Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology - Preparing Infrastructure Information for Inclusion into Corporate Data on the Superior National Forest Amber A. Humphrey GIS Specialist Gunflint Ranger District [email protected] November 2012

Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

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Page 1: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology - Preparing Infrastructure Information for Inclusion into Corporate Data on the Superior National Forest

Amber A. Humphrey

GIS Specialist

Gunflint Ranger District

[email protected]

November 2012

Page 2: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Our local need to develop a process to integrate trail event data collections into the USDA Forest Service INFRA Database became apparent after receiving data collected by Michigan Technical University (MTU). Previous to this data collection, very few features had been collected or entered into INFRA due to a chronic lack of resources. An automated way to collect and upload event features directly into the USDA Forest Service INFRA Trails database such as the Electronic Road Log (ERL) does not exist. With this large amount of collected data we needed a way to systematically process information from the GPS data files into a presentation that was convenient to migrate by transcription into INFRA’s ORACLE entry forms. This preparation is executed using standard tool sets found in mapping and office software. The goal of this project was to increase the spatial accuracy of trail related data by systematically using tools to generate consistent outputs for this type of information. This tool set and workflow (explained in the documentation) makes available changes to tabular information but does not support spatial updates to GIS data layers. The methodology described in the documentation is manual using a standard suite of hardware/software components. These features make this methodology appropriate for dissemination to other FS units, and processes could be automated as an update tool. The MTU methodology uses Trimble Geoexplorer GPS units and a custom data dictionary which meets National INFRA data standards for the collection and organization of tabular and spatial information. Post-processing methods that remove errors, correct for spatial requirements, provide QA/QC, and format the output products are clearly defined. At this point, data needs to be migrated into applications such as INFRA travel routes and INFRA travel route GIS data layers. Typical feature data describes features found along trail systems such as culverts, bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey is a volunteer for the USDA Forest Service on the Superior National Forest in Grand Marais, Minnesota. During the summer months of 2012 Amber spent countless hours studying the MTU methodology and proposed the development of a process that adds value to the MTU field collected data. Once Amber’s proposal was approved, she began to build documentation to support a systematic and repeatable workflow that results in a tabular presentation suitable for data entry into the INFRA ORACLE entry forms. This product is extremely valuable for the purpose of upgrading Forest Service INFRA Trail data and for that reason, Amber is being nominated to receive the 2013 Trails Award in the State-of-the-Art Technology category.

Page 3: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Michigan Technological University

Page 4: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Michigan Tech aids in recreational trail data collection.

A crew from Michigan Technological University working in conjunction with the USDA FOREST SERVICE and the Keweenaw Research Institute Center worked on data collection from recreation trails in the five Great Lakes National Forest’s. Under the supervision of Russ Alger, Nolan Osborne led a crew of technical students and workers around Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota collecting data on the recreational trails. The number of trails and miles covered is yet to be determined.

This research program is funded through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and was initiated through the Keweenaw Research Center and the USDA FOREST SERVICE region in Milwaukie Wisconsin. The two phase project seeks to first collect USDA FOREST SERVICE trail data through the use of Trimble GPS units and second, load data into the INFRA system. A main goal of the crew is to spend equal time in each forest region, working towards collecting data from all trails in each section.

Crew Members travel through the trails taking GPS tracks, and recording features such as water bars, bridges, signs, trail junctions, and trail types and tread. Features can also include a measurement. Moreover, pictures of most recorded items accompany recorded features. Furthermore, within the Trimble program surveyors can leave information about the condition of each feature. The Trimble program is set up with a data dictionary developed collaboratively with the USDA Forest Service allowing for easier transformation of collected data.

In brief, this project will supply the USDA FOREST SERVICE with a more accurate data collection of actual trail alignment and feature listings on recreation trails. We thank the crew from Michigan Tech for all of their hard work and look forward to completion of data entry and use.

Contact information:

Nolan Osborn Russ Alger Crew Leader Program Supervisor Cell: 906-370-6309 Cell: 906-281-1569 [email protected] [email protected]

Page 5: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Preparing Infrastructure Information for Inclusion into Corporate Data – Part A

This presentation provides instructions on how to export Trimble .cor or .ssf data into an ESRI file geodatabase.

Page 6: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Open Pathfinder office and choose the ssf file you would like to open.

Page 7: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Open Pathfinder Office to the trail system that requires work.

Open Pathfinder Office and browse to the corrected trail system file that requires work.

Page 8: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

In Pathfinder office Click on the Utilities Tab: then click Export

Page 9: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Choose an export Setup.

We will use : New ESRI File Geodatabse

Page 10: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

In the Export Tab go to properties and check settings.

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The Output Tab should check the option: For Each input file create output file(s) of the same name.

Page 12: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Set up the attributes you would like to see.

For Example All Feature Types: -Data Dictionary -Feature Name -Date Recorded Line Features: -Line ID

Point Feature: -Point ID Area Features: -None

Page 13: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

In the Position Filter Tab make sure to go into the Include Positions That Are

and check the Uncorrected box.

To ensure all

information is collected.

Page 14: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Click on the correct export system.

Page 15: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference.

Make sure you check Use Alias

Names box. Follow Exporting

Spatial Reference Steps than click OK.

Page 16: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference (continued.)

Use Alias Names SSF files created with the TerraSync software version 5.0 or later have alias names for feature and attribute definitions. Alias names are longer (up to 40 characters) than names (up to 20 characters). The Use Alias Names check box enables you to select a source for feature class and field names in the File Geodatabase. If selected, aliases from a data dictionary are used; if not selected, feature/attribute names from a data dictionary are used.

Page 17: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference (continued.) Spatial Reference XML (Feel free to

call your GIS Guru in to help you.) Exporting to File Geodatabase from the GPS Pathfinder Office software requires the XML data for your target spatial reference. This can be generated from ArcGIS (providedyou have an ArcEditor license):

Steps: 1. Open ArcCatalog and navigate to a feature class to check that this feature class has the same coordinate system as you want your exported feature classes to have.

Page 18: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Next, Right Click on the feature class, choose export – XML Workplace


Page 19: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference (continued.)

Steps: 3.) Right-click the feature class, go down to Export then click XML Workspace Document. (If this option is greyed out, you do not have the ArcEditor license).

Choose Schema Only.

Copy this link to use in the next step. This is location the file will be saved.

Click Next. Contiue to the next screen and Click FINISH.

Page 20: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference (continued.)

Steps: 3). CONTINUED: Select the Schema Only export option, then specify an output location for the exported XML file. Click Next and then click Finish. AS SEEN IN THE PREVIOUS SLIDE.

Open the saved .prj file in Notepad. You will see something like this: PROJCS["WGS_1984_World_Mercator",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_ WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Gre enwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Mercator"],P ARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER ["Central_Meridian",0.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],UNIT["Meter", 1.0]]

Page 21: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Steps: 4.) Open the XML. File in Internet Explorer and copy the Spatial reference.

Export Spatial Reference (continued.)

Remember to paste the location of the file into the Internet Explorer Browser.

Scroll Down until you find the Spatial Reference. Copy the text from the: <SpatialReference></SpatialReference> brackets.

Page 22: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference(Continued.) Steps: 4. Continued: Open the XML file in Internet Explorer and then scroll down to find the SpatialReference data. Copy all the information enclosed within the <SpatialReference></SpatialReference> brackets: AS SEEN ON PREVIOUS SLIDE Copy and Paste all of this between the <WKT></WKT> tags of the following template:

<SpatialReference xsi:type="esri:ProjectedCoordinateSystem"> <WKT>PROJCS["NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-93.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",26915]]</WKT> <XOrigin>-5120900</XOrigin> <YOrigin>-9998100</YOrigin> <XYScale>10000</XYScale> <ZOrigin>-100000</ZOrigin> <ZScale>10000</ZScale> <MOrigin>-100000</MOrigin> <MScale>10000</MScale> <XYTolerance>5</XYTolerance> <ZTolerance>0.001</ZTolerance> <MTolerance>0.001</MTolerance> <HighPrecision>true</HighPrecision> <WKID>26915</WKID> </SpatialReference>

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Export Spatial Reference(Continued.)

Steps: 5. Paste this information into the Spatial Reference XML field (make sure to remove the ‘-‘ from before <SpatialReference..> if it is there). Paste the complete spatial reference into the Spatial Reference XML field of the ESRI File Geodatabase tab of the export setup in Pathfinder office. Click OK.

Page 24: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Export Spatial Reference(Continued.)

IMPORTANT: The File Geodatabase API has its own list of supported Geographic Coordinate Systems and Projected Coordinate Systems; refer to SupportedGCS_PCS.pdf on www.trimble.com. If the Spatial Reference XML is not based on a coordinate system supported by the API, an error occurs and the export process fails. If you must use a coordinate system supported by ArcGIS but not by the File Geodatabase API, the following workaround may provide a solution: use any coordinate system supported by the API, export to file Geodatabase, then change a spatial reference for exported feature classes in ArcGIS to a proper value. Note that you still need to use correct settings in the Coordinate System tab of the Export Setup Properties dialog. Generating spatial references for ArcView users when ArcEditor License is not available.

Page 25: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Click OK on the Export Tool to run the process.

Remember: The Output Folder is the location of your final product.

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Finished product

The finished product will be a Geodatabase with feature classes derived from the Trimble file.

Page 27: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Preparing Infrastructure Information for Inclusion into Corporate Data – Part B

This presentation provides users with instructions on how to process feature data that has been extracted from files collected on a Trimble device equipped with the USDA Forest Service TRACS data dictionary.

Using ArcGIS, users will be able to produce files of feature information that include milepost data along the trail route. The information will be packaged into a report suitable for entry into INFRA Trails using Oracle Forms.

Page 28: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

First, merge all event feature data for trail system into one event

feature class. 1.) Copy all point events onto merge tool. 2.) Change all text field width properties to prevent failure of merge due to conflicts. (i.e. text field width of 25 merging into a field width of 10.) 3.) Click ok and run tool. All feature data should be now merged into one feature class.

Page 29: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Merge all event feature data for trail system into one event feature class.

1.) Copy all events onto the merge tool.

Page 30: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Merge all event feature data for trail system into one event feature class.

2.) Open each field tab and open the properties to each field.

Page 31: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Merge all event feature data for trail system into one event feature class.

2.) Change the Length to an acceptable value for all of the fields.

Page 32: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Merge all event feature data for trail system into one event feature class.

3.) Click OK and run tool. When the tool is finished you should have one feature class with all of the trail features merged together.

Page 33: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Next, add XY values to all point features utilizing the Add XY

Coordinates tool.

The Add XY Coordinates tool is under Data Management Tool Box and with in the Features Tool box.

Page 34: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Click and drag your merged feature class into the Add XY Coordinates Tool.

Hit OK to run tool.

Page 35: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

XY Coordinates will now be in the attribute table of your merged feature

class. Exact XY coordinates of each point feature are now available in the attribute table of the merged feature class of your trail data.

Page 36: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Make sure to exam new gps trail alignment information with current

routed trails.

Page 37: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Examine data for errors such as alignment issues or missing trails.

Page 38: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Select a Route Line Feature to work with.

In this picture we have selected bridge run. The route is highlighted and we have the ID information available to view.

Page 39: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Subsequently, examine features along selected line utilizing a created buffer or use the select features by location tool.

Determining the route buffer will select point features that should be associated with that trail route.

Page 40: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Point features can then be added or subtracted from the selected group.

Under the Selection Tab, click the Interactive Selection Method and then choose to remove or add individual point features connected to the highlighted trail route.

Page 41: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Next, using the MTU_AddFeildCalculateRteNo tool route

information is attributed to selected features.

A route identification is assigned to selected group of point features to easily identify which route they are assigned to and to serve as a check system confirming that those features have been assigned to a route.

Page 42: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Steps in using the MTU_AddFeildCalculatorRteNO Tool

Click and drag the merged feature class into the top of the tool.

In “parenthesis” name the route you would like the point features to be associated with.

When you are finished click OK to run the tool

Page 43: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Completing the attribute assignment

After a successful run of the MTU_AddFieldCalculateRteNo tool you should receive a box like the one pictured above notifying you of completion. Close the box.

Opening the Attribute table in your merged feature class should reveal an AdoptedTrail field with your new field name associated with the selected point features for that particular trail.

Page 44: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Run the MTU_Near Tool

Using the MTU_Near Tool allows us to arrive at a quantitative analysis to determine the maximum distance of the point features from the selected route. This distance can then be placed in the LFAR Tool as you will see in the LFAR Tool step.

Page 45: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

MTU_Near Tool First, click and drag the merged feature class with the selected point features.

Second, select the feature class with the selected route.

Finally, click OK to run the tool.

Page 46: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Finished MTU_Near product In the merged feature class open the attribute table and you will find that the MTU_Near Tool created a field for both Near_FID and Near_Dist.

The Near_FID field will store information from the feature ID to the rest of the features. The Near_Dist feature will store the distance from the point feature to the line route.

Page 47: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Get statistics from the Near_Dist. Field

Right click the Near_Dist. Field tab and scroll to Statistics. Click on Statistics.

Page 48: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Gather the Maximum distance in the Statistics Table

Look at the Maximum distance between the point features and the line route of your selected features. This number will be used in the next step as we enter it into the LFAR tool.

Page 49: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Next we will use the Locate Features Along Routes (LFAR) Tool.

In Arc Toolbox find Linear Referencing Tools, then click on the LFAR Tool.

Page 50: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Setting up the LFAR Tool 8 steps 1.) In the Input Features box click and drag the merged feature class.

2.) In the Input Route Features box choose Routed Trails.

3.) From the Route Identifier Field choose TRL_NO

4.) For the Search Radius box we take the number arrived from the maximum column in the statistics table in the Near_Dist. Tool in the previous step and round up. (In this case 11)

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Setting up the LFAR Tool 8 Steps 5.)In the Output Event Table box name your output folder after the TRL_NO.

6.) In the Route Identifier Field box choose RID. This is Route ID (RID). This a safety check that you have grabbed the correct data from the Route Identifier Field box TRL_NO.

7.) Choose MEAS in the Measure Field box. This will be your Mile Post.

8.) Hit the OK tab to run Tool.

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Finished LFAR Tool Table

The LFAR Table will appear in the Table of Contents.

Finished LFAR Table

Page 53: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Next, create a personal Geodatabase in Arc Catalog.

1.) Enter into ArcCatalog.

2.) In Arc Catalog highlight the trail system folder you are working on. Right click and select the new tab. Next select and create a Personal Geodatabase.

Hint: To keep standard we will Name the Personal Geodatabase in this order: Project Name, Trail

System, Trail System#. For example, MTU_Sugarbush_70251

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Continuing in Arc Catalog open the newly created Event Feature Table.

3.) In Arc Catalog find the finished LAFAR Table just created and double click on it to view it in the Preview Tab of Arc Catalog.

Hint: If you need to see the folders click on the Windows Tab and click Catalog Tree. This will display the Catalog tree in the TOC.

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Copy and paste the Event Feature Table into the Personal Geodatabase.

1.) Copy the Event Feature Table from the Trail System Geodatabase.

2.) Paste the Event Feature Table into the New Personal Geodatabase.

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Final Personal Geodatabase Event Feature Table

The Event Feature Table for each route is now available in the Personal Geodatabase. This table will now be used in the next step to create a report that can be used to enter information into IFRA.

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Next, a report is created from the Personal Geodatabase Event Feature

Tables. 1.) Enter into Microsoft Access. 2.) In Mircosoft Access Navigate to

the “MORE” area, using this navigation system navigate to the folder to saved personal geodatabase and double click on the Event Features Table that was copied and pasted.

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Microsoft Access Event Features Table

Double click to open the Event Feature Table that was recently created in the Personal Geodatabase.

Page 59: Forest Service Trails: Utilization of GPS/GIS Technology ... · bridges, signs, junctions, etc. Trail alignment is also captured simultaneously during an inventory. Amber Humphrey

Next enter into the report wizard to complete the set up of the report.

1.) Click on the create tab. 2.) Find Report Wizard 3.) Create a Report using a standardized template. 4. The new file will show up in your Microsoft Access File.

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Export new report to PDF to be used to enter items into INFRA.

Finally, Right Click on the newly made report. Click on Export and choose PDF.

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The newly made PDF file can be saved and used to easily copy and paste into