Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

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Page 1: Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

Formal Design Tools

Feedback Systems

and the Dramatic Structure of Competition

A rant by MAHK

GDC 1999

Page 2: Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

Game Design Fortune Cookies

• “Aimless wandering is the enemy of fun.”

• “Hardship is not the same as gameplay.”

• “Create compelling illusions, not realistic simulations.”

• “Know your roots.”

• “50,000,000 Elvis fans can’t be wrong.”

Page 3: Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

The Alternative: Formal Design Tools

• Rules, Models, Techniques

• Well-defined

• Abstract (i.e. cross-genre)

• Day-to-day utility

• Well-understood application context

• Lenses, not value statements

Page 4: Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

Lecture Overview

• Context: Competitions

• Feedback Systems– Definition– Positive & Negative Feedback– Application to Games

• Dramatic Structure – Definition– Application to Games– Drama-Creation Techniques

Page 5: Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

Obligatory Disclaimers

• This is really pointy-headed.

• There will be math.

• No LaPlace transforms; No game theory.

• This may be review.

• Leave now.

Page 6: Formal Design Tools Feedback Systems and the Dramatic Structure of Competition A rant by MAHK GDC 1999

Part 1: Feedback SystemsA feedback system monitors and regulates its own output.


Too Cold

Too Hot

Example: An Ideal Thermostat





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The Thermostat System is Negative Feedback

• Reduces the difference between the actual temperature and the target temperature.

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Negative Feedback Systems:

• Drive their output towards a target value.

• Keep their output within an acceptable range.

• Are stable.

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Positive Feedback


Too Cold

Too Hot





Example: The Evil Anti-Thermostat

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Positive Feedback Systems:

• Drive their output away from the “target” value.

• Left to their own devices, will drive their output to infinity.

• Are unstable.

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Troom = + F(Troom – Tthermostat)

In Other Words:

Troom = – F(Troom – Tthermostat)


F(x) is any increasing function.

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Feedback Systems in Games

Game State “Scoring Function”

ControllerGame MechanicalBias

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Example: Negative Feedback Basketball

For every N points of difference in the two teams’ scores, the losing team may have an extra player in play.

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Laptop Motivation Slide

This is the point in my talk where my laptop crashed at the GDC in march.

A round of encouraging applause, please, to my laptop, for making it this far.

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Positive Feedback Basketball

For every N points of difference in the two teams’ scores, the winning team may have an extra player in play.

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In Other Words:

Sme = – F(Sme – Syou)

F(x) is any increasing function Sme and Syou are the two teams’ scores.


Sme = + F(Sme – Syou)

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Feedback Rule #1

• Negative feedback stabilizes the game.

• Positive feedback destabilizes the game.

• Stability is game balance.

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Feedback Rule #2

• Negative feedback forgives the loser.

• Positive feedback rewards the winner.

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Feedback Rule #3

• Negative feedback can prolong the game.

• Positive feedback can end it.

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Feedback Rule #4

• Positive feedback magnifies early successes.

• Negative feedback magnifies late ones.

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The Most Common Example: The Intrinsic Negative Feedback

in Many-Player Games

“Everybody gang up on the scourge!”

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Other Feedback Examples

• Battle Arena Toshinden: desperation moves (negative)

• Civilization: exponential growth (positive)

• Wing Commander: system damage (positive)

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One More Example: An Auto Racing Game with Guns

• Front-mounted guns: negative feedback

• Rear-mounted guns: positive feedback

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Feedback Rule #5

Feedback systems can emerge from your game systems “by accident.”

Be sure to identify them.

• Many-player games• Simulations

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Feedback Rule #6

When two different feedback systems are in conflict, one will overwhelm the other.

• There’s no equilibrium

• Small biases matter

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Feedback Rule #7

Players are stabilizing influences.

The player who is ahead:

• Sandbags

• Gets lazy

• Has too many options

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Feedback Rule #8

Feedback systems can take control away from the players.

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Feedback Summary

• Feedback systems exist in games– Negative feedback stabilizes the game.

– Positive feedback destabilizes the game.

– Some feedback systems are emergent.

– Both positive and negative feedback are useful to game designers.

On to Part 2...

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Part 2: Dramatic StructureD





Narrative Time

Conflict Resolution


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Dramatic Structure

• “Formal tool for narrative design.”

• Competition can have dramatic structure.

• Some games have both competition & narrative.

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Dramatic Structure In Games

• Creates a sense of “wholeness.”

• Provides a larger context for small decisions.

• Creates games that make good stories.

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What Creates Dramatic Tension?

• Competition is Conflict.

• Uncertainty: The winner is unknown.

• Inevitability: – Resolution is imminent.– The game is moving forward.

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Dramatic tension does not guarantee dramatic structure.

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Dramatic Structure Examples

• Basketball (organized vs. pick-up)– Clock creates inevitability

• Magic: The Gathering– Deck, Mana create inevitability.

• Deathmatch– Small-scale drama in each confrontation– No overall structure

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Creating Inevitability

• Approach the end of the game through:– A non-reversible process.– A non-renewable resource.

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Creating Uncertainty

• We want the game to feel close.

• Thus, negative feedback systems can induce uncertainty.

• Other stabilizing forces also work.

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Timing the Climax

• Too Early: – Too much time spent knowing who will win.– Players become spectators.

• Too Late:– End of game takes the players by surprise.– A moment of realization is necessary.

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Timing the Climax

In games, the climax comes relatively late, because:

• Again, competition is conflict.

• It does in narrative.

• Some resolution occurs after the game ends.

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Resolving Dramatic Tension

• Maintain the same sense of inevitability (i.e. the same non-reversible process.)

• Replace uncertainty with certainty, through de-stabilizing forces (e.g. positive feedback).

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Example: Basketball

• Negative feedback moves climax later.

• Positive feedback moves it earlier.

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Example: StarCraft

• Uncertainty– Fog of War

• Inevitability – Finite raw materials– Time is a resource

• Uncertainty erodes over time.

• Exponential growth eventually destabilizes.

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Example: Titan

Details:– “Build & Conquer” game– Fighting costs units (attrition).– Winning fights earns units & power– Attrition remains constant, but rewards


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Example: Titan• Early game:

– Costs outweigh rewards– Stable & uncertain

• Late game:– Rewards outweigh costs– Unstable & certain

• Weak sense of inevitability.

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Example: FireTeam Deathmatch

Details:– Deathmatch with teams.– Phase 1: Infinite resurrection, earn lives.– Phase 2: Finite resurrection, spend lives.

(Phase 2 has positive feedback)

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Example: FireTeam Deathmatch

• Inevitability– Time limit

• Uncertainty– Phase 1 is stable & uncertain– Phase 2 is unstable & certain

• Phase 1 is longer than Phase 2; late climax

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Example: You Don’t Know Jack

• Uncertainty– Questions increase in value over time.– High-Scoring bonus rounds late in the game.

• Inevitability – Fixed game length

• Can easily climax too early

• Random feedback elements

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A Newtonian Metaphor

• Dramatic Tension = Potential Energy

• Stabilizing/Destabilizing Forces = Force

• Forward Progress = Distance

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Dramatic Structure Summary

Games can benefit from dramatic structure.– Non-reversible processes create inevitability.– Stabilizing forces create uncertainty.– Resolve the tension you create.

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Shameless Plug: GDC 2000Formal Design Tools:

Emergent Complexity, Emergent Narrative