTtTa ehnrft it Hif¦eeaam ofthe year j md hj paeine aa addahon 11 ehanre, mapVisit outlines Is in at lie).mil llie limit* of (he Policy

Inaereat «iii be pan) mi Bat pranan, wherobj the yinrtfpremium ia isxlu. t d each \ sal after tue first three

oiM' ana» I i\Zu a VLVOKII Pr - lent

C Y Wruri I, Sc. r.t tryAbk*m Hi sols. AI I) Medical Ctuminer, -t ta. .fl'n s

fr, in 11., i p m andia u.aan Paaaaa, M D OaaeaRnuj pi .-...>.

Rev .suli/s R Vss.S n \l s it) rar , and ( ui.-m!BOtKli of IrlRt.' TOKs

A c Kinetland, C s Woodhoil, m Tan fehasrk,I n Moreen, He.. i> ph. ips. Enoch Hem,B J Brown, Ina \ mNtsrden, Natal o Bradford,H B rti ett Le a is B Lndoe, Silas C llerrinr.H Anatm Muar, I» Henri Hairnt, John B W diiama,H Phelus, Jhn P Br a,,, H. J Amlsmsn,R Haislit. J P Hs re. Kleeaai P.mir.John P Vkare. J ones c BhMwin, Beaton Paaitut,A A AJvoed, John S Harris. Jolui \ Merntt,Hei.i M. .. . His... S \| s. Jt Ge.,./e W'fsbt.,wm J Vslsntme. Georrte Raraanra, Wm K MnaR.Will.am Burther, Has.d Austen.

t! I Y Vk EMPLE Se retary.Ii», e of the

GROCERS' KIRK INSURANCE CO." iNu i! W ail .w,,,. p. ,

CAPI rAL fUXKOOtt.At an ssseTiaa hehl tins Jay, the following msnhannes

were ciMsseii Hirtel..is oi this Company ant lue ens intears ion M i M tat I i n- -i. B letBenj B Sherman, Marshall Peuooo, Fraiwis Sknldy,Peter Maitin, Aieian'r H'Giaist, Chat Birkl.alter,RnfuaSt ry Asal P'-rter, James B Wilson,Hen'. Ed. i, Isaai C la' r. Will.am H Footer.At a s'1 sequel.' meettng of the Board, S WIPsoN

Moi'RE K«u «a .- i. -,. ,. .4 President ,,fthe I J .'ULioN »Mini.oeereurr.

Nea-York. Feh J ISA?N H .Thisl'oii.ien. >¦ n'iii e. ins i-e B'.M ir« Mer-

data M E irs I e, FasnoR ui Poet, mr , .saBks mmt tas uaiile '.erii.s. All los»es art mptif s.t, isted sodpa d at If

ItROOKLYN K I R K INSI RANCBi O .Offj. e *, Meref, ihr,' Lie rise Wnlst.N Y

and 13 It' n-t Brook! wm tLLavkuhlH P e, :A G snuM. kn if.:) Hfam*

r|,ifK N E w BNO L A N l» UVII .si. a K INsi RANI y COMPANVJ i Ren »..«.«.

Conn., ins ire horses, rattle, ke. cga.ust .». I. .tu deat.'i,mthei frum natural i a .se, a. <uleat, or disease of aay da-a t |i whatesf New-York Aftary, la Men haute'E" smjs runss-r i>(W'aBaad Hna ter-ats avn-nt

t >_LÜH \RT. treat

(OPAR IM JISIIIP.1 kISSi Li TloN of PARTNERSHIP.m\J.N <. ssLets v fiseuihal UmCs^mrtnersaapkaee-

. er i i. I Arm of LAURIE aBARKER. Cnei \ -Ml ,> st .wasdisservedJsli it.... matnal <<»i.sent AH itaineea.*f

. ettM GEORGS LH ItlE of theoi l »RGE 1. ii HIE a i 11


rpHE i 0-PARTNERSHIP henRICILiBDhtJN. WATSON kI New-York tadPhila-

.-..! WM WA !'«»iN k i .. Ma', .eater, England,jstfc.. day dissolved ',v iu own Lii.rtnisan Tiie outstaad-,

' >'.x"« r" ta serried <.¦ III.is RICHARDION .a.: WM WATMiN. aad in P:c^.lelphiaei'her fthsi .-. THOMAS RICH tRIMOX

WM vs 1tsor.» WILLIAM k i i tRRTR

THOMAS RICHARIMOV nil aBhan Oat Aatntrnl( B.in.s»e L and SI... ;.ir>< i-itajneaa* of the late r.rm. and * ie

Artwcy ..I the Pktmealnjnm ^nd lAsmrpaxd laae of Steam-skips at ti e uatce. II Evcnaairr-aiare. Nea -Yors. aad 9Walaot-st . PUiiadrlphia

I at mlsa nhers uavinr ihm dar formed a Co partnership.-.nne the Dr- G<« sis tmsineaa nftne la'e Irrnäl

RH H tBISMiN. WATSON a CO a' u Ev .eir- ,-.»....i vv .VI WATSON' a Cm VIaiuheater. Enriaml. umler

thn.rni.iWM WATSON ft Co *vm WATBtlNvs tl.TEB M kGRB

July i.MM Js" JOHNSTOKThe Dr. Graate l cr t.es* of the late tir.n .4" RICIIARI)-

SON. WATSON v< u MbhtaVlpkis, ad! i. e.*atinue<lWILLI am R CL \Khl

Juli l. iL,i 1 I: had c Che., n-el


UAOE BONDS. -Sesled prv-».wala will I» res-aired t>. Ik*ror«-*T»»»r» until THI KSDAY.the IMh d*i of Jal. Bestfarthree bundled th iMal d-llirs of the first Ban]M><rtir*AT Bernds of Ihr Wilnunrtiw ami Manchester Hi!rv»d C >i» pm>. tiesnnr interett st the rve »f «er** rs-,rent pe' annum, principal artd m»err*t ra>lee-a*S> m .»#I t i \> »York, the rwiiK-irwJ OB ^e M l«H>, :#H11 * R-itids »TT in BWaa of *l BSlearh. » itn eil*,,«» n*<*-

Mr »t tl.r Mm hanW Bank. Nr- Y "k. * the W IVM .' :«t June u. each .ear. contrrt 'de e Mao stfstalSt." » of ihr r..u..'.ir.». »t the .tyTa,* of the h

Yt-rv Hi ix» ...! indi : acts of the Lettsiatsirrt N8. uth far, i .. mm ur. .1 . » M arBrtatO r Dm i

Truat. to Edwird Sandturd. Essj . a! New-York .» i i»f.« the h.Idcrs .U the B uJ.

! .¦ Deed of rrc« rsrst-rt the satin law I rat I »et.n,pMrd and to bor from W .'¦».nr-n. N Ct.. Msrrhratrr, in S C » distance >t :*f mil's , m'.r*w hen con;'ieted v> it h » S .'-tvy T nil ami ev,'1 ipned. $' .mt.mmVThe ett a.rdinan »dtptednesw.tf the c-*n*trt b c# . ajstrwrts n t >n :»v »v.tint»*> tans h*a c*t

11 r Trustee iseuesvwered. hi »-*«* of mi OOaro' dsn ,a

payment of inrmaMl mi laloiiot, to take ntanrwa « of tlieonttre hse >u R> ¦.<!. »ith it* espn,! tieitu. »iati>*ts, in ««e

franchise. Ac . the same t.> »eil ,| hi» d Sftetam '.» thehajhaal hidd.t for cash. t.> pa- arte r* of pciacipaj w mtr -tIhr »hole »m>mt .f S>ad» »nth. shad t \. ;v,.: ,|

trot* of the stockholders at a meetiasf railed f r that jurpoaatu April last, and an order of 'he Raairoa.: Board. >to r-i «c me it » t a. "he res <'hr r a : ..¦!..aients. onN <*tw.*w' 4 »hi«-fl sre i» » , ,r


Is I rnaspaaj irHI o«e M *hn Jrbt »>..<a the r>td»teoinpleied.Tb« road still prose an mv«>rtsnt link a t*i» »»e»t rhsSa

,.( ri ...!« ill Ibsstolt. hirw -k n» f..,Ks« Otlooao rrsiarrtinsT st *,*h>"rrnj*,~i .* i*h ihs RaleisAand Woa i.c'. u R...1« a n .» .... ..>..« »;

Staiui ester «Ith tV <rral .S.'.it:i t-at ...K; ,. ,flnai rhathssna ta thr r -*i -i Montjro.n. A'.*\ini».n.'tr in the re. eip? of n ir » mi.! n of dollais vmu i", fr\aait* biuuness » ;1 a\.\.l Ih. resell! .iis.urr. . .. ,, v,flisai WltiioSsatiio taCbjtrle»f. sSsiatsti the tr»s.-: I St*Orleans one lav's time, i.v.'.it.itr tin in i.ls. in! »:llhrta«tin Aoiiih in Bsi'iaiaiiimliata sad ihr»* t c nsm s'oowsathe N -.th

1 s' I f fh's R Ra rSOMtretl 'T,s V rt: tn.lS» itk.lL»ra»> tra.les. ue oter llii't. tee: to 'he n: e*sj.^from eint es. ami hsSap e.mat ruction, is s'ieh »s to ;,it it >a).¦wad the on |etitioii of ,n\ .itherliue of Nad. lor 'tis ta.a» use in'..Mki iratcl rsetweeu the North ni Nr.* tlrlesssThe <rc ii. r l-ait of th.s R. a.l': at i s, s ,. .,..si -i>.iUssaa

and fertile portabaa of S.mth Canstiaa, ;>r.sl<icmt ott-ae»»rr.. k. in treat lh*aashuBM Its stcaahaaanSsoMtMsdJh tt it hasadasaastt.Ine ci essj snows tritt t'.e UStTl I f unns,

whWh attl batrit'UtarT ti this R-<al. m.l .. *. ; », ;|foi' wispertatinn to market, aroalat ad in Ihn ssfwatJ taoi-

|.- ; t an iteraire « eu'it eti'n of lio SssI he t Dtaaaaj hss one miiikoi 't aaajiaMs st.»'» snttteiaV

*sl. n',«»t ot a hsrh h is iveen paid in mil spphevl to eiMistraitjoa, to ahsrh ras Pe nakasd at utt tiast st tat ootto« sfthji .i >..« .. . ihscnhsd hj thtrM>att t N rth fartbaa oa certain rt*naKa>ns

II ,s si in .-est that the net BBtawal ptatBa ¦< II re ich rjin .. ut pot aanaw

Als. it ii. half of the eutire um has heen t aled tadbr..l«ed.t!.. rroos lias ta tin 'he ouaiso of de'.»er., tadvt 1. n .i.l t. r ti.i ii on r u.« i.i.im .1, c. I.the entire in., isaadoi e ntract i yrnduu 1.1.1 '.rdrst

im! ia t Ikawnid stats to«artl complettoaSil thtM sand two h .u.lird tuns r ¦ u «. T i'lttcia. Ins»

hoea purchased sad are ha ths no rse 04 lolnrorjA' o.»?>7iMi.isst h is alreaili Iwen expended mc .astricti a,

in. oil Bg itment ftsr IhO ratio purchisodIt it oipected that alami M miles from Maneaottti Kit

«ilii«. cosnpliled indiaur*rnthiata ttiefiil .^'tlittrrv,and Ihs miiio lint In Wilantrsna sarlj asityooiI.unsgi ment of tins Ruad is in I. , th ir<i» is'Oe sal

oompsetenl saods No «.>ts ia the Beasta 'imlenakeo «p: .1 in.. 's with no re paittiar tsttM tiiauthis.

y, 1 faith. ¦ and 1. pnrtie I» laftsraintbsi»»refer tutrut. .1 " Kthil.it" (it itti full details of ths Risid and its tj.u*s, sthscb roataias a Map of the I MwMh its Masr aa>

sectioas, c pies of the Bond snd M rt^ i.e. piuas .|t hia.sc I, b. r iii.l t 1 lo 1. » W lliol ee. t'n ..hui! >f tbsCompany, winch nsay bo 11 laiasd as anjaaVsAsMat ta* «.

I fthoCoaipani it Wihnuwt.ia. N C. toflhtiada>Mgned by mail or othei a ise, S i'h am Othsr ml irmtli.a Jj.tiledMi deem the ssrarttp a dsotraMs oas Th» 8'stss x

N rth snd loath Caroma, and the ranoss crp<>rsi»asehaitored »ithintheir linn's, which have hern l«irr\n*en»istone bats ssironali snd under ths most advene rat ss-

ttantesprompt 1) met then pecuniary emtsgeimma Psbbmntinwal In lhn»e Malts hat r*yt is. ,1 kork «ruandar. . urd topaaotoalfaltllsasatiff p«M tad .r'i»ie . .u,,

III It oilsl i e $.11111.W will bodtopOOSd of atwolutety and sntkmt

re- rte t.. the lushest bsSstsisi dod uti'isaaTa. foi any sssonai nol. ss th 1.11.00«. will

be ricem d at the rti. a -I ths amh rtssrasil lattl J araaakmi ths pth of j.ii\ rusaao

fr...,.-.- t to WINSLOW I.IMKRiCO, 4Wall-tt,, New-York,osntorsed I'uor.istLs r*sV», a MaacHtsTBa RaiLBoaa aoana "

I otie» w ho'e lud» ale ,c. e| Ied w i, 1 lie reqti-rd 1'i^wtwenty (a-r cent spos thsaaMsuBt nwanlsd tolatm ¦ <in nit auBmod .i t he aarsptsBcs .! raeir bals, issl thisa¦sssastm m sajaal sasosisto »a the Arst .I.e. »| Ispttasha(I, b ier. Nuromboi and Pootmhsr nett, hut am mirt. tnias uhkSsrti to sat m full at om , if aaaaad sataasaalawan net fkum las .luv »I pat mi ut

.1.1. in w IN.si 0« L tNlKB h 00 H v» .

Ptoawita imo Woat asTai RataiaaBCa (i ki tsi aaas ii. ii. falj 1 is.it (

n|\ IDEM)..A Dividend ol Dim uOm Half Fm Cent, on ths Pressrrod Mock of tk-

l.posy, kaa Ibisd iv in'eu deel trad, psj d.le it theTris.tii Aftscy, BWilhsm-a m ths CMi of Naw-Ytih, a.i .It. Iht im ,est.mi Hu Tisusler Biaikimil Its r»

opSSSd a Ho Ii th instantvi ra «; i im bkins. in t....o

DTaaDEsaEB'a ii.sk. Niw Yoaa, Jam kXIMLIVIDEND..A aemi-aunual dtviilcn1af ihrer dtduusa ahars will bs paid i- iln- si.s kk .al

1.1 tail Raak im and aftm Thursday. the M Jal] nasaBy ordsi of the Baanl


rpHE HOARD ut DIRKCTORH ,d ih.I IMKRICAN MININH COMPANY hart mlM Assessment of Flftl BOalS a ihsrS. a MSB thanstis'fc ill the .Not w i. h Mine icnnl.eie.l Iron, N Sue tit NTwsbI) Thousand inclusive, payable on ns bsaats the IBBda) .1 Joiv nisi Vt A I;hen I I kmieh s- irtan of 'a.I ii,punyWinds..I, \ erflBMt, full I, II H r t II'

Ol i: \N BANK ..I th. « I I V oi NKUYORK Tin tttrsclois have declared semi innna,

PitidMd oi Kite ;er MBt. paitl.le on ,.1,1 alter the taliutmt fb« traastWi boobs snti » iiksssd unid Dial day lbftnlbfiil ll.e )|,i:inl nJllil] I ., lilHIHIYM onhi"

\MKRICAN MINING COMPANYII.. I..f.. SUlsJCriptlSM to -ii ire, in Ii.,' BINI'

BOB MINE, Lakt Buusrmr, wdl.pan .i th- osaa'I,, i l,pm > II adwsf, Iron the Kk to the l«k >fI . .ms' riie imt.t I shiio h .! Ii s in the Aiin-ru tn MmingCismpaa) toi borrtbsffarthars*in the Windsor hastat tin iiiiuiui in pre « ill ease ,,n the Hlth matNew-York,Jsl) I. IBil >i'.t«i e e IMlEl.PN.Pte.1

Mi.. ,i tun s' tao ra im.««' Utas, jNew Yorb.JsBStT. IUI I

IlIOTICE t- the s n)CKH()LI)KRS it1 1 here!., t ten. Ihnl ,n el. etmfl fa DIREI IllltSof Iii '

Institution will bo bold ua the sei utad istaa| of falyswtt.t!,i Rankiiu H isi I'll. (,, ,i,,|-.' ,,[,.. -,t »one y.iie in

,. c. ail shi i election foi thn .. INSPKITOBH '

tin-in \t rlscttoa thsrsaftsi tasuuu lot Dire. t.r* ¦** s»..lBoat

It. poll WlUbl ..¦ ., lr ii, I to J o'i kick, I' MIt rth i f thi Ii. ird, E Ii HRow N.C ti. «

je/7 ^w*


Nobwu ii. Csaa .June u ltd (

ANM \L MEKTlKo he 8tociholder« I the Nurwich snd Wore. sler R nlrooil Cot.

psayars berob.bated that llseti Aaaaal MootsMtWlbsrbusCO lit DtltCtoiS Will be held al the ,,dice uf Ho- CttS

N w.. i. ... sscoad WEDNkstUAY m f ihI,, .t. it II i kt k. \ ,M

LitU IBM t ut nan. ., BBtBM or..peril htWtbfM hMt M i... et i.i .,..! ,,,, ,, ,,..,, ,,( ,|.. ('.uanali

.-.J tsth Her order, P Si M ANHRLWÜ. I'lrrt

OFFICE t'..r PATENTS, ft Wall-nt -Pattwta fur inventiuns rmttsarsd kt all part"*!

Earops,theCanadss,f*asws, the BmnU, aid m tbt ifmitdState« " I he Patent Laws of all Nations" cm lie uhttiss*st thi*off. e iral.sru 200 pp Pr,< . ||BSyMtf JOSEPH P ^IKSSTjaf


NEW-YOBB tmasy, July i. IBM -Tke STRiBEN I Dl NTs HANK nut tin. da, I,led m tliu'sfatst l

fths apioiiiiii.t nt .1 (OliN I HOMPNOM.isf tv( ity of New Y Tk. at agent for the redruiptum of rttciret-latmg notes, tofi iher with a revs at ion of the aoptsataarwwt tm Leather Ifssafartsrara' Bank, at such agent. »tr»altletoth« Bet en».tied " An art to amend the setersl *¦"*'mlsthat to lactnrpofatod Ranks, Bsnkiar Asassmtsms amIm al Maasers iiussed Aerd 17. ISil;tj<i' DAMM. II M IOII S. s a p. ra'. tuW


M-atHIOHTS d mi,ii RBIDOR * sad .

ststaasi lEMNk UND will ras retularly asabsw»Sundays tscerAtst, leawas »i,e fa»S otf Ctwaabssmo'.. St*.j am! t, o'ebark, and Washinaitoii Higbtatl 7,, ll. 1and f, o'eli ek. laadmr nt Han.ni.aid and Spring-ft., sad s> i

Manbaitsuvdlr sad Btnktr'i Ha to ahn h the famitoai'rents, am! to Waaluatton Hirbls It cn.t« Masre* a

iwadaaaattai [ ssmsgsis to Irish Bnsaa IT*

|,V\ ' I RSlOaN > to the n8HIN(.I.iBANKBsm rssk tmrmg hat saaj»rire wsU-knows sea tusmrr BUFFALO, Caps. fsMaaiw.ll h ate Haoumim »» N R . at 7» s'smefc, Cm»sl-«J JG l-st. E B st I p.r I.N B.»A*

.EM I .. Ig -w le -,a.t and rrtnu\a\1!mwill 1« provided Kare jfi cents rarh way *rlj If

i «RAND SUMMER EXCURSION. e Dl N K!Kk' BEEltlo , .¦; \I \.. t R k F*

1 I 'he New-York ami Er e Ba.'r sal. ft'ie n-i^siaasBiet1, « fare of Ten Dollars a* Ihs e<enr»o»n bs WaMBt^noback to New-Yofh. Arrai. «¦»¦

tbs New-York sad En« h....i.I Dtsnswat U *«»?«*.Eicsmt«overtl.nr rusd loDuakirk, sad .. a*sB*ssos*B'irla.t^-; aasrngers u, leavt * . York tmthe l»tf |tad w th.u three da .s af. rw ar.ls, and to leturi .* '*

f.tr» '.th fr H.i r. r »e-, nny le- bad asftbr -oi a llaradsn s Erpress offtce. No (, Wall st, älf^

j catHm tnnst r* made earlt. its (ho n.Bar Otf BsWPl U*ML W wIM iO-sfrKH.

sMU pajamas

LEBANON SPRINGS.Skint**Cbeapeat r., ,'. to lbs* d< j .ir.i Su.sner Betratt 4Hmhwa Biter lamts sad lUlsn Ki»<-r Radmed tt

Hndaon, and taeaco by ri.ln.ad and stare* to thsb( the wiv of the Sha.er (',:, Passsmgers frmi *r*~York to ofrrn.r ta/ats >r ra..road. »UI Irate Huston w

.«CM tram, a.d arme at the SprsaWJ" JPM Paatemcers froia New-York by ovtmag ""'¦*«!trains will leute Had. at the Be it taunting d 7 ,.cbt>. BParm eat t:.e S, rin.-s It >j A SI. soal fare npua thr n»«|1 fare from H tdson t" ihe ttpriara. $1 lo ,_,

J I W Af'EKMAN Su;..rmtrnJealHodtoa. Juno t. ....


ADVKRTISEMKNTS arp in^rtcdlbs best papsrs ia othtr nisesaial Iowas st T

PA 1 M ER 8 Adtsnasing Agsacy Tnbant Bauhbog *»